#Makino is a blessing to the earth
buff-muffin · 8 months
Thinkem bout… the ASL brothers and their relationship with clothing. Admittedly this is leaning more to head canon but fuck you.
I was just sorta thinking about the fact Makino would come visit and bring the boys clothing and what that must have meant to them. Like sure. Luffy was with Makino for the first few years of his life so this is normal. But he’s a (semi) growing boy living in the mountains they didn’t have clothes to spare so there was a good chance Luffy mainly started to wear hand me downs from Ace (or at least any that hadn’t been worn thread thin) so Makino was probably the only chance for him growing up to have his own shirts.
Which is cute and all. But then you get to Ace and Sabo and it gets so much sadder
Cause like. Sabo is the only one who never wears a different outfit and we KNOW Makino gave him some. He was wearing a different shirt when she visited. And and we know Ace would 100% let Sabo use his shirts. He’s not materialistic about fashion. Yett he doesn’t. And sure, Sabo may just prefer to dress more distinguished from his brothers. But he hates being a Nobel. Wouldn’t he have lept at the chance to be more normal? Or did he feel he couldn’t be. That he didn’t deserve to? Not someone with blood like his…
And then there is ACE. He grew up with Bandits that definitely cared… to a degree, but clearly were not prepared to raise a kid. And it wasn’t like they could just, take him shopping, I get the feeling Ace never really had clothes that fit him right. Always two or three sizes too big or shoes too tight. He was told he would simply grow into them and not much of a whiner, he simply just accepted that. But we SEE Makino actually making sure his clothes fit right. She makes sure to hold it up and get him clothes in his size. And sure he may have had a childhood crush on her or something. But that may as well also be the first time someone’s ever actually measured him for clothing and the first times he’s ever been given a shirt that fits just right. A new experience for him and something I truly think he would have treasured.
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rockyspotwrites · 2 years
Masterlist of revealed races, updated as more come up
Luffy: assumed blessed blood
Zoro: hellsborn
Nami: suburban felid, flame point ragdoll
Sanji: nephilim
Usopp: sitatunga sagittarion
Vivi: mysticborn, toxin witch
Chopper: wild shapeshifter, reindeer
Robin: earth elemental, plants
Franky: wild lycan, dire wolf
Jinbe: land-dweller mer, whale shark
Ace: fire elemental
Sabo: enochian
Makino: fairblood
Dadan: hellsborn
Garp: godling of battle
Dragon: blessed blood
Shanks: wild lycan, ussuri dhole
Benn: mysticborn, necromancer
Whitebeard: air elemental
Marco: suburban shapeshifter, phoenix
Izou: suburban felid, kurilian bobtail
Crocus: fairblood
Koby: fairblood
Smoker: air elemental, smoke
Rayleigh: godling of safe passage
Hancock: shapeshifter, striped death
Ivankov: mysticborn, chemical witch
Celestial Dragons: humans
Arlong: land-dweller mer, sawshark
Crocodile: earth elemental, sand / dust
Germa 66 Vinsmokes: enochians
Big Mom: hellsborn
Kaido: creator (war, earth)
Enma: creator (destruction, earth)
Nika: creator (liberation, earth)
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okashiras · 6 years
Notes: Supplementary reading and a sequel of sorts. Enjoy.
ao3 link
30 March 2014
If you had told me 4 years ago that Sasuke and Sakura would never officially confirm that they’re dating but would instead, out of nowhere, announce their engagement, I would have laughed my fucking ass off.
Anyway, I’m briefly back from my hiatus. Cheers to all of us! We did it. :’) (Or rather, they did it?)
tags: #CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!??!!, #I CAN’T BELIEVE ITT, #text post
cherry-shadow asked: you are a fandom high priestess!! ur blog is like my sasuke x sakura bible. i missed ur blog, thank u for bringing it back. bless you!!! have a nice day!! :-*
You’re very kind! Thank you!
tags: #cherry-shadow, #ask
sumuwu asked: sandy here, i’m not even that big on kage or kunoichi but i’m so glad for them and for you guys!! i support their mutual hotness. i’m sure they’ll have beautiful and talented babies in the future!!
Thank you so much for your support for our favorite couple!
PS: I love SuMu sibs, too. I just haven’t posted about them (because I’m always on a SS high). Looking forward to their comeback.
tags: #sumuwu, #ask
Anonymous asked: OH MY GOD YOU’RE BACK!!!!!1 will ur inbox be open for info/translation/general questions?? Asking for a friend. Lol ok bye!!! I love u ;A;
Haha, yes! For now. I just needed an outlet for all this excess energy and excitement. Thanks for still having me! I’ll try to reply as much as I can. But no promises that I can answer them all. ;;
tags: #Anonymous, #ask
Anonymous asked: now that they’re confirmed to have been dating for years (!!!!), i couldn’t help but want to review their interactions. do u recall moments in shows and such where it looks like their members are teasing them??
The members of Kage and Kunoichi have been kind of friends in varying capacities since before they even debuted so they’d always greet and bow to each other during shows and events. Nothing really special there. Unless we reach. Which, as you know, is exactly what this blog is for.
Since Anon specifically mentioned members (plural), I will only address moments where multiple members do the teasing.
(2007) Kiba and Naruto are rowdy hype men while the three members are more reserved, except when Sai does weird dances at select performances. Which is why when Kunoichi did their first performance ever at the KChart Music Awards, we can see Sasuke in this fancam (link) looking like he’s reprimanding Kiba, Naruto, and Sai because it distracts him from watching the girls (or just one girl?) perform.
(2010) This Kunoichi fancam from Konoha Music Awards in November (link) shows the girls standing while Rock Lee performs on stage. On Sakura’s side, you can see members of a boy group who keep moving and shuffling around. Another fancam (link) revealed that it was actually Kage members trying to switch places with each other.
So the member order was as follows: Tenten, Hinata, Ino, Sakura, Kiba, Sai, Sasuke, Naruto, Neji. When Kiba realized who he was next to, he walked away and tried to get in between Sasuke and Naruto. The two finally budged after a while, but Kiba was still unsatisfied because Sai was still between Sasuke and Sakura. So he went back and whispered something to Sai who promptly moved away and followed Kiba to stand between Naruto and Sasuke. Sasuke is now beside Sakura. Mission accomplished, guys.
(2011) In this Kunoichi fancam reaction to Kage’s stage on the KChart Music Awards (link), everyone was standing up. Unfortunately, the members were situated at the back, and Sakura, wearing combat boots, was at a height disadvantage. But the members came to her rescue when it was Sasuke’s turn in the spotlight. Ino who was the tallest member of the night thanks to her sky-high platforms, and Tenten the actual tallest member were whispering to Sakura, and looked like they were reporting and giving her a blow-by-blow account of what was happening on stage.
(2013) In this fancam of Kage’s reaction (link) to Sakura accepting the Best Female Solo for Courage at the Golden Leaf Awards, we see Naruto and Kiba who are smirking as they turn to a decidedly blank-faced Sasuke. Neji turns to their direction too, looking mildly exasperated.
tags: #masterpost, #Anonymous, #ask, #all of naruto’s teasing warrants a post of its own tbh
Anonymous asked: “#all of naruto’s teasing warrants a post of its own tbh” DUDE??!! please make that post a reality!! please!!!! i’ll give u my first born!! :)))
Haha! Okay, since there’s a bunch of you asking in my inbox: yes, the Naruto masterpost is underway. It’s gonna take a while but please look out for it if not by the end of this week then next week. Kinda swamped with work at the moment.
tags: #Anonymous, #ask
Anonymous asked: love you’re blog! :) Just wondering, who’s you’re bias in Kage??
Thanks! My bias is Neji because he’s the most fabulous.
tags: #Anonymous, #ask
Anonymous asked: hi!! do u have a link to the interview where they talk abt that line from shadows?? thanks
There were different articles with varying quotes from that interview (during SAGE album promotion, the one held in Konoha Mountain Villa back in March 2012) so I’m translating by combining the info from these articles: (x,x)
Q: Naruto, was the line “You are the sunshine in spring” from “Shadows” written for someone in particular?
Naruto: Uh, that’s— It’s not my place to say, sorry. Sasuke?
Sasuke: No comment.
Q: Is it perhaps about Hinata? She has the ‘sun’ character in her name.
Naruto: She does?
Sasuke: I wrote that line.
tags: #Anonymous, #ask
SS movie date in Wave Country (2012)
I just needed to update this post in light of new information.
In the Kage Konoha Mountain Villa interview 2012 (the one I linked in the previous post), Sasuke was recorded saying: “I like classic action movies. The most recent one I saw was In a Grove (藪の中 Yabu no Naka).”
Two months prior, Sakura uploaded a video of the instrumental ‘Prologue’ originally from the soundtrack of a film Rokurota. Both In a Grove and Rokurota are films by the director Makino Chikao which led people to speculate if the connection ends there or if there’s more. So I did a little investigating.
Sakura posted the video on the evening of 31 January 2012. During that time, Sakura was in Wave Country where she was a guest performer for Kage’s show in Sector D District. I searched the cinemas around that area and found one that at the time was having a director Makino Chikao retrospective. (You can check out their site here: link) I wasn’t able to see the list of films exhibited to confirm but I have no doubts that both In a Grove and Rokurota were screened there, especially since both films are critically-acclaimed and universally loved. And it’s likely that Sakura and Sasuke went to these screenings together.
Furthermore, you know what’s in front of Kaiza Theatre? An Owson grocery mart, aka the same one where those pictures of Sasuke and Sakura were taken the same year (link). See the side by side comparison (link) and note the same shelves and wall paint. And of course, those photos led to Danzo’s damage control denial of the dating rumors, and then Sasuke’s infamous “[KGE] is just a workplace” statement. Y’all know the rest.
tags: #text post
Anonymous: any opinions on danzo? lol
None. Hope he enjoys retirement.
tags: #Anonymous, #ask
yrzra asked: Hi! What’s your favorite Sakura era/hairstyle?
All Sakura is good Sakura to me! But if I have to pick one, I’d say when she came out with chin-length hair on her solo debut. It signified a new era, a new sound, and I was honestly blown away when I first saw it. That’s why it holds a special place in my heart.
tags: #yrzra, #ask, #little known fact: i prefer sakura’s solo songs, #but i still love kunoichi very much, #ino can step on my neck anytime
Anonymous asked: Wasn’t there an analysis of Heaven and Earth mv about Sakura’s romantic relationships? Or do you know the post I’m referring to?
Hm, sorry, I don’t remember that.
tags: #Anonymous, ask, #i personally don’t think it’s about her relationships at all?, #just about striving for self-improvement?, #which is a common theme in her lyrics
Masterpost of notable moments of Naruto being the SS fan club president
Note: As promised, here it is. If you have anything else to add, please don’t hesitate to reply/message me.
Let me preface this with a little background on Uzumaki Naruto. Naruto and Sasuke are the closest to each other in Kage not only because they are the two youngest members of the group, but also because they started training in KGE in the same year. The other trainee who started the same year they did was none other than Haruno Sakura. The three of them were said to be friendly even after they debuted in their respective groups. And it’s because of this that I believe they are privy to each other’s lives and relationships, and would, like any regular friends, every now and then tease the crap out of each other.
(2007) [VIDEO STAR] - Naruto talks about Kage members + colors 20070728
Naruto’s first solo guesting in Video Star variety talk show. There was a part where he was asked to describe the members of Kage via color association. (@ 2:11)
Izumu K: So black for Sai-kun, red for Kiba-kun, white for Neji-kun—
Naruto U: Yeah— Oh, no, not white. Ivory. Neji is very specific about this, you see.
Kotetsu H: Right, right.
Izumu K: What about Sasuke-kun?
Naruto U: Sasuke is... pink. Yeah. Pink. Pretty and memorable color. Lots of energy. (laughs)
Kotetsu H: Pink? For Uchiha Sasuke-kun? Really? Isn’t that a bit— (laughs)
Naruto U: Oh, you know what, scratch that. He’s gonna send me angry texts if he sees this. Okay, I’ll change it. Let’s see...
Kotetsu H: (laughs) Why would he?
Naruto U: Got it! Green. Nice, refreshing green.
Izumu K: Konoha green.
Naruto U: Yeah, yeah. Sure, green. (turns to the camera) I changed it, Sasuke! If you’re watching this, don’t be mad at me. (laughs)
Kotetsu H: Sasuke-kun, please take it easy on Naruto-kun.
Izumu K: Okay, what about you?
Naruto U: Orange, of course!
Pink is too obviously referring to Sakura/her signature hair color which is especially obvious since Kunoichi just debuted around the time of this interview, so Naruto changed it to green to prevent Sasuke’s wrath. But you know what else is green? Sakura’s eye color. Thanks, Naruto! Your subtlety is unparalleled.
(2007) KAGE reaction to KUNOICHI performance - MINDBLOWER + BLOOM @ Konoha Music Awards
Sasuke is a famously stoic cold city guy at award shows, especially when sat beside Naruto who dances exuberantly to every other performance. That is, until Kunoichi debuted. Sasuke would begin showing signs of life whenever Kunoichi performed, like foot tapping, some head bobbing here and there, and some stray finger flicking actions during the Mindblower chorus.
Anyway, in this particular performance, Naruto elbow nudges Sasuke on his side (pretty hardly, if Sasuke’s annoyed expression is anything to go by) just as Sakura’s verse is about to come on. (@ 1:32)
(2008)  [FULL/ENG SUB] [HD] 080805 Idols Weekly EP 56 - KAGE Part 1
KAGE’s appearance in Idols Weekly where Naruto said he would join Kunoichi because his group kept betraying him, and then he said he would drag Sasuke along with him. He didn’t get to elaborate on why exactly because he was cut off by Sasuke’s glare.
Okay, this is kind of a reach but they were all just previously nailing the Bloom choreography, and then Naruto was dragging Sasuke specifically to join Kunoichi. Why just Sasuke? All of Kage are on friendly terms with Kunoichi members. That’s why I’m inclined to believe Naruto was teasing him because Sasuke has eyes on someone in Kunoichi. And we all know who.
(2009) [Music Bank K-Chart] 2nd Week of January - SN, Sound5
Sakura had the opportunity to host Music Bank for January. At the time, Sasuke and Naruto were promoting their subunit single “The Valley.” On the one episode that month where they performed, during the K-Chart announcement part, you can see Naruto subtly (not really) pushing Sasuke to his right. When the camera switches to wide shot, it appears that Sakura was on standby from hosting duties a few feet away over at Sasuke’s right side the whole time. (@9:42)
(2010) Sasuke was in Snow Country on a personal schedule and posted a rare picture of himself. Well, kind of. It was him looking like a hypebeast cryptid wearing multiple layers of winter clothes and scarves, against the backdrop of flower trees in Land of Spring (Snow Country’s capital). Captioned: ”wish you were here.” (My god he is so basic sometimes, I can’t.)
Anyway, on the said post, Naruto left a comment of around 15 cherry blossom emojis.
Cherry blossom = Sakura. King of subtlety…
Sasuke deletes this post five minutes later (which would have been suspect if he wasn’t such a serial post deleter). But luckily, we still have a screenshot which includes Naruto’s comment.
[IMAGE: @sasuke_deleted]
(Also note that a month prior to the announcement of their engagement, Sasuke and Sakura were reported to have had a rendezvous in Snow country. That place must be significant to them and Naruto being in their inner circle probably knows why this early on.)
(2010) [20102310] Naruto’s KLIVE Chat
Naruto was promoting his solo mini album and did a KLive broadcast where he called some Kage members. During his phone call with Sasuke, out of nowhere, Naruto mentioned Sakura. (@ 40:07)
N: Anyway, Sasuke, aren’t you preparing for your final show this week?
S: Mm.
N: All Kage members are supporting you. Not me, though. But the rest of them do, apparently.
S: Make yourself useful and promote my show.
N: I’ll do you one better. I’ll call Kunoichi and ask them to come to your concert.
S: What?
N: Yeah, I’ll personally pick Sakura-chan up and make sure she’s there.
S: [unintelligible]
N: Sasuke, what?
S: I said you’re an idiot.
(2011) Sakura was reported to have fainted from exhaustion after the last set at Kunoichi’s concert late October 2011. (This was the third time it had happened [that we know of!!!] and it honestly says a lot about what little regard KGE had for their artists.)
Meanwhile, Kage was doing their second to the last fanmeet scheduled in Earth Country. But on that night, Sasuke and Naruto took a red-eye from Iwa to Konoha. There are no pictures, only some K-netizens reports of Sasuke and Naruto entering Konoha General at around 8 am. (Some eyewitness accounts said that Sasuke appeared to be bringing a pillow.) At 10 am the same day, Naruto was spotted in his orange BMW convertible hanging around the KGE building, while Sasuke was nowhere in sight.
It can be surmised that Naruto, being a good friend, accompanied Sasuke so he can visit Sakura. But there’s more.
Konoha General to KGE building is a one-hour drive, but seeing how Naruto got his car and a new set of clothes, he most likely headed to his apartment first, which would add more or less 30 minutes to his journey. If he arrived at 8 am in Konoha General, but was already in KGE building by 10, that would mean he only stayed in the hospital for about 15 to 30 minutes at most.
I imagine what happened was: Naruto accompanied Sasuke from Iwa to Konoha, probably said hi to Sakura for a bit (if she was already conscious by then), and then promptly left them alone to have their moment. :’)
(2011) 30 October. Sasuke’s K-D Magazine photoshoot previews were released. Sakura liked one of the posts from the K-D account. Later, she posted a cute video selfie with heart eyes filter with ねぇ聞こえますか?(Can You Hear Me?) an old love song, playing in the background. Her timeline was probably filled with Sasuke’s pictures that she just had to post some kind of lovey-dovey reaction to it. A few hours later, Naruto commented with a (very knowing) smirking face emoji.
[IMAGE: @narukage_likes]
(2013) 8 August. Naruto posted a picture of two mochi (pink and blue) from Amaguriama, with the caption, “Look how sweet my friends are.” He tagged Sasuke in the blue one. Who else could the pink one be?
[IMAGE: @narukage]
That’s all I know for now. Naruto hasn’t updated his account with anything SS-related since the engagement was announced, which is really odd for him. (Maybe he’s still busy partying because his OTP is canon?) When he posts something, I’ll update this accordingly.
tags: #masterpost, #text post
bl00m asked: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT MASTERPOST!! My life is significantly better because of it! But just wondering, since Sakura and Ino refer to themselves as best friends, do we have an Ino-teasing-Sakura-about-Sasuke moment, too?
Seems to me like Ino is much too professional to tease so I only found a couple. Hope that’s okay.
(2007) K-D Kunoichi Feature (magazine issue published around the time after Kunoichi’s debut):
Q: Out of the four of you, Ino and Sakura were the first ones to sign under KG and become trainees. What were your first impressions of each other? Has it changed now?
Sakura: I thought Ino was full of confidence and charisma and that hasn’t changed until now.
Ino: Sakura used to be really shy and quiet but clearly she has bloomed since then.
Sakura: Having someone my own age really helped, I think. We pushed each other to work and get better. It was kind of a friendly rivalry.
Ino: Yeah, rivalry, not just in terms of work, though. I used to have a crush on another trainee at that time, and then one day, Sakura announced that she—
Sakura: Oh my god! Can we not?
They didn’t outright say that it was Sasuke whom Sakura and Ino were crushing on, but it’s kind of general knowledge that Sasuke was quite popular with the KGE trainees not only because he was the younger brother of Akatsuki’s Uchiha Itachi but because he is good-looking and talented, so it’s not a stretch to assume Ino was talking about Sasuke and was teasing Sakura about it.
(2009) [VIDEO STAR] - Kunoichi (FULL EP) (@14:23):
Izumu:  Any music you’re currently listening to?
Tenten: Believe it or not, I’ve been listening to a lot of trot music recently, like Might Guy, and stuff. I like the joy in it and I would like to also bring that kind of energy on stage someday.
Sakura: Creation , the album by Tsunade. I’m interested in albums that have some sort of narrative or a theme that makes everything cohesive, as opposed to trying to make hits after hits and then just compiling them all in the end. She’s certainly not the first to do something like it, but I thought it was groundbreaking for a pop artist, so…
Ino: We like Kage, too, don’t we, Sakura?
Tenten: (laughs)
Sakura: I— Well, everyone likes Kage for sure.
Kotetsu: Right, you did collaborate with them on a song in their album last year.
Sakura: Yeah.
Ino: (quietly) Is that what the kids call it these days?
Tenten: (laughs)
That innuendo, though.
tags: #bl00m, #ask
Anonymous asked: it’s funny reading your posts now and realizing how much it all makes sense like how did no one else (but us) seE THIS COMING??? we’ve endured being called DELUSIONAL for years!!!! i feel so vindicated now so i’m literally never gonna shut up about this LMAO
RIGHT?! I’m sure I’m not the only one who has remained quiet and kept to myself when I’m with other fans because I’m in the minority for shipping Sasuke and Sakura while most of them shipped the boys with each other. I don’t really mind it, but, you know, when it’s real, IT’S REAL.
And it feels so good to be right.
tags: #Anonymous, #ask
Anonymous asked: how’s life for a grown ass adult still projecting on other people’s relationships like ur 13 lmfao
How’s life for someone who has to type with only 2 brain cells?
tags: #Anonymous, #ask
kageyah asked: gawd, what a rude anon that was. don’t let those lowlifes bother you. i’ve been enjoying your recent posts a lot and it’s so fun to see you back again on my dashboard. i missed you sm. ^_^
Kags!! Thank you! I missed you, too! Nah, don’t worry. Sasuke and Sakura are getting married so I’m unfazed and unbothered by virtually anything. Haha!
tags: #kageyah, #ask
lildonut: i love your blog!!!! that masterpost gave me life!!! i was wondering if you have any fic recs?? Thanks <3
Thank you! I don’t really read fics, sorry. I have a very little scope of imagination so reality is enough to keep me interested. But maybe someone here can help you? Anyone?
edit: Thanks, @darliang!!
These, our bodies, possessed by light by RikkudoS — “‘Tell me we’ll never get used to it.’ Sasuke and Sakura through the years. Canon.”
Cherry Bombs by xXxFullMoonxXx — “Double dates are easy enough. That is, until you end up falling for the wrong person. High School AU.”
Of Demos and First Kisses by sugimura — "5 times Sasuke and Sakura wrote songs together and the 1 time they didn’t. Canon."
Under the Same Sky by msshkshmt — “Uchiha Sasuke expects to die in battle. But seeing this pink-haired girl cry for him (again and again), makes him wish that wasn’t the case. Ninjas AU.”
tags: #lildonut, #ask, #fic recs
Anonymous asked: Do you have any idea as to when and how exactly Sasuke and Sakura started dating? Other than the 5 years that Sasuke mentioned in his fan page message? Thanks! Love your blog!
By the way, I love how Sasuke is known to be very private with his personal life and relationships but would, intentionally or not, obliquely reveal details like how they’ve been dating for 5 years already.
Anyway. Well, I can’t really say anything with certainty but if I were to extrapolate and make an *educated guess*, I’d say they probably started dating officially mid to late 2009. As far as I can recall, that’s also when dating gossips about them started popping up. Also the fact that they started wearing matching white gold bands late ‘09-early ‘10 (I’ll make a separate post about this later) just solidified to me that they really did start dating in 2009.
Prior to my projected time, their collaborations have been frequent, starting with Sakura helping to write a song for Kage, and then both of them being featured on each other’s solo projects. And even before that, it’s kind of general knowledge that they’ve been fairly close as trainees (not to mention, Sakura has allegedly been crushing on him before), so they already had that foundation. There’s that mutual respect for each other and each other’s talents that, over the course of their collaborations, probably grew into something more.
tags: #Anonymous, #ask
Anonymous: re: how sasuke and sakura started dating, i would also like to add that since they are the most hardworking out of the members of their respective groups, they are probably the trainees who used to work overtime the most and got close because of it, probably helped and looked out for each other too. sakura used to say dancing wasn’t her strongest suit while it came naturally for sasuke so maybe he helped her with that. conversely, since sakura is reportedly an A+ student, she must’ve helped him with studies as well. they probs already have a mutual understanding but couldn’t be official cuz of the dating ban. ^_^
Ah, I’m actually not entirely sure if the dating ban is real, but what you’ve said is possible. Can’t say anything conclusively, though.
tags: #Anonymous, #ask
Anonymous asked: wher do sassuke and saura have sex???
How tf would I know lol
tags: #Anonymous, #ask
List of alleged Sasuke x Sakura couple items
These are only the more important, more unique items. So don’t bother sending me pictures of them holding identical paper bags from Sannin. They aren’t the only idols who shop from that brand.
(2009-2010) White gold band
Sasuke is not that big on accessories. If we do see him fully accessorized, it’s because he is styled for promotional materials, and stage or music video looks. Otherwise, he doesn’t wear much accessories other than a standard watch, etc. That’s why it was so glaringly obvious when he started wearing a white gold band on his left pinky finger (note: pinky = pink = Sakura, lol!) in December 2009, which led fans to speculate if he is in a relationship. Everyone was suddenly on the lookout for a similar ring worn by idols and celebrities. Especially Sakura whom Sasuke was rumored to be dating that year.
Sakura accessorizes quite a bit but has never been seen wearing the said band. That is, until she had a fan meet in March of 2010. Sakura fansite First Love took HQ pictures of her in the event. In one of them, she leaned over while signing an autograph for a fan and consequently revealed the necklace she’s wearing inside her blouse, and behold, the white gold band hanging on it. It took quite a lot zooming in and adjusting the photograph which is why the legitimacy was contentious among fans, but you can see it for yourself here.
[IMAGE: White gold band]
[IMAGE: Sasuke Konoha airport pic white gold band]
[IMAGE: Sakura necklace zoom in]
(2011) Chair
Sakura posts a picture of her succulents by the window of her house, the chair from Sasuke’s Heavenly Hand music video is seen in the corner. It’s a one-of-a-kind modern chair by Konoha master carpenter Kanna, so it couldn’t have been a duplicate.
[IMAGE: MV screenshot]
[IMAGE: @sakurah]
(2012-2013) Ceramic vase
Sasuke posted a picture of a Hanasaki-style ceramic vase by Masho’s protégé ceramist, Kanyu, which was exhibited and auctioned at Leaf Gallery, and captioned it (now deleted) “Mine.”
[IMAGE: @sasuke_deleted]
The following year, Sakura posted a photo of her bed after a concert tour with the caption “Home Sweet Home.” On the bookshelf on the right side, the same vase is seen. Note the pure white color and cracks on the surface that resemble intertwining flowers.
[IMAGE: @sakurah]
Did he give it to her or was she able to procure an identical one? I’m inclined to believe in the former, but either way, cute.
(2013) Chambray shirt
Sakura was photographed at Konoha airport wearing a chambray shirt, which is similar to a shirt that Sasuke was wearing in the behind-the-scenes photo of his album back in 2009. The shirts have an identical tear at the left collar.
According to fashion fansite SakuraCloset, this shirt is from Sannin Men’s chambray shirt. This is how it originally looked on the runway. No tear.
[IMAGE: Sannin RTW F/W 2006]
So it’s either a huge coincidence that Sasuke and Sakura have identical tears on the same brand of shirt, or it’s just the same shirt that they share for some reason*.
*They were dating.
tags: #masterpost, #text post
Anonymous asked: you forgot the beanie that often sasuke wears at airports which was spotted worn by sakura.
You mean in the Road of Life webisode from last year? No, it���s the same color but they’re different. Sakura was wearing a fisherman beanie, while Sasuke usually wears a slouchy one.
tags: #Anonymous, #ask
mindbl0wn: do you know what the strong 100 will be about? Love ur blog ^_^
Sorry, it took a while to answer this. According to these articles (x,x), it’s gonna be a heist film with an all-female cast. Sakura’s appearance will be brief (a cameo maybe?) but apparently she does her own stunts.
tags: #that’s my girl, #mindbl0wn, #ask
Anonymous asked: lol i still keep seeing antis tryna say sakura might be doing it for attention and sasuke is just pity marrying her or using her as a beard to cover up another relationship or sth man i can’t with them anymore
I really worry about people who spread stuff like this. Like, please give your faves the credit they deserve!
Sasuke “ I-take-relationships-very-seriously” Uchiha marrying someone for shits? They can’t even make him forego his IG feed aesthetic to promote his group/members’ stuff, let alone force him to marry someone out of pity or publicity or whatever.
And Sakura. Why would she marry for publicity? She’s already famous and influential on her own, and not to mention, rich from all the songwriting royalties among other things. She doesn’t need clout. Least of all from Sasuke or the Uchiha. Like 90% of the hate directed towards her come from ugly Sasuke/Hoekage stans and weirdos who have conglomerate boners. She need not subject herself to all that.
They are also, by the way, at the height of their respective careers. If they cared all that much about their image, wouldn’t they wait until they’re in their early 30s to marry like most idols? They could potentially be throwing away endorsement deals from brands who prefer celebrities who are single to appease the fans who feel like they have some sort of ownership towards idols.
And yet! And yet despite everything, they chose to make their relationship public in their own terms.
(Also, note the timing of their announcement. It’s a few months after Hatake Kakashi became the new CEO. It’s like the management up until then has been the main reason that has kept them from coming out with their relationship, which is why the ‘secrecy’ of it felt kinda half-hearted and they’ve been [knowingly or not] dropping hints.)
Clearly, they just didn’t care and they couldn’t wait to spend the rest of their lives married to each other. It’s not that deep. You don’t have to like it. But if you love them as you claim, then respect their decision and stop spreading rumors like that.
tags: #Anonymous, #ask
tags: #text post
tags: #IS THIS REAL, #AM I DREAMING, #GUYS!!!!!!!!!!, #text post
tags: #text post
Un-Follow Me Now, This Is Gonna Be the Only Thing I Post About For The Next Week. Ive Wanted This For Years Fuck. What The Fuck.
tags: #text post
Anonymous: Lol theres still a few months before the wedding date so they might still cancel it and break up lmfao xD
I delayed answering this to avoid jinxing it but guess what, babe:
July 17, 2014
Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura have made it official!
Yesterday, the two were reportedly spotted at the Konoha offices to file for their marriage registration. On July 17, the two officially got married in a private ceremony.
The couple initially announced their engagement last March, with the wedding that was supposed to be held November 5 later this year.
Representatives say that the newlywed couple “opted for a small and private wedding along with their loved ones, in favor of donating the expenses that was supposed to be for their ceremony to the pediatric ward of Konoha General Hospital.”
Uchiha Sasuke is best known as a member and the primary lyricist of boy group Kage under KG Entertainment. Haruno Sakura is known as a member of girl group Kunoichi under the same company. Both have gone on to have successful solo careers.
Congratulations to the happy couple!
source: knewsdaily
tags: #Anonymous, #ask
Sasuke and Sakura: We will get married on November 5 this year.
Also, Sasuke and Sakura: sothatwasafuckinglie.jpg
tags: #WHEN WILL THEY LET ME LIVE!!!!!, #text post
tags: #THAT’S IT, #THAT’S THE POST, #text post
Attendees’ social media posts (so far)
Kakashi: posted a photo of the still empty venue, but everything is prepared already. The flower ceiling is especially striking. (There appears to be not more than 30 chairs for the guests. I guess it really is a small wedding.)
“I’m on time for once. #SasuSakuCouple #AmIDoingThisRight #lol”
[IMAGE: @kh_tactics]
Ino: posted picture of Sakura holding a bouquet of Baby’s Breath flowers, smiling contently.
“My baby girl is married! I’m so emotional right now and can’t even form a proper message. I’m proud to have seen you blossom right before my eyes, and I feel lucky to get to call you my best friend. I wish you all the happiness in the world. I love you!”
[IMAGE: @xxinoxx]
Sai: posted a video of Naruto and Kiba having a dance showdown at the reception.
[IMAGE: @sai_00]
Hinata: posted a picture of the flower arrangement at the table.
[IMAGE: @hinata_hyuuga_official]
Kiba: posted a group selfie of the Kage boys being rowdy, Sasuke and Neji looking unimpressed in the back.
[IMAGE: @kibakage]
Tenten: posted a group selfie of Kunoichi being cute.
[IMAGE: @10ten]
Neji: posted a photoset of miscellaneous aesthetics of the wedding (floral ceiling, the food, the lights, details of Sakura’s veil), and a selfie.
“S/S 2014”
[IMAGE: @neji_]
Itachi : posted (1) a photoset of the groom’s and bride’s parents—first photo is a formal one, on the second one, they’re doing finger hearts.
(2) a picture of the silhouettes of Sasuke and Sakura facing each other, seemingly in a happy conversation.
[IMAGE: @itachiuchiha]
tags: #no update from naruto yet, #king of being late, #masterpost, #text post
I know it’s a private affair and I respect that but...
But would it seriously be too much to ask for a proper picture of the newlyweds??
tags: #i love you itachi-nii but what the heck was that??, #do you need your eyes checked perhaps?, #or am i too pedestrian to appreciate the high art-ness of it, #probably that, #in any case: i need the pics PLEASE, #i’ve been a good person, #i deserve this, #text post
Anonymous: do think it’s possibel that sakura is pregnant that’s why they were so quick to marry. Pls reply
Highly unlikely. She would’ve been showing by now and looking at the photos we’ve seen, her stomach is very much flat. Moreover, she was just shooting an action movie where she does her own stunts. You think they’d allow a pregnant woman to do that?
tags: #Anonymous, #ask
YES!!!! I’m translating it but I’m trying to wait if Sasuke posts something so I can translate that too and (rightfully) post them together.
tags: #Anonymous, #ask
tags: #text post
Sakura and Sasuke post-wedding social media updates
Sakura posted a pic of their hands with the rings, a bouquet of flowers visible on the side, with the caption:
“Today we got married.
We had deviated from our original plan because we wanted to do something meaningful and more like us. As a result, we have decided to just keep the ceremony quiet but, rest assured, full of love.
I’ve never felt so loved as I do at this moment and that’s in huge part because of all of you who have been congratulating us warmly, and have been so patient and understanding of our decisions every step of the way.
Please continue to look kindly upon us as husband and wife. Thank you.
- Sakura“
[IMAGE: @sakurah]
Sasuke, of course, never does what you expect so he didn’t post a message. Instead, he cleared out three rows of his feed with plain white tiles to have a single picture of Sakura looking beautiful in her wedding dress in the middle. The colored picture especially stands out in his generally grayscale feed.
Moreover, he is now following 1 account: @sakurah.
[IMAGE: @sasuke]
tags: #text post
Masterpost of notable moments of Naruto being the SS fan club president
Note: As promised, here it is. If you have anything else to add, please don’t hesitate to reply/message me.
Read More
EDIT: Naruto posted a photoset: (1) the newlyweds smiling arm in arm, Sasuke gazing warmly at Sakura, (2) same as the first but they’re looking at each other and smiling, (3) Naruto gets in the picture to pose with the two.
“Why I believe in love”
[IMAGE: @narukage]
Tags: #MY JOB HERE IS DONE, #update, #masterpost, #text post
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Magical Girl Special Ops Asuka Anime PV Highlights Theme and Cast
  Last time we checked in on the Magical Girl Special Ops Asuka anime we had a new visual to check out. Now there's even more to dig into thanks to the arrival of the second promo video, which shows off more footage of LIDEN FILMS' adaptation of Makoto Fukami and Seigo Tokiya's manga. In addition to new cast members, the latest update has nonoc on the "KODO" opening theme and GARNiDELiA on the "Rebel Flag" ending theme. 
  Additions to the cast include:
  Tamara Volkova - M.A.O
Rau Peipei - Yoko Hikasa
Yoshiaki Iizuka - Kenji Nomura
Sacchu - Kokoro Kikuchi 
  Previously revealed cast members:
  Asuka Otori - Aya Suzaki 
    Kurumi Mugen - Akira Sekine
    Mia Cyrus - Eriko Matsui
    Chisato Yonamine - Ayana Taketatsu
    Nozomi Makino - Rie Takahashi
    Sayako Hata - Chinami Hashimoto
    Hideyo Yamamoto (Strike the Blood) directs, with Makoto Fukami (Berserk) and Norimitsu Kaihō (Danganronpa 3) on series composition for the LIDEN FILMS production. The original manga is available in English via Seven Seas, which describes it like so:
  When the Earth is threatened by the sudden appearance of undead creatures, a group of young women blessed with powers from a mysterious source rose to defeat them. Now, after three years of apparent peace, the same malevolent creatures have resurfaced. Five magical girls are once again conscripted to war as the Magical Girl Special-Ops force, to defend mankind from an unholy nemesis.
  Via Comic Natalie
Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his webcomic, BIG DUMB FIGHTING IDIOTS at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox. 
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