smallpox-juicebox · 10 months
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sophsbookstore · 2 months
Monaco Nights
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Charles Leclerc x hairdresser!reader 。・:*˚:✧。
Masterlist can be found in navigation!
Word count: 934
A/N: sorry i've been gone everyone! My school just finished school so now I will hopefully have more time to write!
Charles comes home in a grumpy mood, after Ferrari continuously flopping, and little to no points for the team once again, his unsuccessful weekend is heavily affecting his mood. He arrives at Y/N’s apartment in the middle of the night, knocking on the door, hoping she's awake to comfort him.
A small knock and the sound of buzzing from her phone woke her up. The girl checks her phone, noticing a text from Chalres saying he is outside. Y/N as well as Charles’ family have been watching the races, they all understood how hurt the driver must be feeling after another devastating weekend for Ferrari.
Y/N gets out of bed, sliding some slippers on as she makes her way to her front door. She opens the door, the pair looking at one another before Y/N holds her arms open for Charles. He gladly lets himself in, holding his girlfriend as tight as he can before the pair pull apart and walk deeper into her apartment.
Quietly they walk over to Y/N’s bed, the girl getting under the covers as Charles anxiously sits above them, staring blankly at the decorated wall in front of him. Y/N watches him in silence wondering what was running through his mind.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Y/N whispers inching herself closer to Charles.
“How did this happen, me and carlos? I'm just,” he pauses, “Im at a loss for words I guess.” he falls back onto the bed, his head now laying on the pillow. Y/N cuddles into him, placing her head on his chest.
“I'm sorry I'm over so late, I was just too anxious to go to sleep.” Y/N lifts her head, resting her chin against him, now looking at him face to face. 
“You know what my mom and I used to do when I couldn't sleep?” Charles looks at her and shrugs. “We would go on a walk.”
Y/N lifts herself off the bed, going to her closet to put on a pair of walking shoes and one of Charles sweatshirts. Grabbing an extra sweatshirt for her boyfriend who came empty handed. Charles lifts himself from the worm mattress and takes the sweatshirt from Y/N’s hands.
“So where exactly are we going?” Charles questions the determined girl in front of him.
“We are going wherever our legs take us, or at least until we get tired enough to head back.” Y/N smiles at her boyfriend, taking in everyone of his features before reaching her hand out for Charles to take.
Gladly, the driver locks his hand in hers, the pair leaving the apartment, Y/N locking the door behind them. The pair makes small conversation as they exit the building, keeping quiet, not wanting to wake up anyone around them.
When they finally make it outside the moon shines brightly above them, Charles takes a moment to look up, taking deep breaths as Y/N starts stretching beside him. Once she's done the pair start their walk hand and hand around Monaco. Y/N still being fairly new to the city, Charles acts as her tour guide, pointing out all the major touristy spots while giving her little historical facts about each part.
Y/N could tell the walk is getting him out of his head and calming him down. No one loves Monaco more than her boyfriend and seeing him talk about his love for his hometown just makes this walk all the more special.
The pair find their way to the doc, Y/N wrapping her arms tighter around herself feeling every breeze around them. Charles shows her everywhere, taking her closer to the beach letting her get a closer look at the blue water.
“It's so pretty.” Y/N lets the warm surround her hand, before pulling it out and turning back to Charles.
“It is very pretty, I really want to take you and my family on my yacht, especially with the summer weather it would be perfect.” he looks out at the ocean ahead of him.
“I would love that.”
“Perfect.” Charles and Y/N start walking back to the street. The couple taking in all the sights and sounds. “Your maman is a smart woman, the walk is helping…a lot.” Charles says, directing his attention back to his girlfriend.
“She is isnt she?” Y/N smiles, “I'm glad you're feeling better, do you wanna maybe head back now?” Y/N tries to hide her yawn.
“Of course mon amour.” he pulls Y/N closer, giving her a small kiss on the forehead before the pair walk back to Y/N’s apartment arm and arm. 
When they get back, Charles holds his hand out to take Y/N’s keys, unlocking the door for them as he holds the door open for his girlfriend who goes straight to her bedroom. Charles locks up behind her, taking his sweatshirt off, going through Y/N’s drawer to see if he had left pajamas there. Luckily he had.
The pair change quietly before slipping back into Y/N’s bed to cuddle. Y/N falls asleep first, her body cuddled into charles for warmth and comfort, Charles arms wrapped tightly around her as he admires his girlfriend.
“Thank you mon amour.” he gives her one last kiss before falling asleep.
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elisysd · 4 days
9. Pull the trigger on the gun I gave you when we met, I wanna be close to you
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Masterlist - Previously - Next
Chapter soundtrack: Close To You - Gracie Abrams
She hated the sun and heat of Monaco. She was never as happy as when she was in her home, back in Switzerland, only surrounded by the mountains and with no one around. The only thing making the south of France city bearable was the amount of luxurious stores, Julia and she had to admit, Kyle. She was in Monaco for business. Having Dior as one of her sponsors meant she also had some duties to attend and filming a commercial for their newest lipstick on a yacht in the middle of the mediterranean sea at five in the morning in a fancy dress was one of them.
“A little on the right, Romy. Perfect! Just like that!” the director shouted while she was freezing her ass off but tried to not show it.
Finally, it was over around lunch time and she was starving. She hadn’t been able to eat before the shoot and beside a cup of tea, her stomach was empty and the catering organized was not exactly thrilling.  She wanted a nice lunch, italian if possible, on a terrace with an aperol spritz. Right now, that was her dream. If she could manage a nice company with it, that would be even better. She could ask Julia but she knew she was spending some quality time with her family and she didn’t want to bother. She could ask Kyle. She wanted to but they hadn’t talked to each other since he had told her about his eyes. She knew he was supposed to see a doctor but he had not kept her up to date with anything, not that he had to. But she thought that after witnessing him being vulnerable, he would say something. But maybe, after all, they were not as close as she thought, maybe she was not allowed to be too involved in his private life, which she understood. Maybe she was just naive. 
And to hell with doubts! She wanted to see him. She would ask. What worse than a no could he say? She sighed and got out of her beige off shoulders dress to wear something more casual. And by more casual she meant her favorite black suit dress with white thin turtleneck sweater underneath it paired with black leather high heels boots which gave her a femme fatale look that she was proud of. She kept her hair in the straight ponytail her hairdresser had taken time to make and put her favorite golden earrings on. She checked herself in the mirror and texted Kyle.
Hey! I’m in town for work today. Wanna join me for lunch?
The answer was quick to arrive.
I didn’t plan on going out today, sorry.
She bit her lower lips, trying to mask the disappointment she was feeling. It was okay, it wouldn’t be her first time eating alone. Suddenly, her phone vibrated another time, telling her a new text had arrived.
But you can still come to my place if you want. 
She smiled. All was not lost.
She arrived at his place with a bottle of wine she had picked up on her way to his building. She confidently smiled as she knocked and felt her jaw dropping when he opened the door. He had glasses, something she had never seen him wear before. It was new. And it suited him very well.
“Giving the librarian’s look a chance?” she teased him, making her way in.
“Yeah. I’m trying to show my intellectual side more, now. Do you like it?” he replied in the same playful tone as her.
She set the bottle on the counter, slowly turned around to study him. He looked tired. His hair was a mess, far from the put together look he was always displaying, and a light stubble had appeared on his face. 
“So… what is the diagnosis for your eyes? Because if you wear glasses that means they find something, right?”
He brushed past her, taking two glasses from the cupboard while replying.
“Just like I thought. I’m just tired so to avoid forcing on my eyes, I've been advised to wear glasses,” he explained, pouring them a drink.
“So, it’s nothing serious?” she asked, making sure.
“It's nothing serious. I told you, you shouldn’t worry.”
“I wasn't worried!” he arched an eyebrow, not believing her. “Okay, fine, maybe a little bit. We’re friends, I care about you. There is nothing more to that.”
“Sure there isn’t.”
“Kyle…. not again.”
“I’m not starting anything. I promise. We’re friends. Our own kind of friendship. It would probably be considered weird for most people because they won’t understand it, but the most important thing is for us to know what we are. Friends. It just comes with added benefits.”
He got closer, bumping his nose with hers until their lips brushed and she made the final move. Kyle’s hands snaked around her waist, bringing her closer as her hands tangled in his hair.
“I missed this,” she whispered as she pulled back.
“I missed you,” he replied, trapping her against the bar, before sitting her on the surface in a swift motion, his lips attacking her neck.
“You know, these glasses are making me feel some type of way... My hot nerd,” she breathed against his ear and it didn’t take more than that for Kyle to carry her to his bedroom.
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“You’re not leaving?” Kyle asked, watching the blonde tornado lying on his chest and drawing patterns on his chest.
“I’m comfy. Do you want me to leave?”
“No. I’m comfy,” he repeated, making her laugh. “Travel with me to Singapore. We won’t be alone, Ludwig will be there, Ethan too and probably Julia… Come with us.”
“Do they know? About us?”
“So, there’s an us.”
“Shut up. You know what I mean.”
“I haven’t told them, no. I didn’t know what to say and I wasn’t sure you would appreciate it. But I supposed they suspect something. Does Julia know?”
“No… I’m scared,” she confessed
“Of what?”
“When they will know, if they ever do… it’s going to change things. It’s going to make this real. It won’t be just us anymore.”
“Is it a bad thing?”
“I don’t know. I love what we have right now. It belongs to us, it’s our story and I love Julia, with all my heart, but she can be a little judgmental sometimes and I don’t want her to tell me that I’m making a mistake or that we don’t handle this properly.”
“Do you think we are making a mistake? Because I don’t. For all it’s worth, you’re what I need in my life right now.”
“Thank you. For being so considerate. For not thinking that I’m too much or too hard to handle.”
“I’ve never thought you were. Never.” 
“Really?” she asked and her tone was not sounding like a genuine question, it sounded bittersweet and Kyle didn’t understand where it was coming from.
“I’ve always cared about you. More than I ever cared for any other drivers out there.”
“If you say so,” she sighed, finally moving to collect her stuff.
“Where are you going?” 
“I’m going to go back to the hotel. I need to take a shower and I have a call with Seb later about the weekend. I’ve bothered you enough.”
Something had suddenly shifted in her attitude and Kyle didn’t understand what was happening. It had been so sweet, so fun, so peaceful but now it looked like a cloud was looming over them, threatening their happy bubble. He slowly got up and moved behind her, brushing his fingers along her arms, feeling her stiffened under his touch, before placing his hands on her hips, forcing her to turn around.
“Talk to me, Romy.”
“There is nothing much to say.”
“I want to know what goes on in your mind. I can see there is something,” he whispered as she looked at her feet, ashamed.
“It’s stupid. Really.”
She sighed and sat on the bed, followed by Kyle.
“You said you’ve always cared about me. But it’s not true.”
Shock and disbelief painted his face.
“I don’t follow…”
“I feel like an idiot having to explain that…” she mumbled.
“You will never be. No to me. You can tell me whatever goes through your pretty head, Romy.”
“You… Growing up you were my hero. I admired you so much. You don’t know how it felt, racing alongside you, how you were pushing me to get better and better. I wanted to be the very best because maybe that would mean you would notice me. And you did, you always had a nice word to say to me, to encourage me. I think, besides my family, you were the very first one to believe in me, to push me. And as the years went by, I think I developed a huge crush on you. Don’t laugh! It’s not funny!” she whined, punching him in the arm. “Anyway. Then, life went on and we grew apart. When I arrived in F1, after everything I’ve gone through, I was so happy to finally be with you, just like when we were kids. You were so welcoming, once again the only one to make me feel safe there. You were the same, you had not changed one bit. You were the only one to give me the time of the day, to walk with me, to eat with me whenever you could and my crush on you came back. I don’t think I've ever truly moved on. It had always been there, just buried inside. And I think I mistaked you being friendly with me for flirting.  It’s stupid, we never talked about our personal lives back then but… I don’t know… I thought you were single. You were so focused on your job, so diligent that I guess I imagined you would never have time for a relationship…. So when you arrived with that girl in Austria…”
“Whatever her name is. Sorry! That’s rude! Seeing you being so affectionate with someone else… It broke my heart. And it’s one hundred percent my fault, I made up scenarios in my mind, I know that. And suddenly, after she came there, you started to change. That weekend, I scored my first points in F1 and the only person I wanted to celebrate with had just given me the cold shoulder. Not even a congrats from your part, or a glance or even a smile. You ignored me. And from that day until the end of the season you didn’t talk to me. You stopped replying to my texts, you stopped walking around the paddock with me, you stopped cheering for me, you stopped being my friend. That girl was following you around and I didn’t have the occasion to talk to you. I sent you a letter you know, since you were not talking to me anymore, I was desperate enough to do that. I remember crying in my hotel room and writing it on the floor. I was begging you to talk to me, to explain what I was doing wrong. I thought that it was the end, that I annoyed you too much and that you had enough. But you never took the time to reply to it either. Have you even read it?” she didn’ t want to cry but she could feel the tears welling up. 
“I’ve never received anything from you, Romy… I swear.”
“It doesn't matter anymore. It’s in the past. I have not a crush on you. Not anymore. I’ve learned from my mistakes. I grew up.”
“Can I explain?”
“Will it make a difference? It won’t erase the past and I’ve moved past that.”
“I was falling in love with you Romy. And I was in a relationship. I didn’t know how to handle it back then, I made mistakes on mistakes. Hilary was a huge part of my life. She is my first love, my family loves her, everyone wanted us to get married and I thought we would. In my mind, I was going to marry her. We had been together for so long. I thought that she was going to be my life. She was my safety net and then you came along. You were so different to her, so magnetic, so bubbly, so smart, I valued our relationship more than anything. You were adventurous, you understood me, truly and fully. And when I realized that I was starting to develop romantic feelings for you I freaked out. I felt like I was cheating on Hilary and that the right thing to do was cutting ties with you to focus on the relationship I was in. I ended up breaking up with Hils a while later because forcing me to stay in love with her wasn’t fair for her nor was it for me. We both deserved better. And when I wanted to come back to you, you had changed. You were not letting me get close to you again. Until the very last race, last year. I’m sorry, Romy. For everything. I didn't know how much I hurt you back then.”
“Like I said, there's water under the bridge now. It doesn’t matter anymore. Just… don’t say that you’ve always cared. It’s not true. We both know that.”
“Can I ask one last question?”
She nodded.
“Do you still have feelings for me?”
“I’ll never give you the keys to hurt me again Kyle. I won’t let myself fall for you. It happened twice and all I got was a broken heart and a missing dignity. I love our relationship as it is. It’s enough.”
“Until it won’t be anymore,” he asserted.
“Then, we’ll part ways. With our hearts in one piece.”
“Keep convincing yourself.”
“I know so, Kyle. You won’t make me change my mind.”
“Maybe not now, but I’ve said it once, Romy, I’m patient. I know that what we have goes deeper than what we are trying to convince ourselves. I’m not pushing you, I’ll just wait for you to come to terms with it.”
She shook her head, gently smiling before getting up. She put her boots back on, and snatched her YSL bag which was laying on the living room’s couch. She gave one last smile to Kyle who was following her before leaving, closing the door behind her. She had never thought she would have the guts to confess everything to Kyle. But it felt good, she felt closure. Something she had needed for a long time.
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Kyle fully expected to not see her at the airport. And he would have understood it. As usual, he was the first one of his friends to arrive. He was early but he hated staying in his flat and waiting. He was focused on his book when he heard two familiar voices shouting at each other. The kids were fighting again, he thought to himself before finally seeing Ludwig and Ethan appearing.
“Since when are you wearing glasses?” Ludwig asked.
“I had an appointment with the doctor, my sight has not been so good for a few weeks so now I have to wear them to see if it makes everything a little better.”
“Okay, grandpa.”
“Mind you, Romy finds me really sexy when I wear them. She loves them.”
“So you finally made a move on her?” Ludwig asked, sitting next to him.
“We are not dating. It’s casual,” Kyle explained briefly.
“And you’re okay with that? You don’t do in casual relationships.”
“I’m happy that way. I don’t need more.” 
“Well, as long as you’re comfortable with the situation…” Kyle shrugged. It was true, he didn't need a relationship. But he wanted one. With Romy. There was something between them, an inexplicable pull, something strong, something different from what he had ever experienced. He didn’t know if it could lead to something, but it would be a waste to not try. But she was not ready. For multiple reasons that he understood. He didn’t want her to feel pressured into something she was not comfortable with, but at the same time he didn’t know how long he could bear that situation.
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Author's note: From all the chapters released I gotta say that this one is my favorite. I hope I managed to convey everything Romy was feeling, her internal battles and all, well enough.
Don't hesitate to leave a comment or an ask, as well as reblogging and leaving a like. Besides the fact that I absolutely love to read you, it helps a lot for the story to find its audience. I also have a taglist for this story, so if you want to be added so you never miss a chapter, let me know.
Taglist: @smoooothoperator-admin
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fangirl94stuff · 2 years
Monte Money (Escape The Fate)
'We only have fifteen minutes before we're due on stage,' you gasp loudly, as Monte pushes you against the wall.
Monte smirks, 'I don't need fifteen minutes y/n, no one will find us here.'
You had been walking to the stage when a hand grabbed your wrist and you found yourself being dragged down a couple of hallways until you came to a stop in a secluded corner. You would have had a heart attack if you hadn't recognised it was Monte dragging you. There wasn't a no-dating rule in the band but you and Monte were keeping your relationship secret, it kind of had more of a thrill to it that way.
Before you can make a snarky remark his lips are on your neck, and all sane thoughts leave your head.
'Monte,' you moan, as he finds the sweet spot.
He hums against your neck before coming up for breath, 'did you get your hair done?'
You nod and bite my lip as his hands roam your body, 'I did, do you like it?'
'Red suits you, makes you even more irresistible,' he replies, leaning his forehead against yours so that your noses touched.
You liked your h/c hair but wanted a change, you didn't want to change the whole colour so the hairdresser suggested highlights that you’d had on and off over the years of all different colours. You got red because Monte always said it was your colour and you knew this would drive him crazy and you were proven right.
'Enough talking, we only have thirteen minutes now,' you say, a little too eager.
Monte chuckles, and his eyes flash black for a split second, 'I bet you've been getting all hot and flustered, seeing me surrounded by female fans gaining all their attention, but remember I have eyes only for you y/n.'
You roll your eyes, 'stop talking.'
You initiate the kiss, running your fingers through his hair wanting to savour each second you had together. Yes, you did get jealous not being able to tell those horny bitches to keep their hands off your man, and you were going to make him remember why he chose you in the first place.
Craig's loud and surprised voice cuts through the kiss.
Monte lets go of you and raises his hands like he'd been caught committing a crime, 'it's not what it looks like man.'
You tap your foot on the floor and glare at your boyfriend before turning to face Craig, whose shock was fading, 'it's exactly what it looks like Craig, we're dating and have been since before the tour started, and no we are not going to stop dating. Understood?'
Craig nods his head, eyes wide, 'ok...cool...I'm going to go...'
It would get back to the rest of the band and crew about you and Monte within minutes of Craig knowing. But at least you wouldn't have to keep it secret, and could easily find ways to spice things up.
Monte stares at Craig, 'do you have anything else to add?'
Craig smirks, 'you have ten minutes,' he says in a cheery sing-song voice as he walks away.
As you run your fingers through your hair, Monte pushes you back up against the wall and you feel his breath on my neck, 'shall we pick up where we left off?'
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evelhak · 2 years
19 and 44
Ok, I'm trying to think of something a bit harder to guess about my personality... hmm. I'm obviously really verbal on Tumblr, so maybe it's not so easy to guess how mentally taxing speaking is to me on a daily basis? And I post my random thoughts here so much that it may seem odd that I have a really hard time initiating anything in social situations? I actually have a lot of responsive energy, if someone prompts me, I could talk to them for hours, and if I can read someone's needs, I may even seem socially skilled (which is why I like expressive people) but if there isn't anything for me to respond to, or no one I can take cues from, it's literally like there's nothing I can do. Like, it's impossible for me to have a job where I need to lead and instruct people, verbally but also nonverbally with my being (though teaching is mostly okay because it's more interactive). If I need to give people verbal instructions, see that they follow them and take charge of the situation, especially if it's a large group of people, I'm just going to meltdown later when I'm alone. (Somehow little kids are fine though, but anything from teen and up is too much.) It's hard to explain how it makes me feel. Because I'm definitely not a leader but I'm not exactly a follower either. It's like I need you to guide me to guide you? If that makes sense. I need some kind of external energy/output/cue, it doesn't have to be verbal and it doesn't have to be intentional or directed at me, but I need something I can react to/work with/make something out of, and if that's there I can even be highly effective but if I'm supposed to take charge on my own I'm mostly highly useless and probably will need a sick leave if I need to be in that situation for an extended period of time. It feels like I'm frying my brain for barely passable results. But as soon as I can read a need from someone, it's like I can breathe again and like my social and practical skills just went from zero to hundred. *Sigh* It's difficult because in most environments spiky skill profiles are not very well understood.
Okay, something lighter for the random fact. Um, I'm gonna go to a hairdresser today and I think I'm gonna let her decide what she wants to do with my hair, because I've never tried that before and now's the only time because I'm not performing (ballet) for a while (since I moved to my parents' house and I'm just taking more relaxed classes) so as long as I can get my hair in a bun by next Christmas anything is fine.
Thanks for the asks. 💙 (I trust that you know by now that my answers tend to be elaborate so I'm not going to apologize for that.)
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tears-of-boredom · 2 years
ok so I had a dream
i was going to get a haircut. the place was in an apartment building, on the 59th floor. i dont remember what the deal was about the elevator, but I couldnt go to the 59th floor with it. instead i went to the 57th, and walked the rest of the stairs up. I got to the apartment that had the door open, and my mom was aready there. the hairdresser said that they were alone on the shift. we walked to another room where the furniture was clearly arranged like a hairsalon. i got my cut first, i explained really simply what i wanted, and got really frustrated when my mom felt the need to "clarify" what i meant to the hairdresser. i got mine done and left my mom to get her own, i think someone warned me of like a crazed killer in a joking way, but i got too nervous and came back just in case, and sat at the dinner table that was in the room. then another staff member came into the room, stood right behind me, and leaned over my shoulder to place a piece of paper in front of me on the table. they were like conducting an evil experiment about how different kisses looked on the paper. the paper had something that looked like splotches of blue water color spilled on different spots, I understood those to be from someone kissing the paper. there was also writing on it that probably told you what every kiss included. the staff member fiddled with the paper a bit, trying a few kiss combinations(two bad kisses and two good kisses, shit like that) i think she may have kissed my forehead at one point. I caught onto what the experiment was about, and i said "maybe you need to try a bad kisser and a good kisser", because that combination seemingly wasn't on the paper. the person agreed and did something with the paper, i thought that that was the combination done, but then they kissed me on the lips. and it felt exactly what i thought it'd feel like, like lips touching and nothing more. but also I didnt know what do to and then the person commented something like "aww they froze up" and I took that as a sign that i should kiss back. and so i tried to do that, but in a subtle way where my mom wouldnt realise what I was doing.
and then me and mom are just outside the building talking about how big and amazing the apartment was, like nothing special happened.
then some shit happened where i was like fighting some people, and me and my teammate were losing, but then something distracted the enemy and I could stab the two people with my big dagger. then like a genshin cutscene happened, something was going to explode, so we had to run. aether waved to us from a safe spot so we went there. nothing exploded actually, just a big door opened. we went inside the cave. the vibe was kind of a mix between assassins creed and bloodborne. one chamber i walked into had a monster in the middle of the room, and a person of some royal status walking in from the other side. I was up near the ceiling, so I was trying to figure out how to continue moving without alerting either of them. then I woke up while thinking about that.
0 notes
canyouhearthelight · 2 years
The Miys, Ch. 184
I know several of you have been waiting for what’s in this chapter, so without further ado...
Thanks to @baelpenrose for being an amazing friend and beta-reader, and thanks to all the character creators who helped make chapters like this possible!
It took about ten minutes, but eventually I was pried off the floor of the… transporter room, loading bay, whatever room we had met our escorts in. We all left in a group, with Pranav being stuck with the duty of keeping an eye on me in case I fell out again.  The choice struck me as odd, especially as we started to lag further and further behind the group - Pranav typically walked with ground-eating strides that required a brisk jog to keep up with.
Just as I was about to ask if he was okay, or how he got stuck with babysitting duty, he patted my elbow and leaned in. “When you can, please confirm that Derek received the data I sent him.” His tone was so jovial and calm that it took a moment for even my suspicious-bordering-on-paranoid mindset to catch up.
“What data?”
“You know we ask Derek to do deep-dives from time to time,” he smiled. “I just want to make sure he received today’s batch, and you are close with him.”
I was, but I was in no way shape or form close enough with Pranav for such a request to come through me; especially with the prohibition I was currently under in regards to Council business. And there was no mistaking - if Pranav sent Derek the data, it was Council business. Day to day function funneled through Alice and directly to Derek.
We reached the junction where the path to the Council chamber forked from the path to my quarters, and I extracted my arm from Pranav’s grasp to turn off and let them debate the encounter with the Eko-mari.  Before I had made it three full steps, Pranav had silently recruited Giang Hunyh to gently re-direct me towards their end goal. “Guys,” I hedged carefully, “I appreciate being included, but I don’t think I’m allowed - “
“It will be fine, Sophia,” Hunyh asserted. “Nothing will be discussed that you are not permitted to be a part of.  For once in your blessed life, please do not argue.”
“Ohh.. kay…” I trailed off.  To be honest, I was entirely confused, but the reality of the situation pretty much insisted that I shut up: I had just been permitted actual food in the last twenty-four hours, I wasn’t going to argue with being allowed in an actual Council session.  Gift horses, mouths, all that jazz.
For once, Huynh had a point. First time for everything, I guess.
Silent except for the rustling of our robes, we filed one by one into the Council chamber. Space was limited, and I expected Hannah, Parvati, or even Simon to fill the last seat, but all three stood behind it in a silent chorus, damning me with their stares.
I tried to stand behind them, but I was shoved forward with exactly zero care - Hannah, no doubt. She may be soft spoken, but seamstresses were on par with hairdressers in having precisely no qualms about adjusting human beings where they needed to be.  When I stood where I had been placed, the rest of the Council started glancing between each other furtively.
Grey was the one who broke the peace. “For fuck’s sake, Sophia, sit down.”  Too stunned at hearing Grey swear, I found myself seated with no memory of taking the action. With the same lack of patience, they flicked a long-fingered hand at the ceiling. “Miys, privacy please. You may stay and listen, but none of this discussion is for public access until after the meeting please.”
“Understood, Councilor Hodenson.”  No matter how many times I had been in rooms that were secured for privacy, the sensation never ceased being unnerving: the air flow changed, the lights stilled; it was as though the entire space held its breath in wait of what was to occur.
Cradling their head in one hand, Grey gestured to Huynh. “Giang, floor is yours.”
Even years later, I couldn’t tell anyone what I was expecting. But I could definitely confirm for the next ten seconds, ten minutes, and ten years that I wasn’t expecting what he actually said.
“I move for Councilor Sophia Reid’s sentence be mitigated to time served, due to overwhelming need for her service to humanity to resume.”
The. Fuck. Huynh didn’t even like me…
“I second,” Eino agreed with zero hesitation, overlapping the time it took for me to process what Huynh had suggested.
“I third, motion passed.” Xiomara’s voice was flat and procedural, yet more telling than either of the others had been. Clearly, this had been discussed at some point, or she of all people would object.
“Thank fuck,” Hannah gasped. When I twisted to look at her, both she and Parvati fixed me with flat stares. “This is a clusterfuck. You thrive under shitty circumstances,” she clarified.
“And it gets no shittier than this,” Hunyh agreed, taking the floor again. “The pirates who attacked us are honorable and care for species not even their own, the saviors who are escorting us to our new quote-unquote home are racists, bigots, and basically what comic-book villains wish they could be.”
“They are impolite, coarse, and intolerant,” Pranav chimed in. He went on to actually explain the need to reinstate me, thankfully. “Hannah is temperate, Parvati is a firebrand.  Both of these are incredible attributes, but they themselves confessed that they felt ill-prepared to handle something of this magnitude without your guidance.”
Both women nodded before Parvati spoke up. “We would have been okay with filling in for day to day operations, or even some minor bumps and bruises, but this…” she spread her hands to indicate the whole of the situation, “none of us were expecting to deal with something like this so soon.”
Hannah nodded in agreement before gesturing for Pranav to finish. He smiled before heaving a sigh. “Simon, unfortunately, missed a decade of human civil matters. We need an actionary, and that falls on you.  They couldn’t even consult you without several backdoor channels being involved and potentially falling under your sentence.”
Grey didn’t even glance up from their datapad. “Jokul is still eating the ration bars, with great glee, by the way.”
“Jokul!?” I sputtered, tongue finally free of the paralytic hold of shock. “We… We weeded cabbages, for crying out loud!”
“And you vented, and he whispered and pushed and prodded and… Teeth is on the Ark, Jokul is eating ration bars, and the pirates got away.” Grey finally looked up at me, straight in the eyes. “Sophia, you know as well as any of us that we are on the Ark for a reason. I am analytical, Pranav has near-unparallelled pattern matching.” They stood and pointed a damning finger at each person. “Hannah is resourceful, Parvati is a catalyst. Eino compulsively insists on sharing information. Huynh can’t look at a structure without seeing failure points, and constantly plays mind games to patch the weaknesses. Xiomara is a legal genius. Simon is a specialist on micro and macro sociology.”
Grey turned away from me to pace, as much as they could in tight quarters. “But you? You have the one quality that all of those currently on the Council lack - Simon has it, Arthur has it, Charly has it in spades. But you make people want to be their best self, for if no other reason than they just don’t want to fail you, personally.”
The urge to scowl was too great. “Tyche does the same thing,” I argued, willing to admit to myself that I was a little ticked off that they weren’t reinstating me for any other reason than resources.
“It is better to be loved, than feared.” Xiomara’s words shot through me even more forcefully than her glare.
“But in the absence of love, fear will do,” I muttered before snapping angrily. “So… somehow, people love me - despite assaulting the same beings who could shunt us into a vacuum, claim it was a mechanical failure, and have no one in the Galaxy question it - and that’s why you want me back.”
Eino had enough shame to look down. Grey shook their head, while Pranav gave that inimitable smile. Huynh, however… he dished out a lethal glare at everyone else in the room. “I told you,” was all he said, still leveling looks that would kill.
I couldn’t take it anymore. I just couldn’t. “Miys, please dampen your audio pickups, because I’m about to start shouting. I just ask that you don’t dampen them in this room. It won’t hurt them, and I want them to understand how angry I am. If you do nothing else for me, ever, in my life, please do this.” Part of me wanted to cry, just from how badly I wanted to avoid hurting them again, but the degree of fury I felt was entirely too much to let even a single tear wet my eyes.
“We have dampened our audio feeds, and muted any sound escaping the room, Councilor Reid. However, all persons in the room have been baselined to natural hearing.”
If there was a deity out there, I wanted to know which one had allowed this moment so I could pray to them for the rest of my days. “Thank you, Miys.”
I took two full, deep breaths to calm myself before unleashing everything pent up inside. I was grateful that I managed to start as calmly as I did. “Huynh. Giang Huynh, of all people, was the only one who argued for me? Seriously?” I glanced around the room before laughing ruefully. “At this point, I don’t even care if he argued against my sentence or for it being sustained… bizarrely, he’s the only one who took me into account at all.”
Eino opened his mouth to speak, and that was the finger that pulled the trigger on my temper. “You? Shut the fuck up. Mister ‘I must be neutral’, king of the middle road… I advocated for your successor. I praised your reaction to the sabotage crisis nine years ago. I went to school to be an educator, and thought so highly of you. But you couldn’t even look me in the face just now.”
“Pranav?” The sorrow crept into my voice. “How? You entrusted me to watch over Alice, and to wrangle Derek. And all you can do is give me a plaster smile, the one you give every. Damned. Time. That you don’t know what else to do? You were just going to smile through this and hope you came out on the winning side?”
My hand flicked out, dismissive, toward Xiomara. “You, I get. Safety of the species above safety of the one. You would swan dive under the bus yourself if it saved humanity. Evan is the same way. Of everyone here, I would have been disappointed if you had voted any other way. I’m hurt, but I expected it and I’ll get over it.”
Twisting, I levelled my gaze at Grey. “But you… I know we disagree, and that’s one of the things about our relationship that I relish: you aren’t afraid to call me on my shit anymore than Antoine is. I adore that about you… hell, I was the one who was about to find the face on an Eko-mari just to punch it on your behalf. Did you really vote against me?”
Grey took advantage of my panting to actually respond. “I only agreed to a psychiatric evaluation, and at the first opportunity voted for your reinstatement,” they stated, no expression in their voice, but mountains of hurt in their eyes if you know what to look for.
Nonetheless, I glanced at Hunyh, who nodded sharply. Right now, of anyone on the Council, my trust was with the one person who had exactly zero reasons to like me but still argued in my favor. Granted, that said a lot more than I was willing to think about at the moment, but I needed something to ground me.
And, without fail, I called him on it. “Huynh. Did you vote for or against my sentence?”
“Against,” he spat with a scowl.
With a deep breath, I reached out to the one being who I expected no response from. “Miys? Is this true?”
“Yes, Wisdom. Councilor Huynh was against both your conviction and sentencing.”
“On what grounds?” I needed to know. I had to.
“On the grounds that humans naturally raise their vocal volume and pitch in times of duress and-or times of argumentative strife.”
Oh. Huynh really had been on my side. “But… Giang, you hate me.” My statement couldn’t have been more pointed than if I shot it with an arrow.
Fortunately, he wasn’t even remotely concerned - and I had never expected to be grateful to have Huynh ignore my tone. “I focus on the work, you focus on the workers. You give me the most efficient workers I’ve ever had, and the work goes smoother than ever. I teach them, they learn or you move them. I don’t even have to ask, you just move the unqualified workers to things they are better at. Your gear is properly greased, my belt moves. Engineering at its finest.” He shrugged, apparently done.
I gaped several times before my brain caught up. “And this is why you voted in my favor?”
At that, at least, he seemed to think before responding. “I understand engineering. Structures, stresses, gear, motion… all of that. You apply it to people, in a way that I don’t understand. But I see it work, and that’s how engineering works: if it works, it works. And the way you work with people? It works, so it works. If you are frustrated, thousands are frustrated. If you believe, thousands believe. Because you are to people what I am to materials. We argue, but we work well because we argue.” 
He shrugged again before gesturing widely. “I told you that you needed to be among the people. You saw that as a fact, and you did it. It made you better. Just like when you told me we needed underwater welders, and I asked for enough resources to train them as well. You didn’t argue - you trusted when I said we had a need, and you filled it. I saw a need for someone that people will follow out of love, and refused to let it be vacant. We aren’t so different.”
Goddamned if he didn’t have a point. I still didn’t trust it, though. “I tell you no, more than any other member of the Council. I need to know why you aren’t against me. Seriously.”
For the first time in a decade, I saw Giang Hunyh laugh. Head back, grabbing his stomach, slapping the table… a real laugh. “You tell me no! That’s why!” He stood and held his arms out like he was imitating a monkey. “I need all these people to do this project”, he said in a deep tone.
Immediately, he dropped his arms and hit a comical falsetto. “We don’t have enough people who are trained!”
Deep, “What if we train them?”
Falsetto, “I still need some in other areas.”
“Why? We need to build this!”
“We need to eat!”
“What about their off time?”
“They want to train in defense, or piloting, or weaving fabric so you aren’t bare-assed!”
“Hmm, you may have a point,” he growled to himself, closing out the comical one-man argument. He stared back at me. “Your job, from the beginning, has been to manage people. You keep us from overworking them, you give them time for learning new skills, and you and your sister make sure the best people are on the most important jobs. They may not be the most skilled people, but you have never - in a decade - given me someone who didn’t care as much as I needed them to, if nor more.” With that, he took a seat, but still hit the table with a loose fist. “I would surrender three skilled people who don’t care, if it would give me one unskilled person who is fascinated and engaged. For that alone, I would have ‘sentenced’  you - “ he even did the air quotes, “to keep doing your damned job.”
I shook my head, uncertain if I was being sentenced to Heaven or Hell at this point. “So… am I back on the Council, or am I retired?”
“You - “ Huynh started.
“We need to vote,” Grey pointed out, somehow unphased by the scowls directed their way.
Hunyh stood and slammed his fist on the table three times. “I motioned for reinstatement, it has been seconded -” Two more thumps. “And passed.” Three more thumps. “We’ve covered this, and the time limit for objections has passed - Wiitala, shove it up your ass! The time period for objections was thirty minutes, you didn’t object, I don’t give a single solitary fuck if your manners prevented it!”
Grey didn’t miss a beat. “Motion passed! Sophia….. Meddle as you would, I guess?”
Huynh looked positively feral. “Oh, yes. Please meddle. I have met with my mentee and her second. Meddle away.”
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meowniee · 3 years
Lee Taeyong - One Shot
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Pairing: Female Reader (photographer) x Lee Taeyong (idol)
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 4,2k
Warnings: oral (f/m) | fingering (f) | penetration | protected sex | squirt | manhandling | finger sucking
Synopsis: Who would have thought that doing a photo shoot with NCT would lead you to stay after your working hours in a room alone with Taeyong...
You were already asleep when you got a call from your boss. One of the photographers who would be working tomorrow had gotten sick and he needed you to go to work in her place. You had been hired a few months ago, but you hadn't worked on any major projects yet, even though your experience in the field is impeccable. He asked you to arrive early tomorrow at the film set and your colleague would explain all the work. You were so excited, it would be your first opportunity to show your talent, whatever job it was.
You could barely sleep and ended up waking up earlier than you needed to. You chose a comfortable outfit, pants and shirt, ate your favorite breakfast, did some very basic makeup, highlighting your cute lips, and went out to the photo set. The day was beautiful with a very blue sky and a shining sun. It was almost 10 am when you arrived at the luxurious hotel where the photos would be. At the entrance, your colleague was waiting for you with an iced coffee in each hand. You greeted each other quickly, thanking her for the coffee, and headed into the hotel, picking up your credentials at the lobby. On the way to the main hall, she explained to you that they would have a big crew today because they were going to photograph a famous K-pop group, NCT127. Each photographer would be responsible for one of them during the individual photos, and the photos would be taken in a hotel room according to the aesthetic that each one wanted. She told you that you would be responsible for Taeyong, the leader of the group. You were shocked. You were just replacing the sick photographer and were you responsible for none other than the GROUP LEADER? “Don't worry, he's an experienced idol. He'll help you with whatever you need. He's also a sweetheart, rest assured”, she said, patting your arm. You sighed in relief. You need to do your best today to take your best pictures. You knew Taeyong and how perfect he was in the photos. His features were sharp and his gaze was deep, the best set for a good model.
It didn't take long for all the photographers and directors to arrive, preparing their cameras, lights and scenery, reviewing the positions and space around them. The beats of their music echoed faintly through the hall. You heard rumbles coming from the entrance to the hall and turned to see what was going on. The boys had arrived along with their security guards and managers. They were mostly in sweats and comfortable clothes, clearly without the luxurious outfits prepared for the photos. Some messy hair, sleepy eyes and yawns accompanied their expression, but that didn't stop you from noticing how beautiful they were. Extremely beautiful. They were talking to each other, sipping their coffee, laughing and settling down next to the staff members. The blonde one, Taeyong, stood in front of them, ceasing their conversation. They greeted all of the staff, bowing and smiling. The director took the lead and made the general introductions. "We will have a team responsible for each member to optimize the work today. Please direct each member to their workstation to begin preparations". He called one name at a time, redirecting the boys to their teams. The makeup artists and hairdressers started to work, preparing their looks according to the references they had received. You stood a little away from him, a little embarrassed, holding your camera. You didn't want to take pictures of him without makeup, respecting his personal space, so you waited until the stylists had finished. He was perfect now, with his hair straight and his makeup done. Soft pink lips emphasized the shape. He was fiddling with his cell phone, waiting for the moment to go change. You approached slowly. “Hi Mr. Lee… I’m Y/n. I am your photographer today”, you introduced yourself, bending a little and unable to look at him. “Hey! Nice to meet you.”. You raised your eyes a little to see him. He was smiling and waving his hand. “I didn't know you. Are you new here?”, he asked. “Yes… Hm… I'm replacing a colleague who couldn't come”, you answered, squeezing your camera in your hands. “If you have any questions or need help, just ask me, okay?”, he smiled and got up to go dress up. You breathed a sigh of relief. You were very nervous and hadn't even realized you weren't breathing properly. He seemed very kind and that made you more relieved.
The group photos were quick. The boys were very professional, they knew exactly what to do, where to look and how to position their bodies. They were very comfortable with the production, playing games with each other but not disturbing each other's work. Everyone's attention was focused on them, always going to fix some hair that was out of place, or some slightly smudged makeup. Words of encouragement from the photographers only made them more excited. You were always watching Taeyong. You needed to learn how he looked at the camera, what angles he preferred and how he liked to pose for pictures. He was the one who looked most comfortable among them all. He wore burgundy pants and a shiny leather jacket, no shirt. Sometimes your eyes locked, making your whole body heat up, and eventually you would shyly look away.
Everyone had lunch at the hotel restaurant and then went to the individual sets. All lights and equipment were mounted. The rooms weren't very big, but the staff was downsized now so you wouldn't have a problem with that. The room had a bed by the window, a sofa across the room, and a rug with wave patterns. The pale colors contrasted with Taeyong's clothes.
Individual photos took longer. Taeyong always stopped to look at the result in the notebook, giving suggestions for light, for angles, praising your photos. You were getting more and more comfortable with him, laughing at the jokes and daring to get closer. “It's almost 7 PM, we should start wrapping up”, you said. He looked at you. “I really want to try some other poses and angles. Y/n, can you stay up a little later?” he asked and you nodded quickly. It was your most important job so far and you would make the most of it. “We won't need the production. You all can go. These photos will be for my personal project. Thank you so much for your hard work today”. He said, turning to the rest of the staff. They thanked and bowed, starting to pack their things and leave the room. You were very happy that he asked you to take more photos for his personal project. So he liked your work, right? You were enjoying working with him too. The conversation and exchange of ideas flowed easily. You quickly understood what he wanted and could reproduce it with your clicks. You had good chemistry together. “I'm going to go down and get my stuff from downstairs and from there we can start, ok?”, you said, opening the door and heading for the elevator. You were very excited... and a little nervous about being alone in a room with him. Quickly grabbing your extra lights and lenses, you went back to the hotel room, thinking of all the angles that could be made there. You knocked on the door before entering. Taeyong had his notebook open, sitting on the couch. The room was cozier now that all the lights were out and there wasn't a lot of equipment in the corners. “I ordered drinks and some snacks for us. We can relax a little while I explain to you what I thought for these photos.”, he said as you put your things down by the couch, sitting on the bed in front of him. “Oh thank you! So… Tell me a little about your project, please”, you asked him. His eyes were shining as he told you about his new album that he produced himself. He was thinking about taking photos to promote digitally. A sexier concept as his songs were very intimate. You really liked everything. He had a very artistic mind and he spoke in a very emotional way.
The snacks arrived and you thanked them, you were starving. At some point you sat next to him on the couch while he showed you pictures he liked, so you could follow the concept. You both finished eating and you got up, “How do you want to start? Maybe on the couch?”, he nodded, crossing his legs and leaning on the sofa, his tiger look appearing again. His duality was incredible. Super cute and adorable off camera, but extremely irresistible on them. His poses were great and you always praised him between them, cheering him on. He lay on his back on the couch, letting his arm fall over the edge, looking directly at you through the camera lens. This was the best photo of the night, for sure. He sat, legs closed, back laying on the couch. If you were your camera right now, you would be melted by his gaze. “Can you take one up close?”, he asked. You positioned yourself very close to his legs, leaning forward to get as close as possible, trying to balance. “You can put your legs around mine. That’s okay”. You did as he said, timidly opening your legs and getting closer to him, his legs between yours. He lay a little more on the couch, flirting with the lenses. Or with you? You didn't know anymore at that point. You tried to get a little closer, but you lost your balance, falling forward. He quickly put his hands around your waist, holding you, making you sit in his lap. “Are you ok?”, he asked. You were so embarrassed, your cheeks were burning. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. Thank you”, you whispered. You didn't try to get up and he didn't move either. His hands still gripping your waist, holding you in place. “Maybe a photo this close will be good”, he murmured, lightly squeezing his hands on you. You quickly raised the camera. You thanked you for not having to look him in the eye, but being able to see him through the lens was a really amazing view. You clicked several times, trying to capture the most of the moment. You tightened your thighs around him, getting closer. His hands gently moved down your legs as his gaze traveled over your entire body. He bit his lower lip when you whispered a compliment, letting his head fall back, panting softly. He was enjoying the whole moment, just like you. You took his chin between your fingers and pushed it up, making him face the camera. Your thumb lightly scraping the bitten lip as he opened it slightly. Lowering the camera, you glared into his eyes, pushing your finger slowly between his lips, testing the waters. You let a low moan escape as he ran his tongue over your finger, circling slowly and then closing his lips around it.
Taeyong was so sexy already totally drunk with pleasure underneath you, with labored breathing and huge pupils dilated by arousal. You could almost feel him melt under your touch, giving himself completely. Was this really happening? Or did you hit your head in the elevator and this is all just your mind's creation? The questioning passed quickly when you felt a sharp bite on your finger, pulling you back to reality. Yes, he was there, deliciously sucking your finger like it was the tastiest candy he'd ever had. Putting the camera to one side entirely, you looked deep into his eyes, lifting your head with a defiant look as your fingers tightened inside his mouth, forcing him to open it. He took a deep breath before suddenly grabbing you around the waist and pulling you close to his chest, causing you to lose your balance and fall onto his chest completely, bracing both your hands on the couch behind him. You felt him pushing his hips up against yours just before your lips met. His lips were colder than yours, giving you goosebumps. Quickly devouring each other, the kiss became extremely hot as your tongues twisted against each other, tasting the sweet needy taste. You slipped your hand from his chest, past his neck, into his blonde hair, tangling your fingers in, pressing your mouths even closer, deepening the kiss. A purr resonated through his chest, leaving you extremely excited. He was so responsive to your actions, melting at any gesture, especially when you showed dominance over him.
You let your head fall back, leaving your neck free, guiding Taeyong to kiss you there. Despite the strength of your hand in his hair, he took his time kissing your jaw until he reached the base of your neck, biting and licking near your collarbone. His hands moved up from your hips, working their way under your shirt, reaching the base of your breasts. His hands weren't big, but they hugged your ribs as best they could. Running his hands down your back until he reached your shoulders, he pressed you down, against your prominent volume growing inside his pants, kissing the valley between your breasts through your shirt. You can do nothing but sigh. You grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it up, letting Taeyong sink between your breasts, kissing them through the lace of your bra as his deft hands opened it from behind. He pulled back for a moment as he slipped the straps over your shoulder, letting the bra fall between you, quickly tossing it to the side. Admiring your bare breasts, he cupped them both in his hands, massaging them gently, playing with your nipples between his fingers, lightly squeezing, earning a moan from you. Looking deep into your eyes, he brought his pink lips near to your nipple, pressing the tip of his tongue around it before capturing it with his mouth. The other one was being pinched and twirled between his fingers. You could feel your arousal making you wet, pooling in the fabric of your panties. You pressed your hips against his, trying to feel him hard against your clothed core.
You were startled when he quickly flipped you over with your back to the couch, sitting you down and pulling your hips closer to the edge. He found the waistband of your pants and pulled it with his fingers along with your panties, leaving you totally naked. His eyes ran all over your body, burning through every part they passed. Spreading your legs, he positioned in the middle as he sought your lips for another hot kiss. He was still fully dressed and it made you a little embarrassed to be undressed. You took advantage of the fact that he was close and started to open the buttons on his leather coat as he sucked your tongue and left bites on your lips. He helped you finish taking off his coat, throwing it somewhere in the room. He took a moment for you to look at him between your legs, standing up, and appreciate his gorgeous torso, now exposed since he wasn't wearing any shirt. He knelt gracefully between your legs, still looking into your eyes, and placed his hands on the inner part of your thigh, forcing you to spread your legs even further so that he could fit his broad shoulders between them. He brought his lips too close to your wet folds, but he didn't touch, just laid there, breathing hot, making you feel how close he was from your core. You grabbed his hair and forced his head against you, which he gladly accepted, flattening his tongue on your cunt. It didn't take long before he was devouring you hungrily, licking up all of your liquid, sucking on your clit and twisting his tongue around it. It felt great and you moaned his name under your breath, trying not to yell at all the neighbors to hear. You felt your orgasm approaching and began to roll your hips, rubbing yourself against his tongue. You couldn't help when your back arched and the wave of heat spilled over your whole body. He didn't stop sucking on your clit, prolonging the sensation of pleasure as your body writhed with each movement. When the sensation started to get painful from overstimulation, he slipped two fingers inside your wet interior, starting to move them curved, reaching the most sensitive point. You were about to ask him to stop when you felt another orgasm coming. His fingers worked fast in and out of your pussy, rubbing your g-spot with precision, while his mouth kissed your super sensitive clit. You felt an incredible pressure taking hold of your uterus, as if your bladder were suddenly too full. You tried to close your legs, but he held you tight, looking you in the eyes, daring you to stay there. You were hit by a high-speed train when your second orgasm came too quickly compared to the previous one. “Fuck…”, you yelled as you heard the louder and wet noises spreading through the room as Taeyong guided you through your moment of ecstasy. When you managed to open your eyes, he was looking at you with a proud smile on his lips. “God…that was really hot…”, he said, bringing his soaked fingers to his mouth, sucking each one until there was no juices left. You looked at your legs and saw that they were much wetter than usual. It's been a long time since you last had a squirt. And you were sure this wasn't the first time he's done this with a woman.
You saw his other hand rubbing the volume down his pants. He made you feel so good and now you wanted to return the favor. “Get up”, you asked, signaling with your finger. He immediately got up. Small dark stains covered the front of his burgundy pants, hit by your juices. Both of his hands were clasped behind his back, puffing out his chest and taking a deep breath, waiting for you. You reached for the button on his pants, undoing it slowly as you teased him with your gaze. You slid the zipper down at a slow pace, anticipating your touch on his cock. He was wearing black boxers, which fit perfectly against his body, showing the design of his hard member constrained by the fabric. You dropped his pants on his feet. Taking a firm grip on his ass and squeezing, you brought your lips close to his still-covered volume, sliding your lips over his length. You earned a sigh of appreciation. He didn't tease you, so you wouldn't tease him either. You grabbed the waistband of his boxers and pulled it down, freeing his hard cock. He was wet with pre-cum, glistening in the bedroom light, inviting your mouth to suck it. You took it in your hand, being careful not to put too much pressure, and brought the tip to your lips, giving light kisses around it as you looked at him. His eyes sparkling with anticipation when you stuck your tongue out, gently circling, collecting the pre-cum to taste it. He was so sweet you almost couldn't believe it. You put his whole head in your mouth and increased the pressure on your hand, making him moan louder than before. Sliding down to the end of its length and back, feeling it hit the back of your throat, you started to suck it, your other hand mimicking your movements, but to the opposite side. When your head twisted to the right as you swallowed his length, your hand met twisting to the left. He was moaning hard from pleasure, making you feel proud of your perfect blowjob. You were determined to make him come in your mouth, so you took his balls with your free hand, gently massaging them back and forth as you deepthroated his entire length. You were about to go back when you felt his hand pressing your head further, keeping his cock in your hot throat. You couldn't fight the gag reflex, but he pulled back your head, freeing your throat so you could breathe.
Your lips were all wet with saliva, as was his dick. He pulled your head, making you look at him. "Please… I don't want to come yet…", he begged between sighs. You stood up, hugging his defined waist, quickly spinning him around, causing him to lose his balance and land on the couch. You sat on his lap, positioning your needy pussy on top of his hard cock. Resting your hands on his chest, you started grinding his entire length with your wet folds. He took hold of your hips and helped guide the movement, rolling his eyes back at the wonderful feeling it was like to have you slide past him. “Do you have a condom?”, you asked. He was a little bewildered with pleasure and looked a little startled by the question. “Y-yes…”, he replied, quickly reaching into his wallet and pulling one out. You barely waited for him to finish putting on as you positioned yourself with your entrance to the head of his cock, taking advantage that he was holding it up.
You slid painfully slowly across his length, watching his gaze fixed on where he disappeared inside you. You both moaned low as you reached the end, waiting until your tight walls got used to his size. He cupped both of your breasts, taking one of them in his mouth and kissing it as if it were your lips. You started to roll your hips with his dick deep inside you. “Fuck…”, you both whispered. You couldn't keep it that way for long, so you got up until it almost came out of you, and sank down again. You kept the rhythm steady, enjoying the pleasure inside you. Your brain still didn't seem to process the fact that you were fucking none other than Taeyong. He was really perfect, like he came out of an anime. And he was enjoying being there with you… it made you even more turned out. He started to move his hips too, slamming against you harder, pushing even deeper. You couldn't hold back a shriek of pleasure as it hit so deep you could have sworn you'd feel pain there tomorrow. He kept it deep and strong, the thrusts getting more and more sloppy while the two of you were a moaning mess. Both bodies tense feeling the orgasm approaching, labored breathing filling the room with gasps of air. Grabbing the hair at the back of his head and forcing him away from your sensitive nipple, you captured his lips with yours, still tasting your own juice on his tongue. You could feel your walls tightening and his cock throbbing. You stopped bouncing on him, just focusing on kissing his mouth, but he held your hips in the air, giving him room to move under you, pushing his cock deeper and faster with harder and harder. You dropped your head at the base of his neck, moaning not so low his name as he nibbled and sucked on your neck, increasing your pleasure even further. “Fuck, Taeyong… I’m so close… Please, don’t stop”, you begged this time, holding tight his body against yours. Your words made him fuck you even faster, moaning in a low tone countless curses in your ear. Your orgasm erupted as he licked and bit your earlobe, giving you shivers all over your body, followed by the tingling sensation. Your walls squeezed his cock hard inside you, sucking him in with your pussy. He couldn’t hold it any longer and he's bursted all of his cum into the condom, deep inside you. He didn't stop moving in and out until you were both almost starting to feel pain from overstimulation.
You lay there cuddled together as your bodies rested, restoring your breathing rhythm and heartbeat. This all still didn't feel real. You just had the best sex of your life with… him. You were awakened from your thoughts by his voice in your ear. “Can we take a shower together?”, he asked, his voice so soft he didn't sound like the same person from a few minutes ago. “Only if you wash my hair for me…”, you joked. “Okay, I can do that”, he smiled. He helped you to your feet and went to the bathroom and started getting ready for the shower. “I'll order us something to eat if you don't mind. I'm hungry and I believe you are too”. You nodded as you wrapped yourself in the robe that was in the bedroom. He was being so adorable and caring. In fact, you wouldn't expect him to just send you away after having melted under your touch so easily. He was a gentleman and he was making you feel special right now.
The shower was fun and he let you do various hairstyles with the shampoo bubbles in his hair. Also the timing was perfect. As soon as you guys got out of the shower and wrapped yourself in your hotel robes, the food he ordered arrived in your room. Both of you ate while he told stories about behind the scenes in the clips and funny situations with other members of the group. He was so easy to talk to and give you pleasure that you could easily fall in love...
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the-widow-sisters · 3 years
here’s a concept: yelena being a little snot and pulling pranks on natasha all the time, until natasha finally gets fed up and gets revenge, with more over the top pranks, tickling her to death, or something. just some chaotic fluff 🥰
Oh, my gosh, that is absolutely adorable!!! ���💖💖💖 Thank you for this incredible idea, and I hope you enjoy this fic! 🥰 I love my girls, and this was super fun to write 😊💕
Word Count: 2101
Natasha trudged up the driveway, tiredness seeping through her form as she approached the front door. She had just gone to a really long Avengers meeting, and Steve somehow managed to be more boring than usual. And the worst part was that Yelena had not even wanted to come along and keep her company through it.
Which honestly sort of worried her. Yelena never turned down an opportunity to go with Natasha to the meetings even though she had figured out just how boring they were. It made Natasha concerned that there was something wrong with her sister, and she had been thinking about it since she left that morning.
Natasha came to the door and unlocked it carefully before putting her keys away. She then opened it, stepping through the threshold.
To her pure shock, tons and tons of glitter suddenly rained down on her head and body, and she just froze, totally surprised and almost unable to move as the last bits of the glitter finished pouring. She sputtered a bit, trying to get the glitter out of her mouth as she fully processed what just happened. Yelena had pranked her.
“YELENA!!!” Natasha screamed at the top of her lungs, feeling the hot irritation of being pranked rolling over her in waves as she suddenly understood the events of the morning much better.
Normally, Yelena would have tried to convince Natasha to let her come— even though she was much more hesitant to go now that she fully understood what those meetings entailed— but apparently the possibility of pranking the Natasha was way more tantalizing than any suck-up opportunities. Natasha had been quite suspicious when she had left, and she could tell that something was weird about Yelena, but she had not had much time to really consider it because she was running late anyway.
Well… Now Natasha knew exactly what was up.
Natasha heard laughter coming from her room, and she shook her arms a bit, trying to get off at least a little bit of the glitter before she went to confront Yelena.
She then quickly headed to her room. Soon enough, she stopped in the doorway to see that Yelena was peacefully relaxing on the redhead’s bed. Yelena looked up innocently from her phone, very obviously trying to hide any semblances of laughter. Natasha knew precisely how ridiculous she must look, and another flash of aggravation washed through her.
“Hey! You’re back! Did you stop by the spa or hairdresser or something on your way back, because you’re practically sparkling?” Yelena told her, unable to keep the chuckle out of her voice as the beginnings of a grin came onto her face. Natasha narrowed her eyes in pure irritation.
“You set up a bucket to dump glitter on my head when I came through the door,” Natasha accused, and Yelena shrugged, widening her eyes and trying to look surprised. Natasha recognized that technique, and she was not about to fall for it.
“What?! It must have been that Peter-Tingle boy. I knew I heard something suspicious in the other room,” Yelena clicked her tongue and waved her fist dramatically. Natasha, however, was not amused at all, and she knew precisely who had done it.
“Nice try. If you remotely heard anything in the other room, you would be up and trying to murder whatever was making the noise,” Natasha pointed out the fault in Yelena’s alibi, and Yelena shrugged, lifting her phone back up to look at it.
“Huh. I guess we’ll never know,” Yelena ambiguously replied, and Natasha kept an intense gaze on her, challenging her to look up and engage. However, after a long moment, Natasha let out a slight breath before just coming in and grabbing some clothes.
Yelena obviously was not going to admit to it, and Natasha was honestly ready to just get this disgusting, sticky glitter off of her. Next time she went to meet with the Avengers, she knew what their precise reaction was going to be if she did not manage to get all of the glitter off of her body.
“I’m going to get a shower,” Natasha muttered as she headed to the bathroom that was attached to her room. She could feel Yelena watching her, and Natasha made a mental note to stay on guard. She knew Yelena was not through with the pranks, and she was not sure when the next one was going to hit.
Natasha shut the door behind her, strongly resisting the urge to lock it. After all, there was an unspoken promise that she would never keep Yelena from getting to her, and that policy continued even when she had the worst feeling that Yelena was going to prank her.
She swiftly shed herself of her glitter-covered clothes and turned on the shower. After a moment, she reached her hand in, and when she was satisfied with the temperature, she quickly stepped in.
However, as soon as she got inside, she realized that there was some red liquid pouring out of the shower head and sprinkling all over her. Natasha froze for a moment, not sure what exactly the stuff was, but knowing it was not blood.
After a long moment, she very hesitantly caught some of the shower water in her mouth to taste it. She immediately recognized the taste of red Kool-Aid, and Natasha rolled her eyes with a sigh, knowing that the stuff was going to make her extremely sticky. However, she decided she would wait for it to run its course so she could just rinse herself with normal water.
Once around five minutes had passed, the shower stopped running red. Natasha then moved underneath the stream of water and rinsed all the Kool-Aid from her body.
It was when she had started to lather her hair with shampoo that she realized the door was opening.
“Yelena? What are you doing?” Natasha questioned, and she did not receive a response. The redhead furrowed her brow before moving to peek around the shower curtain. Yelena was nowhere in sight, but the door was ajar. Natasha narrowed her eyes, wondering what was going on.
However, she ultimately just decided to very hesitantly let it go. She did not trust it in the least, but there was a slight chance that she could have forgotten to fully latch the door.
Although, she doubted it.
She pulled her head back inside the shower, rinsing her hair quickly and trying to speed up the process of showering. She definitely did not want to be caught in yet another prank.
After only a moment of silence, there was suddenly the definitive sound of a toilet flushing. Natasha jumped, immediately turning the water off and turning the shower head away from her to keep away the roasting-hot water coming her way. She swiftly stuck her head out of the shower.
“YELENA!” Natasha yelled as she spotted her sister escaping through the door and slamming it behind her as she laughed like a nutjob. Natasha groaned deeply with irritation.
When she finally managed to finish her shower, she stepped out, her towel wrapped around her. It was then that she saw that the clothes she had picked out for herself were not sitting on the edge of the sink anymore. She headed out of the bathroom to find herself more clothes. She knew exactly who had taken them, and she was now considering her options with plotting some manner in which to turn the tables.
She headed out to open the drawer, and she withdrew some clothes from her dresser, looking around suspiciously in an attempt to figure out if Yelena was nearby. The blonde was very strangely nowhere in sight, which was not very reassuring for Natasha.
When she finished getting her outfit together, she shut the drawer. To her shock, an airhorn suddenly went off, and she jumped out of her skin. She groaned with irritation, and she could hear Yelena’s loud laughter ringing somewhere in the house. Natasha narrowed her eyes before heading into the bathroom to change her clothes.
As soon as she had pulled them on, she hesitated in her room. It was clear that if she followed Yelena, there would likely be more pranks. And if she stayed in one place, Yelena would no doubt come to her with a prank.
Natasha suddenly felt a wicked grin spreading across her face as she realized precisely how she could get Yelena back for her constant pranking and aggravation throughout the morning.
She headed to her bed and laid down on it, deciding to pretend that she was asleep. She knew Yelena would not be able to resist pulling some kind of prank on her while she was supposedly unconscious and none the wiser.
So she settled carefully in the blankets, closing her eyes and patiently awaiting the blonde’s appearance.
Natasha soon heard Yelena come into the room, her almost silent footsteps carefully padding across the floor. She heard a slight huff of laughter nearby her, and she then heard what sounded like a marker being opened.
Natasha just remained perfectly still until she felt Yelena’s soft breaths washing over her face. It was then that she chose to lunge and grab onto Yelena tightly. She opened her eyes quickly, meeting the younger girl’s honey-green gaze. Yelena looked positively shocked out of her mind, and Natasha grinned evilly before flipping Yelena over onto the other side of the bed. She wasted no time in clambering over and pinning the blonde down firmly onto the mattress.
“I’ve got you now,” Natasha laughed like a madwoman before wasting no time in digging her fingers deeply into Yelena’s ribcage, skittering her fingers up and down as she mercilessly assaulted the younger woman with tickles.
Yelena collapsed into giggles, trying valiantly to fight the laughter bubbling up against her will. Yelena helplessly tried to guard her sides, clutching the marker in her hands hard before bucking against Natasha and trying to throw her off of her.
Natasha was thrown somewhat off-balance, and Yelena leaned her marker forward and marked across Natasha’s face. Natasha swiftly grabbed Yelena’s wrist in her hands and started trying to pry the marker from her fingers. Yelena then reached forward with her free hand, trying to tickle Natasha’s side. Natasha quickly crumpled sideways, trying to cover her side as well as she could as laughs escaped her. Yelena could not help but breathlessly laugh along.
Natasha swiftly managed to get the marker out of Yelena’s hand, and she lurched her lower body forward to pin Yelena’s arms underneath her knees. She then leaned forward with the marker, her full weight on Yelena’s arms.
“Well, well, look who’s stuck,” Natasha much too sweetly acknowledged, enjoying this way more than she should be, and Yelena shrunk her head away from Natasha, her chest heaving as her eyes glinted with defiance.
“Preying on people while they’re asleep,” Natasha clicked her tongue in mock disappointment as she looked down at the blonde.
“And this… This is a permanent marker, too, isn’t it?” Natasha noticed as she moved the marker around to better read it, and Yelena suddenly tried to buck her off. Natasha, however, was not deterred.
“Trying to get rid of me that fast? I haven’t even got my revenge yet,” Natasha told her with a wide grin, and she then met the marker with Yelena’s face, drawing words on Yelena’s cheek. Yelena did not fight her, much too tired to even try and she seemed to know that if she messed the markings up, it would just be a harder mess to clean off of her face.
“There, all done, sweet girl,” Natasha declared when she was finished, and Yelena groaned deeply in aggravation, looking at Natasha with something between glee and irritation. Natasha knew that even though Yelena hated Natasha getting the upper hand, the blonde still loved Natasha’s attentions.
“What did you write?” Yelena questioned, and Natasha just smiled softly before leaning forward and kissing Yelena’s clear cheek. Yelena huffed, pretending to be unhappy and grumpy, but Natasha could see that adoring glint in her eyes.
“Go see for yourself,” Natasha moved off of the blonde, and Yelena hesitantly rolled over and got off the bed. She headed to the bathroom, and Natasha just leaned against her headboard, silently anticipating the reaction she would receive for her handiwork.
Natasha grinned widely, laughing as Yelena stomped back in the room.
“‘I’M NATASHA’S SOFT LITTLE BEAN?!!!’ Nobody’s going to take me seriously anymore! And it’s PERMANENT INK?!!!”
Natasha just laughed even more.
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Taken & Found - 1
Request 1: Hey there! I'd really like to see a comforting Gibbs after the reader was kidnapped?
Request 2: Could ya do something with the reader being kidnapped and tortured in captivity for a long time and after she was rescued and came back Gibbs tries to get her to talk about what happened to her so he can figure out how to help/comfort her?
Request 3: May I request something with Gibbs and scared reader? Maybe they’re like trapped somewhere or she’s going under for a surgery? You can decide reader’s fate!
This is a two-part fic. This part is basically full angst, focused on Gibbs and the comforting, healing focus on Reader will come in the second part. I wanted to separate both.
Pairing: Gibbs x Reader
TW: angst, kidnapping, mention of suicide, depression, slight alcoholism
Words count: 3k
Tags: @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @madamsnape921 @specialagentastra @ncisfan @zetasaturno99
She was supposed to be thirty-five years old today.
And it was one of those very rare days Gibbs didn’t want to get out of bed.
He spent the night working on his boat in the basement, thinking about what his life would be if anything had happened. But he would never know, would he? No matter how bad he wished Shannon and Kelly weren’t dead, how bad he wished you were here with him… all of this happened. And he found himself alone in his basement.
Well, not entirely alone. He had a bottle of bourbon to keep him company, and Fraser, an old black labrador. Your old black lab. Your furry baby, as you used to say.
You rescued it when it was just a puppy, a couple of years before you joined NCIS. So, Gibbs has always known you with this loving thing. At some point, you would even take him to the office and Fraser’s favorite spot was under Gibbs’s desk.
Gibbs never wanted to get attached to the dog. Fraser wasn’t his, it was yours and he respected that. But somehow, you both made your way to his heart.
But only Fraser was still here.
Taking a sip of bourbon directly out of the bottle, his eyes landed on your pet, curled up in the armchair Gibbs put here years ago after you made a remark. “You know, you should put something down here. An armchair or something for people who visit.” You said, while caressing the wood with your fingertips. God did he wish he was the boat at this very moment.
“People who visit never stick around.” He answered, sternly.
“I stick around,” you grinned.
Indeed, you did stick around. A lot. Probably too much.
Would’ve saved him the heartbreak if you didn’t.
A week later, an armchair was down his basement.
With the bottle still in his hand, Gibbs sat next to Fraser and started to toy the blankie. Well, technically, it was not a blankie. It was a tee-shirt. One of yours. The one you left at his house, two years ago.
The top, representing one of your favorite bands, was destroyed now. Fraser chewed it, curled against it nonstop for two years, it was now just some cotton with dog’s hair on it. It didn’t have your smell anymore, it had Fraser’s, but Gibbs never had the strength to take it away from the dog to wash it.
He never had the strength to do much after you disappeared.
When it was clear to the team that you had been taken, kidnapped, abducted or whatever, Gibbs searched for you for weeks, probably mouths. He still does, to be honest, just not 24/7 anymore.
The first weeks, he asked - or actually, ordered - Abby to take care of Fraser. Gibbs was spending all of his time away, looking for you, he couldn’t take care of someone - well, a living thing. The lab tech happily obliged, but Fraser’s health quickly deteriorated. The dog wasn’t eating, or drinking. All he did was lay on the floor, waiting for his mum to come back.
“What, Abby? I don’t—“ not a welcoming way to answer the phone but she didn’t hold it against him.
“I know you’re busy, Gibbs, but I’m taking Fraser to the vet. He’s not okay at all.”
Abby heard her boss taking a deep breath. “Which vet? I’ll be here as soon as I can.”
The dog was clearly letting himself die. Without you, he didn’t see the point of living and Gibbs understood that. If he told anyone what he did after he got Fraser from the vet, they would think he was crazy. Maybe he was, but he didn’t care at this point. He didn’t care about anything, anymore.
Fraser was depressed and there was nothing the vet could do about it. So, they let Gibbs take him home.
And he took him home. His real home; your apartment. Fraser immediately lay on your bed and cried. “You’re reading my mind, Fra.” Gibbs muttered to himself, while preparing a bowl for the pet.
Gibbs had been in your room a few times, but he never paid attention to your stuff. All his attention was on you and your body when it happened. But as he was sitting on the floor, his back against your bed, he allowed himself to take a look around. It was very much you. Minimalist with your touch. He saw your guitar, your messy wardrobe, candles and some Polaroid pictures of people you love. Gibbs never paid attention to those pictures until this moment and one grabbed his attention.
A picture of him. You could see him from afar, aiming to throw a ball. He remembered that night but he never knew you took a picture.
Ziva had invited him to throw a few balls on a baseball field. It was a nice summer night and they had just saved many people from getting blown up. It was also the first night you kissed him. In his basement, you teased him like you always did and ended up with your lips on his. He wasn’t ready for it at that moment, and when he realised what had happened, you were already gone.
Gibbs held the picture in his hand and before sitting back exactly where he was, he went to the kitchen, grabbed what he had prepared and came back.
Fraser was still laying on your bed, his face on your pillow. Gibbs carried him in his arms, the labrador didn’t even fight back or anything. He put him in front of the bowl and Gibbs sat across. “You wanna die, Fra, huh?” The dog looked at him with horrifying sadness in his eyes. “You and me both, buddy. So let’s do this.”
Gibbs put the picture next to the bowl and grabbed his gun and the bottle of whiskey. “I know you know that salmon. Eat it, choke, and when you take your last breath, I’ll pull the trigger.” He said, pressing the gun against his temple.
Fraser is deadly allergic to salmon. When he was a few months old, you fed him some and the reaction was almost instantaneous. Luckily, you took him to the vet right on time for them to save him. “Salmon is banned from the house.” you said on the ride home.
The dog didn’t move one bit. With his face still resting on the floor, he kept looking at the man. Gibbs swore he saw tears in the damn dog’s eyes. “So? Whatcha waiting for? Eat it. It’s good salmon, trust me.” He said, drinking the brown liquor.
If Fraser could talk, he would’ve told him; ‘I may let myself die, but you’re damn crazy.’ Which would’ve been fair.
Gibbs was going crazy. It was the last straw. The last punch in the guts he could take. He had reached his limit.
He was finally letting himself love again and get loved in return. And someone took that away from him. All over again.
He got it, the universe hates him for some reasons. Why would he keep pushing it then?
Gibbs stayed up all night, drinking and waiting for Fraser to eat the fish and die. So he could pull the trigger and end this once and for all.
But Fra never did. Instead, around 5am, the dog went to grab something from the bathroom and put it on Gibbs’ lap. It was one of his hoodies. A hoodie you stole from him. Gibbs buried his nose in it and he could smell you. For the first time in many years, he let himself cry. He cried like a fucking baby, under the watch of your fucking dog.
At some point, he felt that Fraser was trying to nudge his nose in the hoodie too. “We’ll find her, Fra. We have to.”
If Gibbs had killed himself, along with Fraser, it would’ve meant you were gone forever. Because eventually, people would’ve stopped looking for you. They would’ve stopped thinking about you and just pretended you’re dead.
But Gibbs knew you weren’t dead. He knew it deep inside him. Because if you were dead, Fraser would’ve eaten the salmon and he would’ve pulled the trigger.
Laying in his bed, Gibbs turned on his side and found himself face to face with Fraser. The dog was sleeping and snoring. That’s what he does most of his time. Fra was still depressed, but he didn’t let himself die anymore. He eats and drinks the bare minimum. He doesn’t play anymore though. He used to be a happy, playful and loving dog. Now he’s just laying around, waiting for you to come back.
Just like Gibbs.
They both lost weight. Gibbs didn’t even bother to look at himself in the mirror anymore. He hadn’t been to the hairdresser in a while. His hair was longer than it has never been, and his beard was prominent now. You would probably freak out if you saw him like this. You would order him to shave and get his marine haircut back. You would feed him - and Fraser - until they are full. He just wished you were here.
He reached for Fraser’s head and pet him for a moment. “The boat is done and I can’t even offer it to her.” He sadly whispered. It’s been his plan a long time before you were gone. Building a boat after and for you. Now it was your thirty-fifth birthday, the boat was fucking done but he coudn’t teach you how to operate it like he promised.
For the next two weeks, Gibbs would stay in the basement, and stare at the finished product. There was nothing left to do on it, so he just sat behind the wheel, files on his lap and bourdon in one hand. His use of alcohol has never been higher than it is now. You’d scold him if you knew.
Maybe he’s self-destructing, hoping you’d show up and make everything right again. It was stupid, since you didn’t leave on your own. You were taken. Someone took you, and god knows what they were doing to you. This awoke a rage he never knew he had. He’d kill that - or those - person with his bare hands if he ever has a chance.
A month after your birthday, Gibbs was basically falling asleep in his boat, relatively drunk. Fraser was on his lap - he doesn’t realise he’s not a puppy anymore - when the dog shot his head up. “Easy, that’s just Fornell.” Gibbs mumbled, recognizing his friend’s footsteps.
“My two favorite depressed boys.” Tobias greeted them. He gently patted Fraser’s head and looked at his friend. “I need you to sober up, Gibbs. We need to talk about something important.”
“Just say whatever you have to say. I’m not that drunk.”
“Yeah, right.” Tobias grabbed the bottle from Gibbs’s hand and checked how empty it was. But Tobias knew only one thing would make him react, so he went straight to the point. “It’s about Y/N, Gibbs. Get your ass—“
Before the FBI agent could finish his sentence, Gibbs had practically thrown Fraser away. The poor dog looked at him with hurt in his eyes. It was only then that Gibbs saw the file his friend was holding against his chest. He didn’t think twice and tore it out of his grip. Tobias let him.
There wasn’t much in the file, just a picture.
A picture of you.
You looked different, thinner, your hair was shorter and in a completely different color. You looked like a homeless woman.
Gibbs’s jaw dropped. His head was spinning so fast, he needed to sit again. He touched the picture with his fingertips so softly, hoping it was like touching you. A lot of things were going through his mind at this moment, he actually drew a blank. “It was taken two days ago. In Wyoming.”
Gibbs didn’t need more.
Tobias had everything planned before he showed up at Gibbs’s place. One of the FBI private planes was waiting for them, in order to take them off to Wyoming. He had asked Emily if she could dogsit Fraser for a few days, and he even called Vance to let him know he was taking Gibbs with him.
In the plane, he told Gibbs how he came across this picture and all of the info he had, which wasn’t much to be honest. As far as they knew, you were in one city of Wyoming two days ago. Maybe you were gone by now.
But all Gibbs could focus on was that picture. He didn’t take his eyes off it since he opened the file. This was you. You were alive. Whatever happened, whatever the reasons you found yourself here, you were fucking alive.
Tobias looked at his friend. He’ll spend the rest of his life pretending he didn’t see the tear rolling down his cheek. “How you feeling?” He tentatively asked.
“I—I don’t know. It’s a lot.”
“She’s alive. We know it. We’ll find her.”
“I’ve always known she was alive.”
No doubt he did.
It was hard for Tobias to tame Gibbs after they landed. The agent was already barking orders at everybody and anybody, he was ready to organize a fucking manhunt to find you. But the first place they went was where the picture was taken. Gibbs spent hours in the area, while Tobias went to see the local cops. When he tried to check on Gibbs, the man never answered.
In the picture, you were looking at the surveillance camera. You knew you were being watched. You did it on purpose, Gibbs was sure of it. You must have left a clue somewhere around.
You looked scared, someone must have been following you. But he knew from what Tobias said; there wasn’t much more on the video. You were briefly seen and then disappeared, again. “Talk to me, Y/N.” Gibbs thought to himself while looking around.
It was only around noon that it hit him. He finally saw it.
Right there on the graffiti wall.
“Born to lose, live to win.”
Your handwriting. This sentence. Your tattoo.
You must have written this to let him know he should look at this wall. So he did. He studied those graffitis for a long moment, until he saw what he needed to see.
Numbers. GPS coordinates.
He called McGee, not paying attention to the missed calls he had. He gave him the coordinates and Tim gave him an address.
Was that it? The nightmare was finally over? He would go to this address, find you and take you home. Finally.
Fucking finally.
He felt dizzy while running to the address. It wasn’t that far away, and there was no way he’d wait for Fornell or a cab. So, he jogged to this fucking house. When he was standing in front of it, his heart was beating so fast, he thought it would stop.
But he couldn’t die now. He would die after he found you but not now.
He didn’t care about procedures or anything. He grabbed his gun, and let himself in the house by knocking out the door. A man was sitting there, on the couch.
The house was pure filth. The man seemed to be a bit younger than him, and he looked like a psychopath. Which he is, considering he took you.
The man was standing in his living room, his hands up as Gibbs pointed the gun at him. In a flash, Gibbs was standing right in front of the man, the gun pressed against his throat. The man looked scared, he didn’t even try to fight. “What the hell, man? Who are you? What do—“
“Shut your mouth. Where is she?” Gibbs asked, suppressing the urge to beat the man to death right now. That would come later. He needed to find you first.
“Who? There’s no—“
Gibbs’s knee hit him right in his crotch and that bastard fell on the floor. “You’re living the final hour of your life, you better tell me where the hell is Y/N, before I watch life leaving your fucking eyes.”
Seeing his hesitation, Gibbs punched him. “Where?!” He yelled, but the man stayed silent. “Fine.”
Gibbs grabbed the guy by his collar to put him back up. He was physically impressive, but the adrenaline running through Gibbs’s veins gave him incredible strength. He threw him on the first chair he saw and immediately cuffed him to it. He punched him once more, harder this time.
His nose and lips were bloody, but of course it wasn’t enough. Gibbs fought a lot in his life. To defend himself or to arrest someone, but never, had he been filled with that much rage and anger. He didn’t think twice before his boot hit the man directly in his face, knocking him unconscious. He stared as the man fell on the floor along with the chair he was cuffed to.
He needed to find you. Right now.
No need to be a federal agent to know a psychopath would hold you captive somewhere private.
So he immediately looked for a basement, which he quickly found and he saw the door.
A reinforced door with quite a few locks. Keys. He needed keys that he found in the man’s pocket. Although he was still laying on the floor, fighting to regain consciousness, Gibbs kicked him again, in the stomach this time. He wasn’t holding back his strength one bit. He will kill him anyway.
As he was unlocking the door, his hands were shaking like they never did before. His heart was still pounding in his chest. He still felt dizzy.
He was sure his heart actually stopped when he spotted you on the one-person bed. You were holding your knees against your chest. It was dark, but it was you. You were there, a few feet in front of him. He didn’t even know what to do.
But you did.
When you realised who was standing in front of you, you weakly jumped off the bed and rushed into his arms.
The only thing that kept you alive all this time; knowing that he would find you.
You felt even smaller than you already were. With your arms wrapped around his waist, your face buried in his chest, Gibbs felt you crying.
He slowly wrapped his arms around you, afraid it wasn’t real. Afraid he may hurt you. Afraid you would disappear again. “You found me.” he heard you whispering.
That he did.
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janiedean · 3 years
more of the tyrion/sansa mortician/hairdresser saga
sequel to this fic here, warning for... well, an embalming happens offscreen and no one is very sympathetic towards the dear deceased aka littlefinger I guess X°D *drops and crashes*
Thing is, Tyrion had absolutely planned to go back to Sansa Stark’s shop. He had been bracing up to see her again and if he caught himself glancing at his hair in the mirror more than usual, well, can you blame him, since he actually likes it for the first time in his life?
And then he sees her again a whole week after he walked into her shop, at his damned internship, with her mother, because -
“See,” the woman — how did she introduce herself, Catelyn, yes, Catelyn, “my sister should have been here but — she didn’t take her husband’s death that well.”
“I’m sorry to hear it,” his boss, Oberyn, says with all the professionally he doesn’t usually have when off the clock.
“Oh, don’t bother,” Catelyn goes on as Sansa notices him standing behind Oberyn and tentatively waves — he waves back —, “I mean, let’s just say that, uh. I… didn’t have a great relationship with him and my husband loathed him, and in between us he poisoned her against the entire family, so it’s not like anyone was that sad about his passing, but anyway. What I meant, if it was for me I’d have just told you that we’d do a closed casket funeral, but my sister is really adamant that it’s not, so I suppose that he’ll need to be embalmed.”
“You don’t sound too happy about it,” Oberyn says.
“I don’t know,” Catelyn replies, “I find it kind of creepy. Anyway, I absolutely don’t want to pay extra for the coffin, so —”
“I think,” Oberyn says, “that maybe I should show you what options you have making sure you’re aware of the cheapest ones, and my apprentice over there can start having a look at the corpse? Actually, Tyrion?”
“I think you can handle embalming this one corpse, it’s not the kind you have to completely reconstruct from scratch and it could be a good exercise. That good?”
“Uh, of course —”
“Then — Mrs. Stark, if you’d follow me?”
Catelyn does and he’s left alone with Sansa.
“How interesting,” she says, “I had no idea this was where you worked.”
“I didn’t tell you now, did I?”
“No, but — well, they’re kind of — I mean, I wouldn’t want to say friends but we’ve come here for anyone who died in the family? I think, at least. Anyway, honestly, no one except my aunt liked Uncle Peter. You can relax when you work on him.”
“Well,” he laughs nervously, “at least when I come to your shop before my final I’ll have had a lot of practice, thanks to him. But — well. I should be done tomorrow morning at latest, isn’t the wake tomorrow afternoon?”
“Oh, yes,” Sansa says. “I’ll see you then, I suppose.”
Then she winks and goes to join her mother.
Time to go check on his first corpse, Tyrion thinks, and heads for the embalming room downstairs.
— —
Indeed, Mr. Baelish died of a sudden heart attack, which means that while his face is still half-contorted in a not exactly pleasurable expression, it’s not the kind of body you have to manually reconstruct. He only starts on it the next morning, no point in doing it a day before the actual wake, and he’s done in two hours, early enough to dress the body in the suit his wife sent over — extremely pricey, coming from money Tyrion can see that, but also exceedingly black and he’s not even sure it looks good on the man, but what does he know and what does he care? He’s just placed the eyecaps under the man’s eyelids when someone knocks.
“It’s open,” he says, and — “Sansa?” He blurts as she tiptoes into the room.
“Yeah,” she says, sheepishly, “I asked Mr. Martell if I could come say hi to you. Uh, I see you really pumped him full of carcinogen?”
Tyrion snorts. “Well, yes. Gotten the blood out, got all the right fluid in, made sure to un-set rigor mortis and so on.”
“For what it’s worth,” she says, “it looks like you are cut for this job. Sure, his hair doesn’t have the best cut, but — well. He kind of always looked at me creepy, so I never offered a free cut and I’m not going to start now. Will you be at the wake, just for science?”
“Yeah,” Tyrion nods, “that’s… I mean. I could not be, I’m not an official employee, but.”
He figures he might as well go and say it. She did say she was going to put a move on him, didn’t she?
“But,” he says, “I understood you will be and I’d quite like to see you again.”
“Oh,” she smiles, delighted, “then by all means. Do come to the wake. I’m actually looking forward to it, now.”
Then she waves at him and leaves the room.
Tyrion is not going to faint and fall off his damned chair. He does have a dignity.
— —
“Heads up,” Oberyn tells him later, as they ready the room for people to walk inside in half an hour, “I absolutely do forbid actual employees from being unprofessional on the job, but you aren’t an official employee.”
“… Was — why are you telling me this?” Tyrion blurts.
“Because I’ve seen how Miss Stark looks at you and how you look back at her,” he shrugs, “and I certainly won’t begrudge you for being unprofessional, if you choose to be.”
Then he winks, too.
God, has he just said Tyrion could —
He did.
Oh, from the way he’s grinning, it’s obvious he did.
He thinks he needs a moment or fifteen. And he could do with a drink, but — yeah. Not now.
Still —
He has no idea what’s going to happen the moment this wake begins, but he’s actually kind of fucking looking forward to it.
What the hell is his life, he wonders, and then the first people start knocking — early, of course — and he schools his face into a semblance of professionalism.
Or at least he tries to.
— —
“Well,” Sansa says one hour later, “this certainly has been something.”
Considering that her aunt broke down in tears over Mr. Baelish’s casket, then her son also broke out in tears because she was miserable and she was ignoring him, then he started screaming about how much he always hated Mr. Baelish anyway, then the aunt lost her shit at him and Oberyn had to calm her down, then some of Mr. Baelish’s friends were adamant in saying that he certainly had never tried to fuck with not paying his taxes which apparently Ned Stark is absolutely sure of and that turned also into a half-fight and then the aunt started arguing with Mrs. Stark about how the casket was too cheap for such a wonderful man and Tyrion is nowhere near sure it’s over yet…
“It has,” Tyrion says, wishing he could have a beer like most of the guys in this room, but technically he’s on the clock. Now that wouldn’t look very good, if anyone noticed, and honestly, he doesn’t want to get noticed by anyone else. “Also, I hope this doesn’t mean i can’t come get my hair done in three days.”
“Of course,” Sansa smiles, “I’d be delighted to have you. I did have plans, for when you did come.”
“Oh,” Tyrion feigns, “did you?”
“Maybe,” she replies, slowly, looking down at him, “if your employer has a storage room, I could show you some of them?”
“Well,” he says, “I don’t have a storage room, but.” He nods towards the stairs going down.
He’s kind of sure she’ll say no, and of course she wouldn’t, he just asked —
“Actually,” she grins, “lead the way.”
He swallows.
He does.
— —
Two minutes later, he’s sitting on the stool he used during the embalming process and he has his hands on Sansa’s face as she leans down slightly and she crashes her mouth against his, kissing him hard, her fingers grasping at his hair and tugging at it and he groans back into her mouth, his tongue slipping inside it, and she moans and —
“Well,” she says, “I absolutely don’t regret it.”
“Oh, you don’t?”
“You kiss really well,” she replies, and dives in again, her tongue moving against his, curling gently and tracing his teeth before she kisses him harder, and fuck but she knows what she wants and it’s just making him want to tug her closer and so he does and —
“Just so you know,” he breathes when they part, “Oberyn informed me I can be as unprofessional as I like until he’s not paying me for my services.”
“Does it mean we can do this while they fight their way through the wake?” Sansa grins.
“Yeah,” he says, “yeah, we can.”
“Splendid,” she smiles wider, and then her mouth is on his own again and Tyrion isn’t going to give a single fuck about the fact that he just kissed her in the damned embalming room.
He can tell her the cool facts about it later, he supposes, and then proceeds on kissing her again and again and again, ignoring the mess upstairs.
Honestly, if this is how his internship is starting, he thinks he’s going to enjoy this job a lot —
Though not as much as he’s enjoying the moment right now. Not at all.
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apollostears · 4 years
boyfriend | k. bakugo
anime: my hero academia
pairing: katsuki bakugo x black!reader
creator: maya
warning(s): swearing
headcanons on bakugo as your boyfriend. it’s a sfw vrs. there will probably be a standalone nsfw vrs. coming out soon. xx also these were not supposed to be this long💀
* photo not mine*
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bakugo was not someone you really associated with.
when you first transferred, you acknowledged his presence and thought he was mighty fine, but then he opened his mouth and you were like 🤨
dealing with him takes a lot of energy and it was not energy you were willing to spend, so you kinda just avoided him.
but as usual, niggas can’t keep they mouth shut, and it wasn’t long until you had ended up on his radar.
it was after a sparring session, your first official one with the class, and that’s when he got to see you in action.
after seeing you fight, mans was hella intrigued by you.
when you first came, bakugo didn’t understand what made you special enough to join the hero course.
and since you didn’t talk to him, he didn’t bother you.
until you made your official debut and he was 🤩😯🤯
that made him want to fight you, to see who was stronger seeing as he officially saw you as a worthy opponent.
so long story short, he quickly found out why it was best to leave you alone.
by no means were you scared of him, but he didn’t know that and when he started fucking with you, all bets were off.
bakugo literally had no idea what he was getting into and he was not prepared for the moment you dished his shit right back to him.
japanese was still a little difficult for you, as you had a tendency to forget some words, but you understood and spoke it well for the most part.
and when you were hype about something, both english and japanese words would be flying out your mouth.
after he, and the rest of the class, experienced your semi-irritated side first hand, bakugo was definitely hooked.
it was like a moth being drawn to a flame, he would not leave you alone.
he would try to be subtle about it, but to you and everyone else who knew him (i.e. izuku and kiri) they knew that he had a crush.
y’all were literally day n’ night. most of the time you would be minding yo business and then here he would come, talking shit.
eventually, that changed and y’all were just talking shit just to talk shit.
atp, everybody either wanted y’all to fight or to fuck.
so how did y’all start talking??
easy. with a little game of spin the bottle: 7 minutes in heaven style.
both you and bakugo were competitive and not one to back down from a challenge.
so when the bottle landed on him, kiri knew exactly what to do to push his friend into confessing his feelings.
he said that bakugo would be too pussy to kiss you.
my god did that work.
after mina also betted against your ability to carry out the task at hand, the two of you went into the closet to prove your classmates wrong.
because you guys are psycho’s, y’all went in there angry af at each other to mask the obvious embarrassment you both were feeling.
“you’re such a fucking dumbass” you cursed, arms crossed and a glare on your face.
bakugo scoffed and mocked your stance. “me? says the one who landed on me, shithead.”
you rolled your eyes. “ain’t nobody told yo bobble headed looking ass to sit there.”
cue bakugo looking shook af because he knows he did not just hear you call him a bobble head.
after that, all bets were off.
“you know what, you got a lot of fucking mouth.”
you smirked, knowing full well he was right and that he just couldn’t handle you. “sure do. what the hell you gonna do about it?”
at the time, neither of you would realize it, but y’all were most definitely horny af.
bakugo, now closer to you and his arms uncrossed, held a devious glint in his eyes.
“let me show you.”
and BOOM! y’all was kissing.
it was a little rough at first, with you in shock and bakugo kissing you like a rabid dog.
but once y’all got that rhythm, y’all GOT that rhythm.
the kiss was aggressive passion. like feelings of bottled up desire lit on fire (bars 🔥)
homie did a little boom boom pow on yo ass with his firecracker hands when he was caressing yo shit and that was a top tier move right there.
y’all were definitely in that closet for more than seven minutes until iida came and broke y’all up.
after that, you guys were somewhat dating.
neither of y’all wanted to admit the feelings you had for one another, so you guys just did relationship shit without the label.
kissing in private was a big one because hormones. sometimes y’all would hold hands or cuddle, but v rarely.
bakugo would always carry your bag during school and he’d also carry your lunch tray. not that you asked but he’s such a manly man that he had to do it for the sake of his ego.
instead of holding hands, you guys would link arms and you would lightly press into him. bakugo highkey liked that shit but wouldn’t tell you.
eventually, you guys escalated to seeing each other at night for longer periods and that turned into you spending the night in his room for the first time.
it was also the first time you guys cuddled frfr and bakugo ate. that. shit. UP!!
but because he’s a shy baby, he began to distance himself from you and that made you hurt ngl.
so, figuring that y’all were ‘done’ you did you and hung out with other people.
one of those people was todoroki. the two of you had a platonic relationship, but a strong bond and when bakugo caught y’all akikik’ing, he ain’t like that shit.
that was the reason why he had asked you out rather aggressively in the common area on a thursday afternoon.
once you guys had officially established your relationship, it was like nothing ever happened. he was still carrying yo shit and kissing you in private, but the vibes were different.
the two of you were more gentle to each other.
more loving.
he was still an asshole and you as well, but in an endearing way. bakugo became more open to loving you and more open to claiming you.
he would mainly call you ‘his girl’ or ‘his person’ (you let him watch GA one time and that was the outcome) when referring to you in person to someone else.
gone with your actual name and in were those nicknames. you’d call him ‘su’ ‘katsu’ ‘suki’ ‘honey’ (if you want something) and ‘baby’
bakugo would crucify you if you called him by his real name and vice versa.
your man is a lowkey spoiler. meaning, he spoils you on the low low and in a very subtle way. you don’t really like people buying you stuff nor are you the type to ask anyone for anything, so bakugo does what he needs to do without your permission.
he doesn’t make a big deal about it, but whenever it’s your time of the month and you feel extra shitty, he dials back on being an asshole a bit. or he’ll use his palms and pop little firecrackers on your stomach/lower back to help with cramps.
if you wearing his clothes helps (even if it actually doesn’t and you just say that just to get them) he’ll let you wear his stuff, no problem. he tried to get them back once when you were done but you almost bit his hand off so that didn’t work.
he hates whiners, but he loves when you whine for him. whether it’s for attention or for cuddles or kisses, he lives for it because period you is the only time he’s gonna see that shit. once you’ve figured out that you can get away with mostly everything if you whine, you start doing it a little more when you’re off your period.
besides being on your cycle and taking care of you, bakugo does little acts of service for you as well.
being black in a country that is predominantly not black, is hard and finding hairdressers is even harder.
somehow, with the help of his mom, bakugo was able to find a hairstylist that would do well when doing your hair and that was one of your favorite surprises from him.
like you deadass shed some tears and he was highkey confused but proud because he’s that nigga.
best believe he goes with you to every appointment just to make sure she don’t fuck shit up with his baby’s hair. he don’t got time to watch you cry and commit a crime.
as we all know, mans can cook. you love his food but he (and class 1-A) is absolutely feral for yours. anytime you cook, whether it’s soul food or any other type that you learned to make, he falls in love all over again.
since you love his food, sometimes he’ll make you some meals or snacks. especially if you’re stressed or sad.
this actually turned into him cooking for you + bakusqaud cause they complained about how he never cooked for them. then it turned into him being one of the cooks for the class when you guys alternate cook days.
he was pissed about it but was a little excited to A) woo his classmates and B) make sure they get the right nutrients to be strong and worthy heroes.
bakugo cares okay...
anyways...dates for y’all are planned out when bakugo takes you out, but if you take him out? he never knows what to expect.
once, y’all went to a zoo but it was a petting zoo and bakugo bought lost his shit when the sheep came up to him for food. you definitely have pictures of him angrily riding one of the adult horses.
and he totally rode the bull to prove a point. he won and you unlocked a brand new fantasy.
y’all are so in sync, it’s fucking insane.
there was one time where someone had said some slick shit to you, bakugo was not around, and somehow this man had popped up hella quick like his spidey seneses was tingling, to put that person in they place.
you were like 😦🤪
another time is when you both do/act similarly. bakugo can be v chill and reserved and sometimes you are the same way. the entire day, y’all move as if you’re one.
and honestly, bakugo loves the idea of you being a female version of him. it makes him so proud to see you act like him.
but don’t get it twisted, mans definitely acts like you too. he’s picked up a lot of terms that you use and he uses them like it’s natural.
not too much and not too little, but just enough that it fits and has the right impact everytime.
now, onto the more softer shit
i don’t see bakugo as being the type to automatically share his deepest, darkest secrets with you. nor is he the type to be openly vulnerable.
you weren’t the type either and two hard-ass people were not going to make a healthy relationship. but....shit changes.
the first time you guys saw each other’s vulnerability was when the attack against the camp happened. y’all were only dating for four months, but had started to form a bond.
you weren’t there when he was taken, having to be forced to stay in the classroom with the others. you were unbelievably worried when it was announced that bakugo was the target of this attack.
you tried not to worry because bakugo can take care of himself, but he shouldn’t have to. and after waiting for what felt like hours, you found out that they had taken him.
you didn’t remember collapsing on the floor and crying your eyes out with kirishima comforting you. every moment up until you and the others had went to rescue him, were a blur.
after you guys had got him back and after all might’s fight with all for one, you broke down again and gave bakugo a bone crushing hug.
“i’m so sorry.” you had whispered, that being the only thing able to come out of your quivering lips.
the others had continued to walk ahead to give you guys some space, but you figured bakugo didn’t want to talk since he didn’t hug you back. just as you had went to remove yourself from him, he had wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace.
“don’t be sorry shithead. okay? don’t be sorry.”
his voice was muffled a bit from his lips being on your shoulded, but you heard him and a short sob escaped your lips at the fact that he was comforting you when you should be comforting him.
but your hug was enough comfort as it allowed the boy to feel safe since getting taken and he had shed a few small tears.
after that, things were different. bakugo wouldn’t tell you, but you knew that things were different. he was more aggressive and driven to be the best, but he moved as if he had a weight on his shoulders.
you didn’t know it then, but it was guilt. guilt because all might lost his powers trying to save him because he wasn’t strong enough to get away. after finding that out, you reprimanded him so hard (lovingly).
he needed to know that he was strong but that what happened with all might had nothing to do with him. and after you all got your provisional licenses, but he didn’t? that’s when he really broke.
it hurt you to see him this upset and you knew then that you would do everything in your power to prevent him from ever feeling like that, again.
you guys really grew closer those two months. at that point, y’all really were inseparable.
okaaa out of the sad shit!
he pushes you at the same amount he pushes himself. bakugo wants you to be successful and he knows that you do as well. your ambition almost the same as his, if not higher.
you guys train together a lot after hours. most of the time kirishima joins in and that leads the rest of bakusqaud to do the same.
anything that you ask him to do, bakugo will do it. mans is so whipped for you!!
you get him to do sheet masks with you every other night. and you’ve got him on a skincare routine that was good at first, but now bad for you. because when you wanna be lazy, bakugo will scold tf outta you before you give him the pouty face. at that point, he’s washing your face for you and wrapping your hair up as you fall asleep in his arms. 🥺
bakugo is definitely on your ass about your hair. especially if he paid for it? oh yeah baby, you keepin that shit in til he sees it getting raggedy. but he actually loves being apart pf your wash day routine.
you didn’t have to teach him, he just observed you and one day, when your arms were getting tired, he casually swooped in with a kiss of his teeth and did your hair.
you absolutely went to sleep and the sight alone caused bakugo’s heart to melt. that was one of the times he knew that he loved you.
speaking of love, there were several times bakugo knew that he loved you but he didn’t say it.
he knew that he loved you when you made him breakfast one morning over the summer, during the time he was working himself in the ground to get his provisional license. the bright smile on your face gave him energy despite being drained. that was one time he knew.
the second time was when you had met his mom. y’all were dating for seven months at the time and you really wanted to meet his parents. so, with a permanent scowl on his face, he took you and it was something.
“oh suki look at you!!! you were such a smiley baby!! why you so grumpy now?!” you cooed, gushing over the baby picture of him at ten months.
bakugo frowned, sitting across from you with his dad on the other side of him. “i’m not grumpy.” he gritted out, looking like a complete grump.
“he wasn’t always this way. katsu used to be a very happy baby. you wanna see him at his second birthday? oh it was so cute!” mitsuki exclaimed, flipping the pages in the book to get to where she needed.
seeing you bond so well with his mom made bakugo feel some type of way. despite their dynamics, he respected his mom and definitely held her in a high regard. that was the second time.
and the third time was on your one year anniversary.
it was something simple seeing as you had started your period that same day and were feeling like absolute shit. you felt so bad for being the reason why you guys had to stay in, but bakugo wouldn’t hear it.
“but suki we could go out and sit on the roof!” you whined while simultaneously curling into him for comfort.
just from that action alone, he knew you wouldn’t have the strength to actually move around just to go on the rooftop. your body was hurting and you felt like you could die, no way were you moving.
“relax princess. no need to get your blood rushing anymore than it already is.” bakugo teased, a knowing smirk on his lips.
with squinted eyes, you pinched the skin on his ribs causing him to flinch away from you. “fuck you katsuki.”
“love you shithead.”
*record scratch, pause* wait what?!
bakugo looked calm af but on the inside, mans was wilding. he deadass couldn’t believe he said that shit. like who tf?
you had a look of surprise and awe on your face. completely taken aback by his abrupt confession that you couldn’t really process it.
but you definitely felt it.
with a smile and kiss on his cheek, you drew even closer to bakugo and nuzzled into his side. “love you more suki.”
yeah...he definitely loved you
*join our taglist:* @sweeneyblue1 @knjkitten @simplyskz-maya
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youweremyridehome · 3 years
sometimes its difficult being a hairdresser because the client isnt always able to articulate what they want and also only have one (1) grainy image that they themself say is Sort-of what theyre looking for but Not Exactly and so all i can do is ask question after question trying to narrow down wtf it is that they want while only getting half-shrugs and silence in response aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAA
ive got this teenager here and i figured out the hair dye bit but i feel like its gonna take me 800 yrs to do the cut because im gonna have to keep prying their little noggin open with more questions because what little they *have* explained sounds so bonkers that im deeply concerned that if i cut it what it sounds like theyre gonna absolutely hate it.. because all of my questions to determine if i understood them correctly have just been met with more silence and half-shrugs.
the explanation sorta sounds like scene hair. but when i presented multiple examples of the cut they were like -_-
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mollymauk-teafleak · 4 years
“don’t do that. don’t shut me out.” + Jupeter
I wrote this for @spiky-lesbian because she’s had a rough week so here’s some angst babe, go figure 
“I’m getting too old for this.”
Juno was pretty sure PIs were supposed to think that sort of thing when they were doing something cool and dangerous, like leaping the gap between the cars of a moving train or ducking behind crates at a harbour to avoid laser fire.
Rather than crawling on their stomachs to get their pet sewer rabbit’s favourite ball out from behind the sofa. But hey, it was his day off.
Then again, Small Fry did look delighted when he straightened back up with a loud groan and the cracking of some vertebrae, whiffling her nose and hopping excitedly, shaking the floorboards of their little apartment. Smiling fondly, Juno threw the ball off down the hallway so she could chase it, squeaking happily.
“Next time that happens I’m not getting it out for you! You can go make goo goo eyes at your daddy for a change,” he called after her, brushing dust from his curls and his shirt. But the smile didn’t fade from his face, even after she had rounded the corner to go and cause mischief somewhere else. Anyone who said keeping a massive sewer rabbit in a modest Hyperion apartment was a bad idea was just too afraid of cleaning up the occasional broken lamp or gnaw marks on the walls.
He was about to straighten back up and go back to the book he’d been reading, he got so little time to do things like that these days but his husband was still at work, the boys were asleep and Bianca was happily playing in her room, giving him a rare hour or two to himself that he didn’t want to waste. He was mildly tempted to crack the lock on the drawer where Nureyev stowed away any case files he brought home so he couldn’t continue working himself ragged outside of his own office but, contrary to the size of the lock and the dedication with which his husband hid the key, he really was getting better at giving himself time off.
After all, it had been a hell of a long time since work was the only thing he had to keep him going.
He was about to do that when something else behind the sofa caught his eye, something that wasn’t just a toy of Bee Bee’s that she’d forgotten or one of Small Fry’s hordes of left socks that she liked to build nests out of. He was about to sigh and mutter something about the wonders of having three kids being that you’d find trash in the weirdest places but something wary ran its way down his spine. Something that was maybe instinct, maybe his detective brain putting pieces together and proving yet again that the years spent theoretically on the other side of law and order hadn’t dampened his skills.
Whatever it was, it made him reach out, once again feeling the twinge in the base of his spine, using his hip to nudge the couch further out so he could snag it and bring it out.
It was a small bag, something designed to be inconspicuously held at the waist or over the shoulder, dark in colour so it wouldn’t catch the eye. Juno frowned, the wariness growing stronger as he sat on the couch and opened it up.
He recognised the precision and fastidiousness immediately, like it was rolling off it in waves like too much perfume. It was in the way everything was crammed in so tight there wasn’t a spare inch of space, everything chosen for its shape and size so it would go in seamlessly like a game of tetris. It was in the items themselves, every possible scenario accounted for; dried rations, iodine pills to purify water, vouchers for shuttle tickets that would take you anywhere in the galaxy, tightly rolled stacks of genuine honest to god Earth currency to take you even further than that, no questions asked, clothes folded so tightly they looked like napkins at first. And, in an even more closely concealed pocket on the inside seam, fake documents, fake IDs, fake cards loaded up with fake creds.
And a knife. If Juno had been entertaining any doubts, any lingering threads of uncertainty, then seeing his tired reflection in that razor edge snipped them neatly away.
He sighed, long and low, filing through the emotions rising in his chest, sending away any that he knew weren’t helpful or were just offshoots of his anxiety, counting backwards from ten like Buddy had shown him until all the messiness sorted itself out.
He didn’t pick his book back up. He watched the clock and waited for his husband to come home.
Nureyev really enjoyed working at the salon. He kept waiting, expecting to get bored or frustrated with it all, but it hadn’t happened yet. He just laughed at the conversations with his colleagues more and more, got more familiar with the smell of hairspray on his clothes and felt a small spark of pride at the ache in his ankles at the end of a long day.
It was enough to make him feel something approaching hope.
He slid off his shoes, not wanting to track any dust from outside into the apartment. Living on Mars had meant needing to get used to the fine red silt clinging to his soles every day and turning up in the most inconvenient places, no matter how careful he tried to be. Juno, the Aurinkos and Rita barely even seemed to notice it. Nureyev assumed that came from growing up with the stuff.
The apartment was surprisingly quiet, enough that he was already getting ideas before he walked into the living room and saw his wife sitting on the sofa.
“What exactly have you done with our children, my love?” he grinned, “Bought us some alone time?”
Juno started a little at his voice, even though he should have heard him come in, the door closing, his keys rattling into the bowl. And when his eye lifted and met Nureyev’s, it was immediately clear that his ideas had been far off the mark.
“Yeah, Rita has them,” Juno’s voice was even, not full of scowls and snarls as usual, not in any way a ‘we’re in serious trouble’ voice but Nureyev’s veins still flooded with adrenaline as he rooted to the spot, a discordant clashing in his ears, “I did want to have some time with just you and me.”
“And yet you’re still dressed?” Nureyev was a little impressed with himself, how his tone came out still perfectly light and joking, like he wasn’t completely gripped by panic and his brain wasn’t scribbling blue prints behind his eyes.
It would seem hairdressing hadn’t lost him all of his skills.
“Babe, listen,” Juno sat forward, eye gentle, “Just come and sit with me, okay? Nothing’s wrong, nothing bad has happened or anything like that. I just want to talk.”
Nureyev frowned. Maybe he had lost his skills a little. Or maybe they’d just never worked on Juno.
But he did sit, stiffly, still braced for something awful in spite of his wife’s reassurance. And when Juno wordlessly produced one of his getaway bags and set it on the coffee table between them, he was ready to run.
But Juno didn’t let the moment build, he didn’t keep him hanging. He simply sighed and reached across the gap between them to take his hand.
“Peter, I’m sorry.”
“What?” Nureyev looked up, certain he must have misheard.
But Juno’s expression was firmly set in penance, mouth turned down, brow fallen across his eye which was soft and sad, “I never once asked you if you were struggling to adjust to the way our lives are now. I never thought to check in with you. I let you down in that and I’m sorry.”
“I...what?” Nureyev was well aware he was falling short of his usual articulation but no more words were coming in to fill the blank gap in his mind, “You’re not...you’re not upset with me?”
Juno frowned a little, shaking his head, “No. No, why would I be?”
“Because…” Laughter, of all things, raw edged and disbelieving bubbled up in his chest, “Because the only thing to take from this is that I’m insane or I was going to leave you?”
“Are either of those things why you’ve got these bags?” Juno asked evenly.
Nureyev winced, “You found the others?”
“No but I know you enough to assume.”
Nureyev took a shaky breath, “I’m not leaving you. And...and I don’t know whether I’m insane or not, honestly.”
The sadness in Juno's eye deepened and he squeezed his husband’s hand, “I don’t think you are but we need to talk about this. What exactly were you trying to prepare for with these?”
“I...I don’t know…” Nureyev didn’t like this one bit, this reversal of their usual roles, Juno being so calm and collected and even while he sat here struggling to leash his emotions, “Nothing! I...I wasn’t…”
Juno exhaled, something cracking through his calm, “Don’t do that. Nureyev, please, don’t shut me out. That’s the one thing I need you not to do right now.”
Nureyev felt his throat close and he couldn’t have said anything if his life depended on it. He didn’t want to shut his wife out, he really didn’t, but it was so hard to unlearn something that had been your first line of defence since childhood.
But if there was anyone who understood that, it was Juno.
“Listen, Nureyev, there’s no answer you can give me that will make me angry with you or upset me. I just want you to feel safe here with me and with the kids and...finding this, it’s just made me worry that you don’t?”
Nureyev forced his lungs to pull in air and turn it into words, determined to not be the man who had shut Juno out for years, the man who had packed those bags.
“I do feel safe here, I am happy here,” he promised, feeling the truth of it and drawing strength from that, “It’s just been so long since I stayed in one place, since...since I could feel safe. And sometimes it feels like another cover I’m wearing for a little while, like something’s going to change and I’ll have to run again. And I guess I just wanted to prepare for that, even if it isn’t what I want. Even if I’m praying it never happens, I just can’t let myself be unprepared. It’s not how I was raised. And having those bags...I can breathe a little easier. I can settle into this more because even if the absolute worst thing happens, I’ll survive.”
Juno nodded slowly, eye never leaving his husband’s face, “Nureyev, we both knew this was going to be a change. And change is hard, even if it’s for the better. And if this helps you settle down, I’m fine with that.”
“But I’m not,” Nureyev croaked, wanting to wipe his eyes so the tears there didn’t fall but also not wanting to let go of Juno’s hand, “I don’t want to live my life like it’s not mine. This isn’t a cover, it’s my family and my home and I want to feel like that.”
Juno squeezed his fingers, “This is yours, Nureyev. I’m your wife and they’re our kids and this is our home. No one is taking any of this from us, I promise. And if you need me to remind you of that, I will, every single damn day for the rest of our lives if that's what you need. And it fucking sucks that everything you’ve lived up until now is telling you different.”
“Yeah,” Nureyev mumbled, the tears falling and dripping off his nose now but they hit Juno’s hands before his own and he didn’t flinch, “It does.”
“Come here…” Juno murmured, pulling him close, wrapping his arms around him as their bodies fit themselves together, “You can cry, it’s okay.”
Nureyev did. Because he believed Juno when he told him it was.
They spent the rest of their rare evening alone pulling out all of the getaway bags Nureyev had stowed over the first week of their retirement from the Carte Blanche, all of the stockpiles of food as well, everything he’d hidden underneath their new life with Mag’s voice and the voice of a hungry child guiding his hands. They didn’t get rid of it, he wasn’t ready for that yet, but it went into a box under their bed instead.
And Juno still told him he was proud of him.
Nureyev thought there was always going to be that part of him that had Mag’s rules in it’s mind and a constant hunger in its belly. All he could ever do was fold it up as small as he could make it and find space for it in the back of his brain.
But with Juno’s arm around him and red dust on the soles of his shoes, that felt easier than it ever had before.
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dxmedstudent · 3 years
Disappointment at the Hairdresser...
So had a haircut recently and I want to share the experience with you. I asked him how much he'd need to take off to get rid of the split ends, he demonstrates several inches, and I agree. Since my hair was very long, I didn't feel precious about it. I'm normally very anal about clarifying exactly how much they will take off. Unfortunately, I was post nights and therefore very sleep deprived and quiet and probably not able to advocate as well for myself as I usually do. Then he recommends that we should go for some layering at the front because he states that flatly cutting it all a uniform length would not look good. I don't think this is true, but I'm usually happy for a little layering. He states he'd recommend some more steep layering at the front. I agree. He shows me how much he plans to take off the front, and I ask about the back. It seems a reasonable length. However. When he's done cutting it appears far shorter than we've agreed on. I had made it clear that I was basically looking to take off the split ends and maybe add some layering. He had taken off not only the several inches we'd agreed for getting rid of split ends and making sure it was healthy, but also several inches on top of that. I am pretty certain this is shorter than we'd agreed. I had waist length hair, and now I have mid-boob level hair. And I just don't feel he remotely made it clear how much he was going to take off. I mean, if you're going to lop off almost a foot of someone's hair, maybe clarify that they've understood exactly how much you plan to take off. Not only that but when he was cutting (and afterwards the pieces on the floor weren't that long, so I had no idea how much he'd taken off. I think even he knew he'd overdone it. Whilst I was quiet during the entire consultation and hadn't really realised how short it was until after I left, he seemed pretty off... like he knew he'd fucked up. I think he may have realised he needed to take off more than he’d suggested to make it look ‘right’. Or maybe he realised that he hadn’t clarified it and my reaction suggested I wasn’t thrilled with the hairstyle. Frankly, if I ever go back there again, I think I might find it hard not to mention that they messed up. I'd told him I hadn't slept. I'd consider it common sense that if you're going to do something drastic you should double check, just in case. The entire salon was one of those rushed, chaotic salons where they are always shunting you around and there’s a lot of waiting, so the entire thing felt both rushed and impersonal. Maybe that’s why I'm even more annoyed. I feel he was too distracted to really care what I wanted.  Part of me also wonders if he saw me being quiet and assumed I was some kind of mousy person that he needed to make drastic hair decisions for, and who deserved basic hairstyles. I certainly think he would not have pulled this shit with the kind of high maintenance women who were swanning in and out whilst I was there. I feel railroaded into the hairstyle I was given, and I’m not happy about that. 
The thing is, it did look nice, so at first I was pretty dazed, especially since it got a great reaction from friends and family. But as soon as I got a bit of sleep I realised that he hadn't given me what I wanted and asked for, and I hated it and was so disappointed. I literally woke up on my birthday inexplicably gutted about my hair. Well, I don't hate the hairstyle - it's exactly what I would have wanted 8 years ago and it suits me well. Everyone thinks it looks amazing. But I hate it because it's absolutely not what I asked for or wanted. And I probably won’t be happy with my hair until it grows out. Frankly, even writing about it is pissing me off.  I had wanted to keep my hair pretty long - that's the goal I had for my hair, and I had reached it. And now I actively feel like he's ruined a few years' worth of progress with my hair. A visit to the hairdresser shouldn't immediately leave you feeling like you can't wait to grow it out to where it was before you'd had it cut. I think it hurt even more because I pretty much had the hair I always wanted, and some dumbass had chopped it all off without clarifying sufficiently. I felt even more upset because my hair has always been one of the few things I really liked about myself - I’m not generally that fussed about my appearance, but even during times when my life was going pretty badly, I at least felt happy with my hair. And I’d finally reached a length that I felt happy with. I think that’s why it triggered a mini meltdown for me. Unfortunately, it was also really rubbish timing - I’d been forced to cut my hair after night shifts specifically because it was my birthday the following day, and I was out of town that weekend for a friend’s wedding. My poor friends and family and partner had to console me about it on my birthday. And that was strange for them because as I say it looks really nice and it isn't actually all that short. It is a perfectly lovely hairstyle that I would have loved in the past. But it's possible to receive something perfectly nice and still feel incredibly disappointed because it's not what you asked for and wanted. And I wanted to share that as a lesson here. It’s OK to feel mad or disappointed even with an outcome that isn’t that bad. 
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readyplayerhobi · 5 years
Silver Bells and Cockle Shells
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; Widower Single Dad!Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Angst, fluff, smut
; Word Count: 22.2k
; Warnings: Mentions of death, grief, depression, insinuated blowjob and car sex, penetrative sex, masturbation, fingering
; Synopsis: Jung Hoseok has three beautiful daughters whom he loves more than anything in the world; Soo-ah, Ji-eun and Ji-soo. For five years now, it’s been only them and him against the world. But what happens when he wants to bring someone new into their lives?
; A/N: Hello, this is something I just randomly got in my head. Was meant to be a drabble...ha, evidently not. I half edited this but full honesty, I got bored and just wanted it out! If you like it, pleeeease reblog it! Leave me lovely comments and feedback, send asks and like it! I hope you enjoy this and that...it’s not boring or anything ;-;
; Sequel - Sleigh Bells Ring
“Soo-ah!” Hoseok cursed, frowning deeply as he bent over and picked up the toothbrush she’d carelessly dropped to the floor after she’d brushed her teeth for bed. “Pick up your stuff after yourself!”
Sometimes he felt like he spent half his day chasing around after his daughters to put his house back together. Honestly, going to work could be classed as a relief at this stage in his life. Pausing for a moment, he stared at himself in the finger printed mirror before letting out a deep sigh and rolling his eyes. 
He was too young to be thinking like that. At only 33, he was pretty sure that he should only just be experiencing the stress he’d endured for the past ten years. His friends certainly were only just beginning to understand what he’d gone through.
Already, Jimin had started whining about how tired he was with his newborn son which was making Namjoon start to blanch whenever they met up and the conversation started. His own wife was due in three months and Hoseok was looking forward to being as smug as humanly possible whenever the younger man complained himself.
They’d all had to endure years of Namjoon saying it can’t be that bad and encouraging them all to simply remain calm and all that bullshit he spouted in his daily role as a psychiatrist. It had made Hoseok want to hiss fire at him when the man had no concept of trying to cope with two colicky babies alongside a five-year-old who tantrumed over the wrong breakfast cereal.
The man had it coming, Hoseok swore. A small, sinister part of him was hoping that Namjoon’s baby would be the antichrist but then he pushed that thought away. In actuality, he hoped that Namjoon and his wife would have the most pleasant experience as parents.
No matter what, he was positive it would be better than his own experience.
Putting the toothbrush back into its place, he crouched down to grab the cleaner and sprayed the mirror in an even coating, placing the bottle back before grabbing a cloth and wiping the mirror clean. It was stupid, but the pristine surface soothed a part of him that screamed out at the sheer tornado of chaos his children caused.
His love for his daughters was infinite and he would happily give up his own life to protect them and ensure their unending happiness; but sometimes he also just wanted to scream in frustration. Sighing heavily, he rests his hands on the counter and looks down into the sink, brows furrowing together once more as he notes the stains of toothpaste spit that has dried on the porcelain and a deep groan runs through him.
A full clean of the house will have to be done this weekend. He’ll have time to do it as his parents are taking the girls to the aquarium and then a movie for the day after a sleepover. And then, after a whole day of cleaning, they would come back to a nice house with everything in its place and it would all go back to looking exactly how it had in the morning within hours.
Rubbing his hand over his face, he licks at his lips and looks back in the mirror. Said hand soon moves to run through his hair, pushing the sleek, black strands out of his face and he notes idly that he needs to get it cut. The sides are getting too long and he scowls slightly, pushing at the hair that should be shaved close to the sides of his head.
Maybe he could take the girls to get their hair done and then ask if the hairdresser would quickly do his as well. They’d be entertained with each other for a while, surely? Or maybe he could run out on Saturday while they’re gone and get it sorted. He did need to go shopping to buy groceries for dinner and it would make sense to do it at the same time. Hoseok had become very adept at finding time to fit multiple things together.
His stomach flipped nervously as he thought about dinner. 
If everything went right with the conversation he was about to have with his girls, then Saturday evening would be the first time he would introduce you to them. For five years now, Hoseok had raised his beloved daughters as a single father.
It hadn’t been out of choice. 
His eldest daughter, Soo-ah had turned ten-years-old in March this year. She’d been born when he was 23, a surprise pregnancy with his college sweetheart. They’d married a year later and Hoseok had enjoyed four wonderful and happy years with Soo-ah and the woman he’d considered the love of his life, Yoo-jin. 
A second pregnancy occurred when they had both been 27; this time it was planned and very much wanted. On October 29th, two beautiful twin girls had been born and Hoseok’s heart had swollen even more with love and affection. Ji-eun and Ji-soo were perfection in human form to him.
October 29th had also been the last day his wife had been alive. 
Complications from the strain of birthing both girls had taken his wife from him, and he’d suddenly been alone in the world with three daughters relying on him. Grief had taken a backseat as he’d thrown himself into the three innocent lives that needed him so desperately and it had been the hardest thing he’d ever done.
Crippling depression had hit him hard with the loss of Yoo-jin and sometimes the very sight of his kids had caused him to burst into tears as he’d thought about how she wouldn’t get to see their daughters grow and experience life. It had been even harder with two newborn girls who had demanded every moment of his time and attention, leading to him having to take time off work as a software engineer at first and then work from home once his leave ran out.
What had been even worse though, was that not only was he trying to cope with his own grief but that he also had to cope with Soo-ah’s. She’d been only five-years-old. Her mommy and daddy had gone to the hospital one day and had promised to bring back her baby siblings.
Only daddy and two sisters had come home. She hadn’t understood why mommy wasn’t coming back and for two whole months, Soo-ah started and ended every day asking when mommy was coming home. Everytime, his eyes had watered and his throat tightened as he’d had to tell her that mommy wasn’t going to come home, that she’d gone to the sky to watch after them all.
They say kids understand more than you expect, but it had still taken a long time for her to grasp the concept that her mommy was gone. He hadn’t been able to say that she had died, and he’d broken down the night that she’d turned six. Hoseok had tried to make it a happy and fun time for her, but it had only been five months since Yoo-jin had passed and Soo-ah hadn’t been coping too well.
She’d been happy at the start of her party, accepting her presents from all her friends and her many uncles and aunts who doted on her immensely. Her grandparents had already visited earlier in the day and Hoseok knew that everyone was spoiling her to try and make up for the one thing missing from her day.
Later on, she’d begun to act out and had a tantrum that resulted in the party ending earlier than expected. Hoseok had known that she might exhibit behaviour like this; she was just a child and it was a big emotion for her to compute. The happiness and excitement of everything, combined with seeing the other kids with their mom’s had simply been too much.
When he’d put her to bed that night, giving her lots of extra kisses and cuddles, she’d been quiet and sullen. It had broken his heart and yet again, he hadn’t known what to do. There wasn’t a manual for this.
But what had destroyed him had been what she asked him, her voice tiny and more than a little fragile as she curled up in his arms beneath her Mickey Mouse bedding. 
“Mommy’s dead. That’s why she’s not coming home. Right?” How he had got the strength to carry on that conversation with her without falling apart right then and there, he’d never known. But he had. And then he had checked on the twins before falling into his own bed, his pillow soaked with his own tears as pain had eaten at him.
Five years had passed since, and with time it had gotten a little better. His heart no longer aches when he thinks of Yoo-jin and he could talk about her openly with a smile. He made sure to keep her photos in the house for his daughters, reminding them of their mom and letting them know that she loved them. Each of their rooms, the single for Soo-ah and the room that Ji-eun and Ji-soo shared as they refused to sleep apart, was decorated with pictures of Yoo-jin and Hoseok.
It made him sad to know that he had no photos of Yoo-jin and the twins for them, but they’d never asked about her either. They had never grown up with a mom, so they never thought anything of it. Soo-ah had though, and while she had slowly turned back into the happy and loving girl he’d known, he knew that she would never forget her mom.
Nor would he want her to.
But for five years, he’d only limited himself to one-night-stand’s in which both he and the recipient were abundantly clear that there wasn’t going to be anything further. He hadn’t wanted to engage in romance, hadn’t wanted his feelings to get involved. All he had wanted was the relief of an orgasm and the intimacy of another person for a few hours.
His parents had encouraged him to go on a few blind dates in the last two years, and he had done so reluctantly. Even Yoo-jin’s parents had told him that they wanted him to be happy, even if that meant finding someone new to love.
It was hard though. He’d felt disloyal with the first few dates, even if they’d just ended up in casual sex before never seeing each other again. Most of them hadn’t been interested in anything further with a man who had three young daughters. He hadn’t been interested in them once they gave him that opinion.
So he hadn’t bothered mentioning it after, because he simply hadn’t wanted to engage in anything that would involve feelings. 
Until you.
He’d met you a year ago, when Jungkook’s wife had brought you to one of his summer barbecue get togethers. It had been before anyone else in their friend group besides from Hoseok and Seokjin had had kids, so it had been deemed a kid free event to allow the parents to kick back and relax.
Yoo-jin’s parents had taken the kids for the day and Hoseok had got to simply be himself for a few hours without having the stress of constantly checking on what his kids were doing. He’d discovered that three children meant three times the amount of potential damage and carnage that could be caused, and minus another parent figure resulted in just overall disaster material.
Hoseok still shuddered in horror whenever he thought of the supermarket experience from two years ago. Even now, he refused to go back there from sheer embarrassment.
But you had simply been there as a friend, and at first he hadn’t even paid attention to you in any way other than simple respect. You’d been sweet and friendly, if a bit shy as it had been obvious that everyone knew each other except for you. Chae-young, Jungkook’s wife, was a colleague of yours and you’d become close through a mutual love of equestrian activities.
At the time, that was as much as he’d known about you alongside your name, age and that you were the manager of a sales team in an office. There hadn’t been any need for him to know more, but by the end of the night he’d been quietly endeared by you.
He hadn’t laughed as much in years, his smile bright and wide on his face while he talked intently with you. For three whole hours, you’d both been in a little bubble of shared mutual interests from tennis to dancing to pop culture. Neither had noticed the subtle glances everyone was giving each other as they watched their friend, who had spent so many years with his light dim and subdued, come to life before their eyes.
Before he’d even realised what he was doing, you had both swapped numbers and he’d enjoyed a few weeks of casual interaction via text. He’d enjoyed the conversation with someone new and had been determined to not let his busy life get in the way.
Even better, you’d already known about his kids and hadn’t been bothered in the slightest. In fact, you’d even been inquisitive and he’d happily discussed them, pride behind every word. The texts had soon turned into phone conversations which soon turned into video chats.
Soon enough, he’d been meeting you for lunch in the city at a cafe that was between both your workplaces. Hoseok hadn’t realised how close Chae-young worked to him until then, and he’d enjoyed his lunches more than he ever had with the easy conversation that flowed between you both. 
It was ironic really. He’d spent so long not looking for anything that he didn’t even realise when something wonderful fell right into his lap. And you were wonderful, beyond wonderful.
For the first time in over a decade, Hoseok had gone to bed early to simply lay there, curled up under the covers, while he texted you like a teenage boy with his first crush. And that’s what he’d felt like, even if he hadn’t quite realised it. Every text had made his stomach flip and every call made him breathless with nerves.
He found himself going to the bathroom before lunch, checking over his hair and looks before meeting up with you. Things he saw in the store that reminded him of you found their way into his basket before ending up in your hands, all to see that pretty smile that made him feel so funny.
It had been so long since he’d dated properly, so long since he’d liked anyone in more than just a lust filled euphoria, that he just hadn’t realised what was happening. And it had taken his mom, of all people, to point it out to him.
He’d been at theirs one afternoon, the girls playing in the living room with the toys their grandparents had accumulated over the years while he sat at the island in the kitchen. His mom had been watching him for five whole minutes instead of preparing the meal for that night, observing the way her son smiled and laughed to himself, eyes locked on his screen.
It had made tears come to her eyes when she had realised that she hadn’t seen him like this since Yoo-jin had been alive. She had queried him who he was talking to, causing him to casually say your name without a second thought. And then she had asked him how long he had been dating you, which had thrown him for a loop.
“I’m not dating her. We’re just friends.” He hadn’t even realised he’d said those fateful words out loud, hadn’t realised the meaning of what he’d just said. In his mind, that was exactly what you were. Friends.
Which was why his mom had given me an exasperated smile and a shake of her head. “Hoseok, sweetheart. If you’re not dating her, then you should be. I haven’t seen you this happy in...a long time. Especially not with another woman.”
Hoseok had frozen then, staring down at his phone with a frown as his mother’s words had finally penetrated the shield that he had held so tightly around his heart for half a decade now. The last text you had sent him had been something stupid, but he’d gripped his phone tight as he’d realised she was right. You made him happy, you made him want to try.
And that made him feel guilty.
She’d spent the rest of the afternoon convincing him that it was okay to move on, to truly move on and find happiness with someone else. That night, he’d refrained from texting you as he’d tried to compute his newfound emotions and find a place for them to sit alongside everything else in him.
For so long, he’d thought that Yoo-jin would have been the only woman for him. The woman that he would grow old with, be buried next to and so forth. And then she had died at only 28, and he’d been without her once more. He’d spent years convinced that he should stay loyal to her, after all, they hadn’t broken up.
But as he’d laid there that night, he’d worked through the guilt that wracked him as he’d realised that he didn’t want to be alone anymore. He didn’t want to wake up alone, in a cold bed and come home to only his children. Hoseok loved his kids, he truly did, but he wanted someone that he could talk to, laugh with, argue with if necessary, be intimate with. 
He wanted someone to love again, and he wanted to be loved in turn.
Everyone had always said that he had a big heart, always ready to bestow it on whoever had his affections that day. A smile that could light up the sun and so forth. And for five years, he’d only poured love into his daughters because they were all he had.
As he’d gone to sleep that night, he had contented himself with the knowledge that he was no longer happy with his lonely situation. But he planned to do something about it, because he had also realised that he liked you, and he wanted to pour that love into you too if you would let him.
The very next lunch he had with you, he had asked you on a date. His confidence had faltered halfway through as panic had suddenly set in, worry that you wouldn’t want to date a 33-year-old father of three. But you had smiled brightly, face lighting up with such happiness and excitement that he’d been unable to not smile back, before eagerly accepting.
That had been six months ago, and he had fallen in love with you slowly every day since.
Despite this though, he had yet to introduce you to the girls. There were many reasons for this and he’d been pleased that you had accepted them all without complaint. The most important reason was because Hoseok hadn’t wanted to introduce anyone to them if it wasn’t going to end up serious.
It would just hurt them if you broke up and they never saw you again, and he wasn’t ready to impart that kind of emotional turmoil on his little girls. Secondly, he hadn’t wanted to pressure you into doing anything with his kids when you didn’t have to. You weren’t their mom, nor were you looking to be and he didn’t want to force that role on you. 
He’d wanted you to feel comfortable enough to finally meet them, and he’d wanted to feel comfortable enough in his relationship for you to meet them. But also, he’d just wanted to enjoy you to himself without the interference of children.
Hoseok loved his kids, he would never give them up and his whole life revolved around them really. Yet his relationship with you was the first thing in five years that he’d had solely to himself, untouched by their presence. He felt selfish thinking that way, but he’d just wanted to enjoy you a little longer without the pressure of parental expectations.
After six months though, he’d finally decided that it was time. It had been a huge decision, and he’d agonised over it a few weeks before finally talking it through with you. He’d had to be sure that you even wanted to meet them, because as worried as he was for how his daughters would react to you, he couldn’t even imagine what it must be like for you.
You’d started dating him in the knowledge he had three kids, but knowing and actually seeing and being a part of those small lives was entirely different. Most women probably didn’t start dating someone with a ready made family, and he’d stressed a little over that.
Dating him seriously meant you would be directly involved with his daughters. He didn’t want you to think that he wanted a second mom for them, because he didn’t and he doubted his daughters wanted that either, but it would be hard for you to avoid some parental activities.
And that wasn’t even thinking about whether or not you actually wanted children in the future. There was a chance that you might think he might not want more kids because he already had three, but you had none. Overall, it had taken a lot of thinking before he’d finally proposed the idea of introducing you.
He wanted to be able to bring you home, cuddle up with you on the couch after a long day without having to worry about the girls finding out. Eventually move onto you staying the night, hopefully one day in the future even moving in together. He had kids, yes, but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t have a relationship like everyone else.
Hoseok wanted to give you as normal a relationship as he could, despite the three extra people he came with as standard.
You’d been sweet about the whole thing though, consoling him and letting him know that you were supportive of whatever decision he made. There weren’t enough words in the English language for him to convey how much he appreciated how easy-going you were about it all and he’d just fallen even harder for you.
It was a little odd really, how quickly he’d realised he loved you. Admittedly, he’d spent months without even realising he liked you, but he’d told you those three special words within three months. He’d taken half a year to tell Yoo-jin, and he wasn’t sure what that meant. If it meant anything.
But all of this was completely moot if his girls decided they didn’t want to meet you. They were allowed that decision, and Hoseok was fully prepared to love you separately for a while until they got used to the idea. He didn’t want to, but he wouldn’t force someone onto them if they didn’t want it. Nor was he willing to break up with you solely for that reason.
He loves his daughters, but he refuses to let them rule his life entirely. Just as he works hard they’re happy, he knows that he’s entitled to happiness himself.
Pushing away from the counter, he takes a deep breath before heading into the twin’s room. The bathroom was the one all the girl’s shared while he had his own thanks to the en-suite. Something he was positive that he was going to be very thankful for when they all hit teenage years.
The twin’s room was pure chaos, as expected. He’d long since given up trying to keep this room tidy. Instead, he would simply go through once a day and make it look less like a bomb had gone off in it. 
There was plenty of room in the house for them to have a room each, there were actually two spare bedrooms in this ridiculously large house he’d bought with Yoo-jin years ago. It had been cheap purely because it had needed to have a lot of stuff fixed in it, but over the years he’d worked with both friends and family to turn it into the family home it was today.
But splitting the twins up had proven to be an unthinkable act. He’d tried it once when they were four and they’d screamed and cried for hours before going quiet. Thinking they were asleep, he’d gone to check on them only to discover that Ji-eun had gotten out of her bed and was curled up in Ji-soo’s bed.
The very next day, he’d moved her stuff back into the room and they’d been content ever since. Twins were funny, he mused to himself as he watched them both lying beneath Ji-eun’s Iron Man bedding, his iPad in Ji-soo’s hands as they both watched a movie.
He had refused to let them have an iPad, even a joint-owned one as he didn’t want to end up being that dad whose kids spent all their time on a screen. Even now, they were limited to only two hours of screen time a day. Soo-ah was the same, only she was allowed to use the computer to do her homework when necessary as well.
It caused them to whine a lot but he instead encouraged them to play, read books or even use the board games he’d bought. Thankfully, they were pretty happy with it despite the minor whining but he knew that his policy was going to have to change soon. Particularly for Soo-ah.
“Hey you two, how are my little pumpkins?” He said with a bright smile as he crouched down next to the bed. Two sets of identical eyes flicked over to him, their warm chocolate depths filled with sleepiness and fondness swelled in him.
“Hi daddy,” Ji-soo whispered, the tiny mole on her cheek being the only way to distinguish her from her younger sister. Her black hair shone with health in the warm light of the Avengers lamp on the bedside table and Hoseok reached out, stroking the flyaway strands down. Ji-eun was too busy watching the iPad and he smiled, resting his head on the bed next to them both and watching quietly.
There was only a few more minutes until it was over, and he took the tablet from them before switching it off and placing it next to him on the floor. The door creaked open and all three looked over, taking in Soo-ah’s frown as she looked at her sisters and dad.
He’d asked her to come into the twins room once she’d gotten into her pyjamas and he grinned at her mismatching clothes. A Mickey Mouse t-shirt was combined with Batman bottoms but he chose not to say anything as she flipped her long, black hair behind her shoulder in a movement that reminded him so strongly of Yoo-jin.
The twins were growing to look like him, but Soo-ah was all Yoo-jin. It was a soft ache sometimes to look at her, but it just made him love her all the more.
Gesturing to her with an open arm, she tucked herself into his side where he knelt and he kissed the crown of her head with a loud ‘mwah’, enjoying the way she wiggled and whined in protest. She was reaching the age where affection from him was met with embarrassment but he didn’t care.
“Are you all excited to go to grandma and grandpa’s tomorrow?” All three of them nod, excitement lighting up their eyes and he has to bite his inner cheek to stop the grin that wants to paint itself onto his face. His parents spoil them, they truly do. He has no doubt when he picks them up on Saturday that they’ll have eaten their weight in sugary goods and will likely have another toy each.
“Good, they’re looking forward to having you too. I want you all on your best behaviour, yeah?” Each little girl gives another nod and he goes soft with pride for them all. They were truly the most important things in his life and he squeezed Soo-ah a little tighter in response.
“So...err,” He paused, brow creasing as he realised that he didn’t know how to go about this. “On Saturday, we’re going to have dinner with someone. She’s...she’s someone very special to daddy.”
“Is she your girlfriend?” Ji-soo asks innocently, her eyes filling with curiosity and he smiles in response, running his fingers through her hair once more before nodding.
“Yes...she is. I...she’s been daddy’s friend for a while now, and daddy really likes her. So...I want to make sure that you all are okay with that? I don’t want to bring her if you’re not going to be happy.” This is possibly one of the most awkward he’s things he’s done in a while but he preserves, hoping that his daughters will understand and accept.
“Do you love her?” Ji-eun asks and Hoseok freezes, his eyes widening. He feels it’s far too soon to confirm that for them when he’s only just telling them so he shakes his head instead, leaning over to kiss her forehead.
“I like her a lot. She makes me very happy and I want you all to get to meet her. She’s excited to meet you if you want to. But it’s only if you want to.” There’s silence for a few moments more before the twins nod enthusiastically with smiles that resemble his own so much.
“Okay daddy.” They both respond at the same time, causing him to chuckle as that odd twin telepathy happens again. It weirded him out sometimes but it mostly just made him glad that they had each other.
Soo-ah hasn’t responded and he looks down at her, noting the way her eyes are downcast and her body is tight. His heart sinks slightly, knowing that she was going to be the one that he had the most trouble with. 
She was the one who remembered her mom, who vaguely remembered scenes of her mommy and daddy hugging and kissing, whispering they loved each other. It was always going to be the hardest with her, and he wondered how long it would take for her to accept it. If she ever did.
But then she surprises him with a slight shrug, her fingers tracing unseen shapes into his jean covered thigh, her lips pursed out in a tiny pout. “Okay dad.”
Her tone isn’t nearly as enthusiastic as the twins and he frowns slightly, kissing the twins goodnight and turning the lamp off before he gently encourages Soo-ah out of the room. She doesn’t speak on the way to her own bedroom, the interior of this room a soft purple that’s decorated with numerous horse posters.
Without a word, she climbs into her bed and curls up with her back to him underneath the covers. His heart clenched tightly as he sits down next to her, the mattress dipping and causing her to roll slightly towards him. Neither says anything for a moment as he simply runs his fingers through her hair gently, enjoying the way it feels and thinking about how big his little girl was getting.
“Soo-ah? Are you really okay with it? It’s okay if you’re not,” He whispered, looking away from her to the bookcase opposite him that’s filled to the brim with books. “She’s nice, I think you’ll like her. She goes horse-riding and knows so much about them.” 
“What about mommy?” And there it is, the very thing he was looking forward to least. His breath leaves him in a deep and heavy sigh while his head drops down momentarily as he tries to put his thoughts together into cohesive speech. This is all very new and alien to her and he’d always known it was going to be a tougher sell to her than the twins. They’d only ever had daddy, she’d had both.
“Mommy is still here with us Soo-soo, she’s not being forgotten. I still love her so much and I know that she still loves you. Y/N isn’t going to replace mommy, I swear.” Soo-ah stays curled up, her body tight and he grits his teeth, hating that he had to go through this with her.
“What if you fall in love with Y/N and forget about mommy? I don’t want another mommy. What if she’s mean? What if she hates us and tells you that she doesn’t want us?” Wow, this is way more questions than he’d anticipated from merely asking if they’d be okay with meeting you but he got the suspicion that these were things Soo-ah had worried over for the last few years.
Which meant he had to go very carefully, otherwise things could go very wrong.
“You’re not going to get another mommy, I don’t want that for you. You had one mommy, and you always will. Y/N doesn’t want make you unhappy, she’s not expecting you to love her or treat her like a mom. She also doesn’t hate you and she would never tell me make me choose. She’s known about you all the whole time I’ve known her and she’s excited to meet you all. I’ve told her so much about my smart girls. And she’s not mean. She’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. I wouldn’t bring someone into your life that I didn’t trust and like. I swear Soo-soo.”
She’s quiet for a moment longer before shrugging again, her body relaxing as she lets out a deep sigh. “Okay,” His shoulders relax as he senses the acknowledgement in that one word. “I love you daddy.”
Biting his lip, he knows that she’s still not entirely okay with it and he also knows that he’s going to have to be very careful on Saturday. He loves Soo-ah, but he knows that she can be temperamental around things like this, with valid reason, obviously. But he also knows that she doesn’t really know what to think, hence her calling him ‘daddy’, something that she hadn’t done for 3 years now.
“I love you too Soo-soo.” Bending over, he kisses her head goodnight before leaving her room too, resting his back against her door as he lets his head fall back and a deep sigh leaves him. He hopes you know how much he truly loves you with how willing he is to let you into his life, because for him and his little family, this is the biggest earthquake to strike since the death of Yoo-jin.
Only this time, he hopes that that result afterwards would be happy instead of painful.
Hoseok lets out a happy groan of delight as he bites into the greasy pizza, the tangy cheese contrasting wonderfully to the meaty pepperoni and rich tomato base. It tastes far too good and a voice in the back of his mind tuts at the wilful carbs he’s adding into his body. He’s not as young as he once was and keeping off the weight was beginning to be a little harder nowadays, but he pushed that thought firmly away.
You liked his body, even if he wasn’t as toned as he had been ten years ago. But whatever, you weren’t dating 23-year-old Hoseok and 33-year-old Hoseok didn’t give a damn when the pizza tasted this fucking good. 
A light chuckle sounded from his right and he glanced over, finding you watching him with amusement dancing in your eyes while a bemused smile played on your lips as you chewed on your own slice of pizza. Once you’d realised that you’d caught his attention, you swallow your piece before leaning over to wipe at the grease on his lips with undeniable affection and his stomach felt a little bit fuzzy.
He was being honest when he said that you made him happy, because you really did. In fact, he was pretty sure that this was the happiest he had been in five years and sometimes he got a little sappy and emotional about it. So long had been spent purposefully isolating himself for his daughters that he hadn’t really understood what he was missing out on again.
But, he conceded to himself, he was glad of that as well. Because he wouldn’t have started a relationship with you if he’d started dating earlier. So he was content with his earlier decisions, content with you.
Having kids and losing a wife had really turned him way more emotional than he’d used to be, but he reasoned that it was okay. He’d just learned what it was like to lose something he loved dearly, and he had spent years regretting not loving Yoo-jin more fiercely. Which was why he was determined to make sure that you knew exactly how much he loved you, for however long you both lasted.
He would not make the same mistake twice.
“Enjoying that?” You ask him, expression mischievous as you take the pizza crust he hands you and start to eat it with a joyful hum. Hoseok simply watches for a moment before nodding with a grin.
“Do you know...how nice it is to get to eat junk food?” A snort leaves you as you roll your eyes, shifting until your back is against the cushion on the couch and you pull your legs up. You’re only wearing some bed shorts and an oversized logo shirt with the Star Wars logo on it, both faded from overwashing but still comfortable.
“Am I supposed to feel sorry for you? You’re the one who chooses the meals in your house. If you want junk food, then just eat junk food.” The way you say it is completely casual but Hoseok gasps in mock outrage, a hand resting on his chest.
“How rude! You’re supposed to be complimenting me on how wonderful of a father I am because I make sure my daughters are eating the healthiest food! Did you know, we haven’t had chocolate in our house for over a year now? Only health snacks allowed.” A droll stare is all he gets in response and he squirms slightly, trying his hardest not to let his lower lip pout out.
You were two years younger than him and also childless, yet sometimes he felt like you were the older one and also the parent. 
“Blatantly false. I distinctly remember you eating a Kit Kat the other week in bed when we facetimed. I thought lying was bad Hobi?” You’ve got him there and he finally lets his lips purse before he chuckles in defeat, nodding his head.
“Okay fine, we have one day of junk food a week. But they’re not allowed anything unhealthy unless they’ve done something really good, like got a really good grade or done some chores around the house. Me on the other hand...well, let’s say I might have a secret stash hidden somewhere in the house that little girl’s can’t reach.” His hand waves airily as he speaks and you burst into laughter, reaching out with one foot to push at his thigh.
Without even thinking about it, he lowers his hand to rest on your leg and runs his fingers along your skin affectionately. There’s no pizza left anymore and instead he focuses on sliding his hands along your calf, digging into the muscles there and massaging gently until you let out a soft sigh.
Silence falls between you both, the comfortable kind where neither of you feels the need to speak. The television is playing some Netflix Original series while the lingering scent of pizza still fills the air.
He’d come over to yours for the night, enjoying the fact that he was actually able to spend the whole night with you. His parents had asked to have the girls last week tonight and he’d agreed happily, knowing that it meant he could spend more time than usual with you. Staying over was only possible when the girl’s were not home, and that was pretty rare.
Your apartment was pretty small, the size dictated by what you could afford in combination with the car you had and the salary you earnt. But he liked it all the same. It was filled with a combination of pop culture in the form of figurines and plushies everywhere alongside beautiful paintings that hung on the walls or elegant photographs of landscapes. 
Candles dotted the area, a few lit to fight the pizza scent with vanilla and he smiled as he felt himself relax both physically and mentally. There was no hint of children here, no toys thrown around or crayons half hidden underneath furniture. He obviously loved his kids but sometimes it was nice to just...have somewhere that didn’t look like Toys R Us had thrown up in it. 
In actuality, he found dating as an adult slightly odd. The last time he’d properly dated had been with Yoo-jin, and that had been over ten years ago. He’d been a student when they’d got together, only 21 and he’d had a young adult’s mindset to go with it too. At the time, all he cared about was his grades, partying, getting drunk and getting laid.
Not necessarily in that order.
Okay, definitely not in that order.
A job, taxes, bills, childcare, children and so forth hadn’t even entered his head really. Dating back then had simply meant meeting up with Yoo-jin after class and going back to the apartment he’d shared with Yoongi and Namjoon, fooling around for a few hours before crashing in bed. Maybe going to a party or actually doing his homework.
The most stress he’d had was exam period, or maybe that time he forgot to hand in his term paper and he’d been handed his ass by Professor Lee in History of Medieval Europe. That hadn’t been fun.
Dating had been almost...relaxing with how carefree it had been. How unburdened with the stress and realities of life.
Dating now was far different. Now he had to fit in his dates with you in his lunch breaks or the rare evening he could get someone to watch the girls. Talking was relegated to when they were in bed and a lot of the conversations often ended up being about world events or problems with a job or co-worker. It felt mundane and if he thought about it, boring, but he oddly didn’t mind.
Being with Yoo-jin in the early stages had been exciting and fun, dates being extravagant and wild. Being you was different. In Yoo-jin, he’d sought excitement but with you he sought comfort and quiet. A way to simply be Jung Hoseok, the man, again instead of being Jung Hoseok the father or colleague.
He felt a little sad that he didn’t get to experience the wildness with you, but then again, he felt far too tired for that anyway. It was only 8pm and he was already contemplating asking if you wanted to go to bed. Not even for sex, but just because he was tired. 
Though he wouldn’t say no to sex. 
That was definitely something that he’d discovered was perhaps even better than with Yoo-jin, which he’d felt a little guilty about at first. Sure, he perhaps couldn’t go as often as he had when he was 21 but it was just...better.
Both of you were far more experienced and knew exactly what you liked and didn’t like in the bedroom, and you were both mature enough to be honest and open about it. He’d been mortified to find out that he hadn’t actually given Yoo-jin an orgasm for six whole months because she’d been too shy to tell him whereas you’d told him exactly what to do for the very first time you’d slept together.
He’d been a little shocked actually, but it had resulted in perhaps the best sex he’d had in a long time. Particularly for two people who had never had sex with each other. And yet it had; he’d never felt such an intense and emotional connection with someone before and it had even frightened him a little bit, made him feel disloyal because he couldn’t ever remember Yoo-jin like that.
It had taken a quiet discussion with Namjoon over his guilt to realise that the sex was probably better because you were the first person he’d slept with that he’d been friends with beforehand, who he’d fallen for long before. Yoo-jin had been a one night stand that had turned into something more, but he’d known you for months.
Sex with you was some of the best he’d ever had, and it blew his mind even more because you hadn’t even had a huge amount of it in the past six months. The lack of time he had for meeting up with you meant that there just wasn’t time for it and so he’d had to fit it in where he could.
For the first time in well over ten years, he’d actually had freaking car sex. And it was not as pleasurable as he remembered. His cheeks flushed as he recalled that incident vividly. It was perhaps not his best moment sexually, but you’d both handled it so well.
it hadn’t even ended in an orgasm because you’d got cramp from bending over and he’d hit his head against you when he’d jerked forward in worry. It had ended up with you back in the passenger seat and giving him a blowjob while he’d felt guilty as hell over not being able to properly reciprocate.
But even that had proven how compatible you were with each other as only minutes later, with his cum still dripping down your face from where you’d overestimated your deep throating abilities and practically coughed it all back up, the two of you had been giggling like teenagers at the failed sex.
A snort leaves him as he remembers it and he shakes his head in response to the look of query you give him, tugging at your leg until you give in and move over to him. He smiles in victory as you curl into his side, your warmth pleasant against him while he wraps his arm around you comfortably, pressing his lips to your head and simply taking the smell of you in.
You smelt like the perfume he’d bought you for your birthday last month, a fruity candy scent because that’s what you loved above all else and he loved it. It made him want to eat you, and he felt a stirring in his groin as he considered doing just that.
“Are you sure they’re okay about tomorrow?” Your voice is soft and quiet but he can hear the insecurity behind it. He understands why. The two of you had made sure to have an in depth conversation about what would come about from you being introduced to his daughters.
You’d known that it would mean sometimes you would come to his place which would mean interacting with them on a personal level. Dates would sometimes end up being family events and they would come in tow. Quite simply, the longer you continue to date and the more the two of you settle into your relationship, the more integrated you would become into his own family.
He could hardly date you seriously and never include you with his own family. Particularly if he ever hoped to move you in one day. No, you would need to know what you were getting yourself into and needed to be accepting of that.
Just as he didn’t want to force something on his daughters, he didn’t want to force a family on you.
As much as he said to Soo-ah that you wouldn’t be replacing her mom, it would be impossible for you to not take on some mother aspects for them. Firstly, it just wouldn’t be fair to be in a long term relationship with him and never expect to do anything with his kids considering how young they were.
Secondly, you were a kind and nurturing person anyway. He had no doubt that whenever you eventually moved in, because he was pretty positive that would be happening in the future, you would want to actively try with the girls. How receptive they would be, he didn’t know.
But if you wanted to try with them then he certainly wasn’t going to stop you. If they didn’t want to reciprocate then they wouldn’t have to and he’d make sure that you knew that too.
“Well...I mean they’re only kids, so I can only really take them at what they say. The twins probably don’t understand properly but I don’t expect them to. They never got to be with Yoo-jin so, this is all new to them. For them, the only thing they’ll probably get upset is that daddy will have someone else that he’s going to pay attention to. Soo-ah though?” His tone turns a little unsure without him even meaning to and you wiggle against uncomfortably.
“She’s the one who’s going to be harder to get through to, isn’t she?” Hoseok hugs you tighter to him as the despondency in your voice and he wishes that he could take it away, but you’re right. Soo-ah is the mystery in the whole situation and she could make everything perfect or it could all fall apart.
“Yeah. She’s...she’s worried that I’m forgetting her mom or that you’ll try and replace her or something. A valid concern for her to have, but I think it’s going to take a while for her to come round to it. To everything really. To you being in our lives, to me loving someone else. It’s going to be hard on her and I wish I could make it better for her but...I can’t. I’ll just have to work with her and show her that being with you isn’t going to mean that Yoo-jin didn’t exist.” 
You push up from him at that, a hand resting on his thigh and he looks deep into your eyes for a moment. He sees love for him there but also concern for his daughters combined with uncertainty for yourself and he can’t stop himself as he leans forward, pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
“I don’t want to take the place of their mom. Especially not for Soo-ah, I can’t even imagine what she went through and...that’s not what I want. I’ll try ready hard with them, I will. I swear. And I won’t get too offended or upset if they get angry at me. I know it’s a hard situation for them to get used to. It’s just been you four for a while now and I’m the interloper.” His heart warms at your words and he hugs you tighter to him, kissing your forehead hard before resting his nose against you.
“That’s why I love you. You know that? Because you care and you don’t push. I appreciate that so much. They’ll come around to it, even if they’re not happy at first. I don’t expect them to be happy, but I can’t be forced to be alone for the rest of my life just because they don’t like it. I...I feel a bit guilty saying this but...I deserve to be happy too.” A soft brush of your lips against his neck lets him know that you agree and his racing heart settles a little.
He’s nervous for tomorrow, yes, but he knows that he’s right. It’s been years of loneliness and now he’s finally ready to accept someone else. And he knows that his daughters would come to like you just as much as he does. Hoseok doesn’t expect them to love you, and he never would, but he hopes that they’ll at least come to like you.
“Anyway, let’s not focus on that right now. We’ve got that bridge to cross tomorrow. Tonight is just me and you, the last night of it being just us,” His brows wiggle suggestively and you roll your eyes in response, lips quirked up in amusement. “How about we take this to the bedroom?”
An unladylike snort leaves you as you push up from him, grabbing the pizza box and heading over to the kitchen to throw it away as he turns off the television.
“Really? You want sex already?” The exasperation in your voice causes to throw a look of outrage at the kitchen door but you’re not there to experience it so he just grins instead, grabbing both your phones and heading over to your bedroom.
“I just meant going to sleep you horndog! God, I thought men were supposed to be the ones who always thought about sex?” He calls out, biting his lip in amusement as he plugs your phone into the charger by your bed and places it on the bedside table.
The screen lights up momentarily and he grins as the lockscreen image pops up; it’s of him kissing your cheek in a park. It had been one sunny lunch and the cherry blossoms had been out in force, providing the perfect backdrop for a perfect picture.
He jumped in surprise, letting out a yelp and dropping his own phone onto the table with a clatter as two hands grip his ass firmly before they slide round to his stomach, wrapping him in a tight hug while you giggle and press kisses to his back.
“How can I not think about sex when my boyfriend is this hot?” The pink painting his cheeks is slightly embarrassing but he can’t stop the primal flush of pride at your compliment and he wants to roll his eyes at himself. 
Turning around, he looks down at your pretty face and bends down to press his nose against yours in a butterfly soft kiss before catching your lips with his for a proper kiss. His arms move to wrap around you in turn, holding you tightly to him and for a few minutes, he just focuses all his efforts into exploring your mouth in a slow yet sensual kiss.
By the time he’s finished, you’re slightly breathless and he admires the dazed look in your eyes, lips swollen and the stirring in his groin he’d felt earlier becomes even more insistent. Perhaps too insistent given the way you look down at his crotch with a raised brow before glancing back up, biting your lip.
“You might want to go to bed but I want you, so how about it daddy?” He pauses, looking at you with a carefully blank face.
“As long as you never call me that ever again then sure. I think I can forego sleep for a little while longer,’ he grins broadly before stepping back. “So undress for me princess. Let me see how hot my girlfriend is.”
“Yes sir.”
“Oh...now that...I like.”
Waking up the next morning was surprisingly nice and he simply laid there for a few minutes in the quiet, taking in the way your scent saturated everything and how warm the bed felt. When he finally did open his eyes, he was met with the sight of a clock that read 8am.
Surprise flooded him for a second before he stretched out, groaning softly before smiling and simply laying there. He hadn’t woken up as late as 8am in years and it felt freaking glorious. Half of him wanted to roll over and simply go back to sleep, but he knew that his body wouldn’t let him now that he’d opened his eyes.
You on the other hand, were curled up in a ball next to him beneath the covers, your back facing him. A few ideas ran through his mind, wondering whether he should just get up and go shower or if he should spend some more time with you.
Time with you won out, as he knew it would have. He wasn’t going to turn down a morning with you without kids, no way in hell. And so without another thought, he rolled onto his side and curled up behind you, humming contentedly as the warmth of your body seeped into his own.
“Princess...priiincess,” He cooed into your ear, grinning as you shuffled slightly in his arms and let out a quiet croak in response. “Are you awake?”
There was no doubt about it, he was being a little shit right now and doing the exact thing that he whined at his own kids for doing on the weekend. But he didn’t care, because he found your response far too cute.
“No.” The pout you must have your on your face is abundantly evident and he laughs, pressing a kiss to the back of your neck. He wouldn’t kiss you, because he’d discovered that you really hated kissing with morning breath. Not that he was a fan either, but sometimes he just...wanted to kiss you really bad. 
Though sometimes he had regretted it, but he just pushed those thoughts out of his mind. No, he wouldn’t kiss you today. At least...not until you’d both gotten up and brushed those pearly whites until the kiss would be minty fresh from both ends. 
Instead, he just squeezed your body tighter to him and let out a quiet sigh of satisfaction. It was easy to forget how nice it was to just lay and cuddle with someone he loved; the warmth of you, the smell of you, the touch of you. It all merged together until he felt himself start to drift off once more, eyes closed and breath levelling out until you suddenly turned in his arms and he jerked awake once more.
An amused laugh left you as you looked up at him, eyes bleary with sleep while pillow lines creased your sleep swollen cheeks and his eyes narrowed playfully. “I thought you were sleeping.” He mumbled, burying his face into the slope of your neck while his hand moved to lay flat on your stomach, fingers stroking absentmindedly.
“Hard to sleep when I’ve got your hard on pressed against me.” Hoseok grunted at that, his fingers darting up to pinch at the nipple that made itself present through the thin material. A yelp left you before you laughed again, taking his hand and trapping it between your chin and shoulder.
“Don’t get too flattered. If I had a dollar for every time I woke up with an erection then I’d probably be just as poor because I’d have spent it all by now. But you get the point.” Your lower lip vanishes beneath your teeth as you hum, brow furrowing slightly.
“Are you saying that you don’t find my sleep face and morning breath attractive?” A snort leaves him as he presses his nose against your cheek, kissing the softness there slowly.
“I find you more than attractive missy, and you know that. I believe this is the first time we haven’t fucked after waking up together.” Pouting, you turn your head until you’re looking directly at him and he ducks his face slightly so that he’s not breathing directly on you. He did that once. 
“Don’t give me that face. The only reason I’m not balls deep in you right now is firstly, because I need to go shower and then head home to clean up and secondly...I don’t have another condom.” Your face contorts on itself before sighing, your hand moving to brush over his boxer briefs and he lets out a hiss of breath as he feels you move against his cock.
“I could suck you off.” It’s almost innocent and he glares at you, lips pursing before he pulls away, rolling to the side and departing the bed before you can entice him any further.
“That’s not...I mean...minx.” You just grin at him before getting up yourself, letting him see the way your shirt has twisted on you in your sleep, clinging tightly to your curves. His hands clench automatically as he huffs out a breath, staring at the sight of your boy shorts that cup your ass so beautifully.
He was trying to be good here and you were ruining all his intentions.
“So...you don’t want a blowjob in the shower then?” There’s not even a chance for him to respond as you tug off your shirt, revealing the delectable sight of your breasts as they’re revealed to the morning air. Without even looking at him, you head towards the bathroom door.
Indecision fills him as he stares at the door, the straining erection in his underwear telling him to go but the logical part of his mind reminding him that he is, in fact, an adult man and not a horny teenager. But then your panties come flying through the door, landing in a heap and he lets out a deep groan before striding over.
He may be an adult, but he’s an adult who damn well likes your mouth on his cock and he is not turning that down. Not today, when later on will be stressful. Right now, it’s time to just enjoy you while he has you entirely to himself.
Inside the bathroom, he finds you merely brushing your teeth at the counter but your eyes move to land firmly on his and he desperately wishes he didn’t find it so weirdly attractive to watch the way your arm moves. But then he realises it’s what you want as your free hand slowly trails down your body, reaching the hair at the apex of your thighs.
Swallowing thickly, he lets out a slow breath before reaching around you for the toothbrush you’d given him to use here and carefully begins to brush his own teeth, trying his hardest not to look. This was not supposed to be a sexy activity, and yet here he was, eyes glued to your hand while his own hand tried to brush his teeth.
A quiet moan slips from your mouth, eyes fluttering shut and your arm shudders slightly, pausing in your movements as the fingers between your thighs work at yourself and he hisses, brushing far quicker in his haste to be done. He doesn’t want you to get all the fun, no way in hell. 
Leaning over, he spits out into the sink and is suddenly reminded of all the times you’ve chosen to spit instead of swallow when you’d blown him and he has to repress the urge to giggle. Instead, he washes his mouth and realises you’re doing the same next to him, head so close to his own that he has an almost preternatural awareness of you.
Glancing up into the mirror, his breath escapes in a rush as he sees you bending over the counter, one elbow resting while your other hand moves in slow circles between your legs, now spread wider. Oh, this is just not fair, he thinks to himself before his eyes narrow.
“I thought I was getting a blowjob?” He asks, moving upright and looking down at you with an imperious brow raised.
You watch him with innocent eyes in the mirror, your own brows raising to complete the facade while you bite at your lower lip. “Did I say that? I thought you didn’t want anything.” The last syllable ends on a soft moan and his hands finds your hips without him even meaning to as your eyelids flutter shut, mouth opening in a perfect circle as soft moan leaves you.
It’s like a lightning bolt to his groin, cock aching at the sound and he realises he can hear wetness as your fingertips slide between your folds. His own fingers itch with the need to take over, to feel that slickness and rub till you’re breaking apart against him.
“Well...it’d take a strong man to turn this down princess,” Moving behind you, he presses his front to your back firmly and mouths a hot kiss to your shoulder, tongue working slowly before he looks back up into the mirror and smirks at how you watch him with those needy eyes. “I’m not that strong.”
Without another word, his arm comes around to your front and he pushes your hand out of the way, his own delving into the gap and his fingers finally rub against your clit. You’re already slippery with your own desire, worked up from your own touch while you’d been safe in the knowledge that he was carefully watching.
Your head falls back against his shoulder, even at this awkward angle with you bent over the counter but he just focuses on kissing and sucking at the sensitive skin of your shoulder and neck. He makes sure not to leave any marks on your neck but he’s more than giving with his attention, his free hand moving around to massage your breasts firmly, playing with your nipple till you push back against him.
“Condom…” The word is panted out from you, your hips gyrating against the firm touch of his fingers on your engorged nerves and he doesn’t even notice it at first. Not until you’re shifting position, trying to reach over to the drawer by your side. He pauses in his movements, fingers half inside you at this point and watches as you tug open a drawer and pull out a foil wrapper.
Looking back in the mirror at you, his brows raised in a combination of surprise, amusement and mild rebuke. “Wow...you really are a little minx, huh? Keeping condoms in the bathroom and not telling me. I’d say naughty girl but right now, I approve.”
A low laugh leaves you as you tear the foil with your teeth, pulling the condom out and handing it back to him. He kicks off his underwear quickly before giving himself a few firm strokes, breath coming a little quicker from the friction but he’s more than excited to be inside you already. It’s not even been 12 hours since the last time he’d fucked you.
Once on, he reaches between your legs once more and plunged two fingers inside of you, checking that you’re more than wet enough for him without needing to get any lubrication. Sometimes you needed it, sometimes you didn’t. Today appeared to be a didn’t, and he wondered if you had some kink of mirror sex kink because you were already near enough dripping for him.
Grinning, he lined up his cock and rubbed the tip against you, rocking his hips forwards and back in slow motions to let your juices coat his cock. The sensation has you gasping softly, causing your own hips to push back as you try and shift enough to find the right angle to get him to slip inside.
He lets you take control for a moment, watching intently as your pussy finds his tip, the engorged head slipping into your sopping entrance. Holding your ass with his hands, he slows your movements down and slowly penetrates you until he’s balls deep inside, breath leaving him in a slow and controlled exhale as you squeeze tightly around him.
His eyes roll slightly at the sensation and he can’t help but grip your ass harder, tutting slightly. As said, you’d already had sex in the last twelve hours and it had been two rounds worth. He’d been proud of himself for producing two performances like that in such quick succession but he had no doubt that you were feeling at least a little bit sore right now so he tried to go slow for you.
Turns out you didn’t want slow and a soft, keening whine leaves your mouth as you try to push back against him harder. Glancing into the mirror, he has to bite his lower lip to stay quiet as he watches the pleasure filled expression face back at him, your eyes screwed tightly shut while your mouth falls open.
The thrusts he makes into you might be slow, but they’re also deep and each movement has you jerking forwards slightly. It causes your breasts to rock with each slap of his hips against your ass and he watches, entirely mesmerised by the movement and wanting to see how you react when he’s fucking you harder.
“Hobi.” You mewl, the sound strained and yet oddly high pitched as one hand moves back to grasp at his hip, trying to pull him into moving faster in combination with your squirming ass and he brings down the flat of his hand on your rounded cheeks chidingly. The sound is loud in the quiet of the room but your inner muscles immediately grip in tighter, the sensation causing him to choke for a moment and his brows rise in amusement.
Well, someone liked being spanked. He was definitely going to remember that for future events.
Any hope he had of being gentle with you to avoid soreness is gone though and it’s clear to him that you’re wanting it harder and faster than he’s going. So he decides to give you it, his hips moving forward faster until the bathroom is filled with the lewd sounds of skin against skin, slick wetness, breathy pants and lust filled groans and moans.
“Come on princess,” He grunts deeply, kissing your shoulder before his arms slide around your waist. One pushes against the counter, giving him extra balance as he thrusts while the other dips back between your legs, the slippery mess there making your soft warmth even more delightful.
The combined touch of his fingers and cock increases your moans, though they’re more like vocal hitches of breath that whine with stroke inside you. Your own hand moves to press down on his own, rubbing furious, tight circles into your clit while he continues to slam into you. The wetness has to be leaking down your thighs now, coating your inner legs and the thought turns him on almost as much as the completely fucked out visage he gets to watch in the mirror.
Breath coming quickly, he pants into your ear before moving his lips down to kiss at your neck frantically as the pleasure in his groin tightens furiously, the need to move faster and harder so strong as he feels the impending release of his orgasm. He desperately wants you to come first, but sometimes that just doesn’t happen and he can’t help it as your pussy flutters around him once more, tightening viciously and he succumbs to the waves of pleasure that flood through his body.
A long and drawn out moan leaves his mouth, high and filled with pure satisfaction and carnal pleasure as he moves inside you slowly, pulling every bit of pleasure he can out from your warm depths before it feels too much for him. Hissing lightly at the overstimulation, he refuses to move as his fingers move back to your clit, rubbing at you in quick, fast movements that have you shivering in his arms as needy moans leave you.
Tiny movements of your hips as they gyrate and the clenching of your pussy has him whining quietly but he doesn’t move, determined to get you off as well. Sometimes it didn’t happen and you’d push his hand away, but this time you keep him firmly against him until your body seizes tightly around him, muscles stiffening before convulsions take over.
His cock slips from you in the midst of your orgasm but you don’t notice, not when his fingers keep moving and prolonging the pleasure until your hips shift away from his hand, the subtle movement telling him to let go. Heavy panting is all that remains in the room and he strips the condom quickly, throwing it away before wrapping his arms around you and hugging you to him tightly once more.
“Fuck...I was not intending that. I was trying to be good.” He mumbles against your shoulder, not noticing the way you give him a tired smile of affection in the mirror as your hand comes up to run through his messy hair. 
“I didn’t want you to be good. I wanted you to fuck me good and hard, and you did. So thank you.” You murmur, turning around and pressing a kiss to his lips firmly. Neither of you move for a few moments, simply enjoying the post-coital bliss of an orgasm induced intimacy before Hoseok finally pulls away with a contented noise.
“Okay princess, now that we’ve got even more dirty...let’s finally take that shower.”
Hoseok finally manages to leave your house an hour and a half later, meaning that he’s running behind on his own internal schedule and he feels the slight anxiety that he always does when he’s not being on time. With three kids, he’s had to learn to strictly regiment his time if he ever wants to get anything accomplished.
Whether they obey or not is a different story entirely.
After getting out of the shower and pulling on some clothes, he’d then been forced to sit down on your couch while you cooked him a quick breakfast. The very idea of having food cooked for him by someone who wasn’t his mom was bizarre after so many years, but he’d enjoyed eating the over cooked toast and bacon more than he’d like to admit. 
He’d originally intended to run out to the grocery store and grab the food for dinner before heading back home and cleaning everything up. Only you’d looked far too anxious about tonight when he’d been on his way out, shooting multiple questions at him that gave away your nerves and he’d felt sympathy swell.
It was easy for him to focus on his girls and worry about their reaction, but he had to try and remember that this meeting involved you as well. And you were at a severe disadvantage in that you are the odd one out, the one intruding into his family unit.
So he’d found himself asking if you wanted to help him before he’d even realised. Part of him felt bad about it as it meant that the girl would be coming home to someone they don’t know, but he figured that they already knew they were meeting you anyway. It would at least allow you to calm yourself down and get a little more comfortable in his home before you finally meet his daughters.
Which was why he was currently walking down the aisle of the grocery store, hand tightly entwined with yours as he pondered what to make for dinner. He was actually glad that you were here for that and he posed the question to you, causing you to hum lightly as you lean into him.
“What do the girls like?” The question throws him a little and he frowns, looking at the rows of microwaveable rice before glancing back at you.
“Well...what do you want to eat though? You’re the reason we’re having a special dinner.” He can hear the soft sigh you give, your head resting against his shoulder and his chest warms at the small gesture of affection. It might not seem much to others but to someone as romantically starved as him, it was unbelievably fulfilling.
Pulling away from him, you move back until you’re gently tugging at him to move and he follows you quietly. “No, we’re going to cook what your daughters love to eat because this is going to be an awkward time for them and their favourite home cooked meal will be one less thing they have to worry about. So what do they like to eat?”
His heart flips at the concern and warmth in your voice, causing him to smile as he glances down, tugging you closer and kissing your forehead quickly. “We’ll make lasagne, they all like that and it’ll give us plenty of food. You like that right? And I know you like garlic bread.”
You grin impishly at that, nodding enthusiastically and he chuckles. “I’ll go get the stuff for the bread, you get the stuff for the lasagne yeah? Should I…” A pause causes him to look at you with a raised brow, watching the indecision flutter across your face before carrying on. “Should I get them anything? Like...a present or...chocolate or something?”
“No, don’t get them anything. I mean maybe you should but...I don’t personally like the idea. I don’t want them to feel like you’re trying to buy their affection and love. Just...be yourself.” There’s a brief hesitation before you nod almost shyly, arm moving to cover your stomach in a protective gesture before you head off in search of the ingredients.
Time seems to move faster after that and before he realises it, it’s already time for him to go collect the girls from his parents. The house had been fully tidied and cleaned, though he’d wondered why on earth he was doing that when you were literally cleaning it with him but something he’d discovered today was that apparently you had a strange kink for cleaning.
Not even sexual, you just liked to clean. He’d laughed when he’d discovered that, your excitement at the Dyson vacuum cleaner he’d produced spurring on the new revelation and he’d proclaimed that he had a house that would bring you eternal joy.
Three children meant there was no such thing as a clean house, just organised chaos. And sometimes not even organised, just plain chaos. 
But true to your word, you hadn’t uttered a single complaint and had instead sung loudly to the music he’d played on the speakers that were connected to his phone. He’d had a whole moment of affectionate bemusement as he’d watched you wiggle around the living room, singing while you even dusted for him.
There had been a few moments of quietness from you when you’d noted the pictures of Yoo-jin on the mantle of the fireplace. He kept a few dotted around the house for the girls and he’d worried for a moment that you’d feel jealous or annoyed.
Instead, you’d simply picked up the silver framed wedding photograph, taking note of the younger Hoseok in a suit and the pretty girl in a beautiful wedding dress next to him, both smiling so brightly with a small Soo-ah in his arms. It was his favourite picture of Yoo-jin and he still felt a bubble of love for her when he looked at it.
Which is why he hoped you wouldn’t be mean. And you hadn’t been, instead looking at him with a small smile and carefully placing the frame onto the floor before moving the others as well. “She was beautiful.”
And then you’d knelt down on the floor and carefully polished the frames until they were spotless, giving them a level of care and attention that had him having to leave the room so that you couldn’t see the tears in his eyes.
Once he’d recovered himself, he’d gone back in and sorted out storing the many toys away while telling you stories behind some of the pictures and preening ever so slightly over how you cooed over the photos of his daughters. Damn right they were cute.
Now though, he was shrugging on a jacket and picking up his car keys to go get them and bring them home. It’s only when he looks back round that he sees the way your shoulders are curled inwards, making yourself small while your hands cross over your chest. 
Moving back over, he hugs you tightly to him before kissing your forehead as your chin rests on his chest, nerves evident in every part of you. “Hey, come on. It’ll be okay. Remember, if they don’t respond well tonight then it’s just the first time. Don’t take it to heart.”
“I know. It’s just...I don’t really know what to do, you know? Never met my boyfriend’s kids before.” A quiet laugh leaves him before he dips down, pressing his lips to your own in a quick kiss.
“I love you,” He turns around and heads to the door, knowing that you’re probably going to end up cleaning something else. Part of him wonders if he should have you leave and come back in half an hour but that seems stupid. So he shakes his head and opens the door, looking back at you and smiling. “Please, try and relax a little.”
“Okay. Love you.”
Pulling into the driveway, Hoseok takes a deep breath to fortify his nerves before glancing into the mirror to check on the twins in the backseat. His parents had, as expected, spoilt all three and the twin’s were coming home with Funko figures each to put on their shelves while Soo-ah had a ridiculously thick book of horse breeds.
One day, he worried that he might be expected to buy her a horse. He didn’t like horses, and he certainly didn’t want to own one. You were currently convincing him to let her have horse riding lessons and he was considering it as her Christmas present, but he still worried immensely that she would get hurt.
Still, she was slowly proving that it wasn’t a phase and he knew that he was going to have to relent sooner rather than later. He didn’t want to be the dad who stifled her passions and dreams, even if it could potentially cause interest.
“Okay everyone, we’re back. Now...as I said before, Y/N is already here. She helped me to make dinner and clean the house for you guys! So it’s all clean. Ideally, I’d like you to keep it clean but I know you rascals,” He eyes the twins at that and they both give him identical toothy grins. “Are probably going to mess it all up.”
“Grandma was excited.” Ji-eun blurts out, her expression mischievous as if she was fully aware that she was tattling on his own mother. He can’t help the smile that spreads as he imagines his mom gushing to them. She’d spent years now trying to get him to finally move on, so needless to say, she’d been beyond ecstatic when he’d told her last week that he was going to introduce the girls to you.
“Grandma needs to learn to keep her nose out,” He mused quietly before laughing. “Anyway, I’m just going to ask one last time...please be good for me? Be on your best behaviour and be polite. You don’t have to like her, but I did not raise rude girls, right?” 
The stern look he gives the twins causes them to give him carefully blank faces as they nod slowly. He eyes them for a moment longer, knowing that trouble was never far with them, before turning to Soo-ah. She sits next to him in the passenger seat quietly, arms wrapped around the book and her hair in low pigtails.
“Soo-ah?” She tenses slightly when he says her name before looking at him, her brown eyes filled with so many emotions he didn’t understand. But despite all that, she nods slowly while her lips purse out.
Before he can say anything else, the twins are rushing out of the car and bolting over towards the door. He swore under his breath before getting out of the car himself, watching with resignation as they rush inside.
Looking back at Soo-ah, he sees her quietly getting out and closing the door in a much more gentler fashion than her excitable sisters. Hoseok can’t help but walk over to her, crouching down and looking up at her as he takes one of her hands gently between his own. The fact he has to look up at her now while crouching makes him sad, yet he’s so proud of her too.
“Soo-soo...if you don’t want to do this then you can tell me. You don’t have to meet her. I can ask her to go home, or I can take you back to your grandparents if you want. I’m not going to force you to do something that you don’t want to do, okay?” The only sounds for a few moments are the chirping of the birds in the trees that line the street and a car engine in the distance.
“It’s okay dad. She can stay. I’ll meet her.” His brow creases and he reaches up to run his hand down her hair slowly.
“Are you sure?” One more time, just to make doubly sure because he knows his daughter well. And he knows that she’s not entirely happy, but what can he do when she’s verbally telling him it’s okay? He’s giving plenty of chances for her to back out and he wouldn’t be mad at her. Sad, yes, but not angry. 
“Yes daddy.” And with that, she heads into the house as well. He’s left to stand there, face grimaced as he wonders if he should just call it all off. But then he suddenly realises that you’re on your own in there, with his daughters.
“Shit.” He curses and runs inside, faltering in the doorway that leads into the living room. The twins are sat on the couch while Soo-ah is in the arm chair, all three quiet and looking at you like you’re something fascinating. They’re pretty relaxed whereas you’re stiff as a board in the doorway to the kitchen, a brittle smile on your face that turns into one of relief when you see him.
“Hey err...we’re back? Obviously.  Erm, okay well. Girls, this is Y/N, my...girlfriend,” He doesn’t really know if he’s meant to be introducing you as that or just his friend, but they’d already figured it out the other night anyway. “Y/N, this is my eldest daughter, Soo-ah. And this is Ji-soo with her hair down and Ji-eun with her hair in a ponytail.”
“Hello Y/N.” The twins said at the same time, their voices light and whimsical and he almost hisses at how creepy they sound. They’re doing it purposefully, he can see the shine in their eyes because they know people find it weird when they do that. Soo-ah simply gives a polite hello of her own, dipping her head ever so slightly in welcome.
“Hi...erm,” He can tell that you’re struggling to say something and he so desperately wants to go over and place a reassuring arm around you. But he can’t, because he feels he should be with the girls instead. “It’s nice to meet you all. Your dad has told me so much about you.”
The sudden ringing of an alarm in the kitchen interrupts whatever else you were about to say and Hoseok jerks, eyes glancing behind you to the room. “Okay, girls...clean up and then come to the table. Be quick, we’re having lasagne.”
That gets a bright smile from all three as they jump up and rush towards the bathroom situated downstairs, eager to wash their hands before going into the dining room. You’d set the table earlier for him once he’d shown you where everything was and even now, you were helping him by bringing some of the food into the room.
His daughters were smiling in delight as he served the lasagne out to them, his own stomach rumbling at the smell and he realised belatedly that neither you nor him had eaten since breakfast. The plate you place down with garlic bread is soon emptied, with Hoseok making sure to grab two pieces and place one on your own plate.
It’s odd, having five people at the table instead of three, he thinks to himself as he sits down after handing you the plate with your own lasagne. All of them are used to it being just the four of them, with Soo-ah normally sitting next to Hoseok while the twins sit opposite. But today, Hoseok is sat at the end of the table with Soo-ah next to him on the right while you’re next to him on the left. 
It unnerves him a little, taking this weird head of the table position but he doesn’t mention it as he takes a mouthful of lasagne. A quiet hum of appreciation comes from you and he glances over, chewing and smiling at the way your eyes close in delight.
“Daddy! Ji-soo has more than me!” Ji-eun complains before shrieking as her sister pinches her arm. Already, Hoseok has visions of a full fight blowing up between the two because if they’re not being sweet with each other then they’re having astonishing fights and Ji-eun is already turning around to retaliate.
“Hey! What did I say earlier? Best behaviour. Do not fight.” Hoseok hisses at them, eyes narrowing as he gestures a finger at them. Both girls slump down in their chairs, sauce covered lips pursing as they glare at each other. 
And then, as always with their contradictory nature, Ji-soo carefully cuts a piece of lasagne and places it on her sister’s plate without a word. Ji-eun smiles happily and eats it, doing a little butt wiggle dance in her seat in victory and Hoseok has to fight the urge to laugh at them.
Glancing at you, he notes your widened eyes at his sudden rebuke and his cheeks heat up. “Sorry. You get used to it. They’re either working together to cause trouble or they’re fighting with each other.”
You nod slowly at his explanation before a wry smile spreads, eyes flicking back over to the girls who are now sat being good as gold. “It’s okay. I had a friend in high school who was a twin. They had the worst fights but you did not want to come between them. It must be nice to have someone who will always be there for you.”
“You know someone with a twin too?!” Ji-soo exclaims loudly, her pretty eyes going wide with astonishment and Hoseok doesn’t even bother to stop his laugh this time. They’d never met any other twins before and they knew from people’s reactions that they were pretty special.
“I did! I’m not friends with them anymore but she had a twin brother, not a sister like you two. They had a special language that they would talk in and only they understood it.” At that, Ji-eun is the one to squeal in excitement as she claps her hands.
“We do! Daddy hates it when we do.” He grumbles good naturedly at that, pointing at them with his fork before taking another bite of lasagne with a grin. 
“Yeah, it was very strange listening to them. But that’s special though, it means that only you two will ever be able to understand it so it’s something that only you share.” They nod slowly, smiling brightly at your encouragement and his heart warms at how they seem to be pretty accepting of you so far.
His eyes flicker to Soo-ah who’s eating methodically, keeping quiet. She’s always been a quiet girl, but he feels like the silence is more oppressive this time and he chews slowly, wondering how to get her involved too.
You’re talking to the twins now about your favourite Marvel movie, because he’d told you all about their love of the superhero genre and it was a pretty easy way to win favour with them. It seemed to be working too, as Ji-soo was sidling up to you as close as she could get in her chair, her eyes stern with concentration as she discusses in her five-year-old language why she thinks that Black Panther is the best movie.
Which is then countered by Ji-eun’s outraged shout as she disagrees vehemently, proclaiming that the best film is obviously Captain Marvel because she’s a girl and she’s cool and powerful. It leaves him to smile as he rolls his eyes, you throwing your own hat into the ring with the suggestion that your own favourite film is the first Avengers.
He contemplates if he should have warned you about the fact that they’ll never stop talking now that you’ve shown an interest in their favourite subject ever. At least he’d never really mentioned their second passion lately which was Pokemon. 
Admittedly, he was on board with both of these passions but he’d spent so long now discussing them with two overly eager daughters that the very subjects inspired more of a sigh than excitement. Though he would still be taking them to see every film that came out.
“Soo-ah, did you know that Y/N goes horse riding? She even used to do show jumping in high school.” He gestures towards you with an overly bright smile, hoping that discussing his eldest’s favourite passion would encourage her to engage with you in the same way.
All he gets is a sullen look and a shrug before she puts another forkful in her mouth. Despair fills him momentarily but he’s surprised when you take the initiative and take up the conversation he’d suggested. He hadn’t even realised you were listening to him.
“I did! I used to go to competitions on the weekends with my horse, Artemis. She was a really good jumper but I wasn’t very good with her unfortunately. We never really won anything but it was just for fun. Now I just ride whenever I get time. Artemis is pretty old now so we just go trail riding.” Hoseok smiles as your eyes light up as you discuss your horse.
He knew that you were expecting to lose her any time now and it would probably hugely devastate you. After all, you’d had her since you were only 14 and she was still here, 17 years later.
“Cool.” Is the only response he gets from his daughter and he has to bite his tongue in frustration. He’d known that she was going to be the hard one to crack, but he didn’t think she was going to be this cold about it all.
“I think you’d like Artemis, Soo-soo. She’s a...Dutch Warmblood?” He looks at you in question, relieved when you nod in confirmation before he’s smiling back at his daughter. “You told me about those, right? They’re supposed to be really good at that kind of stuff? Maybe, if you want, Y/N will let you ride her.” 
“Of course, she’s really sweet and she’d be good for someone who’s never ridden. She’s old now but as long as you’re not mean with her then she’d be happy to take you round a ring. I think that you’d find her very pretty. She used to be dapple grey but is now just pretty much white.” You say with a smile, turning your head as Ji-soo asks if she can ride too.
“I don’t care.” Soo-ah says suddenly, her voice firm and raised and Hoseok looks at her sharply. Her cheeks are flushed while her brows dip inwards, annoyance and anger written all over her face. “I don’t care about your stupid horse or your stupid riding. I don’t care!”
The silence at the table is awkward after that and Hoseok feels numb, unsure what he’s supposed to do to resolve this situation. So he carefully places his cutlery down on his cleared plate and coughs quietly, giving Soo-ah a smile.
“Soo-ah, sweetheart. It’s okay-” He’s cut off immediately though, as if a switch has been flipped in her.
“Stop saying that! It’s not going to be okay! Because she’s going to come here and ruin everything! You’re going to forget about mom and we have to accept her! I won’t! I don’t care about you! I hate you!” She spat viciously at you but despite her anger, there’s tears brimming in her eyes and Hoseok has never felt more helpless. “I don’t want to talk to you! My dad might love you but I won’t! I never will! I love my mom!”
And with that, she slams her chair out of the way and storms out of the room. The thundering of her feet on the stairs as she runs to her room is soon followed by the resounding slam of her bedroom door and Hoseok feels stunned.
Blinking for a few moments, he watches as the twins faces crease slightly and he can see the tears in their own eyes as uncertainty and fear fills them. They glance between him, you and the doorway and he knows they don’t know what to do.
Are they supposed to be angry with you too, like their sister? He doesn’t want that, and so he clears his tight throat and smiles at them both, a little stiff but they still relax a little.
“It’s okay. Soo-ah’s...not happy about me bringing Y/N here. And she’s allowed to feel that, I’m not mad at her,” Okay, so he was a little bit as she’d just been incredibly rude and mean but it was already fading because most importantly, he understood her. “If you aren’t happy either, then you can tell me. It’s okay.”
Ji-soo looks at him, her beautiful brown eyes shining with unshed tears that she wipes away with a firm hand before shaking her head. “I’m okay daddy. Is Soo-ah okay?”
“She...will be. I’m sure. She’s just...it’s hard for her.” He smiles slightly, moving into Soo-ah’s chair to brush a few strands of hair out of Ji-eun’s face as she watches him quietly. Without even saying anything, she shuffles closer and leans against his side.
“Because she had mommy right?” The question is quiet and his throat feels so tight that it’s hard to swallow. They may only be five, but his twins are so smart and caring.
“Yeah, because she had mommy. So she remembers her, and she’s just worried. But we’re not gonna forget about mommy. She will always be important, okay?” He presses his lips to Ji-eun’s head, kissing her hair before looking at Ji-soo and giving her a reassuring smile.
They’re both quiet for a moment before nodding, and his heart swells with emotion as Jisoo turns to you and takes your hand in her own small ones. “It’s okay. We like you.”
He doesn’t get to see your reaction as he’s looking back at the doorway, wondering if he should go to her and check that she’s doing okay or just let her cool down. On the one hand, he doesn’t want her to feel suffocated when she’s obviously upset but at the same time, he doesn’t want her to feel like he’s abandoning her.
“Go.” You whisper and he looks back sharply, catching your eye as you gesture your head to the door. “It’s okay. Go.”
He stands up and goes to make a move before hesitating, uncertainty in him. You give him another nod and he lets out a deep sigh as his shoulders fall.
“I’ll be right back,” Hoseok smiles awkwardly, mouth stiff as he avoids your eyes. “Be good girls okay? I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He bends down and kisses the twin’s heads, taking in their expression to make sure they’re okay and feeling a bit of relief as their faces are cautiously neutral.
“It’s okay Hoseok, go check on her. I’ll be okay. I’m sure that we can find something fun to do, right?” You give him a tight smile, nerves evident as you look back at the twins with tentative hope. They’d reacted pretty well to Soo-ah’s outburst but he was worried that they might be mean while he was gone. But you give him a ‘go’ look and he knows that you can look after yourself.
So he heads out, feeling a little bad that he’s leaving the table but he has to at least check on Soo-ah. He isn’t sure if he’s supposed to be ignoring her or not but that feels wrong in his gut. She’s already worried about things he doesn’t even know yet, he’d rather not add to that by not coming to see her. At least she knows that her dad is always there for her, even when she doesn’t want him.
Her door is firmly closed and he stands outside it for a moment, hands clenching and unclenching as he’s unsure what to do now. This isn’t a conversation he really knows how to have, but he takes it as a positive really. It at least means that her life since Yoo-jin’s death hasn’t been too tumultuous. 
Taking a deep breath, he raps his knuckles against the door quietly and leans forward, his ear almost pressed to the door. “Soo-ah? It’s dad...are you okay?”
Silence answers him and his stomach sinks. He desperately wants to go in and comfort her, make her smile or just talk to her about her concerns but he’s been very clear over the years about their personal space. A closed door means that he can’t enter without their permission.
It might seem a little extreme given young they all are, but as the only male in the house he felt it was necessary to set those boundaries. When their door was closed, he wouldn’t go in unless invited. They’d grown to be pretty respectful of that for him as well and he was immensely relieved at the high levels of trust they all had with each other all ready.
They needed to know that they had a space that was private and safe, only for them. Which is why he lets out yet another deep sigh, his forehead resting against the white painted wood. It’s at moments like this that he wishes Yoo-jin were still here, so that she can help.
A flash of guilt runs through him then, both for wishing that she was alive when it meant he wouldn’t be with you but also because he is here with his daughters and Yoo-jin isn’t. Swallowing, he pushes that thought away before trying again.
“Soo-soo...I’m not...I’m not mad at you. I know you, and I know that you’re not mean or cruel. You’re just...I know this is confusing for you, and it’s hard. I’m not angry, and neither is Y/N. We understand, but I wish you’d talk to me. Please, let me know what’s upsetting you exactly.” Hoseok really isn’t sure what he’s meant to be saying to her but he’s speaking the truth; he isn’t mad with her.
He was at first, when the biting words spilled out of her. Firstly because he was simply shocked that his daughter could be that rude and mean but then secondly because he’d seen the hurt that had flashed over your face at her blunt rejection. But that had gone quickly when he’d seen the film of tears that had glazed over his little girl’s eyes and he’d known that she only lashing out because she was confused and scared.
“Soo-soo…” His voice trailed off, uncertainty over what to do when he heard noises from inside and his heart jumped a little. 
“Go away dad,” Soo-ah’s voice was strained and he could practically hear the tears, causing his face to grimace as his paternal instincts screamed at him to go to his hurting daughter. “Leave me alone.”
“Go away!” The words are shrill and he closes his eyes, feeling his whole body drain of energy as he recognises a losing battle. Well, no one can say he didn’t at least try. And at least he’s come to her, even if she doesn’t want him there. It’s not even one of those scenarios where she’s telling him to go away but he can tell she actually wants him there.
This is one of those times when she evidently wants to be left alone. So he will, for now at least.
“Okay Soo-ah, I’ll go. But I’m downstairs if you need me. Just come, or call, and I’ll come up okay? I’m not mad, you can talk to me,” He rests his hand on the door, trying to push through his love and affection to her. “I love you.”
With that, he lets his shoulders slump in defeat, waiting a few moments longer to see if she would come out before walking back down the hall. As much as he’d love to sit and wait her out, he has two other daughters that he needs to be worrying about. Two twin five-year-old’s, actually, who he’s left alone with you.
The realisation causes him to pause, eyes widening as he realises the carnage he could have potentially left you with. They’re handfuls with him, and he at least has the authority to ground them or tell them off. He can’t even imagine how easily they’re running you around.
Rushing down the stairs, he moves into the dining room only to pause in confusion, noting the suspiciously clean table. Heading through to the kitchen, he hears the dishwasher running and is even more confused.
The girl’s don’t know how to use the dishwasher, which must mean that you’d put them in there for him. Guilt rises immediately as he realises that you’ve cleaned up dinner for him, giving him one less thing to do. He appreciates it, but at the same time, he can’t help but think his mom would be scolding him right now.
You’re a guest in his house. Therefore, you should not be cleaning up after yourself. He should be doing that for you.
A sudden peal of bright, girlish laughter from the living room distracts him and he headed through the doorway in pursuit of it. The scene he comes across makes him pause in surprise, head tilting for a moment before a smile spreads and he rests his shoulder against the frame.
None of them have seen him yet, but the twins had you down on the floor with them as they showed you their expansive toy collection. Currently, they had the whole set of Avengers dolls along with others he’d bought for them from the Marvel collection. They were most definitely superhero girls, and currently they were fighting over who got to play as Captain Marvel.
Despite the fact they had three versions of her, but he’d discovered over the years that if one of them wanted something then the other wanted it twice as much. You were sat between them both, a bemused smile on your face as you held a Shuri and Black Panther doll in each hand, looking them over intently.
“Hey, hey! Come on now, let’s not fight, yeah? How about...neither of you be Captain Marvel because you’re both fighting? Why not be someone else? Shuri’s really cool,” You wiggle the doll with a grin, brows raising as you raise her arms up and pretend to fire lasers like in the film. “And then we’ve also got Nebula!”
“Nebula’s bad!” Ji-soo pouted, flopping down onto her butt and crossing her arms. Ji-eun pushed her immediately, laughing loudly as her sister fell over.
“Nebula’s cool! I wanna be her.” She grabbed the doll from you quickly and grinned up at you, pushing the sheet of black hair out of her eyes and behind her ear. He really did need to get their hair cut. It was a mess of tangles as usual right now, causing him to sigh as he knew how much of a struggle it was to get them to sit still and have their hair brushed.
“Nuh-uh, Shuri’s the best. She’s smart. I’m smarter than you.” Hoseok has to bite his lower lip to keep the chuckle inside that so desperately wants to escape as he watches your face fall slightly as they begin to fight once more. Welcome to his world, he thinks to himself, fully amused.
“Hey now, what have I told you both about fighting?” He says sternly, heading into the room and standing over them both with raised brows. There’s absolutely no need to look at you, because he’s fully aware that he’s using his dad voice right. 
And he was equally aware of your thoughts about his ‘dad’ voice, given all the times he’d been on the phone with you and suddenly had to to tell them off, or when he’d given them their goodnight call when they were with their grandparents. It had made him embarrassed at first, to realise his voice changed that much but you’d just been thoroughly amused.
Ji-soo immediately smiles at him, rushing up to her feet and running over to him with Shuri clasped tightly in her hand. He laughed loudly and came back over with her, small hand clasped tightly in his own as she directed him to sit on the floor next to you. Looking over at you with a small smile, he leans over and whispers to you.
“Thank you for cleaning up, but you really didn’t have to.”
“Hoseok, I was alone with twin five-year-old’s that I don’t know. When I’m anxious, I clean. Besides, it wasn’t any trouble and they wanted to help.” His brows rose at that and he looked back at the twin’s, taking in the sloping noses that resembled his own so strongly.
“Wow...so it’s just daddy that you won’t help, huh?” Pressing a hand to his chest, he pouts dramatically in a wounded tone that has Ji-eun giggling as she launches herself at him and settles in his lap. She’s getting too big to be doing this, but he won’t complain. One day, she won’t do it all.
“Daddy said we have to be good.” His heart warmed at that and an immense flush of pride swelled deep within, pressing a kiss to her head in pure paternal love. Glancing back at you, his cheeks flushed slightly at the look of adoration you give him and he just knows that you’re internally screaming at his interaction.
“So. If you’re Nebula, and Ji-soo is Shuri...then what can Y/N and I be? What about...if I’m Captain Marvel?” Ji-eun gasps loudly, shaking her head furiously and he splutters out a mouthful of hair as her ponytail smacks him firmly in the face.
“No daddy! You can’t. You have to be Iron Man!” He lets out another gasp, not actually bothered because Iron Man was cool but he’d actually wanted to be Captain Marvel. The film was great, sue him.
“Why? Because I’m a boy!” Yet he doesn’t push away the Iron Man doll, he calls them dolls purely because figurine is probably too hard for them to say to right now. The red and gold figurine is well used, scratches and dents marring the plastic surface from the intense playing they’d given him over the years.
Which included seeing if he could fly by throwing him out of the window onto the drive. That would have just gotten an eye roll from him normally, except they’d thrown him with some force and he’d landed firmly on Hoseok’s car. Who would have known that such a small toy would cause such a scratch on the windscreen?
“No daddy, because Y/N can be Pepper.” Ji-soo hands you a doll, smaller than the others and from the Iron Man 3 film but just as good. You take it from her with a gracious smile but he can see the confusion in your eyes as to why you have to be Pepper Potts and not one of the other superheroes. 
He doesn’t even think to question the fact that his kids that are doing that odd thing where they both seem to know exactly what the other is thinking. 
“Why Pepper? Why can’t she be Captain Marvel if I can’t?” Playfully, he pushes at the doll in Ji-eun’s hands and she giggles sweetly, looking up at him with those warm brown eyes that he loves so dearly.
“Because Iron Man loves Pepper, and you love Y/N.” Well...there’s not much room for argument there really. His cheeks once more flush red as he steadfastly avoids your eyes, oddly embarrassed at his daughters for outing him so thoroughly to you. You knew he loved you obviously, but the easy acceptance with which they react makes him feel a little odd. 
He doesn’t really know why, but he pushes it away and takes a deep breath. “Okay sweetpea. Now then...what bad guy are we fighting?” 
Soo-ah doesn’t come down for the rest of the night, nor does she let Hoseok into her room whenever he comes to check on her. It fills him with worry and he knows that he spends most of the night looking at the ceiling in anxiety.
He knows that, because he’s had more than a few comforting touches or smiles from you throughout the evening. An hour of playing with the twins had soon turned into them sitting with both Hoseok and you on the couch while episodes of Pokemon played on the flat screen television.
They seemed to have got along with you pretty well, and while they certainly weren’t being overly accommodating, they had been open enough that he got the impression that everything was going to be pretty okay with them. You had enough common interests with them to keep them entertained and he had the added benefit of them both being influenced by each other.
So if one really liked you, then the other would come around soon.
Ji-soo in particular seemed to be the one that he suspected would latch onto you with a few more visits. She was already more than enamoured in the stories you’d told her of the places that you’d been over the years and he wondered if you knew that you were probably going to end up with two little shadows soon enough.
After a few episodes of Pokemon, he’d put on Detective Pikachu at Ji-eun’s request because you hadn’t seen it before and they found that to be a complete travesty. It had been around 8pm then and he was being generous in letting them stay up later than he normally would in honour of your visit.
The first hour of the film had involved you having to spend more time listening to the running commentary from the twin’s as they explained important plot points, or what they was important, and point out every little thing. He was pretty sure that you hadn’t actually been able to properly watch any of it, and he made a mental note to watch it again with you at a later date.
And then everything had gone silent. He’d been so invested in his own thoughts and worry about Soo-ah that he hadn’t even noticed until the credits were rolling and no one had complained about it.
Turning his head, he couldn’t help the smile that spread over his face as he took in the sight next to him. Something he probably hadn’t expected to happen for months, but evidently all three were more tired than he’d anticipated.
Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he quietly unlocked it and turned on the camera before taking a picture. Staring at his screen, he grinned and set it to his home screen and placed his phone on the arm of the couch.
Ji-eun was curled up next to her sister, her head resting on Ji-soo’s shoulder until their hair blended together perfectly. Ji-soo on the other hand, was curled up into your side, your arm resting around them both while your head had fallen back against the couch, all three sleeping quietly and he felt a ridiculous amount of warmth and love for you all.
Carefully, he stood up and lifted Ji-eun up as slowly as he could so as not to wake her. She made a soft little noise of complaint in his arms but didn’t stir, not until he was shifting her bed covers until he could get her beneath them. Ideally, he’d like to get her into her pyjamas and have her brush her teeth, but he knew that if he tried to wake her then he’d just have grumpiness followed by an inability to sleep for another few hours.
So this time, he’d let them sleep in their clothes. 
He repeated the same actions with Ji-soo before giving them both a kiss on the head and whispering good night to them, turning off the lamp in their room and closing the door behind him while their night light glowed warmly. Heading back downstairs, he was left with the sight of you fast asleep on the couch.
Hoseok realised that he really, really liked the sight of you in his home like this. It was an odd feeling and he shook his head, moving into the kitchen and looking in the fridge. The dish of lasagne had been left on the side, some foil covering it as it had cooled and he looked inside casually.
There was one slice left, and without a word he put it into a small tupperware tub before heading back into the living room. Crouching down next to you, he placed his hand on your knee and pushed gently while calling out your name to wake you.
A quiet groan left you as you blinked blearily, eyes glazed until they focused on him. They were blank for a moment before filling with warmth as he smiled up at you. Glancing to the side, you frowned slightly at the missing girls and he laughed slightly, standing up and taking your hand to pull you up.
You wobbled slightly, leaning your weight against him as you got your balance but he took care of that by wrapping his arms around your shoulders and hugging you to him tightly. Neither said anything for a few minutes, just simply enjoying the feeling of being in each others arms and he wished that you didn’t have to go.
“Tonight was...good. I love the twins already, they’re...characters,” You chuckle against his chest and he can’t help but laugh in return as he nods. “But sweet. I really like them. And who knew you were this good at cooking hmm? Really got myself a man who can do it all huh?”
His cheeks burn bright red then as he makes a few protesting noises but you shush him loudly, leaning your chin on his chest to look up at him with an adoring expression. “I love you. Your family...is wonderful. I can feel the love between you all, it’s...really nice. Even with Soo-ah. I was a bit awkward but I can understand why she feels like that. I hope that she can come round to me.”
“I’m sure she will. One day. I’m not going to push her though. I feel bad about it because I knew she wasn’t okay with it, but she kept telling me she was. Maybe I moved too fast with it all.” You shake your head in response, tightening your arms around him and pressing a kiss to his chest.
“She’s a big girl, and if she tells you that she’s okay with something then you have to take her at face value sometimes. We all do things that we don’t really want to do. I get the feeling that she was trying for you and at least the ice is broken now. If she refuses to have anything to do with me then...that’s within her rights I guess. At least I’ve met her. Don’t beat yourself up about it, please.” He lets out a bone deep sigh before nodding slowly.
“Okay. Thank you. For today...everything. I...despite the thing with Soo-ah, I’m really happy. Like...really, I’m so glad that the twins seem to like you a lot.” Pulling away from him, you grin as you head out into the hallway and grab your jacket and bag.
“I’m glad that you’re happy. You deserve some happiness too Hoseok, remember that.” Nodding, he catches sight of one of the photographs of Yoo-jin on the wall and swallows thickly. You were right, he did deserve to be happy as well. Yoo-jin wouldn’t want him to wallow forever.
“Oh, you can take the last of the lasagne. This is not going to get eaten unless it’s by me having midnight munchies, and I do not need the extra weight.” Patting his stomach, he held out the container which you took with a bemused expression.
“You make out like you’re overweight Hoseok. You’re not. You’re cuddly sized.” The teasing in your voice causes him to roll his eyes but he just accepts you hug once more, the muffled thanks from you taken in gratitude as he takes a deep inhale of you.
“Be safe. Drive carefully. Text me when you get home.” You exaggeratedly agree to all of his demands before he lets you go, standing in the open door as you turn to him and pull him down into a goodbye kiss. It maybe goes on a little too long, but he doesn’t care.
“I love you.”
“I love you too. Text me.” He says sternly, wagging a finger in your direction as you head over to your car in the darkness.
“Yes dad!”
“Don’t start that again!” But his protest is pointless as you just laugh and get into your car, reversing out of his drive and pulling away. He watches until he can’t see your tail lights anymore before heading back in and locking the door behind him.
His usual nightly routine is followed after that, but after he brushed his teeth and had done his business in the bathroom, he heads back over to Soo-ah’s door and knocks lightly. There’s no answer, and he wonders if she’s gone to sleep.
It makes his heart hurt to think that he can’t resolve this tonight with her, but he decides that he’s going to try and heal the rift between them tomorrow. He has to. He can’t go on with his little girl being mad at him.
After a few more minutes of silence, he sighed heavily and turns off the light before heading into his own bedroom. He spends half an hour beneath the covers of his bed, scrolling through social media and the news on his phone. You haven’t texted him yet, and worry fills him when suddenly, a light knock reverberates around the room.
Sitting up suddenly, he frowns and calls out for whoever it is to come in. The door opens slowly and he’s met with Soo-ah, dressed in her pyjamas and her hair still in the pigtails from earlier. She looks shy and hesitant, her gaze on the floor as one hand crosses over the stomach, holding the doorknob firmly.
“Can I come in daddy?” Immediately he’s nodding, opening his arms to her and she quietly closes the door behind her before rushing over, climbing onto the bed and burying herself in his arms. Even in the dim light of his bedside lamp, he’d recognised the swollen red eyes of someone who has spent a long time crying and he coos to her softly as she wraps her arms around him tightly.
Laying back on the bed, he pulls her with him and kisses her head. “Soo-soo, what’s wrong? I’m not mad at you.”
“Really? I was mean though.” Her voice is more childlike than he’s ever heard it and his heart tugs for her.
“Yeah, I’m not mad. I mean...I wish you hadn’t been mean, but I know that it’s a tough situation for you. Y/N wasn’t mad either. I just...I wish that you would have told me that you didn’t want to and I would have told her to go home. You’re important to me Soo-ah, your comfort is important.” He whispers to her.
“I was okay with it, I swear. I was worried, because I don’t want her to take mom’s place. But I know you like her. And you’ve always been alone,” She pauses, burying her face in his chest while her small arms squeeze him tighter. “I tried, but...I just...I was angry. She’s pretty and smart and funny, and you look at her all funny and it made me angry because she’s not mom.”
Hoseok blinks a few times, trying to stop himself from crying as she blurts out all of her inner feelings. He can’t even imagine how hard this has all been for her, but he lets her continue.
“I want mom, I want mom because she’s pretty and smart and funny too but mom is dead so I can’t have her. But if you’re single then she’s still here. Y/N means that she’s not here anymore, because Y/N will be here and you’ll take down her pictures and then she’ll be our mom but she’s not our mom!” Her words are fast and staccato, not really making too much sense but he doesn’t say anything about it. She’s only ten, and she’s just worried and upset about everything.
“And the twins were being so nice and they didn’t seem to care! I just wanted to scream at them! What about mom! Why does no one remember mom?!” A hiccup soon turns into a sob then and he hugs her tighter to him, letting her cry out her frazzled emotions.
“No one is going to forget mom, okay? I’m not going to forget her and she’s not going to disappear from this house. She will always be here, because you and your sisters are here. There were always be pictures of her in the house for you and I will always talk to you about her, whenever you want. I miss your mom so much, and I still love her. My relationship with Y/N doesn’t mean that she’s going to be forgotten, because she isn't. She is important to all of us and Y/N knows that. She doesn’t want to take your mom’s place, because that place is your mom’s, like I said before.” Pressing a kiss to her head again, he swallows and contemplates how to continue.
“I won’t ever expect you to call Y/N mom, and neither will she. I know you Soo-ah, and I know this is hard for you. Harder than for the twins, because you got five with your mom. But don’t be mad at them. They don’t know any different than it just being us four. They never got to have mom with them, so to them this is all new. I just...I love you all, and I don’t want to hurt any of you.” The final sentence is whispered and he feels more than a little despair.
Silence falls between them for a while before Soo-ah speaks once more.
“Tell me about mommy. Was she nice?” He’s nodding before he even realises it, flicking through his memories of the 7 years he had with Yoo-jin before finding a story for her. And so for the next hour, he proceeds to regale his daughter with all the stories of her mom that she’d never heard before. Stories he’d forgotten over time, but now remembered so vividly.
Glancing at the photograph on the other bedside table of her, his heart hurts as he remembers his beautiful wife. Kissing Soo-ah’s forehead, he smiles down at her.
“You look just like your mom. I know that she’d be so proud of you, you’re such a good girl. I know that she loves you a lot, just like I do. Don’t ever doubt that, okay? No matter what happens, I love you and your mom loves you too.” Soo-ah’s eyes fill with tears once more and she sniffles.
“I’m sorry daddy. I’m sorry I was mean to Y/N. I don’t hate her.” He laughs softly, pulling her back into a bear hug and squeezing her until she giggles, the sound making his heart soar.
“I know you don’t. I know you Soo-soo, and you’ve got too big of a heart to ever hate anyone. She knows that too.” Soo-ah quietens after that and he hums lightly, some song he heard a long time ago but can’t remember the name of. It seems to be working as Soo-ah’s eyes droop closed and she fights desperately to stay awake.
“Tell her I’m sorry. I’ll be nice next time. I swear,” She mutters, voice thick with sleep and he grins and acknowledges it. “Will she still let me ride her horse?”
He desperately wants to laugh at that and part of him wonders how much of this is because she wants to ride a horse. But he’s not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, pun fully intended. He would give Artemis a big, juicy carrot whenever he saw her.
“She’d be happy to. If you want to, then I’ll let her teach you how to ride as well.” A tiny noise of happiness leaves his daughters mouth but she doesn’t say anything further, eyes closing finally before she’s fallen fast asleep.
He doesn’t expect this to be the last time she’ll have an issue with him dating you, in fact he fully expects more issues as she comes to terms with her feelings regarding the whole thing. But at least she came to him and told him what was upsetting her. And more than that, she had apologised for her behaviour. He wanted to apologise to her as well for putting her into the situation, but instead he was just going to have to make sure that he paid more attention next time.
For ten minutes, he simply enjoys the happiness he feels from the reconciliation with his daughter and the exultation he feels at the fact he’s not having to go to sleep with her angry at him. Finally though, he gets up and carefully takes her to her own bed, musing to himself how he ended up doing this with every daughter tonight when he hasn’t had to put Soo-ah to bed like this in years now.
When he gets back to his own, he sees the message icon on his phone blinking and eagerly jumps back into bed, turning the screen on to see that you had finally texted him.
[9:31pm] Y/N: I’m home :)
[9:31pm] Y/N: I stopped at the store and they had a 2 for 1 on your shampoo. 
[9:32pm] Y/N: You can keep one here and take the other home :)
[9:32pm] Y/N: Also bought a candy bar. I’m eating it now. Mmmm
He grins at your texts and shakes his head before his fingers are flying across the screen, typing out his own response.
[9:35pm] Hoseok: Mean, you know I can’t eat candy
[9:36pm] Y/N: We established that was a lie yesterday Mr Jung
[9:36pm] Hoseok: :(
[9:36pm] Y/N: I’d share my candy with you :)
[9:37pm] Hoseok: Ha. Thanks. For the shampoo too <3
[9:37pm] Hoseok: I just put Soo-ah to bed. She came to me. Told me why she was mad. She says sorry
[9:38pm] Y/N: She doesn’t need to apologise! She’s allowed to be mad. Is she okay?
[9:38pm] Hoseok: Yeah, it was exactly what I thought. Worried about her mom. I just have to make sure she knows I won’t forget her
[9:39pm] Y/N: You won’t. I don’t want to take her place. Even though I kind of am but you get what I mean
[9:40pm] Hoseok: I do. And I love you for it
[9:40pm] Y/N: I love you too
[9:41pm] Hoseok: She also wants to know if you’ll still let her ride Artemis
[9:42pm] Y/N: Lol, of course! 
[9:42pm] Hoseok: Kinda said you’d teach her how to ride too
[9:43pm] Y/N: Haha, again, of course. I’d be happy to for you :) and the twins if they want
[9:43pm] Hoseok: Thank you. I’m gonna sleep now. I love you <3
[9:43pm] Y/N: I love you too <3
He grins at the final message before placing his phone on the bedside table and looking at the picture of Yoo-jin and him on his own table. Smiling softly, he reaches out and brings it closer to him, rubbing his thumb over her face beneath the glass.
“I hope you’re okay with this baby. I’m sorry you can’t be here, I wish you were. I hope you’re not mad at me for being with Y/N. I think you’d approve though, I really love her a lot already and she makes me so happy. I miss you, but I hope you’re okay with me moving on. I won’t forget you though, like I told Soo-ah.” Placing the frame back on the table, he turns off the lamp and curls up beneath the covers with a sigh before drifting off to sleep, his dreams filled with his daughters, you and Yoo-jin as a happy family together.
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