#Marin is based on a lionfish!
brendathedoodler · 2 years
Ooh I love this concept, can tell me I guess some differences between the journey you thought out so far?
Most of my focus so far has been on the differences in their previous adventures and how it might affect their interactions with each other, rather than any specific plot points on the journey itself. I do have some ideas, though!
First: the meeting. All the links are tossed through a portal all of a sudden and end up in an unfamiliar era with each other. Some handle it better than others.
Wind has seen enough portals in his life to know how this usually goes. Yup, another adventure. He’d been expecting it, since his last adventure had just ended.
Hyrule takes it very well too, especially once he sees Sky and Time. He recognizes them both from a few years prior. For him, anyway. The war across ages was almost 20 years ago for Time, and a mere 3 months for Sky. Poor Sky was just settling down from the war and was in the middle of a much needed nap when the portal yoinked him.
Twilight had a moment of panic when he couldn’t find Midna, but soon she’s back to resting in her spot on his shoulders and he can focus on the situation at hand.
Warriors is cautious and staying back, letting the other links interact with one another first before he joins. He’s used to danger, and doesn’t trust the others at first.
Wild panicked right away, since he couldn’t feel his loftwing anywhere. They’re soul bound, so he knows full well that his loftwing isn’t anywhere near them. His loftwing was his guide since the day he lost his memories, so having that comforting presence taken from him isn’t something he handles well.
The one who takes it the worst is Legend. His adventure took him through many different dimensions (all of which had been put in danger through Zant’s attempt to conquer the Twilight Realm), and his experience with portals is not good at all. He’s quick to lash out at the others, grief stricken and fearing that he’s lost everything all over again.
Beyond the first meeting, there are a few distinct plot points!
The first revolves around Wind. Being the youngest but having the most experience is a tricky thing. Wind is used to people underestimating him. It happens time and time again; every new adventure comes with a new set of people asking him if he’s too young for this. Having his fellow heroes go out of their way to protect him irks him when normally it doesn’t.
Another scene is meeting Marin. By the time this happens, they’ve passed through a few eras that the others recognize, and Legend has stopped showing so much animosity towards the others now that he knows he’ll be able to return home. Legend likes to be a bit mysterious, and hasn’t revealed much about his girlfriend, but he has dropped some hints about her. They arrive at Legend’s place, and he leaps into the pond next to his house. Before he can hit the water, a very large mermaid snatched him out of the air and drags him under (much to everyone’s alarm). He surfaces a moment later, telling them to stop gawking and put their stuff inside, he’ll join them in a minute. Legend doesn’t surface for another half hour, but when he does emerge from the pond, he introduces everyone to Marin! Immediately everyone is teasing him. He’s very easy to get a rise out of.
There’s plenty of other little scenes, but that’s all I have for now.
(Have a pic of Marin and Legend in his mermaid form, taking place sometime during his adventure)
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crystallizsch · 4 months
okay hi so listen hear me out
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sea snake is a bit too obvious (and too boring)
so i made him based on some kind of lionfish??? (bc something something venomous marine animal) also with a LOT of creative liberties i made with how the fish looks like
let’s also give his fins some rips and tears here and there bc what are the implications of that??? that’s for you 🫵 to decide
anyways chat i lowkey dont know what i was doing
i had no other thoughts but haha funny snake man i turn into fish
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tyrannic-prince · 6 months
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Tentatively offers my pretty boy to you fishy loving folks 🐠💖
This is my boy Caspian or Cas for short. He's meant to be based on a lionfish, and I'm slowly tweaking his design so he reads as such 😅
I shan't bore you with his full backstory, so I'll give you a tl;dr version. Although hmu if you wanna hear all of his backstory 👀
In his official canon, Cas is an ex-Sun Pirate turned Revolutionary. He was framed for murder and has spent time in Impel Down. He is the doctor of the crew/The RA, and herbal/traditional medicine is his field of expertise. He loves plants and is very passionate about them, he will gladly infodump about them if you let him. He also really loves reading and is a huge bookworm. Oh, and he was an old friend/flame of Arlong at some point ❤️‍🔥
However, his lore/backstory is slightly different in my One Piece D&D game. He's a lot younger, he didn't join the Sun Pirates, although they did save him from being kidnapped when he was a child. Our pirate crew is called The Winged Wyverns, our ship is The Red Maw, and Cas is the first mate instead of the doctor.
Some of the hijinks that D&D!Cas has gotten upto include:
° Walked into the wrong restaurant and nearly getting killed by Celestial Dragons.
°Failed his Con save, got wasted and drunkenly joked that Blackbeard is his bestie. Now everyone believes that The Winged Wyverns and the Blackbeard Pirates are allies and is scared of us.
°Is currently pretending to be a CP0 agent and is enjoying scaring the shit out of local Marines
If anyone is taking commissions atm, lemme know because I'd love to get more art of my boy 🥺
Art by:
☆ _mythir
☆ chubbi-star
☆ cutetoboewolf
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tailing-sun · 9 months
The Transfer Seven (Rainbow High OCs) Bio 2: Coral Navarre
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YEAR: Third
GENDER: Female (cis)
FOCUS: Costume Design & Dance
STYLE: Graceful. Iridescent. Aquatic.
QUOTE: “I bring the beauty of the deep to the surface.”
BIO: “Overachiever” doesn’t even begin to define Coral. A prodigy ballerina from childhood, the only thing she takes as seriously as her dance career is the costumes she designs for her self-choreographed dance routines. The ballet she wrote and designed as a sophomore, Birth of Venus, caught the attention of RH talent scouts who scooped her up just in time for her junior year. Coral’s work is all inspired by the sea and marine life, whether it’s the vibrant diversity of the reef, the elegant movements of a school of jellyfish, or the gorgeous fins of a moorish idol. Whenever she needs new ideas, she turns to her third passion in life—scuba diving.
-She’s Haitian and her age is seventeen.
-She loves to swim, and bases her choreography on swim strokes and the movements of fish.
-Coral loves fish, especially reef fish, and though she’s owned a few she prefers to see them in their natural environment.
-Her roommate is Sienna.
-She has several classes in common with Aubrey, and she greatly admires her insane, out-of-the-box costume concepts and envies her creativity just a bit.
-Coral’s many, many dance costumes include, but are not limited to: a carp-based ensemble with streamers on the sleeves and at the back (like Japanese koinobori); a leotard with transparent flowy sleeves like a manta ray; jellyfish-based tutu skirts; neck ruffs like the fins of a lionfish; LED and glow-in-the-dark leotards inspired by electric eels; sleeves based on the fins of flying fish; ensembles for men with swordfish-based headwear; and backup dancer props based on seahorses.
-Though she’s a seasoned dancer herself, her ultimate goal is to be a costume designer and/or choreographer for a big-time ballet company.
-A cruise to Bermuda would be her dream vacation and a trip to the aquarium would be her ideal first date.
-She’s adopted, and was raised by her two fathers.
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drinkinggblood · 2 years
why i hate seawings design
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i hate this thing so much heres my rant lol
why does it have bio scales? "for communication via language" creatures dont evolve specific parts FOR languages, bio parts are not evolved in open waters for the point of communication; that is usually limited to DEEP-SEA CREATURES due to the lack of light making visual communication difficult. it would make more sense for seawings to communicate via NOISE rather than BIO SCALES. why do they have barbels? barbells are essentially fish whiskers; they work as sensory organs to allow fish to see in murky/dark conditions (hence why you see them on many species of river/swamp fish that reside in water that is often murky/cloudy/dirty, or on hagfish, which live in deep depths of the ocean); seawings do not need barbels as they are OPEN-SEA DWELLING ANIMALS. they (seem too) reside in only the most upper levels of the ocean, not near the depths or within rivers/murky water. they have no reason for barbells. their fins are useless too; they don't need back fins or tail fins really, fins are for steering, balance and stability; seawings do not have the proper fin anatomy to do any of those things, even if they DID, they wouldn't need it seeing as they have a tail with similar purpose to a crocodile's (thrust in water via tail)
the entire design makes no sense from a biological standpoint, let alone a fantastical one either. It is poorly made. heres some examples with (my opinion) reasons why THEY work and seawings don't.
example 1:
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namielle's design is HEAVILY fiction and would not work in OUR WORLD (she has biology in the monster hunter world that explains a lot of her features but ehhh whatever) but do you know why it works? because it is unique and has features that make sense for her and her enviroment; her design is good because it's UNIQUE and it looks otherworldly, which is the purpose of her design
namielle is like that in how a lot of it's features are mashed together from animal parts, but that IS the point of it's design and it executes it well; it's meant to look otherwordly and unsettling, alien yet beautiful. it was put together with design elements that are meant to build on it's concept of an creepy, otherworldly sea dragon who lives in an alien environment; that IS the point of it's design. it is meant to look familiar yet off. seawings had not been made with the idea of making them look alien/otherworldly, it was made with the idea in mind of "sea creature" and that is it
seawings don't work in this regard because it's just "mash all the sea things to together, hope it sticks" so it feels unbalanced and a giant mess because none of it's features are set in stone or make sense for it to have. It's features are not placed mashed on PURPOSE to create a fluent design with a message to tell. Namielle's design IS a mash of many sea creatures, but she has fantastical biology to explain why as well as get the message of: Unsettling, Eerie, familiar yet beautiful.
example 2:
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Why do Shadowmanes work?
Simple: It's a design with a clear point. It's a VERY basic concept with a in my opinion, GREAT execution. "Lionfish but a Lion" is the basic concept for the design. And That's It. It's simplicity yet complex design is why I think it works over the Seawing's because it's design has a clear concept, while Seawings have a mess of marine-life stuck together to make a generic 'sea-dragon' design.
"But Seawings are based on traditional sea dragons"
No. They really aren't. If it was, it's design would reflect that and be a lot more visually interesting. /hj
"Seawings are based on Leviathan"
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No They clearly are not. I WISH THEY HAD BEEN, it would make for a far more interesting fantasy sea-dragon design, but they aren't. The features are inspired by real-world animals.
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teecupangel · 1 year
Ello \(⁠*⁠꒪⁠ヮ⁠꒪⁠*⁠)\ 💙
[uhh idk if i'm using tumblr correctly-]
I wanted to ask,
If Desmond and his main ancestors or generally any Assassin's creed character [+anyone you want to add], were part marine creatures , what would it be?
[Since i am not tht creative and not really an expert and deeply hands on in Assassin's creed franchise]
I'm just interested in your and anyone's opinions really-
Plus since it's May and I just found out about the mermay challenge aaand I am currently havin the biggest art block ever [help me], maybe I could take somethin out of this idea and draw it :D
[cuz I could feel myself slowly becomin restless- srsly help me--]
[and i don't even know if you had answered this qns before. [sht, srry if you did alr]]
I haven’t exactly been asked about what marine creature would Desmond and the others would partly be before but I had been asked about a merman!Desmond before and my mind got away with me in this one
From there, there’s the selkie AU from @twitcherpated that brought to life this little Ibn-La'Ahad Selkie AU
Now, as for my thoughts on which marine creature they could partly be:
A part of me wants to say angel fish because he’s our angel (awwww) and also because angel fishes have bright colors. But, I know this might be a bit ‘wtf?’ but, how about an anglerfish? (and no, this is not an "I can be your angle..." joke) I know they have a bad rap for being, well, not really pretty, but if it’s a human top-fishy bottom deal, look at this photo of an angler fish and focus on the bottom half.
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It’s a distinct look, for sure, which worked well with how ‘special’ Desmond is to the eyes of the Isus and the way its fin glows is a nice-ish callback to how the Reader glows in AC Valhalla. You can even make the latern-like antenna be part of his bottom part as some kind of tail.
If the angler fish is not to your liking, how about the Mariana Hadal Snailfish? They’re known to be strong enough to withstand lots of ‘abuse’ and they have wing-like fins as well (they don’t glide/fly though as they’re in the deepest part of the Mariana Trench).
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Honestly, for me, marine animals that glow are a good match for Desmond. (Glowing marine animals in the deeper parts would also work well for the Isus and making Desmond be one of them would show his ‘deep’ connection with them)
Altaïr’s probably the easiest to think about for me. Since his name doesn’t just mean eagle but ‘soaring/flying eagle’, it’s gotta be the flying fish (even if they just glide).
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If you want him to have fuller wings though and don’t mind basing it on extinct animals, the Thoracopteridae is usually described like this.
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Okay, let’s get this out of the way. Ezio would be one of the prettiest ones out there, like a beautifully patterned goby or, if you really want to make him fabulous, a betta fish and, honestly, any of those fishes would work. I am a sucker for koi though, especially a white and red patterned koi that would remind us of his mentor robes in Brotherhood.
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Alternate suggestion would be a Leafy Seadragon because, goddamn, just imagine Ezio swimming like he’s sashaying with that kind of bottom. It’s definitely eyecatching.
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Ratonhnhaké:ton would make an awesome orca. It’s one of the best predators in the ocean and their closeness with their fellow orcas will be a good show of how much Ratonhnhaké:ton treasure his people. An apex predator that deserves respect is definitely a good combination to a part-marine Ratonhnhaké:ton.
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My alternate suggestion would be a Lionfish though. Mainly because it’s beautiful and metal af. They move with grace but a certain deadliness to them that reminds me of Ratonhnhaké:ton.
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So I love the way the creators based attire and accessories of Talocan on traditional Maya culture adapted for a marine environment.
However, something that continues to bug me has been the decision to base Namora's headgear on, out of any possible sea creature, lionfish.
Unless it was an invading monster that she took down and adorned herself as a trophy.
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Colors of the Rainbow (tag game)
I saw this on @lexiklecksi's feed, and figured it might be fun to do with Out There!
“Yes, there is a mattress on the bed. Why would I have a bed without a mattress?! Am I a farmer sleeping in hay?!” Tewodros interrupted with a chuckle in his voice as Caroline, Jessica and Tera laughed so hard their faces turned red.
"Bright colors—those of peach and orange, countered with ones that camouflaged with the ground below.  Curious at what was behind it, she swam to a branch of hot pink coral, glancing at its fine details. She went down to its base, tracking through the sand, digging in hopes of finding the Sea Gardenia as marine angelfish and lionfish swam around her. She smiled, but her hand pushed them away."
"Ivory-yellow mist grew in great packs around the pool. It pierced her skin, mutating its role until it started squeezing the life force out of her body like a boa constrictor."
"Unable to resist temptation—the realm glimmered with absolute perfection, with a wide, blue topaz lake, numerous trees among a plain of forest green, ending in rugged mountains, as if Re`letsi`Te created it herself. Despite the utter beauty of this place, Aleria resumed running; she couldn’t let Seraterina out of her sight—she just had to rescue her before her doom met her. "
"As she dropped the blue topaz, she envisioned her realm falling with it, along with her youth, her glory, and everything she has worked for."
“There there…now, summon yourself to make yourself useful. Fly out and find me the vanésti of Carina, who will surely give me information about the Sea Gardenia.” She whispered before a burst of purple light exploded in front of her, taking form as a creature of the night.
How about you @andromedaexists, @memento-morri-writes?
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travelguide10 · 1 year
Scuba Diving In Pondicherry: Become An Ocean Explorer In The French Capital Of India!
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When one thinks of Pondicherry, images of charming streets, colonial architecture, and the serene Bay of Bengal often come to mind.
However, beneath the surface of this picturesque coastal town lies a world of wonder waiting to be discovered. Pondicherry scuba diving has rapidly gained popularity, offering a unique opportunity to explore the vibrant marine life, captivating shipwrecks, and underwater landscapes that make this destination an ocean explorer’s paradise.
Dive into the Depths….
Pondicherry’s underwater world is a mosaic of vibrant coral reefs, schools of fish, and historic shipwrecks that have become artificial reefs teeming with life. Whether you’re an experienced diver or a curious beginner, there’s an adventure awaiting you beneath the waves.
The Wrecks of Pondicherry: A Historical Dive
One of the highlights of Pondicherry’s diving scene is its shipwrecks. The town’s strategic location along ancient trade routes led to numerous maritime incidents, resulting in the sinking of several vessels over the centuries. These wrecks have now evolved into thriving ecosystems, attracting divers eager to explore both history and marine life.
The most famous wreck is the SS Rajputana, a British passenger steamship that met its fate in 1923. Now lying at a depth of around 26 meters, this site is an intriguing blend of history and biodiversity. Diving enthusiasts can expect to encounter lionfish, groupers, and barracudas while navigating the remnants of the ship.
Scuba Diving Pondicherry: A Kaleidoscope of Marine Life
For those seeking a vibrant underwater experience, Pondicherry’s coral reefs are a sight to behold. Colourful corals provide a backdrop for a dazzling array of marine creatures, from tiny seahorses to graceful sea turtles. As you glide through the clear waters, you’ll find yourself immersed in a world of beauty and tranquillity that contrasts with the bustling life on land.
Scuba Diving at Pondicherry: Your Gateway to the Deep
Pondicherry is home to a number of professional scuba diving centres that offer a range of courses and experiences. Whether you’re an absolute beginner looking to try diving for the first time or a certified diver eager to explore the depths, these centres provide expert guidance and top-notch equipment.
Planning Your Dive: Practical Considerations
Certification: If you’re new to scuba diving, Pondicherry offers introductory courses where experienced instructors guide you through the basics. Certified divers have a plethora of exciting dive sites to choose from.
Best Time to Dive: The diving season in Pondicherry typically runs from October to April when the waters are calm and visibility is at its best.
Safety First: While performing diving Pondicherry you should prioritize safety. Choose a reputable diving centre with experienced instructors and adhere to their guidelines and recommendations.
Scuba Diving in Pondicherry Cost
Scuba diving in Pondicherry cost vary based on several factors, including the type of dive, certification level, and the diving centre you choose. For those new to scuba diving, introductory dives typically range from approximately INR 5000 to INR 6000, offering a taste of the underwater world under the guidance of experienced instructors. Certified divers can expect single dives to cost around INR 5000, with dive packages offering better value for multiple dives.
If you’re seeking affordable options, you can find some of the cheapest scuba diving in Pondicherry without compromising on the excitement of exploring underwater wonders. Keep in mind that while cost is a consideration, the experience of exploring Pondicherry’s vibrant marine life and historic shipwrecks is an investment in unforgettable memories and a deeper connection with the ocean.
Dive into Adventure
Scuba dive Pondicherry is a journey into a world that few get to experience. From exploring shipwrecks that whisper tales of the past to marvelling at the kaleidoscope of colours beneath the waves, this coastal haven offers an unforgettable opportunity to become an ocean explorer in the heart of India.
So, whether you’re a traveller seeking new horizons or a nature enthusiast yearning to uncover the mysteries of the deep, Pondicherry’s underwater wonders await your discovery!
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zalopethoney · 2 years
Diy seaturtle costume
DOWNLOAD NOW Diy seaturtle costume
Turtle B is 125.2 grams and 8.9 centimeters. The updated measurements for turtle A are 148.2 grams and 9.2 centimeters. Our yearling turtles have been released but we have new hatchlings. Advance tickets only and more information can be found on our website here. There is a concerted effort by people to spear-hunt for the fish and reduce populations in this area.Ĭome out and see these animals and more at the Aquarium’s Halloween celebration, Trick or Treat Under the Sea. Try a taste of lionfish if you see it on a menu. They can outcompete native fish for resources and prey on species vital to a reef ecosystem. The species reproduces unchecked and any potential predators are usually dissuaded by those venomous dorsal spines. Lionfish have no predators in these waters. They are native to the Indo-Pacific region but made their way into the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean. The scariest thing about these fish, though, is not their appearance but rather their invasiveness. With striking bands of white and maroon, fanned pectoral fins and serrated dorsal spines, it is easy to see why lionfish are sought after for home aquariums. They already have quite the impressive form. Lucky for the lionfish, they do not have to go to all that trouble.
We all have that friend who takes great pains to recreate a fantastical costume from a movie or video game. The blue and yellow together make the green we see. They secrete a yellow mucus to cover their body to protect them from parasites and bacteria.
A green moray eel’s skin is not green but a bluish-gray color. A green coloring usually signifies a monster in the movies but for the eel, it is a trick of the color wheel. They may seem menacing with mouths continuously opening and closing, yet they need the motion to push water across their gills and breathe. But like some of those movie monsters, these eels are a bit misunderstood.
Green moray eels look like a traditional Halloween monster due to their massive size, their greenish hue and their fearsome mouth full of teeth. Old-movie characters like Frankenstein’s monster and the Creature of the Black Lagoon may be conjured when looking at a green moray eel. Covering themselves acts as a type of sun protection, especially in their preferred habitat of shallow, clear waters. These urchins are thought to be sensitive to intense light. This choice in costume is not to impress a potential mate or even camouflage against predators, though. They hold onto these items with tube feet in between their relatively short spines and can reposition the items any time. These urchins cover themselves with small shells, plants, and other debris they find on the bottom of the ocean. Join me for a look at three of our Aquarium residents and find out what they would wear to a costume ball in the sea.ĭecorator urchins would be popular on Pinterest boards for their upcycling prowess and resourcefulness. Marine animals may not celebrate Halloween but some make “costume” choices based on their biology while others look like they are permanently attired in fantastic creations. Sometimes we want practicality as we will be trick-or-treating through the neighborhood other times we want to impress friends and family with our costume or even fit in to a group theme. What kind of costume would you choose-an elegant old Hollywood star, a modern sci-fi hero, a spooky specter or something else entirely? Whether we choose to be a modern superhero or a more traditional ghost, we usually pick our costumes to serve a purpose. Imagine you are invited to a costume ball. You can then paint the face green, black or brown to match the color of the sea turtle species.As Halloween approaches, our thoughts often turn to costumes and parties. Leave enough room for movement so child can move without tearing or breaking the straps. Glue the straps in place to the lower part of the shell. Using hot glue, attach the strips to the top of the back side of the shell, then run over child’s shoulders as straps. See the drawings below to have the costume reflect the scute pattern of a living sea turtle species.Ĭut two long, one to two inch thick strips from the second piece of posterboard the full length of the board. You can thicken these lines with a thick black marker or use non-toxic craft paint to make the scutes stand out. If you want to add strength to the shell, glue this to a similarly shaped piece of cardboard.Īdd scutes (or ridges for the leatherback) by drawing large circles on the shell. * Hot glue or similar adhesive Directions:Ĭut one piece of the poster board into a large oval shell. * Two pieces of green or light brown poster board Kids Sea Turtle Halloween Costume Materials:
DOWNLOAD NOW Diy seaturtle costume
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bluebrine · 4 years
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aaand, there’s all the layers done for the marine guardian adopt so far! :-0 I’m not quite satisfied with the amount of options available though- I definitely need to add more. if you have any other ideas for features, please leave a reply down below! :-) thank you!
the first customizable attribute, secondary features, currently has 6 options:
serrated (clawed wings + tail fin)
standard (serrated - tail fin, looks most like on-site model)
frilled (lobed, slightly divided fins)
rounded (curved, convex fins)
lunate (sharp, crescent fins)
feathered (rounded, seabird-esque fins)
however, this is still way less than I’d like to have before I release these. this is the slot with the biggest visual impact, after all! I currently have WIPs for 3 other types: tattered (a lionfish/ bettafish style), lobe-finned (a coelacanth style), and continuous (an eel style).
any and all further suggestions welcome! got any cool aquatic animals that could gimme some inspiration? :-o
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the second customizable attribute, primary features, currently has a few different categories within it. I’ve tentatively divided them into:
dorsal (things on the back)
ventral (things on the underside)
face (things on the... c’mon, guess)
this category will mix-and-matchable, so the base could have a primary feature from each of the above slots if desired. for example, an adopt could have a long mane, rounded belly scales, large teeth, a short beard, and glowing eyes. or any other combination possible! (this could end up looking rather busy though, so sometimes picking less is more.)
dorsal features: plain (no extras), short mane, long mane, small spines, big spines, thin spines, angular spines, barbels, & fans.
ventral features: plain (no extras), pointed scales, & rounded scales.
face features: plain (no extras), small teeth, large teeth, jagged teeth, walrus tusks, & whiskers.
chin features: plain (no extras), short beard, long beard, standard beard (like the on-site male base), braided beard, fans, and shielded (like the  on-site flared belly scales).
the various eye types available also fall here. only multigaze is done currently, but I’m also expanding it’s scope- for example, you could have all the eyes of multigaze be ‘plague rare’ colored, or ‘light faceted’, etc. or each eye could even be a different color- like a whole rainbow of elements along the base’s lateral line. gotta love customization! :-]
currently for primary features, I have WIPs for a few other types: boar tusks, narwhal tusks, & overlapping belly scales (an arowana style). I’d love more ideas here too!
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the third customizable attribute will be genes, which will function as they do on-site (and not be as complex as the other categories lol). I’ve already finished most of the primary genes I plan to do, so hopefully the rest go quickly! (this section is mostly just for my own reference.)
primary genes done: basic, bar, cherub, clown, fade, falcon, giraffe, jaguar, jupiter, leopard, petals, piebald, poison, ripple, savannah, skink, swirl, tiger, vipera.
tertiary genes done: basic, underbelly, spines, stained.
primary genes remaining: iridescent, laced, lionfish, mosaic, pinstripe, python, speckle, tapir, wasp.
tertiary genes remaining: contour, capsule, firefly, ghost, glimmer, lace, okapi, peacock, ringlets, runes, scales, smirch, smoke, thylacine, veined.
aaand that’s all I have down for everything so far! :-] not a bad start for a project I shelved for a couple of years (sorry to everyone kept waiting lol)... but slow progress is still progress! and, once again...
if you have any other ideas for features, please leave a reply down below! I really appreciate the input :-]
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rosescries · 3 years
I put probably way too much effort into this, but anyway! What the skeletons are as sirens.
Like the nagas, their tail colors match their magic colors. Some are much bigger than the marine animals they take after and some are much smaller, they still follow the size chart I've previously posted.
They all are much deadlier though, even if the particular species they take after aren't typically dangerous to humans. Some marine animals where noted with how friendly they are to humans, but there's reasons specific for those skeletons for that.
Anyway, details under the cut:
Classic and Prime (Undertale)- Whales. Classic and Prime are Orcas (Killer Whales) due to being a highly social species, some populations even composed of pods which are the most stable of any animal species. Along with their sophisticated hunting techniques and vocal behaviors, which are often specific to a particular group and pass through generations.
Blue and Stretch (Underswap)- Dolphins. Blue is a Dusky Dolphin due to the variety of other creatures they are found with (including other dolphin species, whales, sea lions, and seabirds). Along with their wide variety of aerial displays, including leaps, backslaps, headslaps, tailslaps, spins, and noseouts. Along with head-over-tail leaps. And the flexible hunting tactics. Stretch is a Common Bottlenose Dolphin because of its intelligence. Able to use tools and transmit cultural knowledge from generation to generation. Along with their habit of staying in mixed groups.
Red and Edge (Underfell)- Sharks. Red is a Tiger Shark because people can swim with them but they are among the sharks most likely to attack humans. Along with their tendency to visit shallow reefs, harbors, and canals, which create potential for encounters with humans. Edge is a Thresher Shark. While solitary creatures, some do occasionally hunt in groups, using their tails to “whip” the water. The tail is used to swat smaller fish, stunning them before eating. While they don’t appear to be a threat to humans, it’s not really confirmed. They do attack when provoked.
Black and Mutt (Swapfell)- Sharks. Black is a Bull Shark because of their aggressive and territorial natures, along with having no tolerance for provocation. Some of the most dangerous sharks for humans, very willing to bite. Mutt is a Great White Shark because though they are one of the most feared sharks, they’re more curious and investigate its prey before eating it. May release prey they find unpalatable and may bite humans, but won’t go on to kill them.
Grey and Lunar (Horrortale)- Deep Sea Squids. Grey and Lunar are Colossal Squid because of its sheer size, which is estimated to be 30-33 ft. It’s also known to use bioluminescence to attract prey and is presumed to be an ambush predator, sperm whales being a major prey to them. Their eyes also glow in the dark.
Lilac and Charmed (Underlust)- Dolphins. Lilac and Charmed are False Killer Whales, which is technically a dolphin (called that due to their similar skull characteristics to Killer Whales). I think this because of their highly social nature, forming pods of up to 500 members, which include other dolphin species. Along with being able to form bonds with other species as well, including partaking in sexual interactions with them. They are also very interactive with humans.
Cobalt and Comet (Outertale)- Octopus. Cobalt and Comet are Capricorn Octopus because of the star-like spots along their bodies, along with only coming out at night to hunt which gained them the names of “Night Octopus.”
Remix and Tango (Dancetale)- Sea lions. Remix is a Steller Sea Lion due to its elusiveness, spending so much time in the water. Though they do live in large groups like other species and use a wide range of sounds to communicate with each other. They also get confused with California Sea Lions. Tango is a California Sea Lion because they’re friendly animals, often seen doing a variety of tricks. They’re some of the most social and most intelligent of Sea Lions. They pack in close together even if they have plenty of room to spread out.
Guns and Ace (Mobtale)- Whales. Guns and Ace are Humpback Whales, mainly due to their sociable, curious, and easily approachable nature. Some even approach whale-watching boats closely, often staying under or near the boat for many minutes. Which I think fits them well.
G and Aster (G!Bros)- Octopus. G is a Mimic Octopus due to its wide range of mimicking other marine animals, such as lionfish, sea snake, jellyfish, and zebra sole. It’s able to intelligently use its mimicry based on the situation, deciding which mimicry behavior would be most appropriate and acting upon it. Aster is a Giant Pacific Octopus due to its intelligence mostly. Able to recognize humans that they frequently come into contact with and causing general havoc in labs and in aquaria by opening tank valves, disassembling expensive equipment, solving simple puzzles, and using tools.
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sosenvs3000f21 · 3 years
The Amazing Ocean
When I read this week's question, about a thousand ideas popped into my head because nature is amazing and there are so many things we still don't even know about it yet. However if I had to pick one thing that I think is the most amazing thing about nature I would have to say the ocean is the most amazing thing I know about. Through studying marine and freshwater biology I have learned a lot about different bodies of water, however the shear size and diverse components of the ocean is so amazing and exciting. The oceans cover 70% of the earth's surface so they have to be the most amazing part of nature because they are the majority of nature (Vallis, 2012). There are 5 different oceans in the world including the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, the Arctic, and most recently the Southern Ocean (Rafferty, 2021). The ocean is probably one of the only habitats that actually moves a significant amount. I am not talking about the water or the creatures and life in the ocean either, the ocean basins actually change over time because of the movement of the tectonic plates (Vallis, 2012). Scientists estimate there are one million species of animals in the ocean even though we haven’t come anywhere close to discovering them all yet (Hurt, 2021).
The ocean is amazing in itself however there are some amazingly cool and weird things in the ocean as well. There are many poisonous creatures such as the lionfish that has 18 poisonous spines that can paralyze humans (Aronson, 2021). Another poisonous species is the orange toadfish, its other special feature is that it can survive out of water for an elongated period of time (Aronson, 2021). Another interesting creature that you may know from finding nemo, the one with the light above its head is the anglerfish (Aronson, 2021). They lurk at extreme depths in the oceans and can reach sizes larger than humans.
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Based on the details I have listed above and many more reasons I believe that the ocean is the most amazing thing about nature. However, to me the ocean is more than just the most amazing thing about nature. It is also the most special thing to me about nature because it's where I feel the happiest. All the life it contains including my favourite animal, that I have mentioned in my other blog posts, Fungi the Dingle Bay dolphin. The free dolphin I got to kayak alongside in the Atlantic Ocean Fungi is probably my favourite part of the most amazing part of nature, the ocean.
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Aronson, A. (2021). The Weirdest Things You'll Find in the Ocean. Redbook. Retrieved 10 November 2021, from
Hurt, A. (2021). Ocean Habitat facts and photos. Nature. Retrieved 10 November 2021, from https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/nature/habitats/article/ocean.
Rafferty, J. (2021). Just How Many Oceans Are There?. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 12 November 2021, from https://www.britannica.com/story/just-how-many-oceans-are-there.
Vallis, G. (2012). Climate and the Oceans. Princeton University Press.
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thewheezingwyvern · 4 years
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Here is a masterlist for my Marine May event! Base images can be found here and here! 
Bold = NSFT (not safe for tumblr)
Italics = SFW
GN! = Gender Neutral
Noncon and Dubcon will be marked by the links!
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⫸ Transparency - Selkie!Aizawa x GN!Reader
⫸ Athena’s Blessing - Poseidon!Aizawa x Fem!Reader - NONCON
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⫸ Blood in the Water - Sea Serpent!Dabi x Fem!Reader - NON/DUBCON
⫸ The Crane Bag - Dragon!Dabi x Fem!Water spirit!Reader
⫸ The Return of Aphrodite - Dabi x Fem!Siren!Reader
⫸ The Selkie and Her Skin - Sea God!Dabi x GN!Selkie!Reader
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⫸ Reflection - Deku x Water Goddess!Reader
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⫸ Maelstrom - Siren!Denki x Fem!Dom!Reader
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⫸ Call of the Mer Folk - Lionfish!Merman!Hizashi x GN!Reader
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⫸ Sunken - Shark!Merman!Kirishima x GN!Selkie!Reader
⫸ Just Add Water - Merman!Kirishima x Fem!Reader 
⫸ Bioluminescent - Shark!Merman!Kirishima x Fem!Reader
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⫸ Cursed Mermaid - Naga!Shigaraki x Pond Mermaid!Reader
⫸ Siren’s Song - Leviathan!Shigaraki x Fem!Reader - NONCON
⫸ Pirate!Shigaraki x Water Deity!Reader - Implied noncon
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⫸ Receptivity - Ryujin!Shinsou x Fem!Reader
⫸ Cohellen Druith - Siren!Shinsou x GN!Reader
⫸ The Gift - Krakken!Shinsou x Fem!Reader
⫸ The Song of the Sea - Siren!Shinsou x Fem!Reader
⫸ Atlantis - Leviathan!Shinsou x GN!Reader
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⫸ Mirror’s Edge - Kelpie!Tamaki x GN!Reader
⫸ Conchomancy - Krakken!Tamaki x GN!Reader
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⫸ Farewell to the Moon - Tokoyami x GN!Siren!Reader
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⫸ Yemaya - Selkie!Toshinori x WOC!Reader
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nicholas-wolfwood · 5 years
Gunsmoke With Fish Tails AU:
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"Gunsmoke" is now an ocean planet almost entirely covered in water after a catastrophic rise in sea level over 100 years ago (caused by Knives). Only a few scattered islands remain on the surface.
The primary local lifeforms are merfolk of various species, and other forms of sea life- including whale-sized aquatic "worms".
Merfolk range in size, shape, form, and intelligence, ranging from bestial to very human. Some even have strange powers, but this is quite rare, dating back to the original magical species.
Most merfolk now emulate other existing species; like swordfish, Betta fish, dolphins, snappers, even turtles or jellyfish.
After being (re)discovered, Gunsmoke primarily acts as a tourist attraction and research base for marine biologists. Ships are the main method of transport, but some underwater buildings have been built to observe and study the local merfolk population.
Merfolk speak their own language, but some have learned English in order to communicate with humans.
(Specific characters under the cut)
Though appearing to (loosely) be related to lionfish, Vash and his brother Knives are actually two of the Original merfolk from over a century ago.
Vash and his brother were raised in captivity by a group of marine biologists lead by Rem Saverem and William Conrad. Because of this, Vash is incredibly friendly towards humans and will often breech himself onto boats to say “hi”.
Many of his scars are from swimming too close to boat propellers, or attempted capture by poachers.
With no known subspecies, Nick is one of the few merfolk closely related to the Original species, which is considered highly endangered. 
With no known parents, he was raised by Melanie, who watches over a pack of orphaned merchildren. This is where he was found and snatched by Chapel.
Nick has had very few interactions with humans and is highly distrustful of them. Vash constantly jumping into boats is one of the banes of his existence. Despite this, he’s still highly curious, and Vash has eased some of his hostility.
Like Nick, Midvalley is closely related to the older magical species; specifically a siren. The two of them were close for a while, even potentially considered mates (much to Chapel’s displeasure).
As a male siren, he can’t hypnotize sailors like the females can, but Mid still can manipulate sound waves through the water, and mimic almost any sound he hears. That said, he has few other defenses, so he’s often seen with the leather-back turtle Hoppered for protection.
Big and aggressive. Do not engage.
One of the Original species like Vash. Over 150 years old.
Knives wants to once again raise the sea levels to cover the remaining land on Gunsmoke and wipe out what’s left of the human population- biologists and tourists alike.
His fins can become sharp enough to easily slice right through the hulls of ships. many sailors have drowned this way.
A jellyfish subspecies with long nearly-invisible tentacles that secrete a powerful neurotoxin, allowing Legato to paralyze and even to an extent control his prey after stinging them. 
He enjoys paralyzing humans he finds in the water, especially after being shipwrecked by Knives, leaving them to slowly drown before devouring them. In that order, if they’re lucky.
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quartings · 5 years
A bunch of animals that aren’t Pokemon yet:
Here’s all the cool animals I could think of that don’t have Pokemon based off of them yet- as you’ll see, there’s about 300 or so! And when you count plants, fungi, inanimate objects, yokai, etc, plus the fact that Pokemon loves to repeat animals (Looking at the Gen 5-8 starters), you could say that we still have another 8 Gens of content to look forward to!
·        Anemone
·        Assassin Bug
·        Black Widow Spider
·        Bobbit Worm
·        Bombardier Beetle
·        Christmas Tree Worm
·        Colossal Squid
·        Cone Snail
·        Cuttlefish
·        Decorator Crab
·        Earwig
·        Flea
·        Fly
·        Giant Tube Worm 
·        Glaucus
·        Glow worm
·        Grasshopper
·        Honeypot Ants
·        Hummingbird Moth
·        Leaf Bug
·        Leech
·        Lobster
·        Locust
·        Man O’War
·        Mayfly
·        Mimic Octopus
·        Poodle Moth
·        Proper Cockroach
·        Proper Mosquito
·        Scarab
·        Sea Pig
·        Sea Urchin
·        Spider Crab
·        Stalk-eyed Fly
·        Stick Insect 
·        Tarantula Hawk Wasp
·        Tardigrade
·        Termite
·        Thorn Bug
·        Water Boatman
·        Worm
·        Archerfish
·        Barreleyefish
·        Basking Shark
·        Blobfish
·        Both genders of Anglerfish
·        Bubblehead Goldfish
·        Chimera 
·        Clownfish
·        Cookiecutter Shark
·        Cowfish
·        Flashlightfish
·        Flying Fish
·        Frilled Shark
·        Frogfish
·        Gar
·        Garden Eel
·        Goblin Shark
·        Hammerhead Shark
·        Icefish
·        Lionfish
·        Mahi-Mahi
·        Megamouth Shark
·        Moray Eel
·        Oarfish
·        Parrotfish
·        Ribbon Eel
·        Snakehead
·        Stingray
·        Stonefish
·        Sturgeon
·        Swordfish
·        Thresher Shark
·        Tripod fish
·        Whale Shark
·        Wobbegong
·        Wolffish
·        Caecillian
·        Cane Toad
·        Flying Frog
·        Midwife Toad
·        Olm
·        Anole
·        Armadillo Lizard
·        Blue Tongued Skink
·        Draco
·        Flying Snake
·        Gila Monster
·        Iguana
·        Jackson’s Chameleon
·        Komodo Dragon
·        Marine Iguana
·        Sea Snake
·        Snake-neck Turtle
·        Thorny Devil
·        Tuatara
·        Blue Jay
·        Bowerbird
·        Burrowing Owl
·        Canary
·        Cassowary
·        Cockatoo
·        Cock of the Rock
·        Condor
·        Cormorant
·        Crane
·        Emu
·        Flamingo
·        Frigate Bird
·        Goose
·        Hoatzin
·        Hornbill
·        Hummingbird
·        Jacana 
·        Kakapo
·        Kea
·        Kingfisher
·        Kiwi
·        Kookaburra
·        Lyrebird
·        Oilbird
·        Peacock
·        Potoo/Nightjar
·        Puffin
·        Roadrunner
·        Sage Grouse
·        Secretary Bird
·        Shoebill
·        Snowy Owl
·        Stork
·        Turkey
·        Umbrellabird
·        Aardvark
·        Armadillo
·        Aye Aye
·        Babirusa
·        Baiji
·        Bilby
·        Bottlenose Dolphin
·        Capybara
·        Cheetah
·        Chinese Water Deer
·        Coati
·        Colugo
·        Dalmatian/Corgi/Daschund/Greyhound/Chihuahua/Husky
·        Dingo
·        Foosa
·        Gazelle
·        Golden Mole
·        Hyrax
·        Irrawaddy Dolphin
·        Jerboa
·        Lemming
·        Llama
·        Manatee
·        Moose
·        Musk Ox
·        Naked Mole Rat
·        Narwhal
·        Okapi
·        Platypus
·        Porcupine
·        Possum
·        Proboscis Monkey
·        Proper Gorilla
·        Proper Kangaroo
·        Proper Rhino
·        Quokka
·        Ram
·        Saiga
·        Slow Loris
·        Snow Leopard
·        Solenodon
·        Sperm Whale
·        Star-nosed Mole
·        Tarsier
·        Tenrec
·        Warthog
·        Wolverine
·        Wombat
·        Dodo
·        Thylacine
·        Giant Auk
·        Megaloceros
·        Smilodon
·        Megatherium
·        Glyptodont
·        Coelodonta
·        Phorusrhacos
·        Basilosaurus
·        Argentavis
·        Spinosaurus
·        Ankylosaurus
·        Parasaurolophus
·        Hatzegotpterix
·        Koolasuchus
·        Triceratops
·        Shunosaurus
·        Iguanadon
·        Liopleurodon
·        Elasmosaurus
·        Opthalmosaurus
·        Therezinosaurus
·        Utahraptor
·        Yi Qi
·        Tapejara
·        Ornithocheirus
·        Stegosaurus
·        Dimetrodon
·        Dunkleosteus
·        Heliocoprion
·        Stethacanthus
·        Diplocaulus
·        Cameroceras
·        Pterygotus
·        Beast of Bodmin
·        Beast of Dartmoor
·        Bigfoot
·        Cerberus
·        Chimera 
·        Chupacabra
·        Flatwoods monster
·        Fresno Night Walkers
·        Gargoyle
·        Griffin
·        Ice Wyrm
·        Jackalope
·        Jersey Devil
·        Minotaur
·        Mongolian Death Worm
·        Mothman
·        Nessie
·        Ningen
·        Owlman
·        Pegasus
·        Quetzalcoatl
·        Ropen
·        Wolpertinger  
And there’s probably many more I don’t know of or forgot!
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