staytinyville · 1 year
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Stay Alive (9)
BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Magical Creatures AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: None
NOT BETA READ (I did try the best to my ability)
A/N JUNGKOOK'S SONG!! I am updating today because for heck if it didn't make me motivated. Please read A/N at the bottom of the page in order to speak more on the subject. All my thoughts and thirsts shall be there.
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You tried your best to keep a positive look on your face, but it was clear how exhausted you were with the dark circles under your eyes. You had been shuffling your feet along the hallway you had been down so many times that it was muscle memory to stop at a specific door. However before you reached the ones you needed to get to, someone had stopped you.
“Hello, (Y/N).” Hoseok’s bright smile woke you up just a bit. 
“Hi, Hobi.” You gave him a sleepy giggle, bounding closer to the boy.
“Is everything okay?” He frowned as he took in your state, eyes scanning over your look.
“Yeah.” You sighed. “I just haven't been sleeping fine these past few days. I've been having these bad headaches.”
Hobi hummed, nodding his head as he thought about something. “Would you like something for them?” He asked you, gesturing to his room. “I can help you.”
You glanced at his door, pursing your lips. “I don't want to intrude.”
“Don't worry.” He brightly waved you off. “Come in. Don't mind Yoongi.” He dragged you into his room, lightly pushing you inside. 
Just like Hoseok had said, Yoongi had been laying on his bed with his arms behind his head. “Hi, Yoongi.” You smiled softly.
The boy only blinked slowly at you, humming in a greeting.
“Now let's see.” Hobi skipped over to his desk, pulling out some boxes and going through the contents. You walked closer, wanting to take a look at what he had. 
“Here you go.” He exclaimed, holding up a bag of herbs. “This tea should be helpful.”
You hesitantly reached out to grab it, eyes looking over the dried plants inside. They looked like herbs picked directly from the plant rather than the ones you’d find in a tea bag from the store. These were herbal teas in their raw form. 
“You get tea here?” You questioned, looking up at him.
“They have me do a lot of things here.” Hobi sighed. “Most of which works with herbs and such. I have a garden in the greenhouse.” He explained to you.
“That sounds wonderful.” You smiled, thinking about the kind of flowers the man might have there. 
“For someone like him.” Yoongi snorted from the bed. Hobi frowned at his friend, rolling his eyes. 
You tried to give them a light laugh but you felt a sudden pressure in your head that made you wince. Hobi immediately picked up on it and turned to you. “You okay?” He asked.
“Yeah.” You sighed. “Just the headache again.”
“If it helps, I know a bit of hypnosis.” Hobi explained. “Maybe I can help you out a bit.”
You looked at him oddly. Hypnosis was for those trying to get something out of the other person. Well from what you could gather with how magicians used the tool. “How will hypnosis help?” You asked.
“It will put you to sleep. You will get undisturbed rest.” Hobi told you.
You sighed deeply, contemplating his offer. However you realized you were at work and sleeping on the job was not at all an option. “As much as I want to, I have things to do-” You  tried to tell Hobi.
“Don't worry.” Hobi waved you off. He dragged you to the bed, giving Yoongi a pointed look to get off. “They won't notice.” Hobi grinned. 
“It's not like any of the notes you write down are different day to day. We are still the same as we were yesterday.” Yoongi mumbled to himself, getting off to give you room. 
“How 'bout it?” Hobi smiled at you.
You took a seat on the bed, shoulders dropping as you thought it over. It had been a couple of days since you had a good night’s sleep. You had yet to notice it affecting your work life, but you do notice how often the headaches come back. You would get a migraine at night and not be able to sleep, thus creating headaches throughout the day due to lack of sleep. 
“Well alright.” You sighed, looking at Hobi.
The man gave you a kind smile as he lightly pushed you back to lie down. You hummed to yourself as you realized how comfortable the bed actually was. It was like any other mattress, you had figured it was more of a hospital bed but you realized since they were actually living in the facility they would get comfortable furniture. 
Hobi waited for you to settle in, before moving his hands around for a moment. “I promise nothing will happen.” He spoke to you. 
Your eyes glanced up at him, causing him to pause just a bit. You looked at him with such hopeful eyes that it made him worry about what he was doing. You were trusting him and he was invading your space without your consent. 
He knew how important those kinds of things were in his way of life but he had people to protect. As much as he knew he was going to have to pray the universe wouldn’t be mad at him, he had to find what it was blocking your memories from him. 
He waved his hand over your eyes again, a purple mist flowing around his hand. Your eyes didn’t get the chance to grow wide from the swirl of color because you were suddenly brought into a deep sleep. Whatever it was that came from Hobi’s hand’s was now lost in your mind. 
“You sure about this?” Yoongi questioned as he watched your sleeping figure from the otherside of the bed. 
“There's something blocking her childhood memories for some reason.” He explained. “I can't find them.”
Yoongi frowned as he took in his friend's words. As they settled in, he came to the realization that he had been invading your privacy. “Are you the one who's been giving her the headaches?” He crossed his arms, frowning.
“I didn't realize how blocked they were.” Hobi shook his head. “Maybe I'll find something with her actually under my spell.”
Hobi began to waved his hands around your head again, the purple mist growing more as his energy seemed to dispel around him. Yoongi watched as his friend’s magic consumed his body, intertwining with your body as it seeped into your mind. 
He had always loved watching Hobi work with his magic. The tricks and spells Hobi would use seemed to memorize everyone who watched. However Yoongi had never seen him use his magic on someone who didn’t know about it. He knew the repercussions Hobi would get for using magic on someone against their will and it left him worried for the boy’s safety. 
“Hobi, don't go probing where you shouldn't.” Yoongi spoke up.
The normally happy boy looked confused for a moment, his eyes squinting down at your body. As his magic connected itself with your mind, he realized how easy it really was to look into your life. However, there was just one small section that didn’t seem to allow him entrance to.
“I don't think it's that.” Hobi said.
He watched the scene in your head play around for a moment. He was in the middle of some forest, following behind a little girl who was skipping along. He realized it was you when you would turn to look around the place with curious eyes. 
You were a little girl, no older than 10 by the looks of it. Hobi smiled softly as he noticed you still had your sense of kindness even if you were a child. You would look at everything with care and softly touch the nature around you. You had always had your heart on your sleeve, Hobi could tell. 
However he found it odd that you kept talking to yourself over your shoulder. Like there was someone walking along with you. He couldn’t find whoever it was you were speaking to, but Hobi noticed there seemed to be the figure of a ghost around. They were the same height as you, and looked to have the same figure as well. Hobi realized it was meant to be another little girl. 
You kept talking aimlessly with someone who wasn’t really there, conversing like they were replying. You two seemed to walk further into the forest, looking over things here and there. Hobi glanced around, frowning as his surroundings suddenly started to look familiar to him. 
Before he realized it, your memory continued on, the man almost losing sight of you. He rushed towards where you had gone, coming up to a clearing in the trees. The mountains were looming over him as the beginning of one opened up to create a cave within its body. Hobi now knew he had been there before—so long ago.
You and the ghostly looking silhouette walked into the cave, giggling as a light within seemed to shine brighter the closer you all got. Hobi’s eyes went wide as he ran in to chase after you. He stopped in his tracks as a crystal clear pond laid out before him, the water mirroring everything around it. 
As he watched you reach down into the water, something electrocuted his entire body causing him to scream. He fell back onto the ground, hands seizing up. His eyes went wide as your smaller self turned around and caught his stare. 
“Hobi?” Little you questioned. 
You woke up with a loud gasp, sitting up quickly and looking around in a panic. The boys were quick to snap their heads towards you. 
“Hey.” Hoseok quickly stood from the chair across the room, rushing towards you. “You okay, Darling?” He asked, running his hands through your hair.
You moved to grab onto his hand, furrowing your eyebrows as your mind seemed to catch up that he had been in your dreams for some reason. “What happened?” You asked, lowing his hand into your lap.
“Nothing from what we could see.” Hoseok shrugged, looking as though he actually spent the whole time watching you sleep rather than probing your mind. 
“You were sleeping just fine but then started to mumble about someone named Nabi.” Yoongi called out. 
Both you and Hoseok turned to the man, frowning at the revelation. You because you actually had no clue who on earth that was and Hobi because he hadn’t heard you say that name while he was inside your head. 
“Nabi?” You questioned.
“Do you not know that name?” Yoongi asked.
“No?” You shook your head, trying to come up with an answer. You would understand why you would say Hobi’s name, but as far as you knew, you didn’t know anyone with the name Nabi. 
“Hey, don't worry about it.” Hoseok took you out of your head. “You'll just give yourself a worse migraine.” He gave you a small smile afterwards. “You should go check on Joonie and Kook. Maybe it'll help.”
You moved to get up from the bed, stretching your shoulders. “Yeah. I guess.” As you came to a stand you noticed the headache was gone and you did feel a bit more refreshed. “Thanks, Hobi. I do feel refreshed.”
Hobi’s eyes softened as they took in the look in your eyes. It made him feel bad just a bit but there was something keeping you from knowing everything. Even he knew it was a terrible thing to be kept from all your memories. Maybe he was selfish for wanting to look into it for himself but now he knew that someone must have messed with your mind.
“Of course.” Hobi smiled at you. “Have a good day!” He called as you waved at him. 
Once the door shut, Yoongi walked up to Hobi and crossed his arms. “So?” He asked.
“She's been to Yuri lake.” Hobi’s lips pulled down as he frowned, thinking to himself. 
Yoongi’s eyes went wide, dropping his arms to his sides. “You sure?”
“There's something keeping me from looking into it but she's been to the lake as a child.” He hummed, turning to his desk to look over somethings in his grimoire. “With someone else.” He added. 
That someone else must have been the Nabi person you called for in your sleep. While Hobi didn’t get the chance to hear you, Yoongi saw and heard everything you did outside of your mind. “You think she knows?” The pale boy asked. 
“I don’t think so.”
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Series Masterlist
When I say this man--is scrump-delicious. When I say this man is SO fine. Jungkook wasn't in this chapter but I couldn't wait to speak with you guys about his song.
Jungkook is for sure one of the boys who I can just look at one day and claim him as my bias. AND HIS MUSIC! This man knows what he is doing. He knows what we say. He knows what we edit. I'm positive he got a tumblr man. I would not be surprised. He knows the metaphor behind all that water he has in both of his music videos.
Aside from him obviously catering to the masses though; Jungkook's music calls to me a lot like how Yoongi's does. I listen to all of them but I know I have a certain taste when it comes to it. I have a good amount of songs that make me want to dance but Jungkook's songs make me want to dance with other people. (Even if I can't) The songs make me actually want to be social and confident in myself. At that point it's not even about the fact that Jungkook sings it but I really like the lyrics even if it's meant for men lmao. It makes me feel great that there are people out there who find you attractive and can have that much passion.
Please share your own thoughts about it. I want to hear all about it!
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aris-ink · 1 year
Would you like to give us some series recs. (Angsty,,mature)typa series
series... okay, these are easier to remember, enjoy angel 💖
min yoongi, three tangerines by kithtaehyung. slow burn, slight age gap, brother's best friend, angst, fluff, pining, tension, romance, smut. really beautiful writing. long chapters.
kim namjoon, he's your father's best friend by your-daily-biaswrecking. 👀 this isn't so much a series as it is a drabble with two parts, but it had to be mentioned here bc like >>> dilf!namjoon, age gap, angst, smut. I first came across this story ages ago and I never forgot it, the way the angst and the reunion scene were written did so many things to my heart 😩
kim seokjin, off limits by floralseokjin. brother's best friend, slight angst, fluff, smut. no words no words no words 💖
if you're looking for series that contain some good angst, lots of comfort and amazing smut I am referring you to my queen @beahae 👑 seriously stunning, touching writing, her masterlist is one of my favorite places to go back to for comfort ♥️
jeon jungkook, ex on the beach
ot7, unorthodox
if you're in the mood for series with angst, lots of comfort, lots of fluff and mature themes without the smut, I refer you to my other talented queen @imnotlauriane. I don't even know which series to recommend, I started reading three so far, but I guess she's a magician or something because she comes out with something new and wonderful ALL THE TIME so
here is the masterlist <3
if you'd prefer darker fantasy with these themes and some more amazing smut, please check out claret cravings by @vvh0adie ❤️
hello?! mortician witch reader and seven adorable, possessive vampire bats 🦇 the story is so, so incredibly well written, creative and has the kind of gothic vibes I absolutely love and can't find anywhere else.
speaking of dark fantasy mixed in with these themes and more remarkable writing — @yoongsisbae
pick and choose — zombies, werewolves, end of the world. bewitching is the only word I can think of here. I'm only starting my journey through these and I'm in so so love. as I knew I would be ♥️
@jeonggukieverse!!! 🌹fantastic yandere, mystery thrillers. again, I couldn't find works like hers anywhere else. perfection if you ask me, not only in regards to the horror aspect of it, but also the writing itself. 💗
jeon jungkook, bunny boy.
jeon jungkook, let the games begin.
@orchidyoonkook 💐
jeon jungkook, to what we were before, and all the things after. smut, fluff, angst, slow burn. again, only starting my journey here but <3 dreamy and beautiful, yes please to the entire concept of Jungkook as a prince, golden minds create golden stories I guess 💯💞
@deepdarkdelights 💘 this one is so obvious, but I completely fell in love with the outstanding writing style and the unique plot.
jeon jungkook, ten seconds. yandere, angst, smut, hurt/comfort themes.
please don't forget to send the talented authors some love <3
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bangtanhoneys · 1 year
BTS MOMENTS: Jungkook & Grace - Happy Birthday, JK
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He knew it was going to be a different type of birthday. Two of his hyungs were in the military, Taehyung was in Japan and he hadn’t heard from Yoongi, RM or Jimin (yet). He had been staring at his phone since the alerts had been coming in from ARMY across Weverse and Twitter, including TikTok. The world was celebrating his birthday as his clock ticked over to half-past midnight in Korea yet he felt a bit empty.
Of course, there were plans with his family later on that day and he was sure he would speak to all of his hyungs at some point but it just felt different. He felt a bit more alone than normal this year. It had felt different since they had all left the dorms - there was no military operation to secretly put up birthday banners, fill up the living area with balloons or have his favourite food cooked ready for him to wake up to. 
He didn’t hear his phone go off with alerts from everyone as he finally went to sleep, earlier than normal even for him. He didn’t clear his front door open then close, nor did he hear anyone move around in his living room. 
“Jungkook, come on, it’s time to wake up.”
The young man in question groaned and rolled over, pulling the pillow over his head. “Nooo emomma. It’s not time yet.”
The pillow was ripped away from his face as well as the covers. The birthday boy sighed and rolled over, expecting to find his mother there but instead, he found Grace watching him with amusement. 
“Noona? When did you get here?”
“Ah a magician never reveals their secrets,” she grinned as she reached over, taking hold of his hands and pulling. “Come on birthday boy.”
Of course he groaned and whined, stumbling out of bed as he was then pushed out of the bedroom and towards his living room. It was dimly lit but the blinds let in enough light to allow Jungkook’s tired eyes to adjust. 
His living room was covered in balloons - all different sizes and shapes, ranging from black to purple to white and there was a massive arch with his name across the back wall. A pile of presents had been laid out on the dining table and he could smell seaweed soup bubbling away.
“Happy birthday Jungkook,” Grace said as she squeezed his shoulders, turning him slightly towards the dining table with the presents. “Hobi and Seokjin sent theirs to me and I think they're going to call you later as well. Jungkook?”
He thought he had gotten past the crying all the time stage and he tried his best to stop but he couldn’t stop as he turned, pressing into his noona who said nothing but held him close. 
“Can I stay with you noona?” he whispered. “I don’t want to leave you alone. I don’t want you to leave me alone either.”
“I’ll always be with you,” she chuckled as she gave him a squeeze. “And don’t worry, I know you’ll always be with me as well. Everytime I go on that stage, I know I’ll have you with me. Your JK necklace will be on every night. Now come on, you’ve got presents to open and some soup to eat.”
“Thank you noona,” Jungkook sighed as he took a seat, his heart feeling lighter than it had in many days as he watched Grace bustle around the kitchen getting him his soup and something to drink, putting the bowl in front of him and then watching expectedly for him to open his presents. 
It would be a simple birthday but one he would cherish all the same. 
Happy Birthday Jungkook!
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bittertarot · 10 months
Mlt to have the most public relationship in bts🙃
Thanks 💋
BTS MTL Public Relationships;; Namjoon : *The Sun Reversed* - Absolutely not, he would hate the idea of going public. He feel like it would bring him and his partner a lot of negativity within their lives and cause depression/sadness for either side, it could even cause a potential breakup due to delusional fans or just hatred towards his partner. He'd try to avoid going public at all costs! Jin : *Justice Reversed* - Instead of a clear yes or no, I always interpret Justice whether reversed or upright as a solid maybe. It depends on how him and his partner feels, as he does not wish to be dishonest with his fans. However, he does not want to be unfair towards his partner by only doing private dates late at night. He wouldn't be sure how to handle it till a point came where to HAD to make a decision. Yoongi : *Knight of Pentacles Reversed* - Nope, never, hell no. He'd find it exhausting and would feel like obsessive fans, mainly sasaengs, would never let him feel at peace. It'd be the worst possible thing he'd have to do if there came a moment where he was forced to. It would just make him utterly miserable as he knows the consequences/what would happen if he went public with it. Hoseok : *King of Cups Reversed* - Another absolutely never. This would bring his mood down, he'd feel about tricking his fans but if he had to, he would try to gaslight/manipulate his fans if they picked up on something that could even hint to his relationship/the identity of his partner. He's very protective and only wants him and his potential partner to be happy (what a sweet guy.. :'] ) Jimin : *Wheel of Fortune Reversed* - Like Jin, he's another maybe. A 50-50 chance. He would have to see how things work out, how his partner feels, how he thinks the fans would react to decide. His gut feeling would have a bad feeling about announcing it, though. He'd definitely want to keep it under wraps if he can. If forced to make a decision, he would need time to think and a lot of time, too. Taehyung : *The Magician Reversed* - No, he would not. He would prefer tricking his fans and feeling more out of touch with them than risk exposing his partner to the public, he'd be very cautious to ensure fans have no suspicion at all. I feel like his partner would be a very private person, too, and would not want to be exposed to the public. Jungkook : *The World Reversed* - Even in reverse, I have always interpreted The World upright + reverse as a yes. He would be the most vocal about it when/if given the chance and if his partner would be alright with it. He'd want to tell the whole world about them and would absolutely love to rub it in the face of his fans like "they're mine, I'm theirs, we're such a cute couple." Definitely the type to show off his matching couple pajama sets, jewellery, etc LMAO In conclusion, MTL : Jungkook, Seokjin, Jimin, Hoseok, Namjoon, Yoongi, Taehyung That's all for this reading, hope you enjoyed! <3
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adorastarot · 4 months
Hi Adora..
Does yoongi fs know him?? What will be their first meeting be like??
Hi sweet anon! Thank you for being here and asking your questions <3
❥︎For all Ko-fi members: Readings are back and being released [click here to view]
❥︎Does Yoongi's fs know him?
The magician, The devil I believe that they know of him...with the magician this is manifesting vibes to me! This is someone who has mastered manifestation though and they will eventually attract Yoongi to them, however with the devil...there could be some fears still present here. They could want Yoongi to be their fs but not fully believe that they are.
❥︎Their first meeting
8 of cups, 5 of swords, 8 of swords, 2 of swords
I would like to come back to this question in the future because right now I am not getting a clear picture of what their meeting will be like...everything just seems very cloudy to me. The two readings are most likely related so this meeting will happen once the FS let's go of their fears in regards to this connection. They may need to stop comparing themselves to others in order to be successful or to continue their growth. Understanding their own self-worth. There may be more than one opportunity for these two to meet, and the decisions that they are currently making could lead them to meet in different ways. Let's revisit this reading soon!
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missbangtangirl · 1 year
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And this right here is why I don’t blame the members for fighting or defending themselves because this is ridiculous Taehyung is not mean and now look where we’re at now none of the members want to turn on their comments because it’s the same thing each time and the yoongi marry me has gone way too fucking far as far as going into other idols, lives and commenting. That is ridiculous. That’s a joke among army and BTS. If I’m correct y’all are doing too much and it’s getting way out of control. It was funny the first couple of times I’ve had it and as you can see. Tae has had it too is the sad thing that. Jungkook had to go turn off his comments you need to start learning how to respect your idols and not always trying to flirt with them or trying to get a response out of them or request that they have to speak in English. They don’t have to speak in English. We have to learn Korean. It’s simple as that and if you get an issue that they speak, Korean you might as will not be a part of the fandom, or do you only like the fandom because it’s trending let these men be happy. Stop trying to control them you’re not their mom’s be respectful and learn to stay in your lane. It’s real simple. It’s not hard you don’t have to be a math magician to understand to be respectful be courteous mind, your business be quiet when needed, stop trying to rule control these men they are not products they are human beings just like the rest of us that have real life feelings. We already lost another young idol at the age of 25 for whatever reason K-pop idols usually go through a lot in general just be happy and love on the people that you love on you don’t have to do all this extra BS, just be respectful 🤦🏾‍♀️ 
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venusandlotus · 4 months
hello lovely, if by chance your game is still open i'd love to participate in it! if so, i'd like to choose option one and the idol be yoongi from bts if possible.
my name is kylie; my sun & moon are pisces, taurus rising and aries venus.
thank you in advance for the reading, i appreciate it very much!! hope your day/night goes well 🤍
Hello Kylie, thanks for your participation 💋
How he might feel about you - here i pulled the magician card, when u said its yoongie i thought he wouldnt wanna interact but as per card it seems like Yoongi would see u as smone with whom he might enjoy interacting to , it maybe bcoz of your way of approach towards him or ur energy but yoongi isnt likely to see you as smone annoying , instead of that he might even feel good after interacting with you as per the card . Its like u might leave a good impression on him if u ever meet him in real. You can turn out to be the type of fan he might enjoy interacting with
Relationship dynamic - i got king of swords here , seems like the interaction between u two might play out kinda in mature way , like instead of scaring him away i feel like u might approach him with a steady energy and maybe thats why the card above was trying to say that yoongi might enjoy ur company and interaction.
Bottom line - overall the card about how he might feel about u is a very positive one here and it indicates the feeling of enjoying,rejuvinating , a very magical feeling so overall i may say the interaction between u two might go really well if u ever met him in real life
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writersrealmbts · 2 years
We Could Be: (Hungry) 5
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; six souls are brought together to navigate the world. Namjoon had become immortal by accident. Hoseok was born into immortality. Jimin was pursuing immortality. Yoongi had immortality thrust upon him. Taehyung isn't sure how or when he became immortal. Jungkook showed no interest whatsoever in immortality. It's Seokjin's job to help them all learn to live, immortal or not. His job to keep them safe and teach them how to live life while losing people they loved to mortality. It was their desire to teach him how much they loved him. It was their desire to show him just what "We Could Be". Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 02/02/2023
Wordcount: 1,910
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
AN: Precious Tae.
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Taehyung knew what it was like to be hungry.
But the hunger that had taken over him when he first presented as a werewolf (were-golden-retriever?) was on a different scale.
Thankfully, his mom had made a big dinner and they were all getting ready to eat it.
Thankfully, his family had the good sense to get out of the house.
Thankfully, some powerful magician was passing by and was able to stop Taehyung’s rampage at the fridge.
Unfortunately, it meant his family had to order food and there was a huge mess to clean.
And none of them knew how Taehyung had become a werewolf.
Continue reading on Ao3...
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Ot7 Stories Masterpost
Tagging: @park-jimin-isnt-real
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cardboardheartss · 7 months
hello dear, it’s me again 😎
I’d like to join the valentine’s game if that’s possible and the celeb is, once again, Yoongi (hope my boo doesn’t reject me 😔)
thank youuu ✌🏻🫶🏻
The Magician & 3oP rx :
Yes, but also leaning towards a Maybe.
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cowboylikeyoongi · 2 years
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btsficfinds · 2 years
Hi! I have looked all over the internet for this fic and I'm starting to think that I imagined it but it would be fantastic if I wasn't lol. This was a Yoongi fic where he works at a gas station or a corner store, and he always saves a specific drink for the reader Jin walks in (he's a magician or something) and curses both of them and they end up switching bodies.
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Oh my. GGOOOSSSHHHHHH!!! I can't handle this. I've already read it 3 times. Can I take the rest of the week off to just read it over and over again?
I just. Wow. I want to both slap sweet Yoongi in the head then pull him close and just hold him so tight. He deserves the world. And reader is so ready to give him the world!
Jungkook. Jungkook. Jungkook. As someone who is currently being personally victimized by this man in real life, I fully understand the emotions around him and their past. But reader has a good head on her shoulders. She's strong. And she's not letting Yoongi get away with hiding himself under the expectations of his own mind. What a queen our dear reader is.
The brother reveal!? I just. You got me you sneaky little sneak!
But overall, what a well written chapter. I cried a few times. Not all sad tears. But just tears. The risk does not seem to outweigh the reward right now and I think that's beautiful. When Yoongi cried, I cried.
The aftercare? The hand holding? May we all find a partner as wonderful as 3tan Yoongi. When he lowers his walls, he shines bright with all of the love he has to give. Both to reader and to us.
My life was already divided into before Hit Record and after Hit Record. But here we go again. Before 3tan9 and after 3tan9. It shall be the new measurement of time.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your time. Your words of angst and comfort and love with these two. My personal love life is a desert and these chapters give me hope for a future that someone could love me like 3tan Yoongi loves our dear reader. You're a magician with text and I hope you know how much your work is valued.
Please enjoy your time of rest! You've given us a masterpiece in the meantime to love and read over and over again.
- 🐈‍⬛
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CAT🥺🥺🥺 oh my god you already read it three times?? Holy shit that’s so many times I love you so much.. You better work and get that money, though LMAO thank you so much, love. I am honored!
This Yoongi really does deserve the world. And you are right, reader is ready to be there for him and it’s so wonderful to see the dynamic shift here. Jungkook is certainly coming into the main storyline with a big question mark, so we shall see what happens with him, too. You are correct about reader, though🥹 Good head on her shoulders.
AHAHA the bro reveal yesssss!! Mwahaha I was so ready to see how y’all were gonna take that😂
The tears this chapter made me shed.. I just.. Yeah. They truly went through the storm and came out on the other side and what a sight that is to see. I am so proud of them both honestly and they deserve that night to themselves. And you brought up a brilliant point about Yoongi: how he’s completely and wholly himself when he let all of his walls down. As soon as he was sure of reader’s stance,, the safety he felt,, my god. I wanted to cry with them both and I did.
Before 3tan9 and after 3tan9🥺❤️‍🩹 People have said it’s like a season finale, and sometimes season finales do that to me, too. It’s a specific feeling for sure🥹
I can’t even describe how your comments make me feel. Thank you for acknowledging the work and effort bc wHEW this chapter in particular took all of me, and dal segno was being written at the same time. So. You can imagine all the emotional hoops I was running through to create these two together at the same time🥲🥲🥲 I’m glad you can read this one over and over again :’))) that’s what it’s there for. Thank you again and I love you!!
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adorastarot · 4 months
Hello Adora! Glad you are back ☺️ any update about yoongi? Some of the readers say he is in a relationship, is it true? If yes, is she the fs that we read on? Hope it’s true finally for yoongi 🥰
Hiii sweet anon! Thank you so much for still being here supporting me <3 I hope you're well!
❥︎For all Ko-fi members: Readings are back and being released [click here to view]
❥︎Is Yoongi in a relationship?
Justice, 5 of wands, 4 of swords, the magician
I...don't feel like Yoongi is in a relationship. Even if we only focus on the magician here - this card gives me HUGE single vibes! It's a card of focusing on one self and realising that you have everything that you need to achieve whatever it is that you want to achieve. He may currently be receiving some good karma, past relationships may have been hard and they may have fought a lot...now Yoongi is entering a stage of understanding fully what he wants out of a relationship and being honest with himself about the things that he can give a partner. He doesn't want to fight anymore. I do see him taking a break from love though, I don't see him being interested in pursuing a relationship for now.
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dabble-writes · 6 years
The Magician and I- (6)
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| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
Suga is a wish-granting magician. He grants wishes—for the price of your most prized possession.
Your parents and brother died tragically in a plane crash and you visit Suga to grant your wish to bring them back to life...but instead you become his assistant.
Now you’re thrust into a world of magic and the mysterious being known as Suga.
Fantasy, romance, comedy, a bit of a slow burn, angst
Bullying, kidnapping
“That’s Y/N.”
“I heard her boyfriend is in the mafia.”
You tried to ignore the whispers around you, but they followed you everywhere you go.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t mess with her.”
“I heard her English teacher ended up having to take four weeks off!”
“They say her boyfriend will kill people just for talking to her.”
“Yeah, you shouldn’t go near, she’s like a mob boss’ wife.”
You clenched your fingers, damn that bastard. You wondered, not for the first time, how rotten your luck is. You noticed Hyelin and let out a sigh of relief as you went up to her.
“Hey Hyelin!  So about the homework in—”
She gave you such a cold look that you couldn’t help but pause.
“…is everything okay…?”
Hyelin gave you a glare as she held up her phone.
“You have one of these, right?”
You looked at her in confusion, “Yes…?”
“Then why did you never text or call? Are we not friends?” She demanded and you instantly felt a wave of guilt for not communicating to her the past few days.
“I am sorry, I just had…a lot on my mind. Things had been kind of hectic.”  
“Yeah, I bet. Also, thanks for telling me about your boyfriend.” Hyelin said sarcastically.
“Wait, he’s not—”
“Whatever. Why don’t you hang out with him now? Since we aren’t close friends or anything.”
“Listen, I’m sorry—” You begged.
“I don’t want to hear it, Y/N.” Hyelin said as she walked away without a single glance back.
You wanted to chase after her, but your class was about to start and you figured that she just needs space. She’ll come around. Hopefully.
The whispers continued as you entered the classroom and you saw that your usual seat was occupied. You tried to find an empty seat, but whenever you will approach, the people sitting around the chair would look at you in fear. You were about to give up when you heard a voice.
“Hey, there’s a seat next to me. Do you want to sit here?”
You walked over to the back of the classroom where a very pretty girl was sitting. She never really talked much to anyone else, so you were surprised that she spoke to you, much less offer you a seat next to you.
“Thanks.” You said as you took the seat next to her.
“Yeah, I understand your pain,” She said, her head resting on her hand, “Your life is ruined by a weird boyfriend, right? It’s the same with me…”
You scoffed, “He isn’t my boyfriend!”
“Yeah, same.” The girl said, “I rejected him over and over, but he’s like a leech. He just hangs around, wrecking my peaceful life like some evil beast…”
As she said this she grew even angrier and you wondered what this guy did to get her so worked up.
“What’s your name? I didn’t quite catch it.”
“Heeyeon.” She answered, “But that bastard keeps getting it wrong and calls me Hani. I honestly can’t take it anymore! All I want is a peaceful, comfortable life in a normal world with normal people…” Heeyeon looked at you expectantly, “You understand, right? What it feels like when normal people like us go out with weirdos? They destroy our normal, peaceful lives. The only way to achieve an ordinary life is to avoid them completely.”
You thought about Suga and how your life was never the same ever since you met him. You had to admit that Heeyeon had a point. She kept complaining about her boyfriend all throughout class though.
“Leaving them is the only way.” Heeyeon said again as you left the class.
“I have to leave him.”
You wondered why she was so adamant and if she was trying to convince you or herself.
“Hey Hani!”
You both turned to see a handsome blonde man walking up to you guys, smoking a cigarette.
Heeyeon looked at him in horror, “You, you…! Are you crazy? What are you doing, appearing at this hour? Do you want to die?”
“It’s fine.” The man replied, not affected by her upset tone, “It rained today so the sun went down earlier. Hey…were you worried about me?”
You figured that this was the guy Heeyeon was talking about.
“Me? Worrying about you? Yeah right! Also, stop smoking in here!”
“Why not?” He huffed, “Half the humans here seem to be hiding in the bathroom smoking. I’ve been starving for so long, you’ve got to at least give me this.”
“Just stop it!” She took the cigarette and quickly snuffed it out.
“Hey, I just started that one—”
“I don’t care!”
You studied his strange appearance. He had such pale, clear skin and blonde hair. He also had such a unique accent…you figured it out.
“Oh, so your boyfriend is a foreigner?”
Heeyeon looked at the guy nervously as the man studied you.
“Who’s she?”
“A classmate.”
“So…fresh!” He spoke in English and you were a bit confused. Maybe I misheard him.
“H-Hi…how are you?” You said in English, hoping you weren’t embarrassing yourself.
“Your English accent is good,” He switched back to Korean, “My name is Vernon, I’m from New York. By the way, what is your blood type?”
“What?” You thought that was such a random question, “Uh, I’m a blood type O…”
Vernon perked up, “Type O? Wow, that’s my fave—ow!”
Heeyeon pulled him by the ear, “Stop that right now, you weirdo!”
“I’m only being friendly!”
“Friendly, my ass.” She hissed as she started to drag him away.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry.” Vernon muttered and you watched her drag him out. You wondered if she thinks that Vernon is weird because he’s from New York.
Well Suga is much weirder, you thought. You then were reminded that Suga basically committed social suicide for you and fumed. But I can’t really say it’s Suga’s fault, you sighed, he wasn’t in his right mind thanks to that stupid potion…
You started to walk and heard the whispers again.
“It’s her, right?”
“Did you hear about her boyfriend? He’s a big mafia guy, really scary.”
You bit your lip to keep from snapping, yeah, go ahead and make fun of me. I’ll just ignore them. It’ll probably settle down in a few days...
“Maybe she went crazy after her family died in that plane accident.”
“It’s such a shame her brother died, he was so hot.”
“Yeah, she definitely went psycho.”
That comment made you snap and you just saw red.
I’ll show you psycho.
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You walked out of the school and were surprised to find Suga leaning against a wall, holding an umbrella under his arm.
Why is he here? His appearance will only make the rumors worst.
“Suga, what are you doing here at this time?”
Suga just stared at you, “What happened to your face?”
You internally winced as you realized that you probably didn’t look to good from your scuffle, “It doesn’t concern you. Answer my question: why did you come to my school?”
“It’s raining.” He offered and you looked up at the clear sky and lifted up your eyebrows, “It was raining, but it’s stopped now.”
There was an awkward pause and you thought about what Heeyeon said earlier. They destroy our normal, peaceful lives. You looked around at the whispering students around you.
“You know, Suga, I have something to say…”
“I do too.” Suga answered.
“Really? Well I guess I’ll go first.” You took a deep breath, “That idea about us being friends? Let’s…”
“…drop it.” You both said at the same time and you were shocked he had the same feelings as you.
Wait, why does he not want to be friends anymore? I had a valid reason, but what’s his excuse?
“Oh, well that works out then.” You said with a forceful smile, “It’s nice for us to be thinking the same thing for once, right?”
But why?, you were screaming in your head.
“…yes.” Suga simply said and you couldn’t read his face at all, much to your frustration.
What did I ever do to you? How can you do this to me?
“Now,” he continued, “our contract is still valid, so until I grant your wish I hope you will continue to be my assistant. But you don’t need to come every day, once a week is fine.”
“Oh really?” You smiled wider, “Uh, okay. How nice.”
What is this feeling? Why do I feel cheated? Wait, I shouldn’t feel cheated, we were thinking the same thing, but…why do I feel like I’ve been dumped?
You studied Suga and wondered how he could be totally calm and look so normal. You tried to mirror his expression, to show him you were totally okay with this.
“Don’t feel cheated, you were faster.”
“You spoke a second faster,” Suga said, “If anybody was dumped, you could say it was me. So you don’t have to feel cheated about anything.”
“You were reading my thoughts?” You exclaimed, feeling a bit violated.
“Those weren’t thoughts, they were more like screams. I didn’t listen to them on purpose.”
You still couldn’t help but think that it was unfair that he could listen to all your thoughts and you can’t even read his face.
“It might rain again, so take the umbrella.” Suga said, offering you an umbrella.
You took the umbrella and stared at it. Your emotions were in turmoil and you didn’t know what to do with it. What is up with him? One minute he doesn’t want to be friends and the next he’s offering me an umbrella? What does he want from me?
In a fit of anger, you threw the umbrella on the ground and stomped on it really hard; you glared at Suga’s shocked face.
I really, really hate you! Try reading my mind again, stupid!
And with a huff, you stalked away; you didn’t want to see his stupid face anymore.
With every step, your anger grew. You knew you have an impulsive personality, so you’d probably regret ending your friendship with Suga tomorrow and try to patch things up with him…but if Suga says it, he means it forever. You wondered how long he had been thinking about this.
This made your heart sank; all those memories…were they nothing for him? Was he looking for a way out this whole time?
You walked into a park and laid out on the grass. Fine, just leave me, you thought, now I don’t have family or friends. I’m alone in this world.
I’m not going to cry, you thought, I refuse to cry over him.
Instead, you decided to sing a jingle that popped into your head and hoped it would cheer you up. Yeah, I should live alone and be firm and strong, I don’t need Suga, you thought.
“Even if I’m anguished and sad I won’t cry! You should endure, endure, and endure again, so don’t cry. Let’s run through the green prairies smiling, let’s sing watching the blue skies. My name is—”
“Shut up!” You heard a voice snap and you felt someone throw a cigarette bud at you, “That song is dead wrong! If you are anguished, why shouldn’t you cry? Should you run around laughing like a crazy person?” You sat up and recognized that it was Vernon.
He went up to you, anger in his eyes, “Listen, if we’re sad, let’s not run laughing through any green prairies! Wouldn’t that make us more ridiculous? Humans are really stupid…” He sank to the ground next to you and started to sob against your shoulder; you didn’t know what to do.
“Um…Vernon…are you okay…?”
“Obviously not!” He sobbed, “Hani dumped me! Again! All because I’m a vampire!”
“Ah,” You finally understand what Heeyeon was talking about, “I guess that makes sense. I thought it was weird that she was so upset about her boyfriend being a foreigner.”
Vernon looked at you in shock, “What--? What’s with that response? Are you not afraid? Don’t you think I’m crazy and I should prove it to you? I just said I was a vampire! I feed on human blood—isn’t that surprising?”
You shrugged,” Well, not really. I’ve seen plenty of weirder things than a vampire.”
Honestly, not a lot of things can surprise you at this point. You’ve met a flower-princess-alien who healed people by being eaten, someone who died from literally being too happy, a magician who was stalked by the sun, a person from a parallel universe that loses their memory every day, a horde of people ready to kill because of their obsessive love, not to mention Suga…
Vernon frowned, “I wish Hani was more like you. She says she won’t date anyone but a normal human…which is very frustrating because in her former life she said she wanted someone special! Damn it, which one should I believe?” He said the last bit to himself as he lit another cigarette.
“Former life…?”
He didn’t seem to hear you, “Seriously, whose fault was it that I became like this? I became like this because of her.” Vernon then frowned, “Then again, it’s really that bastard magician’s fault.”
“Magician?” You couldn’t help but think of Suga.
“Yeah, a wicked wish-granting magician named Suga. I hear he’s living here in Korea. He’s the reason I’m like this.”
Ah, so Suga is behind this, you thought, why am I not surprised?
“What happened?”
Even for Suga, damning someone to become a vampire seemed a bit extreme.
Vernon scowled, “It all started 150 years ago in New York when I fell in love with Hani and proposed to her. She rejected me in the worst way and broke my heart. She said that I was very ordinary and it made me very boring and unattractive. She needed someone special and told me I could never be that. I heard about this mysterious magician called Suga who can grant your wishes so I went to him to ask him to make me special. He kept brushing me off, saying he wasn’t in the mood to grant wishes at that time. I persisted, begged him. He eventually got tired of my constant whining and told me to go to a specific street that night at midnight. Said I’ll find what I want there. I should have noticed when I saw his sinister smile. I went to the street at midnight, like he said, It was in the bad part of town, it was dark and very scary.”
Vernon frowned, obviously it was a painful memory for him.
“That’s when you were bitten?” You asked,” And then you became a vampire?”
“Yeah, that place was a vampire den. That bastard magician sent me there on purpose!”
“But you didn’t clearly define ‘special’!” You said, “That means it was your fault too..”
Wait, why am I defending that jerk? No, however you look at it, this was Suga’s fault.
“It was totally obvious what I meant!” Vernon cried, “Who wants to be an evil vampire? I was naïve, I used to faint at the sight of blood! Now I only crave blood. Hani then died young of an unknown disease. With this body I couldn’t even go to her funeral. I only was able to visit her grave at night and I even had trouble doing that. I then gave up and fell into evil ways. Unexpectedly, being evil suited me. After many years, I saw Hani’s reincarnation standing among a boatload of tourists and followed her to Korea. Still…in her former life, she hated me because I was too normal. But now, she hates me because I’m too unusual.”
Vernon ran his hand through his hair in frustration, “Just what does she want me to do? I can’t live like this anymore. So…I’m going to get revenge on the evil magician who made me this way. Just you wait—I’m going to make him pay for everything he did to me…”
You couldn’t stand Vernon bad-mouthing Suga anymore, “Stop it! Suga isn’t an evil magician. Even if it seems like he did something wrong, it was probably just a mistake. Suga has never done anything bad, not even once. Of course, he is a bit arrogant. He’s irritating and he’s always acts uncaring…but the things he takes from his clients are mostly useless things. He risked his life to grant a wish and he didn’t take things people truly need. He might seem mean, but he isn’t a bad person. I don’t know why he did that to you, but I’m sure he didn’t have evil intentions.”
As you started talking, you couldn’t bring yourself to stop. All the words kept gushing out and you knew it was a mistake to try to break your friendship with Suga. You were just upset in the moment, but you really did care for Suga.
“I’m sure he had a good reason.” You continued, “There must have been a reason…he’s my friend.”
Vernon stared at you, “I didn’t realize you knew this magician.”
“Yeah, I do.” You answered, “I’m sorry for what Suga did, but he really isn’t a bad person. I’m sure if you talk to him now he can find some way to fix this—"
“This is perfect.” Vernon said with a smile and you looked at him in surprise.
“What do you mean?”
“Suga’s girlfriend is right here. This must be destiny. I can get my revenge now.” He moved closer to you and you started to panic.
“Hold up, I’m not his girlfriend—” You stammered as you backed away.
You then felt something hit you in the back to the head and you blacked out.
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“Let me go!” You cried as you struggled to break free from your bounds.
When you woke up, you found that Vernon had took you to some abandoned parking garage and tied you up. You pleaded with him and tried to get into his head that you were not Suga’s girlfriend, but he didn’t listen to you. Instead, he called Suga and told him that he had you and would hurt you if he didn’t show up. So far, there’s been no sign of Suga.
“It’s no use. You’re just a weak little human, you won’t be able to get out of those bounds.” Vernon said lazily as he turned on and off a lighter, “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. I just want to get back at your boyfriend.”
“He’s not my boyfriend!” You snapped for the millionth time, but he didn’t listen to you.
“One hour has already passed, why isn’t your boyfriend here?”
“I told you, he’s a friend not my boyfriend.” You fumed, “You stupid leech!”
“Why do you keep insisting he’s not your boyfriend? Suga obviously thinks he is. He seemed very demanding over the phone.”
“No he doesn’t, you’ve got it all wrong!” You insisted but you started to panic.
Does Suga even consider me a friend? We did decide to stop being friends so how can I be sure he will rescue me? But still…he won’t leave me here to die…right…?
You refused to let your negative thoughts persuade you, “He will come. Don’t be so jumpy just because he’s a little late.”
“He’s not a little late! It’s already been an hour. I even threatened to kill you, you would think he would be here by now.”
“Well there must have been a reason.” You insisted, “Like traffic or he got a stomachache.”
Wow, those excuses sound stupid even to me, “Maybe he got into an argument with someone on the street…oh! Or he froze to death because of the cold.” Okay, it got worst.
“Or maybe he just thinks you’re as worthless as a penny rolling around on the ground.” Vernon said and you frowned.
“I told you, that’s not it”!
But it might be, you thought, you did throw his umbrella to the ground and stomped it and called him stupid. Suga has a sensitive personality, he might have gotten seriously angry. And we ended our friendship, now we’re nothing to each other. He might actually leave me here to die.
You couldn’t help but feel tears start to well up in your eyes.
I really am alone in this world, no one to help me.
The door suddenly slammed open and, to your surprise, Suga walked through it. He was quite disheveled and out of breath. You stared at him, you’ve never seen him without a nice suit so seeing him in such casual clothes in shocking. He glared at Vernon.
“Damn it, when teacher sealed your powers ten thousand years ago, did he seal your brain as well, V? If you just say ‘come here’, how am I supposed to know where ‘here’ is?”
You looked at Vernon’s shocked face and could help but snicker, “Wow, that’s  such an amateur mistake. This must be your first time kidnapping someone.”
Vernon glared at you, “Shut up,” He turned to Suga, “Okay, that was my mistake. But ‘V’? I’m not V. My name is Vernon.”
Suga looked at Vernon in shock, “What? You’re not V? Then who are you?”
“I told you! My name is Vernon!”
“Vernon…?” Suga’s eyes widened, “…ah…”
Vernon stalked up to Suga, “Do you remember now? The Vernon whose life you destroyed?”
Suga’s face went back to being expressionless, “What do you want?”
“Turn me back to a normal human.”
“…that’s troublesome. I can’t.”
Vernon walked up to you and pulled out his lighter, “Shall I light your girlfriend’s head on fire?”
You rolled your eyes, “Stupid, who would fall for a lame threat like that? Try it, go ahead.”
“Stop it!” Suga snapped and you both turned to Suga in shock, “If I turn you back into a normal human now, you would change from a 150-year old vampire to a 150-year old man. That’s why I can’t grant it. But I’ll grant you another wish, just leave Y/N alone.”
“Wait,” you said, “I thought you can only grant one wish per person. If you grant two, isn’t something bad going to happen? I’m fine, I can just untie this rope and run away.” You continued to struggle with the rope, I swear I can feel it loosening.
“And I don’t want a different wish!” Vernon added his little two cents, “Turn me back!”
“I told you why I can’t do that. If you want to get angry at someone, be angry with me. Just leave Y/N alone. Please.”
You look at Suga in shock. If you didn’t know any better, you would think Suga is pleading with Vernon. But Suga will never beg…right…?
Vernon stared at Suga and slowly went up to him.
“Fine. I accept your offer.” He held out his hand.
Suga stared at the hand, and for a moment you thought he would do the same he did to you back then and ignore the hand, but then he took it and looked at Vernon in the eyes.
“The deal is set. Whenever you want, you can have your second wish.”
“You can bet I’ll come.” Vernon said as he let go, “Now excuse me, I have someone I have to talk to.”
And with a blink of an eye, he was gone.
You stared at Suga in concern, whose nose started to bleed, “Are you alright? You told the vampire you’d grant him another wish so…”
Suga waved his hand and your ropes disappeared. Why didn’t he do this in the first place? You didn’t say this because he literally looked like hell.
“No, I’m not alright.” He groaned as he sank to the ground, “It feels as if my blood is flowing backward. But it doesn’t matter. I always knew I would have to pay a price for what I did that day.”
You looked at Suga; him appearing so casual and weak is not something you were used to.
“Why did you do that?”
Suga smiled sadly, “The person you think of as a friend isn’t always good or all-knowing. He’s just a plain magician. That say 150 years ago…I’m not proud of. I was in a bad mood. I was about to explode from overwork, I was on my way to a friend’s funeral, and he just kept whining…but there’s no excuse for what I did. I vented my anger on an innocent person and ruined his life. There is no guarantee I won’t do such a thing again the next time I’m in a bad mood…and there’s no guarantee you won’t be endangered again because of my actions. It really is better if you don’t associate with me anymore.”
You stared at Suga, contemplating his heart-felt speech. You sighed as you shrugged off your coat and draped it over him, “No, my question was why did you come out in just a t-shirt and sandals on such a chilly night? Let’s talk more at home.”
Suga clutched your coat and looked at you in shock, not knowing how to respond.
You smiled and offered your hand, “This time I’ll take you home.”
He stared at your hand and hesitantly brought his hand to yours. It was cold as always, but you didn’t mind. You helped him up and started to walk back home.
“Hey, did you notice?”
“…notice what?”, Suga asked.
“This is the first time we’ve walked next to each other.” You chuckled, remembering your frustration.
“…is that so?”
“Yeah, you used to walk ahead of me when you took me home.”
“…did I?”
“Heh, somehow, I’m feeling great.”, You smiled softly.
Suga ran out to save you. Without a coat or shoes and with his hair a mess. Just like a normal person.
We are normal people.
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“Wait, so Suga is sick because he granted someone two wishes?”, Rose asked.
You sighed, “Yeah, that’s why I wanted to ask you for help…”
Rose nodded as she went to gather some ingredients, “Of course, let me make something then.”
“Thanks, Rose, I really appreciate it.”, You studied the room, “The furniture in your home is pretty old-fashioned. I wouldn’t have it pegged as your style.”
Rose sighed, “What can I do? It’s RM’s style. But I agree—it’s not really furniture fit for newlyweds.”
“Oh right, I heard you two got married.”
Rose beamed, “We did, it was a very private ceremony, just us and Suga. It was really romantic. Suga was grumpy, like always, but he seemed happy for us.”
RM and Rose just got back from their honeymoon, which is fortunate because Suga is sick now.
“Anyway,” Rose said, “about Suga. It must be so hard for him. There’s so many conditions to fulfill a wish, if he isn’t careful it might end really badly for him…”
“Conditions? You’re talking about him dying when he accepts a wish he cannot fulfill?”
“Yeah. And he’ll also die if he doesn’t take good care of whatever he gets for granting a wish.”
“Why did he even become a magician? It seems like a lot of trouble.” You wondered.
Rose shrugged as she started to mix some herbs, “Well…when our master brought Suga home for the first time…he demanded Suga to become a magician that grants wishes and said he’ll beat him if he didn’t become a magician.”
“Wow, what a psycho.” You said, “So that’s why Suga always pulls a face when someone is talking about his master.”
You couldn’t help but think that his master really reminded you of your brother. Jin used underhanded methods to get his way. And he always got his way. He can be quite the bully. Take for example, that fateful plane accident. It was originally your ticket. Your uncle unwittingly gave your family three tickets to Hawaii instead of four. Your brother had a cold so it was agreed that you would have the ticket. Jin was adamant that he got the ticket, saying he’ll be healthy by the time the trip comes around. You still refused, and he purposefully did things to pass the cold to you so you ended up being sick. So instead he went…and he died because of it.
“It was master’s hobby to bully the people he liked.” Rose shrugged, “Suga had to experience that the hard way too.”
Jin was like that too, you thought, ever since he was small. He will tease me all the time.
“Say Rose…you brought RM back to life with your magic, didn’t you?”
Rose looked at you strangely, “Yes, why…?”
“Then…would you be able to revive someone else as well?”
“That’s not possible.” Another voice answered and you turned to see RM leaning against the doorway. Rose’s face lit up.
“Ah! My dear husband is back!”
“But why not?” You asked him.
“In my case, I was revived before my soul left my body. It’s not simple if the person died a long time ago. Besides, your parents are in heaven. I can still foresee a bit, so I know. I think they wouldn’t enjoy being taken away from paradise to be brought back to life.”
“And what about my brother?” You asked, “Did he actually manage to get into heaven as well?”
Oh my god, what if he’s in hell, you bit your lip, not wanting to think about that possibility.
RM quickly looked at Rose and back at you, “Uh…I guess. So you should give up on reviving someone who’s already dead. You don’t actually plan to ask Suga for that? It would be useless to make such a wish to him.”
“I know,” you sighed, “I already asked for it when I met him for the first time. He obviously said no, that’s why I became his assistant and all.”
RM studied you, “…but certainly you will ask him to grant a wish sometime, won’t you? You can’t be his assistant forever. Any idea what you might wish for?”
“Huh?” Thinking of a wish was honestly the last thing on your mind, but you realized RM was right: you can’t be Suga’s assistant forever. It never really crossed your mind before, but now it felt strange. You’ve become accustomed to being with Suga, “No…not really at the moment.”
RM went up to you and pressed his two fingers against your forehead.
Your eyes widened as you tried to take a step back, “What are you doing?”
“I just told you that I kept some of my foreseeing powers. So I should be able to see your future wish…”
You perked up, “You can see what I’ll wish for? Please tell me! Then I’ll meet with Suga and ask for it.”
Why didn’t you think of this before? RM is so smart!
RM closed his eyes and his expression suddenly became serious.
“….no, I cannot see it. Oh well, looks like I’m getting old.” RM said, walking away, “But I do have a question for you, child.”
“What is it?” You asked, trying not to be too disappointed that he couldn’t see anything. 
“Do you have come to like Suga a little?”
You stared at RM, that’s such a strange question to ask at this time, “Sometimes when he’s all bitchy again I’d love to beat him up but…still…he’s actually quite nice and…well…yeah, I guess you could say that I’ve come to like him a bit.”
“Is that true? Then promise me one thing: when you ask Suga to grant your wish, don’t forget how much you’ve come to like him until that moment.”
You stared at RM, trying to figure him out. He is still a mystery to you, much like Suga.
“…I don’t really get what you mean, but okay. I’ll promise.”
RM gave you a warm smile, exposing his dimples, “Good…you’re a nice child.”
Rose then came up to you guys with a flask, “Here you go, Y/N, here’s Suga’s medicine. Suga should recover quickly after he drinks it.”
You took it from her and gave her a smile, “Thanks, Rose.”
“It’s no problem.” She said, grabbing RM’s hand, “It’s the least I can do after all the trouble I gave him.”
“Well, I’ll leave then.” You said and started to leave.
“Don’t forget your promise.” RM called out. He looked very serious again and you frowned.
“Yes, I will.”
Maybe he saw something, but then why didn’t he tell me?
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bangchanswolfpelt · 3 years
oops, i tripped and fell into the Arcana soundtrack and now i’m thinking bout an Arcana au but with kpop babes 💀
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nam-nam-joon · 6 years
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based on "spell", the fourth inktober prompt
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