#March 2020 Horoscope
edgeplaymotif · 5 months
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western nights - ethel cain // circe - madeline miller // you’re so cool - nicole dollanganger // normal-horoscopes (tumblr, March 2020) // the passenger (2023) - dir. carter smith
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Always under construction!! The arts used are mentioned in each post. The same goes for references that I'm only using for that post. Template // Art
[1] TOMPKINS, Sue. Aspects in Astrology: A guide to understanding planetary relationships in the horoscope. One Park Street, Rochester, Vermont 057067: Destiny Books, 2002.
[2] RIBEIRO, Anna Maria da Costa. Sinastria: Estudo dos Relacionamentos Teoria e Prática. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Hipocampo Editora e Distribuidora Ltda., 1989.
[3] ABDUL-KHALIQ, Ajani. Hayden’s Book of Synastry: A Complete Guide to Two-Chart Astrology, Composite Charts, and How to Interpret Them. 13 junho 2017.
[4] LEWIS, James R. The Astrology Book: The Encyclopedia of Heavenly Influences. Canton, MI: Visible Ink Press™, 2003.
[5] WOOLFOLK, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need. Lanham, Maryland: Taylor Trade Publishing, 2006.
[6]NICHOLAS, Chani. You Were Born for This: Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance. New York, NY: HarperOne, 2020.
[7] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook - Volume 1: Introduction. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[8] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook: Volume 2: Planets in Signs. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[9] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook: Volume 3: Planets in Houses. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[10] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook: Volume 4: Planets in Aspect. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[11] REED, Theresa. Astrology for Real Life: A Workbook for Beginner. Newburyport, MA: Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC, 2019.
[12] LISBOA, Claudia. Os astros sempre nos acompanham (Edição revista e ampliada): Um manual de astrologia contemporânea. Rio de Janeiro: Best Seller, 2021.
[13] ORION, Rae. Astrology For Dummies, 2nd Edition. Hoboken, NJ; Indianapolis, Indiana: Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2007.
[14] DEVORE, Nicholas. Encyclopedia of Astrology. New York: The Philosophical Library, June 1947.
[28 ]MARCH, Marion D.; McEVERS, Joan. Curso Básico de Astrologia: VOLUME I - Princípios Fundamentais. Tradução de CARMEM YOUSSEF. São Paulo: EDITORA PENSAMENTO LTDA., 1999.
[15] SERVANTOFTHEFATES. Disponível em: https://servantofthefates.tumblr.com/. Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[16] LINHA ASTRAL - ASTROLOGIA: Seu site de Pesquisa Astrológica. Disponível em: https://linha-astral.com.br/. Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[17] Astromatrix. Disponível em: https://astromatrix.org/. Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[18] Astrolibrary.  Disponível em: https://astrolibrary.org/  Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[19] Cafe Astrology.  Disponível em: https://cafeastrology.com/.  Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[20] Astrologia na era de aquário, astrologia e estudos astrológicos. Disponível em: http://astrologiaeradeaquario.blogspot.com/ .  Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[21] Astrology and Numerology Study. Disponível em:https://astrologystudy.blogspot.com/ .  Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[22] Astrologia Luz e Sombra. Disponível em: https://astrologialuzesombra.com.br/ . Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[33] Astrolink. Disponível em: https://www.astrolink.com.br/artigo/a-historia-da-astrologia. Acesso em: 25 de maio de 2023.
[23] Marcelo Levi. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@oimarcelolevi  . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
[24] Astronalia | Mariane Chagas. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@astronalia  . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
[25] Encontros Astrológicos: Débora Mechica. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@encontrosastrologicos. Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
[26] Lais Casttelo Academia Astrologia. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@laiscasttelo . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
[27] Marcia Fervienza Astróloga+. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@MarciaFervienza . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
Astrologia Autêntica - finished
Astrologia Nível 1 - Iniciação by Astronalia - coursing
Gaia Astrologia
BLOCO FUNDAMENTAL (fase 1) - finished
BLOCO FUNDAMENTAL (fase 2) - coursing
[29] minikyuns on deviantart
[30] Iapetite on deviantart
[31] wildfireresources on deviantart
[32] sorberts on tumblr
[34] sparklypalace on deviantart
[35] soudwronf on deviantart
[36] v6que on tumblr
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elminx · 2 years
Energy Update: Saturn enters Pisces 3/7/2023
Today, under the light of our Virgo full moon, Saturn leaves behind the structure of fixed Aquarius for the amalgamous, mutable energy of Pisces. This is a big deal - Saturn stays in any given sign for three years and his sojourn through the signs sets the feeling of time as we experience it.
It is worth noting that while Saturn was in the fixed air sign of Aquarius we experienced a global airborne pandemic that forced us away from society (which Aquarius rulers) and keep us inside our own houses (see also: the unmoving nature of the fixed signs). Saturn entered Aquarius in March of 2020 as the lockdowns were being enacted and we can expect (even more of) the pandemic restrictions to be lifted as time moves on and we enter the season of Saturn in Aquarius.* There is reason to hope that this switchover will end the pandemic altogether, but only time will tell if that comes to pass. Pisces is a very different beast from Aquarius. Where Aquarius holds accountable, corrects, and ultimately changes through the intense combination of its two rulers (Saturn and Uranus); Pisces uses Neptune's energy to dissolve and (hopefully) unify.
Many astrologers like to tout the exalted Piscean virtues of blending and melding together, dissolving boundaries, and universal love. It is worth noting, almost immediately here, that these traits are anathema to the concept of Saturnian time. Saturn widdles us away to the cores of who we are. Saturn controls and corrects to show you what is important. Pisces would like to believe that everything, if melded back into primordial goo, can be equally important but Saturn would like to state that we have moved far beyond the primordial goo phase of existence. Pisces does not want boundaries and accountability and Saturn is made of boundaries and accountability. This conflict is what we are going to have to sit in and process as he makes his slow journey over the next three years. Perhaps it can be said that Pisces NEEDS to constrictive energy of Saturn because universal love without boundaries sounds an awful lot like co-dependency. Perhaps Saturn NEEDS Pisces to be reminded to soften those hard edges.
We will all fall somewhere on that spectrum (based on our own personal charts and life experiences) and where we fall on that spectrum will likely impact how we experience this three-year transit. Nobody is exempt from the pressures that Saturn brings to the table it will affect us all on both a personal level and globally. This transit will most specifically affect individuals with a strong Piscean impact in their natal birth charts and especially those who were born with Saturn IN Pisces who will be experiencing this transit as their Saturn Return. Themes that involve both Piscean and Saturnian energies:
Forgiveness that comes with a heavy dose of responsibility
Healthy boundaries that are both strong AND flexible
Accepting accountability with grace
Daydreaming that leads to constructive planning for the future
Universal love with strong personal boundaries
Social services like UBI or universal healthcare
There is a lot of good that may come of this Saturnian transit but it is the kind of good that you need to take active steps to work for in your life. Saturn demands that you step away from the idea that you can just dream your way into the future (very immature Piscean energy there) and put one foot in front of another to walk towards that fucking goal. If you don't have the effort in you, this is going to be a hard go of things. There's no way around that.
This is a good transit to use towards putting the work into strengthening your spiritual gifts - that is a lovely combination of Piscean and Saturnian energies. But this does come with a caveat (it always does): remember that all that glitters is not gold. Pisces, being the last sign of the horoscope wheel that is ruled by the 12th house of the unconscious, can attract some real creepers if you know what I mean. Not everything that's "for sale" during this three-year transit is going to be for your own good so if you're the gullible type, I suggest putting your skeptic glasses on, stat. If it looks too easy or too good to be true, it probably is. And if it is, it's gonna be extra hard because Saturn is here to rub that lesson right in.
It'll be a wild ride. Pack a life vest if you don't like going off the deep end because this shit is gonna go deep.
*This is not a judgment call on whether restrictions SHOULD be lifted mind you, just an observation of the way that Saturn's influence impacts the many societies of our world.
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On March 7, 2023, Saturn will move from Aquarius into Pisces where it will remain until February 14, 2026.
Want to know what Saturn in Pisces will bring to your zodiac sign? Get your Saturn in Pisces horoscope here.
Saturn ends a karmic cycle in Aquarius Saturn first entered Aquarius in December 2020, in a fateful alignment known as the Grand Conjunction. This rare alignment paved the way for Saturn to unfold into Aquarius energy.
Now that we are at the end of this cycle, think back to the themes, patterns, or lessons that have unfolded in your life since December 2020. Where have you had to set boundaries? Where have you had to step in and take responsibility for things in your life? Where did you feel held back?
These are all things the energy of Saturn can inspire in an effort to connect us more deeply with what we really want and what we need to take responsibility for.
Saturn can be compared to a strict teacher or a master teacher. While this can bring hard lessons, it pushes us to bring out our full potential. When Saturn is done with us, we feel wiser, more mature, and more aligned with where we want to be.
Saturn is also known as the Lord of Karma, and as it travels through each sign of the zodiac, it ensures that all of our karmic checks and balances are paid.
If you know your birth chart, you can look up which house Saturn traveled to in Aquarius to determine which charts you worked with. You can also download your Saturn in Aquarius zodiac ratio here.
Now, with Saturn moving, we are going to feel a shift. All of Saturn's ancient lessons in Aquarius will come to a head, helping us find closure and resolve any issues.
Before Saturn leaves Aquarius, it will also be sure to deliver all of our karmic rewards! In fact, ancient astrologers believed that when Saturn moves out of a zodiac sign, it always leaves a gift to remind us and reward us for all the hard work we've done.
So, as Saturn prepares to enter a new cycle in Pisces, pay attention to your gifts from the Universe! Stay open to what happens to you and see if you can honor difficult lessons and who you are today because of them.
Saturn moving in Pisces Saturn will enter Pisces on March 7-8, 2023 depending on your time zone. Saturn's location on the zodiac wheel indicates where, as a society, we are compelled to face reality, step up, and take greater responsibility.
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, so the movement of Saturn here also indicates an end or a point of completion of a larger cycle.
In a way, you might think of Saturn's move into Pisces as a collective Saturn return, where we all process and move forward through the karmic lessons and gifts of Saturn as it travels through the entire zodiac.
Pisces is a water sign that represents light, darkness, and the unseen worlds. He is known for his abstract ideas, creativity, compassion and willingness to go with the flow. Pisces is mutable water, which means it is adaptable, free-flowing, and open to the energies of the world around it.
Saturn is a very grounded earth energy. He rules over things like the law, boundaries, responsibilities, and restrictions. Saturn energy can feel like an awakening at times, bringing us back to reality and confronting us with the consequences of our actions and the actions of the collective.
Saturn's presence in Pisces might feel a bit heavy because of this. This normally watery, intuitive, and sensitive Pisces energy will be forced to become a little stiffer, a little more grounded, and a little more reserved.
You can think of it this way – if Pisces is free-flowing water, the presence of Saturn will build dams. These dams can direct water in a productive and more beneficial direction, but it can also feel more stifling or controlling.
However, there is a way to create a balance between these two energies. The creative, intangible and outer ideas of Pisces energy can be grounded in reality thanks to Saturn. It can allow us to take those creative, even spiritual, ideas and bring them to life in this 3D world.
If the energy of Pisces is like a piece of music, the presence of Saturn can help us write the musical notes so that the piece of music can change from a tune that only lives in our heads to something that can to be played, listened to and available forever more.
Saturn in Pisces in the real world If you work in a creative, inventive, or spiritual field, the presence of Saturn can help you take all your ideas and give them root so you can build something with them.
Saturn has a very grounded and practical energy, so pair it with the creativity of Pisces, and there is a balance that can be achieved here to help you bring your creative ideas to life and turn them into reality or even turn them into a company.
Pisces is also tied to religion and spirituality, so with Saturn here, there could be a lot of themes around religion and spirituality and how they relate to the laws and rules that govern society.
The spiritual and wellness industry may also be awakened by this energy, or personally, you may find that your own attitudes and beliefs regarding your spiritual or religious connection shift and change.
As the last sign of the zodiac, there are a few of all 12 signs in Pisces. These little seeds of energy will hit us at different times over the next few years, but whenever Saturn is involved, it's always a good idea to return to responsibility.
How can you take responsibility for the life you choose, your actions, your words, the energy you put out into the world?
Saturn wants us to step up and take responsibility for our lives and act in accordance with our true, authentic selves.
Saturn can impose limits and restrictions that make us feel stuck or suffocated, but it's only so we can take the time to figure out what we really want and what we're really prepared to stand up for.
Saturn charts in Pisces With Saturn in Pisces, the following themes can be noticed:
Revisiting the traditions or religion of our ancestors Desire to understand our lineage Feeling stuck or creatively held back while we rework our creativity Feeling spiritually stuck or held back as we rework our spiritual connection A back and forth between the structure and following the current A greater sense of grounding and structure of our creative and spiritual ideas A desire to care for and show compassion towards our fellow human beings Greater concern for the well-being of others Increase sensitivity to our higher senses Problems related to laws in relation to religion Religious matters in general A need to rebalance how we give and receive compassion Chart your own cycle from Saturn to Pisces The last time Saturn passed through Pisces was from 1994 to 1996, so if you remember that, think about the themes that came to you during that time. It's not that the same thing will happen again, but you may notice that similar themes or lessons are brought forward.
If you know your birth chart, you can also look at which house is ruled by Pisces to understand which areas of your life Saturn will affect you.
If you are unsure of your birth chart, don't worry, you can also pay attention to the charts or events that await you around March 7 and 8. You can also get a glimpse of what Saturn in Pisces will bring under the New Moon in Pisces on February 19.
You can also upload your Saturn in Pisces for your sign report, which highlights what Saturn in Pisces can spark for your Sun sign and Ascendant.
Whatever problems Saturn in Pisces brings, you can expect an area of your life to be challenged. Although there is a lot of learning to do, you will emerge wiser, more mature and more integrated into your soul path.
Journal Prompts for Saturn in Pisces What does my spirituality really mean to me? How can I take responsibility for my creative visions? What concrete things can I do to turn my dreams into reality? I can understand myself better by… My real thoughts and feelings around this situation are… When I stop, my intuition shares... Religion makes me feel... I can best express my compassionate side by…
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sstudiess · 2 years
I decided to torture myself and read my old journals. This is what I found and here is the wrapped:
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Iconic/cringefail quotes from my old journals:
Dec 2015
"There are some things man can't change and on that list the top spot is reserved for the never ending chatter of kids."
April 2016
"i want to be a wanderer who travels in search of Justin Bieber songs and Hollywood movies"
Sept 2016
"Now I will tell you the biggest tragedy of my life. I've decided to not get into the 'gf and bf' stuff before I join NASA so I'm in a kind of dilemma."
Jan 2017
"My love life is as bad as ever but I'm looking forward to this year because according to the horoscope, my love life is gonna be amazing!"
"Now, I think that the whole school is going to know that I and xxxxx are gonna have a secret rendezvous!"
"She said that I would've aroused doubt in her mind by saying that cause nobody says I hate you to someone in private!"
March 2017
"...And the fact that life has nothing romantic to offer me, makes me more into these books! Reading people's stories when my own love story is at mortal peril!"
"What she gets after giving her best shot is almost equal to what I get after doing almost nothing at all!"
Jan 2018
"Speaking of fictional boyfriends, I'm totally over xxxx now."
Feb 2018
"I am not the chosen one nor I'm half-angel but I do have a shitty life"
"If i were in America, people would make fun of me still, but not in this way"
"I am too creative to handle my thoughts for sure."
"I know this world is big and full of possibilities but just for once, i want this world to be small for me, i want just one possibility."
"I said my love life was a square but then she said it was a triangle. I didn't agree, so we ended up calling it an 'angle', or rather, a traingle with no base."
March 2018
"I am scared for the future, for everything that is gonna come after this one year. All i have right now is a mantra 'padh le beta, 12 hai' "
"We need to find a rebound crush for me."
May 2018
"I've been binge watching thirteen reasons why. I am on the 6th ep of season 2. I kinda like that show. It was soo depressing, it helped me forget my depression"
August 2020
"I have never been this lonely, but i have never been this happy either. I needed this more than i can ever admit"
"I know I'm capable of being loved, of loving again, so I will root for that hope."
"Being a popular author is a dream only a few people get to live. Rest others are forced to live a life of oblivion, their books and creations tucked into darkness." 
Oct 2020
"It seems as if I have forced myself to stay within these walls"
Jan 2021
"Why do I hold my thoughts like Atlas holding up the weight of the entire world? I do not feel like I'm crumbling from the weight but there's this haze of heavy thoughts upon me that I cannot seem to lift."
"I have been building this world of thoughts and words. These thoughts in the form of books, movies, songs, they belong to someone else. All they do for me is dampen the intensity of the ones that actually belong to me."
"It's waiting, the spirit in me, she will burst me open with exhilaration when she thinks the time is right. She is fickle, she needs beauty, she needs a constant change of scenery."
"This will be your fall, you are Icarus, dying to touch the sky so much, you are dying to die. No no, you do not want to die. You are just agitated, angry, your defiance is performative. You're just bored out of your wits." 
"I should not want it, I am aware, but due to reasons completely irrational, i will be forgoing my last two braincells in favour of the straited muscles (the heart)."
"I JUST FOUND OUT LADY ADA LOVELACE WAS THE DAUGHTER OF THE ICONIC LORD BYRON. Hence for reasons completely irrational, i will be passing away."
"Hope is a dangerous game to play with yourself."
"My love for him is an ocean with unfathomable depths. He is a swimming pool. If he jumps, he will drown in my intensity. If i jump, I will hit my head. We both will die. Death is romantic, say the poets of old. Well, not this one, this death will be humiliating."
"We are academics, we explore the world through books, always living on the sidelines, we do not participate. We live in the past. We love art, yet we fail to make any. We love the world, we want to change it but we never try. We will never be heard except one day, sorting through dusty books, another lover will find us in pages, but we will never be able to create any real change. We deal with the mind, sometimes the heart, with the art we create. We cannot touch the tangible, our realm is the intangible and that is where we come alive. The problem however, is that we will never be remembered. John Keats was right when he said his name was written in water. Isn't everyone else's too? Ours specifically, is written on the waves. We do not create an effect, we are only felt. But I believe there are some who change the world like a Tsunami does. Shakespeare, remember? What did he do for the world? Nothing. He just wrote plays."
"I believe in love as the driving force that makes this ugly and unbearable world tolerable and meaningful." 
"You cannot nullify love just like you cannot nullify the existence of God." 
Feb 2021
"Valentine's day is a capitalist holiday. Even if it wasn't, there is no reason for celebrating it." 
"I am going for the crazy poet/scholar look these days so it hurts when i have to cut or comb my hair."
"We carry our home in our hearts. I do too, because if I didn't, I'd be homeless." 
April 2021
The Generation Z are a faithless and purposeless generation. We believe in equality, we have opinions- a lot of them but we don't have ideologies to follow or governments to overthrow. We have a fire in us that burns bright, but with no purpose, it seems to me that we're getting wasted." 
"I got a cousin baby brother! I'll admit, I did not like him much in the beginning, he looked like a shriveled potato but after they washed him up, I saw in the pictures that he looks like me!"
"Realism, pessimism, optimism- they're all words. We're all three and neither."
"Majority of the content in my journal includes me pining over a guy I dated for a month."
May 2021
"It's like looking at your scars years later, you see a fair patch of skin, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't make you feel the past pain, but it fills you with a sense of awe and wonder at your body, at its strength and its resilience." 
"I have learned the unbearable art of silencing the voice in my head. It is boring without it." 
July 2021 
"I didn't get any gifts and I was barred from buying more books" (on 20th b'day)
Jan 2022
" I have 99 problems and 110 of them would be solved if I lived alone in a small cottage on top of a hill."
"When it comes to the Romantics, I think I'm like John Keats. The sad but joyful/optimistic bastard that coughed blood and died. In all seriousness, I don't think I'm any more special or unique than this particular sad twink. It's a bummer really, because I actually aspire to be like Lord Byron. The bisexual disaster, obnoxiously charming and smart asshole that you want to punch in the face but then are too enamored by. Byron, the accidental hero, the adventurer and the rebel. That's who I want to be….. but Byron is Byron, I am not him. I am not mentally ill enough to pull off that sort of charisma." 
"I can exist and others too and we all can be the main characters. Existence isn't a competition. Not everything is." 
"I have always been single in my entire life of 21 years except for a month. I have been happy in my entire life of 21 years except for a month." 
"I made up things, I wanted a story. I look for a story everywhere- that's what we do." 
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growwithmeastrology · 2 years
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The planet Saturn will enter Pisces on March 7th, 2023. So why is this important? Let’s think back to the last time Saturn changed signs which was March of 2020 where it entered the sign of Aquarius. I’m sure you don’t have to think too hard to try and remember what was happening all around the world at that time. Saturn is the planet of karma, lessons, authority and restrictions. Aquarius is humanitarian, progressive and rebellious but also introverted. Putting those things together, you can start seeing the things we experienced during the pandemic. So here’s a personal question. Are you the same person you were before March 2020? As for me, I don’t even know her. Saturn has a way of steering us towards our purpose. Saturn is now entering Pisces. So what can we expect? Well, stick around for part two of this energetic shift. There’s a lot to cover. Pisces is intuitive/spiritual, creative, empathic, dreamy and imaginative. What are your thoughts as to what could come in the next three years now that you understand the basics of what Saturn and Pisces energies together could bring? Learn more about your energies and how this energy could affects you! Comment below⬇️ or DM me for a free consultation. #saturn #pisces #saturninpisces #saturninaquarius #energy #shifts #astrology #growwithme #horoscope #zodiac https://www.instagram.com/p/CpIiLfHpJ4E/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Saturn in Aquarius (sidereal) Hold on tight. Saturn, the Lord of Karma, has just moved into Aquarius, a sign of universal truth and higher awareness. A whole new paradigm is beginning. Since the beginning of 2020, Saturn has been in the earthy sign of Capricorn (or Makara), the crocodile — a tenacious animal that endures great challenges to survive. The last 3 years certainly has been a test of resilience for many people. With Saturn in ethereal Aquarius now until March 2025, there’s a new focus on social responsibility and unity. Innovation in technology, communication, and artificial intelligence will speed up evolution of human consciousness, and challenge our understanding of self, relationship, and our individual freedoms. How this affects you on a personal level depends on how Saturn aspects your chart. Check out your Saturn Horoscope (2-hour pre-recorded class) – Link in bio Follow @anandashree_vedic_astrology for more free forecasts. #vedicastrology #jyotish #spiritualawakening #saturninaquarius #shanidev #universalguidance #newparadigm #nextchapter #lordofkarma https://www.instagram.com/p/CnmRJM1yo64/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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princepestilence · 11 months
NYR: October in review
Post-October horoscope: Make it a duty to celebrate your small wins. There’s no need to wait for major milestones or for others to acknowledge it.
Entering the last week and a bit of my twenties. Feeling exhausted from another too-busy month, but also pretty great! A lot of things happening, as always. Some small, some pretty big.
Doctor appointment actually went well. I was braced for worse! But the results were okay to good for most things, and apparently my liver is quote unquote pristine.
Duolingo every day. Managed to keep it up but only barely. It honestly shouldn't count, but I am counting it.
Became chair + hosted my first double meeting, including AGM.Technically, I hosted both meetings and then became chairman after getting voted in during the AGM. I haven't really had time to process any of it, but also it's sort of no different to what I was already doing except I have the full title instead of the Acting one.
Revised all of chapter four! I've since started work on the last leg of the dissertation, writing the introduction / conclusion. The closer I get to being really truly finished, the more excited and also afeared I'm getting.
House anniversary. It snuck up on us and we only realised by chance, but it's been a year since we settled and moved in. I love our home.
Nephew was born. My best friend had her baby a week ago. This is no achievement of mine, but I want to commemorate it anyway.
Booked a holiday. We've been thinking about it for about a year or so, but finally did it! It's not until March, by which time everything will have chilled out a good deal. We haven't been on a proper holiday (as compared to a long weekend thing with friends) since the very beginning of 2020.
Painted for the first time in over a decade. I had an opportunity to paint the other day and it was so fun. It was so healing? I didn't realise how viscerally I missed making art like that until I was doing it. Now I want to do it all the time.
In November, I will:
turn thirty! Still have more party planning to do but we're getting there.
finish introduction + final mop up of chapters. A bit ambitious given how intense work is at the moment, but still doable.
2024 season launch. Not exactly a goal, since it's inevitable, but surviving the month counts as a feat. Today was bonkers busy and it's going to be like this for a while. I will have deserved the time off by the time I get to have it.
have fun at my birthday party. Reminding myself that this is actually the goal of the whole thing. There's so much happening at the moment that part of me regrets committing to this, but I don't want to not have a great night with my friends just because work + dissertation take up a lot of my time and energy.
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reikisthan · 1 year
Sakranti badal degi aapka jeevan !!! Dr. Y Rakhi Astrologer !!!
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Join this channel to get access to perks: I am practicing astrology since 20 years. I tell you the solutions which are very easy to follow and if you follow the solutions with faith , you will see the change in your life and get happiness and success. You can ask me any problems related to health, wealth, negative energies, job, marriage, children, business, and many more. Numerology, Feng-Shui, Vaastu Shastra , Reiki, Aura Cleaning, Card consultation, Crystal Healing, Signature, Tarot Course , Tarot Card, Love & Marriage Life, Match Making, Business Growth, Career Growth, Child Future, Child Health, Personal Consultancy, Marriage Horoscope, Business Partnership, Travel/Relocation, Astrology Analysis, Vedic Astrology Readings, Chinese Astrology, Stock Market Astrology, Celebrity Horoscope, , Love Horoscope, Corporate Growth, Gemstone, Pregnancy , Numerology Reading, Health Guidance , Tarot Card. WORK EXPERIENCE: Expertise - Tarot Card Reader/Fengsui/Vastu /Reiki Healer/Numerology/Colour Therapy /Astrology since 2005. Participated as Tarot Card Reader in Overseas Seminars (UK, Dubai, France, Singapore, Bangkok, Switzerland) and exhibitions. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Completed Reiki (First Degree) from DivyaChetna. Completed Feng Shui /Vastu/Numerology & Colour Therapy course from Holistic Foundation of India. Completed Tarot Card Reading course under guidance of Famous Tarot Reader “Shewta Sharma”. Completed Graduation (B.A. Hindi Hons) From Allahabad University in 2003. Completed Air Hostess Training from Flytech Aviation Academy – Hyderabad in 1999. Completed schooling from Vanasthali Vidyapeeth, Rajasthan in 1998. Awarded Doctorate Philosophy(PhD) in Tarot Card Reading from Jyotish Vidyapeeth in Feb 2016 CURRENTLY ASSOCIATED WITH AAJ TAK INDIA TV ABP NEWS REPUBLIC BHARAT TV9 BHARATVARSH NEWS 18 ZEE NETWORK since 3 years LIVE INDIA INDIA NEWS JIA NEWS SAHARA NEWS P-7 NEWS TOTAL NEWS REAL 4HD NEWS SHREE NEWS FOCUS TV SHAGUN TV SANSKAR TV VARDAAN TV DHARAM TV HAMAR TV ADHAYTAM TV KALASH TV AWARDS March 2012 - Received award from “MAHAVIR INTERNATIONAL” BEAVER, RAJASTHAN for rendering free ASTROLOGY and VAASTU service. March 2013 - Received award from “MAHAVIR INTERNATIONAL” BEAVER, RAJASTHAN for rendering free ASTROLOGY and VAASTU service. March 2014 - Felicitated by “DEFENDER and MARVELLOUS” for exemplary work in the field of astrology in March 2014. July 2014 - Felicitated by “JEN MEDIA and MARVELLOUS” for valuable contribution in the field of astrology. March 2015 to 2020 - Received many prestigious awards for exemplary work and valuable contribution in the field of astrology. Among these some of the awards received from Hon’ble Chief Ministers of Goa, Uttarakhand and Madhya Pradesh Instagram- @dryrakhi_official Facebook- Dr. Y Rakhi astrologer Twitter- Dr. Y Rakhi astrologer Tik Tok- @dryrakhi_official 5 Min StorizZ- BELIEVE IN KARMA- Dr. Y Rakhi Astrologer- #DRYRAKHI #DRYRAKHIYOUTUBECHANNEL #ASTROLOGER #ASTROCHARTS #KUNDALIMATCHING source Read the full article
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hostor-infotech · 2 years
March Horoscope 2023 | Wit & Delight
March is one of the most potent months of 2023, as the winds of change will be blowing strongly. Two planetary forces, Saturn and Pluto, will change signs, a move they haven’t performed since 2020 and 2008, respectively. While the effects of these movements will unravel over a long period of time, we will begin to see new themes taking place in our lives, collectively and personally.   Master…
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noisynutcrusade · 2 years
March Horoscope 2023 | Wit & Delight
March is one of the most potent months of 2023, as the winds of change will be blowing strongly. Two planetary forces, Saturn and Pluto, will change signs, a move they haven’t performed since 2020 and 2008, respectively. While the effects of these movements will unravel over a long period of time, we will begin to see new themes taking place in our lives, collectively and personally.   Master…
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apologies ahead - this is a rant
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source: Twitter
this would have been really nice to know at the time!! all of my horoscopes at the time were like this could be your forever person but they are shy and you will have to fight for it when I knew within the first 2 months he was not ready and none of my people were feeling it
cannot <clap> emphasize <clap> enough <clap> how I would have done a much harder break up (like March 2019) than February 2020 (yeah, I know - impeccable timing to be single)
would have appreciated being able to enjoy the last year of pre-pandemic single and without weekly migraines
end of rant. back to 1899 and work
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veworcopy · 2 years
New nepali bhadragol 2017
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New nepali bhadragol 2017 movie#
New nepali bhadragol 2017 serial#
New nepali bhadragol 2017 full#
Why not endeavor on the off chance that it has such great and significant result. This latest gift of vaccines is another testament to the close cooperation between the two armies and the two countries, particularly in times of need. Grins simply oblige one to utilize two of his facial muscles. The Indian Army has been assisting the Nepali Army to fight Covid-19 through various kinds of assistance since 2020 including Covishield vaccine, medical equipment, ambulances, etc. It makes us agreeable along these lines making others feel calm. A grin is an upward bend in our face it unquestionably reflects bliss. Ltd uploads its content regularly related to NEWS through its playlist Khabar Express, Nepali Dohori, Horoscope details through its playlist Rashifal, Nepali comedy videos with playlists Bhadragol, Brake fail, and Meri Bassai and has a total of 2607 videos. It makes our general surroundings a superior place to live in. Not exclusively does a grin magnetically affect souls floating about, however it positively affects the individuals who grin. Cockroach is the companion of Jeegri, Bariste is father of Jeegri.When we grin, it makes individuals around us like themselves and perks them up immediately.
New nepali bhadragol 2017 full#
GHAR Full New Nepali Horror Movie-2019/2076 Arpan Thapa.
New nepali bhadragol 2017 movie#
Jeegri is a youthful criminal continually pursuing Todpeni. New Nepali Movie 2017 - SUBBA SAB video Jiwan Luetil, Barsha Siwakoti, Saro. Pudasaini, Manisha Thapa and Hari Niraula.Paade is the primary character. The show stars Arjun Ghimire, Kumar Katel, Shankar Acharya, C.P. Kumar Katel and Arjun Ghimire compose the show, and the executive is Nepali film chief Shankar Acharya.The story depends on town life. It is one of the most viewed television programs in Nepal.
New nepali bhadragol 2017 serial#
Bhadragol is a nepali Tv serial broadcasting every Friday on Nepal Television.You, that I get to planning gardening boy the kids button pushed up. Bhadragol is a nepali Tv serial broadcasting every Friday on Nepal. All Exclusive copyright of these videos are with Ram Saraswoti (RamSar) Media Pvt. Bhadragol is a Nepali parody network show. New Nepali Comedy Bhadragol Episode Your body can actually my Middle bag match you push to block up it. April 18 (Day Of Year) Bhadragol 18 April 2014 Full Episode bhadragol 18 april 2014 bhadragol 18 april 2014 full episode bhadragol apfull episode bhadragol this week. Nepali Songs cannot be categorized in one genre and luckily we have heard varied songs this year. With the advent of better cameras, technology, and drones, the music industry of Nepal has moved ahead in 2017. Kumar is an affection hungry youthful young person. Nepali Songs of 2017 not only dominated the industry but created new waves and moved scores of listeners. Kumar kattel going about as Jigree who is additionally essayist and right hand chief of this scene with his accomplice Arjun Ghimire are the principle Characters.Arjun plays as an old sluggish and miscreant. Every one of the characters look fabulous. Bhadragol is a standout amongst the most clever television serial telecom in TV now. Bhadragol, 10 March 2017, Full episode 113 Published on Bhadragol is a nepali Tv serial broadcasting every Friday on Nepal Television.
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#MercuryRetrograde meets Mars out of bound. Be ready this week for a little bit of angry environment & over reactions. But also ready for creative & emotional breakthroughs.
A little bit of mercury retrograde humor for your Sunday 😉 Love & more
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askmyoracle · 5 years
March 2020 Monthly Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs
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Not all of us enjoy the mystery about the future. We are neither interested in surprise and nor shocks. March 2020 Horoscopes meant for us to help us have some idea about what different events does the upcoming month of March holds for all of us. March 2020 Horoscope Predictions help us know in advance what different facets of our lives have in store for all of us based on the planetary positions and their influences.
Most accurate monthly horoscope for March 2020. Get your detailed monthly horoscope predictions for career, love, education, health, money and finance.
Read full article: March 2020 Monthly Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs
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thestitchywitchy · 5 years
March 2020 Tarotscopes
Hey guys! I’m going to be doing tarotscopes more frequently now as doing these readings has brought me much joy. I know this one is a little late, but better late than never!! So I hope you like them and please leave me feedback on whether they resonate with you or not. For this month I am using my Hansen-Roberts deck for the Tarot portion and my Sacred Rebels Oracle deck for messages from Spirit.
Please understand that this is a collective reading, so some messages may be for you and some may not resonate. Take what messages feels right to you and leave the rest behind. Blessings.
Check your Sun, Moon, and Rising.
Let’s get started!
Aries: 8 of Swords, 4 of Swords, Reversed Queen of Pentacles. 21) Beyond the mind, the heart beats.
A lot of negative thoughts may be holding you back this month but understand that it’s stemming from the stagnant energy that has been surrounding you lately. Even though things may be moving fast for you in the physical realm, it has led to a bit of a stand-still in your spiritual growth. Allow yourself to take a step back this month and give yourself some self-love and do a bit of shadow work. You need to realize that you are much more than the negative outlooks you’ve been telling yourself lately. You may feel that you’re being held back no matter how much you push forward this month. But keep in mind, your physical strength isn’t going to help you with this. The only one holding you back right now is your mentality and once you have come to terms with that, you can really go far and truly follow your heart’s dreams and desires. Rest yourself in the physical sense and allow your heart to do the steering this month. I know its scary to let your heart take the reins but your current mental state isn’t doing you any favors and honestly, Pisces season is the perfect time for you to get into your feels and in touch with your intuition. Let Spirit in to guide you where you need to be this month. Be well, Aries!
Taurus: Reversed King of Cups, The Hermit, 9 of Pentacles. 19) Dream a beautiful dream.
There’s going to be a lot of soul-searching for my bulls this month which will probably have you in your feelings a lot. You may find yourself alone quite a bit this month, deep in contemplation of what will truly make you happy in the long run. You will have a lot of progressive dreaming and planning this month. You may even feel like your current work or love isn’t right for you and you’d like to go in a different direction and that’s ok! Allow yourself to move on from things that no longer serve your path towards happiness. Please don’t doubt yourself, because these changes you want to make isn’t going to be a bad thing! Change isn’t always the scary feat you make it out to be and you should allow yourself to get lost in your dreams a little bit, BUT don’t forget to wake yourself up and take the first step into making these dreams a reality! Trust your intuition because these visions you’ve been having are definitely yours for the taking. I know my Taurus’ like to have their cake and eat it too and this is the perfect month for you to make that a reality!
Gemini: 4 of pentacles, Reversed 5 of Rods, 7 of Rods. 17) What is already with you.
All right my Gems! This month you’re going to feel like you’re in competition for control and security with others. You may be feeling like others are trying to control you and you want to have the upper-hand in the situation. But in reality, the only confliction you have is with yourself.  No one else is in control over your own destiny but yourself, no matter what quips they may have. So instead of fighting against them, let it go and accept that the answers that you have been searching for has been already been with you along. No journey or great adventure needed (as much as the novelty of that is quite enticing). Even the answers to things you’ve been second guessing has been right under your nose all this time. So screw whatever they may say, you’re the one who has had the control all along.
Cancer: 9 of Swords, 2 of Cups, Knight of Cups reversed. 20) Softly, softly, the tender touch.
Cancers, my dears, may be a bit anxiety prone over your love or potential love lives this month. It has you a bit worried or on the edge of your seat a bit. You may have had this grand idea of the person you’re into but reality may not go hand in hand with your day dreams. But don’t let that be a cause for panic that will lead you to making any rash decisions. You need to remind yourself to not let your imagination get carried away by putting this person on a pedestal that isn’t feasible for them to achieve. A love can still be beautiful even if it’s not depicted like they are in fairytales. It would behoove you to remember that not everyone is perfect and love takes work and patience to be successful. And if it’s a potential love, allow yourself the time to get to know the person rather than jump in to anything too fast because you believe that they’re your knight in shining armor. Approach the situation with patience, openness, and a tender hand because it will get you further than overthinking the situation. Who knows? You may find that reality is far better than what you portrayed them to be in your head!
Leo: 3 of Rods reversed, The Devil, King of Swords. 29) Seeing the true you.
I’m going to be straight forward my Leo queens and kings… It would really be beneficial to you to do some shadow work as it looks like it’s going to be a bit of a rough month for you. You’ve recently set some restrictions on yourself, whether intentional or not, that is causing you to lose sight of who you are. One of the biggest lessons for you this month is to understand that you have the power and authority over your own life. It feels that you may be putting too much importance on your public image that you’re holding yourself hostage based on what other’s think of you. Loosen those chains to gain your power back and remember that other’s opinion of you isn’t the end all be all. The only opinion of yourself that should matter is your own. Once you realize this, you will start seeing the true you again.
Virgo: 4 of Pentacles, The Empress reversed, 7 of Swords reversed. 12) Every journey starts with a single step.
Virgo, Virgo, Virgo…. You have a big lesson to learn this month. The more that you try to control what is out of your hands, the more that you are just deceiving yourself. A running theme for you this month is that you will keep trying to find a sense of security in others, but all that is really doing for you is stifling your creativity and who you are as an individual. It feels like you’re trying to find acceptance from others in order for you to make your next move. When you’re trying to find this security in others you tend to try to “win” them over by pretending to be someone you’re not. That must be exhausting for you, my dear! The lesson that you need to learn this month is to understand that your own self-worth is all the security that you need. You don’t need approval from anyone else but yourself in order for you to make your next move. Trust in yourself because you’re the only one that has your best interest in mind. You know what you’re capable of and anyone else’s assessment of you doesn’t shine a candle to the power you possess inside. I know it’s a bit scary to take the first step without a bit of a push and affirmation from your peers, but in the end you have to remember that they cant come on this journey with you. Leave their opinions and your insecurity behind you.
Libra: 6 of Pentacles reversed, King of cups, High Priestess reversed. 14) Going beyond normal.
There’s a chance that you Libras will be feeling a bit of disconnect with your intuition that may stem from you feeling too charitable towards others and not enough towards yourselves. Me being a Libra Moon, I know how important it is for us to have a healthy balance and that balance is going to be a bit distorted this month. It would be beneficial to you to step outside of your normal quid pro quo and let others know where you draw the line this month. By doing this, you will gain a better sense of yourself and find the balance between giving too much of yourself and letting others fend for themselves. We must remember that there is a difference between being charitable for the sake of others acceptance and being compassionate for the sake of their (and our) well-being. So be mindful of those who are truly there for you and those who are only there for what you can give them. We have the tendency of giving too much of ourselves to those who would like to take advantage of us and that is especially true for the month of March. Expand your normal thought process to see all sides of the story and you will start seeing the world and others a whole lot differently.
Scorpio: 10 of Rods, King of Swords, 10 of Swords. 1) After the storm.
A lot of 1 energy for my fellow Scorpios this month, so being open to new possibilities will definitely be a plus for us! You may be feeling like you have a lot of burdens and responsibilities this month where it may seem like its just one thing after the other. When can you catch a break?? Take a moment to breathe and remember that there is always the calm after the storm. Even though we’re going to have a lot on our plate this month, these are actually blessings in disguise. Follow through on what you have the mental and physical capacity for, but leave the rest behind. Once you get through the hard times, you will have more mental clarity and you will receive a vision that will allow you to keep pushing forward towards your goals.
Sagittarius: 5 of Rods, 6 of Rods reversed, 8 of Swords. 5) She feels, she knows.
Ok my Sags… There may be some conflict with those close to you this month, especially when it comes to the meaning of success. You may have your own definition of the term, but you must understand that the person whom you’re having conflicts with actually means well. Yes, absolutely have your own meaning of what success! BUT you may be a bit blinded by your own vision that it may be holding you back a bit, slowing you down from reaching your goals. Keep in mind that your loved one may just be looking out for your best interest, even if their approach is a bit harsh or overly critical. Truth be told, it never hurts to get a second opinions and at least try to see the other’s point of you. You may not necessarily agree with them, but their outlook may inspire you. Remember that your gut feeling will always steer you in the right direction, but don’t be so opposed to other’s opinions; it may just help you out in the long run!
Capricorn: The Chariot, The Empress, 8 of Pentacles. 7) Legacy of light.
There’s going to be a lot of abundance and self-development for my Cappies this month! You’re going to be headed closer and closer towards your goals this moth because you have this idea of what you want out of your life and you’re taking the proper steps in order to make those dreams a reality. I mean, I honestly wouldn’t expect anything less from a Capricorn lol. You’ll be pleased to know that your ancestors through blood and spirit are with you along this journey. They’re helping to guide you towards your success. As long as you remember that you have that support behind you, I have no doubt that you’re going to reach those goals! Good luck to you!
Aquarius: Wheel of Fortune reversed, Strength, 7 of Cups. 35) Conscious connection.
All right, Aquarius. There’s no easy way to say this so I’ll come right out of the gate. You may get a hit of bad luck this month. But don’t let that get you down! You’ll definitely have the strength and perseverance to turn that bad luck into better opportunities. You guys are resilient and expansive that way. It seems like this bad luck may be from a financial or career choice you made in recent past and it’s come to bite you in the butt. But as long as you make conscious connections with those who are also involved, keep a clear head, and not get swept up by any illusions that may persuade you, you’ll definitely be able to get through this month unscathed…your wallet may not be as lucky.
Pisces: 8 of Swords reversed, King of Swords, 9 of Pentacles reversed. 16) What you want, wants you.
Happy birthday March Pisces! It seems that this month will be full of blessings for you. At the beginning, you may feel like you’re over working yourself a bit, but this will allow you to start seeing things in a new perspective and you will gain mental clarity from this. You will start to realize that you need to do more for yourself because all this work and no play is not something you want for yourself and see yourself doing in the long run. You may start to realize that your current job is holding you back and it’s time for you to go after what you truly want. This month will set you up to get motivated in that direction and you will start seeing signs of the direction that you really need to be taking. Your best bet is to be patient with this process. Understand that this is only going to be the beginning and there is going to be a lot more blessings headed your way!  
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