gon-iii · 3 months
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anime-to-the-t · 6 months
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ramen-tokyo · 2 months
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✔️Store name / Menu
✔️Topping : 味玉
✔️Side Menu : 貝めし
✔️Nearest : 町田駅
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wildtokyo-jp · 6 months
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The satoyama of Machida city, Tokyo is my home ground, where I spent several years before entering grad school in ecology, going there every week to learn the attitude of facing living things. I often visited there as a place for nature guiding after I went to the grad school, but it was hard to find the time to go there to immerse myself in my own nature observations. With a local female naturalist whom I respect so much, I took a precious trip to recall my origins while walking through the spring in Machida for the first time in seven years. The woman was over 70 years old and climbed up a steep slope faster than me without losing her breath. She is a person who knows all about the flora and fauna in the satoyama. What fun it was to follow her back and observe the creatures. In my study of ecology over the past several years, I have been conscious of the perspective of "analyzing" living organisms, but this was a moment that made me question once again the meaning of "loving" living organisms. The photo is a Great egret, Ardea alba.
生態学の大学院に入る前の数年間、毎週欠かさず通って生物に向き合う態度を学んだ町田の里山は、私のホームグラウンド。ネイチャーガイドの場としては進学後もよく訪れていましたが、自分の観察のために没頭しに行く時間はなかなか取れず。 尊敬する地元の女性ナチュラリストの方と、7年ぶりに町田の春をじっくり歩いた一日は、自分の原点を思い起こす小さな旅になりました。70歳を超えながら急坂を私より速く息も切らさず登っていく、里山中の動植物を知り尽くす人の背中を追いつつ生物の足跡を辿る時間の、なんと楽しいことでしょう。 ここ数年、生態学を学ぶ中で生物を「分析」する視点を意識してきましたが、生物を「愛でる」ことの意味を、改めて胸に問いかけるひと時でもありました。 写真はダイサギ。
Tokyo Met. 東京都 2024-03-17
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junkissa · 6 months
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珈琲舎ロッセ (Coffee House Rosse)
Machida, Tokyo (April 22nd, 2022)
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udonangya · 1 year
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町田市町田市原町田3丁目の、純手打ちうどん 町田タロー庵で、本日のおすすめ ナス・ごぼ天うどん(小)550、明太子バターうどん(温・小)770、〆て1,320円也。
Aubergine tempura and burdock tempura bukkake udon noodles and Spicy cod roe butter udon noodles at Taroan, Haramachida_Sanchome, Machida city, Tokyo.
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BTVS Smash or Pass Tournament Round 2 (Season 2)
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hi-technique · 1 year
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mixedmartialartshub · 4 months
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warhead · 1 year
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tokyostreetphoto · 2 years
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Checkered Floor, Machida 町田
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anime-to-the-t · 6 months
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ramen-tokyo · 25 days
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✔️Store name / Menu
✔️Nearest : 町田駅
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tulip-doll · 1 year
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thesoupson · 2 years
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I hope Masada gets more in-ring time with Take-chan, they're great together. Buuuuut I also really wanna see Take vs Chrissy B. That's always a good fight.
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hi-technique · 2 years
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