#Marjan Šarec
peterjancic · 2 years
Hujši od inflacije: potrošnja nezaslišane 16,7 milijarde, povišali so jo za 25 odstotkov, število ministrstev za 36 odstotkov
Vlada se bo krepko okrepila. Ali kot bi zapisali mediji, ki še niso depolitizirani: odebelila
Vlada Roberta Goloba (GS) bo letos hujša od inflacije. Ta je zadnje čase okoli deset odstotna. Proračun porabe države so vladajoči konec novembra lani povišali za 3,3 milijarde na doslej nezaslišanih 16,7 milijarde evrov. Za 25 odstotkov so povečali porabo v primerjavi z načrti iz časov vlade Janeza Janše (SDS). Inflacijsko vlada ravna tudi sicer: z novim letom je obveljala sprememba zakona o…
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protoindoeuropean · 7 months
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Oh yes, people are indeed generally quite surprised when they hear about a party forming 3 months before the elections and then winning.
But for us in Slovenia this "experimental" approach comes as no surprise, because that has already happened before ... twice
To bring out a graph I've already posted here before:
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These are the results of the parliamentary elections since 1992, with the paries approximately ideologically arranged: the aquamarine of DeSUS serves as an approximate centrist dividing line between the left-leaning parties below it (DL is a notable centrist exception, but I liked its downward curve there lol) and right-leaning parties above it)
There's quite a mess in the bottom part of this graph. That is the left-leaning voting block, which has chosen to rally behind a different party in every consecutive election after 2008 – following the collapse of LDS, the OG centre-left party that ruled from 1992 to 2004 (with a short, half-year intermission in 2000), back in 2006~2007 – being dissapointed with the results each time:
PS, which won the most votes in 2011, was established a bit more than 2 months before the elections by Zoran Janković, the mayor of the capital Ljubljana (2006–2011, 2012– ). What followed was one of the weirdest sequences of events in Slovenian political history* (though definitely not the weirdest one).
SMC, which won the most votes in 2014, was established a bit more than 1 month before the elections by Miro Cerar, a highly respected legal scholar.
LMŠ, which didn't win even close to the most votes in 2018 (but ended up leading the government), was the party of the mayor of Kamnik, Marjan Šarec, who had worked as a political satirist before going into politics himself (most prominently, he was a famous imitator of Slovenian politicians – well, mostly:
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). His national-level political project started a bit earlier as a surprisingly effective challenge to the incumbent Borut Pahor at the 2017 presidential elections (though the latter did end up winning), carrying that political potential into the 2018 parliamentary elections.
GS, which won the most votes in 2022, was, as mentioned, established 3 months before the elections by Robert Golob after Janša made him (practically out of nowhere) into his direct opponent (the the post in the link above).
So, the continual emergence of left-leaning parties at every election is not a surprise anymore at this point, it's a pattern. Which can be frustrating, but it does also mean that when people (especially in the foreign press) see the consistently high results of Janša's SDS and think that that means that party is going to win the next election, that's deceiving. Despite SDS's consistent results, we've only had right-wing governments for about 8 of the 33 years of independent Slovenia (1991–92, 2000, 2004–8, 2012–13, 2020–22).
*In 2011 Janković failed to form a coalition and we had to endure 1 year of Janša, before his govt collapsed and PS did eventually take over, with its then-president Alenka Braušek becoming PM – the Janša govt collapsed because of the opening of a corruption investigation regarding both Janša and Janković; Bratušek took over PS while the charges against Janković were being investigated. In a turn of events that are hard to conceive of, a year later, when the corruption commission didn't find anything, Janković challenged Bratušek for the presidency of the party, while she was the sitting prime minister of the country. She lost the party election, splintering the party in two, with a significant part of the PS membership (including Robert Golob, interestingly enough) following her in forming her own party (ZaAB, later SAB). In the process, she resigned as PM, triggering snap-elections. PS, which received 28.51% of the vote in 2011, failed to reach the 4% threshold in 2014 (literally decimating its support down to 2.97%), falling into obscurity, while ZaAB did get into parliament (barely, with 4.38%).
Bratušek was again successful with getting into parliament in 2018, before being swallowed up by Golob's GS in 2022 (quite literally: after its electoral failure, SAB – together with LMŠ – officially merged with GS in June 2022). She is currently the Minister of Infrastructure. Janković is still the mayor of Ljubljana.
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orange-positivity · 4 years
Hi, I'm an Asian with very little background of Slovenian politics - could you please help me understand the situation on the ground and how's it come about?
Hi! I'm not the best with politics but I'll try my best
I'll first do a run through and then I'll put in bold what's happening right now but before I start, the main thing right now is that they want to shut down independent media
Just putting this first because it's the most important, okay now for the run through
Pretty much our former prime minister, Marjan Šarec resigned and so Janez Janša was elected by the National assembly in March, which is also when the coronavirus outbreak started in Slovenia. Now a lot of shit went on while we were in lockdown and I honestly can't tell you much about that because I wasn't really following politics at the time, but there was a thing with ordering unsuitable masks and respirators and also during the whole corona crisis, they tried to pass laws completely unrelated to the epidemic (because they knew all media attention was on the virus). Janez Janša and his political party (SDS) are also very right wing and corrupt (Janša actually went to jail for corruption a few years back)(he's also good friends with Orban, the Hungarian prime minister and I think he [Janša] owes him [Orban] some money?) and there were just a lot of allegations of corruption flying around during that time as well as bribing other parties into teaming up SDS to form the government (members of the parties who connected with SDS got promotions and raises). The government also gave themselves the highest paycheck possible, but they offered very little financial support to small businesses during the lockdown (as far as I know, the only thing small businesses got was that they can pay their taxes with a delay or something?). They also passed an amendment against the conservation of nature, but thankfully that's been put on hold by the constitutional court.
That was lockdown and the protests started in early April with people banging their pots and pans on the balcony. In late April, the bike protests started. So every Friday, people would ride their bikes on the streets around the parliament. There was a lot of shit with the police at the beginning, putting up fences on our protesting space for no good reason and writing people up or arresting them for BS. At this point I'd like to say that the protesters have never gotten violent. The most "violent" thing they did was throw massive paper airplanes across the fence.
But I feel like shit really hit the fan on the 24th of June. For context, 25th of June is Slovenian independence day.
So Slovenian Antifa organized an anti celebration on Prešeren square in Ljubljana (Slovenian capital) on the 24th, as to say "we don't support this government and what it's doing to our country". That's when the Nazis roll in. They saw what the antifa was trying to do and they said "okay, we'll go to Prešeren square as well as to show our support to the government". There were about 50 of them and they were all wearing neon yellow vests (no correlation with the Yellow Vests movement in France btw - they just stole their symbolism). Some (I think 11) of those "Yellow Vests" had Nazi tattoos and some of them were identified by other people as active members of the Slovenian neonazi group called Blood&Honour.
On the 24th, the police also put fences around half of Ljubljana city centre. People couldn't get to their homes, cars, bikes because the police wouldn't let them through... They [the police] did that so that the government officials could have their own private independence day celebration (on the Congress square which is about 200m from Prešeren square) without having to listen or look at the protesters.
After that, the nazis came to three more protests before deciding to "leave us alone" by mixing into our crowd (their words not mine), taking pictures of us and trying to expose us on their twitter account (@/RJopici). They call this "yellow monitoring" and they said they specifically target middle aged people employed in the public sector, NGOs and or on RTV (RTV is radio television Slovenia basically like the BBC)
What's happening right now
Janša is pushing to shut down RTV (the biggest independent media house in Slovenia). He says it's a leech to the Slovenian budget and not even necessary (because most of his voters watch Nova 24 TV anyway which is Janša's TV company and it's basically like the Fox news). Shutting down independent media is simply unacceptable. Hungary and Serbia already shut down most (if not all?) independent media and idk about Poland? But Janša looks up to those countries and wants Slovenia to be like them. So yeah, Janša and SDS are pushing to shut RTV down entirely or at least cut its funding. This on it's own is a bad thing, but it's really put in perspective when you see just how shitty and biased the reporting of politically owned media like Nova 24 or Planet TV is. They lie and turn everything around to cater to their agenda.
The other thing that's happening is we have an increased number of corona cases. We were down to only 6 active cases so the borders opened and a lot of Slovenians went to Croatia (which is a popular tourist destination for like most of Slovenians). So people brought in new cases from abroad and as of 25.7. we have 241 active cases (which isn't a lot compared to other countries but we are pretty small). Despite that, the government still doesn't want to shut down the borders again or at least put Croatia on the red list because putting Croatia on the red list would mean people returning from there would have to go into a two week self isolation period and that would mean people would be discouraged to travel to Croatia, obviously. But I'm pretty sure our government gets a share of the money Croatia makes from Slovenian tourists, which is why they don't want to restrict travel to Croatia just yet. Probably once the tourist season is over, they will restrict travel immediately.
Instead Nova 24 TV is blaming the protesters for the rise of infection numbers, which isn't true. If the new infections were in fact caused by the protesters, then Ljubljana would be the epicenter of the epidemic (since that's where the biggest protests are), but as of right now, Hrastnik is actually the epicenter and Hrastnik is in a whole different region than Ljubljana.
There's also now talk about stepping away from the Istanbul convention (just like Poland did) - but right now it's just some of the right wing politicians tweeting about it. As far as I know, Janša's government is also looking to privatize healthcare (rn we have free public healthcare). Obviously they won't do that in the middle of the epidemic, but it's one of their interests.
That's not even counting all the racists, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic and misogynistic comments our politicians make on twitter daily.
Oh and if you're wondering where our president (Borut Pahor) is amidst all of this, he's posting selfies on Instagram and refusing to acknowledge the situation at all.
TLDR: our government is corrupt and wants to shut down independent media and just all in all make our country more like Poland or Hungary and people aren't happy with that
If anyone is from Slovenia, feel free to fill this in if I've missed anything or got anything wrong
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yenicag · 4 years
Slovenya: “Virüs Gidecek ama Diktatörlük Kalabilir”
Slovenya: “Virüs Gidecek ama Diktatörlük Kalabilir”
13 Mart’ta, Covid-19 salgınının ilan edilmesiyle eşzamanlı olarak Slovenya’nın yeni bir hükümeti oldu. İstediği reformları uygulamakta başarısız olan Başbakan Marjan Šarec’in 27 Ocak’taki istifasının ardından, göçmen karşıtı ve sağcı Slovenya Demokratik Partisi (SDS) liderliğinde dört siyasi parti 25 Şubat’ta koalisyon kurmak için anlaşmıştı bile. Šarec, SDS önceki seçimlerde en büyük parti olsa…
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skippyv20 · 5 years
Thank you!😁❤️❤️❤️❤️
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The Royal Family
@RoyalFamily The Princess Royal formally receives her Honorary Fellowship in the Royal Canadian Geographical Society @RCGS_SGRC
The society seeks to make Canada better known to Canadians and the world, through its educational program and by supporting geographical expeditions and research.
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The Royal Family
Sir Andy Murray receives his Knighthood from The Prince of Wales at today’s #Investiture Ceremony at Buckingham Palace
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The Royal Family
The Earl of Wessex met over 200 Duke of Edinburgh - 
participants taking part in skills workshops yesterday, as #RoyalVisitSlovenia continued.
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The Award in #Slovenia is currently operating in more than 70 schools and youth organisations, involving more than 1800 Award participants a year.
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The Earl of Wessex meets Mr Marjan Šarec, Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and His Excellency Mr Borut Pahor, President of the Republic of Slovenia
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Later, The Earl and President Pahor planted a tree to commemorate #RoyalVisitSlovenia and the first UK-Slovenia Friendship Day
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The Earl joins a roundtable discussion with local business leaders to discuss how the business community can encourage non-formal learning to develop future skills
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queerpyracy · 6 years
Bees swarm in and out of a wooden hive on the balcony outside the office Marjan Šarec, the prime minister of Slovenia. It’s early November in the tiny nation’s capital, Ljubljana, and the city’s bees are busy collecting the last bits of pollen to prepare for a long, deep winter sleep.
Bee colonies have faced massive declines around the globe, prompting doomsday scenarios of a world without these vital pollinators, but in Slovenia, such worries are almost unheard of. Colonies are thriving here, exemplified not only by the healthy hives the country’s top politician keeps, and the jars of honey he gifts foreign dignitaries.
Wedged between Italy, Croatia, and Austria, Slovenia boasts about 10,000 beekeepers among its population of just over 2 million—about five for every 1,000 people. In the U.S., on the other hand, there’re an estimated 125,000 beekeepersfor a nation of 327 million, or about 0.4 per 1,000 people. Many attribute this concentration of experts to the Slovenian people’s ingrained love for bees and honey, the country’s historic ties to beekeeping, and a government that recognized the benefits to the economy early on.
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spomincica · 6 years
Hey, want to tell us more about your paper? Thesis??
okay, so this is subject to a lot of changes, but I’m pretty excited about it - but this is about to get long, because i have some stories to share, so quick answer here, and everything else under the cut.
It’s basically going to be a contrastive analysis of political speeches by a slovene politician and an american one - the type of language they use (so we use a lot of borrowed, prestige, academic words to pretend to be smart, americans use down-to-earth language to pretend to be authentic) and reasons why (so I’m actually allowed to do some sociolinguistic, culture&political sciences stuff which is v cool) 
first of all let me tell you a fun story how i came up with the concept; i was getting drunk with the crush and riffing on what topics i can do for the paper for this subject because he didn’t get what the subject was even about and i felt like i was losing his attention, so i just boldly said “and I think I’ll make this into my MA thesis” like it’s an already decided fact, not just an idea i got literally that second (the content of the paper) and he (thank fuck) started listening again, because the dumbass that I am, I forgot what i was telling him, and had to call him up the next day and be like “hey… so… remember me telling you about my thesis? what did i say it’s going to be about” which was… not my best moment =D
Okay, so i went to contact hours with my prof, and he actually brought up the idea of ma thesis out of this before i could, which is great, and he gave me like 5 different directions i could go in. he checked if I’m going to  compare politicians in a similar role&caliber - which i planned to but is also a bit problematic because Pahor and like Obama were both presidents but caliber… even if i compare with our PM it’s still not a fair comparison.
So here’s where i’m at currently - not really hyped about either of these two politicians, but i feel like i could make a cool comparison (if any of yall disagrees, would like to suggest sth else pls do) - I’m thinking of comparing Pete Buttigieg (mostly to learn how to spell his name) because he’s running as this young, fresh face candidate, who’s making a case why a mayor would be a better president than a senator - and Marjan Šarec who ran as a young, fresh face, making a case for him being experienced enough because he was a mayor… Idk, i feel like they are similar enough and like, i feel like i can compare a hopeless campaign for democratic nomination and a pretty good campaign for the presidency… I’m not really sure yet, but here’s where i am rn, but like, i can change my mind completely and would like some feedback (which means i will be getting drunk with the crush soonish and will talk to him about it and then promptly forget again)
ALSO; I’m not at all sure this will actually be my ma thesis, i have until next year to decide, this is just what i’m into rn
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zoranphoto · 2 years
KATASTROFA U SLOVENIJI, POČELA JE EVAKUACIJA LJUDI! Mega požar guta sve pred sobom: Čule su se eksplozije, stiže pomoć iz Hrvatske
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Tijekom noći 800 vatrogasaca stavilo je pod kontrolu najveći požar u povijesti Slovenije. No, situacija je i dalje teška. Zbog vjetra požar iz Italije ide prema Sloveniji. “Posljednjih sati situacija se pogoršala, gašenje požara iz zraka uvelike otežava slaba vidljivost. Stožer određuje mjere ovisno o razvoju požara. Evakuirana su tri naselja: Novelo, Temnica i Vojščica. Trenutno nam je glavna zadaća zaštita objekata”, objavio je na Twitteru ministar obrane Marjan Šarec.  Prema riječima mještana, vatra se već približila Vojščici na oko 300 metara što se vidi i po sve gušćem dimu te čađi i pepelu, javlja novinarka 24ur.   Situacija se je v zadnjih urah poslabšala, gašenje iz zraka močno otežuje slaba vidljivost. Štab določa ukrepe glede na razvoj požara. Evakuirana so bila tri naselja. Novelo, Temnica in Vojščica. Trenutno je glavna naloga obvarovati objekte. pic.twitter.com/hpswRKs8yi — Marjan Šarec (@sarecmarjan) July 21, 2022   Očekuje se da će požar gasiti oko 1.000 vatrogasaca i više helikoptera, među kojima četiri slovenske vojske i dva policijska helikoptera. Helikopter iz Austrije već gasi požar, a na putu su i hrvatski i slovački helikopteri. Požar ne prijeti samo slovenskom dijelu regije Kras, već se širi i na talijanskoj strani. Prijeti mještanima sela Sablici, Jamiano, Medeazza i Doberdo. Slovenski i talijanski vatrogasci pokušavaju zaštititi navedena mjesta. Kod Medeazze je, prema riječima načelnika općine Devin-Nabrežina Igora Gabrovca, vatra udaljena samo kilometar od naselja. Autocesta u smjeru Trsta danas je ponovno otvorena, dok je dionica u smjeru Venecije i dalje zatvorena. Požar je na području Krasa uzrokovao  brojne eksplozije naprava koje su u toj regiji ostale iz Prvog svjetskog rata. Zapovjednik Darko Zonjič je kazao kako oni više i ne broje eksplozije, već ih samo označavaju uz prometnice kako bi ih kasnije mogli evidentirati.   “Čak je i tijekom noći bilo dosta eksplozija zbog visokih temperatura na području koje je zahvatio požar. Jučer je iz sela Sela na Krasu i Korita uklonjeno 18 različitih eksplozivnih naprava”, rekao je Zonjič. Sirene za evakuaciju oglasile su se u tri sela na području regije Kras; u Temnici, Vojščici i Novelu. Mjesto za okupljanje građana s tih područja je gimnazija u Komnu, priopćili su iz Civilne zaštite. Zapovjednik Civilne zaštite Srečko Šestan rekao je da nikada nisu imali toliko vatrogasaca noću na terenu. S vatrom se tijekom dana borilo gotovo 1.300 ljudi, među kojima i 1.000 vatrogasaca. Kada je vatra počela prijetiti kućama, angažirane su dodatne snage. Šestan je ocijenio da je to najveći požar u Sloveniji do sada. “Vojska od jučer pomaže s opskrbom vodom, smještajem, pozvan je i vojni sanitet, a obavit će i pregled termokamerom kako bi se otkrila skrivena žarišta. Osigurat će i obroke za postrojbe na terenu. Po potrebi ćemo poslati i vojnike”, kazao je Šarec. Jako puno dima od požara ima u Istri. “Dobar dio zapadne Istre je i dalje u dimu, čak se i pogoršalo stanje. Dosta dojava stiže iz Poreča”, piše Istramet.
Helikopter Mi-8 MTV upućen na gašenje požara 
Helikopter Mi-8 MTV s opremom za gašenje požara iz vojarne “Knez Trpimir“ u Divuljama upućen je u četvrtak 21. srpnja 2022. u Sloveniju radi gašenja požara na području Renškog Vrha u blizini Nove Gorice. “Drugi dan zaredom protupožarne zračne snage pomažu u gašenju požara u susjednoj Sloveniji, gdje pomažu i hrvatski vatrogasci. Hvala svim pilotima, tehničarima i vatrogascima koji sudjeluju u gašenju požara izvan naše Domovine i svojim doprinosom nastoje zaštiti živote i imovinu naših susjeda i prijatelja“, poručio je ministar obrane Mario Banožić. Na osnovu zahtjeva poslanog preko Mehanizma EU-a za civilnu zaštitu upućenog Ravnateljstvu civilne zaštite RH i odobrenja glavnog vatrogasnog zapovjednika, ministar obrane donio je Naredbu o uporabi Oružanih snaga RH radi pružanja humanitarne pomoći u gašenju požara u Sloveniji. Po završetku današnjeg angažmana u Sloveniji, helikopter Hrvatskog ratnog zrakoplovstva vratit će se u matičnu bazu u vojarnu “Knez Trpimir“ u Divuljama. Dnevno.hr Foto : Slovenska vojska, Policija.si Twitter Read the full article
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cgvijesti · 2 years
Požar u Sloveniji: Izgorjelo hiljadu hektara šume
Požar u Sloveniji: Izgorjelo hiljadu hektara šume
Foto: Anadolija Slovenački region Kras tokom jučerašnjeg dana zahvatio je veliki šumski požar, koji je krajem dana stavljen pod kontrolu. Marjan Šarec, slovenački ministar odbrane, potvrdio je da je na terenu bilo 1.000 vatrogasaca, te da su evakuisani stanovnici okolnih sela. Premijer Slovenije Robert Golob izjavio je za državnu televiziju da se požar proširio na 1.000 hektara šumskog…
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peterjancic · 2 years
To je bila Šarčeva žalitev policistov varnostnikov in to v zahvalo Golobu, da je lahko obrambni minister, čeprav ga je ljudstvo na volitvah poslalo med vaške zabavljače.
Mediji poročajo, kako predsednik vlade Robert Golob potrebuje svojo varnostno službo (beri para policijo), ki ga bo varovala, saj ne zaupa policiji in policistom Centra za varnost in zaščito Generalne policijske uprave, ki naj bi bili krivi za to, da se je v javnosti pojavila fotografija njegovega mladoletnega sina ob njegovem prvem obisku v Bruslju (tako pravi predsednica DZ Klakočar…
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mentalnahigijena · 2 years
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Slovenija je ostala bez vojnih zaliha koje može prenijeti u Ukrajinu . U posljednjoj seriji, #Slovenija je prenijela 35 borbenih vozila pješadije i malokalibarsko oružje. Slovenija je spremna da primi vojsku na studije. Ministar odbrane Marjan Šarec u intervjuu za RTV Slovenija
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homeosloven · 3 years
"Bolje puška v koruzi kot top v množici"
"Bolje šarec v roki kot Golob na strehi"
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Sedem razlogov, zakaj jedrska energija ni odgovor na rešitev podnebnih sprememb
Sedem razlogov, zakaj jedrska energija ni odgovor na rešitev podnebnih sprememb
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Premier Marjan Šarec povdarija, da jedrska energija v Sloveniji ostaja pomemben vir zanesljive oskrbe z električno energijo. Ob tem se je zavzel za gradnjo drugega bloka jedrske elektrarne…Vendar ni čisto tako preprosto, še manj pa ekološko!
Obstaja majhna skupina znanstvenikov, ki predlagajo nadomeščanje 100% svetovnih elektrarn na fosilna goriva z jedrskimi reaktorji kot način reševanja…
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janezplatise · 5 years
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ericfruits · 5 years
Budget to reflect economic forecasts, coalition agrees
"We're waiting for the last economic forecast and then we'll be able to complete the puzzle with greater certainty," Prime Minister Marjan Šarec said ... https://ift.tt/34vQJpU
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pope-francis-quotes · 5 years
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27th June >> (@VaticanNews) #Pope Francis #PopeFrancis meets with Prime Minsiter Marjan Šarec of #Slovenia, discussing with him the contribution of the Catholic Church in the Balkan nation.
Pope Francis meets Slovenian Prime Minister
The Holy See and Slovenia acknowledged the contribution of the Church in the country and discussed issues of common interest and challenges.
Pope Francis on Thursday received in private audience in the Vatican, Prime Minsiter Marjan Šarec of Slovenia. Šarec later met Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin along with Vatican Secretary for Relations with States, Archbishop Paul R. Gallagher.
“During the cordial discussions, the parties focused on the good bilateral relations and expressed the hope that these may be consolidated through the signing of specific agreements on some matters of common interest,” the Holy See Press Office said in a communique.
The Holy See and Slovenia acknowledged the positive contribution of the Catholic Church to the life of the country, especially in relation to education. They expressed hope that cooperation in this field may be further strengthened with appropriate institutional initiatives.
The two sides also exchanged views on some themes of an international character, with particular reference to the future of the European project and the current challenges affecting the region.
27th June 2019, 15:06
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