#MC and the detective’s interaction had me giggling and kicking my feet
whatlovelybones-if · 11 months
Hi! I hope this isn't a stupid question but how will mc hide the bodies? Won't the general public be too suspicious if it ends up in a particular area or if there's a bunch of bodies turning out in random places? Also what happened to the girl in the prologue and chapter one, what did mc do with her and the officer?
a lot of questions there, dear bonnie, but i’ll try to answer them satisfactorily.
MC has a kiln in their basement which connects directly to the chimney system in their manor. it blends in nicely there and doesn’t catch too much attention but it’s big enough to fit several bodies in it at once. since the manor is also located in a more remote location and conveniently surrounded by the woods, it’s very unlikely that they have many visitors and they can go ahead with their thrillingly morbid business with ease.
since most bodies will be burnt to ashes and further turned into ceramics or dumped in a river nearby, it’s next to impossible for those ones to be found. however, in the event that MC does, let’s say, starts mailing body parts for shits and giggles to members of the group they’re targetting, it’s a possibility that the killer will be dancing along the lines of almost being caught since post-mortem may reveal something evidential to the investigation, e.g. skin underneath nails, hair samples, fingerprints, and so on.
both the woman and the police officer’s bodies were burned to ashes. while the woman’s ashes were thrown into the nearby river, officer wilson’s ashes were fashioned into some kind of ceramic. i can’t tell you any further information on that since it’s gonna be spoilers but you will be meeting the other ROs soon, and i’m particularly excited about MC and the detective meeting 🤭
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