#Makkari ignores him
redheadspark · 1 year
i had a small idea yesterday for the prompt session! druig with #’s 3, 15, and 18. maybe with reader after the emergence. they’re both EXHAUSTED and even though druig’s hurt, he still wants to make sure his s/o is okay after fighting. you can change things around to your liking ofc!
A/N - YAS! I do like this a lot for Druig! Thanks for requesting this, dear friend!
Scars and All
Summary - Druig seeks you out after the Emergence
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Warnings - angst and fluff mixed together
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“How is she?”
“I’m more concerned about you since you took a beating from Ikaris on that beach,”
Druig huffed as Phastos was looking him over with some of his equipment, being ever patient but not willing to sit through a thorough exam.  He was sitting on what was left of Phastos’s work table, his armor stripped, and was only sporting his black pants and nasty bruises along his ivory skin.  Phastos and Thena were with him and taking the proper measures to check on him, Sersi was talking to a now-human Sprite in the Meeting Room, leaving Makkari to tend to you in your shared room with Druig.  Although Druig knew that Thena would hold him down in order for him to get checked over and be cleared, he would rather be with you.
You both took a beating on that beach in order to save the world.
Druig took on Ikaris’s beams head-on, thinking for a split moment that he wasn’t going to make it out alive.  It left him both physically and mentally bruised, not to mention the mental fatigue that he endured ignorer to take over the mind of a full Celestial.  Throughout the centuries that he has been on Earth, this was truly the first time he felt beyond tired.  
Not tired, exhausted.
“Your internal organs are still good,” Phastos hummed as he scanned Druig’s backside slowly and with determination, Druig’s leg bouncing on the workstation table as he was sitting Indian Style.  Even his fingers were fidgeting while he was staring dead ahead at the wall.  He was half listening, mostly thinking about you and how you were holding up.  Seeing you on the beach covered in scratch wounds and pale to the touch made his heart sink.  Saving the world didn’t matter to him anymore, nor did stopping Ikaris and stopping Tiamat.  All that mattered was you.
He needed to see you and make sure you were alright.
“The bruises are gonna last a bit,” Phastos explained as Druig was still sitting rather impatiently, Thena was watching like a hawk and not moving an inch while Phastos placed his instruments down and gave Druig a brotherly kind of stare, “I can have Makkiar get some herbs to make a paste and make the bruises shrink down a bit.”
“Not a fan of modern medicine I take it?” Druig asked with a hint of sarcasm, though Phastos cracked a grin.
“Modern medicine is too tame compared to what we endured in the glory days,” Phastos hummed, then pausing for a brief moment before he spoke again, “Plus, we need to be careful since we don’t have Ajak to help us,”
It made the mood more somber in the room, even when it was rue.  Ajak was always there to heal them, from the smallest scratches to the more massive wounds that they would get from Deviants.  The healing was more than the physical, her soothing tones and words of encouragement for every Eternal.  Even Druig, though they both clash plenty of times when it comes to the philosophy of Eternals, admired Ajak all the more and missed her terribly.  
“Thanks, Phastos,” Druig replied with a soft smile, hopping down from the workstation table.
“Get some rest,” Thena instructed him with a small tilt of her head to him.  Druig nodded back.
“Will do,” He replied walking past both Phastos and Thena to the hallways that lead to the living quarters.  He was glad that he was cleared from needing anymore assistance, and he was not thinking about himself at the current moment.  
“Couldn’t gone worse for him if it wasn’t for her,” Phastos said to Thena as Druig was walking away, his eyes going right down the hallway and nothing slowing him down.
“She saved his life, as she should since they were meant for each other,” Thena replied in an optimistic hum, which made Druig wish he could smile from hearing that from the warrior herself.  He might have been too tired to smile, or simply more concerned about you to smile from the comment.  But it still warmed his heart nonetheless, adoring Thena all the more.
Once he made it to your shared room, He carefully and softly opened the door to see nothing but darkness.  Your king-sized bed was against the wall, you were nestled amongst the satin sheets and already sleeping with Makkari sitting by your side and keeping a close eye on you.  
Makkari, still clad in her armor, saw Druig and immediately sped over to him, She’s okay.
“Thanks, ‘Kari,” He whispered to her as he gestured his head over to your sleeping form, “How bad is it?”
Her cuts are deep, but they’ll heal in a few days, She explained to him, I know how to make a paste for her wounds to make the healing go a bit faster.  I’ll make some for you too, I think you two need some rest,
“You might be right,” he agreed, seeing her crack a smile slightly before she leaned over to hug him gently.  He hugged her back, feeling her warmth in the embrace.  Once Makkari pulled away and slipped out of the room, Druig looked over at your sleeping form with both concerns and warmth.  
Warmth that you were alive and still with him in this life, and concern that you took a beating to protect him. 
He loved watching you sleep in the past, seeing how soft and content you were as you dreamed away with nothing haunting you.  There were even moments when he would watch you and be amazed at how peaceful you seemed to be in a chaotic and ever-grieving world around you.  He loved that about you and he wished he had that in himself sometimes.  
You had enough love and compassion to fill the both of you up instantly and overflow.  
Moving without him making a single sound, Druig lifted the sheet to finally see you.  The distinct slash marks along your skin, the deep bruises etched near your neck and hips. It was all too much for him to see.  You were never one to harm a fly or start trouble, it wasn’t in your nature.  Yet now, you looked so broken to Druig that it made his heart shatter. 
Immediately he moved, wrapped you close in his arms, and avoided some of the fresher wounds.  You stirred, your head against his neck now as he hummed to alert you.
“…Druig?” You said in a hoarse tone.
“I’m right here, darlin’.  Go back to sleep,” He mumbled to you since the last thing he wanted was for you to wake up and lose sleep.  You moved your arms, grimacing from the drained energy and the tender bruises along your arms.  
“You okay?” You asked him.  Of course, you would be worried for him and his health, not even worried about your own wounds and exhaustion.  Druig loved you for your selfless heart and need to care for others before yourself, both a blessing and a curse for him to witness as the love of your life.  He kissed your forehead, feeling his own energy draining within moments from being in a safe space with you and being in one piece.
“I’m alright now,” he reassured you soothingly, “We’re both alright now.  Let’s sleep, alright?  I got ya,”
As you both slept and healed together, all you both could dream of was your future together.  No matter that there was no village to go back to, losing some of your own to both the Deviants and Ikaris at the same time, none of that mattered compared to what you two wanted in your future together.  Somewhere quiet and away from chaos, maybe near the sea or deep in the forest.  Just you and Druig against the world, scars and all.
The End. 
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September Prompt Session
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softquietsteadylove · 10 months
We need more fake wedding/engagement AU pls ♥️
"Hey," Gil looked up, surprised by the soft voice and the silent steps padding into the kitchen. He pulled up his piping bag from making little rosettes of whipped potatoes. "What are you doing up?"
It had been yet another long day, and even longer than most. Ajak had required Gil to make a slew of appetizers for the engagement party she was insisting on hosting for them. He had agreed, of course, because it made sense.
Thena had expressed her worry over him slaving away in the kitchen for a party supposedly in his honour; couldn't they just get it catered? He said it was sweet, but he was happy to cook for it, and he would have plenty of time to prepare everything, so it wasn't like he would be too stressed about it.
It was only a partial lie, and it only satisfied Thena partially anyway.
She then spent all day helping Ajak plan the layout for the party in the expansive 'back yard' of the property, including their little section of beach. Ajak had the best eye for decoration, but Thena was a master planner. She had every square inch optimised and every minute accounted for while Sersi and Makkari focused on the guest list and aesthetic for the party.
They had both reconvened at the dinner table, swaying from the fatigue of the day. Thena had even excused herself earlier than normal to get some sleep.
"Are you still preparing for the party?" Thena asked, ignoring his question about why she was up. She walked closer, pulling her cardigan around herself. She wore a cardigan because it was cold but preferred the silence she could achieve with bare feet?
"I'm almost done," he smiled, piping his last few dollops of Duchess potatoes. "These just need to set, and then tomorrow I'll bake them with a butter bath and a little cheese so they can be served hot."
Thena drifted around the side of the table to him, similar to how she had hovered the day of the sandwich making--a day which neither of them had mentioned, but did it ever stick out in his mind.
He could never forget the feeling of her lips at the corner of his. Although he could also never forget the look on his mom's face when they both realised she was still in the room to witness their little moment. He had been embarrassed, sure, but Thena had all but run out of the room, barely looking at either of them for the rest of the night. She looked cute all flustered, though.
Thena watched him as he worked. "You're working awfully tirelessly for a party that should be for you."
He smiled at her, squeezing out the last bit of potato. "For us!--and besides, I don't mind."
"You keep saying that."
He couldn't help but be a little surprised. He hadn't expected her to voice a kind of defensiveness in his name. He shrugged, "I dunno, I'm used to it."
She tilted her head at him (cutely).
"I've always done stuff like this," he supplied easily as he finally set down his piping bag and looked at the three trays of apps he had finished. "Don't get me wrong, mom's a great cook, but stuff like this...I did do catering before I started at the company."
Thena also eyed his bounty, including all the dishes left from it. "Most caterers have entire teams to assist them, too."
He shrugged again, somewhat more sheepishly. "I guess, but honestly, hiring a caterer is more trouble than it's worth. At least I know what we all like, what we don't, that kind of thing. I know Sersi is allergic to buckwheat, I know Kari doesn't really like meat even if she's not totally vegetarian. I know Druig is picky with textures and I know you hate seafood."
Thena rolled her eyes at him.
He chuckled, though, picking up his tray and getting ready to load up the fridge even more. He smiled as Thena pulled the door open for him. "It's something I can do to take care of my family, y'know? Mom has done so much for us our whole lives."
And his father had done absolutely jack-shit for them.
"I wanna do whatever I can to help out," he concluded as she helped him load the last tray. The rest of the fridge was already stuffed with cheese appetizers, puff pastries to be baked, fruits that needed carving, and plenty else.
He turned and stretched with a groan. He was far from done, "I'll be up soon, don't worry. I just gotta finish these-"
"Leave them." He looked down at Thena, but she stared right back at him, arms crossed around her. "Leave the dishes for tomorrow."
He looked around the kitchen; it was pretty disastrous, and he didn't want to imagine what it would be like if his mother's kitchen weren't so massive. "The sink's totally full, not to mention the dishwasher. I can't-"
"It's not as if anyone will be using the kitchen for themselves tomorrow anyway," she shook her head, even pulling him by the hand. "They can wait until tomorrow, Gil."
"But-" he floundered, although he wasn't trying all that hard to escape the grasp of her very cold, very delicate hand. He looked down at the hand, and then at her bare feet again. "Thena, you're freezing--seriously, why aren't you in bed?"
She didn't answer him, still pulling him with her to their shared guest room.
"Were you cold?" he asked, and he had a feeling he was getting warmer (no pun intended). He tilted his head to try and get a better look at her, "is it too big? I told mom we didn't need a king sized bed."
"Just come to bed, Gilgamesh."
He grinned; she couldn't sleep without him.
He could admit just to himself that he had also gotten used to sleeping with her. After the general horror of sleeping with his best friend in a partial state of undress wore off, he had to admit, it was comfy. They fit together well, he gave off enough warmth for the both of them, and Thena would naturally wake him up by running her fingers through his hair.
Neither of them had mentioned that either, but he had a feeling she liked cuddling too.
"Fine," he conceded, yawning as he trudged up the stairs. "But I'm being a bad chef by leaving all that sitting there."
"I'm sure the code of conduct will forgive you," she drawled, finally bringing him into the room. She hadn't even closed the door behind her. She really did get up just to bring him to bed with her.
Gil sighed as he sat down on the edge of the bed. He was more tired than he thought he was.
"Get changed and lie down, Gil. Don't worry about the dishes."
Well, if she was going to tempt him with that lovely voice she had. He grumbled, hauling himself up and to the bathroom adjoining their room. Now that he was in the comfort of the familiar space, he felt how exhausted he was. Maybe she was right, he should ask for more help with stuff like this.
The dishes did get done, though. By the time he came downstairs the next morning to ask why she had gotten up so early, Thena had done every single one of them.
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healingagoddess · 2 years
When no one listens
Request: Maybe something thenamesh?? I don't know something cute and fluffy and the other eternals are so done with them - by anon, thank you so so much 🖤
Warnings: English is not my first language.
Pairing: Thena/Gilgamesh
Words: 792
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It is not an everyday thing to find Gilgamesh and Thena so close resting against each other. So, it is hard to pay attention to Ajak’s instructions as two very tired warriors snuggle in the back.
“Stop.” Thena threatens Kingo from afar with her stare.
“I should say the same thing,” he replies back, body fully turning towards them. “What is this that’s going on?”
She looks away and back to Ajak, ignoring him.
At some point during Ajak’s speech Thena rests her head against Gil’s shoulder earning the attention of Druig and Phastos, who just stare at each other like they are in the office.
“You see it too, right?” Asked Kingo.
“Uh,” Phastos takes a moment to think, but is cut off by Ajak.
“Are you guys even listening?” She speaks directly to everyone in the left corner which consist of Kingo, Phastos, and Druig. “What was I talking about?” She asks at their silence.
Kingo and Druig look at each other waiting for the other to talk as Phastos stutters to form an answer to no veil.
“You are talking about the re-distribution of the teams to travel overseas in the search of deviants.” Thena replies from her place attached to Gil’s rib.
Makkari frowns at her with a discerting look, and Sersi just looks marveled.
“Thank you, Thena; but I was talking to the corner on the left.” She gives them a stern look.
It is enough to make them stop, but it has now gained the attention of Sprite. She uses an illusion of herself sitting at the front listening to Ajak, while she walks invisible in the direction of Gilgamesh and Thena. She takes note of how they are holding hands, and how Gil’s thumb is brushing against Thena’s. Just when she is about to prank Gil tickling him with an invisible feather she hears Ajak calling out her name.
“Sprite, I hope you are not using an illusion again to escape. This is a very important matter.” Ajak talks like a mother with a warning tone.
Sprite hurries back to her place. “Sorry, Ajak.” She knows Ajak can detect her better than anyone, a special ability of the prime eternal.
At some point Gil starts to snooze nodding his head not fully asleep, and Thena wraps her arms around him to support him against her own shoulder like a mother would hold a child close. This has now caused distress between the eternals, even Ikaris is looking at them every now and then. Even Ajak blinked a few times in their direction, like trying to see if she was seeing right or it was one of Sprite’s illusions to stop her speech.
Kingo is fully turned towards them, ignoring Ajak right in front of her salad. The salad being a very cozy Gilgamesh and Thena. Phastos’ jaw has almost dropped to the floor, he keeps looking back and forth between Ajak and them. Druig is seeking comfort with Makkari, trying to ignore the scene, but it doesn’t help when the speedster is also occasionally looking at them and trying to gossip with Phastos and Kingo from afar. Sprite joined the corner on the left trying to get a more discreet glimpse of the two strong eternals in the other corner. At this point Sersi is just completely distracted by Ikaris standing next to her at the right side of the hall.
“I’m going to do it.” Mumbles Druig.
“I-” Phastos stutters. “It would be better if-” He struggles to find the right words. “You know what? Do as you please.”
“Don’t mind control them in front of Ajak.” Sprite intervenes.
“Gil?” They all hear Thena’s whispers. “My feet are cold.”
Gil soon takes her feet into his hands and between them to warm them up.
“Okay!” Kingo declares loudly as everyone else starts to complain, disrupting Ajak’s speech. They all get up shaking their head as Ajak looks at them confused.
“And where do you all think you are going?” She asks as they start to leave.
“We don’t even get cold.” Complains Phastos on their way out.
“Nice talk, Ajak. I might throw up.” Druig says.
“This has been the weirdest experience ever.” Sprite says. “I hope it never repeats.”
“What is going on?” Sersi asks as she follows them out.
Ajak shakes her head as she takes a deep breath trying to keep her cool. Her eyes fall on two very exhausted eternals on the right corner that stare right back at her not even one bit of guilt in their faces.
“So, are we dismissed?” Asks Gil.
“Just go.” Ajak says so done for the day.
But she can’t help but smile as she sees them walk out together; hand in hand.
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doctorofmagic · 2 years
I know this wasn't the point of the Wanda post but I feel like this should be said: Introducing things from the movies into the comics is not always a bad thing like how Blade wasn't half vampire until after the film trilogy and everything that happened with comic 616 Nick Fury. But I could be wrong and those are actually terrible examples.
I agree with you! I don't think adaptations and new concepts are bad, but it really depends on every circumstance.
Cloud!Galactus will forever haunt the second FF movie. Let alone that *points at Victor von Doom as a whole*
On the other hand, some concepts are super welcome, like what they did with the Eternals, making most of their personalities waaaay more interesting (I suppose my only exception is Sersi. Comics!Sersi is/was so full of sass and I missed that. But Ikaris? Makkari? Druig? *chef's kiss*)
Nick Fury, imo, is a very unique concept because he only exists thanks to the Ultimates artist who used Samuel L. Jackson for his design. The actor saw that and wanted to be part of the MCU, which turned him into a very popular character, leading Ult!Fury to the 616, while 616!Fury is currently *whatever happened to him in Slott's FF run idrc* (correct me if I'm wrong on this, I read that info a long time ago)
Oh, and I can't say much about Blade because I'm just starting to read his chronology. But I think it's cool that he's a daywalker, as far as I know.
In short, it's okay if the movies introduce something cool to the character.
But back to Wanda... (and I know you didn't mention her, this is just me ranting, so please feel free to ignore that part, I'm just seizing this opportunity)
Nothing about her MCU characterization added good things to her comic book version. She was whitewashed, worked for Hydra, had a terrible storyline about grief and mental health (tipically stereotyped and twice as problematic since she's a woman) and finally had the "woman goes crazy with power" trope. She was never able to control her powers (as seen in Civil War) and let her emotions warp reality to fit her fantasies while being manipulated by both people and her own emotions (again, women are often called overly emotional, and I'm not excusing Bendis here because he did the same in comics). She became a villain during HoM and the times she was possessed by Chthon, but she was never meant to be *THAT* scary and evil. There's altruism in her essence (this is why the narrative of killing a teenager is just so off to me).
Wanda is a brown romani woman who was often persecuted due to her ethnicity, religion and skin color, as well as her mutant genes. And yes, the many reboots that tried to erase her identity. Even in modern day, she still has to deal with ill-intended writers who ignored the implications of her character as a hero of color and the double effort she has to perform in order to be accepted as an Avenger, (former) mutant and overall hero. Not only that, the fans have to BEG to artists to make sure she isn't whitewashed, while 0ls3n stans will mock and diminish those who ask for representation.
This is why it's so problematic for Wanda to be like that. Her entire characterization is made to please a toxic fanbase and use her as a symbol to promote their racism (as seen on my previous post).
In short, they don't like Wanda. They just idolize 0ls3n because she's white and plays a derranged woman filled with power. And that's kinda enough for them.
Don't get me wrong, I do love my fair share of female villains (I'm literally in 300 different fandoms). But Wanda was not meant to be that, especially knowing that there are so few female heroes of color on screen (it gets even worse when we only count phase 1, 2 and 3).
In any case, my point is, fans cannot accept the influence of MCU!Wanda to be translated to comics because it's erasure of her identity and plain racism. The new team is working very hard to portray a woman of color as she was supposed to be ever since her roma heritage was established in comics, and it's infuriating that people will turn a blind eye to all that.
Like, this kind of shit keeps happening over and over.
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Even when Wanda is a brown woman like she's supposed to be, they still find a way to erase her through 0ls3n's whiteness. This is not different from those derranged people who pick white actors and photoshop them over Black Panther's characters (I've seen one just yesterday).
Sure many minorities were poorly portrayed back then, often depicting problematic characterizations, but here's an excellent case of how comic books allow room for growth (I was talking about HP and JK but it also fits this post)
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Agatha was just the last bit of bad influence from that accursed TV show. She was deaged, which is absurdly ageist. There are so many few elderly and middle-aged women in the Marvel universe. There's less now because women can't be old (ask me about the anons that stated Charlize was too old to play Clea and watch me burn in rage).
Anyways, I wanted to make this about Wanda again because it's not just a case of bad adaptation. It's a political statement -- and a bad one. And I don't want ANY OF THAT in a media that is so political and means so much to minorities. I feel like it's important for us to talk about this ALWAYS. So yeah. I don't know how to end this post. Representation matters. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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lovelyfanatical · 1 year
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I'm With You - Chapter 8.1
Good evening fellow Drukkari stans, or whatever time it is for you! We have made it to the next chapter! If you're running behind and need to catch up, you can find all previous installments on my handy dandy Table of Contents here. Things have been going so well, but Sersi seems to be plotting something, at least according to Druig. What could it possibly be? Find out now, in the next mini-chapter of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off!
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Despite sharing his suspicions with her, Druig soon got the idea that Makkari might not be trustworthy when it came to whatever Sersi was plotting. Perhaps he was just imagining things. After all, this was the first time Druig had initiated an investigation, so Makkari may just have decided to follow his lead. That said, she hadn't shown much enthusiasm for it either, which simply wasn't like her. Makkari had been analyzing Sersi and Dane's interactions for weeks. After Dane was eliminated, she'd still kept Sersi under close observation. The fact that she wasn't sharing any findings with him now that he was doing the investigating was odd, to say the least. Whatever Sersi was up to, perhaps Makkari was involved as well. Either way, Hunter had already had enough.
" It could be literally anything," he said, obviously annoyed. Druig had been talking about it for a few days at work now. "They could be planning a shopping trip or a bank heist for all you know. Maybe that's why they can't tell you."
"If it was a shopping trip, Makkari would've just told me. If it was a heist, she'd probably enlist my help," Druig retorted.
"What role would you even have in a bank heist?"
"Whatever role she picked for me." This answer elicited an eye roll and a muttered "bloody hell" from Hunter, which Druig pointedly ignored as he continued. "The point is she's keeping something from me, and Sersi is up to something. I don't think it's a coincidence."
"Okay, fine. Maybe that's the case," he conceded. "What are you gonna do about it?"
"Try to figure out what it is."
"And if it's harmless, you'll look like a nosy idiot," Hunter pointed out.
"So I figure it out without tipping them off," Druig responded quickly. "It probably isn't bad, right?"
"Mate, don't question what a woman gets up to with her friend. Whatever they're doing, it's probably best to just leave them to it," he replied.
"So, you admit they're likely up to something," Druig challenged, narrowing his eyes.
"Seriously?" Hunter looked tired, but he didn't back down from Druig's steady gaze as he continued. "I take it you still haven't figured out how she feels about you, then?"
Druig's stare faltered, his momentary triumph dissolving. "Not exactly."
He resented the smug look that settled on Hunter's face. "Do you ever think about just… asking her out and seeing what she says?"
"Against the rules," Druig muttered, turning away from his co-worker to rummage through a random box. It was after hours, so he couldn't rely on a well-timed customer to get him out of the conversation this time.
"Right, against the rules. The rules that you already broke to hang out with her outside of competition time. Twice."
Druig threw his head back and groaned in annoyance, not that it deterred Hunter in the slightest.
"Mate, you're practically dating already."
"And I told you I don't think those counted as dates."
"Well, maybe you would know if you asked her what she thought instead of using this 'investigation' as an excuse to poke about."
"It's not that simple, and you know it!" Druig finally snapped. "She's one of the best friends I've ever had. If she doesn't feel the same way, or I mess this up and get us kicked out of the competition, I could lose her."
Hunter's expression softened as he took in his co-worker's outburst. "Alright, fair point," he conceded. "So, maybe you wait until one of you gets eliminated. But you don't want to wait too long, yeah? I had a mate who was friends with a girl for over a decade before he finally asked her out."
"You've told me about him before. Aren't they married with kids now?"
"Yeah, but they could've gotten there a lot sooner if they'd sorted out their feelings faster." Now Druig was feeling quite done with Hunter, but the latter still wasn't finished talking. "What I'm trying to say is don't wait too long. You might want to find out how she feels before a decade goes by."
"Great, thanks for the advice," Druig said, voice dripping with sarcasm.
"I mean it. It sounds simple, but as you already know, easier said than done," Hunter insisted with surprising earnestness. "At least think about it before you continue your little investigation."
"Alright," he conceded. Satisfied, Hunter grabbed an empty box and took it out of the room. Druig thought about it for about ten seconds before resolving to continue his little investigation.
Druig really was the Watson to Makkari's Sherlock. Despite his best efforts, he could not for the life of him figure out what she and Sersi might be up to. The only option he had left, aside from asking directly, was to ask indirectly. He may have gotten Sersi to come to dinner without drawing too much suspicion, but he wasn't sure it would work a second time, and more often than not, Makkari could read him like a book. This would be an especially tricky task to pull off.
As Saturday morning rolled around, Druig did his best to act as he normally would. He casually greeted his fellow bakers, reserving his best smile for Makkari. She smiled warmly back as she bid him good morning. They chatted about their weeks as they waited for Sersi to emerge, late as ever. He waited until they were on the shuttle to get down to business.
I haven't had much luck figuring out what Sersi's planning, he told Makkari.
Me neither, she replied. She hasn't been posting lately, which doesn't give me much to work with.
I suppose we could try talking to her, see if she slips up and gives anything away, he suggested, hoping he wasn't being too obvious.
That is a thought, she said pensively. I say we give it a go. Do you want to take point, Watson?
I suppose I should. It is my investigation, after all, he said.
She smiled fondly at him before turning her attention to the scenery. The game was certainly afoot.
Is Makkari actually in on it, or is Druig just paranoid? I'm afraid you'll have to wait to find out 😅 Anyway, hope you enjoyed this mini-installment, and yes, Hunter is 100% talking about Fitzsimmons!
Part 27
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@everhearts has liked for druig w/ makkari.
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               ❝   now   i   don’t   think   the   human   race   will   appreciate   that.   ❞      druig   offers   a   smirk   as   he   both   speaks   and   signs   to   her.      yet   another   artifact   in   her   grasp   which   was   meant   to   be   left   UNTOUCHED.      they   had   rules   to   abide   by,   and   yet   here   they   BOTH   were,   ignoring   them   for   their   own   amusement   and   gain.      she   with   her   stealing,   and   he   with   his   control.      what   ajak   didn’t   know   wouldn’t   HURT   HER,   right?      ❝   my   my,   makkari.      what   EVER   will   ajak   think?   ❞      it’s   an   EMPTY   threat,   he   would   never   tell   on   her.      just   as   he   knows   she   would   never   tell   on   him.      that’s   what   made   them   such   PERFECT   PARTNERS.
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xoxo-mei · 3 months
I Should've Seen - A Druig x Reader Oneshot
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I thought I had seen it all. My eyes witnessed everything humanity could bring to the table; love and betrayal, kindness and fury, war and peace. You name it, I most likely have seen it.
But I was surprised when I just woke up one day and felt this weird turning sensation in my stomach the moment I laid eyes on Druig at the breakfast table. Then, when I walked in further, I saw Makkari beside him, laughing at something he said.
That's the moment I felt jealous for the first time in the centuries of my existence.
I played it off like it was just another normal day, but deep inside I knew, I knew it was never going to be normal again.
My mind displayed a million possibilities of me telling him how I feel, but none seemed like the right one. Or maybe I was just discouraged by the fact that he always seemed to seek out Makkari, my best friend.
''Y/N?'' I saw a hand signing my name and I looked up from my book to face Makkari with a worried frown on her face, ''Did you see what I said?''
Placing down my book, I used my hand to communicate back, like it was as normal as talking for me, ''No, sorry. Can you repeat it?''
We were currently all working on a plan to make sure that Earth is going to survive the evil plan of our leader Arishem, all of us making individual tasks for each other.
Makkari and I were discussing the best way to sneak up to the spot when Druig joined beside me.
He showed me a kind smile but turned to Makkari more quickly than the speed of light.
My heart clenched at the sight, the pain actually blinding me for a second. I grabbed my book, slammed it close and excused myself, fleeing to my room. Kingo saw everything go down and followed suit after me.
''Y/N? Y/N, hold up.'' I sighed when I knew I wasn't going to get rid of him if I didn't stop and let him say whatever was on his chest this time.
He stopped beside me and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, ''You okay, kid?''
''Yeah, why wouldn't I be?''
''I don't know,'' Kingo shrugged, ''the way you left when Druig came - it appeared as if something more was going on than either of you were telling. Do you... Do you feel something for him, perhaps?''
I stayed quiet, not wanting to tell him anything. But my silence? It spoke more words than my voice ever could.
The realization dawned on him and I quickly fled the scene.
If Kingo knew, it might mean that Druig is soon going to know it, too. And I'm not ready for that yet.
Days went by and I managed to ignore Druig in all of them. It was getting obvious that something was going on, but I didn't want to tell. Not yet.
Distraction is the last thing any of us need right now.
The battle was going well for us, except for the fact that I wasn't able to heal from the attack that Ikaris launched on me.
Makkari rushed to me, ''Can you take care of Druig?''
Before I could answer, she was off. I watched her run in her top speed towards the beach and I stumbled behind Druig as he tried to make it to the speed where the damn giant was going to wake up.
It went well for a second but then Ikaris managed to fly towards us and with all his strength, he unleashed it all on Druig, driving him into the ground. My life flashed before my eyes as anger and sadness took over my body. I fell to my knees.
Seconds went by, followed by more seconds, and he didn't stand up. I was starting to believe he was dead, but I wasn't going to give up.
I groaned in pain at the movement when I placed my hands on the ground. With all the strength in me, I focused on the powers coursing through my veins.
They extended into the earth, glowing strings rooting beneath my fingertips.
I was feeling more faint by the minute but I wasn't going to give up on the only one I've ever loved.
Determination strengthened me. More glow was coming from me and surrounded me like a cloak.
Makkari saw everything go down and rushed over to my aid. Druig was lifted from the hole, and Makkari was quick to grab him.
His eyes fluttered open just as the glow went down and I fell to the ground, blood seeping from the wound making a puddle beneath me. My hands fell limp at my side.
''Thank you.'' Druig signed to Makkari and she shook her head, denying she had anything to do with it.
She spotted me and pointed towards my body, making Druig more obvious to what actually went down.
He stood up and fell beside me. His hand brushed some strands away as he sighed when he saw my chest rise and fall.
''Thank God, she's still alive.''
He lifted me up bridal style and rushed towards the others.
I had no idea how long I was out like a light, but I knew that I needed something more than just my thoughts when I finally felt my body again.
I wiggled my toes and fingers, my eyes opening gently.
Fluttering them closed again when the bright light hit my face, I realized someone else was holding onto me like dear life.
My head turned to the side, surprise clouding my judgment, ''Druig?''
At the sound of his name, he woke up. It was quiet between us when his eyes finally fell on me. I thought he was going to say something, but he just leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my lips.
My eyes were open in surprise but when it dawned on me that Druig was kissing me, they soon closed and I let myself sink into the kiss even deeper than I already was.
He parted his lips gently from mine when we both were in need of air.
''I was afraid I wouldn't be able to thank you.''
''That's what this was,'' I questioned, my voice barely a whisper, ''a sign of gratitude?''
''No,'' he shook his head, ''more a confession. I should've seen what was in front of me.''
And since that day, we've been talking more and getting to know each other better. It went so well, that we soon after started dating. And now, two years later, I was his wife.
We had two adorable little kids and a home in Spain.
Life couldn't be better.
Words: 1,1K
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jeonstellate · 1 year
chaos inferno — ember iii
himiko gives the benefit of the doubt and meets the rest of the eternals.
✶༄ platonic!eternals x nb!original character
✶༄ no warnings available for this ember
✶༄ paragraph format — 0.7K words
masterlist | chaos inferno masterlist
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[gif’s full credit belongs solely to its owner]
Miko knew fae had less chance of coming back alive once morally corrupt people take faer to a second location. Even if she didn’t think Sersi nor Ikaris were morally corrupted at the moment, she still didn’t trust them enough to not expect them to give up their ‘nice’ façade at any moment. Fae just couldn’t ignore the possibility of the world ending if she didn’t help, so fae ultimately decided to give them the benefit of the doubt.
Thankfully, Miko remembered to leave her teammates a note after fae went back up to change into a more appropriate attire.
Went out. If you don’t hear from me by tomorrow AND I don’t come back by the end of the week, consider me kidnapped. — Miko
Miko, truthfully, was curious about how Sersi and Ikaris could possibly prove that fae could trust them. Especially since they invited her to go somewhere with them just so they can earn faers trust.
On their way to their destination — wherever that may be, since neither Sersi and Ikaris shared that information with faer — they both tried starting conversations with her. However, since she was quite preoccupied by faers thoughts, her replies came out short and a little disinterested. The fact that faers guard was still up didn’t help, either.
"That’s the Domo," Sersi announced when the three of them finally arrived on site — and Miko finally laid faers eyes on the Eternals’ former home.
When Ikaris told faer that the Eternals used to live in a spaceship, Miko didn’t expect the Domo to look like how it did. Sure, fae had witnessed with faers own two eyes how spaceships could vary in sizes and shapes; but, somehow, the Domo just didn’t strike her as one at all. Given how she had enough of seeing spaceships during the war with Thanos, Miko thought it was actually better that the Domo didn’t seem like a spaceship to faer — or it might’ve triggered her fight or flight response otherwise.
"What is taking Ikaris and Sersi so long—" Miko heard someone say when they reached the doorway to a conference room of sorts inside the spacecraft. "How difficult is it to convince—"
Ikaris cleared his throat before the person could finish. "Hey! You’re finally back!" Another person greeted after following the sound, "Is Akosh with you?"
"Yes, but—" A wind passed by both Sersi and Ikaris before the former could even finish. Surprisingly, neither seemed surprised when they turned around and saw another woman standing in front of Miko. "Makkari," Sersi tried to turn her attention towards her, but Makkari wouldn’t budge.
Akosh, Makkari signed, her attention steely locked on Miko, do you remember me?
Miko’s eyes gave away faers panicked state. Not because Makkari just appeared out of nowhere and invaded her personal space, but because fae could understand what she just said — even if fae never formally learned sign language.
Makkari, Miko found herself signing back, as though it was almost second nature to her. How do I know you? How do I know sign language?
Makkari smiled widely, Because you’re Akosh.
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While Miko was preoccupied by Makkari, the rest of the Eternals took it upon themselves to gather closer to one another and watch the scene before them.
"What were you about to say back there, Sersi?" Gilgamesh asked, his eyes glued on Miko and Makkari conversing animatedly.
"Just that we got Akosh to come with, but we still have to convince faer to trust us."
"Well, Akosh seems to trust Makkari already," Sprite commented.
"I suppose that can’t be helped," Ikaris commented on Sprite’s observation. "Akosh was closer to Makkari and Druig, after all."
"Squirt!" They heard Druig greet Miko, then immediately saw him stop on his tracks. "Woah, you’ve grown."
"He’s right," Thena suddenly noticed the difference between the Akosh they knew and the one currently standing before them after Druig pointed it out, "Akosh has gotten older."
"She’s been a mortal for a decade and a half," Kingo reminded everyone, "of course fae has gotten older."
The Eternals went quiet after that, seemingly pondering the passage of time for the very first time. As immortal beings, they never really gave the passage of time more than a second of thought. Whether it moves or not doesn’t affect them personally, after all, because they don’t physically age. However, upon seeing how Akosh — one of their own, even if formerly — was evidently affected by the passage of time, the Eternals seemed to reach similar epiphanies.
Akosh is Miko, that much is true, but it’s understandably unclear whether the opposite is also true. After all, Fifteen years is a lot of time.
next ember >
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fireinmoonshot · 3 years
“awww, jealous?” with druig?
A/N: This ended up much longer than I'd intended for it to be. I'd wanted it to be a cute, short drabble and then it ended up being somewhat angsty and over 1000 words... but anyway. I hope you enjoy!
Druig had this habit of sneaking up on you when you least expected it. You could be sitting anywhere and he’d come up behind you and rest his head on your shoulder. Even after all these years, he still enjoyed the way you’d startle in surprise at his appearance, as if it was always the first time.
You’d thought it was just your thing. That he did it with you alone, since you’d never seen him do it with anyone else. He wasn’t an affectionate person in public, not even around the other Eternals, but he made exceptions for you. For this one, small thing he did. This habit of his.
What you didn’t know, however, was that Druig had been doing it as a hint for hundreds of years now. Trying to hint to you that he liked you, so he wouldn’t have to say it out loud. And he was getting bored of waiting for you to come to your senses and realise what it meant.
Hence the reason why he’d started doing it with others.
You’d been sitting in the Domo, eyes focused on the pages of a book in front of you, when you noticed him enter the room and make a beeline for Makkari. He attempted to sneak up behind her and rest his chin on her shoulder, but she’d felt him coming and moved out of the way just as his chin was about to land, causing him to awkwardly jerk downwards and then stand up, flustered.
She’d outsmarted him, and yet you couldn’t even smile at the fact, because a strange feeling had begun to curl in your stomach at the sight of Druig taking the thing you’d thought was yours and doing it with someone else.
Quietly, you’d excused yourself from the room, thinking no one would notice.
Druig, however, watched you leave, frowning.
Days passed without him sneaking up on you. You witnessed him trying to sneak up on Makkari several more times, all when you were in the room, and it felt like he was mad at you for some reason you didn’t understand. What had you done? Why would he be distancing himself like this if you hadn’t done anything? But what?
Everyone noticed that you were a little quieter than usual that week. Thena was worried, even pulling you aside once to ask what was wrong. You’d insisted it was nothing, you were just having a bad week. Missing home.
No one noticed more than Druig, though. His plan was backfiring.
Instead of you seeing him being affectionate with Makkari and confronting him about it, your jealousy becoming too strong to let him keep getting away with it (which had been his plan), you were taking a step away from him.
At dinner, nearly two weeks after he’d started his plan, Druig settled down into the seat beside you while the others talked and danced with the humans in the small bar you were in.
“You all right, love?” He glanced over at you.
Briefly, you glanced at him. Long enough to see the worry in his eyes. “I’m fine.”
Druig shook his head. “You’re lying. C’mon, talk to me.”
Why are you distancing yourself? Why haven’t you spoken to me in weeks? Those were the questions he wanted to hear you answer. Why don’t you care that I’m trying to make you jealous so you can see that I’m in love with you?
You answered none of them.
Arms crossed over your chest, you ignored him.
He nudged you gently. “Love, come on. Just–”
“Just go, okay?” You raised your voice a little too loud. “Go find Makkari or someone else to bother. I’m clearly not worth your time, as you’ve shown.”
Druig sat up straighter, eyebrows furrowed. He hadn’t expected an outburst from you. But you’d noticed – you’d noticed that he’d been spending time with Makkari. Not in the way he’d wanted you to notice, but still.
“Hang on–”
“Druig, please go.”
He shook his head. “Are you jealous?”
You met his eyes. “Why would I be jealous?”
His lips twisted up into a smile. “Aww, you are jealous.”
With a huff, you stood up from the chair and walked away from him, weaving your way through the few people dancing and heading towards the door where you could get some fresh air. The environment inside was clearly messing with your head. And Druig’s, too.
Jealous? You… of course you were jealous. How could you not be? You were jealous and hurt and angry and disappointed, and mad at yourself, too.
You stopped outside and stood staring out at the mountains in the distance. The night was cool, but not uncomfortably so, and the difference in the temperature calmed you down considerably.
Maybe you should go, you thought. Just leave, distance yourself properly from them. If your bad mood kept up, surely it would cause more harm than good, right? But… how could you leave the only family you’d ever known? You sighed, squeezing your eyes shut tight and letting out a deep breath.
You hadn’t noticed the door creaking open behind you, or Druig slowly walking up behind you. It was only when his chin rested on your shoulder that you realised, your body tensing up at the sudden surprise of his appearance.
“Wanna lie about how you’re not jealous again?” His voice was quiet in your ear.
You kept your eyes closed. “Wanna tell me what I did wrong to make you start acting this way?” Your words were just as quiet as his, even though there was no one else outside to be hiding your conversation from.
Druig frowned, yet kept his head on your shoulder. “What you did wrong? Love, you’ve done nothing wrong.”
“Your actions lately disagree.”
He smiled to himself. “My actions have been an attempt to make you feel the way you said you don’t feel. Jealous.”
You spun around, knocking his chin off of your shoulder and forcing him to stand upright as you faced him. “What? Why would you be trying to make me feel jealous?”
“Did it work?” His eyes looked mischievous.
“This is not the point, Druig.”
“It’s literally the entire point.”
You stared at him, and he stared at you in return. Neither of you spoke. The wind rustled the leaves on the trees, the branches creaked a little in the breeze. You could hear the music coming from inside the bar, muffled by the walls.
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Fine,” he began. “How have you not noticed that I’ve been in love with you for the past eight hundred years? That’s why I was doing our thing with Makkari. Trying to make you jealous so I didn’t have to say it.”
You blinked. “You– what?”
“I’m not saying it again, so you better have been listening the first time.”
“You’re in– in love? With–”
“Yes, with you.” Druig stepped forward, a hand reaching up to cup your cheek as he leant in and pressed his lips gently to your forehead. “Now, will you come inside and dance with me so we don’t have to have this whole awkward conversation? I think I got the point across, did I not?”
He pulled away just to see a smile beginning to form on your face.
“There we go,” Druig’s voice was filled with fondness. “I’ve missed seeing your beautiful smile.”
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redheadspark · 5 months
Hello! Can you do Druig with 2 and 20?
Maybe include a way to make Ikaris an asshole in it? 🤭
A/N - Hooray for Druig! I love this, thanks for requesting this, friend!
Summary - You hate hearing negativity against your husband. It was your job to bring him joy again.
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Warnings - Angst and mostly fluff :)
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“I swear, the guys doesn’t know when it stop talking,”
“Well I choose to ignore those words,”
“And I don’t, not when it comes to my husband,” 
Druig poked his head up from his book, seeing you pace back and forth in front of him while he was occupying your shared bed on The Domo.  You were fuming, your mind was racing at just an alarming rate from what you were told minutes before on the ramp going into The Domo.  One minute you were returning from a patrol with Kingo around the city, wanting to kick up your feet and relax with Druig for the rest of the night. But you overheard what Ikaris was saying to Sersi and Ajak, about the small ambush of Deviants that were seen to the South.  
Druig was helping relocate the humans that were stuck in the ambush, he was better at corralling the humans and making sure they were safe and away from the chaos.  Ajak and Sersi were telling Ikaris of the hard work Druig was going and all the lives he saved, no human was killed.  But of course, Ikaris being Ikaris, he never saw the positive with your husband and best friend.
“A Simple Mind Control trick is nothing sort of a magic trick.  Anyone of us could have done that,”
One black eye and a scolding later from Ajak, Ikaris was ushered away to his room with Sersi looking after him.
“Something tells me he deserved it,” Druig almost teased as he thumbed another page through his book while you were still walking back and broth and attempting to calm down. You hated hearing that from Ikaris, he had no right to say such things from one of the kindest and selfless beings on the ship.  Although he was a strong Eternal, Ikaris would be lost as well, too driven and too invested in the goals in front of him compared to all that was happening around him.  He had blinders on, plain and simple.  Sometimes when he said something that was rude and almost uneasy with you, you wished to put him in your place.  But you also had respect for Ajak as your leader, never wishing to ruffle feathers or make waves.
All of those hesitance went out the window at the mention of your husband and his worth in the group.
“Of course, he deserved it!  He spoke about you like you were dirt below his own boots!” You huffed, Druig slammed his book closed and watching you as you were glaring at him with heat still under your skin and your fingers baling into fists, “He doesn’t know the true worth that you have and what you bring to the family, to the humans,”
Druig said nothing, which made you a bit cornered since Druig have good confidence in himself and what he could do.  You wanted the confidence that he had, though he would pour that back into you and make you feel your self worth when you were not yourself.  Yet there were times, very briefly but they were evident, that Druig felt low.  He was amazing at hiding it from the others, even from his best friend Makkari who could read him like a book.  Most of time it came from Ikaris, from his judgment in Druig’s performance and to how he was said undertones statements that seemed more hurtful than they were.
“Druig,” You said his name, being that he was still quiet.  It made you walk over to the side of the bed, taking the book out of his hands to lace your fingers together and stare at him gently in the eyes, “Don’t ever let Ikaris get you down with his words and what he says: You have so much talent.  Not only with your abilities, but how you can help the humans who need it, truly need it,”
Druig searched your eyes, squeezing your hands from the sweet words you were tell him as you smiled widely.  You loved pouring out your love for him, something Druig was not used to himself.  He would do it with you all the time and admit it was just as natural as breathing was.  He adored making you blush, bring you joy, and especially building your confidence and self worth.  
Now it was his turn to take in all of those praises and words.
“We are so lucky to have you,” You explained to him calmly, though you were feeling a bit emotional when you were talking to Druig, “I am lucky, honored, to have you in my life as my husband.  If Ikaris can’t see that about you, then he doesn’t deserve the breathe the same air as you.  Okay?”
Druig smiled from ear to ear, the glow that was now on his face and almost hovering about him made y9our heart soar as he leaned over to kiss you boldly on the couch.  You cupped his face in your hands, feeling the warmth of his cheeks along your palms.  You would tell him every time when anyone, even Ikaris would knock him down and bring him to his knees.
If that would ever happen again, you would take his hands and bring him back on his feet, to his strength again.
The End
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April Prompt Sessions
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softquietsteadylove · 11 months
For the Maleficent AU: Thena snuck away on her own to a village to watch the humans. Days after Gil noticed that her behavior is odd so he investigates and then Thena admits that she snuck away and got shot and that the iron bullet is still sticking in her body.
Gil frowned as he landed at the lower level of the mothernest interior. When he was checking that everything was okay, he didn't expect to see a figure huddled around the healing pools. It was far later in the day than anyone would usually be here. "Hello?"
The figure startled, and he could recognise those sparkling white wings anywhere. "G-Gil?"
"Thena," he frowned, stepping a little closer on the mossy ground around the pools. He was careful, but he could see the skirt of her dress pooled around her bent legs on the ground, even though she was holding her wings around herself protectively. "Are you okay?"
"Oh, I-I'm fine," she smiled, although she was still letting her wings somewhat hide herself from him. "I just...got something on my dress. I thought I would try to use the cold salt water to remove it."
"Right," he murmured, trying to apprise himself of the situation. "The healing pools might not be as good as the shore waters for that."
Gil stood a respectful distance away, crossing his arms as Thena made no move to leave the warm salt springs around them either. He sighed, settling his wings comfortably. "What happened, Thena?"
"Nothing," she tried to deny, but her breath was short and choppy, and those long, lithe shoulders of hers weren't moving right.
"Show me," he urged, stepping closer. She remained huddled over herself. "Let me help."
She stayed still for a little longer, her wings rustling against the mossy ground at their feet. "You can't tell anyone."
Gilgamesh wasn't sure how he felt about potentially keeping something that could very mean her being injured to himself, but he agreed. He moved closer, crouching down behind her, with her wings between them. "Please, Thena?"
She sighed, and slowly her shimmering feathers drew away from his view, revealing a splotch of red in the side of her white dress too large to ignore. She really had been trying to clean it.
"When did this happen?" Gil asked immediately, moving closer, ducking his head under her wing as he tried to see if it was still actively bleeding.
"I-" she began and hesitated for another second. "I was flying to the farms."
The farms were quite far inland, and they never went unless it was on a peace convoy with a full guard and protection detail.
"Someone must have seen me, and..." she trailed off, letting him move her hair over her shoulder. She winced as he moved her arm. "They didn't shoot me down but it-it just won't heal."
"Thena," Gil gulped, his hands on her delicate shoulders. Her skin was so soft, and so pale, like her feathers. "Can I, uh--just enough for me to see, okay?"
She had already accepted her defeat, it seemed. She nodded, letting him un-knot the strap of her dress at her shoulder and let the back of it come down around her side. Even her ribs were perfectly sculpted.
Gil frowned, too preoccupied with the iron burn along her side to worry about her state of undress. "Thena, it's still in you?"
"I-" she winced again as she attempted to turn and look at him. "I can't get it out."
"Okay, hey, it's all right," he shushed her, trying to get her breathing even again. He rushed to tie her dress properly again. Even the sight of her back half bare was too much for him. "Here."
Thena nearly whimpered as he helped her onto her feet and towards the caves. "I've been managing it thus far."
"I don't know how," he muttered, not at all pleased by the thought of her walking around with an injury to this degree. He let her lean on him as he walked her away from any prying eyes. "How have your brothers not found out?"
"Druig is with Makkari day and night, it seems," she sighed as the scent of the healing pools' deeper well reached her nose. "Ikaris, all I have to do is stand to his left."
Gil rolled his eyes. Druig was fine, but that other brother of hers...
"Gil," Thena attempted to plead with him, seeing what his intention was. "I don't think-"
"Thena," he frowned, steps away from lowering her into the healing spring himself. "You need to submerge it, and for more than a few minutes."
"I only came because Ikaris is hunting with Kingo," she argued with him, the warmth of the saltwater practically glowing at her from the ground. "I have to get back."
"You need to not walk around with an iron bullet in your ribcage!"
Thena blinked, completely surprised by the even marginal rise in his voice's volume. Her wings trembled on her back faintly, but she didn't wrench herself away from him. She tilted her head, "is that an order?"
He sighed; if she were part of his perimeter detail or guard team, then maybe. But he softened, running his hand down her arm until he could take her hand in his. "No, it's not. It's just something you can do to put my heart at ease."
Thena looked terribly torn. She had her own reasons for trying to keep this injury of hers contained. It was bad for the delegation, it was bad for human-fae relations, and it was bad for their reputation if people thought they could get shot out of the sky while flying.
It was bad if her brothers thought their only family in the world was hurt.
"Do you intend to undress me yourself?"
Gil huffed, turning around as his face became unbearably hot. He even spread his wings out, "very funny."
Thena's laughter was softer, but it echoed around the cave interior. "I am ruffling your feathers, Gil, nothing more. I know you would never."
He blocked out the sound of her light and breezy dress slipping off her body and onto the cave floor. He cleared his throat, "okay, okay, just get in the healing bath."
Thena hissed and then whimpered as she submerged herself properly, something she had probably avoided since she was first injured.
"You okay?" he asked, instinctively wanting to check on her but forbidding himself from even moving his head remotely in her direction.
"I'm fine," she uttered, but it did sound less strained than when she was huddled around the healing pools outside and trying to both bathe her wound and clean her dress at the same time.
"I wouldn't say you're fine," he growled, but tried not to start raging about how serious her injury really was, despite the way she was acting.
"Gil," she chided him before he had even said anything, "they were trying to protect themselves."
He snorted at her defense of the humans. "They can protect themselves with regular arrows. They don't need iron bullets the size of a walnut."
"What's done is done," she concluded, and he could hear the sound of her cupping her hands and letting the water run over herself. "There's no use imagining what could have happened differently."
Gil stayed quiet. He wouldn't win an argument with her about the humans. For how unsocial she was, she really was protective of those stupid walking fleshbags. "How did you fly home?"
That made him even angrier--the thought of Thena hauling herself home, desperately using the air currents and the size of her wings to bring her injured body back to the nest. How had no one else noticed?!
"No one knows, Gil," she said quietly, going still in the water. "I wasn't intending on telling anyone."
He frowned to himself, letting himself turn his head faintly just to catch the sheer black of his wings in his periphery. He rustled them gently, "That's what bothers me the most."
Thena was quiet again, and he supposed he wouldn't expect her to have an answer to that. He continued to stand guard, although no one used the healing pools when it was late (they were too cold, then). But he was hardly going to let someone stumble upon something they shouldn't.
"I would have told you."
She sounded like a young faerie admitting to something only after the fact. Her contrition made her voice heavy. "I wanted to heal up just a little before I told you--so I could prove it wasn't dire and that there would be no need for action."
Gil made a face just for himself, "you mean so I wouldn't freak out and go track down the human that shot you?"
"You don't know it was a human."
"I don't know any other species that uses stuff like that."
Thena laughed, although it was still a little hollow and breathless. "I suppose you're right. But perhaps if we were as helpless as they are, we would be just as afraid."
Gil was not afraid of any human. Even if he had to take one of those iron monstrosities on for himself. He would face one down happily to look into the eye of the human that had done this to (his) Thena.
Gil nearly leapt and flapped his wings in reaction to the noise. He still didn't want to look at her in any state of undress, but he stared hard into the opaque wall of his black feathers. "What happened!?"
"It's okay, it's okay," she panted faintly, but her voice was indeed stronger, "it's out. The saltspring is working."
Well, that was a relief. One of the best assets of this particular mothernest - home to so many biomes and nests within it - was its proximity to the healing springs. Ajak valued their medicinal properties greatly, after all.
"You were right," Thena conceded, which he got the feeling didn't happen often. "I should have just come here sooner, saved myself the trouble of secrecy."
"Well, yeah, I was right." She huffed, just loud enough for him to hear. He chuckled, "but I know you didn't want your brothers to freak out. Hard to slip away for too long with both of them around, right?"
"Dreadfully," she sighed much easier this time.
"Tell you what," Gil smiled, maybe a little too relieved now that Thena was actually on her way to better health. "I'll show up at your nest every morning this week to ask you to join me on 'convoys' inland. But you've gotta come down here and soak that wound of yours."
"It's iron, Thena," he scowled straight ahead at the opening of the cave, "it's not going to be completely healed overnight. And you don't want them to know, so it's this or I bring you the spring water and tell them about it myself."
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐠'𝐬 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
a/n: female reader, requests are open. I haven’t written for Druig, ever, and this was kinda fun. 
✧ Your dynamic is:     Enemies > aquaintances > friends > both secretly pining after each other but trying to hide it > you accidentally confess your feelings while under a spell > he grows distant > you save his life (bitterly) > he confides in Makkari and she tells him to get a grip > he confesses to you > but you rebuff him > then he keeps falling harder and harder; near begging you to forgive him
✧ Knowing that he’s an Eternal, even though you’re mortal yourself
✧ You meet when Thena, Makkari and himself are off to find the other Eternals. 
✧ They enlist your help as your magical knowledge nearly exceeds the Sorcerer Supreme. You come from a long line of witches, one being your Aunt Agatha. You have natural abilities; levitation of objects and yourself, enhanced intuition and divination skills 
✧ Yet you were recruited by Dr Strange himself, and from your studies with the Mystic Arts, your abilities grew
✧ With so much going on, the Eternals needed your help as nearly everyone else was busy making sure the end of the world didn’t happen ... again
✧ So it was decided that you would travel with them on their journey. Since it was unsafe for you to be involved and left in your home town
✧ Makkari became a quick friend (pun intended...) she was so kind to you, and taught you a lot of sign language. Even though she couldn’t communicate using speech, you two had a lot of deep conversations. She was very curious about your studies and your knowledge
✧ Thena was stoic, not speeching much but when she did, you were in awe. It was like gazing upon a goddess; Athena had always been one of your favourite greek gods (thanks to the Percy Jackson books). But you could’ve never thought you would meet the actual figure Athena was based on
✧ And then there was Druig. You had read about him once, in an old reference book about ancient druidry. 
“What’s your power?” You asked, watching him lean against the far wall. 
     “I’m not a magician,” he responded harshly. 
Even Makkari looked at him with shock, however Thena had understood where his anger was coming from. They had been chasing leads for weeks without finding anything. 
 “Prick,” you replied. Clearly in ear shot, you didn’t feel Druig had a leg to stand on really. Here they were, asking you for help. You were risking your neck, and here an immortal being stood, giving you lip. 
I like her, Makkari signed to Thena, throwing a kind smile your way. 
✧ After he asked for your forgiveness, you didn’t have it in you to ignore him any longer. It felt too cruel, not just to him, but to you. Your heart felt so broken, and here he was, near begging. 
✧ He teases you a lot, like a lot.  Holding things out of reach, hiding your supplies, calling you ridiculous nicknames. 
✧ Druig loves being physically close to you; always having a hand, an arm around you, a leg hooked with yours, your head resting on his chest or shoulder. 
✧ You brought as many of your herbs onboard; Druig loves the smell of rosemary, lavender, jasmine and cinammon. 
✧ Druig likes to read all sorts of literature. He loves Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. He feels an afinity to the character - having the power to change lives, or stand by and let them make their mistakes. 
✧ He likes to read to you out loud (although no one else is allowed to hear him). 
✧ What was between him and Makkari was merely platonic. You all hold great respect for each other and know you can count on one another for anything. 
✧ You played the song, the 30th by Billie Eilish and he cried. Druig is the most connected to humanity through his power. He knows the best and worst of humans and constantly needs to see the good in them. 
✧ He doesn’t like to be touched by people, but others wouldn’t know that because you’re near inseparable 
✧ He likes Slipknot 
✧ Knows a lot about history, and yes being there was helpful. He tells you ‘what actually happened,’ and then Thena overhears and yells, “THAT DID NOT HAPPEN DRUIG, HE HIT YOU FAIR AND SQUARE.”
✧ He likes it when you trace random words, shapes, symbols on his skin
✧ Likes to play with your hair, and has picked up a lot of skills over the years. He does a mean braid 
✧ He is GREAT with children and animals 
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hottpinkpenguin · 3 years
Could I request a one shot for Druig from Eternals?
The reader like Druig secretly, but Druig gets annoyed with the reader constantly because of how kind and sweet she is with the humans and the other Eternals. He gets in a fight with the reader after she almost dies in a Deviant fight. Druig breaks her heart with his harsh words against her, having the reader leave the Eternals because of it. When they meet up 500 years later for the Emergence, Druig sees how calloused the reader became and he tries to win her back. Maybe a hint of smut, who knows! Thanks! :) Your writing is amazing!
A/N: THANK YOUUUUU for being so patient!!! this was a lot of fun to write, and I have broken it into 2 parts bc i am straight addicted to high words counts. Here is part 1!!! hope you love it Summary: Druig can't stand the risks that his fellow Eternal Damra's powers put him and the others into. One night after a Deviant attacks the city of Babylon, he tells her exactly how he feels, only to realize that maybe he feels more than he originally thought... Warnings: None Characters: Druig x Fem!Eternals!OC (Name is Damra, has powers over nature)
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Babylon - 525 BC
Druig. Stop it, Makkari signed at Druig, interrupting his reverie.
Stop what, he retorted.
You’re glaring again, Makkari replied, rolling her eyes at him. Druig hadn’t noticed, but that had been happening a lot lately. He couldn’t help it – she was just so damn irritating.
Druig watched as Damra let a few human children lead her by the hand through the streets of Babylon, a human baby clutched in her other hand. She smiled down beatifically at the baby, and Druig couldn’t help but let a groan of annoyance slip past his lips. There she goes again, playing goddess to the masses, he thought sourly, shading his eyes against the midday sun.
Druig never understood Damra’s fascination with humans. They were a perpetually power-hungry race of beings, and Druig wearied of their tiresome thoughts always pounding on the edges of his mind. But not to Damra. Her affinity for the people of Earth had gotten the Eternals wrapped up in too many human conflicts already. She was always convincing the others to save these children or protect this village. Her constant meddling had almost cost Druig, Makkari, and the others their lives more times than he cared to count, and Druig was rapidly losing patience for it.
You’re hopeless, Makkari informed him, throwing up her hands in defeat and walking away with a final sigh of exasperation, leaving Druig to his brooding thoughts.
Druig watched as Damra’s silhouette faded from sight, swallowed up by the crowds of humans who’d gathered around to watch her force the withered crops into bloom and fill the dry wells with clean water. As an Eternal, Damra controlled nature, able to make a tropical oasis out of sand in an instant, control the minds and actions of a flock of birds or a swarm of bees, or change the tides of the ocean. Druig had seen her do all these things; her power was impressive, truly, and it was always spellbinding to humans, who sought futilely to exert the same influence over the natural world through their crude tools.
As Damra’s auburn hair disappeared from view, Druig thought about using his own powers to seize the minds of the villagers to ignore Damra’s self-indulgent show of force. He loathed that she flaunted her powers in front of the humans, even more so that she had used her powers to literally create Babylon from nothingness. Even Ajack had been against Damra creating such a sanctuary at first. But, just like all the others – human and Eternal alike – she’d been seduced by the tranquility of Babylon. Although he would never admit it out loud, Druig knew that Babylon was the first time since arriving on Earth that the Eternals had co-existed peacefully and openly with humans. A fact that Damra’s constant showmanship never ceased to remind him of.
His mood darkening by the moment, Druig turned on his heel, leaving Damra to the adoring throngs of villagers who had poured out into the city center, chanting her name.
It was evening before Damra came back to the Domo. Her face was glowing and flushed, proof of just how long she had been using her powers.
As usual, all of the Eternals had gathered in the central chamber of the Domo to discuss the day’s events, hear any new directives from Arishem through Ajack, and bid each other goodnight. Makkari, still annoyed by Druig’s brooding, was resting comfortably on the bench across the chamber from him, chatting with Sersi and Sprite. Phastos, as usual, was working on one of his inventions that he planned to share with the humans (another pandering gesture Druig resented). Kingo and Ikaris were engaged in a sparring match while Thena watched appreciatively, calling out suggestions and coaching each from the sides. Gilgamesh sat quietly near Druig, lost in his own thoughts, and Ajack hadn’t arrived yet.
As soon as Damra strode in, Druig felt his jaw tense. Her neck was adorned with flower necklaces – favors the villagers bestowed upon her as a sign of their love for her and her powers. The soft pinks and blues of the blossoms made her look radiant and ethereal, and Druig hated her for it. Before he could stop himself, he was on his feet, glowering at her.
“Just how long are we going to keep this charade up, Damra?” His voice dripped with ire, and immediately the sounds of relaxed chatter in the chamber died out. All eyes turned to him, including Damra’s, the color of emeralds.
“I don’t understand, Druig,” she replied softly, the gentle smile she’d worn upon entering the chamber melting from her face as she saw his anger. He practically shook with the effort of controlling it.
“How long do you intend to keep this place and those people-” Druig gestured vaguely towards the city outside “- reliant on your powers for? How long do you intend to play God?” Out of the corner of his eye, Druig saw Makkari stand up and leave, clearly not interested in having any part in what he knew she felt was a ridiculous, misdirected, and bitter vendetta.
Damra turned to face Druig, her face placid but her body tense. He wasn’t surprised; Damra was genteel and soft around the humans, but she had a fierce spark in her soul. Secretly, he was glad she wouldn’t back down. He was itching for a fight.
“As long as Ajack allows,” she replied, jutting her chin out at him in an act of defiance.
Unsurprisingly, it was Phastos who came to Damra’s aid first. “What we’re doing here is advancing humanity by thousands of years in the span of a generation,” he pointed out. Druig shot him a dark glare out of the corner of his eye. Although Phastos had always defended Damra’s sanctuary city, Druig wasn’t interested in arguing with the inventor. Damra was his target, and he wouldn’t allow himself to be distracted.
“No, what we’re doing here is laying out a banquet for Deviants,” Druig spat back.
Damra’s nostrils flared and her eyes narrowed. She knew Druig’s position on this; they’d had this argument countless times, although never in such a public forum.
“It’s a risk worth taking,” she growled, her voice low and menacing.
Druig opened his mouth to reply, but it was Ajack’s voice that cut through the building tension in the chamber.
“Enough, Druig.” Her voice was commanding with an edge of harshness. She strode in to the chamber, coming to stand next to Damra and Druig, who were now mere inches apart, tensing for blows. “This is not how we resolve our differences,” Ajack scolded.
Ever the obsequious and dutiful Eternal, Damra backed down, stepping away from Druig and slowly making her way to the bench on the edge of the chamber to sit. Druig, on the other hand, couldn’t let it go. Sensing his mounting outburst, Ajack placed a hand firmly on his shoulder. “Not here, not now.” Ajack lowered her eyes and forced Druig to return her gaze. Despite her at times motherly countenance, Ajack was their natural leader and Druig had immense respect for her, even if he disagreed with her tactics.
Frustrated at being stymied, Druig chewed his tongue, debating whether to obey Ajack in the truce or unleash the string of harsh words ready to pounce from his lips. After a few agitated moments of deliberation, Druig thought better of it than to go against Ajack’s wishes. With a snort of derision, he left the chamber, retreating to his own quarters to spend the rest of the night in an indignant temper.
Damra considered confronting Druig in his quarters to finish what he had started that evening, but thought better of it. Ajack’s instructions had been clear when they had spoken after the others had left the chamber: Druig’s points were valid, even if his delivery was lacking. Deviants were drawn to the Eternals’ powers, and the intensity with which Damra used hers to sustain the sanctuary of Babylon put all of them – not to mention the humans who flocked to the city by the hundreds each day – in constant danger.
Knowing she would not find rest quickly, Damra opted to leave the Domo. The moon was out and it illuminated the ground around her in a ghostly, chilled light. The city below was beginning to quiet for the evening, and a soft breeze blew off the river to the south.
Damra had long felt unsettled by her fellow Eternals’ growing mistrust in her venture. She had felt so certain when she had first had the idea to create Babylon that it was what humanity needed. She and several of the others – Phastos in particular – had grown restless watching the agonizingly slow advancement of civilization. A few generations of prosperity, innovation, and abundance would launch the human race forward thousands of years, and ultimately it would shorten the time that the Eternals had to spend away from their own, Olympia. Most of the Eternals had been supportive of Babylon, at first, but not Druig. Never Druig.
Damra knew he disliked her, and she wished it were not so. For so long, she had thought of nothing else but to earn his love. When it had become clear to her that that would never happen, she had lowered her sights and aimed for his admiration, and then his respect once admiration became too tall an order. But it seemed that the more she was herself – the more she used her powers, the more she loved the people of Earth – the more he resented her. It was a deep, biting wound that she was slowly masking in anger, an ugly part of herself that she wished she could cut away entirely, like a cancerous growth. But no number of Babylonian paradises could ever fill the longing she felt for him. She felt weak and pitiful for loving someone who so clearly wished her gone. She knew that, despite Druig’s moodiness, he would never actively wish harm on any of his fellow Eternals, but she couldn’t deny the obvious: he wished she hadn’t been sent to Earth with the others, with him.
Damra was perched on an outcropping of rock, biting back hot tears of rejection, when she saw it. A shadowy outline, moving fast across the valley, golden eyes and a mouth full of fangs. Damra’s stomach clenched into a knot of fear. A Deviant.
Damra knew there wasn’t time to go back to the Domo to fetch the others, not without allowing the beast to reach the city walls and take countless lives. Her body alight with adrenaline, Damra called upon her powers to summon the nearest creature she could find. A small pheasant that had been resting in its burrow quickly approached her, summoned by her powers. With a surge of purpose, Damra sent the pheasant off in the direction of the Domo to alert the others; although she couldn’t force the bird to speak on her behalf, she knew that the others would recognize her powers at work.
Once the pheasant was off on its messenger duty, Damra placed her hands – arms alight with golden shimmering rings, a sign of her Eternals power – on the rocky ground. Focusing on the shadowy figure of the Deviant as it raced across the rocky plain, Damra forced her powers to radiate outwards in the direction of the monster. Within a few moments, the roots of all the shrubs, trees, and grasses closest to the monster erupted from the ground and began wrapping themselves around the Deviant’s clawed feet like snares. It slowed the monster, causing it to stumble and lurch sideways.
Damra saw a flash of golden light zip across the terrain towards the downed beast. Makkari dropped Thena and Gilgamesh on opposite sides of the Deviant’s head, and they began the attack. Damra could hear Thena’s battle cries from her. A second flash of gold burst into the sky - Ikaris, rising high into the night, beams of destructive energy burst out of his eyes. The Deviant let out a roar as it broke free of its bonds, slashing outwards. Damra began running towards the scene of the fight, joined by Kingo, who shot a burst of energy at the Deviant.
Damra - like Druig, Sprite, Phastos, Sersi, and Ajack - was typically instructed to hang back in fights as her powers were not always well-suited for battle the way that Ikaris, Kingo, Thena’s, and Gilgamesh’s were. But tonight, Damra found herself ignoring the yelled pleas of her friends to stay back. Staying shoulder to shoulder with Thena, Damra felt a combination of leftover anger from her fight with Druig and guilt over the knowledge that she was likely the reason the Deviant was here at all. It blinded her to the danger, and she felt drunk on the adrenaline.
Using her powers once again, Damra called to the rocks nearby, sending them hurtling through the air, aimed at the Deviant. Several struck their target, sending the creature stumbling and roaring in confusion as it suffered another strike from Ikaris’ eyes. Taking advantage of its distraction, Thena plunged her blade deep into the Deviant’s shoulder. The creature responded viciously, striking out with its powerful tail in a large defensive swipe, lifting Thena and Gilgamesh off the ground and sending them hurtling backwards. Damra knew the blow wouldn’t seriously hurt either of them, but they were thrown far enough away as to be temporarily out of the fight.
Turning her attention back to the Deviant, Damra dodged the beast’s jaws as they attempted to close around her. Vaguely, Damra registered the sounds of yelling voices screaming her name. She saw Ikaris circling above, trying to get an open angle to the creature’s throat to land a death blow.
“Damra, get out of here!” Kingo yelled, grabbing her by the shoulder and pulling her backwards as he shot another ball of flaming energy at the Deviant. It glanced off the creature’s tough flesh, setting a few bushes nearby ablaze. The monster looked even more sinister in the dancing shadows. Its ghostly eyes were drawn to the sound of Kingo’s voice, and once it had the two Eternals in its sights, Damra knew the creature was going for a kill stroke. Striking out first with its taloned claw, Damra heard Kingo emit a surprised grunt as one of its pointed, curved claws sank into his thigh.
He sank to the ground, clasping his thigh, the flesh there torn and ragged from the claw. Without thinking, Damra threw herself forward, coming between Kingo and the Deviant, which was pulling its head back for a death blow. Damra felt her powers radiating around her palms, and she felt a coil of fear wind its way around her heart as she remembered why she was never at the forefront of an attack.
Plunging her hands downward onto the ground beneath her, focusing on forcing her powers down into the rock below, Damra saw shards of shale shoot up around her and Kingo, forming a cage-like structure of rock splinters. The Deviant, momentarily confused, reassessed its angle of attack. As Damra watched the creature circle her and Kingo, groaning in pain behind her, trying to find a weakness in the makeshift shelter she’d been able to erect, Damra heard her name called out from the direction of the Domo. Risking a backwards glance, she turned over her shoulder. Between the pieces of rock, she made out Druig running towards her, her name fresh on his lips, and an expression in his eyes that she couldn’t name. As she watched Druig sprint towards her, the strange expression dancing across his face, she felt her heart pirouette inside her chest against herself.
The Deviant’s roar penetrated her momentary reverie, pulling her head back around to face the monster recoiling for its attack on the rock cage. Sending up a silent prayer to Arishem that her powers had been strong enough to save her and Kingo, she closed her eyes and tried to steady herself.
The force with which the Deviant threw itself against the rock caused the earth underneath her to quake. Several of the defensive splinters sheared off under the weight of the ravenous monster, now clawing desperately at the rock trying to gain enough of an entry to stick its deadly jaws through. Panic-stricken, Damra realized that the creature was going to be able to break through. Instinctively, she reached her hand back to connect with Kingo’s, wanting to have some connection with someone - anyone - in her final moment. The hot, rancid breath of the Deviant poured over her as it continued to tear ruthlessly at the rock. Flecks of its green-blue blood mixed with spittle splashed across Damra’s face, its snapping jaws now just inches from Damra’s face.
Suddenly, just as the beast was about to bear down on Damra for a killing bite, Damra saw a flare of light from outside the rock cage. The Deviant let out a strangled cry, its frantic movements coming to a halt, until it fell forward, its head impaling on a particularly sharp piece of rock. Damra turned back to look at Kingo in confusion, who looked pale from pain with a sheen of sweat on his forehead but thankfully still alive. “Ikaris,” he gasped out, as if understanding her unspoken question.
With a flash, Damra realized that Ikaris must have been able to get to the Deviant’s neck with the beast distracted by its cornered prey. Damra let out an exhalation, the adrenaline of the battle slowly leaving her body. She let her powers relax, the rock splinters crumbling around them, opening their vision back up to the landscape. The Deviant lay lifeless and still, a smoldering hole visible in its neck where Ikaris had landed the killing blast.
Ajack, Sersi, Sprite, Druig, and Phastos rushed into the scene of the battle. Ajack kneeled next to Kingo, quickly setting to work on his wound, his flesh seeming to stitch itself back together under her powers. Damra stood up unsteadily, her muscles sore from exertion and her mind still foggy with fear. She didn’t have a chance to recuperate, though, before Druig squared up in front of her, close enough for her to make out his individual lashes even in the dark.
“Do you see now?” he screamed, his accent thickening with rage. Damra took a step back as if smacked by the force of his words. She wasn’t surprised he was angry - he almost always was angry with her these days - but the intensity of his rage was beyond anything Damra had seen from him before.
“Druig, I-” Damra began feebly, unsure of what exactly she planned to say. Druig didn’t let her finish anyways.
“You brought that Deviant here, your powers brought it here, and it almost killed us!” Druig stepped forward, closing the space Damra had opened between them, an accusatory finger raised at her chest. The others watched, similarly stunned by the sheer magnitude of Druig’s rage.
“Please, Druig, I didn’t me-”
“Oh you didn’t mean to? You didn’t mean to almost get Kingo killed! You didn’t mean for the Deviant to attack a city full of vulnerable humans! Oh good, I’m glad that’s all cleared up!” His anger was turning sarcastic, his hands trembling with the effort to restrain himself from hitting her. Druig felt his mind go black with fury as all the animosity he’d bit back for months flew out of his lips. He saw Damra retreating from him, tears welling in her green eyes, her lip trembling, and he pressed his advantage.
“Shame the damn beast didn’t finish the job and rid me of you once and for all!”
Damra’s already tenuous composure fractured at his words, her knees buckling under her as she collapsed to all fours. Her chest heaved with silent sobs, and she couldn’t raise her eyes to look at him. Druig felt a pang of pity for his fellow Eternal, regret beginning to take root in his mind as he contemplated the words he’d just let fly. He disliked Damra for what she was hellbent on doing with her powers and for the risks it posed for all of them, but he didn’t actually wish her dead.
Unable to think of what to say or do next, Druig stood there, the burn of fury beginning to die down in his veins as Damra’s crying became audible. He looked around at the others, all frozen in place and staring at him with varying expressions of shock, bitterness, and repulsion. When his eyes finally met Makkari’s, she instantly turned away from him, leaving a golden trail of light behind her as she retreated back to the Domo.
As his desperation to undo the last few moments increased, Druig slowly sank to his knees in front of Damra, hoping she would look up at him. She didn’t, instead recoiling away from him as if he were going to hit her. The sight of her - someone he’d always considered a fair sparring partner and equally passionate rival - so utterly broken ripped something loose inside him.
“Damra, please, I didn’t mean-” The words died on his lips as the irony of the moment stripped his apology of any meaning it could have had.
Damra finally steadied herself enough to make eye contact with him. Roughly swiping away the tears from her cheeks, she held his gaze for a few moments. Damra felt an overwhelming urge to reach out for his hand, to throw her arms around him, to beg him to take back what he’d said; anything to get him to say that he wasn’t serious. She thought she saw a flicker of regret in his face, which was softened considerably from the mask of rage he’d worn only seconds before. The acidic sting of rejection and bitterly hot tears reminded her of how she’d gotten there. With a resolute inhale, she stood up, waiting for him to rise to his feet as well.
“Goodbye, Druig,” she whispered, her voice hitching with a faint sob. Before she had a chance to reconsider, she turned on her heels and started walking. She silenced a protest from Sersi with a sad shake of her head, her mind resolved. She knew there was no way she could stay there after what Druig had said. It would be too painful. Not only had his rebuke lodged in her heart like a blade, but the fact that he was right made it hurt all the more. The Deviant had been drawn there because of her powers, and she had almost gotten them killed, Kingo most closely.
Druig took a few steps after her, his hand raised in a reconciliatory gesture, but found the words tangling in his throat. He opened and closed his mouth futilely a few times, unable to put his emotions into sound.
She had no destination in mind, nor the gift of speed that Makkari had, so she let her feet carry her aimlessly into the darkness…
read part 2 here!
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lovelyfanatical · 1 year
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I'm With You - Chapter 7.2
Good evening fellow Drukkari stans, or whatever time it is for you! I come bearing the next mini-chapter! If you need to catch up, you can find all previous installments on my Table of Contents here. If you're all caught up, then buckle up! After their second possible date/secret baking session, Druig and Makkari are heading into the seventh week of the competition. What will this week have in store? Find out now, in the next installment of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off!
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Druig couldn’t tell if he was on cloud nine or six feet under. He’d been in even more of a daze after his last clandestine meeting with Makkari than the one before, and he still couldn’t say for sure if they were just good friends or something more. He hadn’t wanted to get his hopes up, but he found himself replaying that moment just before the ice cream machine went off over and over in his head. A part of him was nearly certain that she’d started leaning closer to him, and they were already quite close at that point. Another part was questioning if he was the one leaning in. And a third part was whispering that he’d imagined the whole thing. Druig hoped with his entire being that it wasn’t the latter.
He did his best to pull himself together as he joined the others in front of the hotel the morning of the seventh week. Makkari was already there, making conversation with Gilgamesh and Sprite, who’d both picked up enough signs to hold a simple conversation. As she saw him approaching, Makkari broke into a soft grin, and he nearly had to stop to catch his breath. It did not go unnoticed by their companions. Gil merely raised an eyebrow, but Sprite rolled her eyes as she muttered, “Get a room, you two.”
“We’ve already got two,” he replied, a smirk creeping its way onto his face as Sprite scoffed.
What’d she say? Makkari asked.
“Something snarky,” was all the explanation he gave. He pointedly ignored the looks coming from both Sprite and Gil, and if Makkari noticed, she ignored them as well.
It wasn’t long before Phastos and Sersi arrived, then it was time to board the shuttle. Druig ushered her in first, signing, After you, milady.
Thank you, kind sir, she responded without missing a beat. As the first two on, they got to sit in the back, giving them a break from the others’ staring. Not that that stopped Gil, who Druig was certain had glanced back at them more than once during the short car ride. Makkari was too busy filling him in on more important matters to take notice.
Dane didn’t say exactly when, but he said he’d ask Sersi out before today. Does she seem any different than usual?
Hard to say, they put us on the shuttle as soon as she got here. Guess we’ll have to wait until lunch to know for sure… unless you can ask her before then.
Right on cue, Druig spotted that mischievous glint in Makkari’s eyes, just as he’d known he would.
Challenge accepted! she declared.
As Druig had witnessed over the past few weeks, Makkari worked quickly in just about everything. Now, that included asking Sersi about Dane. As soon as they got off the shuttle, she made her way over to the other baker and seemed to be making casual conversation as they walked. Being behind them, Druig couldn’t see what they were saying, but he suddenly noticed Sersi’s face starting to turn a bit red as she tried to hold back a smile. And just like that, Makkari gave the other woman a thumbs up and skipped back to Druig. He raised an eyebrow in question, though he already knew the answer. She nodded her head once and bumped his shoulder with her own. He couldn’t help but grin as he returned the gesture.
The rest of the group had begun looking back and forth between them and Sersi. Darcy and Kingo, who were already walking out to meet them, had picked up on it right away. While Darcy opted not to comment on it, explaining the day’s proceedings as usual, Kingo made a beeline for Makkari.
“What’s up with Sersi?” he demanded in a stage whisper.
Wouldn’t you like to know, Makkari replied with a wry smile.
“Seriously? Holding out on me now?” Kingo said, completely devoid of emotion. He began to turn to Druig.
“Don’t look at me,” Druig insisted before Kingo could get a word out.
“C’mon! If this is pertaining to the Sersi case, I need to be brought in. I am the Mrs. Hudson of this group.”
“And Mrs. Hudson doesn’t usually participate in cases.”
“Pleeeease? It’s bad enough I don’t get to go to dinners anymore when I started the whole thing. Lunch just isn’t the same. I’m so behind on all the group gossip now!”
At that, Makkari and Druig turned to each other. Her eyebrows furrowed in a questioning look. He answered with a pointed look at Kingo before raising his eyebrows at her. She tilted her head slightly, her expression softening a bit, but her gaze remained firm. Druig felt his resolve slipping away as a small smile settled on his lips. She returned the smile before turning back to Kingo to say, Fine, I’ll tell you at lunch.
Druig thought Kingo would be elated. Instead, he was now looking back and forth at the two of them, his expression somewhere between utter surprise and abject disgust. Finally, he said, “I don’t even know what I just watched. Is this new? Because I hate it.”
Druig couldn’t help but scoff, while Makkari’s jaw had dropped. Recovering from the initial shock, she retorted, You’re just jealous!
“Jealous of what? That you can communicate telepathically with Druig now? Who’d even want to do that? Mind reading is a curse! All the movies say so!”
“Well, telepathy usually comes with mind control, which might come in handy,” Druig remarked.
Yeah, I could mind control Kingo into being a less judgmental friend, Makkari added, narrowing her eyes at the man in question.
“Hey, real friends tell each other when they’re being weird and kind of creepy!” Kingo defended.
“Shouldn’t real friends accept each other without judgment?” Druig asked. Kingo opened his mouth to respond but found he had no comeback.
If you keep judging us, I won’t tell you anything about the new developments in the Sersi case, Makkari said, standing tall even though she was a good deal shorter than Kingo. He merely sighed and rolled his eyes, immediately folding under her unwavering gaze.
“Fine, I won’t comment on it anymore,” he relented. “At least not verbally. I can’t be held accountable for the faces I make if I see that again.”
“Isn’t controlling your face sort of a big part of acting?” Druig quipped, prompting Makkari to burst into laughter. Kingo’s jaw was practically on the floor. As he gathered himself to respond, Makkari grabbed Druig’s hand and pulled him toward the tent, where the rest of the group had already moved, leaving Kingo trailing after them as he tried to whisper-shout his response.
Aka, the one where everyone is looking at Drukkari like: 👀👀👀 Anyway, hope you enjoyed that chapter!
Part 24
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maudeeloise · 3 years
hi! maybe druig x eternal reader. the reader is essentially the most powerful witch/ mage who is skilled in all types and forms of magic ( especially chaos, dark and the type of magic strange does ). she may also have strong telepathic and telekinetic ( like jean grey ) powers and powers similar to sersi.
she and druig have a tumultous relationship that in 2007 leads to the conception of a daughter, whom he doesn’t know about and doesn’t meet her until the eternals reunite.
whilst her young daughter is growing up, she becomes incredibly powerful. she and ikaris somehow reunite when their daughter is young and he becomes her godfather or sort of a father figure to her and jokingly calls him dad.
they come for the reader, the last eternal they have to pick up but are met with and empty house with an invisible border ( maybe like westview border ) that only reader and the daughter can get through/open. the eternals shout for the reader but are not answered, as she is at work. then ikaris has the great idea of shouting the daughter’s name, and the eternals are like who tf is ( ex. calista or whatever name you choose ). the daughter, in a preppy school uniform and their pet dog are meet with the eternals unsuccessfully trying to get through her mothers’ magic and sort of makes fun of them and lets them in and tells them that her mom has an important case or whatever. then reader comes home and is just again like “wtf?
when the eternals reunite, druig is shocked to find out that his beloved somehow had a child. he thinks his now teenaged daughter is ikaris’ child and gets sort of moody and depressed. he confronts reader about it and he tells her that ikaris is an old flame and that there’s nothing going between them.
maybe angst, comedy, slight fluff please? thank you
Secret || Druig
Pairing : druig x reader; ikaris x platonic!reader
Genre : angst, slight fluff
Warning : none
Requested by : anon
A/N : thank you so much for requesting this. i’m living for the drama between druig, ikaris, and the reader *evil laughs*. anyways, enjoy!!
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If you had to be honest, living as a mortal in this world was exhausting. It turned out, work wasn’t very friendly and sometimes you wanted to slump down the couch and drink wine once you got home, but you were a mom and you had to take care of your teenage daughter.
It happened every day, making you get used to the feeling. However, that day was more exhausting than the others. You sighed once you reached your home, ready to greet your daughter, but instead, you were met with something which added to the list of your problems.
You looked back and forth between each Eternals with your jaw dropped. You were speechless and surprised at their sudden visit.
“Mom, are you alright?” Your daughter asked with puzzled future.
“What are you doing here?” You ignored her question, but you both knew that she knew the answer.
“We’re here to pick you up.” Ikaris replied with his best smile, trying to make the situation less awkward.
Ajak sighed before she said, “Y/N, there’s another Deviant-“
“Honey, can you go upstairs and do your homework?” You asked sweetly towards your daughter.
She nodded - understanding what you actually meant - before she jogged upstairs and once she was out of sight, the sound of the door opening closing could be heard.
You nodded at Ajak, letting her know that she could continue, “There’s another Deviant attack.”
“You’re the last Eternal to complete the group.” Kingo joined the conversation.
“I-I’m sorry.” You shook your head. “I can’t. I have a job, a daughter to take care of, and some other things.”
“But this is important.” Sprite said. “The world needs us.”
“We don’t have much time, Y/N. One week is all we have.” Phastos chimed in.
“Then you go. I’ll stay.” You looked down to avoid eye contacts with them. “I can’t leave my daughter.”
“Ask your neighbor to look after her. It’s only a few days. I’m sure the neighbor wouldn’t mind.” Kingo rolled his eyes.
“I hate to say this, but Kingo’s right.” Makkari signed.
“Your daughter’s old enough to be able to take care of herself.” Ikaris stood in front of you, giving you a sympathetic look. “You need to stop treating her like a baby.”
“You know I hate it when you remind me of that.”
“You know I’m right.”
Druig scoffed at the sight in front of him. “She wants to be left behind, then let’s leave.”
The smile that was once on your lips, fell into a frown after hearing those words. Ikaris seemed to notice that because he immediately grabbed your hand and squished it.
Ikaris sent you a look as a sign for you to talk to Druig about the secret. You somehow knew what he was thinking and let go of his hand.
You took a deep breath before finally facing Druig for the first time in years. “Before we leave, Druig, can we talk?”
“Sure, what is it about? Ikaris and you somehow married to each other while I’m gone?”
“In private?” You gestured towards the guest room.
Druig nodded before following you into the room. You closed the door once you both were inside. A sigh left your lips as you turned to face him.
Druig seemed uninterested. His face showed no expression, but his eyes told something else.
“I have something to tell you.” You started. “There’s something that I’ve been keeping from you-“
“If it’s about you and Ikaris, I don’t want to hear it.”
“It’s not-“
“Because it seems like you’re both happy with each other.” Druig scoffed. “You didn’t even bother to tell us about the child!”
“You left!” You mimicked his voice, but instantly regretting your choice. “You left, Druig.”
“And what does that supposed to do with the others?” You stayed silent, but your eyes told everything. Druig paused to look at you - puzzled - before his eyes suddenly grew wide in realization. “You’re bluffing.”
“No.” He shook his head. “You can’t be serious.”
“Do I look like I’m joking?” You raised your eyebrows.
“Does she know?” You closed your mouth instantly as you looked down in shame. “Please don’t tell me she doesn’t know.”
“How am I supposed to tell her?” You paused. “That her father left her before she was even born? That her father doesn’t know she existed?”
“You could tell her the truth.” Druig said. “I hate to tell you this, but I have to agree with Ikaris. You need to stop treating her like a baby.”
You clenched your jaw to hold yourself from talking because you knew he was right.
“She called Ikaris her dad, does she think Ikaris is her father?” Druig asked.
“She knows Ikaris is not her father. She called him that because he has been a father figure to her since she was a baby.” You explained. “I’m sorry. I never meant for this to happen.”
“Sorry!?” Druig snapped. “You took the time I could have with my daughter who I didn’t know she existed until now.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have left in the first place.” You said. “That way things would have been easier.”
Druig stayed silent for a few seconds before he spoke up. This time his voice was much softer than the previous one. “I guess we both are to be blamed in this situation.”
You knew that it was hard for him to say that and you appreciated it that he admitted.
The room was silent for a few moments before one of you decided to talk. “Do you want to meet her?”
Druig looked up, his eyes were wide and you swore you could see excitement in them. “Your daughter.”
“Of course.” Druig nodded as you smiled at his respond.
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Confusing couples | Drukkari
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Pairing: Drukkari x reader
Requested by anon
I loved this idea!!!
Druig, Makkari, and yourself were as close as you could possibly be. Closer than the others even knew. It had long since become a game after you three realised the others had no idea you were together.
This game would go on for so long, it was so much fun.
It was Makkari's idea. She approached her you both with a mischievous grin.
Why don't we play with the others?
"Play with them? How?" You sign to Makkari, sharing a curious look with Druig.
Makkari explained her little idea. Druig and yourself nodded and decided to play. This would be fun.
You were sitting in the main room of the Domo, one of Makkari's books in your lap. You were quite fond of her collection. She let you use whatever you wanted, even sometimes purposely finding things just for you.
Druig and Makkari entered. He has his arm looped around her shoulder. Makkari was smiling at him as they walked.
Thena, how was leaning against the wall, turned to acknowledge their presence. Phastos, who had been trying to share his ideas, but was clearly being ignored by Thena, followed her gaze to see the couple. Druig nodded his head at the pair, as Makkari and himself took a seat, and smiled at you.
His smile didn't give anything away. Just a polite greeting, which you returned, but the look in his eye said so much more than his smile.
You turn your eyes back to your book and don't bother looking up to greet Kingo as he steps into the room. Even when he came over to look over your shoulder, you didn't meet his gaze.
"They seem awfully close, don't they?" He asks. You know who he is referring to.
"Yes, quite close."
Kingo has his eyes locked onto the couple across the room with a slightly furrowed brow.
"How long has that been a thing?"
You glance up to see Druig place a kiss to Makkari's cheek. You bite back your smile and look back down at the book, looking at the same page you had been staring at since Kingo came over.
"I don't know."
That conversation ended there.
A few days later, you're sitting outside with Makkari. Her head is in your lap. You're running you fingers along her braids as she looks up at you with a soft smile. Makkari plays mindlessly with a flower between her fingers.
Druig is watching from a distance. His expression gives nothing away, but he smiles to himself at the view. He could never love any two people more than be does with the both of you.
Ikaris comes to stand beside him, looking at the pair of you on the hill.
"They look cosy."
Druig doesn't spare him a glance.
They hear you laugh as Makkari reaches up and places the flower behind your head. She leans in a kisses your nose. You smile brightly at her and kiss her before she moves again.
"Oh, they're really cosy," Ikaris comments.
Druig turns to him. "Don't you have more important things to do? Like being cosy with Sersi."
Ikaris grins and walks away.
Druig turns his gaze back to the both of you and allows himself to smile outwardly. With no one else around, he heads up the hill to join you both. He wants a flower too.
Later that night, you're dining with the others. You're by Sprite. Sersi, Thena, Gilgamesh, and Kingo also present. The others have yet to arrive, but they're coming.
Druig enters the room and smiles as he approaches you. In his hand is the flowers he got after joining you on the hill. He stands behind your chair and you look up at him with a warm smile. He leans in and tucks the flowers in your hair, like Makkari had done, and then he kisses your forehead.
Kingo frowns as he watches Druig walk away from you, finding a seat.
Sprite is looking between the two of you works confused expression. Sersi seems to be in thought. Thena watches you quietly from where she sits. She hides a smile by taking a sip of her drink.
You eat on silence.
Later on, before you turn in for the night, Makkari comes over to you and kisses you goodnight.
Ajak, who is with Ikaris, pretends not to notice the pair of you.
You bid Makkari goodnight and go to bed.
Makkari is stopped by Druig before she leaves. They lean in close together and smile.
Ikaris furrows his brow.
"Yes, Ikaris?"
Ikaris watches the couple part ways and turn to their respective rooms. "Do you think there's something going on there?"
Ajak looks at him curiously.
"What do you mean, Ikaris?"
"Do you think Makkari is cheating on Y/N?" He asks.
"Makkari? Do you honestly think she would ever do something so dreadful?" Ajak asks him.
"I saw them together today. Druig did too, but just now... the way he was with Makkari"
"Then wouldn't he know?" She questions.
"Perhaps he and Makkari are just close..."
Ajak doesn't say anymore on the matter.
The next day, you're sat with Druig. He's whispering dirty things in your hear, making you smile and try to hide. He laughs everytime he gets a reaction out of you.
Phastos sits at the opposite side of the room with Gilgamesh.
"I swear he's with Makkari, but now he's with Y/N?" Phastos thinks aloud.
Gilgamesh looks at Phastos.
"With Makkari?"
"Yeah. A few days ago they were all affectionate with each other. Though, Y/N was in the room then..." Phastos says.
Gilgamesh nods in the other direction of where you sat with Druig.
"Makkari is over there."
Phastos turns to see the speedy woman lounging over her favourite chair with a puzzle in her hand. She was busy solving it.
"I'm confused," Phastos shakes his head.
It's Ikaris who gathers everyone else a few days later. It has become apparent that there was some confusion going on among the group.
You had been seen dancing quietly with Druig one night, but then making out with Makkari in the dark corners of the Domo by Sprite. Makkari and Druig has been seen holding hands and laughing together, but then either of them had been seen doing the same with you sometime later. You'd be seen leaving Druig's room, Makkari leaving yours a few nights after.
No one could keep up.
Except Thena and Ajak who had been watching with amusement.
"Are you saying... they're having an affair, with each other?" Kingo asks, looking between the others.
Thena and Ajak smile at one another.
"What else could it be?" Sprite says, still trying to rid the image of you and Makkari out of her head.
Sersi speaks up, "could it be, they're playing with us?"
"Playing?" Phastos asks her.
Sersi nods. "Could it be, they're together? All of them?" She smiles sweetly.
The group look at each other.
"Why didn't they say anything if so?" Kingo asks.
"Because what they have is special, and none of our business," Ajak tells them. Everyone looks at her. "They're just having fun with you all, but what they do is their business, not ours."
Sersi smiles at the thought of you all together. You're a close group, and it makes her feel warm to think you're all together.
They day no more about it.
It's Sersi who finds the three of you together. Druig sits between you and Makkari, an arm around either of you. His head rests against yours, while Makkari leans against his shoulder.
Sersi decides to approach you all. Neither of you move.
"I'm happy for the three of you," she says.
You look up at her.
"You are?"
She smiles.
"You've had everyone very confused these past few weeks, but I worked out that possibly, you have something we just didn't understand. It makes me very happy to think the three of you have a bind so special, you can love each other so fully."
She signs her little speech for Makkari, who looks likes the happiest woman in the world right now.
Druig smiles at Sersi.
"Thank you," he says.
Sersi nods and leaves you all be. You turn to your lovers, who smile back at you.
I suppose that's game over.
You shake your head.
"No. We can mess with them some more, but we should do something for Sersi, for making us feel so special."
Druig kisses your temple.
"I'm want to mess with Ikaris some more," he says.
Me too.
"Oh yeah, Ikaris is going to be beyond done with our Lovey Dovey attitude," you laugh.
You all cuddle together again, wondering how else you can mess with the others. You wouldn't want this to be any other way.
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