#Math Nerd - Thanksgiving - 18
jtl-fics · 11 months
Math nerd pls!!! I want someone to just absolutely deck cass
WIP Wednesday - 10/18/23 (Closed) | Math Nerd AU
"So I'm sure those kids are telling the truth and I'm not sure Richard is rotting in hell with Drake. He was pretty uninvolved with the foster kids wasn't he?" Andrew says voice even as he looks at Cass' face. He remembered the brief hope before Drake's gaze crashed it to the ground.
He still thinks about the knock on his window. About Alex. Is it strange that he looks at Cass' face and it makes him think of some of the best times in his life. No one had ever had him like how Alex had had him.
"But you washed those kid's sheets didn't you Cass?" he asks and he watches her go red with anger. He sees her hand coming up and hears Luther yell but nothing happens as Neil catches Cass' hand before she can even start to swing.
"I think it's time you listen to the owner of this house and leave." Neil says.
77 notes · View notes
deus-angst-machina · 3 years
Tumblr media
I posted 581 times in 2021
10 posts created (2%)
571 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 57.1 posts.
I added 11 tags in 2021
#delete later - 2 posts
#i can turn literally anything to angst - 1 posts
#then i scrolled back up - 1 posts
#mood - 1 posts
#me whenever i write cm anything - 1 posts
#i'd read this fic - 1 posts
#and also the divorce; that was gonna happen or the marriage would have just been yikes for all involved - 1 posts
#100% agree with the trust thing - 1 posts
#good take - 1 posts
#i do this all the time and yes the fear does fuel me - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 125 characters
#speaking as someone with a nasty temper who has also created quite a handy bit of performative anger this seems very accurate
My Top Posts in 2021
tagged by @ssahoodrathotchner
I love these, they're always fun
pumpkin or apple // cocoa or cider // halloween or thanksgiving // leaf piles or apple picking // hay ride or corn maze // wooly sweater or furry slippers // pumpkin carving or knitting // squash or sweet potato // black cat or bat // skeletons or witches // fake blood or fake spiders // mashed potatoes or stuffing // orange or black // apple pie or maple donuts // marshmallows or candy corn // vampire or werewolf // fireplace or cozy nook // spiced wine or craft beer // candied apples or s'mores // big scarf or oversize hoodie
aaand I'll tag:
and anyone else who wants to do this.
1 notes • Posted 2021-09-30 02:35:39 GMT
I am very pleased to see everyone roasting the early seasons' costuming choices for Hotch.
Its so true.
But I have been seeing bs complimentary talk about it for years
I once hit the back button on a oneshot set in season one that referred to Hotch's suit as "tailored".
1 notes • Posted 2021-03-04 23:01:25 GMT
So I am bored af and feeling impulsive. Who wants a face reveal?
1 notes • Posted 2021-02-10 00:25:12 GMT
Follow up to my tags about Hotch having a rather sizable kill count: this fic is a mathematical breakdown from 2015. I think someone did updated numbers somewhere on tumblr but I don't have that post handy. Have fun, math nerds!
2 notes • Posted 2021-02-10 18:18:53 GMT
absolutely zero offense (seriously), but i find it HILARIOUS when there's a hotch thirst-post with the usual sort of caption and I'm looking at the gif or still in question and all I see is a very tired and likely grumpy man.
2 notes • Posted 2021-05-21 23:33:07 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
1 note · View note
surveysonfleek · 6 years
I’m loud
I’m obnoxious
I’m sarcastic
I’m cocky
I cry easily
I have a bad temper
For the most part, I don’t like people
I’m easy to get along with
I like to fight
I have more enemies than friends
I’ve smoked
I’ve smoked weed
I drink coffee
I clean my room daily
I cannot open up to others
I wish I can tell those close what is wrong with me but I can’t
I am extroverted
I am introverted
I don’t care most of the time
I am lazy
I am cynical
I am idealistic
I am realistic
I am a dreamer
About You
I am straight
I am bisexual
I am pansexual
I am demisexual
I am asexual
I am another sexuality that isn’t listed
I rather not reveal my sexuality on tumblr
I am cis
I am a transgender
I am non-binary
I am in the closet
I think I might be gay/lesbian
I like what I like
I love myself
I hate myself
My Appearance
I’m shorter than 5’5
I am taller than 5'10
I wear makeup
I wear little to no makeup
I wear a piece of jewelry at all times
I wear contacts
I wear glasses
I’ve had braces
I have braces
I change my hair color often
I straighten my hair often
My ears are pierced
I have small feet
I have a shoe size larger than eight
I have freckles
My teeth are straight
My teeth are crooked
I have scar(s)
I’m in a relationship now
I’m in an open relationship
I’m single
I’m single but want to date
I’m crushin’
I’m in friends with benefits
I’ve missed an ex before
I’ve stalked an ex before over social media
An ex has stalked me
I’m always scared of being hurt
An ex has physically abused me at least once
I’ve been cheated on
I cheated on someone
I’ve been in a long-distance relationship before/are
A boyfriend/girlfriend made a promise to me that they didn’t keep
I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t
I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did
I told someone I love them
I haven’t told someone I love them but want to
It’s hard for me to say I love you in a relationship
I’m afraid to say I love you because I know they will leave eventually
I’m afraid to say I love you because I’ve been hurt badly before
I hate the words I love you so I say other things to demonstrate my love
I’ve been in love more than two times
I’ve been in love more than once but won’t admit it
I believe in love at first sight
I believe in soul mates
I believe in an instant click
I believe lust is more important than love
My boyfriend/girlfriend is protective of me
My boyfriend/girlfriend is weird but I like that
My boyfriend/girlfriend may get on my nerves sometimes but I can never truly stay mad at them
I have no friends
I have a best friend
I’ve lost a best friend
I have at least ten friends
My best friends live miles away from me
I’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend
I prefer skyping with my friends
I prefer calling my friends
I prefer texting my friends
I’ve beaten up a friend
A friend has physically abused me
A friend has mentally abused me
I’ve been in a toxic friendship before
I’ve been in a serious fight with a friend
I can trust at least five people with my life
My friends are crazy but I love them
I am protective of my friends
I’ve had friends leave me when they had boyfriends
I’m always the butt of my friends jokes
I feel like my friends only hang out with me because they feel sorry for me
My friends are under 18
My friends are over 18
I’ve left the state/province
Someone close to me has died
I’ve taken a taxi
I’ve taken a city bus
I’ve been in a subway
I’ve been on a train
I’ve been on a plane
I’ve ridden in a carriage
I’ve taken a school service (like school bus)
I’ve gone bungee jumping
I’ve had a road trip with friends
I’ve made a speech
I’ve been in some sort of club
I’ve won an award
I’ve spent 24 hours on the computer straight
I’ve been in a physical fight
I’ve stolen something
I’ve snuck out before
I saw a shooting star
I wished on a shooting star
I listen to country
I listen to pop
I listen to edm
I listen to rock
I listen to indie
I listen to instrumental
I listen to movie scores
I listen to rap/hip hop
I listen to k-pop
I listen to oldies
I’m one of those people who play songs repeatedly until I hate it
I hate the radio
I download music
I buy CD’s
I spend at least six hours a day watching television
I watch soap operas daily
I’m in love with Days Of Our Lives
I’ve seen and like The OC
I’ve seen and like One Tree Hill
I’ve seen and like America’s Next Top Model
I’ve seen and like Popular
I’ve seen and like House
I’ve seen and like 24
I’ve seen and like CSI
I’ve seen and like Everwood
I’ve seen and like Doctor Who
I’ve seen and like The Vampire Diaries
I’ve seen and like Teen Wolf
I’ve seen and like Family Guy
I’ve seen and like Gilmore Girls
I’ve seen and like Big Brother
I’ve seen and like MTV Reality Shows
I’ve seen and like Pretty Little Liars
I’ve seen and like Sherlock
I’ve seen and like Supernatural
I’ve seen and like How I Met Your Mother
I’ve seen and like Sailor Moon
I’ve seen and like Grey’s Anatomy
I’ve seen and like something that everyone would hate
I’ve seen and dislike something that everyone would love
Family Life
I get along with both of my parents
My biological parents are still together
My mother abandoned me
My father abandoned me
I can’t help but be sad that one of my parents left me
I have at least one brother
I have at least one sister
I have at least one step brother/sister
I have at least one half brother/sister
I have pets
I’ve been kicked out of the house
I’ve been grounded before
I’ve been scolded before
My parents have been verbally abusive
I’ve ran away from my home
I’ve sworn at my parents
I’ve made my parents cry
My parents are very chill
My parents are strict
My parents are disappointed in me
My parents want what is best for me
I feel like I am disappointing my parents
I am hiding something from my parents
I am close with my mom
I am close with my dad
I am close with a step-parent
I’ve lied to my parents
I’ve lied to my parents about where I am
I’ve lied to my parents about what I’m doing
I’ve lied to my parents so I’d be allowed out
I’ve lied to my parents about being single
I’ve lied to my parents about my sexuality
I’ve lied to my parents about school
I normally ask the other parent if one tells me no
I’ve walked out when I’ve been grounded
I’ve walked out in the middle of an argument
I’ve cut my hair in the past year
I’ve dyed my hair in the past year
I’ve been blonde
I’ve had black
I’ve been red
I’ve been light brown
I’ve been medium brown
I’ve been brown
I’ve had streaks
I’ve had purple/pink
I’ve been blue/green
I’ve gotten my hair thinned
I use conditioner
I’ve used silk therapy
I’ve used hot oil treatments
I’ve curled my hair
I’ve straightened my hair
I’ve braided my hair
I’ve had\want dreadlocks
I am currently content
I am happy
I am currently sad
I am currently irritated
I am currently numb
I am angry
I am feeling suicidal
I think I’ve made someone angry
I think I’ve made someone upset
Someone is ignoring me
Someone is angry at me
I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life
I feel like I’m going to be losing someone in the next two months
I want to drink
I want to smoke
I want to drive
I want to cry
I’ve thrown something at a teacher
I’ve yelled at a teacher
I’ve been suspended
I’ve had an in-school suspension
I’ve been sent to the principal’s office
I should of had truancy
I should have been expelled
I should have been suspended
I’ve walked out of class
I’ve skipped an entire day of school
I’ve skipped a whole month of one certain class
I’ve failed a test
I’ve cheated on a test
I’ve helped someone else cheat on a test
I’ve failed Art
I’ve failed P.E
I’ve failed Math
I’ve failed Science
I’ve failed another class
A teacher has called my parents
A teacher has called my parents for a parent-teacher conference
I’ve been caught skipping
I’ve been on the honor roll
I’ve been on effort honor roll
I think nerds are cute
A stranger has complimented me before
I always hold the door open if somebody behind me is going through the same door
The last shoes I wore were black
I own a pair of white flip flops
I have a personal xanga
I have a roleplay blog
I doodle on my notes during class sometimes
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday
Halloween is my favorite holiday
Christmas is my favorite holiday
I actually study for tests
I actually do big papers before the night it’s due
I cannot do a cartwheel
I can do a handstand underwater
I’m physically affectionate toward certain friends
I have not tried tomato soup with grilled cheese
I use AIM
I use Skype
I use Oovoo
I have the old version of AIM because I like it better than the new one
I’ve never had the chicken pox
I hate leaving voicemails
I like stuffed crust pizza
I have a scanner
I was named after somebody or something
I have a unique name
I hate my name
I do not have a tattoo
There’s a piece of jewelry that I wear daily
I shower at night
I shower during the day
I shower early morning
I prefer the sunrise over the sunset
The walls in my room are a color other than white
I have a picture of myself kissing somebody
My friends like to carry me around
I’m constantly misplacing my chapstick
I wear gray eyeliner
I’m not afraid of snakes
I’m not afraid of spiders
I’m not afraid of insects
I don’t get sick easily
I get sick easily
I like green tea ice cream
My nails are naturally healthy and strong
I have a job
I hate my job
I am looking for a second job
I have my own car
I still live with my parents
When I was little, I loved string cheese
I have to pee right now
When I’m trying not to cuss, I yell out gibberish
I want a pet chinchilla
I love it when my car has a full tank of gas
We don’t have a desktop computer at my house
I don’t own a laptop
I want a laptop
My parents are from a country that isn’t the one we currently reside in
I dislike the wind
I dislike rain
I dislike snow
I’ve had 5+ piercings throughout my life
I’m the shortest adult in my family
I am the tallest adult in my family
I am the heaviest in my family
I am the thinnest in my family
I know someone is ignoring me
I almost always do my homework
My name ends in a vowel
I sing and dance obnoxiously when I’m home alone
I am obsessed with musicals
I am obsessed with horror
I am obsessed with action/drama
I am obsessed with romance
I like the way mango smells
I prefer silver over gold
I prefer white gold over silver
I already have plans for my future wedding
I fear I’ll end up being alone
My bathing suit is a two piece
I’ve taught somebody how to swim before
I cannot swim
The last highlighter I used was yellow
I know the first three ballet positions
I am a Taurus
I am a Cancer
I am a Libra
I am a Sagittarius
I find astrology interesting
I have masturbated before
I have wanted to push someone down the stairs
9 notes · View notes
wererightbyyourside · 6 years
50 Questions Tag
Tagged by @supercriminalwolf​ 💕💕💕
1. what takes up too much of your time? it’s the school year, so classes/homework, tv shows... youtube..... two dots........
2. what makes your day better? listening to music, watching a show, or just in general decompressing (these are all due to the fact that I’m super introverted and they let me recharge which always makes me feel better lol)
3. what’s the best thing that happened to you today? I got to play with my dogs!! I’m at home instead of at school for the weekend and since my one dog is now 14 years old any time I can spend with him is the best
4. what fictional place would you like to go? I’m tied between Narnia and Middle Earth 
5. are you good at giving advice? I would say I’m pretty good when I’m serious, but if the situation isn’t serious my first instinct is to always tell my friends to kill whoever is giving them troubles lol
6. do you have any mental illness? luckily no
7. have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? once again, luckily no 
8. what musician inspired you the most? SHINee (such an original answer for a SHINee blog but it’s definitely true); there’s just so much to take inspiration from all of them
9. have you ever fallen in love? I mean I don’t really talk about it much but I’m aro and not interested in dating so... no
10. what’s your dream date? I’d really like to just hang around and watch shitty movies or something
11. what do others notice about you? honestly I don’t really know
12. what is the annoying habit you have? I crack my knuckles and also touch/rub my nose a lot (mostly because of allergies lol) which seems to also annoy people (including myself)
13. do you still talk to you first love? (see above about being aro lol)
14. how many ex’s do you have? none
15. how many songs are on your playlist? in my “current songs” playlist, 51, but that’s because I try to keep it around 50 at all times. In terms of overall music and my other secondary playlists, way way more...
16. what instruments can you play? piano, clarinet, tenor recorder (but like more than just a fourth grader... I was in an ensemble)
17. who do you have the most pictures of? honestly I was just scrolling through my photos to free up space and most of them are scenery from vacations
18. where would you like to go before you die? in a perfect world I would like to go to every country in the world, but in terms of the main places, New Zealand (is this because I’m a Tolkien nerd? you’ll never know...), Japan, SK, China, Hong Kong, etc. 
19. what is your zodiac? cancer
20. do you relate to it? usually not if I’m honest
21. what is happiness to you? this is too deep for midnight... but basically I think it’s being able to see through the bad things happening to you and staying optimistic
22. are you going through anything right now? nothing terrible atm but I mean it’s college so stress is inevitable
23. what’s the worst decision you’ve ever made? taking rock climbing as my exercise credit even though I’m out of shape
24. what’s your favourite store? target or tj maxx. they are both fun to walk around and browse in
25. what’s your opinion on abortion? pro-choice. I’m not one to infringe on other’s lives and choices.
26. do you keep a bucket list? not a formal list? I don’t really think about it much
27. do you have a favorite album at the moment? “Sense or Love” by Hey Say Jump but also the soundtrack for “Bad Guys: Vile City”
28. what do you want for your birthday? money lol it’s always money
29. what are most peoples first impression of you? I mean if I’m not talking to my friends I have a pretty aggressive looking resting face (my license photo looks like a mug shot ‘cause I’m not smiling) so I actually think a lot of people’s first impressions of me aren’t that good lol
30. what age do you seem according to most people according to most people? Almost everyone I meet thinks I’m older than I am... like mid-twenties instead of 19..
31. where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping? under my pillow
32. what word do you say the most? the phrase “I’m thinking pasta” (if you recognize this phrase, you’re guaranteed a spot on my will)
33. what’s the oldest age you would date? I don’t really have a preference and by that I mean if I were to date I actually would probably be willing to date anyone as long as they were closer to my age than my parents (if I did the math correctly that means I would date anyone younger than 35). But honestly if a 35 year old wanted to date me (19 yo) they probably wouldn’t be the kind of person you’d want to date lol
34. what’s the youngest age you would date? If I was old enough to not have to worry about people younger than me being under the age of consent, l’d probably go up to 3-5 years younger.
35. what job/career do most people say would suit you? even some of my professors tell me to be a teacher... but also I get “editor” a lot and private investigator but that’s only by friends 
36. what’s your favourite music genre? I don’t really have a favorite, but I guess kpop lol and alternative
37. if you could live in any country in the world, where would it be? I think it would be anywhere where Trump isn’t president at the moment
38. what is your current favourite song? Alone - Seungri and Come to Me - Lee Hong Gi (feat. Zuho!)
39. how long have you had this blog for? As an independent blog, a year and a half. But it was a side blog on my old account for like a year or two before that 
40. what are you excited for? rock climbing to be over, Thanksgiving, Christmas, the semester to be over, Trump’s presidency to be over
41. are you a better talker or listener? listener
42. what is the last productive thing you did? I sent an email. I’m on break so I’m not doing anything productive  
43. what do you want for christmas? money. but also I need a new season’s greeting of some sort so I can have a calendar for 2019
44. what class do you get the best grades in? any class that revolves around writing or analyzing literature usually 
45. on a scale from 1-10, how are you feeling right now? 7?
46. what can you see yourself doing in 10 years? trying to figure out my life. probably still in school lol
47. when did you get your first heartbreak? never?
48. at what age do you want to get married? I don’t really want to get married
49. what career did you want to have as a child? vet, author, and pop star (with my friend) (we had a band)
50. what do you crave right now? I’m actually not hungry for once but a black cherry soda sounds pretty good
Tagging: It’s late and I already tagged a bunch of people in stuff earlier so I’m not gonna tag anyone lol. But if you’re reading this and want to answer these questions, I’ve now tagged you so go answer them 💕
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nostalgiaispeace · 6 years
Bold Survey,
I’m loud
I’m obnoxious
I’m sarcastic
I’m cocky
I cry easily
I have a bad temper
For the most part, I don’t like people
I’m easy to get along with
I like to fight
I have more enemies than friends
I’ve smoked
I’ve smoked weed
I drink coffee
I clean my room daily
I cannot open up to others
I wish I can tell those close what is wrong with me but I can’t
I am extroverted
I am introverted
I don’t care most of the time
I am lazy
I am cynical
I am idealistic
I am realistic
I am a dreamer
About You
I am straight
I am bisexual
I am pansexual
I am demisexual
I am asexual
I am another sexuality that isn’t listed
I rather not reveal my sexuality on tumblr
I am cis
I am a transgender
I am non-binary
I am in the closet
I think I might be gay/lesbian
I like what I like
I love myself
I hate myself
My Appearance
I’m shorter than 5’5
I am taller than 5'10
I wear makeup
I wear little to no makeup
I wear a piece of jewelry at all times
I wear contacts
I wear glasses
I’ve had braces
I have braces
I change my hair color often
I straighten my hair often
My ears are pierced
I have small feet
I have a shoe size larger than eight
I have freckles
My teeth are straight
My teeth are crooked
I have scar(s)
I’m in a relationship now
I’m in an open relationship
I’m single
I’m single but want to date
I’m crushin’
I’m in friends with benefits
I’ve missed an ex before
I’ve stalked an ex before over social media
An ex has stalked me
I’m always scared of being hurt
An ex has physically abused me at least once
I’ve been cheated on
I cheated on someone
I’ve been in a long-distance relationship before/are
A boyfriend/girlfriend made a promise to me that they didn’t keep
I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t
I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did
I told someone I love them
I haven’t told someone I love them but want to
It’s hard for me to say I love you in a relationship
I’m afraid to say I love you because I know they will leave eventually
I’m afraid to say I love you because I’ve been hurt badly before
I hate the words I love you so I say other things to demonstrate my love
I’ve been in love more than two times
I’ve been in love more than once but won’t admit it
I believe in love at first sight
I believe in soul mates
I believe in an instant click
I believe lust is more important than love
My boyfriend/girlfriend is protective of me
My boyfriend/girlfriend is weird but I like that
My boyfriend/girlfriend may get on my nerves sometimes but I can never truly stay mad at them
I have no friends
I have a best friend
I’ve lost a best friend
I have at least ten friends
My best friends live miles away from me
I’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend
I prefer skyping with my friends
I prefer calling my friends
I prefer texting my friends
I’ve beaten up a friend
A friend has physically abused me
A friend has mentally abused me
I’ve been in a toxic friendship before
I’ve been in a serious fight with a friend
I can trust at least five people with my life
My friends are crazy but I love them
I am protective of my friends
I’ve had friends leave me when they had boyfriends
I’m always the butt of my friends jokes
I feel like my friends only hang out with me because they feel sorry for me
My friends are under 18
My friends are over 18
I’ve left the state/province
Someone close to me has died
I’ve taken a taxi
I’ve taken a city bus
I’ve been in a subway
I’ve been on a train
I’ve been on a plane
I’ve ridden in a carriage
I’ve taken a school service (like school bus)
I’ve gone bungee jumping
I’ve had a road trip with friends
I’ve made a speech
I’ve been in some sort of club
I’ve won an award
I’ve spent 24 hours on the computer straight
I’ve been in a physical fight
I’ve stolen something
I’ve snuck out before
I saw a shooting star
I wished on a shooting star
I listen to country
I listen to pop
I listen to edm
I listen to rock
I listen to indie
I listen to instrumental
I listen to movie scores
I listen to rap/hip hop
I listen to k-pop
I listen to oldies
I’m one of those people who play songs repeatedly until I hate it
I hate the radio
I download music
I buy CD’s
I spend at least six hours a day watching television
I watch soap operas daily
I’m in love with Days Of Our Lives
I’ve seen and like The OC
I’ve seen and like One Tree Hill
I’ve seen and like America’s Next Top Model
I’ve seen and like Popular
I’ve seen and like House
I’ve seen and like 24
I’ve seen and like CSI
I’ve seen and like Everwood
I’ve seen and like Doctor Who
I’ve seen and like The Vampire Diaries
I’ve seen and like Teen Wolf
I’ve seen and like Family Guy
I’ve seen and like Gilmore Girls
I’ve seen and like Big Brother
I’ve seen and like MTV Reality Shows
I’ve seen and like Pretty Little Liars
I’ve seen and like Sherlock
I’ve seen and like Supernatural
I’ve seen and like How I Met Your Mother
I’ve seen and like Sailor Moon
I’ve seen and like Grey’s Anatomy
I’ve seen and like something that everyone would hate
I’ve seen and dislike something that everyone would love
Family Life
I get along with both of my parents
My biological parents are still together
My mother abandoned me
My father abandoned me
I can’t help but be sad that one of my parents left me
I have at least one brother
I have at least one sister
I have at least one step brother/sister
I have at least one half brother/sister
I have pets
I’ve been kicked out of the house
I’ve been grounded before
I’ve been scolded before
My parents have been verbally abusive
I’ve ran away from my home
I’ve sworn at my parents
I’ve made my parents cry
My parents are very chill
My parents are strict
My parents are disappointed in me
My parents want what is best for me
I feel like I am disappointing my parents
I am hiding something from my parents
I am close with my mom
I am close with my dad
I am close with a step-parent
I’ve lied to my parents
I’ve lied to my parents about where I am
I’ve lied to my parents about what I’m doing
I’ve lied to my parents so I’d be allowed out
I’ve lied to my parents about being single
I’ve lied to my parents about my sexuality
I’ve lied to my parents about school
I normally ask the other parent if one tells me no
I’ve walked out when I’ve been grounded
I’ve walked out in the middle of an argument
I’ve cut my hair in the past year
I’ve dyed my hair in the past year
I’ve been blonde
I’ve had black
I’ve been red
I’ve been light brown
I’ve been medium brown
I’ve been brown
I’ve had streaks
I’ve had purple/pink
I’ve been blue/green
I’ve gotten my hair thinned
I use conditioner
I’ve used silk therapy
I’ve used hot oil treatments
I’ve curled my hair
I’ve straightened my hair
I’ve braided my hair
I’ve had\want dreadlocks
I am currently content
I am happy
I am currently sad
I am currently irritated
I am currently numb
I am angry
I am feeling suicidal
I think I’ve made someone angry
I think I’ve made someone upset
Someone is ignoring me
Someone is angry at me
I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life
I feel like I’m going to be losing someone in the next two months
I want to drink
I want to smoke
I want to drive
I want to cry
I’ve thrown something at a teacher
I’ve yelled at a teacher
I’ve been suspended
I’ve had an in-school suspension
I’ve been sent to the principal’s office
I should of had truancy
I should have been expelled
I should have been suspended
I’ve walked out of class
I’ve skipped an entire day of school
I’ve skipped a whole month of one certain class
I’ve failed a test
I’ve cheated on a test
I’ve helped someone else cheat on a test
I’ve failed Art
I’ve failed P.E
I’ve failed Math
I’ve failed Science
I’ve failed another class
A teacher has called my parents
A teacher has called my parents for a parent-teacher conference
I’ve been caught skipping
I’ve been on the honor roll
I’ve been on effort honor roll
I think nerds are cute
A stranger has complimented me before
I always hold the door open if somebody behind me is going through the same door
The last shoes I wore were black
I own a pair of white flip flops
I have a personal xanga
I have a roleplay blog
I doodle on my notes during class sometimes
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday
Halloween is my favorite holiday
Christmas is my favorite holiday
I actually study for tests
I actually do big papers before the night it’s due
I cannot do a cartwheel
I can do a handstand underwater
I’m physically affectionate toward certain friends
I have not tried tomato soup with grilled cheese
I use AIM
I use Skype
I use Oovoo
I have the old version of AIM because I like it better than the new one
I’ve never had the chicken pox
I hate leaving voicemails
I like stuffed crust pizza
I have a scanner
I was named after somebody or something
I have a unique name
I hate my name
I do not have a tattoo
There’s a piece of jewelry that I wear daily
I shower at night
I shower during the day
I shower early morning
I prefer the sunrise over the sunset
The walls in my room are a color other than white
I have a picture of myself kissing somebody
My friends like to carry me around
I’m constantly misplacing my chapstick
I wear gray eyeliner
I’m not afraid of snakes
I’m not afraid of spiders
I’m not afraid of insects
I don’t get sick easily
I get sick easily
I like green tea ice cream
My nails are naturally healthy and strong
I have a job
I hate my job
I am looking for a second job
I have my own car
I still live with my parents
When I was little, I loved string cheese
I have to pee right now
When I’m trying not to cuss, I yell out gibberish
I want a pet chinchilla
I love it when my car has a full tank of gas
We don’t have a desktop computer at my house
I don’t own a laptop
I want a laptop
My parents are from a country that isn’t the one we currently reside in
I dislike the wind
I dislike rain
I dislike snow
I’ve had 5+ piercings throughout my life
I’m the shortest adult in my family
I am the tallest adult in my family
I am the heaviest in my family
I am the thinnest in my family
I know someone is ignoring me
I almost always do my homework
My name ends in a vowel
I sing and dance obnoxiously when I’m home alone
I am obsessed with musicals
I am obsessed with horror
I am obsessed with action/drama
I am obsessed with romance
I like the way mango smells
I prefer silver over gold
I prefer white gold over silver
I already have plans for my future wedding
I fear I’ll end up being alone
My bathing suit is a two piece
I’ve taught somebody how to swim before
I cannot swim
The last highlighter I used was yellow
I know the first three ballet positions
I am a Taurus
I am a Cancer
I am a Libra
I am a Sagittarius
I find astrology interesting
I have masturbated before
I have wanted to push someone down the stairs
1 note · View note
luv-surveys · 4 years
I’m loud
I’m obnoxious
I’m sarcastic
I’m cocky
I cry easily
I have a bad temper
For the most part, I don’t like people
I’m easy to get along with
I like to fight
I have more enemies than friends
I’ve smoked
I’ve smoked weed
I drink coffee
I clean my room daily
I cannot open up to others
I wish I can tell those close what is wrong with me but I can’t
I am extroverted
I am introverted
I don’t care most of the time
I am lazy
I am cynical
I am idealistic
I am realistic
I am a dreamer
About You
I am straight
I am bisexual
I am pansexual
I am demisexual
I am asexual
I am another sexuality that isn’t listed
I rather not reveal my sexuality on tumblr
I am cis
I am a transgender
I am non-binary
I am in the closet
I think I might be gay/lesbian
I like what I like
I love myself
I hate myself
My Appearance
I’m shorter than 5’5
I am taller than 5'10
I wear makeup
I wear little to no makeup
I wear a piece of jewelry at all times
I wear contacts
I wear glasses
I’ve had braces
I have braces
I change my hair color often
I straighten my hair often
My ears are pierced
I have small feet
I have a shoe size larger than eight
I have freckles
My teeth are straight
My teeth are crooked
I have scar(s)
I’m in a relationship now
I’m in an open relationship
I’m single
I’m single but want to date
I’m crushin’
I’m in friends with benefits
I’ve missed an ex before
I’ve stalked an ex before over social media
An ex has stalked me
I’m always scared of being hurt
An ex has physically abused me at least once
I’ve been cheated on
I cheated on someone
I’ve been in a long-distance relationship before/are
A boyfriend/girlfriend made a promise to me that they didn’t keep
I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t
I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did
I told someone I love them
I haven’t told someone I love them but want to
It’s hard for me to say I love you in a relationship
I’m afraid to say I love you because I know they will leave eventually
I’m afraid to say I love you because I’ve been hurt badly before
I hate the words I love you so I say other things to demonstrate my love
I’ve been in love more than two times
I’ve been in love more than once but won’t admit it
I believe in love at first sight
I believe in soul mates
I believe in an instant click
I believe lust is more important than love
My boyfriend/girlfriend is protective of me
My boyfriend/girlfriend is weird but I like that
My boyfriend/girlfriend may get on my nerves sometimes but I can never truly stay mad at them
I have no friends
I have a best friend
I’ve lost a best friend
I have at least ten friends
My best friends live miles away from me
I’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend
I prefer skyping with my friends
I prefer calling my friends
I prefer texting my friends
I’ve beaten up a friend
A friend has physically abused me
A friend has mentally abused me
I’ve been in a toxic friendship before
I’ve been in a serious fight with a friend
I can trust at least five people with my life
My friends are crazy but I love them
I am protective of my friends
I’ve had friends leave me when they had boyfriends
I’m always the butt of my friends jokes
I feel like my friends only hang out with me because they feel sorry for me
My friends are under 18
My friends are over 18
I’ve left the state/province
Someone close to me has died
I’ve taken a taxi
I’ve taken a city bus
I’ve been in a subway
I’ve been on a train
I’ve been on a plane
I’ve ridden in a carriage
I’ve taken a school service (like school bus)
I’ve gone bungee jumping
I’ve had a road trip with friends
I’ve made a speech
I’ve been in some sort of club
I’ve won an award
I’ve spent 24 hours on the computer straight
I’ve been in a physical fight
I’ve stolen something
I’ve snuck out before
I saw a shooting star
I wished on a shooting star
I listen to country
I listen to pop
I listen to edm
I listen to rock
I listen to indie
I listen to instrumental
I listen to movie scores
I listen to rap/hip hop
I listen to k-pop
I listen to oldies
I’m one of those people who play songs repeatedly until I hate it
I hate the radio
I download music
I buy CD’s
I spend at least six hours a day watching television
I watch soap operas daily
I’m in love with Days Of Our Lives
I’ve seen and like The OC
I’ve seen and like One Tree Hill
I’ve seen and like America’s Next Top Model
I’ve seen and like Popular
I’ve seen and like House
I’ve seen and like 24
I’ve seen and like CSI
I’ve seen and like Everwood
I’ve seen and like Doctor Who
I’ve seen and like The Vampire Diaries
I’ve seen and like Teen Wolf
I’ve seen and like Family Guy
I’ve seen and like Gilmore Girls
I’ve seen and like Big Brother
I’ve seen and like MTV Reality Shows
I’ve seen and like Pretty Little Liars
I’ve seen and like Sherlock
I’ve seen and like Supernatural
I’ve seen and like How I Met Your Mother
I’ve seen and like Sailor Moon
I’ve seen and like Grey’s Anatomy
I’ve seen and like something that everyone would hate
I’ve seen and dislike something that everyone would love
Family Life
I get along with both of my parents
My biological parents are still together
My mother abandoned me
My father abandoned me
I can’t help but be sad that one of my parents left me
I have at least one brother
I have at least one sister
I have at least one step brother/sister
I have at least one half brother/sister
I have pets
I’ve been kicked out of the house
I’ve been grounded before
I’ve been scolded before
My parents have been verbally abusive
I’ve ran away from my home
I’ve sworn at my parents
I’ve made my parents cry
My parents are very chill
My parents are strict
My parents are disappointed in me
My parents want what is best for me
I feel like I am disappointing my parents
I am hiding something from my parents
I am close with my mom
I am close with my dad
I am close with a step-parent
I’ve lied to my parents
I’ve lied to my parents about where I am
I’ve lied to my parents about what I’m doing
I’ve lied to my parents so I’d be allowed out
I’ve lied to my parents about being single
I’ve lied to my parents about my sexuality
I’ve lied to my parents about school
I normally ask the other parent if one tells me no
I’ve walked out when I’ve been grounded
I’ve walked out in the middle of an argument
I’ve cut my hair in the past year
I’ve dyed my hair in the past year
I’ve been blonde
I’ve had black
I’ve been red
I’ve been light brown
I’ve been medium brown
I’ve been brown
I’ve had streaks
I’ve had purple/pink
I’ve been blue/green
I’ve gotten my hair thinned
I use conditioner
I’ve used silk therapy
I’ve used hot oil treatments
I’ve curled my hair
I’ve straightened my hair
I’ve braided my hair
I’ve had\want dreadlocks
I am currently content
I am happy
I am currently sad
I am currently irritated
I am currently numb
I am angry
I am feeling suicidal
I think I’ve made someone angry
I think I’ve made someone upset
Someone is ignoring me
Someone is angry at me
I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life
I feel like I’m going to be losing someone in the next two months
I want to drink
I want to smoke
I want to drive
I want to cry
I’ve thrown something at a teacher
I’ve yelled at a teacher
I’ve been suspended
I’ve had an in-school suspension
I’ve been sent to the principal’s office
I should have had truancy
I should have been expelled
I should have been suspended
I’ve walked out of class
I’ve skipped an entire day of school
I’ve skipped a whole month of one certain class
I’ve failed a test
I’ve cheated on a test
I’ve helped someone else cheat on a test
I’ve failed Art
I’ve failed P.E
I’ve failed Math
I’ve failed Science
I’ve failed another class
A teacher has called my parents
A teacher has called my parents for a parent-teacher conference
I’ve been caught skipping
I’ve been on the honor roll
I’ve been on effort honor roll
I think nerds are cute
A stranger has complimented me before
I always hold the door open if somebody behind me is going through the same door
The last shoes I wore were black
I own a pair of white flip flops
I have a personal xanga
I have a roleplay blog
I doodle on my notes during class sometimes
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday
Halloween is my favorite holiday
Christmas is my favorite holiday
I actually study for tests
I actually do big papers before the night it’s due
I cannot do a cartwheel
I can do a handstand underwater
I’m physically affectionate toward certain friends
I have not tried tomato soup with grilled cheese
I use AIM
I use Skype
I use Oovoo
I have the old version of AIM because I like it better than the new one
I’ve never had the chicken pox
I hate leaving voicemails
I like stuffed crust pizza
I have a scanner
I was named after somebody or something
I have a unique name
I hate my name
I do not have a tattoo
There’s a piece of jewelry that I wear daily
I shower at night
I shower during the day
I shower early morning
I prefer the sunrise over the sunset
The walls in my room are a color other than white
I have a picture of myself kissing somebody
My friends like to carry me around
I’m constantly misplacing my chapstick
I wear gray eyeliner
I’m not afraid of snakes
I’m not afraid of spiders
I’m not afraid of insects
I don’t get sick easily
I get sick easily
I like green tea ice cream
My nails are naturally healthy and strong
I have a job
I hate my job
I am looking for a second job
I have my own car
I still live with my parents
When I was little, I loved string cheese
I have to pee right now
When I’m trying not to cuss, I yell out gibberish
I want a pet chinchilla
I love it when my car has a full tank of gas
We don’t have a desktop computer at my house
I don’t own a laptop
I want a laptop
My parents are from a country that isn’t the one we currently reside in
I dislike the wind
I dislike rain
I dislike snow
I’ve had 5+ piercings throughout my life
I’m the shortest adult in my family
I am the tallest adult in my family
I am the heaviest in my family
I am the thinnest in my family
I know someone is ignoring me
I almost always do my homework
My name ends in a vowel
I sing and dance obnoxiously when I’m home alone
I am obsessed with musicals
I am obsessed with horror
I am obsessed with action/drama
I am obsessed with romance
I like the way mango smells
I prefer silver over gold
I prefer white gold over silver
I already have plans for my future wedding
I fear I’ll end up being alone
My bathing suit is a two piece
I’ve taught somebody how to swim before
I cannot swim
The last highlighter I used was yellow
I know the first three ballet positions
I am a Taurus
I am a Cancer
I am a Libra
I am a Sagittarius
I find astrology interesting
I have masturbated before
I have wanted to push someone down the stairs
0 notes
silvershadow1398 · 5 years
I’m loud
I’m obnoxious
I’m sarcastic
I’m cocky - not usually but i can be
I cry easily
I have a bad temper
For the most part, I don’t like people
I’m easy to get along with - i can BS it enough
I like to fight
I have more enemies than friends
I’ve smoked
I’ve smoked weed
I drink coffee
I clean my room daily
I cannot open up to others - not easily
I wish I can tell those close what is wrong with me but I can’t
I am extroverted
I am introverted
I don’t care most of the time
I am lazy
I am cynical
I am idealistic
I am realistic
I am a dreamer
About You
I am straight
I am bisexual
I am pansexual
I am demisexual
I am asexual
I am another sexuality that isn’t listed
I rather not reveal my sexuality on tumblr
I am cis
I am a transgender
I am non-binary
I am in the closet
I think I might be gay/lesbian
I like what I like
I love myself
I hate myself
My Appearance
I’m shorter than 5’5
I am taller than 5'10
I wear makeup
I wear little to no makeup
I wear a piece of jewelry at all times
I wear contacts
I wear glasses
I’ve had braces - invisalign
I have braces
I change my hair color often - no but it is currently dyed
I straighten my hair often
My ears are pierced
I have small feet
I have a shoe size larger than eight
I have freckles
My teeth are straight
My teeth are crooked
I have scar(s)
I’m in a relationship now
I’m in an open relationship
I’m single
I’m single but want to date
I’m crushin’
I’m in friends with benefits
I’ve missed an ex before
I’ve stalked an ex before over social media
An ex has stalked me
I’m always scared of being hurt
An ex has physically abused me at least once
I’ve been cheated on
I cheated on someone
I’ve been in a long-distance relationship before/are
A boyfriend/girlfriend made a promise to me that they didn’t keep
I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t
I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did
I told someone I love them
I haven’t told someone I love them but want to
It’s hard for me to say I love you in a relationship
I’m afraid to say I love you because I know they will leave eventually
I’m afraid to say I love you because I’ve been hurt badly before
I hate the words I love you so I say other things to demonstrate my love
I’ve been in love more than two times
I’ve been in love more than once but won’t admit it
I believe in love at first sight
I believe in soul mates
I believe in an instant click
I believe lust is more important than love
My boyfriend/girlfriend is protective of me
My boyfriend/girlfriend is weird but I like that
My boyfriend/girlfriend may get on my nerves sometimes but I can never truly stay mad at them
I have no friends
I have a best friend - not sure
I’ve lost a best friend
I have at least ten friends
My best friends live miles away from me
I’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend
I prefer skyping with my friends
I prefer calling my friends
I prefer texting my friends
I’ve beaten up a friend
A friend has physically abused me
A friend has mentally abused me
I’ve been in a toxic friendship before
I’ve been in a serious fight with a friend
I can trust at least five people with my life
My friends are crazy but I love them
I am protective of my friends
I’ve had friends leave me when they had boyfriends
I’m always the butt of my friends jokes
I feel like my friends only hang out with me because they feel sorry for me
My friends are under 18 - one, and they turn 18 in September
My friends are over 18
I’ve left the state/province - lmao currently VERY far away
Someone close to me has died
I’ve taken a taxi
I’ve taken a city bus
I’ve been in a subway
I’ve been on a train
I’ve been on a plane
I’ve ridden in a carriage
I’ve taken a school service (like school bus)
I’ve gone bungee jumping
I’ve had a road trip with friends
I’ve made a speech
I’ve been in some sort of club
I’ve won an award
I’ve spent 24 hours on the computer straight
I’ve been in a physical fight
I’ve stolen something - from school, not a store
I’ve snuck out before
I saw a shooting star
I wished on a shooting star
I listen to country
I listen to pop
I listen to edm
I listen to rock
I listen to indie
I listen to instrumental
I listen to movie scores
I listen to rap/hip hop
I listen to k-pop
I listen to oldies
I’m one of those people who play songs repeatedly until I hate it
I hate the radio
I download music
I buy CD’s
I spend at least six hours a day watching television
I watch soap operas daily
I’m in love with Days Of Our Lives
I’ve seen and like The OC
I’ve seen and like One Tree Hill
I’ve seen and like America’s Next Top Model - seen but not like
I’ve seen and like Popular
I’ve seen and like House
I’ve seen and like 24
I’ve seen and like CSI
I’ve seen and like Everwood
I’ve seen and like Doctor Who
I’ve seen and like The Vampire Diaries
I’ve seen and like Teen Wolf
I’ve seen and like Family Guy
I’ve seen and like Gilmore Girls
I’ve seen and like Big Brother
I’ve seen and like MTV Reality Shows - seen but not like
I’ve seen and like Pretty Little Liars
I’ve seen and like Sherlock
I’ve seen and like Supernatural
I’ve seen and like How I Met Your Mother
I’ve seen and like Sailor Moon
I’ve seen and like Grey’s Anatomy
I’ve seen and like something that everyone would hate
I’ve seen and dislike something that everyone would love - LOTS
Family Life
I get along with both of my parents
My biological parents are still together - i have no fucking clue lol
My mother abandoned me - LMFAO
My father abandoned me - LMFAO
I can’t help but be said that one of my parents left me
I have at least one brother
I have at least one sister
I have at least one step brother/sister
I have at least one half brother/sister
I have pets
I’ve been kicked out of the house
I’ve been grounded before
I’ve been scolded before
My parents have been verbally abusive - i personally think so...
I’ve ran away from my home
I’ve sworn at my parents
I’ve made my parents cry
My parents are very chill - for the most part
My parents are strict
My parents are disappointed in me
My parents want what is best for me
I feel like I am disappointing my parents
I am hiding something from my parents
I am close with my mom
I am close with my dad - not as much as my mom
I am close with a step-parent
I’ve lied to my parents
I’ve lied to my parents about where I am
I’ve lied to my parents about what I’m doing
I’ve lied to my parents so I’d be allowed out
I’ve lied to my parents about being single
I’ve lied to my parents about my sexuality - still am!!!
I’ve lied to my parents about school
I normally ask the other parent if one tells me no
I’ve walked out when I’ve been grounded
I’ve walked out in the middle of an argument
I’ve cut my hair in the past year
I’ve dyed my hair in the past year
I’ve been blonde
I’ve had black - natural color
I’ve been red
I’ve been light brown
I’ve been medium brown
I’ve been brown - dyed color
I’ve had streaks
I’ve had purple/pink
I’ve been blue/green
I’ve gotten my hair thinned
I use conditioner
I’ve used silk therapy
I’ve used hot oil treatments
I’ve curled my hair
I’ve straightened my hair
I’ve braided my hair
I’ve had\want dreadlocks
I am currently content
I am happy
I am currently sad
I am currently irritated
I am currently numb
I am angry
I am feeling suicidal
I think I’ve made someone angry
I think I’ve made someone upset
Someone is ignoring me
Someone is angry at me
I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life
I feel like I’m going to be losing someone in the next two months
I want to drink
I want to smoke
I want to drive
I want to cry
I’ve thrown something at a teacher
I’ve yelled at a teacher
I’ve been suspended
I’ve had an in-school suspension
I’ve been sent to the principal’s office
I should of had truancy
I should have been expelled
I should have been suspended
I’ve walked out of class
I’ve skipped an entire day of school
I’ve skipped a whole month of one certain class
I’ve failed a test
I’ve cheated on a test
I’ve helped someone else cheat on a test
I’ve failed Art
I’ve failed P.E
I’ve failed Math
I’ve failed Science - not the class, but failed a test within the class
I’ve failed another class
A teacher has called my parents - bc i was sick, not in trouble
A teacher has called my parents for a parent-teacher conference
I’ve been caught skipping
I’ve been on the honor roll
I’ve been on effort honor roll
I think nerds are cute
A stranger has complimented me before
I always hold the door open if somebody behind me is going through the same door
The last shoes I wore were black
I own a pair of white flip flops
I have a personal xanga
I have a roleplay blog
I doodle on my notes during class sometimes - not usually but i have
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday
Halloween is my favorite holiday
Christmas is my favorite holiday
I actually study for tests
I actually do big papers before the night it’s due
I cannot do a cartwheel
I can do a handstand underwater
I’m physically affectionate toward certain friends
I have not tried tomato soup with grilled cheese
I use AIM
I use Skype
I use Oovoo
I have the old version of AIM because I like it better than the new one
I’ve never had the chicken pox
I hate leaving voicemails
I like stuffed crust pizza
I have a scanner
I was named after somebody or something
I have a unique name
I hate my name - middle name specifically
I do not have a tattoo
There’s a piece of jewelry that I wear daily
I shower at night
I shower during the day - preferred
I shower early morning - least favorite
I prefer the sunrise over the sunset
The walls in my room are a color other than white
I have a picture of myself kissing somebody
My friends like to carry me around
I’m constantly misplacing my chapstick
I wear gray eyeliner
I’m not afraid of snakes
I’m not afraid of spiders
I’m not afraid of insects
I don’t get sick easily
I get sick easily
I like green tea ice cream
My nails are naturally healthy and strong
I have a job
I hate my job
I am looking for a second job
I have my own car
I still live with my parents
When I was little, I loved string cheese
I have to pee right now - not yet...
When I’m trying not to cuss, I yell out gibberish
I want a pet chinchilla
I love it when my car has a full tank of gas
We don’t have a desktop computer at my house
I don’t own a laptop
I want a laptop
My parents are from a country that isn’t the one we currently reside in
I dislike the wind
I dislike rain
I dislike snow
I’ve had 5+ piercings throughout my life
I’m the shortest adult in my family - not sure but i might be
I am the tallest adult in my family
I am the heaviest in my family
I am the thinnest in my family - not sure but i might be
I know someone is ignoring me
I almost always do my homework
My name ends in a vowel
I sing and dance obnoxiously when I’m home alone
I am obsessed with musicals
I am obsessed with horror
I am obsessed with action/drama
I am obsessed with romance
I like the way mango smells
I prefer silver over gold
I prefer white gold over silver
I already have plans for my future wedding
I fear I’ll end up being alone
My bathing suit is a two piece
I’ve taught somebody how to swim before
I cannot swim
The last highlighter I used was yellow
I know the first three ballet positions - LOL
I am a Taurus
I am a Cancer
I am a Libra
I am a Sagittarius
I find astrology interesting
I have masturbated before
I have wanted to push someone down the stairs
0 notes
thegoddessprose · 6 years
Another one...
Bold Survey
I’m loud
I’m obnoxious
I’m sarcastic
I’m cocky
I cry easily
I have a bad temper
For the most part, I don’t like people
I’m easy to get along with
I like to fight
I have more enemies than friends
I’ve smoked
I’ve smoked weed
I drink coffee
I clean my room daily
I cannot open up to others
I wish I can tell those close what is wrong with me but I can’t
I am extroverted
I am introverted
I don’t care most of the time
I am lazy
I am cynical
I am idealistic
I am realistic
I am a dreamer
About You
I am straight
I am bisexual
I am pansexual
I am demisexual
I am asexual
I am another sexuality that isn’t listed
I rather not reveal my sexuality on tumblr
I am cis
I am a transgender
I am non-binary
I am in the closet
I think I might be gay/lesbian
I like what I like
I love myself
I hate myself
My Appearance
I’m shorter than 5’5
I am taller than 5'10
I wear makeup
I wear little to no makeup
I wear a piece of jewelry at all times
I wear contacts
I wear glasses
I’ve had braces
I have braces
I change my hair color often
I straighten my hair often
My ears are pierced
I have small feet
I have a shoe size larger than eight
I have freckles
My teeth are straight
My teeth are crooked
I have scar(s)
I’m in a relationship now
I’m in an open relationship
I’m single
I’m single but want to date
I’m crushin’
I’m in friends with benefits
I’ve missed an ex before
I’ve stalked an ex before over social media
An ex has stalked me
I’m always scared of being hurt
An ex has physically abused me at least once
I’ve been cheated on
I cheated on someone
I’ve been in a long-distance relationship before/are
A boyfriend/girlfriend made a promise to me that they didn’t keep
I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t
I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did
I told someone I love them
I haven’t told someone I love them but want to
It’s hard for me to say I love you in a relationship
I’m afraid to say I love you because I know they will leave eventually
I’m afraid to say I love you because I’ve been hurt badly before
I hate the words I love you so I say other things to demonstrate my love
I’ve been in love more than two times
I’ve been in love more than once but won’t admit it
I believe in love at first sight
I believe in soul mates
I believe in an instant click
I believe lust is more important than love
My boyfriend/girlfriend is protective of me
My boyfriend/girlfriend is weird but I like that
My boyfriend/girlfriend may get on my nerves sometimes but I can never truly stay mad at them
I have no friends
I have a best friend
I’ve lost a best friend
I have at least ten friends
My best friends live miles away from me
I’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend
I prefer skyping with my friends
I prefer calling my friends
I prefer texting my friends
I’ve beaten up a friend
A friend has physically abused me
A friend has mentally abused me
I’ve been in a toxic friendship before
I’ve been in a serious fight with a friend
I can trust at least five people with my life
My friends are crazy but I love them
I am protective of my friends
I’ve had friends leave me when they had boyfriends
I’m always the butt of my friends jokes
I feel like my friends only hang out with me because they feel sorry for me
My friends are under 18
My friends are over 18
I’ve left the state/province
Someone close to me has died
I’ve taken a taxi
I’ve taken a city bus
I’ve been in a subway
I’ve been on a train
I’ve been on a plane
I’ve ridden in a carriage
I’ve taken a school service (like school bus)
I’ve gone bungee jumping
I’ve had a road trip with friends
I’ve made a speech
I’ve been in some sort of club
I’ve won an award
I’ve spent 24 hours on the computer straight
I’ve been in a physical fight
I’ve stolen something
I’ve snuck out before
I saw a shooting star
I wished on a shooting star
I listen to country
I listen to pop
I listen to edm
I listen to rock
I listen to indie
I listen to instrumental
I listen to movie scores
I listen to rap/hip hop
I listen to k-pop
I listen to oldies
I’m one of those people who play songs repeatedly until I hate it
I hate the radio
I download music
I buy CD’s
I spend at least six hours a day watching television
I watch soap operas daily
I’m in love with Days Of Our Lives
I’ve seen and like The OC
I’ve seen and like One Tree Hill
I’ve seen and like America’s Next Top Model
I’ve seen and like Popular
I’ve seen and like House
I’ve seen and like 24
I’ve seen and like CSI
I’ve seen and like Everwood
I’ve seen and like Doctor Who
I’ve seen and like The Vampire Diaries
I’ve seen and like Teen Wolf
I’ve seen and like Family Guy
I’ve seen and like Gilmore Girls
I’ve seen and like Big Brother
I’ve seen and like MTV Reality Shows
I’ve seen and like Pretty Little Liars
I’ve seen and like Sherlock
I’ve seen and like Supernatural
I’ve seen and like How I Met Your Mother
I’ve seen and like Sailor Moon
I’ve seen and like Grey’s Anatomy
I’ve seen and like something that everyone would hate
I’ve seen and dislike something that everyone would love
Family Life
I get along with both of my parents
My biological parents are still together
My mother abandoned me
My father abandoned me
I can’t help but be said that one of my parents left me
I have at least one brother
I have at least one sister
I have at least one step brother/sister
I have at least one half brother/sister
I have pets
I’ve been kicked out of the house
I’ve been grounded before
I’ve been scolded before
My parents have been verbally abusive
I’ve ran away from my home
I’ve sworn at my parents
I’ve made my parents cry
My parents are very chill
My parents are strict
My parents are disappointed in me
My parents want what is best for me
I feel like I am disappointing my parents
I am hiding something from my parents
I am close with my mom
I am close with my dad
I am close with a step-parent
I’ve lied to my parents
I’ve lied to my parents about where I am
I’ve lied to my parents about what I’m doing
I’ve lied to my parents so I’d be allowed out
I’ve lied to my parents about being single
I’ve lied to my parents about my sexuality
I’ve lied to my parents about school
I normally ask the other parent if one tells me no
I’ve walked out when I’ve been grounded
I’ve walked out in the middle of an argument
I’ve cut my hair in the past year
I’ve dyed my hair in the past year
I’ve been blonde
I’ve had black
I’ve been red
I’ve been light brown
I’ve been medium brown
I’ve been brown
I’ve had streaks
I’ve had purple/pink
I’ve been blue/green
I’ve gotten my hair thinned
I use conditioner
I’ve used silk therapy
I’ve used hot oil treatments
I’ve curled my hair
I’ve straightened my hair
I’ve braided my hair
I’ve had\want dreadlocks
I am currently content
I am happy
I am currently sad
I am currently irritated
I am currently numb
I am angry
I am feeling suicidal
I think I’ve made someone angry
I think I’ve made someone upset
Someone is ignoring me
Someone is angry at me
I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life
I feel like I’m going to be losing someone in the next two months
I want to drink
I want to smoke
I want to drive
I want to cry
I’ve thrown something at a teacher
I’ve yelled at a teacher
I’ve been suspended
I’ve had an in-school suspension
I’ve been sent to the principal’s office
I should of had truancy
I should have been expelled
I should have been suspended
I’ve walked out of class
I’ve skipped an entire day of school
I’ve skipped a whole month of one certain class
I’ve failed a test
I’ve cheated on a test
I’ve helped someone else cheat on a test
I’ve failed Art
I’ve failed P.E
I’ve failed Math
I’ve failed Science
I’ve failed another class
A teacher has called my parents
A teacher has called my parents for a parent-teacher conference
I’ve been caught skipping
I’ve been on the honor roll
I’ve been on effort honor roll
I think nerds are cute
A stranger has complimented me before
I always hold the door open if somebody behind me is going through the same door
The last shoes I wore were black
I own a pair of white flip flops
I have a personal xanga
I have a roleplay blog
I doodle on my notes during class sometimes
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday
Halloween is my favorite holiday
Christmas is my favorite holiday
I actually study for tests
I actually do big papers before the night it’s due
I cannot do a cartwheel
I can do a handstand underwater
I’m physically affectionate toward certain friends
I have not tried tomato soup with grilled cheese
I use AIM
I use Skype
I use Oovoo
I have the old version of AIM because I like it better than the new one
I’ve never had the chicken pox
I hate leaving voicemails
I like stuffed crust pizza
I have a scanner
I was named after somebody or something
I have a unique name
I hate my name
I do not have a tattoo
There’s a piece of jewelry that I wear daily
I shower at night
I shower during the day
I shower early morning
I prefer the sunrise over the sunset
The walls in my room are a color other than white
I have a picture of myself kissing somebody
My friends like to carry me around
I’m constantly misplacing my chapstick
I wear gray eyeliner
I’m not afraid of snakes
I’m not afraid of spiders
I’m not afraid of insects
I don’t get sick easily
I get sick easily
I like green tea ice cream
My nails are naturally healthy and strong
I have a job
I hate my job
I am looking for a second job
I have my own car
I still live with my parents
When I was little, I loved string cheese
I have to pee right now
When I’m trying not to cuss, I yell out gibberish
I want a pet chinchilla
I love it when my car has a full tank of gas
We don’t have a desktop computer at my house
I don’t own a laptop
I want a laptop
My parents are from a country that isn’t the one we currently reside in
I dislike the wind
I dislike rain
I dislike snow
I’ve had 5+ piercings throughout my life
I’m the shortest adult in my family
I am the tallest adult in my family
I am the heaviest in my family
I am the thinnest in my family
I know someone is ignoring me
I almost always do my homework
My name ends in a vowel
I sing and dance obnoxiously when I’m home alone
I am obsessed with musicals
I am obsessed with horror
I am obsessed with action/drama
I am obsessed with romance
I like the way mango smells
I prefer silver over gold
I prefer white gold over silver
I already have plans for my future wedding
I fear I’ll end up being alone
My bathing suit is a two piece
I’ve taught somebody how to swim before
I cannot swim
The last highlighter I used was yellow
I know the first three ballet positions
I am a Taurus
I am a Cancer
I am a Libra
I am a Sagittarius
I find astrology interesting
I have masturbated before
I have wanted to push someone down the stairs
0 notes
iowamusicshowcase · 7 years
Tumblr media
A Whole Bunch of Boring Statistics on Favorites of 2016 and the Favorite Posts of the Year http://ift.tt/2CXRr4Y
Well, once again, for you big math nerds and fans of Top Ten, I have a whole bunch of list and statistics for our various websites. Here's the closest thing I have to a list of the top ten songs. These are the top ten posts about songs on the podcast episodes. THE MOST VIEWED POSTS ABOUT SONGS ON THE IOWA MUSIC SHOWCASE PODCASTS 10. Ep 50 - Song 3: "Mona Lisa Overdrive" by Head Candy (plus the video of their unreleased song, "Thunderbolt Raft") 9. Ep 45 - Song 1: "Arc Welded" by Bob Dorr and The Blue Band 8. Ep 45 - Song 2: "One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor" by Philbo King 7. Ep 43 - Song 1: "Tsunami" by Permasmile 6. Ep 42 - Song 9: "say it with me!" by JC//jp 5. Ep 52 - Song 2: "The Devil's Bar" by Aaron Earl Short 4. Ep 54 - Song 3: "Creepshow" by Space Burial 3. Ep 43 - Song 5: "Happy" by Far from Innocent 2. Ep 49 - Song 1: "Nets" by Clay Carnivore 1. Ep 44 - Song 1: "King Size Cigarette" by The Law Since I started putting all the posts from the actual Iowa Music Showcase website also on the Iowa Music Showcase Songs website, I combined the number from both to get the total number of views. THE MOST VIEWED POSTS FROM 2017 10. EPISODE 55: Happy Hawkeye Halloween 2017, Part 4 of 4 - The Black Angels and Other Iowa Evil Spirits 9. EPISODE 52 - Happy Hawkeye Halloween 2017, Part 1 of 4: Killer Cows and Other Iowa Furry Monsters 8. Episode 42: The Acts of Iowa Music Showcase Live 7. EPISODE 56: Happy Hawkeye Holidays 2017, Part 1 of 3: Nestor 6. EPISODE 49: Iowa Rock Music 5. EPISODE 45: Iowa Blues and Blues Rock 4. EPISODE 50: Nepotism 3. EPISODE 47: Iowa Star Wars Music, Part 6 of 9 - Return of the Iowa Jedi 2. EPISODE 46 - Iowa Star Wars Music, Part 4 of 9: May the Fortieth be with You! 1. EPISODE 48: Iowa Classical Music Archive.org is a place where I keep our podcast stored, hopefully, for all time. If you used that link to download, then you took from this site! THE MOST VIEWED PODCAST ON ARCHIVE.ORG 10. EPISODE 50: Nepotism 9. Episode 45 - Iowa Blues and Blues Rock 8. Episode 48 - Iowa Classical Music 7. EPISODE 53: Happy Hawkeye Halloween 2017, Part 2 of 4 - Monster Turtle of Big Blue Lake and Other Iowa Sea Creatures 6. Episode 49: Iowa Rock Music 5. EPISODE 46 - Iowa Star Wars Music, Part 4 of 9: May the Fortieth be with You! 4. EPISODE 43: Guest Producer Trinity Neal of Music Tsunami 3. Episode 41: Favorites of 2016 2. Episode 44: Iowa Indie and Alternative Music 1. Episode 42: The Acts of Iowa Music Showcase Live Last year, I didn't keep track of my SoundCloud listens. But this year I did! So here are the ten most popular podcasts on SoundCloud! THE MOST LISTENED TO PODCAST EPISODES FROM 2017 ON SOUNDCLOUD 10. EPISODE 55: Happy Hawkeye Halloween 2017, Part 4 of 4 - The Black Angels and Other Iowa Evil Spirits 9. Episode 52: Happy Hawkeye Halloween 2017, Part 1 of 4 - Killer Cows and Other Iowa Furry Monsters 8. EPISODE 54: Happy Hawkeye Halloween 2017, Part 3 of 4 - The Van Meter Visitor and Other Iowa Dragons 7. Episode 47 - Iowa Star Wars Music, Part 6 of 9: Return of the Iowa Jedi 6. Episode 49: Iowa Rock Music 5, Episode 46 - Iowa Star Wars Music, Part 4 of 9: May the Fortieth Be With You 4. Episode 48 - Iowa Classical Music 3. Episode 45 - Iowa Blues and Blues Rock 2. Episode 44: Iowa Indie and Alternative Music 1. Episode 43: Guest Producer Trinity Neal of Music Tsunami I started putting up a video version on our podcast on our Facebook page. These are the most viewed from there. THE MOST VIEWED PODCAST EPISODES FROM 2017 ON FACEBOOK 10. Episode 52: Happy Hawkeye Halloween 2017, Part 1 of 4 - Killer Cows and Other Iowa Furry Monsters 9. EPISODE 50: Nepotism 8. Episode 49: Iowa Rock Music 7. EPISODE 56: Happy Hawkeye Holidays 2017, Part 1 of 3: Nestor 6. EPISODE 55: Happy Hawkeye Halloween 2017, Part 4 of 4 - The Black Angels and Other Iowa Evil Spirits 5. Episode 45 - Iowa Blues and Blues Rock 4. Episode 42: The Acts of Iowa Music Showcase Live 3. Episode 44: Iowa Indie and Alternative Music 2. Episode 41: Favorites of 2016 1. Episode 46 - Iowa Star Wars Music, Part 4 of 9: May the Fortieth Be With You Well, in case you don't know, we have a YouTube channel that we also put our podcast episodes up on. These are the most viewed from there. THE MOST VIEWED PODCAST EPISODES FROM 2017 ON YOUTUBE 10. EPISODE 54: Happy Hawkeye Halloween 2017, Part 3 of 4 - The Van Meter Visitor and Other Iowa Dragons 9. Episode 47 - Iowa Star Wars Music, Part 6 of 9: Return of the Iowa Jedi 8. Episode 43: Guest Producer Trinity Neal of Music Tsunami 7. Episode 41: Favorites of 2016 6. Episode 49: Iowa Rock Music 5. Episode 46 - Iowa Star Wars Music, Part 4 of 9: May the Fortieth Be With You 4. Episode 48 - Iowa Classical Music 3. Episode 42: The Acts of Iowa Music Showcase Live 2. Episode 45 - Iowa Blues and Blues Rock 1. Episode 44: Iowa Indie and Alternative Music And lastly, we have a BandCamp site featuring all our podcast episodes. These are ten most listened to from this year. THE MOST LISTENED TO PODCAST EPISODES FROM 2017 ON BANDCAMP 10. EPISODE 51: Iowa Hip-Hop and Rap 2 (and 3 episodes of the Iowa Block Radio rap podcast) 9. Episode 52: Happy Hawkeye Halloween 2017, Part 1 of 4 - Killer Cows and Other Iowa Furry Monsters 8. Episode 42: The Acts of Iowa Music Showcase Live 7. Episode 48 - Iowa Classical Music 6. Episode 49: Iowa Rock Music 5. Episode 47 - Iowa Star Wars Music, Part 6 of 9: Return of the Iowa Jedi 4  Episode 44: Iowa Indie and Alternative Music. 3. Episode 46 - Iowa Star Wars Music, Part 4 of 9: May the Fortieth Be With You 2. Episode 43: Guest Producer Trinity Neal of Music Tsunami 1. Episode 45 - Iowa Blues and Blues Rock And now for the big math nerds out there, here's the general top ten list of podcasts for 2016. I did this by giving 1 point each 10th place, 2 points for each 9th place, etc. And the one with the most points is on top! TOP TEN PODCAST EPISODES FROM 2017 10. Episode 52: Happy Hawkeye Halloween 2017, Part 1 of 4 - Killer Cows and Other Iowa Furry Monsters 9. Episode 47 - Iowa Star Wars Music, Part 6 of 9: Return of the Iowa Jedi 8. Episode 41: Favorites of 2016 7. Episode 48 - Iowa Classical Music 6. Episode 42: The Acts of Iowa Music Showcase Live 5. Episode 46 - Iowa Star Wars Music, Part 4 of 9: May the Fortieth Be With You 4. Episode 43: Guest Producer Trinity Neal of Music Tsunami 3. Episode 49: Iowa Rock Music 2. Episode 44: Iowa Indie and Alternative Music 1. Episode 45 - Iowa Blues and Blues Rock And here are the charts for various website posts.... TOP PLAYLIST POSTS FROM 2017 10. PLAYLISTS: Happy New Year's - Iowa Style 9. PLAYLISTS: Random Iowa Music Spotify Playlist 5 8. PLAYLISTS: Random Iowa Music Spotify Playlist 6 7. PLAYLISTS: Random Iowa Music YouTube Playlist 1 6. PLAYLISTS: Iowa Halloween Music (on Spotify and YouTube) 5. PLAYLISTS: Iowa Stock 2017 Spotify Playlist 4. PLAYLISTS: A Playlist for Street Heat and the Eclipse 3. PLAYLISTS: New Iowa Music on YouTube 2 2. PLAYLISTS: Thanksgiving - Iowa Style 1. PLAYLISTS: New Iowa Music on Bandcamp 1 TOP OTHER SOURCES POSTS FROM 2017 5. OTHER SOURCES: The CarpeDM Compilation Albums 4. OTHER SOURCES; Iowa Music Showcase Live in Des Moines at Lefty's on Sat, Feb 4 3. OTHER SOURCES: Music Tsunami 2. OTHER SOURCES: Band Bombshell's "Completely Covered" 1. OTHER SOURCES: An Iowa Noise Music Compilation Late this year, we added new podcast from Richard Sutton to our website, Your Own Private Iowa. These are the 5 most viewed posts with those podcasts. TOP YOUR OWN PRIVATE IOWA POSTS FROM 2017 10. YOUR OWN PRIVATE IOWA - Episode 9: Courtney Krause 9. YOUR OWN PRIVATE IOWA - Episode 4: Fertile 8. YOUR OWN PRIVATE IOWA - Episode 6: Jon Marko (Correa) 7. YOUR OWN PRIVATE IOWA - Episode 2: Nate Logsdon 6. YOUR OWN PRIVATE IOWA - Episode 3: Satchel Bruna 5. YOUR OWN PRIVATE IOWA - Episode 7: Foxholes 4. YOUR OWN PRIVATE IOWA - Episode 8: QuërVo 3. YOUR OWN PRIVATE IOWA - Episode 10: H.D. Harmsen 2. YOUR OWN PRIVATE IOWA - Episode 11: Patrick Tape Fleming 1. YOUR OWN PRIVATE IOWA - Episode 1: Ben Schrag TOP JAZZMAN JOE VIDEOS POSTS FROM 2017 5. JAZZMAN JOE VIDEOS: Sounds of the Season with Soprano Chelsea Smith at Our Lady"s Immaculate Church in Ankeny, Iowa, on Dec 10, 2017 4. JAZZMAN JOE VIDEOS: Home for the Holidays with Max Wellman and Tina Findlay Haase at The Bridge in Johnston on December 20, 2015 3. JAZZMAN JOE VIDEOS - Soya Vista Jazz Orchestra With Gina Gedler at Noce on November 18, 2017 2. JAZZMAN JOE VIDEOS: Ankeny Community Chorus at The Prairie Ridge Church on November 17, 2017 1. JAZZMAN JOE VIDEO - DMACC Chorus Ensemble with Simon Estes on Dec 8, 2017 TOP POSTS FROM 2017 ABOUT COMPILATION ALBUMS 5. OTHER SOURCES: DMMC'S 2006 compilation album 4. OTHER SOURCES: Pants Off Mixtape Vol. 1 3. OTHER SOURCES: The CarpeDM Compilation Albums 2. OTHER SOURCES: Music Tsunami 1. OTHER SOURCES: An Iowa Noise Music Compilation TOP POSTS FROM 2017 USING YOUTUBE 10. JAZZMAN JOE VIDEOS: Sounds of the Season with Soprano Chelsea Smith at Our Lady's Immaculate Church in Ankeny, Iowa, on Dec 10, 2017 9. FESTER RAGE VIDEOS: A Testament of Youth (ATOY) at The Vaudeville Mews in Des Moines on August 31, 2007 8. JAZZMAN JOE VIDEO - DMACC Chorus Ensemble with Simon Estes on Dec 8, 2017 7. PLAYLISTS: Random Iowa Music YouTube Playlist 2 6. OTHER SOURCES: Lock N Load show and YouTube channel 5. PLAYLISTS - (Non-)Iowa Star Wars Music, Part 5 of 9: The Midwest Strikes Back 4. PLAYLISTS: Iowa Halloween Music (on Spotify and YouTube) 3. PLAYLISTS: New Iowa Music on YouTube 2 2. PLAYLISTS: Valentine's Day - Iowa Style 1. PLAYLISTS: Random Iowa Music YouTube Playlist 1 TOP POSTS FROM 2017 USING BANDCAMP 5. PLAYLISTS: Iowa Holiday Music on Various Websites 4. PLAYLISTS: Random Iowa Music BandCamp Playlist 1 3. PLAYLISTS: New Iowa Music on Bandcamp 1 2. OTHER SOURCES: The CarpeDM Compilation Albums 1. OTHER SOURCES: Music Tsunami TOP POSTS FROM 2017 USING SPOTIFY 5. PLAYLISTS: Iowa Stock 2017 Spotify Playlist 4. PLAYLISTS: Valentine's Day - Iowa Style 3. PLAYLISTS: Random Iowa Music Spotify Playlist 6 2. PLAYLISTS: A Father's Day Playlist 1. PLAYLISTS: Random Iowa Music Spotify Playlist 5 Okay, math nerds, here's a countdown of the top ten posts (not involving an Iowa Music Showcase podcast episode) for 2017. It was determine the following way: 6th to 10th place got you nothing, 5th place got you 1 point, 4th place 2 points, etc. The ones with the most points won. TOP TEN POSTS (not involving an Iowa Music Showcase podcast episode) FOR 2017 10. PLAYLISTS: Random Iowa Music YouTube Playlist 1 9. PLAYLISTS: Random Iowa Music Spotify Playlist 5 8. YOUR OWN PRIVATE IOWA - Episode 1: Ben Schrag 7. JAZZMAN JOE VIDEO - DMACC Chorus Ensemble with Simon Estes on Dec 8, 2017 6. PLAYLISTS: Random Iowa Music YouTube Playlist 2 5. PLAYLISTS: Valentine's Day - Iowa Style 4. PLAYLISTS: New Iowa Music on Bandcamp 1 3. OTHER SOURCES: The CarpeDM Compilation Albums 2, OTHER SOURCES: An Iowa Noise Music Compilation 1. OTHER SOURCES: Music Tsunami Well, that covers everything. Thanks to everyone who's been around for the three years. And welcome aboard to anyone just hopping on the Iowa Music Showcase train!
0 notes
skiasurveys · 8 years
Bolding survey
I’m loud
I’m obnoxious
I’m sarcastic
I’m cocky
I cry easily
I have a bad temper
For the most part, I don’t like people
I’m easy to get along with
I like to fight
I have more enemies than friends
I’ve smoked
I’ve smoked weed
I drink coffee
I clean my room daily
I cannot open up to others
I wish I can tell those close what is wrong with me but I can’t
I am extroverted
I am introverted (yes im both)
I don’t care most of the time
I am lazy
I am cynical
I am idealistic
I am realistic
I am a dreamer
About You
I am straight
I am bisexual
I am pansexual
I am demisexual
I am asexual
I am another sexuality that isn’t listed
I rather not reveal my sexuality on tumblr
I am cis
I am a transgender
I am non-binary
I am in the closet
I think I might be gay/lesbian
I like what I like
I love myself
I hate myself
My Appearance
I’m shorter than 5’5
I am taller than 5'10
I wear makeup
I wear little to no makeup
I wear a piece of jewelry at all times
I wear contacts
I wear glasses
I’ve had braces
I have braces
I change my hair color often
I straighten my hair often
My ears are pierced
I have small feet
I have a shoe size larger than eight
I have freckles
My teeth are straight (somewhat)
My teeth are crooked
I have scar(s)
I’m in a relationship now
I’m in an open relationship
I’m single
I’m single but want to date
I’m crushin’
I’m in friends with benefits
I’ve missed an ex before
I’ve stalked an ex before over social media
An ex has stalked me
I’m always scared of being hurt
An ex has physically abused me at least once
I’ve been cheated on
I cheated on someone
I’ve been in a long-distance relationship before/are
A boyfriend/girlfriend made a promise to me that they didn’t keep
I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t
I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did
I told someone I love them
I haven’t told someone I love them but want to
It’s hard for me to say I love you in a relationship
I’m afraid to say I love you because I know they will leave eventually
I’m afraid to say I love you because I’ve been hurt badly before
I hate the words I love you so I say other things to demonstrate my love
I’ve been in love more than two times
I’ve been in love more than once but won’t admit it
I believe in love at first sight
I believe in soul mates
I believe in an instant click
I believe lust is more important than love
My boyfriend/girlfriend is protective of me
My boyfriend/girlfriend is weird but I like that
My boyfriend/girlfriend may get on my nerves sometimes but I can never truly stay mad at them
I have no friends
I have a best friend
I’ve lost a best friend
I have at least ten friends
My best friends live miles away from me
I’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend
I prefer skyping with my friends
I prefer calling my friends
I prefer texting my friends
I’ve beaten up a friend
A friend has physically abused me
A friend has mentally abused me
I’ve been in a toxic friendship before
I’ve been in a serious fight with a friend
I can trust at least five people with my life
My friends are crazy but I love them
I am protective of my friends
I’ve had friends leave me when they had boyfriends
I’m always the butt of my friends jokes
I feel like my friends only hang out with me because they feel sorry for me
My friends are under 18
My friends are over 18
I’ve left the state/province
Someone close to me has died
I’ve taken a taxi
I’ve taken a city bus
I’ve been in a subway
I’ve been on a train
I’ve been on a plane
I’ve ridden in a carriage
I’ve taken a school service (like school bus)
I’ve gone bungee jumping
I’ve had a road trip with friends
I’ve made a speech
I’ve been in some sort of club
I’ve won an award
I’ve spent 24 hours on the computer straight
I’ve been in a physical fight
I’ve stolen something
I’ve snuck out before
I saw a shooting star
I wished on a shooting star
I listen to country
I listen to pop
I listen to edm
I listen to rock
I listen to indie
I listen to instrumental
I listen to movie scores
I listen to rap/hip hop
I listen to k-pop
I listen to oldies
I’m one of those people who play songs repeatedly until I hate it
I hate the radio
I download music
I buy CD’s
I spend at least six hours a day watching television
I watch soap operas daily
I’m in love with Days Of Our Lives
I’ve seen and like The OC
I’ve seen and like One Tree Hill
I’ve seen and like America’s Next Top Model
I’ve seen and like Popular
I’ve seen and like House
I’ve seen and like 24
I’ve seen and like CSI
I’ve seen and like Everwood
I’ve seen and like Doctor Who
I’ve seen and like The Vampire Diaries
I’ve seen and like Teen Wolf
I’ve seen and like Family Guy
I’ve seen and like Gilmore Girls
I’ve seen and like Big Brother
I’ve seen and like MTV Reality Shows
I’ve seen and like Pretty Little Liars
I’ve seen and like Sherlock
I’ve seen and like Supernatural
I’ve seen and like How I Met Your Mother
I’ve seen and like Sailor Moon
I’ve seen and like Grey’s Anatomy
I’ve seen and like something that everyone would hate
I’ve seen and dislike something that everyone would love
Family Life
I get along with both of my parents
My biological parents are still together
My mother abandoned me
My father abandoned me
I can’t help but be sad that one of my parents left me
I have at least one brother
I have at least one sister
I have at least one step brother/sister
I have at least one half brother/sister
I have pets
I’ve been kicked out of the house
I’ve been grounded before
I’ve been scolded before
My parents have been verbally abusive
I’ve ran away from my home
I’ve sworn at my parents
I’ve made my parents cry
My parents are very chill
My parents are strict
My parents are disappointed in me
My parents want what is best for me
I feel like I am disappointing my parents
I am hiding something from my parents
I am close with my mom
I am close with my dad
I am close with a step-parent
I’ve lied to my parents
I’ve lied to my parents about where I am
I’ve lied to my parents about what I’m doing
I’ve lied to my parents so I’d be allowed out
I’ve lied to my parents about being single
I’ve lied to my parents about my sexuality
I’ve lied to my parents about school
I normally ask the other parent if one tells me no
I’ve walked out when I’ve been grounded
I’ve walked out in the middle of an argument
I’ve cut my hair in the past year
I’ve dyed my hair in the past year
I’ve been blonde
I’ve had black
I’ve been red
I’ve been light brown
I’ve been medium brown
I’ve been brown
I’ve had streaks
I’ve had purple/pink
I’ve been blue/green
I’ve gotten my hair thinned
I use conditioner
I’ve used silk therapy
I’ve used hot oil treatments
I’ve curled my hair
I’ve straightened my hair
I’ve braided my hair
I’ve had\want dreadlocks
I am currently content
I am happy
I am currently sad
I am currently irritated
I am currently numb
I am angry
I am feeling suicidal
I think I’ve made someone angry
I think I’ve made someone upset
Someone is ignoring me
Someone is angry at me
I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life
I feel like I’m going to be losing someone in the next two months
I want to drink
I want to smoke
I want to drive
I want to cry
I’ve thrown something at a teacher
I’ve yelled at a teacher
I’ve been suspended
I’ve had an in-school suspension
I’ve been sent to the principal’s office
I should of had truancy
I should have been expelled
I should have been suspended
I’ve walked out of class
I’ve skipped an entire day of school
I’ve skipped a whole month of one certain class
I’ve failed a test
I’ve cheated on a test
I’ve helped someone else cheat on a test
I’ve failed Art
I’ve failed P.E
I’ve failed Math
I’ve failed Science
I’ve failed another class
A teacher has called my parents
A teacher has called my parents for a parent-teacher conference
I’ve been caught skipping
I’ve been on the honor roll
I’ve been on effort honor roll
I think nerds are cute
A stranger has complimented me before
I always hold the door open if somebody behind me is going through the same door
The last shoes I wore were black
I own a pair of white flip flops
I have a personal xanga
I have a roleplay blog
I doodle on my notes during class sometimes
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday
Halloween is my favorite holiday
Christmas is my favorite holiday
I actually study for tests
I actually do big papers before the night it’s due
I cannot do a cartwheel
I can do a handstand underwater
I’m physically affectionate toward certain friends
I have not tried tomato soup with grilled cheese
I use AIM
I use Skype
I use Oovoo
I have the old version of AIM because I like it better than the new one
I’ve never had the chicken pox
I hate leaving voicemails
I like stuffed crust pizza
I have a scanner
I was named after somebody or something
I have a unique name
I hate my name
I do not have a tattoo
There’s a piece of jewelry that I wear daily
I shower at night
I shower during the day
I shower early morning
I prefer the sunrise over the sunset
The walls in my room are a color other than white
I have a picture of myself kissing somebody
My friends like to carry me around
I’m constantly misplacing my chapstick
I wear gray eyeliner
I’m not afraid of snakes
I’m not afraid of spiders
I’m not afraid of insects
I don’t get sick easily
I get sick easily
I like green tea ice cream
My nails are naturally healthy and strong
I have a job
I hate my job
I am looking for a second job
I have my own car
I still live with my parents
When I was little, I loved string cheese
I have to pee right now
When I’m trying not to cuss, I yell out gibberish
I want a pet chinchilla
I love it when my car has a full tank of gas
We don’t have a desktop computer at my house
I don’t own a laptop
I want a laptop
My parents are from a country that isn’t the one we currently reside in
I dislike the wind
I dislike rain
I dislike snow
I’ve had 5+ piercings throughout my life
I’m the shortest adult in my family
I am the tallest adult in my family
I am the heaviest in my family
I am the thinnest in my family
I know someone is ignoring me
I almost always do my homework
My name ends in a vowel
I sing and dance obnoxiously when I’m home alone
I am obsessed with musicals
I am obsessed with horror
I am obsessed with action/drama
I am obsessed with romance
I like the way mango smells
I prefer silver over gold
I prefer white gold over silver
I already have plans for my future wedding
I fear I’ll end up being alone
My bathing suit is a two piece
I’ve taught somebody how to swim before
I cannot swim
The last highlighter I used was yellow
I know the first three ballet positions
I am a Taurus
I am a Cancer
I am a Libra
I am a Sagittarius
I find astrology interesting
I have masturbated before
I have wanted to push someone down the stairs
0 notes
jtl-fics · 11 months
After what you blessed us with last time, I HAVE to say math nerd au!! I can’t even decide on an appropriate quote, I‘m still reeling from the cass drama
WIP Wednesday - 10/18/23 (Closed) | Math Nerd AU
"Go rinse your eyes out Neil. I have a spare fresh shirt I can let you borrow too." Abby says expression far more relaxed now that the interlopers are gone.
"Thanks Abby." Neil smiles and heads to the bathroom down the hall. Andrew can feel the interest of the other Foxes on his shoulders and of his own family when he goes to sit back down. He returns to eating his stuffing and the cranberry sauce but his skin itches without Neil as a barrier.
Abby comes up, "Andrew, can you bring this shirt to Neil?" she asks and he knows she's giving him an out but Andrew isn't about to deny himself the possible opportunity to see Neil shirtless and escape the heavy stares of his team and family.
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Math Nerd on this fine Wednesday? Thank you!
WIP Wednesday - 10/11/23 (Closed) | Math Nerd AU
"Mr. Josten, this is a private family conversation. I would ask that you-"
"I mean you brought some stranger to a 'family conversation'." Neil shrugs pointing at Cass with a raised eyebrow. "Also a 'private family conversation'?" he looks around at where the other Foxes were lingering, all too hungry for gossip to not be listening in. "We're in someone else's living room?" he laughs.
"Neil," Nicky says Neil's name in a way that lets him know he wants Neil to stop.
"Sorry Nicky." Neil says with a shrug.
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jtl-fics · 11 months
Hope I’m not late! May I pretty please request a math nerd AU? thanksgiving has consumed my every waking thought 😣
WIP Wednesday - 10/18/23 (Closed) | Math Nerd AU
Andrew doesn't say anything, he just takes the shirt from Abby's hands and gets up from his seat. He offers her a single nod and heads out of the dining area and towards the bathroom.
The door is cracked and he can hear water running but knows it is from the sink.
Andrew pushes open the door and sees Neil without his contacts for the very first time since they had met back in Arizona.
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jtl-fics · 11 months
Also Math Nerd!! I'd love to see Andrew being confusedly into Neil being a Nerd, it's one of my favorite things tbh
WIP Wednesday - 10/18/23 (Closed) | Math Nerd AU
Andrew almost cracked a smile.
"Alright, same for you two." Abby says looking at both Cass and Maria. "Get the hell out of my house." she hisses.
"Wait, I think we can still-" Cass tries to wrench her hand away from Neil's hold but he kept her wrist in a firm grip. "Andrew-"
"I don't have anything for you Cass." Andrew says simply and the look of devastation on her face feels a bit like vindication for all the nights he'd been left to a monster with only Alex to protect him.
Neil drags her out as Aaron and Kevin shepherd Maria out of the house. The door closes and there's yelling and pleading at the door but the Foxes are great at ignoring noise like that.
"My contacts are killing me." Neil says rubbing at his eyes and Andrew hates the image of Neil in thick black glasses that pops into his head. He hates the burst of interest that comes with it.
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jtl-fics · 11 months
Math Nerd AU for WIP Wednesday please 🥰
WIP Wednesday - 10/18/23 (Closed) | Math Nerd AU
"You do not grab a lady like that!" Luther exclaims nearly apoplectic with anger rising to his feet to head towards Neil but Wymack merely caught the man around the upper arms.
"I don't think there's anyone in your little group that could count as a lady but you're definitely not." he says and starts to physically lead Luther out of the house as Maria turned to Nicky with a pleading expression.
"Nicholas, help your father!" she pleads and Nicky got up and trailed after Wymack getting ahead of him.
Andrew felt disappointed in his cousin until, "Let me get the door for you coach." Nicky's voice floated from the front of Abby's house.
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jtl-fics · 1 year
with Math Nerd on the side.
WIP Wednesday - 10/11/23 (Closed) | Math Nerd AU
"No I haven't been." Neil denies and Andrew can see him try and relax his shoulders forcibly.
"Yes you have." Kevin points out literally with his finger, "You haven't left Andrew's side unless you had to the last few days." he adds and Andrew almost scowls because he's not actually particularly interested in that changing.
"I just don't like Thanksgiving." Neil deflects.
"That doesn't explain why you're attached to Andrew." Kevin says with a raised brow.
"I like Andrew." Neil answers and it takes a lot more than Andrew is currently capable of to keep the blush off of his cheeks.
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