#Master Lilia you cannot taint your name like that!
violetlunette · 5 months
Okay I already mentioned the plot twist of Yuu ending up with Lilia because dat thigh game too strong. 🦵 💪😤 🤣
But here’s another plot twist: what if Lilia’s papa bear/adopt children instincts somehow get triggered and latch onto Yuu?
Like, obviously, he’s focused on protecting Silver from Yuu, but there’s been a couple times where we see that, when Silver is NOT there, they CAN coexist.
And this last post of yours, with Crowley telling Lilia he can’t keep kicking Yuu because of the structural damage… that made me think “huh. You know. Crowley is supposed to be taking care of Yuu. Like… Yuu is technically all alone here. Lilia is fae. Yuu is obviously older but like. A free child is a free child. 🤷‍♀️👀💀”
So now Lilia is trying to bring Yuu into the family and telling Yuu that Silver is now Yuu’s BROTHER and Yuu is like “NO. THAT’S THE LOML.” And now Yuu and Lilia are fighting for a completely DIFFERENT reason because Lilia is now determined to take in this poor child that had to SELL THEIR KIDNEY TO AFFORD FOOD WHEN THEY FIRST GOT TO TWISTED WONDERLAND DEAR SEVENS?! while Yuu is screeching that LILIA CAN TAKE CAN CARE OF YUU WHEN YUU MARRIES INTO THE FAMILY BACK OFF BATMAN!!!!
Meanwhile Silver is watching in sleepy confusion, Sebek in horrified confusion, and Malleus in just plain confusion (but he’s happy to be there 😊)
Sorry for the long ask - I just love that series and for some reason that idea just popped into my head and was super funny to me and I wanted to share with you since your series was what inspired it! 💜
Referencing this series
Lol, I love the idea of Lilia slowly developing affection for this problem child to the point of wanting to adopt him.
This be hard for different reasons than you stated, however, as Yuu has a strong aversion towards family for—reasons. He’s also fiercely independent and would rather tear himself apart than depend on others (and he has). (Though the kidney thing isn’t a big deal. He got another one later. Leona should be careful where he naps...) He’d also have to fight Crowley for custody.
You’re on key for Yuu’s reaction though. “You can have me as a son in law, Batty!” lol.
But if Lilia thinks that adopting him will stop Yuu’s pursuit of Silver, he’s got another thing coming. Yuu can call Lilia daddy and Silver hubby easily. (Down internet, you know what I mean.)
I’m so glad people are liking my Yuu and my silly little posts! And I love that people are willing to share their thoughts on the series. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feel free to send more!
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