#Marina elite
nostalgicninjas · 18 days
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Marina Nunier - In The End, Linkin Park
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allelitewrestlings · 15 days
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roeiswriting · 19 days
I want Yuta to be angry, I want this to elevate him.
I want that fire lit inside of him, the two sides of not only how dare you do what you did to Bryan, but how dare you go behind my back and completely blindside me.
I need him to channel that grit, that frustration, that fight that encompasses the energy of what the bcc was meant to be.
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Despite the probable belief that Yuta wouldn’t turn his back on Bryan the notion of leaving him out of a plan is another layer to all of this. The idea of “why was I not good enough, not trusted enough, to stand alongside the men who told me I will be great.”
I want him to be outraged, not only to seek vengeance for Bryan but I need him prove that he IS great. I want him to be as dangerous as the men who have taught him for all these years, I want him to show to this audience that Mox, Claudio and Bryan took a chance on him for good reason and he can bleed just as hard for what he loves as we know the rest of them can.
Everyone else in that ring was emotionless, like it was a necessity to get a job done. Yet Yuta was distraught beyond belief, Bryan was in total shock after a possibly foolish moment of bliss upon seeing the people he thought he could rely on, and well emotions can be the most powerful thing.
I need this air of, You seem so nonchalant, you act like you do not care, like this isn’t personal, like you had to do what you did. But the reality is you’ve cared so much for all this time and it is a disservice to yourselves to act like this isn’t world shattering.
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I want him to have this frustration stemming from not wanting to be selfish. Wanting to do right by Bryan, being devastated at what unfolded and knowing that he escaped physically unharmed but having, at his core, this nagging feeling of being a kid who’s simply been left behind.
They know Yuta to be great, I want the world to see it too.
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questintheskies · 29 days
Mox with Marina Shafir? Things are getting really interesting around here!
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elitehanitje · 14 days
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Marina and Mox walked past an unconscious Bryan who was carried by Yuta and Dr. Sampson without a glance or remorse
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magicalbuttertarts · 8 days
Sorry, but out of Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, and Marina Shafir, the only one who I truly fear is Marina Shafir.
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xxthisfireburnsxx · 6 days
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Name this band
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Marina Shafir & Jon Moxley
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meditation <3
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supakixbabe · 22 days
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miru-has-thoughts · 15 days
The juxtaposition of Mox delivering those serious lines/statements, to him getting in the back of the car 😂
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nostalgicninjas · 7 months
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Take good care of yourself, Samu.
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allelitewrestlings · 29 days
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roeiswriting · 15 days
The visual of the new BCC walking through the back as the focus switches to Yuta carrying Bryan right past them… heartbreaking
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questintheskies · 8 days
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dalekofchaos · 12 days
It's really fucking gross to watch Jon Moxley get all this praise for cosplaying and outright quoting a Neo Nazi character.
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I trust dipshit writers about as much as I can throw them. But I asked a friend who's actually seen the movie if he can see any comparisons between the movie and Moxley's new gimmick. He says it's 100% the same thing.
At first I thought this was a sort of Fight Club type character. Mox and Marina as a duo and even the BCC implosion was a good idea. Then I heard what Mox was basing his character on and the promo from last night...
I'm not saying Moxley has any racist beliefs, but why would you choose Romper Stomper as your inspiration for a wrestling gimmick in today's political climate and why would he think this is a good idea? How does no one else that works there thinks not to speak up about how dumb this is? If people start quoting Nazi/Fascist rhetoric because they think Mox's group are "bad ass heels" that is just going to blow up in everyone's faces.
If his only reasoning for choosing this inspiration because he thinks it's "badass" Jon, there is nothing badass about Nazis. I don't care if you personally like the movie or found the character to be intriguing, but there is nothing badass about fucking Nazis. You are a father and you work with POC and LGBTQ+ people. Do better.
Look, I'm all for using movies for inspiration for your wrestling gimmick, but in what fucking world do you think using this in 2024 for a wrestling gimmick is a good idea? Why do you think no one's used American History X in the last 20 years? BECAUSE IT'S A FUCKING STUPID IDEA!(I don't want to hear it's been done on the indies, it's a stupid fucking idea to even entertain the thought of basing your gimmick on a fucking Neo Nazi)
I'm sorry, but unless they do a complete 180 and change direction of where this story is going, I have completely lost respect in Jon Moxley as a professional wrestler and as a person.
There are plenty of other movies or characters that are villains that AREN'T FUCKING NAZIS to take inspiration from. Sometimes you should not let some people in wrestling to be creative and sometimes you should keep some ideas in your head and not tell them you want to do a fucking Nazi character in 2024.
Final notes. The dipshit who wrote the gross and disgusting Katie Vick storyline pitched that Heidenreich be a frozen Nazi unthawed and Managed by Paul Heyman(who is Jewish) once….
Vince McMahon just stood up and left the creative meeting
If a Nazi character is too much for that rapist racist Vince fucking McMahon 20 years ago, what does that say about your company? Tony be a fucking boss and learn to say fucking no.
There's a fucking reason why Nazi characters were used mainly in the old territory days and not in the modern world of wrestling.
Shame on Jon Moxley for even thinking this was a good idea for a character. Shame on Tony Khan for even greenlighting this idea and shame on anyone at AEW for not telling Mox and Tony what a stupid fucking idea this is.
Update. Last night Jon and Claudio beat down Private Party. Bald white dudes inspired by a neo Nazi movie beating the Black guys up huh? That certainly is a booking choice. This is not a good look.
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