thesentientmango · 1 year
If the traffic life games were all about survival, Jimmy would be the grand loser. There was no argument about that.
But as anyone who made it to the end, outlived them all, would say, that didn't feel like winning.
To be the one who had to live.
Grian killed himself.
Scott lived, and then died, out of spite.
Pearl, in life or death, was alone.
Martyn rotted with answers he didn't want.
And that's because the games are not about survival. They're about living.
They're life games.
Some call them death games, but in the end.
It was about living, despite what might come for you.
And Jimmy, Jimmy is good at that.
He made a life with Scott. He died, yes, but he died living. He died happy.
He almost lived in season two. But he burned his bridges and died with betrayal. He was alone, but not lost.
He rebuilt with Tango, his server mates may have made fun of him, but he had one person. And that was all that mattered.
He lived on the edge with Grian and Joel. They pushed him, and he pushed back. They were a community.
He was not the only one who tried to live, but he has a lightness that comes with never taking anyone's final life. He never stopped others from living, that guilt never rested on his shoulders.
Sometimes a curse isn't just a curse.
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jusmango-shake · 5 months
Erm, I see requests are open ehehe :)
2012 Raph x reader who is a generally pretty calm person, but one day is involved in a fight with them and just goes absolutely apeshit crazy? Like his reaction or whatever. I don’t care how you interpret it. I just wanna see. :)
🥭: yES HELLO!! Congrats on uh being my first requester ion kno what it's called h, feel free to pick an emoji so yknow. You could be those emoji anons cuz, I think that'd be pretty cool
I hope you enjoy it though!!1!1 (love the 2012 turtles)
12!Raph x calm!Reader
Fictype: Normal
Mood: fluff
WARNING: reader scolds Raph for being reckless, one instance of Raph being called a good boy, cussing, Injuries/Blood, stitching/needles
🥭:I'm sorry for it being so short!.
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Raph always liked the fact you were so cool. no matter the situation, you always made it seem as if it was just like any other day. He admired that about you, it rivaled his own hot-headedness in a way only you could.
But now as he sat on the toilet, all bloody and bruised up. He wondered where that side of you went.
He understood where you were coming from but it's like his ego prevented him from accepting it, any time he tried speaking up was immediately shot down.
He faked an annoyed sigh as he looked in the opposite direction, trying to ignore the stinging pain on his right bicep.
He nearly shivered at the heavy sigh you let out, the hot air tickling his skin.
“Raphael.” you spoke sternly, the mere tone of your voice enough to have Raphs heart pounding inside his chest.
He coughed, trying his best to keep up the bravado.
"Yeah.?" He felt your eyes bore into the back of his head, wincing at the slight pain of the needle penetrating his skin.
“look at me.” you ordered.
He gulped before shakily turning to look at you. not because he was scared, hell no! It's obviously because of the large gash you were currently stitching up. Yeah, definitely.
“What the fuck were you thinking? Did you seriously think you wouldn't get hurt? God, Raph. Sometimes I swear your ego makes you fucking stupid.” You stared daggers into Raph's eyes before continuing to stitch the gash.
He flinched once more, "But i-"
You turned your head sharply, glaring at Raph with the usual twinkle and calmness from your eyes completely gone. His breath hitched, it wasn't like you to be so...
“no 'Buts' Raph, what you did was fucking idiotic. if it weren't for Leo, I'd have to fix up more of your wounds. All that just to impress me?” you turned back to focus on finishing the stitch, the thread was severed with a quiet 'snip'
Raph's eyes widened at the last sentence, you couldn't have possibly known right? He never told anyone, he even tried his best to hide it.
"What?" Was all he could manage, staring at you with wide eyes. He followed you even as you knelt down to get the bandages from the cabinet under the sink.
“dont play games with me Raph, I see the way you act around me. The shit you pull off was practically upped tenfold, even your brothers could see that.” a faint blush making its way onto your cheeks, to which you promptly hid by applying alcohol on the cotton balls.
Raph's heart sank. if you knew all along, why didn't you say anything? Did you not like him back?
As he stared at the floor in thought, he only slightly registered the fact you were once again kneeling Infront of him. He hissed at the stinging pain of alcohol on the other cuts, you reacted by simply glancing at him.
You sighed, putting the used cotton balls in the trash, standing up. You cupped both of his cheeks, gently having him look at you. Your gaze still tense and sturdy, but a hint of empathy comforting Raph just a little.
Raph stared up at you, shock and guilt written all over his face.
“you worried me half to death, Raph.”
He felt himself shrinking under your stern gaze. Looking off to the side in an attempt to hide his embarrassment.
You took the bandages and wrapped them tightly around his arm, just tight enough to keep the wound closed.
You kissed the top of his head.
“next time, don't be such a dumb fuck. Be a good boy and stay safe for me.”
Raph sat there with wide eyes and rosy cheeks, barely registering the fact you had already left the bathroom. His fingers grazed over the spot you kissed him at, his heartbeat getting more and more prominent in his chest. But this time, it was accompanied with butterflies in his stomach.
Maybe he did have a chance.
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that-weirdmango2 · 19 days
gideon in all the universes because i love him and i won’t be able to draw for a week
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close ups \/
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> fun facts!! on how I view them
- comic and anime gideon are the tallest out of all of them (they’re still short tho)
- the movie and my version are the shortest being 5’4” (168 cm), Jason Schwartzman’s height
- comic gideon is the most muscular
- the ones that are more in touch with their personal style are game and my version of gideon, even if they don’t show it in public they’re more confident in their interests
- all very hairy, but shaves frequently because he doesn’t want to look too old and likes to keep his image neat; my version and the anime one make a small exception of this, both of them because they’re still beating themselves over what happened (my ver. -> being defeated by scott; gordon goose -> the matthew patel incident)
- my version still has the scars of the battle with scott, knives and ramona; even if most are less visible the ones that are quite out there are the one on his cheek and on his neck
- the movie, the game and my version have longish hair in honor of the sketch that read “hair: too damn long, shoulders: SMALL”
uhhhh byeee
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mangosmindanthology · 2 years
Art - MangoArt/ ✨
Writing - MangoWriting/ ✍️
Rambles - MangoShush
Blog Rules | Twitter | Spam Blog
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mangowriter · 6 years
Hi Everyone! I’m a new writeblr blog trying to get started on this writing journey that I’ve wanted to happen since I was in high school. I’m 22, I’ve mostly been a fanfiction writer than anything else, and I’m just ready to write something that is my own. 
You can call me Mango if you ever want to chat! I’m willing to talk about projects, ocs, tropes, and books/writing in general. 
So, the story behind this blog is that I have been following writing blogs on my other blogs that don’t have any writing content at all or are strictly fandom based, and produce fanfiction and that sort of stuff. So, I’ve been following and seeing content from @cogwrites , @rhiannon-writes , @writerofwriting and @hell-yeah-fantasy and I just sort of knew that I needed to get into this community and learn some new things. So thank you to these blogs/content creators for inspiring me to actually get something done!
On another note, fantasy is my genre. Whether its high fantasy, urban fantasy, paranormal romance, and anything remotely related. I’m aiming for more of an adult audience, but I also intend to write some YA in the future.
I’m currently working on two projects, my oldest project, and my newest one. Both of them in the fantasy genre. I have 5 projects in total that I hope one day will be completed. Feel free to ask me about them, as I’m still working on the WIP pages for each one. Here’s the skeleton for the two I’m currently working on (remember they’re still under construction). [Link to The 9th Prince WIP] [Link to The Comfort Child WIP]. 
Anyway, happy writing everyone!
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phoenix-manga · 3 years
Hello, I was curious about your work and I was wondering if you had any links too your Wattpad and AO3? I've been having difficulty finding it, or am I typing it wrong?
My unsername on Wattpad is MangoWrites @PhoenixManga1
The AO3 username is PHNXManga
But i haven't posted any stories yet unfortunately
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bergamondt · 7 years
h o m e
show: Supergirl pairing: supercorp series: Home summary: short drabbles surrounding Kara and Lena’s relationship. Basically a meet-cute.
#1 First Meetings
Kara typed furiously, trying to write down the words as fast as she came up with them. The article was due to Ms. Grant within the hour and she still had to go pick up lunch. She would be anxious, except she was so in the zone. Kara knew that this was probably her only chance to prove to Ms. Grant that she could write a hard-hitting article– and it was about the rising crime rates in National City no less. She had quotes, sources, and statistics, the only thing she needed now was to clean up her prose and she was home free. 
She managed to complete the article in time to run (quickly) over to Noonan’s. Kara was basically doing a victory lap as she sprinted out of the restaurant, with lunch, on her way back to Catco. In fact, she was going so fast that she didn’t see the woman entering through the same door she was attempting to leave through. 
“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry,” Kara knelt down to help the lady who she’d just smacked into. Luckily, neither party was bruised too badly. Embarrassment never drew blood. Well, it drew the blood up to her face, making her blush brighter than a tomato– but other than that. The woman was gracious about it, she smiled consolingly at Kara who kept trying to apologize. She was tall, with dark hair and light eyes. She had high cheek bones, which only became more prominent when she smiled– and it was a really nice smile. 
Kara shook her head, trying to gather herself. She tried to apologize again before realizing that the woman probably wanted to actually enter Noonan’s. She side-stepped jerkily, allowing the lady by. 
“…Goodbye!” She all but shouted and cringed inwardly as she made her escape through the now empty restaurant doorway. Goodbye? Kara ran into the  most beautiful woman in the world and all she managed were a few stilted apologies and a goodbye? 
The second time that Kara ran into the beautiful stranger she was lucky enough to have seen her first. This time the other woman was the one rushing, almost bowling Kara over in her haste to exit Noonan’s.
Kara noticed the tears first. God, it sucks to cry in public. Some things just can’t be helped. 
“Uh, Miss? I’m sorry to bother you, but I think I ran into you the other day?” Kara began a little unsteadily, but gained confidence when the other woman met her eyes. They were red-rimmed and watery. She felt a pang in her chest seeing this woman distressed. Kara was able to coax her to the bathroom, they entered after Kara made sure it was empty. 
“I’m Kara. Danvers. Is there anything that I can-” The other woman cleared her throat, inadvertently silencing the beginning of Kara’s ramble.
“Lena. I’m Lena. I’m sorry, I don’t usually get like…this,” Lena sighed, glancing away, seemingly wanting to be anywhere else. Kara just nodded in understanding, unsure of how to continue. Lena, however, walked purposefully towards the sink. She nabbed a paper towel from the dispenser and dabbed lightly at her eyes. 
“I must look like a crazy person. That’s what family does, I suppose. Makes you crazy…” She trailed off bitterly as she dug into her clutch. Kara watched as the other woman reapplied her lipstick and seemed to slip herself into a different demeanor the same way one would slip into a different dress. “Thank you, by the way.” Lena met Kara's eyes in the mirror, something sincere in her reflection that was at odds with her sudden change of posture.
“Of course. It’s what I would have wanted done for me. And you so totally do not look like a crazy person. You look beautiful,” Kara blushed. How many times can you blush in front of another woman before it’s apparent that you’re gay? Kara felt that she'd exceeded that limit two minutes ago.
But Lena didn’t make any comment, she just turned and smiled at Kara. And maybe it was hopeful thinking, but Kara could’ve sworn that Lena seemed a little pink too. 
Third time’s the charm. As fate would have it, Kara ran into Lena a third time– albeit in an odd place.
Kara was sent to L Corp, courtesy of Miss Grant, to interview the CEO. The were lots of nasty rumors flying around about how Miss Luthor came to be the chief exec of one of the most powerful corporations in National City. Rumors about how she usurped the brother, former CEO of L Corp, by having him institutionalized on the basis of sealed records. On top of that, she was a powerful woman, meaning she was already going to be ridiculed for every move she made. Kara didn’t know whether to run away from her or congratulate her.
When Kara was called in to meet with Miss Luthor she almost jumped out of her skin. And in heels it was quite a feat that she didn't fall flat on her face.
Lena had yet to turn around from where she was seemingly preoccupied with her coffee maker. She grumbled a bit, tapping a little on the top of the machine as though that would prompt it to work.
Kara cleared her throat, bracing for what could happen next.
“Oh God, you must think I’m an absolute imbecile. Defeated by a coffee maker…”Lena’s airy laughter trails off as she turned to face Kara. Immediately, something like mortification overtakes Lena’s face. She schools her features quickly, however, and smiles.  “Kara, how on earth did you find me?” She didn’t sound upset, and Kara could hardly judge the imperceptible waver in her voice as anything but surprise.
“Miss Luthor, I’m here with CatCo Worldwide Media to conduct the interview. If you’d like, I could have someone else take my place,” Kara knew the second that those words were out of her mouth that they were untrue. Miss Grant would never let her walk away from this because of some school-girl crush. She felt a flush rise to her cheeks as Lena bit her lip as if she didn’t know quite how to respond. 
“No, no you’re perfect,” Lena smiled, “however, I’m only here in a professional capacity until seven. After that, who knows?” 
Kara glanced at the clock, her heart skipping a beat. It’s 6:00 o’clock on the dot. Enough time to conduct the interview, and after that? Well, who knows?
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shellyscribbles · 4 years
Last Line Tag
Rules: Post the last line you wrote, and then tag as many people as there are words in that line. 
Thank you for the tag @dustylovelyrun
I usually cheat on these, but I’ll follow the rules today.
             With tears blurring her vision, she obeyed, running frantically across the yard, trying not to think of what Akil was doing inside.
Tagging: @permissiontobreathe @writerofthecosmos @writeouswriter @linariouswrites @lrose-writes @eastwrites @themillionthdraft @rnoonlightink @winonapeaks @sundaynightnovels @pcrphyrias @charles-joseph-writes @itsjustanotherwriter @marsssarttt @wildler @ellepacca @rhikasa @to-be-a-rose @dreadwvlfscript @raywritesblog @mangowriter @dowings
No pressure. :)
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coffeescribles · 5 years
Thank you so much @fluorescent--fantasy and @rhiannonleewriting for tagging me! Really warms my heart <3  answer 20 questions and tag 20 people you’d like to get to know better!
Name: Helena
Nickname: It used to be Ela or Jessica lol, but now I don’t really have one... some people call me vulpes vulpes because of my hair colour haha
Zodiac sign: Aquarious
Height: 5′6″
Languages: Croatian, English, little bit of Latin and German
Nationality: Croatian
Favorite season: Autumn
Favorite flower: Baby’s breath
Favorite scent: Chocolate hehe
Favorite color: Purple and yellow
Favorite animal: This was is so hard, but I’m gonna say owls and foxes!
Favorite fictional characters: I’m gonna spill some love for ygo and say Yuki Judai
Coffee, tea, or chocolate: Coffee
Average sleep hours: Depends on my schedule and how early I have to be up (because I’m a night bird), but usually 6-8 hours
Dog or cat person: Dog person
Number of blankets you sleep with: 2
Dream trip: Amsterdam!
Blog established: 2017-2018, not really sure
Followers: 258
Random fact: I don’t believe everyone is meant to find a significant other. Some people are already whole on their own and it would be nice if that was accepted fully in society :)
Tagging: @milkyway-writes @crimsonkismet @vandorens @homesteadchronicles @heywriters @nsanelyawkward @thatwritergirlsblog @learnign @heruv @patiwritesstuff @writing-with-melon @pens-swords-stuff @reininginthefirewriting @mangowriter @therealbereth @ditzysworld @mischiefiswritten @dowings @writingonesdreams Happy writing everyone <3 
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thesentientmango · 9 months
Made for @thereisabearonmyceiling for the @mcytblrholidayexchange!!
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I made a fic too! (it's over on AO3)
Fic Tags and Image ID Below the cut
Chapters: 2/2
Fandom: 3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: EthosLab & ZombieCleo (Video Blogging RPF)
Characters: ZombieCleo (Video Blogging RPF), EthosLab (Video Blogging RPF)
Additional Tags: Digital Art, Digital Painting, Mild Gore, Canon Compliant, Sort Of, Missing Scene, Zombie ZombieCleo (Video Blogging RPF), Zombie Apocalypse, Secret Life SMP: Session 7, Background characters - Freeform
Based on ZombieCleo's Secret Life episode 7 -> especially the snippet at 40:56
Image desciption: A digitally painted scene from ZombieCleo's secret life series. ZombieCleo in the foreground, she is wearing late 80's colorful work out attire, she has green skin and orange curly hair in a bun. She looks upset and is pulling back a bow and aiming towards Ethoslab, a man wearing dark pants, with a green vest, and white hair. He is towards the background and is running towards ZombieCleo with his arm outstretched. he had a bloody cut on his chest and blood coming out of his eyes. The scene takes place at sunset ZombieCleo is standing on a cliff in front of a stone-brick tower, Ethoslab is near a evergreen tree with distant mountains behind him. There are words in the sunset that reads "Etho, I will kill you too." and in the shadow if the tower it says "I won't" [END ID]
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jusmango-shake · 4 months
(platonic) hug with donnie? like the two of you are good friends IDK thank you :)
🥭: I uh didn't know which Donnie you meant, so I js chose 2012 if that's alright? I hope you enjoy it though! Sorry for it being so short btw.
12!Donnie x Reader/p
Fictype: Normal
Mood: fluff (comfort?)
Warnings: nnone that I can think of. 👍
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Donnie walked out of the living room with a huff, the sound of his brother's laughter only fueling his frustration.
He angrily wiped at his eyes, feeling the familiar building up of tears. He didn't know why he didn't just go back to the lab or his room, it was like he was on autopilot at this point.
He beelined straight to your home, jumping from building to building and roof to roof. He climbed one of the pipes, grumbling about his brothers until he made it to your window.
Once he recognised the curtains in your favourite colour, he held the pipe right with one hand and knocked with his free one.
He relaxed as he heard the familiar shuffling of steps on the other side, watching as the curtains slid revealing you behind the window.
Donnie watched as you scrambled to open the locked window, it wasn't usual for him to come to your house unless it was an emergency. Especially in broad daylight.
Once the window slid open, he carefully got inside.
You scanned his body for any possible injuries or reason he might be here. He would've looked completely normal if it wasn't for the somber look on his face.
“D? What brings you here?” you asked him worriedly, it unnerved you to see Donnie so.. dejected.
He chuckled nervously, Donnie didn't even know himself.
"Why? You don't want me here?"
“Very funny, Don. You don't usually come here unless you need help.” you looked at the seemingly guilty turtle mutant.
"m sorry if I bothered you, I just— wanted to get away from the lair for a bit." he fiddled with his fingers, embarrassed to tell you the real reason. "Is it so wrong to wanna hang out with my bestest buddy in the entire world..?"
“just tell me the real reason, D.”
You sighed, Donnie was good at a lot of things. Lying? Not one of em.
“If you wanted to hang out with me, you coulda just messaged me instead of coming all the way up here” You eyed him.
Donnie let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding, the ends of his lips slightly down turned into a frown.
“is this about your brothers?”
He perked up at that question, his head slightly tilted as he looked at you.
"..how do you know?"
“i've been to the lair enough times to know they don't take you very seriously sometimes.” you shrugged. “especially when you're rambling.”
He let his gaze drift over to the floor, his shoulders sagging slightly.
“c'mere DonTron, I prescribe you with a hug. we don't have to talk if you don't want to talk.” you walked over to the turtle, embracing him.
Donnie tensed up, though not for long as he reciprocated and hugged back. Sighing through his nose as he eased into the hug.
"Thanks [Name], you always know what to say."
You snorted “i actually guessed the reason why, but sure, I'll take the free compliment.”
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that-weirdmango2 · 1 month
i think we have a canon design for Bill’s mother, because by the end of the ‘How not to draw Stan’ video there’s a glitch because it shows the “this video is unavailable” with Bill and…
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it shows this.
now this might also be bill, but i’m convinced that this might be his mother, let me know what you think
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mangowriter · 6 years
Nanoplanmo Day 6:
So... It’s day 6 and I’ve decided that I’m taking this entirely into my own hands and not following any guide I find on the internet. I’ve done some plotting, and have some posts I want to make here. An intro post, maybe even a few character and plot posts. I’m super excited and everyone I know personally, knows that this book is getting written. Hopefully, that’s enough motivation to keep me going in November, but also... I should probably get the planning done too. I’ll be back with another update soon.
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phoenix-manga · 3 years
What is ur wattpad and archive usernames?
Wattpad - MangoWrites @PhoenixManga1
Ao3 - PHNXManga
Though I haven't posted any stories yet
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candlelitwriting · 5 years
11/11/11 Tag Game
Thank you @bookenders fro tagging me!
Rules: Answer the 11 questions of the person who tagged you, make up 11 questions, then tag 11 people to answer them.
How aware are you of sentence length/structure/variation while you’re writing? Or is it something you mainly focus on in editing? I focus on the sentence structure while editing. Sometimes when I’m writing I realise something is off and I change it, but it happens rarely. 
What’s your favourite technical thing you do in your writing? I like deleting words! Not whole paragraphs, that kills me, but searching for weasel words can be fun sometimes.
Who’s your favourite poet? And/or what’s your favourite poem? I don’t read poetry :( I want to, though.
What’s your favourite thing about your least favourite story? Interesting question! I remember reading Soundless by Richelle Mead and hating it. The story was so bad, the characters were one dimensional, and the twist at the end just left you like... what??? But the setting and the backstory were so interesting! I wish it had been executed better.
When you read books, what happens more often: You reading as a writer or as a reader? Or, do you find yourself doing close reads of books more often than not? When I like the book I read it as a reader, if I don’t like it I’m nitpicky and complain about everything the writer does wrong. Like... comparing butterflies to drones? In a fantasy setting where drones most likely don’t even exist? ew?
Do you focus on the acoustics of your writing as you write? Nope! I just write! I’ll focus on all the other stuff later, I’m just being creative and letting the story flow!
What would turn your OC into a conspiracy theorist? Anything. I think Ember would jump on many conspiracy theories, but not all. for example, they wouldn’t believe the flat earth theory or the faked moon landing, but the Illuminati definitely exist.
Does your voice change with each story you write, or does it mostly stay the same? I think it changes. I write mostly in first person or very close third, so the main character always has an impact on the voice.
What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten? Cool question! I haven’t eaten many weird things, cause I’m very picky with meat and seafood and stuff. I think the craziest would be duchess potatoes with black beans... there was nothing else, okay?
Finish the sentence: The sun rose again, and again, and again. It didn’t stop, like the earth was set to high speed, but I didn’t feel it going any faster. 
What’s your favourite kind of sauce? Anything with garlic!
I tag: @dove-actually @thel3tterm @onefunkywriter @dahladahlabills @anipwrites @writing-scars @astoryinmypocket @endlesshourglass @snowdropwrites @talesofsorrowandofruin @mangowriter
My questions: 
What’s your main WIP about?
Who’s your favourite of your characters?
If you could choose to be one of your characters, who would it be and why?
How do you come up with ideas?
How do you come up with titles?
Do you make mood boards for your projects? Can you show us your favourite?
How much do you read?
Do you write in the same genres you read?
What’s one word you always pronounced wrong in your head and were shocked when you heard it for the first time?
Do you have any more book/writing social media we can follow?
What’s one thing you want to tell everyone about your WIPs?
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shellyscribbles · 5 years
Last line(s) tag
Thanks for the tag @writeanapocalae for the tag :)
             Halvar thought a moment. He had grown up in Halcyon and knew a great deal of Agur’s story, but he had been raised nearly as a son by him. For all intents and purposes, he figured Agur was basically Zuriel’s dad as well. “It’s not frowned upon. I don’t think he’s sensitive. He doesn’t remember that far back very easily though. The longer you live, the more you learn, it starts to not fit. After a while he had to start letting go of his early memories.”
Lets see what you guys are working on :) [no pressure of course]
@quilloftheclouds @permissiontobreathe @michaelbogild @mangowriter @songsofaleria
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