#Luna the ball python
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Luna is getting a new tank, and snuggling while I disinfect everything. She’s never this snuggly with me, just with my husband (her Dad). So mama is loving the noddle snuggles today!
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rottenpumpkin13 · 2 months
I have managed to send my pet Ball Python, Luna, into the SOLDIER floor. She is a wonderful little noodle and I hope you all enjoy her company. If she bites somebody, feed her a rat, but make sure she doesn't mistake Genesis for one.
Sincerely, SeaSaltHeadache~ 🖤✨🪽
*Sephiroth is trying to feed the python a live rat. There is a chocobo in the corner. Angeal walks into the room*
Angeal: What's with the chocobo?
Sephiroth: Pay it no mind.
Angeal: Have you seen Genesis?
Sephiroth: He went out to buy toys to enrich the python's stay here.
Angeal: The rat is Genesis isn't, it?
Sephiroth: No?
Angeal: You turned Genesis into a rat.
Sephiroth: A baseless accusation.
*Zack walks in*
Zack: What's with the chocobo?
Sephiroth: Pay it no mind.
Angeal: Sephiroth turned Genesis into a rat and now he's trying to feed him to the python.
*He rushes up to the rat and cuddles it*
*Genesis is standing in the doorway*
Genesis: What are you talking about? I'm standing right here.
Angeal: Huh. What was I thinking? Sephiroth, I'm sorry for accusing you of turning Genesis into a rat.
Sephiroth: Apology accepted.
*The spell wears off and the chocobo turns back into Cloud*
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Pavlov, the mad scientist.
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- Curse is inlaid into their eyes, rather than their hands. Direct eye contact triggers the curse.
- Kuras Route
- AMAB and agender, doesn't understand the point of gender expression and doesn't care about other's opinions on their identity. Doesn't care about being labelled as male or female and doesn't bother correcting people. Kuras and Mhin seemed easily able to tell that they were genderless.
- He and she can be used for them, but they do prefer they/them or any other gender neutral pronouns, including it/its and neopronouns.
- Is adept in all forms of science such as Biology, Human Anatomy, Chemistry/Alchemy, Physics, Pyschology, Medicine, Astronomy, etc.
- Is also adept in maths up to AP Calc.
- Enjoys reading and writing, but not very often.
- High masking autistic
- Has a pet Axanthic Ball Python named Zirconium
- Finds Kuras' presence offputting but very intriguing.
- Can use magic, but only for practical reasons.
- Not spiritual in any sense and prefers logic over idealism. Understands that spiritual entities and magic exists, but prefers to use science to explain everything.
- Perfected the ability to create their glasses out of magic so that if they get lost or destroyed, they can just create a new pair outta thin air lmao.
- Doesn't talk much, but when they do, it's usually to prove you wrong.
- Shows emotion despite what you may think. They aren't very expressive by any means, but they have their ways.
- They have pinpoint accuracy and are really good with long-range weapons. Has a magical energy longbow that is heavily inspired by Gowther's Herritt treasure from Seven Deadly Sins
- Loves stargazing
- Love language is parallel play
- Germaphobe
- Butterfly symbolism
- Dry humor and puns to the max
- Voice Claim is Clint Bickham
Their childhood was quiet. They didn't have many friends and mostly stuck to their mother's side. She was autistic as well and seemed to be the only one who understood Pavlov. Their mother educated them for most of their life, until she was taken away. Pavlov was only 12. She was taken away by people that Pavlov cannot remember, but they know that they will hunt for their heads. On that same day, a Senobium mage came to Pavlov, calling herself Lunaviere (luna-vee-air), or simply just Lady Luna. She said she would take the place of their mother. Pavlov reacted badly at first, but eventually masked it all and gave cold indifference to Lady Luna.
It wasn't until years later, at 17, that Pavlov had gotten over their indifference to Lady Luna, mostly because she taught him well. Pav found their love for a lot of things through Lady Luna, and she taught them how to use magic and study the stars. Pav found comfort in stargazing with her.
When Pavlov was 19, they discovered a letter on Lady Luna's desk. It was a letter from the Senobium.
...You need to submit your research on the subject, Lunaviere. The curse that child holds is no joke. Find a way to extract that curse and send us the results...
Lady Luna was using Pavlov for research. They huffed out a pained laugh and put the letter and put it back where they found it. From then on, Lady Luna became more pressing and pushy. Pavlov is sure she knew that they had read the letter.
It was when she had strapped them down while they were sleeping that they had realized they should've acted sooner. They should've run when they had the chance.
(tw: eye related goreish description)
Luna had poked and prodded at his eyes, stabbing them, probing them from the inside, only to find that their eyes regrew and so did their vision. Pavlov's screams died on deaf ears as no one would come to save them from the torture that woman did to them.
Using magic and common sense was how they escaped, they stole whatever money they could from Luna and ran. Not only would they come back to kill that woman, but they would also find whoever took their mother and set them up for torture. And they'll do it by any means necessary.
More art and stat sheets below!!!
my sweet bb :), some of their stat sheets need to be updated too 💔
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theprissythumbelina · 1 month
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@teacupsandstarlight @owlsandwich @thatndginger
I present the main patterns of dragons. From Left to right, top to bottom, Red veined dragon, Yellow speckled dragon, Blue stripped dragon, Green eyed dragon, and Black ribboned dragon. The colors and patterns can all be mixed and matched, so a any color can be any of these patterns.
The yellow reminded me of a banana ball python. I didn't mean for the green to come off as luna moth inspired but it kinda does. The red looks like she got caught in a lightning storm and I love it. The blue has the best colors, but the black is hands down the most dramatic looking.
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fallen-and-holy · 1 year
how do yall's daemons choose/find their forms? im genuinly curious, because Apophis's form has always been a white snake. Like, the second i read HDM for the first time i thought, "oh, my daemon would be a white snake." when i started practicing daemonism, she was just,, a snake. She sometimes plays with other forms, like she often takes a luna moth form when i'm biking, but she's always been a white snake. (specifically hognose usually, but sometimes a ball python)
how did yalls forms come to be?
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r0-boat · 1 year
Out of Water
Merman Oc! Noah x reader
Ch: 2
Cut for length.
You spent your evening on your laptop scrolling through the list of missing persons on a government website. You kept glancing over at the brown-haired male who was staring wide-eyed at your pet snake, Luna. A white ball python you adopted from a neighbor before they moved out. For a moment, you thought about just letting the police handle him…
But you had already offered him to stay here, and if you're being honest, the police in this area wasn't too hopeful, to put it lightly…
Even though he seemed to have a very negative reaction when you mentioned his family or parents, it was no harm in checking…
The young man gave you a rather confused look when you mentioned identification—speaking that strange language once again.
As you continue to look over your thoughts, a sinking feeling in your stomach continues to Bubble within you as you keep scrolling through the list of missing people, unable to find a photographic match to the man you had in your house.
'Maybe something more Sinister happened to him?' You glanced over back at him. You saw as you began to push down your anxiety when you saw his big stupid smile when Luna flicked her tongue at him.
No, no, no… human trafficking? How ridiculous; he didn't really show signs of being in distress, no bruises or anything that would show signs of a struggle.
Besides, when you first met him, even though you can really understand him, he seemed polite and friendly, a little nice and, in fact. Letting out a sigh you will lower your head 
into your hands, those suppose you can't really judge me th. You just let a total stranger crash at your house.
 A land creature he has never seen before! Its long pearly white body entranced him, and his eyes filled with Wonder and curiosity; the sea serpent looked different. Sea serpents back home were longer, flatter, and meaner looking. This one was smaller and fatter.
He remembered being warned to stay away from serpents as they zipped in the water quikly , and most were venom. Still, this is one, with its glimmering snow-white scales, was slow and almost graceful as it slithered its way out of its den to greet him, he was marveled when the serpent looked like it was smiling at him. Even with the wall of glass separated between the two Noah was still compelled to give the creature a little distance, almost afraid that it would strike and he would be poisoned! But the creature, curious about him to move closer, booping its nose against the glass on accident before flicking its tongue at him.
"Do you wanna hold her?"
Noah's eyes shifted to you; he understood some human, but not much. He watched as you got up from the chair closing your…. Uh thing? as you walk over to him his breath hitches in panic when you open the lid of the tank putting your hands the creatures containment box outwardly touching the land sea serpent.
He completely expected the white serpent to bite you but to his shock the serpent immediately wrapped itself around you, remaining docile yet inquisitive in your hands as you slowly bring it out of its box.
Noah's eyes widened in amazement, in a little bit of nervousness. 
A look of confusion crosses your face at his reaction to Luna. Trying to almost back away when Luna would try to reach her head to flick her tongue at him. Sensing that something isn't right, you try giving some distance between Luna and Noah so he can watch from afar. Still, for some reason, your ball python wanted to get closer. Luna was usually shy, immediately balling up in your hand when she didn't want to interact. Seeing her this excited to meet someone new was strange. You knew snakes had a bad rap for being scary, and you didn't want to contribute to that, so you quickly opened back up her lid, putting Luna back inside.
"Ah, Sorry, I thought you wanted to hold her."
Noah always had terrible encounters with serpents back home… He didn't think he was ready for the dry versions.
You pretty much guide Noah to your bathroom. As it was getting late, he smelled like seawater, and his dress, now dried, had sand falling from the fabric.
"Is that the only thing you have?" You ask, pulling at his dress.
Noah tilts his head, grabbing at the fabric and looking at the white dress before looking back at you. He seems to understand what you are saying, only for you to panic when he tries to take it off. Your face turns red as you push him into the bathroom.
"NOPE, NOPE, NOPE! Bathroom, run the water now!" 
You paused, going over your thoughts,
… you have a random man in your house… 
hearing the shower quietly run…
Taking him in was a mistake immediately. What he needed wasn't just a place to stay he needed something that was far beyond your control… whatever fight or disagreement he had with his parents did not concern you and you didn't want to get involved. You rest your head into your hands, groaning. Tomorrow for sure, you're going straight to the poli-
Hearing the sound of crashing you immediately with your head around, it had only been about 2 minutes since you heard the water running?!
You turn the handle to your bathroom door. You couldn't believe your eyes to the sight in front of you. The white dress discarded on the floor, the slippery floor of your bathtub taking its first life. The mysterious hid tan skin was now replaced with silver scales draped over the rim of the bathtub, a fishtail lying Motionless inside the tub.
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daiohficblog · 8 months
Pets of the Magic School Bus Gang
Just for the headcanons, here are the pets of the kids. Some are canon to the show and extra material made before Rides Again crushed my dreams.
Arnold: Bob, who is just a rock. (Yes, he has a pet rock and the kids don’t mind it)
Carlos: An Alaskan Malamute named Luna (from @spacefinch ‘s headcanon)
Dorothy Ann: A scarlet macaw named Dinah (who is 20 years older than the gang and can somehow speak in proper English)
Keesha: a Western Hognose Snake named Caramel (who is an albino conda morph)
Phoebe (shared with Ralphie because they’re step-siblings): a red fox name Renee (who was saved from a fur farm as a kit) and a piebald ball python named Charlie
Ralphie (shared with Phoebe): a mexican red knee tarantula named Fangs (to which he and Phoebe calls him cute and is sent to Phoebe’s room whenever Carlos is in Ralphie’s room)
Tim: A pair of Netherland Dwarf rabbits named Van Gogh and Monet
Wanda: A Nova Scotia Duck Trolling Retriever named Goldie, an American Bullfrog named Bella, and whatever reptile was brought in the house because of her mother’s job as a science writer
Also Phoebe is the pet-sitter of the group in case the gang is going out of the city.
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daemonsfordays · 10 months
We have daemons for days
Welcome to the side blog of @korya-elana! This space is specifically to talk about our varied experiences with daemonism!
Note: Not demons in any form. Think His Dark Materials.
As a DID System of 30+, our experiences with daemonism are highly varied and because it's such a massively important part of our existence and daily life, we wanted to provide resources, personal experiences and general awareness.
List of relevant alters and their daemons below the links!
Alters and their daemons! Note, not every alter has a daemon in our System and not every alter/daemon is very well known. Em (They/Them): -Prothomalion (Thom, He/Him): Settled yellow-throated marten. Eudaimon. Snarky and outgoing. -Elethanye (Ani, She/Her): Unsettled, usually a silken windhound. Sweet as honey. Mental construct. Kay (He/Him): -Kekani (Kiki, She/Her): Settled European Hare. Practical, no-nonsense. We used to see her pop up and check on us occasionally when Kay was the Gatekeeper.
Allison (She/Her): -Z (He/Him). Settled luna moth. His full name is private and he's very quiet and introspective. -Azekia (Ziki, She/Her): Settled ball python. Ziki primarily takes her snake form, but has also learned to love the giant anteater. She's sweet and practical
"Auntie" (She/Her): -Xxyss (pronounced Chiss maybe? He/Him): I don't know "Auntie" very well. It's hard to really write down or pronounce her golden eagle daemon's name, so this is more guesswork than anything else tbh.
Jasper (They/Them): -???: Red-ruffed lemur. Don't know much about her, she sticks pretty close to Jasper and he keeps her name to himself.
Kell (He/Him): -Isadora (She/Her): Jaguarundi. Kell took awhile to name her and start interacting with her but it's been beautiful to see their relationship grow as he figures out life in the System.
Eris (She/Her): -???: Purple-toned leopard gecko. I think it's a he?
Sparrow (She/Her): -??? Some kind of male griffin the size of a large housecat
System Daemon: -Demippos (He/Him, referred to by our kids as Meepo): Melanistic leopard. Demippos is sort of an introject, he entered our System through a mental health app focused on daemons and he was what we got after the quiz. He usually shows up if one of us is needing extra support or serves as daemon to those who don't have one. He likes to sleep with the youngest two.
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duberyan · 9 months
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Some of my favourite photos of me featuring Luna, my ball python.
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“Mother. Mother I crave violence.”
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angelcloves · 1 year
Oh goodness no! No no no! I formerly apologize if my tone came across as fatphobic or implied that you were a bad dancer. I think you look lovely and that your dancing is amazing!
I was just joking around by saying that the way your shirt sits on you in the first seconds of the video has made me mistakenly think that parts of it were either a pigeon or a ball python. I've had to take a second look at the video to confirm that you aren't actually dancing with animals twice now, lol.
OMG ITS OKAY i wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt anyways thank you for clarifying. the cats dont like to be held unfortunately but you can see me watch luna walk in front of me just out of frame in my dance cover of my love mine all mine. thats about as much time as hell tolerate in front of the camera though
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spacefinch · 1 year
More MSB headcanons
The students, from oldest to youngest (according to my headcanons)
Dorothy Ann
They’re all very close in age. D.A. and Wanda have the smallest age gap— only one week.
Phoebe has the widest variety of pets out of anyone in the class. She has: a cat, a bunch of fish, a small flock of finches, a gecko, a ball python, and a dog. (The dog technically isn’t hers— it’s her dad’s guide dog.)
Arnold has a pet rock. That’s it.
Dorothy Ann has a Maine Coon cat named Teddy, and a parrot named Dinah. (Both pet names were in the books. However, Teddy’s breed wasn’t specified.)
Carlos and Mikey have not one, not two, but four cats. Two of them— Neelix and Spot— are named after the Star Trek characters. I haven’t decided on names for the other two. They also have a Malamute dog named Luna.
Tim has pet rabbits— which have been the subject of many drawings.
Ralphie has a pet tarantula named Fang (shown in the chapter books). He thinks Fang is cute. Phoebe is the only one who agrees with him. In addition, he and his family have a very old, very grumpy tortoiseshell cat. The cat’s name is Brandy, and she’s slightly older than Ralphie. (And yes, she was named after the song. And yes, she is a fine girl.)
Keesha strikes me as a dog person, but I’m not sure what kind of dog she’d have.
Wanda has a dog. What other pets she has depends on what she’s caught to study recently: frogs, ladybugs, fence lizards, you name it. Speaking of names, she also named the reptiles that her mom (a herpetologist) brings home from work.
Other notes:
Mikey is really good at playing the piano. I don’t know why I have this headcanon, but somehow it makes sense,
Picking and choosing from the MSB Rides Again guidebook: Ralphie lives with his mom, stepdad, and older stepbrother. I have not thought of a name for the stepbrother except “Robert.” In addition to his immediate family, his grandfather lives there too.
Keesha lives with her grandparents. I’ve seen other people come up with the headcanon that Keesha’s parents aren’t in the picture anymore. While it is sad, it is still interesting.
Phoebe has two dads: Mr. Terese and Mr. Cox. Mr. Terese has been blind since birth, and is the one responsible for getting Phoebe into birding. Mr. Cox is a botany teacher at a local college and helped get Phoebe interested in plants as well.
D.A. and her sister
Her sister’s full name is Evangeline, but everyone calls her Evan.
Evan is around 3 or 4 years younger than D.A. She loves anything to do with owls or cats.
D.A. took her role as a big sister very seriously— and still does. She tries her best not to get annoyed (sometimes she still get annoyed), and she reads books to Evan whenever she has a chance.
There are minor arguments over who the cat likes better.
Other notes on families:
Arnold: lives with mom and dad. Cousin Janet occasionally comes to visit.
Carlos: lives with mom and dad, plus younger siblings Mikey and Maria. Sometimes their grandparents or other relatives come to visit.
Keesha: Only child. Lives with paternal grandmother and grandfather.
Ralphie: Lives with mom, stepdad and stepbrother, and maternal grandfather.
Phoebe: Lives with her two dads. I can’t decide whether to give her siblings or not.
Wanda: Lives with her mom and her little brother William. I do have the headcanon that Wanda has two moms— since her mom’s design in “Going Batty” is completely different from the design we see in later episodes.
Tim: Normal-ish family: mom, dad, maybe a sibling or two.
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zonie-az · 2 years
Do you think any of the states own pets??
Ik that some of them would be incapable of owning a pet, but which ones do you think could and do, but also what kind of animals?
if this question makes any grammatical sense y'know
Oh yes!!! I have some already planned out.
Florida has an alligator. That isn't his pet but that lives by his house and Florida has decided is his and named Alfred.
Florida takes photos and puts them on his Christmas cards. That he sends out way to late people get Christmas cards around the end of February from them.
California has a black cat named Luna. He will go on and on about how black cats are so nice and how dare people discriminate against them. Luna loves everyone. Not just Cali which can get Cali jealous when Luna is trying to get someone else's attention. He puts her in the cat backpack and walks her around. She loves it.
Arizona has basically a reptile sanctuary at his house. Most are ones that people got and didn't take care of or didn't realize how big they would get. And he has rescue them. He does find good homes for all of them. A few are wild that was hurt but he only keeps them like 2 days before finding a good place that can keep them. Mostly utah helps with that cause Ari will try and make friends and keep it. And that rattlesnake belongs back in the wild stop Ari he can't be your friend.
But Ari does have a ghost ball python named Abby after a ghost cat in one of his ghost towns (how many times can I say ghost in one sentence) she is his forever. She loves climbing on him and everything. He loves her so much and will have her around him and the chair and desk while working.
Utah and his family have a dog. Her name is Gracie. She is a Golden retriever and the kids love throwing the ball. And she will play ball for hours on end.
Maryland has some Red claws and a big fish tank. (not together of course) he has some guppies. And lotssss of Molly the poor guy didn't do his research and the Molly have been multiplying. And keep multiplying and poor Maryland doesn't know what to do besides get a bigger tank and maybe try and find homes for them. Someone help this boy out. They are to small to throw old bay on them and have dinner. Also they family now you don't eat family. Someone help him please. He doesn't know how to ask for help. The pet store down the road is like bro just get ride of them. And Maryland is worried they won't go to a good home.
New York has a pet pigeon(s) and a pet rat(s).
I haven't figured out much besides that. But he has both. Cause he needs to. They are named after Broadway characters or something like that.
Coco has a pet rock, it might have been a joke gift but he put googly eyes on it and his name is Jeff. Utah has made Jeff a little knitted hat. Coco will just be high and Jeff will sit next to him while coco just lays on his bed and looks up at the ceiling. He will talk to Jeff too. Ari will give Jeff some water cause he needs to stay hydrated.
DC/Gov has a cactus called Ari but green. Arizona give him it and put eyes on him as well. The eyes are made of felt and made to look like puppy dog eyes. Ari and Florida will talk in a weird voice for Ari but green. Mostly just telling DC to stop working and drink some water and take a nap or at least eat something beside the candy you have hidden in your desk drawer. It's hard for DC to say no he tried tho he tries a lot.
And yeah those are what I have for them. I know their baby dog and others people have suggested and all. But these are the ones I hold close.
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the-whispers-of-death · 4 months
I'm just gonna continue
Callsign: Luna
"Name": Caelum
Date of birth: 1970, April 20
Height: 6'10
Ethnicity: Japanese, Romani
Enhancements: Speed, Extreme accelerated self-healing, night vision, [REDACTED], [REDACTED],[REDACTED], [REDACTED]
Dry ass mf. Every time Prince tells a joke, he'll just go "Ha. That's funny." But there's no humor or emotion in his tone. People think he's being mean or sarcastic, but that's just how he sounds like. Very blunt as well. He's not the person you want to go to if you want comfort. Him on the battlefield, however, is very different. He gets violent. Grotesquely violent. Not above biting a man's throat out. He gets kinda crazy. Like laughing maniacally while killing soldiers crazy. Like licking the blood of his enemies off of him crazy. Maniac.
In a secluded area of the Eclipse base is a garden with a large variety of plants run by a botanist. One of those plants is a Marijuana bush that Luna has named Daria. And Luna deeply appreciates Daria. So much so that when he spends a lot of time with her, he'll go back to the main kitchen of the Eclipse base and start making a shit ton of food. The rest of the Eclipse soldiers like it when this happens because Luna is a God in the kitchen. Everyone is confused by Luna because he's very mysterious and mystical.
Callsign: Pleurotus
"Name": Terra (Prince named him)
Date of birth: 1990, May 11
Height: 5'5
Ethnicity: Jamaican, Filipino
Enhancements: Soft bones, paralyzing saliva, animal whisperer, play dead
His nickname is opossum man. He's best friends with Luna, and both of them head to the garden to check out the plants. Luna checks out Daria and Pleurotus (Uro for short) checks out the cool mushrooms in the very back! :D he's probably the most laid back even tho he's aware that he has no free will, and he's definitely the person you want to go to when you need comfort. Extremely wise and extremely smart and sweet. Can also throw down in the kitchen
Callsign: Melody
Date of birth: 1994
Height: 5'10
Ethnicity: Dominican/Argentinian
Enhancements: Echolocation, heightened hearing, supreme stealth, night vision, great balance, speed
Cheerful. Absolute golden retriever. Himbo? Himbo. He follows Dragon around everywhere he goes. He thinks Dragon is so cool. Super protective over the rest of the Eclipse soldiers. Super emotionally intelligent. Flirts a lot, but he doesn't realize he's flirting. A naturally charming and handsome man
Eclipse staff!
Name: Miriam Duvall
Date of birth: 1989, October 1
Height: 4'11
Ethnicity: Taiwanese
Is the one who planted Daria. tries to keep it on the downlow and is failing. Terrible at lying. She's too honest. Has a pet snake named Sarah. Has two kids. Anxious and constantly worried. People stress her out.
Phoenix Olivier Constello
Date of birth: 1968 [REDACTED], [REDACTED]
Height: 6'8 but he is also constructed hunched over and has terrible posture
Ethnicity: Russian/Mongolian
Grumpy old man. Coffee is always in his hand. Has all the fluffy animal slippers. Bunnies, cats, chicks, pigs, you name it. Always tired and always working. Scruffy. Very thick Russian accent. Harsh but hes kind once he knows you long enough. Him, Luna, Uro, and Antares always hang out. Talking about random shit. Three of them have been on earth for so long, and Uro already talks like a wise old man so they get along great. Phoenix is a proud father of 3 cats as well
You: Stone, keep it in your pants.
Stone: You can't say that and then talk about two more older men.
I'm trying to keep the man away from Antares, Luna, and Phoenix, but I think I'm losing that battle.
Python and Miriam can bond over having pet snakes (he has both a corn snake and a ball python, yes the ball python is the entire reason why he's called "Python" instead of "Snake").
I too think Dragon is cool, so me and Melody are in the same boat in that respect. Also, love the fact Melody is a himbo, we love himbos here.
Pleurotus sounds like he's an excellent cuddler. I want to lay on top of him. (And so does Heartthrob honestly, but I'm not entirely sure why he decided to make an appearance.)
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folktaylor · 4 years
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got to hold luna yesterday and she loved the pocket of my sweater very much
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friendly-familiars · 6 years
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Luna poses with some roses ;P
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