fellpurpose · 9 months
Everything's quiet. Peaceful, even.
And then, like an oncoming storm, he hears the voice of his closest friend thundering down the hallways. Laslow grins even while rolling his eyes, detouring from his planned route to the greenhouse. Pebbles crunch underfoot as he cuts through a row of hedges.
"Odin Dark!" He shouts upon spotting that familiar yellow head. "Do my eyes deceive me? Where have you been, eh?"
Laslow halts before Odin, fighting to adopt a mock-serious expression. It doesn't work. His lips keep twitching, and laughter colors his voice. "Good to see you again, old friend."
fate is often foe, but in moments like these, it is a friend.
they are cut from the same cloth, he and laslow. they are bound together by shared scars, linked by a thread that remains intact after all these years, across all timelines and worlds. for once, odin is seemingly at a loss for words when he spots his old companion. what to call the feeling that burns in his chest? relief? affection? gratitude? perhaps all of the above. an emotion to be named at a later time.
odin can't help himself. "LASLOW OF THE AZURE SKIES!" he bellows in response, forgoing his practiced, regal stride for eager, quickened footsteps that meet his friend halfway. inigo of the indigo skies. so much to say. hopefully time is on their side now.
in his excitement, odin nearly skids into laslow. under normal circumstances, his cheeks would color with embarrassment, though no such thing happens. he flashes laslow a bright smile - a genuine one - and puffs out his chest. "IT APPEARS THAT OUR WILLS ARE ONCE MORE ENTWINED WITH FATE'S THREADS~!"
"old friend." a welcome sound to weary ears. there is no one owain trusts as much as inigo, and none who know him as intimately. "it's good to see you too." he beams. with that, he punches the other's arm playfully. "we should catch up. that is...if you're not busy."
odin eyes the other over, pleased with what he sees. what a welcome change it is to see his loved ones happy and well, rather than bloodied and beaten down. "i'm glad you're okay."
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