#Mannouzaka Jr high
pilica-nevarya · 6 years
Fandom: Inazuma Eleven Characters: Isozaki Kenma, Mitsuyoshi Yozakura, Shinoyama Mitsuru, Yorozuya Yoshichika, Tsurugi Kyousuke, Tsurugi Yuuichi, Basato Toushi, Shirato Kiyoshirou Words: 2064 Part: One-shot Note: Mannouzaka joined the revolution and this is how I imagine how it happened. There are also some hcs in it like Yorozuya being Isozaki’s uncle.
It’s been a while since the match between Mannouzaka and Raimon. Isozaki Kenma, the SEED who failed guiding his team to defeating Raimon has disappointed his coach… and uncle. The boy with his two-colored hair was walking through the streets, thinking. He thought a lot about what happened after being defeated like that. He remembered very well the moment Tsurugi Kyousuke snapped and changed sides… joining the rest of Raimon against Fifth Sector. It was his fault. Because he tried to break Matsukaze’s legs. But… was it really his? After all it was his uncle who more or less ordered him to do so. He himself was shocked by the rather rough method Tsurugi used to try to get Matsukaze to finally give up after all. Isozaki sighed, entering the store. He had a rather rough time having to explain to his coach how he could lose like that. After the match he was devastated. Thinking about everything he had reached the conclusion that Tsurugi was right to betray Fifth Sector. Isozaki was just blindly following, after his uncle brought him into this organisation. But… how would he be supposed to get on terms with Tsurugi again? After all he saw the utter hate in his eyes back then. But why? Tsurugi knew to which lengths Fifth Sector would go. »Hey, did you hear? Raimon won again! There’s a good possibility they could win the Holy Road!« Hearing those words from another customer he gulped. In the end he found what he was searching and left the store again, noticing someone outside. It was Tsurugi, heading in the direction of the hospital. What is he doing there? Wondering Isozaki decided to follow him.  Reaching the hospital he kept on following the Raimon player until he entered a patient’s room. Isozaki checked the name plate and blinked in surprise. Tsurugi Yuuichi…? Was Kyousuke’s brother sick? Once Kyousuke asked him if he had any siblings and after he answered with a ‘no’ Kyousuke revealed that he had an older brother called Yuuichi. But he didn’t tell Isozaki any details. »Nii-san… How are your legs?« Legs? Eavesdropping was no good, yes, but was it his fault that he was right next to the door and therefore heard the question? »The Reha is helping and I’m making some progress. I heard you won again, I’m glad you found your love for soccer again Kyousuke.« »You’ll be able to play soccer as well again! Your legs will recover and you’ll be able to stand on the field again, together with me. Until then I’ll destroy this corrupt soccer so-«
Isozaki heard enough. He left the hospital, feeling awful at the realisation. That was it… that was how he hurt his friend…. Former friend. »People like him don’t deserve to be able to play soccer!« His own words resounded in his head. He could only imagine how that must’ve made Tsurugi feel. Obviously he would hate him… Since the match he had thought about it a lot and now finally got an answer. He definitely got carried away in the moment back then. He wanted to make his uncle proud which was the reason why he went so far without thinking. Isozaki returned home and entered his room after putting the food in the kitchen.
Having made a decision, he returned the next day to training. »Mitsuyoshi, I need to talk to you.« Mitsuyoshi blinked but then nodded. »Sure thing, what’s it captain?« They moved to the side and Isozaki told Yozakura about his plan. »You want to defeat Eito? But Fifth Sector ordered us to lose 5-0.« »I don’t care! I won’t listen to Fifth Sector anymore and will never do so again! We will destroy Eito no matter how many goals we have to take!« Hearing his captain like that Mitsuyoshi chuckled. »You want to oppose your uncle? And Fifth Sector?« »Yes, Yes I want to do just that. The Holy Emperor will change soon anyway. Tsurugi will defeat Fifth Sector and the new Holy Emperor will change Fifth Sector for sure. I’m sick of this Fifth Sector!« Another chuckle was the answer to Isozaki’s emotional words. »I really don’t know you like that Isozaki, but I’m iiiiiiiiin! Hahaha, this will be fuuuun!«
The two SEEDs decided to not tell anyone else about their plan. Isozaki was sure that the rest of the team would follow their example. After all, he was aware how much they disliked to lose. As for Shinoyama… Isozaki was certain that he would tell his uncle before the match if he’d tell Shinoyama because out of the three SEEDs he was the most loyal besides… he wasn’t important to the plan. Isozaki didn’t intend to let Eito even get close to shooting in the first place.
The day of the friendly match between Eito and Mannouzaka arrived. Eito had the ball at the beginning but as soon as it began, Mitsuyoshi dashed, getting the ball with ease. The SEED didn’t even need half a minute to score the first goal. Both teams as well as their coaches seemed shocked. Everyone besides Mitsuyoshi and Isozaki. The audience on the other hand liked this great start! »What’s this?! Seconds into the game Mitsuyoshi Yozakura scored a goal, faster than anyone could see!« The commentator’s voice was sounding from the speakers and with a bright grin Mitsuyoshi high-fived with Isozaki.
Mannouzaka’s coach stared blankly at his nephew. How dare he support such a behaviour?! And this was only the beginning! The match continued and Mitsuyoshi was continuing to strike, his laughter easily heard even from the audience. »What are you doing?! Kenma! Stop this immediately!« But Yorozuya Yoshichika shouted in vain. Isozaki behaved as if he didn’t hear anything. He decided to let Mitsuyoshi have his fun. After the middle of the first half he even started to use Purim.
When the whistle announced half-time Yorozuya’s face was red of anger. He reminded Mitsuyoshi that he was a SEED and that he was opposing Fifth Sector. »Do I? I thought I’m following their orders~«, Mitsuyoshi answered chuckling, full of sarcasm. »Enough! Basato, you will go in! Mitsuyoshi, you’re benched now! And Kenma… why didn’t you stop him?« »Uncle, I tried to but… you know that Mitsuyoshi won’t listen to anyone. And if I would’ve lectured him on the field and not played the proud captain it’d make the people more suspicious. You know they pay more attention to our actions since the Raimon match.« He sighed and made a resigning movement with his hands. Yorozuya then sighed as well and started to talk to Basato. Behind his back Isozaki smirked and winked at Mitsuyoshi who just giggled. »Captain.« Isozaki turned around facing the third SEED of their team. »What’s it Shinoyama?« Black eyes were glaring at him for some moments before he received an answer. »Thanks to Mitsuyoshi I now have to take 7 goals. We should report him to Fifth Sector, even tho… I assume Coach already does just that. Also… you should maybe do… some own goals. Eito is that bad that I think they wouldn’t even make a goal if they’d shoot within 1 meter distance and no one in between.« Isozaki couldn’t help but laugh at this. »Don’t worry Shinoyama… I already have the proper actions for the second half in mind.« »Good.«, Shinoyama said before returning to the others taking a drink. Not as if he had anything to do this game anyway.
At the end of half-time Mitsuyoshi was sitting on the bench, giggling, watching the others go to the field. Mannouzaka had the ball to start off. Within seconds Basato ‘lost’ the ball to Eito. But this wasn’t for long. Isozaki ran back to the middlefield and without much effort gained the ball. »Shinoyama!« He was looking at the goalkeeper who was getting ready. Expecting an own goal disguised as a back-pass. Isozaki self-passed into the air before he… shot. He shot at Eito’s goal! And scored! Shinoyama stared at his captain. »W-what the… what the hell are you doing Isozaki?!« Isozaki didn’t answer. Not until he stole the ball again from Eito. Mannouzaka’s captain raised his voice. Looking at his team. »What I’m doing?! Mannouzaka joins the revolution! Fifth Sector as we currently know it is doomed. I’m positive on Raimon keeping on winning, as I believe in Tsurugi’s capabilities. The Holy Emperor WILL change! And we, as Mannouzaka, won’t support this organisation anymore. So far we’ve been only used by them to destroy teams whenever needed. They never actually WANTED us to play a regular soccer so we’d be here to handle others roughly. Mitsuyoshi scored in the last half on my order and this half it is on us to do so. Those who want to join us shall do so. Those who don’t are free to leave the team after this match. Either way, we will destroy Eito and go against Fifth Sector’s orders.« It was quiet for some moments before some people nodded. »We’re in captain. Let’s have some fun.«, Shirato claimed. »Perfect.«, was all Isozaki said with a smirk on his face. »KENMA! What the hell are you doing!? Get yourself together IMMEDIATELY!«, Yorozuya’s voice was clearly heard from the bench. Again his face was red completely. Mitsuyoshi right next to him clapped though. »Great words Captain, hihihi.« The SEED definitely had his fun with this. »I got myself together uncle and I’ll prove it!«, Isozaki said and ran towards Eito’s goal. It was easy to outplay the defense and standing in front of the goal, Isozaki grinned widly.
»Thousand Arrow!« Isozaki finally was using a hissatsu. The first time he was getting absolutely serious to make it clear where he stands. Of course Eito’s goalkeeper had no chance catching it and that was just the beginning of the rain of goals following by Shirato, Basato and Isozaki himself. Even some of the midfielders joined in! Even Yorozuya gave up calling out to his nephew. With this much of a movement switching them all would be impossible. There was nothing he could do.
The game finally ended with a score of 14:0 with Mannouzaka obviously winning. The team returned to the bench and left the broken down Eito players on the field who chancelessly tried to put up a fight anyway. Isozaki went to his bottle and started to drink. Ignoring his uncle who was claring at him. »Isoooozaki! That was great!« Mitsuyoshi basically flew at him, hugging his captain. »You destroyed them! That was wonderful!« The keshin-user giggled and Isozaki just let him be clingy for once. After all, he could be thankful to Mitsuyoshi working with him. »Isozaki… you did that on purpose, didn’t you? You held back in the first half so you could be the spark in the second half… without fearing anyone would be switched-out. You knew it would be a strange move for coach to exchange multiple people.« Isozaki nodded at Shinoyama’s question. »Exactly. Also… Mitsuyoshi liked the idea so I thought giving him the first half to play around should be enough. What will you do Shinoyama? Be a good puppy and stay loyal to Fifth Sector or will you join us?«  Shinoyama sighed. »When you were chosen as the captain out of us three SEEDs I told you that I’d follow your lead… and this still stands.«
Yorozuya finally let out his burst of anger, yelling at his nephew. But Isozaki didn’t listen. He knew his uncle couldn’t do much. The team was rebelling as a whole and he couldn’t just exchange everyone and he also knew that his uncle liked soccer too much to close the club.
Returning home Isozaki took something for dinner and then returned to his room. He took out his phone and started to type. Hey Tsurugi It’s been a while. I don’t know if you know it but… Mannouzaka was ordered to highly lose today’s match. But we won. 14:0. I wanted to let you know that we’re joining your revolution. I believe that you will win and destroy this corrupt soccer. Hopefully you can forgive me for everything that happened. I followed my uncle’s orders without thinking twice. I’m really… sorry. Feel free to either ignore this message or hmu if you want to revive our old friendship. Either way, I know you will go your way. Iso
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