#Matt Murdock reactions
takenbypeter · 2 years
What Build A Bear They Get You And How They Surprise You With It
(Part two includes; Steven Grant, Thor, Matt Murdock, Ben Poindexter, and Scott Lang)
Part One
Steven Grant
Steven honestly wouldn’t even know where to start with this gift. He’d be so conflicted he’d just end up choosing an animal that he enjoyed or one that seemed like a unique option, like a sheep. The scent would no doubt be lavender and the sound would be him saying “love you, gators.” Which he know doubt rambled to the worker that that was just something he liked to say to which they just smiled and nodded. Steven would name It V because he’s Steven with a V.
Why did he get you this?
Steven got it because he felt like, why not? For one you deserve it. And for another he was just happy that you were together with him.
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Thor would come in complaining how he couldn’t believe they had a Thor bear. Of course they had a few for other avengers but no, not him. He’d then take out a light brown fluffy bear with a Mjolnir hammer and he’d say this was the best he could find. You’d easily take it in arms squeezing it. The scent would be hot chocolate and the voice recording would be something bold or something jokingly like, “leave some squeezes for the actual me. Just kidding I love you.”
Why did he get you this?
He’s seen the logo before and had grown curious. Once inside he genuinely thought it was just a cute and fun idea and that you’d love it. Which he was completely right about. And he’d promise he’d bring you along next time.
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Matt Murdock
Matt would end up choosing a dark brown bear. For the scent he’d pick s’mores. Because fire, delicious snacks, he likes the calming image that came to his head when he smelt the scent. He wouldn’t include a sound just taking the bear the way it was. And he’d also let you choose the name as well.
Why did he get you this?
Foggy actually suggested the idea. Said it would be viewed as “quite romantic of him,” so he took Matt in slightly against his will. Not going to lie he thought the idea was sort of silly but he was happy anyways when he heard the change in your heartbeat when you held the bear tight.
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Ben Poindexter
Dex would get you a stuffed bear that’s exactly your favorite color and he’d get the exact scent that he knows you like. You like cotton candy? He got it! You like peach? he’ll put that in! But be sure that he already knows exactly what you like and that he’ll get it. Here’s the thing with Dex though, he’d get the color and scent you like but then have it wear a hoodie or have it dressed like him. He’d have it say a simple message like I love you. And he’d name it Dex so you could cuddle with him.
Why did he get you this?
Because he genuinely thought the idea was cute. He could literally imagine you with one. He’d think it’d also be cute to get mating ones so be sure that he’s making one for himself but giving it your name.
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Scott Lang
He’d get you a raccoon. Why? You might ask. Well he was a thief, raccoons are known to be thieves. He thought it would be cute. The scent would be popcorn because Scott knows you’ll be snuggling the little guy while you’re watching movies. The sound he’d include would be simple, “have a great day and I love you.” He would be a little annoyed at himself because he had all day to plan things but that’s the best he could do on the spot. He’d give it a random silly name.
Why did he get you this?
You actually went with him and Cassie a week before and got one for her. There was a moment where he stood back and watched you and Cassie pick out what to get for her and he realized then that he wanted to get one for you. So it was more of an impulsive, I love you sort of thing.
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mattmurdeaux · 3 months
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...of him being a precious technologically-challenged babygirl dork who gets really shy at compliments ☺️
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whipitgod · 5 months
i want more mutuals, how do i accomplish this because i havent used tumblr since i was like 14 and im a little rusty 🤨
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batcavescolony · 5 months
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Daredevil #1
I'm reading some Daredevil comics and what the fuck Foggy? "snap out of its Matt! Pull yourself together!" His Dad literally JUST died.
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froggynelson · 1 year
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existential-queeer · 2 years
Matt Murdock: *appears*
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daresplaining · 6 months
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Preview of Daredevil volume 8 #7 by Saladin Ahmed, Aaron Kuder, Jesus Aburtov, and Clayton Cowles, in stores now!
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moiravim · 2 years
Marvel characters react to you being upset
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Steven- He would notice you feel upset when you are in bed much more than usual. He would plan out a self care day for the both of you. He'd buy skin care, bath bombs, and new 'aesthetic' clothing. He would make you your favorite teas and would make healthy snacks to share with you.
Marc- Marc would immediately know that your upset. He would start off by giving you more affection and making sure you know how much he loves you. After a few days if you seem to not be getting better he'll have a talk with you to see what's wrong. Eventually in the end the two of you would've solved whatever had been upsetting you.
Jake- He would notice when you start acting differently around him. Whether it's randomly acting more or less energetic he'd notice. He'd clear out both of your schedules and plan a vacation for the two of you. He'd pick something you like, maybe a beach, a hotel in the city, or renting a cute cottage house. He'd spend time with you doing whatever you chose to do. He'd go to stores, museums, parks, restaurants, or just stay home and relax. You'd both have fun and it would be a nice break from your usual life.
Loki would notice right away when your mood starts to change. He'd buy you a set of gifts to make sure you know he cares. There'd be jewelry, snacks, and other things you had told him you want. He would also gift you a dress and would convince you to dance with him. He would play his favorite music and would have plenty of fun with you.
Bucky would take a few days to notice. When he does he immediately feels guilty. First he would convince you to start being more active with him. He would go on runs with you in the mornings and have you help him train. If that made you miserable he would start researching about mental health. He would talk to you and help you decide what method would help you best.
Strange would know when you start feeling upset. He would know how much you've struggled and would do anything to make it all better. He'd buy you things you've told him about, and would plan a nice date. After your date he would invite your and his friends over to do something fun like games or a movie night.
Natasha would notice you were starting to act differently. Eventually when you tell her she isn't supposed. The moment you tell her she immediately helps you. She'll cook your favorite meals and would prepare for a movie night. Natasha would have you help cook and the two of you would have fun all night. Eventually having a "mental health movie night" would become a monthly, sometimes weekly event.
Peter would notice immediately because of his powers. He would start spending more time with you, making sure you know he loves you. He'd plan dates and even have you sleep over at his house a few times. If you still felt just as bad he'd talk with you about it. He'd see if you felt comfortable with therapy and make sure you know it's okay to vent with him when you need him.
When Steve would notice you're upset he would start including you more. He would convince you to go out with him and Bucky and the three of you would have a fun day in the city. After he would relax with you in bed. He'd help you get into healthy habits you were starting to grow out of and would help you get back into the right mindset.
The day you come home upset Tony immediately clears up both of your schedules. The two of you would have a vacation to a place of your choice. He'd plan everything and would make sure your only doing things your comfortable with. He'd buy fun hotels that you'd enjoy and find activities that you'd like to do. He would do the planning unless you wanted to help. Either way both of you would enjoy your vacation together.
Matt Murdock
Matt would notice that you were upset fairly quickly. He would give you make sure to spend time with you more than he does and make you go out with him. If you still felt bad after that you and him would just talk about it and see if you can get to the bottom of the problem. After you do all of that he would relax at home with you until it all felt better.
Wanda would be very worried when she realizes your upset. She'd use her powers to get an idea of why you are upset. She'd solve whatever was wrong as soon as possible. If it was school or work she would clear out your schedule and give you a break. If you felt left out she'd make sure to give you more attention. No matter what was wrong she'd find a solution and make you happy.
Bruce Banner
Bruce would set up a nice relaxing date for the two of you. He knew you had been upset the past few days so he wanted to do something special. He'd make snacks for the two of you to share while you both watched your favorite shows and movies. After you finished a few movies he'd surprise you with a few gifts. Small things that made him think of you. You'd continue watching TV until the both of you fell asleep together on the couch.
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xycuro-illuminati · 21 days
During Waid's run, Matt told everyone that the cowboy Daredevil running around with Stunt Master wasn't him it's some random dude, an imposter if you will, right. Peter was even like really dude are you telling the truth and Matt– who was just too embarrassed about his fail marriage and lame ass divorce– kept lying and was like yeah no idk who that was it wasn't me I was in NYC the entire time and NOT in San Francisco. And then years later, Matt and Peter are having lunch together and it plays out exactly like that scene in raimi spiderman 3 but instead of James Franco Harry Osborn saying "I'm the other guy" it's Matt admiting that there was never another guy and cowboy daredevil was him the whole time. Cue Peter grabbing Matt by his stupid shirt collar and shaking him while repeating "THE WHOLE TIME?!" over and over.
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bunnimew · 10 months
Made of Win Pt 5
"You look nice tonight, Stephen," Matt said.
Stephen looked confused. "Can you… see it, somehow?"
"No." Matt smiled. "But Frank's temperature just went up point three degrees and his heartbeat is erratic, so I'm assuming."
Stephen looked at Frank.
Frank looked at Stephen.
Stephen turned back to Matt. "Thank you."
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farfromstrange · 2 years
So I am almost finished with the new FG chapter (I’m feeling better today bc I have rediscovered the magic of ✨cold medicine✨) I just finished the smut scene (it’s a bit angstier than usual but paired with lots of fluff) and now I’m about to add the plot-relevant part (you’re going to love it because I actually pulled out my graphic design talents for this one).
Can’t wait to introduce Frank soon. I’ve got a whole ass plot for him and Eliza planned out (but not in the way you think), so it’s not just the Punisher storyline but part of my own as well and I just think you’re going to love the build-up. In my head it sounds good, at least.
Here’s some spoilers without context:
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Since I had to pull out my graphic design skills to create… something for… someone, you can speculate who we’re gonna meet next chapter. No spoilers this time though…
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npdclaraoswald · 10 months
Matt doesn't seem nearly concerned enough with the fact that the Vigil clearly knows who he is
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abucketofweird · 10 months
Truly exposing my best friend and I here but I’ve never questioned what normal people text about as much as I just did…
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hellscupboards · 2 years
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Happy WTF Wednesday .?!!,?
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froggynelson · 2 years
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he wanted to call foggy a slur so bad in here
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