#Mango chalk paint
harshitajoshi28 · 2 years
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this cute little mango wood tealight holder is a must have piece for diwali celebrations this year.
painted with chalk colors
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shoverse · 1 year
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sfw — thinkin bout bestfriend! jeongin, who loves to joke about how 'rizzful' he is, giggling loudly when you turn your head slowly in faux horror and feign a disgusted expression. not that you don't believe him, of course, he's always out. it's just that he he always comes home and flops onto the couch next to you, sipping a fresh (not really) lemonade he bought from the seven eleven down the road. 'what movie today?' he asks, resting his head on your shoulder, peering into your eyes.
jeongin, who wakes you up to the sweet smell of fluffy pancakes, setting the table with his favourite weaved placemat and hanging up his pretty white apron. he smiles softly and wishes you good morning, voice soaked in morning grog. the pretty heart he meticulously carved into your butter was already half-melted, your own heart melting into the familiarity of it all.
jeongin, who was there for your first crush, first love, first heartbreak. he'll, he's been there for every heartbreak. he sneaks into your room and sits next to you on your bed, rubbing your back and letting you cry into his chest.
jeongin, who buys you pretty flowers on every occasion possible. he picks out the best bunch of sunflowers, wraps them up in a checkered yellow cloth and scribbles out a heartfelt note for you. something about how you're his sun always slips in, about how pretty you are, but he crosses it out and starts again.
jeongin, who turns just a shade pinker every time you thank him for the flowers. smiles so wide and offers to spend the rest of the day with you. you accept, of course, who could ever turn a boy like him down?
jeongin, who's been with you since the start, smiling his sunshine boy smile, drawing bright yellow tulips on the sidewalk. he wipes his chalk covers fingers on you and sticks his little tongue out. the tongue that slowly retracts as you sport a devilish grin and chase the shrieking boy down the road.
jeongin, who spends weeks learning how to paint from hyunjin, trying not to get frustrated when he messes up. he grins and calls it effortless when the painting finally ends up in your hand, but his shy smile hints at something else.
jeongin, who demands that 'as best friends, we are obliged to get matching phone cases'. he giggles every time you tap your phone cases together and completes the cartoon on the back of your phones.
jeongin, who sits on a picnic blanket with you, picking daisies and weaving them into your hair. he rests his head on your lap as you absentmindedly play with his hair and watch the sun set. he squeals and rolls off of you when a drop from your mango popsicle drips onto his forehead.
jeongin, who robs jisung of his nail polish so you two could match colours. he spends his afternoon focusing on getting your nails absolutely perfect, scrunching up his nose and furrowing his eyebrows. he smiles when you take dozens of pictures of yours and his interlocking fingers.
jeongin, who humors you and agrees to play a game of truth or dare with you. it's tame at first, stupid questions like 'what's the fattest shit you've ever taken?' (okay, maybe not exactly that.) until it's not. i mean, you don't think it's that serious, chewing on your snacks and thinking up interesting questions. when the words fall from your lips, he clams up immediately. 'do you like anyone?' he opens his mouth to say no, but what slips out instead is what he's kept locked away for all those years.
jeongin, who's a terrible kisser. maybe it's his nerves, maybe he's just bad, but it makes you laugh into the kiss. he tastes like honey, sweet and infatuating. his lips are soft, he slips his hand behind your neck and smiles when he pulls away. he rests his forehead against yours and erupts into an explosion of laughter.
jeongin, who hugs you close to his chest that night, whispering into your hair as you drift off to sleep. you're so perfect, he's so glad he can finally say it.
jeongin, who's yours. that is all.
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kittehkwrites · 4 years
Self-care day
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Warnings: fluff
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Having a selfcare day was a necessity
It was the time in which you took for yourself to destress. You were able to just laze around, mostly carrying out your washday routine, and then eat whatever whilst watching movies or listening music.
Just a day full of You.
A few days ago, however, your friend, Yahya, had messaged you to let you know he was going to be in town for the weekend and wanted to spend some time with you since you both were on busy schedules.
You had told him to come over and have a self care day and take some of the pressure off of himself to indulge in himself.
you told him to come over once you had finished your detangling (this would be after having washed, conditioned, and treating, your hair.)
When he arrived, you had just finished sectioning and plaiting your hair to keep it from knotting overnight and layed out the snacks in the living room. 
You were getting ready to get the necessities for the face masks you wanted to review when you heard the knocking at your front door and then receiving a notification from Yahya that he was outside and needed to use the bathroom.
“Aye! I know you know its me!” He’d yell out through the barrier of the door and your house.
You’d quickly open the door, in hopes you’d reach in time so he wouldn’t pee on himself.
You’d fling open the door and before you can get out a hello, he'd be running in, shouting out ‘gotta go gotta go gotta go’ down the hallway leading to the guest room. You couldn't do much but laugh at the way he was acting.
You just closed the door, thankful your next door neighbours were out of town or else you'd be hearing a lot about your friends antics the following day.
Once he had finished in the bathroom (obviously making sure his hands were clean and he didn’t leave the seat up or forget to flush) he’d make his way back out to the front of the house and see you sat on the couch with a face mask on, eating a bowl of mixed berries and watching Futurama on your wide screen tv.
“Hello to you too sir” You’d say smartly, he would just turn and respond with a ‘Hi’ and say thanks for getting the door quick.
“No problem.”You would bite into a juicy strawberry and chew on it for a bit as you were so absorbed in the tv until he snapped his fingers in front of you to break you out of your trance. “We wouldn’t want you to walk around like that in these peoples neighbourhood” You ate another berry before placing the bowl down and asking if he wanted anything, pointing to the variety of junk and healthy food you had placed out on the coffee table centred in the living room.
He would take some of your berries, popping them into his mouth and laughing at the annoyed look you have at him refusing to use the extra bowl you had out incase he wanted some.
He knew it would annoy you and you knew he did it on purpose so you just shook your head and proceeded to pick up your bottle of water and drink some of its contents. 
“So what’s on your face?” He’d motion to the mask you had painted on yourself.
“This, my barbaric friend, is a face mask.” You’d get up to stretch before picking up the diy mixture you wanted to try out and pushed it towards your friend who was no stranger and had gotten up to change into his extra shorts and old hoodie he left behind.
“I know you no-” you’d cut him off before he could finish asking the rhetorical “anyways this mask is supposed to help open your pores and detox your skin.” You’d continue to speak while reaching for the clean brush that you’d use as an applicator for your friends face.
He’d look down questionably at the mix before looking back up at you, who was now standing in front of him and smiling, waiting for him to give in so you could apply the mask to his face.
He’d sigh before handing over the product.
You’d do a little happy dance at the fact he didn’t put up much of fight, but you chalked it out to be due to the fact that it was a self care day and he wasn’t meant to be worried about anything other than taking care of himself.
He’d sit up straight and come closer to the edge of the couch to allow you to place the mask on his face and to be safe in case the mixture fell onto the couch before it reached his face. He noticed the towel you had placed over the space between the central carpet and the couch (even though there was a gap where you could see the floor under the massive rug, he knew you were just being extra cautious to reduce clean up)
As he sat and let you apply the mask, he did start to relax and not long after you were finished and he could lay back in the couch, finally being able to spread himself out again to get comfortable for the remainder of the day with his close friend.
The two of you sat and watched a few more episodes before going to wash off the face masks.
As you were patting off your face, you caught Yahya staring at himself in the bathroom mirror and couldn’t help but ask “what did you think?”
He looked at his skin a little more.
“Yay or nay, Yahya?” He still didn’t say a thing to you. “You actors and wanting to create suspense” you’d let out as you rolled your eyes at his dramatic pausing and serious face he had put on.
Once you had finished drying your face, you were met with your friends kind smile and a “I like it.”
You wanted to slap him for the theatrics.
Had you thinking he wasn’t feeling it.
“Well mr. Emmy-Award winner” you start off as you both made your way out of the bathroom, disposing of the face towels you had placed out for you both into the clothes basket, “glad you liked it. That means you can buy me some masks when you travel to places like South Korea or Singapore.”
Yahya would let out a little chuckle.
He knew there was something up with you wanting to share your skin care and he now got his answer.
“Oh! So that’s why you wanted me to come over? To try on some face mask so you could persuade me to buy more when I’m away to bring for your bougie behind?” You could hear the teasing in his tone but continued to play along.
“I mean...” you’d turn around and shrug your shoulders to the man walking behind you before you both got situated on the couch again.
He’d look over, amused at your behaviour before chuckling and nodding his head.
“But nah.” You’d let out after a brief stare off which was caused by your straight face to his accusations. “I genuinely wanted us to hang out” you’d say as you picked up a bag of dried mango.
“I mean how many times do we get to see eachother or happen to be in the same city at the same time for longer than 4 days?” You’d say as you opened up the pack, in which he helped himself to a good sized palm of its contents.
“You right” 
“I know. Now stop eating my snacks when there’s enough for the both us”
You both would turn from watching the tv to talking about random topics or anything going on in your lives that the other missed and it felt like you guys hadn’t been separated for so long.
You guys shared some laughs, got up to make some food before going back to the couch to be lazy.
You’d turned off the animated shows and switched to playing music once you both cracked open a bottle of wine to compliment the food you'd made.
Both buzzed and full, you guys cleaned up any mess made and just let the calm energy in the room take over. You both caught the itis and didn’t try to fit it.
By time you had woken up, your head was on yahya’s shoulder and he was sitting comfortable with the tv on low and munching on some gummies.
He’d ask how you slept and you'd say great and he’d say the same before you guys continued watching whatever he had put on while you were still sleeping.
It wouldn’t be until the late hours of the night that he’d decide to head back to his hotel room.
You’d try to get him to spend the night but he said he wasn’t going to be able to leave if he didn’t leave now.
You stopped fighting him and walked him to the door, sending him off with a couple more of the candy packets amongst other junk food (which he technically stole but you weren’t about to start anything with this man when you were still feeling tired.)
As he got to the front door, youd both hug and you’d watch him get into his rental before closing and locking it. You'd clean everything up, packing away any unopened food items, folding any blankets, fixing the couch pillows etc. before heading up to your bedroom where you would get ready to get under your comforter for another deep sleep.
before you could sink into the dreamstate, you got a text notification  (you normally had your phone on dnd once you got in bed but this time you forgot) and saw it was from no one but your friend Yahya
“We gotta do another one of these again girl. These chill days aren’t common anymore” You’d laugh at the message as you imagined him saying it in front of you and hearing it in his voice.
“I agree” You’d respond and he’d send you a couple memes to show his excitement at the future of this possibly becoming a ritual between you both whenever you saw each other.
“Goodnight Yahya.” You’d send after snickering at some of the images he sent you.
“Night beautiful.” 
You’d feel the butterflies flutter and try to ignore the heat in your cheeks.
You may or may not have had crush on the man for God knows how long, but that was neither here nor there and you were gonna punch those thoughts and feelings to the back of your head because sleep was more important right now.
As you thought about other things, you hadn’t realised you fell asleep after blinking a couple of times.
It was lights out for you.
on the other side of town, yahya was waiting to get a response from you and after a good couple of minutes he figured you’d gone to sleep and decided to follow the lead as he thought about the day you both spent together.
One day, he’d think as he was getting comfortable in the bed before placing his phone on charge.
As he was about to fall asleep, his mind ran across the topic of discussion earlier and said to himself that since he was flying out of the country in a few days, he’d bring you back a couple of things for your future self care days.
He went to sleep with a smile on his face as he thought of the look of pure joy when given the products. Just thinking of your happiness brought him happiness and helped him fall into a deep sleep with thoughts of you running on his mind and the future of self care days between you two possibly being something he’d try to upkeep for as long as he could.
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Hey loves!
Hope you guys liked this one.
Thanks to the anon who sent it in (sorry it took so long to get out of the drafts) 
Hope you guys are taking time out for yourself and keeping safe.
Remember to like, comment and/or reblog and thanks for the continuous support.
I appreciate you guys so much.
Stay safe,
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thejazzvoid · 3 years
TMA Entity Genshin Impact Alignments Still Pending, But Here Is How Every Currently Playable Character (and Paimon and La Signora)’s (English) Voice Looks, Feels, Smells, And Tastes, Because Magnused Archives Is Hard, But Synesthesia Is Just Kind Of A Thing That I Have.
Aether: Closest to hex code #967510, feels like the way a silicone spatula does on the bottom of a saucepan just as well-stirred milk is about to start boiling in earnest, smells like new sawdust, tastes like the bagel chips in commercial Chex Mix.
Albedo: Closest to #e5d5a6, feels like how I’d imagine being bodily dragged smoothly but at a fair pace across a floor made of whatever’s in those green chalkboards would feel, smells like sandalwood and black pepper, tastes like black tea with half-and-half and sugar steeped for 5 minutes in water that’s not quite hot enough.
Amber: Closest to #0f2bff, feels like the surface of new Thinking Putty (the kind without bits in it), smells like black coffee, tastes like the aftertaste of some kinds of strong ginger ale, almost reminiscent of cherry tomatoes.
Barbara: Closest to #fff48b, feels like a cold, rather heavy metal ball resting on the upturned fingers of one’s left hand resting on a thoroughly sanded but unvarnished wooden table, smells like sour cream, tastes like one of those containers of plain Greek yogurt with blueberry compote at the bottom before you’ve mixed the blueberries into the rest of the yogurt.
Beidou: #8b51ab, feels like pressing down on both sides of your lower jawbone with my thumbs almost until it starts to hurt, smells like old but still unrusted metal, tastes like thyme and lavender.
Bennett: Closest to #ba825e, feels like pine knot smoke in the back of your throat, smells like rust and carrots, tastes like a soy sauce-flavored Top Ramen seasoning packet dissolved in potato soup.
Chongyun: Closest to #8bd2c9, feels like being pushed gently forwards with a flat hand between your shoulderblades, smells like brined straw mushrooms, tastes like cardboard.
Diluc: Closest to #7e5900, feels like the crook of a long-handle umbrella rested against the beginnings of your forehead, the bridge of your nose, and the apple of your cheek, smells like canned iced tea, tastes like stick cinnamon.
Diona: Closest to #dbb5e5, feels like being smacked across the nose with a length of bubble tape, smells like sweetened condensed milk and honeysuckle, tastes like black cherry ice cream.
Eula: #9586c3, feels like a length of exceptionally fine chainmaille being draped around the entirety of your neck, from the top of your spine downwards, smells like raspberry lemonade, tastes like lightly chilled vanilla coffee creamer.
Fischl: Closest to #ff78f3, feels like the split second after sticking a wooden coffee stirrer down your throat as far as it will go before your body realizes just how much the coffee stirrer should not be where it is, smells like Bath & Body Works’ A Thousand Wishes body mist, tastes like canned pears.
Ganyu: Closest to #b8a4ba, feels like a cotton-gloved hand being placed over the center of your face, not particularly lightly but not pressing down either, smells like turmeric and privet flowers, tastes like rose tea.
Hu Tao: #a1c6e7, feels like a wing feather swiped in a shallow V across the back of your neck, smells like mango and almost-evaporated acetone, tastes like raspberry Yakult.
Jean: Closest to #45e12d, feels like a pitcher of room-temperature water being poured onto your collarbone, smells like pear jellybeans and clover, tastes like Mini Wheats.
Kaeya: Closest to #1a8981, feels like pulling a slightly oversized shirt on with just a little too much force, smells like cinnamon orange black tea, tastes like a formerly blue raspberry popsicle stick.
Keqing: Closest to #c3a6d4, feels like dragging your feet in rubber boots through the fastest part of a stream, smells like echinacea and chalk, tastes like pink homemade wedding mints.
Klee: Closest to #dbb46a, feels like a paint-soaked cotton ball thrown at the side of your face, smells like silt loam early morning in mid-May, tastes like Cheerios.
La Signora: Closest to #5b767c, feels like a wooden spoon dragged across the backs of your fingernails, smells like scratched river rock, tastes like cold chlorinated water.
Lisa: #dfdfdf, feels like a silk scarf tied around you at your upper arms just tightly enough to make moving freely difficult, smells like warm silver, tastes like raspberries.
Lumine: Closest to hex code #aed6cf, feels like when you first apply particularly slippery hand sanitizer, smells like light blue Gatorade, tastes like cashews.
Mona: #c5e391, feels like a sprig of catchweed brushed over the most calloused part of your hands, smells like cherries, tastes like orange honey.
Ningguang: Closest to #7a063b, feels like rolled-up tinfoil between your teeth, smells like dust, tastes like nutmeg.
Noelle: Closest to #dbb27f, feels like a cordial but decisive handshake, the sentiments behind which would have been better suited to a high-five, smells like strawberries, tastes like sunflower seed butter.
Paimon: Closest to hex code #fbcce8, feels like a particularly plush fleece blanket tossed against the left half of your face, smells like strawberry ice cream, tastes like an almost-ripe peach.
Qiqi: #ffffff, feels like the way mile-a-minute leaves prick the backs of your hands, smells like rye flour, tastes like ice and coconut water.
Razor: Closest to hex code #747857, feels like a dishrag, meant more for scrubbing than for comfort, to the forehead, smells like ballpoint pen ink and spicebush leaves, tastes like toasted pumpernickel bread crust.
Rosaria: Closest to #a99aae, feels like putting on a fluffy coat whose sleeves don’t quite cover your hands, smells like cardamom, tastes like chamomile tea.
Sucrose: Closest to hex code #ddeca6, feels like washing your hands, smells like plain buttercream frosting, tastes like avocado.
Tartaglia: #7197d8, feels like the wood grain on a well-aged but well-maintained support column in a hotel lobby, smells like eggshells, tastes like mashed barley and cold iron.
Venti: Closest to #f40a5d, feels like the way your clothes cling to you after the first proper downpour in living memory, smells like violets and Play-Dough, tastes like cherry Kool Aid.
Xiangling: #ecc008, feels like the inside of a corrugated cardboard coffee cup sleeve, smells like honey mustard, tastes like orangeade.
Xiao: Closest to hex code #a9a591, feels like the paper backing to a sheet of sandpaper, smells like mint and ozone, tastes like paper towels.
Xingqiu: #00a9db, feels like a feather shaft splintering between your teeth, smells like Vicks Vapo-Rub and watercolor paints, tastes like glass and nettles.
Xinyan: Closest to #ce5503, feels like riding a bike over a stretch of rounded uneven stones at such a pace that you’re not unsteady, but not quite fast enough to achieve any sort of airtime, smells like tomatoes, tastes like seasoned dry block ramen.
Yanfei: Closest to #eec4a8, feels like someone braiding your hair, gently but faster than one would expect, smells like lemon, tastes like thin cotton yarn.
Zhongli: Closest to hex code #576954, feels like having a large glass ball rolled across the back of your hands through a fleece blanket, smells like new potting soil, honey, and thyme, tastes like Earl Grey tea with milk and sugar, steeped for an appropriately long time and somehow kept at the right temperature for the entirety thereof.
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moonboohoo · 4 years
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pairings: akaashi keiji x fem!reader 
summary: honey girl, honey girl. akaashi writes a poem for his crush. 
genre/tags: fluff 
word count: 881 words
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EVERY GIRL IS A BLESSING ㅡ they are graceful angels created by heaven, a beautiful blithe spirit that brings happiness to mama earth and her children. girls are like angels, but i would rather call them honey girls. the top of their heads blooming sunflowers, cherry red lips tug into a smile when they whisper soft candy words that smell like sweet nectar in a flower field, even sweeter than a honey mango tree in the summer days.
asherah asks the stars, the planets, and mama earth to create cute little potions for honey girls. they drink it AND THEY SEE DIFFERENT FLOWERS BLOOMING ON THEIR HONEY SKIN. some of them have peony and periwinkle on their hands and legs with soft milky white skin and flower eyes, some of them have sun-kissed skin and bones, amaryllis and tulips on their hands and legs, and pretty nebulas scattered across their nose and high on their cheeks, some of them have moon eyes, their fingers and thighs swelled in honey bee love, cheeks like soft marshmallow that could swallow pretty flowers and grow inside their lungs.
asherah calls them sunshine girl, moon girl, flower girl, cloud girl, and star girl, because she says they are like chalk and cheese, have nothing in common as they have different personalities and body frames - but still, i would rather call them honey girls. it's true that girls are beautiful and unique in their own way, but they are still honey girls. a girl's voice is like maple syrup (they are soothing and sweet!), a girl's heart is like cotton candy (they are soft-hearted!), a girl has honey and milk under her tongue (whisper sweet words of love!), and a girl's laugh is like honeycombs (it makes me melt and see stars!), dripping off in my ears and my entire existence, feeding my soul. it doesn't matter whether they are girls from the pastel galaxies or the earth, because they are still honey girls in nature.
HONEY GIRLS ARE LIKE A GIFT TO US ㅡ they throw their wands away and spread their pinions to the roseate clouds, saying goodbye to little stars and going down to earth. honey girls want to protect mama earth and her children, they spread twinkle tears all over the world to shower them with affection. honey girls are precious, honey girls are adorable, and honey girls deserved to be loved.
i have finally found my baby honey girl sitting on a bench and stared up at the obsidian night sky, one cherry cola on her left hand, right hand holding her favourite club chicken sandwich, moon eyes on the left and star eyes on the right. it doesn't matter if she's a moonstar girl, cuz' i see her as my cute little honey girl that makes my heart spiral into stellar oblivion - i want to take my honey girl on summer dates, buying her honey milk tea and honey lip balm until her eyes and lips are dripping caramel honey so she can taste herself using her own fingertips, then honey girl and i can dance in the rain while listening to indie songs, and i can take her to a ferris wheel and see her blushed when i put a honey star bracelet on her wrist.
but, alas, my baby honey girl seems to love the sky more than me. honey girl keeps looking at the stars and the moon in the sky - her eyes lit up when mama moon is smiling at her, and honey girl feels like her entire soul sucked out of her body, as her soul flies up to the night sky and landed on a star, and gives mama moon a kiss. her body is still here, but her soul lives above the clouds and fogs - i wish i can tear the night sky away using my own teeth so i, too, can fly up to the sky and drag you to the ground (please don't leave me alone!). oh, honey girl, i can see your heart eyes when you are looking at me, you dare say you don't fancy me? i can build a heaven for you and me, i can paint a galaxy of flowers, the stars, and your favourite moon on the ceiling - this is your home, honey girl, i would spoon-feed you my heart juice and shower you with love just like mama moon.
Akaashi Keiji was twirling his pen in his hands while he sat on a blue plastic chair, his eyes were still staring at the girl. The library was quiet, some of them were doing their assignments, the others were studying for their finals, and here's Akaashi Keiji, writing a poem for his crush. He scratched his head lightly, and suddenly, an idea popped up in his mind - he scribbled a few words on his paper and folded it up, putting it inside his bag.
Keiji sighed and looked at his crush again. One day, he would definitely confess to her.
THE LAST PARAGRAPH: Venus and Mars are a love tragedy, but you and I are meant to be.
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oasissafariegy · 3 years
Western Desert
The Western Desert Egypt is mostly rocky, it has quartz-rich sand from the Western Desert near Sakkara, Egypt. it lies to the west against the Libyan border, a great space for Western Desert safari.
The western desert safari Egypt covers an area of(680,650 km2) about 700,000 square kilometers which is two-thirds of the land area.
Its highest elevation is 3,300 ft (1000m) in the Gilf Kebir plateau to the far south-west of the country, on the Egypt-Sudan-Libya border, western desert Egypt It has been the scene of conflict in modern times, categorically during the Second World War.
The Western Desert Egypt Climate
Temperatures in spicy deserts (western desert egypt ) may reach 38°C (100°F) or more. Deserts receive less than 25 centimeters (10 inches) rainfall per year.
As well as Gelid deserts have short, moist, and moderately warm summers. The winters are long and cold.
as well as live in western desert egypt the Desert Locust. Desert Locust hopper bands and adults swarms composed and were controlled three months after the rains in the spring of 1995.
Since then, there has been an incrementation in the number of reports of grasshoppers and locusts from incipiently established agricultural schemes at Sharq Oweinat and Tushka.
We have lots of Astonishing of safari and sightseeing such as :
Fayoum oasis 1 Day / 1 Night
1 Day TOUR Egypt safari
​Safari Egypt. At 06:00 in he morning, your personal guide and driver will pick you up from your hotel in Cairo for an indelible day tour to Fayoum Oasis.
Fayoum Oasis Egypt Safari has situated about 95 km from Cairo. Upon advent in Fayoum, you will relish a visit to Karanis which is the ruin of an old city, this sublime oasis would be worth it.
Gilf El-Kebir Western Desert Egypt
Incipient revelations perpetuate to be made, with controvertibly the single finest rock art site in the Sahara, the Foggini-Mestekawi Cave, being discovered only in 2002.
The Gilf Kebir is known for its prehistoric Neolithic petroglyphs. It is now thought that the early dwellers in Egypt inhabitants who engendered these stunning images influenced early Pharaonic cultures, and trade items have been discovered that demonstrate the links shared by these early peoples.
also, In certain locations one can still find Mesolithic arrowheads littering the sands, astronomically immense natural amphitheaters and, some claim, the lost oasis of Zerzura.
Gilf El-Kebir Western Desert Egypt With it wonderful beauty
now Explore the good and new Life, One of the most Astonishing sightseeing in western desert egypt is Gilf El-Kebir, Gilf Kebir Plateau lies in the heart of the eastern part of the astronomical Sahara Desert, and, thus, gets some of the most extreme climates on Earth.
Gilf Kebir has become a fairly popular Egyptian tourist manget for the more adventurous peregrinations, not just for the rock art and perhaps a chance to make a neophyte discovery, but withal for the sheer grandness of the landscape. It withal shows how varied are the Egyptian antiquity sites.
White Desert
Most visitors to Farafra Oasis western desert Egypt go there to visually perceive the White Desert, el-Sahara el-Beida, the area to the north-east of Qasr al-Farafra which is renowned for its spectacular scenery.
this trip designed For those who like Adventure to set in the center of Desert Egypt Safari. with us Company Oasis Egypt Safari you will reconnoiter The magic of nature, The chalk-white landscape is strewn with alien shapes.
where you will be able to relax in the paradise of Safari desert at night where A sky full of stars and music, enjoyment natural bliss charm. has located 45 km (28 mi) north of the town of Farafra in The Western desert Egypt.
Bahariya Oasis
The valley is circumvented by mountains as well as its numerous springs.
Located in Giza Governorate, the main economic sectors are agriculture, iron ore mining.
and tourism and The main agricultural products are guavas, mangos, dates, and olives.
Bahariya itself is not that impressive. The main town of Bawiti is plenary of squat buildings of modern construction
Further from the town center, the construction turns to more traditional mud-brick and the palm groves which become more evident
Dakhla Oasis
In Neolithic times, Dakhla was the site of an astronomical lake, and rock paintings show that elephants, zebras and ostriches wandered its shores. In Pharaonic times, Dakhla retained several settlements and was a fertile land engendering wine, fruit and grains.
The slumping mud-brick villages and palmaries, speckled with sultry springs, that circumvent Mut capture the essence of slow-paced oasis life and are some of the Western Desert’s most evocative sights.
there’s plenty of places to visit in Dakhla Oasis such as :
Farfara Oasis
The oasis of Farafra is a triangular-shaped fertile depression to the north-west of Dakhla and roughly mid-way between Dakhla and Bahariya, with the impenetrable Great Sand Sea bordering the region to the west. Since 1958 Farafra has been part of the Wadi el-Gedid or ‘New Valley’, but in antediluvian times it was kenned as Ta-iht or the ‘Land of the Cow’
Deir Al Haggar
This renovated sandstone temple is one of the most consummate Roman monuments in Dakhla
The temple of Deir el-Hagar represents one of the most consummate Roman monuments in Dakhla Oasis. Olaf Kaper of the Dakhla Oasis Project suggests that this isolated site was a festival temple rather than a cult temple, which is more conventionally found in the center of a community.
Dedicated mainly to the Theban Triad and to Thoth, construction of the temple commenced during the reign of the Roman Emperor Nero (AD 54-68), whose cartouche can be optically discerned in the sanctuary. It was built to embolden farmers to settle in the area, along with irrigation works, villages and the mudbrick Roman farmsteads that can still be visually perceived in the area circumventing the temple.
safari Egypt
Black and white desert
Desert guide in Egypt
Western Desert Safari.
bahariya oasis
black and white desert
desert egypt
desert guide in egypt
egypt safari
safari egypt
western desert egypt
White desert
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hobbyindia · 2 years
How to Embellish the Custom Name Cutouts with Monogram Letters?
The use of name cutouts is becoming increasingly popular, which is accelerating the trend toward personalization. Custom name cutouts offer the practical ability to convey personality through fonts and spread happiness on any occasion. 
The events are incomplete without the personalized touch. To decorate your space, you can hang the wise word, quotes, phrases, or any customized letters that offer aesthetic functionality to the decor.
Whether it's custom letter engraved on cake toppers or event backdrops, the quality, style, size, texture, and appearance matter a lot to leave an impressive impression. In this guide, we will discuss the types, features, and customization idea you can implement in your personalized custom name cutouts.
Without any further babblings, let's get started! 
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Types of custom Name Cutouts:
There are mainly three types of custom name cutouts that are highly trending in the market:
1) Acrylic name cutout:
Acrylic name cutout offers the acrylic mirror crystal appearance that is highly popular among events and birthday parties as personalized alphabet decor. This acrylic Name cut out offers the following features:
- It offers a smooth, tear-resistance, unbreakable, and highly durable base.
- Features a lightweight and user-friendly base.
- Laser process design with well-finished edges.
- Available in black, white, and golden color with a glossy surface.
- Ready to install and you won't need to do hustles of recreating or customizing the base.
- To add more value, the base is ideal for acrylic painting.
2) Wooden name cut out
Wooden name cutouts are made of pinewood teak wood or mango wooden material. They are the extravagant charm of the prestigious decor. The following are the best features of Wooden name cutouts:
- Made of the original wood.
- A strong ethnic base offers a pure wooden charm to your decor.
- Prominent weight with a user-friendly base.
- Offers laser process design with well-finished edges.
- Extremely ideal for nameplate or living room wall decor.
- The smooth rustic base offers a prominent surface for acrylic paint oil colors, resin art, decoupage art, chalk paint, alcohol ink art, and marker paintings.
- Customization and fine arts are advisable for wooden custom name cutouts.
3) MDF Name cut out
MDF- medium density fiber wood material looks like your wooden base but it only seems likely to be wood. The name engraved on the MDF material is highly trending among the easy-to-paint customized bases for artwork. The following are the best features of MDF letters that are ideal for your decor.
- Made of MDF material offer a smooth well-polished surface with superior texture.
- They are lightweight, heat resistant, and highly durable.
- The smooth glossy base offers an accurate surface for acrylic paint, oil colors, resin art, decoupage art, chalk paint, alcohol ink art, and marker paintings.
- Extremely ideal for cake topper, home nameplate, kids room name plate, wall decor, event sign boards, etc.
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How to customize the MDF monogram letters? 
The best way to decorate the space artistically is to get the strong MDF custom name cutout. Once you have a sturdy base, enrich the ground with your artistic skills on it.
To customize the MDF monogram letters you will require the following essentials:
- MDF Monogram letter base
- Acrylic colors
- Gesso
- Painting brushes and palette
- Varnish
Step to proceed Further:
1) Swirl the Gesso on the base
Let's get started with our first coating on the monogram letters. Coat the Gesso properly to the base for smooth texture and finite grip on painting. In case, you are not having Gesso at your place, you can use white acrylic color instead. 
2) Use a small quantity of paint
Put a coin-size amount of colors on the painting palette and use them appropriately on the base when painting with acrylics. Since acrylic paints are quick to dry, you must work effectively when dealing with your monogrammed letters.
3) Start painting the magnificent colors.
Once the coat of Gesso dries completely, start painting the beautiful colors on the base of MDF letters. 
Note: For painting any personalized name wall art, you need to let your vision explore creativity. You can use any do-it-yourself equipment like sponge tape, Mandala dotting tool, etc. as per your choice of art.
4) Let the color dry for a few hours.
Once you are satisfied with the outlook of the MDF monogram of the alphabets, leave the base to dry at least for a day.
5) Finally, it's time for our Last touch to the decor
Now, when the colors dry completely on the base, it's time to apply the coat of varnish. Varnish is the most essential element for MDF decorative material. It offers a well-polished, smooth, and elegant texture to the base that will make your product a complete store-bought appearance. 
Wrapping up: 
Catchy words customized in name monogram letters are intended to reflect your events. Therefore, Define yourself through the decor! Are you looking for original patterns for custom name cutouts for your home and events? Check out the hand-picked list on the website of Hobby India. It offers you high-quality personalized name wall art letters in India. Moreover, it is India's largest online retailer for DIY crafts.
You can make your event more colorful by choosing from the best selection of well-designed and stylish custom name cutouts. Choose your favorite designs' font style, size, pattern, and quantity carefully, go through the brief given details, and then click "Pay Now." Your order will be delivered safely to your door!
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lin-26 · 2 years
Mmmmm first post and I just felt like sharing this cuz why not.
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Smells that bring me comfort:
-Painters tape
-acrylic paint
-expo markers
-hot sweet tea
-air heads
-construction paper
-fresh baked cookies
-artificial strawberry flavoring
-artificial cherry flavoring
-chlorine from a pool
-hot chocolate
-mint chocolate
That is all :) I might do this again but with other things that bring me comfort cuz I GET BORED. Also I feel like we should just start sharing stuff that brings comfort like smells, textures, sounds, etc. cuz ya know, it's nice to share that stuff :]
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craftfurnish-blog · 4 years
Splash of Colours
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The moment we hear the word ‘Rangoli’, an image of extremely colourful and vibrant patterns decorated on the floors to celebrate an occasion or festivity conjures our mind. Reflecting ethnicity, folklore and traditions of different areas, Rangoli is an expression of gratitude towards Nature and a perfect symbol of beauty, hope, and culture.
The word Rangoli comes from a Sanskrit word ‘rangavali’ which means rows of colours or coloured earth. Rangoli is traditional Indian folk art, generally created on a floor on special occasions. The origin of rangoli making can be traced back to the Hindu mythological Puranas when it was practised as a part of the daily ritual by women to decorate their houses so as to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck. This divine art is seen as a means of decorating homes to bring peace, health, prosperity and good luck to the lives of the people living in. In earlier times, women used to chant hymns and bhajans while making rangolis. It is believed that a rangoli drawn on the floor has a calming effect on the minds of guests coming to the house. It generates positive vibrations in their mind, thereby making them feel invited and comfortable in the new environ.
The designs of rangolis are believed to have psychic aspects. Each design is believed to have a spiritual angle. The energy created by the patterns of rangoli motivates and generate positive energy in people. A rangoli should be completely balanced with one side exactly similar to the other. The sharp edges of Rangoli represent luck, growth, and prosperity. The centre of Rangoli is generally in circular form symbolizing ‘garbha’ i.e. the main chamber of a temple. The dots drawn in most of the rangoli patterns can be related to tilak on the forehead.
The tradition of Rangoli making on the floor started in Maharashtra and it slowly spread to other parts of India. In Tamil Nadu, Rangoli is known as Kolam. In Rajasthan, the Mandanas are drawn on walls. In Kolkata, Alpana is drawn in the courtyard. Chowkpurana in Uttar Pradesh, Aripana in Bihar and Muggu in Andhra Pradesh.
Rangolis are meticulously painted using both wet and dry colours. Rice powder or paste, coloured rice grains, chalk powder, flour, sand and flower petals are used to make outlines of the design. The design is then filled with colours from natural substances like vermillion, turmeric powder, indigo powder, flowers, flower petals, coloured sawdust, sand and even ground pulses.  
Rangoli can be made on the floor, sidewalk, or entrance of homes. Firstly a smooth and even surface is selected to draw a pattern. The area is washed or wiped with water and left to dry. The basic outline of the Rangoli is drawn with chalk, crayon or a pencil and then topped with rice powder or flour so that the outline stands out clearly. The pattern is then filled with different colours to bring out the sharpness and details in the most effective manner.
The designs of rangoli can be simple geometric patterns, floral shapes or can even have very intricate designs. Some common patterns used in Rangoli are pictures of peacocks, parrots, swans, diyas, lotus flowers, mangoes, fish, leaves etc.
In the past, most of the rangolis made in the states of North India were made square in shape while they were hexagonal in South India. The rangolis made at the festival of Onam in Kerala used to be circular in shape. But today, though a slight resemblance might be present to these ancestral designs, rangoli patterns are not region-specific anymore.  
Types of Rangolis:
Rangoli making is of two types on the basis of patterns:
The geometric shapes of circles, cones and lines are form-dominant type of rangoli.
Ornamental rangoli includes the images of birds, animals, trees, flower and deities. They might have a conch, Swastika, moon or sun in the centre. Each pattern is believed to have a religious connotation. The eight petals of lotus are a symbolic representation of the Sun, Lord Vishnu and eight directions of the Universe. The lotus represents Goddess Lakshmi and is considered to be a symbol of procreation whereas her feet represents wealth and prosperity.  Similarly a diya drawn in a rangoli is a symbol of enlightenment, knowledge and wisdom.
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oasissafariegy · 4 years
Western Desert
At Western desert Egypt is the best venue ever anybody can have Company Oasis Egypt Safari Tours Package to Bahariya Oasis Desert Egypt and white desert Egypt, desert Egypt  
A Western Desert Egypt tourism Safari Egypt is one of the most radiant expertise you will ever have with white desert Egypt and desert Egypt
At Desert Egypt Now you can animate your dream some at days full of delight, at trips White desert Egypt and Western desert Egypt and desert Egypt in a circuit with oasis Egypt safari.
will see the  beautiful, with Oasis Egypt Safari  in the white desert Egypt and desert Egypt and western Egypt is outstanding for the rock formations and is an area, of considerable loveliness
The White desert best escape anybody can have, Company Oasis Egypt Safari offers a  peregrination Package to Bahariya oasis and desert Egypt and the western desert Egypt.
The Western Desert Egypt is mostly rocky, it has quartz-rich sand from the Western Desert near Sakkara, Egypt. it lies to the west against the Libyan border, a great space for Western Desert safari.
The western desert safari Egypt covers an area of(680,650 km2) about 700,000 square kilometers which is two-thirds of the land area.
Its highest elevation is 3,300 ft (1000m) in the Gilf Kebir plateau to the far south-west of the country, on the Egypt-Sudan-Libya border, western desert Egypt It has been the scene of conflict in modern times, categorically during the Second World War.
The Western Desert Egypt Climate
Temperatures in spicy deserts (western desert egypt ) may reach 38°C (100°F) or more. Deserts receive less than 25 centimeters (10 inches) rainfall per year.
As well as Gelid deserts have short, moist, and moderately warm summers. The winters are long and cold.
as well as live in western desert egypt the Desert Locust. Desert Locust hopper bands and adults swarms composed and were controlled three months after the rains in the spring of 1995.
Since then, there has been an incrementation in the number of reports of grasshoppers and locusts from incipiently established agricultural schemes at Sharq Oweinat and Tushka.
We have lots of Astonishing of safari and sightseeing such as :
Fayoum oasis 1 Day / 1 Night
1 Day TOUR Egypt safari
​Safari Egypt. At 06:00 in he morning, your personal guide and driver will pick you up from your hotel in Cairo for an indelible day tour to Fayoum Oasis.
Fayoum Oasis Egypt Safari has situated about 95 km from Cairo. Upon advent in Fayoum, you will relish a visit to Karanis which is the ruin of an old city, this sublime oasis would be worth it.
Gilf El-Kebir Western Desert Egypt
Incipient revelations perpetuate to be made, with controvertibly the single finest rock art site in the Sahara, the Foggini-Mestekawi Cave, being discovered only in 2002.
The Gilf Kebir is known for its prehistoric Neolithic petroglyphs. It is now thought that the early dwellers in Egypt inhabitants who engendered these stunning images influenced early Pharaonic cultures, and trade items have been discovered that demonstrate the links shared by these early peoples.
also, In certain locations one can still find Mesolithic arrowheads littering the sands, astronomically immense natural amphitheaters and, some claim, the lost oasis of Zerzura.
Gilf El-Kebir Western Desert Egypt With it wonderful beauty
now Explore the good and new Life, One of the most Astonishing sightseeing in western desert egypt is Gilf El-Kebir, Gilf Kebir Plateau lies in the heart of the eastern part of the astronomical Sahara Desert, and, thus, gets some of the most extreme climates on Earth.
Gilf Kebir has become a fairly popular Egyptian tourist manget for the more adventurous peregrinations, not just for the rock art and perhaps a chance to make a neophyte discovery, but withal for the sheer grandness of the landscape. It withal shows how varied are the Egyptian antiquity sites.
White Desert
Most visitors to Farafra Oasis western desert Egypt go there to visually perceive the White Desert, el-Sahara el-Beida, the area to the north-east of Qasr al-Farafra which is renowned for its spectacular scenery.
this trip designed For those who like Adventure to set in the center of Desert Egypt Safari. with us Company Oasis Egypt Safari you will reconnoiter The magic of nature, The chalk-white landscape is strewn with alien shapes.
where you will be able to relax in the paradise of Safari desert at night where A sky full of stars and music, enjoyment natural bliss charm. has located 45 km (28 mi) north of the town of Farafra in The Western desert Egypt.
Bahariya Oasis
The valley is circumvented by mountains as well as its numerous springs.
Located in Giza Governorate, the main economic sectors are agriculture, iron ore mining.
and tourism and The main agricultural products are guavas, mangos, dates, and olives.
Bahariya itself is not that impressive. The main town of Bawiti is plenary of squat buildings of modern construction
Further from the town center, the construction turns to more traditional mud-brick and the palm groves which become more evident
Dakhla Oasis
In Neolithic times, Dakhla was the site of an astronomical lake, and rock paintings show that elephants, zebras and ostriches wandered its shores. In Pharaonic times, Dakhla retained several settlements and was a fertile land engendering wine, fruit and grains.
The slumping mud-brick villages and palmaries, speckled with sultry springs, that circumvent Mut capture the essence of slow-paced oasis life and are some of the Western Desert’s most evocative sights.
there’s plenty of places to visit in Dakhla Oasis such as :
Farfara Oasis
The oasis of Farafra is a triangular-shaped fertile depression to the north-west of Dakhla and roughly mid-way between Dakhla and Bahariya, with the impenetrable Great Sand Sea bordering the region to the west. Since 1958 Farafra has been part of the Wadi el-Gedid or ‘New Valley’, but in antediluvian times it was kenned as Ta-iht or the ‘Land of the Cow’
Deir Al Haggar
This renovated sandstone temple is one of the most consummate Roman monuments in Dakhla
The temple of Deir el-Hagar represents one of the most consummate Roman monuments in Dakhla Oasis. Olaf Kaper of the Dakhla Oasis Project suggests that this isolated site was a festival temple rather than a cult temple, which is more conventionally found in the center of a community.
Dedicated mainly to the Theban Triad and to Thoth, construction of the temple commenced during the reign of the Roman Emperor Nero (AD 54-68), whose cartouche can be optically discerned in the sanctuary. It was built to embolden farmers to settle in the area, along with irrigation works, villages and the mudbrick Roman farmsteads that can still be visually perceived in the area circumventing the temple.
At Western desert Egypt is the best venue ever anybody can have Company Oasis Egypt Safari Tours Package to Bahariya Oasis Desert Egypt and white desert Egypt, desert Egypt  
A Western Desert Egypt tourism Safari Egypt is one of the most radiant expertise you will ever have with white desert Egypt and desert Egypt
At Desert Egypt Now you can animate your dream some at days full of delight, at trips White desert Egypt and Western desert Egypt and desert Egypt in a circuit with oasis Egypt safari.
will see the  beautiful, with Oasis Egypt Safari  in the white desert Egypt and desert Egypt and western Egypt is outstanding for the rock formations and is an area, of considerable loveliness
The White desert best escape anybody can have, Company Oasis Egypt Safari offers a  peregrination Package to Bahariya oasis and desert Egypt and the western desert Egypt.
safari Egypt
Black and white desert
Desert guide in Egypt
Western Desert Safari.
bahariya oasis
black and white desert
desert egypt
desert guide in egypt
egypt safari
safari egypt
western desert egypt
White desert
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*Sketchy notes on* Mrs. Goldsmith. Here's to the one who came with the brightest smile every morning for her class of KG. I remember how she would always check on each one of us while we were on the assembly line early in the morning, painted the most colourful lessons in the classroom, challenged us to come up with solutions and encouraged us to put those in action. I remember how her desk drawer would always be filled with chalk, a duster and 'mango bites', how she managed to blend in with us in those tiny little chairs and always made us laugh by complaining how fast we were growing up. I remember, this one time, how I called her "Maa" by mistake..trying to look away in embarrassment and she giving me the most humble smile of acknowledgement. Over the years, I came across many teachers, in different classes across school, college and university and always managed to find a piece of Mrs. Goldsmith in them. So, here's sending all of them the warmest hugs for all that they have been to us. Thank you. . . . #sketchynotes #randomthoughts #profoundcraziness #sketchbook #sketch #doodle #art #illustration #drawing #colour #blackandwhite #ink #teachersofinstagram #teachersday #school #kindergarten #india https://www.instagram.com/p/CEvmQ35AqGZ/?igshid=1kofgnp1464ej
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excommune-a · 7 years
haiti was a fucking mess. 
that’s the phrasing marcus uses when he doesn’t want to talk about it; the phrasing for we let a girl die, bennett, let’s leave it at that. at the time, it had been far worse, far harder to summarise: they hanged her from the mango tree and marcus would’ve died trying to kill the men who did it. it took bennett holding marcus by the face and telling him we have to help her, marcus. she can’t stay up there. i need you to help me cut her down. to stop his warpath. where bennett is clean lines, ruler-straight, marcus is an explosion of bloody paint on canvas, and most of the time — most of the time — it makes them as different as chalk and cheese, but other times, like haiti, it makes them fit.
marcus wouldn’t sleep in his bed that night. he was restless, pacing, turning a mango leaf over and over in his hands until it started falling apart. bennett was still but not sleeping. marcus’ wired energy was infectious, and even if it weren’t, he was thinking about the tree too.
‘ don’t think i’ll be back on the mango daiquiris any time soon. ’ ‘ jesus christ, marcus. ’
there wasn’t any point in telling marcus he was being tasteless when he full well knew. less point in telling marcus that he’s being tasteless when marcus is angrily, guiltily grieving, trying to find some way out of the deep hole he’s in, one word at a time.
‘ sit down. ’ ‘ i’d rather not. ’ ‘ i wasn’t asking. ’
marcus sits down. his legs are so long he looks folded up on the old, low motel sofa next to bennett. when he’s upset he looks younger than he is, not older; all the hardness falls away and he looks ... small. bennett is searching for something to say when marcus abruptly tips himself over, resting his head on the pillow of bennett’s lap, his body crumpled. bennett’s hands hover uncertainly and then he rests a hand on marcus’ shoulder, a hand on the crown of marcus’ skull. he thinks marcus might be crying, as though all that movement and pacing had kept tears at bay, and now, with inertia, they need somewhere to go.
‘ alright, marcus. alright. ’
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twistednuns · 5 years
June 2019
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.”   
A (very) sunny day in London. Seeing a seal in the Thames, right under the Tower Bridge. Walking through St. James’s Park, eating ice-cream. Taking a beautiful picture of Laura in Covent Garden. Finally getting out of the underground. A tiny rainbow reflection in the sky over Greenwich.
Playing badminton in the evening with Frank. Sitting by the river, making new friends (duckies).
Micha. Meeting in Thalkirchen after I had just seen a half dead mouse. Walking along the river, finding a nice spot across from the zoo with a bunch of musical hippies playing the drums on the other bank. We got drunk on Toro Loco and Grasovka in ice hockey cups until he kissed me in the middle of a sentence. It took quite a while until I noticed I was just kissing my first man with a tongue piercing. At some point I re-erected a knocked over portable toilet (does drunk me have superhuman powers?) and we walked to the subway together. Such a gentle weirdo.
Making breakfast for someone other than me. Sharing an apple. Eating out of the same bowl.
IKEA has veggie hot dogs now. Excellent. I also got a new cutting board. And that’s ALL I got. I’m virtually patting myself on the shoulder right now.
Christoph and Lauren’s wedding was pretty chill. We squeezed into a car, went up a very steep hill to attend the ceremony and spent the rest of the day around a camp fire drinking gin and tonics or dancing to very bad music. I loved getting to know Michael’s boyfriend of 4 years. I always received gay vibes from him… good to know that my gaydar isn’t broken.
Taking polaroid pictures in the beautiful afternoon light. I also loved Christian’s outtakes of the theme music quiz. One of them honestly looks as if I’d just won a beauty pageant - we have a host, two ladies with jealous side glances and me, all excited, open mouth, in front of the mic, waiting for her tiara…
Spending a few hours in my mum’s garden. Doing dangerous yoga exercises in the grass. Walking barefoot. Marveling at the lush roses everywhere. Watching a blackbird taking a bath under the cherry tree. Very entertaining.
I want to learn Spanish and this video gives me hope - apparently I can heavily rely on my French vocabulary.
Why the men I like usually look the same.
Hanging out with Martina, Tobi and Diego the dog at the Thalkirchen campsite. Watching the rafts go by (horrible music), driving them home with their car right before the apocalyptic thunderstorm.
The perfect dessert: berries or peaches with fresh cream. The perfect dinner: Truffle pasta.
The concept of eclecticism.
Spending the afternoon with Franzi at Maria Einsiedel. Meeting baby Elise for the first time. Hopping into the Eiskanal, turning my body into a freezer for five minutes. Eating tiny lemon ice-cream and galia melon.
Meeting Catrin and Andreas at Brillengalerie in Altheim. Really good cappuccino (he’s an optician AND a latte artist). I loved trying on those gorgeous glasses and talking to Catrin about the Latte Art championships and rude customers.
Our trip to the Bavarian Forest to make a cake tree for the wedding. We visited Lena’s uncle who turned a tree trunk into a three-tiered cake stand with his chainsaw. We helped. I really want to get a chainsaw license now.
Once again: roses. They are incredibly lush this year. I don’t know why exactly but climate change seems to have one tiny upside.
Drawing. Portrait practice. Filling my sketchbook from idee. Polychromos coloured pencils.
Using Instagram’s story feature for the first time. I love editing pictures and adding gifs and colours. Immature and tacky but fun.
Looking trough old analogue pictures. Finding lots of my dad looking like the perfect Millennial. 90s fashion really IS back. I still loathe fanny packs though.
I found someone who’s coming to India with me!! I’m going to travel with Bibi this summer. So excited!
Unfortunately: the Solitaire app on my phone. Unhealthy obsession. You know you’ve got a problem when you’re getting REALLY good…
The smell of dill pickles reminds evokes vivid memories of my grandma. She used to make them herself, in heavy stoneware next to the wash room in the cellar.
Spending the evening with Bibi at Kulturdachgarten (having Ginger Spritz as a sundowner in the late afternoon sun), eating Israeli mezze at NANA in Haidhausen and seeing Rocketman at Rio cinema. My colleague works there so we got discount tickets and free ice-cream. Taron Egerton is a fabulous actor. If I had to describe the film in one word it’d be flamboyant. Also, I’d have loved to be the costume designer for this.
Iglo veggie love frozen meals. With Hela curry ketchup. Nom.
Extremely cute new rockery plants (who will have to do with regular potting soil I’m afraid).
Meeting Andre at Thalkirchen. Spending the evening on an Isar gravel bank, drinking the beer Martina brought from Croatia. Joining the… eh, what’s the Mile High Club for people who prefer water to air travel? Catching the last train home. Taking dinky photobooth pictures because we still had ten minutes to spare. That fake photo strip makes me happy instantly whenever I look at it.
Getting better at asking for what I want.
The character Moe in the Netflix series Trinkets. To me, she’s so much more attractive than Tabitha. And I love her attitude. And her hookup in episode seven. What a pretty man.
Manu making me realise how much I look like my dad. “At least jawwise!”
Spending the evening with Tom. Pre-theatre Spritz, Melancholia at Kammerspiele, Isar-beer near Müllersches Volksbad. Talking about our insights and issues.
It’s fascinating to see the lupin in front of my balcony door open it’s blossoms gradually from bottom to top. This plant has such an interesting structure and geometry.
Salad season. Somehow I only like salads in the summer but then I eat them passionately. With strawberries, Black Forest tofu, peaches, blueberries, mangoes, olives. Those nice, firm Roma tomatoes you only get during the summer months. I made a huge bowl of Tabouleh the other day and had it for breakfast, lunch an dinner.
Going home in the morning, smelling of another person.
Booking flights to India. 5 weeks. I’ve never been gone for so long and then I chose India of all places… I feel a mild panic attack coming but I’m also super excited.
Artificial cherry flavour.
A day trip with Lexi. She brought crisps and a fun Mexican dice game which we played on the train. Spending the whole afternoon soaking in the warm water at Therme Bad Aibling. Discovering the amazing acoustics in the various domes. Making a new duckie friend. Weird mirror selfies with hairdryers. Dinner at a Bavarian restaurant in Rosenheim. Teaching le Sash some obscure Bavarian words.
The word obscure, come to think of it. Uncanny is a close second.
Jupiter being so bright in the night sky. I always notice it first as soon as it’s dark.
Librarians are secretly the funnest people alive.
So many things, really. I’m feeling quite happy at the moment. My only problem is that I keep gaining weight. Somehow enjoying myself is adverse to the strict regime I need in order to stay perfectly healthy.
Random things: Schweppes Fruity citrus and orange lemonade. Tomato sandwiches with fresh basil on olive ciabatta. That squirrel running over the garage roof in the morning. Dreaming of ferry rides through US rivers. And intercourse with a panther. The Garner Ambre Soleil natural bronzer spray with coconut oil. Nice colour, good smell, minimal chipmunk effect. And of course me regular Garnier sun oil. It’s the bottled essence of summer.
Filling in for someone in the Natural 20s pub quiz team. Being invited to a pen and paper round with feline characters only. Meeting Sophia who, I realised later, played Rosencrantz (or Guildenstern?) at Entity Theatre’s production of Hamlet last year.
My complete and utter obsession with Phil Collins’ version of You Can’t Hurry Love. I think it’s going to be my next karaoke song.
A desire and drive to be creative. Making collages out of dried leftover paint. Drawing on the window panes. Getting out gouache, pastel chalks, oil pastels, those weird 3-in-1 coloured pencils which create such a nice texture. Drawing first thing in the morning. Spending hours drawing owls for the coffee roasters. Using coloured pencils to draw portraits of all the cool girls of Instagram.
Oh, speaking of art. I don’t want to jinx it but I might get the chance to write a book soon! I met an editor who works at a publishing house for lifestyle books and needs someone to make a book about portrait drawing/painting for her. So. Excited. They’re also looking for a trainee in the graphic design department. I really hope I get to collaborate with them in one way or another.
Cute summer outfits. Good colour combinations. Accessorizing. Wearing pretty clothes with a creative twist. Actually putting some thought into putting together an outfit can be a lot of fun. After all it’s just another way of making a collage.
Polarized sunglasses providing me with the bluest skies and rainbow-tinted tram windows.
The Croatian man who sat down next to a visibly pregnant Bavarian woman on the subway and started telling her about his daughter Persephone and the abduction myth connected with her. I keep reading and hearing about Demeter and Persephone lately, for example about Baubo and the vulva presentations / Demeter worship.
Carmen Rohrbach’s Unterwegs sein ist mein Leben. I was very impressed by how much she has seen and experienced. How much she knows about nature and animals. I mean, she’s a biologist, too. Reading this book made my days a little more special because it gave me a sense of how much more there is to discover on this planet.
Eating vegan ice-cream (pumpkin seed and ginger-turmeric) with Micha. Sitting on the balustrade in front of the Art Academy. Staring into these insanely pretty blue eyes all the time. Looking for the toilets, roaming through the hallways. I love the architecture of that building.
A ladybug escaping the subway train through an open door. Freedom!
I love how the characters resemble each other so much in the different generations in the TV-series Dark. Uncanny. And they feature very nice colour contrasts, too. I guess I like their production designer / cinematographer.
Late-night Isar strolls. Drinking red wine, lying down, watching the stars surrounded by fireflies! (which are quite rare where I live so I was lucky - the strangest thing is that I had drawn a firefly into my sketchbook earlier that day, feels like I manifested it)
Tollwood gin and tonics, forgetting to go home, ending up in a gay club at 3am. Nice Thursday.
Making up for the lack of sleep on Friday afternoon. Waking up late. Releasing my inner Julia Child at 2am by making sushi rolls, taboulé and Bergsteigerbrot, something like super tasty vegan granola bars with lots of nuts and honey.
A little bike tour with Frank along the river. Pseudo-meditating on a log, eating some snacks I brought. Floating with the current. His alliterations (“further fodder for future followers”).
0 notes
samuelmmarcus · 5 years
Texas Home Design
  After of a week featuring mostly coastal interior design homes, it’s wonderful to keep things fresh and inspiring here on Home Bunch. And no one else could do that better than my friend Brittany Jones of @britjonesdesign (make sure to follow her on Instagram). Brittany is a very talented interior designer and photographer and you might recall seeing her beautiful Texas house featured on the blog before.
This beautiful French-inspired home is located in the heart of West Texas. It was drawn by Architect Blake Hayes, built by Edge Homes, and was thoughtfully designed and curated by Brit Jones Design.
This is an extensive post, so find a comfy and quiet spot to allow yourself to get inspired by the many great interior designs this beautiful Texas home features.
  Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Texas Home Design
This home features 5 bedrooms, kid game room, adult lounge with pool access, gun room, master bedroom with private office and sitting room, 4.5 bathrooms, large mudroom, wrapping station, two laundry rooms, private patio off the master sitting room, pool, grilling area with a built in pizza oven, two balconies, all on an oversized one acre lot.
Planter boxes are rough cedar stained in a dark brown.
Front Lanterns are by Quorum – Outdoor Lighting on sale: here, here & here
Roof is GAF Sienna
Windows are Jeld Wen
Stone & Shutters
The exterior stone is castlerock stone in a mix of cream and white with white mortar.
 Shutters are rough cedar painted in Annie Sloan chalk paint – see more details here.
Trim color- Sherwin Williams Seal Skin.
Instead of regular stucco we did a “brick slurry” where they did the stucco over the brick in a hand-finish instead of a sprayed finish. Color is a custom tan finish.
Bench: here – similar
This French-inspired foyer features a cabinet with greywash finish, a French mirror and beautiful decor.
Cabinet: here – Other Beautiful Cabinets: here, here, here & here.
Mirror: Uttermost (discountinued) – similar here: Other Beautiful Mirrors: here, here, here, here & here (floor mirror).
Hardwood Flooring
As you call tell by the photo above, this home will keep taking your breath away!
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Hardwood Flooring: Anderson Historique Oak in color Yorktown – similar here.
Similar Chairs: here, here, here & here.
Upon entering this home you will notice the magnificent ceilings, custom welded iron stair railing, beautiful furnishings and a lovely view of the pool!
Great Room
Living Room has a 25 foot vaulted ceiling with custom beam work.
Paint Color
Trim and wall color is Sherwin Williams Alabaster. My favorite go-to warm white.
Chandelier: Currey and Company Hannah Chandelier
Coffee Table: here & here – similar – Others: here, here, here & here.
Living room sofa is custom Bassett – available through the designer – similar here.
Side Tables: Uttermost.
Rug is Kalaty – available through the designer – similar here, here, here, here & here.
I love how Brittany decorated every room of this home.
The custom fireplace is blown cast stone, carved in place.
Swivel chairs are Sam Moore
Side Table: Creative Co-op Round Mango Wood Table with Two Cane Shelves.
Combining brick backsplash with White Marble countertops, this French-farmhouse kitchen feels connected with the rest of the house and it features a timeless design.
Counterstools are Dovetail – Other Affordable Counterstools: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Faucet & Sink
Faucet: Waterstone Annapolis collection in satin nickel –  Others: here, here, here & here.
The farmhouse sink by Rohl – highly recommended by interior designers.
Kitchen Cabinet Details: Painted Pine kitchen cabinet with shaker style door with a beveled edge. Paint color is Sherwin Williams Alabaster.
Lanterns from Hinkley.
Backsplash: Brick – similar here & here.
Olive Branches: here – similar
Vase: here & here – similar
Hardware: Atlas Distressed knobs and Pulls.
Kitchen Hood
The custom kitchen hood is made out of blown cast stone, carved in place.
Countertop is Honed Imperial Danby Marble.
A touch of copper brings a French country feel to this kitchen.
Beautiful Copper Cookware: here, here & here.
Dining Room
The kitchen opens to a stunning dining area with warm decor and custom drapery.
Dining chairs are Joss and Main Host Dining Chairs & Side Chairs.
Beautiful Topiaries: here, here & here.
Rug is Kalaty MG-178 Ivory / Vintage Brown.
Window Treatment: Stunning custom drapery and roman shades by Budget Blinds of Lubbock. Features French return rods (similar) in majority of the rooms and luxurious fabrics and textures.
Chandelier: here – Other Beautiful French Chandeliers: here, here & here.
Dining table can be found here.
Powder Room
This powder room is full of inspiring ideas. Brittany did such a great job with this space!
Floor tile – Tabarka, Paris metro 2 with Bone grout – Other Beautiful Tiles: here, here & here.
” I really loved how we custom made this vanity from a repurposed desk!” – Brittany Jones
Mirror: here – similar
Faucet: Sigma – similar here & here.
Beautiful Vessel Sinks: here, here, here & here.
Man Cave
This home also features a “man cave” with herringbone brick flooring.
Man cave sofa is Bradington Young sofa – similar here.
Chandelier: Savoy House
Brick Pavers: Country Mix 4”x 8” non-polished with Bone grout.
Man cave velvet chairs are Dovetail – available through the designer – Others: here, here & here.
Upper Landing
I warned you guys… this home keeps taking our breath away, right?! How stunning is this landing?! Paint color continues to be Sherwin Williams SW 7008 Alabaster.
Here’s a nice view of the cathedral ceiling with reclaimed trusses and rafters.
The French settee is Park Hill Collection Louisiana Street Settee – available through the designer – Others: here, here, here & here.
French Grandfather Clock: here & here – similar
Blush Pink Pillows: here & here – similar
Botanical Art Print Set
Artwork can be found here.
Guest Bedroom
This guest bathroom feels serene and romantic.
Bench: here – similar
Lighting: Terracotta Chandelier – Other Beautiful Chandeliers: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Headboard: Available through the designer – Similar: here, here & here.
Beautiful Nightstands: here, here & here.
Soft textures and colors make this bed look very inviting.
Bedding: Pottery Barn.
Guest Bathroom
Grey Vanity Paint Color: Collonade Gray by Sherwin Williams.
Hardware: Emtek crystal knobs.
Sconces: Capital Lighting.
Mirror: Uttermost – similar here.
Floor tile – Emser Kalta Fiore 12×24 tile with Avalanche grout.
Doorknob: Emtek
Countertop is Honed Imperial Danby Marble.
Faucet is Sigma in polished nickel – similar here.
Tub surround tile – MSI Dove Gray Diamond w/white dot. Grout is Pewter.
Girl’s Bedroom
This girl bedroom is perfect for teens. It’s neutral with a pop of color and it has personality.
Headboard: here.
Bench: here – similar.
Bedding is a mix of Pottery Barn, Villa Home (similar here) and custom pillows.
Beautiful Chandeliers: here, here, here & here.
Vanity Paint Color: Crisp Blue by Sherwin Williams.
Floor tile – Calacutta Luxe Pattern, Oyster Grout.
Tub surround/ toilet wainscot – Marble Glazed wall tile, Ivory Natural 4”x12” with  bone grout.
Hardware: Hobby Lobby – similar here.
Boy’s Bedroom
This bedroom feels masculine without losing its fun.
Leather Bed: here – similar – Others: here, here & here.
Lighting: Uttermost.
Carpet Flooring: Bernini, Face Powder
Boy’s Bathroom
Vanity Paint Color: Hale Navy by Benjamin Moore.
Countertop is Tipperary Quartz.
Hardware: Top Knobs Griggs collection in Brushed Bronze.
Faucets: Moen.
Lighting: ELK Gramercy Collection
Floor Tile – 3” Calacutta Hexagon with Oyster Gray grout.
Mirrors: here – similar
Master Bedroom
The master bedroom and sitting room features a unique half cathedral vault with custom wood work.
Bedding is a mix of Pottery Barn, Villa (similar here) and custom velvet pillows (similar here).
Rug is Loloi Vincent collection.
Bed & Nightstands
Bed: Hooker Furniture Boheme Bon Vivant De-Constructed bed.
Nightstands: Hooker Furniture.
Throw: here
Paint Color
Paint color is Sherwin Williams Alabaster.
The bedroom chandeliers is by Quorum.
Accent Chair by Fireplace: here & here – similar.
Sitting Room
This might be one of the most beautiful sitting rooms I have ever seen. Notice the stunning ceiling and the stone accent wall.
Stone is Castlerock stone in a mix of cream and white with white mortar.
Chandelier: Quorum.
Bench is Hooker Furniture.
Rug is Loloi Vincent collection – Other Neutral Rugs: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Loveseat: available through the designer – similar here & here.
Coffee Table: Uttermost.
Inspiring Ideas
The sitting area opens to a home office.
Master Office
The master office features custom cabinetry and a built-in desk, designed by Brittany Jones.
Cabinet Paint Color
Cabinet paint color is Inky Blue by Sherwin Williams.
Desk Chair: here
Lighting: Quorum La Maison drum shade.
Master Bathroom
Antique doors, imported from France, were hung with barn door hardware to accentate the master bathroom.
Textures & Colors
This master bathroom feels luxurious and warm thanks to a beautiful combination of textures and soft colors.
Ottomans in bathroom are custom and available through the designer.
Other Beautiful Ottomans: here, here & here.
Rug: here – similar
Chandeliers: Troy Lighting Viola Chandelier
The master bathroom features quadruple groin vault ceiling.
Master Bathroom Floor tile – Speartek Churchill 18”x18” (similar here & here) with Bone grout, Diamond pattern, thin grout lines.
Draperies: Custom Linen Draperies.
Countertop is Honed Imperial Danby Marble.
Sconces – Hudson Valley.
Faucets: Moen in satin nickel.
Vanity Paint Color
Paint color is Sherwin Williams Alabaster SW 7008.
Hardware: Top Knobs reeded pulls.
A cast iron clawfoot tub brings a traditional French feel to this bathroom.
Similar Tub: here
Shower Tiling
Tub surround/Shower Tile- Speartek Churchill 6”X12”
Shower floor – Alabastrino hexagon mosaic, also in shower niche.
Shower Faucets: Moen.
How gorgeous is this custom wrought iron staircase?! It was completely custom designed and built by a local company.
Wall sconces are Currey and Company
Laundry Room & Mudroom
This laundry room/mudroom space is a dream, starting with the cabinet paint color, Silvermist by Sherwin Williams, and the herringbone brick flooring.
Flooring: Stonepeak Ceramics 12×12 castle graphite bloom – similar here – different size.
Cup Pulls: Top Knobs.
Pulls are also by Top Knobs.
Wrapping Station Cabinet
This space also features a custom gift wrapping station. Cabinet paint color is Sherwin Williams SW 7621 Silvermist.
Laundry Room
I wouldn’t mind doing laundry in such a beautiful room! Countertop is Tipperary Quartz.
Laundry Room Faucet: Moen – similar here.
Sink: Rohl.
Hardware: Top Knobs Mushroom knob.
  Many thanks to the interior designer & photographer for sharing all of the details above. Make sure to visit her website and followe her on Instagram!
Interior Design & Photography: Brittany Jones (Instagram)
Furniture provided by Ramsowers Furniture and Brit Jones Design.
Architecture: Blake Hayes
Builder: Edge Homes
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Best Sales of the Month:
Thank you for shopping through Home Bunch. I would be happy to assist you if you have any questions or are looking for something in particular. Feel free to contact me and always make sure to check dimensions before ordering. Happy shopping!
  Wayfair: Up to 70% OFF – Memorial Day Clearance!!!
  Serena & Lily: Enjoy 20% Off Memorial Day Sale with Code: SUMMERPREP
  Joss & Main: Warehouse Clearout – Up to 70% off!
  Pottery Barn: Buy More Save More + Free Shipping – Use code: SAVEMORE
  One Kings Lane: High Quality Design Decor for Less.
  West Elm: Buy More Save More Sale!!!
  Anthropologie: See the super-popular Joanna Gaines Exclusive line!
  Urban Outfitters: Hip & Affordable Home Decor.
  Horchow: High Quality Furniture and Decor. Up to 30% off the entire site!
  Nordstrom: Up to 40% OFF. New Decor!
  Posts of the Week:
Florida Home with a Cottage Farmhouse Twist.
Florida Beach House Interior Design.
Beach House Interior Design Ideas.
Tailored Interiors.
2019 New Year Home Tour.
Home Bunch’s Top 5: Cabinet Paint Colors.
Long Beach, California, Home Design.
Top 5 Affordable Ways to Update your Home.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Atlanta.
Dark Cedar Shaker Exterior.
Top 5: Kitchen Island Design.
Transforming a House Into a Home.
Small lot Beach House.
Small Lot Modern Farmhouse.
Coastal Farmhouse Home Decor.
Nantucket Shingle Style Home.
Modern Coastal Shingle Home.
New England Home.
Follow me on Instagram: @HomeBunch
You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch
See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives.
“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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from Home http://www.homebunch.com/texas-home-design/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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dawnjeman · 5 years
Texas Home Design
  After of a week featuring mostly coastal interior design homes, it’s wonderful to keep things fresh and inspiring here on Home Bunch. And no one else could do that better than my friend Brittany Jones of @britjonesdesign (make sure to follow her on Instagram). Brittany is a very talented interior designer and photographer and you might recall seeing her beautiful Texas house featured on the blog before.
This beautiful French-inspired home is located in the heart of West Texas. It was drawn by Architect Blake Hayes, built by Edge Homes, and was thoughtfully designed and curated by Brit Jones Design.
This is an extensive post, so find a comfy and quiet spot to allow yourself to get inspired by the many great interior designs this beautiful Texas home features.
All furniture was purchased from Brit Jones Design.
  Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Texas Home Design
This home features 5 bedrooms, kid game room, adult lounge with pool access, gun room, master bedroom with private office and sitting room, 4.5 bathrooms, large mudroom, wrapping station, two laundry rooms, private patio off the master sitting room, pool, grilling area with a built in pizza oven, two balconies, all on an oversized one acre lot.
Planter boxes are rough cedar stained in a dark brown.
Front Lanterns are by Quorum – Outdoor Lighting on sale: here, here & here
Roof is GAF Sienna
Windows are Jeld Wen
Stone & Shutters
The exterior stone is castlerock stone in a mix of cream and white with white mortar.
 Shutters are rough cedar painted in Annie Sloan chalk paint – see more details here.
Trim color- Sherwin Williams Seal Skin.
Instead of regular stucco we did a “brick slurry” where they did the stucco over the brick in a hand-finish instead of a sprayed finish. Color is a custom tan finish.
Bench: here – similar
This French-inspired foyer features a cabinet with greywash finish, a French mirror and beautiful decor.
Cabinet: here – Other Beautiful Cabinets: here, here, here & here.
Mirror: Uttermost (discountinued) – similar here: Other Beautiful Mirrors: here, here, here, here & here (floor mirror).
Hardwood Flooring
As you call tell by the photo above, this home will keep taking your breath away!
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Hardwood Flooring: Anderson Historique Oak in color Yorktown – similar here.
Similar Chairs: here, here, here & here.
Upon entering this home you will notice the magnificent ceilings, custom welded iron stair railing, beautiful furnishings and a lovely view of the pool!
Great Room
Living Room has a 25 foot vaulted ceiling with custom beam work.
Paint Color
Trim and wall color is Sherwin Williams Alabaster. My favorite go-to warm white.
Chandelier: Currey and Company Hannah Chandelier
Coffee Table: here & here – similar – Others: here, here, here & here.
Living room sofa is custom Bassett – available through the designer – similar here.
Side Tables: Uttermost.
Rug is Kalaty – available through the designer – similar here, here, here, here & here.
I love how Brittany decorated every room of this home.
The custom fireplace is blown cast stone, carved in place.
Swivel chairs are Sam Moore
Side Table: Creative Co-op Round Mango Wood Table with Two Cane Shelves.
Combining brick backsplash with White Marble countertops, this French-farmhouse kitchen feels connected with the rest of the house and it features a timeless design.
Counterstools are Dovetail – Other Affordable Counterstools: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Faucet & Sink
Faucet: Waterstone Annapolis collection in satin nickel –  Others: here, here, here & here.
The farmhouse sink by Rohl – highly recommended by interior designers.
Kitchen Cabinet Details: Painted Pine kitchen cabinet with shaker style door with a beveled edge. Paint color is Sherwin Williams Alabaster.
Lanterns from Hinkley.
Backsplash: Brick – similar here & here.
Olive Branches: here – similar
Vase: here & here – similar
Hardware: Atlas Distressed knobs and Pulls.
Kitchen Hood
The custom kitchen hood is made out of blown cast stone, carved in place.
Countertop is Honed Imperial Danby Marble.
A touch of copper brings a French country feel to this kitchen.
Beautiful Copper Cookware: here, here & here.
Dining Room
The kitchen opens to a stunning dining area with warm decor and custom drapery.
Dining chairs are Joss and Main Host Dining Chairs & Side Chairs.
Beautiful Topiaries: here, here & here.
Rug is Kalaty MG-178 Ivory / Vintage Brown.
Window Treatment: Stunning custom drapery and roman shades by Budget Blinds of Lubbock. Features French return rods (similar) in majority of the rooms and luxurious fabrics and textures.
Chandelier: here – Other Beautiful French Chandeliers: here, here & here.
Dining table can be found here.
Powder Room
This powder room is full of inspiring ideas. Brittany did such a great job with this space!
Floor tile – Tabarka, Paris metro 2 with Bone grout – Other Beautiful Tiles: here, here & here.
” I really loved how we custom made this vanity from a repurposed desk!” – Brittany Jones
Mirror: here – similar
Faucet: Sigma – similar here & here.
Beautiful Vessel Sinks: here, here, here & here.
Man Cave
This home also features a “man cave” with herringbone brick flooring.
Man cave sofa is Bradington Young sofa – similar here.
Chandelier: Savoy House
Brick Pavers: Country Mix 4”x 8” non-polished with Bone grout.
Man cave velvet chairs are Dovetail – available through the designer – Others: here, here & here.
Upper Landing
I warned you guys… this home keeps taking our breath away, right?! How stunning is this landing?! Paint color continues to be Sherwin Williams SW 7008 Alabaster.
Here’s a nice view of the cathedral ceiling with reclaimed trusses and rafters.
The French settee is Park Hill Collection Louisiana Street Settee – available through the designer – Others: here, here, here & here.
French Grandfather Clock: here & here – similar
Blush Pink Pillows: here & here – similar
Botanical Art Print Set
Artwork can be found here.
Guest Bedroom
This guest bathroom feels serene and romantic.
Bench: here – similar
Lighting: Terracotta Chandelier – Other Beautiful Chandeliers: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Headboard: Available through the designer – Similar: here, here & here.
Beautiful Nightstands: here, here & here.
Soft textures and colors make this bed look very inviting.
Bedding: Pottery Barn.
Guest Bathroom
Grey Vanity Paint Color: Collonade Gray by Sherwin Williams.
Hardware: Emtek crystal knobs.
Sconces: Capital Lighting.
Mirror: Uttermost – similar here.
Floor tile – Emser Kalta Fiore 12×24 tile with Avalanche grout.
Doorknob: Emtek
Countertop is Honed Imperial Danby Marble.
Faucet is Sigma in polished nickel – similar here.
Tub surround tile – MSI Dove Gray Diamond w/white dot. Grout is Pewter.
Girl’s Bedroom
This girl bedroom is perfect for teens. It’s neutral with a pop of color and it has personality.
Headboard: here.
Bench: here – similar.
Bedding is a mix of Pottery Barn, Villa Home (similar here) and custom pillows.
Beautiful Chandeliers: here, here, here & here.
Vanity Paint Color: Crisp Blue by Sherwin Williams.
Floor tile – Calacutta Luxe Pattern, Oyster Grout.
Tub surround/ toilet wainscot – Marble Glazed wall tile, Ivory Natural 4”x12” with  bone grout.
Hardware: Hobby Lobby – similar here.
Boy’s Bedroom
This bedroom feels masculine without losing its fun.
Leather Bed: here – similar – Others: here, here & here.
Lighting: Uttermost.
Carpet Flooring: Bernini, Face Powder
Boy’s Bathroom
Vanity Paint Color: Hale Navy by Benjamin Moore.
Countertop is Tipperary Quartz.
Hardware: Top Knobs Griggs collection in Brushed Bronze.
Faucets: Moen.
Lighting: ELK Gramercy Collection
Floor Tile – 3” Calacutta Hexagon with Oyster Gray grout.
Mirrors: here – similar
Master Bedroom
The master bedroom and sitting room features a unique half cathedral vault with custom wood work.
Bedding is a mix of Pottery Barn, Villa (similar here) and custom velvet pillows (similar here).
Rug is Loloi Vincent collection.
Bed & Nightstands
Bed: Hooker Furniture Boheme Bon Vivant De-Constructed bed.
Nightstands: Hooker Furniture.
Throw: here
Paint Color
Paint color is Sherwin Williams Alabaster.
The bedroom chandeliers is by Quorum.
Accent Chair by Fireplace: here & here – similar.
Sitting Room
This might be one of the most beautiful sitting rooms I have ever seen. Notice the stunning ceiling and the stone accent wall.
Stone is Castlerock stone in a mix of cream and white with white mortar.
Chandelier: Quorum.
Bench is Hooker Furniture.
Rug is Loloi Vincent collection – Other Neutral Rugs: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Loveseat: available through the designer – similar here & here.
Coffee Table: Uttermost.
Inspiring Ideas
The sitting area opens to a home office.
Master Office
The master office features custom cabinetry and a built-in desk, designed by Brittany Jones.
Cabinet Paint Color
Cabinet paint color is Inky Blue by Sherwin Williams.
Desk Chair: here
Lighting: Quorum La Maison drum shade.
Master Bathroom
Antique doors, imported from France, were hung with barn door hardware to accentate the master bathroom.
Textures & Colors
This master bathroom feels luxurious and warm thanks to a beautiful combination of textures and soft colors.
Ottomans in bathroom are custom and available through the designer.
Other Beautiful Ottomans: here, here & here.
Rug: here – similar
Chandeliers: Troy Lighting Viola Chandelier
The master bathroom features quadruple groin vault ceiling.
Master Bathroom Floor tile – Speartek Churchill 18”x18” (similar here & here) with Bone grout, Diamond pattern, thin grout lines.
Draperies: Custom Linen Draperies.
Countertop is Honed Imperial Danby Marble.
Sconces – Hudson Valley.
Faucets: Moen in satin nickel.
Vanity Paint Color
Paint color is Sherwin Williams Alabaster SW 7008.
Hardware: Top Knobs reeded pulls.
A cast iron clawfoot tub brings a traditional French feel to this bathroom.
Similar Tub: here
Shower Tiling
Tub surround/Shower Tile- Speartek Churchill 6”X12”
Shower floor – Alabastrino hexagon mosaic, also in shower niche.
Shower Faucets: Moen.
How gorgeous is this custom wrought iron staircase?! It was completely custom designed and built by a local company.
Wall sconces are Currey and Company
Laundry Room & Mudroom
This laundry room/mudroom space is a dream, starting with the cabinet paint color, Silvermist by Sherwin Williams, and the herringbone brick flooring.
Flooring: Stonepeak Ceramics 12×12 castle graphite bloom – similar here – different size.
Cup Pulls: Top Knobs.
Pulls are also by Top Knobs.
Wrapping Station Cabinet
This space also features a custom gift wrapping station. Cabinet paint color is Sherwin Williams SW 7621 Silvermist.
Laundry Room
I wouldn’t mind doing laundry in such a beautiful room! Countertop is Tipperary Quartz.
Laundry Room Faucet: Moen – similar here.
Sink: Rohl.
Hardware: Top Knobs Mushroom knob.
  Many thanks to the interior designer & photographer for sharing all of the details above. Make sure to visit her website and followe her on Instagram!
Interior Design & Photography: Brittany Jones (Instagram)
Furniture provided by Ramsowers Furniture and Brit Jones Design.
Architecture: Blake Hayes
Builder: Edge Homes
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Best Sales of the Month:
Thank you for shopping through Home Bunch. I would be happy to assist you if you have any questions or are looking for something in particular. Feel free to contact me and always make sure to check dimensions before ordering. Happy shopping!
  Wayfair: Up to 70% OFF – Memorial Day Clearance!!!
  Serena & Lily: Enjoy 20% Off Memorial Day Sale with Code: SUMMERPREP
  Joss & Main: Warehouse Clearout – Up to 70% off!
  Pottery Barn: Buy More Save More + Free Shipping – Use code: SAVEMORE
  One Kings Lane: High Quality Design Decor for Less.
  West Elm: Buy More Save More Sale!!!
  Anthropologie: See the super-popular Joanna Gaines Exclusive line!
  Urban Outfitters: Hip & Affordable Home Decor.
  Horchow: High Quality Furniture and Decor. Up to 30% off the entire site!
  Nordstrom: Up to 40% OFF. New Decor!
  Posts of the Week:
Florida Home with a Cottage Farmhouse Twist.
Florida Beach House Interior Design.
Beach House Interior Design Ideas.
Tailored Interiors.
2019 New Year Home Tour.
Home Bunch’s Top 5: Cabinet Paint Colors.
Long Beach, California, Home Design.
Top 5 Affordable Ways to Update your Home.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Atlanta.
Dark Cedar Shaker Exterior.
Top 5: Kitchen Island Design.
Transforming a House Into a Home.
Small lot Beach House.
Small Lot Modern Farmhouse.
Coastal Farmhouse Home Decor.
Nantucket Shingle Style Home.
Modern Coastal Shingle Home.
New England Home.
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“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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licksenegaltrip · 7 years
Alix - Fatimata-ka
As we approach the end of the trip, I find myself relieved; mostly because there are no more bucket showers in my near future, but also already saddened. While the first couple of days with my family were undeniably confusing and slightly awkward at times, after a near two weeks of studying Pular with my host family every night I’ve found myself able to communicate the basics -- even if Jeurri (the mother of the family) laughs at me every time I say anything, most likely due to my atrocious accent. Now I know that wooli means hot and wueli means good, nyam is eat while yaku means chew. I know how to count to 100, stand up, sit down, go away, come here, and how to tell kids to stop pinching you (even though it only makes them pinch you more). Already it feels strange, realizing that that won’t be my nightly ritual any longer. However, at the request of Illa (the father of the family), I’m meant to talk in Pular with my parents in America. So Mom and Dad if you read this, don’t be surprised when I start shouting strange words at you in a French accent.
Despite the fun I’ve been having with my family, I’ve definitely heavily enjoyed the breaks to St Louis and Mbour, where we are currently. St Louis was filled with tiny corner-stores and amazing crêpes (no joke, we went to this one crêpe place three times in two days), and I’m writing this post staring at a beautiful beach with warm water -- unlike in the Bay Area. And not only was Mr. Fall’s farm filled with mango trees, we saw a monkey, there was a dog named Ricky (pictured below), and I ate 6 pieces of chicken. While some of my friends were understandably horrified that I ate basically two chickens in less than an hour, all I can say is that it was definitely worth it.
When we returned to the village for the second time I started thinking more about the service work we were doing. The cultural exchange was plenty rewarding for me, but I wondered if maybe there was more I could do for them. While I was reassured by the words of the teacher and other adults who complimented the murals and paintings, doubts still clustered in the back of my mind. Could we do more? What did the kids think? Then, on the second day three young girls came up to me. They tapped my chest and I introduced myself as Fatimata, after which the tallest girl said her name and the names of the two other girls before handing me a folded up piece of paper. On it was the shaky drawing of a couple of colorful flowers. At their request I wrote each of their names on the bottom corner, but when I tried to hand back the signed drawing they folded it up again and stuck it in my notebook. The oldest girl pointed at the school, then pointed at me, then pointed at herself, then pointed at the drawing. I looked at the walls of the school, now a bright colorful blue, and the chalk outlines of the world map we were going to paint. I hugged her and said “Ajarram,” Pular for thank you. She smiled back. Then one of the younger girls reached up, grabbed my arm, and pinched me.
Yesterday, as I ate my last dinner with my host family, the usual delicious fish, vegetables and rice, I found myself chewing slowly -- savoring the food and the company for what could be a last time. Later as I sat outside under the stars practicing my Pular (and writing down the words in my “Pular dictionary” which is woefully incomplete) I hopelessly lost track of time and found myself late for the bus. Before I left, one of my neighbors handed me a small hot cup of tea, which I attempted to drink quickly (Wooli?” he asked. “Wooli,” I replied). It smelled like mint and tasted -- like most endings do -- the perfect kind of bittersweet.
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