#May 2020 Horoscope
elminx · 1 year
Energy Update: July 2023
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July is a “5” Universal Month [7 (July) + 7 (2023) = 14 = 1 + 4 =5]. 5 is a very dynamic number that tends to represent a big change of course or point of conflict. This is represented in the astrology in the month as well as we experience multiple planetary shifts and our lunar nodes also shift signs during the month. There are a lot of moving pieces and it may be hard to find solid ground as we slip and slide our way into the beginning of summer.
The Set Up
We begin the month with the Sun and Mercury in Cancer, Venus and Mars in Leo, Jupiter Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, retrograde Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. By the end of July the Sun will have entered Leo, Mercury and Mars will have entered Virgo, and the lunar nodes will have entered Aries and Libra respectively. Additionally, Venus will retrograde in Leo.
For a month with relatively few aspects (number-wise), July is going to pack a punch. We will never be the same. This is, from the perspective of linear time, always true but in a month full of shifts and heavy hitters, some people may find their lives unrecognizable come August.
The Nitty Gritty
All eyes are on our lunar nodes and the number of strong aspects that they will make with the Sun, Mercury, and Mars over the course of the month ahead. When the lunar nodes (which always move retrograde – or backward – through the horoscope) switch signs, it is one of the big cosmic gong crashes that demarcate time. The lunar nodes represent the mathematical points in the sky with which the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth can come together to create eclipses. Our eclipse cycles ruled by Taurus and Scorpio are ending and we are entering the territory of Aries and Libra. The dichotomy of the individual “Me” versus the collective “We” will be at the forefront as we transverse this change during July. Expect these energies to reemerge later in the year as we enter eclipse season.
But first, we begin the month with Mercury cazimi as the Sun meets up with Mercury at 09° Cancer. The first will be a very inspired day as the Sun and Mercury also make a sweet sextile with Jupiter in Taurus. If you need to do some positive manifestation – particularly if it has to do with wealth or accumulation of things – this will be your day. This is a great day for intention setting or goal orienting of all kinds – remember to think big!
The weekend leading up to our full moon at 11° Capricorn on Monday is going to feel like a lot if you’re not ready for it. It might feel like a lot even if you are. Capricorn has been under a lot of pressure since the beginning of 2020 and is now dealing with Saturn, their planetary ruler, in retrograde and the recent ingress of Pluto backward into Capricorn from Aquarius. Sometimes we need to pay the piper. The sooner that we get up and do what needs doing, the easier this all will be. Saturn may be out to lunch but that doesn’t mean that you can skimp on the work – don’t say that I didn’t warn you. Venus in Leo will be square to Uranus in Taurus during this energy – this is the first pass of this aspect during Venus’ pre-retrograde shadow period. There may be some money troubles or overspending that needs accounting for. Paying the piper might be quite literal in this instance. Know that Venus will return square off with Uranus twice more: a second time while she moves backward during her retrograde cycle in August and a third time when she moves forward again come September. What is coming up now may be a portent of what’s to come. The week of 7/4 may be on the quiet side as we will only experience two Mercury aspects: a square with Chiron in Aries on 7/4 and a sextile with Uranus on 7/7. Use this downtime to integrate the energies of the weekend. Ground and center if you can. With Uranus involved, the energy is likely to be electric and some may find themselves unable to sleep or slow down. Heads up to those prone to mania or insomnia, this astrological weather is highly indicative or exasperating those types of problems.
On 7/10, we get our first big hit of the month on our lunar nodal energy as Mars enters Virgo and immediately forms a trine to our North Node in Taurus and a sextile to our South Node in Scorpio. Mars in Virgo can be fairly nitpicky and critical so some people may find their feelings hurt under this energy – especially, I suspect, if they are hiding from some part of themselves or their journey. Mercury enters Leo the very next day on Tuesday and squares off with the nodes as well which shows that things are going to get a bit testy. Be careful not to say something that you cannot take back as Mercury in Leo can be a bit tactless. The Sun in Cancer is also square to Chiron (exact on Wednesday), so old wounds are close to the surface.
The secret here is, as always, to use this energy to fix problems but when there is more than one person involved, there are no guarantees. Remember you cannot fix something with somebody who doesn’t think that a situation needs fixing, or somebody who isn’t willing to meet you halfway. Focus on healing yourself instead of trying to change others during this time, if you can. By the end of the week, the Sun in Cancer will be sextile to Uranus in Taurus – any Sun-Uranus aspect is a Red Flag Day; its worth remembering that Uranus is in Taurus and what bulls do with red flags.
Lie low for sure on Friday and maybe all week if you can. Unless all persons involved are willing to sit down and be honest and objective (Mars in Virgo), nothing will get done. Any important conversation that can wait probably should. And stay away from explosives of all kinds. Maybe especially explosive people. You know the ones.
This is all leading into a new moon at 24° Cancer on Monday 7/17 which is also the day that our lunar nodes switch from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra. Aries is sign #1 and hopelessly self-involved (by design, this is not a criticism) – we will all need to rectify how individuality impacts our own lives. The combination of new-ness of the day (new moon plus new lunar nodes) is a positive double-whammy for starting projects or just wiping the slate clean. Also note the cardinality of the day (Cancer, Aries, and Libra being three of the four cardinal signs) – go for it. Take active steps towards what you want to bring forth into this world.
Again, we get some downtime to process these shifts but things will heat up as we enter the weekend. The Sun in Cancer opposes retrograde Pluto in Capricorn on Friday along with Mercury in Leo meeting up in trine with Chiron in Aries. This is a revisitng of sorts – one which has some pain associated with it. Work your way through the pain rather than running from it – Mars in Virgo is opposed to retrograde Saturn in Pisces, this is your sign to stop avoiding that problem.
The Sun in Cancer squares off with the lunar nodes on Saturday the 22nd before entering Leo which shows that our egos might be getting in the way. Where can we think more big picture? Immature Leo energy can be very narcissistic and small-minded but we always get a choice. Try leaning into the Universal Heart energy of mature Leo and take a walk in somebody else’s shoes for an afternoon. I’m not saying that you have to try to empathize with that TERF next door, start with your partner, perhaps. Or somebody else that you care about. Where are you only thinking about yourself? Where are they only thinking about themselves?
Venus retrogrades at 28° Leo on Sunday 7/23 which is the other big event of the month. I wrote an entire post about this already but I will summarize by pointing out that Venus will make two squares to planets in Taurus (Jupiter and Uranus) and trines with Chiron in Aries. This is the time to do less – as in, don’t overdo it. The way that this will show up in personal lives will be different for everyone but some examples are: don’t jump too fast into new relationships (big R or little r), don’t overspend, don’t overeat or overdrink or insert your indulgence of choice here. You can read more about this Venus retrograde cycle here.
The last week of July will be quieter. Mercury will meet up with retrograde Venus on Thursday 7/27 – Mercury and Venus have been interacting in retrograde with each other since January of 2022. We need to learn to think and feel simultaneously – so many of us can only live in our hearts OR in our brains – we are being challenged to do both. Mercury makes an exact trine with our North Node in Aries on Friday but Venus never quite makes it – that’s telling. Thought is still winning. Where can you balance this by being more in your heart?
Mercury enters Virgo on Friday. Virgo is one of the two home signs of Mercury and is also home to our planet of action, Mars, during this time. This should give us some energy to do the work ahead of us for August and our Venus retrograde that is to come.
7/1 – Sun conjunct Mercury 09° Cancer, Sun in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus, Mercury in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus 7/2 – Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus 7/3 – Full moon 11° Capricorn 7/4 – Mercury in Cancer square Chiron in Aries 7/7 – Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus 7/10 – Mercury in Cancer opposed retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, Mars enters Virgo, Mars in Virgo trine North Node in Taurus, Mars in Virgo sextile South Node in Scorpio 7/11 – Mercury enters Leo, Mercury in Leo square North Node in Taurus and South node in Scorpio (fixed t-square) 7/12 – Sun in Cancer square Chiron in Aries 7/14 – Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus 7/17 – New moon 24° Cancer, Mercury in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus, lunar nodes enter Aries/Libra 7/20 – Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces, Mars in Virgo opposed retrograde Saturn in Pisces 7/21 – Sun in Cancer opposed retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, Mercury in Leo trine Chiron in Aries 7/22 – Sun in Cancer square North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra (cardinal grand cross), Sun enters Leo 7/23 – Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus, Venus retrogrades 28° Leo 7/27 – Mercury conjunct retrograde Venus 28° Leo 7/28 – Mercury in Leo trine North Node in Aries and sextile South Node in Libra, Mercury enters Virgo
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realityhop · 1 year
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The Love Witch (2016) dir. Anna Biller
"The only true spiritual purpose that unites us all is love."
— Jennifer Freed, Use Your Planets Wisely (2020)
"All forms of divination are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to "unveil" the future.  Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers.  They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone."
— The Catholic Church, Catechism #2116
"In astrology, [the Moon is] the planetary ruler of Cancer the Crab (the fourth sign of the zodiac and one which is also known as, appropriately, Moonchild.)  In a horoscope, the Moon holds dominion over an individual’s emotions, instinctive reactions and personality.  It is the second most important planet next to the Sun, which determines the actual sign of the zodiac one is born under.  In Witchcraft and Wicca, the Moon is the sacred symbol of the Goddess, as well as one of fertility, feminine energy, the Craft, and the secret powers and/or occult side of Nature.  Since the earliest of times, the Moon has been linked with Witches and the mysterious world of magick."
— Gerina Dunwich, Wicca A to Z: A Modern Witch's Encyclopedia (2018)
"A sense of guilt may add spice to otherwise unremarkable vices.  There are undoubtedly those who have converted to Christianity because they seek an excitement that mere pleasure can no longer supply.  Think of Graham Greene, who used the sense of sin he acquired through converting to Catholicism as an aphrodisiac.”
— John N. Gray, Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals (2002)
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sstudiess · 2 years
I decided to torture myself and read my old journals. This is what I found and here is the wrapped:
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Iconic/cringefail quotes from my old journals:
Dec 2015
"There are some things man can't change and on that list the top spot is reserved for the never ending chatter of kids."
April 2016
"i want to be a wanderer who travels in search of Justin Bieber songs and Hollywood movies"
Sept 2016
"Now I will tell you the biggest tragedy of my life. I've decided to not get into the 'gf and bf' stuff before I join NASA so I'm in a kind of dilemma."
Jan 2017
"My love life is as bad as ever but I'm looking forward to this year because according to the horoscope, my love life is gonna be amazing!"
"Now, I think that the whole school is going to know that I and xxxxx are gonna have a secret rendezvous!"
"She said that I would've aroused doubt in her mind by saying that cause nobody says I hate you to someone in private!"
March 2017
"...And the fact that life has nothing romantic to offer me, makes me more into these books! Reading people's stories when my own love story is at mortal peril!"
"What she gets after giving her best shot is almost equal to what I get after doing almost nothing at all!"
Jan 2018
"Speaking of fictional boyfriends, I'm totally over xxxx now."
Feb 2018
"I am not the chosen one nor I'm half-angel but I do have a shitty life"
"If i were in America, people would make fun of me still, but not in this way"
"I am too creative to handle my thoughts for sure."
"I know this world is big and full of possibilities but just for once, i want this world to be small for me, i want just one possibility."
"I said my love life was a square but then she said it was a triangle. I didn't agree, so we ended up calling it an 'angle', or rather, a traingle with no base."
March 2018
"I am scared for the future, for everything that is gonna come after this one year. All i have right now is a mantra 'padh le beta, 12 hai' "
"We need to find a rebound crush for me."
May 2018
"I've been binge watching thirteen reasons why. I am on the 6th ep of season 2. I kinda like that show. It was soo depressing, it helped me forget my depression"
August 2020
"I have never been this lonely, but i have never been this happy either. I needed this more than i can ever admit"
"I know I'm capable of being loved, of loving again, so I will root for that hope."
"Being a popular author is a dream only a few people get to live. Rest others are forced to live a life of oblivion, their books and creations tucked into darkness." 
Oct 2020
"It seems as if I have forced myself to stay within these walls"
Jan 2021
"Why do I hold my thoughts like Atlas holding up the weight of the entire world? I do not feel like I'm crumbling from the weight but there's this haze of heavy thoughts upon me that I cannot seem to lift."
"I have been building this world of thoughts and words. These thoughts in the form of books, movies, songs, they belong to someone else. All they do for me is dampen the intensity of the ones that actually belong to me."
"It's waiting, the spirit in me, she will burst me open with exhilaration when she thinks the time is right. She is fickle, she needs beauty, she needs a constant change of scenery."
"This will be your fall, you are Icarus, dying to touch the sky so much, you are dying to die. No no, you do not want to die. You are just agitated, angry, your defiance is performative. You're just bored out of your wits." 
"I should not want it, I am aware, but due to reasons completely irrational, i will be forgoing my last two braincells in favour of the straited muscles (the heart)."
"I JUST FOUND OUT LADY ADA LOVELACE WAS THE DAUGHTER OF THE ICONIC LORD BYRON. Hence for reasons completely irrational, i will be passing away."
"Hope is a dangerous game to play with yourself."
"My love for him is an ocean with unfathomable depths. He is a swimming pool. If he jumps, he will drown in my intensity. If i jump, I will hit my head. We both will die. Death is romantic, say the poets of old. Well, not this one, this death will be humiliating."
"We are academics, we explore the world through books, always living on the sidelines, we do not participate. We live in the past. We love art, yet we fail to make any. We love the world, we want to change it but we never try. We will never be heard except one day, sorting through dusty books, another lover will find us in pages, but we will never be able to create any real change. We deal with the mind, sometimes the heart, with the art we create. We cannot touch the tangible, our realm is the intangible and that is where we come alive. The problem however, is that we will never be remembered. John Keats was right when he said his name was written in water. Isn't everyone else's too? Ours specifically, is written on the waves. We do not create an effect, we are only felt. But I believe there are some who change the world like a Tsunami does. Shakespeare, remember? What did he do for the world? Nothing. He just wrote plays."
"I believe in love as the driving force that makes this ugly and unbearable world tolerable and meaningful." 
"You cannot nullify love just like you cannot nullify the existence of God." 
Feb 2021
"Valentine's day is a capitalist holiday. Even if it wasn't, there is no reason for celebrating it." 
"I am going for the crazy poet/scholar look these days so it hurts when i have to cut or comb my hair."
"We carry our home in our hearts. I do too, because if I didn't, I'd be homeless." 
April 2021
The Generation Z are a faithless and purposeless generation. We believe in equality, we have opinions- a lot of them but we don't have ideologies to follow or governments to overthrow. We have a fire in us that burns bright, but with no purpose, it seems to me that we're getting wasted." 
"I got a cousin baby brother! I'll admit, I did not like him much in the beginning, he looked like a shriveled potato but after they washed him up, I saw in the pictures that he looks like me!"
"Realism, pessimism, optimism- they're all words. We're all three and neither."
"Majority of the content in my journal includes me pining over a guy I dated for a month."
May 2021
"It's like looking at your scars years later, you see a fair patch of skin, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't make you feel the past pain, but it fills you with a sense of awe and wonder at your body, at its strength and its resilience." 
"I have learned the unbearable art of silencing the voice in my head. It is boring without it." 
July 2021 
"I didn't get any gifts and I was barred from buying more books" (on 20th b'day)
Jan 2022
" I have 99 problems and 110 of them would be solved if I lived alone in a small cottage on top of a hill."
"When it comes to the Romantics, I think I'm like John Keats. The sad but joyful/optimistic bastard that coughed blood and died. In all seriousness, I don't think I'm any more special or unique than this particular sad twink. It's a bummer really, because I actually aspire to be like Lord Byron. The bisexual disaster, obnoxiously charming and smart asshole that you want to punch in the face but then are too enamored by. Byron, the accidental hero, the adventurer and the rebel. That's who I want to be….. but Byron is Byron, I am not him. I am not mentally ill enough to pull off that sort of charisma." 
"I can exist and others too and we all can be the main characters. Existence isn't a competition. Not everything is." 
"I have always been single in my entire life of 21 years except for a month. I have been happy in my entire life of 21 years except for a month." 
"I made up things, I wanted a story. I look for a story everywhere- that's what we do." 
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whydoifeelhunted · 2 years
Horoscop pentru luna Martie:
Nebunia lui Martie sau magia lui Martie? Vei experimenta tot spectrul luna asta, de la schimbari emotionale semnificative la urcarea pe culmile carierei si la tranzitii financiare. Aceasta este cea mai activa si cea mai profunda luna din 2023 din perspectiva astrologica, care ar putea schimba traiectoria pentru intregul deceniu. Acesta nu este un lucru rau, tinand cont de evenimentele de pana acum.
Noutatile care schimba directia evenimentelor tine de doua planete majore care se misca incet – Saturn si Pluto – care se intorc in semne zodiacale pe care nu le-au vizitat din anii 1996 si 1798. Mutarea lui Pluto va declansa transferarea puterii din Capricorn in Varsator, iesind dintr-un ciclu puternic influentat de politica si economie care a inceput tocmai in Ianuarie 2008.
Pe data de 7 Martie, Saturn va iesi din Varsator, semnul in care a stat din 21 Martie 2020. Luminat de luna plina in Fecioara – un moment de varf in casa carierei – Saturn va incepe o vizita care va dura trei ani in Pesti in Casa a Patra a caminului, familiei si a fundatiilor emotionale. Indepartarea de baza familiala ar putea sa se dovedeasca mai dificila, cu atat mai mult cu cat Soarele se va afla si el in zodia Pesti pana pe 20 Martie. Este foarte posibil sa reconsideri modul si locul unde vrei sa traiesti, si incepand de acum pana in Februarie 2026, este posibil sa te desradacinezi din mediul actual sau sa plantezi fundatii mai adanci.
In timp ce te gandesti la atatea mutari, poti sa te distrezi putin! Pe 20 Martie, Soarele trece in Berbec si iti activeaza Casa Cinci a pasiunilor, faimei si creativitatii timp de o luna. Luna Noua din 21 Martie in Beebec, va fi acompaniata de planeta ta guvernatoare Jupiter si de istetul Mercur. Asta va fi invitatia ta spre tot ce  este spectaculos pentru a-ti pune talentele in evidenta.
Pe 23 Martie puternicul Pluto ridica stacheta lasata de Saturn cu doua saptamani in urma, mutandu-se in Varsator pentru o perioada scurta (pana pe 11 Iunie). Pe masura ce Pluto iese din Capricorn si din sectorul financiar al hartii tale astrale pentru o perioada de 3 luni, o parte din temerile tale inradacinate in legatura cu banii si siguranta materiala vor putea in sfarsit sa se calmeze. Bucura-te de linistea din mintea ta si fa adevarata zarva in timp ce Pluto iti viziteaza sectorul comunicarii. Asta este o avan-premiera a ceea ce se va intampla atunci cand Pluto va reveni pentru o rezidenta de 20 de ani in Varsator incepand cu Noiembrie 2024. Pana atunci, poate ca e timpul sa investesti banii in una din ideile tale marete!
Te simti putin stors de puteri in preajma semenilor? Nu e nici o surpriza. Pe 25 Martie vei avea un moment de relaxare atunci cand energicul Marte iese din Gemeni si din zona ta parteneriala. Planeta Rosie s-a aflat intr-o excursie extinsa de 7 luni (de cinci ori mai lunga decat ciclul obisnuit) in semnul zofiacal opus tie, ceea ce a fost atat incitant cat si obositor in egala masura.
Ca si bonus, Marte a aprins niste aliante interesante care ar fi putut sa-ti puna in miscare telurile ambitioase. Dar este posibil ca lucrurile sa se fi miscat mult prea repede chiar si pentru tine. Este posibil sa fi fugit prematur de (sau spre) un angajament fie acesta de natura romantica, legat de munca sau de creativitate. De asemenea, poate nu ai fost pe aceeasi lungime de unda cu o persoana importanta. Cu putin noroc, Marte te-a ajutat sa te afirmi fara ca lucrurile sa devina prea agresive sau controversate. Provocarea lui Marte in Gemeni e cum sa fii direct dar si diplometic.
Va fi nevoie sa te bazezi pe tot ce ai invatat acum cand  Marte va sari in Rac e 25 Martie ai in Casa Opt a intimitatii, a resurselor comune pana pe 20 Mai. Cele mai apropiate relatii au sansa sa devina si mai intense! Casa Opt guverneaza extremele asadar exista riscul de fluctuatii financiare si cheltuieli neprevazute. Din fericire acest ciclu va fi mult mai scurt decat cel precedent. Telul va fi sa iti controlezi reactiile tempestuoase.
Este sezonul Pestilor pana la 20 Martie:
Ia lucrurile mai usor si savureaza toate momentele. Stelele au pregatit inca o luna agitata, si vei fi nevoit sa te menajezi. Ce-ai spune de putina hibernare, chiar daca e la mijlocul programului? Soarele va sta in Pesti si in Casa Patru cea domestica pana pe 20 Martie, punand importanta pe casa, familie si radacini.
Esti in semnul calatorului dar in primele trei samptamani din luna vei beneficia mai mult daca iti vei lasa bagajele si vei petrece cat mai mult timp pretios acasa. Vei aprecia spatiul mai mult ca oricand.
Luna Noua din 7 Martie va reprezenta un moment de varf in cariera
Simti nevoia de putina directie in cariera? Esti gata sa schimbi vitezele? Pe 7 Martie Luna Noua in Fecioara va straluci in Casa Zece a carierei si a succesului. Eforturile tale din ultimele 6 luni vor inflori cu o putere invioratoare – si cu un triumf profesional care iti va propulsa statutul si prestigiul. S-ar putea sa iti fie recunoscuta munca si expertiza sau sa ti se ofere o pozitie mai multa responsabilitate.
Daca esti in cautarea unei cariere sau pozitii cu mai multa insemnatate sau cu o remuneratie mai buna, aceasta luna noua poate cauza schimbarea. Cum Luna Noua aduce cu ea tranzitii si schimbari ai putea lua decizia sa te indepartezi de o anumita carare sau sa inghei un proiect care nu mai functioneaza. Acest lucru s-ar putea intampla subit multumita uniu trigon rapid format intre Luna Plina si schimbatorul Uranus. Oeicat de repede s-ar petrece evenimentele, nu uita sa te opresti si sa iti sarbatoresti reusitele inainte sa treci la pasul urmator. Ai muncit mult sa ajungi in acest loc deci marcheaza momentul!
Saturn intra in zodia Pesti pe 7 Martie
Un nou ciclu din viata ta personala incepe pe 7 Martie, atunci cand Saturn se muta in Pesti pentru peima oara in secolul acesta, incepand o plimbare de trei ani in Casa Patru a familiei, domeaticitatii si emotiilor. A venit timpul sa te gandesti serios la a intemeia o familie si a planta radacini peranente? Incepand de acum si pana pw 13 Februarie 2026, Saturn este aici pentru a-ti inventaria relatiile cele mai apropiate si viata personala, si pentru a te ajuta sa faci schimbari structurale care fundamenteaza securitatea pe termen lung.
Saturn s-a aflat ultima oara in Pesti din 21 Mai 1993 pana pe 7 Aprilie 1996. Daca esti destul de matur sa iti amintesti ce se intampla in acea perioada, cauta sa descoperi ce influenta ar putea avea acum.
Femeile, mamele si copii reprezinta domeniul de activitate al Casei Patru iar toate aceste relatii ar putea sa devina mai serioase in timp ce Saturn e in Pesti.
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dreamanduality · 2 years
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Jupiter Direct & New Moon: Rituals & Horoscopes
Jupiter is Finally going direct. I have read it said that ‘feeling’ Jupiter Rx goes unnoticed—this is something that I argue.
Sure, they are further away, and more slow-moving than that of Mercury or Mars…more subtle than Saturn…but when we think of joy and expansion is it calmer than that of heart ship and anger. In a world that desires instant gratification, farming norepinephrine and cortisol—genuine fortune, abundance & peace seems boring and is not given the same attention as drama. So is it that it goes unnoticed or that our attention is elsewhere?
The Pre Shadow for this Rx time began on May 14th.
In the idea of retrogrades being a time where we have some sensational accordance to freewill, where we have to often times take things into our own hands to see what has been transpiring in our lives, Jupiter is a space of thoughtfulness, and when Rx is not fruiting. This pre-shadow was like harvesting, moving as to not expunge all of the nutrients from one place. The first taste of what is to come and see the potential of knowledge gained.
Into the retrograde and going back to Pisces…sorting out our ideas and beliefs on expectation. Planning on how to take dreams and put action to them.
When Jupiter can't give they offer protection, like when they were co-present with Saturn those manifestations were softer and became noticeable when they parted ways.
In Rx passing back into Pisces; pensively shaking optimism.
Deeply thinking about our beliefs and the framework of expansion. I like to hold hope since we are being thrashed around, but I can say that my nihilism has been thick.
For some, ideas will not take off in the coming months, even burst, but you learned from them..nothing can ever be wiped clean if it has been thought or witnessed—maybe this was something that presented itself to you back in Dec 2020 or at various points until now that is being highlighted in the cultivation that happened in Pisces. The big motion of the theme is back to this spring. Have you ever tried to make a party balloon animal? When there is too much air, or trying to figure out reshaping? With this direct motion, it is time to take a go one more time. We will reflect on your houses below.
Hope can only take us so far when something has already ended. I think that while Jupiter was in Pisces (which we have been reflecting on these last months), many people entertained thoughts that they never would have before, dipped their toes in pools of thought foreign to them…and with Neptune co-present plus some other transits, it has been a dream…that some folks got lost I get big Uzumaki vibes—
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You know how timing is everything? Well…for those that it's felt like a dream, it's time to wake you. And from dreams, all we can take with us is what we remember. At this point going more into Neptune & aspects would be needed and this is not the time.
Jupiter Direct in Pisces 28.47
Reflection theme May 4. If you don't journal, or have a vivid memory of dates, look back on social media posts and text conversations. What themes and topics were held?
Spend this time with Jupiter Direct to collect the areas of self-improvement, the strides you have taken in expanding your thoughts and opinions—notice your growth. What have you discerned about your personal philosophies and tolerance…what of identity?
Heading Back into the heady fire of Aries on December 20th and not looking back for another cycle, take these days with care in collecting your thoughts on compassion and humanity.
For Personal Emphasis, Additional Timing for Jupiter & New Moon work & instruction can be found on my Patreon.
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Considering daylight was written in 2020? I’d guess more than likely. I kinda think he’s felt that way for a long time.
Do you think Daylight is a sm song because I’m confused about the cocaine part. Is it possible for you to shed some light on that part if you can?
Yeah I do think it is and OG nonnies may remember, correct me if I’m wrong, but I think I did an analysis on this song and I shared it and deleted it. I think it was my first song analysis? We talked about the light of day concept.
I'm on the roof, you're in your airplane seat
I’m high in the sky, but you’re even higher, I’m still and you’re moving, from my place on the roof I can almost see you in the airplane seat
I was nose-bleeding, looking for life out there
I was high up in the nose bleed sections, nose bleeds also happen at high altitudes and as a byproduct of cocaine or snorting drugs. He’s saying he was out here doing everything trying to figure out how to feel, he was “running with the thieves”
Reading your horoscope, you were just doing cocaine
Nod to spirituality, so they believe in some form of divine orchestration, are they reading their horoscope or is he reading their horoscope? He’s obscure on who is who. Is someone saying this to him? Was he just doing cocaine in his kitchen? Is he talking to himself? He also mentions cocaine in Keep Driving, there’s a theme of using drugs and alcohol and sex to feel. Could this possibly be a vision or he feels them when he’s alone doing cocaine, imagining what they’d be doing? “Harry you’re no good alone” “we’ll get the drinks in so I’ll get to thinking of her” I think it is torturous to him, loving from the outside, being aware and far away, I think it fucks with him. He tries to ease the pain in all these ways but the antidote is accepting it and loving them. He figured it out and now he’s trying to tell them the answer too. “You got the antidote” maybe now he knows they heard him in some ways, because of all the late night talking.
In my kitchen, you never listen, I hope you're missing me by now
You never listen is a theme he’s had in other songs “I told you but I know you never listen” “and I hope she hears me now” what does she never hear— “I’m still the only one who’s been in love with me”
“Kiss in the kitchen like it’s a dance floor” could what she’s not listening to be “I couldn’t want you anymore” and the thing is why does she never listen? He’s made multiple fucking albums at this point. Why do they have such deep communication issues “now I know what it’s like to fall in love from the outside” is this someone he physically cannot talk to? He’s tongue tied and can never truly explain how he feels “not telling his mates, wouldn’t know what to say” “we don’t talk enough” “I always think about you and how we don’t speak enough” “I’ve been trying hard not to talk to you” “do you wanna talk?” “I don’t want to talk to you” but this album we finally have “we’ve been doing all this late night talking”
hmmm my take… he knows what it looks like “get the picture, cut out my middle” “I know that you’re scared because I’m so open” but they still can’t see that all he wants is this one person, the person he wants can’t hear or see clearly why? Maybe because they can’t actually talk in person, only in daydreams or when inebriated, in shared memories and visions, his image says one thing, but his music says the other.
Ultimately he’s saying all this time I’ve been telling you all I want is you and you never listen, you still see me a certain way, I hope it’s dawning on you, I hope you’re getting the picture, I hope you’re missing me instead of pushing me away because you’re afraid. He’s begging his person to see all his growth, to listen carefully and he hopes they miss him as much as he misses them.
All his songs are SM songs to me.
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nicklloydnow · 4 months
“Astrology is increasing in popularity (Pew Research Center, 2018), despite the lack of scientific support (Allum, 2011). It is not clear why this ancient practice of studying positions and movements of celestial bodies, with the conviction that they influence human behaviour, is going through a revival. However, previous literature suggests that when societies or individuals are under stress or threat, people are more likely to turn to astrology and other epistemically unfounded beliefs (Grech, 2017; Keinan, 1994). Previous research further shows a relationship between personal life crises and belief in astrology (Lillqvist & Lindeman, 1998). Currently we are surrounded by stressors such as climate change and, recently, the Covid-19 pandemic, which makes the topic pertinent. Though embracing astrology might seem innocent, it is nonetheless possible that it facilitates uncritical thinking and favours biases. Further, belief in astrology correlates with belief in multiple other pseudosciences as well as with belief in conspiracy theories (Bensley et al., 2020) which indicates that it might not be all that harmless.
The most accepted theory regarding individual differences is the five factors of personality traits (also known as Big Five); openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (Costa & McCrae, 1992). Openness is usually positively associated with belief in the paranormal (Chauvin & Mullet, 2021), as well as apophenia (Blain et al., 2020). Conscientiousness may be the personality trait with the least connection to pseudoscientific beliefs, and weak negative correlations have been reported (Chauvin & Mullet, 2021). Extraversion too has been shown to be related to belief in the paranormal (Thalbourne & Haraldsson, 1980), whereas agreeableness in earlier studies has correlated both positively (Čavojová et al., 2020) and negatively (Swami et al., 2009) with belief in conspiracy theories. At last, neuroticism has been found to correlate positively with paranormal beliefs (Thalbourne & Haraldsson, 1980).
Though the dimensions of the Big Five are valuable when studying individual differences, there are additional so-called dark traits (cf. Kajonius et al., 2015). One dark trait in particular seems relevant in relation to belief in astrology, namely narcissism, due to the self-focused perspective that may be at the core of both phenomena.
In addition to personality traits, intelligence is commonly used in studies of individual differences. Particularly openness has proved to correlate with intelligence measures (DeYoung et al., 2014). In general, intelligence is thought to be negatively related to the acceptance of pseudoscience and paranormal beliefs (Musch & Ehrenberg, 2002), as well as with apophenia (Blain et al., 2020).
The present study aim was to investigate how individual differences relate to belief in astrology. The main result showed that the higher the narcissism, perhaps surprisingly, the higher the belief in astrology. The positive association is possibly due to the self-centred worldview uniting them, though this must be examined in further research. Furthermore, cultural aspects of millennials may emphasize the uniqueness of individuals which might lead to a more egocentric view of the world, and thus relate to narcissistic traits. Further, since astrological predictions and horoscopes tend to be positively framed, this reinforces grandiose feelings and thus might appeal even more to narcissists. Note that narcissistic traits correlated with the belief that astrology is supported by science (Table 1), which leads to a speculation that narcissists may generally be more fact resistant.
Other interesting findings was that the higher the level of intelligence, the lower the belief in astrology (see Musch & Ehrenberg, 2002), as well as that agreeable people tend to report believing in astrology more. Seeing how most personality predictors were small in magnitude, this leaves room for many other variables influencing belief in astrology. Speculatively, additional predictors could be cohort-effects, educational levels, occupations, and others.
Our aim with the present study was to contribute to an increased understanding of individual differences and unfounded epistemic beliefs, such as belief in astrology. The results showed interestingly that narcissism was the strongest predictor of belief in astrology: Even the stars think I am superior.”
“Cognitive performance is slightly reduced among those with higher levels of celebrity worship, according to a new study published in BMC Psychology.
“Interest in the topic of celebrity worshipers spans almost two decades. From several studies, over that period, research showed a weak to moderate tendency for those who showed the strongest admiration for their favorite celebrity to have lower cognitive skills, using a variety of cognitive measures,” explained study authors Lynn E. McCutcheon, Ágnes Zsila, and Zsolt Demetrovics in a joint statement to PsyPost.
In the study, 1,763 Hungarian adults completed a 30-word vocabulary test and a digit symbol substitution test, a validated assessment of fluid intelligence. The researchers also collected data about the participants’ self-esteem, current family income, material wealth, and highest level of education.
Celebrity worship was measured using a scientific questionnaire known as the Celebrity Attitude Scale. The scale asks participants the extent to which they agree or disagree with statements such as “I often feel compelled to learn the personal habits of my favorite celebrity,” “I am obsessed by details of my favorite celebrity’s life,” and “If I were lucky enough to meet my favorite celebrity, and he/she asked me to do something illegal as a favor I would probably do it.”
Even after controlling for demographic and socioeconomic variables, the researchers found that high scores on the Celebrity Attitude Scale were associated with lower performance on the two cognitive ability tests.
“We found a weak tendency for those who showed the strongest admiration for their favorite celebrity to have lower cognitive skills, suggesting that the earlier results were not due just to chance,” the authors of the study said. “Our results also support previous findings showing that excessive behaviors such as celebrity worshiping can possibly impair cognitive functioning, presumably due to the increased focus and energy invested in this behavior that becomes dominant in the individual’s life.”
“Although celebrity admiration seems not to be a strong precursor of poorer cognitive performance, high levels of admiration can be regarded as one contributing factor to lowered performance in tasks requiring cognitive effort, independently from education or age.”
But it is unclear whether celebrity worship is the cause or consequence of reduced cognitive ability. For example, it “may be that individuals with higher levels of cognitive skills are more likely to understand the marketing strategies behind a famous person,” and thus less vulnerable to celebrity worship, the researchers explained. But it is also possible that celebrity worship functions like an addictive behavior and requires cognitive effort to be maintained.”
“Polls certainly indicate a decline in religious affiliation, practice and belief. Just a couple of decades ago, about 95 percent of Americans reported belonging to a religious group. This number is now around 75 percent. And far fewer are actively religious: The percentage of regular churchgoers may be as low as 15 to 20 percent. As for religious belief, the Pew Research Center found that from 2007 to 2014 the percentage of Americans who reported being absolutely confident God exists dropped from 71 percent to 63 percent.
Furthermore, evidence suggests that the religious mind persists even when we lose faith in traditional religious beliefs and institutions. Consider that roughly 30 percent of Americans report they have felt in contact with someone who has died. Nearly 20 percent believe they have been in the presence of a ghost. About one-third of Americans believe that ghosts exist and can interact with and harm humans; around two-thirds hold supernatural or paranormal beliefs of some kind, including beliefs in reincarnation, spiritual energy and psychic powers.
These numbers are much higher than they were in previous decades, when more people reported being highly religious. People who do not frequently attend church are twice as likely to believe in ghosts as those who are regular churchgoers. The less religious people are, the more likely they are to endorse empirically unsupported ideas about U.F.O.s, intelligent aliens monitoring the lives of humans and related conspiracies about a government cover-up of these phenomena.
An emerging body of research supports the thesis that these interests in nontraditional supernatural and paranormal phenomena are driven by the same cognitive processes and motives that inspire religion. For instance, my colleagues and I recently published a series of studies in the journal Motivation and Emotion demonstrating that the link between low religiosity and belief in advanced alien visitors is at least partly explained by the pursuit of meaning. The less religious participants were, we found, the less they perceived their lives as meaningful. This lack of meaning was associated with a desire to find meaning, which in turn was associated with belief in U.F.O.s and alien visitors.
It is important to note that thus far, research indicates only that the need for meaning inspires these types of paranormal beliefs, not that such beliefs actually do a good job of providing meaning. There are reasons to suspect they are poor substitutes for religion: They are not part of a well-established social and institutional support system and they lack a deeper and historically rich philosophy of meaning. Seeking meaning does not always equal finding meaning.”
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Top Genuine Astrologer in Mumbai
Top Genuine Astrologer in Mumbai
Welcome to Astrologyexperts.in. Jyotish Acharya Devraj JI is one of the most internationally renowned astrologers from Mumbai, Maharashtra. His paintings can be found in many cities and throughout India, and keep daily, monthly and weekly horoscopes. With over 17 years of experience in astrology, his Jotish Acharya Devraj JI has helped many to achieve success, wealth, health and achievements in their daily lives. So many top Indian stars also often turn to Jyotish Acharya Devraj JI for advice and along with his correct astrological predictions, he performed for them and exceeded their expectations. With this, he is no longer the most respected astrologer in Mumbai, but is also patronized by celebrities such as prominent businessmen. He is also known for his accuracy and his talent in analyzing his palms and faces. His readings have helped people find new paths, improve their paths today, and promote overall success in life.As an internationally renowned astrologer, Jyotish Acharya Devraj JI has helped many We've helped shape lives and pave the way for success. Over the years, he has grown to be one of the Top Genuine Astrologer in Mumbai and a highly ranked astrologer internationally. Also a renowned Vastu representative, Kundli of Matchmaking, Motivator He Speaker, Life His Coach and Anchor Jyotish acharya Devraj JI is committed to making a difference in the lives of people around the world. Who is a Jyotish Acharya Devraj JI has been ranked among the Top Genuine Astrologer in Mumbai for 2020, 2021 and 2022 he has been for three consecutive years. from all over the world] and from Mumbai [from his office]. How Astrology Can Help You Succeed You may have heard many say how predictions and recommendations from astrologers helped in their birth. I often wonder why. What are the real energies and benefits that astrology offers and how can astrology help you be successful? First of all, it's important to understand that everything going on around you is given to you by celebrities and planetary technology.It's just a 'shallow' way of life, but more technological. . How can astrology help you succeed?
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alarmalade · 8 months
Projection in Retrograde
Scorpio, it’s time for contemplation. Hear this: my life has been a hologram. History has no mirror but stars misaligned, a thousand tessellated lichens and I have been trying to read them. I admit, a peculiar astrology: girl, boy, body as brown moth come to rest in the lee of an I. Magnetism is forecast. You may force a silk rose through one eye of the 3D moving image. And when Justin Timberlake brings sexy back at summer’s bravura performance, some rosé-all-day DIY backyard wedding you may—no, you will—go get down. Say of the synth pink thread coming through the I it’s made of stone. Stone from which hangs stones, grave markers wearing tessellated lichens. The pattern gets so misaligned. Please, Scorpio, read this horoscope sober as a moth. My whole life has been a hologram. A history of body as bangled, begging hand. But you, you’re down to reflect on what you’re transmitting, aren’t you? Or what did you mean when, leaving advice in the guestbook that evening, drunk on your own stars, notion of goodbye you wrote, wear each other’s clothes?
"Projection in Retrograde" by Natalie Mesnard, from We Want It All: An Anthology of Radical Trans Poetics (2020).
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elminx · 2 years
Energy Update: Saturn enters Pisces 3/7/2023
Today, under the light of our Virgo full moon, Saturn leaves behind the structure of fixed Aquarius for the amalgamous, mutable energy of Pisces. This is a big deal - Saturn stays in any given sign for three years and his sojourn through the signs sets the feeling of time as we experience it.
It is worth noting that while Saturn was in the fixed air sign of Aquarius we experienced a global airborne pandemic that forced us away from society (which Aquarius rulers) and keep us inside our own houses (see also: the unmoving nature of the fixed signs). Saturn entered Aquarius in March of 2020 as the lockdowns were being enacted and we can expect (even more of) the pandemic restrictions to be lifted as time moves on and we enter the season of Saturn in Aquarius.* There is reason to hope that this switchover will end the pandemic altogether, but only time will tell if that comes to pass. Pisces is a very different beast from Aquarius. Where Aquarius holds accountable, corrects, and ultimately changes through the intense combination of its two rulers (Saturn and Uranus); Pisces uses Neptune's energy to dissolve and (hopefully) unify.
Many astrologers like to tout the exalted Piscean virtues of blending and melding together, dissolving boundaries, and universal love. It is worth noting, almost immediately here, that these traits are anathema to the concept of Saturnian time. Saturn widdles us away to the cores of who we are. Saturn controls and corrects to show you what is important. Pisces would like to believe that everything, if melded back into primordial goo, can be equally important but Saturn would like to state that we have moved far beyond the primordial goo phase of existence. Pisces does not want boundaries and accountability and Saturn is made of boundaries and accountability. This conflict is what we are going to have to sit in and process as he makes his slow journey over the next three years. Perhaps it can be said that Pisces NEEDS to constrictive energy of Saturn because universal love without boundaries sounds an awful lot like co-dependency. Perhaps Saturn NEEDS Pisces to be reminded to soften those hard edges.
We will all fall somewhere on that spectrum (based on our own personal charts and life experiences) and where we fall on that spectrum will likely impact how we experience this three-year transit. Nobody is exempt from the pressures that Saturn brings to the table it will affect us all on both a personal level and globally. This transit will most specifically affect individuals with a strong Piscean impact in their natal birth charts and especially those who were born with Saturn IN Pisces who will be experiencing this transit as their Saturn Return. Themes that involve both Piscean and Saturnian energies:
Forgiveness that comes with a heavy dose of responsibility
Healthy boundaries that are both strong AND flexible
Accepting accountability with grace
Daydreaming that leads to constructive planning for the future
Universal love with strong personal boundaries
Social services like UBI or universal healthcare
There is a lot of good that may come of this Saturnian transit but it is the kind of good that you need to take active steps to work for in your life. Saturn demands that you step away from the idea that you can just dream your way into the future (very immature Piscean energy there) and put one foot in front of another to walk towards that fucking goal. If you don't have the effort in you, this is going to be a hard go of things. There's no way around that.
This is a good transit to use towards putting the work into strengthening your spiritual gifts - that is a lovely combination of Piscean and Saturnian energies. But this does come with a caveat (it always does): remember that all that glitters is not gold. Pisces, being the last sign of the horoscope wheel that is ruled by the 12th house of the unconscious, can attract some real creepers if you know what I mean. Not everything that's "for sale" during this three-year transit is going to be for your own good so if you're the gullible type, I suggest putting your skeptic glasses on, stat. If it looks too easy or too good to be true, it probably is. And if it is, it's gonna be extra hard because Saturn is here to rub that lesson right in.
It'll be a wild ride. Pack a life vest if you don't like going off the deep end because this shit is gonna go deep.
*This is not a judgment call on whether restrictions SHOULD be lifted mind you, just an observation of the way that Saturn's influence impacts the many societies of our world.
Do you like my work? You can support me over on Ko-Fi by tipping me or purchasing an astrological report.
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eartthquakee · 1 year
Online dating a Capricorn lady in 2020: Pros, Cons, factors to understand
Into dating a Capricorn lady? Astrology and horoscopes tend to be a growing development in the online dating globe, but do you have the skills compatible you may be with a Capricorn? Read on to find out the undetectable keys concerning love of a Capricorn girl and the ways to get close to her! Additionally, make sure to browse all of our recommended love & commitment advisors that can you realize…
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packernet · 1 year
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New Post has been published on https://www.packernet.com/blog/2023/04/19/grades-are-stupid/
Grades are stupid
Eating Cheetos. The daily horoscope. Playing candy crush on your phone. Nutritionally, and intellectually, these are empty activities. In that way, they’re just like post draft grades. And yet, they’re the junk food my sports junkie mind can’t resist.
Grades with meaning
Rather than reviewing worthless day after draft grades, let’s give some relevant draft grades. Although I consider Brian Gutekunst and his team to be above average drafters, the 2020 and 2021 drafts suggest otherwise.
D+ / Incomplete
In 2020 the packers draft picks were; 1-Jordan Love, 2-AJ Dillon, 3-Josiah Deguara, 5-Kamal Martin, 6-Jon Runyan Jr., 6-Jake Hanson, 6-Simon Stepaniak, 7-Vernon Scott, 7-Jonathan Garvin.
When your best pick is a guard selected in the 6th round, it’s not a good draft. You could argue Jon Runyan Jr. has been a steal. He’s been a fixture at starting right guard since early in his rookie year.
AJ Dillon has been a good, not great football player. He was a “reach” in the 2nd. Josiah Degurara joins a series of 3rd round fumbles by Gutey. He’s a respectable blocker and hybrid TE- fullback, but not the difference maker that you hope for in the 3rd. Jonathan Garvin has been an ok, end of the roster special teams and 5th edge rusher. The rest don’t merit discussion.
We still may Love this draft
By this time in 2024, the 2020 draft will either end or extend Brian Gutekunst’s tenure in Green Bay. In the next year or two we’ll have a pretty good idea if Jordan Love can play. Will he make Gutey look brilliant? Or lead to his firing? If Love becomes a top 15-20 starter, this draft goes from a D+ to a B. If Love becomes a top 15 or better NFL starter, an otherwise forgettable draft becomes an A.
Selecting late in the 1st in 2021 the Packers surprised many taking Georgia corner Eric Stokes. Here’s the rest: 2nd Center Josh Myers, 3rd Amari Rodgers, 4th Royce Newman, 5th TJ Slaton, 5th Shemar Jean-Charles, 6th Cole Van Lanen, 6 Isaiah McDuffie, 7th Kylin Hill. To be kind, that’s not a Super Bowl winning foundation.
As a rookie, Stokes started every game and showed promise. Year two was a disaster. Early in the year Stokes played poorly before getting a serious knee/ankle injury near mid-season. Since speed is his greatest asset, his future looks doubtful.
When healthy, Josh Myers has been the starting center since he was drafted. As a rookie he was decent but not great. His play fell off in 2022. Fair or not, the Myers pick looks worse because Kansas City took All Pro center Creed Humphrey one pick after Myers.
TJ Slayton has contributed, and appears to be a player, but not a special one. Kylin Hill showed explosive potential briefly as a rookie before blowing out his ACL. He was cut late last year for off field issues. Newman, Jean-Charles and McDuffie are on the fringes of the roster. Van Lanen was traded for a 7th.
Speaking of a wasted 3rd round pick
When you look up “draft bust” in the dictionary you may see a photo of Amari Rodgers. As a rookie he could barely get on the field as a returner or receiver. Without his 3rd round pick status he would have been cut by the end of training camp. Then Coaches LaFleur and Bisaccia compounded a bad decision by sticking with Rodgers on returns for half the season in spite of a staggering fumble rate.
The only reason this draft isn’t an F is because Stokes, Myers and Slaton still have a window to prove their value. I wouldn’t bet on any of them being better than average. The 2021 Packers draft is a currently a D-.
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alexzandriathegood · 2 years
I’ll admit it, occasionally I indulge in a little woo woo shit. Since we exist in the same timeline, I don’t have to tell you that it is a challenge to exist peacefully - not only out in the world - but inside oneself. Mental health requires maintenance. Introspection is a dire necessity. 
When I mentioned the “woo woo” astrology probably came to mind. Honestly, beyond laughing at the occasional “Scorpios are like…” or “avoid Geminis like the plague” joke I don’t really get into horoscope stuff too much. I also don’t keep up with my inspiring quote journal (which was prudently color coded and organized by type and name) anymore. I’m actually embarrassed to admit it featured words from Russel Brand. 2020 was a tough year! 
However, I did manage to expand my spiritual toolbox in healthy ways by incorporating a little something called “Mirror Work.” It’s the strange practice of speaking to yourself out loud in the mirror. Worst case it brings up images of psychopathic, power hungry men droning on about their future conquests (i.e. Patrick Bateman as the American Psycho or his spiritual son, Tyrell Wellick. “I will be the CTO!”). Best case it looks like me saying something really sweet to myself and tearing up a little bit.
We ALL need positive encouragement. 
You may be asking yourself why should I entertain this practice? Mirror work is a tool to bring about positive change and it is completely unrestricted. You don’t need anyone else to do this positive thing for yourself. In fact, it’s best if no one else is around. All you got to do is (1) create some affirming things to say (2) say them into a mirror. If you are direct and honest throughout this process it can really start to take a hold of you. Just as a thoughtless, hurtful statement can affect you on a visceral level, a thoughtfully put together positive statement can do the same. 
If you’ve been told repeatedly directly or indirectly that you are deficient in some way, then that feedback has undoubtedly shaped the way you live your life. It may have shaped your life so significantly that you begin to think it was all an individual choice. However, in reality we are interacting with so many ideas created by other people that are communicated to us through misunderstandings, body language, tone of voice, advertisements, social media, and overhearing conversations. We have to take time to digest what we are exposed to and separate fact from fiction. Mirror work is my fact making process. I set my intentions for my own growth. I ask myself for clarity. I return to check in. And most of all, I truly believe that I can make a difference in my own life. 
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My latest art project, “Meditation Portals” has me all in my feelings. They’re magnetic glass prints bursting with colors that radiate happiness in my soul. Yes, I unashamedly feel this comfortable with something I am actually responsible for. Talk about growth. Anyways, so one day I was enjoying a print in my living room and I saw my own reflection within the piece. It was weird. I stepped away to not see myself and that decision was provocative to me. “Why,” I asked “am I trying to erase myself from this moment?” Why are we constantly trying to erase ourselves? Is there anything we can do to restore our esteem and move about more positively in the world? The answer is yes. It may not specifically be Mirror Work, but, I’d specifically like to challenge you to try it for yourself. Also, check out my art shop feelthegood.bigcartel.com. Watch the companion video to this blog to learn how to get started with Mirror Work here: https://youtu.be/C387SK0vSuY
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rjdavies · 2 years
Chinese New Year Animal - The Pig
Year of the Pig … is this your animal? The Pig is a Water branch, and is yin.
Years: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031, 2043
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Chinese: 猪年 (Zhū nián ‘Pig year’)
2043 - Feb. 10, 2043 - Jan. 29, 2043 - Water Pig
2031 - Jan. 22, 2031 - Feb. 10, 2032 - Metal (Gold) Pig
2019 - Feb. 4, 2019 - Jan. 24, 2020 - Earth Pig
2007 - Feb. 17, 2007 - Feb. 6, 2008 - Fire Pig
1995 - Jan. 30, 1995 - Feb. 18, 1996 - Wood Pig
1983 - Feb. 13, 1983 - Feb. 1, 1984 - Water Pig
1971 - Jan. 27, 1971 - Feb. 14, 1972 - Metal (Gold) Pig
1959 - Feb. 8, 1959 - Jan. 27, 1960 - Earth Pig
1947 - Jan. 22, 1947 - Feb. 9, 1948 - Fire Pig
1935 - Feb. 4, 1935 - Jan. 23, 1936 - Wood Pig
Pigs are diligent, compassionate, and generous. They have great concentration: once they set a goal, they will devote all their energy to achieving it. Though Pigs rarely seek help from others, they will not refuse to give others a hand. Pigs never suspect trickery, so they are easily fooled. Generally speaking, Pigs are relatively calm when facing trouble. No matter how difficult the problems are Pigs encounter, they can handle things properly and carefully. They have a great sense of responsibility to finish what they are engaged in. Pigs might not stand out in a crowd. But they are very realistic. Others may be all talk and no action. Pigs are the opposite. They are energetic and are always enthusiastic, even for boring jobs. 
Personality in relation to their element:
Wood Pig: Good-natured, lovely, easy-going, generous, brave, irritable
Fire Pig: Ambitious, persevering
Earth Pig: Communicative, popular among friends, strong sense of timekeeping
Metal (Gold) Pig: Broad-minded, amicable, willing to help others
Water Pig: Gentle, modest, earnest, responsible, subjective in life
Compatible Zodiac Signs with a Pig:
Goat, Tiger, Rabbit
Least Compatible Zodiac Signs with a Pig:
Lucky things for Pigs:
Lucky numbers: 2, 5, 8, and numbers containing them (like 25 and 58)
Lucky colors: yellow, gray, brown, gold      
Lucky flowers: hydrangea and daisy    
Lucky direction: east and southwest    
Unlucky things for Pigs:
Unlucky colors: red, blue, green  
Unlucky numbers: 1, 7, and numbers containing them (like 17 and 71)  
Unlucky direction: southeast  
Unlucky months: the 4th, 9th, and 12th Chinese lunar months
Best Careers for Pigs:
Careers related to education, transport, art, music, beauty, fashion, and catering are best suited to Pigs
Health for Pigs:
Pigs mostly have a great build and a resilient body. They are always spirited, as if they will never run out of energy. Their natural health is something Pigs are proud of. But sometimes they can be overconfident and overlook some minor symptoms. If neglected for too long, even the smallest things can become grave. In addition, Pigs lead very busy lives. Even if they don’t feel tired, they should still remember to take breaks. Seasonal changes have an effect on Pigs’ health too. They may be at risk for respiratory diseases. Unhealthy diets can lead to diabetes, high cholesterol and heart problems too. Pigs are never one to give in to difficulties. This is a positive trait in the workplace, but might not be here. For good health, Pigs must learn to take small illnesses seriously and get regular checkups.
Famous Pig People:
Lucille Ball: born on August 6, 1911, Metal (Gold) Pig
Arnold Schwarzenegger: born on October 26, 1947, Fire Pig
Stephen King: born on September 21, 1947, Fire Pig
Winona Ryder: born on October 29, 1971, Metal (Gold) Pig
Christina Applegate: born on November 25, 1971, Metal (Gold) Pig
Found all this info on  Chinese Zodiac: 12 Animal Signs, Compatibility, Horoscopes (chinesenewyear.net)
Xīn nián kuài lè
R. J. Davies
A Riveting Jacked-In Dreamy Mind-Bender
RJ Davies - Science Fiction Author, Maddox Files, Novels
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jyotishacharyadevrajji · 10 months
Top astrologer in Mumbai - Best astrologer in Mumbai
Welcome to Astrologyexperts.in. Jyotish Acharya Devraj JI is one of the most internationally renowned astrologers from Mumbai, Maharashtra. His paintings can be found in many cities and throughout India, and keep daily, monthly and weekly horoscopes.
With over 17 years of experience in astrology, his Jotish Acharya Devraj JI has helped many to achieve success, wealth, health and achievements in their daily lives. So many top Indian stars also often turn to Jyotish Acharya Devraj JI for advice and along with his correct astrological predictions, he performed for them and exceeded their expectations. With this, he is no longer the most respected astrologer in Mumbai, but is also patronized by celebrities such as prominent businessmen.
He is also known for his accuracy and his talent in analyzing his palms and faces. His readings have helped people find new paths, improve their paths today, and promote overall success in life.As an internationally renowned astrologer, Jyotish Acharya Devraj JI has helped many We've helped shape lives and pave the way for success. Over the years, he has grown to be one of the Top astrologer in Mumbai and a highly ranked astrologer internationally.
Also a renowned Vastu representative, Kundli of Matchmaking, Motivator He Speaker, Life His Coach and Anchor Jyotishuacharya Devraj JI is committed to making a difference in the lives of people around the world. Who is a Jyotish Acharya Devraj JI has been ranked among the Top Genuine Astrologer in Mumbai for 2020, 2021 and 2022 he has been for three consecutive years. from all over the world] and from Mumbai [from his office].
How Astrology Can Help You Succeed You may have heard many say how predictions and recommendations from astrologers helped in their birth. I often wonder why. What are the real energies and benefits that astrology offers and how can astrology help you be successful?
First of all, it's important to understand that everything going on around you is given to you by celebrities and planetary technology.It's just a 'shallow' way of life, but more technological. . How can astrology help you succeed?
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bonkerlon · 2 years
Chiron retrograde 2020
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Embrace the process, and by the end of December 15th, you might just feel a lot more whole.Chiron, the Wounded Healer, stations to begin its annual retrograde, in the sign of Aries, on July 11, 2020. When in retrograde, Chiron can help you look within and uncover the root of your insecurities, your pain, and the feeling that something is missing. It deals with your deepest wound and your lifelong mission to heal that wound. This is because this planet (which is technically an asteroid) is known as the “wounded healer” in astrology. This retrograde will not end until January 14th, 2021.Ĭhiron retrograde: July 11th – December 15thĬhiron retrograde is a great time for therapy. While the rest of the world might feel like they’re staying the same, you notice how much you change. When Uranus is retrograde, it encourages you to embrace a deep change within. Uranus is the planet of abrupt change, eccentricity, and innovation. Like Neptune, Uranus is also an inner planet, which makes its retrograde less frightening than it looks. Uranus retrograde: August 15th – January 14th (2021) Recommended: Monthly Horoscope November 2020 For Each Zodiac Sign. When retrograde Neptune ends on November 28th, it will be easier to drift into daydreams and romanticize everything. It can also reduce the overall glow and creativity. Since Neptune is the planet of dreams, fantasies, and illusions, retrograde Neptune can take off your rose-colored glasses and show you reality. However, don’t underestimate the impact it can have. You may not notice that Neptune is retrograde so intensely due to the fact that Neptune is an outer planet. Neptune retrograde: July 23rd – November 28th Luckily, it also helps you familiarize yourself with what makes you truly passionate in life, and by the time that ends on November 13th (aka Friday the 13th), you’ll have a better understanding of what it is. It can also cause problems in the bedroom and take away any motivation to get things done. This can cause dizziness and aggressive pushes. Mars is the planet of conflict, sexuality, and ambition, and when it is retrograde it is a real pain. Mars Retrograde is not a walk in the park. Mars retrograde: September 9th – November 13th Recommended: Scorpio Season 2020 is Here – Time to Embrace Your Transformations Mercury retrograde ends on November 3rd, which is also Election Day in the United States, in case you ever wondered what a trickster Mercury could be. Mercury is the planet of communication and logic, so this retrograde tends to cause misunderstandings, technological errors, and confusion. Luckily, you’re only dealing with what’s probably your least favorite retrograde for the first three days of November. Mercury retrograde: October 14th – November 3rd Chiron retrograde: July 11th – December 15th.Uranus retrograde: August 15th – January 14th (2021).Neptune retrograde: July 23rd – November 28th.Mars retrograde: September 9th – November 13th.Mercury retrograde: October 14th – November 3rd.Retrogrades often come out with a bang so here’s what you need to know: Also, a retrograde likes to create confusion and disharmony (especially if you are dealing with an inner planet).įortunately, no new retrogrades are starting and a few even end in November. For example, a retrograde can turn a planet’s energy inward rather than outward, encouraging a more introspective and thoughtful approach to the overall function of the planet in astrology.Īdditionally, as a retrograde planet technically traces its previous steps through the zodiac, it tends to bring up issues from your past that have not been resolved. There are a number of things that happen during a planetary downshift. The reason this matter is because Astrology is interested in Gaia’s perspective. The reason the term “apparent” is used is that planets do not literally move backward in their orbits they just seem to be doing it from your perspective here on Earth (aka Gaia). Even though five planets will be retrograde in November 2020, there is a lot more to the story than you might think.Ī retrograde is when a planet undergoes apparent retrograde motion. November is nowhere near as bad as October for all “retrograde” business. However, if you’d much rather deal with monsters, demons, and ghouls than a planetary retrograde, you can breathe a sigh of relief. October could technically be the scariest month of the year, but November certainly has a few things up its sleeve. If you are feeling totally disappointed that Halloween is over, don’t worry.
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