#Luggage innovation
uniquexblogs · 1 year
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blastlight · 9 months
escalators can be fucking scary. They should install Ferris wheels in huge public buildings
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Expansion of Tourism Sector Propels Luggage Industry Growth
The luggage market has garnered $38.55 billion revenue in 2021, and it is projected to advance at 7.45% from 2021 to 2030, to generate $73.60 billion revenue in 2030. It is ascribed to the changing consumer lifestyles, rising travel & tourism industry, and surging disposable income in developing countries.  In addition, rapid urbanization, with rising consumer preference for luxury bags with…
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crazydiscostu · 8 months
Simpletome 4 In 1 Travel Essentials Organizer Bag
Whether you’re a seasoned jet-setter or an occasional traveller, having the right gear can significantly enhance your journey. Simpletome, a brand committed to simplifying everyday life, introduces the 4 In 1 Travel Essentials Organizer Bag, a versatile solution designed to streamline your travel experience. With its multifunctional design and thoughtful features, this organizer bag aims to…
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
Snippet - Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO - The Council
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Silco meets the Council. And ponders his history.
Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
Hatred rises like a toxic effervescence in Silco’s veins.
(These Pilties, eh, Vander?)
(These fucking Pilties.)
In a city whose lifeblood is old money, they are the crème de la crème: an elite group steeped in Piltover's rich heritage of trade and commerce. A century ago, the city was a drowsy backwater, a middling port of fishing settlements and warehouses. The Council's forefathers were Shuriman midshipmen, Ionian merchants, Noxian brigands and Demacian bureaucrats. Men and women who made their fortunes through sheer tenacity and hard graft.
Then came the boom.
Beneath the settlement lay caverns with rich deposits of minerals. Soon, smelters dotted the waterfront, and shipyards sprang up along the bay. Steel became gold. Iron turned to platinum. The age of industry dawned: Piltover blossomed into a manufacturing metropolis.
Then came the Void Wars. In a trice, the city's population doubled. Zhyunian refugees fled by boat; Noxian merchants came by steamships; Demacian scholars boarded trains and Freljordians rode in on zeppelins. Language diversified; the city grew cosmopolitan.
In the coming decades, successive waves of migrants were swept onto Piltover's shores: from noble families seeking to expand their power across Valoran to small-town traders laden with cheap luggage and big dreams. By the century's end, they'd propelled Piltover into a global megacity of palatial mansions, art deco skyscrapers and pristine streets hosed clean every morning before the business hubs threw open their gilded gates to the bon ton.
The population boom meant more houses to build, more food to eat, more clothes to wear. All of which required labor, capital investment, and raw materials.
All of which came from the Fissures.
In theory, the Undercity should have prospered hand-in-hand with Piltover. Yet little of the riches from the Fissures’ recesses was ever relished by the Fissurefolk themselves. They were cut from a different cloth from their over-the-Pilt brethren. Their ancestors were miners and craftsmen, not shipmasters and merchants. Their culture was a clotted stew of customs and dialects; most didn't even speak Piltovan. They weren't born in the city itself but in its shadow, living in close-knit riverside settlements and twilit caverns.
Physically, they resembled deepwater piranhas compared to their sun-kissed kin—narrow bones, wan skins and sharp teeth. Culturally, they were foreigners. And socially, they were inferiors.
Their economy was a rich relic of the Oshra Va'Zaun empire. Their gemcraft and metalworking industries were well-established. Their artisans were peerless and prolific. Their alchemical scholars were the backbone of innovation. They had a robust labor force, a thriving entrepreneurial class, and a history of keen ingenuity.
Their forbearers traded along a flourishing network of maritime ports and river routes. They bartered with Bilgewater; bankrolled the gold mines in Shurima; forged trade deals with Ionia. They even had stakes in the black markets of the Shadow Isles and the mercenary guilds of Noxus.
They did business with every corner of Runeterra. And they did so proudly.
A century's time would turn the glad tidings into bitter tides.
During the first wave, the Undercity's wealth was a windfall for Topside. The demand for labor and resource was insatiable. But the Undercity's resources were finite. When Piltover's population ballooned after the Void Wars, the Fissurefolk were forced to compete. Lacking the natural advantage of fertile terrain and plentiful sunlight, they had no choice but to cut corners. In a trice, the factories and mines teemed with orphans and the elderly, each one paid starvation wages and offered none of the protections aboveground. By the century's end, the Undercity was squeezed dry, a sweatshop with a single employer.
As the upper-city's wealth quadrupled, mercantile clans rose up, each vying for control over the mineral deposits in the Fissures. These overlords were no friends of the poor. Their purview was profit, and profit meant one thing above all else:
Their first order of business was stymieing the Undercity's trade routes and keeping its resources under lock and key. The collapse of the old Sun Gates and the flooding of the Undercity’s ports gave them the perfect pretext. The borders were sealed off in the guise of a safety net. The only routes were now through Piltover's Bridge, and each shipment was heavily taxed.
In time, the Undercity’s local markets choked. A slow strangulation of wealth reduced former artisans and alchemists to scavengers. Tariffs trapped them in a perpetual cycle of debt and debasement. Once-proud traders stooped to selling their own daughters for coin. Others tipped over into outright smuggling.
Then Piltover launched its second phase: a systematic strangulation of the Undercity's voice.
Fissurefolk were barred from owning or leasing property aboveground. Their children were denied access to Topside schools. Their customs were deemed barbaric. Their traditions were branded as backward. Their dialect was derided as guttural filth. They were derogatorily referred to as Sumprakers—as if their entire existence was an aberration.
By the century's end, Piltover had transformed from a trading partner into a hegemony. The Fissurefolk were no longer perceived as citizens, but as the Other.
An enemy within.
Soon, Topside began consolidating power by buying up land around the Fissures. Displacing the poor and demolishing their homes, they drove them deeper and deeper belowground, while putting the leftovers to use. Historic districts were privatized. Temples were razed. Marketplaces were shut down. The Undercity was reduced to a febrile womb of raw material, ready to be ravaged.
And ravaged it was.
When the first mining rig was installed, the Fissurefolk rioted. The unrest was put down. More mines followed, and more violence. It wasn't until the Enforcers were established as a body of justice that the tide turned in Topside's favor. These overseers were a law unto themselves, their ranks composed of mercenaries and miscreants. Their uniforms were black; their hearts were blacker. Their methods were a brutal amalgam of medieval torture and modern bureaucracy.
Under the banner of peace, the Enforcers were tasked with quashing dissent belowground.
They did so—brutally.
Piltover's third phase was total dominion.
The first mercantile houses had grown rich off the Undercity's spoils. But the new generation hungered for something more: absolute rule. They were no strangers to political maneuvering. Their forefathers had been shrewd tacticians: men and women who'd honed their wits through war, diplomacy and backroom deals.
They knew how to twist the knife, and keep their own hands clean.
Before long, they'd allied with Piltover’s industrial magnates and the monied elite. Together, they formed a cabal of oligarchs, each as ruthless as they were influential. Thus, the Council was born: a body of seven self-appointed sovereigns charged with regulating trade, enforcing laws and levying taxes.
They saw the Fissurefolk as a means to their own end. Disregarding their petitions for better sanitation, downplaying the contributions of their labor, and turning a blind eye to the rampant pollution, they proceeded to carve the Undercity's soul from its body.
When the Fissurefolk protested, the Council responded with Enforcer raids.
And bloodbaths.
By century's end, the Council had built a wall of bureaucracy between themselves and the Fissurefolk—most of whom were treated with neo-colonial contempt. Meanwhile, their wealth continued to reach dizzying heights, with every merchant ship that sailed through the port's grand arches and every sculpture patronized by celebrated virtuosos in their mansions.
The Hex-Gates only quadrupled their fortunes. With every invention by Talis, investors flocked and the Council’s influence grew. The wealth they had hoarded was now limitless. They could build a brand-new city, if they so desired. But why should they, when the Trenchers had already done the hard work for them?
Today's Council—Hoskel, Salo, Bolbok, Shoola, Medarda, Kiramman—are Piltover's pivotal political force, decreeing laws with a gesture from their grand parlors. They're the ones who decide whether jobs are created or lost, how many schools are funded, what taxes are levied.
They make decisions that affect every citizen in the city—every bloody day.
They are also corruption incarnate. Yearly, they’ve swallowed over one-third of the allocated Undercity budget, without accounting for a single cog. Between them, they preside over an empire of private business interests in everything from real estate to racehorses, stowing away their wealth in Demacian bank accounts, Noxian jewelry splurges and private islands dotting the annexed Ionian shores.
To them, Silco's coal-mining origins are as offensive as a rat turd in their caviar. Among Topside's upper-crust, he's a social climber, a rabble-rouser, and a scabrous opportunist. He wasn't born into privilege: he made his wealth through the cutthroat crudeness of industry.
More offensive still, he keeps a singlehanded stranglehold on his fortune, no different from a smuggler stowing all his coins in his codpiece. He never invests in stocks or allows Piltovans to buy shares in his enterprises. Like his factories, everything he owns belowground—publishing houses, restaurant chains, repair garages, gyms, nightclubs, salons—employs Fissure-bred workers, and is rumored to be a front for funding anarchism.
As if that weren't bad enough, he has no inhibitions in debating money or politics in their glittering ballrooms. Worse, he mocks them for entertainment—all while displaying impeccable manners.
Case in point—
With grave courtesy, Silco bows his head, "Councilors."
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titleleaf · 1 year
1881 was a golden year for Lipton’s enterprises. In January, laconic adverts began to appear in the Leeds Express, simply stating ‘Lipton is Coming’. This mystification was not Lipton’s innovation: enigmatic slogans such as ‘Where’s Eliza?’, ‘WHO'S COMING’, ‘Have you seen it?’ and ‘Somebody’s Luggage’ were pasted over the brickwork of London in the 1850s. This latter inspired a Times editorial reflecting on the interest generated by such mysterious graffiti, and was revealed a few weeks later to be a teaser for the Christmas number of Dickens’s periodical All the Year Round. Lipton’s announcement - assumed to be advance publicity for some kind of theatrical event - heralded the expansion of his chain of grocery stores from his Scottish base and into English territory. From this point onwards, his stunts began to gain wide coverage in the national press.
Inventing The Victorians, Matthew Sweet
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germanpostwarmodern · 6 months
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The promotion of German modern art in the United States in no small part rested on the shoulders of committed women. One of them was Emilie „Galka“ Scheyer (1889-1945), born in Braunschweig, Germany, as daughter of an industrialist and a trained painter who formed „Die Blaue Vier“, the Blue Four, an artists’ group that consisted of Lyonel Feininger, Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky and Alexej von Jawlensky. It was formally established in 1924 with the goal of promoting the artists in the USA by means of exhibitions and lectures, a task Scheyer was perfectly suited for: since 1917 she was Jawlensky’s private secretary and as such took care of his exhibition activities. At the same time she was an enthusiastic agent of modern art in general who also had a keen interest in the communication of it.
In May 1924 Scheyer arrived in New York with numerous works of The Blue Four in her luggage, works she showed a year later in the Daniel Gallery with little success. This led to her to the decision to move to San Francisco and later to Los Angeles where she established a tight-knit network of actors, directors, emigrants and art people. In LA she unfolded her innovative marketing strategies which included glamorous parties, collaborations with gallerists and her passionate communication of modern art to young people.
On the occasion of The Blue Four’s centenary Scheyer’s hometown Braunschweig celebrates her work both as art agent and artist: until 19 May the Städtisches Museum Braunschweig with „Galka Scheyer und die Blaue Vier - Kandinsky, Feininger, Klee, Jawlensky“ offers a comprehensive overview of Scheyer’s life and work. Alongside it the Hirmer Verlag published the present and equally comprehensive catalogue that not only sheds light on Scheyer’s activities in the USA and her impressively advanced exhibition and communication strategies but also highlights her wonderful late impressionist art. Especially noteworthy is Isabell Wünsche’s essay that uncovers Scheyer’s networks but also points out her rather conservative admiration of the male genius. In view of the complex portrait the catalogue paints of Galka Scheyer it is a warmly recommended read about a true pioneer.
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laxmiree · 2 years
[CN] MLQC Lucien’s Dating Reality Show date translation
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a date that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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“Are you still mad at me?”
“If you insist on not getting back together with me, that's fine.”
“Because no matter how many times you push me away…”
“The most important place in my heart will always be reserved and waiting just for you.”
Translation under the cut!
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Male Guest: So you are a show producer?
I smiled awkwardly and nodded to the male guest on the couch. My eyes swept over the camera, and I began to regret agreeing to participate in the pre-recording.
Six months ago, the company collaborated with a studio to plan a dating reality show in which strangers live with each other in an attempt to create chemistry.
To make the show more watchable, the crew planned to include a couple who were quarreling in it.
They must choose to get back together or start a new love while hiding their relationship.
Due to the innovative format, the crew wanted to try pre-recording before the official filming, so they chose inexperienced guests to polish the show.
Who knows that before the start of filming, the planned hidden lover has actually broken up, and emergency interviews were held, but all failed to end.
Finally, the casting director rounded up his ideas and reached out to me.
Considering the situation's urgency and the fact that the pre-recording would not be officially broadcast, I agreed to do so with Lucien's consent.
His reason, however, was surprisingly simple.
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MC: Did you just say yes?
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Lucien: Naturally, I have no reason to refuse any of your requests.
Guest: The weather is great….
One female guest broke the silence, and I hurriedly answered.
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MC: Yeah~
Help, so awkward….
I wailed inwardly, trying to figure out how to heat things up when I heard a noise from the hallway.
The door is opened one more time, drawing the people's attention in the living room.
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A familiar figure appeared behind the door, accompanied by the sound of luggage wheels rubbing against the ground.
The man's dark hair was casually and naturally styled. His cold face raised a very shallow smile and greeted everyone in a low voice.
There was no hesitation in the pace of his steps, and he walked straight toward me.
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Lucien: Hello, my name is Lucien.
MC: Hi, my name is MC.
I politely extended my hand, pretending to be formal and polite as if I were meeting someone for the first time.
However, he suddenly bent a fingertip between our clasped hands and lightly tickled my palm twice in a teasing manner. I froze and met Lucien's slightly playful gaze.
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Lucien: How can producer MC become so distant from me? This hurts me a little as your program consultant.
My staged smile stiffened.
I forgot that we have a professional relationship! I've been trying to act, but instead, I've made a fool of myself…
I quickly adjusted my expression and nodded as if nothing had happened.
MC: I just never expected that the busy Professor Lucien would come to the show, so I didn't recognize you right away.
??: Professor Lucien? Are you the Professor Lucien of the Institute of Bioscience?
When a female guest looked surprised, I loosened my grasp on Lucien's hand.
Female Guest: I never expected to have Professor Lucien here as a guest. I've heard a lot about him. Did you two know each other personally?
MC: Um, Professor Lucien is my program consultant.
Female Guest: Oh~ Then I guess you two are the secret lover hidden among us?!
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MC: ...
I glanced at Lucien without moving, hoping he could smooth things over. I did not expect him to smile and nod his head.
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Lucien: Yes, that's us.
MC: ..??
Shoot, the mission of hiding our relationship will not fail right at the show's beginning, is it?
I was gazing wide-eyed at the crew when the others began to laugh.
Female Guest: I didn't expect Professor Lucien to be so fond of joking.
Male Guest: Yeah, I thought scholars were very serious.
The atmosphere soon lightens up with a couple of words, and I breathe a sigh of relief, sneaking a warning glare at Lucien.
He narrowed his eyes happily but cooperated with me by refraining from interacting with me.
Soon all the guests arrived, and everyone introduced themselves. Then the crew handed over a card, which contained our first task.
Male Guest: Why doesn't Professor Lucien read the task?
Female Guest: I agree~ Professor Lucien's voice is very magnetic, so it is difficult not to focus on it.
Hearing everyone's continuous praise for Lucien, I couldn't hide my pride and quietly straightened my back, watching him politely accept the card.
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Lucien: "To get to know each other faster, you can spin the empty bottle on the table to get a chance to ask someone a question."
Lucien: "After each guest turns the bottle, the question will be asked to whomever the bottle ends up facing."
Lucien: "If there's two of you that have mutually spun into each other, you can have a 'couch date' tonight."
Lucien: (chuckle) Hmm… Sounds like a fun little game.
There was a little buzz in the living room, and everyone was excitedly discussing it.
Although it was just a game, I began to look forward to it. I wish I could spin the bottle to Lucien…
Lucien: Since I read the task, can I determine who will start?
Guest: Of course, you can~
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Lucien: Then let's ask Miss MC to start.
Guest: Oh~
Amid all the commotion, I looked at Lucien with confusion and walked over to the coffee table.
I quickly measured the angle between the mouth of the bottle and Lucien's with my eyes, then took a deep breath, raised my hand, and spun the bottle
The bottle spun quickly, and although I had good control of the force, I was still a little nervous.
Seeing the mouth of the bottle is about to pass Lucien, a fleeting white mist seems to have appeared next to the bottle. It looks like… a small barrier.
In the next second, the neck of the bottle was firmly pointed toward Lucien!
I restrained from raising the corners of my mouth and pretended to think hard for a moment.
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MC: Then I'll ask Professor Lucien to tell us about his ideal type.
Lucien: Ideal type?
Lucien tilted his head. Strands of his hair dipped in the bright sunlight and bounced lightly in the air.
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Lucien: The person I like… Is someone who cares about my rest, supervises me to eat properly, and also works hard and lives well.
Lucien: She will occasionally lose her temper but is also very sensible.
Lucien: Erm, Ah. Most of the time, she is very independent but can also rely on me.
His low voice slowly fell into my ears, evoking a sunny warmth in my earlobe. Seeing that he seemed to have a lot more to say, I quickly nodded, signaling him to stop here.
MC: Wow- I didn't expect Professor Lucien to be so attentive~ my turn is over, so it'll be Professor Lucien's turn this time!
I tried to ignore the fluttering satisfaction and pushed the bottle in front of Lucien, who reached out without a second thought and gave it a light twist-
This time, when the mouth of the bottle stopped in front of me, I vividly saw a very small barrier appear next to the bottle, which blocked it from spinning further.
What I saw is true!
I raised my head in a daze and met Lucien, who showed me a sly look.
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Lucien: (chuckle) What a coincidence.
Lucien: Looks like tonight's "couch date" is ours, Miss MC.
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We played a few more games to get to know each other quickly. Fortunately, the guests were all very easy to get along with, and we were soon done with the daytime shoot.
During the break, Willow, the program coordinator, brought me to the recording preparation room.
MC: Eh? Do you still need to interview me?
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MC: You can skip me and Lucien. We are pretending to quarrel anyway, and I'm also the producer of this show...
Willow: Boss, this is about the selection of interview questions, so please be more serious.
In the face of Willow's professional expression, I sat in front of the camera with a straight face.
Willow: Can you tell us about how you and Lucien first met?
I squinted my eyes and rummaged through my mind to retrieve a distant memory.
MC: At that time, the company hit a rough patch and was already preparing the last episode of Miracle Finder…
MC: So I invited him to be a guest on the show with a desperate idea.
Willow: Which one of you chased each other first?
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MC: It can be regarded as… Love that grows over time.
Willow: Then, can you tell us the reason for your quarrel?
I froze, meeting Willow's iron gaze, and could only rack my brains to recall the moments when Lucien and I had argued in the past.
Finally, a small memory came to my mind.
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MC: Well… One time when it was raining heavily, he suddenly got out of the car and braved the rain to buy me a bag of red bayberries.
MC: I thought he was a bit impulsive. It was raining so hard. What if he caught a cold? And he had an important meeting that day.
MC: But now I think I should not be angry. After all, he was trying to make me happy…
When the scene in the hotel room later that day suddenly came back to mind, I couldn't help but feel my cheeks burn a little.
When I thought about it, we actually didn't quarrel at all, so I shifted my words and tried to make up a few more sentences
MC: But... Later we brought up this matter again and had a disagreement. In short, we quarreled about this and that.
Willow: Putting aside the quarrel, what is one word you would use to describe your love?
MC: One word….?
As the numerous moments of snuggling with Lucien crossed my mind, the surroundings became incredibly quiet.
I looked seriously at the camera in the middle of my train of thought.
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MC: When I think about it, it's hard to describe it in one word.
MC: At times, I feel like all the time I spend with him is synonymous with romance.
MC: And sometimes it feels like our tacit understanding is so natural that it seems we were born that way.
MC: So, I would like to use every beautiful word to describe it.
After the interview, I came to the living room, and Lucien was already waiting there with two cups of hot cocoa.
He naturally handed me a glass while I glanced around at my co-workers getting ready to shoot and poked at Lucien.
MC: Did they also interview you?
Lucien smiled helplessly and nodded his head.
MC: So what were you being asked?
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Lucien: They asked a lot of questions, which one of us chased who, the reason why I like you, why we quarreled, and so on.
MC: How did you answer?
Lucien: Of course, I answered truthfully.
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Lucien: I said that I one-sidedly fell in love with you at first sight and did my best to pursue you.
MC: Where is the truthfulness…
Lucien: (playfully) If it's not truthful, does that mean you also fell in love with me at first sight?
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MC: Lucien!
I blushed and lightly punched his arm. He looked over with a grin and seemed to be in a good mood.
Lucien: But since the setting of "we were quarreling" was fictitious, and we did not "collude" beforehand...
Lucien: So I told them that all the right to explain why we quarreled belongs to MC.
MC: Pfft.
I was so amused by him that I burst out laughing. When the crew signaled for us to start shooting, Lucien took the cup of cocoa from my hand and tapped me on the forehead.
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Lucien: (chuckle) I'll take this "prop" first, and I will use it to coax my "angry" girlfriend.
He walked to the sofa and sat down. With the sound of the record playing, Lucien frowned, looked out the window, and sighed deeply.
I couldn't help but laugh at how he tried to fit into the role but cooperated by pretending that I had just arrived in the living room.
Lucien "noticed" my arrival and raised a light smile. He handed me the cup of hot cocoa again and patted the spot beside him.
Lucien: Are you still mad at me?
I held back my laughter, sat down, grunted, and pretended to have a tantrum as I lay back against the arm of the sofa.
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MC: Hmph, do you know where you went wrong?
He looked like he had anticipated my "surprise attack" and put on a humble and innocent face.
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Lucien: Frankly, I'm not really sure why MC is so angry.
Lucien: But in front of you, I have always been an inquisitive student, so if you'd like to tell me why…
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My ankles fell with the warmth of his words, gently and slowly touching my skin.
Lucien: No matter the fault, I am willing to admit it and correct it in time.
His fingers are stroking across my ankle, and rather than just an innocent touch, it's more like deliberate teasing.
His pleading expression looks extraordinarily sincere, but the corners of his mouth are slightly drooping with a rare hint of mischief.
The dim light enveloped his shadow ambiguously over my whole body, announcing my powerlessness and conceding defeat.
Lucien: After all… I only care about your feelings and everything about you
This cunning man, how can this make me angry?
I bit my lip, knowing that I was acting, but I couldn't help feeling a rippling wave from the bottom of my heart.
Out of nowhere, a ‘bad’ idea jumped up in the waves, and I deliberately raised my chin
MC: Didn't you say before that you were also very angry, so you wanted to break up with me?
Lucien froze for a moment, obviously not expecting me to frame him this way.
Lucien: Did I actually say something that bad? …Then it's justifiable that you're so angry.
He lowered his eyes. The hair in front of his forehead covered his eyes. He looked somewhat aggrieved.
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Lucien: If you insist on not getting back together with me, that's fine.
Lucien: Because no matter how many times you push me away…
Lucien: The most important place in my heart will always be reserved and waiting just for you.
Over the next few days, after Lucien's passionate "courtship", our relationship on the show quickly "warmed up".
Although it is far from the drama plot of "the couple breaks up and finds a new love" that the show team expected to see.
But considering this is also one of the likely outcomes, we were allowed to "get back together" and they let us "get out" quickly.
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The morning sunlight coated my surroundings with a unique and pleasant scent, and I slowly opened my eyes to see a familiar face lying next to me, which made me feel very cozy.
I moved contentedly, burrowed myself into Lucien's arms, and greedily took a deep breath.
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Lucien: Did you sleep well?
Lucien didn't open his eyes. He just smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist.
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MC: Of course I did. How could I not sleep well when I woke up and saw you lying next to me?
I heard a low chuckle, and his warm breath spread out on my neck. I couldn't help shrinking my neck with laughter.
MC: How about you? Did you sleep well?
Lucien: Not so well.
He opened his eyes, and there was a gentle ripple in those dark eyes.
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Lucien: I didn't sleep much because I always wanted to look at this beautiful lady next to me.
MC: (blush) Pfft, what a nonsense~
I laughed and lightly smacked his arm, sitting up happily.
MC: Since we're all awake, let's have breakfast together for the first time in a long time. I'll go see what's in the fridge.
Lucien: There's no need. When I woke up, I ordered breakfast, and it's already outside the door.
I excitedly ran out to collect the take-out and set up a plate for breakfast on a whim.
As soon as I took out my phone to record this coziness, the screen suddenly popped up with Willow's message.
"Willow’s SMS”: Boss, look, an exclusive video - Professor Lucien reveals his heart in the interview. If it’s not sweet, you don’t have to pay me.
Puzzled, I clicked on the video in the message and saw Lucien's face in the center of the screen, and I couldn't help but curl my lips.
As expected, my program consultant is really photogenic.
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Lucien came out from the bedroom, and I handed him breakfast while holding up my phone to him.
MC: Check out your interview footage~
Lucien: Is it edited so quickly?
He took his breakfast and leaned gently on the table to look at the screen.
A dark sweater lazily rested on his shoulders. Wearing a loose shirt, his exposed chest easily stole my attention away.
??: What is your exclusive nickname for MC?
As the program director's question came over the phone, I unconsciously narrowed my gaze and waited for Lucien's answer on the video.
Lucien in the video: Hmm.... There seems to be no exclusive nickname.
Lucien in the video: Because I think MC's name is the most beautiful nickname.
The sweet smell of fruit and tea in front of him crept into my heart. Lucien's smiling eyes winked at me twice, then continued to look at the phone screen.
Interviewer: What if you had to choose from words like "girlfriend", " love", "honey", "baby", etc.?
Lucien in the video: (laughs softly)...
Lucien seems to chuckle softly in the video.
Lucien in the video: I already had the answer in my mind.
Lucien in the video: But I hope the first person to hear this answer is MC herself.
Lucien in the video: I'm sorry, but I can't answer this question.
When I heard this, I took my phone back and pressed pause, despite my fingers being covered in breakfast sauce.
MC: Lucien, how do you want to call me? I'm all ears.
Looking at my expectant face, he gave me a sweet smile, then picked up a paper towel from the table and slowly took my left hand, which was stained with sauce.
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Lucien: I have indeed thought about it, but now does not seem to be the right time to say it.
MC: What do you mean by ‘right time’?
He didn't answer, just lowered his eyelashes quietly, his gaze focused on my fingers.
The morning sun outlined the white tissue in his hand with a sacred light, and as he carefully wiped my fingers, it seemed to be imbued with solemn meaning.
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Lucien: Because of the nickname I chose…
Lucien: It requires a special and meaningful ceremony before it can be called out.
I opened my mouth and seemed to understand the meaning and weight of his words.
The hot temperature invaded my cheeks little by little, but he just continued to wipe with concentration.
I blushed and tried my best to pull my eyes back. In a daze, I lowered my head and continued to play the video.
(T/N: HIS CHOSEN NICKNAME IS WIFE, PG real wedding when-)
The director on screen made an envious sound and continued to ask the next question.
Interviewer: If you had to pick a word to describe your relationship, which word would you pick?
The video gradually quiets down, and Lucien slowly blinks as if lost in some memory.
A distant memory came to him. The girl with the panicked face when she learned that she had misidentified him was clearly visible in his mind.
The sunshine of the research institute, which had never been warm, stretched on her youthful face, but it was the most beautiful sight he had seen that day.
If he had to do it again, he would still find a way to get her to come to him.
Then become the most special person to her.
And so, the one word that can describe their relationship is...
Lucien slightly curved his eyebrows and looked up at me before the screen.
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Lucien, together with what he said in the video: It’s ‘destined’.
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deep-spacediver577 · 1 year
I don't know about anyone else but the luggage by the front door makes me uneasy.... You could say someone got back from vacation. But I'm not convinced.
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Massive ecological disaster is what I'm thinking for this house's scenario. Generally with ecological disasters it's a build up of events before one final one makes people evacuate completely. That is if space colonization is even optional. I don't see anything futuristic implying this Earth had those innovations, this could be just a "retro" styled home or even low income? Can't say for certain. What kind of event would cause people to just leave everything I'm not sure.
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My sister says the maximum years this place is abandoned would be 30 years, even she added it looks too well kept for 30 years. There is also the option that some creatures look after the abandoned places, more specifically the Pikmin. They make art, sing, even build and use tools so I bet they are connected to the old world. Some of the creature logs imply the animal mentioned being over 50 even 100 years old not sure how this would apply to the whole earth being abandoned thing... There is dialogue that hints a whole lot of hurt with being possible descendents of the earth. So it's hard to say considering what were are given.
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Or Earth is just haunted from the humans that died out...
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mysticalenclave · 1 month
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Back-To-Hogwarts List For Those Who Are Going!
Yes! September 1st is in 6 DAYS! Can you believe it, you guys?? I am SO excited! I hope this list is for you. Don't worry, these links can get you a fast delivery because their on Amazon. I hope you enjoy!
This post contains affiliate links. Mystical Enclave is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a way for websites to earn advertising revenues by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. We only recommend products we have either used, are using, or would use and share with our family and friends.
Here are 20 things to add to your Back-To-Hogwarts items.
1. Innovative Designs Harry Potter Hogwarts Tab Journal Notebook, Spiral Bound, 96 Lined Pages, 8 x 7 inches, Black.
Link: https://amzn.to/3ySnKRb
This should help you in Potions and Transfiguration the most. Possibly History of Magic too. I find Charms the easiest! I mean, I could go on and on about Charms. I always take notes in every class though. Helps to be on top of things!
2. KAIRNE Wizarding Alphabet Hanging Poster(35x56CM) Sorting Hat,Flying Keys,Owl Witchcraft World Theme Prints Wood Magnetic,Positive abc Wall art Wizards Letters Gifts for Toddlers Kids Classroom Decor
Link: https://amzn.to/473qOX7
This helps a lot. I mean, who doesn't want to know the alphabet but in Harry Potter words? I can memorise everything. Anyway, if your in 5th year, this won't help for O.W.L.s. seeing as it's just the alphabet.
3. Harry Potter: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Desktop Stationery Set (With Pen)
Link: https://amzn.to/4dT6tWO
Of course you need this. I mean, who doesn't do homework at Hogwarts? Probably Ronald Weasley.
4. Wizarding World Harry Potter, Talking Sorting Hat with 15 Phrases for Pretend Play, Kids Toys for Ages 5 and Up
Link: https://amzn.to/3T2zjfs
A bit small probably BUT good for you to roleplay in your home! Hopefully your not using your parents credit card behind their back. If you are, get ready to be grounded. -Fancy Space Charm Bracelets Jewelry Set Wizardry Themed Adjustable Bracelet Birthday Gift For Kids Girls Women Link: https://amzn.to/3yUsZzW We're doing this in a smaller thing because this is just add-ons and you can wear it. Plus most of the stuff is ya know, Back-To-Hogwarts. I know there's a chess set somewhere... -REAL LITTLES Harry Potter Wizarding World Backpack with 6 Micro Stationery Surprises Inside! 4 to Collect - Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Hedwig - Styles May Vary Link: https://amzn.to/3AxM8rG Again, same thing. Bit different because this is a little surprise thing. Enjoy the surprises, reader! Back to the main reason we have this post...
5. Feather Quill Pen ink Set,Calligraphy Pen Set,Wax Seal Stamp Set,Feather Calligraphy Pen Set,Beautiful Gift Calligraphy Set,Christmas Gifts-Grey
Link: https://amzn.to/3WYxK3s
I was doomed... 27 dollars? EXPENSIVE! I try to give y'all cheap things but ended up with 66 tabs open. If I had 666, I'd be giving a call to the devil- Though I technically just did because now I'm tempted to buy all this stuff.
6. Harry Potter Luggage Set Gift Officially Licensed Carry On Luggage Hardshell Travel Suitcase with Custom Name
Link: https://amzn.to/3yVzBxU
Don't ask... I have a reason :D YES I know your not ACTUALLY going to Hogwarts unless your going to disneyland or something BUT if yur going on the plane to somewhere, why not?
7. Harry Potter Hogwarts Alumni Juniors Knapsack
Link: https://amzn.to/3Xgydzf
Storage space for those who want it.
8. Conquest Journals Harry Potter Wizarding House Banner Flag Set, 12'' x 20'' Polyester Flags, Set of 5 Includes Hogwarts Crest, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw & Hufflepuff Banners, Birthday Party
Link: https://amzn.to/3Mrh13D
I mean... use them for whatever you want? They don't NEED to be birthday flags. But here ya go anyway!
9. Harry Potter Levitating Golden Snitch Light, Touch Activated Desk Lamp Accessories, Officially Licensed Harry Potter Decor Gifts & Collectibles
Link: https://amzn.to/3MrhiDH
For all the Quidditch lovers, this is for you. There's probably going to be more Quidditch items but Idk... No promises!
10. The Noble Collection Harry Potter Wizard Chess Set
Link: https://amzn.to/3AFxNJZ
Yes, Chess. Wizard Chess. I'm sure you wanted wizard chess anyway. It's pretty fun! Not really if your so bad their screaming things at you... Is that a feature in this? Idk.
11. eKids Harry Potter Wireless Earbuds with Microphone, Bluetooth Earbuds with Charging Case for Ear Buds, Designed for School, Home, or Travel
Link: https://amzn.to/3Z1sRJo
They have the Deathly Hallows symbol!! Loves it <3 Anyway, besides my opinion, these are good for sneaking in music haha!
12. Spoontiques - Harry Potter Tumbler - Solemnly Swear Glitter Cup with Straw - 20 oz - Acrylic - Multicolored
Link: https://amzn.to/3X7JeSm
Who doesn't love the phrase 'I Solemnly Swear I Am Up To No Good'? Amazing phrase. And great for your tea cup, as all British people know.
13. Harry Potter Metal Bookmark with Hanging Golden Snitch Charm - Hogwarts Reading Gifts
Link: https://amzn.to/4cAA0DK
Reading is great but sometimes you just don't have a bookmark and lose your page. Some people know the page they were on, but most don't. So here's a nice bookmark for you to enjoy!
14. Harry Potter Luggage Carry On Hardshell Rolling Luggage Suitcase Travel Bag Gifts Merchandise Travel Stuff - Personalized Ravenclaw with Name
Link: https://amzn.to/3MimSIL
People go on planes every year. Well, different people of course, but this is great for your Harry Potter Ravenclaw self. Want to show it off? There's your chance!
15. Culture Fly Harry Potter Scarf Beanie Socks Premium Knit 3pc Winter Bundle Gift Set
Link: https://amzn.to/4dXW6B7
Yes, winter is a few months away but Gryffindor is brave, not cowardly lazy. Gryffindor is prepared <3
16. Squishmallows Original “Harry Potter” 10-Inch Fawkes Plush - Ultrasoft Official Jazwares Plush (Medium-Sized)
Link: https://amzn.to/4cKhCIu
Yes yes, Fawkes is Dumbledore's pet blah blah blah, why not have him as our own though? We don't really know what happened to him, do we?
17. Harry Potter Gifts Writing Set Keepsake Box with Wand Letters Stamp Wax Seal Marauders Map and Pens Set
Link: https://amzn.to/3XjETgb
More writing to do, more things to buy. Why not buy this expensive write? (I'm trying to rhyme, but I'm terrible... excuse my rhyming)
18. Harry Potter Triwizard Cup Battery Operated Mood Light | 13-Inch Tall LED Lamp,Silver
Link: https://amzn.to/472t4hx
I loved the tournament except the death of Cedric. We barely knew Cedric, for Fawkes's sake! Also I'm bored of writing these bio thingys. I WANT THIS POST OVERRRRRRRR- At least you get entertained though lol.
19. Culture Fly Harry Potter Scarf Beanie Socks Premium Knit 3pc Winter Bundle Gift Set
Link: https://amzn.to/4cA1Cc4
This is the Hufflepuff version of the Gryffindor winter stuff. Anyway, enjoy your comforts as I go get an apple to eat while I write the last link, finally.
20. Owala Harry Potter FreeSip Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle with Straw, BPA-Free Sports Water Bottle, Great for Travel, 24 oz, Gryffindor
Link: https://amzn.to/4dC5gTY
FINALLY THE LAST LINK! Anyway, there's a marvel and star wars version of this. This is just Gryffindor. There's Hufflepuff and Slytherin too I think. I saw Slytherin for sure...
Anyway, end of links! I'll be making a new one in the mean time... my Opera GX window still has a ton of tabs open that I need to get out of the way. Bye!
Love, Mystical Enclave
P.S I'll be doing part 2 of this
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flightsgoogle · 3 months
Travel Tech: Gadgets and Apps That Will Change the Way You Travel in 2024
Traveling in 2024 is set to be a tech-savvy adventure like never before. With cutting-edge gadgets and innovative apps, your journeys will be more seamless, enjoyable, and efficient. Here’s a look at some of the latest travel technologies that are transforming the way we explore the world.
Smart Luggage Smart luggage has evolved significantly, offering features like GPS tracking, built-in power banks, and biometric locks. Brands like Away and Samsonite are leading the charge with luggage that not only keeps your belongings safe but also charges your devices on the go.
Top Features: GPS Tracking: Never lose your luggage again with real-time location tracking. Biometric Locks: Secure your belongings with fingerprint recognition. Built-in Scales: Avoid overweight fees by weighing your luggage with integrated scales.
AI-Powered Travel Apps Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing travel planning. Apps like Cheap Flights for android and Cheap Flights pro for ios use AI to predict the best times to book flights and hotels, potentially saving you hundreds of dollars.
Must-Have website: CheapFlights365: Predicts future flight and hotel prices with 95% accuracy. TripIt: Organizes your travel plans in one place, giving you a master itinerary. PackPoint: Helps you pack by creating a customized packing list based on your destination and travel plans.
Virtual Reality (VR) Tours Before you even leave home, VR can give you a taste of your destination. Apps like Google Earth VR and Expedia VR offer immersive virtual tours, helping you decide where to go and what to see.
VR Highlights: Google Earth VR: Explore any city or landmark in the world from your living room. Expedia VR: Experience hotel rooms and tourist attractions virtually before booking.
Portable Language Translators Language barriers are a thing of the past with portable translators like Pocketalk and Travis Touch Go. These devices offer real-time translation in dozens of languages, ensuring smooth communication wherever you are.
Translation Devices: Pocketalk: Translates 82 languages with two-way voice translation. Travis Touch Go: Supports over 100 languages and can be used offline.
Wearable Tech Wearable technology, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, is more travel-friendly than ever. Devices like the Apple Watch Ultra and Fitbit Charge 5 not only track your fitness but also provide navigation, weather updates, and even emergency assistance.
Wearable Benefits: Apple Watch Ultra: Offers GPS, cellular connectivity, and fall detection. Fitbit Charge 5: Tracks your health metrics and provides stress management tools.
E-SIM Cards E-SIM cards are making connectivity abroad easier and more affordable. With apps like Airalo and GigSky, you can purchase and activate data plans for your destination without needing a physical SIM card.
Connectivity Solutions: Airalo: Buy eSIMs for over 190 countries directly from your phone. GigSky: Offers global data plans without the need for a local SIM card.
Solar-Powered Chargers Eco-friendly and efficient, solar-powered chargers like Anker PowerPort Solar allow you to keep your devices charged using the power of the sun. Perfect for camping or traveling to remote areas.
Top Picks: Anker PowerPort Solar: Lightweight, foldable, and capable of charging two devices simultaneously. Goal Zero Nomad 7: Durable and compact, ideal for outdoor adventures. Conclusion The travel tech landscape in 2024 is brimming with innovations designed to make your trips smoother, safer, and more enjoyable. From smart luggage and AI-powered apps to VR tours and portable translators, these gadgets and tools are set to revolutionize your travel experience. So gear up, tech out, and get ready to explore the world like never before!
What travel tech are you most excited to try in 2024? Let us know in the comments!
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obigem · 1 year
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"Daddy, you're not leaving somewhere are you?"
At the sound of her voice, Cam was immediately caught off guard.
"Angel," he gaspsed. "I was just about to tell you—"
"Tell me what?" Cordie pouted. "You're going away?"
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"Sweetheart," Cam turned to Cordie, "the thing is, Daddy has a business trip he has to go on. You know how I've been working hard on building Alphie?"
Cordie nodded.
"Well, there's a lot more I need to learn to make her even better, so I'm going to see someone who can help."
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"Can I come with you?" Cordie's lower lip was starting to protrude.
"Oh, Princess, you know I would love it if you could, but this is something that Daddy has to do alone."
"But I'm finally ungrounded. I wanted to spend the rest of summer with you and now you're leaving!"
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"I'll be gone only 2 days, baby. We can spend all the time together when I get back. While I'm gone, I'll be counting on you to help out Mama, OK?"
Cordie hesitated.
"OK, Cordelia?"
"OK, Daddy." Her expression softened. "But, take lots of pictures on your trip for me!"
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Cam hugged her tightly. "OK, I will."
"I mean it, Daddy!" Cordie giggled. "I want good pictures of everything you see, not blurry phone pictures. You should take the good camera. In fact, go get it from upstairs right now so you don't forget. I'll put your luggage in the car."
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"You mean the Nissan Leaf? It's one heck of a car, ya know? It's innovation that exictes." Cam enthused.
"Umm, yeah, sure, Dad. Just go get the camera, I'll take care of loading it up."
"The Leaf."
"Yeah…the Leaf."
"OK, but have Alphie help you with it if it's too heavy."
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nexsell · 5 months
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Unlock Your Lifestyle: Explore Nexsell's Top Picks Today....
Tech Trends: Gadgets That Wow! Upgrade your tech game with our latest selection of gadgets designed to elevate your digital experience. From smartphones to smart home devices, discover the future of technology at Nexsell.
Fashion Finds: Stylish Essentials Await. Revamp your wardrobe with our curated collection of fashion essentials that blend style and comfort effortlessly. Stay on-trend with Nexsell's fashion-forward picks for every season.
Wellness Wonders: Health Made Simple. Invest in your well-being with our range of wellness products crafted to nourish your body, mind, and soul. Experience the transformative power of self-care with Nexsell's wellness wonders.
Home Sweet Home: Essentials Galore! Transform your living space into a sanctuary with our selection of home essentials. From cozy blankets to chic decor, create the perfect ambiance for relaxation and rejuvenation with Nexsell.
Travel Treasures: Gear Up for Adventure. Embark on your next adventure fully prepared with Nexsell's travel treasures. From durable luggage to travel-friendly accessories, make every journey memorable with our top picks.
Budget-Friendly Tech: Smart Savings Ahead. Shop smart and save big with our budget-friendly tech gadgets that don't compromise on quality or performance. Experience innovation without breaking the bank at Nexsell.
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Unlock a world of possibilities and elevate your lifestyle with Nexsell's top picks. Shop now and experience the difference today,
FOR MORE VISIT : https://www.nexsell.in/
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I was a few days into my work as the permanent Guild Keeper of Eternal Flower.
I had been called upon by Shiranui, who served as the Festival Master of an annual festival in celebration of traditional values. It was my job to assist him.
SHIRANUI : Oookay, here we are, this is the venue for the festival this year.
EMMA : Whoa! This place is huge!
EMMA : The festival this year is in honor of a renowned warrior, isn't it?
SHIRANUI : Yeah. The festival itself is an annual tradition, but they’re planning to do a little something special this year.
EMMA : (I see… So that's why Shiranui requested my assistance...)
As the name suggests, the Festival Master is a highly skilled craftsman who excels in the knowledge and understanding of festivals and tradition and is responsible for handling all aspects of planning and delivering on the event.
The particular request Shiranui had received this time was to maintain the dignity of the traditional festival while trying to innovate and introduce new, more modern elements..
HOST : O-Oh? Are you guys perhaps...
SHIRANUI : Ah, you're the host, right? I'm Shiranui, the festival master. I'll be in charge of handling all your requests. It’s nice to meet you.
SHIRANUI : She's Emma, the Guild Keeper. I'm relying on her administrative assistance.
EMMA : It’s nice to meet you!
HOST : Likewise, I'm counting on you both.
HOST : I have expectations for this year’s festival. In trying something new, I’m hoping to recapture the excitement of years past.
SHIRANUI : Of course! You can leave it to me!
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Preparations had been progressing smoothly.
While checking over a piece of the warrior’s armor, Shiranui’s work suddenly came to a halt, and he looked across to the host.
SHIRANUI : Hey. Would it be okay if I make a few adjustments to this armor?
HOST : Of course, go ahead. I look forward to the finished product. I have complete faith in your skills and sensibilities.
SHIRANUI : Haha, got it, well, you won't regret this!
EMMA : Shiranui, is there anything I can help with?
SHIRANUI : Oh, no, I appreciate it, but leave this to me. I'm just thinking of tweaking the decor on the plate armor.
EMMA : The decor? Are you talking about the engravings of plum blossoms and bush warblers on the chestpiece?
SHIRANUI : I am. Kobai's name is derived from red plums. In fact, it literally means “Red Plum Country” So, I thought I’d make the plum blossoms red to match.
Shiranui carefully picked out his desired shade of red paint before skillfully applying it to the iron canvas of the armor, each stroke perfectly following the shape of the plum blossom engraving.
I couldn't help but stop and stare at his flowing brushwork.
EMMA : (Shiranui is a really skilled artist, huh?)
But sitting around and watching wasn’t going to help.
I gathered my resolve and tried to lift the box filled with an assortment of ritual implements, but--
EMMA : Ugh!
EMMA : (Wow, that is way heavier than I expected!)
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SHIRANUI : Hm? Hey, hey, Emma, are you okay?
EMMA : I-I think I... might.... not be!
SHIRANUI : Oh. That’s a heavy one~.
He laughed off my reflexive complaint and set aside his paintbrush.
In a few swift strides and gentle movements he shifted the luggage from my arms to his making it seem like the box weighed nothing at all.
EMMA : Th-Thank you…
EMMA : Sigh… I wanted to help you, too...
SHIRANUI : You do help. Just keep doing what you’re best at. I'm counting on you, Emma.
EMMA : Right!
SHIRANUI : That's more like it.
His smile was so bright and wide as he beamed across at me.
And just like that, I felt a renewed determination to aid Shiranui in his request once more.
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totalmotorcycle · 1 year
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Innovative luggage electrification solution with infinity volume for BMW R1300GS http://dlvr.it/SxWG0D
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digirankguide · 9 months
Content Marketing & SEO: A Guide to Improve Traffic & Conversions
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is an approach used to optimize web sites and internet pages in a bid to rank better in seek engine results or SERPs. Ranking above other websites will increase visibility, driving more traffic and conversions. Empower your brand with our cutting-edge SEO Services Company in South Delhi, driving growth, engagement, and success in the digital landscape.
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Valuable content continues users to your web page lengthy sufficient to generate first rate leads. Search engines like Google use sophisticated equipment to determine whether or not your content material is precious, then determine in which to place you at the SERPs.
Content Marketing Being the New search engine optimization
In the digital marketing panorama, content material advertising and marketing and SEO have grow to be crucial factors for online success. Their relationship is beyond key-word optimisation, which has ushered in a brand new generation in which content material advertising is now search engine optimization. Let’s look at the dynamics that make content material advertising the brand new search engine optimization and its function in developing logo authority.
User-centric Approach
Content is now the bridge between serps and happy users. By growing valuable, informative content material that solutions actual questions and solves troubles, you’re boosting search engine marketing and building consider and loyalty together with your audience. This consumer-centric technique is more than a tactic. It’s a commitment to creating your website a destination, no longer only a touchdown page. In these days’s digital international, content is the key that unlocks loyalty, believe, and achievement.
Authority Building
Imagine you have got a website approximately Women’s purses that’s rating nicely at the SERPs. Then, you write an article on why building a concrete wall is a high-quality way to enhance safety for third-world international locations. This article will in all likelihood no longer see the light of day and could get little to no traffic because it isn’t associated with your web site. Google may also also be harassed as to why you have got this newsletter on your internet site.
On the opposite hand, an article on “quality tote luggage for summer season” is probably to do well and can even rank within a few days, relying on how sturdy your content material advertising and search engine optimization efforts are.
The motive why the article on tote luggage does nicely is Authority. Through SEO, you can position your website as an expert in a given area (ladies’s purses) such that while you write content material round that subject matter, google speedy crawls and ranks your weblog.
Dwell Time and Bounce Rate
Dwell time is the duration a consumer remains on a web page, and the soar fee is the percentage of site traffic who depart after viewing one page with out enticing. Engaging content meets seek rationale, captivates users and extends their live.
Google considered longer reside instances as a sign of relevance and person satisfaction. A better leap charge is regarded as a pink flag and indicates that users didn’t discover what they had been searching out, hence impacting ratings negatively. Transform your brand's digital footprint with our expert Top SEO company in South Delhi, where innovation meets strategy for unparalleled online success.
Social Signals
Social indicators at the moment are influential SEO elements in virtual advertising. Users create social indicators once they proportion, like, and touch upon content published on social media structures. This point further confirms social media’s critical function in SEO.
Social indicators indicate relevance and popularity, which search engines like google and yahoo use to determine scores based totally at the symbiotic relationship between engagement and content material nice. By captivating a broader audience on social media, content material earns greater clicks, stocks, and comments, boosting its perceived value and snowballing its impact on seek engine visibility.
How search engine marketing and Content Marketing Work Together
The primary query is whether or not content material advertising and marketing is the brand new search engine marketing, but the reality is that these two supplement and not replace each other. You realize, the manner a great marriage ought to work. SEO directs human beings on your content, at the same time as the content material maintains people for your web site and converts them into customers.
Therefore, a a hit search engine marketing approach requires content material advertising and vice versa. The surefire manner to get the quality outcomes from your advertising campaigns is via building a strategy that blends Content advertising and search engine optimization, as highlighted under.
Know your Target Audience
Both your search engine marketing and content material advertising strategies are only successful if you understand your target market properly. Through audience research, you make sure your content material is to be had to fascinated human beings so you don’t waste treasured resources writing to people who aren’t interested in what you have to mention.
When getting to know your target audience, try to be as specific as possible through knowing the entirety about them. For instance, if you are promoting a handbag, you can ask your self those questions about your target audience:
Are you focused on a youngster, mid-twenties, or older ladies? Better nonetheless, exactly how vintage is the female you would really like to goal?
Find the Right Keywords
Keywords are the heartbeat of search engine marketing. Without them, search engines like google and yahoo wouldn’t realize what your content material is ready, and accordingly, you wouldn’t rank. This makes content material optimisation essential in case you are to look any outcomes. Think approximately it. Will you promote any product if you have first-rate content that never gets found? Highly not likely.
Search engine optimisation is extra than sprinkling key phrases right here and there for your content. Instead, you have to be strategic in how you use those key phrases. First, perceive your primary key-word, that's the main attention of your content material.
Then, discover semantic key phrases, that are words associated with the number one keywords that Google anticipate you to apply while writing approximately a subject. For instance, in case your primary keyword for the instance we gave above is “excellent women’ purse,” Google would possibly count on to peer phrases like “designer baggage and women’s bags” in your content material.
Create High-Quality, Informative Content
Quality content material refers to properly-written, clean-to-study, properly-structured, and properly-centered content. Google sends consequences it feels answers a query within the fine way. In their helpful content material machine report, Google says it rewards content that satisfies readers.
Although numerous factors effect how nicely your content material ranks, relevance impacts how happy readers are after they go to your web site. If they live for your web page and your soar charge is low, Google will take this as a superb signal and send you greater site visitors.
If they jump as soon as they study the primary paragraph, you are in all likelihood to be on the incorrect side of Google. Quality content also has a tendency to draw back-links from different websites obviously. Backlinks show Google that different human beings agree with you and your statistics. This is essential and one of the major ranking factors. Learn greater approximately one-way links and why they matter here.
Also Read:
Understanding Search Intent: How it Works for search engine optimization
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