#Luxury Throws
plutusbrands · 10 months
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cockworkangels · 1 year
990€ for mölkky of the fun summer game fame that you can buy from your local store for like 20€at most or you can literally diy for free by scribbling numbers on some logs?????????
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nicoise · 3 months
AU where blaine is an apathetic loss prevention employee at some luxury brand store and kurt flirts with him to distract him from how he came out of the fitting room with two extra shirts under his designer hoodie
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itstimetodrew · 7 months
Thinking about the ‘strong enough to be gay’ tweet again.
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kotilae · 11 months
"Oh I can definitely make a full project with this yarn and not lose track of the stitches"
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gwaynes · 2 months
something something nett & gwayne fleeing kings landing. on the road. a sense of desperation. provisions scarce. no retinue, no dragon. just them.
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mrs-trophy-wife · 1 year
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pinkhysteria · 1 year
so america is annoying and pathetic for being in bed crying too long, but cory is also evil and horrible for taking occasional breaks from comforting her to campaign a little? they're not even making any sense atp djskdjsk
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heartshapedgreen · 1 month
i feel like many of you would enjoy writing or whatever form of creation if there wasn't too much emphasis on... the creation itself. maybe this is personal to me but everything i do - making playlists, writing, drawing, whatever - is an extension of my maladaptive daydreams and various complex worlds inside my head.
i have a document full of notes for a high fantasy world with a magic system, and i already learned from experimentation that i just cannot ever enjoy writing something that complex so there is like. 0.0001% chance i'll actually turn it into something tangible. is it still fun to think about all by myself? yes!!! and it's kind of difficult to put into... any medium, really, because what my brain can do, reality (+ my body) just can't. i would need to learn to read cuneiform + french & german for archaeology records (cause the worldbuilding has a lot to do with ancient near east history, one of my special interests) and maybe even write the story in three different languages, for all the intricate concepts that can only exist within those languages, to truly get what's in my mind across.
but instead i'm just going to talk to my multilingual/history nerd friends about it, make playlists i can listen to so i can think about it alone while listening to a song. not even think about the story itself but just drown myself in linguistics and the idea that what exists in one language doesn't in another. and folk magic. and formation of spirituality. like... it doesn't have to be about the story itself, and it doesn't need to have a concrete form to exist as a story too. sometimes a world or storyline you create in your head is less about the story itself and more about what it emerged from.
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fangsandfeels · 9 months
Going through all the ascended Astarion stories, where Tav either breaks up with him and reconnects years later, bringing the messiest “divorced couple” vibe along, or becomes his spawn and ends up being completely miserable and at the complete mercy of the vampire lord, I got a vision.
(Short outline: spawn!Tav goes to Avernus to avoid being trapped in a relationship, badassery, horrors, and deep existential issues ensue. Full description of the cringe can be found below)
- Tav agrees to be turned into Spawn by Astarion, ignoring the red flags because they really wanted to believe him and didn’t want to leave him alone. However, after they do, they get slapped with way too many red flags in the face (the “as long as you remember who you belong to” phrase during the second encounter with Araj, the command to shut up after mentioning Cazador’s name, the deceptive reasoning behind why he isn’t making them a full vampire), Tav grows very aware of eternity that awaits them after they defeat the Netherbrain. And it terrifies them. They understand that they don't want to find out what being his consort means. They are no longer sure about anything.
- When Karlach starts burning, Tav talks her out of it and jumps on the opportunity to go to Avernus with her  (and Wyll), before Astarion gets to react and use compulsion on them. They aren't sure it would work, but it does. Small mercies.
- Between fighting off Zariel’s hordes and getting used to their new condition, Tav goes through heartbreak, oscillating between being angry with Astarion to missing him to feeling sorry for themselves. It's a cycle of angst and mental gymnastics, interrupted by battles and stirring trouble in the Hells.
- Ultimately, Tav reflects on the choices and actions that led them to this path. And when they find a way to fix Karlach’s heart, making it possible for her to go to Faerun for good, Tav chooses to stay in the Hells. Not even because they aren’t eager to confront Astarion and get controlled by him, but because they feel they belong there. Cazador might have planned the ritual, and Astarion might have completed it, but it was them who helped him do it -- they can be angry at Astarion all they want, they can tell themselves it's no longer him. They can spend years guessing whether he really wanted it, whether he is happy or not right now. Maybe they did fail him. It all doesn’t matter. They are as guilty for condemning these souls to suffering in the Hells. So, the question is: what will they do about that?
- Basically, a story that doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with Astarion, and is mostly focused on a vampire spawn Tav, who navigates hellish landscapes, occasionally helping whatever poor souls they can, learning sad stories of victims who got lured into horrible deals, musing on existential questions and wondering how should they take their life when their luck runs out on them, and they get captured by Archdevils.
- While they avoid signing any contracts or any deals and focus on honing their skills and new vampiric abilities, they do seek ways to modify their body, so they could increase their chances for survival (yes, I freaking love Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, how can you tell?).
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- For an extra Divine Comedy (and angsty) flavor, Tav talks to an imaginary Astarion (the one they remember so fondly before his Ascension) -- the habit that started from a random “what the Astarion I knew would have said about this?” thought and kinda became a way to stay sane in this place.
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plutusbrands · 10 months
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jmdbjk · 2 years
Bangtan weekly report.
On the Street on first listen/MV watch did not make me warm and fuzzy. It was melancholy, it made me sad. 
Watching it again and again, some of the imagery is hard to interpret, like the small sidewalk memorial off to the side with the yellow and white flowers. 
But some of the other imagery was definitely obvious. The child representing Army (again). The location: Bowery Station. 
The MV was not as dancey as I thought it would be. But since the moment I learned that J. Cole would be part of this I knew this was one of those full circle moments for Hobi. 
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He preceded the premiere of the MV with a Weverse live on the banks of the Han River in Seoul. Walking around in public doing a live... we’ve come a long way people... I bet there was at least one security guy hovering out of the shot... hiding in the tall grass... somewhere nearby. 
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Other developments this past week:
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When I said “Instagram is going to go silent for a while unless JK wipes his feed again” I didn’t mean wipe it and then delete it, you big dork!!!! Be furrrrrrreallllll.
The estimated “value” of JK’s instagram followers was $50 million USD. All those potential partnership companies gagged and choked.
Jungkook informed fans of his withdrawal from Instagram which had as many followers as South Korea's total population: 52.4 million. It was estimated the value of one posting for Jungkook would have exceeded 1 billion won or almost $766,000 USD. His account value would have been in the tens of billions of won.
Okay, Kookie... just keep doing you. I love you anyway.
In other news (unfortunately):
So, if the Korail employee knows private information such as addresses and such (scary and mind-boggling)... Namjoon would have no choice but to reveal information before anyone else has a chance to do it and incur any more damage to his reputation or compromise the information for anyone he knows if that’s the type of info they had access to. In other words, don’t be surprised when Namjoon reveals personal info before anyone else has a chance to do it.
I hope it is plain to see why Jimin doesn’t even let us know what color his walls are or to understand why Jungkook may have left Instagram. There is too much chance of anyone figuring out information just from being able to identify objects and things in photos. Who knows what other private info of theirs is already breached and in the hands of nefarious people.
It is so concerning to me that I even question when Jungkook gives us details about the amenities at Bam’s new training place. DON’T TELL US!
The Tiffany & Co. ambassadorship... and the dollars keep rolling in for our precious little 21st Century Pop Icon who is just our goofy friend in sweatpants who loves soju. 
We all noticed Jimin seemed to be “naked” when he attended the Dior menswear show back in January. When I say naked, I mean he wasn’t wearing a single piece of jewelry. We know this man loves him some bangly bangles and dangly earrings and spangly necklaces. He never goes anywhere without his signature hoop earrings on so we all felt something was missing.
And now we know he had this Tiffany deal up his sleeve. Seems like he was cleansing himself of jewelry. Starting fresh by being jewelry free in front of millions of eyes just so he could follow up with a jewelry refresh. Jimin will have Tiffany’s classic and polished pieces flying out of jewelry stores. Get ready for the Jimin effect. I hope they manufactured enough to satisfy demand. I can’t wait for the knock-offs so I can afford to wear a few look-alikes. 
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Busan Expo update video. Filmed last October or November?
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Inside Mang made me tear up. Their little virtual Mang interacting with Hobi was the sweetest thing. We will get a “real” Mang reveal soon!! Everything Hobi does is so well thought out. His attention to detail is astounding. I suppose Mang might serve a similar role that Wootteo did for Jin... (weeps). 
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And Jimin on Insta and Weverse trying to catch up on the member’s content HE IS JUST LIKE ME! I CAN’T KEEP UP WITH ALL THE CONTENT EITHER, JIMIN!!! 
Jimin is about to slap us in the face with FACE... hold on to your asses we’re about to go for a ride on the Jimin freight train soon. 
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listen to the grandma in your head and oil your hair
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northwest-cryptid · 16 days
I literally feel like I'm dying and I need to see a doctor, but I can't worry about that right now because
My bank account is literally in the negatives because I'm too disabled to work and can't make money but I can't worry about that right now because
I'm months overdue on getting my car new tags, but it won't even start if I could drive it so I need to jump the battery and get gas which I don't have money for, but I can't worry about that right now because
People are still expecting me to be social across numerous friend groups and it's pulling me in so many directions that I'm stretched so thin I'm running on no social battery for the last month, but I can't worry about that right now because
I still need to actually clean the house, do the dishes, clean the cat litter boxes, vacuum, and do my laundry... but I can't worry about that right now because
I still need to actually set up my new desk so I can stream since I haven't been able to do that for weeks and streaming is unfortunately my only source of income for how little I make every month, but I can't worry about that right now because
My partner is going through a really hard time right now and I need to be there for her and do what I can to make sure she's okay.
#People like me don't make it man. We just don't.#I'm hyper dependent on others to the point where I'd be homeless without my partner#I'm stressed day in and day out I get messages from people who want me to play games or hang out or just chat and I can't even#find the time to respond because I have 12 other things I need to be doing and those 12 other things aren't getting done because#every single thing I need to do is preventing me from doing something else and at the end of it all my health is getting worse and worse#and as it gets worse it costs more to fix and I can't get on disability without paying for a lawyer with money I literally do not have#and I'm losing it I'm literally going insane I'm pissed off because I see people blame the country I live in or the circumstances I'm in#and they act like they can't do anything and it'd be wrong of me to ask them for help#and I know when I die (and at this point it won't be long) they're going to act like this is the fault of america or some shit#they're not going to think about how they could have helped#and it sucks because some of my friends DO try to help they really do and I love them for it but it's so hard for me to see people#who don't make much money and who are also in tough situations throwing what they can at me to help me when I know people who have so much#they spend it frivolously on luxuries and I want to strangle them but then I'm not owed anything so it's not my place to tell them how#to spend their money or live their life.#and I'm tired man I'm so fucking tired I can't even stay awake for a few hours before I am too exhausted to sit upright anymore#I pass out and find myself without energy before I've even done anything and I'm only 29.
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mishkakagehishka · 21 days
How the hell did i already spend 83% of my monthly groceries budget
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chicago-geniza · 10 months
Had to buy anti-emetics and drink a quart of Pedialyte at the pharmacy so I didn't throw up on the bus but all things considered I'm increasing my public transportation tolerance, gastrointestinally speaking. I'm not so much agoraphobic from anxiety as from the knowledge that I will eventually vomit and there will not always be a ready or convenient receptacle, especially on a crowded bus
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