#Man Maketh But Gods Take Away... God AU
cursedcommand · 5 years
@boomgoestheriptire || Gods AU
Death. A common occurrence for a Death God. People die, you collect their souls, and bring them to the ending of their worship. For some, Heaven, for others darkness. It was more common than not that some would have mixtures. Their own places in which they could be free. Realms linking up with one another as humans did so long ago. He would often walk these plains. Seeing what the humans believed to be their endings. The good, and the bad.... But today was not a day he could wander to fill curiosity. No, today he had been tasked with something that to the God was interesting.A collection of a dead soul. Apparently when their last fire God had fallen into mortal trickery and died. The Gods collected together to find a new soul worthy of being crowned into the role. Surprising to Gabriel, that soul that they had chosen, had already died. Making it his job to retrieve it and explain what they were offering.  It took him a while to shift through the multiple plains that he had to, to find the man. But once he had, he casually walked up to him. Leaning over his hunched form as curiosity piqued his interest. His black robes shifting around him as if they were almost alive.   “Hello, I’m looking for a  Jamison Fawkes. Do you know where he is?”
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eggsyunwinorlose · 7 years
Written in the Scars
Imagine something, if you will:
Kingsman takes place in an AU where every lie told creates a new scar on the body of the liar. Given what the job entails, the fates somehow excuse these men and women on the grounds that they lie for the greater good. Of course, that doesn't leave them immune to the scars caused by the lies they tell off duty, or when they are not necessary.
Every Kingsman has their fair share of lies, Harry having the most with as much as he lies to everyone about his feelings, and the things that worry him. Mostly, he lies about how he feels for Eggsy, because some part of him cannot fathom the idea that a man more than half his age could ever feel the same depth of love. Of course, Eggsy confronts these feelings, and there's no longer a need to lie, save for when Harry refuses to tell others when he's upset, because God knows Harry would rather suffer in silence and scar his body than burden anyone with his problems.
One afternoon, a few months after Cambodia, Eggsy is sent off on a simple recon mission. It's so simple really, neither Harry, nor Merlin thought to send anyone along. All that was required was for Eggsy to make an appearance in the warehouse that had become a makeshift hideout for a new drug kingpin in central London, restrain him, and gather intel. It was so simple.
Until it wasn't.
Eggsy slips up, doesn't catch the knife the other man had hidden under his jacket sleeve, and ends up with a knife plunged into his lower abdomen. He's bleeding out, and he can only watch as the kingpin flees out of the room as he falls to his knees, and then forces himself into a sitting position. He knows there's nothing that can be done, but pings Merlin through his glasses and requests that Medical be sent in.
Harry comes with, because of course he does. It's Eggsy, and he's hurt, and Harry has to be there. He's standing beside Eggsy's gurney - the med staff has already told Harry through sorrow that there isn't anything they can do, Eggsy's too far gone, suffered too much internal damage, and his fate is inevitable - and Harry can't force himself to bring Eggsy any more pain. He whispers sweet nothings, reminds Eggsy how much he loves him, and tells him all the things he thinks he needs to say until he's sure Eggsy is no longer there.
Harry sheds his tears, no longer finding it in himself to care that everything in his training has taught him not to cry in public, but to only shed a tear in private. He'd waiting so long to love Eggsy the way he truly wanted to, and now he would never get to do the things his heart and his body still ached for. Eggsy is gone, and Harry can already feel his new scar presenting.
The recruitment process starts a few weeks later, and, feeling sorry for his friend, Merlin sponsors a young woman to allow Harry to forego his sponsorship. Merlin wouldn't be surprised if he never saw Harry sponsor a candidate again. Harry loses himself in as many missions as he can; anything to keep him away from Kingsman, and the city that stole the love of his life.
One day, as Harry sits with Merlin, overseeing shooting training, Merlin decides it's time to ask Harry for his honesty. It starts with him turning to look at Harry, allow his eyes to trace over the large scar that started from the crook of his neck, down to where it disappeared under his button-up, which Merlin knows from an accidental walk-in about a week ago, stops just over his heart. Then, he takes in a deep breath and forces himself to gain Harry's attention fully.
"Yer new scar, Harry... it's got to be the worst one I've ever seen. No offense, of course. I just have to know... what could you have possibly said that would have caused it?" In all honestly, Merlin was expecting some sort of lie, and he couldn't exactly blame the man. However, it was a shock to the system when when Harry turned his whole body to look at him, tears brimming his eyes.
"When Eggsy was laying on that gurney, bleeding out... I just wanted him to be fine. I needed him to be fine, even if he wasn't. I couldn't bear to see him scared, so... I told him he was going to be alright."
Alright, I don't know why I do this to myself, or you guys, but I had this amazing idea, and I really needed other people to suffer with me 😂😭 Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up turning this into a nice one chapter fic on AO3, so feel free to reblog, give feedback, or whatever else it is you lovelies would like to do.
Also, blame @manners-maketh-eggsy for the onslaught of sorrow, because she's inspired me to continue writing Hartwin, and I am back with a passion for angst.
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