#Martha And Snoop's Potluck Dinner Party
zorciarkrildrush · 7 months
Shoutout to when Snoop Dogg said that
Martha & Snoop's Potluck Dinner Party S01E05, "Deck the Balls"
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Martha & Snoop's Potluck Dinner Party
Martha & Snoop's Potluck Dinner Party https://g.co/kgs/4Lz12K
Spicy N Sweet 😋. Snoop makes Gojujang,Appl Cider Vingr,Brown Sugar,Martha Chocolate N Chili desert tart.
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bechloeislegit · 2 years
25 Days of BeChloe Christmases
DAY 2 - Never Have I Ever - Bellas Christmas Edition
Summary: After the USO Tour, the Bellas had all slowly migrated west and were now living in and around LA. Beca invites them over for Christmas Eve to exchange Christmas gifts and watch the tape of her recent appearance on Ellen. Ellen's guests played Never Have I Ever; Beca's answers while playing led the Bellas to believe Beca was seeing someone. A secret someone.
It was Christmas Eve, and the Bellas were sitting around Beca's living room, waiting for Beca to return home. She had to go into the studio and asked Chloe to play hostess for her until she could get back. Beca gave them permission to watch the show without her, so they were all sitting around the living room waiting for Chloe set the TV up.
"It's ready," Chloe said. "Everyone grab a drink and some snacks so we can get started."
"Does anyone know who else is on the show with Beca?" Ashley asked.
"Yeah," Chloe said. "She told me it was Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg."
"Wow," Jessica said. "Don't they have a show together now?"
"They do," Lily said. "It's on VH1, and it's calledMartha and Snoop's Potluck Dinner Party."
"Oh yeah," CR said. "I've seen that. They are hysterical together."
"Does Beca sing on the show?" Aubrey asked.
"No," Chloe said. "She doesn't have any new music coming out. She'll be talking about that movie she just finished with Justin Timberlake."
"The one she does a voice for?" Emily asked. "Trolls."
"That's right," Chloe said, taking her seat. "Are we ready to start?"
"Let's do this," Fat Amy said as everyone settled down.
"I'm going to fast forward through the parts that Beca isn't in," Chloe said as she hit play, and the show started.
"Can we watch the opening monologue?" Ashley asked. "Ellen usually says some funny stuff during that."
"Okay," Chloe said.
The show started, and Ellen did her opening monologue. After taking her seat, she announced who was on the show before going to a commercial break. Chloe fast-forwarded through the commercial to where Beca was introduced and came onto the stage. The Bellas were talking about how good Beca looked.
After chatting a bit about the movieTrolls, Ellen went to another commercial break. Chloe fast-forwarded again and stopped when she saw Martha Stewart, Snoop Dogg, and Beca all sitting on the couch.
"Welcome back," Ellen said. "We're going to play a game calledNever Have I Ever."Ellen picks up some paddles and hands them to Beca. "Take one and pass it down."
Beca does as Ellen asks and sits, waiting for what comes next.
"The paddles each haveI Haveon one side, andI Have Noton the other. I'm going to ask a question, and you hold up the paddle with your answer as to whether you have or have not done it," Ellen explained. "And you have to be 100% honest."
"You're not giving us a lie detector test, are you?" Snoop Dogg asked, causing Beca to laugh.
"Probably not, but you have to be one hundred percent truthful," Ellen said and looked at the first card. "Okay, first question. Never Have I Ever sexted."
The guests think and held up their paddles. Martha, Snoop Dogg, and Beca all hold upI Have. Ellen is the only one who held upI Have Never.
The audience laughed, and Beca looked down the row and sees that Martha Stewart hadI Havefacing the audience. Beca laughed almost hysterically and said, "I'm so glad I'm here today."
"Wow!" Ellen said and looked at Martha.
Martha sat there smiling at Ellen. "Martha! You've sexted before? Do you know what that is?"
Martha gives her a "Duh" look. "I have used technology a lot more than you will ever know."
Snoop Dogg laughed, and Ellen said, "Wow! Alright. Yow!" Ellen then looks at Martha again. "Is it with someone current, or is this a while ago?"
"It doesn't say none of your business," Martha said as she looked at her paddle.
Beca lets out another laugh, and the audience applauds.
Beca fans herself with her paddle and lets out a "whoo" as the show goes to another commercial.
"I wonder who Beca sexted?" Stacie asked. "She hasn't mentioned it before."
No one said anything, although they were all wondering the same thing.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2022 ~~
"Next question," Ellen said. "Never Have I Ever been in handcuffs."
The guests almost immediately put up their paddles. Martha and Ellen hadI Have Never, while Snoop Dogg and Beca both had up I Have.
The audience laughed when everyone showed their answers. Snoop Dogg looked at Beca's paddle and smiled. Ellen looked at Beca and asked, "You have? Was it for a movie?"
"No," Beca said, looking at the audience and then down at her paddle.
"Being arrested?" Ellen asked.
"That wasn't the question," Beca said, causing laughter from the audience.
"Yeah," Snoop Dogg said. "It may have been another style of handcuffs that calls for a bed."
Beca sits up straight with a secretive smile but doesn't respond.
After a few more questions, the game concluded. Ellen thanked her guests, and Chloe turned off the tape.
"Okay," Stacie said, looking around at the Bellas. "Who is Beca seeing? Snoop Dogg made a good point about the handcuffs and the bed."
"Yeah," Amy said. "But remember, Beca did get arrested our Freshman year. She may have just been messing around. You know how she is."
"I'm with Amy," CR said. "It was probably just a joke."
"I don't know," Jessica said. "She was blushing a bit when she said it."
Chloe sat there and didn't say anything, although she could feel the heat from her blushing cheeks.
"Chloe," Stacie said.
"What?!" Chloe answered, shifting nervously.
"You're Beca's best friend," Stacie said. "Who is she seeing? We want to know who Beca is getting her kink on with."
"I don't know," Chloe said, looking down at the ground.
Stacie narrowed her eyes and looked at Chloe. "You're being cagey. You know something."
"Come on, you guys," Chloe whined. "Even if I knew anything, I couldn't tell you."
"So, she is seeing someone," Emily said excitedly. "OMG! Did she get back together with Jesse?"
"NO!" Chloe said loudly. "I mean, why would you think that?"
"Well, she's in LA," Emily said. "He's in LA. They have a history. It makes sense."
"Emily's right," Aubrey said. "Who else could it be? She's in the tabloids all the time but never with anyone. Well, except Chloe."
Chloe jumped up. "I need another drink. Anyone else want one?"
"That's because they're best friends," Emily said with a laugh. "You'd expect to see them together."
"No?" Chloe mumbled, looking around. "Okay, I'll be right back."
Chloe tried to act nonchalant as she hurried out of the room. The Bellas continued talking about who Beca could be seeing.
Chloe pulled out her phone as soon as she got into the kitchen. She pulled up Beca's name and sent her a text.
Beca texted back and told Chloe she was almost home and she'd be there in about ten minutes. Chloe let out a breath and put her phone away. She quickly made herself another drink and went back to the living room.
"I bet I'm right," Fat Amy said.
"How much do you want to bet?" CR asked.
"What are you two betting on?" Chloe asked as she sat down.
"Who we think Beca's secret boyfriend or girlfriend is," Fat Amy said. "I'm putting up fifty bucks that it's Selena Gomez."
"Really?" Chloe asked. "I read she was dating someone."
"I read that, too," Emily said. "But the article said whoever it was is a mystery."
"A mysteryman," CR said. "I don't think she's into women."
"Amy, you're always around here," Aubrey said. "You have to have seen Beca with someone."
"The only person I ever see when I'm here is Chloe," Fat Amy said.
Before anyone can say anything, they hear a key in the door. A few seconds later, Beca walked into the living room.
"Thank God," Chloe mumbled.
"What's up, losers?" Beca called out.
"Okay, Beca," Stacie said. "Spill!"
"Spill what?" Beca asked, stopping to look at Stacie.
"Who are you seeing, and why haven't you told us about it?" Fat Amy answered.
"Who said I'm seeing someone?"
"The answers you gave onEllen," Aubrey said. "So, stop avoiding it and answer the question."
"Nope," Beca said. "Sorry, but some things shall remain private even from you nerds. If I wanted you to know, I'd tell you."
"Let's playNever Have I Ever," Fat Amy said. "Let's see if there are any secrets we don't know about each other."
The Bellas smiled when they realized Amy had something up her sleeve. Something that might lead to Beca telling them who she was seeing.
"What? Why?" Beca asked.
"What's wrong, Beca?' Stacie asked with a smug smile. "Afraid you'll slip up and reveal who you're having a secret relationship with?"
Beca looked around the room at the other girls and smiled. "Fine. Let's play."
"I'll get the shots ready," Fat Amy said and went to the kitchen.
"I'll help Amy," CR said.
"Me, too," Jessica said.
CR and Jessica followed Amy while the rest of the Bellas moved around so they could see each other. Beca finally took a seat next to Chloe.
"Are you okay with this?" Beca whispered.
"I am if you are," Chloe whispered back.
"Great, I have a perfect way to tell them," Beca said. "Follow my lead."
"Okay," Chloe said and bit her lip nervously.
Fat Amy, Jessica, and CR came back in, each carrying a tray of shots. They had each girl take one before setting the trays on the table.
"I'll go first," Fat Amy said. "Never Have I Ever kept a secret boyfriend from my friends."
"You're supposed to say something you've never actually done," Stacie said. "What about you and Bumper? You always said he wasn't your boyfriend."
"But you all knew about him, so it doesn't count," Fat Amy said.
She looked around and saw that Beca had not downed her shot. "Hmm, I thought that would tell us something."
"It did," Aubrey said smugly.
"It did?" Stacie asked.
"Yes, it did," Aubrey said. "It tells us she has a secretgirlfriend."
"Oh," the Bellas say collectively.
"I guess that rules Jesse out," Emily said.
"Jesse?" Beca said, grimacing. "Really?"
Emily shrugged her shoulders. Beca shook her head and laughed.
"My turn," CR said. "Never Have I Ever hooked up with someone whose album I produced."
"Oh, come on," Beca said. "I'm the only producer here, so that shouldn't count."
"So, are you saying you have hooked up with someone whose album you produced?" Ashley asked.
"No, I am not saying that," Beca said.
"Damn," CR said.
"Let the sexpert handle this," Stacie said. She looked up to the ceiling and then smiled. "Never Have I Ever...wait, I've done that. Um, Never have I. . .um, nope, did that, too."
"Someone else go," Lily said. "We'll be here all night if we wait for Stacie to think of something she hasn't done."
The Bellas all laugh, and Beca speaks up. "I'll go."
The Bellas sit up straighter, and all eyes are on Beca, wondering what secret about herself she would reveal.
"Never Have I Ever lied about having a secret fiance," Beca said and downed her shot.
The Bellas all furrowed their brows. "What?" several of them asked.
"Beca, you're supposed to say something you've never done," Fat Amy said.
"I know," Beca said with a smile.
Chloe downed her shot, and the girls looked at her, confused.
They were all startled when Aubrey suddenly jumped up and yelled, "You two are engaged!?"
"What!?" The Bellas all ask as they looked at Beca and Chloe.
"We didn't even know you guys were dating," Stacie said.
"When did this happen?" Ashley asked.
"How did this happen?" Jessica asked.
"You didn't tell me, and I'm your best friend," Fat Amy said.
"Okay, okay," Beca said. "Give us time to answer one thing before you go on to the next."
"First," Chloe said and reached into her pocket. She pulled out a ring and started to put it on her finger.
"Wait," Beca said and took the ring; she placed it on Chloe's finger and kissed her. "I love you."
Beca then took a ring out of her pocket, and Chloe took it and put it on Beca's finger. She kissed Beca, whispering, "I love you, too."
"Okay," Beca said, turning to the Bellas. "Now to your questions. We started dating just after Chloe moved to LA. We kept it a secret because we wanted to keep it out of the press until we figured out if the relationship was going to work."
"The relationship worked really well, and Beca asked me to marry her a week ago," Chloe said as she looked at Beca. "We knew we were going to tell you all today. We just weren't sure how. Then when you guys started asking who Beca was dating, I panicked and sent Beca a text while I was in the kitchen."
"Yeah," Beca said with a laugh. "You guys gave me the perfect idea when Amy suggested we playNever Ever Have I Ever."
Beca leaned forward and kissed Chloe. "And now that you know, I can do that in front of you."
Chloe laughed and grabbed Beca behind the neck, and pulled her into a deeper kiss.
"Let's keep it PG," Fat Amy said, causing the two to break apart. "We still have a child in our midst."
Emily looked over to see Amy pointing at her. "I'm not a child, Amy."
"Will you two behave," Aubrey scolded. "There are more important things to talk about. Like, how my best friend is engaged, and I didn't even know she was dating anyone."
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Brey," Chloe said, looking at her best friend. "Once we knew we were all in, I kind of liked that Beca and I were the only ones who knew. And, once it got out, we'd be bombarded with paparazzi and everyone wanting to know every aspect of our lives. I liked living in that secret bubble, and I wanted to stay there for a while. But now that we're engaged, I want everyone to know."
Beca took Chloe's hand and gave her a smile. They both looked at Aubrey, waiting for her to yell at them.
"I'm happy for you guys," Aubrey said and grabbed them both in a hug, taking them both by surprise.
"Thank you, Brey," Chloe said as Aubrey pulled back from the hug. "I think it goes without saying that I want you to be my Maid of Honor."
"Of course," Aubrey said. "I'd be honored."
"Congratulations, you two," Emily squealed. "This is aca-awesome news! I'm so happy for you both."
"Go ahead, Beca," Fat Amy said. "Ask me."
"Ask you what?"
"Ask me to be your Maid of Honor," Fat Amy said.
"Um, well, I kind of already asked someone else," Beca said and looked at Chloe.
"But I'm your best friend," Fat Amy whined.
"I know, but she helped me with the proposal, and it just seemed right," Beca said. "I hope you understand."
"It was a really amazing proposal," Chloe said, kissing Beca's cheek.
"Amy? We good?"
"Yeah, we're good," Amy mumbled.
"So, who did you ask?" Emily asked.
Beca's phone pinged with a text notification. She pulled out her phone and smiled when she read the text.
"Um, you'll see in about five minutes," Beca said, sending off a quick response.
"Just tell us, Beca," Fat Amy said.
"I'm keeping it a surprise," Beca said.
Beca sat back with a smile on her face and waited. It had been only about two minutes, and Fat Amy couldn't wait any longer.
"Who's your maid of honor, Beca? You should at least tell me, after all, I am the best friend you're casting aside to let some no-name stand with you on the most important day of your life. So, just tell me."
There was a knock at the door. Beca smiled as she stood, saying, "Why tell you when I can show you."
Beca went to the door and came back with Taylor Swift carrying a gift bag.
"OH, MY STARS!" Emily squealed. "Taylor Swift is your maid of honor?"
"Yep," Chloe said, standing to hug Taylor. "Hey, Taylor."
"Hi, Chloe," Taylor said, pulling back from Chloe and looking around. "And, I guess it's safe to assume these ladies are the Bellas."
"Yes, ma'am," Stacie said. "That's us!"
The girls introduced themselves; Taylor was a bit taken aback at the glare Fat Amy gave her during the introductions.
"Oh, my god!" Aubrey exclaimed as she jumped up, startling everyone. "I have to work with Taylor Swift to organize your bachelorette parties?"
"Yeah, that's right," Taylor answered. "Can I get your number so I can have my assistant call you to set up some time so we can get started as soon as possible?"
"Sure," Aubrey said, putting her hand in front of her mouth and swallowing loudly. "Oh, my god, Taylor Swift just asked me for my number."
Chloe looked at Aubrey and noticed the look of panic on her face.
"Are you okay, Brey?"
"I have to work with Taylor Swift to organize your bachelorette parties," Aubrey murmured, retaking her seat.
"I think you guys broke her," Stacie said, chuckling as she looked at Aubrey.
"Is she going to be okay?" Taylor asked.
"She'll be fine," Beca said.
"Ahem," Fat Amy said, clearing her throat.
Beca and Taylor looked at her. Fat Amy got up and walked over to Taylor.
"You may be Beca's maid of honor," Amy said, getting in Taylor's face. "But I'm herbestfriend."
"I thought Chl-"
"No," Beca said, stopping Taylor while shaking her head as she got between Amy and Taylor. "You really do not want to open up that can of worms right now." She then turned to Amy. "Amy, be nice."
Amy put up her hands in surrender and went back to her seat.
"Okay," Taylor said. "It was nice seeing you all, but I really have to run."
"Can't you stay a little longer?" Emily asked. "Maybe we can sing together or something? Oh, my stars, wouldn't that just make this the best Christmas ever?"
"Let's singChristmas Tree Farm," Jessica called out. "I love that song."
"I agree," Fat Amy said. "You should sing with us, Taylor; you owe me for stealing the maid of honor job from Beca's best friend, who is me."
Taylor laughed and looked at Fat Amy; her smile dropped when she saw the look on Fat Amy's face. She turned to Beca, asking, "Is she serious?"
"I'm afraid so," Beca said. "Don't worry, I know just what to do."
Taylor looked over to see Fat Amy glaring at her again.
"Okay," Taylor said. "Do what you gotta do because I really do need to go."
"Hey, Ames," Beca said. "If you let Taylor go because she has to be somewhere, you can take the lead onChristmas Tree Farm. Okay?"
"You drive a hard bargain,my bestie," Fat Amy said. "I accept your terms. Miss Taylor, you are free to go."
Amy stood, waving her hand toward the door.
"Well?" Amy said, looking at Taylor.
"You'd better go while you still can, Taylor," Jessica said. "Or you may be spending Christmas here whether you want to or not."
"Oh, okay, um, thanks!" Taylor said, rushing to the door and calling out, "Merry Christmas, everyone!"
Once Taylor was gone, Fat Amy started singing and stared the girls down until they joined in. Beca grabbed Chloe's hand and dragged her to the kitchen.
"Merry Christmas, future wife," Beca said, pulling Chloe into a kiss. "I love you."
"I love you, too!"
There was a sudden, loud crash from the living room. Beca sighed and walked out of the kitchen, yelling, "Amy! What did you do?"
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foodrecipes2012 · 11 days
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jaimee2001 · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: From Crook to Cook: Recipes from Tha Boss Dogg's Kitchen Snoop Dogg Cookbook.
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reasoningdaily · 10 months
From his time on VH1's Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party to his bestselling book of soul food recipes, “From Crook to Cook,” Snoop Dogg has shown us that he can get down in the kitchen.
Now, the D.O.-Double-G. is back with a follow-up to his successful cookbook debut – and this time, he brought a friend along. “Snoop Dogg Presents Goon with the Spoon” is a collab with Bay Area rapper Earl “E-40” Stevens, a.k.a “The Goon with the Spoon.” The book features over 65 recipes for every meal, along with colorful photos inspired by both rappers’ favorite recipes...and, of course, their mutual California love.
“E-40 is my big homie, my brother, my mentor. He paved the way for me on the West Coast,” Snoop said in a statement shared with The Root. “Watching him expand his love for food and cooking over the years to his many successful businesses is some boss-level shit. Which is why ‘Snoop Dogg Presents Goon With the Spoon’ had to be the next cookbook, ya dig?”
Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Mac ’n’ Cheese Bites, Cognac Mashed Potatoes and Purple Popsizzles are just a few of their creative takes on classic dishes and drinks.
So if you’re looking to add a little Cali flavor to your holiday menu, Snoop shared a couple of recipes from the book with us:
Ridin’ Dirty Shrimp ’n’ Grits
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Shrimp and grits are a Southern staple, so this recipe is sure to be a favorite at your holiday brunch.
“We like to add a little crunch to our shrimp and grits, so make sure to fry that bacon hard!” Snoop says.
For The Grits
1 tbsp unsalted butter
1 cup [140 g] stone-ground grits (not instant)
2 cups [480 ml] low-sodium chicken broth
1 cup [240 ml] whole milk
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup [80 g] shredded sharp Cheddar cheese
For The Shrimp
4 slices bacon (not thick cut), cut crosswise into 1/2 in. [13 mm] pieces
1 lb [455 g] 21/25-count shrimp, peeled and deveined
3 green onions, thinly sliced, with 1 Tbsp dark green parts reserved for garnish
2 tsp hot sauce, preferably Crystal
Salt and cracked black pepper
To Make The Grits
In a medium saucepan over medium heat, melt the butter. Add the grits and cook until lightly toasted for about 2 minutes. Add the chicken broth, milk and salt. Increase the heat to medium-high and bring to a boil.
Lower the heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer, stirring occasionally, until thick and creamy for 30 to 40 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and stir in the cheese. Cover to keep warm.
To Cook The Shrimp
In a large skillet over medium heat, add the bacon and cook until browned and crisp, 7 to 8 minutes, turning once halfway through cooking. Meanwhile, line a large plate with paper towels. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the bacon to the paper towel–lined plate. Discard all but 1 tbsp of the fat from the skillet.
Increase the heat to medium-high and add the shrimp and the green onions. Cook until the shrimp is pink and opaque throughout for 4 to 5 minutes. Remove from the heat, stir in the bacon and hot sauce, and season with salt and pepper.
Ladle the grits into individual bowls and top with the shrimp. Garnish with the reserved green onions and serve.
Pimp’s Cup (Makes 1 drink)
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6 oz [180 ml] Pimm’s
2 oz [60 ml] fresh lemon juice
1 tsp sugar
2 orange slices
1 strawberry, sliced
Mint sprig
Ginger ale, for topping off
1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Add the Pimm’s, lemon juice, and sugar. Cover the shaker and shake well for 30 seconds.
In a tumbler, drop in the orange slices, strawberry slices, mint sprig, and ice. Strain the Pimm’s mixture into the prepared tumbler until halfway full and top off with ginger ale. Serve immediately.
Snoop Dogg Presents Goon with the Spoon by Snoop Dogg and Earl “E-40” Stevens. © 2023. Published by Chronicle Books. Photographs by Antonis Achilleos.
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brookston · 11 months
Holidays 11.7
American Choral Society Day
Ben Ali Commemoration Day (Tunisia)
Commemoration Day (Tunisia)
Day of Accord and Reconciliation (Russia)
Day of the Hungarian Opera (Hungary)
Days of History and Memory (Kyrgyzstan)
Dunce Day
Employee Brotherhood Day (SpongeBob Squarepants)
European Radon Day
Gastrointestinal Day (Germany)
Good Tummy Day (Japan)
Hug a Bear Day
Hungarian Opera Day (Hungary)
International Day of Medical Physics
International Inuit Day
Little League Girls Day
Magazine Day
Medical Science Liaison Awareness and Appreciation Day
Melbourne Cup Day (Victoria, Australia)
Meteorite Day
National Bassist Day
National Cancer Awareness Day (India)
National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day
National Day for the Victims of Communism
National Day in Northern Catalonia (France)
National Day of Remembrance for Ka Otis (Philippines)
National Food Fortification Day (Philippines)
National Inuit Day (Canada)
National Keith Day
National Lori Day
National Programmatic Advertising Day
National Railway Day (Canada)
National Retinol Day
National Revolution and Solidarity Day (Bangladesh)
Notary Public Day
Red Cup Day
Republican Elephant Day
Social Revolution Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Stay Away from Anyone Named Honest John Day
Treaty of the Pyrenees Day (Northern Catalonia, France)
Victims of Communism Day (Florida, Missouri)
Watercress Day (French Republic)
World Cancer Awareness Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Mud Cake Day (Sweden)
International Merlot Day
Martini Day
National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day
National Kumquat Day
1st Tuesday in November
Election Day (US) [1st Tuesday after 1st Monday]
International Skeptics Day [1st Tuesday after 1st Monday]
Independence Days
October Revolution Day (Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Transdniestria, former U.S.S.R.)
Feast Days
All Dominican Saints and Blesseds (Christian)
Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg (Lutheran)
Billy the Grownup (Muppetism)
Birth of Baháʼu'lláh (Baha'i) [2 Muharram]
Charles Baudelaire Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Engelbert II of Berg (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Blessed John Duns Scotus (The Subtle Doctor)
Feast of Stolen Fire
Festivals of the Twin Birthdays, Day 2 (Baha'i)
Florentius (Christian; Saint)
Francisco Zurbarán (Artology)
Herculanus of Perugia (Christian; Saint)
Jan Matulka (Artology)
John Christian Frederick Heyer (Lutheran)
John Duns Scotus (Christian; Blessed)
Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen (Lutheran)
Paul Peel (Artology)
Philippe de Comines (Positivist; Saint)
Prosdocimus (Christian; Saint)
Tentacle Day (Pastafarian)
Tiamat’s Day (Pagan)
Tokhu Emong (Lotha Nada people of India)
Vicente Liem de la Paz (Christian; One of Vietnamese Martyrs)
Werenfrid (Christian; Saint)
Willibrord (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 311 [64 of 72]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 51 of 60)
Aerial, by Kate Bush (Album; 2005)
Alice In Chains, by Alice In Chains (Album; 1995)
Big Hero 6 (Animated Film; 2014)
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (Radio Series; 1932)
…But Seriously, Phil Collins (Album; 1989)
The Divine Miss M, by Bette Midler (Album; 1972)
Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?, by Chicago (Song; 1970)
Don’t Look Now (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
Elf (Film; 2003)
Feast (Disney Cartoon; 2014)
Fifty Cents Lost or Get That Half Back (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 123; 1961)
Green, by R.E.M. (Album; 1988)
Hogfather, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1996) [Discworld #20]
It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (Film; 1963)
Job, by Joseph Roth (Novel; 1930)
Love Actually (Film; 2003)
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (Animated Film; 2008)
Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party (TV Series; 2016)
Mater and the Ghostlight (Pixar Cartoon; 2006)
The Midnight Line, 22nd Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2017)
Miss Fritter’s Racing Skool (Pixar Cartoon; 2017)
Mister Magoo (Animated TV Series; 1960)
Raising Steam, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2013) [Discworld #40]
Role Models (Film; 2008)
The Rose (Film; 1979)
The Scheme Misfires of You Can Planet Better Than That (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 124; 1961)
Sid and Nancy (Film; 1986)
Something Wild (Film; 1986)
A Son Unique, by Wu-Tang Clan (Album; 2006)
Starship Troopers (Film; 1997)
Studio One (Radio Series; 1948)
Ten Hail Marys & Ten How’s Your Fathers, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1980)
The Theory of Everything (Film; 2014)
Ummagumma, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1969)
Uncle Vanya, by Anton Chekov (Play; 1899)
Whole Lotta Love, by Led Zeppelin (Song; 1969)
Winter’s Heart, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 2000) [Wheel of Time #9]
Today’s Name Days
Engelbert (Austria)
Anđelko, Baldo, Florencije, Zdenka (Croatia)
Saskie (Czech Republic)
Engelbrecht (Denmark)
Kiira, Kiiri, Kirke (Estonia)
Erin, Taisto (Finland)
Carine (France)
Engelbert, Carina, Willbir, Tina (Germany)
Athinodoros, Ernest, Theagenis, Themelios (Greece)
Rezső (Hungary)
Ernesto, Prosdocimo (Italy)
Helma, Lotars (Latvia)
Ernestas, Gotautė, Karina, Sirtautas (Lithuania)
Ingebrigt, Ingelin (Norway)
Achilles, Antoni, Engelbert, Florentyn, Melchior, Przemił (Poland)
René (Slovakia)
Carina, Ernesto (Spain)
Ingegerd, Ingela (Sweden)
Engelbert, Graham, Hollis, Holm, Holmes, Holt (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 311 of 2024; 54 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 45 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Ten-Xu), Day 24 (Ji-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 23 Heshvan 5784
Islamic: 23 Rabi II 1445
J Cal: 11 Mir; Foursday [11 of 30]
Julian: 25 October 2023
Moon: 29%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 3 Frederic (12th Month) [Philippe de Comines]
Runic Half Month: Hagal (Hailstone) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 45 of 89)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 15 of 29)
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brookstonalmanac · 11 months
Holidays 11.7
American Choral Society Day
Ben Ali Commemoration Day (Tunisia)
Commemoration Day (Tunisia)
Day of Accord and Reconciliation (Russia)
Day of the Hungarian Opera (Hungary)
Days of History and Memory (Kyrgyzstan)
Dunce Day
Employee Brotherhood Day (SpongeBob Squarepants)
European Radon Day
Gastrointestinal Day (Germany)
Good Tummy Day (Japan)
Hug a Bear Day
Hungarian Opera Day (Hungary)
International Day of Medical Physics
International Inuit Day
Little League Girls Day
Magazine Day
Medical Science Liaison Awareness and Appreciation Day
Melbourne Cup Day (Victoria, Australia)
Meteorite Day
National Bassist Day
National Cancer Awareness Day (India)
National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day
National Day for the Victims of Communism
National Day in Northern Catalonia (France)
National Day of Remembrance for Ka Otis (Philippines)
National Food Fortification Day (Philippines)
National Inuit Day (Canada)
National Keith Day
National Lori Day
National Programmatic Advertising Day
National Railway Day (Canada)
National Retinol Day
National Revolution and Solidarity Day (Bangladesh)
Notary Public Day
Red Cup Day
Republican Elephant Day
Social Revolution Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Stay Away from Anyone Named Honest John Day
Treaty of the Pyrenees Day (Northern Catalonia, France)
Victims of Communism Day (Florida, Missouri)
Watercress Day (French Republic)
World Cancer Awareness Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Mud Cake Day (Sweden)
International Merlot Day
Martini Day
National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day
National Kumquat Day
1st Tuesday in November
Election Day (US) [1st Tuesday after 1st Monday]
International Skeptics Day [1st Tuesday after 1st Monday]
Independence Days
October Revolution Day (Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Transdniestria, former U.S.S.R.)
Feast Days
All Dominican Saints and Blesseds (Christian)
Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg (Lutheran)
Billy the Grownup (Muppetism)
Birth of Baháʼu'lláh (Baha'i) [2 Muharram]
Charles Baudelaire Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Engelbert II of Berg (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Blessed John Duns Scotus (The Subtle Doctor)
Feast of Stolen Fire
Festivals of the Twin Birthdays, Day 2 (Baha'i)
Florentius (Christian; Saint)
Francisco Zurbarán (Artology)
Herculanus of Perugia (Christian; Saint)
Jan Matulka (Artology)
John Christian Frederick Heyer (Lutheran)
John Duns Scotus (Christian; Blessed)
Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen (Lutheran)
Paul Peel (Artology)
Philippe de Comines (Positivist; Saint)
Prosdocimus (Christian; Saint)
Tentacle Day (Pastafarian)
Tiamat’s Day (Pagan)
Tokhu Emong (Lotha Nada people of India)
Vicente Liem de la Paz (Christian; One of Vietnamese Martyrs)
Werenfrid (Christian; Saint)
Willibrord (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 311 [64 of 72]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 51 of 60)
Aerial, by Kate Bush (Album; 2005)
Alice In Chains, by Alice In Chains (Album; 1995)
Big Hero 6 (Animated Film; 2014)
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (Radio Series; 1932)
…But Seriously, Phil Collins (Album; 1989)
The Divine Miss M, by Bette Midler (Album; 1972)
Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?, by Chicago (Song; 1970)
Don’t Look Now (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
Elf (Film; 2003)
Feast (Disney Cartoon; 2014)
Fifty Cents Lost or Get That Half Back (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 123; 1961)
Green, by R.E.M. (Album; 1988)
Hogfather, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1996) [Discworld #20]
It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (Film; 1963)
Job, by Joseph Roth (Novel; 1930)
Love Actually (Film; 2003)
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (Animated Film; 2008)
Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party (TV Series; 2016)
Mater and the Ghostlight (Pixar Cartoon; 2006)
The Midnight Line, 22nd Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2017)
Miss Fritter’s Racing Skool (Pixar Cartoon; 2017)
Mister Magoo (Animated TV Series; 1960)
Raising Steam, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2013) [Discworld #40]
Role Models (Film; 2008)
The Rose (Film; 1979)
The Scheme Misfires of You Can Planet Better Than That (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 124; 1961)
Sid and Nancy (Film; 1986)
Something Wild (Film; 1986)
A Son Unique, by Wu-Tang Clan (Album; 2006)
Starship Troopers (Film; 1997)
Studio One (Radio Series; 1948)
Ten Hail Marys & Ten How’s Your Fathers, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1980)
The Theory of Everything (Film; 2014)
Ummagumma, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1969)
Uncle Vanya, by Anton Chekov (Play; 1899)
Whole Lotta Love, by Led Zeppelin (Song; 1969)
Winter’s Heart, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 2000) [Wheel of Time #9]
Today’s Name Days
Engelbert (Austria)
Anđelko, Baldo, Florencije, Zdenka (Croatia)
Saskie (Czech Republic)
Engelbrecht (Denmark)
Kiira, Kiiri, Kirke (Estonia)
Erin, Taisto (Finland)
Carine (France)
Engelbert, Carina, Willbir, Tina (Germany)
Athinodoros, Ernest, Theagenis, Themelios (Greece)
Rezső (Hungary)
Ernesto, Prosdocimo (Italy)
Helma, Lotars (Latvia)
Ernestas, Gotautė, Karina, Sirtautas (Lithuania)
Ingebrigt, Ingelin (Norway)
Achilles, Antoni, Engelbert, Florentyn, Melchior, Przemił (Poland)
René (Slovakia)
Carina, Ernesto (Spain)
Ingegerd, Ingela (Sweden)
Engelbert, Graham, Hollis, Holm, Holmes, Holt (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 311 of 2024; 54 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 45 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Ten-Xu), Day 24 (Ji-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 23 Heshvan 5784
Islamic: 23 Rabi II 1445
J Cal: 11 Mir; Foursday [11 of 30]
Julian: 25 October 2023
Moon: 29%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 3 Frederic (12th Month) [Philippe de Comines]
Runic Half Month: Hagal (Hailstone) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 45 of 89)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 15 of 29)
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vh1 · 7 years
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We’re cooking up a little midnight snack for all our Martha & Snoop fans who can’t wait until Mon October 16 10/9c! For the FULL video click the source! ...Hope ur hungry 😉
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pettycentral · 7 years
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Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party       (Emmy Magazine, 2017)
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ethanalter · 7 years
Emmy Nominations 2017 Martha and Snoop MacGyver The Ranch
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‘Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party’ is now an Emmy nominee (Photo: VH1)
Legion, Insecure‘s Issa Rae and Better Call Saul‘s Michael McKean were among the shows and actors first-time Emmy contenders that were snubbed by voters when the nominations were announced this morning. But the freshman class of nominees does make room for a few surprising — some might say, shocking — shows. Here are five unexpected series that can now add “Emmy-nominated” to their resume.
Ballers (HBO) Baywatch may have been a rare summer bomb for Dwayne Johnson, but he’s gotta be all smiles knowing that he’s in contention for an Emmy rather than a Razzie. The actor’s HBO sports world comedy, Ballers, nabbed its first-ever nomination, in the category of Outstanding Cinematography For a Single-Camera Series (Half-Hour). That places the show on the same footing as its more lauded channelmates Silicon Valley and Veep, both of which are also up for this statue along with Divorce, Mozart in the Jungle and Transparent. The only person with a bigger smile than The Rock right now is Ballers superfan, Senator Elizabeth Warren.
MacGyver (CBS) You’d think we would have learned by now to never count out Angus MacGyver. The master of last-minute saves pulls off another unexpected trick nabbing an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Stunt Coordination for a Drama Series, Limited Series or Movie. Still, it must be said that MacGyver reboot — which stars Lucas Till in the role made iconic by Richard Dean Anderson — looks a little puny when placed alongside its competitors in this category, which include The Blacklist, Blindspot, Gotham and the biggest, baddest hero of all, our man Luke Cage.
Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party (VH1) Break out the gin and (green) juice everybody: Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg are officially Primetime Emmy nominees. VH1’s odd couple to end all odd couples are up for Outstanding Host For a Reality or Reality-Competition program, squaring off against such squares as Masterchef Junior‘s Gordon Ramsay, Match Game‘s Alec Baldwin, Project Runway‘s Heidi Klum, RuPaul’s Drag Race‘s own RuPaul and W. Kamau Bell from United Shades of America. If they pull off an upset victory, Martha and Snoop have already promised to bake their special brownies for the entire Emmy audience.
The Ranch (Netflix) Have you visited Netflix’s Ranch lately? Enough Emmy voters apparently did. Two seasons into its run, the streaming service’s under-the-radar sitcom, which reunites That ’70s Show stars Ashton Kutcher and Danny Masterson, lassoed its first-ever nomination for Outstanding Cinematography for a Multi-Camera Series. That’s one more Emmy nomination than Netflix’s superior half-hour comedies Dear White People or Love. Dear Emmy Voters: next year, trying binge-watching those shows instead.
Superior Donuts (CBS) The Ranch isn’t the only seemingly random show to find a path to a potential Emmy through the Outstanding Cinematography for a Multi-Camera Series category. CBS’s tepidly-received comedy Superior Donuts also received its sole nomination here, as did the Disney Channel series, K.C. Undercover. The final nominee, 2 Broke Girls, has been up for this Emmy three times before and may finally take the statue home as a going away present now that it’s been cancelled. We can genuinely say that whoever wins…we probably haven’t seen it.
The 69th Annual Emmy Awards will air Sunday, Sept. 17, at 8 p.m. on CBS.
Read More From Yahoo TV: The Complete List of Emmy Nominations Emmys: The Biggest Snubs and Surprises Emmy Nominations React: It’s a Good Year to Be Young, Old and Political
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ferryboatpeak · 5 years
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givemegifs · 7 years
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cursed-tm · 7 years
The fact that all of the Food Network shows are off Netflix is really irritating because honestly what the fuck am I going to shout at if not people cooking for my amusement
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thewightknight · 7 years
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Martha & Snoop Reenact The Movie 'Ghost'
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