#MFS: Aliza R
myfamilystoryjmm · 4 years
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Aliza R. - “All For the Boss”
When I decided to do my family story, I immediately thought about my great great great grandfather Rabbi Yakov Yosef Herman. Due to extreme financial hardships Reb Yakov Yosef’s family immigrated to America. After some time in America they realized how hard it was for a Jew to hold down a job while keeping Shabbos so his family decided to go back to Russia leaving him to fend for himself. He stayed with some distant cousins who agreed to provide him with a room for the price of $ 1.00 a week. He worked as a handy boy at a fur shop for the salary of a $ 1.25. It was one of the rare places that were closed on Shabbos. $ 1.00 went to his hosts and the remaining quarter he used for his personal needs. Several weeks passed until, suddenly, one Friday afternoon, his cousins informed him that if he wanted to remain with them, he had to pay $1.25 a week. What would happen to his savings now? And how would he be able to buy tickets he was saving for? With choking sobs he ran from their house and into the street, not knowing where to go. It was erev Shabbos too, but nevertheless, he resolved to never return to his cousins. with the few cents he had in his pocket he bought 3 challahs for Shabbat. Shabbos came and found a loney, forsaken boy sitting on a hard bench in a deserted park. So he made kiddush over 2 challas and hungrily ate one of them. That was his Friday night seudah, and he spent the long night huddled on the hard bench. When morning came he made a vow that when he married and established a home of his own he would never sit down at his Shabbos table or yom tov table without having guests - homeless, poor, hungry orchim - around his table. And indeed, if we look ahead about 8 years we’ll be able to see the home that he established. A home of hospitality and hachnosas orchim. The Shabbos on the bark bench was over, and that very matzo’ei Shabbos, he found a cheaper place to stay. Four years had passed since he last saw his family, but finally the longed-for day arrived when he was able to send for his family. By that time, another ticket was needed for the new brother he never met. It was a joyful day for the Herman family when they were at last united. I love the story because it teaches me many things such as don't give up, you can accomplish anything when you put your mind to it, to always help those in need, and most of all to always have faith in Hashem.   My art piece features my great great great grandfather sitting on the bench. The book he is sitting on is called “ All For The Boss” which was written by my great great great grandfather's daughter which tells us about his life. The background is the sun setting in the sky and all the people on the branches are my family.
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