#Maya is one such person. I'll never say anything or do anything but yeah shes basically 90% my type and my heart still beats
mrfoox · 2 years
Each and every time I think I'm over a person, I see them or hear them and im like... Shit no they're still the cutest, I wish I could be their silly gf /:
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backinmyphase · 11 months
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Summary: Once you feel the overwhelming sadness of lonlyness, you will do anything to escape it. Even turning to cupid for advise for love. But maybe cupid's arrow didn't hit anyone else. Only the one you least expected. Or How Kuroo begann to play matchmaker for you and did a too good job.
Pairing: Kuroo x reader
Prologue Wc:0.6k
Pls tell me if someone would like to see more of this because I am not sure.
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"And you seriously want to tell me that you still don't have a boyfriend? You???" Maya looked at me with disbelief. I shrugged and tried to play it cool, but we all know how that goes. 'I just want to focus on school.'
I want to have those butterflies in my stomach too. I want to be held like that too. I want, I want, I want. But life is not a wish concert, and I had a significant disadvantage.
I'm not good with people. Often, I don't know what to say and I'm too quiet. I often feel like I'm giving the wrong reaction, which is why I don't give any.
"But seriously, you look great and have the personality! I think you just need the right push…" Maya suddenly smiled strangely. It gave me a strange feeling in my stomach.
"What do you mean by that?"
She looked at me with a sly smile, and it made me feel excited too. "Do you want a boyfriend? Or a girlfriend? A relationship? If you don't want one right now, that's fine, but if…"
"Then what?" She was killing me with this suspense!!
"First, you have to answer. Do you want to?"
"Well, yeah, but that doesn't happen overnight, and you have to meet someone special for that. I just don't have that."
"But that's not impossible. You just need more people around you." Her smile grew even bigger. She played with her necklace and looked like she had been waiting for this conversation for years.
"What do you have in mind?"
The smile on her lips mixed fear and excitement in me.
"You know my boyfriend Kai, right?"
"Do you remember how I got together with him?"
"You don't mean to…"
"Yes, exactly!"
"No, Maya, no. Stop looking at me like that. You know as well as I do that he would never agree, no, never. I won't ask him for help, no. He doesn't even know me! And he would surely tease me about it! No. My final answer is 'No.' And that won't change, no matter how much I want a boyfriend – I won't ask someone like…"
~ "And now I'm supposed to play matchmaker for you?"
'-Kuroo Tetsurou for help.'
"Well, you don't have to, I mean, it would be nice, but I'm not so desperate that I would force you…"
Laughter. He laughed at that. "So, asking someone you barely know to play matchmaker is not pretty desperate?" He grinned at me, way too knowingly, and I couldn't stop the blush from rising to my face.
"You know what? This was a bad idea, and by the way, forget about it, Maya's!! Just forget it really quickly." I turned to leave when he raised his hands.
"Hey, hey, I'm just joking. I mean, I do find it nice that you trust me to be a good matchmaker since I got Kai and Maya together, but don't overestimate me, okay?"
I looked at him with wide eyes. "Wait, you really want to do it??"
There was his smug smirk again. Oh no. "But only for one thing…"
I swallowed. "And what would that be?"
"Become the manager of our volleyball club. Then I'll try."
It took me a while to understand what he was saying. Volleyball? I barely knew anything about volleyball. "Why?"
Suddenly, he didn't look so smug anymore as he scratched the back of his neck and looked away, embarrassed. If he weren't so tall, you'd think he was a little kid who didn't want to say what he wanted.
"Well, we have this rival school, and they have 2 managers. And there's Yamamoto, a teammate, he also wants a manager, but he's too shy to talk to girls. And, well, it would be nice to have someone." He looked at me expectantly. "Will you do it?"
I laughed. "I'll try, but I hardly know anything about volleyball."
He laughed too. "I think Yamamoto won't mind."
And he wouldn't be the only one.
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finallydelight · 2 years
Hi will you do a chapitre about how Jungkook asked Maya out and what they talked about before the morning of when namjoon and hoseok come to his apartment to take him to the studio
Thank u🙂
The Blind Date | Maya Chapter
author’s note: here it is, my darling ! I had fun writing this one, Maya has all the confidence I wish I had, so I enjoy writing her make everyone around her flustered 🫢 I hope you enjoy this chapitre ☺️ and let me know what you think of it, I would love to hear it ❣️
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December, 2020
“I’m not doing that, Yugyeom.”
Out of all the ideas she had heard from Yugyeom throughout the years, this was the most ridiculous one so far.
The Got7 member sighed. ''It's just one blind date!'' He was adamant on getting her to agree to this blind date that he had set up for her.
''Did you think about the fact that I'm an idol and that I'll receive a massive amount of hate and death threats for even just being caught on a date?'' Her own members had been caught up in a dating scandal and although the response wasn't too bad, there were many other examples of idols who got literally vilified for simply being in a relationship.
''You dated Seungyoun-hyung and no one found out!'' Yugyeom pointed out, taking another swig from his beer. Maya rolled her eyes at him. ''Oh, yeah! That's just the perfect reason to go, cause that relationship worked out perfectly, didn't it?'' She told him, sarcastically.
The start of her previous relationship went exactly like this. A friend talking her into going on a blind date with someone and Jieun wasn't having it.
''I think you should give it a chance! It's a really nice guy and I think you'll get along great.'' The truth was that Yugyeom had seen how her breakup with Seungyoun had affected her and he thought it was finally the right time for her to start dating again.
Jieun contemplated. ''Tell me something about this guy.'' She asked him, it had been a while since she hung out with someone other than her members or close friends.
''Ji, I don't know if you have ever heard of a blind date, but that's not really how it works.'' His sarcastic comment earned him a slap on the arm. ''You're not expecting me to actually meet up with a total stranger?''
Yugyeom tilted his head. ''Uh, I am, that's the purpose of a blind date.'' He put an emphasis on the 'blind'.
''Oh, come on! If you tell me one thing, I'll actually consider going.'' He shook his head. ''I'll say one thing about him if you promise you'll go.'' Yugyeom raised his eyebrow, awaiting her answer.
Maybe the whole blind date idea wasn't such a bad idea. Yugyeom seemed very sure that this dude was good for her and as much as Yugyeom liked to annoy her, he would never do something if it wasn't in her good interest.
''Alright, I'll go.''
Yugyeom clapped his hands and a big smile appeared on his face. ''Ha! Yes! I'll text him right now!'' He pulled out his phone and typed away, letting this mystery man know that she had agreed to go.
''Oh, so one thing about him…'' Yugyeom thought about something, ''he's the same age as us.'' He figured he had to make this man as vague as possible, not wanting her to know beforehand.
Maya was not impressed. ''That's it? No, I want something useful.''
''That is useful, now you know it's not some old man that you're meeting.''
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''You're sure he's not some serial killer, right?'' Maya still had her doubts as she and Yugyeom went up in the elevator, on their way to her blind date's apartment.
Yugyeom chuckled. ''I promise you, he's a good guy.''
''Does he know he's meeting me?'' The closer she got to this mystery man, the more curious she got about his identity. ''He does, he has uh, liked you for a long time.'' The grin on his face didn't escape her.
''Dude, it's not some creepy guy, right? I'm not planning on giving my autograph or anything.'' She truly hoped whoever this person is, doesn't end up being some obsessive fan who would try something she wasn't comfortable with.
Her worries only seemed to amuse her friend. ''Trust me, Ji,'' they arrived at the right floor and stepped out of the elevator, ''he's not gonna ask your autograph.''
They stopped in front of a door and Yugyeom turned to her. ''You ready?'' He asked her, unsubtly trying to hide his smirk.
''I guess.'' Jieun didn't sound too sure, but Yugyeom knocked on the door anyway, immediately walking away. ''Have fun, Ji!''
Before she could say anything back, the door in front of her opened. As soon as she locked eyes with the man in front of her, her mind tells her she should have known it would be him.
''Hi..'' Jeongguk seemed very nervous, his eyes not meeting hers. She smiled at him, finding it quite endearing. ''Hi, I'm Jieun.''
He opened the door a bit wider, inviting her in. ''I kno- uh, I mean- I'm.. I'm Jeongguk.'' He stumbled over his words introducing himself, even though he didn't need to.
''I know.'' She copied his answer, wanting to ease his nerves.
It seemed to work as he finally cracked a soft smile and the tension in his shoulders visibly left. ''You want some slippers or something for your feet?'' Jieun had taken off her heels and was left bare feet.
She looked down at them and gave him a sheepish smile. Jeongguk pulled out a pair of home slippers and put them down in front of her. ''They're my mom's, so they should fit.'' He told her.
''Thank you.'' Jieun took off her heels and put her feet into the slippers, fitting perfectly.
''Uh, thank you for coming, I, uh, really appreciate it.'' Jeongguk thanked her, avoiding eye-contact with her.
Jieun gave him a smile, brushing it off. ''Oh, you don't need to thank me. You should thank Yugyeom, he really talked you up.'' She chuckled, reminding herself she needed to send the guy some flowers later for setting her up on this date.
''What did he tell you?'' Jeongguk motioned for her to follow him through the hallway into his beautiful living room that had an overview of the city.
She answered him as she inspected his home. ''He told me you were the same age as us, you have liked me for a long time and that you definitely wouldn't ask for my autograph.''
At the mention of him having liked her for a long time, Jeongguk's cheeks and ears heated up. He desperately looked around, seemingly trying to find something to which he could change the subject to. ''Oh, well, that's- that's very nice of him.''
''Oh my- let me take your coat.'' It's like he had a list of things to do in his head and he had accidentally skipped that step. Jeongguk moved behind her while she unbuttoned the long coat, he removed it from her and it revealed her black silk dress that she was wearing.
Jieun turned around upon his words. ''Pardon?''
His mouth fell open a little, having become speechless as he stared into her eyes for the first time that evening. ''You, uh, you look, uh,'' Jeongguk stuttered, ''you look really pretty.'' He managed to get the words out.
''Thank you,'' she glanced down at her dress, ''you don't look too bad yourself.'' Jieun looked him up and down, totally aware he could see her checking him out. Jeongguk was wearing a grey turtleneck that accentuated his broad shoulders and biceps, paired with a simple pair of black trousers.
The blush reappeared on his cheeks and he looked down at his own clothes, remembering Yugyeom begging him to wear something ''that doesn't look like he only wears oversized shit''.
''Uhm, please follow me to the dining room.'' Jieun couldn't help but chuckle as he completely ignored her compliment and moved to the next room.
Jieun was pleasantly stunned when being met by Jeongguk's dining room. He had lit the place up with candles and a fresh bouquet of flowers stood in the centre of the table. ''This is really nice, Jeongguk. Do you always have dinner like this?'' She remarked, making the man laugh and shake his head.
His hand moved to her lower back, guiding her to her seat. Jeongguk pulled out her chair and helped her sit down properly, after which he took the seat across from her. ''Would you like a glass of red wine?''
She nodded at his offer. ''Yes, please.'' At her words, he opened the wine bottle that he had placed on the table before her arrival and opened it, pouring some in her glass and afterwards in his glass.
Jieun raised her glass. ''Cheers.'' Jeongguk seemed surprised, but quickly picked up his glass and they clinked their glasses together. ''Yes, cheers.''
''Yeah, so…''
''You've liked me for 5 years?''
Jeongguk choked on his wine as the question left her mouth, causing Jieun to chuckle at his reaction. ''Uhm, well,'' his nervous behaviour returned and he couldn't look her in the eye anymore, ''has it been 5 years already?''
''I must have made a very great first impression on you, I mean that's quite a long time.'' Jieun continued, liking how flustered she was making him.
The flustered man in question looked down at his feet, a shy smile gracing his face. ''I, uh, I guess you did.''
''Were you too scared to ask me out or something?'' She couldn't help but ask him the question, confused as to why it took them this long to go on a date.
A faint blush appeared on his cheeks and ears, her straightforwardness catching him off guard each time. ''Scared might not be the right word, but… you're just very- you know, uh, I guess I was just afraid you would reject me, maybe.'' He admitted, looking away from her again.
''Who says I would have rejected you?''
''Literally everyone I asked for advice told me you would reject me.'' He laughed, taking a sip from his wine. ''I wanted to ask you out last year when our promotions overlapped, but BamBam told me to not even try.'' He confessed, slowly glancing at her reaction.
''Well, most of the time he doesn't know what he's talking about. You're a charming guy.'' Jeongguk sat up straight hearing her words. ''So, if I had asked you out then, you wouldn't have declined to go on a date with me?''
''No, I wouldn't have said yes.'' She told him, shaking her head.
The man in front of her furrowed his eyebrows. ''But- but you just said-''
''I had a boyfriend back then, Jeongguk. I would have rejected anyone.'' Jieun confessed, stifling her laughter at his clueless expression.
He defeatedly put his arm down, accepting her words. ''I guess that's fair.'' Jeongguk interchanged from looking at the table to her. ''I didn't know you were dating someone at the time.''
''Yeah, that's kinda the point of a secret relationship.'' She laughed, playing with the rim of her glass.
''Were you two together for a long time?'' Jeongguk hesitantly asked, not knowing if he was overstepping any boundaries by asking about her past relationship.
Jieun sighed before answering. ''For about a year,'' she thought of something, ''you know, the way he and I met is actually quite similar to this.'' She gestured between her and Jeongguk with her finger.
''Yeah? How so?''
''It was also a blind date set up by a mutual friend, and it was also with a guy who apparently had liked me for a long time. Oh, and just like in this case, I didn't know who I was meeting but they did know they were meeting me.'' The similarities between her blind date with Seungyoun and Jeongguk were hard to ignore.
The only reason why she was so adamant on not going on the date was because of how things ended between her and her former boyfriend. She never doubted his love for her once, yet he still decided to break up with her. Yes, it was because of his mental health at the time, but that didn't make it hurt any less.
''Was it also Yugyeom who introduced you?'' Jeongguk asked, becoming quite curious.
Jieun shook her head. ''No, it was someone else, but Yugyeom is also friend with him, so I guess that counts as well.'' She chuckled.
''Are you hungry? I can get the food if you're ready.'' Jeongguk suggested, already getting out of his chair. ''Yes, that would be nice.''
He send her one bright smile before disappearing into his kitchen. Jieun grabbed her phone from her bag, deciding to send Yugyueom a quick text.
Kim JiJi: you're a genius, Kim Yugyeom
KYUM: you never say that about me
KYUM: you must be enjoying yourself then 😏
Kim JiJi: I am, actually
KYUM: good
KYUM: you should kiss him
KYUM: wait no
KYUM: don't kiss him
KYUM: i think he'll pass out if you do that
Kim JiJi: okay loser
A loud sound of glass breaking made Jieun flinch and she almost dropped her phone in the process. ''Everything okay?'' She yelled out to him, hoping he hadn't hurt himself. ''I'm okay, I just dropped a plate, don't worry!'' Jeongguk yelled back, assuring her that everything was fine. She chuckled to herself, and put her phone away.
''Apparently you really like samgyeopsal.'' Her date walked back in the dining room holding two trays with pork and several different side dishes. He put them down on the table and spread them out, so she could easily reach for all of them with her chopsticks. The grill had already been placed in-between them and Jeongguk turned it on, placing several pieces of the pork belly on it.
She was impressed as Jeongguk sat down again, flattered by the fact that he had most likely asked Yugyeom what she liked to eat. ''This looks great, thank you so much.'' Jieun picked up her chopsticks and put several side dishes on her plate.
''My pleasure.''
As they started eating, Jieun quickly realised Jeongguk and Jihyo had a similar reaction to good food, the angry look on his face after taking a bite from the grilled pork belly bringing her much joy. After many glasses of wine later and finishing their food, the pair had moved to the living room, where Jeongguk had put on a movie that was quickly discarded as their focus was on each other.
''No way! Boa trained you?'' Jeongguk exclaimed, looking at her wide-eyed.
Jieun shook her head. ''No, she didn't train me. Lee Sooman just got her to teach me a few classes and she gave me some feedback, that's all.'' She clarified for him.
''No wonder you're so good.'' The last few hours, Jieun had gotten to meet the real Jeongguk. He had dropped the nerves and actually started flirting back with her. It was probably because of all the wine they had, but still, it was nice.
''I just love performing, you know? Looking into a crowd, seeing people happy and jumping up and down… it's amazing.'' She told him, a smile creeping on her face while talking about her passion.
Jeongguk unconsciously mirrors her smile. ''I feel the same way. I don't care how sick I am or whatever it may be, standing on the stage is a feeling like nothing else.''
''I miss it so much… fucking covid.'' Jieun mumbled, picking up her glass of wine. He chuckled, not used to hearing her curse. ''I know, this was supposed to be a good year.''
''So much has changed… and not just this year.'' Jeongguk said as he finished his wine and poured some more in his glass.
Jieun gave him a confused expression. ''What do you mean?''
''You know, you have all these new and younger groups now- and I just feel like everything has become so toxic and competitive. I know it has been like that for years now, but people can't look each other in the eye now or people make it a problem, making up rumours and all.''
She could tell by the way he was speaking that it had been bothering him for a while and she agreed with him. The amount of rumours that were created, because of meaningless interactions are ridiculous.
''I agree, like me and Baekhyun- you know Baekhyun?'' She quickly asked him and proceeded when he nodded, ''We accidentally touched hands at a music show and SM actually had to make a statement because of all the articles claiming we were dating.''
Jeongguk sighed. ''That's what I mean, it's becoming unbearable. You can't even say something to your friends anymore.'' He was sick of the toxicity of the industry that was created by fans who liked to make up stuff to fit their agenda of hate.
''Exactly!'' Jieun exclaimed, ''I think 2 years ago, Jennie-unnie won on a music show and our promotions overlapped so we were on the stage as well, and I went up to her and gave her a hug, and somehow people were critical of that? No matter what you do, people will make it a problem.'' She rolled her eyes, thinking back about all the times her and Jennie received hate as a result of their friendship.
''It's crazy, isn't it? It's the same for me and my friends, like Yugyeom and Mingyu.'' Jeongguk could relate to her about the distaste that critics expressed over their friendships.
A silence fell upon them, the both of them taking a few seconds to calm themselves down after talking about all that.
Jieun was the first one to start speaking again. ''I'm happy I get to talk to you about this.'' She spoke with such genuineness that had him almost speechless.
Jeongguk moved himself closer to her, to the point where there was no more space left between them. ''Me too, I'm happy I just get to talk to you.''
''What a charmer you.'' She laughed, putting her hand on his thigh. Her move must have sobered him up straight away as he made a weird sound.
Jeongguk scratched his voice before talking. ''Hey, I have a question.''
''Before Yugyeom ratted me out, did you know that I've had a crush on you?''
Jieun lets the question sink in, her mind going back in the past. She thought about all the times the guy unsubtly stared at her from across the room or how he would look at the ground when greeting her and her members.
She patted his thigh a few times. ''You know, honey, you've never been a very subtle man,'' she started off, seeing him get shy again when the term of endearment left her lips, ''I wouldn't say that I knew you had a crush on me, I just thought you got easily flustered around women and that you just didn't really knew how to talk to us.''
''But I should've known when Jin kept talking about how talented and great you were, when he and I hosted that year-end show together.'' Jieun finished off, suddenly remembering how the oldest BTS member would butter the youngest one up to her.
Jeongguk covered his face with both of his hands, completely embarrassed. ''Oh, no.'' He dramatically exclaimed, making Jieun burst out laughing in return.
''I swear I didn't ask him to do that!'' He defended himself, putting his hands up.
''Yeah, sure, I believe you.'' Jieun did not believe him.
A comfortable silence fell upon them. Jeongguk stared at Jieun's hand that rested on his thigh, while her eyes were focused on him.
''Do you remember the first time we met?'' She hadn't fully heard the question, Jeongguk's face being quite the distraction.
Jieun snapped out of her trance. ''Sorry, what did you say?''
He smiled at her daydreaming. ''The first time we met- do you remember it?''
''I do remember it,'' she nodded, ''how can I forget the blushing guy who could barely get a word out?'' Jieun replied, an amused grin making its way on her face.
He pushed his shoulder against hers, hoping that distracted her from his red face. ''Come on, now.''
''I was- I was just very struck by you, and I didn't want to embarrass myself, but I guess I did that anyway,'' Jeongguk chuckled, ''and you were very sweet to us, and treated us with respect which not a lot of people did at the time, and I just wanted to thank you.''
Jieun was speechless by his words, not expecting him to say something like that. ''I mean, it's the bare minimum really, treating people with respect.''
''Yet, I haven't forgotten it after 5 years.''
She must have been staring at him for not even 10 seconds, but it felt like an eternity had passed before Jieun broke the silence.
''Can I kiss you?''
It was Jeongguk's turn to be speechless, his mouth slightly agape. ''You, uh, what? What?'' He blurted out, not believing his ears.
Her hand that was laid on his thigh moved to his chin, bringing his face closer to hers while she moved forward. ''I asked if I could kiss you.'' Jieun repeated herself, taking notice of him shivering as her breath fanned his face.
Jeongguk timidly nodded his head, not trusting his mouth to convey the right words. With his consent, she closed the distance between them and softly pressed her lips against his.
As he slowly started kissing her back, something clicked inside of him. It was as if he was an unfinished puzzle and she was the last piece that he had been looking for all this time. Kissing her felt like something that he was meant to be doing, it felt self-evident and he didn't want it to stop.
Meanwhile, Jieun wanted to hit herself in the head for not noticing his crush on her way sooner. She could have been enjoying this for years, but no she just thought that he reacted to everyone like that.
Jeongguk didn't know where it came from, but a sudden wave of confidence flew over him. He took a grip of her waist and sat her down on his thighs, so she was straddling him. Despite the desperation he put into the kiss, his hold on her waist was caring and tender.
They both pulled away, coming up for air. Jieun opened her eyes and was met with Jeongguk's eyes that were filled with adoration, she could almost feel it.
''Jieun…'' He choked out, completely out of breath. ''Do you, uh, do you want to stay over? It's quite late and it can be dangerous, you know.''
She cupped his cheeks with both her hands, a soft smile gracing her face. ''Well, if it's too dangerous outside, I'll better stay here then.''
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Taglist: @stopeatread @sakuurra @seongwhaffels @cosmicwintr @smh-anon @cixrosie @allthings-fandoms
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cornertheculprit · 2 years
Godot: It was two years ago... Mia Fey was pursuing someone. A man. But she bit off more than she could chew. She made a very dangerous enemy.
Phoenix: (Yeah, that's one case I'll never forget.) But... I got that guy! Personally!
Godot: Sure. Ms. Fey's murderer was caught. But that won't bring her back!
Phoenix: W-Well, no... but...
Godot: You were with her at the time. You and no one else. It was your responsibility! You should have protected her!
Phoenix: I...!
Godot: You say Mia Fey was your teacher! Well then, I'd say you've learned nothing, Trite! You robbed her of her life. And now... ...you've let her sister suffer the same fate!
Phoenix: (I... I haven't sentenced Maya to death...! No...!)
Godot: You were the only one who was there to protect her! But you let her die. It was all your fault.
Phoenix: I... It wasn't like that...
trials and tribulations was actually so fucked for introducing godot as phoenix's narrative foil and then having godot tell him over and over that mia's death was his fault and THEN having phoenix barely even put up a fight against the accusations. how many times by 3-5 have we seen phoenix put up the fight of his life for things he truly believes in. this? is not that. it's half-hearted. it's denial for the sake of denial. godot is taking his grief out on phoenix and in doing so he's reflecting phoenix's own thoughts right back at him. and when looking at it logically it's clear that there was nothing phoenix could have done about it at the time because mia never even told him about redd white. she didn't even suspect that she was being watched. that her phone had been tapped. but then you remember that mia died only a handful of minutes before maya and phoenix arrived on the scene and it becomes soooooo easy to see how that could lead to thoughts like "if only i'd been a little earlier. if only i hadn't been late. it's all my fault." because grief!!! is not logical!!! it is not rational!!! mia's death has haunted the whole trilogy and godot comes along and starts ripping open old wounds (because for him, they're not old. they're fresh) and it turns out they never healed quite right because godot isn't telling phoenix anything he hasn't already told himself.
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pclyglct · 5 months
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(  MAYA HAWKE  |  CIS WOMAN  |  SHE/HER  |  24 )  — — —  it's  just  been  another  long  week  in  boring  -  ass  hawkins.  isn't  that  right,  ROBIN BUCKLEY  ?  shit,  i  guess  they  can't  hear  me  over  PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER  by  PATTI SMITH  playing  through  the  headphones  of  their  walkman.  it  looks  like  they're  gonna  be  late  for  WORK  as  a/at  LIBRARY ASSISTANT AT THE PUBLIC LIBRARY.  did  you  know  ROBIN  has  been  in  hawkins  for  THEIR WHOLE LIFE  ?  yeah,  their  family  and  friends  describe  them  as  INQUISITIVE,  but  i've  seen  them  be  HYPER  too  !  i  would  also  say  they  remind  me  of  disorganized bookshelf cluttered with knick knacks, chipped black nail polish, daydreaming about faraway places while language tapes blast through headphones around her neck, the unsettling feeling of sticking out despite every effort to blend in, beaten up red converse covered in doodles, but  is  that  weird  ?  i  guess  nothing's  too  weird  for  this  little  town,  huh  ? 
happy to be here! I'll be sticking to canon, but also using the rebel robin podcast to form the bulk of robin's backstory, drive, and character prior to show antics. tl;dr: closeted disaster lesbian who only recently started feeling comfortable in her own skin. loves her friends but desperately wants out of hawkins. just returned from a 3-month trip backpacking across Europe & has started a new job as a library assistant. 
name: robin buckley
age: 24
gender: cis woman (she/her)
hometown: hawkins, indiana
current residence: hawkins, indiana
education level: high school graduate
sexuality: lesbian (has only come out to a handful of people)
positives: inquisitive, authentic, intelligent, kind, easygoing, open-minded
negatives: skeptical, hyper, anxious, sarcastic, avoidant, aimless
house: ravenclaw
alignment: chaotic neutral
pre-canon (rebel robin)
robin's wiki!
born to domesticated hippies Richard and Melissa Buckley. their former lifestyle and permissive parenting meant robin had experimental, open-minded parents who often didn't give her the attention they should have. the disappearance of will byers changed things for a bit, but they struggled to maintain anything that resembled a firm grip or a nuclear household for long, and that was perfectly fine for robin.
domesticated hippies also = poor af. savings were nonexistent when they spent their youth backpacking and staying in hostels or couch surfing. melissa's pregnancy forced the couple to settle, and they used the scraps of money they had to buy a tiny, shitty house not all that unlike or far away from the byers residence.
growing up, robin has always recognized that there was something... different about her. something off. but she was never certain on what exactly it was. when the quirks of her personality brought on some early childhood bullying, she quickly learned that whatever it was, she had to do everything she could to keep it hidden and to stay out of sight.
as she went through school, she mastered the art of social camouflage, fitting herself easily into certain social categories and being just social enough and just distinct enough to be utterly uninteresting to the regular hawkinite. the movie ticket girl. the band geek. during that time, she saw the loss of multiple different friendships for a variety of reason: her childhood friend barbra holland "dropping" her for nancy in middle school, her fellow odd squad members kate and milton dropping her because of shitty boyfriends or new girlfriends. while she later reconciled the latter relationships, the sting of rejection did nothing to help robin's growing sense of unease and the belief that something was wrong with her, that she was the broken one causing everyone to leave her.
she found solace in the adventures her parents talked about experiencing in their youth: the different people they met, the risks they took, the communities they were apart of, the annual christmas party with old hippie friends from all walks of life, impossibly pouring into hawkins and their tiny house, a colorful oasis in the middle of monstrous town. it all sparked an interest in knowing more about the world around her.
her need for camouflage kept her from exploring her curiosity in school and excelling (less she lose her average B student status by being an overachieving teacher's pet), so she instead funneled that need into exploring literature and learning languages. the books exposed her to interesting philosophical and moral dilemmas, points of views, and (later much-needed) representations of life not found in hawkins. the languages made the possibility of exploring those parts of life feel more like a possibility.
operation croissant bloomed from there: a dream to spend a summer backpacking across europe, venturing on a life like her parents did when they were younger, meeting people who are maybe like her. at her core, robin longs for acceptance and community. she wants to exist as herself, fully as herself, with people who know every aspect of her and love her for it. more than that, she wants to be around people like her, to not be the odd one out. she wants to be surrounded by a community who sees people who are different and their first reaction isn't to judge. as her feelings for tammy were realized for the crush that it was (in large part due to the insights gained from her friendship with mr. hauser) and she began to recognize why she was different, her dreams adapted to include wanting to be a pillar for change, to fight back against the Hawkins monster and to somehow make things a little bit better for the people like her who come after her.
her teenage years never saw operation croissant come to fruition, but she somehow stumbled upon a tiny community with reformed douchebags and prisses and a gaggle of children and she's never been happier (or more traumatized, but alas, a worthy trade off to her).
following the defeat of vecna, robin continued to work at family video.
she came out to her parents not long after - their reaction was probably the best she could have hoped for from them: they accepted it in their eccentric way of theirs, regaling her with stories of other lgbtqia+ friends they've met in passing (along with uncomfortable tmi stories of their own sexual explorations from their youth). the whole thing has brought the buckley family a bit closer together, as her parents have made more of an effort to be present and invested in her life in a long-term way.
she's chosen to stay at home partially for this reason, but also because she's too broke to get her own place, and partially still resistant to the idea of investing money in roots in hawkins.
with the money she saved, advice from her parents, and a full year of planning, she finally made operation croissant a reality. she spent the first three months of this year in europe, and it was a lot. amazing and overstimulating and eye-opening and terrifying and beautiful and ugly and bustling and lonely and affirming and a lot. she was relieved to return to the warmth of her loved ones when her trip concluded, but also both comforted and left-wanting in a way she'd never experienced before.
and thus, her dilemma.
she loves her community, can't even imagine a life without her friends, or picture how she can find anyone who'd understand her the way her people do in hawkins. but the idea of being stuck in hawkins and becoming a Hawkinslifer itches at her skin in a way she can't help, can't soothe, can't stop.
she doesn't actually know what to do to solve this problem, so she doesn't really voice it (a rarity), especially now that weird shit is maybe staring up again so leaving is not even an option to consider. but in the back of her mind, operation new york has started sprouting just the tiniest of bit.
anyways, she's always been kind of aimless, unsure of what she wants to do with life since she can't picture an actual future in hawkins. but, after returning from europe at the start of april, she decided a good first step would be to do something that actually interested her for work, so she left family video to take on a job as a library assistant at the public library.
prior to working at scoops ahoy, robin worked at the hawkins theater (season 1 timeline). she was fired when she accidently melted a movie.
has maintained a good relationship with her former english teacher mr. hauser since graduation. he was the first person she came out to, and she has always valued his caring presence in her life as an older gay. his gift of a russian-version of anna karenina is the most worn book on her bookshelf (frankenstein remains her favorite though).
she's picked up a few more languages since her high school years. she's fluent in French, Italian, Spanish, Pig Latin, Russian, Portuguese, and Dutch. She's currently trying to learn ASL, but her hand coordination is fucked so it's a slow go.
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hinatastinygiant · 1 year
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3 | Tracing the Author's Path
Pairing: Sanzu x Fem!Reader
The Book of Salvation
Later that night, after a few too many drinks, you stumble back to Amaya's house, which happens to be the closest one. Drunk and elated, you collapse onto one side of her bed and fall fast asleep.
It's not until the next morning, as you groggily reach for your phone, that you realize you had given your number to Sanzu. Panic surges through you as both your friends frantically try to steal your phone and text him. Thankfully, you manage to evade them and respond to his message before they can get in the way.
After a few texts, he offers a casual invitation for coffee at a small spot he knows, a place far from the eyes of the paparazzi. You agree, and to your surprise, you have a genuinely good time.
Now, about a week has passed since that coffee date, and you find yourself irresistibly drawn to him. His passion for his music and genuine kindness are so attractive. You've hung out a couple more times, purely as friends, but the connection between you seems to deepen with every meeting.
The third time you hang out, Sanzu offers you tickets to his upcoming concert the following weekend. Of course, you say yes, and when you share the news with your friends, your ears nearly fall off.
Now you're at Amaya's house, getting ready for the upcoming night with your friends. The three of you gather in her bedroom, surrounded by clothes and makeup.
As you pick out your outfit and apply your makeup, Nairobi shoots you a mischievous look. "So, is anything finally gonna happen with Sanzu tonight?"
Amaya then chimes in, "Yeah, there's no way you haven't fallen in love with him yet."
You can't help but smile at their antics. "Well, we're just friends for now."
"Hm," Amaya hums as she tries on the next dress in a long line of options. "That didn't really answer my question."
Nairobi grins and then jokes, "Hey, you know, we have backstage passes. Anything goes backstage, right?"
Amaya agrees as she zips up her dress, "What happens backstage, stays backstage."
"Exactly," Nairobi nods as she reaches for her phone. "Now hurry up, Maya, you're taking so long and I want to call the Uber soon."
Amaya rolls her eyes playfully. "Okay, fine, I'm done, and I'll go with this one."
Nairobi heaves a dramatic sigh of relief. "Thank you." She then orders the Uber and confirms the ride.
As you wait for the car, you all head downstairs to Amaya's well-stocked bar. You grab a bottle of rum, and with shot glasses in hand, you clink them together. "Cheers!"
After a few rounds, Nairobi checks her phone. "Hey, the Uber's here," she announces. And then, you all pile into the car.
You arrive at the concert venue right on time at 9 PM, just when the opening act is supposed to start. To your surprise, as soon as you step inside, a person approaches you, ready to escort you backstage. So, you follow their lead, a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling within you.
The escort knocks on a door that reads Haruchiyo Sanzu. Your heart races, and your face burns when he opens the door. Without hesitation when he notices you, he wraps his arms around your waist, his warm breath brushing against your ear as he whispers, "I'm glad you came. You look so beautiful."
You can practically feel the smirks on your friends' faces, and a shiver runs down your spine. After releasing you from his embrace, he greets and hugs your friends, who look like they're about to faint from sheer excitement.
Sanzu then extends yet another offer to you and your friends. "We've got an hour before I go on. The opener never ends on time, it's annoying, but hey, they're happy, so whatever. Do you want to come in?"
After accepting gratefully, the three of you follow him inside where he introduces you to the rest of Earthpig's members. He then takes you gently by the hand and leads you to one of the beautiful couches in the room. 
You watch as he plucks a joining from one of the other bandmates and takes a hit. He then offers it to you and you follow his lead.
As the room fills with the familiar haze, Sanzu asks what the three of you think of the night's venue. Amaya quickly replies with a not-so-astute answer. "It's huge!"
Sanzu smiles, a hint of pride in his voice. "It's one of my favorite places to play."
You pass the joint to Nairobi, who's sitting nearby. Meanwhile, Sanzu's hand rests comfortably on your thigh, and your heart flutters at the gesture. You hate to admit it but Amaya might be right. It would be very hard not to find yourself falling for this guy. He's always been so honest with you. And now, sitting beside him once more, you're beginning to realize the depth of your own feelings. Besides, you typically don't want to make out with someone you consider to be just your friend.
Sometime later, one of Sanzu's bandmates announces that it's time to prepare for the stage and they all begin to stand. Your group then makes their way to the door and into the hallway. 
But before you part ways, Sanzu takes you gently by the wrist and pulls you closer to him. He leans in, his voice low, and asks, "Can I kiss you, Y/N? Just for good luck?"
A moment of hesitation hangs in the air, but then you nod, unable to resist the magnetic pull between you two. 
"Use your words, pretty girl. I know you're good with them," he then adds softly.
In a soft, barely audible voice, you whisper, "Yes."
With that, he leans in and kisses you, and the world seems to blur into a swirl of intoxicating sensations. When he pulls away, you're so lost in the moment that you instinctively try to kiss him again. But he pulls back, a playful smirk dancing on his lips. "I'll see you later," he says.
You nod slowly, your thoughts still spinning. "Yeah, later," you respond, watching as he walks away.
Amaya breaks the silence, saying, "Woah."
Nairobi adds with a chuckle, "Shit, Y/N, that might be the worst form of teasing ever."
All you can manage is a nod, still captivated by the lingering taste of his kiss. Amaya takes you by the hand, even though your gaze remains fixed on where Sanzu disappeared. She says, "Come on, let's go find our spots. The show's going to start soon."
The Book of Salvation
Taglist: @bontensbabygirl
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harrystylesfan2686 · 10 months
Pairing: BestFriend!Harry × Bisexual!Reader.
Summary: Reader likes someone else and Harry comforts her.
I'm sitting on a bench in a garden looking over to all my friends playing and laughing.
We are on a trip together. All five of us, Me, Harry, Sia, Maya and Theo. They were all having fun while I am sitting alone thinking about how unfair my life is or in my case how unfair my heart is, because I have a crush on my straight best friend. I have been crushing on Sia since 2 months but can't say anything because I'm a girl and she like boys.
She is beautiful. With shoulder length hair, brownish black eyes covered by cute glasses and lips like heaven. She is smaller then me with a boss bitch attitude that just makes her more bewitching.
I thought I was over my crush on her but on this trip being with her 24 hours a day and doing almost everything together made me realize how much I actually liked her. This was the 3rd day on our four days vacation. Harry saw the way I look at her and knows how much I feel for her but doesn't say anything letting me have my space.
"You okay?" I saw Harry sit beside me on my peripheral vision.
Am I ok? I don't know. Are you OK when you realize that the person you really like will never like you back?
"No'' I say looking at Sia.
''You're gonna have to tell her sometime. You can't always sulk like this in the background silently.''
''I can''
''No you can't. Look what's the worst that could happen? She doesn't like you back. That's it!''
''No that's not it'' I look at him. ''The worst that could happen is that she'll leave me, distance herself from me. I don't want that but honestly I couldn't blame her. She'll feel uncomfortable. Plus who wants a bisexual beat friend-" 'that's in love with them' is what I wanted to say but Harry cut me off before I could.
''I do. I'll always be by your side, love. You know that. Whether she'll accept you or not, I'll always be with you.'' He said with honestly coating his words.''Besides you'll never know how she'll react if you don't tell her. Just think about it, please.'' He added.
''Hey guys!'' I heard Sia behind me. ''We are going back to the hotel to order some snacks. Wanna join?'' She asked.
''Um'' Harry looked at me with uncertainty.
''Yeah. We'll join.'' I stood up looking over to her.
''Of course'' Harry smiled at us coming over to the group. ''Will you at least try to tell her?'' He asked me quietly so that no one else could hear. I understood exactly what he meant.
''No'' I saw disappointment flash in Harry's eyes but thankfully he didn't say anything about it after.
I don't care if not telling Sia about me is wrong cause I just can't lose her no matter what. I'll do anything to stay friends with her even if that means sulking in the background silently.
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starkslove101 · 1 year
CHAPTER 8: "This Is everything I never wanted"
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"Are you okay?" Tony asked. "Pretty comfortable" I laughed. In 6 hours, they build a room that is supposed to keep me safe. Not to mention the outside world. Tony called Maya. Luckily she got here within the hour. "We need some blood samples from you" I just nodded. Tony typed in the code and walked in.
I rolled up my sleeve as he sat down in front of me. He disinfected my arm and put in the needle. "So tell me are you and Steve dating?" he asked. I smiled sheepishly. "We're not exactly dating, I don't know what we are," I said. "But you slept with him?" he whispered. I swear for a second I could hear the room go silent when he asked that.
I knew he'd ask that question. I sighed. "I don't see why I have to talk to you about my sex life" I laughed, shifting uncomfortably. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to intrude or anything I'm just looking out for you" I broke eye contact with him when he pulled out the needle. "Thanks" I placed my hand covering my arm with a cotton ball to stop the blood. "I'm just seeing where this leads me" Tony gave me a soft smile. "I hope it works out for you, you deserve to be happy" he squeezed my hands. "I'll be happy when I figure out what this all is," I said.
I laid down on the bed. "If you need anything tell JARVIS, and we'll make sure you'll get it" I smiled and nodded. Tony left to do whatever he had to do. "Wow, living like a queen" Maya chimed. "Must be a big change from the 40's" Maya stood there looking down at me. The feeling of impending doom took over me. Make it a trauma response. This sounded all too familiar.
I decided to push it down. I couldn't let this get to me. "I have always lived comfortably ma'am," I said. "It's easy when you go from one Stark to another" she spits. Damn what's her problem, I thought. I raised my eyebrows. "Jealous much?" I started to feel amused. As she heard the doors open, she ran to her desk.
Steve walked in, multiple bags in his hands. "Hey, I went to your apartment and bought back some of your stuff like books and clothes and blankets" My heart was beating so fast when I saw him. His eyes softened and he smiled so brightly. He set down the stuff in front of me. Carrying All of this stuff would've made me wheeze. "I'll ask Stark to open the door" he was soo giddy, almost, jumping up and down.
"I hope they find something soon" Steve stood so close to the glass it fogged. "I want you here with me we have a lot to catch up on" Tears sprung from my eyes. "Yeah, we do" laying my hand on the glass. We just kept looking into each other eyes like a couple of teenagers who were head over heels for each other.
"Oh, God please don't kiss the glass it's a hassle to clean," Tony remarked. We both blushed. "Sorry," I stepped back. I could see Tony grin. Steve turned around. "I brought some stuff for Ransom," he said. "Oh, how romantic" Tony laughed. I just sat down "Maya, how's the search going?" Steve asked. I looked up scared to say anything. Maya looked up with a smile. "You might just be the key to solving the common cold" she sounded like a kid in a candy store.
The one sentence sounded so familiar. "You know decades ago Howard said something like that too '' Steve noted. He turned to me trying to bring back the memory. "Yeah, I know I was there. '' I laughed.
"I can't believe it worked" Howard walked towards me and hugged me. His words sounded sad. "I'm sorry about Erskine" I caressed his arm. Howard looked away. I was looking to change the conversation. "Did they find Rogers yet?" I just asked. Steve ran off after the person who shot Erskine.
"It's no use to have a super soldier if he doesn't return" Peggy's voice was filled with worry. "He's going to be okay. '' I tried to reassure her. By this point, I was running out of empathy. This whole day was chaotic.
Right then, the door flew open as Steve walked in. A flood of relief went over the entire room. Steve was completely drenched. "Damn, you look like hell," I said. Peggy ran up to him with a blanket. Steve laughed at my remark. "I feel rather relaxed" he sat down with a grunt. I laughed silently. "I like this guy" I whispered to Howard. In turn, he grinned. "Shoot your shot" I shook my head. "I think Peggy will kill me" he laughed. "Oh she's nice" I turned my attention to Steve and Peggy.
He was now sitting on a tank top. A nurse was taking his blood. Someone grabbed Howard and Peggy's attention, so they had to walk out. Howard looked at me so I would distract Steve. I took a high chair and sat next to him. "Hi, I'm Ransom" I stuck out my hand and he shook it. "Steve Rogers" he smiled as he glanced up at me.
"How does it feel?" I asked. The nurse gave him something to clean his blood. She walked off with about 12 vials of blood. "Weird" he shifted uncomfortably. "I'm sorry I don't mean to make you uncomfortable" I apologized. He shook his head as he answered my question. "I just ran through New York barefoot in a shirt without an asthma attack" He chuckled. I gave him an understanding look. "Yeah, I don't run so I can't relate" he laughed.
God, he's gorgeous, I thought to myself. I tried to shake it off by telling myself I had a boyfriend. But it wasn't working. Damn, you're superficial, Ransom. My thoughts were interrupted as Peggy and Howard walked in again. I stood up from my chair quickly. I made my way back next to Howard. The Sargeant walked in.
Steve stood up, his shirt was still soaking wet. The blanket fell off his shoulders. "I'm reporting for duty sir" he straightened his shoulders and saluted. "We can't let you go now that the scientists are dead you're the last chance we got," he said. "Not to mention you cost us a bunch of money" Steve tightened his jaw. "But-" he was interrupted. "That's an order Rogers" With that he left the room.
"I can't just sit here and do nothing," Steve said as he plopped down again. We locked eyes. I could do nothing but just nod understandingly. "I'm sorry pal but he's right", Howard said, adding salt to the wound. "You are the key, your blood might be the cure to the common cold" I looked away.
Tony was standing behind Maya also looking at the screen. Tony looked amazed. "This is amazing" I looked at Steve but he seemed as clueless as I was. "It's like you have two bodies I can't explain it" She leaned her head on her hand and looked at the screen trying to figure it out.
"Your abilities are similar to those of the Extremis serum Created by AIM, but we've found that they result from a unique genetic mutation."I raised an eyebrow. "A mutation? What kind of mutation?"
Maya pulled up a holographic display of my DNA sequence. "We've identified a specific set of genes in your DNA that are responsible for your enhanced abilities. These genes are unique to you, and we believe they were activated by a rare combination of environmental factors, such as exposure to certain chemicals and radiation." I leaned forward to get a better look at the display. "So, what do these genes do, exactly?"
Maya tapped a few buttons, and the display zoomed in on a specific section of my DNA. "These genes are responsible for producing a nanobot-like structure that we call the 'enhancement matrix.' This matrix is made up of tiny machines that can repair your cells at a rapid rate, enhance your physical abilities, and even connect you to technology." My eyes widened. "That's incredible. So, I'm like a walking machine?" I felt amazed and confused at the same time. How could they have had access to nanotech in the 20th century?
Maya nodded. "In a way, yes. But don't forget that you're still human. Your body can only handle so much before it reaches its limits. You must learn how to control your powers and use them responsibly." She sounded so sweet as opposed to a few hours ago when she sounded so spiteful and jealous. I nodded. "I understand. So, what's next? What do we do with this information?"
Maya smiled. "Well, now that we understand how your genetic code works, we can start developing new treatments and technologies that could help enhance your abilities even further. The possibilities are endless." After that revelation, Maya left. She made sure she left her phone number and told Tony to contact her if they had questions or need needing help.
Tony still kept looking at the screen, still flabbergasted. Steve waved his hand in front of his face. "Earth to Tony" He looked away from the screen to me. "So I can't get rid of it?" I asked disappointed. "I fear not," Tony said with an apologetic look. I fell on the bed again.
Steve was gonna step forward to comfort me. I stopped him. "Can you all just get out" I requested. A bit harshly. Both of them were a bit taken aback. Tony was the first one to recover and lead Steve to the door. "Of course take your time," Tony said. Steve protested at first but Tony wasn't having it. "C'mon Rogers" Hesitantly he followed.
Once they left, I felt tired. It was like I had been away for days at a time. All of this only happened this morning. I had no idea how late it was. How long had I been here? "JARVIS?" It came out as a whisper. "Yes?" he whispered back. "What time is it?" "8:30 PM Ma'am" I laid down. Hours passed when I finally fell asleep. Dreaming.
My heart was beating fast. "Wow, looking good" a voice beamed out of nowhere. I opened my eyes, I immediately closed them with the bright light shining around me. As my eyes finally adjusted I sat up. I could finally place a face to the voice.
"Killian?" I said surprised. "What are you doing here?" I stood up and walked up to the glass. He stood there in his grey suit his hair combed back into a ponytail. It was greasy from all the gell that was in it. "I don't know, it's your conscious" he mocked. I looked away. "It's a shame though" I tilted my head. "What is?" he raised an eyebrow. "So much power locked into a glass box" he hit the glass making me jump back.
"Everyone is telling me how extraordinary these powers are but I don't know what they are" Killian laughed, sending shivers down my spine. "Oh, yes you do" His eyes started glowing. He touched the command panel, frying it. The door opened. "C'mon out" I was hesitant at first but after much insisting I joined him. "What are we doing?" My voice echoed. I know this was a dream but I couldn't wake up. I was stuck. "What do you want from me?" Killian smiled, more like smirked.
This is dangerous, I thought to myself. "Stop panicking" he sighed. I tilted my head to the side as he answered my question I never said out loud. "Again, your subconscious" I rolled my eyes. "I'm not sure you can help me," I said. He laughed again. "Silly you, I'm not here to help you" he placed his hands on my shoulders. "Trust yourself" I took a deep breath.
The room around me changed. As I opened my eyes I was standing in my childhood bedroom. "Oh, how retro" I looked to the side. "Well, it is the 1920's" I walked through the living room. I stopped when I heard crying from my old bedroom.
As I looked to my left and a woman was holding a baby appeared. I recognized her but I couldn't tell her name. "Oh, hush baby mommy's here" a thick Arabic accent came through. She looked so soft and delicate. It finally clicked. "Mama" tears sprung from my eyes. I reached out my hand to touch her but Killian stopped me.
"Don't bother" I let down my arm. "You have to explain to me though, I thought your mother died during childbirth" I wish I could answer that. Killian looked at me and shrugged. The room changed again. This time I was at a cemetery. "Oh there she is" My father and I were standing in front of my mom's grave.
I watched with tears streaming down my face. "I'm sorry" Killian chimed rather amused. "Let me wake up" he shook his head. "No, we're not done yet" he grabbed my shoulder and we arrived in the '30s.
Now I was looking at my younger self. It was the evening I met Howard for the first time. I was trying to find the right dress to wear so I could cover all of my bruises and scars. "Your mother is dead and your father abuses you, what a sad life" Killian was still mocking me. "Mock all you want but it wasn't all that bad" he raised his eyebrows, clearly surprised. "Really?" He chuckled. "It's the great depression and war is on the brink of breaking out you're telling me you're happy?" I looked down with a smile. Happy was a loaded word.
"I wasn't alone" I simply said. The day I met Howard all my problems disappeared. The abuse stopped. I found some stability in my life. And I know Howard Stark and stability weren't necessary words I'd put together but it just happened.
This time it was my turn to move places. We found ourselves in the 1940s. 1947 to be specific. There I was in my wedding dress. In front of the altar with Jack. "Do you take Jack Thompson to be your husband 'till death do you part?" The reverend asked. I smiled a bright smile. "I do" my voice was soft and innocent. "Do you take Ransom Amina Evans to be your wife 'till death do you part" Jack smiled. "I do" his eyes were shining. "You may now kiss the bride" Jack had the most blinding smile. I fell into his grip as he kissed me. People around me stood up clapping and shouting.
As we walked out of the church all of my dearest friends and family were behind me. I walked out with my chest filled with joy. For a moment I forgot all of my pain, but Killian pulled me back. "oh, I thought we were going through your trauma" he quips. I rolled my eyes. "The good usually comes with the bad" Finally we flashed to the day I miscarried.
I was sitting on the hospital bed, crying. "How far along were you?" I locked eyes with Killian. "8 months" My voice was shaking. This time he didn't give me a sly remark. He seemed sad. "Well, I'm sorry" I looked down. "What's her name?" a smile appeared on my face. I pained one. "Alia" her name came with a sigh. 
I think I was finally getting to understand why I was making this field trip down memory lane. I was looking for the day my powers woke up. I didn't have to look back very far to remember. I was teleported to that day in Tony's office where I confronted Obediah Stane.
He was beating the hell out of me. I had no strength to defend myself anymore. All I could remember was the stinging pain but at the same time, my face and body were going numb. It turned into a burning sensation. "Alright now we're going somewhere" Killian smiled brightly clapping his hands.
My cheeks and eyes changed color. Panic spread across Obediah's face. I was about to explode and probably hurt a lot of people. I was reaching my limit and as I was about to let go. Lucky for me Tony stepped in and blasted him through the room.
Killian turned to me—a proud look on his face. "Good girl" I looked away. "They're on the surface and it's proof you can control it" he took me by the shoulders again and pushed me. "It's time to wake up"
I opened my eyes and sat up in one smooth movement. "Ransom?" Steve's voice sounded worried. "Open the door," I said sternly. Steve and Tony were frozen in their place. As I started bouncing on the glass, Tony finally moved. He typed in the code and the door opened.
Steve stepped in front of Tony trying to protect him with his shield. I stood in front of them. "Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you" I moved my neck and my powers disappeared again. They both looked at me hesitantly. "It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you" I stuck out my hand. Tears were streaming down my face.
This was a moment where I was supposed to feel powerful and happy. But I wasn't. The only thing I could think of was the number of people I could hurt with this much power. Steve's stern gaze softened as he lowered his shield. But Tony was the first one to step from behind him. "We're here to help" Tony reassured me. Steve agreed. He dropped his shield and took a few steps forward, pulling me into his arms.
Tony joined and we stood there in a group hug. "This is everything I never wanted" I cried. "We know, but we care about you, we're here to help," Steve said. "You're gonna be okay." Tony tried reassuring me.
I was hoping that they were telling the truth. 
Next Part
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joe-moi · 10 months
all nepos have to do is just sit there and eat their food, but instead they come out with interviews about how “they still worked hard for what they got” and “it’s not fair to say they got to where they are because their parents are A-listers!” wahh wahh wahh. maya is not a great actress. sorry but she’s just not and she can only play one character which is just her real personality. I was willing to give her some grace but she doesn’t know how the real world works because she’s never had to live in it.
same thing with jack quaid. I was fine with him until meg ryan did an interview a little bit ago talking about how the nepotism label is offensive and how he’s worked so hard! … lol
none of them even have to say anything about it. if they just be quiet and do their work they’d be fine, but they can’t resist coming out to cry about how it’s not fair to say they are where they are because of their extremely famous parents, but we all know that’s not true
yeah im sure maya and jack have worked real hard working 2 jobs to pay for housing, acting courses, flights, hotels, etc etc etc. and that's not even mentioning all the networking they don't have to do to get agents/jobs lmaooo
sometimes i think about all my money worries and im like wow what would my life be without them and it's literally heaven. like i can't even think about it too long or i'll cry and then i think that people like maya and jack DONT EVEN HAVE THAT ISSUE AND HAVE NEVER HAD THAT ISSUE.
like honestly you're so right... it's not that hard to just NOT say anything about it but instead they have to open their mouths and try and defend the fact that their life is 10000% easier than the average person.
0 notes
(As some of y'all know, I've been dealing with some old near death trauma lately and so I wanted to channel that into a fic. Thanks to the anon who let me kinda talk my way to this point and got me thinking about parallels between myself and Godot.
Trigger warnings are in the tags.)
“What am I doing?”
I look over. “Not a lot, it looks like.”
“No. I mean, what am I doing here? Why am I here? What's the point of this?”
I put down what I'm doing.
“Armando. If you don't want to be here, you can go. I won't force you to do anything.”
“It's not that, Wright, it's…” He sighs. “You wouldn't get it.”
“Try me.”
“Mia was such a perfect person. Like, a truly kind and beautiful soul. And she didn't even make it to 30. She left me behind.”
“It wasn't-”
“I KNOW! I know it wasn't her fault. Or yours or mine or anyone's except the guy who decided his own wants were enough for him to go out and just take people's lives away at will.” He rests his head in his hands. “I've done enough blaming the wrong person.”
“Then…what are you trying to say?”
“I've tasted death. I know what she feels like. But I crawled out alive and now I'm here. And that wasn't because anyone saved me, it was just life's random decision that I should keep going and Mia shouldn't. But I don't know why. There is no why. I just have to keep living. But what am I even doing? Life gave me another chance and for what? What have I even done to justify being alive again?”
“You saved Maya.”
He gives a small scoff.
“Yeah. My one act of heroism. That landed me six months in prison.”
“Armando. You might not think of yourself as a hero for that, but Maya does. And so do I.”
He won't look at me.
“You said you don't know why you did it, right? To avenge Mia, save Maya or get back at Dahlia. But either way, you saw a way to right things. And you did it.”
He picks up his mug, running the tip of his finger around the rim.
“I still remember her. Dahlia. Every time I take a sip, she's there in my mind. And that taste. That feeling overcoming me. Dread. I had just enough strength to look up at her and from her little smirk I knew.” He rubs his forehead. “It's so clear in my mind, I can't get rid of it.”
I hesitate. Then decide I should.
“I get it.”
“No, you don't.”
“No, you're right. I don't know what it's like to be in a coma. The…the pain you have to go through. But I do understand…”
He glances up at me.
“You must know. About me and Dahlia.”
“How you'd do anything for your angel?”
“I believed in her. But she was using me. She tried to kill me too.”
I expect him to say something, but he just stares.
“You want to know what happened? She poisoned my medicine, but before I could take any, some distraction happened and I was framed for murder. That's how the whole truth came out. I lived through pure luck, that's all I've ever done. I know you think I'm just stupid and don't know anything-”
“I don't think that anymore. I know you've suffered.”
“I just kind of get on with my life because if I think too hard about what happened or what could've happened…it really scares me.”
That's what I had Mia for. When I first met her, I was a mess, but she knew how to whip me into shape and make me realise that there are better things to do with your life than lie around moping.
Armando never had that. He was abandoned at the moment he needed Mia the most.
“You've done so much good, Wright, you've saved so many people. And I don't know if that's cos of your brush with death, or cos that's just the person you are.”
“Maybe both? But it's not too late for you. That's the best part about being alive, you can still, uh…make the most of what's left in your coffee cup. Right?”
He chuckles. “Sure. I'll drink to that.”
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nobodycallsmerae · 3 years
Stuck on You...
All the former Titans and their kids laughed at Cyborg's reaction to the story they were currently narrating.
Dick, Kory, Mar'i, Vic, Karen, formerly known as Bumble Bee, and TJ and Beast Boy's family were currently all sprawled around the Logan household's living room, as all the friends told the kids the much-anticipated story.
'And kids,' Dick started, looking at his daughter, Mark and Maya, and TJ, Vic's son. 'That is how the "cutest" couple in the Titans universe came to be!' He chuckled.
Raven and Gar looked at each other as they leaned in for a kiss.
'Eww... PDA!' Maya and Mark whined as Mar'i smiled. 'I love, love.' She muttered under her breath.
Breaking away from the kiss, Gar asked, 'PDA? But I'm behind the closed doors of my house... with my family.'
'It means "Parental Display of Affection".' TJ chirped in.
'And it's much worse than "Public Display of Affection", believe me." Maya said.
All of them burst out laughing.
'But I have to say, I loved your story!' Mar'i said in a sing-song way. 'You really are the "cutest" and most romantic couple!'
'Hey!' Dick pretended to look offended, 'You do know that your parents are Dick and Kory Grayson, right?' He joked as the room was once again filled up with laughs.
'Well, I've gotta say, Logan.' Came a voice from above Garfield's head which made him release a girly "eep!" as Damian Wayne hanged upside down from the ceiling. 'You very much knew what you were doing.'
'WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?' Gar exclaimed, surprised from his visit.
'He came in with the Graysons', Dad,' Mark spoke up. 'Didn't you notice?'
'No!' Gar exclaimed, clutching his chest. He looked at Damian. 'I'm getting old dude, don't scare me like that!'
'I'll keep that in mind.' He replied, still hanging upside down, a smirk playing on his lips.
Though the present leader of the Titans would never admit it, he liked the former hero.
Yes, it was true that he was too immature of an adult, but he was also an amazing person and Damian always regarded him with respect, though small moments like these were common between them.
'So, Little D, word has it that you went on a date with Maya Logan here?' Dick smirked.
At this, Damian's eyes wide opened as he lost his balance and fell down from the ceiling, falling to the ground with a light "thud".
'Huh, who knew Damian Wayne could fall off like that?' Dick joked at his beloved, flustered brother
Maya, on instinct, rushed towards him and helped him stand up. After smoothening his red hoodie, and nodding a quick thanks at Maya, he finally regained his composure.
'It wasn't a date.' He glared with red cheeks at his step-brother, who was grinning. 'We just went to a library after school and as it was getting late, we just go-'
'Yeah, yeah, we know.' Gar cut him off, waving his hands in front of him. He slowly walked towards Damian and took a big breath. 'And, unless and until I get no complaints... I allow you to date my daughter.'
Maya blushed at her father's announcement, and a tinge of red was also visible on the Robin's cheeks.
'Re-really?' He asked, a bit surprised.
'Yeah.' Garfield put a hand on the boy's shoulder. 'I know you, Damian. You're an amazing kid, and I believe Maya will be safe with you... Just don't harm her.' He said the last line with gritted teeth as he squeezed Damian's shoulder with so much pressure, that the Boy Wonder's arm began to visibly shake.
'Ye- Yes Sir!' Damian gave an uncharacteristic squeak as Gar released his grip.
'Your daughter is safe with me.' He insisted, and then gave a small smile as he lifted his hand for a handshake, 'Thank you, Gar.'
Gar shook his head with a smile as he pulled the unsuspecting boy into a bear hug, as all the people around the room "aww-ed".
After all the entertaining events of the night, everyone was occupied with something or the other after a rather delicious feast prepared by Raven, with the help of her generous husband, of course.
As Raven was busy putting away some leftover food in the refrigerator, she took a moment to look around her.
She saw Kory and Karen, who were helping her do the dished earlier, were still preoccupied with gossips.
Dick was telling something to Damian and Maya, but she could see that they were paying less to no attention at the rambling adult, as they looked busy staring into each other's eyes. She let herself smile at that.
On the couch, she saw Vic playing video games with Gar. She smirked, Vic was still good at beating Garfield's butt at video games.
In the distance, she saw TJ talking to Mar'i, who looked a bit confused, while Mark was standing near them with a magazine, glancing at his friends with tinted cheeks. TJ is probably being the wingman for Mark. She smiled.
Raven remembered when they were younger, probably 18, or 19, Cyborg, and on some good days, even Nightwing would act as wingmen for Beast Boy, but she always dismissed them, thinking of it as some kind of prank. She laughed, thinking of the memories.
Suddenly, she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist as she was lost in her thoughts.
'Hey, beautiful.' Gar whispered from her back. 'Something on your mind?'
'Nothing particularly..' She turned around to face him. 'Look at everyone...' She breathed.
Gar smiled and looked around the room.
'Look at them,' He looked at Damian and Maya, both in their own little bubble. 'Our little girl's all grown up...' He wiped a fake tear from his eyes.
Raven smiled, 'And what about Mark?'
'Ehh, he was ought to leave the house someday...' Gar jokingly waved her off as they both ended up laughing.
'But, seriously,' He said, looking at TJ taking to Mar'i while Mark was trying to be "cool". 'I have to teach my son some skills. He's not getting any girl like that.'
Raven chuckled.
'It's so amazing...' She breathed after a pause, 'All of us are still together... the Titans I mean. And, it's not like it's forced or anything... All of us are really... truly happy to be in each other's lives.'
'Yeah, well,' Gar smiled. 'We are a family, Rae. Vic, Kory, Dick, Karen... we're all part of such an amazing.. dysfunctional family.' He chuckled.
'I never thought I would have a family of mine, Gar...' Raven said, clutching his chest.
'But here you are, Rae!' He smiled, tightening his grip around her small frame. 'You're blessed with two amazing children... and a dashing and handsome husband if I do say so myself.' He wriggled his eyebrows which made her chuckle. 'And, you're an awesome wife and a loving mother... and the fact that you are also a selfless hero.. it all just adds up!'
Raven smiled.
Their relationship wasn't always the best one... It was mostly on-and-off.
But, in the end, both of them knew if they were to end up with someone, it would always be each other.
No matter how heated their arguments got... at the end of the day, all that mattered was they loved each other, and no one and nothing could ever change that.
She looked at him, his face glowing in front of her. He was always an open book, and though he did try to bury some emotions, Raven always knew better.
But now, in front of her, in his bright green eyes, there were no regrets, no sadness, no doubts or "what if" thoughts.
All that was there was happiness, adoration, passion, love, and hope for an even brighter future together.
Unable to control herself from all the wonderful emotions flowing off of him, she leaned forward and crashed her lips with his. Gar was taken a bit off guard but kissed her back just as passionately.
'What was that for?' He asked, panting a bit from the hot kiss.
'Nothing... just.' Raven held him close, burying her face into his arms. 'I love you, Gar.'
He smiled and kissed her head, holding her close.
'I love you too, Rae...'
Reviews and critisim are fully welcomed!
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purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Seabound!!! 🌊🌊🌊 (3/4)
Yep yep yep, I'm liking this season a lot! 😍 Although I hope we'll get into a more frantic situation now, like with more battles and more bonding moments (Nya and Maya hopefully, but with Bentho too 🦈🦈🦈)! We got half a season to go, I'M READY!! 😎😎
Alright, here we go!
I do like the season a lot, maybe MoM was a little more cohesive? Idk but it's not a big complain, I still love it so far 😍
Also maybe I would've liked more interactions between Nya and Maya about how they've been apart for so long, they had a chit chat but I would've loved even more. Maybe with Nya saying that it was fine and she grew up only to realize she is still hurt by that, even though it wasn't Maya's fault. I still like how they did it, I wished there was more that's it 🤷‍♀️
While I do make sense to Maya's behavior, that while it seems a little different from Hands of Time it had its logic in my opinion, maybe Ray feels a little weird? He seems less courageous than before, and it was established that he is a hothead like his son so that came off as unusual 🤔🤔
But I do love the fact that he's here and he's bonding with his son, for real, I've been waiting for this for so long so I'm happy nonetheless 🤩
Maybe I'm just easy to please and I take all I can get idk 😅
Oh, are we gonna address the wind element? It feels like we haven't really seen a Morro reference since Hands of Time, that would be cool! 😍 I mean, why even mentioning the wind then 😅😅
Well what do you know, they tracked them, who saw that coming?... me, I saw that coming... we all did probably 🤷‍♀️
Jay took upon himself making a quick recap on how Ninjago will be destroyed this time, thanks Bluebell 👌
Yep nyeheh electricity makes Nya go crazy for sure ❤💙 ... wait it wasn't a Jaya pun?
Jay wear your seatbelt please, you risk you life enough 😅😅 Pff lol "are we there yet" and they are actually there, biggest plot twist I've ever heard of 😂
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And with someone who might as well join the League of Jay apparently 💙
I liked The Island yet it was not as exciting as I hoped for, but now understand the meaning of it. The ninja helped the keepers and they are all allies. Without The Island the moment where Mammatus gives Nya the amulet wouldn't be as meaningful
Is it just me or Nya looked even more gorgeous during that moment?... just me huh? Okay then 😂💕
Here I thought he was just messing around, he always makes things harder 😅 Or maybe better? I mean, they kinda missed a bullet on this one...
Jay somehow had his own TV show in the past and yet he's got that horrible acting skills wth 😂😂😂
Kalmaar is a very cool villain, like, deeply evil. Not only he's calculated and merciless, he stops at nothing to get what he wants. And the people that get in the way? He wants them to suffer because they had dared to confront him 😳
And yes the voice does help a lot, I'm sorry I'll keep saying it until the season is over 😂 (or even beyond? Please cast Giles again LEGO 🥺🥺🥺)
Awww Nya no my poor girl 😢 Jay wanted to hug her to comfort her he is so sweet my SHIP ❤💙❤💙
MOM PEP TALK MOM PEP TALK!!! 🤩🤩🤩 How cool was it?
Like, this isn't even Maya asking Nya to believe in herself, this is her saying that she KNOWS her daughter can do anything when she puts her mind into it. FINALLY SHE SEES HOW AMAZING WATER GODDESS IS 💜💜💜
MORE LEGO TEARS OMG THIS SEASON IS FILLED WITH TEARS 😱 Which... kinda makes sense considering it's a water based season 😂
Nice one, and now? NOW WE GO BACK TO KAI COLE AND RAY YAS!!! ❤🖤❤🖤
That is... surprisingly Egypt theme like? It feels like a title coming from the Fire Chapter of season 11... well we got two fire elementals so 😍😍
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I REPEAT SPARRING KAI AND RAY!!! SPARRING KAI AND RAY!!! ❤❤❤ Lol Ray got old, but how can someone blame him? He did touch death while aging in Hands of Time, I'm just happy he is alive 😂
Yep, master prankster Wu, that's what I love 👌👌 I always thought Wu had become a father figure for Kai at the beginning, so seeing Ray and Wu in the same picture feels very wholesome to me 😚
Ah, uncle Powers, I both love you and hate you so freaking much 😌😌 But you make cool slides nonetheless 😂
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Oh no you guys are stranded on an island whatever are you going to do?? It's not like you had already before and managed to survive (Skybound) or you got stranded on a rock in a sea of sand filled with giant monsters (Fire Chapter) or you were on a freaking COMET in SPACE (Rebooted). Yeee, this is the worst yet 🙂
I'm starting to think these ninja are just a bunch of drama queens so no matter what happens, it's always hopeless 😂😂 I feel like I'm kinda right on this one honestly 😛
Aww I like that, while Ray told his kids stories about dragons and how they traveled through the Underworld, Maya told them about Nya the first water master that could summon whales 💙❤💙❤
Pff imagine if it turned out Nya was the master of fire, carrying a very water based name? Lol
Maya: I would know if it was possible!
Nya: Yeah, like she knows that I can control a bit of ice because it's frozen water
I find both interesting and very annoying that this explorers club thinks so highly of themselves, to the point the deny to aid even the FREAKING SAVIORS OF THEIR FREAKING LAND 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Misako got good reflexes after all, Kai was probably ready to melt this guy's face 😅
Oh, so a trial by Sphinx is a challenge? A mental one? A cultural one? A physical one? Idk but Misako is actually taking charge and that is cool I guess 🤷‍♀️
Okay this is kind of weird, how is Ray so afraid? Is it because there's fire?... did he... did he grow afraid of fire for some reason? Because it feels a bit off for now, but if there is a deeper meaning that could be interesting 🤔
Wait is that the riddle from Decoded? That's fire right?
Lol at least in this one Kai wasn't completely ignored 😂 I know my flame babe isn't the most rational person, but I do like that it was an answer connected to his element where he used his head!
Ah Clutch, you really got no backbone 😅 And apparently you're the only explorer who doesn't, dang look at the others go! I'm having a bit more respect for them now 😚
Kalmaar: I'm your conquerer
Wu: so after skeletons, the serpentine, nindroids, the Stone Army, Chen's army, ghosts, oni, more snakes but on fire and people from a game, that makes you the tenth. Have a free cookie
Wu: you're not special
Is this a little throwback to Possession too? Nya seems to always control better water when she doesn't actually think about it. When her feelings are free, so are her powers 🌊🌊🌊
Also this opens up more possibilities! Creatures connected with other elements might get summoned too! I would love something like that 😍😍
This was NEAT, or maybe I just missed Kai that much ❤ What's next??
ANTONIAAAAAAAA!!!! MY GIRL IS BACK!!! All my girls are back in this season, I'm so happy 😍😍😍 And if she is here, sweet little Nelson has to be around and I cannot wait! Bring in the purple ninja! 💜
Owww Antonia's last day as a papergirl? Nooo why??
She's got a job at the... DAIRY DRAGON??? OMG OMG OMG IT'S THE ICE CREAM PLACE BRAGI TOLD US ABOUT ON TWITTER!!! 🤩🤩🤩 I remember the post, he was asking about names for the place and ice cream flavors. Now I can't wait to see what did he choose 🍦🍦🍦
UNAGAMI BABY HI HONEY!!! 🙋‍♀️ I hope he's doing great 😘😘
This is so cool honestly, Antonia got her own character arc going on! Living in a chaotic city like Ninjago City must be pretty dang exhausting 😅
Was... was that Dareth in the garbage can? Am I wrong? Poor brown ninja 😅🤎😅
Their friendship is so wholesome, I'm so happy they are still together no matter what happens 💕
I thought Kalmaar wasn't much of a fighter but DANG he's got skills! Also the fact that he uses tentacles makes the fight very cool to watch! 😚😚
Well at least you tried Ray 😅
Ah, little cameo of the original Weekend Whip, always nice to hear it again... AND DO THE WEEKEND WHIP!!! 🌪🌪🌪
I don't even know what is cooler, the kids being mad lads on their bikes, Kalmaar driving a TRUCK or Kai going full parkour on the buildings to follow them 🤯
I'm sorry... am I the only one that during the Kai and Kalmaar talk kinda thought of Jestro and Clay? I miss my boys from NK, they're even more at odds now 😭😭
Kalmaar just loves to make everyone feel inferior, gotta be his hobby 😶
Oh good Kai is back
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Antonia, Nelson, you guys are now my heroes. You saved my fave, I'll be forever in dept with you ❤❤❤ Am I being overdramatic? Most likely, but Kai is one of the few that didn't almost die or did die in a dramatic situation and he is also my absolute favorite character so that... kinda keeps my sanity in check in this show 🥴
I wonder... does he still not know how to swim? He saved Lloyd in Possession but I wonder if he was only trying to float on the surface... THAT'S TERRIFYING
This episode was so adorable, I love Antonia and Nelson so much 💜💕💜💕 It's nice to see what the other people of Ninjago do while everything goes mad 🤣
Wait hang on my Ninjajan is a little rusty
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"Ninjago City. City that never sleeps" well if that ain't the truth 😂
Like Master of the Mountain? Wait are we going back to Shintaro?? VANYA?? ANOTHER BEST GIRL RETURNS??? 💛
Hey hey hey, we got a full Nyad backstory! I really like when they do these little drawn shots, they feel more like legends! And... the ending sounds terrifying? Like, they wouldn't let Nya sacrifice herself and die... again... right? 😱
Bentho: and the world was in balance, until now because of my brother
Lloyd: and the Overlord before of course
Bentho: the what now?
Lloyd: the evil one my grandpa the first Spinjitzu Master fought?
Why do I like this offscreen "hiiiyaaa" that sensei Wu does before actually going into the scene? 😂😂
No matter if they come from the underground or the sea, these are all snake-like creature with the same intellect 😅 Kalmaar and Garmadon would have a lot to talk about, sea king dealing with his minions does remind me of Lord Garmadon in season 2 a lot 😂😂
OMG Kalmaar is such a brat and petty villain I love him so much 😂😂😂 Yes I didn't even mention his amazing voice!... AH DANG IT 😳😳
*Misako kicks Kalmaar and is actually useful* 🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️
*Misako gets taken as hostage immediately after* 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
KAI LITERALLY JUST GOT SAVED FROM DROWNING WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO HIM!!!... and Ray and Cole and Wu of course, I care okay 😅
OMG that face 🤣🤣🤣
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That some meme material right there
Whoa Vincent that voice just got super up when the Unsinkable showed up, it kinda sounded like Jay's lol
Kai: Nya talks to whales now? (I snorted so hard at this 😂😂)
HECK YES NYA GOT THE AMULET!! 😍😍😍 ... we got, like, four more episodes to go so something needs to happen in between... do I need to be scared? I feel like I need to be scared 😅
Jay starting a fire then blaming Kai?... this is so in character I got chills 😂😂
SHARK BOY IS STAYING TO THE MONASTERY THIS IS SO PRECIOUS!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 I want all the shenanigans and we need to write fanfictions about more shenanigans and AAAAHHHHH 🦈🦈🦈
Bless these two fire idiots
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They own my heart ❤🔥❤🔥 Also Vincent, this is supposed to be a fun little gag moment, your amazing voice acting is kinda distracting me 😭😭😭
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Maya learned that her daughter is capable of everything, I love that. Nya simply understood that she doesn't have to give up when something gets difficult. She is AMAZING and can do anything she puts her mind into. She simply has to hold on until the end 💪💪💪
Omg Benthomaar playing billiard with the guys I already love this 😍😍
I love how Vanya doesn't even question it. It comes from Cole and he said it needs to be protected? Done and done 👌
Wait what, did something fall?
Well dang, I didn't see that coming, now what Seabound? What do you have for me?
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abluescarfonwaston · 4 years
   Fair warning, this is a lot lol
Miles finished putting on mascara and walked over to his closet.
   The only person that ever stayed over was Franzy, and he wasn't too worried about her looking through his wardrobe. The silver-haired man moved to the back of his closet and found a skirt. The light red was the same shade as the suit he wore in court. Miles zipped up the back of the skirt and adjusted it at the waist. He moved over and put on a white blouse and threw his jacket over it. Next came the hair extensions, which were, of course, the same as his hair so that it seemed more natural.
   Surprisingly, the prosecutor was almost an expert at walking in heels, but he dressed up a lot, so it became easier after a while. The media was on his back all the time; Newspapers, journalists, even Ms. Hart. "Am I that much of an anomaly?" He thought when she had approached him.
   Miles didn't like all the attention of being "The Demon Prosecutor." He cringed at the thought of it and swore he'd find a way to have it revoked.
  The man walked out of his room, down the hall. He walked into the foyer and rubbed Pess behind the ears. The dog wagged her tail and barked. Edgeworth walked out the door, locking it behind him.
   "The car might attract too much attention." He said to himself. Miles walked. He walked for a while, turning down roads and sidewalks. Finally he made it to the park.
   Maya was on the prowl. She was scouting some very pretty ladies to go out for a burger with.
   "That Franziska lady didn't respond!" She wailed when Nick asked what she was doing.
   "Welcome to my world, Maya." He sighed.
   Maya laughed and said "Yeah, but at least Edgeworth makes up excuses." The young spirit medium grabbed Phoenix by the wrist and pulled him over to a food truck. "Nick I'm hungry. Can you get me a burger and I pay you back later?" She said, smiling coyly.
   "I'm 90% sure that you don't even make money." Phoenix grumbled.
   "Rude." Maya said, sticking out her tongue.
   Maya turned around, fully prepared to chain herself to the food truck to get the lawyer's attention. It wasn't her fault that she was hungry. She sat down on a bench, pouting.
   The spiked lawyer rolled his eyes and turned to order a two burgers. As Phoenix had his back to the park, Maya was still a woman on a mission. She scanned the park, up and down, when a familiar almost pink caught her eye. Maya stood up, squinting at the figure a couple yards away.
  "Nick! Nick I'm going. I saw someone pretty, don't wait for me!" She called over her shoulder before breaking into a sprint to the lady. "Hi! I'm Maya, I- hold on let me catch my breath." The figure in front of her stopped abruptly. The woman turned, her bangs falling into her eyes. The lady, despite wearing heels made chasing her quite difficult.
   "Almost lost her!" Miles thought as he ran. He stopped for a moment, hobbling out of the shoes and ran even faster. People were staring. The mascera was starting to run and his lipstick got smudged when Miles wiped his face. He rounded a corner and hid behind a wall. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the bricks.
   "You know, that's not a very good hiding place. Are we playing tag? Don't worry, I won't tell Nick." The girl said, suddenly appearing in front of him. "Oh boy. I have some wipes if you need them."
   "That won't be necessary, thank you though. I- um, I don't know who this Nick person is, or why you approached me, what's happening?"
   "How do you change your voice like that, Mr. Edgewo-" Maya was cut off by Miles, putting his hand over her mouth.
   He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Come with me, I'll buy you lunch and we can discuss this." Edgeworth's voice had returned to it's normal rich baritone.
   "Well, I can't turn down a free meal." Maya said, after removing the hand from her face.
   Miles walked off down the road, only stopping to put the heels back on and make sure Maya was following.  She was. Miles walked into a small diner. The waiter showed them to a booth in the back. "If you would wait right here, Ms. Fey, I'll be right back." Miles walked to the restroom. "Dear God, how did this happen?" He grumbled. After having fixed his makeup, The prosecutor came back out and sat down.
   "Order anything you'd like, Ms. Fey." Edgeworth said. "Now, I know you'd probably like an explanation."
   The waiter interrupted, setting two menus on the table. "Ah thank you." He walked off, smiling.
   "Now, back to the matter at hand." Miles said, turning to the girl across the table. "I want to say immediately that this," he looked down at the skirt "isn't a hobby or something of the likes."
   "Well, I'll say this, your makeup is wonderful and the skirt fits you very well. I won't judge. But why did you dress up?" She said, tilting her head.
   "The- I'll be straightforward with you, everyone is constantly chasing after me. Everyone wants to know if I forged evidence, if rumors about me are true, it's tiring. So, I dress like a woman to throw them off my trail. Only you and Ms. Von Karma know about this. Skirts are quite comfortable though."
   "Oh my god, I know right? I've been trying get Nick to wear one for forever. You know how he is, though. He's so bullheaded."
   Miles opened his mouth to speak, but was once again interrupted by the waiter. "Are you ready to order?"
   "I'll have the burger, extra ketchup, with a side of wings and some tea." Maya said eagerly.
   "I'll just have a water." Edgeworth said. "Ms. Fey, if you wouldn't mention this to Wright, I'd greatly appreciate it."
   "Nick? Oh I'd never. You can count on my lips being sealed." Maya laughed.
   The prosecutor in disguise sighed in relief. "So, what were you and Wright doing in the park?"
   "Well, Ms. Von Karma turned me down to go eat, so I was looking for another girl to ask out. Nick was just along for the ride." Maya giggled before adding "I was going to see if you were free, you look very pretty, but it was mostly the color that caught my eye. It looked familiar, so I went to catch up with you and.... Well here we are!"
   "Well that's certainly and interesting tale. I'll have to scold Franziska for not spending the day with you." He chuckled.
   Once Maya had finished eating, she stood up. "Thank you for the food, I should probably get back. Nick must be worried sick, I left in such a hurry. I guess I'll see you in court some time."
   "At least let me accompany you back to the park." He insisted.
   "Alright, come on!" Maya said, already walking out the door.
   Edgeworth caught up with the spirit medium and walked with her until they were almost a block away from the park.
   "MAYA! MAYA WHERE ARE YOU?" Phoenix's voice rang out.  Miles flinched at the voice, but Maya's head whipped around.
   "I'm over here, Nick. I'm fine." Maya called back. Phoenix ran over and hugged the girl tightly. He was almost sobbing into her shoulder.
   "Nick, what's wrong?" She asked, concerned.
   "I thought I'd lost you again. Don't run off like that, you had me scared. It- It reminded me of that case. I don't like thinking about that." He said, his voice barely a whisper. Maya rubbed his back in smal circles, attempting to calm Nick down.
   "I'm fine Phoenix, I'm okay." She said. Phoenix straightened up at the use of his name. He was so used to her nicknames, it caught him off guard.
   The lawyer wiped his eyes and pinched his nose. "Where did you even go?" He asked, bewildered.
   "I told you, I saw a lady that I thought was pretty and went to catch up with her." Maya said, pointing at Miles, who'd been silent the whole time.
   "Ah, I'm sorry you had to put up with her, she's a-" His voice trailed off as he looked at Edgeworth. "You... Hmm. You look familiar, but I can't-"
   "What's the matter, Nick?" Maya asked.
   "Where have I seen... No. I know who you look like now, gah I'm sorry, you looked like an old friend." Phoenix chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "It's almost scary how much she looks like him. That's, wow, that's like the exact same color, and your bangs-"
   Phoenix froze when he made eye contact with the steel gaze. "Miles?"
   "Surprising, isn't it?" Edgeworth said, gripping the crook of his elbow. He averted his gaze, looking over at a woman walking her dog.
   "Maya, can you pinch me?" Phoenix asked, his eyes glazing over.
   "Okay, it didn't have to be that hard. Can- Can you explain what's happening?" Nick asked, very obviously still confused.
   "Calm down, Nick. Don't be so narrow-minded. It's to throw off reporters." Maya said, exasperated.
   Phoenix's face was beggining to turn red. "Mi- Miles I'm sorry, I didn't mean to- I'm going to stop talking."
   "It's fine, Wright." Edgeworth finally released the grip on his arm and looked at the blushing attorney. "I can imagine this is quite shocking. Anyways, I'll be off." He turned to go, but Phoenix grabbed his hand.
   "Wait! Um, well, I- You look nice, Miles. You can pull it off." Phoenix let go of the other man's hand and turned, grabbed Maya and left. He hadn't moved that quickly away from anyone in a while, and he was a mess.
Miles: Everyone is constantly chasing after me. Reporters. Franziska. Wright. You literally ten minutes ago.
Maya: *Chewing her burger* Huh wonder what that’s like.
Love it Aramanna!!!!!!!!
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thefivecalls · 4 years
Things I associate with each of the sides for no reason
I understand he's supposed to be dark blue or indigo. Regardless, he will always be teal. This teal:
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For some reason when I got detention that one time I got a Logan vibe so yeah theres that
"Space... The final frontier..." But uhhh just the opening has his vibes
Why is he always whereing a neck tie and not a bow tie? If anyone has necktie vibes its Janus not Logan
Logan also has chaos incarnate vibes that are only in check because of his last shreds of humanity one of these days he'll break and when he does thomas can and will set something on fire using bill nye the science guy tactics
He is waking up early and going to bed late
He is framing posters
He is dancing in your bedroom to awesome music that has never been such a vibe before that moment and will never be again.
Broken clocks
Beaker from the muppets? I don't quite get it but yeah
Rock of ages
Getting a pitcher of soda or tea or whatever and setting it on his desk, then getting 23 straws and taping them together so he can lay in bed on his phone and safely drink it without spilling
Grilled cheese
Kahoot music
Death waltz. Not the synthesia no the one that takes 14 people to play.
Obviously he has close combat weapons but have you thought about giving him a bow and arrow? I have and yes thats a vibe because he is one of three people I've ever met with those vibes ok
Portable speakers
He is bonfires and fireworks.
He is hyperfixating on something and writing a story until 4 in the morning.
The fact that witches ingredients are actually just named strange things but are edible somethings? Like mustard seeds being newts eyes and the like
In my human anatomy class we dissected deer hearts and when we found the blood clots we called them the Forbidden Jellies.
The county fair
The circus that comes around at fall festival time
Homecoming game in football/rugby
I feel like if he played an instrument he'd be a baritone
The lime green smoke Disney villians have
Zootopia the movie
Hopping. Or bouncing in place.
My family's crest?? I think its because of his crest but he had those vibes before the outift upgrade???? Idk
The ponytail thing that give you a unicorn horn when you've got short hair but bangs that are beginning to grow out
He is picnics at the park
He is also going shopping
He is also dancing in the rain at four in the morning with the outside lights on and the music blaring but its ok the neigbors are four acres away and they sleep like the dead.
When I went to my first metal concert and I saw the mosh pit? The exhilaration that comes with wanting to join but not wanting to get crushed is a Roman thing.
Cold pizza at midnight
Fire and cane whiskey
The warm smiles that the bearer never gets to see because they don't get the chance to see it in a reflection
Springtime showers that makes snowmelt rivers
Prom. Dont ask this is just a him vibe ok
He seems like the guy that would make a blanket cacoon/nest when his bedsheets are in the wash and can I say mood
Looking off my back porch and seeing the feilds of corn beginning to dry out in late fall every three years.
Pumpkin soup
Apple cider
Not only is he snowmelt rivers he is also the first thunderstorm of summertime
Sun tea. Not the brand the stuff that you make via harnessing the suns power
Cucumber facemasks
Wildflower honey
The person who youd never guess goes to comic con but is actually the one who wins first place in the costume contest every year
Oversized sweaters
German Sheppards and yellow labs sunbathing after playing for hours
Antique mirrors
Burlap canvas bags
Oil paint
Espressos at ten at night
Late night chinese food runs
Spice. Not the average spice either I'm talking could eat a carolina reaper and yes he'll be more red but he could still talk and thats more than I can say for myself
The red rubber balls from kick ball in elementary. By god I can smell the plastic just thinking about it
Flappy stims! Almost every time I flap he comes to mind I never really questioned it
The weighted blanket my dad got that I steal from him all the time
'He's a Mary poppins in a world of hasselhoffs" my friend once said that not even talking about Virgil but like. Come on.
Basically all of Star Lord's vibes are Virgils
Jack Skellington (kinda obvs)
Sample perfumes that are like the size of a pinky
Not writing an essay but instead learning all about world history or astronomy or psychology
Earings. Specifically hoops
Black pearls
Boardwalks that have tiny shops along them with a bunch of food.
Going to a club or a party with flashing lights and even though you're kinda nervous you have fun and live like tomorrow is still a dream away.
Ripped movie posters that the theater is selling
Tying ropes together to make nets.
Fairy lights
Taping movie theater tickets to your wall after you've gone and seen it
Scarecrows sitting on bales of hay at sunset next to my willow tree and the cicadas are on their 13th year so they're the loudest they'll ve until another 13 years have passed
The glint in someone's eye when they think of something mischievous
Bang by AJR
The corpse bride's tale/song
The lazer eye meme. This one
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Graham Crackers. Not smores, not candy crack-just the cracker ok
Pep rallies
The pet store??
Sugar sculptures
Corn pits (strictly midwestern thing)
Driving for hours upon hours and seeing the strange statues some towns have as you pass them by
Silver sparkles
Art herpes glitter
Photo booths
Riding in the back of a pickup truck on the county's main road
Wedding crystals cabinet where you put the fancy china you're going to give to your children that never gets used once but is probably worth half your house
The chubby bunny challenge
The moment when you tip your chair back too far and you know it but you can't do anything because you'll be on the floor in a second anyway
The thing maya did from Girl Meets World when she slammed lockers closed and caused the chalkboard to let its dust fly
That moment when everything is going by so quickly so you step back and watch the world go by for only a few seconds but then you're back in the present laughing with your friends
Snow cones melting and getting the syrup all over your hands
Orange Side:
All things citrus but especially lemons no not oranges lemons
Men in black 1 not the rest just the first
Pineapple too hes got a lot of pineapple vibes
Combat boots but with spikes
Also lace?
And tea. Like, all kinds of tea but especially the really expensive stuff that I've only tasted like twice thats imported from Ireland
Himalayan salt lamps.
Sensies. the wax melting things
Candles too
Once we meet him I'll have more but this is it for him for now
Thats it! If this gets notes I might do emile remy and thomas but I think I'll leave this be for the moment. Have a great day y'all!
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Tommy & Meena
Tommy: [Late enough that the clean up is done and she could've potentially heard about some of the drama but not late enough that if there's a mcwalsh party whereby Ali gets knocked up that he wouldn't already be drunk at that feels like a starting point] Tommy: Cá mbeidh tú ag fliúchadh na seamróige? 🍀🧡💚 Meena: I was about to go down to the restaurant, just hang out there Meena: Caleb and Drew were going to some party but I was not invited so 🤷 Meena: What are you all up to? Tommy: 🍻🥃 Tommy: but the vibe's more drinking ourselves to death, doubt you want an invite either, like Meena: I think that's most people's vibe but they sound happier/more in denial about it...? Tommy: Yeah, it's casually cultural Meena: Yeah? Tommy: You're not feeling patriotic today? Meena: I don't really vibe it any day Meena: but that's not important Tommy: that's a no for the Irish dancing then, alright Meena: We can try Meena: I look even taller when I'm not allowed to move my upper body though Tommy: 😂 Meena: no leprechauns here Tommy: any 🌈💰? Meena: no more than normal 💔 Tommy: I'll be right there then 🌈✨ Meena: That's your superpower Meena: I don't know how 🍀🧡💚 Gus has gone, you'll probably feel more at 🏡 where you are Tommy: It ain't feeling very 🏡 but 💌 received Tommy: I'll stay put, feet & upper body Meena: Why not? Tommy: long story Tommy: you'll hear the short one at 🏫 probably Meena: You don't feel like telling it, understood Meena: is there anything I can do? Tommy: I don't know how to, more like Tommy: you'd redraft it before you were done with the 1st for being too Tommy: unreadable Meena: Nonsense poetry is my specialty Tommy: Yeah? Tommy: maybe you should've been there to roll out the welcome wagon for my new sister Meena: New sister? Meena: Oh, do you mean your mum's baby Meena: not baby now, from before Tommy: she definitely ain't a baby now Meena: So, she came and it went bad Meena: I'm so sorry, Tommy Meena: how bad are we talking? Tommy: bad as it gets Meena: Is your mum alright, I mean Meena: stupid question, but Tommy: It's a fair question & I wish the answer was yeah Tommy: or there was fuck all I could do Meena: That's terrible Tommy: I've gotta go back to school, how can I? Meena: For them Meena: sometimes all you can do is give everyone a small sense of normality Meena: even when you don't want to, or think you can't go on yourself Tommy: Ali can't hold down the fort all on her own, alright, she probably can, but she shouldn't have to Meena: She won't be Meena: she has Carly, and me and Ro and, loads of people, really Meena: I promise we'll all do what we can Tommy: Don't start me on Ro, she wasn't even there Meena: Where was she? Tommy: Fuck knows Tommy: I thought she might be with you Tommy: or your brother Meena: She wasn't with me Meena: maybe Drew but I doubt it, he's been out and about everywhere all day, obviously Tommy: she'll be at home then Meena: Oh, that's a bit Meena: I understand under normal circumstances the pub on St Paddy's is not her ideal place to be but as it was Meena: anyway, that's all to say, you don't need to worry about Ali, she has a good support system to support your parents and take care of Rocky Meena: do you have people YOU can talk to and lean on at school? Tommy: yeah, Carly's ace with him & Ali to have lasted this long, like Tommy: I ain't telling anyone at school about this, loads of 'em already think I'm trash Tommy: or come from it Tommy: they've got a point now Meena: No, they don't Meena: your family are some of the best people I know Meena: you're not anything to be ashamed of Tommy: Everyone around here knows that Joe would be your brother's best customer except he don't carry the right stuff & now loads of 'em also know she's as bad, nah, worse Tommy: & that together they're Tommy: I can't even fucking go there Meena: People shouldn't judge him by that, never mind you as his family Tommy: They do though Tommy: keeping my mouth shut about it at school is my best option Meena: as long as you can express yourself and have an outlet through your work, I can't say I blame you Meena: you don't have to tell everyone everything Tommy: or anything Tommy: 🩰 will do Meena: I shouldn't say anything against words, given who I am and what I want to be but Meena: a comfortable silence can be preferable to words you're unsure of, words that hurt, or that you don't want to speak into existence Tommy: Yeah, I'd take an uncomfortable silence over that too Tommy: everyone's hurting & unsure enough Meena: if it's good enough for Maya Meena: 🤐 Tommy: I didn't mean with you Meena: You can always talk to me Meena: no matter the quality or quantity of your words Meena: you know that Tommy: okay Meena: but no rush on it Meena: obviously Meena: and I won't fill the silence with total nonsense, like Tommy: but those poems are your speciality Tommy: self proclaimed, like, but still Meena: Rude to doubt me Meena: 🥬🐢🐌👑 Tommy: Gimme one then Tommy: best shot Meena Though some at my aversion smile, I cannot love the crocodile. Its conduct does not seem to me Consistent with sincerity. Meena: 🐊💔 Tommy: He is basically a 🐍 with feet Tommy: You 🖋 that? Meena: Sadly not Meena: I'll try to write something as appropriate scathing for your brother Tommy: Or as 💔 for me, yeah? Meena: Of course Meena: what could be better to cheer you up? 😏 Tommy: as a feel good goes it's obviously unrivalled even by 🍻🎵💃🕺 Tommy: that's the level of your talent Meena: You're either that drunk or you wish you were...code red either way Meena: you could come to the restaurant though, if you actually wanted Tommy: Get ahead at waiting tables for when the West End fucks me off & over Tommy: good thinking Meena: Please Meena: your name is already in lights, I can see it Meena: 🤩 Tommy: as you said please, I'll come Meena: manners maketh the man do what you want? Meena: interesting Tommy: works on this one Tommy: how much of a man I am is up for debate, usually Meena: People are idiots Meena: and too invested in stuff that doesn't affect them whatsoever Tommy: like you said, practically a local celeb at this point Meena: still, what's going on in your tights is just not their business Tommy: that's such a you way to put that Meena: I'll choose to take that as a compliment on me having a consistent voice Meena: though the alternatives are 🤔 Tommy: take as I miss you Meena: Are you back for long? Tommy: Nah, they ain't that patriotic either Tommy: I shouldn't even be here, wouldn't have been if she wasn't coming Meena: That's shittier Tommy: maybe JC is trying to keep me humble before I get too 🤩 Meena: It's Patrick that needs to make a second coming to banish your brother 🐍🐍 Tommy: he's already done that himself Meena: Oh, that was the purpose of today then? Meena: I get it Tommy: if he had one Tommy: might have just been out of his 🧠 on whatever 💊💉🥄🚬 Tommy: or worse so 😍 over her that's all that he gives a shit about besides the above Meena: Wait Meena: he's what? Tommy: you'll hear about it soon as you get back to class, they were doing it for everyone to see Tommy: her purpose given what it did to my ma Meena: Jesus Meena: that's Meena: you're right, no words Tommy: at least he one upped Fraze, I guess Meena: does make that situation seem totally run of the mill in comparison Meena: I have heard it happens Meena: when people who are related but estranged meet Meena: it's like a thing™ Meena: not that that helps you personally, obviously Tommy: Really?! Meena: [sends articles like nerd] Tommy: fucking hell Meena: It's crazy Meena: like you know there should be some strong emotional response but you kinda get it fucked up or something Meena: I don't know, science isn't my forte Tommy: nor mine, but if anyone would get those kind of wires crossed, it would have to be him Tommy: Jesus Meena: at least he didn't have a wife and kids to leave or something like some of these people Meena: it's really sad Tommy: you didn't see her though, she's like Tommy: terrifying Meena: I don't think they have to be a hottie but it probably helps in some cases Tommy: 😂 Meena: how so though? like what was she like Tommy: Alright so if they were putting a modern twist on Frankenstein's monster for the stage she could play that, but she'd need serious anger management first Tommy: electroshock wouldn't be far off, funnily enough Meena: Okay, that does sound scary Meena: even if looks can be deceiving, is the moral my own life has hit home hard, sounds like the insides matched so Tommy: It was like if you took every teenage horror story my ma has told us, scraped off the sugarcoating and then mixed that with the worst shit Fraze has ever done when he's on one, you still wouldn't come close to the mark Meena: I know the sort you mean Meena: no matter how well Drew and Caleb think they do with protecting me, I've had plenty of people approach me asking for them, messing with me Tommy: this once I'm gutted you know what I mean then Tommy: 'cause fuck that Meena: mostly it's the former and it's stupid little kids who want some weed or pills, that's just annoying but yeah Tommy: you know boxing's footwork is dead easy, I could teach you what my dad taught me Tommy: any time you want Meena: thanks Meena: at least my height would finally work in my favour, right? Meena: better reach Tommy: bigger 🎯 too remember Tommy: you have to keep your guard up to protect that face Meena: sounds like you're saying I'm 🌚 Tommy: 😮 Tommy: that's awkward Meena: *frantically googles how to shrink head* Tommy: nah, it's awkward 'cause you grew into your head ages ago & I didn't throw you a 🥳 or anything Tommy: must of happened all of a sudden or without me realising Meena: grew into it?! Meena: so I was a bobblehead before, thanks so much 😂 Tommy: only slightly Meena: I'm only slightly 💔 then Tommy: don't be, it was endearing Tommy: you were a cute kid Meena: okay 👵 Meena: no need to patronize me Meena: my head is only literally big, not metaphorically Tommy: come on, a 🍭 is a great look Meena: Better than a pea-head Tommy: or a 🍐 head like I've got Meena: it's distinguished Meena: be gutted you don't want to be a character actor Tommy: nice save, you can teach me ⚽ when we're done with 🥊 Meena: Sounds good to me Tommy: 👍 Tommy: [show up boy cos the restaurant can't be that far from the pub surely] Meena: [have a nerdy but more chill time, Gus loves everyone he's a good egg, I say you should go to this party for the drama of it all sod it] Tommy: [agreed x 2 the restaurant would have such a nice vibe when Drew and Caleb aren't there which they obviously aren't rn and then yeah we can get more messy with it] Meena: [okay so the plan, we having a lovely time (given the circumstances tonight lol) then her boyf shows up] Tommy: [I just picture her bf being so underwhelming like no offense but he'd have to be someone that Tommy didn't clock on socials so when he realises he's like oh and then dials his campness up to 1000000 being that gay BFF stereotype which she would pick up on immediately cos that's not how he is with her except when he's hiding behind it cos things are uncomfortable between them. I just imagine him raiding Ali & Carly's makeup and wardrobe and making the gayest cocktails he can and getting Meena involved and stealing her attention] Meena: [he wouldn't be and he's also lowkey an arsehole as per her type so he wouldn't be all ❤ on her socials anyway, but all this can be a thing 'cos not seeing the gay boy as a threat and probably wants to get drunk so] Tommy: [don't beat him up Tommy you don't want her to think you're doing it for Drew and Caleb like reasons] Meena: [at least we know you two are distracted] Tommy: [thanks for also getting Carly and Ali involved in your gay antics because we all need whatever fun we can get] Meena: [until you gotta go pregnant Ali] Tommy: [lord, I hope Tommy has left by then] Meena: [lordt] Tommy: [casual 3way with your missus and the less attractive drug dealer in town] Meena: [thank god your genetics are solid underneath that mess boy] Tommy: [and we know Rio looks like Ali anyways] Meena: [you do alright out of it kids] Tommy: [it could be so much worse] Meena: [blame your dad for your insecurities grace] Tommy: [and your evil nan] Meena: [junie is just #unique like no one looking like you boy, the closest is fraze as your uncle] Tommy: [unless he looks like Caleb's dad because we don't know him] Meena: [who can say baby] Tommy: [anyway take a moment to appreciate all the Tommy and Meena dancing everyone, giving you that for free] Meena: [love that] Tommy: [soz shit bf he is a threat because their chemistry especially when they are dancing is ridiculous goodbye] Meena: [deffo gonna get mardy at that and go off to have an argument] Tommy: [are you happy now Thomas? Thought not] Meena: [awkwarddd] Tommy: [get drunker boy that'll totally make it better and not worse] Meena: [cry in the bathroom that's a mood] Tommy: [ruin your make up, oh babe] Meena: [everyone else is so wrecked you'll fit in] Tommy: [by not doing drugs you're one of the least messy] Meena: [exactly dr phil] Meena: [the next day] Meena: Have a safe flight back Tommy: Cheers, I'll probably just 💤 Meena: Can't blame you Tommy: did you get any? Meena: Yeah, I'm fine Meena: had to get up early to clean the restaurant though so not as much as I'd ideally want Tommy: had another 🌱🍏🍈🥬🌿🍐🥝🥒🌼 juice, yeah? Tommy: that's pretty patriotic, you know Tommy: better late than never, like Tommy: throw 🍊🍑🥕 in there too & you're sorted Meena: Yeah, I bet EVERYONE in this fair nation is starting a juice cleanse this AM, not having a fry-up, nah Tommy: 😏 Tommy: green eggs & ham would keep you in theme Meena: 🤢 Tommy: fair 🍳🥞🧇🥓🥐🥯🍞 then Tommy: take your pick Meena: are you gonna post it to me? Tommy: be messy if you're having 🍳 or 🥞 but saves me having to use any words Meena: Probably best to stick to non-perishables Meena: best option for us both, like Tommy: Yeah Meena: How was it, this morning Meena: before you left Tommy: how you'd expect Meena: Yeah Tommy: Bea has to leave too so Fraze's dramatics will take centre stage for a sec but Meena: Distraction is probably the best technique for right now Tommy: worked last night Meena: I bet the parties you have in London are even better Tommy: only 'cause we 🩰 ain't supposed to be partying Meena: and what's more fun than prohibition, sure Tommy: forbidden 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍌🍉🍇🍓🍈🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥝 juice is my fave, can't lie Meena: 🙄😏 Meena: enjoy Tommy: you're not supposed to give me your blessing, sucks the fun right out Tommy: forbidden, remember Meena: I'm not a teacher Tommy: yeah you are, whenever Anne needs you Meena: Okay, smartypants Meena: there's nothing I could teach YOU Tommy: not with THAT attitude Meena: 🤨 maybe next time Meena: bring your own 🩰 Tommy: & 🥊 Meena: a look Tommy: the 🩳 are too Meena: what do you wear on your top half though Meena: leotard? Tommy: lads don't usually wear anything to show off 💪 Meena: Who are you showing off to? Tommy: The other lad of course, name a sport that ain't homoerotic Meena: not when you come back here Tommy: when I come back here most of all Meena: no boys in my classes Tommy: Anne's been a letdown from the very beginning, what can I say? Tommy: you're on your own, Meeps Meena: I'll survive Tommy: I know
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artificialqueens · 5 years
How Far I'll Go - Part 2 (Nina West/Monet X Change) - Meggie, Mia Ugly
A/N: We have reworked Chapter One to reflect the events of the S11 reunion, so you may want to give it a reread. Can we FIX IT? Yes we can. 
Nina is in Columbus on the day he gets the call.
It’s his last show before Drag Con. He’s already going through dog-withdrawal. His boys will be fine of course but he fucking hates leaving them; as soon as he starts packing a suitcase they know something’s up and it breaks his heart.
Anyway. He’s glad to spend his last night at home in one of his favourite places in the world, surrounded by the people he loves. It’s only been a few days since the finale and reunion, and Nina’s feeling a bit raw about everything. He’d be lying if he said he hasn’t looked at Monet’s number in his phone several dozen times, contemplated what he could say to make his behaviour the morning after acceptable. The only things that come to his mind are lies (family emergency! food poisoning! traumatic brain injury after falling in the shower!) and Nina doesn’t do that. Much.
It’s either own up and confess how he was feeling, or - pretend that number in his phone doesn’t exist. Maybe stare at it from time to time, sighing (before reminding himself that it was just one night and didn’t mean anything anyway). And then sigh some more and distract himself with peanut butter straight from the jar. You know - whatever results in the least amount of dignity possible.
The reunion is going to air tomorrow night, but Nina’s going to be on a plane as it happens. That’s fine, he knows how it all went down, and he doesn’t really need to see Brooke and Vanjie’s shy little love story unfold (and ultimately self-destruct) once again. He saw it all already, and firsthand. Picked up the pieces of Brooke’s shattered heart and whip-stitched them back together as best he could while the other chain-smoked and wallowed in denial and blame.
Nina’s sitting in the dressing room, paint mostly on but not in his dress (he’s doing “Let It Go” from Frozen with a full-on ice queen reveal because it’s been that kind of a month. Maybe he’s coming for Brooke’s gig, but maybe not.), and scrolling through Instagram when an unfamiliar number flashes white on the screen.
He’s used to this. The charity work means somehow a lot of people get his number - it’s not ideal, but it makes the work he’s doing worth it so he deals.  He’ll deal.
He slides his thumb across the screen, plasters on his best smile (it’s easier to be nice to people when you’re smiling), greets them with a cheery, “Hello!”
“Nina, this is Maya with World of Wonder. How are you this evening?”
His heart leaps to his throat. What could they want with him now? There are still two episodes of the show left to air, but publicity is almost all died down. And calling him instead of his manager?
“Good. Great!” he chokes out. “I’m… How are you?”
“Fine, thank you. I’m calling because I’d like to formally invite you to participate in season five of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars.”
The world? Stops. His heart? Pounds. His brain? Freezes.
All Stars . Another chance. Redemption.
“Yes!” he says immediately, too quickly, too enthusiastically, as soon as he can make his mouth work again. “Yes! When?”
On the other end of the line, Maya laughs, high and clear.
“Yay, that was an easy sell. We’re excited to have you back! We’ll be filming in late July, and you’ll receive further instructions by email. But please do remember that the terms of your verbal contract start now, so no one other than your emergency contact will be allowed to know you are participating. Reach out if you need anything, okay?”
“Okay. Thank you!”
“Looking forward to seeing you again, Nina. Enjoy the rest of your night.”
And with a click, she’s gone. But Nina’s entire world has shifted on its axis. He just stands there in front of the mirror, unable to move, unable to think.
All Stars.
When they’d first asked him about it, way back in January when the Season 11 girls had first started doing promos, he’d given them a tentative yes.  He knew how big the platform was and wanted to make the most of it. But he’d also… not wanted to count his chickens, or something. You never know how America (or the world) will react to you (just ask Silky).  Maybe it’s vain, but Nina had wanted to see if they liked him, really liked him - like he’d hoped they would.
He couldn’t have imagined AOC going live to protest his elimination. Or Leslie Jones being so angry (he really does hope someone sent her a box of cookies) or Rihanna (Rihanna!) coming to his defense after that controversial lip-sync. Then his Miss Congeniality win. It was almost too much all at once.
He’d also figured they meant an All Stars far, far away. Like. Season eight. Or nine. Maybe even ten (if he’s still able to stomp around in heels without a walker at that point). Right after his own season? A pipe dream.
But it’s here, and it’s happening, and he’d be foolish not to take the opportunity that was presented to him. It’s the ultimate redemption story, and look at how beloved the All Stars winners are.
He ticks through them in his head: Chad, Alaska, Trixie, Trinity, Monet…
There, he falters. He usually just tries not to think about Monet, glowing golden and dripping in sequins and body silky smooth against his own. Best not to dwell when there isn’t any peanut butter in sight.
But who needs peanut butter when you’re an All Star?
He giggles, straight up lets a gleeful laugh reverberate through his chest and up through his nose and spread like honey, coating every surface in the small dressing room. Just once though, before he falls silent again. Studies his reflection in the mirror.
He might be in shock.
“Nina, you okay?” The evening’s MC (Luz, lovely person, really involved in the trans youth movement) is looking at him curiously from the doorway of the dressing room.
Nina blinks.  The phone is still in his hand. He knew this was a possibility, of course.  Just - you don’t know until you know - you know? Part of the reason he’s gotten this far (he always tells himself) is that he never assumes anything is a certainty.  He always counts on having to fight his way those last few feet to the finish line.
“I’m in All Stars,” Nina says.
“What?” Luz squeaks, and Nina stumbles forward, grabbing her arm.
“I’m in All Stars.”
The other queens in the greenroom turn their heads in unison at the statement.
“I’m in All Stars,” Nina says again.
The queens stalk over to him with their hands on their hips, heels clicking in synchronized stomps on the linoleum floor.
And then Nina can hear music. (When did he put on his gown?) A brass band, a string section.  And the queens start singing:
“Nina West you’re going places
Always knew you’d make it far
Nina West you got that phone call
You are our All Star!”
“I am!” Nina gasps as he’s lifted up by the queens and carried out into the middle of the club. The dance floor is crowded but somehow the patrons are making a circle around him, moving in perfect rhythm.
“Nina West, sent home too early
Still e-lev-en-gendary.
Time to show the world you’re more than
Miss Congeniality!”
A group of drag kings by the pool table start spinning their cues over their heads like batons (so much talent in this community!)
“Brought camp to the masses, ” they sing in baritone.
Brought pride to our town,
We can’t wait to see you
Wearing that All Stars crown!”
“Thank you!” Nina is set down on the stage. Glitter starts falling from the ceiling, catching in his wig and eyelashes.
“Love you all,” he sings alone to the enraptured crowd, “you are my family,
I’ll make you proud and do my best.
We can change the world together
Go big, be kind, go West!”
“Go West!” the crowd sings back.
“Go Wessssssst!” Nina hits a perfect falsetto high note, throwing his arms open -
Nina waves at the cheering crowd -
Glitter keeps falling like snowflakes, ice cold and shimmering -
“Nina.  You okay?” Luz, the evening’s MC, is staring at him in the doorway of the greenroom.
Nina looks at her. There is no glitter in his eyelashes. There is no music playing in the background. Over his shoulder, a couple of bored local queens are penciling on their eyebrows. He’s wearing an old t-shirt and a pair of khaki shorts and not the shimmering blue Elsa gown.
He’s still holding his cellphone in his hand.
“Um,” Nina says. “Yep.”
Nina talks to Brooke a lot.
It makes sense; they’ve been friends for a long time, they really bonded during their season, Nina helped Brooke through his breakup with Vanjie (although Brooke insisted at the time he was fine. Still does, actually. Nina has his own theories about that, but he isn’t pushing).
So yeah. They chat. A lot.
And all Nina wants to do is tell Brooke about his All Stars call, but he can’t because of the damn NDA.
It’s frustrating.
They meet for breakfast early on the first day of Drag Con, Brooke in his customary black and white, Nina in a navy blue button up spotted with pink flamingos (it felt right).
They’ve no sooner settled into the booth and given their orders than Nina’s knee starts bouncing. Nerves. Anxiety. (Yes - both.)
“What’s with you?” Brooke asks while he sips his coffee. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this worked up.”
Nina shrugs. “Nervous about the Con, I guess.”
“And?” Brooke’s eyes narrow.
“ And?”
“And what else?” He stirs another packet of sugar into the cup. “I know you. It’s not like you to be nervous about a networking opportunity.”
Nina scoffs. “Drag Con is way more than just a networking opportunity and I -”
“You’re a bad fucking liar. Takes one to know one.” Brooke leans his elbows on the table, cool as a Canadian autumn, presses his fingertips together, stares Nina down. “What’s going on?”
Nina sighs. “I wish I could tell you, trust me, it’s not that I don’t want to; it’s that I literally can’t.” He widens his eyes, hoping maybe Brooke will get the point.
Apparently it works, because after a few moments, recognition blooms across Brooke’s face and he laughs. “Really? Like. Officially really?”
Nina nods. This is okay, right? He’s not technically breaking the contract. It’s not like he told Brooke anything verbally.
“Nina! That’s - oh my god!” Then Brooke is busily tapping away at his phone and a sense of dread overcomes Nina.
“You can’t tell anybody - “
Brooke waves him off. “I’m just telling Vanjie.”
Okay, that’s - something to come back to certainly, but - more pressing matters first. “Brooke, seriously. You can’t tell anybody. I’m not supposed to tell anybody.”
“You didn’t.” Brooke shrugs. Good to know at least they share the same sentiment about verbal contracts. That might come in handy during litigation. “I figure the House of West has a lot of prove, and you’ve never backed down from a challenge. So I know you’ll bring it and… I just kind of wanted to give the competition a heads up.” He bites his lip and waits for Nina to process.
And - look, it takes him a minute. Because it’s really a lot of information at one time.
Item 1: Brooke and Vanjie are still close. He knew that. Everybody with Twitter and Instagram knew. (Hell, for a little while, even Nina wasn’t 100% sure they weren’t still together.) Close enough for Vanessa to tell Brooke about an All Stars call when legally sworn to utmost secrecy?
Yeah, actually, that tracks. Vanjie’s shit at keeping secrets, and he’s still indescribably in love with Brooke, only an idiot (like Brooke) wouldn’t see that. So. Do the math.
Item 2: Vanjie is back back back on Drag Race. For the third season in a row. And the bitch can turn it. Nina doubts very much there will be 47 swimsuits, pasties, panties, and bras this time around. He’s a little intimidated, if he’s being quite honest.
Okay, so it’s really only two points of information, but it’s two very large points that have a big, pointy impact on his life. Which leads to:
Item 1: Nina had been relieved and happy when Brooke and Vanessa were able to start talking again after the breakup. They’d been using him as a middle man - a mediator, he preferred (far less tacky) - and although he loved them both, it was exhausting. And he could only say, “I think you should just talk to him and not me,” so many times before he got frustrated. But he had persevered and eventually, Brooke had texted Vanjie and they’d started to repair their friendship.
Go figure that. Nina’s inner saboteur is back, has been back since the night of the finale taping, the night he spent with Monet. He hates it. Wishes he could cut into himself and carve it out like a cancer. Adults talking through their issues and handling shit. Who knew it was possible?
So he should have texted Monet. Fine - it’s fine. Water under the… thing.
Item 2: Who else is on All Stars? If Nina’s being really honest, he’s been on cloud nine about the whole thing, and hasn’t given much thought to who else could be competing. He has his dream cast, of course, and a long list of Ru girls he’d love to work with. But the thought of competing against the Very Best of the Very Best is… Well, he’s shook. To say the least.
His face must convey it because Brooke reaches across the table and takes his hand. “Hey. You deserve this, Nina.”
He nods, tears hot in his eyes, and wills himself not to cry. “I bet you told Vanjie the same thing,” he says, voice catching a bit in his throat.
“I did.” Brooke laughs, unashamed of his affection, even when it’s blinding. “I also told him he was crazy for doing three seasons in a row but…” He holds out his hands, shrugs, as if to say it isn’t his responsibility anymore. Nina knows he’s probably right, but deep down he suspects that Brooke and Vanjie are far more entangled than they like to think, and Brooke’s opinion means more to Vanessa than either one of them will care to admit.
Relationships are messy.
“Do you think I should have said no?” Nina asks,  afraid for the answer. “Taken a break? Focused on the charity? Ridden the first-year wave a little longer?”
“Hell no!” Brooke responds immediately. “Take the opportunity. People fucking adore you, Nina. Plus, look at Monet! She won right after her season so. It can be done.”
Nina considers, briefly, telling Brooke about the whole tangled Monet thing. Decides, instead, to deflect. “So, um. That guy you took back to your room after the finale… the beardo… character.  How is… that going?”
Brooke raises an eyebrow at him. “This is really what you want to talk about right now?”
“It’s just good to see you moving on.” (Is it though? Is it really?)
Brooke rolls his eyes and smiles into his coffee. “What about you? Any romance on the horizon for Nina West?”
“No.” Nina snorts. “It’s been…” Three days, eight hours, and - he glances at his watch - one minute. Approximately. Not that he’s counting. “A while. Let’s just say a while.”
Brooke’s mouth quirks to the side and his left eye twitches the tiniest bit. “Well.” He places his mug on the table and smiles at Nina. “I’m sure you’ll have plenty of opportunities on tour. We’ll get you on Tinder and Grindr! Trade in every city, Nina.”
Actually, Nina usually prefers to go back to his room and shower for about 45 minutes before collapsing into bed and sleeping until his alarm goes off the next morning. Finding someone to sleep with and then actually fucking them? That seems exhausting. Better to let Brooke take that one on himself (seems like that’s his preferred coping strategy).
And Nina is in no place to judge coping strategies, so despite any - concerns he might feel (the lines beneath Brooke’s eyes, the nicotine stains on his hands, that thing he does with his face that makes Nina want to hug him) he keeps his mouth shut.
He’s getting awfully good at the whole not-speaking-up thing. It’s not his best look. Not at all.
On the air-conditioned floors of Drag Con, Nina gets to shake hands and hug people from all across the country, children to teenagers to tiny old grannies with walkers. It’s a completely surreal and humbling experience; he can’t get over the way it feels to have people know his name, people thank him for doing something that he loves.
And he gets to meet up again with so many of the queens he’s crazy about, queens he never thought would give a shit about him. It’s so nice seeing Adore again, she’s exactly the kind of person he wishes he had the guts to be when he was her age. And Peppermint is everything and Miss Fame is like an actual goddess in person as well as on television and then there’s James St. James -  it’s a lot.
It almost feels like a trip to Disneyland but gayer (a bit) and with more neuroses.
There’s a weird moment with Miz Cracker, which is unexpected –Nina’s been a stan since Season 10, watches her recaps religiously.  He didn’t think they were going to be best friends or anything (all right, maybe he thought they’d get there eventually) but when he introduces himself she basically stares right through him, says nothing, and starts to walk away. Luckily Vanjie is with her, so Nina embraces him to dissipate the awkward tension. He and Vanjie have a mini-meltdown over how in love they are with each other, and after Cracker is well out of earshot, Vanjie gives Nina a look.
“She feeling some type of way about you, hey? You steal her man or something?”
“Absolutely not.” Nina’s a bit hurt – he was legitimately excited about meeting Cracker – but she’s entitled to an off day. Or to just plain not like him (though who doesn’t like him? He’s bloody endearing, like a Labrador puppy).
Anyway, not to overdo the animal comparisons, but water off a duck’s back.
He doesn’t see Monet at the Con. Which is - probably for the best. Nina doesn’t avoid him but - he doesn’t go looking for him either. And really, he barely gets a moment to sneak away from his booth, so it isn’t like he’s a total garbage person. He doesn’t throw himself to the ground or anything at the sight of Monet coming toward him, his life hasn’t yet reached the level of pure farce.
It’s barely been a week anyway; Nina’s still figuring out how to appropriately apologize (appropriately apologize without coming across like a pathetic sad-sack who has maybe thought about that night a bit more than could be considered ‘casual’).
So. Space. Time. Possibly a time machine. All or any of them will work.
The Con ends on a high note and Nina basically goes on tour immediately after, doing a lot of PR for the season and his albums. In New York he finally meets Leslie Jones and loses his mind. He kind of floats through the next two months, lets himself be buoyed up by the love and support of his community, lets it erase the insecurities that wound like thorns around his heart after Season 11.
He travels, he makes people laugh. It’s what he’s good at. It’s how he’s survived.
When he’s not working, he’s practicing his sewing and designing and bribing his witchy seamstress friends into helping him put some new looks together. Somehow the days tick by too quickly. Spring ends, and summer breaks scalding over Ohio. Nina’s packing up his bags and hugging people goodbye and crying ( not really, but just don’t look at him for a minute) over his dogs.
And getting on a plane to L.A.
Being on set is familiar but also kind of panic inducing. Nina didn’t realize how differently he carried himself when he was getting ready to be filmed until his spine straightened helplessly and he suddenly realized he had arms. His body remembers how intense this experience was (is) even if his brain doesn’t.
He’s dressed in a (non-copyright infringing) version of Woody from Toy Story, sequined and cinched and proportionized, just like Michelle would want. Maya the P.A. hugs him, introduces him to the sound guy who hooks up his microphone, taping it just under Nina’s neckline (“At least buy me dinner first!” Nina says with a shrill, nervous laugh, and the sound guy doesn’t even flinch, clearly having heard it before. Nina may actually have said the same thing last season. It - might also have been the same sound guy).
“You ready?”
Nina is ready. He adjusts her cowboy hat, shifts her fringed leather belt and the sequined holsters for her bubble guns.
Then the lights are on him, and the cameras are rolling, and Nina pulls down the shutters on his insecurity (make ‘em laugh, it’s what he does).
“Hey y’all. I’m here to show you how the West was Won.”
Nina West struts into the werkroom, bubble guns at the ready, and the rest is herstory.
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