#Matcha Tea Private Label
teamanufacturing · 1 year
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Matcha Green Tea Packaging Options & Private Label Service. Whether you are looking for tins (containers), boxes, aluminum pouches, zip-lock bags or more, we can provide extensive examples and show how your brand will adapt to our wide array of products.
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theameragroup · 1 year
Amera Exports: Your Trusted Partner for Contract Manufacturing and Private Labeling of Health and Wellness Products
Amera Exports has been the most known, diversified, and trusted name in India since its inception in 2019 for the contract manufacturing and private labelling of food and beverage products, and natural and herbal health-related products. With its registered office based in New Delhi and itself located in Lucknow, UP, Amera Exports caters to the marquee brands of India and internationally. It specializes in setting up a one-stop solution for contract manufacturing solutions and the ability to deliver quality products consistently.
Diversified across Product Categories and Geographies-
The products at Amera Exports harness the naturalness of the finest botanicals and curate products to nurture both the mind and body. The client project starts with the very first discussion and continues its phase right from designing engineering and stringent testing to the completed version. From Concept to delivery Amera Exports provides total expertise and support by developing the best customised and optimal packaging solution. The turnkey manufacturing solutions are developed for ease of use and long-term value to the end customer.
Serving Simplicity with advanced expertise
Our endless customization possibilities and product support with quality make us the most trusted manufacturer and exporter across 25-plus countries like the USA, Europe, Australia, Japan, Russia, and many more. Our products include Ashwagandha Capsules, Shilajit Resin, Gummies, Protein Bars, Collagen Peptides, and Pet foods to quote a few amongst the massive variety. Our partners experience the authentic and culinary taste of India and the most of voluminous production is made easy and simple. The state-of-the-art infrastructure along with the collaborative approach enhances the product performance and Amera exports has been at the forefront of contract manufacturing for foods and beverages. The integrated process management has been of its kind and is through with all aspects of high-speed production lines and fool proof quality controls. Elevate your business with cutting-edge technologies and drive your transformation by associating with Amera Exports!
Some of the distinguished Products at Amera Exports include-
KSM 66Ashwagandha Capsules/ Ashwagandha powder- These Capsules are available in powder, capsule, liquid extract, and even in topical application form. They are known to benefit stress reduction, immunity, and holistic well-being. It is safe to be consumed by all and has a shelf life of upto 3 years. The Ashwagandha powder is also available which is a root extract and its applications can be found in food health and cosmetic products.
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Shilajit Resin and Shilajit Capsules- Shilajit Resin is a traditional Ayurvedic medicine that is sourced from the Himalayan Mountains and is most known for revitalizing and rejuvenating the human body. It is naturally inflammatory, increases stamina, and supports all cognitive functions. The Shilajit Capsules are also available with the Shilajit powder filled and most neutral in terms of flavor.
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Gummies- The gummies are available for hair and nails and are also a dietary supplement. These are available in a diverse range of options and Amera Exports provides the option of getting the company logo imprinted on these lovely packaged bottles.
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Tea- Amera provides an exotic range of teas like Herbal tea infusion, blendingcollagen, matcha, and biotin which is even excellent for hair and nails besides being a great anti-oxidant. Sip in the best with an aura of radiance and self-indulgence by partnering with Amera Exports.
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Honey- The purest honey is provided in both bulk and customized packaging. This top-grade honey has no additives and has a shelf life of upto 10 years.
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Protein Bar- These can be used as sports supplements, to provide energy and even to lose weight. They are rich in peanuts and dates which makes them nutritious and tasty. The packaging options can represent brands most appealingly along with providing the best quality and a product that lasts!
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Saffron- Saffron has been known since ancient times to boost immunity and can be used with milk, water, or even as a condiment. These are handpicked and come of the topmost quality where private labeling can be done and large volumes be supplied to manufacturers.
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Collagen Peptides- These products are known to promote youthful radiance come in powder form and are known for their nurturing, revitalizing, and illuminating properties. It is available from both marine and bovine sources are there are a multitude of options to opt for.
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Pet foods- Protein-rich pet food is specially formulated like peanut butter and is nutritious as well as tasty. This can be a treat for the pets and be a supply of essential nutrients for them. It is easy to use and is provided in customized attractive packaging.
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matchakyotoco · 2 years
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kyoto-matcha · 2 years
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irishiii · 2 years
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matchakyoto-blog · 6 years
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whothehellisharry · 4 years
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cherrynojutsu · 3 years
Title: Like Gold
Summary: Sasuke grapples with love and intimacy regarding his developing relationship with Sakura after returning to the village from his journey of redemption. Kind of a character study on Sasuke handling an intimate relationship after dealing with PTSD and survivor’s guilt in solitude for so long. Blank period, canon-compliant, Sasuke-centric, lots of fluff and pining, slowly becomes a smut fest with feelings.
Disclaimer: I did not write Naruto. This is a fan-made piece solely created for entertainment purposes.
Rating: M (eventual nsfw-ness)
AO3 Link - FF.net Link - includes beginning/ending author's notes
Chapter 4/?: Soothe
Sasuke arrives outside her building shortly before seven in the morning, an ubiquitous aubade sung by birds, polished and practiced for many years, lilting into his ears along the way. The village for the most part is still slowly awakening from its slumber; no merchants in the streets yet, and he only passes a few people here and there as light slowly seeps higher into the sky.
He carefully pushes open the glass door of the exterior portion of her complex, making sure to keep it quiet in case her neighbors are still asleep. As he goes up the stairs, he notices that all of the downstairs tenants’ lights are on, emanating from beneath the trio of entryways. Once he reaches the upper landing, he sees that Sakura’s light is on, too, though her other two neighbors' are not.
The doors of each unit are all painted different colors. Hers is sage green; he hadn’t been able to discern that previously, with the desaturation that night brings.
He's wondering if maybe he should knock to let her know he’s here, but then she emerges a few minutes early, beautiful and bright-eyed and full of life, pale yellow sunshine coating her from the large window with diamond patterning behind him.
She seems pretty awake already; she must be an early riser. She's carrying her tote bag again, and today she wears a dark skirt with a red top, along with a familiar pair of knee-high sandals. She's also wearing a smile, directed upwards at him.
"Good morning, Sasuke-kun," she acknowledges him softly, looking very happy to see him.
"...Morning." He keeps his voice low, because it is still a little hoarse. He tries to memorize her eyes again in the span of seconds before she turns to lock her door behind her.
It's 6:58 by the time they're out the glass door, her leading the way. They take the main road west a few blocks before turning to go north, this time. There are several more buildings that appear residential on her street. One of them has vines creeping up the sides, starting to bud after the warmer spring weather. He notes there is also a bakery on the corner, not open yet, but one that seems like the kind to also sell confections. He wonders if that factored into her apartment selection at all; he remembers she has a sweet tooth.
It is an easy silence they share on the walk there, bird calls lulling in as background noise again. There are more of them now, a more layered song than earlier, with a wider variety of voices filtering in and out.
Sakura leads them to a very small tea shop within five minutes of the hospital; it is quaint and simple, definitely not modern. It is also quite small, with only four or so small tables situated by windows, looking out towards the street. The entire establishment utilizes a spread of cinnamon-colored wood for its surfaces; floors, counters, and the shelving in the back, laden with neatly-labeled teas of several varieties in glass jars. He assumes the larger jars are store stock, with the smaller ones higher up on the shelves being available for purchase for use at home, if one decides they like a particular flavor enough.
He finds he likes the atmosphere. He figured he would. It's not a formal place, but rather one where you retrieve what you've ordered from the counter and can choose whether to stay or go. He supposes that makes sense; it’s closer to the busier part of the village. There appears to be a small area to the left of the counter where one can add cream, sugar, lemon, or honey, though he knows he won't. He vaguely remembers that she used to take lemon and sugar in her tea, and possibly cream, depending on the brew. Honey seems like something Sakura would like, too, now that he’s thinking about it.
He scans the menu briefly upon entering before deciding something hot with caffeine would probably be best. Sencha green tea is usually what he gravitates toward. He also enjoys black tea during cooler weather, and jasmine occasionally, though not often; it had been his mother’s favorite.
Once he orders, he says, "Hers, too," and glances back towards Sakura expectantly. She looks at him with a blush that rivals the color of her hair when she realizes he's offering to pay for hers.
"Oh! Um, lavender matcha. Hot, please."
His lips quirk upwards a little, because that is possibly the most Sakura thing she could have ordered.
It doesn’t take very long until it’s ready, as they’re not busy; they are the only ones there, thus far. He takes a sip while idling by the end of the counter as he watches her add honey and cream into hers, stirring carefully. It is one of the better blends of sencha he’s had, aside from a particular place nestled on the edge of the Land of Mountains, where he’s pretty sure the elderly woman who ran the place harvested the tea straight from her private garden. He had pilgrimaged there a total of five times on his journey, months scattered like the seasons in between.
It was an odd teahouse, more formal than this one and off the beaten path, not near any major landmarks, nor plotted on any map he’d seen before or after. The lady, who had wizened eyes of a crystal clear blue, slightly lighter in hue than Naruto’s, had served the brews in eclectic and sometimes chipped mugs and teacups, from which he had assumed after multiple visits must be a fairly vast collection. The china was different every time, but he had liked the tea itself so much he kept coming back, if he was anywhere near the area. Twice he had been the only customer there, the first two visits occurring during early morning hours, and there was something extremely cathartic about sitting at the table in the far corner, looking out the window as the sun rose higher in the sky until it no longer skimmed the horizon and the mountains in the distance.
The other three visits had occurred during the afternoon, so there had been at least one or two other people present, at those times. He had noticed that third time that other patrons were served out of much different teacups than he was; he had secretly suspected, after that, that the woman tried to match the stoneware from her collection to whatever she saw in her patrons.
There had been a father sitting with his daughter, who had looked to be around six or seven, on his third visit. The father’s teacup had been robust, solid with carved detail that appeared to have been created with something like a miniature chisel, and an earthenware glaze mix of green and russet, strangely looking similar to the color of seaweed. The daughter’s had been a smaller cup, dainty finery of opalescent sky blue, with a similar mother of pearl finish coating the inside. The girl had quickly drained her glass once she realized the inside was pretty, too; she had spent the rest of the time there in awe of its beauty, turning it in the light as her father watched with soft eyes, enjoying his own cup more slowly. Sasuke had thought it must have been an expensive teacup, not necessarily what you’d typically give a child that young, but the girl hadn’t chipped or broken it. Instead, she had been enamored by its beautiful finish, even more enthralled with the inside than she had been with the outside, and had handled it with great care.
He never saw the same cup twice, for him or any other customer there. He had hoped by the third and fourth time that this was a good sign, that it meant progress. Once he figured it out, he wished he’d examined the first two cups, near five months apart, with greater care; he had thought there might have been a lesson there he had missed. His first teacup, from what he remembered, had been rather plain: rounded, no handle, slightly hard to grip, a shiny black glaze with a burnt orange rim. The second time, he’d been served the sencha in another black piece of china, though this one must have been fired differently; there was no glaze at the very bottom of the outer portion of the vessel, bare toasted clay in an oatmeal color. Carved designs on the outer portion of the piece had nearly melted glaze off it, allowing for the viewer to see the true color of the clay body beneath, creating an effect of brushstrokes in the third dimension, rippling out of the darkness. That one had had a chip at the top, but it hadn’t compromised the structural integrity of the piece, and was easily avoided simply by sipping from the undamaged side.
The third cup had taken him off guard in its uniqueness, and is what had caused him to look to the girl and her father. He had analyzed theirs, and then his own cup closely for a long time that day, thinking. Still no handle, but it had been a bit more narrow, as well as taller, easier to grip. The glaze design was fascinating, a thick glossy black base coat overlaid with a strange dissolving mixture of sapphire and indigo. It had reminded him of a night sky in the middle of nowhere, tiny amounts of galaxy blues and violets barely visible to the naked eye in their sheer scope and complexity. The glaze itself also only covered around two thirds of the vessel, at an asymmetrical angle, with the remaining half left unglazed, as if it hadn’t dripped down to be fully covered yet because the artist had liked the way it looked as is.
When he went back for a fourth cup several months later, the lady had given him an entirely too knowing look, and served his tea in a somewhat misshapen mug, this time with a handle. The handle was awkward, too small, and slightly malformed; the mug’s overall shape seemed as though it may have been an artist’s first attempt, shoddily trimmed and uneven in many places. The glaze design itself was mesmerizing, though, something like a gradient this time, shifting from splattering black to sepia to a lighter color, akin to the inside of a water chestnut. It was almost as if the cup had been constructed by a beginner and then drenched in magisterial color by a master. The sencha had tasted just as good from that cup as it had from any of the others, despite the challenge of grasping it with any semblance of comfort.
The last cup had been only a few months ago: well-designed, with a near perfect handle, easy to hold. The foot and interior of the mug was a smoky gray, well-trimmed, but the exterior body of it was a white raku crackle, twisting patterns of scale-like ivory and black outlines, small dots sprinkled in between where the unevenness of the heat must have interfered in the firing process.
When he reached the very bottom of the vessel, having finished his tea, it had been gilded gold, metallic and astonishingly bright, catching the light of the sun coming through the farthest window, where he sat in the corner alone.
He had sat there staring at it for the better portion of an afternoon. It was a peculiar artistic choice.
This sencha is good, too, he thinks as he takes another sip, here with Sakura, also at a table in the farthest corner, looking out another window. Herbaceous, earthy, and light, and in a cup that matches hers. It feels cleansing on his sore throat, corrosion, not too hot but not lukewarm, either; a rather perfect medium between mellow and astringent. It is a nice way to greet the break of day.
“Thank you, Sasuke-kun," she murmurs, after they’ve been seated for a few seconds.
He nods; she’s still flushed as she says it. He can see it better now, in the bright light of the window. He takes another sip, and continues to enjoy looking at her.
“How is yours?” She asks.
“...I like it.” He considers his next words. “You didn’t add lemon.”
Her lips quirk upward, dimple appearing. “It doesn’t go the best with the lavender. They only have this kind on hand for the springtime.” She pauses, then adds, “I still put lemon in pretty much all my tea, otherwise.”
Sasuke inclines his head again, and she takes another sip.
They sit there for a while in a comfortable silence, watching more of the village wake up and people pass by from the window, on their way to work and other responsibilities. There are two small birds across the street, perched on the awning over an apartment building’s entrance. Finches, he deduces by their plumage and size. Perhaps they are looking for a mixture of materials with which to build a nest.
“It’s a good place to just sit and watch, in the morning,” Sakura mentions after a while, still looking out the window contentedly.
“...Is that your favorite thing about it?”
She meets his eyes, then, and smiles. “One of them.”
He looks at her expectantly, so she continues. “The tea itself is good. It’s close to the hospital, and I like... “ Her voice trails off, and she glances over at the station where she added cream and honey, lips still turned upwards. “I like that they don’t overfill the cup; it makes it easier to add what it needs.”
A ghost of a smile overtakes him. Practical, as always.
Sasuke finds himself contemplating what kind of teacup the elderly lady would give Sakura, if he took her there.
"You're a little on the skinny side for your height, now," Sakura notes as she writes down his information on the form he's given her, stepping off the scale; 163 pounds. "Not unhealthy, necessarily, but you should try to put on some weight."
They are at the hospital, in an exam room this time instead of her office. Her voice has shifted to something more professional, and Sasuke knows he is now with Sakura the clinician, though her affection is still an undercurrent in the way she's looking at him carefully with warm eyes. She’s already measured his height, and has his paperwork from his last physical to compare it to; apparently he’s grown another two inches since then.
He hopes he’s done growing, in that regard. It doesn’t seem likely that she’ll grow any taller; she’s twenty now, and they already have a considerable height difference. He doesn’t know how tall she is, exactly. He must hover over her by at least six or seven inches.
"Okay," He responds, because he trusts her judgment. Being away and mulling on his failures never gave him much of an appetite. Being back in Konoha hasn't much either, so far, but he can try. “How much?”
She looks somewhat surprised that he asked. “160 to 196 pounds is considered a normal range for six feet; I’d start with ten, and then evaluate from there.”
He nods. Her eyes linger on him, as if she’s contemplating saying something more. When she turns to set down her clipboard and grab the cuff typically used to measure blood pressure, he thinks she must have decided against it, whatever it was. He goes to sit in the patient’s chair, familiar with the routine at this point. He's gotten a physical near every year of his life that he’s spent in Konoha.
She sits on the wheeled chair that’s next to the desk, rolling it closer to him. He extends his right arm, and as she carefully adjusts the cuff, she tells him, tone casual, “You’ve got an inch on Naruto, now.”
There is a very stupid and juvenile part of him that takes immense satisfaction in this news, but she doesn’t look like she’s finished speaking yet. He waits for the rest.
She smiles apologetically. “He’s got about fifteen pounds on you, though. There’s some motivation for you.”
He pins her with a pointed stare, unimpressed but also a little amused. Motivation, indeed.
Her expression turns somewhat guilty, now. “Sorry. Couldn’t resist. I did his about a month ago; he came back from a mission with a cracked rib, and it needed to be updated.”
She starts increasing the pressure, and he suddenly becomes aware that she is closer to him than before, by the nature of the operation of the equipment. He had become aware of her physical proximity at roughly this point in the exam the last time, too.
He’s thankful it doesn’t seem to affect his blood pressure. “105 over 70; good,” she concludes, before reaching to remove the cuff from his arm. Her fingertips make brief contact with his skin, this time, and he has to fight an urge to shiver, even though they’re warm.
She picks up her pen to input this information in the appropriate slot, then sets it aside and puts away the cuff. When she turns back to him, she says, “Heart rate is next. Hold out your wrist, please.”
He holds out his right arm again, letting his elbow rest on the surface of the desk this time. Both of her hands come to grip his single one, lightly and carefully feeling for his pulse. He tries to hold very still, and to not think about how soft her hands are. He distracts himself by preoccupying his gaze with the clock on the wall behind her. It feels like a very long thirty seconds, though he knows by watching the hand tick that it’s actually not.
She doesn’t vocalize what the number is, just removes her hands finally and reaches for the pen to fill it in on the paper. He wonders if it was elevated.
“Heart and lungs next.” She reaches for the stethoscope, positioning it in her ears before leaning in to listen to his heart first, over his shirt. He looks to the ceiling.
It doesn’t take very long. “Sounds good. Lungs, next.” She gets up and comes around the chair slightly behind him. He shifts to pull the back portion of his shirt up to his shoulder; he remembers this from the last exam, too.
“It’ll be cold; I’m sorry,” she warns gently, before pressing the instrument to his back. She is nothing but professional as she asks him to take a few deep breaths. Routine, and very careful not to touch his skin with anything but the diaphragm of the stethoscope, cool metal.
It feels… different than the last exam. He had been a little on edge during this part, then, too, even though she was nothing but professional then, as well.
He is just… very aware that she is behind him, and that his shirt is pulled up, and she’s listening to him breathe and can see the skin of his back. And that he's kissed her.
The coolness slips away after a short amount of time. “Lung function sounds good.” He pulls his shirt back into place, feeling a faint sense of relief as he does so. She goes back to document her findings on the paperwork.
She then lays the stethoscope back in its appropriate place. Scanning the page, she asks, “Any issues with your hearing?”
“Not that I’m aware,” Sasuke responds. She dips her head in acknowledgement, filling in that box with what he assumes is non-applicable.
“Sense of smell?”
He recalls raspberries and antiseptic. “No.” She fills another box.
“Sinus or lymph node issues?”
He shakes his head.
“I’m assuming you’ve used the Sharingan and Rinnegan since last time, so I’ll look at your eyes towards the end.”
He nods, and she reaches for a light instrument to use to look at his throat, as well as one of the wooden sticks from a glass jar in the corner. “Throat next,” she says, flicking the light on.
He tries not to furrow his brow. He wasn't looking forward to this part.
He opens his mouth for the wood, reedlike and firm against his tongue, and then she’s shining the light in and frowning.
“Say ah, please.”
He complies, feeling quite undignified, though he knows it’s necessary and just part of her job. She removes the stick after a second, setting the flashlight instrument aside, and he closes his mouth.
"Teeth and gums look good, and your tonsils look fine, but your throat looks a little raw. Have you been sick recently?"
"Yes." It is technically the truth, though not in a viral sense.
She looks thoughtful as she’s making a note on her clipboard. “Within the past week?”
He nods. She must see him from the corner of her eye, because then she asks, while still writing, “Any other symptoms? Cough? Does it feel sore?”
“No.” He pauses, then clarifies. “No cough. A little sore. Not bad.”
Verdant eyes flick up to him for a long moment. He feels somewhat guilty; even if he knows the truth, she might be thinking right now that he’s been irresponsible, that he may have given her an illness via kissing.
She breaks eye contact eventually, and sets the pen down, standing to open the uppermost cupboard door in the exam room. His brow furrows, until she’s pulling down a small box that he sees has cough drops in them.
“We only have mixed berry; they’ll be kind of sweet, but it should help. Take a few for later, and put one in now, please.”
Sasuke blinks, and then takes a handful. He puts all but one in his pocket, and then unwraps the one left in his hand, putting it in his mouth, as she asked.
She arches to put the box back in the cupboard, and he forces himself to look elsewhere.
It does feel good on his throat, soothing. “...Thank you,” he says after a few more seconds, as she makes another note on his form.
“You’re welcome,” she replies. Then, back to clinical Sakura. “Any other issues? Abdominal, neurological?”
She flips the page. “Infectious disease screening questions are next. Obviously you’ve traveled outside the village in the past 21 days, but have you been outside of Fire Country in that time?”
He thinks. “Rain, about thirteen days ago. Wind, 19 days ago.”
Sakura inclines her head, and writes in the information. He notices she keeps her eyes trained on the questionnaire now. “Have you, to your knowledge, had close contact with a person with measles, mumps, or chickenpox in that time period?”
“No.” She checks the 'no' box.
“Have you, to your knowledge, had close contact with a person or source in that time period for any of the following: botulism, diphtheria, E. coli, encephalitis, hemorrhagic fever, hepatitis, influenza, listeriosis, malaria, meningitis, pneumonia, rabies, severe acute respiratory syndrome, smallpox, or yellow fever?”
“No.” He watches her check several 'no' boxes.
“Have you, to your knowledge, had close contact with a person in that time period who may have exposed you to any sexually transmitted infections?”
He’s glad she’s looking at the paper still, even if that answer is obvious. “No.” She checks several more 'no' boxes.
“And you didn’t have a fever earlier.” She checks another 'no' box. “And sore throat, but no shortness of breath at any point?”
“Vomiting or diarrhea?”
“...Vomiting, yes,” he answers honestly. “No to the second.”
She nods, as if she knew that already from looking at his throat. She probably did. She’s good at what she does.
“Any kind of rash?”
That’s the last question on the page, so she turns to the next one.
“Next is bloodwork. We’ll do a cholesterol screening, in regards to heart health, and then we’ll also do a general workup and run it for any infectious diseases. I don’t think we’ll find anything if it’s just the vomiting and resulting sore throat, but better safe than sorry.”
She then starts getting out the necessary supplies with which to get a blood sample. It doesn’t take very long; he holds out his right arm again, and Sakura finds the vein easily. “You’ll feel a pinch.” Within sixty seconds it’s over, and she’s pressing and holding the cotton to the dot of red before taping over it, a small pressure dressing.
“Leave that on for a few hours, please,” she advises, and he nods to indicate that he will. She makes quick work of labeling the blood sample, and sets it aside with the clipboard, he assumes for the end of the appointment.
She scribbles in a few more comments on the sheet, he assumes for whoever is running the tests. “Okay, just eyes and arm left. We’ll do eyes first. Any deterioration in vision that you’ve noticed?”
“Good. I’ll shine the light to check your pupils quick before I use chakra to look at them.” She grabs a different light tool, a penlight, and turns it on, before looking at him expectantly.
He blinks, curious what she’s waiting for, and then she asks softly, “Could you move your hair out of the way, please?”
Oh. He complies, and she shines the light in one eye, moving it slightly and monitoring the progress. She then does the same to his Rinnegan.
“Reactivity is good; no signs of defect.” She sets the penlight back where it belongs, then makes a note in his paperwork indicating that. Then she’s shifting her chair a tiny bit closer, so she can reach his eyes with her hands.
“Do you have a preference, which one I start with?” She asks. He shakes his head. “Okay; I’ll check the right eye first.” She reaches out with her left hand, pressing her thumb above his eye over his eyebrow, and her other four fingers lightly to his temple, just next to his eye socket.
Sasuke tries not to dwell on how close she is again as green chakra drizzles into his ocular system; he keeps his vision trained forward, as he knows he’s supposed to as she examines. There is a freckle on her right ear that he remembers focusing on, the last time; he does this time, too.
Around thirty seconds passes, before she informs him, “I’m going to funnel some chakra into the retina and optic nerve here; there’s some damage.”
He had suspected there might be, though his vision has not suffered; mostly there was just a bit of pain, sometimes. He hasn’t overworked it by any means, but he hasn’t completely abstained from using it since he’d last been healed by her, either. “Okay.”
The flow of her chakra works its way deeper, more of it now. This part has always relaxed him; her chakra really is quite calming, careful and gentle, threading its way behind his eye and wrapping around the nerve.
She works for about five minutes before the chakra starts to let up.
“...There. That should be a little better,” she says before lifting her hand from his right. “Look up, down, please.”
He complies.
“Left to right, now.” He does. “Good. Does it feel okay?”
He nods, meeting her eyes again finally. It feels stronger, no pain. He decides to verbalize that, even though he’s already nodded. “It’s better. Thank you.”
She smiles at him. “Good.” Then she’s detailing whatever she’s supposed to detail in the paperwork, before setting the pen down again.
“Left eye now.”
She repeats the process, frowning again. “There’s some damage here, too. I’ll fix it.”
This time, it takes longer; not quite ten minutes, but fairly close. He tries to focus on the wall behind her.
He had asked her once, when she was healing him following the war, if it used a lot of chakra. She had said not necessarily, but it depended on the level of damage. She also told him that it was moreso a delicate process, requiring careful manipulation, so he has tried not to talk during any healing sessions since.
When her hand finally pulls away, he’s gotten so used to the contact that it feels like a loss.
“Look up, down, please,” she requests again. Then left to right.
“Function looks good. How does it feel?”
“Better. Thank you.”
She smiles at him gently, just Sakura again for a second, before turning back to the form to finish the optical section.
Then, she turns the page. “Arm is last. Could you please roll up your sleeve to your shoulder?” He grabs his empty left sleeve with his right arm and starts shifting it upwards, rolling it so that it stays put once it’s to the top.
She touches the end of what’s left of the limb with careful fingers, soft but steady on marred skin and scar tissue. “I’ll look with chakra in a second, but any redness that you’ve noticed?”
“No.” He shifts his gaze forward, because her fingertips really are softer than he remembers.
“Any areas that occasionally feel warmer than is typical?”
He shakes his head.
“Swelling of any kind?”
“Have you been stretching it as instructed?”
He meets her eyes, then. “Yes.” He wants her to know he listens to her recommendations.
Soft jade, and she’s smiling again. She moves her hands away momentarily, and grabs the clipboard with the papers, checking several boxes as he has indicated. He looks back forward.
“Any phantom limb pain?”
“Residual limb pain?”
Her gaze flicks upward. “If you had to rate it on a scale, one being hardly anything and ten being the worst?”
“...Usually two or three.” He pauses, and she waits. “...Sometimes four or five.”
“How often, for the worst of it?”
He thinks. “Maybe twice or three times a month.” It’s a bit more often than that, but not by a lot.
She notes it on the paper; that must be a normal range. “Alright. I’ll check with chakra, now.” Her fingers come back to his stump, touching more firmly now. Green chakra starts to thread its way in.
Sakura frowns, after a second. “Nerve endings are a little inflamed. I’ll fix it.” The flow of her chakra increases, and he feels almost instant relief; he supposes it still hurt, faintly. Maybe he just got used to it. “Has it hurt in the last day or so?”
“...Late last night.”
She nods, as if that makes sense. “It won’t take too long. Maybe five minutes.”
He inclines his head just barely, not wanting to move while she’s working.
“You should let me know if it hurts again,” she suggests quietly, after a moment. “It doesn’t take much to fix.”
There is a comfortable silence for a few minutes as she works. He feels the chakra start to dilute a little towards the end of it.
“I’m going to stop my chakra and manually massage the tissue, now. It should help prolong the effect.”
He feels her chakra dissipate. She has done this to him before, throughout the rehabilitation process following the war; it was more important then, she’d said, to develop tolerance to touch and pressure of the residual limb. It had hurt, the first few times, but later in the healing process, he had secretly enjoyed it; it made it hurt much less, and the process itself felt… nice.
He had privately wondered what it would feel like on his back.
It elicits the same response now, too, kneading fingertips gradually increasing pressure to access deeper tissue, helping to work away pain that has lived there for a while.
"You wear your hair differently now," she comments after an incredibly nice period of time, still pressing tenderly in little circles, though the pressure is starting to taper off now, since they’re getting towards the end of five minutes; that was roughly the time she would do back then. Since there’s no chakra anymore, it must require less of her concentration.
He realizes he hasn’t shifted his hair back into place yet, then. He takes a moment, then responds quietly, furtively, "Most people dislike looking at the Rinnegan."
She doesn’t respond right away; just finishes massaging the end of his stump, then removes her hands to pick up her pen.
"Not me," she murmurs softly as she makes her final notations.
His heart flips in his chest, and he feels his face grow warm. He's glad she's focusing on the forms, so she can't see the effect her words have had.
The lozenge has dissolved fully, and his throat isn't as sore.
Sasuke goes to the Hokage’s office, after, to see if the dobe is there. He has some time to kill before lunch, and he wants to take him up on his offer to spar at some point, given that his eyes are freshly healed. Now that he knows Sakura’s schedule for the next few days, he can fill the rest of his time with whatever else. He’ll see her tomorrow at four, at the hospital, and then at Ichiraku’s on Saturday, and then for a bit after, too; they still need to confirm an actual time for that with Naruto and Kakashi. He assumes Sunday and Monday must be her days off. If they’re not, she works too much. He’s going to ask her tomorrow, he thinks.
Oddly, he finds only Kakashi in his office.
“Ah, Sasuke. Good morning,” he greets as he walks through the doors.
The copy ninja sizes him up with a single eye for a long moment, as if considering what to ask him. Sasuke braces himself.
"You got your physical done."
Sakura had said after the bloodwork was complete, she’d drop off the paperwork for him. "...I did."
"It went well, I assume."
"...It did."
"Wonderful," he says quietly, sounding pensive.
There is a very long pause.
“And the date, with Sakura this morning, before that? That went well, also?”
Sasuke deliberates. There is no teasing lilt to his old sensei's voice this time, just genuine curiosity, so he answers honestly, even though his neck warms and he doesn’t quite appreciate being spied on. “...It did.”
Kakashi gives him one of the widest and most genuine smiles he has ever seen him wear, beneath the mask.
“Wonderful,” the copy ninja says again, this time teeming clearly with pride and meaning.
“...Yeah.” Sasuke agrees, looking anywhere but at him.
Kakashi shuffles a few papers around his desk, and starts talking again, as if Sasuke has not just admitted to something he’s sure their sensei had suspicions about for the better portion of eight years. “Well, Naruto’s not here; I’m assuming that’s who you were looking for. Hinata’s leaving for a mission later today, around one, so I gave him the day off. I kind of assumed he’d use the opportunity to seek you out for a spar in the afternoon, after she leaves. He was going on about it yesterday, along with a Team Seven dinner on Saturday night; sounds like that will be at six.”
Sasuke just blinks, gears turning still; the scroll from yesterday is still on the desk, so he's not sure why he'd grant Naruto another day off so easily.
Kakashi further clarifies, smile shifting into something more sly. “I wouldn’t go over there before a little after one, if I were you.”
His first thought is oh, and he feels rather stupid. His next thought is gross. His old sensei is grinning, as if his reaction amuses him; he must have made some kind of face that belayed his internal thought process.
“Ah, love requited and besotten newlyweds. What a time." Sasuke's neck burns again, because he realizes after a second that the ‘love requited' portion of that is referring to Sakura and himself. Kakashi's moving on, though. "Anyway, now that I’ve given you too much information…” His voice trails off, and he looks at the intricate scroll tucked away at the table beside his desk, where Naruto usually sits. “If you’re not busy and want something to do until lunch, you could take a look at this scroll for me, since Naruto won’t be getting to it today.” He appears to be thinking, then adds. “For all his progress, he can still be less than perceptive, in certain instances. Your assistance could be invaluable, since I’m occupied with other tasks at the moment.”
Sasuke ponders for a bit; he has already read a good portion of the way through his books, and it’ll be a few hours before he needs to eat. It's not lost on him that this involves a level of trust in him on Kakashi's part, as whatever is in the scroll is likely not public knowledge.
He decides it can’t hurt, though he hopes he doesn’t get asked any more questions about Sakura. He makes his way to take Naruto’s seat, opening up the scroll.
He stares at it long and hard, rolling it out on the table to examine it more closely. Kakashi wordlessly grabs the stapler on his desk and sets it on the top end of the parchment, to hold it in place as he further unravels it. It appears to be a cipher, and quite a complicated one.
“...You think Naruto’s going to be able to crack this?” Sasuke questions incredulously, glancing towards his old sensei with his brows furrowed in doubt. His eyes catch as he does so on the framed photograph sitting on his desk; from this angle, the side instead of the front, he can now see that it’s their original Team Seven photo. He hasn't seen it in a long time.
Kakashi chuckles, not looking up from his paperwork. “Not at all, which is why I was helping him with it yesterday. It’s good practice for him, though, and at the very least, it does keep him busy when I don't have anything else for him to do.”
Sasuke ambles back to his apartment around noon. He made some progress on the cipher, enough that Kakashi said Naruto might actually be able to take it from there. It feels good to be of use.
It also feels good to have something to give the idiot shit over, when he goes to visit him later.
He empties the cough drops from his pocket into one of the cups he bought yesterday, and pops another one into his mouth before he starts getting out ingredients to cook. It feels good on his throat, menthol pleasantly numbing despite the slightly sweet taste. He pours a hefty amount of rice into a pot to start boiling, and then begins slicing carrots and scallions and mushrooms for takikomi gohan. It takes a while to slice with one arm, as holding the vegetables in place with one hand is a challenge, but he manages by summoning a clone. Once he’s done, he slips them in a pan with some salt and dashi stock. He also adds frozen peas before covering it with the lid to simmer.
Once that’s going, he washes his hand, then folds the comforter he had washed and left out to dry this morning, ultimately storing it in the closet. He stirs the vegetable mixture occasionally, after, reading more of his book while he waits for the rice to finish. The one about kenjutsu is more interesting than he thought it would be. He might finish it by the time he sees Sakura tomorrow.
He really hopes he can walk her home again; he hadn’t gotten a chance to kiss her today. She might not want him to, if she thinks he's sick, but somehow he suspects she likely understood it wasn't actual illness. She's good at what she does, and smart.
It’s a simple but savory lunch, a larger portion than he’s accustomed to. He eats all of it, albeit slowly, as he reads.
Uncannily, an abrupt and earsplitting knocking erupts on his door as he puts the last bite in his mouth to chew.
“TEME! Open up!” More incessant knocking. “I’m fucking bored, and Kakashi-sensei gave me the day off! Let’s spar!”
Sasuke rolls his eyes and closes his book before standing to rinse his dish, setting it in the sink to wash later, along with the pot and pan already rinsed and stacked there.
“Alright, dobe. You don’t need to bust down my door.”
He grabs another cough drop and removes the tape and cotton from his arm before he goes. It’s a little tender, but the blood has clotted by now.
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teamanufacturing · 1 year
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You do not need to be a professional in the tea industry in order to offer Matcha Green Tea under your own private label or brand. We have streamlined the process, offering our Matcha Green Tea private label service for the ultimate in convenience.
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kyoto-matcha · 2 years
Enjoy The Health Benefits Of Matcha Powder
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Matcha powder can be used to make a variety of teas. The leaves should be steamed lightly to preserve antioxidants. The leaves are then ground into fine and emerald-colored tea powders. Matcha green tea, on the other hand is extremely popular in Japan. Matcha green tea is usually sold in powder form and not leaves. This makes it easy to make different types of food, such as desserts and noodles. This particular beverage has many health benefits and is very beneficial to humans. Continue reading to learn more about these benefits and how you can add it to your shopping list.
 The amino acid l-theanine, which is found in the beverage, is thought to lift a person's mood. It is thought to have a relaxing effect on the mind, making it ideal for relieving tension and anxiety Matchakyoto.
 Matcha green tea powder doesn't contain sugar, which is a benefit for those with diabetes. The absence of sugar means that insulin levels will not rise, which helps regulate blood sugar. These beverages can also be beneficial for those who are willing to reduce their sugar intake. It will boost their immune system.
 It is a detoxifier, meaning it removes all toxins and metals from the body. High levels of chlorophyll are responsible.
 This beverage can be used to help constipated people.
 Matcha can be taken as an energy booster for those with energy problems. It raises your energy level for a longer time, without you feeling overstimulated.
 Many people are concerned about their weight. This powdered drink is just one way to lose weight. It boosts metabolism, which in turn burns fat. It also helps to maintain blood sugar levels, which can help suppress cravings for sweet foods like chocolates and sweets.
 It is rich in antioxidants, which help to combat the signs of aging.
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irishiii · 2 years
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knifeinstomach · 2 years
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your-invisible-love · 3 years
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xzakdevx · 2 years
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matchakyotoco · 2 years
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