#Lucy Plays Cops and Robbers
i want to pick your brain about the intra-team relationships!
pina & patri? ona & lucy? caro & torrejon? i know you've already said a lot about mapi & ingrid, but ofc them too! and anyone else you have theories on.
also, how do you know so much abt futfem/barca/catalan culture?? are you catalan?
haha, you've pretty much nailed all the current couples on the team.
cgh and marta remind me a lot of maren mjelde/fran kirby. just totally chill and going on with their lives and couldn't be bothered. i wouldn't be surprised if cgh and marta were married with two kids and we were only finding out about it now. after all, marta spent this past winter break in norway with cgh's family and it was really cute seeing all the insta stories of her sledding and playing in the snow.
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cgh was even on wag duties with catalunya this weekend supporting marta. just a rather solid, unproblematic couple.
now as for ona and lucy, there are a whole lot of people on tumblr who have put the clues together, and they are pretty convincing. so if you search for ona and lucy's name together, you'll find a lot of social media detective work. but to me, this was the most indicative set of pictorial evidence since kristie mewis and sam kerr decided to show good sportsmanship at the olympics. 😉
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now for whatever reason, people seem most unconvinced by patri and pina, but let me say this: i love my best friends, but if i spent every single vacation and summer break and weekends off with my "best friend," then my significant other would be pretty pissed. plus, they did go in a cop and robber couples costume during nye 22, so there's that...
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anyway, i've been a fan of fc barcelona since i was young, but really started following the women's team in 2019. and no, i'm not catalan by family ancestral origin, but have perhaps achieved "honorary" status through family immigrating, friends, and romantic life choices 😉 and i love a good calçotada!
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wafflesinthe504 · 2 years
The Rookie 5x10 Thoughts
Spoiler for The Rookie 5x10 below. If you've watched the episode or don't care about spoilers, please enjoy!
Before I continue, I just finished watching Will Trent and it was sooo good. If you were on the fence about watching it I suggest giving it a try.
Now back to our regular scheduled programming!
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Alright everyone we kicked tonight's "crossover" episode off with Lucy and Tim preparing for their first official date both of them a nervous wreck wanting to wear the perfect outfit to impress the other. It was so cute to see them both so flustered about just the idea of going on the date. The little phone call between them and Tim immediately calling Lucy's bluff about almost being at the restaurant. The call back to the green dress was great. I hope we actually get to see Lucy wearing the green dress in one of their future dates.
Their first date (romantic restaurant) was as awkward as I was expecting it to be. They're best friends taking the first step to something more and they both know just how much is on the line of course its going to be awkward for the first time. Them talking about the bread (I mean if the bread is good its good).
I'm really happy that Lucy and Tim (and the writers) decided that they should take it slow as they enter the more romantic side of their relationship. I really want to enjoy how their intimacy as best friends evolves as they continue and deepen their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend.
And of course their first date would be interrupted by a crime. True classic.
Tim and Lucy's first date part two (Food Truck date)
I loved how much more relaxed they were during this date because this time they weren't worried about impressing each other or at a fancy restaurant. They were simply allowing themselves to well be themselves but just with the added knowledge that their dating. I think this probably what a lot of their off duty interactions are going to look like. Them just being absolutely gone for each other and loving every minute of it. Their kiss at the end was great. I was a little surprised that Tim made the first move this time.
I absolutely loved both dates and I can't wait to see more of their relationship play out on screen.
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On to the rest of the episode. The true plot of the episode kicks in with Nyla and James going to the bank and there immediately being a bank robbery about to happen. I absolutely love that Nyla's cop eyes are always on and she spotted the bank robber instantly. I really appreciate it when shows remember that a character has a set of skills that can be applied outside of their work and don't suddenly forget everything they know when they're off the clock.
(This can also be noted for Lucy and Tim's first date. As soon as the yelling escalates they jump into action as quickly as possible with Tim handling the guy with a knife and Lucy going to the injured man's side.)
Nyla making sure that James is teaching him the GRUNT method so he can describe the robbers to the police when they arrive and making sure that he leaves so that she knows he's safe was absolute perfection. James wanting to protect Nyla just as much but knowing and respecting the fact that she more skilled and capable than him in this type of situation.
I will always love seeing Angela and Nyla working together. Them going over the tapes together and Angela trusting Nyla's gut that there is a third person involved in the robbery even Nyla starts doubting herself is the type of stuff that I love to see.
One thing that I did notice was that when the robbery was called in three units were called but we only saw two units show up, Tim's and Nolan's. We know that Lucy is riding solo for right now so I wonder why we didn't see her at the scene or even as one of the units driving after the robber. The only time we did see her was with Tim during the hostage scene and they only talked about how their first date went instead the case at hand.
As ecstatic as I am for Chenford to be canon I really hope that they continue to showcase Lucy's ability and intelligence as a cop and not just her relationship with Tim I mean a list of undercover identities were stolen and it wasn't mentioned if Lucy's name could be on the list or if any of the CIs she's worked with in the past could be at risk. Even though she's not currently undercover I would think that would at least be something that they mentioned.
Anyways, continuing on a lot of what happened with the stolen undercover identity case did feel like a prelude to The Rookie: Feds, where I think the meat of the casework ended up at. Which I feel like for the amount of character work they did in this episode is fine. The undercover identity case does end up being completely solved by The Rookie: Feds.
I do wish that The Rookie would actually allow for some of the cases to go on longer than an episode or two to really raise the stakes.
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As I said earlier, this episode was very much character based with a case in between and with this we get to see a lot more of our favorite characters shining.
Wesley and Angela beginning to talk about possibly having another child. Wesley wanting Jack to have a sibling because he remembers how lonely it felt to be an only child and not wanting the same for their son while Angela is more hesitant because of how difficult it was at times with having so many other siblings and because she doesn't want to put her work life on hold again just yet as she's just now finding her groove as a detective. Both are very viable perspectives and understandable. I really like seeing them actually have a discussion about things like this, really listening to each other, and seeing them be able to come to a solution that works for them both. It's just really beautiful how healthy their relationship is portrayed and its refreshing to see.
Angela confiding in Nyla about her reasoning for wanting to wait to have another child and Nyla being a supportive friend.
On a side note, since Lucy and Tim are now officially dating I really hope to see them both have at least one friend outside of each other who they interact with significantly. This is especially true for Lucy since we haven't seen her with someone acting in just a friend capacity since Jackson. Heck I'd take just hearing Lucy talk to Rachel every once in a while.
Notable mentions: John and Tim both being unsuccessful for different reasons with talking to Celina and Aaron about dating another cop. Then at the end the real reason Celina and Aaron being so close is because of them playing DND together. Aaron being all flustered about Celina telling John that they play DND together was pretty funny.
Also when Aaron and Tim were in the car hanging off the parking lot the solution felt just a bit anticlimactic to me personally. I thought they would end up having to wait for the fire department (Bailey) to come out or at least end up calling in what had happened, but no they just manage to climb out.
Hope you enjoyed. If you want come chat with me in the comments about anything The Rookie related.
Until next time have a good day or night.
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papermoonloveslucy · 11 months
A Look at the Comic Strips of the Lucyverse
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Comic strips and comic books are part of pop culture history - just like Lucy - so it is natural that the two sometimes collided. Here are some examples of popular comics that went from the Sunday funny gage, to the Monday night tv fun!
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Dick Tracy is an American comic strip featuring a tough and intelligent police detective created by Chester Gould. It made its debut on October 4, 1931 in the Detroit Mirror, and it was distributed by the Chicago Tribune New York News Syndicate. Dick Tracy has also been the hero in a number of films, two of which were released in 1947.  From 1934 to 1948 "Dick Tracy" was also radio serial. Tracy was mainly heard about on Lucille Ball's radio show, "My Favorite Husband" (1948-1951).
"SECRETARIAL SCHOOL" (February 18, 1949) Liz begs the Blabbermouth on the party line to allow her to make a quick call.
LIZ: “Do you have to use the telephone?”
BLABBERMOUTH: “Whaddya expect me to use? A two-way wrist radio?” 
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In 1946, Dick Tracy introduced a two-way wrist radio. In 1948, that cartoon item was brought to reality, along with a myriad of other Dick Tracy-themed toys. 
"THE ANNIVERSARY PRESENTS" (May 13, 1949) Liz is positive that George will remember their anniversary. After dropping several hints, George still hasn’t said anything.  Finally, he looks up from his newspaper with something to tell her.
GEORGE: “Dick Tracy found the jewels!” 
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On May 13, 1949, the daily Dick Tracy comic strip revealed that the missing jewels has been found. The case involved a character named Pear-Shape, who owned a weight loss business but was overweight himself. He conned an elderly widow out of the jewels and sold them to a fence. 
"GETTING OLD" (May 20, 1949) Liz find a book she forgot to return to the library, long overdue. George wants to donate it to their tag sale, but Liz refuses to handle ‘hot’ merchandise. George sarcastically calls her Pear-Shape. 
George is not referring to Liz's waistline, but to the character in the Dick Tracy comic strip named Pear-Shape Tone, who was part of the storyline from April to July 1949. He was a racketeer who would steal jewelry from his wealthier clients, then fence it to make a profit.
"LIZ IN THE HOSPITAL" (May 27, 1949) As George speeds toward the hospital a cop pulls them over. Liz thinks that if she gets arrested she can’t go to the hospital so she tells the officer that they are driving a stolen car.  When George tries to interrupt, she calls him Pear-Shape to further reinforce her fake story of thievery.
Pear-Shape must have been quite popular in May 1949, because this is the third consecutive episode of “My Favorite Husband” where he is mentioned! 
"LIZ AND GEORGE ARE HANDCUFFED" (December 30, 1949) George overhears Liz playing out a scene from Dick Tracy with little Tommy Wood from next door, who got a Dick Tracy outfit for Christmas and has been playing cops and robbers ever since.  Liz says his sisters won’t play Tess Truehart to his Dick Tracy. George corrects her that she is now known as Tess Tracy, since Dick and Tess recently got married.  
LIZ: “You mean I’ve been playing around with a married man?”
On December 25, 1949, just five days before this broadcast, Dick finally married his girlfriend, Tess Truehart.
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Little Tommy ‘Tracy’ comes over to show ‘Pruneface’ Cooper (Liz) his badge, handcuffs, and finger print outfit.
LIZ: “Tommy, is it true that no two people in the whole world have the same fingerprints?” 
TOMMY: “Nah, that’s a lot of bunk. I’ve already found three people who have exactly the same fingerprints; my daddy, Santa Claus, and the crook who broke into my piggy bank.”
"THE JIMMY DURANTE SHOW" (April 29, 1948) Lucille Ball guest stars in an episode where they take a magic carpet around the country to see how things might be different if women were captains of industry. In Paris, Illinois, they visit the second largest perfume factory in the country, owned by Hot Breath Houlihan. 
DURANTE: “Now I know who set B.O. Plenty’s house on fire!” 
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B.O. Plenty was a character from Dick Tracy comic strip. In March 1948, his house mysteriously burned down and everyone feared the character was dead. Readers actually wrote to the newspaper begging Chester Gould not to kill off B.O. Plenty and Gravel Gertie! 
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From 1950 to 1951, "Dick Tracy" was a television series, ending just a few months before "I Love Lucy" went on the air. Dick Elliott (right) made his television debut as Officer Murphy. He had done several films with Lucille Ball and appeared on "I Love Lucy" in two episodes. Likewise, Pierre Watkin played Police Chief Pat Patton. He had also done several films with Lucy and two episodes of "I Love Lucy."
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Ten years later there was an animated series titled "Dick Tracy" featuring Lucille Ball alumni Jerry Hausner, Benny Rubin, and Mel Blanc.
In 1967 there was a pilot for a new live-action "Dick Tracy" series that went unsold. It featured Eve Plumb and Victor Buono, who later did episodes of "Here's Lucy," but were far more famous for other shows.
Li'l Abner was a satirical comic strip that featured a fictional clan of hillbillies living in the mountain village of Dogpatch USA. Written and illustrated by Al Capp (1909–1979), the strip ran for 43 years, from August 13, 1934, through November 13, 1977. The strip inspired a 1956 Broadway musical that was filmed in 1959. Prior to that there was a non-musical film in 1940. A radio series was heard from 1939 to 1940.
"GEORGE ATTENDS A TEENAGE DANCE" (November 20, 1948) This episode of "My Favorite Husband" opens with Liz reading the morning papers over breakfast.
LIZ: “Who do you suppose got married?”
KATIE THE MAID: “Li’l Abner and Daisy Mae?”
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Almost from the start, Abner Yokum was being pursued for matrimony by Daisy Mae Scragg. The reading public found it quite a tease that the two were clearly destined to get together. They finally married in 1952, nearly four years after this broadcast. The event made the cover of LIFE Magazine. 
"LIZ LEARNS TO DRIVE" (November 13, 1948) George reads about his old college girlfriend, Myra Ponsenby, in the morning paper. Liz is unenthusiastic. 
LIZ: “What’s new in Lower Slobbovia?” 
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“Lower Slobbovia” was a term first used in 1946 by Capp to describe a place that was unenlightened and socially backward. The term entered popular culture when referring to any place hopelessly stuck in the past.
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"FIRST STOP" (January 17, 1955) Fred Mertz calls the rundown Ohio roadside diner "Lower Slobbovia.”
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In "Tennessee Ernie Visits" (May 3, 1954) Fred calls Cousin Ernie "Little Abner".
The Broadway musical and film adaptation starred Peter Palmer as the title character. Palmer played Brother Peter in Lucille Ball's failed NBC sitcom "Bungle Abbey" (1980). On Broadway, Daisy Mae was played by Edie Adams (aka Mrs. Ernie Kovacs), who played herself in the very last episode of "The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour" (1960). The film also featured Lucy players William Lanteau, Alan Carney, Bern Hoffman, Bobby Jellison, and Torben Mayer.
The 1940 film featured Lucy's mentor Buster Keaton as Lonesome Polecat and Dick Elliott as Marryin' Sam. A new 1971 musical special featured Lucy alumni Carol Burnett, Ken Berry, Eddie Albert, and Donald O'Connor. In 1967, "Here's Lucy" director Coby Ruskin created a pilot for a "Li'l Abner" series that failed to sell.
Little Orphan Annie was a daily comic strip created by Harold Gray and syndicated by the Tribune Media Services. It made its debut on August 5, 1924, in the New York Daily News. In 1930 it became one of the first comic strips adapted to radio, and attracted about 6 million fans before leaving the air in 1942. It was adapted to film in 1932 and 1938, and (like Li'l Abner) even became a Broadway musical. The success of the 1977 musical is credited with revitalizing the popularity of the franchise. The musical was filmed in 1982, 2014, and for television in 1999.
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"LUCY WANTS NEW FURNITURE" (June 1, 1953) Lucy likens her over-permed hair to a chrysanthemum, while Fred calls her Little Orphan Annie.
Annie is generally depicted with a mass of red hair and a red dress with a white collar.
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"THE STAR UPSTAIRS" (1955) Cornel Wilde is trying in vain to read a soaking wet newspaper thrown to him in the bathtub by Lucy disguised as a bellboy.
 WILDE: “I thought President Eisenhower was playing golf with Little Orphan Annie.” 
Eisenhower was famous for playing golf and Annie was famous on the comic pages, so it easy to see a mash-up of the two from a soggy paper.
"LUCY AND ART LINKLETTER" (January 10, 1966) Seeing Lucy’s wide-eyed look, Mr. Mooney tells her to "stop looking like an over-aged Orphan Annie.”
In the comic strip, Annie's eyes have no pupils!
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"LUCY GETS TRAPPED" (September 18, 1967) Lucy calls in sick, but goes shopping instead. When she's named Customer of the Year in a big celebration, she tries to hide the newspaper with her picture in it from Mr. Mooney. She tells him there's nothing new in the newspaper.
LUCY (about the news): "Oh, the temperature’s up, the stock market’s down, and Little Orphan Annie is lost again!”  
During its 86 years of publication, Annie being lost or having disappeared was a frequent storyline. In fact, when the strip finally ceased publication in 2010, it ended with Daddy Warbucks "resigning himself to Miss Annie's being lost forever."
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The Man of Steel was introduced to the world in comic book form in June 1938, created by Jerry Siegel and Joel Shuster. Beginning in January 1939, a daily comic strip appeared and a color Sunday version was added that November. Since then, the character, and characters from his world, has been seen in virtually every form of media, including, of course, television.
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"LUCY AND SUPERMAN" (January 14, 1957) is considered one of television's first 'cross-over' shows. "The Adventures of Superman" aired from 1951 to 1958 in syndication, concurrent with "I Love Lucy". It starred George Reeves as Superman, a role he also plays on this episode of "I Love Lucy." While "Superman" made the transition to color in 1954, CBS kept "Lucy" in black and white for its entire run. Reeves is never mentioned by name in the dialogue or in the original credits, although it is pretty clear that Lucy and Ricky are recruiting "the actor who plays Superman" to entertain at Little Ricky's birthday party, not the superhero himself. Keith Thibodeaux (Little Ricky) later said that this was his very favorite episode. Because Desilu had obtained the license to use the actual Superman logo, they weren’t shy about using it! They even got permission to use the show’s theme music, composed by Leo Klatzkin. 
Actors who were also seen on “Adventures of Superman” and their (characters) on “I Love Lucy”: Doris Singleton (Caroline Appleby), Elizabeth Patterson (Mrs. Trumbull), Tristram Coffin (Harry Munson), Herb Vigran (Jule / Al Sparks / Joe), Claude Akins (Himself aka ‘Giant Native’), Hayden Rorke (Mr. O’Brien), Phil Arnold (Harry Henderson / Man in Hotel Hallway), Milton Frome (Bill Henderson), Pierre Watkin (Mr. Dorrance), Dick Elliott (Tourist at Empire State Building / Yankee Stadium Spectator), Maurice Marsac (Maurice / Waiter), Frank J. Scannell (Buffo the Clown), Lou Krugman (Hollywood Director / Jewelry Salesman / Club Manager), Joi Lansing (Herself / Miss Low Neck), Larry Dobkin (Counterman / Waiter / Counterfeiter), Rolfe Sedan (Paris Chef), Eve McVeagh (Roberta the Hairdresser), Norman Varden (Mrs. Benson), Danni Sue Nolan (Mr. Reilly’s Secretary), Harry Cheshire (Sam Johnson), Ken Christy (Ken the Detective / Dock Agent), Robert Foulk (Brooklyn Policeman), Sid Melton (Jockey / Bellboy / Shorty), Bert Stevens (Tropicana Patron), Harold Miller (Theatre Patron / Ship Passenger), Hans Moebus (Man on Dock), Ernesto Molinari (Vineyard Boss), Jack Chefe (Bellhop / French Waiter), Bess Flowers (Tropicana Patron / Theatre Patron), and Monty O’Grady (Ship’s Passenger / Man at Airport).
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Picking up Little Ricky’s toys, Lucy holds one of his “Superboy” comic books. It is the December 1956 issue (#53), hot off the presses during filming. Ironically, on the cover, Superman is looking at television!   Even more ironically, inside the comic book was an ad titled “Draw Bob Hope”. Hope had just appeared on the season opener of “I Love Lucy.”
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Batman was created by Bill Kane and Bill Finger in May 1939, just a year after Superman. As with Superman, there were numerous radio, film, and television adaptations of the characters, most notably a series starring Adam West that aired from 1966 to 1968.
Alas, there is no direct reference to the Caped Crusader in the Lucyverse. There are, however, plenty of indirect references due to the large number of actors who appeared on the television series who had also appeared with Lucy: Madge Blake, Cesar Romero, Van Johnson, Shelley Winters, Liberace, Tallulah Bankhead, Ethel Merman, Milton Berle, Rudy Vallee, Ida Lupino, Howard Duff, Stafford Repp, Victor Buono, Vincent Price, Edward Everett Horton, Vito Scotti, Norma Varden, Tristram Coffin, Ellen Corby, Sammy Davis Jr., Allen Jenkins, Art Linkletter, Alan Hale Jr., Jessyln Fax, Ben Welden, Dick Kallman, Alberto Morin, Bryan O'Byrne, and Larry Anthony.
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Most notable among these is Madge Blake, who played Aunt Harriet on "Batman" as well as two characters on "I Love Lucy" and one on "The Lucy Show." She was also seen with Lucy and Desi in The Long, Long Trailer (1954). Coincidentally, she played Martha, a prospective new tenant in "Lucy and Superman" (see above). When she sees something outside the apartment window, her husband Herbert is concerned.
HERBERT: “Was it a bird?”
HERBERT:  “Was it a plane?”
HERBERT: “Well, what was it, dear?”
MARTHA: “It was Superman!”
A 1949 film titled Batman and Robin featured Lucy performers Jack Chefe, Lyle Talbot, William Fawcett, and Phil Arnold.
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Dennis the Menace, a comic strip centered around a mischievous but good natured young suburban boy, made its debut on March 12, 1951 syndicated in newspapers. Its success inspired comic books and (most famously) a television series that aired from 1959 to 1963.
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"LUCY THE ROBOT" (February 28, 1966) Jay North, who played Dennis, guest-starred on a 1966 episode of "The Lucy Show" playing the 13 year-old nephew of Mr. Mooney (Gale Gordon). Lucy dresses as a toy soldier robot to divert him.
“You will keep that MENACE subdued for the next eight days!” ~ Mr. Mooney to Lucy about Wendell
During the final season of "Dennis", the long-suffering character of neighbor George Wilson was written out due to the death of actor Joseph Kearns. Kearns had played two characters on “I Love Lucy” - a psychiatrist in season one, and a theatre manager in season six. Gale Gordon was added to the cast as George’s brother, Henry.
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When Lucille Ball was finally convinced to return to network television in 1962, she naturally wanted Gordon to join her, but he was unavailable due to his prior commitment to “Dennis the Menace” so Mrs. Carmichael’s put-upon banker was played by Charles Lane. Lane was also on “Dennis” as the recurring character of druggist Mr. Finch. He played the role six times before leaving for “Lucy”, his final episode airing just a day before his penultimate episode of “Lucy”! 
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When “Dennis” was canceled and Gordon was finally free, Ball wasted no time in hiring him and had Lane’s character was written out in order to make way for a new banker, Theodore Mooney.  “Dennis the Menace” also had a character named Theodore Mooney - a police sergeant (George Cisar). He was often seen in the company of a woman named Lucy (Mrs. Lucy Elkins played by Irene Tedrow, and John Wilson (Gale Gordon).  
Another cast member that "Lucy" and "Dennis" had in common was Danny, a cairn terrier who played Fred the dog on "I Love Lucy" and Freemont, Mr. Wilson's dog, on "Dennis the Menace." Danny was trained by Bill Blair and owned by Frank Inn, Hollywood's busiest animal actor supplier.
Besides Gordon, Lane, and Kearns, “Dennis” also featured “Lucy Show” and/or “I Love Lucy” alumni: Mary Wickes (Miss Cathcart), Edward Everett Horton (Uncle Ned), Kathryn Card (Mrs. Biddy), Parley Baer (Captain Blast), Elvia Allman (Edna), Tyler McVey (Mr. Carlson), Dub Taylor (Opie Swanson), Norman Leavitt (various roles), Bob Jellison (Announcer), Richard Reeves (Mr. Kelly), Lurene Tuttle (Mrs. Courtland), Nestor Paiva (Gamali), Jonathan Hole (Addison Brook), Stanley Adams (Jerry Richman), Willard Waterman (Otis Quigley), Harry Cheshire (Mr. Petry), Eve McVeagh (Mrs. Purcell), Harvey Korman (Bowers), Stafford Repp (Lt. Wheeler), Verna Felton (Aunt Emma), Madge Blake (Mrs. Porter), Ellen Corby (Miss Douglas), Eleanor Audley (Mrs. Pompton), and frequent extras Leoda Richards, Leon Alton, Olan Soule, Larry J. Blake, George DeNormand, and Monty O’Grady.
The Gumps is a comic strip about a middle-class family headed by hen-pecked husband Andy. It was created by Sidney Smith in 1917, launching a 42-year run in newspapers from February 12, 1917, until October 17, 1959, just six month before the last time America saw the Ricardos and Mertzes for the last time.
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"The Adagio" (December 31, 1951) Ricky says “All this shaving is liable to wear my chin away,” to which Lucy replies “Okay, Andy Gump.”
The character had a bushy mustache but no lower jaw. Cartoonist Smith based him on real-life Andy Wheat who had his jaw removed after a tooth infection.
Buster Brown is a comic-strip character created in 1902 by Richard F. Outcault. Adopted as the mascot of the Brown Shoe Company in 1904, Buster Brown, along with Mary Jane, and with his dog Tige, became well known to the American public in the early-20th century. The character's name was used to describe a popular style of suit for young boys, the Buster Brown suit.
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"THE ENGLISH TUTOR" (December 29, 1952) Lucy hires a grammar instructor so her new baby will grow up surrounded by well-spoken friends and family. Fred sarcastically shows up to the first session wearing a Buster Brown suit.
ETHEL: "All right, Buster Brown, go downstairs and get out of that silly outfit."
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"THE RICARDOS CHANGE APARTMENTS" (May 18, 1953) To give Ricky the feeling their apartment is too small, Lucy fills the flat with toys, including a frog with a tongue that popped out when squeezed. This was actually a TV tie-in (one of the first) called Froggy the Gremlin. The character made its debut on radio’s “Buster Brown Gang” in 1944, which was brought to television in 1951 as “Smilin’ Ed’s Gang” with Froggy as a puppet and – occasionally – a life-sized costume character. In various formats, the program was seen from 1951 to 1960 (also on CBS) and featured "Lucy" performers June Foray, Vitto Scotti, Lou Krugman, Alan Reed, and Jerry Maren as Buster Brown.
Brenda Starr is a comic strip started by Don Messick in 1940 about an adventurous and glamourous female reporter. The strip ended in 2011.  
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"LUCY BECOMES A REPORTER" (January 21, 1963) When Lucy takes a job as the editor of the Danfield Tribune's social column, Mr. Foley, the Tribune’s editor, sarcastically refers to Lucy as Brenda Starr.
Like Lucy, Brenda had red hair.
The Katzenjammer Kids was a comic strip created by German immigrant Rudolph Dirks which appeared from 1897 to 2006. Dirks was said to be the first to use 'thought balloons' in a comic strip.
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"LUCY AND THE DIAMOND CUTTER" (November 16, 1970) Wally Cox plays Gustav, a nervous diamond cutter who stays at the Carter home while waiting to cut an expensive gem. Gustav calls Kim and Craig “the Katzenjammer Kids.”
The line is humorous due to Cox's thick German accent.
"VIV VISITS LUCY" (1967) A hippie named Itchy (Les Brown Jr.) tells Viv he doesn't miss his parents because “that 'Maggie and Jiggs' action was pretty hard to take.” Maggie and Jiggs (or Jiggs and Maggie) was the colloquial name for a comic strip actually titled “Bringing Up Father.” It was created by George McManus and ran from 1913 to 2000.  The strip presented the life of a nouveau-riche American family. It was translated to stage, radio, television and six films.
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It is often forgotten that "I Love Lucy" was also a comic strip which appeared daily from 1952 until 1955. In fact, it was the comic strip that broke the news that Lucy Ricardo had given birth to a boy! These were then collected into "I Love Lucy" comic books. "The Lucy Show" was also a series of comic books, published by Gold Key from 1963.
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project1939 · 1 year
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(Michael Redgrave, left, played the famous Horatio Hornblower in the radio show about his adventures.)
Day 45- TV and Radio: 
My Little Margie, season 1, episode 4, “Margie’s Sister Sally,” July 7th, 1952. 
Gangbusters, episode 9, June or July 1952. (undated) 
The Adventures of Horatio Hornblower, “Horatio Deals with a Mad King,” July 7th, 1952. 
The Whistler, “Triple Play,” July 6th, 1952. 
The Chase, “Doug Burton and a Mysterious Letter,” July 10th, 1952. 
I liked My Little Margie a lot more today. The show is finding a groove that works fairly successfully. Margie definitely has more sparkle now, and I like the actress who plays her. Her character is more mischievous and scheming than in the first two episodes, which makes things more fun. Sometimes it can be a bit too Lucy-esque, though. (But pity any show that has to follow I Love Lucy!) Today’s episode made me laugh out loud several times, even if the payoff wasn’t as funny as the set-up. Margie saw a childhood picture of a man she had a blind date with, and the picture was so terrible, she figured he’d be really ugly. She dressed up like she was barely 13, hoping to scare him off. When he shows up though, he is very handsome. Now Margie wants to date him! Thinking on the spot, Margie tells him that she has an older sister named Sally, and that’s who he really has a date with. More shenanigans ensue. 
Gangbusters was also better than the previous one I saw. The cop was much more likeable, and the vibe was less moralizing. The story about a bank robber fleeing on a plane was really engaging. Dragnet is still in another league when it comes to crime shows, though. 
Horatio Hornblower was interesting as an adventure serial. It might be hard to listen to if you miss episodes, because it has such an overarching storyline, but I’ll try to listen to at least a couple more. In this one we meet Hornblower and his new wife after he has just returned home from battle. He almost immediately has to leave for a new battle in Denmark, however. The action sequences at sea were quite entertaining, and Michael Redgrave (father of Vanessa and Lynn) stars effectively as the hero. 
...And now a word from today’s sponsor: None! No, None isn’t the name of some weird deodorant or nicotine free tobacco... all of the recordings today were either unsponsored or the sponsors had been edited out. So we are spared a day of miraculous advertising claims!  
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Goth (Mortimer): Round 1 (Pt. 1)
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Mortimer decides to start his wedding off on the completely wrong foot by trying to flirt with Dina’s twin sister. It’s pretty bad when even Nina thinks you’re being scummy considering she’s having affairs with almost all the married men in Pleasantview. 
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The ceremony goes off without a hitch, and thankfully no one saw Mortimer make a pass at Dina. 
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They say their vows and seal it with a kiss. 
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Cassandra is upset about the marriage and sees right through Dina. She hates the idea of her dad dating someone his daughter’s age. 
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And Coral is upset Nina exists. 
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Coral and Nina get into a fight on the gazebo and everyone is horrified, except Don, who thinks it’s hilarious. 
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Nina kicks Coral’s butt, which she’s very proud of, to the horror of the rest of the guests. 
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Alexander and Lucy ignore the drama and run off to play cops and robbers instead. 
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
AYE requests briefly open you say? Then here ya go: MC (female or gn) turns into a child for a day courtsey of Solomon (maybe around 5) with the Brothers. I think it'd be adorable, what with finger painting on spell books and things, but there ya go!
The MC is Now Five Years Old, Thanks Solomon...
Oh boy…. A little kid in Hell sounds like a train wreck admittedly, but at least they'll have some pretty strong guardians right? I heard It'll Be Okay by SMLE & Helen Tess and decided that was JUST the feel this sort of request needed.
Solomon really doesn't mess up spells often. He's been doing this for a while (at least as far as my headcanon is concerned) so he's gotten pretty damn good at magic over the years. It takes a looot to make him mess up. Like say, a natural disaster, an unexpected surprise… or a whole-ass MC getting knocked into what sigil he's using at just the wrong time. Yeah. That'll do it.
How in the world is he going to explain this to the brothers…?
His anger toward Solomon is quite severe… tempered only slightly by how utterly adorable kid!MC is. (Well all know he's got that soft spot for cute things 🤭) It reminds him so much of his brothers at that age…
The man basically reverts back to being Dad!Lucifer sooo fast.
He's the one tying their shoes, checking on them throughout the day, making sure they're not running with scissors… that sort of thing.
Weirdly enough he's not that bothered by it… In fact, his brothers find it a little unnerving just how at peace he seems when he's keeping track of kid!MC doing this or that… It's like he's just put on an old pair of gloves and found out they still fit.
Speaking of his brothers, Lucifer can't turn off "Parent Mode" so it starts spilling over to them too...
When he started telling Levi "It's bedtime" and used a napkin to wipe Beel's face for him in public, they decided to hold an informal intervention. They're grown demons now, damnit!! 😖
The first thing kid!MC did when they saw Mammon was fling themselves at him while screaming "MAMMIE!!!" at the top of their lungs… Regardless of his confusion, the man could probably die happy now.
He only gripes a little bit about being saddled with babysitting duty… Because everybody knows he's not the babysitter now. He's the playmate.
"Mammie, I wanna play House!!" "I ain't playing House with ya, kid. How 'bout Tag?" "No way, you're too fast!"  "Hide'n Seek?" "Luci said we can't play that no more…" "Well don't hide in the oven again!" "You didn't find me!!" "That was the problem!!!"
Pretty much the Man-Child/Actual Child Duo. He's perfect for keeping up with them and they'll whine incessantly when they can't find him for too long...
Totally the brother to take them to the amusement park or really any of those super fun places kids love. He will be just as excited as they are to be there, too.
It's not uncommon to find Mammon passed out on a couch or something with an equally exhausted kid!MC sleeping on his back. The two can really wear each other out…
He's probably the least perturbed by this change. Sudden de-aging of characters is a pretty popular anime trope, after all...
He's not all that taken with kid!MC though to be honest… Largely because he's too worried about keeping his stuff out of their grubby mitts. 😖
"Levi, what's this?" "GAH! Don't touch that!! That's my limited edition Ultra☆Rainbow Witch figurine!!" "I wanna play with it, though!" "It's not a toy!!" "That's not fair! You have nothing but toys, Levi!! You need to share!!" "NO I DON'T!!!"
In those times where Lucifer forces him to share, Levi goes full neat-freak. He handles all the discs and games himself, everything gets practically sterilized, and kid!MC HAS to wash their hands before they touch ANYTHING (especially the game controllers). He ain't risking any random kid-gunk getting on his precious possessions… 😰
He does enjoy playing games with them well enough, at least. No one's going to pass up a game of Devil Kart after all!
Sometimes he'll let them win just to see how happy they get… Though, then they start getting a big head about it so he has to remind him who the actual gamer is with another string of losses... Sucks to suck, kid! 😌😏
… You know, five year-olds ask a lot of questions… A looot of questions…
"Satan, what's that?" "An umbrella. You use it so that rain doesn't get on you." "Where does rain come from?" "Evaporated water collects in the atmosphere and-" "Is rain like the sky peeing?" "...." "Satan? Does your face hurt?... Satan?"
Please Lord, they may not be on speaking terms, but someone has to have mercy on his patience...
In truth, Satan's kind of charmed by how curious kid!MC is, he just wished they'd listen more to his boring explanations…
"Satan? Why does everyone listen to Diavolo?" "Lord Diavolo is like a king to us demons." "Where's his crown?" "He doesn't wear a crown." "Oh… You don't wear a crown and people listen to you. Are you a king too?" "I mean, you're not wrong… 😏" "Satan, get back to work."
Eh, maybe having a little MC isn't all that bad. They don't lie, after all. 😌
OMG he hasn't seen a child this cute since the twins were in diapers!!!!
If Mammon isn't around then Asmo takes over babysitting duties (like an actual babysitter) and he's more than happy to do it. It reminds of him of taking care of baby Belphie!
If kid!MC has any interest at all in makeup then he's happy to foster it. He won't give them the good stuff of course, but he'll show them how to do blush, eyes, lipstick, nail polish, whatever!
He also dabbles in a bit of facepaint so do they want to look like a kitty, panda, or dragon? He's got them covered.
Asmo just likes to let them be creative in all forms, really. He's going to be the one to break out the paint and markers and just the kid!MC go to town! (hopefully not on the walls…)
Takes pictures of whatever they draw, good or bad, and happily displays them to everyone. There's not a big enough fridge to hold all the art he's going to collect (and zealously protect).
Playmate #2 right after Mammon, but he's the less excitable, more responsible one.
"Beel! Beel! Watch me jump off this slide!!" 😰 "Please don't… You could hurt yourself… You slide down slides. That's why they're called that." "*GASP*... That's right! You're a genius!!" *sits back down* "Not really, but thank you." 😊 *waits for them at the bottom*
If the MC is with Beel, they're doing one of two things. Either they're playing together or gorging themselves on junk food.
Beel actually likes "domestic" games like House and Tea Party because it's an excuse to raid the kitchen. He'll play "house-husband" all day as long as he gets to actually eat at every imaginary dinnertime.
He'll play active games too, of course. Especially action-oriented ones like "Cops and Robbers" or Superheros. No one's better at roughhousing than Beel! Though he'll go easy on them, cause they're small and all… 😅
Everyone can always tell when Beel's in charge of them because he carries them around on his shoulders. He's the tallest one of the family so it's like getting to be a giant!
Belphie was introduced to kid!MC when they started crying during one of his naps. They couldn't wake him and they thought he was dead… Followed directly by them declaring their tears were magic when they noticed his eyes opened.
He proceeded to close his eyes again and purposely play dead just to get them all worried again. It was the smile creeping up onto his face that eventually gave him away… 😏
He likes to play with kid!MC and Beel but he's not going to let it get in the way of his nap schedule or anything. When they play "Knights" he gets to take the role of the world's laziest dragon… Rawr.
Kid!MC will only settle down for naptime if Belphie joins too since he'll read them a book like he used to do with Lilith.
Satan's usually the go-to guy for storytime, but Belphie's a close second (largely because he just imitates what he remembers Lucifer doing for him, voices and all 🤭).
He deals with their myriad of questions by just making shit up and pretending he knows what he's talking about. It's around the time that he told them that little men live inside the freezer and shave ice cubes to keep things cold that Lucifer started getting on his case about it… Killjoy. 🙄
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sylvies-chen · 3 years
Fight me prompt for Chenford please!
“Chen, come on. Don’t keep trying to walk away,” Tim pleads, trying to keep up as Lucy speed walks her way through the precinct.
“I already told you, I’m not talking to you,” she huffs. Tim’s relentless though and still tries to catch up to her.
“How can you be mad at me right now? I’m a Sergeant, I’m a cop. I was just doing my job,” he argues.
Then, Lucy can’t take it. She swivels on her foot and whips her body back around to face him. She hadn’t realized how close he wasnto her though because she tirns around and finds her face only inches away from his. Her nostriles flare furiously, although she suspects it also has something to do with the sudden proximity that’s making it hard for her to breathe.
“Doing your job? Last time I checked, doing your job doesn’t involve offering yourself as bait to a hostage taker,” she snaps back. Her mind flashes back to the awful call they’d responded to: the scared civilians. The screaming bank robbers. The needless sacrifice Tim insisted on making. Lucy swears sometimes it’s like Tim Bradford doesn’t realize that his life has value.
“It had to be someone and you know it,” he protests.
“There were hostage negotiators there, they could have handled it,” Lucy refutes.
“I went in and it bought time for SWAT to storm the place, it kept them at bay and— you know what? I don’t need to explain my decisions to you. I was in charge, I was the Sergeant on the scene. I made the call. What’s the big deal?”
“You could have gotten hurt,” she blurts out viciously. Because it’s true. The sudden pressure of his question had squeezed the truth from her: that she thinks protocol and chain of command is stupid when it means that Tim Bradford is allowed to be so careless with his own life. That she didn’t want him alone in there with crazy, armed criminals. So sue her, she keeps rambling anyway. “You could have gotten shot or— or worse. What do you think you getting hurt would have done to the people who—”
Tim tilts his head ever so slightly as Lucy bites her tongue to stop herself from finishing that sentence.
To the people who care about you. That’s what she was going to say. She knows it and, as she looks at the way Tim’s eyes go wide with realization, she thinks he does too.
“The people who what?”
“Nothing,” she lies. “I just meant we’d rather keep you alive. If I’d known you were going in, I could have done something, but you didn’t even tell me. You robbed me of that accountability.”
“And I’m sorry about that, I am,” Tim assures her. “But that wasn’t the answer to my question.”
“Your question?” She plays dumb but she knows it won’t work. She can’t avoid it for much longer.
“The people who what?” He repeats, his voice quiet but still husky.
“I… I can’t.” She almost chokes on her words.
“Just say it, Lucy,” he pleads softly; defeatedly.
Lucy meets his eye to find him already staring at her with something gentle yet intense. His chest is rising and falling with each heavy breath he takes. It’s almost irresistible, the temptation she gets to put a hand on his chest to calm it down. Instead, all she does is keep her hands awkwardly at her sides and matches his breathing.
But she takes one deep breath after she snaps out of it, and lets loose the words she can’t stop herself from saying. “The people who care about you.”
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petri808 · 3 years
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We’ll Take Back Heaven a Nalu Yakuza Au
1 | 2
The moment Lucy left the room, Natsu simply turned and gave a silent look to his lieutenant Gray who nodded back in acknowledgment and left with one of the men. He sat back in his chair, fingers steepled below his chin in thought. Could it really be one of his own men? Some of the lower level guys didn’t always follow the rules, but it was rare for them to utterly disregard them! Oh! That really pissed him off, because they knew better then to test Natsu’s patience. There’s a damn good reason he was able to create such a lucrative gang in the heart of Tokyo when so many others would kill for it. By the age of 21, his father retired and left the position of Oyabun leader to Natsu. But, Natsu wasn’t satisfied with the old way of doing things. This was the 21st century and times must change.
It was well known that the Yakuza traversed a dangerous underworld full of illegalities. Drugs, prostitution, gambling, shake downs and extortion, theft, or in other words the seedier side of society. So that is where Natsu focused his attention. Some of the very first of the changes were to reign in unauthorized violence or any crimes that utilized it. Such a move sent a utter shockwave through the order and those that refused to let go of the old ways were swiftly eliminated to instill an image of power and fear that Natsu Dragneel was not to be messed with. His logic behind the move was simple. Do not do anything that brings attention to the gang and attacking someone on the street for a few yen is a quick way for the authorities to show up. So, in a way, Natsu was lucky it happened to be one of Lucy’s employees and not a random person, because they would have immediately called the police. Though it also brought up another question. Were there other crimes he just hadn’t heard of yet?
“Well, she’s still as feisty as ever, gihi.” Gajeel broke the silence of the room when he returned. “Could’ve cut the sexual tension with a sword.”
Natsu crossed his arms in feigned annoyance. If it were any other underling, they would have received a harsher response, but Gajeel was one of his oldest and trusted friends. “Pfft. I don’t know what you’re talking about. She’s a rival, that’s it. You know that.”
“Mmhmm.” Gajeel snickered. “So, now what?”
“Gray started working on finding who it was. I want you to call your contacts at police and see if they’ve had any reports of recent robberies in the area, and if there were, any details we can use to figure out who it might be.”
“Can do boss. Anything else?”
“You think it could one of our own?”
Gajeel looked up for a couple of minutes as if he were running their personnel through his mind. Finally, he rubbed his chin. “There’s a couple of newbies, a bit young and dumb that might be stupid enough to break the rules. I’ll call my contacts first before helping Gray press the men for info. Someone’s gotta know something.”
“Good. You do that and let me know as soon as you get a lead. I want this dealt with as quickly as possible.”
Between Natsu’s two lieutenants and their best men, they interviewed all of the most likely suspects. Gajeel’s police informant let him know that there were a couple other robberies that sounded similar a few blocks away from where Lucy’s employee and client had been accosted. He also learned those two victims gave a similar description of the robber. With the new information, along with other snitches, they narrowed it down within a few days to a low-level street guy in the organization. But unlike Gajeel’s initial hunch, it wasn’t one of the newbies. Instead, the male had been with them for a couple of years now and never caused any problems. In fact, the guy fashioned himself as a smooth talking ladies’ man who supposedly disliked violence. So, it was a bit surprising it was one of the ones they’d least expected.
Gajeel and his men found the man named Bora Prominence laying low at his girlfriend’s apartment after he’d heard the gang was looking for him. Not the smartest move. The woman gave him up without a fight, fearing the Yakuza more than her boyfriend. So, once she’d let them inside, they quickly found Bora hiding in the bathroom and dragged him out.
“It wasn’t me!” Bora screamed as the men beat him to the floor. “You got no proof I did shit!”
Gajeel planted his foot into the small of the man’s back and held him down. “Two of the witnesses saw the tattoo on your face. That’s enough evidence for us.” He growled. “You knew the code and what would happen if you broke it, so stop being a bitch.”
But Bora continued to resist the four men, pushing off the floor with his arms unsuccessfully against Gajeel’s massive weight or fending off kicks from the others. They pummeled him with fists and kicks over and over until one clear blow finally knocked him unconscious long enough to be tied up. Despite a heavy beating bad enough to leave him bruised and bloodied, he continued to scream about his innocence. Back at headquarters, they dragged him into Natsu’s office with hands bound behind his back and forced him onto his knees.
The room held Natsu sitting at his desk, along with both lieutenants, four of their men keeping Bora restrained, and lastly Lucy with the victim to Natsu’s right side. He had contacted her as soon as he knew the suspect was being brought in. And thought they were pretty certain of guilt, the woman’s immediate reaction when they’d brought Bora in of cringing back and moving closer to her boss spoke volumes.
“Is that him?” Natsu questioned to gain a verbal confirmation.
“Y-Yeah,” the woman squeaked out. “He’s the one who pushed me down and robbed us.”
Natsu’s eyes stayed narrowed and glaring at Bora as he addressed the women. “Thank you, that’ll be all. Heartfilia you both can leave now I’ll handle things from here.���
“You’re a doll,” Lucy giggled and gave Natsu a quick teasing peck on the cheek before ushering her employee away. They’d done what they needed to do, now it was his job to finish it.
“Tch, so that’s what this is all about.” Bora sneered, spitting out a clot of blood. “Cause that bitch got you all worked up over a measly few bucks?”
“Watch it!” Natsu roared. “It ain’t a good idea to piss me off anymore then I already am!” There was a fire burning behind Natsu’s stare because when he looked at this man Bora, he doesn’t see the crimes themselves, but the disobedient threat he posed to their organization. How dare this selfish ignorant punk threaten everything they’ve worked hard to build! And to accuse him of weakness in doing Lucy’s bidding just sealed the man’s fate.
Bora snapped back defiantly, though the crack in his tone gave away the fear brewing beneath. “What does it matter, I know what awaits me.”
“You’re right.” Natsu relaxed back into his chair once he sensed the man’s inevitable compliance. “You knew the consequences for crossing me. What does it matter if my rival is also benefiting in this way? Because I know there are other victims. Dumbass, how do you think we linked you to all this? Those other victims reported it to the police! Which is exactly why I have the rules I have in place! You put all of us in jeopardy by pulling this kind of stupid low level bullshit!”
“Pfft, you act like we’re saints. If the cops really wanted to, they’d look into the other illegal shit we do regardless.”
“No, it’s you who fails to recognize there is a hierarchy to the kinds of crimes that bring heat on us. Drugs? Prostitution? The cops don’t care as much, but assault? Robbing people, murders, now those are things they will pay attention to, and I will not tolerate it!” Natsu sat forward with a malevolent grin. “Welcome to the modern Yakuza.”
Drugs and prostitution were a part of the gangs dealings, but the bigger scheme was in shaking down the local business owners for protection money. Thing is, Natsu’s gang actually did the protection part causing crimes in that area for customers or businesses to drop down to nearly zero. So, while the business owners weren’t thrilled to cut a portion of their profits, they also appreciated not having to worry about security. That and because of the gangs connections, they had pipelines of cheaper priced products which helped to keep their costs down. This more symbiotic relationship is why they didn’t go to the authorities and why the gang could hold such a control over the area. Making sure the areas streets were protected from violent crime is a testament to the gangs power and would insure that these businesses stayed compliant.
“Tch.” Bora retorted. “You’re just young and dumb. Eventually you’ll realize there’s a reason why things were done a certain way in the old days.”
“Maybe, maybe not, but your days of worrying about it are over.” Natsu motioned to Gajeel. “I’m done. Get him out of my face.”
Gajeel then motioned to his men to haul Bora to his feet and drag him away to an unknown destination never to be seen from again. Cliche as it may sound, even in killing off a problem like Bora, Natsu’s gang didn’t follow tradition. Bora would be held as a prisoner until his wounds healed then his death made to look like just another suicide statistic. In the seven years that Natsu has reigned, not one murder had been laid at their doorstep and he intended to keep it that way.
Now that the Bora business was over, Natsu closed his eyes and fully relaxed into his chair with a sigh. He didn’t exactly enjoy playing the tough guy bit and only did it out of necessity. This was a life his father groomed him for since birth, but he’d love nothing more than to just settle down with a wife and start a family of his own. Not that he couldn’t already do so, but that required finding the right woman to settle down with and no one other than his old flame has ever evoked I’m him more than a passing glance.
He didn’t know how long he’d been relaxing when there was a knock on his office door. “Yeah? Come in.”
“Sorry to disturb you,” the man spoke as he quietly entered the room. Invel Yura was Natsu’s Saiko-kamon, the top advisor and managed the administrative side of the organization. “I wanted to go over your schedule for tomorrow in case I need to make any changes.”
“It’s fine.” Natsu gestured to the chair fronting the desk. Invel had been the advisor to his father for the last few years of his tenure and he fully trusted the man’s diligence.
Invel sat down and opened up a calendar. “Tomorrow morning, we have a new shipment of prescription drugs coming in as well as some ecstasy, so you’ll need to appoint someone to oversee inventory processing.”
“Hmm, who should I have work on this?” Natsu asked for Invel’s opinion.
“Might I suggest Rajeel Ramal? He’s gruff but meticulous and has done a good job so far.”
“Is that so? Then that’s fine, let him continue. What’s next?”
“Okay,” Invel scribbled the orders in his book. “Next, the only other thing you have is a party to attend with one of our high end clients.”
“Which one?”
“The son of Yuuji Katsunuma of Katsunuma industries.”
“Ah yes, the one we supply with cocaine. Such a spoiled brat, but he spends a lot with us.”
Invel chuckled. “That’s the one. It starts at 8pm.”
“Okay. Thank you, Invel. Is that all for now?”
“Yes. If anything, else comes up I will let you know.”
“I’m sure you will. Oh. Have an appropriate suit pressed and ready for me for the occasion.”
“Very well, sir. Is there anything else you need from me?”
“No. You may go.”
Invel nodded and returned to his own office. He made a few typical phone calls such as to Natsu’s house staff regarding an evening outfit and the transporters bringing the morning inventory to make sure everything was on schedule. Aside from the Bora issue, the going’s-on of business continued as normal. The final call he placed before he’d leave for lunch was to Rajeel of a simple a five word instruction. Nothing more needed to be said, knowing that his associate would understand. Invel sat back in his chair with a smile. “It’s almost too easy…”
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honkhonkrichard · 4 years
but at what cost. - Chapter One: And So The Cycle Starts Again
It's early November, 2015. They haven't even heard from each other in nearly five years. Some... more than that. Eddie had vanished off the face of the earth, Stan seemed to want nothing to do with any of them and Richie is... Well he found himself in Chicago. On Ben and Bev's couch. They have kids now, and therapy, and mentla health issues, but Richie's more than a little determined to spend his second year of sobriety fixing his wrongs, and seeing everyone's face again. Almost everyone's face again. It all depends on who will accept his apologies.
Read on Ao3 or Below :) Reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
Elliot poked at his father’s shoulder the way kids do when they don’t know how to wake them. His father was shirtless, wrapped under the covers with shoulder blades out and head tucked under a pillow. Elliot had tried to call out, but didn’t want to startle him awake.
No need for more startling. There was too much of that already.  
So, Elliot used his index and middle finger to gently poke and prod at his father. His skin was a little sweaty. He smelled sweaty, too. He was up late last night working on something, talking with Elliot’s mother quietly. But his mother was harder to wake up, and much easier startled, so Dad it was.  
And his father’s eyes must’ve opened, because he stirred. His head lifted from the pillows and his mousy brown; slightly curly hair stuck to his face.  
He almost had a beard now, but Elliot figured it would be shaven back down to a polite stubble soon. Dad never cared for his appearance too much, and Mom never liked him in a beard.  
Reminds me too much of my ex-husband. She would say, and then coo at dad. Plus, it's too rough to enjoy.  
Dad always went red at this comment, but never explained what it meant. Must’ve been an adult thing. Elliot remembered growing up, kissing his father’s cheek when it was a beard and feeling the itchy prickle on his mouth for the rest of the day. Since Mom and Dad kiss so much, maybe Mom felt the same way.  
“Dad?” Elliot asked gently, confirming his dad was awake, and not just looking at him.  
“What’s up kiddo?” Dad replied. He sounded rough and groggy. Elliot was a smart 11-year-old. He knew the vague effects of hangover when his father wore them. It wasn’t so often he did this, but Elliot had seen the signs.  
“Um…” Elliot shifted on his feet. “There’s a weird man on the couch.”  
Dad shifted up more. His eyes opened properly, and the warm concern in his eyes made Elliot feel a little better.
“What are you talking about?”
Mom sat up a little bit. She was wearing one of Dad’s shirts. She looked grumpy. 
Mom was almost always grumpy in the morning, wearing a big furrowed frown, yawning and grunting. Dad liked being awake in the morning but he was a little less aware. It was fun for Elliot to watch them interact first thing in the morning.
“A man?” mom said with a bit of disdain.
“He’s tall and long and has lots of tattoos and won’t get off the couch.” Elliot thought perhaps, when he first saw the mystery man, that his house was being robbed.
He had seen robbers on TV. They went for small empty houses, not the open cottage house he lived in. And robbers wore darker clothes, and were in and out of the house trying not to get caught. Elliot knew the couch-hogger wasn’t a robber when he yanked a blanket out of JJ's hands. No robber wants to steal from a 10-year-old.
“A tall man with tattoos…” dad mumbled, eyes closing shut again and frowning, trying to remember, or perhaps wake up. “Stealing our couch?”
“He’s not stealing it.” Elliot promised, thinking about Looney Toon burglars. “He’s just trying to sleep.”
Dad leaned over his shoulder and looked at Mom, the way parents seemed to when they thought they knew something their children did not.
“Are there flags on the back of his neck? Tattoo flags?” Mom asked, still looking at Dad.
Elliot nodded. “The Irish flag, I think. Its green and white and red.”
“That’s Italian.” Dad looked over at him and then started to get out of bed.  
“Italian flag then.” Elliot said. “Should I call the police? Do we know him?”  
Mom swung herself out of bed. She looked a little nervous, which made Elliot think he should call the cops, even though the couch man didn’t seem particularly dangerous. A nuisance, yes, but you call the cops when there’s a weird raccoon in your garbage right?  
“He was playing tug-of-war with JJ for his blanket. Do we know him?” Elliot asked again.  
“You don’t know him. Your mother and I know him well.” Dad put a hoodie on. It was the soft Star Wars one. He wears it a lot when he plays with LEGO. Maybe he’ll play LEGOs with Elliot today.
“What’s his name?”
Ben scratched his chin. He did not know how or why Richie broke into his house last night. Or why he yanked Ben’s youngest’s favorite blanket from his grubby little fingers. Or how the dog didn’t lose her damn mind seeing him.
That’s not fully true. Ben could come up with answers for all but one of these questions. 1: Ben gave him one of the spare keys almost a decade ago. In case there was an emergency. 2: he probably took JJ's blanket because it’s a soft blanket and the couch's designated blanket is crap. Richie was cold, so he nabbed it and went back to sleep, knowing a nine-year-old wouldn’t be able to get it back (although he had another thing coming because last week JJ found out what an air horn was, and knew there was one in Dad’s Office) 3. Lucy probably remembered him from the last time he was here.
It was all about why then.
Thinking about that night made Ben clench his jaw. He breathed deeply. Anger is an ugly emotion; his mother always says. Just breathe Benny.
His mother is the only one who gets to call him Benny. Not even Bev called him Benny.
Richie was tucked into the fold of the couch, back bare, tattoos covering his shoulders and going down his spine. His hair was long, longer than Ben remembered it being. His jeans were still on, as evidence by the clear leather in his belt loops and the cuffs at his ankles but his shirt was thrown over the arm of the couch and his socks were on top of it.  
Ben looked to the front door. A new key on the key rack, and a pair of white converse that had been drawn and painted all over kept neatly by the front door. 
Then Ben noticed something that struck the anger out of him. Bev saw it first, of course, she must’ve been looking for it.  
“Richie, get up.” Ben said, not really caring all the much because it was Richie and Richie is like he's always been.  
Richie moved, curling in on himself, and his tattooed fingers wrapped around the opposing bicep. He was awake alright.  
“Richie. What are you doing here?” Bev asked, walking over and peeling the blankets off him. “Move so I can sit.”
“Or? Whatcha gonna do, Foxy, sit on me?” Richie said, in a clear and steady voice. Far more than Ben had expected, and by her face, far more than Bev expected too.  
“I have stilettos that would go right through your belt. Get. Up.”
Richie's legs, which had been hanging over the arm of the couch, tucked in, giving Bev room to sit.
Ben rolled his eyes.
He considered himself a forgiving guy. He forgave Bill years ago. He forgave Stan. He even forgave Eddie. But Richie was a different story. He’s spent many years forgiving him. Praying for him.
Now’s the time Tozier. Was it worth it or not?
“Richie, are you sober?” Ben asked, speaking his mind once and a while. He looked behind him, and in the hallway doorframe was his boys. JJ was bravely stepped in front of Eli, ready to get his blanket back.
“To your rooms, please.”  
They looked up at him with their wide eyes. Ben knew they were smart enough to know not to argue, given the tone of Ben’s voice, the sharpness in Beverly's words and the confusion of Richie's presence. So, they turned on their feet and ushered each other into JJ's room. In minutes Ben knew they’d cross the hall into Elliot’s room instead.  
Eileen swiftly went passed him, holding a bowl of cereal. She had been sitting at the counter. She mumbled a soft “Whoop” as she went. Ben bit back a smile.  
Richie hadn’t answered so Ben came up behind Bev, always ready to be her muscle, and backup. “Richie. Are you sober?”
Richie let out a long sigh. He was still holding himself in a tight, cowardly way. “Yes, I’m sober.”
“What was that?” Bev snapped.
“I’m sober.” Richie replied, louder this time.
Bev looked at Ben, who while looking back, rubbed her shoulder.
“Are you?”
“Yes.” Richie mumbled, and this time he sounded desperate. He sat up, and turned around.  
It could be argued that Richie had the nicest hair out of all the losers. Ben always thought Beverly had the nicest hair. But Richie always had thick, long curls, and now they were thrown carelessly around his shoulders, and down his back.  
Ben had forgotten about aging, to a degree. The kids aged – had aged, greatly so, after the past five years – but Beverly was evergreen. Timeless. She hadn’t seemed to age a day since they got married. Ben felt still and calm with her, since the day they got married, she was dazzling and beautiful, he felt like their first dance had never really stopped.  
If he thought about it too long, he’d zone out entirely, disappearing into the memory of his shoes tapping the aged wood floor, Beverly’s warm, soft hands in his as her fantastical wedding dress swings around the room. She laughs as Heaven by Bryan Adams fills the air...
Ben takes a second to blink. He’s not at his wedding right now. He's been married for 13 years. He needs to focus on the now. He needs to focus on Richie – who he hasn’t seen in nearly four years and was kind of thought to be dead by now, which, yikes, but given Richie’s history, wasn’t really too harsh of a judgement, – who was sitting on his couch, shaken and bleeding and probably scared as hell.  
Richie had clearly aged. His hair was longer yes, but he looked like he’s had a hangover for decades. His eyes looked heavy and sunken. He had dropped weight – too much weight to be healthy – and there were sliver strands appearing at his roots. He looked old. He looked sick.
Around his middle was a poorly put-on gauze bandage. On his side was a big red blotch. Not quite bleeding through, but Ben was willing to bet there was scuffs of red on his nice couch.  
“What did you do?” Beverly asked, picking his shirt off the arm of the couch.
“Some teenagers decided to pick a fight.” Richie told her.
“You were mugged?” Ben’s eyes popped open and his head bowed down from his shoulders.
“Lightly mugged.” Richie corrected. “Wasn’t even that bad. They didn’t even shank me.”  
“Then what’s this?” Beverly said, putting her finger tips on the red splotched bandage. Richie didn’t flinch.  
Richie squinted. He didn’t have his glasses on, so he looked like he was trying to read invisible words.
“Mild laceration.” He decided, after some thought.  
“Do you need medical assistance?” Ben’s words felt soured, somehow. Maybe because driving Richie to the hospital for a god damn stab wound wasn’t what Ben wanted to do at 9:23am on a Saturday.
Richie hung his head and stared at his middle. He gently pulled at the bandage to see under it. His eyebrows went up, a little bit. “I think I’m good.”  
Ben rolled his eyes, and then looked at Beverly. She looked concerned. Far more concerned then Ben felt. She always was more forgiving for Richie’s strange, god-testing nature. He was like a cockroach, incapable of being damaged but begging to be squished.  
Ben knew he was being too harsh. He loved Richie like a brother. An estranged, weird, alcoholic older brother. And Ben would be able to save his resentment for Richie until after he knew Richie wouldn’t get an infection and die on the couch like a bug that is not a cockroach.  
He turned to speak down the hallway:  
“Elieen, can you bring me the first aid kit from the hall closet please?”
Richie buttoned up his shirt quietly. The wound wasn’t nearly as bad as it looked, and they were all surprised to see it when it was cleaned up. It looked a little bad, yeah, but nowhere near fatal.  
Richie had hung his hair up in a ponytail, lose, long bangs over his tired face. The longer Ben stared at him the more conflicted he felt. He wanted to be mad at Richie, wanted to resent him. But he knew Richie would only drop in like this if there was some deeply, deeply wrong.  
Beverly set a tray holding three mugs in front of them at the breakfast bar, resigning to making Richie something to eat while Ben cleaned him up. Richie scarfed down the pancakes, but now he only gingerly took the coffee mug and swirled it around, staring at it like it was going to help him.
“So,” Beverly gave him an expecting look. “What happened?”
Richie gave her an expecting look back. “What do you mean?”
“Why are you here, Rich. We haven’t heard from you in a hot while.”
Richie shrugged, and flashed his eyes a little. The scars in his irises made Ben’s heart hurt. “I’m not allowed to spend my sober-versary with my two sexy best friends?” He plastered a grin onto his face, cheesy and face. “Hah? No?”
“You’ve been sober for a year?” Beverly tilted her head, trying not to sound too doubtful.  
“Yeah,” Richie sighed, dropping his cheesy grin and looking somberly down back to his coffee. “I was shocked too. It’s a big deal, I guess. It doesn’t feel like it though. Overshadowed by all the other anniversaries this time of year.”
Oh. Ben realized, and it hung there, unforgiving and deep.  
“It’s been five years.” Richie whispered. “Five years and he’s still gone. Seven years and Stan’s still mad at me. 12 years I’ve not been allowed to meet my god-daughter. 27 years and I still wake up in the night thinking a spear has gone through my skull.” he met Ben’s eyes. “What a world I’m living in.”  
“So what led you here?” Ben asked, now genuinely curious, and eager to push the conversation more comfortable; even though he knew it wouldn’t get there anytime soon.  
Richie hung his head, this time not for comedy or drama – Ben knew this time it was shame, and when his chin lifted back up, his eyes were dead, and watery.  
“I didn’t think I’d survive this year if I were alone.” Richie admitted. “And I wanted to believe there would be people wanting to help me stay.”  
Beverly and Ben looked at each other again, Ben wanted to get up and hold her, make her feel better and safer and to ask Richie to leave and take care of himself somewhere else but instead he got up and wrapped his arms around Richie.
It wasn’t reflective of how he felt. He was upset with Richie. He had seen how Richie could get when he was at lows like this. He could get angry – almost violently so – and often dangerous. Ben had a family. He had kids. He wasn’t going to let Richie get away with that again. But...
But Richie was still his friend, and he still deserved comfort.  
Richie sunk into Ben’s arms, tensing and relaxing and tensing and relaxing and desperate and hesitant and for the first time Ben stopped thinking about how Richie had hurt Ben, and instead considered if Richie had hurt himself.  
“You can stay with us Rich.” Beverly supplied, and Ben nodded in agreement. “As long as you keep your shirt on and you talk to us.”  
“I’m better.” Richie said wetly. “I’m trying really hard to be better, I promise I won’t ever – I won’t - I-I'm sorry-”
And then Richie broke down crying. His body jolted and shook, and while Ben couldn’t feel the tears through his hoodie, he knew they were there. Ben sunk down, holding Richie gently and bringing his chin to Richie’s shoulder. Beverly was behind him, her hands on Richie’s back, rubbing up and down slowly. She and Ben stared at each other for a while. Richie continued to choke out “I’m sorry”s and “I’ll be better”s and other sad, lonely phrases at were making Ben’s heart crack and pop.
Richie was never known to cry for long, but when he finally pulled back from Ben, the bags under his eyes were swollen and pink. “I’m sorry.” he mumbled, sucking in a gulp of air. “I gotta pull back.”  
“No no no,” Ben hushed, keeping his hands on Richie’s shoulders. Beverly had disappeared into the hallway to tell the kids they had an uncle who was going to be staying with them. Ben was never the most emotionally intelligent, but he figured he could handle this. “It’s okay Rich. You don’t have to pull back anything. We’re here for you. You need some comfort, a-and safety, and Bev and I are happy to provide.”
“You’re not mad?” Richie’s voice came out like a whisper, the look in his eyes made him look like a scared child.
“Do you want me to be mad?” And with Richie’s sudden childlike nature, Ben put on his Dad voice.
“I just don’t want the anger to be a surprise later.”  
Ben nodded. He understood. He sat up and took a deep breath.
“Okay.” He closed his eyes. He had to be thoughtful about this. Richie’s gaze slowly burned into him. He chose every word slowly and deliberately. “I... What you did to Bev and I was... traumatic. It was dangerous, and inexcusable. I know... Why you did...what you did. And I’m willing to accept that you weren't in any stable state of mind when you did it. But you still did it. And... mental health... mental illness... that’s an explanation. Not an excuse. And I will not let it happen again. In any form or fashion. I... I know you’re better. Getting better. Have gotten better. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t getting better. You’re still struggling, but you’re reaching out – looking for people who will help you, and that’s... that’s amazing. I’m really proud of you. And I know this isn’t easy. You’ve been through a lot of intense... hardships. And I’m both very proud and happy that you’re still with us. I’m, of course, open and ready to help you grow and get better from here. You deserve that much. I know you would do the same for me. I’m willing to... look past your... behavior. What you’ve done. But I will not, will not forget what you’re capable of. I’ll help you for sure. Same with Bev. But I will keep an eye on you. And if I decide that you pose a threat to my family – my wife, my kids? I will fucking kill you.”
Ben’s eyes had gone dark and his hands had dropped from Richie’s shoulder down in his own lap. His body language was mostly calm, but seeing a stormy rumble in Ben’s eyes gave Richie the shivers. Hot damn he forgot how scary Ben could be.  
(Though this should not be a surprise to Richie, Ben is 6’3” and 250 lbs of muscle and fatherly love. He could snap Richie in half.)
Richie nodded when he realized Ben was done. He almost wanted to say yes sir like he was talking to a drill sergeant or something but then he’d pop a boner and he’s learned over the decades of knowing Ben that boners made Ben uncomfortable, so he just nodded.  
Ben took a deep breath. “I’m not...” He stopped and tilted his head, like some ghost behind him was whispering the words. “I know you’re doing better. And I need you to understand I don’t expect you to get like you were that night. I know you better than that now.”  
Richie nodded again, this time more earnestly.
Ben smiled; it made his entire presence feel warmer. Damn these kids have a good dad.
“Thanks man,” Richie’s throat felt destroyed. “For being honest and shit with me. Needed a good slap on the wrists.”
Ben made an undecipherable face. “No, no you didn’t. C’mere.” And they hugged again.  
“We have a guest room, it’s all yours. The house wakes up at around seven, every morning, and the kids are all in bed by ten at night, just so you know.” he went on, and his voice went softer the longer he spoke. Richie could almost throw up with how sweet it was, how much Ben adored his kids.  
Richie rubbed his eyes and face. “I have so many damn birthdays and shit to make up for.” he sighed. “I gotta take those little bastards shopping I think.”
“Maybe you could reel the language in, Rich?” Ben asked politely, and Richie nodded, mumbling a soft ‘sorry’ before Ben pointed behind him. “You never know when you have an audience.”
Richie looked over his shoulder, and Bev had reappeared with three little gremlins (Or, “children” as Richie was told they were called).  
“This is your uncle Richie.”
Oh my cock coming christ I’m their uncle Richie.
Richie smiled, really big, toothy, genuine smile, for the first time in a while. The three of the looked uncomfortable, but curious.  
The smallest of the three, the one who had that soft ass purple blanket Richie took earlier, stomped forward and pointed his little sausage fist at Richie with rage. “Don’t touch my blanket! It’s mine and you’re not allowed to steal!”
Richie nodded. Those are some solid terms. Motherfucker knows how to tell someone off. “You’re right. I’m very sorry, it was wrong of me to steal from you, I will never do it again. I promise.” And Richie put his hand out to shake.  
The Kid gave Richie a suspicious glare, and then shook his hand – oh my god his little hand he’s so small what a little dude what the fuck - carefully, like he had just bet the house on the ponies. He was the smallest alright, with a pair of big chaotic eyes. Richie could tell he was the one who steals from the cookie jar.
“My name is JJ. I am the... Th-the brains of the operation.” JJ said, like he was some war boss and not a nine-year-old. “These are my siblings-”
“Eliott.” the middle kid who looked so much like Ben Richie thought he was going to have to lay down. It was like he was back in 1989, that summer when they all met, if Ben had dropped 60 lbs at random. He had the same round face, brown eyes and mousy brown hair. He looked bored out of his damn mind. Richie figured he didn’t need to steal from the cookie jar. Eliott had a secret stash or something. “Hi.”  
“Man of few words, I respect that.” Richie nodded, saying nothing more before he started called the poor kid ‘haystack’.
JJ was still holding onto Richie’s hand. His palm was bigger than the kid's entire outstretched hand. “That’s Elieen. She’s gross and twelve.”
Elieen, who looked like Beverly but with long hair, longer than Bev’s ever was, well kept bangs and brown eyes, made the most teenage face as she rolled her eyes and tried to turn on her heels to go back down the hall, presumably to her room. Beverly stopped her and said, quietly but with a firm tone: Say hi, please. Just say hello.
“Hi. I like your tattoos. I’m not gross.” She said sharply, with a little head twitch and a wave of her fingers.  
Richie looked down to his fingers as he said “Oh thank you, I don’t know how they got there.” He had become so desensitized to his tattoos he only really recognized them when someone brought them up. Normally this was limited to children, punk teenagers and really angry catholic grandmas. “I didn’t think you were; Little Man doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
JJ scrunched his tiny face together. “Yes I do!”
“No one under four feet tall knows what they’re talking about.” Richie told him. Ben snorted and then repressed laughter behind him. “It’s a fact of life.”  
JJ didn’t look convinced until Richie said fact of life. Then he dropped everything and started to really think about it. He looked at Bev, and then at Ben (who was still trying to not laugh) and then to the floor.
“Maybe. I think I'm more than four feet tall.”  
Richie wanted to say “maybe” in that ambivalent tone you give kids when they say absolutely anything, but Eliott, without missing a beat, said: “You'd be wrong.”  
“Cold-blooded.” Richie said to Beverly, smiled and ran her nails over Eliotts scalp. Eliott blinked harshly and shivered.  
These kids... Richie liked these kids.
“Uncle Richie, shall I show you to your room?” Ben said, probably using his Dad Senses to know the kids were done with their introductions.
“Sure thing.” Richie looked down to JJ, who was now very interested in the circuits tattooed onto Richie’s fingers. “Thanks for the introduction Little Man. Bring it in.” He stood up off the breakfast bar and brought his other hand out to a fist for, as the kids bluntly say, a fist bump.
JJ scurried almost, staring up at Richie and it seemed like he was realizing for the first time that Richie was an adult, who was 6’4 and covered neck to waist in tattoos, had long curly hair and two very pierced ears. Richie thought he realized this because he jumped once and said, loudly: “You look like a Rockstar!”
“Rockstar?! Where?!” Richie yelped, faking panic, and JJ dissolved into a fit of giggles. JJ gave Richie a fist bump and continued to grin wildly. His hair was brown, like his dads, but it was bushy and wild curly like his moms. He had the big contagious grin Bev had too.
Richie smiled at Elieen, who was going that dumb young teenager thing of trying to look cool by pretending you don’t think anything is funny, and pointed a finger gun at Eliott, who looked like he actually didn’t think anything was funny, and with a totally straight face, did a finger gun back.  
The guest room was nice. Like, hotel nice. A nice tall lamp, a shrimpy, empty desk, a nice big queen-sized bed, with a ton of drawers and shelves in and around the frame, which really drew away from the fact that the room was otherwise empty, quiet, kind of sad and there were no sheets on the mattress.  
Ben opened up the blue blackout curtains and the whole room felt a lot nicer. “I’ll get some sheets and make the bed for you, so you have some blankets and stuff.”  
“No way man I’ll just use Elliot. He’s stiff as a board. Just make him plank all night.”
Ben smiled at that but shook his head. “You’ll just have to make due with blankets.”
“What about all three of them? They can rotate through the night.” Richie called after Ben as he left the room. “They can- They can take shifts!”
Richie laughed to himself and took a breath in the dusty, lonely little guest room outside Chicago Illinois. One week ago, if you had asked him where he thought he’d be a week from then he would’ve said dead or sleeping or in an alleyway, dying. But instead, he was states away from home, in a well-lit guest room, alive. Sober.  
He shuddered and turned around, to see a wide eyed Elieen in the door way, holding his bag in her arms. Richie took it from her and without really thinking about it said “Thanks Chica.” and then stopped abruptly.  
When they were kids, and first becoming friends, Richie tried an array of nicknames on Beverly, and every time he gave her a new one, it made her skittish. Every member of Bev’s bloodline Rich had met (That being two of them, Beverly Marsh and Al “Asshole” Marsh) were standoffish as hell. The last thing Richie wanted was to freak out the 12-year-old as a weird, nickname giving 40-year-old show pig.  
But Elieen just broke into a semi-shy grin that reminded Richie of smoke breaks and scrunched up her nose with a tilt of her head. Her hair swayed to the side.
“Chica?” She asked. “Is that Spanish or something?”
Richie felt a wave of relief. “Yeah it’s just Spanish for girl. Nothing fancy. You gotta earn fancy nicknames.”
Elieen leaned pressed her back to the doorframe and watched Richie open his duffle bag on the bed, tossing out the vitals: phone chargers, notebooks, laptop. “What are my parent’s fancy nicknames?”
“Your mom used to be Chica, when we were kids.” Richie said, and heard the fondness in his voice. “When we didn’t know each other that well. Nowadays, she’s Poppet, or Red. And your dad is Haystack, or Benvolio.”  
“Benvolio?” Elieen mumbled, clearly trying to figure it out. “Poppet- Do you mean poppy? Like the flower?”  
“No, I mean Poppet.” Richie promised, with no further explaination. He plugged his phone charger into the wall.  
Elieen let out a half-chuckle. “You’re weird.”
Richie swung around from where he was facing the wall. “Yeah I am!”
Elieen made a fun face and wandered back down the hallway. Richie heard her relay the conversation to someone in the living room.  
Richie sat on the bed. He let out a long sigh. Then he smiled again. Genuinely. The longer he was in the room the less it felt like a hotel. Outside the doorway, he could hear the rest of the house in motion. It was barely 11am. JJ saying “I want pancakes!” despite him having breakfast not half an hour ago. Eliott explaining Benvolio to Eileen and Ben correcting him. The sound of a washing machine rumbling through the walls. Beverly was using a sewing machine across the hall in her office.  
At home, Richie’s house was very quiet. His hobbies needed headphones, and he didn’t know his neighbors. He had lived alone for five years, at that point. Being in a family house felt... nostalgic.
He closed his eyes and tried to picture the last get-together the losers had, all seven of them in one place. It was Halloween, 2008. Richie was Elvis Presley, Bev was an 80s workout teacher, Ben was a candy monster (he glued a bunch of gross kinds of candy to a black sweater and wore it under a brown jacket with a witch hat – apparently it's from a cartoon), Bill didn’t dress up, he never did, Mike went as Bill, Stan was a cockatoo (He had an amazing costume, always did) and Eddie-
The thought of Eddie threw Richie’s smile off-kilter. That year Eddie was... a stereotype. He went as a stereotype. He had a bowtie and his hair combed back and suspenders and khakis and spent the whole night talking in a weird, high-tone sassy way, with his hand on his hip and a cheesy fake grin on his face.  
He always did weird costumes like that. He would go as “the scariest thing you could imagine” and show up as tax paperwork. He would go as “a hideous monster” and tape a mirror to his shirt. Dumb, easy stuff like that. It made Richie so happy to see him do that because it upset everyone to see him in a costume like that (he would go as “Late” and show up ready to hit the fucking Beach) but Richie knew Eddie looked forward to it every year.  
Richie missed him. So much.  
But he wanted to believe Eddie wouldn’t want him to be miserable. With or without Eddie around, Richie knew he had to fix his mood. He wanted his second year of sobriety to kick off with a bang. Reuniting with Ben and Bev and meeting their kids was step one. Step two...
There was someone Richie pissed off a long time ago. Someone Richie would give his entire right leg to see again.  
He wondered, for a second, if Stan even wanted to see him.
Ah, of course he does, that crazy bastard. Can’t dress up as a cockatoo and expect Richie Tozier not to show up at your door step. Stan has Richie’s god daughter for Christ sakes. Can’t keep him from her for long. And he can’t kiss Patty from this far away!
Richie nodded to himself. He would fix what he had broken with Stan. After that? Who knows? Maybe he’d convince the kids to take up planking.
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meanstreetspodcasts · 4 years
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“To generations of TV fans, Lucille Ball is best known as Lucy Ricardo, and her antics involving Vitameatavegamin and the errant conveyor belt are iconic comedy moments. Big laughs were in short supply when she visited Suspense, but Lucille Ball always shined in her appearances on “radio’s outstanding theater of thrills.” She played characters far from her screen persona - women in dangerous situations trying to stay a step ahead of a killer or trying to pull off a crime of her own.
“Dime a Dance” - Her first visit is one of the all-time great Suspense shows. Lucy plays a dance hall hostess whose friend is the latest victim of a serial killer targeting dancers all over town. An undercover cop is assigned to keep an eye on her, but even he could be the killer. Cornell Woolrich’s story was the basis for this episode which makes chilling use of the song “Poor Butterfly” and features a terrifying climax. (Originally aired on CBS on January 13, 1944)
“The Ten Grand” - A woman who’s down to her last dollar has her purse stolen in the subway. When it’s returned to her, it’s suddenly stuffed full of ten thousand dollars in cash. It could be a blessing, or a curse. (Originally aired on CBS on June 22, 1944)
“A Shroud for Sarah” - Lucy’s got a pair of husbands in this show - one is a crook who’s just been wounded in a shoot-out, and the other is a candidate for governor. Lucy wants to be in the governor’s mansion, and she concocts a plan to kill off her husband’s competition. (Originally aired on CBS on October 25, 1945)
“A Little Piece of Rope” - One of my personal favorites, this one stars Lucy as a baby-faced woman who poses as a schoolgirl in need of a ride and then robs the lecherous men who pick her up. The scheme grows more complicated when she realizes her latest mark was a strangler who’s been killing women all over town. (Originally aired on CBS on October 14, 1948)
“The Red-Headed Woman” -  Lucy co-stars with her then-husband Desi Arnaz in this thriller. It starts off like Psycho, as Lucy absconds with the payroll from her office and strikes out on her own. While on her trip, she hears a report of a pair of robbers - a man and a woman she thinks she keeps encountering.(Originally aired on CBS on November 17, 1949)
“Early to Death” - Sadly, the sound quality of Lucille Ball’s final Suspense show isn’t great, but if you can bear with it you’re in for a good story (once again co-starring Desi Arnaz) about a pair of crooks on the hunt for a fortune. (Originally aired on April 12, 1951)
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Danny and Misty so do cop play sorry not sorry I don't make the rules.
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Julia Headcanons
- Her father is British, mother is Chinese. She’s an only child.
- Grew up in Cambridge, UK.
- Father is the curator of the Natural History Museum in London. I really can’t think of much else about him right now...
- Mother has very traditional Chinese values. Very strict on her daughter. When upset enough, she’ll speak solely in Mandarin.
-Julia is tri-lingual. Speaks Mandarin, French, and English.
- Was on her school’s football (soccer) team, throughout her primary/high school years.
- Plays the piano.
-Her rebellious teenage years consisted of cutting her hair short and dying it purple. Her mother was livid.
- Realized she was attracted to women junior/senior year of high school. But wasn’t until sophomore year of college she had her first real relationship; Charlotte.
- Met her in college. Charlotte was studying for her BA in Liberal Arts. Present day is a publicist for a The Western Mail in Cardiff.
- Toward the end of sophomore year, Julia met Charlotte’s parents, they adored her. Then one day, Charlotte asks to meet Julia’s parents.
Julia: Um, I don’t think that’s the best idea..
But Julia introduces Charlotte anyway, because she asked, and they cared about each other, and on the other-worldly chance things went alright.. it didn’t. Julia’s parents stopped helping her pay for school. To this day, they haven’t talked much.
-Julia put herself through college. Through work, aids, and scholarships. Has a BA in Criminology, minor in History. Graduated The University of Manchester, with honors.
- Senior year, Julia was so driven and one track minded about school and her future career, she put all of her energy into it. She didn’t make time for Charlotte, or anything else. Charlotte noticed how much Julia cared about her future and progression, she broke the relationship off.
Charlotte: Julia, I don’t think this- a relationship is what you’re wanting out of life right now. Just please be safe out there in that big world of cops and robbers, alright?- and be kind to yourself.
- Is terrified by babies. At birthday parties, get-togethers... whatever.
Want to hold the baby, Julia? Nope, Nope, Nope. They’re so small and fragile, what if I drop you or you start screaming.. you probably don’t even like me back.. Julia: Hello, ..tiny person.
Then Julia gets this response one time “Oh Julia, it’ll be different when you have one..” Julia: Uh.. no, Lucy I won’t...
AU Bonus
Shadowsan, basically; You are a good person, and you make my daughter happy, therefore you are my daughter now. I am adopting you. I will love and support you no matter what. *wraps Julia in a very abrupt hug* my child.
Julia, about in tears; Okay...
-They sometimes have tea and play chess.
If y’all want to add to this, please do. More love for Jules.
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papermoonloveslucy · 7 years
S6;E14 ~ December 31, 1973
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Directed by Coby Ruskin ~ Written by Bob Carroll Jr. and Madelyn Davis
Lucy forms a neighborhood watch group and starts seeing criminals where there are none.  After several false alarms to the local police, a real burglar actually shows up!
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Regular Cast
Lucille Ball (Lucy Carter), Gale Gordon (Harrison Otis Carter), Lucie Arnaz (Kim Carter)
Guest Cast
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Mary Jane Croft (Mary Jane) played Betty Ramsey during season six of “I Love Lucy. ” She also played Cynthia Harcourt in “Lucy is Envious” (ILL S3;E23) and Evelyn Bigsby in “Return Home from Europe” (ILL S5;E26). She played Audrey Simmons on “The Lucy Show” but when Lucy Carmichael moved to California, she played Mary Jane Lewis, the actor’s married name and the same one she uses on all 31 of her episodes of “Here’s Lucy. Her final acting credit was playing Midge Bowser on “Lucy Calls the President” (1977). She died in 1999 at the age of 83. 
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Mary Wickes (Violet Barker) was one of Lucille Ball’s closest friends and at one time, a neighbor. She made a memorable appearances on “I Love Lucy” as ballet mistress Madame Lamond in “The Ballet” (ILL S1;E19). In her initial “Lucy Show” appearances her characters name was Frances, but she then made four more as a variety of characters for a total of 8 episodes. This is one of her 9 appearances on “Here’s Lucy.” Their final collaboration on screen was “Lucy Calls the President” in 1977.
Al Lewis (Lionel Barker) is remembered to this day as Grandpa (aka Count Dracula) on TV’s “The Munsters” (1964-66), a show that aired concurrently with “The Lucy Show.” Prior to that he played Officer Schnauzer (also opposite Fred Gwynn) in “Car 54, Where Are You?”  
The Barker’s daughter Carolyn and son-in-law Fred live in San Francisco and are expecting a baby.  
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Dick Sargent (Officer Spencer, left) had just finished up playing Darrin Stephens on “Bewitched” when he filmed this episode. Sargent was the second actor to play the role, replacing Dick York in 1969. Sargent continued to act on television until his death in 1994 at age 64.  
Sargent’s “Bewitched” clout earns him “Guest Star” status in the final credits.
Gary Crosby (Officer Riggs, right) was the son of crooner Bing Crosby. Like his father he was both an actor and a singer. This is his only appearance with Lucille Ball. He died in 1995 at age 62.
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Gino Conforti (Burglar) began his TV acting career in 1968 and has been continually working since, although mostly as one-off characters. He had a recurring role as Felipe on “Three’s Company” from 1980 to 1982, a series Lucille Ball admired. This is his first time acting with Ball, but he will also be seen in Lucy’s two teleplays “Lucy Gets Lucky” and “Three for Two” both in 1975.  
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Shirley Anthony (Mrs. Shackleford, behind sofa, uncredited) makes the ninth of her 13 appearances of “Here’s Lucy.”  
Mrs. Shackleford has a brother who lives in Berkeley.  
Eddie Garrett (Mr. Shackleford, standing, uncredited) is probably best remembered for playing Ed, the crime photographer on “Quincy M.E.” from 1976 to 1983. This is his final episode of “Here’s Lucy.”
Anthony and Garrett are the only cast members not involved in the chaotic ending of the episode.
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Although season 6 is now more than a dozen episodes old, this installment was meant to be aired first. Instead, it originally aired on New Year’s Eve 1973 and (naturally) was the last new episode of the calendar year. The show’s only competition that night was the annual Sugar Bowl Game on ABC. Some sources, including the series DVD, incorrectly list the original air date of this episode as November 26, 1973.  
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Although airing on New Year’s Eve, the show wasn’t about the holiday. Because using actual dates or years was generally discouraged on TV (to keep episodes current in future syndication) there was only one “Lucy” show themed around the turning of the calendar: “Chris’s New Year’s Eve Party” (TLS S1;E14), first broadcast on December 31, 1962.  
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Lucille Ball wears a fuller, more mature wig that she never wears again. This episode also does not yet incorporate Ball’s soft-focus lens.
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Rumor has it that the police officers were supposed to be played by “Adam-12” (1968-75) co-stars Martin Milner and Kent McCord. Like “Here’s Lucy,” the NBC police drama was filmed on the Universal lot. Gary Crosby played a recurring role on “Adam-12.” In the script, one officer says to the other “I think we’ve been riding together too long” which would have been even funnier had it been an already famous pair of policemen like Milner and McCord.  
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Al Lewis was also part of a famous cop show, the comedy “Car 54, Where Are You?” (1961-63) where Joe E. Ross partnered with Fred Gwynn, a year before Lewis and Gwynn teamed for “The Munsters” (1964-66).  
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In his DVD introduction to the episode, Gino Conforti (Burglar) says that Lucille Ball thought he was a very athletic person because he was able to jump over the banister!
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Harry announces that he’s just gotten his first color TV set – a 23” screen with remote control. He plans to watch Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra (“She can ride on my barge anytime!”). Lucy informs him that Walter Cronkite has baby blue eyes. Taylor guest starred as herself in the season three opener “Lucy Meets the Burtons” (S3;E1). On “The Lucy Show” Lucy Carmichael played Cleopatra in a community theatre production of Anthony and Cleopatra in an episode aired the same year Taylor’s film premiered. Coincidentally, that was the first episode of “The Lucy Show” to be filmed in color, although CBS did not air the series in color until fall of 1965.  
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Remembering that Lucy had just completed filming on the motion picture musical Mame before season six started, there are detectable traces of Auntie Mame’s theatricality and upper class diction in Lucille Ball’s performance here.  
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Neighborhood watches began developing in the late 1960s as a response to the rape and murder of Kitty Genovese in Queens, New York. People became outraged after reports that a dozen witnesses did nothing to save Genovese or to apprehend her killer. Officer Riggs says that in the US, a burglary is committed every 15 seconds. Depending on the source, current statistics say between 13 and 18 seconds.  
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The surname Barker will be used by Lucille Ball for the last of her television characters in “Life With Lucy” (1986-87).  The name continues her habit of using the letter combination AR (for Arnaz) in all her character names: RicARdo, CARmichael, CARter, and BARker. Lucille Ball’s friend Carole Lombard’s mother told Lucille it would be good luck when Lucy first married Desi in the 1940s.
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Seeing Harry’s cathedral style radio, she asks him if he listens to “Amos ‘n’ Andy.” The original radio show, which was popular from 1928 until 1960, was created, written and voiced by two white actors. When the radio show moved to television in 1951 (the same year that Lucille Ball’s radio show “My Favorite Husband” turned into TV’s “I Love Lucy”), black actors were hired. Sam McDaniel, the first black actor to speak lines on “I Love Lucy” in 1955, was seen on four episodes of “Amos ‘n’ Andy.” Despite decent ratings, CBS pulled the show when the NAACP complained of how they believed blacks were being depicted on this show. The syndicated reruns were pulled from circulation in 1966 after similar protests.
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When Lucy comes tearing in from buying some ice cream, she carries a red and white striped paper sack. Although the company name has been removed, this is undoubtedly a bag from Wil Wright’s Ice Cream, a California business that Lucille Ball adored. Virtually unknown on the East Coast, Wil Wright’s was a chain of old time ice cream parlors that dotted the West Coast until going out of business in the mid-1970s. Their rich recipe and variety of flavors made them a favorite of stars like Lucy and Marilyn Monroe. Wil Wright’s was mentioned by Ethel Mertz in  “Bullfight Dance” (ILL S4;E22) while the Ricardo’s and Mertzes were living in Hollywood. Like Lucille Ball, Lucy Carter also adores ice cream. Harry calls her an “ice cream freak.”  
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Lucy repeats her address on the telephone: 4863 Valley Long Drive. Earlier in the series, Harry also gave this as his address.
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Unbeknownst to Lucy, Harry is adjusting Lucy’s rooftop TV antenna. Lucy thinks he’s a burglar and calls the cops. When Lucy asks if that was him up there, her bellows “Well, it wasn’t the 'Fiddler on the Roof’!”  Fiddler on the Roof was a 1964 stage musical that was made into an Oscar-winning film in 1971. Coincidentally, Gino Conforti, who plays the Burglar in this episode, was the original Fiddler on Broadway. The stage production also starred Bea Arthur, Lucille Ball’s Mame co-star.
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Viewers have not seen the second living room closet since Harry and Craig hid their documentary camera in it in “Lucy, The American Mother” (S3;E7). In this episode the closet is in a slightly different place than it was in 1970.
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When Harry panics after being locked in the closet by the Burglar, Lucy slaps him and he says “Thanks. I needed that.”  This is a reference to a ubiquitous TV commercial for Mennen Skin Bracer men’s cologne. The TV ads originally starred John Goodman (“Roseann”).  
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The steamer trunk in the closet bears a sticker for The French Line. The venerable steamship company specialized in transatlantic crossings on its flagship France, but also maintained two smaller vessels, the Antilles and the Flandre. The heyday of the France was from 1962 to 1974, when it sold the France to Norwegian Cruise lines. While Lucy Carter never spoke of a transatlantic cruise, she did go to Hawaii from California.  Lucy Ricardo famously went to Europe from New York on the SS Constitution, a ship which sailed under the American Export Lines banner. 
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This episode is a loose remake of “Lucy Cries Wolf” (ILL S4;E3) in which Lucy Ricardo keeps claiming that criminals are up to no good in the neighborhood – until they finally are!  The storyline was inspired by the real-life theft of Lucille Ball’s jewelry from a Chicago hotel in 1950.  
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There were also six people tightly crammed into the Ricardo’s living room closet in “Drafted” (ILL S1;E11) in 1951, also written by Davis (then Pugh) and Carroll. 
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Scheduling SNAFU! Kim wonders why she’s been asked to attend a neighborhood watch meeting when she’s moved to her own apartment a year and a half ago!  The episode where Kim moved out was aired February 28, 1972. Had “Lucy Plays Cops and Robbers” aired as the season 6 opener, Kim’s dates would work out perfectly, but due to the delay, she is three months off.
Hello Dolly? There is quite a bit of camera shake as the officer’s enter the living room, something rarely seen on the series.
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Memory Lapse! Harry is visibly smitten with Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra, but neither Harry nor Lucy mention having met her when Lucy got Taylor’s million-dollar diamond ring stuck on her finger in “Lucy Meets the Burtons” (S3;E1).  
Wardrobe Malfunction! While listening to the officers, Lucille Ball notices something on the left leg of her black trousers, so while looking at her wristwatch, she tries to rub it off with her other hand.
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Props! Throughout the episode, even though they’ve never been seen before, Lucy’s “good candlesticks” that have “been in the family for generations” (they are actually silver candelabras) are sitting out on the kitchen hatch ledge – talk about burglar bait!  
Name Game! Lucy calls the Barkers’ daughter 'Carolyn’ (rhymes with 'fin’) and the Police Officers call her 'Caroline’ (rhymes with 'fine’). Earlier in the episode, Violet Barker (the mother) called her daughter 'Carolyn’ which is what Lucy said. Mother knows best!
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Research! The Burglar calls Harry’s antique radio a 1927 Atwater Kent, but he is a few years off. The 1927 models were rectangular and did not have cathedral-style cabinetry.  
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“Lucy Plays Cops and Robbers” rates 4 Paper Hearts out of 5
This episode combines lots of reliable Lucy plotting (crying wolf) with some of TV’s greatest actors!  
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mamabearcat · 6 years
NaLu Fic Recs - SFW
Sooo, there was a bit of chat on the NaLu Discord about fic recs. I have read a lot of fan fiction; for a while there I had terrible insomnia, and I would go to bed, read fics all night, and then get up and start my day. 
But now you get the benefits! Here are just some of my favourite SFW fanfics. All these are completed fics on Fanfiction.net I have heaps of favourites that aren’t completed, and may never be, which is a little heartbreaking, but just the nature of the beast I guess. 
But, I digress - behold, a list of SFW fanfics for your viewing pleasure...and remember, if you read, give the writer some review love.
One Shots
Just Fine by Sofiesticated:  After being tortured for months, Lucy has begun to isolate herself, trying to assure people (mostly herself) that she's fine, but a certain Dragon Slayer doesn't give up on her so easy. Rated: Fiction M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - [Lucy H., Natsu D.] - Words: 1,986
Play List by GeminiMab:  Every one loves new tech toys right? Well Lucy does! Unfortunately so does her team. Lots of friendly feels and a few sweet moments. Just a fun story that's worth a read for a laugh- Rated for cursing *I do not own FT or any of the other copyrighted material found within. I only own my plot line and insanity* ****Mostly placed Post Manga but could go anywhere after Tartarus**** Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Friendship - Team Natsu - Words: 6,328
Gift of the Sea by notjustanyfangirl:  Natsu is intrigued by the sad blonde girl that comes to the pier every evening, and decides to do something about it. An unexpected friendship leads to unexpected revelations. Mermaid!AU Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Friendship - [Lucy H., Natsu D.] - Words: 6,458
Are You Still Watching by HerFairy:  Lucy needs a break from her overbearing father. What better way than watching Netflix over someone's shoulder at the library?Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor/Romance - [Lucy H., Natsu D.] - Words: 2,290
Love Me Now by Chikachoo:  Lucy had been through many bad experiences but this time almost broke her. She had never wished for the presence of a certain dragon slayer, with hair the colour of cherry blossoms, more than now. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Angst - [Lucy H., Natsu D.] - Words: 5,439
Cops and Robbers by Rivendel101:  Lucy wakes up to the sound of running water, a blinding light, and a crick in her neck that tells her she had a really rough night. Though, she probably could have deduced that without the pain, considering she's pretty sure she fell asleep in a bathtub last night, according to her slightly hazy memory. (Rated for language and inappropriate thoughts by Lucy) Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - [Natsu D., Lucy H.] - Words: 3,120
One Other Thing by xxSiLvErDrAgOnxx:  After Chapter 489 - Natsu and Lucy are sent home after their battle with August for some R&R because of an injury Lucy sustained, while the Guild plans its next move. Lucy's stubbornness brings out Natsu's frustration which only serves to irritate Lucy when she misunderstands the intention behind his words. Rated: Fiction T - English - Fantasy/Romance - Lucy H., Natsu D. - Words: 4,908
Together by SolidScriptJess:  "So don't you ever for a second think that I would wish to trade you. You're the light of my life you aggravating, irritating, loud, weird, caring, selfless, strong, beautiful girl. I love you so much." NaLu one-shot in which they've just moved in together and Lucy is trying to come to terms with the fact that Natsu had been engaged to Lisanna before he met her.Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Angst - [Lucy H., Natsu D.] Lisanna S. - Words: 2,814
Eye of the Beholder by madartiste:  Natsu realizes something about Lucy after seeing her in her old habitat. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance - [Natsu D., Lucy H.] Erza S., Gray F. - Words: 2,915
Plan H by Toxineena:  So far, Erza and Gray were on plan H; H for hot spring. Needless to say, Natsu and Lucy hadn't been very cooperative. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - Natsu D., Lucy H. - Words: 4,834
Plan I by Toxineena: It was like his heart was just saying: Her. It has to be her, and no one else. Sequel to Plan H. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - Natsu D., Lucy H. - Words: 6,911
Thoughts from the Bathroom Sink by Tonoxic:  It felt kind of weird looking at her work from between his legs. Funny thing is he didn't even come here for this. In fact, he didn't even know she could do this. He was going to wait till morning for that but as soon as he had stepped into town, his mind instantly thought "I wonder what Lucy is doing?"  Rated T for angry Lucy's swearing.Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance - Lucy H., Natsu D. - Words: 2,433
Snow White and the Fairy Tail Mages by InLoveWithFairyTail:  The Fairy Tail gang decides to act out the classic story of Snow White! And it went well! Hahaha, no. No, it didn't. If it did, what would be the point of this story? "Our bedroom door's open!" "Wait one f***ing minute, we sleep in the same BEDROOM?" Rated T for swearing. One-shot.Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Parody - Team Natsu, Laxus D., Mirajane S. - Words: 4,276
Sausages – A Breakfast Story by Aryndiel:  Lucy needs some cheering up, and Natsu is just the man for the job. But the advice he's getting seems a bit strange. Will breakfast really help? More importantly, is Gray's face going to freeze that way? Why did Bixlow just spit his beer? What's wrong with Romeo? And will Gajeel ever find the answer to the question everyone's wondering about?Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - [Lucy H., Natsu D.] - Words: 3,915
 Chapter Fics
Winter’s Blight by McSquidster:  Natsu had trusted Gray with Lucy's life, and the raven haired boy would be damned if he let their captors do anything to her. Nuclear Winter AU. Warnings: Mentions of rape and cannibalism.Rated: Fiction T - English - Suspense/Hurt/Comfort - [Lucy H., Natsu D.] Gray F., Jackal - Chapters: 5 - Words: 43,430  
Cops and Writers by jrhcomet:  Lucy Heartfilia, accomplished author, is in for the ride of her life when she teams up with Detective Natsu Dragneel to solve cases around Magnolia. (Castle with Fairy Tail) Please review, this is my first fanfic and tips are always welcome! I do not own Fairy Tail! Only this plot is mine. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor - Lucy H., Natsu D. - Chapters: 23 - Words: 31,509
Life in Technicolour by stopnatsu:  Lucy Heartfilia has grown accustomed to seeing life in black and white, but she dreams of a more colorful world. Desperate to find where she belongs, she leaves her life behind, intent on fulfilling her childhood dream of seeing a rainbow. Will she ever be able to see the beautiful colors of legend? And is it true you can only see them once you meet your soulmate? Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Romance - Lucy H., Natsu D. - Chapters: 29 - Words: 92,011
Virtual Flames by MizzyPlatinum:  A blossoming internet (Tumblr) friendship soon develops into something more. Nalu. AU. Slice of life. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - [Natsu D., Lucy H.] - Chapters: 89 - Words: 241,288
Begin Again by waiting-for-you443:  When journalist Lucy Heartfilia is welcomed home from work by her boyfriend's fists, she does what most would do: calls the police. But when your psycho ex-boyfriend is a cop, things get complicated. It'll take a pair of rookie detectives, a journalist, and the entire Magnolia Police Department to ensure Lucy's safety. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Suspense - [Lucy H., Natsu D.] Gajeel R., Team Natsu - Chapters: 11 - Words: 51,737
Big Sister Lucy by Kayla the kawaii gurl:  All she wanted to do was help young girls follow their dreams and find themselves. She never thought that she would be gaining a little sister and much, much more. AU NaLu! Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance - Lucy H., Natsu D. - Chapters: 25 - Words: 82,041
What Bloomed in the Heart of Winter by starmini:  A chance encounter with the Maiden of Spring sets off a chain of events that threaten the order of the seasons and the fate of the world. The Lord of Winter is willing to plunge the world into chaos for the sake of his desire. Yet, the Lord of Summer and the Maiden of Autumn will fight to stop him. Rated: Fiction K - English - Romance/Drama - Erza S., Gray F., Lucy H., Natsu D. - Chapters: 11 - Words: 28,685
One of the Boys by stopnatsu:  "I love you, Natsu," Lucy had whispered. Natsu smiled and replied, "I love you too, Luce. Like a brother." Nalu AU in which Lucy and Natsu are childhood best friends. Oh, and she's desperately in love with him, but he's too dumb to notice. After leaving to attend an all-girls' prep school, she returns, a changed woman. But will he even notice? Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Drama - [Lucy H., Natsu D.] - Chapters: 18 - Words: 54,533
Warm Feelings by Checkmate-13: Fairy Tail is forced into a team building activity that revolves around anonymous compliments. The consequences of these messages may have a bigger impact than they bargained for. NaLu. Gruvia.Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - [Lucy H., Natsu D.] [Gray F., Juvia L.] - Chapters: 12 - Words: 37,794
Salamander and the Deadly Flu by Hejmdal:  Because given the right circumstances even the hyperactive dragon slayer can become an innocent victim to the "dangerous" disease. Rated for minor swearing (NaLu). Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - [Natsu D., Lucy H.] - Chapters: 25 - Words: 84,054
Possession by HawkofNavarre:  She didn't belong to him...yet. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Friendship - [Lucy H., Natsu D.] - Chapters: 20 - Words: 85,998
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penig · 6 years
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The neighborhood kids are oblivious to such concerns, however.
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peakyblinders1919 · 7 years
Growing Family
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It was an uncharacteristically quiet morning in the Shelby household. Everyone had woken up the usual English rainstorm. There were no birds chirping this particular morning, as the rhythmic sound of rain filled the house.
The kids were stuck inside, reading or playing with their toys absentmindedly while John read the paper. Everything was quiet, and gloomy without you. But the sun was trying to peek through the clouds as Katie watched out the window, tracing the raindrops while she waited for you to come back. She was just starting to lose interest too when she saw it.
“Mum’s home!” Katie yelled, running through house, and right into the rain towards the road where a car sputtered up the long drive. The chickens were in a frenzy as four other pairs of feet thundered through their home, loud squeals and squawks mixing with the distant rumbling of the car.
“Oi, wait, you’ve forgotten your fucking coats” John muttered, realizing it was too late. The toddler in his arms stared at him, laughing and clapping when he swear to which he laughed off, protecting her from the ran as he ran out behind as the kids. They waited anxiously by the fence for you, forgetting about the rain altogether. You looked out the window, a smile spreading across your face as your children came into view. When the car came to a stop, you jumped out, a pair of hands flung around your waist before you could even close the door.
“Oh, hi my lovely.” You said, trying to twist to see who it was, but he wouldn’t let go.
“Hi mum!” Katie said as she appeared next to you, kissing you on the cheek.
“Hi baby. Wow, you must of really missed me.” You giggled as two more bodies hurled into your side, fighting for you attention.
“Oi, give your mother some room to breath, yeah?”
Your head turned in the direction of his voice, watching John walk down the stairs and through the rain with Lucy in his arms. You sighed, content to be back home. A smile spread across your face as his smile was bright as the sun.
“Hi love.”
“Hi,” you breathed, making your way through the army of kids wrapped round your legs to throw yourself at John. Your hands grasped his face hungrily before you pulled him in for a wet, sloppy kiss. The kids giggled but you ignored them, his strong hands wrapping around you as it continued to rain harder. You pulled away finally, lost in his eyes for a second before noticing Lucy’s hands reaching for you. You took her in your arms, smoothing back her wet hair before realizing just how cold and wet it was.
“Alright, everyone inside before you catch a cold, come on now.”
“George, Peter, out of that puddle, c’mon.” John called, kissing you again as you entered the warm shelter of your house as he pulled the twins from a puddle.
He soon had a fire roaring in the fireplace, casting the family room in a refreshing golden glow as the dark light outside continued.
“Thank you sweetheart.” You sighed as John gave you a much needed glass of wine before poking the fire again. You took a sip before Katie crawled into your lap, brushing through her wet hair. “So, you missed me, huh?”
“Yeah,” Katie said as he watched the John finish poking the fire and sit in a chair.
“I sure as hell missed you.”
“I missed you too.” You smiled, the twins running through the room, screaming as they played pretend cop and robber.
“Your sisters sleeping, quiet down.” John scolded and they laughed as the fled from the room again.
“It wasn’t too bad I hope.”
“Eh, I think I did a fine job, right Katie?” John asked, looking at his youngest as you waited anxiously for her reply, now weaving her hair into plaits.
He smiled contently, sitting back in the chair about to close his eyes when Will came walking through, two puppies in tow.
“Uh, John?” You called, stopping what you were doing to look at the lumps of fur shaking off in front of the fire, Katie and Will’s laughs filling the air.
“What the bloody hell is that?”
He opened one eyes, looking around until he saw what you were refering too.
“Right, um, well those are…”
“This is Spot and this is Whisky.” Will said.
“Spot and Whisky, huh?”
“Y/N, the kids, they ambushed me.”
“We did not!” Katie said defensively.
“When there’s five of them screaming and crying about wanting a fucking dog and just one of me, well…”
You shook your head and finished of your glass of wine in record time, watching the carpet get filthy as Will rolled around with the dogs when George and Peter came in with another.
“Boys! What’re you doing!”
“We caught the bad guy Mummy.” George said as the dog cried, wrapped up in string from the boys.
“Oh, and who’s this one?”
“Cookie. I named that one.” Katie said.
“Yes, I could tell.”
You sighed, glaring at John as he untied the dog and it ran from the room, the boys chasing it again.
“Don’t let them in the kitchen.” You called, as Katie scrambled to her feet running after the dog. Meanwhile, your eyes never left John’s.
“Puppies, really?”
“They gained up on me. What was I supposed to do?”
“Uh, how about say no?”
“I couldn’t, if you had seen their faces.” He said, joining you on the couch.
“So you thought five kids wasn’t enough, so why not get three dogs to go along with it? And with Christmas right around the corner, you couldn’t have waited until I was home to even ta-” You were cut off mid sentence as John’s lips were on top of yours, his touch making you forget anything you had been fighting about.
“I missed you.” He said.
“You missed me nagging you?”
“I missed the nagging most of all.” You hit him playfully as he tried kissing you again, capturing your lips once more.
“What are we going to do with three dogs John?”
“I’ll train them. Take them with me when I go hunting. It’ll be like we have 3 new, better behaved kids. We can handle it, right?”
You shook your head in disbelief, slowly leaning over him as you took his face in your hands again.
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