#Martin Deeks
bullet-prooflove · 3 months
Six AM: Marty Deeks x Reader
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Tagging: @football1921 @jasmine06blog  @cat-or-kitten @itswhatever06 @hotfranchise
Talk Radio - You can't sleep without the radio on.
Waiting - Marty waits up for you.
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It’s 6am and Marty’s watching you sleep. He’s been doing that a lot since the accident. Instead of getting up and going surfing, he spends the hours after the sunrise curled up around you, holding you close because he’s terrified of losing you all over again.
It’s in these hours that the memories flood back. The flashing lights and the knock at the door. The sound of your sergeant’s voice as he tells him you’ve been in a road collision, that they’ve airlifted you to a Level 1 Trauma Centre because of your injuries.
It had taken you three days to wake up and Marty had never been as relieved as he was in that moment when you opened your eyes and grumbled at him about the wires that were attached to you.
Now you’re back home with him, in the bed you share together, still on this earth, still recovering.
You sigh as you turn over to face him, mumbling in your sleep. You do this sometimes, talk in your sleep, usually it’s inane shit like telling Monty the dog he’s a good boy or that he needs a bath. The second one usually sends the dog skittering from the end of the bed, where he sleeps by your feet. He’s been protective since you’ve returned home, hovering by your side as you go about your day today, barking at anyone he doesn’t recognise. He seems to sense that something happened to you, that you’re more fragile than you used to be.
You burrow even closer against his form and Marty takes this as a sign you’re feeling vulnerable. He gathers you up into his arms, drawing you into the shelter of his body and you start to settle again. This happens sometimes too, you have nightmares bad dreams. He’s always there to reassure you, to sooth you because Marty, he has them too. Ones where you don’t come back from the hospital, ones where he doesn’t make it there in time.
He closes his eyes and listens to the sound of your breathing, he feels the rise and fall of your chest and he thanks God, Buddha and all the other deities that you survived, that you made it back home to him.
Love Deeks? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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rookheeya · 1 year
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NCIS Los Angeles
S03 ep22 Neighborhood Watch
Poor Nell...
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deeksblye · 2 years
I just noticed Deeks nudging Kensi to make her drop the box and it is so cute and funny ❤️
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capturedpain · 8 months
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NCIS: Los Angeles 5x01
Deeks in the hospital after being tortured.
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greenleaf777 · 1 year
Man i am going to miss Densi
One more week then their gone 😭
If anyone ever needs a several season long healthy loving full of chemistry ship then give NCIS Los Angeles a try. Theres no on-again-off-again, no love triangles, they have their issue but they always work through them together. They’ve been in my too 5 ships for more than a decade.
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lurafita · 1 year
Blorbo Mayham
If you were to pit all your favorite characters from different fandoms against each other, who would win?
- No one because they form a support group and life-long friendship!
Though some of those friendships would be admittedly beyond cracky.
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chaoticthotsstuff · 1 year
look at me in the eye and tell me that kensi blye doesnt have a crush on Chris Hemsworth
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booknerdinglasses · 2 years
can deeks and kensi just get together already it’s season 4 omg
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dress-and-impress · 1 year
If I ever get a paralysis on the left side of my body and no sensation on my right I want someone right there next to me and looking after me and saying that they love and care about me regardless of my state even tho I’m rlly depressed about potentially not being able to walk again.
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stardustinthesky · 25 days
when you start watching a show for a ship and one half of it isn’t there yet for basically a season
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ejzah · 2 years
A/N: Thanks @mashmaiden for reminding me about Deeks’ birthday. I’m as bad as Kensi.
Happy 44th birthday Marty Deeks! May you have many cronuts and sushi.
The One With the Surprise Party
“So, I hear it’s someone’s very special birthday coming up,” Kensi murmured, wrapping her arms around Deeks from behind as he sat at the dining table. She pressed a smacking kiss to his cheek, then more gently kissed behind his ear. Tipping his chin up, he pulled a face.
“Oh yeah, that thing.”
“Yeah that thing. We’re three weeks out.”
“Thanks for rubbing it in,” he joked. Kensi playfully tugged at the the longer bit of beard on his chin, speckled with a little gray.
“Seriously though, what do you want for your birthday?”
“I’ve got everything I want right here,” he replied, testing his neck enough to see her. “Well, one part is currently at book club, but the point still stands.”
Kensi could tell he meant it, but ever since that awful birthday years ago when she’d gotten the dates mixed up, she couldn’t let the day go without some form of celebration.
“Baby,” she wheedled, twining her fingers through his curls. “We finally aren’t running around like crazy trying to get the house in shape, or worried about money. Let’s celebrate in style.”
“I appreciate it, Kens, but all I really want is to spend time with my family.”
“If you’re sure.”
“Yep.” He stretched up to kiss her, smiling against her lips. “Just family and some good food. That’s all I need.”
“Ok,” Kensi agreed, leaving him to his work. She started scheming a few minutes later.
“This has been the perfect morning,” Deeks sighed, leaning back with a satisfied smile. The remnants of an omelet and French toast spread out in front of him. His hair was still just the slightest bit damp from their morning surfing, and was naturally starting to curl around his ears.
“Well, you said you wanted spend the day with family, so you’re stuck with us all day long,” Kensi said, popping a bite of syrup soaked pancake into her mouth. “No take backs.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He nodded to Rosa, who was making her way through a waffle. “So, what did you think of your first winter surf?”
“It wasn’t as cold as I expected. It was nice that there weren’t as many people around,” Rosa answered. “I think I am finally getting more comfortable and not like I might fall over every single time.”
“Uh, you killed it out there, Rose,” Deeks told her with enough enthusiasm to earn a grin from Rosa. “In a few more months, you’ll be better than me.”
“You see, he never gives me these kinds of compliments,” Kensi joked, nudging Deeks’ shoulder. He immediately turned with a would-be sincerity.
“Babe, your surfing is amazing, and I would watch you surf every day for the rest of my life. But you also try to knock me off my board at least once every time we go out.”
“It’s tradition,” she defended herself. “And we know how much you love tradition.”
“Uh-huh. I feel so loved.”
“I promise I won’t knock you over next time we surf,” Rosa offered, thought her giant grin took something away from the sentiment.
“I appreciate that, Rosa.” He grabbed the receipt their waiter had left on the table a few minutes ago, and made to stand. “I’ll go pay the bill—”
“Ah-ah-ah, the birthday boy does not pay for his own breakfast,” Kensi interrupted, snatching the slip of paper out of his hand. “I’ll pay this, and then we’re going shopping, because you my dear hubby, have not bought any new clothes in way too long.
She shared a smile with Rosa over Deeks’ head, pleased with how well things were coming together.
Deeks went along with Kensi and Rosa’s makeover with minimal complaint. It wasn’t that he hated dressing up per se, it was just easier, and a lot more comfortable to wear jeans and t-shirt.
Of course, those didn’t inspire the special gleam that tailored pants and a dress shirt did.
“You know, I don’t think I really need a tie with this,” he said as Kensi pulled into their driveway.
“But that blue one you have would look perfect,” Kensi insisted again.
“The sushi place has seen me in flip flops and three-day hoodie. I don’t think they’ll care if I show a bit of collar bone.”
“I have to get my purse anyway,” Rosa added, and between them they chivvied him up to the door. He had just enough time to notice that the curtains were drawn with light peeking through when Kensi swung the door open, and he was greeted with a chorus of,
“Happy Birthday!”
Deeks jerked back ever so slightly, stunned by the dozen or so people crowded in their living room.
“Get in here, man,” Sam said, tugging Deeks into the melee.
20 minutes later, he was loaded down with a plate of his favorite food, and surrounded by Kensi, Rosa, Callen, and Sam. Large shiny balloons decorated one of the walls, spelling out “Happy 44th Birthday”.
Everyone had given their well-wishes, hugs, and so forth. Across the room, he saw his mom holding court with Julia, Rountree, and Fatima. He’d bet his brand new shirt that she was currently telling every embarrassing story she could recall.
“Ok, how exactly did you pull this off?” he asked, wrapping his free arm around Kensi’s waist.
“It wasn’t easy,” Kensi said. “Planning a surprise birthday party is a
lot harder than you make it look. But Rosa is a pretty good coconspirator. She picked up supplies with Roberta and invited most of the guests.”
“It was fun,” Rosa said with a shrug. “I kind of like the…cloak and dagger?”
“I’m both impressed and concerned.” Deeks held up a Swedish meatball on his fork. “What I want to know is when you found time to do all—” he used the meatball to gesture at the decorations, which were pretty extensive—“this? And spend all day with me.”
“We have our ways,” Kensi said mysteriously.
“Does Kip’s somewhat sudden offer to catch up and play basketball with his old team yesterday have anything to do with?”
“Hey, we needed you out of the house for a solid 8 hours, and Kip was more than happy to help his good friend, Marty-Mar out.”
“We cooked everything at Roberta’s house so you wouldn’t get any ideas.”
“Your mother’s insane, Deeks,” Sam added, shaking his head. “Made me shred 8 chickens. You know how long that takes?”
“Wait, my mom had you guys cooking too?” Deeks started laughing, imagining his mom ordering Sam Hanna around her kitchen.
“Oh no, I was on balloon duty,” Callen said. “It takes a long time to blow them all up. A special technique.”
“I’m sure it does.” Sam glowered at him briefly, then allowed a tiny smile. “It was worth it for a friend. Just don’t ask me to do anything else with chickens.”
“Fair enough. Thanks for all of this.” Deeks dropped his gaze momentarily, suddenly embarrassed. “I truly did not expect any of it.”
“Hey, there’s only one Marty Deeks,” Callen said, raising his beer. “Long may he live.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Sam muttered, but took a drink along with the rest of the group.
“Ooh, I’m going to get your present.” Rosa jumped up from the table, hurrying off to her room.
“You know, I just have one question.” Deeks lowered his voice so only Kensi could hear. “If we were just coming home, why did I need a makeover?”
“Oh, that was all for me,” Kensi informed him with a sly grin. “And, it plays into your present from me. Which you’ll get after everybody’s gone.”
“Happy birthday to me,” Deeks said, leaning over to kiss Kensi, and tuning out the sound of Sam and Callen’s combined groans.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed this fluffy little piece.
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bullet-prooflove · 7 months
Talk Radio: Marty Deeks x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989
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It’s early when Deeks let’s himself into the house or late depending on how you look at it. The sun is just starting to rise in the distance, the orange glow casting shadows across the floorboards before he closes the front door quietly behind him.
If he strains his ears he can hear the low sounds of talk radio emitting from the bedroom. You say that his constant dialogue has conditioned you, that the only way you can sleep when he’s not there is with the sound of a radio host constantly in your ear.
You’re completely out of it when he slips into the bedroom, tangled up in the sheets, wearing one of his shirts, face pressed into his pillow. Deek thinks it’s freaking adorable. He can’t believe he gets to come home to you every day, that he gets to love you.
He undresses quietly, peeling off each layer and leaving them in a heap on the floor because he’s too tired to do anything more than climb into bed with you. He’s been running on full steam over the past couple of days, barely been home for anything more than a quick shower before he’s back out chasing down leads.
He turns off the small battery powered radio on the nightstand, the one that used to belong to your father before he climbs in underneath the sheets. You mumble in your sleep, draping yourself over him like a weighted blanket. He wraps his arms around you, burying his face into your hair as he inhales the scent of your coconut shampoo.
Already he can feel himself starting to settle, his eyelids fluttering closed as his body starts to relax. His lips brush over your hairline as he whispers into the dark.
“Sweet dreams baby.”
Love Deeks? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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chenfordsrollisi · 2 years
Not Easy to Love
Fandom: NCIS: Los Angeles Title: Not Easy to Love Characters: Martin “Marty” Deeks, Kensi Blye Pairing: Densi Rating/Warnings: PG. Het. Love. Summary: Deeks and Kensi have a conversation about some of her personality traits. A/N: From now on, my fics will no longer be beta’d by other people. I’m going to use a spell checker, grammar checker, and a punctuation checker to check my works. Any errors that remain are my own. Thanks to anyone who reads, reviews, likes, bookmarks, or follows. Disclaimer: I don’t own NCIS: LA or anything you recognize and I don’t claim to. I make no money writing this story. Words: 198 without title and ending.
Word to use: Quiet
EC # 5: *Not Easy to Love* Densi
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deeksblye · 2 years
This scene is HILARIOUS for so many reasons 🤣❤️
▪️Sam and Kensi having that conversation that doesn't seem to have anything to do with crosfit.
▪️Callen's reaction and confusion while listening to the conversation.
▪️Callen mentioning a dominatrix and Kensi and Sam's reaction to it.
▪️ The way that the 3 of them react to whatever Beale says.
This scene is pure gold 😂
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lloowweesss · 2 months
silly lil phrases
*Martin often gets his speech mixed up for context*
Mk: *yapping*.. Labor ham inkin..
Ck: Wait- did you just say labor ham inkin?..(silence)
Mk: wdym?-
Ck: You just said and I quote "Labor ham inkin"
Mk: No.
*Koki and Aviva are balling thier eyes out in the background*
Ck: you mean Abraham Lincoln right?
Mk: aww bro look it's an Indian Runner Deek!-
Ck: Deek? Comon not again- what is a deek?!
Mk: deek? Whare did you get deek from-
Ck: YOU LITERALLY JUST SAID "oH LoOK aT ThAT DeEk" *pointing at the duck*
Mk: what- i Litterly said duck?
Ck: Nuh-Uh!
*Koki still cracking up*
Mk: Why don't we go to Seattle Lithington?
Ck: Seattle lithington. Really?.
Ck: It's Seattle Wash-ing-ton Washington.
Mk: I said Washington what are you even on???
Ck: No. You said Lithington. And no we cannot go to Seattle Lithington and see the deeks along with Labor ham inkin.
Mk: | Litterly never said that-
*About this time Koki lost it and was rolling on the ground laghing and wheasing*
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aladaylessecondblog · 1 month
random AU I won't do
Sadara survives childbirth and goes to Kvatch. Lives with little Haj-deek/Sunnar/whatever she ends up calling her, is bard. Maybe runs an inn or something? (the better to catch rumors if she needs to gtfo)
If asked about her daughter's father just says "I lost him to the Sixth House"
Is vaguely alarmed when the former Sanguine follower turned priest starts getting sweet on Haj-deek
after the two have been married a few years (maybe there's even a baby), the Oblivion Crisis happens
Sadara, in the chapel, hearing who Martin is, getting very tired of prophecies and shit: you've got to be fucking kidding me
(I was considering having her live in the Imperial City and be the Hero of Kvatch but that would just result in a "well this is awkward" from the Emperor. Or possibly "you had ONE JOB")
someone would be bound to catch on eventually tho considering she doesn't seem to age. people assume she's a telvanni or something.
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