#Maxime Giroux
davidhudson · 1 year
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Happy 47th, Maxime Giroux.
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kingmakerpod · 6 months
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goalhofer · 7 months
Where every player played during the 2012-13 NHL lockout: Philadelphia
Czech Extraliga: Wayne Simmonds (Bílí Tygři Liberec) ECHL: Jason Akeson (Trenton Titans) EIHL: Tom Sestito (Sheffield Steelers) Liiga: Maxime Talbot (Ilves) OHL: Scott Laughton (Oshawa Generals) DEL: Daniel Brière (Eisbären Berlin) & Claude Giroux (Eisbären Berlin) Eishockey-Bundesliga: Bruno Gervais (Heilbronner Falken) & Wayne Simmonds (E.T.C. Crimmitschau) HockeyAllsvenskan: Nicklas Grossmann (Södertälje Sportklubb) & Matt Read (Södertälje Sportklubb) KHL: Ilya Bryzgalov (K.K. C.S.K.A. Moscow), Ruslan Fedotenko (K.K. Donbass Donetsk) & Jakub Voráček (H.K. Lev Praha) AHL: Jason Akeson (Adirondack Phantoms), Sean Couturier (Adirondack Phantoms), Erik Gustafsson (Adirondack Phantoms), Oliver Holton-Lauridsen (Adirondack Phantoms), Brandon Manning (Adirondack Phantoms), Tye McGinn (Adirondack Phantoms), Zac Rinaldo (Adirondack Phantoms), Jay Rosehill (Norfolk Admirals), Brayden Schenn (Adirondack Phantoms) & Harry Zolnierczyk (Adirondack Phantoms) Didn't Play: Braydon Coburn, Simon Gagné, Scott Hartnell, Mike Knuble, Andrej Meszároš, Luke Schenn & Kimmo Timonen
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unblogparaloschicos · 6 months
Cine: La chute de Sparte (2018)
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¿Qué saben los adultos sobre los adolescentes?
Los padres de Steeve Simard (Lévi Doré, en su debut cinematográfico) están convencidos de que el ochenta y cinco por ciento de los adolescentes son felices porque lo dice una encuesta publicada en un diario. Steeve sabe que la realidad tiene otro rostro porque lo vive a diario: tímido a más no poder, aunque también bastante perspicaz e intelectual, es un renacuajo en esa selva que se llama colegio Gaston Miron, nombre que honra a un famoso poeta canadiense. Todo lo que (nos) narra, lo hace con una perspectiva épica que involucra a los héroes más notables de la mitología griega. Sólo tiene un amigo, Virgile (Jonathan St-Armand), que participa en el equipo escolar (los Espartanosl), y un amor imposible, Vérónique (Lili-Ann de Francisco), pareja, como no puede ser de otra manera, de Maxime Giroux (Karl Walcott), mariscal en el campo y con comportamiento de bestia bruta fuera de él. De hecho, un incidente en una práctica de Educación Física, en la que Verónique besa su frente, lo convierte en la presa perfecta del feroz atleta, quien lo persigue constantemente junto a sus amigos.
El componente LGBTQ del filme de Tristan Dubois, basado en una novela de Biz (seudónimo de Sébastien Fréchette) no se da en su protagonista sino en un suceso inesperado que involucra a Mathieu St-Amour (Devon O´Connor), figura esencial del equipo con un futuro profesional prometedor, y otro personaje ya mencionado; el hecho trastornará la historia de una forma profunda e inevitable. La que solía ser incluso divertida, debido principalmente a las ocurrencias del personaje de Christophe Latreille (Simon Duchesne) y su horrendo caso de acné, acaba por teñir las vidas de todos de una atmósfera pesada de profunda congoja.
¿Qué saben los adultos sobre los adolescentes? Mucho menos de lo que creen, eso seguro.
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johnjankovic1 · 8 months
Macaroons versus Monster Trucks
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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities, 1859
Other than the divergence from the myopia of prying apart the isthmus with a sea-level canal Washington also bested its fleur-de-lys counterpart with superior technology. The suite of machinery in America’s inventory had a material effect on the alacrity with which regolith and rock was removed from the bed of the waterway. Mythologized as a Goliath of steam and steel the Bucyrus dragline weighing ninety-five tons weathered the wear and tear of construction for a decade as it bent nature to its will. Sporting a bucket to accommodate five cubic meters of spoil with each bite into the ground and whose efficacy boasted a fivefold increase in productivity versus any French copy the machine expedited work by orders of magnitude (Parker 2009: 464). An army of these giants sitting atop rail tracks led the mechanized assault on the 50-mile trench together with a phalanx of trains in the vicinity of 160 each day which hauled the muck out to build the Gatun Dam. This grist sourced from the dig impounded an artificial lake that would later feed the lock system with a steady supply of water to make the Canal’s passage uninhibited. The bespoke Bucyrus made uniquely for this project pared down labour-intensity when the behemoth manipulated 4,800 cubic yards of material each day bereft of protracted downtime (Ryckman 2018).
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Seven shovels of earth filled a rail car in under ninety seconds or forty-five minutes for a whole train whereby locomotives were kept in perpetual motion when each outbound trip greeted an inbound one (Rogers and Magura 2018). Such continuous kinetic energy militated against any gridlock which might cripple the venture’s lead time. This cavalcade of twenty buckets on four wheels that vacated ground zero took two hours to complete a circuit between the dumpsite and worksite (Giroux 2014). As the railroad expanded piecemeal into the inhospitable terrain a slight gradient always exploited gravity to help the departure of trains laden with rock and rubble. This innovation equally allowed for drainage to keep the roadbed dry for the maze of tracks crisscrossing the Panamanian jungle. Where the French most acutely erred was in their logistics which saw a mismatch between the mounds of earth removed and their disposal. By contrast Chief Engineer John Stevens devised 450 miles of railway akin to a Jackson Pollock painting of lines zigzagging the geography to move dirt apace with the brisk clip at which it was dug (Keller 1983). Automobiles were alien to this world as man and material moved exclusively by the monopoly of rail. A robust network for egressing detritus from the Canal was not an afterthought this time around.
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Over the life of the project seventy-seven Bucyrus and twenty-four Marion shovels laboured tirelessly on cleaving a path through the wilds of Panama. In tow with these metal workhorses were track-shifters that exhumed old rail and plopped it down anew as the ensemble of men and machines invaded deeper into the thicket of jungle. The genius of plying trains this way to scaffold the Panama Canal lay in the relentless momentum when a dozen men partook in the migration of track with haste versus the six hundred under past French fiat. Such innovation crimped labour and time to maximize productivity as idleness was anathema to progress. The systematic use of rail in the supply chain equally gave vent to a nocturnal character where by day the drums of industry boomed and by night a bouquet of workers commuted onsite and tended to the machines for repair and restock of coal. Things were always astir and never asleep. The lion’s share of controlled demolition also coincided the evening hours or midday breaks when the flight of personnel transformed worksites into a tabula rasa for Dupont dynamite. Thirty-six years after Alfred Nobel unlocked the power of nitroglycerine this substance evolved into the sine quo non of operations insofar as sixty-one million pounds of it blasted asunder the isthmus (McCullough 1977).
The Canal emblematized the jewel of empire when the might of industry descended upon this barren strip of land. As America rode the crest of the Industrial Revolution amidst the heyday of the Gilded Age with mechanical juggernauts of great calibre the project hurried along in earnest. The Cartesian method of excavation proceeding in lockstep with disposal across a constellation of fixed capital was the single most salient innovation. Pneumatic drills amongst this lot further guaranteed time was a commodity well spent which the economies of $22 million below final budget estimates evidenced (Rogers 2014). Compressed air plants of vast dimensions attended to these rigs whose boreholes at a maximum depth of fifty feet accommodated strings of dynamite. Over 725 of these contraptions perforated the landscape to fracture stubborn rock. Both churn and well drills powered by coal counted themselves amongst the company of tools used along the route as well (Giroux 2014). A choreography of diggers, blasters and haulers thereby manifested into the mainstay of this gorge linking the Atlantic and Pacific. For a measure of perspective more explosives found use in the throes of this project than the sum from America’s wars hitherto. The efficiency wrought by dynamite was made famous in the Culebra Cut.
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For the Americans just as it was for the French this nine-mile stretch of dirt hung the Sword of Damocles over the Canal’s prospects. A quarter of expenses or $90m financed this chapter of excavation alone (Rogers 2014). Heavy rains waterlogged the site which landslides compounded by engulfing the lowest-hanging fruit of equipment too ponderous to escape. What made this tranche of work most daunting was the heterogeneity of soil. The unstable geology of soft shale coupled with sandstone at the Canal’s highest elevation wrought havoc on the exigency to remove 96 million cubic yards of material from the Continental Divide. In fact this very conundrum which defeated the French a decade prior would spur the creation of the Bucyrus steam shovel in its 95-ton and 105-ton incarnations as a sui generis remedy to the spectre of failure. Bref the Americans simply engineered the problem away. Whereas Paris sought to cross the isthmus with a minimal amount of digging the buccaneers in Washington set upon doing the most. The former being partial to minimalism and the latter plumping for maximalism evokes the popular stereotype of the disparity in preferences for either country: a dichotomy of macaroons and monster trucks. Facts do countenance this bon mot since France cleared 78 million cubic yards versus the 246 million by the Yankees (Herndon 1977).
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jodigitaldiary · 9 months
no. 2
For christmas, one of my cousins got me a copy of Ling Ma’s 2018 novel, Severance. It’d been on my book list for what feels like years, and I don’t quite know why I’d never gotten to it. It’s 7 january 2024 and after a weekish of reading, I’ve finished the book! This is an impressive pace for a habitually slow reader like myself, and I will use this as a testament to how absolutely captivating this story is.
First of all, I love Ling Ma’s style of prose. She’ll write the most dramatic anecdotes, for example, about the protagonist’s relatives in homeland China or some life-altering event back in New York, and then punctuate each paragraph with a sentence so unexpectedly succinct that it emphasizes the emotional effect. It’s like the literary equivalent of trauma-dumping and immediately following-up with, “but idk if that makes sense lol.” There’s something about this stylized irony, this intentional juxtaposition that I find particularly impressive – it’s unpretentious and all the more powerful because of it. ((I’ve subsequently added her collection of short stories, Bliss Montage, to my list!))
And second, Ma writes Severance as if she’d known me for my entire adult life and used her observations of me as firsthand source material for the story of Candace Chen. I read about her romantic endeavors and career cynicism, her untapped creative passions, her loneliness, and all throughout I thought – this is literally me. I’ve been the girl who walks the perimeters of New York City to escape her own feelings. I am the girl who got sucked into a soulless corporate job and now feels trapped in its confines, knowing it’s all bullshit and self-imposed but clinging to its normalcy, nonetheless.
There is one character that, much like Candace was, I’m inexplicably drawn to. Jonathan. He’s a textbook Greenpoint hipster – he quit his office job to write freelance and he has a flip phone. His bedroom floor is decorated with books from philosophers of old and three “neatly stacked” piles of “jeans, underwear, and white t-shirts” (Ling Ma 49). His ideal life is one that is unjaded by the hustle culture that infects every facet of capitalist America. In one chapter, he poignantly says, “If you are an individual employed by a corporation or an institution … then the odds are leveraged against you. The larger party always wins. It can’t see you, but it can crush you. And if that’s the working world, then I don’t want to be a part of it… I work enough to get by… Most of all, I want my time and my efforts to be my own” (Ma 137). Part of Jonathan’s appeal is his delusion – he actually believes there’s a way out of the socioeconomic limitations imposed on us commonfolk by the powers that be. It’s not God sitting in his castle of clouds, controlling his constituents on earth with an altruistic hand. Instead, the oligarchical collection of corporations gathers in a conference room and decides for us our wants and needs. There is no altruism in this realm, only profit-maximization. And so, I envy Jonathan’s ability to avoid reality; he believes in his dream for true independence and individuality so innocently, but with such strength that he actually pursues it. Meanwhile, the likes of Candace and I must accept that we can never follow Jonathan on that road not taken – that isn’t the life for an immigrant couple’s daughter.
Works Cited
Ma, Ling. Severance. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 2018.
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ramascreen · 1 year
Maika Monroe And Oscar Winner Troy Kotsur To Star In Crime Thriller IN COLD NIGHT
Maika Monroe and Oscar-winning actor Troy Kotsur have been cast as leads in the crime thriller IN COLD LIGHT directed by Maxime Giroux (FÉLIX ET MEIRA, THE GREAT DARKENED DAYS) in his first English-speaking feature. This will be Kotsur’s first feature role following CODA. The film was written by Patrick Whistler, and is produced by Mike MacMillan (MOBILE HOMES) and Yanick Letourneau (NIGHT OF THE…
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deadlinecom · 1 year
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ao3feed-hockey · 2 years
20th Century Boy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/nZWRj7L
by Sadtrashwitch
Claude is a terribly whiny scaredy baby. Okay, so maybe very whiny, but he's definitely frightened of the possibilities. Mason is... Mason. And therefore stubborn and dives in headlong. Bonds are meant to be acknowledged, right?
Words: 4586, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Men's Hockey RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Claude Giroux, Mason Marchment, side mentions of Carter, and Maxim, and Sasha, And Hubey, idk - Character
Relationships: Claude Giroux/Mason Marchment, Maxim Mamin/Carter Verhaeghe
Additional Tags: Soulbound AU, catboys are catboys, now with a side of captain and his a, and another side of pretty boy and a who, they're barely mentioned I'm sorry, I don't know why I wrote this, but I hope you enjoy it, Past Danny Briere/Claude Giroux, Divorced Claude and Ryanne, unbeta'd we die like catboys
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/nZWRj7L
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gregor-samsung · 4 years
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Félix et Meira (Maxime Giroux - 2014)
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ansonmount · 6 years
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Cody Fern as the Travelling Salesman | The Great Darkened Days (La Grande Noirceur) 2018
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davidhudson · 2 years
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Happy 46th, Maxime Giroux.
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mantikutayr · 6 years
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dumbasssportsboys · 2 years
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📍 detroit
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rollingstonemag · 5 years
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Un nouvel article a été publié sur https://www.rollingstone.fr/le-deserteur-chronique/
"Le Déserteur" de Maxime Giroux, bel étranger
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Les horreurs de la guerre ne s’arrêtent pas à l’instant où l’on décide de la fuir ! Ovni à la beauté sidérante, Le Déserteur est à voir absolument
“Nous sommes à une époque de grande tempête. Et toi, tu es au cul de la tempête…” Déserteur contraint d’errer à travers les immenses étendues mornes et désertiques avec son baluchon, ce chapeau melon et cette canne qui lui permettent à l’occasion de s’inscrire à des concours de sosies de Charlie Chaplin — et de les gagner —, Philippe (extraordinaire Martin Dubreuil) n’avait pas besoin de la confirmation orale de son tortionnaire à la tête d’un trafic d’êtres humains (Romain Duris assez succulent en salaud absolu) pour avoir un… éclairage assez précis de sa situation. Temps de guerre, temps de grande désolation, la frontière entre réel et irréel peut voler en éclats, le quotidien sans lendemain jongler entre horreur et fantastique et laisser submerger un monde parallèle plus angoissant et inhumain que celui auquel on tentait d’échapper. Film choc du mois.
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Xavier Bonnet
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miracleonice87 · 4 years
Ok so this might be hard for u to answer and or u might not be able to answer it but did Sid ever get busted in the mouth and lose some teeth from Claude Giroux and he was playing with a mouthful of blood?? Like I think I read something about it but I can't remember
This is the reason I love this site. My inbox goes from fluffy writing requests to literal blood and gore real quick.
Skip to about 1:05 into this vid: https://youtu.be/EWP9K3Eqal4. I’m not 100% sure this is what you meant, but this is the first thing I thought of when I read your ask.
It wasn’t Giroux, but Hatcher busted Sid in the mouth and knocked out his teeth. Except Sid was happy because he hated his teeth, and he went on to score the OT game winning goal. 😏
As my longtime love Maxime Talbot would later say...
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(but hey, Sid and G get along now thanks to Nate Mack meddling at worlds 😂)
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