#Maybe I should redo this someday~
loupy-mongoose · 11 months
I'm afraid I haven't found time to make a proper new artwork, but I thought I could offer something a little different.
This is a pic I drew for Huey's first birthday, two years ago. I was going to post it to DeviantArt, but chickened out back then. So maybe it could make for an interesting birthday gift now!
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Happy Birthday, @xxtc-96xx!
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ofdarklands · 1 year
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for @unionizedwizard
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"I Don't Know If I Should Stay" by Alexz Johnson
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Hey Lover- Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
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Based on a request:
Hihoooo!! Me again :3 not here for smut this time. It's my sad girl hours... Again. Soap picking up the broken pieces of Graves' ex who is completely broken from Graves cheating and dumping her cuz "The girl I'm with is better for me." I just want someone to fix me asap like seriously
F!reader, fluff, civilian!reader
Philip Graves, the man who ruined your very soul. You loved him, saw him as the most perfect man in this world. In one moment it all changed, he cheated, and told you a lie that you of course believed. In November, after you and him ended things he was on a mission. Met a man nicknamed Soap, and they talked about their lives, becoming close friends. At some point, he talks about you, and talks about you, Soap didn't know names or faces.
In March, you met him, you were at a dinner with friends when you just couldn't take the loud crowds anymore. You walk outside and bump into him. "Shit, sorry," you say, already feeling overwhelmed. "No, I should apologise, I didn't see where I was going." His Scottish accent was rough.
"I didn't either." You look at him. You both chuckle and he extends his hand, "John, friends call me Johnny" You shake his hand, "R/N," you smile a little. No man will ever love you. His words ring through.
"Nice to meet you, R/N."
"Nice to meet you too, John.."
"Johnny to you.." he winks and you nod, "Johnny." you softly say.
There was an awkward silence between the two of you. "So, are you...single? It's not like you look like the kind to be...I'm not calling you... Anything rude, you are just so..pretty and I keep on talking... Why don't I just give you my whole life story while I keep rambling." he spoke fast and you chuckled. He was so adorable this way, how nervous he was because of you. The first time he was ever this way with a woman. He took a deep breath and looked at you, "can I get a redo so you think I'm much cooler than I appear right now?" eyes pleading for just a second chance.
"um...yes...I mean I think you already did such a good job but sure"
"Hi, I'm Johnny and I'd like to take you out somewhere someday if you let me that is."
Graves was like this in the beginning, so sweet and such a gentleman and of course things changed. It was so hard to trust men like him and now here you were, thinking that maybe history repeats itself and this man in front of you would do what Graves did.
After that night, Soap started to prove he meant what he said on the first date. You opened up about an ex when noticed how hesitant you were with him. "Sounds fuckin' stupid but believe me, I will prove you wrong, I am better. Can you give me a chance?"
Since then he and you have created some rules and boundaries. (bold are rules made by him)
If he knows you are uncomfortable, he will apologise or not mention it and move on
You must accept all the flowers he gives you
You can say no to everything and he will not pry or do anything forcefully (unless you haven't eaten which will result in him trying to feed you)
If you think he is talking to some other girls (romantically), you can and will stop all communication with him
You can take all his hoodies and even shirts as long as he can get a kiss on the cheek as payment
No more talking about exes or situation-ships
If you are insecure about anything, body, actions or emotions, he wants you to be open about them, and never leave anything unsaid
Never argue and go to sleep, talk it out.
Goodbye kisses before missions are a must
For months on end, he has followed all the rules and boundaries you have set for yourself. Even if he needs a hug you aren't currently comfortable with, he will wait and never complain. One night, you saw graves with some new girl by his side. He was kissing her, and he saw you and Soap. But before you could even think clearly, Soap wrapped his arms around you. Kissing your cheek and whispering sweet nothings.
One night, your insecurities got the best of you, you had been trying to wear some dress for an event. Back then, Graves would've made some comment that would make you stay indoors for quite some time. "You look ridiculous, too much for what? take it off, you look hideous anyways."
"You look so beautiful," his voice soft, eyes glued to your dress then your face. "Seriously, the most gorgeous girl in this world and I get to be in your presence? What a lucky fucker I am." Arms wrapped around your waist, he and you looking at the mirror. "You really take my breath away, R/N." He kissed your cheek. Mesmerised is what you had this man at. He truly worships the ground you walk on. His personal goddess, if he could, he'd built you, your own Taj Mahal. You can see the love in his eyes, one look at you and you melt him away.
Two days into the relationship, he got on his knees in front of you. You sat on the sofa, looking down at him, confused. "What are you doing?"
"One, I'm taking your shoes off, two, I think you look ravishing in this light I just needed more angles to look from." You smile and look away. The first time he had complimented you this way.
Slowly, he sat patiently and watched as you healed. He saw how you found a new meaning in life. Life brought back to your beautiful eyes, a smile that was no longer hidden. Graves past comments about your body, laugh, ideas, smile, and dreams were all erased one by one, all possible because he gave you space and time to heal. The days where you cried over how easily he loved you and accepted all of you were the days he was the most proud, not because of your tears but because you were learning you are indeed loveable and worthy of much more. Nights and days where he sat on your bed as you bawled your eyes out, the many mornings he woke up to your smile, evenings where you'd get random bursts of energy, those are the times he loves you the most.
Soap has been in love the minute he saw you, and took time to realise he was not just any passing star but rather the man you are walking the aisle to. He scrubbed you clean and clothed you with silk clothes. Kiss your scars, and bad memories and create better ones. New love and old ones all came together to create the perfect time you and him would fall in love.
Tags: @anonymuslydumb
A/N: Really hope you like it :)
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sirensea14 · 8 months
Creepy sarah songbird
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It ain't creepy enough in my eyes, maybe i should tone down the lighting a bit next time? Welp, i might redo this someday, lol
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dangerously-human · 2 months
Your selections are, shall we say, unsurprising. XD Half of these I have snippets for, half are still in the conceptual/outlining stage.
First pregnancy (My Heart Walked into the World): This is from a future chapter where Lucy and Lockwood are sparring in the basement and Lockwood has an "oh this is real real, I'm actually gonna be a dad" moment.
From this angle, the swell of her belly was more apparent; in another month, if she pulled the same move, it would be prodding him in the face. Not that they’d be keeping up with sparring then — or maybe they would; the pregnancy manuals weren’t exactly written with active agents in mind. He’d have to brush up on some of the chapters toward the back of the book later. Suddenly, it was difficult to drag his gaze away from that new shape. There really was a tiny person growing in there, a person he and Lucy had made together. It was incredible and unfathomable and frankly a little bit bizarre, and it was really, actually happening. Contrary to what George might tease, Lockwood hadn’t spent much time imagining this — had assumed, maybe, that if he lived long enough, he’d eventually have children, because that was what adults did. The time before his parents died was foggy at best, so it was hard to guess at his childhood dreams; but as far back as he could remember, to little Anthony Lockwood, the options for adults were either dad or DEPRAC agent, probably, and the latter sounded terribly boring. But that was the future, and before he was ten, the future had let him down too many times to be trusted, so it didn’t bear thinking about in much detail. And then came Lucy. And somewhere along the way, even when she was still Lucy Carlyle, the vision had crystallized. Not so much the when, but the whether. And now that hazy someday was here, and Lockwood was maybe forgetting a little how to breathe.
George-centric babyfic: This one's a little tricky only because I originally started it before I had any intention of writing the first pregnancy fic, and there's a good bit of information (mainly about our faves' futures, but also about life and culture during the Problem) I was trying to convey that makes more sense there than here. In actuality I think this will be a good thing: this fic was turning into a lot of infodumping and needs to find its own identity instead. But it's going to take some rewrites, and, well. Redoing things is never my favorite. But I'm very attached to this fic; it plays a lot on George and Lucy's friendship, which is always one of my favorite things to write, and it's also sort of the foundation of the Restore the Years 'verse, in that I kept daydreaming this scene and invented seven Lockwood children to justify it and started establishing headcanons and then went, hmm, maybe I should actually flesh out how we got here. 20+ works later...
Right, so. This one does feed quite a bit off of that post that's like, we all know George lives with Lucy and Lockwood until at least their third child (this is #4), and Lockwood gets all sad puppy eyes when he says he's moving out and Flo tries to extricate him from the Lockwood commune, etc etc. My take on that:
“It’s not about that, Lockwood. You know I love Ivy, and the twins, even if I am convinced they conspired to steal all my beakers last week.” “They’re all of eight months old, George, they’re not conspiring on anything,” I said, punctuating my statement with a hefty eyeroll. “Their worst crime is mouthing salt bombs. That, or using those fancy new teeth to bite their sister.” “Nonetheless, my point stands that it’s not about the kids. As I was saying, Flo’s finally getting less antsy indoors, and I think it’s high time we started our lives together properly.” Lockwood frowned. “Now, don’t feel like you need to rush into anything—” George snorted. “Oh, yes, moving in together two years into marriage, that’s really a scandalously condensed timeline.”
Laundry and taxes: Still in the planning stage. This is the Locklyle proposal from Lockwood's POV (Lucy's POV being Where O Grave). Lockwood buys the ring (as we saw in Here's a Safe Place to Lay Your Heart Down), and then takes to carrying it with him everywhere as he tries to figure out the perfect way to propose. Everything he comes up with either doesn't suit Lucy, doesn't work out, or gets vetoed by Kipps. Eventually he's just doing laundry in the basement with Lucy and can't wait another second, and pulls out the ring from his pocket. My nickname for the story comes from that quote from Everything Everywhere All at Once (which I really need to actually watch!) about, like, "I would have liked just doing laundry and taxes with you," and my fondness for the way accepting a mundane life together is actually a really important part of the development of Lockwood's romance with Lucy, and the way the necklace of devotion symbolizes all that.
Torture but married: Basically the Winkman interrogation scene but what if they were married. I actually haven't fully decided who's in which role in this scene, although they both get beat up, so I'll be happy either way, lol. Lockwood and Lucy are doing some undercover investigation work related to their mission on the Other Side, and one of them (probably Lockwood) gets captured and mid-interrogation, the other (probably Lucy) intervenes to rescue him, also gets whammied a little in the process, there's lots of worry for each other, and the comfort and wound tending we were denied in the show episode. Also there's a line in there where he's pleading for his captors to let him go and he's like, "I have a wife and child and child at home, please," and because the entire point of this fic was for me to get to write a "that's my wife!" scene for Lockwood, eventually he gets to go, "yeah, actually that's my wife who's currently making problems for you, the baby's at home with the nanny though" and then they get to cuddle Ivy when they get home because I never got over that scene in The Peacekeeper Wars of a bloodied, nearly dead John cradling his newborn son with Aeryn looking on.
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fruityfinch · 8 months
Here is a poll that is my equivalent of ‘would you still love me if I were a worm’
Would you prefer to wait an indefinite amount of time between pages for polished comics, or should I just scribble them shits out like my elbow’s on fire and call it a day??
I’m having fatigue and I’m having ADD and, well, you all know that this world is a nightmare treadmill, etc. etc. and I just CANNOT get myself to sit and draw for any amount of time beyond 10 minute scribbles,
SO WHAT IF I just said ‘fuck it’ and scribbled comics and that was that??
I think I know the answer (and I know it shouldn’t matter what the answer is, but it does) but sometimes you need other people to help you address the brain poison. We are social animals after all. And I mean someday I could come back and redo them, if I wanted to! But maybe I won’t want to. Who knows…
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march-harrigan · 2 years
OMG you did a White Rabbit reader with Jervis? Could you do a Chesire Cat type reader with Jervis? One whos like, Just as mad but is super self aware n shit?
So, I had to redo the second half of this one, but it's done! I enjoyed getting to do another Wonderland dynamic! Although I'm not sure I managed to make the madness shine through as much as I would have liked. More carefree/risky behavior than anything.
Maybe Cheshire Cat!Reader will make another appearance someday, so I can flesh them out more.
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People would have thought you mad if they saw you in this part of town. And to be quite honest, they were probably right. It wasn't exactly the safest, and yet here you found yourself, almost daily if your schedule would allow it.
Which is where the madness came in. Even by Gotham's standards, this place was a hotspot for crime. Not just normal, every day crime either. When you came here, you were at risk of a run-in with some of Gotham's worst. But your passion for urban exploration outweighed your sense of self-preservation, and so you'd explored to your heart's content. Yes, your priorities were skewed. You'd be the first to admit that. However, you personally saw no problem with it. After all, everyone was a little off in their own way, right? Why should you be the exception?
Besides, if you hadn't taken the risk, you'd never have met Jervis Tetch. And it was Jervis who kept you coming back after that first trip into no man's land.
He called you his Cheshire Cat. Even when you'd first met, your smile had reminded him of Wonderland's perplexing, grinning feline. If that hadn't been enough for him to make the connection, your propensity for not giving straight answers did it. You'd appeared in his hideout as if from nowhere, and it took him nearly an hour to work out your reason for being there. You'd talked him in circles that whole time. "Why is anyone anywhere?" you had asked. So imagine his surprise when he realized how simple it was. All you'd wanted was to get out of the rain.
From that point on, he was intrigued by you. As intrigued as you were amused by him. The mutual interest led to further visits and before long, those feelings had developed into something else entirely. You'd never officially spoken the words, but it was a forgone conclusion that the two of you were an item now.
It was during today's visit that you nearly gave Jervis a heart attack. It was one of those rare, sunny days in Gotham and you'd planned on surprising him with a picnic. Unfortunately, when you arrived at his hideout this time, he wasn't home. This happened from time to time, but he usually wasn't gone for long unless he'd planned something big. And so you took it upon yourself to wait for him. Naturally, to you, this meant climbing up to the roof and watching for him. What else were you supposed to do?
It was a little under two hours later when he finally arrived. By this point, you were lying across the roof. Your arm with the picnic basket dangling lazily off the edge while you held your head propped up with the other. You whistled for his attention and the small man squeaked in surprise, halting in his steps. "Oh, good heavens dear, you gave me a fright! I thought you might me one of those Batspawn." His voice lowered into a growl at the mere thought of the vigilante pests.
"No need to get your cute little bowtie tangled, Hatter, sweetie," you chuckled, lazily giving him your signature grin. You swung your legs around in one swift movement and sat up. The action seemed to draw a gasp from him. Likely worried about your proximity to the edge. "It's just me."
"Y… Yes, I can see that," he replied, voice shaky. He noted the basket in your hand. "I, um… See my little Cheshire Cat was planning a… Picnic?"
"Mm, something like that~"
"Well, I… I'm afraid to say," the Hatter stuttered out, casting a brief glance up toward the sky. Sadly, the beautiful weather had come and gone before he got here, the sky now overcast with the all too familiar dark clouds. Typical Gotham. "The sky's quite gray. A picnic, yes! But… Not today. And on the roof, I dare survey, not safe, I say. Why not come down here and play?"
The rhymes came out rushed and haphazard, easily giving away his apprehension at your chosen spot. With a chuckle, you decided you wouldn't distress him any further and carefully climbed down. Once you were safely on the ground in front of him, you greeted Jervis with a small, chaste kiss. It served to calm his nerves, and as you pulled away, you held the basket up in front of him. "Who says we can't have a picnic, hm? Just because the sun declined our generous invitation?"
"I… Yes, I suppose. But it looks like it must rain."
"Well… The food might get soggy, dear."
"Hm. I suppose you're right. Well," you sighed letting your arms drop so you were holding the basket in front of your legs. "Who enforces the rules for picnics anyway? The picnic police? Batman in a gingham checked cowl? I say we take this inside."
"Yes, yes! You're quite right, pussycat!" Jervis giggled, unable to shake the humorous image of Picnic Batman. He eagerly linked an arm in yours and escorted you inside. "An indoor picnic is just what we need!"
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nocturnalghoul · 1 year
Ghoul Blood Thoughts: Dew edition?
Okay this is like a special edition ghoul blood thoughts. A hypothetical of the hypothetical.
So I have said in previous ghoul blood thoughts that I feel like Dew's elemental transition would work sort of like a bone marrow transplant (BMT) and had more thoughts last week about that. ( for reference in case anyone is interested: main blood thoughts tag | overview post about element/blood type and Dew BMT thought)
Here is a bunch of rambling stuff below the cut about Dew's element change acting like a BMT and one of two potential situations that could come from that (might write the other option later if anybody is interested). 
Warning that I obviously will be talking about blood (in a kinda clinical way but still), but also putting Dew through mental turmoil about flipping elements. 
So a lot of the time with BMT patients there will be a time period where they will look like one type in the rbc portion and a different type in the plasma portion. Eventually though they will fully convert to the donor type and might even permanently change to that type (full engraftment of the donor), sometimes though they will start to revert back to their original type. A similar thing could happen with the procedure to flip Dew’s element. 
What if Dew sat there in various inbetween stages for years. He is predominantly a fire ghoul, but the water is still there somewhere. If you looked at his blood, his rbcs would match that of a fire ghoul and his plasma that of a water ghoul. What if someday his element starts to revert. 
It starts slow, barely noticeable honestly. The water never really went away anyways, but he starts to notice it a bit more. Sure his control of his fire magic has been slipping a little recently, but the tour cycles can be long and arduous, he is probably just tired. 
It doesn’t really flag as anything being wrong until after the last night of the tour. As they all are heading home, completely spent he feels one of his long since sealed over gills start to open back up. He manages to keep his chill for the rest of the trip til they get back, convincing himself he was just imagining things and that maybe his body was just finally reaching a proper equilibrium between his two types. 
Once everyone is settled though, he grabs Aether and the two of them end up spending an intense 48 hours in the infirmary. Tests are run and the overall consensus is that his body decided to suddenly revert elements. 
This ends up throwing Dew into a whole spiral because while yes there is a sweet nostalgic aspect to getting back the element he grew up with, that's not really him anymore. He has adjusted to being a fire ghoul. It's something he knows and now loves. 
After much discussion he is faced with a decision: accept the change, or redo the procedure and hope it sticks this time. The ghoulish doctors insist that it likely should stick and that what is happening is rare, but Dew still needs time to consider it. 
Option 1, be a water ghoul again: He sort of misses his water nature sometimes. He knows it never truly went away but he still feels its absence. He also considers how much fun it would be for both him and Rain to be the same element. They are already so close, but that elemental compatibility might bring them closer. There's a risk to this though, what if the clergy decides that they don’t need a failed fire ghoul as their lead guitarist for the Ghost project? He might get demoted to a general abbey ghoul or even worse, sent back down to the pit. How would Rain feel knowing that he let this happen and didn’t try anything? He knows a part of him is still upset about his former packmates leaving, would any of the ghouls ever truly forgive him?
Option 2, redo the procedure: He has grown to love the fire inside of him more and more everyday. It is now just as much a part of him as his original element. To give it up would feel like giving up a part of himself, to turn his back on everything that has happened since the elemental swap. He remembers how it magically drained Ifrit so much that he had to go back down to the pit to recharge his element essentially. It would feel wrong to waste the gift given to him by the fire ghoul. The entire process was so terrifying though, does he really want to go through with it again? Who would be the elemental donor now, the only ghouls with elemental manifestations strong enough would be Swiss or Sunny. Dew knows that both ghouls have other elements to lean on, and would still happily help them even if they didn’t, but he still feels conflicted. 
After several weeks of thought involving both silent contemplation and talking it over with the rest of the pack (well mostly Aether and Mountain to be honest), he finally decides to go through with the ceremony again. It seems the least disruptive and Sunny is more than happy to offer up her fire to help him out. 
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askfallenroyalty · 2 years
Darkworld Arc Anon once more haha I'm on AFR brainrot now!! This is all so inch resting! Do you think you're going to find some way to have some type of character that has some type of Asriel symbolism in this arc somewhere, Or is it just going to be Feylow = Chara's fear of growing up? Also, I have to say, as a writer myself, it's good that you can look back & acknowledge that are arcs you might have not handled well, and you have the determination to redo/remake/handle it in a better way 😊!
anon u r so sweet omg!
Feylow still works as an Asriel replacement -even if they're not an Asriel personification. ...Maybe? NGL I was thinking "oh that fake-out regarding Asriel only matters at the start so this should be fine" but that's not true! the whole emotional crux was this
If Feylow is Chara's fear of growing up, then uh, this scene wouldn't make sense???
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Feylow was always a convoluted character -two competing ideas. Oh Oh it's actually Chara's view of Asriel. Oh because it's Chara's perception, Feylow is a mirror/kinda is a part of Chara. That's hard as hell to explain to people, thus harder to write coherently.
makes the most sense if Feylow works as an extension of Chara's fear of growing older -that's kinda Chara's true conflict. It seems they're just angsty over Asriel being a shit friend, but in reality it's the change of being alive and (someday soonish) they'll be an adult ontop of that. Feylow is perfect for a metaphor of that, reflecting "oh this is about asriel" but its actually "oh this is about Chara's fear."
And then in hindsight of Chara being a flower and their monster form being the same as Feylow's makes it foreshadowing. it's good stuff!
but uh. The whole reason we have the dark world is that Chara needs to address their idealization and realize that Asriel's absence and behavior is hurting them, and they need to cut her out. (Only to realize later that people aren't black and white, that Asriel is still the same Asriel deep down, no matter how much they've changed. that they're both fucked up people who need help and support.)
so if Feylow is about growing up, how does Chara cutting Feylow off help??? that arc???
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i mean, even just thinking about it, i don't even really like the method of it happening. doesn't really work here, not when the shape shifting thing is more about the angel/demon mentality Chara has. The "i don't feel so good" and shifting into Asriel wouldn't make sense or even work in the slightest. MAAAAYBE if for a breif moment Chara sees Feylow as an evil ruler (thus equating their "destiny" of being a royal and an angel morphed into the demon) kinda makes sense, but at that point the cat would be out of the bag and it'd be clear Feylow isn't Asriel-based but rather Chara. (since the adult designs would be so different.)
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thinking on it further, it'd make more sense if this ^ end for form was a seperate being from Feylow. An older sibling... idk about names tho. Kinda limited on what you can name darkners -and hell, I don't even know what on Chara's person would create such a darkner.
I guess the plot line CAN mirror Asriel in this sense, esp with the older sibling darkner angle ^ but it'd need some tweaking. Thinking about it psychologically... Chara's fear is becoming Asriel in a sense. An adult who uses people, a capitalist, someone distant and uncaring about their cruelty. Just tainted further with the blood of those killed*
(both from Chara's initial buttercup plan + Chara and Frisk were in a failed no mercy route initially before discovering pacifist. Chara still holds guilt, despite knowing the two of them were being controlled)
≡(▔﹏▔)≡ bummer we won't have that exact scene, but hopefully this new playing ground makes for a more interesting boss battle and coherent arc.
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cherrycarmine · 1 year
Bruno's Pizza (Grand Reopening)
I've been really into Pizza Tower for the past few months and it inspired me to write this story.
Here's the first draft of what I've been working on for a few months. I may or may not redo this someday (I haven't been feeling up to writing for the last few months, so this might be a bit weird).
Content warnings: Body Horror, Violence, Murder
Bruno didn't know how his pizzeria ended up leaving that strange tower. But here it was, back downtown and just as run-down as it had been long ago. He vaguely remembers putting it in the hands of an old friend of his after falling ill a few years before he died. Judging by the old signs peeling from the front door, that guy must've done something that led to the place getting condemned. If only he could rebuild it from the ground up.
All he could do was look sadly from beyond as the creature inhabiting the place drove away any chance of him reopening his old business, said creature having made the place its "home" as it slept underneath one of the tables. If he were alive, he'd be gagging at the old, decaying smell and random body parts strewn around his pizzeria (probably the only good thing about being a ghost, he supposed).
Come to think of it, that creature bears a shocking resemblance to Peppino. Bruno wondered why it chose him specifically (he wasn't a bad guy; while he wasn't the most talkative guy around, Bruno enjoyed the few conversations they held at the local bar down the street. And Mr. Peppino is dedicated to his business, something Bruno admired. His pizza could be better, though. But maybe that's just him being petty). The damn thing even named its pizzeria "Peppino's Pizza 2" for crying out loud! To think that his pizzeria - his dream business - has been reduced to a shell of his old competitor's place.
He should've never agreed to that merger! It did nothing for him in the end.
Bruno desperately wanted to get rid of that monster so that he could finally rest. But he had no idea what he could do. Haunting it was out of the question; it seemed to respond aggressively to any attempts to confront it. The last thing Bruno wanted was to die again. Perhaps possessing it would be better. Neither would risk upsetting the other and would achieve their shared dream of running a pizzeria (well, reopening it in Bruno's case).
Bruno floated over to the sleeping creature. He grimaced as he got closer to it, afraid at the thought of possessing something so abnormal. What if he couldn't leave? What if it got angry and went on a rampage?
Maybe he could act as its conscience. Bruno took a deep breath before diving in.
The monster bolted upright and roared before scrambling around the pizzeria. Bruno shouted as he rattled around inside the creature's mind. "Calm down, buddy! I ain't here to hurt you!" It stopped quickly, panting. Bruno breathed a sigh of relief.
"All right," Bruno said. "How 'bout I teach you how to make a fine pizza?"
The creature looked around, confused.
"Don't worry about where I am! You wanna become a fellow pizzaiolo, right?" Bruno couldn't help but chuckle as the creature happily waved its hands and gurgled. "Good! Just listen to me, and you'll be making the best pizza in town!"
This guy's pretty docile. Bruno figured he could get his business running again within a few months should everything go well. He definitely had to hire some new hands, however.
Perhaps he should reconsider their deal. Bruno watched in horror as the creature smashed one of its clones into a paste - presumably intending to use the remains as the dough for its pizza - before skinning the other clone and using said "skin" as the toppings. Then it smashed the other clone and proceeded to pluck out its eyes before putting them onto the "pizza."
The creature smiled and let out a gurgling laugh before bringing the concoction to its mouth and taking a bite. It had the nerve to kiss its fingers as if it were satisfied with such an awful excuse of a pizza.
Unbelievable! Bruno wanted to strangle it to death.
On what planet does human skin even remotely resemble pepperoni?! And that flesh-colored goo must've had such an awful taste it could destroy someone's stomach in minutes. Not that this guy would realize; he's eaten multiple slices of his so-called "pizzas" without blinking! Bruno couldn't figure out this guy's thought process at all.
Bruno groaned, his patience waning by the second. "Get some actual food, idiot!" He didn't care whether he went to Peppino's or the grocery store - he needed something edible! Something an actual person could eat without gagging.
The creature groaned, shaking. Even Bruno couldn't help but balk at the sight of going out in public; he couldn't do anything about their unsightly appearance, and talking through him was not an option.
Worse yet, the strange combination of "ingredients" made sense to him, in a way. Wait. He shouldn't be thinking like that! He's this guy's conscience, so he should be telling him to stop! "Hey…" His voice trembled, seemingly unrecognizable to him.
The creature suddenly stepped out of the kitchen, seemingly alerted by something outside. Two cheeseslimes were sliding along the sidewalk, conversing. Bruno and the creature grinned.
Cheese. That's what his pizza was missing. 
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secretsigil · 11 months
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I don't know what it is with me and making Snow White creepy or horror themed so maybe someday I should write a story about it. All I remember as far as the story concept is concerned is she was cursed into becoming something similar to a vampire by the evil queen and it was a few drops of blood shed by the prince on a broken piece of the glass coffin that awoke her from her slumber, not a kiss. That's about it. But anyways, here's a redraw for you guys! I hope you like it. Oh and if you're wondering why the apple is just floating instead of being held in her hands, the truth is I didn't want to redo the entire pose to get the arms to look right so I made it a magical floating one instead.
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renjunsbbg · 1 year
Original start. (Warmer Rainy Days)
Choose your own adventure (story after read more!)
Welcome to the first choose your own adventure story of mine! In this series you can send an ask in reference to certain chapters in this series, I will then create a story based off of this first chapter and you can branch off from other people's stories. I can give your choices credit or you can submit it anonymously! I can write anything EXCEPT for smut (I'm just really bad at it but maybe someday) If you want a detailed y/n or reader (EXAMPLE: describing the physical features) That is fine! I will add a disclaimer there for people who don't exactly fit that trait! Be as creative as you want! here is an example if you guys are confused!
Anon: adding from the [insert title here] choice, I wonder what it would be like if y/n did [insert choice here] after!
I would then add on to a certain storyline that you guys have created and/or create my own!
If any writers out there take any inspiration from this idea, please tag me or use the tag #bbgsadventure Please reblog as well! I would love to see what you guys create! Are you ready then? Let's get started!
Genre: fluff, soulmate au, anything else, you could even choose to create a different beginning with a different setting or character if you want! I write for svt, stray kids, ateez, enhypen, txt, and nct!
Of course you were walking in the rain. Again. You should bring an umbrella next time you attempt to go on a date, you think to yourself. You walk down the cold sidewalk, trying not to let your emotions get the best of you. You hear the little splashes of your feet into the tiny puddles.
"Jesus, It's really coming down." You say, looking up at the sky. Yikes, you really should have brought an umbrella, you think to yourself. You wrap your arms around yourself in an attempt to get warmer, but ultimately just squeeze the water out of your clothes.
"If someone didn't cut this freaking string, I wouldn't even be here!" You say, in reference to the red string around your pinky. In a perfect world, everyone has a soulmate. Some people reject their soulmates though, cutting off their string or refusing to get near them. This is all exactly why you are here, walking in the rain, freezing your ass off.
You decide to start walking faster, your brain clouded by anger. You don't even notice where you're going until... BAM! You decide that you could die right there. You accidentally bump into a very tall man, really hard. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" You put your hand up in shock, covering your mouth. "Are you okay?!?!?" You ask in a panicked tone.
"Hey! What-" The man turns around to look at you and scold you. Instead, he sees your cold shivering frame looking at him in shock. "Oh my god! You could get sick in this weather, what are you thinking?" It is now his turn to look at you in shock. You look up at his change in demeanor, confused. "Here," he places his umbrella over you both, making sure to completely cover you. "My name is..."
You can redo the entire setting or scenario (example: school au), or choose who he is. Remember, I write for svt, stray kids, ateez, enhypen, txt, and nct.
Paths (People):
Johnny (wip)
Different starts: (each start has a certain title that is used to navigate, this one is called "Warmer Rainy Days")
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mousieta · 2 years
2022 Drama Rankings: Dropped Shows
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Year: 2022 Country: Korea Platform: Netflix Episodes watched: 2/16 I so wanted to like this one, I was quite excited for the cast as I enjoy Lee Jin Wook, Kwon Na Ra and Lee Joon quite a bit in other shows. The premise, also, felt very Guardian-esq in a good way. I enjoy a good immortal series and Korean fantasy with a dark gritty edge? Yes, sign me up.
Unfortunately I could never get past the first two episodes. It fell victim to the trap that immediately kills my desire to continue watching a show: I started rewriting the whole thing *as* I was watching it (at least with Love in the Air the rewriting didn’t start for me until I’d seen the whole thing). But once my writer brain kicks in to redo it all, the show is done for me, its no longer fun, it is work and frustration.
I just didn’t care for the writerly choices as they felt poor and led to the overall tone of those first two episodes being very flat, emotionally. I just didn’t care about any character enough to make the flaws worth it.
Business Proposal
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Year: 2022 Country: Korea Platform: Netflix Episodes Watched: 2/12 This was sharp and slick, and very cute. I made it, again, through about two episodes before I realized I just didn’t care enough to keep going. The cute felt a little too much, as though the show were depending on that and its bag of tropes rather than believable characterizations and moving plots.
The writing of what I saw seemed fine, the acting was fine, the directing was a little to into itself but it was fine. Fine, fine, fine, and in a lineup of much more compelling shows, I just didn’t feel like spending my time with fine.
F4 Boys over Flowers
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Year: 2022 Country: Korea Platform: Netflix Episodes Watched: 3/16 I think I may just be Boys Over Flowersed out, y’all. Again, like Business Proposal, it was cute and fine. I made it through three episodes and just kept forgetting to watch more. I guess I don’t love BrightWin enough to watch heterosexual shenanigans.
The casting seemed spot on and I love that Thailand now has their own version which seemed to do well. I have the Korean version which was my first and the Chinese version which is my favorite and I think that’s enough F4 for me.
The Wind Blows from Longxi
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Year: 2022 Country: China Platform: Viki Episodes Watched: 9/24 Of all the shows on this list - and maybe any other on my Dropped list this one and the next make me the saddest. I got quite far as well, nearly halfway. On paper, this has everything I need. The writing is good and intense with layers of conflict and constant guessing at the twists and turns of the plot. It is slick and well-directed and the acting is phenomenal. It also has a delicious staple: a tense and fraught m/m love/betrayal dynamic. This should have been catnip but for some reason I was  always either too mentally tired to engage, or would get distracted watching other things. Dropping this was definitely an ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ thing. Hopefully, someday I’ll have the capacity for it because I think it would be an excellent and captivating binge watch.
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Year: 2022 Country: China Platform: YouTube Episodes Watched: 19/38 This is another one that dropping made me sad. It was delightful and has Baron Chen!! An OT3 Romance! Delightful DMBJ connections!! All I can say is what did it in for me was likely the platform. I don’t have the fancy YouTube so watching commercials made it impossible for my ADHD brain to keep focused on an episode, I kept getting lost in the plot (which isn’t why I was bothering to watch but would have been nice to follow) Now that it is on Viki I might give it another go when I’m in the right mood.
Strangers from Hell
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Year: 2019 Country: Korea Platform: Netflix Episodes Watched: 5/10 This was so, so good. Amazing. Gripping. Twisted. Lee Dong Wook was terrifying and compelling, Im Si Wan was as good as he ever is. Everything about this was good. I am just a great big old scaredy-pants who cannot tolerate anything suspensful or scary (I never have been able to).
I did my best: I only watched on brightly lit weekends in the middle of the day, and only one episode at a time. With those restrictions I managed to make it to episode 5 before I just couldn’t take it anymore. Highly recommend if psychological horror is your jam, you will be very pleased with it, I think. I just…can’t watch anymore. Dong Wook I still love you though! I just love sleeping through the night more.
2022 Drama Reviews Masterlist
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littlebasketbao · 1 year
Since the bird app won't let me post hq pics anymore and I still need to babble about my sewing projects somewhere, I figured I should try posting here.
Currently working on 230611 Inkigayo fits. Almost done with Lee Know's, just the rhinestones and other details on the jacket left.
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It took me longer than expected, mostly because it's my first time working with this type of fabric so I'm still figuring out how to deal with it. So hard to clean up after too,,,, Hopefully what I learned making Lee Know's fit will help with making Chan's easier 🥲
I actually don't like the fabric I used for the black pieces (Lee Know's pants and hat, Chan's jacket), but I'm trying to use it up!! I don't want to buy that kind of fabric anymore!! I have the same one in other colors because I was starting out and it was cheap and I didn't know any better 😔😔😔
Finished 230607 MCountdown a while ago, although I'm not completely happy with how Lee Know's pants turned out so I might redo it before doing a photoshoot.
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I actually procrastinated a lot because of Chan's pants. I think it turned out fine. Not perfect, the "bubble" part isn't holding up well and you can't even see that detail unless I take a pic of it specifically!! But I did my best with my limited knowledge and skills 😔 Anyway I think I put as much details as I can in this scale that don't photograph well, especially when the piece is black, so this isn't new... I'll just try to take detail pics too when I do the shoot.
Lee Know's hat was a pain to make!! I had to redo it like four times and I'm still not 100% satisfied... I just don't know the exact look I wanna go for so I don't know how to make it in a way that would satisfy me. Maybe someday I'll figure it out.
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bluejayblueskies · 2 years
saw a post about celebrating queer life experiences (eg. coming out) like we celebrate other significant life experiences (parties, formal congrats, fancy dinners, etc.) and it was such an interesting perspective for me to see because it's so different than my perspective on coming out and how i like to do it/my queerness to be perceived by others
because i, personally, don't like coming out and the weight that can be placed on it. i don't like (again, personally) making a big deal to people about the fact that i'm queer, because for me, i feel like i should just be able to be queer around people without having to sit them down and come out to them. like, i'll still tell people that i'm aro/ace/nonbinary/etc. but i prefer to do so in a casual way when or if it comes up.
but!! i recognize that coming out is a big deal for a lot of people, and seeing it be postulated that it could be a big celebratory moment with bells and whistles was super interesting to see. it made me think like. should i care more about coming out? obviously i can't redo my first moments of 'coming out' to my family (ie. just starting to refer to myself with they/them pronouns and wearing the aro/ace flags around them and letting them put together the pieces) or my moments of realizing that hey, i am queer! which i think is mostly what the post was talking about re: having a celebration for it. but i'll meet new people in my life someday, people who matter to me, and should it be a bigger deal to tell them that i'm queer? it seems like it is to a lot of other people, so maybe there's something i'm missing out on here?
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