#Lunar doesn't swear in front of their parents
thelunarsystemwrites · 7 months
Hey kid
I’m your uncle
come with me, we’re going to the arcade instead of school
Hell yeah! >:]
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ldysmfrst · 4 months
Breaking and Entering (1) - Lovren
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Status: Ongoing Series
Chapter number: 1 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 3,269
Word count for Story: 3,269
Genre: Werewolf
There are no chapter titles, but each chapter will have a name listed that indicates which POV the chapter is from. Mindlinks are in italics. Conversations with their inner wolf are in bold italics.
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children. One of which is special needs, and on 3/28, they lost 75% of their vision. I started a Patreon if you feel the heart to donate towards helping with the medical costs of appointments, medication, and modifications to the house, which insurance doesn't cover.
Warnings: (I am not good at this, but I will try. Let me know if I missed anything!!) NOT BETA READ!! This story will have a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, and m/m. This chapter does mention parent death and foster care.
Side note: This is the first story I have ever written. Since I am laid up on pain meds from almost breaking my ankle, I thought I would share something with you, my dearest readers. This will be posted on my Patreon as well. I hope you enjoy it!
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High school was the last milestone for youth everywhere. Mine happens to be at Lunar Ridge High. Like most high schools, there are three main cliques at LRH: The Clackers, The Worms, and The Invisibles. 
The Clackers are the popular students consisting of cheerleaders, prepsters, and jocks. I call them ‘The Clackers’ because the girls always wear high heels that clack on the school floor, announcing their presence wherever they go. 
The jocks and male prepsters are also classified as Clackers because where a Clacker girl is, you will find a Clacker guy. They follow them, acting like a starving dog after a juicy steak. It is disgusting and barbaric, but hey, they are teenage boys. What else would you expect?
The Worms are all the nerdy students, such as spelling bee champs, straight-A students, and World Peace-type kids. They controlled all the science labs throughout the day. If they were not there, they took over the bleachers and discussed the newest technology or scientific discovery. 
Oddly enough, though, LRH never really had a plethora of Worms in the Library, just hanging out and reading random stuff. Most were in and out as if staying longer would get them unwanted attention. 
Last and most certainly least is The Invisibles. The name should explain itself. They tend to be more intelligent and politically inclined to be a Worm but are “sneaky” about it. They don’t qualify in looks, popularity, or athleticism to be considered a Clacker; therefore, they are Invisible to everyone. Imagine every Invisible to act like Violet from “The Impossibles,” just disappearing whenever they need to. 
We won’t talk about the Outcasts because, technically, they belong to one of the three main groups but just rebel and refuse to fall into a clique. I always thought it was safer to fall into one but hide almost in plain sight. It kept people from asking questions, and well… I got left alone for the most part. 
One of the main reasons it was easy for me to pick a clique at LRH was because the Clackers and the Worms looked like they belonged on the cover of Italian Vogue. It was like some kinda fashion week was happening year-round. I swear this town must have something in the water or really outstanding genetics. 
This is strange because if they all pulled from the same genetic pool, then those crazy stories of deformed kids due to incest and such didn’t apply here, even though it was scientifically proven.
The LRH campus should belong in the middle of a metropolis, not some dinky mountain town. 
A strange thing about LRH is the lack of fencing around the school. There is nothing to define the edge of the school grounds. It has a vast parking lot out front and a large field that leads to a beautiful forest mountain range in the back. They don’t seem to care about people (or wildlife) coming and going as they please. 
It makes me curious about how the school deals with truancies. 
LRH is also the cleanest school in the history of schools, even with its large campus, which includes five double-story buildings, a pool, and a soccer field. 
The first buildings you see at LRH are the café and the gymnasium. Both are single-story buildings with very dynamic renderings of running wildlife—no, I take that back: running wolves. It is a beautiful mural, and with all the howling at night around this town, it makes perfect sense they chose wolves as the focus. 
Between them sits the administration building, the tallest building on campus, and in Lunar Ridge. The admin building is the only part of the school that is open year-round at 6:00 a.m., closes at 6:00 p.m., and allows anyone in town to come in and check out books. 
With its impressive size, the admin building is a gateway to the school. It is a significantly modernized building for a city this size. It has floor-to-ceiling windows, which creates a very open and welcoming feeling. It also has a 13 Ghosts-styled glasshouse creepiness to it. 
The first floor holds the typical High School admin offices, and the second through fourth floors contain the town library with pristine glass walls. If you love books, it is a breathtaking view not only because of the view from the windows but also because of the stacks of books inside. 
The top floor is restricted. 
Only those with a special badge can open the elevators, and business people come and go like it’s the Town Hall. Unlike the other floors, the top level looked like it had a glassy material, but you couldn’t see into it like the other floors. If it is the Town Hall, it makes sense that privacy must be needed. 
The cluster of buildings on the other side of the parking lot from the school would be considered the bustling town of Lunar Ridge. It is a simple town. There is a Main Street center, a few convenience and gas combo stores, two grocery stores, a twin drive-in movie theater, and a large city park with an aquatic center. 
There wasn’t even a “Starbucks” or “Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf” in sight, and the closest mall was in the next town over, wherever that is.
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I live in Lunar Ridge with the Moores family: Rachel, Jonathan, and their daughter Selena. 
Selena is about three months older than me. She is the LRH varsity cheerleading co-captain, and she has the classic Barbie doll look—platinum blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and perky body features—a carbon copy of Rachel. 
Rachel was the Varsity Cheerleader Captain when she attended LRH and doesn’t seem to age… at all. If you compare the photos of her on the walls to how she looks now, you would think she was her own younger sister. She works part-time as a receptionist for LRH to “keep herself busy.”
On the other hand, Johnathan probably was a Worm, possibly a jock Clacker, back in the day and is the current Lunar Ridge Police Chef. Come to think of it, I never see him in a police uniform, just all-black bouncer-type clothes. He has pitch-black hair with some gray showing that looks more like silver strokes of lightning. 
John has the brightest, friendliest brown eyes on the planet. He loves Rachel and Selena to the ends of the earth, and you can tell they love him back just as much. Jonathan welcomes me the most out of all the Moores family, making staying here a little more bearable. 
Selena is dating the soccer team captain, Mitchell “Mitch” Gunner. Mitch is your typical soccer guy, standing about 6’ 2” with a runner’s body. You wouldn’t know that he is buff until you see him practice. Then, you can finally see the rippling muscles under his sun-kissed skin. His eyes are blue but more dark blue than Selena’s crystal blue. However, their hair color seems like they got the same dye job. 
Mitch is also one of the only “kids” I know who has a badge for the private elevator at the library. Don’t ask me why.
Mitch and Selena were always the ones that had the most significant Clacker following. They both had suitors crushing on them regularly. They tried their best to gain a moment of their attention despite the lack of care from either Mitch or Selena. The followers acted as if their happiness depended on the presence of Selena or Mitch. 
Strangely enough, neither one of them hung out together in or out of school. Sure, they acknowledged each other in the halls, but you would not have pegged them as friends. 
That all changed at Selena’s 18th birthday party. Everyone and their brother seemed to be at the Moores’ home for the party. I stayed in my room for the party, especially since I wouldn’t stay long. I had only been with the Moores’ for about two months, and I didn’t want to deal with explaining who I was. 
Apparently, I missed out on something huge. 
Now, all of a sudden, Selena and Mitch go everywhere together. They are together at the park, at the house, and everywhere, and all their suitors suddenly stop pursuing them. It was as if there was a switch that intensified everything between them. It suited me just fine because that meant fewer people to avoid over the rest of the summer break. 
Selena continued blabbering about how they were High School Royalty because they were the first senior couple. It has done wonders for their egos, and I am surprised they can still fit through a doorway.
No, I am not related to the Moores. 
They are foster family number eleven, but then again, who’s counting? I can hardly remember anything about my parents besides what the incident report tells me. All it tells me is that they died on the scene of a car accident while on their way home. 
I was only seven when it happened, and every time I try to get a copy of the report, it is always blacked out. The doctors say I can’t or won’t be able to remember much of my life before the accident because of something to do with the Post-Traumatic Stress of losing them. I do know they were my only family, so I got put into the foster system. 
The Moores are considered family number eleven because I don’t belong as an add-on. I wouldn’t have lost my parents if the powers-that-be wanted me in a family. 
The foster families never seemed to care about spending much time with me or treating me like family, so why stick around? I made life exciting for me; besides, something in me never felt quite settled with the families I was dumped into. This leads to the main reason why I have been with so many families: I guess it aggravates the foster families when the cops keep bringing you home.  Then they don’t want you anymore as it is too much drama for them, even though I was just a paycheck. 
Before you know it, you are off to the next family to help them pay for their rent or addiction. 
Eleven families in ten years means I am with most families for less than a year. I don’t even count families I stay with for under three months. So far, I have lasted with the Mors for four months, officially making them family number eleven. 
My name is Lovren, which means “dear secret” in Old English, but I tend to go by Ren. No, I don’t care to have a last name. The foster system decided my surname would be that of whatever family I was with at the time. I have been with one too many to remember. 
So, technically, my last name is Moores. 
I am seventeen and have fair skin with some freckles splattered about. I stand at 5’9” and weigh about 240 lbs, most of which is in my butt and my thighs. I guess I am what some people call “curvy” or fat; which one they use depends on if they are talking to me or talking about me. 
I am proudly one of the few Invisible seniors at LRH. 
I was placed in the middle of Nowheresville in late spring, and because my grades are always stellar, I didn’t need to attend LRH for the remainder of my junior year. Besides, it would have annoyed everyone if I left before my 3-month “trial period” ended.  
When I moved in, the Moores gave me Selena’s old room, including her bedroom set, and, this time, I could bring most of my clothes. I only bring a little with me from house to house. It makes things easier for me. I want to save time and effort about little items getting lost. 
The only thing necessary to me is the only picture I own, and it is one of my mother and father in their engagement photo with me in her baby bump.
Honestly, I swear the system put me with this family and this town because they didn’t think I could cause much trouble. Don’t they know idle hands are the devil’s work?
My favorite place in this whole teeny tiny town is the library. I like to sit on the fourth floor in the southeast corner. There is a desk with a Mac, a comfy loveseat, and a perfect town view. I discovered it when I first moved here. I love watching the dark shadows return to the mountains as the sun wakes the town. 
In the few months I have been here, I have never seen anyone, aside from the random cop-looking guys, in this section of the library. They are all pleasant and leave me alone. I am not sure if it is because I am just sitting there “behaving” or if Jon told them who I was. 
My go-to section is the Romance and Fantasy section. All the shifter, vampire, and magic-styled romance, erotica, and adventure stories that I could read were my secret obsession. 
Sadly, with school starting today, I must be reasonable and focused on my studies. I had one of the highest GPAs in all my previous schools and want to keep that up. I don’t want anyone to know because I don’t want to be noticed by The Worms. 
I also need to figure out a way for the school board not to want me to be valedictorian. However, I only have eight more months before the Moores inevitably find some reason to kick me out. This means I will not be graduating from LRH, so what’s the point of fitting in and finding friends?
I have my day already figured out. 
Since I am a senior, they let me pick my class schedule. When not hiding in the library before and after school, I sit in the back corner of my classes nearest the exit. I prefer sitting there because I can get in and out of my classes without bumping into anyone. Like every new school, the teachers will keep trying to get me to participate. 
Most students who “are like me” don’t care to pay attention, get into trouble, and fail their classes. They were wrong about one thing: I wouldn’t fail any of my classes. My teachers typically learn not to call on me because I don’t want to answer their questions. I wouldn’t put it past some of the student body to end up thinking I am mute and probably dumb. 
I’m lucky to have a free period right before lunch, making it easy to get my food before anyone else even gets out of class. It will also allow me to go into the library to eat by myself without anyone noticing. I am pretty sure the librarian knows I have eaten inside over the summer break. Still, she’s never said anything to me. I hope now that school starts, she doesn’t decide to have a problem with it. I always ensure it looks like I was never there when I leave the area. 
Then again, that is how I tend to live everywhere I visit, hence my being Invisible. Now that you are up to speed let’s move on.
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My routine will be simple; I will do it on autopilot after the first week. I wake up at 5:30 a.m., shower, get dressed, maybe get something to eat, and go to school. Today is the first day of my last year of High School. My clothing choices are mostly the same in style and color. 
Today, it consists of black ladies-styled boxer shorts with a matching black jersey knit sports bra. Black bootcut jeans, a black tank top tucked in with a deep purple crop top with sleeves made with black lacing that ends slightly past my fingertips. My outfit is complete with black Doc Martens and a pullover hoodie with an artist rendering of Harley Quinn in Joker colors, purple and green. 
My favorite colors are black and purple, and yes, I always like to layer my clothes like a Russian Nesting Doll. Trust me, layering my clothes is beneficial in many ways.
My brown wavy hair isn’t long enough to put into a tie and have all of it stay, so I brush it out and pray it doesn’t frizz. I don’t wear any makeup. After all, I don’t want to be teased by everyone for trying to be like The Clackers because I sure as heck don’t have the body for it. 
The absence of all makeup also allows me to draw less attention to my eyes, which is my favorite asset. I always thought my eyes were the one part of me that connected me to my parents. 
Why avoid others noticing? 
Because making eye contact with someone always turns the conversation from a pleasant one into a retelling of the story of my parent’s death. Ultimately, it always became a pity party that started because they wanted to know how I got to have two different colored eyes. 
One eye is brown, like muddy water, and the other is green, like smashed peas. I have learned that avoiding eye contact is the best thing to do, although it seems to make me stand out here even more since most of the talking at Lunar Ridge involves either staring at each other or staring off into space. 
Running downstairs, I grab my black leather backpack and a Monster Java Energy Drink. Don’t judge; Javas are my secret to being a morning dove, not a chronically exhausted pigeon since I have always been a night owl. 
I am out the door at 6:15 a.m. before anyone else in the house wakes up. Successfully avoiding the morning chitchat. 
“How did you sleep?”
“What are you doing today?” 
“Do you remember blah blah blah?”
I hate forced conversations with Rachel and Selena. When I talk with Jonathan, they never seem forced. It’s like he cares and is interested in what I will say instead of just wanting me to sit and listen to him rant or boast about whatever is happening like the rest of this house.
My classes don’t start until 8 a.m. because getting a zero period would gain Worm awareness of my presence. So I have plenty of time to walk to school. Selena has a Mustang that is bright pink and white. Her “pony,” as she calls it, is a typical Clacker car that I wouldn’t be caught dead in, don’t worry; the feeling is mutual.
Surprise, surprise, I don’t have a car, nor do I want to catch the bus. So yes, I walk by myself in the wee hours of the morning. Besides, I like the walk even though the Moores’ house is on the opposite side of the town. I enjoy seeing the quaint Main Street shops before the people start buzzing around. 
I know I tend to rag on this town's being small, secluded, and plain lost, but in a way, it allows me to feel calm. Watching the shops prepare to open, smelling the fresh bread from the bakery, and feeling the fresh morning dew relaxes my soul as I walk every morning. 
I have no doubt you have figured out that I like to keep to myself as much as possible. Walks like this allowed me to enjoy my last bit of alone time before facing the crowded school where I would be crammed into seven hours a day, five days a week.
((edited 9/14/24))
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