#Luka and Momotaro are jerks
curewhimsy · 3 years
AmeHaku Olympic AU
It was originally just a general Synth AU but the focus became AmeHaku?
This is a universe where being, and winning in the Olympics is the biggest dream in the world, and nearly everyone aspires to achieve.
Summer and Winter Olympics are all in one. They take place in a mountain area, with a Summer Sport Region and Winter Sport Region.
Haku Yowane is trained in speed skating, even though her true passion is figure skating. However, she was never allowed to pursue it by her strict parents, who raised her to focus on speed skating only. A dramatic story unfolds as Haku receives the chance to peruse her dream and learns to adapt to it. Haku begins figure skating, but her form is all wrong initially. Somehow eventually, she has to fill in for an injured figure skater, but her form suffers greatly. Haku has to completely relearn how to skate, but could there be an advantage to knowing both speed and figure skating techniches?
Ame Sugar, an optimistic girl with heart problems, has been training for synchronized swimming, the only Olympic sport her weak heart and body can physically take. She has been training for two years, and has gotten decent at it, despite it leaving her out of breath at times. Her partners are Joy, Teto, and Camille. But one day by chance, Ame randomly gets lost in the skating building in the Winter Sports Region and needs to sit down for a while. While resting, she ends up seeing a beautiful performance. Star figure skaters Luka Megurine and Momotaro Momone, the “Rose-pink Ballerina and Ballerino of the rink,” give such a graceful display of figure skating that takes Ame’s breath away. Ame finally realizes this enthralling feeling is something missing from her life. Despite having a weak heart, she now wants to pursue figure skating, even though it will hurt and be hard.
This is how Haku and Ame’s stories unexpectedly intertwine.
Haku sees Ame one day at the rink at 3:00 AM when few people are there. Ame has some experience with graceful movement as a synchronized swimmer… but it’s way different on the ice. Constantly having to pull herself up after falling down puts strain on her bad heart. Haku introduces herself. She notices Ame is in bad shape and finds out she was trying for hours. She tells Ame to take it easy. When Ame puts her shoes back on, she’s in so much pain that she can barely walk anymore, and her house is all the way at the Summer Sport Region! Haku, who lives close by, invites Ame to her house to rest.
Ame then has a conversation with Haku as she recovers at Haku’s house. She tells Haku why she suddenly wanted to pick up figure skating, the performance that inspired her, and how it changed her life. She also says how Luka and Momotaro are now her idols.
Haku tells Ame that Luka and Momotaro are super talented, but very hard to approach. She always noticed that they don’t exactly have the most open personalities. Ame suggests maybe they’re just shy. Haku slowly nods… Maybe Ame is right.
Eventually, there is a part where Ame sees Luka and Momotaro and wants their autographs. She tells them about how she is following in their footsteps because they inspired her. Luka is cold, and doesn’t acknowledge the compliment. Momotaro makes a somewhat snide remark, saying “Whatever, that’s what they all say. Go ahead and prove you’re special then.” Ame was however, oblivious that this was an insult, and took it as Momotaro motivating her.
Ame eventually participates in a newcomer‘s audition to become an official figure skating competitor and fails. She is discouraged, and wants Luka’s advice. She walks up to her and is out of breath by the time she’s at speaking distance.
To Ame’s surprise, Luka rudely criticizes her and says “You don‘t deserve to be an athlete if you can’t even walk that far without getting tired.”
Ame tries to tell her she has heart problems but Luka is cold. She insists she is just weak. Weak-willed, and weak in constitution. That’s why she didn’t pass the audition. Luka passed her first audition of course. So did Momotaro. They were both impeccable.
So why is Ame such a failure?
Momotaro arrives at the scene and starts picking on Ame too, saying “Quit trying to be a ballerina when you just look like a clown.”
But Haku was behind Ame for a while and heard quite a lot. Haku starts standing up to Ame saying she is determined and cheerful, big-hearted and devoted. She wants to inspire and encourage people, unlike Momotaro and Luka who only shoot people down.
However, Ame is crushed that the people she admired turned out to be such jerks… towards her, as well.
To Be Continued…
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