#Marilyn Salzman Webb
hysterikas · 4 years
At one of the only other comparable protests of a presidential inauguration, held at the height of the New Left, to protest the swearing-in of Richard Nixon in 1969, women in the movement had fought for space for two speakers, Marilyn Salzman Webb and Shulamith Firestone. As soon as Webb had begun to speak about abortion, childcare, and how men on the left treated women, the booing from the male crowd had drowned her out; Webb has recalled that “people were yelling ‘Take her off the stage and fuck her!’ and ‘Fuck her down a dark alley!’” She left the stage crying, and decades later she told the historian Annelise Orleck that that was when she knew that women “couldn’t build a coalition with the left; women’s liberation was going to be its own movement.” Firestone, who’d also been unable to give her speech in the face of booing from her ideological brethren, wrote more bluntly after the event: “Fuck off Left! We’re starting our own movement.”
Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger, Rebecca Traister
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cendrillonmedousa · 2 years
Notable, Present-day, Radical Feminists
As a second wave feminism, we assume that radical feminists are hard, if not impossible, to find in today's world. Here is a list of notable women you can still interact with today.
Chude Pam Allen, co-founder of New York Radical Women
Ti-Grace Atkinson, author of Amazon Odyssey
Kathleen Barry, co-founder of the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women
Linda Bellos, first Black lesbian member of Spare Rib feminist collective
Julie Bindel, co-founder of Justice for Women
Jenny Brown, author of Birth Strike: The Hidden Fight Over Women's Work
Professor Judith C. Brown, pioneer in the study of lesbian history
Susan Brownmiller, author of Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape
Professor Phyllis Chesler, co-founder of Association for Women in Psychology
D.A. Clarke, known for her development of feminist theory
Nikki Craft, creator of the Andrea Dworkin Online Library, Hustling the Left website, and No Status Quo website
Christine Delphy, co-founder of the French Women's Liberation Movement
Professor Gail Dines, author of Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality
Melissa Farley, founder and director of Prostitution Research and Education
Marilyn Fyre, author of The Politics of Reality: Essays in Feminist Theory
Carol Hanisch, best known for "the personal is political"
Merle Hoffman, co-founder of the National Abortion Federation
Professor Shelia Jeffreys, author of The Spinster and Her Enemies
Lierre Keith, founder of Women's Liberation Front
Anne Koedt, author of The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm
Marjorie Kramer, editor of Woman and Art Quarterly
Professor Holly Lawford-Smith, author of Gender-Critical Feminism
Dr. Catharine Alice MacKinnon, author of Sexual Harassment of Working Women: A Case for Sex Discrimination
Robin Morgan, creator of Sisterhood Is anthologies
Dr. Janice G. Raymond, author of The Transsexual Empire
Kathie Sarachild, coiner of term "Sisterhood is Powerful"
Alix Kates Shulman, author of Memoirs of an Ex-Prom Queen
Gloria Steinman
Michele Faith Wallace, author of Black Macho and the Myth of the Superwoman
Dr. Marilyn Salzman Webb, co-founder of the first feminist consciousness-raising groups in Chicago and Washington D.C.
Harriet Wistrich, founding director of Centre for Women's Justice
Laura X, led the campaign behind making marital and date rape a crime in over twenty countries
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workingclasshistory · 6 years
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On this day, 20 January 1969, at a New Left Richard Nixon counter-inaugural protest, the master of ceremonies incorrectly announced, “The women have asked all the men to leave the stage.” After that, Students for a Democratic Society activist Marilyn Salzman Webb attempted to speak about women's oppression, and SDS men heckled her, shouting, "Take her off the stage and fuck her!" and so forth until she was drowned out. We have a podcast episode coming soon about the movement against the Vietnam War at this time, with some prominent women who were involved. Subscribe today to make sure you catch it: http://bit.ly/2T6MZot Pictured: some people at this protest http://bit.ly/2DmGLeS
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bunkie2021 · 7 years
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On January 20, 1969, at a New Left Richard Nixon counter-inaugural protest, the master of ceremonies incorrectly announced, “The women have asked all the men to leave the stage.” After that, Students for a Democratic Society activist Marilyn Salzman Webb attempted to speak about women's oppression, and SDS men heckled her, shouting, "Take her off the stage and fuck her!" and so forth until she was drowned out. This is an interesting article about confronting sexism within the left: https://libcom.org/library/silent-no-longer-confronting-sexual-violence-left-anarchist-affinity Pictured: protesters at the event burning American flags
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