#Mascot properties
theagencyses · 9 months
Superb Convenience And Exceptional Lifestyle Appeal | The Agency South East Sydney
This prized corner apartment delivers a lifestyle of supreme convenience, displaying stylish modern interiors and a generous entertainers’ balcony. Part of Rosebery’s sought-after ‘Metro Village’, it’s situated only footsteps from The Cannery’s vibrant foodie and retail hub, while being just a short walk to Green Square Station for easy access to the CBD and Eastern Beaches.
Website More : https://theagencyses.com.au/property/88-37-morley-avenue-rosebery-nsw-2018/
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aithusarosekiller · 7 months
Reminder that the last word ever used to describe Regulus in the books was 'brave'
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eris-abomination · 6 months
Probably a hot take, but mascot horror is more important than y’all give it credit for.
Y’all elitists are so up in arms about media being “cheap kiddie trash” that you’re forgetting that KIDS LOVE SCARY SHIT. There’s a damn good reason why Goosebumps was (and still is!!!) so popular and why indie horror games tend to attract child audiences! There’s a whole-ass MARKET for scary books and TV shows suitable for kids, so why aren’t they allowed to have mildly spooky video games without a bunch of grown-ass adults bitching and moaning about how “THE ENTIRE HORROR GENRE IS DEAD AND LAME-ASS KIDDIE MASCOTS KILLED IT”??? It’s either that or letting the kids play the games Y’ALL like, and I doubt that leaving a 9 year old alone with Outlast would lead to anything good.
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twiexmachina · 1 year
Erin O’Neil: implies that Normal has two dads
Me, having assumed since the very first episode that either Lark and Sparrow are at the very least coparents and at the most are whatever the property brothers are: yeah, tell us something we don’t know
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detectivenyx · 1 year
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indie horror tier list but i designed it specifically to reflect my actual opinions piss off everyone
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clownowo · 1 year
Can someone kick me out of the p3 tags I haven’t finished the fucking game. I keep going into the character tags like. Buddy. There are fucking SPOILERS here
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Dog Hybrid Mall Security Darling - A pup found rummaging through trashcans one night during inspection and taken in for a position as a member of security, later becoming the unofficial mascot of the mall for their sweet personality and friendliness. They aren't the greatest at their job as they can easily be persuaded with snacks from the food court, but nobody cares to point out areas of improvement as their gentle giant can do no wrong - and how can anyone say they're doing a poor job when looking in those big, gorgeous eyes. Most robberies are stopped if they beg enough anyway, and if they aren't whimpering always seals the deal.
They're cared for by nearly every shop owner in the mall. Pet groomers tend to their fur and claws, making them presentable for the crowd and often trying to sneak collars on them. Food vendors always leave some of their stock on standby to reward their hard work when they drop by. Anxious/overworked retail works are always soothed when Reader squeezes behind their desks and lets them pet them.
It's not widespread knowledge, but Reader never leaves the property when others do. They sleep in the backrooms of stores that leave out beds for them or in one of the breakrooms. Not one person has a problem with this, but a select few always attempt to get them into their car when heading home. Reader is a loyal hound and refuses, but sometimes the thought of a forever home as many offer is pleasant fuel for their dreams
Dog Security Reader: Please don't steal from our stores anymore :(
Yan Thief: ...
Dog Security Reader: 🥺
Yan Thief, dropping the thousands worth of stolen goods: ok.
Yan: Wanna go for a ride, puppy? Come on, get in the van-
Dog Security Reader: Ride?! :D... wait... [looks at the board of shoplifters] That won't work on me again, I'm mall property. Shame on you!
Yan, under their breath: damn... almost had them..
Yan: I'm completely stuffed and there's still one sausage of a stick left. Whatever shall I do?
[Dog Security Reader, sprinting from the third floor and the down escalator - mouth still full of treats they got from others]: Me! I can take it!
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chipistrate · 1 year
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Welcome to the Grand Opening of Freddy Fazbears Balloon Circus!
After an array of previous undisclosed incidents at the Mega Pizzaplex, ending with the sudden collapsing of the building due to an unexpected earthquake, Fazbear Enterprise has demolished the old mall and rebuilt a new and improved carnival on the property! But just because the attractions above ground have been overhauled, doesn't mean the secrets beneath the surface have magically disappeared.
Reblogs appreciated!
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MANY more rambles about this AU under the cut: would much appreciate if you read them, but there's no obligations!
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EVERYTHING HERE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE!! This AU has just been pieced together by my insane ramblings to my friend over the past few days, so everything in it's early stages of development, and this post is being written VERY late while I'm very sleep deprived and just trying to finish it in time to schedule it! If some things are a bit weird or inconsistent then please keep that in mind! Thank you! :D
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Gregory, Vanessa, and Freddy all return to the now renovated lot where the Pizzaplex once stood, having been called back two years after their last failed visit too save a long lost friend, too repair their old creation known at the M.X.E.S after it was suddenly and unexplainably shut down again. Upon entering the new-ish carnival, they'll quickly find it hard to safely look for the entrance to the layers below as the friendly mascot suits above chase after them for being unwanted guests.
Above ground, they're hunted by the mascots- new suits built for both performers and endoskeletons to be able to wear. This night, controlled by corrupted endoskeletons, they've been ordered to chase after the intruders by someone lurking below the carnivals ground. As well as finding the littler animatronics, known as Balloon Babies, to be quite the inconvenience.
Below ground, they're hunted by the old Glamrocks, still functional after all this time, and now under a new threats command that's also trying to keep the 3 star family from reaching M.X.E.S; Vannie. Aka, Cassie. Still here in the ruins of it all, waiting for the her perfect moment to lure the family back in and get her revenge for what they did to her all those years ago.
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The mascots are the new faces of the Freddy Fazbears Balloon Circus, their costumes built to be worn by both endoskeletons and actors- but in a safer way than the springlock suits. The actors are used during the day for greeting and interacting with guests, putting on performances, etc etc. While the endoskeletons are used at night as a replacement for security guards and STAFF bots, kindly, but forcefully, escorting any intruders off the premises. Under Vannie's control they, of course, are much less kind and gentle with how they "escort" the 3 star fam out of the carnival.
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Balloon Babies are smaller, almost Helpy-like animatronics in appearance, built to keep lost and lonely children happy and entertained while waiting for their guardian to arrive. They can't speak, but they can play song, games, sound effects, blow up balloons with their fingertips, etc etc. They found Gregory after he had been forcefully split up from Vanessa and Freddy by the mascots, and upon the family reuniting, the Balloon Babies more annoying feature kicked in: The Emergency Alert System. Whenever a child they are playing with is approached by an odd looking adult or other figure that seems like they could be a potential threat to the child's safety, whether that be a kidnapper, unfit guardian, bully, etc. the Balloon Babies will use their emergency alert system to call one of the mascots over and deal with the threat, kindly guiding the threat away and bringing the kid to a safer area away from potential danger where they can stay with staff until a proper guardian arrives. The Balloon Babies had decided in their time with Gregory that Vanessa and Freddy were unfit guardians for leaving Gregory scared and alone this late at night, and any time Vanessa and/or Freddy is nearby, their alert system will sound off and call a mascot to their location. The problem, other than the obvious, is that the Balloon Babies are fixated on Gregory. They will always be attracted to him and find their way back to him no matter what, with the only exception being when he's under ground. Which means that, until they can find a way to deactivate or otherwise get rid of these guys, Gregory is forced to be split up from Vanessa and Freddy above ground, and regroup underground.
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The only exception is Goldie, a soft yellow version of the Freddy Balloon Baby that doesn't follow the others. Goldie is the only one of the Balloon Babies that can go underground, Vannie specifically programming him to be able to do so. He follows Vannie around and provides her with much needed company, being her only real friend down here besides Roxy. Later on, Gregory will find Goldie, but instead of calling for the mascots whenever Vanessa is near, he'll send out a signal to distract the other Balloon Babies away from Gregory so they won't call for the mascots or overwhelm him. Goldie can tell that Vanessa and Freddy are fit guardians that love Gregory very much, and can also tell that they're afraid of the mascots, though he can't compute why- it's his job to make sure that kids and their families are safe, so he's doing his best to ensure their safety however he can. Later on, Vannie will come looking for her friend after a long period of time of him being away and find him with the 3 star family, causing more conflict between the two parties that Goldie can't understand- Cassie and Gregory are supposed to be friends, aren't they? That's what Cassie said. Friends aren't supposed to fight each other, they're supposed to protect each other. That's what Goldie believes, at least.
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Random trivia;
-Gregory, Freddy, and Vanessa have been living together for about 3 years now. 1 year by the time of Ruin, and 2 years after the fact leading up to Balloon Circus.
-Cassie has been gaslit into thinking that all the stuff Dr. Rabbit did was actually Gregory himself with no outside influence, only fueling her want for revenge, not only for the elevator incident, but everyone he hurt. This will affect Gregory greatly(he has not 100% recovered and this Does Not Help).
-Cassie still doesn't fully trust the Mimic, despite being under its influence. She let the M.X.E.S stay up after the 3 star family put it back up after Ruin despite Mimic's demands for her to shut it down again, assuring him it was "part of her plan". She wasn't entirely lying, shutting down the M.X.E.S was how she wanted to lure the family back, but she'd be lying if she said it wasn't also partially because she wanted to keep "that old endo" sealed away. He's not completely free from fault either.
-Gregory and Vanessa both have chips implanted in their heads, it's how Dr. Rabbit and Vanny took over way back when. Those same chips gave them VR vision, but the chips have since been "domesticated" and can't go full VR mode anymore. Despite this fact, they do still have a few side effects of the VR vision, such as some walls and objects simply not existing, despite them looking perfectly normal and real. They can phase through them without trouble, and this helps them navigate the Balloon Circus, becauseeeeeee;
-Cassie was there during the construction of the circus and set up VR walls in certain spaces to help her hide out and travel around undetected, even during the day. The 3 star family can also use these now as an easier way of navigating through the circus, but also as a way to hide from the mascots and even sometimes the Balloon Babies.
-The entrance to the underground levels is behind a VR wall, but it's one set up by the construction workers so the patrons wouldn't notice it. The reason an intentional opening is there is because the new entrance is now used as a dumping ground for stuff from random items from the ruins of the Pizzaplex to unused stuff from the circus to anything the employees with access to the area want to throw in there. It's how the ruined Glamrocks ended up there.
-The Glamrocks were being slowly reintroduced to the public, the biggest attraction so far being 'Chica of the Sea', a tent for the underwater hologram show of a prerendered mermaid Glamrock Chica that would swim around, wave at guests, and do a few preset moves that employees could turn on whenever. There's hints of them wanting to reintroduce the others as well that haven't been shown off to the public yet, with the new roles being; Glam Freddy and Bonnie are the co-ringmasters of the main tent where the mascots performances are held, making sure everything runs smoothly. Roxanne is the mascots and glamrocks make up artist, as well as offering to do make up/face paint for any patrons that came by her tent (for a price, of course). And Monty would roam around the circus grounds as a strongman showing off his incredible strength. He also has a tent for this, but he was mostly supposed to roam around and sometimes try and make people swing by his tent, mostly so they would buy his merch.
-Chica being the first to be reintroduced has an effect on her character below ground, with her hearing the news and trying her best to dress herself up in whatever scraps she could find to look like her mermaid counterpart, practicing her singing and dancing despite her condition so she could prove that she could be just as good as the hologram if she just got a few repairs.
-Roxanne is headless, having lost her head in her tussle with the Mimic. But she still has control of both her body and head, carrying around her decapitated head in her arms.
-Vannie/Cassie cares about Goldie soso much that's her new bestie<33 Friendship ended with Gregory, Goldie is new best friend<3 (I'm so sorry Gregory)
-Vannie is also known as Vengeful Vannie, but usually shortened to just 'Vannie'. A callback to the "Vengeful Spirit" aka Cassidy, because I think the parallels between the two are neat<3 (THIS MEANS NOTHING LORE WISE IT'S JUST A NAMING THING.)
-Some of the stuff at Balloon Circus was bought from the carnival mentioned to be across the street from the Pizzaplex in the TFTPP epilogues, and rebranded to fit with the new Fazbear theming
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I wanna talk more about these guys later- not sure what else exactly to do with them, but if anybody has any questions then feel free to send 'em to my inbox! I'll be more than happy to reply to the best of my abilities<3
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estellan0vella · 3 months
Don't Look Her In The Eyes Older Brother Sukuna AU HFBU
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You’re sitting at the front desk of the tattoo parlour, playing a lively game of Monopoly with Yuji and Megumi. The boys are engrossed in the game, laughing and teasing each other as they buy properties and collect rent. You’re enjoying the rare moment of downtime in the otherwise bustling shop.
Suddenly, the door swings open, and an unfamiliar yet irritatingly familiar figure strides in. It’s Yorozu, Sukuna’s ex-girlfriend. She has a haughty expression, and her eyes scan the room with disdain. You immediately feel a tension in the air as she approaches.
“I’m Yorozu,” she announces, her voice dripping with arrogance. “Heard of me?”
You glance up from the game, giving her a once-over. “I’d tell you what I’ve been told, but I don’t want you to start crying. Sukuna said your crying face was awful to look at.”
Sukuna, who’s been tattooing a client nearby, looks over with a smirk and pulls an exaggeratedly ugly crying face, making everyone in the room chuckle.
Yorozu’s face reddens with anger, but before she can retort, Gojo steps in with a mischievous grin. “Remember, guys, don’t look her in the eyes.”
Toji raises an eyebrow. “Why? Because we’ll turn to stone?”
Gojo shakes his head, still grinning. “No, her eyes are just really ugly.”
Geto snorts, unable to hide his laughter, while you bite back a smile. The atmosphere in the room shifts to one of amusement, the tension dissipating with each joke.
Yorozu tries to maintain her composure, but her irritation is evident. “He’ll come crawling back to me, you know.”
Toji lets out a loud laugh. “No, he won’t. You ain’t got tits like Y/N.”
Gojo jumps in, winking at you. “They’re the shop’s mascots, so they’re not going anywhere.”
Yorozu glares at you, her fists clenched at her sides. “You think you’re so special, don’t you?”
Sukuna, finishing up with his client, saunters over and wraps an arm around your shoulders. “Special? Y/N's got you beat in every department. Especially in the bedroom. You should see how she looks bent over—”
You quickly cover Yuji’s ears while Gojo covers Megumi’s, both of you laughing despite the situation. “Kuna!” you exclaim, playfully scolding him.
Yuji pulls away from your hand, wrinkling his nose. “Your perfume smells bad,” he tells Yorozu bluntly, pinching his nose for emphasis.
Megumi nods in agreement. “Yeah, you’re stinky.”
Gojo doubles over with laughter. “Looks like even the kids know what’s up.”
Yuji reaches into the Monopoly bank and hands Yorozu some fake money. “Here, for new perfume,” he says, his innocence making the gesture even funnier.
The room erupts in laughter, the adults barely able to contain themselves. Yorozu’s face twists with rage and embarrassment as she watches you laugh in her face. “You—”
Before she can finish, Toji steps forward, his expression serious. “I’d be careful. I’ve had to restrain Y/N when she hopped a counter and started beating up a man three times her size.”
You nod, crossing your arms with a grin. “And I don’t think you’d fare any better.”
Geto grins, leaning back in his chair. “Honestly, Yorozu, you’re just not worth the trouble.”
Yorozu’s eyes narrow, and she sneers at you. “You’re nothing special. Just another pretty face. Sukuna will get bored of you eventually.”
You roll your eyes, smirking. “You keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile, I’m the one he’s coming home to every night.”
“And coming in,” Sukuna adds with a wicked grin. The parlour erupts into raucous laughter at Sukuna’s comment, and even you can’t help but blush a little, nudging him playfully.
“Kuna!” you exclaim, trying to hide your embarrassment while covering Yuji’s ears. “You’re terrible!”
Gojo laughs uproariously, leaning against the counter for support. “Seriously, it’s like a soundtrack to our workday. At this rate, we should start charging admission.”
Toji, not wanting to be left out, chimes in. “Yeah, I mean, who needs a podcast when we've got live audio porn next door?”
You groan, covering your face with one hand while keeping Yuji's ears covered with the other, pressing his left ear against your leg as your hand covers his right ear. "Can we not?"
Toji shakes his head, chuckling. "I've walked in on them so many times, I might as well be part of the relationship."
Sukuna grins wickedly. "We could always use an extra set of hands, Toji."
Toji smirks, looking Sukuna up and down. “I might consider it.”
Gojo turns to Yorozu, who looks utterly flabbergasted. “We're all really close here,” he says with a grin that’s anything but innocent.
The room erupts in another round of laughter. Yorozu, clearly flustered and defeated, huffs and turns to leave. "You’re all disgusting," she snaps over her shoulder.
"Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!" Toji calls after her, still laughing.
As the door swings shut behind her, the laughter slowly subsides. Sukuna pulls you into a warm embrace, kissing the top of your head. “You handled that well, babe.”
You lean into him, smiling. “Couldn’t have done it without all of you.”
Yuji, now free from your hands, looks up at you with a grin. “We won, Y/N/N!”
Megumi nods enthusiastically. “Yeah, we beat the bad lady!”
You laugh, ruffling both boys’ hair. “Yes, we did. And we’ll always stick together, no matter what.”
Sukuna tightens his hold on you, his voice low and affectionate. “Always, baby.”
Gojo, never one to miss a beat, winks at you. “So, who’s up for another round of Monopoly?”
You shake your head, smiling. “Only if you promise to keep the jokes PG this time.”
“To be fair, they’re always PG,” Gojo says with a wink. “Pretty Good.”
Everyone groans at the bad pun, but the laughter and warmth in the room are undeniable. In the end, it’s clear that no matter what challenges come your way, you have an unbreakable bond with the people who matter most.
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Murder Mysteries and Afterlife Businesses // Wally Clark
IN WHICH: Maddie Nears is unaware of one ghost at Split River High School with the connections to help after dead end after dead end. The issue? Well the reader hasn’t stepped in the school since 2013 due to a certain dead jock.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, mention of murder, ghosts and some fluff
Words: 2.7k
A/N: Reader’s nickname is Renaissance since she’s an artist! Renai is pronounced Ren-ah. Reader is a twin!
I could be persuaded to make a part 2 (or more parts).
Masterlist | Next Part
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The frustration of dead ends for the mystery behind Maddie was driving her crazy. The inability to leave the school property left Maddie placing a lot of trust and lack of control in other people’s hands. And most of the ones involved had no clue Maddie was wandering the school in the afterlife. And Maddie thus far only trusted 25% of the Scooby Gang attempting to get answers.
There was really only one person in the afterlife with better ways of providing new avenues of searching. But it’s difficult when a metaphorical cavern between two ghosts prevents it.
“Well, Cherrypop, if you want the behind-the-scenes exclusive, maybe you should visit Wally’s girlfriend.” Rhonda’s lips were twisted in a smirk. Her beret sitting prettily on her curls.
Maddie’s blue eyes fled one ghost for the one shifting on his chair in the library space. The support group ended thirty minutes ago, but Maddie needed more information.
“Rhonda, seriously.” Wally groaned, flopping back on the couch and staring up at the speckles of some mysterious substance on the ceiling, “We’re on a break.”
“For the last ten years.” Charley supplied, flinching when Wally pinched his leg.
Wally’s mouth opened to reply before closing, “She doesn’t want to speak to me.”
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Once upon a time, Split River High School had a bludgeoning art studio and an excellent program. You dabbled in many different art forms, but following an unfortunate fire, the program perished, along with the studio and you. The school had rebuilt the studio with better fire-resistant products and attempted to revive the program. It failed ultimately. Even the art scene didn’t want to work in the same building where two students and a teacher had perished. So the program was shifted to a wing inside the school.
Out of sheer surprise, the building was sealed off and avoided by everyone but the janitor.
You and Brady had built a moderately successful afterlife business creating different objects. Then, you were commissioned by the fellow dead to make blankets and pottery around the holidays and birthdays. You barely left the studio, and then you met Wally.
Split River High School, 2010
Your face glanced down at the watch on your wrist before shifting the blanket in your arms around. You were running behind delivering the blanket to Mina. How humourous that even in death, you were always running late.
Typically Brady was the one to deliver items while you stayed in the art studio working. But, unfortunately, the delivery date for Mina fell on the annual day he deemed his ‘day off’ to mourn his life.
And to think you were the theatre kid with how dramatic he could be.
“Why the hell do I need to deliver this. Mina barely likes me and- OH!” You exclaimed, slamming into the linoleum ground.
You grunted when a body fell right onto your body, “Jesus, dude!”
The other person rolled off to stare at the ceiling in pain. His eyes scrunched closed and curled in the fetal position.
“Watch where you’re going, meathead!” You exclaimed, sitting up to grab the blanket lying on the ground. You didn’t give the guy another glance while you carefully folded the blanket back up and fixed the card on top.
“I’m dead. Why does getting kneeled in the balls still hurt?” He wheezed, slowly rolling to sit up. You knew even with him sitting, he was tall and a jock, given the varsity jacket he wore bearing the older mascot the school retired years ago.
“God, I am so giving Brady garbage duty for the next month!” You huffed, turning to look him in the face properly, “You are so glad this was breaka….”
Wally knew of the afterlife business conducted out of the building on the far corner of the school’s property. Knew that Charley had gotten the coffee mug Wally got for Christmas a few years prior. While Rhonda had tall, thick walls, and sarcasm adored the bracelet Janet had given her. Wally had just never had a reason to go there. He’d seen one of the twins delivering items, but he never saw the other twin. You.
“Hi.” Wally breathlessly spoke, instantly falling for the person standing before him. Regardless of the harsh glare, he quickly scooped the items from your arms, “Let me help.”
And for some reason, you let him. He held the door open to the theatre for you and listened intently to everything you said. It was an instant connection. A friendship with the potential of more.
Wally became a new feature in the art studio while Brady and you worked. He was with the twins when he wasn’t at the support group or on the field. It didn’t take long before Wally asked you out.
And for three years, you built an afterlife together. Until it fell apart in 2013.
For the last decade, you had become more reclusive than previously, partially due to running Highlands House alone without Brady and partly to avoid running into Wally. An ache swelled, thinking of the tall brunette.
You shoved the thought of him aside to focus on the handmade journal Rhonda had commissioned. You’d worked hard to develop the craft of making your own paper and enjoyed it when she popped in when you asked to go over the cover details.
When Brady was still here, you worked more on having clients come to the studio, but you’d managed to get a phone. It was hard to get and used for clients to contact with requests for appointments and contact.
As you said. You’d become reclusive.
So when the knock on the door happened, your eyebrows raised. Your e/c eyes glance at the calendar on the desk. Not a single appointment for today and one known visits you. If Mina left the theatre, you had a feeling she would.
Your eye quite literally twitched hearing his voice. You kept silent.
“I know you’re there, Renai. I can hear the kiln, and I know you barely move your eyes away from it when it’s firing!”
No matter how much you wanted to slam Rhonda’s notebook on the floor, you refrained. Instead, you smoothed your hair and took a deep breath before striding out of the workroom to the front office. The lock clicked open, and you saw Wally standing there with Charley behind him.
“Hi.” Charley’s smile was watery at best. The apology clears in his expression.
“You so afraid of seeing me you brought backup.” You inquired through the open space between the edge of the door and the jam.
“I think you’re less likely to punch me with him here.” Wally returned with a half smile. His brown eyes watched your lips twist.
“I’ve always had a soft spot for Charley.” Although you admitted opening the door to the duo standing outside, “I wouldn’t punch you. I need my hands.”
You ignored the feeling Wally’s chuckle brought you by leading them to the small sitting room you’d set up. You’d barely sat in the chair with drinks in hand. Tea for Charley, a Gatorade for Wally and your beverage of choice.
“What made you crawl out of whatever hole you’ve been hiding in for the last decade.” You questioned, “Because Charley was here last week to get Mr. Martin’s mug. By the way, how’d he like it, Charley?”
“He loves it.” Charley quietly interjected decidedly, trying to avoid the quarrel he hoped would end sooner rather than later.
Yet it still smouldered.
“It’s not like you’d left the buil-“
“Not like I have a choice.” You shut Wally’s question down. He winced, nodding, “I’m guessing this is more of a business trip than personal.”
Wally nodded. Charley delved into the story of the newest member of Split River Afterlife and the mystery of her death. You didn’t know who this Maddie was, and that was primarily due to how you kept away from the living world.
“So she was murdered in the boiler room.” You finished for Charley, “And you’ve found out she can talk with the living.”
“And I was wondering if you could check in with Jo-“
Your eyes left Charley’s calm ones to Wally’s sitting there in the audacity he had. The cup in your hand slammed against the table so hard you wondered how it hadn’t shattered.
“Are you shitting me, Clark? You come here after so many damn years because you need something from me?!” You exclaimed, taking a step away from your ex-boyfriend.
Charley bit his lip like the meme he saw on Emilio’s phone of Michael Scott from The Office. Charley really didn’t like confrontation all that much. But look where it got him.
“It’s just I feel for her, you know. We all came to the afterlife knowing what happened. And she’s suddenly dead with no idea how or who did it. She’s all alone, and I think you two-“Wally pleaded, attempting to step closer.
“And whose fault is it I’m alone.” You snapped. Wally flinched back, and Charley gasped, “Please leave. I have work to do.”
You fled for the workroom leaving the two in the sitting area digesting what had happened. Charley guided Wally from the building toward the library, where they had left Rhonda and Maddie alone.
“I knew me going was a bad idea. She hates me. Still.” Wally moaned, collapsing onto the couch to sling his arm across his eyes.
“Blowout?” Rhonda ignores the lump of an athlete on the couch.
“Explosive.” Charley replied, turning to ask Maddie, only to find the place empty, “Uh… where’s Maddie?”
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You’d slapped the closed sign on the door before stalking away from it and the memories. A trinket is nimbly held by your fingerprints. But, despite wanting to rebel against Wally’s request, you couldn’t ignore the guilt of even considering not helping.
“Joel!” You shouted near the edge of the school property. The chain link fence is the physical evidence of where the property was cut off from the forest. You hated coming to this part because you could feel the eyes of the dead watching from the shadows.
A tall, lanky form materialized from behind one of the trees. He was wearing the sweater you’d swiped from the lost and found. His red hair was as bright as the fire extinguished in the kiln.
“Renaissance,” Joel responded, coming to the chainlink fence. His hand held out for the stamp you’d pay with for any information.
Life was easier when money was accessible. Now instead of cash, it was trading items and favours. Paying for information was more complicated, and Joel didn’t require new clothing as of yet.
“Have you heard anything about the recent disappearance of Madison Nears? She goes by Maddie.” You questioned, stepping away before his skin could brush yours. You hated the screams you audibly heard each time you felt his skin or even his clothes.
Joel curiously looked over the stamp, “I do not have this stamp.”
Getting information from Joel was more challenging than pulling teeth. You loathed any time you lost a piece of leverage for information. It is tough to find stamps the soldier hadn’t collected in the last century and a half since the Civil War.
“Joel.” You huffed, bringing the soldier’s attention back to you.
“I have not. The death of Maddie Nears is no more significant than that of a deer.” Joel responded, looking up to meet the disappointment on your face, “You are kind to me and my fellow soldiers in the face of our part in the Civil War. I shall gather information for you.”
You watched silently as Joel faded into the shadows of Split River’s forest bordering the school grounds. The unease of his presence followed him as well.
Working on any Highlands projects was illogical with how distracted you were. Wally appearing after so long had indeed thrown you for a loop. You were sure everyone would understand things being late by a day.
“You never did tell me where you got this.” Mr. Martin announced from his spot at your desk. His eyes scanned the phone lying facedown on the table.
Your spine stiffened, seeing the ghost in your safe place. The afterlife teacher, slash support group leader, had always rubbed you the wrong way. Something about him felt off, but you could never put your finger on it.
“You evade every question I have.” You deflected grabbing the phone from the desk to lock away in the filing cabinet, “What can I do for you, Mr. Martin?”
“I’m wondering how your grief eased after seeing Mr. Clark so much you agreed to help him. You know this misguided wild goose chase is destructive to Maddie acknowledging and accepting her death.” Mr. Martin replied, dragging a finger down one of the planting pots you had on display. Your flesh goosed seeing his finger disrupt the pottery.
Your laser focus is pinned on Mr. Martin, “Everyone copes differently.”
“And how are you coping with Brady crossing over?” Mr. Martin demanded, turning to face you fully.
Brady’s name, let alone the question, felt like Mr. Martin was shoving a red-hot poker in a wound.
“Fine.” Your features shuttered close from the prodding, “I’d appreciate it if you’d leave Mr. Martin. Highlands House is closed.”
You had never distrusted someone more than the teacher, leaving your business and home with confidence.
“Remember our agreement Renaissance.”
The nickname you’d gained in the afterlife felt comfortable hearing from him. You refused to speak more to the teacher.
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Walking the halls of the high school’s main building felt odd after so long. It still smelt of a mixture of questionable cafeteria food, BO, and unrecognizable scents. Little had changed. You couldn’t tell if you felt comforted by that or not.
“-she’s a loner.” Charley’s voice drifted into the library’s opening as you entered quietly.
“All the more reason to talk to her!”
The object of your mission cradled delicately in your hands. The heads of the ghosts in attendance; Charley, Rhonda, Wally and the new girl, you guessed.
“Rhonda, I have your journal ready.” You notified the group but focused on the teen kneeling before the coffee table.
“You’re Renaissance. You own Highlands House.” The blonde female declared, leaning forward, “Have you learnt-“
“Maddie. Manners.” Charley ground his teeth together in a small that bordered more on a grimace, “I’m so sorry, Renai.”
You waved it off, “Hello, Maddie. Welcome to Split Valley afterlife. I haven’t gotten anything from my contact yet, and I’ve received no messages from other ghosts in town. So I’m just here to drop off Rhonda’s journal and head back to the studio. Unfortunately, the ghost who died in Mr. Anderson’s house crossed over a few months ago.”
With that, you turned on your heel and made it a handful of steps down the hall when Wally called out. Then, your feet abruptly stopped striding from the library.
“You haven’t made a delivery since Brady crossed over. You have one of the freshmen help out. What brought you to the school?”
“Curiosity more than anything. Strengthen the relationship with the customers.”
“Bullshit.” Wally spoke, stepping closer to you, “You know something.”
“Nothing of importance yet. It’s hard to get information when and I quote, ‘her is no more significant than that of a deer’. It’s not like she doesn’t have eternity to figure it out.”
“She shouldn’t have to wait that long for answers,” Wally argued, crossing his arms and stretching the white t-shirt under the varsity jacket.
Your e/c eyes scrutinized the jacket you’d worn often during your relationship with the brunette. The dances you’d attended with him and cheering from your spot in the stands for homecoming. Getting to know Mrs. Clark, albeit her being unaware of yours or Wally’s presence and holding him the fifth anniversary, his dad stopped coming.
You’d loved, and if you were to admit it, still loved Wally Clark in every atom of you. But the pain of losing Brady and Wally’s involvement cut deep. You weren’t ready to forgive. You didn’t know if you would ever be able to forgive him.
You cleared your throat, “I’ll let you all know if I hear any news. Be easier if Maddie had someone from her life helping.”
You didn’t see the guilt appear on his features.
“For what it’s worth, Renai. Thank you for helping.”
Your soft smile was answer enough for the football player and reignited his mission to have you forgive him. And rekindle your relationship. Wally wasted enough time with you.
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natsukishinomiyaswife · 2 months
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⋆⁺₊⋆ Looking to escape the heat? Longing for some fun?
Get ready to experience a whole new world at Iago’s Paradise, the pool you’ve been wishing for! ⋆⁺₊⋆
A Twisted Wonderland Fanmade Event, based on my Scarabia Lifeguard AU ♡
DISCLAIMER: I have been working on this event for a while now, and ask that everyone please read this post before participating (stay safe everyone! 🫶)
⋆⁺₊⋆ Event Summary:
A family friend of the Asim's invites Kalim and Jamil to attend the grand opening of their new pool, Iago's Paradise. Named after its parrot mascot, the pool is inspired by the Scalding Sands, and made to look like a desert oasis. Excited, Kalim invites some of their classmates to join them, only to arrive and discover... the pool is short staffed!
Not wanting the grand opening to be cancelled, you agree to work at Iago's Paradise, helping to make the best grand opening possible!
⋆⁺₊⋆ About the Pool:
Iago's Paradise has a desert theme, and is meant to look like an oasis, with sand on the ground and palm trees scattered throughout
The pool's mascot is a red parrot named Iago
There are multiple pools, separated by depth (including one specifically for infants) and a slide at the deep end
There are ramps and stairs to make entering the pool more accessible, along with paths without sand for easier mobility
There is an ice cream stand inside the pool area called the Cave of Wonders, that has it's own mascot (a tiger)
There is a food truck called Prince Ali's parked outside the pool area, specializing in dishes from the Scalding Sands
There is a picnic area, with tables and chairs for people to use. Each table has an umbrella, to provide shade from the sun
⋆⁺₊⋆ Event Rules:
Anyone can participate! Feel free to include your OC, your Yuusona, a canon character, etc ♡
You can participate by writing fics, making art, creating edits, etc
Please use the tag #iagosparadise and credit/tag me in the post (I would love to see what you make!! ♡)
No NSFW please! I want everyone to be able to participate! ♡
This event has no deadline! So feel free to join at any time ♡
⋆⁺₊⋆ Outfits:
While this event was made with swimwear/poolwear in mind, feel free to use a summer outfit, if swimwear isn't your thing ♡
While there is no dress code at Iago's Paradise, all employees must wear one of these colors (and it has to be the primary color of their outfit):
All lifeguards must wear a whistle around their neck.
⋆⁺₊⋆ Jobs:
Don't wanna be a lifeguard? Here's some ideas for what your character could be doing to help out the pool! ♡
Admissions - You work at the entrance, ringing people up and giving them wristbands so they can enter the pool area
Ice Cream Stand - Working at the Cave of Wonders, there's a bunch of jobs to choose from! Running the register, making the ice creams, handing out free samples, etc
Food Truck - Prince Ali's collaborates with Iago's to provide food options for their visitors, and you would be the middle man. Informing visitors about the truck, handing out menus, taking orders at the picnic area (for those who want their food delivered), etc
First Aid - While all lifeguards should know first aid, there's a first aid tent to provide care for any visitors injured on the property. You would provide care to those who are injured, and if someone is seriously injured, calling for assistance (like an ambulance)
Swimming Lessons - Not all pools may provide swimming lessons, but Iago's does! You would be working with a small class of people, helping them learn the basics of swimming. Iago's provides swimming lessons for people of any age, but keeps them separate, having a class for children and a class for adults
⋆⁺₊⋆ Backgrounds:
I have created three different backgrounds you can choose from, and give examples of how they look depending on the rarity!
Please note: these backgrounds were made using in game backgrounds (from Book 4) that I edited
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⋆⁺₊⋆ Staff:
Iyad Aubert (groovy here) - @rini-rambles
Silas Sanderson - @theolivetree123
Nadira Kader - @cheerleaderman
Raj Amani (voice lines here) - @readsrandomstuff67 Raj Amani (groovy by @lostonesart) - @readsrandomstuff67
Levi Clado - @the-trinket-witch
Cecil Uriel - @lostonesart
Finn Clearcove (Fic here) - @thehollowwriter
Sidney Gonzalez - @babyghoul138
Elias Miel - @theolivetree123
Kiyuu - @skriblee-ksk
Deuce Spade - @spade-12
Kalle Brunne - @offorestsongs
Kumo Starwing - @fumikomiyasaki
⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊⋆
𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾! ♡
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
Intellectual property is the currency of the modern age. If you’ve got a brand, a mascot, a cute little doodle you did one day while you were bored at work, it is completely essential that your rights as a creator must be protected. Unfortunately, the way that those rights are protected is that you have to sell it to a giant corporation, which jealously hoards it for centuries after your death. Are you gonna get paid, at least? If you’re lucky, I guess.
If you have a regular job, like zookeeper or assassin, it’s unlikely that the bourgeoisie will continue to exploit you after your death. A dead zookeeper is only good for at most one more tiger feeding, for instance. Corporate artists are going to be admired, emulated, and profiteered from until the sun burns out or future executives figure out that they were weirdly and specifically hyper-racist after all.
Ever since there has been a creative industry, there have been rich people milling around the artists, trying to turn the droppings of their diseased minds into trading cards that can be offered to the shadowy beast that is global commerce. Back in medieval times, this was almost a friendly relationship: a rich person would come by, and pay you to make some shit out of marble. Chances are, they’d stop paying you and then have you murdered as you approached completion of the project, which is why artists evolved the ability to procrastinate, but that’s a whole other story.
Nowadays, making copies of something is a lot easier than going out and hiring a bunch of teenagers who can carve a replica of a marble statue. And that’s got the rich-person class in a tizzy. What does it mean to own some cool shit, if the person who made it can just make a bunch of copies of it and give it away for free to whoever asks for it? How can they be expected to derive some genuine, authentic joy from what is basically a selfless act of creative expression, without getting to charge money for it in all perpetuity? These are the questions of our age, but only because the rich people also control the machine that makes all the questions.
What’s the moral of the story, if you are a creative person selling your efforts to an enormous corporation? You have a duty to be super weird. Whatever is wrong with your brain is not wrong with the profiteers’, according to society, which means you have to be a little more creative in your subversive acts. The ideal goal is to render the thing unusable, like a General Motors product, after at most one generation of humanity. Not only are you getting revenge, but you’re helping future generations: they won’t have to write a sequel to your hit franchise, and can instead make weird shit of their own.
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she-is-ovarit · 1 year
I love this. I posted a little about this before, but wanted to expand. Women's history fact of the day:
Women of the Neolithic era in particular loved keeping pets and it was common for them to trap small animals - such as cats - and adopted as pets.
In the Amazon region, where hunting and gathering and subsistence horticulture is still practiced by a handful of surviving Amerindian groups, hunters commonly capture young wild animals and take them home where they are then adopted as pets, usually – although not invariably – by women.
There's a theory that cats may have domesticated themselves by being attracted to human villages that produced grain and seeds and attracted rodents, and then the bolder cat clans survived under natural selection. Or, alternatively, women domesticated cats.
Based on these sorts of observations, it could be argued that the domestication of F.s. libyca occurred where and when it did because tamed wildcats were already an integral feature of village life as a result of people actively adopting, hand-rearing and socialising young wildcats to keep as pets
The relationship between cats and women stretch back since the stone age. They were burned with us during the witch trials (rabbits commonly too!), suffered from abuse and treated as property with us by men ambivalent to us under religions such as Christianity, were associated as us within medieval folklore and as a metaphor for female sexuality and anatomy ("pussy"), and continue to be associated with us today.
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Women's independence from man is derogatorily associated with cats ("crazy cat lady"), a nod to female (and feline) separatism. It's tendency to groom itself frequently was also associated with cleanliness and domesticity, and it was frequently used in posters by anti-suffragettes symbolically to denote that women were simple and delicate, that women's suffrage was as absurd as cat suffrage. Some suffragettes took back the meaning of the cat, adopting a (black!) cat named Saxon as their official mascot.
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They survived male oppression throughout history, for thousands of years, right beside us and within our arms.
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readypanda · 4 months
Indigo Park Spoilers (and very long post) ahead
Since Indigo Park is the newest fandom I've been dipping into, I figured I might as well make my own analysis for the game. The question I'll be discussing today is,
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(sry for bad picture quality lol)
The thing I find interesting about these mascots (Molly, Lloyd, and what we've seen of Finley) that kind of sets them apart from other monsters in the mascot horror genre is...they almost seem like they're just animals. (I'll go over evidence for this in this post)
Think about it. In other mascot horror games, we've gotten:
animatronics possessed by dead children
employees/kids surgically(?) turned into toys
people mutated by a giant ink machine
animals/people who have had their DNA spliced with a mutagenic chemical
A little girl somehow turned into a monster (I think??)(really sorry Amanda I don't know what you are)
(I'm not up to date on all these properties and I know there's many more, so forgive me if my lore understanding is less than adequate. you know how it is with indie horror)
The important note about all these is that for the most part, these mascots are intelligent, or at least have the capability of intelligence. Almost everything on this list was at one point human, in fact.
So why do I think Indigo Park is any different? What leads me to believe they aren't intelligent? (at least, the animal versions of the characters that we run from in the game. Whether they are separate from the versions of the characters Rambley interacts with is something I'll touch on later)
I think the most obvious piece of evidence in regards to Molly and Lloyd (again, not much info on Finley yet) is how Lloyd acts. He doesn't talk at all, he just stalks the main character and attacks like an animal might (with the exception of a couple times he stands on two legs or props himself up here and there).
As for Molly, I hear you saying, "But she talks! We hear her speak!" And yes, dear reader, you are right. Molly does speak. This would disprove my argument of the mascots being purely animalistic, if it weren't for this kill screen.
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Now, do we ever actually hear Molly say something that isn't a repetition or couldn't reasonably be a repetition? Has she said anything to prove her intelligence at all? (genuine question here because I haven't examined every one of her voice lines lol. If I'm wrong about this then whoopsie!)
Despite the past 250 words of speculation, though, whether they act just like animals isn't actually that important. We'll see more of them in later chapters anyway (or Lloyd and Finley at least) so that will likely prove or disprove this point with time.
The more interesting question is, what are they? Like, physically?
When Molly dies, we clearly see blood around her decapitated head. At the very least that rules out animatronics or something mechanical. In addition, in the audio of the hidden tape you get when you show Rambley one of the collectables, you can hear two staff members complaining about being replaced by "new mascots" right after they "got a new raccoon costume." This could mean a few different things, but it seems to imply that the mascots we see in this chapter are meant to be replacements for actors in suits (for meet and greets, promotion, shows, etc) and/or replacements for limited, expensive, and cumbersome animatronics. If this is true, we can also probably rule out them being human. Unless Indigo Park also had a secret human experimentation lab, which I wouldn't put past them.
I think it's too early to definitively state what these mascots are, but based on the evidence of above, I have a theory.
My personal theory is that these mascots are just animals who have been changed or mutated in some way to allow the park to have more "realistic" representations of the characters (also probably to cut down on the costs of paying a human employee). That would explain why they act the way they do and why they are so violent. They literally are just wild animals who have been warped to represent these cartoon characters.
Another important caveat to this theory is that, if this is true, then the mascots who attack us in the game are most likely NOT Rambley's "friends" as he knows them. That would explain why he doesn't call attention to Molly chasing us or Molly's dead body (with the exception of one very small reaction when he talks about the mascots). You would expect him to seem a little more upset if he thought that was his friend, but maybe on some level he knows it's not really her, just a representation of her.
That brings up another question, which is a can of worms I won't fully open here: Do Molly, Lloyd, and Finley have sentient "AI" equivalents like Rambley? If not, does Rambley know his friends aren't real? I'll let you decide.
Anyway, that just about closes my thoughts on this silly raccoon game. Thanks for letting me ramble on about it, and thanks for making it to the end of the post!
Lemme know about your own theories in regards to what these things are, or if there's any key evidence I missed. Kinda threw this together lol. Most of it will likely get disproven by future chapters but hey, thus is the price of theorizing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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missbellesmagic · 4 months
Our three protagonists and how they play into and through the 1950s propaganda archetypes:
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul: In the earliest parts of his timeline, is the conservative ideal of a Hollywood star. A corporate stooge, mascot and show monkey whose media image is one of rugged Old West individualism that perpetuates the illusionary ideal of Manifest Destiny Exceptionalism, but the moment he begins to question hiss position or suggests seeking actual independence from the system is vilified, first by his wife and then later being branded a communist and blacklisted. The end result of this is him actually becoming a member of the Immortal Cannibal Cabal.
Lucy McLean: Begins as the conservative suburban ideal woman. Subservient to her community and the will of her father, whom she worships. Her main goal is to marry and have children not for her own satisfaction but for the good of the white supremacist eugenic community ideal. Bright, optimistic, domestically inclined, willing to be sold to a stranger for the satisfaction of this goal. Through her journey becomes acquainted with the reality of the world (parallel to going to college or moving to an urban environment for work) and becomes disillusioned with the lies of her upbringing, especially those concerning her parents. Becomes entangled in direct action activism and an "inappropriate" romantic partner (both allegorically and literally falling for a man of color from an opposing class)
Maximus: Begins as the white moderate ideal black man, brow-beaten, subservient, sexless, with minimal support or solidarity within the organization he serves which intends to use him as cannon fodder (it's very telling his one friend is the only afab member of the brotherhood, and the only named character with significant presence of latino descent). Is given his position not through his own action, but through the self-sabotage of another, but once in the field takes the first opportunity to subsume the authority of his master in order to "pass". Through his journey grows into his role, develops an independent morality and sense of purpose, and ends his arc at the head of an armed militia both politically motivated to fight against the powers that be and personally determined to be reunited with his white girlfriend (literally the biggest scariest Black Panther-esque nightmare of 1950s conservatism).
Like even without a thorough knowledge of the 1950s propaganda this property is soaked in their character arcs are very well done but when you take into account the material that inspired this franchise there's just so much to unpack and I am really looking forward to how this progresses in season 2
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Reading all of this the past few days has been an absolute delight. You are unhinged and utterly hysterical. I know of only 2 other people who post such insane nonsense: Michael Sheen and Neil Gaiman. I think we have to at least consider the possibility that you are the spiritual love child of Michael and Neil.
Maybe something unusual happened when they first met at that sushi restaurant on the tarmac of LAX. When the FEDS busted in and shut the place down, maybe it wasn’t because they were using endangered seafood, maybe they were serving alien sushi with weird reproductive properties. You’re clearly familiar enough with Doctor Who at this point to know we really needn’t concern ourselves with petty details like timelines or causality.
Just consider the idea. If it resonates within your heart, use your exceptional heritage responsibly.
Every day more prophet-mascot lore just emerges from the bubbling cesspit of hell. Guys, am I the son of apollo or the alien hormone-induced lovechild of Neil Gaiman and Michael Sheen? I will leave it up to you to decide.
At this point I am an Entity unto myself and I intend to spread through fandoms like an invasive parasite, crushing the souls of the endemic species of fans. How will I address you all then I can't keep listing fandoms like hello good omens fandom hello doctor who fandom hello those of both--
Hm I am the mascot. How do you guys feel about being called the scotties (those who fraternise and/or adopt the mascot)? Or perchance... maggots :")
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