houseofoakdown · 3 months
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Been noticing a trend in characters I enjoy lately
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morgueyouknow · 16 days
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my sketches of O’komeha’e— I gave up on trying to do the background and stuff so here you guys go :3
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pulled-clown-pork · 2 months
Mlp artworks I've done, adding lore and new ponies, crystal ponies!, and more changling stuff
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doctor-aceus-art · 1 year
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so... i may have watched Barbie yesterday. and i'm obsessed with the clothing.
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rattlesnake1999 · 2 months
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Mask Women/Shiro (Hazbin Hotel OC)
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desmondthedevildub · 9 months
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New Years 2024 drawing my oc
My oc Rosa Afton
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vae1bixy · 3 months
Opie Winston x OC {Josie Bethe Teller]
Title - Blow my bubble
Wordcount - 3.3k
Summary - Sometime's you have to do things for you're self even if you know other people in you're life won't agree. That includes Josie Beth. She isn't doing this for just the money she's doing this to be free.
A/n -
WARNING - Strong language. Drinking and smoking. And adult themes. Honestly this is just gross guys.
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It wasn’t exactly known that Josie worked at a strip club. She made sure she stayed out of Charming and the known places the guy’s went to. If any of them found out she knew nothing good would come from it. It’s not like she was embarrassed of it. She enjoyed the job. It made her feel powerful and free. Like she could do anything she wanted to. 
But she knew if her mother found out she would never hear the end of it. That she would call her a crow eater. If her brother found out he would split a fuse and make sure she never did it again. If Clay found out she began to think but rolled her eyes. She couldn’t give a damn what that old man thinks. 
There was one person. One person that would make her feel embarrassed. Without even trying. If opie were to find out she wouldn’t leave her house again. She wouldn’t be able to face him. She didn’t care what anyone else said or thought. If he was embarrassed of her. Disgusted with her. It might just ruin her. 
If she wasn’t already. 
There was something else. Sometimes she worked for Luanne. It started when she was twenty and needed a little extra cash. And Luanne offered her a spot. But it had to be a secret. Because Luanna knew as well as she did if the other’s found out shit would hit the fan. 
So she made sure to keep her identity a secret. She wore a pink wig and blue contacts. Made sure no one could recognize her. In the time from stripping and making films she made a name for herself. Bubble gum. It was a little on the tip of the nose. But she still enjoyed the name. From making her own name for herself. 
She hadn’t done a film though for three weeks before. A quick film with her starring as a nun and some old guy dressed as a priest. Josie was laid out on her couch. Flipping through the remote and tossing skittles into her mouth. She wasn’t exactly in a good mood. Her mother was pushing her trying to get her to settle down and become an old lady. 
Josie knew when she was ten years old she would never become anyone's old lady. She loved the club. They were her family. But she didn’t want to be treated like dirt. Even if some ladies believed they were treated like a queen. They weren’t at least a good majority of them. Her father treated her mother like a queen. He was a good man. 
Her thoughts were dimmed when her phone began to ring. She reached to grab it from her pockets. Her eyes are still on the screen. It was an old movie. But it would do. Turning it down she dropped the remote and opened the phone. Putting it up to her ear.
Instantly Luanne was wailing into her ear.  “Josie girl” She began repeating her name before her words became mush and mixed together. 
Sitting up from the couch. Josie’s face shifted to worry. Luanne was a dramatic person. But she never called her like this. She never acted erratic. “Calm down Luanne” She said a little hard and rough. Causing the woman to quiet. “Now tell what’s going on?” She asked softer this time. 
A sniffle rang through the phone. “I need a favor,” Luanne admitted. Her voice sounded stronger instead of the erratic and weak tone she was just speaking in.“My main girl got caught with crank” She explained, huffing a bit. She told those girls repeatedly to stay away from crank and to stay away from Georgie. 
“I need to get this out Josie,” Luanne said. She needed to pay back a couple favors. Pay off the bills and pay her workers. She had so much shit she needed so much she needed to pay for. This could set her back at the very least five figures. 
A skittle hanging between her lips. She shrugged. “I’ll be there tomorrow” She said. It’s not like it was a crazy favor. It’s not like she wouldn’t get paid. Nor that she wouldn’t enjoy it. It was always an adrenaline high 
“Thank you so much,” Luanne squealed before she hung up on her. Dropping the phone back to her lap. Josie tossed another skittle into her mouth. Paying attention to the movie on the screen. Excitement drummed under her skin. She couldn’t wait. 
She was up early. Well early enough for her. She got to the set at ten in the morning. It had been about a week since she filmed the movie. It took two whole days. To work out the problems. But it had been set out to be sold since the day before.
Elsewhere in Charming. In the clubhouse. The guys were sitting around. Beers in hands. It was quiet. Quieter then it usually was. No loud music or women flocking around. In the corner Chib and Jax were playing a game of pool. A smoke hanging from his lips that were curving into a grin. 
That is until Tig came into the bar. Almost like always. He always seemed to bring chaos. The noise. “You gotta see this!” He yelled. Something sticking in one hand. Chib leaned up from the pool table. The stick in one hand. And the guys are all giving him their attention. Bobby looked at him with his reading glasses on his face. 
He moved to the bar. Taking the DvD out of the player. And putting the one in his hand inside. “Hey” A couple exclaimed, annoyed that he was messing up the movie. Most of them chose to ignore him. Get up and leave or turn back to something else. A card game or their drink. 
But Tig ignored them, turning to give them all a look. He had a grin displayed on his face. The crazed eyes he always gave when he had an idea. “Luanne just came out with a new movie,” he explained. Before he was clicking a button and the menu was popping up. The start button. But sounds of moans were playing through the room. 
“And why the hell do you need to show us?” Chib asked, his Scottish accent strong in his tone. The pool stick was still standing up against his shoulder. As he waited for Jax to make the next move. 
“I heard it’s the hottest on the block” He showed the case to the rest of them. His grin only grew wider. There a woman with pink hair was kneeling on the cover. In nothing but an apron on her that stopped just at the top of her thighs. Her breast peeked out just a bit. “It has that porn star Bubblegum in it” He explained, jumping a bit in excitement. 
Despite their attention. The guys were all looking at the screen in curiosity. It should be odd for them to watch porn together. It is super gross. But the club wasn't exactly clean. It wasn't abnormal for one of the guys. For Bobby maybe Tig to eat a crow eater out in front of everyone to see. To fuck them.
They didn't exactly know what close boundaries were. Or at least know how to listen to them. The screen went black and another came on. A woman from the cover of the DvD. Was standing behind a counter.
A bowl in one hand and wic in the other. She was mixing whatever was in the bowl. When it flew off and hit her in the face. She ran a finger over the cooking dough, at least that's what it looked like. And licked it with the top of her tongue a sound coming out of her. Almost like a moan.
Another woman walked up. Black hair that was pulled into a bun. “Oh no you got your shirt dirty” She said sadly. Reaching out to touch the woman's lips with her thumb. 
The pink-haired woman looked down and made a small sound. “Guess I'll just change,” She said. Voice silky and smooth. She moved away from the other woman. And began to pull her shirt off. A tattoo swirling in the middle of her chest coming into view. 
Opie almost threw up. “What the hell?” He questioned. His eyes widened and he got up from the bar. The others suddenly watched him. “Oh God you gotta turn it off” He demanded. 
“What op?” Jax asked with a raised eyebrow. He didn't particularly want to watch porn with his brothers. But he wasn't going to run around and tell about it. 
Opie ignored him and stepped up towards the DvD player. Already trying to turn it off. But Tig was in front of him.  “I know her, you gotta turn it off” He said, sounding desperate. Which was confusing Jax even more.
Tig just grinned interest peaked. Opie never acted out like that. He wasn’t the type to cause problems. He was more of a follower than a leader. And Tig would be crazy to not feed off of this once in a lifetime opportunity. “Someone you screwed before?” He questioned. 
Flashes of blonde hair spread out on his pillows below him. His lips on the inside of her thighs went further and further. Lips sucking and playing at the softness that was her pussy Moans coming from her. The tightness as he moved inside of her as she scratched and pulled him further.
Almost like his eyes ratted him out. Tig laughed and stepped forward, throwing an arm around Opie’s shoulders. “Maybe you can set us up some time” He whispered against his ear. Opie shook him off and threw a punch at him. Causing him to grasp at his eye the grin not falling from his lips. 
Jax stared at the screen, his eyebrows bunching up. As he looked at the screen looked at both women. The pink hair one looked so familiar. The nose that was more like a button. The piercing eyes staring back. Blonde eyebrows that didn’t match her hair. It was then he realized. Realized who she was. 
“Holy shit” He mumbled, eyes widening as he realized. 
“Cut it off,” Jax ordered. When Tig didn't move he swung the stick hitting the television and busting the screen. Causing a crack to run through it and the screen to go black. The last sight being the pink hair woman licking the wic. The chocolate baking dough gets onto her cheeks and drips down her neck. 
The room went silent. And confusion ran through them. Except for Opie. He looked almost green. Like he was going to be sick. “What was that for Jackie boy?” Chib questioned behind him. No annoyance but moe confusion in his voice. 
“God damn Jax” Clay said, rubbing a hand down his eyes and breathing in and out. The club was always dealing with a problem. And it was usually Jax who was causing the problems. Now they had to get another television. Just when he was about to ask what his problem was, Jax spoke up. And said something that made his blood run cold. 
He didn't want to answer. The words felt sick in his head. But he couldn't just not tell them. And risk them watching it again. “That was Josie,” He admitted in a sick voice. L
Clay sat up from his seat. Eyes widening at Jax. It was like they were all turned upside down. Tig looked like he was going to pass out. He had to pull a seat out and sit down. His eyes wide and disgust on his face. Forgetting about the ever growing bruise around his eye. Hell he felt like he deserved it and much worse.
“Oh shite” Chib murmured. 
On the bar. Bobby was running a hand over his face, setting his glasses down on the counter. They may not be an uncle or anything to either Jax or Josie. But that was their brother's kids. And to know they were about to watch- . God what were they about to watch. What was on the dvd. 
Before anyone could utter another word he was pulling his phone out. And the room was silent. Jax was pacing back and forth. Anger leaked off of him as he paced around the room. “Pick up the god damn phone Josie” He shouted at the beep before he ended it and called again. 
As he tried again. Opie snuck out; he didn't waste time pulling his phone out. But getting on his bike and hurrying to Josie. He didn’t feel particularly happy knowing Josie was doing porn videos. But he didn’t control her. She wasn’t his old lady. They weren’t anything but friends. And friends that sometimes slept together. 
He pulled up to the house. Parking his bike and not even wasting time but opening the door. He yelled out her name and she was turning the corner gun in her hand. “Jesus Op knock first” She said, sighing a bit and dropping the gun to her table. She was wearing a tank top and small shorts. That seemed to stop just when her legs began to lead upwards. 
As much as he wanted to strip them off of her. They had bigger problems. 
“Jax found out about the film” He explained quickly. There was no telling how much time they had before Jax was pushing through the door. Maybe Clay hot on his heels. He didn’t really know and he didn’t know how Jax was going to react with him there letting her know. If he would get pissed or confused at him. Maybe question him. 
“He’s pissed Josie” He said softer this time. But there was a wrinkled line on his forehead as he looked down at her. She knew he didn’t like fighting like this. He could fist fight. But when his family fought. It caused stress to bubble inside of him. 
“Oh god damn it” She fumed. Before kicking at the leg of the table. Everything on it falling off of it. Gun landed on the floor luckily not going off. Papers hitting the floor. The vase that held her pretty blue flowers cracking and bursting into a million little pieces. 
Josie sighed and ran a hand through her hair. Her pretty blonde hair that was pulled into a braid. It wasn’t pink. And her eyes were still brown, not blue. “Thanks op” She said softer smiling a bit at him despite the shitty situation. Stepping closer to him so they were inches apart. 
Despite his thoughts. Telling him he shouldn’t ask. She would only get mad at him. He brought a thumb up and brushed her bottom lip almost like the woman did on the film. Except her lips opened this time for him.  “Why do you do it?” He questioned in a small voice. 
“If it’s money” He began. He would give her all the money she wanted or needed. He would make sure she didn’t need to do another film again. He would take care of her. 
She moved away from him now. Shaking her head. “It’s not” She said strongly. 
Jax walks inBefore they could continue Jax was stomping in throwing her door open and shutting it so hard it rattled the walls. He glanced at Opie confused at why he was there. But scoffed. “Wanna explain why I just saw you on a porn film?” He questioned looking at her with nothing but anger. 
Josie crossed her arms at him. Annoyance begins to flare up on her own. “I’m a grown woman” She bit out in a tight tone. 
He stepped closer to her. Now face to face. Except she was more than a few inches below him. So he was leaned down. “You’re twenty three years old” He breathed out. Opie just watches the two of them in worry. Jax was his best friend his brother. And Josie she was his something. Something he wasn’t exactly sure about yet. 
Even if he didn’t want to see them fight. He knew when not to bud in. He could still remember butting into a fight. She was twelve and Jax and him were fifteen. It was about something stupid. Some boy from her school. He and Jax took the reign in scaring the kid a bit. “Yea and i’m a grown woman” 
“How long have you been doing this?” Jax questioned. 
Rolling her eyes at him. She crossed her arms. He thought he scared her. He thought he could tell her what to do. Well he was dead wrong. She wasn’t twelve any more, she was twenty three years old. “None of you’re fucking business” She breathed out her lips twisting a bit as she watched the anger twist on his face. 
“C’mon guys let’s calm down” Opie said, stepping inwards just a bit. 
Jax didn’t even turn to look at him.“Stay out of this” He screamed out in a strong voice. His jaw was tightening and locking like he was going to explode. 
Josie frowned a bit. But that was quickly pushed aside for the anger feeling in her bones. “Don’t talk to him like that” She hollered at him. Sure they were fighting and they would probably get over it jus like all the other fights. But he didn’t get to yell at his best friend because he was angry with her. 
She stepped up to him closer. “You think you’re the shit” She breathed out. A laugh ripping through her chest. Before she tilted her head at him. Watching the way his jaw was tightening his nose was flaring. “Well it’s time to come down back to reality Jax you’re as ordinary as the rest of us” She whispered. 
“If i see you on another film” Jax said as he looked away and rubbed at his growing bear before he began pointing at her a bit. “If i ever” he said, his voice raw and dark. Before he shook his head and was leaving her in her living room. Kicking at her door and opening it back up. 
“You're going to do what?” She screamed out. Despite Opie’s soft words asking her to leave it. What did he think he was going to do? Yell at her scream at her hit her. No he wouldn’t hit her. She knew it for a fact. And so did he. He knew he couldn’t do anything to stop her. He couldn’t lock her up and ground her like he used to. 
Josie was absolutely pissed with Jax. So she didn’t think. She left the house leaving Opie there and stopped at the store. Grabbed a box of hair dye and a bottle of vodka and Camels. And she was out the door. Maybe riding faster than she should have been. But she knew none of the officers would threaten to pull her away at least for a little speeding. 
Everybody there in charming was under samcrows fingers.
She took her helmet off, grabbed her bag and was pushing through her door. Opie must have got the hint. Because it looked like he had left. But not before cleaning up the glass and putting her table back on all four legs. She couldn’t even feel grateful for it. Anger was clawing through her skin. How could he act like he controlled her. 
Passing all the way to the too small and cramped bathroom. Pulling the bottle out of the bag she took a large gulp of it then next pulled the stuff out of the box.  
After an hour it was done. She was staring at herself in the mirror. Blonde hair gone. And replaced with pink bubblegum hair. She grinned at herself. Hands flexing on the sink. This would surely rile him up. Slipping a cigarette out of the pack. Josie couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled inside of her as she tried to light the cigarette hanging from her lips. 
This would piss him off.
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terror-animal56 · 3 months
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Vanessa's new design
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arrow-craftz · 1 year
Spidersona (spiderman atsv)
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hope ya like it :D
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morgueyouknow · 1 month
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finally finished highschool simon & helena; I like to think they’re watching a lame ass horror movie simon suggested by the bored look on helena’s face☝️🤓
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pulled-clown-pork · 4 months
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A bunch of doodles I have done, some character designs and others full pieces of art
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jerichoishere1314 · 6 months
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(oc) his own 3 dark sided personalities
the darkside will selectively choose his own deside after if he'll starting to change himself into a different personality side he will start anything what he'd could take further possible sometimes as always doing the highly worthiest way should ever been using the lone gloominess experiencing entire days of forever beyond journey.
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rattlesnake1999 · 4 months
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Megumi Shimizu (Hazbin Hotel style)
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dearstormiris · 1 year
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My (female) ocs from a novel im writing
Its a little gay maybe a tad
Ill post the cropped versions soon and go into deph about the chars
Maybe ill write a little description for them too bcus i havent made ref sheets yet
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lolkins228 · 7 months
Ой я вас прям балую сегодня 😊😊😊😊
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Да,опять коджиро,сори что не спамтон на 8 марта
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starsha-k-luna · 1 year
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Hi everyone,
So after rewatching the Netflix Series Transformers Botbots for the possible 3rd time & reading some Botbots Fanfics & AU’s I decided to come up with my very own Botbots OC, but their a bit different from the rest.
Presenting my Botbots OC (drumroll please) Ember with an E, who’s alt mode is a broken Amber Amulet.
She’s a shy bot due to being abandoned in the first days of her life.
She’s a member of the Lostbots.
Burgertron & Spud Muffin are her Unofficial Dad’s
She’s extremely close to her Dad’s and the other Lostbots, although it takes a while for her to trust them,
Dimlit was the first one out of the others she opened up to.
She’s very creative and loves to make things and can be often found tinkering with things to see how they work.
She also likes to act desperate her shyness, when she’s playing a character her shyness just disappears for while.
It was Burgertron who introduced her to acting to help boost her confidence.
She likes to hang around the Gamer Geeks and the Science Alliance because of her love of inviting.
Some info about her backstory:
Long before the Energon Cloud hit the Mall an expensive antique Amber Amulet was abut to be sold from the Antique Store at the Mall, but just before it was bought the seller dropped it on the floor and it was badly damaged, so the buyer decided they didn’t want it any more & now broken Amber Amulet was left there after the Store was closed in the now infamous “Dark Side of the Mall!”
Then the Energon Cloud hit and all of the Botbots were born! But a stray Energon spark was still going around “The Dark Side of the Mall!” And it wasn’t until a few years later that it finally came out to create a new generation of Botbots! Including one created from a Broken Amber Amulet.
Her name was Ember and she woke up in a dark, scary and strange place, there was a few other Botbots around, but they didn’t want to be around her because well, due to the Amber Amulet being broken Ember had no legs, so she couldn’t walk around. They all left her there even though she begged and cried for them to take her with them, but they just walked off leaving Ember to cry all alone.
It wasn’t until a few days later that President Burgertron and Spud Muffin came to the Antique Shop and they came across a little Botbot properly one of the new ones that were just born and they were all alone. (It was Ember) They walked up to them, making sure they didn’t scare the little Botbot. When they got closer Spud Muffin spotted that this Botbot had no legs!
He knelt down and said: “Hi there, my names Spud Muffin and this is partner Burgertron”.
“Hi there, sweetie” said President Burgertron.
“Hello” replied the little Botbot.
“Do you have a name?” asked Burgertron.
“My name is Ember, with a E” Ember replied.
“Nice to meet you Ember with a E” said Burgertron with a chuckle, “Why are you here all alone? Where’s your Squad?”
Ember just looked to the floor and just started crying, Burgertron and Spud Muffin looked at each other in shock and concern.
“They just left me” Ember finally after a few minutes.
“Who left you?” asked a worried Spud Muffin.
“The other Bots who where here!” Ember Screamed out, “They just left because I’m Broken!”
Now both Spud and Burgertron looked at her in horror as she started crying again, tries started flowing down their faces as well. Then Spud wiped his face and told Ember.
“Hay, why don’t you come with use to the “Lost and Found”? You can stay with us until we figure things out”
“But I’ll just get in the way, look at me I’m Broken!” she replied.
“Don’t you ever say that about yourself! screamed Burgertron.
“Burgertron!” said Spud Muffin in surprise, “Your scaring her”. Gesturing to Ember, who is shaking a little.
“Oh, Ember I’m so sorry for scaring you sweetie, I just…. I don’t want you to say such a thing about yourself” said Burgertron who had knelt down in front of Ember. She looked up at him and Spud Muffin.
“Why not?” She simply replied in a small voice.
“Because, you’re not broken” Burgertron said, “You’re a Beautiful young Bot, who others don’t understand”.
“My partner’s right” Spud Muffin cut in, “So you a little different, you are so much stronger than you think”.
Ember looked up at them wiping away the tears off her face, “You really think I’m strong?” She finally said.
“Of course” said Spud Muffin. Ember look at both of the older Bots in front of her trying to see if these Bots are trustworthy, she could see that they really did care about her.
Then Burgertron put his hand on her shoulder and said “Now how about you come with us to the “Lost and Found” We can’t just leave you here all alone, we’ll look after you”.
“You really mean it?” Ember replied.
“Of course” said Burgertron, “I promise and I never go back on a promise”
“It’s true, you can bet on that” said Spud Muffin cuddling Ember causing them both to giggle.
“OK” was Ember only responds. And true to their word they brought her to the “Lost and Found”, of course Spud Muffin had to carry her there, but she didn’t complain rather Ember enjoyed being carried and even held on to Spud feeling safe for the first time in forever. They had some explaining to do with the other Lostbots, but when they told them Ember’s story, they too looked concerned and understood their decision to bring her here.
They’re questions were like”Who is she?” “Why was she all alone there?” “Why did those Bots leave her?” “How long has she been there?” and these were just a few.
Ember was very cautious round the other Lostbots, in fact all the Botbots she’d encounter around the Mall. Except for Burgertron and Spud Muffin, they were the only ones she trusted, they actually cared about her, they were kind to her and got her out of that Scary Store. She would usually be with ether one of them at all times, more often than not holding on to one of them.
A few days after discovering her Burgertron and Spud had the Science Alliance make Ember a Wheelchair so she can around on her own. Ember of course was thrilled with this, she got the hang of her new Wheelchair rather quickly.
Even though they had stuff to do, Burgertron especially, I mean come on he’s the President! But he and Spud Muffin made sure at least one of them was with Ember due to her Separation Anxiety after being alone for the first part of her life.
Bonz-Eye is asked to look into who was the Bot or Bots that left Ember all alone in the first place, both Burgertron and Spud, if fact all the Lostbots have some questions for those heartless Bots who did that to her.
Ember starts to feel more comfortable around other Botbots over time and ever explores the Mall on her own after a while, which the Lostbots are happy about, especially Burgertron and Spud Muffin who had become her Unofficial Dad’s.
She becomes friends with some of the Botbots from the Gamer Geeks and the Science Alliance after discovering her love of tech.
Eventually Ember meets the very Bots who had left her all that time ago and they try to act like nothing like that happened due to her being so close with the President, but of course Burgertron and Spud Muffin knew all about that and go to confront them, but it’s Ember who reveals everything in front of all the Botbots (much like how Spud revealed everything at the Gold Rush Games)
Those Bots try to deny everything even saying Ember’s lying, but Burgertron and Spud Muffin defend her telling everyone (only the Lostbot knew beforehand) how they’d found her and how scared she was.
Of course all the Botbots are horrified hearing this and before anything else happens, the Bots who left Ember left the scene and even ran out of the Mall, not wanting to face the consequences for their actions.
OK, that’s all I got so far about Ember’s backstory, if you want any more Art Work or Info about her, please let know.
Also before I finish up, I loved the idea of Burgertron & Spud Muffin being together (I’m kinda shipping them😅) so I made them Ember’s Unofficial Dad’s.
Anyway hope you like my New OC and her backstory.
See you next time.
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