#Marenoshin Omaeda
qweaenr · 4 months
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BLEACH - Gotei 13: Squads 1-5
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Marenoshin Omaeda (Bleach)  » May 5
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Happy birthday to all those others characters born on may 5
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Hello there Marenoshin Ōmaeda  fans.
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toyatominaga · 1 year
Bleach: Rise of the Hornet
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This is an excerpt from the fanfiction I’m writing taking place right after Yoruichi betrayed Soi Fon. Let me know what you think!
Theme song: Bow Down - I Prevail
You lied...
Was all she could muster, staring ahead at the empty chair her mentor once sat in. No one. Nothing was there. Her arms dropped weakly to her sides as she slowly began to step forward, staggering slightly. She took a few steps forward until she was a few feet away from the purple and green chair. She stared at it for a few moments, before she fell to her knees, sinking into the wooden floor. Frozen...no...numb is what she felt. It couldn’t be true. She couldn’t be gone. She wouldn’t just...leave her right?
No. It was true. Yoruichi Shihouin was gone and nowhere to be found. The young girl must have sat there for what seemed like forever. But, she wasn’t coming back. Her frozen expression suddenly shifted to one of disappointment.
“So it’s a promise?”
Yoruichi’s lies echoed throughout her brain. She was a liar. And she trusted her. And now she is gone...
Slow tear drops began to fall to the wood floor. They fell but she made no sound, a shaky hand coming to cover her mouth as tears welled in her gray eyes. Tears streamed her cheeks as she slowly came to face reality. She was gone. For good. And she wasn’t coming back for her.
“Why?” She thought, “Why couldn’t you take me with you?”
Soi Fon slowly crawled into the abandoned seat, curling up into the fetal position. She was gone. Yoruichi was gone. She held herself tighter. She was gone. She was all alone. Again...
Soi Fon began to sob deeply, hugging her knees as she buried her face against the back of the cold chair. The sobbing slowly turned into more painful, wailing as she let her betrayal pour out. Yoruichi was gone. She was all alone. No...this all had to be some sort of misunderstanding. Quickly hopping up, she went around the room, searching for something, anything that could give her some sort of clue. She clammered through Yoruichi’s desk, knocking some things down from the shelf, before giving up. No. This couldn’t be.
She suddenly ran out from Yoruichi’s quarters, looking down both ends of the corridor. Other subordinates from squad 2 were running up and down the halls in a panic. Everyone had been. As soon as it was announced that Yoruichi Shihouin and Kisuke Urahara had betrayed the Soul Society and were hereby wanted...everyone had resorted to panic. She ran, running past one member, and bumping slightly into another as she ran her way to the other place that she would find answers.
Turning a few corners quickly, her breaths were loud and heavy as tears fell in the air. She turned one last corner, sliding on her feet slightly to stop herself as she approached the front lawn of the lieutenant's quarters. She could already see that many other squad members began to huddle up outside his office, many concerned questions and qualms filled the air.
“Yoruichi is gone? She betrayed the Soul Society? She’s a traitor with Kisuke Urahara?” Many questions were going through their heads.
Soi Fon gritted her teeth upon hearing Urahara’s name. That absolute monster. She knew it. She knew there was something wrong with him, and now..Yoruichi had gone with him. She knew she couldn’t trust him and now, she left Yoruichi vulnerable to him. What if he took her against her will, she thought. Pushing her way past other squad members, Soi Fon came to the front steps of the building and looked up to see Marenoshin Omaeda, Yoruichi’s lieutenant and head of the Omaeda Family.
The large and tall man looked bewildered, sweat pouring down his face as he looked out as the gaggle of flustered squad 2 members. Poor guy seemed to have no clue what his next move was.
“Lieutenant Omaeda!” Soi Fon cried, approaching him as she clung to his robes, “Please tell me what happened to Lady Yoruichi!” She looked up at him innocently with tears welling in her eyes. The much taller man was taken aback, looking down to see the much shorter girl grabbing his robe. Marensoshin could only stare, until his face turned grim. He placed a comforting hand on the young girl’s shoulder and knelt to her level.
His eyes spoke volumes, and she knew right then and there that the news was all true.
“She...She’s not coming back Soi fon...” He suddenly told her wearily. Soi Fon’s eyes widened and began to twitch as she looked down at the ground. It couldn’t be. But no. It was true.
“W-We need to save her! It’s all Kisuke Urahara’s fault! She could have been taken against her will!” Soi Fon suddenly shouted, grabbing on tighter to his robes, “We must go after them to rescue Lady Yoruichi!”
Marensoshin let out a long, shaky breath. After what seemed like forever, he finally stood up and walked over so that he was facing the rest of his squad, he cleared his throat, nervously rubbing the sweat from his neck before speaking:
“T-The captain has willingly chosen to leave the Soul Society with Kisuke Urahara. ...No one understands her motives yet, but for now on...Yoruichi and Kisuke have been deemed traitors and are now wanted criminals of the Soul Society under the authority of Head Captain Shigekuni
Genryusai Yamamoto!” He seemed to be shaking nervously after announcing that, preparing for any pushback. The crowd was silent for a brief second, before erupting again into chaos. Soi Fon on the other hand, was once again in a frozen state of shock.
“...Willingly chose?...Traitors?...Wanted criminals?”
She needed to leave. She needed to get out of there, run away, never come back. Pushing her way back through the crowd, a heartbroken Soi Fon ran her way out of the barracks. Where she was running to, she didn’t know. For now...she just wanted to run and run and run.
The memories played back in her mind with each step. The memories of when the two first met, to when they trained together, to when Yoruichi will listen to all her concerns...
It all felt like some extremely horrible nightmare.
The young girl finally made it to that spot. The spot that they had trained at the night prior to all of this. The fact that they were just out here, training peacefully, and now just like that she had vanished without saying a goodbye. Amongst the cherry blossom, Soi Fon could have sworn she saw a figure moving within the trees. Lady Yoruichi? She thought, pushing her way through the brush.
Of course, it would turn out to be nothing at all, and instead, she came to a clearing that looked out over a cliff face. From there you could see a huge chunk of the Seireitei, the morning sun coming in through the clouds. That was when Soi Fon finally began to realize that Yoruichi was gone for good. The memories wouldn’t stop flooding her brain.
Suddenly, Soi Fon let out a long, pained scream into the air, dropping to knees as she sobbed. The large and looming Seireitei sat ahead as the sun began to rise. Nothing would be the same. Everything is going to be different from now on...
“Yoruichi Shihouin and Kisuke Urahara have been declared traitors and are now wanted criminals of the Soul Society under the authority of Head Captain Shigekuni Genryusai Yamamoto! Urahara has been reported using strange technology to turn Soul Reaper’s into hollows and as such, the following captains have been declared banished due to their involvement in the hollowfication process:
Captain of Squad 3, Rojuro Otoribashi
Captain of Squad 5, Shinji Hirako
Captain of Squad 7, Love Aikawa
Lieutenant of Squad 8, Lisa Yadomaru
Captain of Squad 9, Kensei Muguruma Lieutenant of Squad 9, Mashiro Kuna
Lieutenant of Squad 12, Hiyori Sarugak
Captain of the Kido Corps, Tessai Tsukabishi and Lieutenant of the Kido Corps, Hachigen Ushoda
From this point forward. All listed traitors are to be brought into custody of the Soul Society. If anyone knows any further information regarding what took place that night or where the traitors would have gone please do not hesitate to report it!”
Those were the instructions given to all Soul Reapers in the Seireitei. Yoruichi, Tessai, and Kisuke would be tried for their crimes and the others would be...destroyed.
It had been two days since that fateful night.
A young Soi Fon had been invited to stay the night in the Omaeda family manor the night before, and despite wanting to decline the offer, she reluctantly joined him. After the morning on the hill, Soi Fon was found by other members of squad 2. Concerned for her wellbeing, they called in Marenoshin Omaeda.
Since the girl was still young and inexperienced, the older man had a soft spot for her, and knowing how hurt she was upon Yoruichi’s departure, he felt obligated to step in.
Soi Fon hadn’t slept at all last night, and was sitting in her guest room with bags under her eyes. The bed she sat on was large and luxurious and the room appeared fit for royalty. It was comfortable, but she didn’t notice. Her brain was too impacted by Yoruichi’s departure. So she sat, her knees curled into her chest as she just stared out solemnly.
When Marenoshin had initially found her on that cliff, she had freaked out and began begging him to help her find Yoruichi, no matter the cost.
“What if it’s all a lie, what if she did get taken against her will? We can go find her, right now! Maybe she isn’t thinking clearly!” All the different scenarios seemed plausible in her head, “We need to go explain to the head captain that this is all just a big misunderstanding!”
Despite her efforts, the large man knew it was pointless. He had managed to reason with her for now that Yoruichi had made her choice, but still, Soi Fon felt it had to be farther from the truth.
Now, she sat in the bed, silent and numb, thinking through every moment over and over and over again.
Suddenly, the once silent room erupted with a booming voice as a young Marechiyo Omaeda peeked his head in the door.
“Oh, the weird scrawny girl is up. Come down and get your breakfast, you better hurry because food goes fast around here!” he called out. He was young, around her age, and just as large, obnoxious, and as money hungry as his father. He wore some dazzling gold jewelry around his neck and wrists and a fancy purple and gold yukata. The color made her think of Yoruichi.
Still silent, she ignored the boy, turning her head to face out the window. Feeling ignored, Omaeda cleared his throat, “Hello!? I’m talking to you kid!” Silene greeted him again.
Knowing it was a lost cause, Marechiyo snorted and rolled his eyes, “Fine don’t eat, not like you look like you do anyway...” he muttered, shutting the door behind him as he grossly picked his nose.
Soi Fon just ignored the rude comments, her eyebrows narrowing. Fat, little bastard...she thought. She had been sitting there for hours now, not moving and not saying anything. Hell ,what was she supposed to do? Everything she did she did with Yoruichi. To running errands, delivering paperwork, and accompanying her missions, Soi Fon was always by her side.
The silence was finally broken about an hour later when the door opened revealing Marenoshin Omaeda, a concerned look on his face. He had a plate in his hand and left it for her by her nightstand, “I managed to save you some if you decide to eat. When you get a moment...I think we should talk about some things...” He hesitated a minute before walking out of the room. Soi Fon listened but didn’t budge, legs still hugged close to her chest.
She wasn’t hungry and probably wouldn’t be for quite some time. She didn’t even want to eat. She didn’t want to do anything anymore. Sighing heavily, she looked out the window at the rising sun, just wishing at any moment Yoruichi would be back home. But she would never come.
“Lady Yoruichi....why?” she asked aloud. Why would you go with that man and not stay here to run your squad? Were things she kept thinking about. The squad needed a leader, and Soi Fon
needed her mentor. The girl couldn’t help but smile remembering the night before Yoruichi left...
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bloodysimpsonchibi · 2 months
(An entry for @seth-whumps 's Whumperless Whump Event.)
Word Count: 2,054
Genre: Whump
The night was warm and humid, not a good combination for someone down with as horrible a fever as Soifon's. And yet, here she was, thrown on her futon like a broken doll, blanket and night robes soaked with sweat. The only saving grace about this situation for Soifon was that she was not quite conscious to suffer at the moment.
She wasn't exactly asleep, although one might be forgiven for thinking so with her eyes near-closed and the lightness of her breathing. No, she was caught somewhere in between the realms of consciousness and unconsciousness, of wakefulness and sleep, between reality and dreams.
This was the state Yoruichi found her as she entered the room, carrying a bucket of water and a dry wash cloth with her. It was also the same state she had left her to retrieve the items when she realized how thoroughly soaked the cloth on Soifon's forehead was.
"Psst, Soifon? You awake?" Yoruichi asked even as she already knew what the answer would be. Sure enough, Soifon's only response to the outside stimuli was to wordlessly mumble. Yoruichi smirked and shook her head as she lowered the bucket and dry cloth next to her former bodyguard.
Slowly and carefully, she lifted the soaked wash cloth from Soifon's forehead, wincing at the droplets that sprinkled out from the edges. She set it down and placed her hand against Soifon's forehead. She winced again, this time from the sheer warmth radiating from her Little Bee's body. It was as if someone had let a fire inside her that didn't burn her organs but harmed her all the same.
"Dammit," Yoruichi cursed to herself. "It's just getting worse." She grabbed the dry wash cloth and submerged it into the bucket. She brought it out after a few seconds, wrung the excess water out of it and draped it over Soifon's burning forehead. The Captain of Squad 2 winced herself at the sudden coolness but didn't awake from her state of subconsciousness.
Instead, she began to speak.
"...so cold..why is it so cold...Marechiyo...did you open the window...?"
"Hmm?" Yoruichi wasn't sure she heard her Little Bee correctly and leaned in for a closer listen.
"Marechiyo...you moron...you left the window open...you idiot..." Soifon shuffled underneath her sweat-soaked covers as she spoke in her delirium. Yoruichi could hear the sounds of the sweaty fabric moving and considered taking them off and replacing them. She then decided she would wait until Soifon was a little more awake to do it. She needed a new blanket and new robes for that matter as soon as possible. "Mareichiyo...don't back talk me...You...You go close that window right now....I'm freezing my ass off."
Yoruichi giggled, clasping an hand over her mouth as quickly as she could. She didn't want to wake Soifon, not only because the poor sick girl needed her rest but because of how hilarious Yoruichi found this new development. "I never took Soifon for a sleep talker." She said to herself. "I wonder if I'll hear anything embarrassing from this." Yoruichi giggled at the thought of unlocking a secret from Soifon this way. She wasn't looking to blackmail her or anything of the sort, at least, not yet. She was just looking to tease. Carefully, she laid down besides Soifon and made herself comfortable, her head resting on her hand.
"That stupid Marechiyo....who does he think he is..." Soifon whispered. "Those Omeada's think they're so cool because they have all that money....think they can treat me however they want.....damn them..."
"Omeada huh?" Yoruichi knew right away that Soifon was talking about her former lieutenant, Marenoshin Omaeda. From what she heard, poor Soifon had to put up with a lot of bullshit and verbal abuse from him after she had been exiled. She still felt guilty about that. It was no wonder Soifon was so aggressive to Marechiyo all the time.
"Stupid....stupid rich fat people....Soifon whispered loudly, forcing Yoruichi to stifle another giggle. When she had heard word from Rukia Kuchiki that her Little Bee had fallen ill, she never expected it would get to the point where she would be eavesdropping on a conversation that Soifon was having with herself in a dream-like state. Yet here she was an enjoying every second of it. "At least he's gone now. Now I can get back to work."
Soifon shuffled underneath her covers once again, as if adjusting herself from one position to another. Yoruichi couldn't help but notice how Soifon groaned as she moved, the aches from her illness clearly affecting her even in sleep. Yoruichi made a mental note to grab more medicine from Unohana as soon as she left here.
"Ah. There we go." Soifon whispered as she stopped moving. "I really hate this chair. If I sit in it for too long, it leaves my ass sore. I need to buy a new one soon. If only that idiot Marechiyo would stop spending all the funding on snacks."
"Huh?" Yoruichi raised an eyebrow. "That sounded...weirdly specific...It doesn't sound like something someone would say out loud, not even if they were by themselves. More like a-"
Then it hit her.
"A thought! That what's going on! Soifon must be speaking her thoughts out loud without realizing it!" Yoruichi snickered. "And judging from the way she's been talking, she must think she's back in her office." Carefully, she stroked her Little Bee's hair, clasping a few of the wet strands between her fingers. "Oh Soifon, has the sickness gotten that bad that you can't tell the difference between your thoughts and your words anymore?"
"I hate paperwork." Soifon breathed. "Why do I need to do this shit? Isn't it Toshiro's problem? Tsk. That little snowball thinks he's so great just because he's a prodigy. Well I was a Captain before he was. I could totally kick his ass if it came down to it."
Yoruichi had to stop herself from bursting into laughter and waking up Soifon. Never in her wildest dreams would she imagine stoic and serious former bodyguard feel such childish jealously toward her fellow Captain. Clearly there was a lot more to Soifon than even she knew.
"I wonder when Lady Yoruichi will return."
Her laughter ceased and her full attention was captured by Soifon's words. Carefully, Yoruichi wormed closer to the delirious girl and held her ear to her mouth.
"I still remember the last time she was here." Soifon continued "thinking" "I still remember the tea and cakes we shared and how pissed off I got when Marechiyo barged in and how Yoruichi laughed when I kicked his ass."
Yoruichi smiled as she recalled that visit well. It was about a month after Aizen's betrayal when everything had calmed down and she had gotten formal permission to reenter the Soul Society as desired. Of course, the first thing she did was visit her Little Bee and catch up. That day was still quite fresh in her mind and she was glad to hear Soifon talk about it with such bliss.
"And then we sat on the rooftops and watched the sunset. They was the sunlight just glistened in her eyes, it just......" Soifon uttered a dreamy sigh as her face reddened. Yoruichi quietly panicked and lifted her arm over Soifon to grab the bucket. As she strained for it, however, she noticed Soifon softly moaning and took another look at her face. As she studied it more closely, she realized that her Little Bee's cheeks were a softer shade of red than her forehead, more closer to pink.
Soifon was blushing.
"Huh....why would she..."Yoruichi returned to her usual position besides Soifon upon realizing this. "What about that memory would make Soifon blush like that?"
"It's just like before." Soifon whispered. "Just like all those times she would train me and we would sit under the stairs." A small smile formed on Soifon's lips. "I still remember when she rested her head on my lap all those years ago."
"Heh. She still remembers that?" Yoruichi asked.
Soifon sighed softly as she drank in the memory, not speaking for at least a minute. When she finally did speak again, her words were barely above a whisper, yet able to reach Yoruichi's ears in the dead silence surrounding them both. "I still remember everything about that night. The weight of Lady Yoruichi's head on my lap. The way her violet hair danced in the wind. The gentle yet regal tone of her voice." Soifon sighed again, this time with a lot more longing.
"It's no wonder I fell in love with her that night."
If Yoruichi had been standing up when she heard that, she would have fallen right on her face. Instead, her body chose to freeze completely in response. Her breath stopped, her heart skipped a beat and her face became caught in an expression of utter surprise and shock. Did she hear that right? No, it had to be some sort of mistake. She must have heard her wrong. Yoruichi continued to try and rationalize what she had just heard as an unaware Soifon continued to spill her guts.
"I....sometimes still chide myself for falling for someone like her. Someone so out of reach. I mean...I'm just a...was just a bodyguard and she was the Head of the Shihouin Clan! I suppose I can't blame myself given just who she is. I'm sure I'm far from the only one who's developed feelings for her but still..." Soifon's smile faded as she suspired once more. "Ah who am I kidding? Lady Yoruichi's never noticed my feelings for her and never will. H..Honestly...I..I don't even know if I'd want her to at this point. Maybe its better this way..."
Yoruichi's face relaxed if only so it could droop as her shock turned to guilt. "Soifon...I never realized..." Yoruichi groaned as she got up from the floor and scratched her head. "Although, I suppose I should have seen the signs much sooner. Damn, I'm such an idiot." She sat cross-legged over her Little Bee and waited for her to speak again but no more words would escape Soifon's lips that night. She had finally escaped that purgatory between wakefulness and sleep and fell fully into the latter, turning her head away from Yoruichi with a quiet snore. The Flash Goddess was relieved to hear that snore as it seemed so much peaceful than any other noises Soifon had been making the nights before.
Soifon was on her way to recovery.
"I better be heading back anyway," Yoruichi said as she got up and reclaimed the bucket. "I promised Retsu I'd bring this bucket back soon." She approached the door, her thoughts aflame with what she had just learned tonight. "I know Kisuke teased me with the thought every once and a while but for it to turn out to be true, for Soifon to develop feelings for me of all people. I....I don't know how to respond."
Yoruichi stopped in front of the doorway and turned to look at her Little Bee one more time. She was fully asleep now, her chest rising and falling beneath the drenched blanket. Her face was more peaceful than Yoruichi had ever seen it, even at her most happy. It warmed her heart to see her usually dead-serious apprentice relaxed for a change, even if said change had been brought out by an illness from Hell.
"Well, however I respond. I better figure it out soon because they day will come when Soifon needs an answer and I intend to give her one." Yoruichi smirked. "Of course, that'll only happen once Soifon finally works up the nerve to confess in her right mind." She walked down the hall, her footsteps echoing through the dark hallways.
"A delirious confession simply won't do."
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waspandr · 4 years
Soifon’s Braids
A shorter (prob stupid) headcanon while I’m working on the massive ones.
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Alright, so as I've stated somewhere before (on this mess of a blog of mine) I have a headcanon regarding Soifon's two braids and the two rings attached. Soifon grew out her hair like this for an expressive purpose as well as providing a visual reminder. I imagine long hair of any kind frowned upon within the Onmitsukido. This disapproval stems from a defensive stance as well as a uniformity stance. 
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(Look at these bald mofos)
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(The longest hair I’ve even seen on any Onmitsukido member is only shoulder-length, if that)
Similar to how people like get a 'break-up haircut' (or maybe this is considered the opposite?), Soifon chose to grow out her hair, only a certain portion of it though, as a sort of promise to herself to surmount the two people she who hurt her the most. I think last time I mentioned this I forgot to include that bit. She has two braids, if she was only hurt by Yoruichi she could've just gone with a long ponytail or a single braid. And, I imagine braiding two strands the way she does is an incredible pain every day (or every other day even) so, why do something so bothersome for so long? (roughly 90-95 years at LEAST). Simply put, I like to believe it's to symbolize BOTH Yoruichi Shihoin and Kisuke Urahara hurting her and her desire to grow stronger than both of them.
This wasn't an immediate decision either, given the trouble she already faced after the perceived betrayal but, it was one she made a couple of years after the whole incident. She started to let her hair grow out just as strands, at first, while she worked under the current appointed Temp-Captain Marenoshin Ōmaeda (more on that in another post). I don't think Soifon was ever well-liked amongst her rank in the Onmitsukido and her relation with Yoruichi. After the betrayal, she was likely very hated for "allowing" it all to happen. Some members might even accuse her of being an accomplice to the incidents rather than an unknowing bystander.
As she works under the Temp-Captain Marenoshin, she winds up coming in constant contact with his son, Marechiyo Ōmaeda and of course, her first impressions of him aren't... ideal. Still, after a few missions and incidents, she comes to see a hint of potential in him (Again, more on all this later). At this point, he too seems to take an admiration of Soifon. 
Some time will come to pass and Marenoshin decidedly retires, recommending Soifon to take the role of Captain and Commander. When she accepts, Soifon decidedly takes Marechiyo as her Lieutenant, rather than a more competent officer. She does this more than just an act to uphold some tradition and trust between Nobles and the desires of her prior mentor, she does it because she sees some potential in this bumbling oaf. 
To her surprise, Marechiyo proceeds to go out of his way to offer her a celebratory/thank you gift for the occasion and opportunity: two gold bands that he'd handcrafted himself from his own business. Marechiyo likely expresses that the bands are meant as a gift to show her devotion to her goals as well as mark his loyalty to her, of all people. Soifon, never great with emotions, and damaged even more so now, is moved by the gesture.  
She winds up accepting the gift without a word. The bands are much too large for her wrists, however, and while Marechiyo is initially a little distraught at the fact, believing he’d messed up already, Soifon comes up with the idea to use them for something else. Since he mentioned them being in part to show her devotion to her goals, she ties the bands to the strands of her hair meant to symbolize her desires to best Yoruichi and Kisuke.
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Eventually (pre-TYBW), she’ll cut the braids off, feeling she's reached some equal footing amongst Kisuke and Yoruichi and, at this point, store the rings away. I also like to believe she’ll take them out (post TYBW) and finally have Omaeda adjust the bands to actually fit her wrists so she can wear them again. A new resolve and goal symbolized in the act.
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littleeyesofpallas · 5 years
BLEACH - Name Games
I was thinking I’ve more or less covered all the names with any clever or easily lost but overt meanings.  But there are a few side characters worth addressing, if only briefly:
Hisagi[檜佐木] Shuuhei[修兵]
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name reads “Cypress Helper Tree,” and “Disciplined Soldier.“  Pretty straight forward play on him being a loyal and by the books lieutenant to Tousen.  I don’t know if there was something specific intended by the use of Cypress or not.  Hinoki Cypress is a common tree in Japan, and broadly used for construction due to its rot resistant qualities, so it’s actually pretty appropriate in how it seems to have themes of incorruptibility, but that feels like a stretch as far as intended meaning.
Omaeda[大前田] Marechiyo[希千代]
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Sui-feng’s lieutenant is named, “Big Front Field“ and “Rare 1,000 Decades.”  Basically his family’s name comes from them having a large field as a sign of wealth, you could almost read it as “Big Front Yard” evoking imagery of like a massive estate, rather than the more humble image of a plot of farmland.  His name just means what it sounds like, it describes him as being Rare: Something seen only once in 100,000 years.  Basically it’s all just a joke on the fact that he’s a rich kid, which we see more clearly in omake stuff.  Speaking of which...
His dad was Yoruichi’s lieutenant in the Pendulum flashback’s era and his two appearances make it pretty clear that he’s got a kind of old school yakuza aesthetic.  A real money grubbing sleaze ball.  His name Marenoshin[希ノ進] like his son’s uses the kanji for “Rare,” the posessive No[ノ] and Shin[進] meaning “Progress” or “Advancement.”  Basically the name “Rarity’s Advancement” is just reiterating the idea that he’s someone who has amassed value/wealth.
The mother of the family is Mareka[希華], meaning “Rare Flower.”  The eldest daughter, Maremi[希美] means “Rare Beauty.”
The younger son, Marejirosabu[ 希次郎三郎] is a weird one... It reads out as “Rare Next-Son Third-Son” although the use of the second “Son”[郎] here isn’t actually counting sons (there isn’t a missing middle son between Marechiyo and Marejirosabu) it’s counting children while specifying that Marejirosabu is a son.  Or I guess an alternate reading could be that Maremi is trans and when Marejirosabu was named she had been the second son? But I wouldn’t really assume Kubo meant for anything so subtle.  If anything he might have meant it as a crass jab at her looking just like her brothers.
Also, for some reason Marejirosabu is pretty clearly designed to be a reference to Detective Conan.  But I don’t really know why?
And finally, the youngest child of the family, Mareyo[希代] means “Rare World” or “Rare Age/Era” depending on context, so I’m not entirely sure which one is intended here.
Kira[吉良] Idzuru[イヅル]  
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The Kira[吉良] here reads “Good Fortune, Good” which is of course ironic because Kira is gloomy and miserable and frankly just terribly unfortunate; from his parents both being dead, to his relationship with Gin, and his general reluctance to do just about anything.
I haven’t the foggiest idea as to why Kubo never wrote his given name as anything other than katakana.  It is of course an actual name so there are different ways to write it in kanji with their own meanings, but they’re all different, and none seem like they really add to the reading, so I’m not going to try and guess which Kubo meant.  If anything Kubo’s avoidance of kanji for the name usually just goes to show that he specifically didn’t want any of their meanings to muddle the reading of the name.
But then I’m not sure why he aesthetically chose just the sound of the name Izuru,over any other names he could’ve given him...
Yamada[山田] Hanatarou[花太郎]
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is actually kind of a clever one.  So I’ve mentioned before now that certain kanji are very common in japanese naming conventions either in relation to place names for surnames(-yama=“mountain,” -da=“field,“ -kawa=“river,“ -mori=”woods,” etc...) functional or explicit gender indicators for given names (-ko=“child,” -ne=“sound”: both features of common girls names; -rou=“son,” -maru=“whole,” -suke=“assist”: call common of boys names.)  Also flowers and trees and even fruit are all pretty common elements of names, elements Kubo seems particularly fond of.
The trick with Hanatarou isn’t actually that his name means anything in particular.  It reads “Mountain Field,“ and “Flower Big Son.“  But the joke here is that these are all generic kanji.  You name someone “<defining trait>+son” or “<specific flower>” and generally place names are “<defining trait>+place.”  You don’t just get the surname ”River” or “Mountain” you get things like “Shallow River” or “Fast River” or “Red River.” Basically, in ye way back olde days before surnames were really a thing the question would go;
Who are you?  Given <name>.  Where are you from?  Over by the river.  Which river?  The ______ river...
and after having that exchange constant “______River” would effectively just become a name, because you’d just begin shortening the whole conversation into; “Who are you?”  “<Name> _____River.”  And that’s the end of it.
So the joke about Hanatarou having a forgettable name, even though he insists that it’s an easy one to remember, is that his name is ONLY made up of common, non-descript kanji.  He’s not named after A Flower, he’s just named “Flower” which is not specific and doesn’t actually carry with it any implicit themes or meaning, like naming a particular kind of flower would.  It’s a funky thing to translate into English, but it’s almost like if his name were Jack Smithson in English: it’s two easy names, nothing unusual or complicated or hard to pronounce, but then everyone would constantly get his name wrong as John Smithson, James Smithson, Smith Jackson, Smith Johnson, Smith Jameson, Jameson Smith, etc...
Other Bleach - Name Games posts: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
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evilkitten3 · 4 years
Yeah, I totally agree with you about the Soi Fon - Omaeda dynamic. IpI think its part of the whole mysterious shenanigans of the Stealth Force I think. If you would observe Kisuke and Yoruichi also have the same dynamic as well with Kisuke being the ever lovable goofball genius scientist and Yoruichi as the badass coolheaded taijutsu artist😂 I also think their relationship is usually downplayed by the fans because they see Omaeda as the second grade oaf of a lieutenant in comparison to Renji, Ikaku or Shuhei.
Speaking of Soi Fon, do you have any ideas how she became the head of the executive militia and the 2nd squad that was headed by a noble family nevertheless. As far as I can remember she belonged to a lower noble family and the top tier bodyguard.
I have this headcanon when Soi Fon was left behind by Yoruichi, she became close to Marenoshin Omaeda (Marechiyo’s father) and he trained her to became stronger so that she attain bankai. She meets Marechiyo and they have this love-hate relationship. If you the novel Spirits are Forever with You, Marenoshin scolded her pretty bad and she respected him lot. Marenoshin trained her to have bankai and when she did, he voluntarily retired.
agreed! but i can tell you why omaeda is seen as lesser than the other lieutenants: he’s fat. he’s a fat guy, so therefore he can’t be anything but a joke. this is even more infuriating bc he’s weaponized that in canon. omaeda is extremely good at manipulating the way people see him to his advantage, so much so that it’s actually a bit scary. in his fight with nirgge, he spends most of his time as the goofball loser he usually presents himself as right up until he has an opening, at which point his demeanor completely changes and nirgge has maybe two seconds to realize how completely fucked he is before omaeda thrashes him. but then, instead of using that as a pretty fucking epic minor plot twist, kubo immediately backtracks and reduces him to a joke again, with no one ever even mentioning it afterwards. even still, he throws himself between suì-fēng and ggio despite being fairly beat up and probably saved her butt. but g-d forbid we give the fat guy any credit.
i think people forget how ruthless suì-fēng can be. all of her siblings died and she gave exactly zero fucks. and given how pissed she was when yoruichi left, i think it’s fully possible that she forced her way to the top. let’s face it: she’s hyper-competent at what she does, and the shihōin clan probably wasn’t in the best standing after their princess up and deserted. which is actually another reason why i think omaeda is more competent than we’re led to believe– there’s no way someone like suì-fēng wouldn’t find a way to get rid of him if he was actually useless.
as for marenoshin, i imagine that he and suì-fēng had some difficulties getting along at first before yoruichi left. he seems pretty traditional, and she’s from a (slightly) lower class than him, so i can imagine him being bothered that she got such a high-ranking position so quickly. in any case, i imagine he ended up supporting her when she took over the stealth force, if begrudgingly. i haven’t read safwy though so i can’t really factor that into my headcanons
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senboago-archive · 5 years
I’m on this thing of Kaede’s relationship with others... So I guess we’ll fill ya in on Marechiyo, and the Omaeda’s in general.
So let me first say, I highly doubt the two get along well. Most likely tolerate each other, but other than that, Kaede finds Marechiyo annoying and very lazy. It’s no surprise if she winds up with most the paperwork since being promoted. However, when it comes to making out orders, whether for the second or for the stealth force, he probably tries to override hers. It also wouldn’t a shock, given the Shiba’s fall, he sees himself as above her, even if she’s the older and senior officer.
However, she does still care for Marechiyo. He is the son of her former superior after all, and her comrade and now partner. She would never wish serious harm or worse to befall him.
As for the rest of the Omaedas, Kaede has no issues with them. She greatly respects Marenoshin as her former superior officer. And as a former noble, they have good relations with each other. Though sharing a seat with his son, it’s probably worrisome, knowing she pulls most the work.
Kaede also likes the rest of them... Especially the youngest sister Mareyo, who she finds to be the cutest and sweetest of the siblings, of course.
Now the only thing she does not appreciate about the Omaedas is their flaunt of wealth.
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zarinthelwrites · 7 years
The Gotei 13
It's the decade after the Fall of Urahara Kisuke.
Captains And Lts:
1. Yamamoto, Chojiro Sasakibe. Genshiro Okikiba is 3rd. Specialty: Guard the Central Great Underground Prison
2. Soi Fong (replaced Yoruichi), Marechiyo Omaeda (replaced retired Marenoshin Omaeda). Specialty: Stealth Ops, Guard the Maggot’s Nest
3. Gin Ichimaru (replaced visor Rose), Chikane Iba.* Riku Togakushi is 3rd. Taketsuna Gori is 5th. Asuka Katakura is 6th.
4. Retsu Unohana, Isane Kotetsu, (replaced MIA Seinosuke Yamada). Yasochika Iemura is 3rd. Harunobu Ogido is 8th. Aoga is in academy at same time as Renji. Hanataro Yamada is 14th. Specialty: Medical/Supply/Janitorial
5. Sosuke Aizen (replaced visor Shinji), Momo Hinamari** (worked to replace Gin)
6. Ginrei Kuchiki***, Sojun Kuchiki****. Ginjiro Shirogane***** is 3rd. Mihane Shirogane is 9th. Byakuya is like....somewhere. Rikichi after renji joins.
7. Sajin Komamura (replaced visor Love), Tetsuzaemon Iba (replaced retired Jin’emon Kotsubaki) Jirobo Ikkanzaka is 4th.
8. Shunsui Kyoraku, Nanao Ise (worked to replace visor Lisa). Tatsufusa Enjoji is 3rd.
9. Kaname Tosen (replaced visor Kensei), Shuuhei Hisagi (works to replace visor Mashiro). 3rd, 4th, and 6th seats are all newly killed and need replacing. Toshimori Umesada is one of the 15 men who share the 20th rank. Specialty: Seireitei Security, Newspaper.
10. Isshin Shiba******, Rangiku Matsumoto. Toshiro Hitsugaya is 3rd (when he gets there). Kokichiro Takezoe is 7th. Shutetsu Nagamoso is 10th.
11. Kenpachi Zaraki (killed Kenpachi Kiganjo when kisuke urahara was promoted), Yachiru Kusajishi. Ikkaku Madarame is 3rd. Yumichika Ayasegawa is 5th. Goteitashi is unranked. Masayoshi is 11th seat. Specialty: Melee Swordsmanship
12. Mayuri Kurotsuchi (replaced Kisuke, who replaced Kirio 10 years prior), Nemu Kurotsuchi (replaced visor Hiyori). Akon is 3rd seat. Hiyosu is 4th seat. Rin Tsubokura is 5th seat. Torue is 6th seat. Kuna is 7th seat.
13. Jushiro Ukitake, Kaien Shiba*******. Miyako Shiba******** is 3rd seat. Sentaro Kotsubaki & Kiyone Kotetsu share 4th. Hidetomo Kajoumaru is 6th. Shino, Ryunosuke Yuki, and Zennosuke Kurumadanai are all unranked.
*she retires and is eventually replaced by Izuru in about 60? Years
**it takes her like seventy years to make it to lt. Fuck the 5th division.
***Retires to Byakuya in like 40 years
****dies in combat during the next 30 years
*****retires after being byakuya’s lt, makes way for renji. Has been 3rd ever since Koga Kuchiki was imprisoned centuries ago.
******fucks off in about 75 years.
*******dies in combat a bit before Isshin fucks off.
Momo, Izuru Kira, & Renji are friends in the academy. Toshiro enters 5 years after momo but graduates before her.
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eiennosaku-blog · 9 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsBci-4rtCo)
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