#Maybe we can even solve this problem by having Bruce fall in love and marry her
wesavegotham · 1 year
Obviously I have no idea where Tom Taylor will be going with his Dark Knights of Steel elseworld, but the first book pushes the idea that Bruce, despite being a bastard (he's the illegitimate son of late Queen Martha and Jor-El in this) should inherit the throne one day since he's the only one related to the original monarchs of the kingdom, and I can't help but imagine Bruce sitting one the throne one day and he swears to himself to only sire "trueborn children" so no biologically related child of his would ever suffer from growing up as a bastard like he did...and then Damian is introduced to him.
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pl-panda · 5 years
Damienette arranged marriage part 4
Credits: Miraculous Ladybug team for the elements I take from MLB show. DC for their characters, @ozmav for the AU, @maribat-archive for giving me access to so many different stories to have take inspirations from, @thyladyanput for idea for Chat Damian and me for the plot.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
"Oh god! Oh god! I got to meet MDC! Can I get your authograph?" He was suddenly next to her, holding a copy of the her first album cover she made for Jagged.
"Sure." She signed it and handed it back. It read: 'Good luck TD, MDC'
Tim Fainted.
Marinette was befuddled. She never saw anyone react like that. Sure Adrien once asked her for an autograph, but this was new.
"Forgive Drake. He first got into what he calls 'music' when he saw the new glasses Jagged Stone wore in Paris." Damian said, looking almost bored with his brother's antics.
"You should have seen him. He also wanted to figure out MDC identity. After three nights he had nothing. We had to cut the cord from coffee machine in the batcave and force him to go to bed." Dick was laughing at the unconscious brother. Tim was often such a nerd that it was miracle he got Steph to date him. But then again, Demon Spawn just got married.
"Tt. As much as I love to embarrass Drake, it's less fun when he is unconscious and we have other matters to discuss."
"Agreed" Bruce nodded. "Do you know what will you tell your parents miss?"
"Not really... They don't know about this." She gestured around. "If they knew I got married, they would ground me for life. Maman and Papa can get a bit overprotective. Last time I brought a boy home Papa got akumatized and placed me in giant prison of thorns."
"Brr... And I thought that having to duel Tamaranian general to be able to marry Kor'i was bad." Dick chuckled.
"Suckers!" Jason shouted before taking a large swing of the whiskey. "I never had such problems."
"Maybe because you never dated anyone, Flappy Bird" Dick grinned maliciously.
"That's enough! I am trying to have a civilized conversation with my daughter-in-law! If you two idiots don't shut up, I will ground you and give you the Watchtower duty at least until christmas!" Bruce was slowly getting done with this bickering.
"Fine/He started it!" Dick/Jason shouted.
"I don't care. Get out if you wish to continue." Bruce cut them off before they got into another argument and turned to Marinette. "No friends that would cover for you? Or a partner?"
"No..." Every member of the batfam (bar the unconscious Tim) immediately noticed the darker note behind this. "My identity is... was the best kept secret in the world. There were exactly two humans who knew. Me and Master Fu. But he lost all his memories." She hummed for a moment. "Well, now I guess you know too. And the League of Assassins. And Order of the Guardians. Oh Tikki I am an awful Ladybug..."
"You are great Ladybug Marinette. The best one out there." The Kwami reassured her. "Nobody in Paris would do a better job!"
Marinette smiled and calmed down a bit. She was still shaking. Jason gave her one look and tried to handle her a glass of whiskey, but one glare from Damian was enough to make him back away from this idea.
"I have a better question." Dick joined the discussion after he was done with Jason. "What about you and Damian."
"Nobody asked you Grayson." Damian huffed. If it was up to him, he would delay this questioning session to next year. Or decade.
"But he did make a very good point Demon Spawn." Jason supported his older brother.
"I... I don't know. That woman, Talia, said that if we broke this marriage, there would be another war. Who was she?"
"Talia Al Ghul, my mother. She is the current leader of the League of Assassins" Damian explained.
Tim, who nobody noticed woke up, was now sitting back in the computer chair. His face was still pretty much pure bliss, but he was typing like a madman. "There must be some way out of this. It would be easier if we knew the specifics of the marriage contract."
"That's not how it works with the League Drake." Damian scowled. "It's not paperwork. When the ceremony is done, the two people are bound. There is no marriage certificate, there is no marriage license, it's the act that counts." His face was in usual frown.
"So basically the marriage is as well as nonexistent. That's good." Tim grinned, but seeing Damian's face he sensed there was more to it.
"No. That's bad. There is no such thing as divorce in the league, except for killing the spouse."
This caused Marinette to let out a fearful yelp and cuddle to Tikki. But at the same time, Bats noticed that she tensed and prepared to fight. Damian internally cursed himself. He did not want to scarry this girl.
"Don't worry, Miss. Nobody would even consider this." Bruce tried to calm her down.
"We wouldn't, but if the League consider that we are not upholding the marriage, they might go after her." Damian wanted to go and butcher the League. He could do it. Well, everyone but his mother. The young Wayne was unsure if he would be able to do it. For all her faults, he still cared about her.
"Let them try!" Tikki shouted in her squeaky voice. "I will get Plagg to cataclysm this pathetic base of their! Nobody messes with my Marinette!" She protectively flew in front of Marinette, ready to fight anyone who threatened her chosen.
"Maybe let's try to refrain from genocide yet?" Dick asked, half amused, half scared about this. While he was leaning toward believing the threat, the idea that someone so small and cute could take on the whole league was just too damn funny. He then looked at Damian and noticed that the boy had same kind of murderous look. Oh this is too good. He is actually falling for her. He grinned, but decided to at least now don't tease him.
"So there is no way that the two of you just stayed on different continents and acted like this never happened?" Tim asked with resignation.
"It is expected of us to stay together." Damian answered shortly. Marinette felt air leave her lungs like someone just punched her. Her whole life was shattered in the span of a week. What will she tell her parents? And what about school? "I am sorry, Du... Marinette." Damian was tempted to walk to her and comfort her, but he stopped himself. She needed space.
The rest of the Wayne family was stunned. Damian rarely referred to anyone by their first name, much less to strangers. Yet, he was acting very protective and even some dare to say affectionate toward this girl. Tim was starting to think someone did drug him, but rest just smiled. Demon Spawn finally got a crush, and on his wife of all people.
"Wait! There might be a way to deal with it." Tim suddenly brightened. "Or at least delay this."
"Just spit it, Replacement." Damian tried to frown, but he couldn't deny the hope. At the same time, there was this small tingle where his heart should be. He was happy that maybe Marinette would have a chance at normality, but at the same time he wanted to stay with her. To get to know her. Just what in hell is going on with me?
"First of all, rude." Tim started. "And secondly, we could file for her to get a formal underage marriage."
"And how exactly does it help?" Marinette asked.
"The state of Gotham allows underage marriage from the age of fourteen with court permission, provided the certain age-gap is retained. The procedure is very lengthy though."
"So how does it help Drake. I am very curious what is going in this few brain cells of your." Damian was getting impatient.
"The League should respect that you try to validate the marriage in the eyes of law. So until the court proceeding is finished, you two could stay separate and go about your lives. And with a bit of work, it could last for up to two years before the judge agreed."
"To even file for this, we would need a solid basis." Dick spoke before anyone got hope. Tim pressed some buttons on the keyboard and displayed the copy of the underage marriage act.
"One of the listed reasons is cultural specifications. And most people know that Damian was raised by his mother outside of the States. With a bit of work, I can draft a betrothal deal signed when he and Marinette were still babies."
"So basically we put this in court and then delay this into oblivion?" Jason grinned. "I like this."
"I am impressed Drake. For once you've actually proven to be useful." Damian commented.
"So I would be able to stay here in peace?" Marinette asked shyly.
"For some time, yes. The League should not go against you then, because it's not your fault you can't legally live with Damian yet." Bruce assured her.
"But what about vultures in the media?" Dick asked.
"Simple: classified proceeding. Public won't know anything is even in motion." Drake was getting more and more confident in this plan.
"I would be able to finish my school here." Marinette smiled.
"Yes, you would. I will make sure there will be no complications." Bruce smiled. "But there are two more problems that still needs to be dealt with. Hawkmoth and your parents."
"I will deal with talking with my parents on my own." Marinette reassured them. "But I don't don't know about Hawkmoth. He went silent after the last stunt, but it won't be over until I take away his miraculous."
"Drake will stay here and help you solve this case. He is the most level-headed in this room, so the risk of him falling under Akuma is the smallest." Bruce declared and others nodded.
"Thank you! thank you! thank you!" Ladybug jumped from the chair and hugged Tikki, then Bruce, then Tim.
"It's no problem Miss. I am sorry League ignored your plea for help. It's the least I could do."
"For your daughter-in-law you mean?" Jason grinned. Oh he would not let this die so easily. Demon Spawn would get it this time.
"Nobody asked you, Todd." Damian scowled.
"Please don't fight because of me. I think it's time for me to go face my parents."
Marinette arrived at her parent's bakery around 10 PM. The lights were still on. She stopped before walking in, taking one more breath to calm herself. She hated lying. She knew that there was no such thing as white lie, not really. Every lie hurt in some way, just not always instantly. She gathered all the courage she could muster and pushed the door, walking in.
"Maman! Papa! I am home!" She called them and there was instantly a commotion on the first floor. "Here we go Tikki. I hope my detention ends before I graduate..." She whispered to her Kwami and prepared to face her parents.
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" Her mother barged into the room. "You better explain yourself this instant!" This surprised the girl. She expected her mother to be angry, but also to show some worry. An alarm bell rang in her head. Something was not right.
"How could you?!" Her father was also angry. She could only hope Hawkmoth was still licking his wounds.
"What's going on? Maman? Papa?" She asked in confusion.
"Don't play dumb with us young lady! Alya told us how you decided to run away and try to join Audrey Bourgeois in America!" Her father shouted at her.
"What!? I never did such thing. My mandarin teacher, Master Fu, had an accident. He lost his memory and I was escorting him to the train station for him to meet his friend who would take care of him. You remember master Fu?" She received a nod and continued to bombard her parents with information. It was an advice from Damian. The more she babble the less time they have to actually think this over. "So I handed him over to his friend and they walked into train station, but then I realized I was still holding his luggage and I tried to chase after them. Then, I thought I saw them enter the train, so I followed them, but it turned out this was the wrong train and then it left the station and I was still inside. I panicked and looked for the conductor to sort this out, but he said that they couldn't stop. So I tried to find Master Fu, but he was not there and I immediately got out on the next train station, but I left my purse in the train so I didn't have a phone on me and I had to somehow figure out where I was and then I entered another train, because they said it was going to Paris, but it was misunderstanding and it was coming from Paris and I got even further away, but then I finally got out in some different city, still carrying only Master Fu's luggage and I had to somehow get back to Paris and it took me so long to actually get there and I am sorry that I didn't call but I didn't have any money to pay for a stationary phone and I lost my purse and it would be wrong to go through Master's luggage to get money so I had to sort this out with the train station officials and they helped me get here and I even managed to send the luggage through mail, but only now I got here..." She took a deep breath. Her heart was beating super fast and she was sweating a little bit. Anyone proficient in lies detection could tell this was all bullshit, but luckily her parents wanted to believe her. "What I wanted to say is... I am sorry I didn't call you. I guess I panicked a little."
They hugged her tightly, all three crying a little (her father much). Once they broke apart, she smiled. "Can I go to my room and get some sleep now?"
"Yes. Our little grown up girl." Marinette smiled and was about to run, but she heard her mother continue speaking. "But you are still grounded for two weeks."
"Mom!" She shouted, but smiled and went back to her room.
Taglist (sorry if I missed you)@pheonixashtree @sassakitty @unabashedbookworm @vixen-uchiha @maggiecc12 @actualdisasterwoman @tired-butterfly @shizukiryuu @floralfi @imanerddealwith @northernbluetongue @krispydefendorpolice @toodaloo-kangaroo @dast218 @bluesoulblueheart @theatreandcomicfreak @disneyfoxuniverse @mindfulmagics @alwaysnumberonetruth @nyaabinch @jardimazul @lenamau @rosep16 @dramatic-squirrel @sonif50 @daminett4life @lulutheawkwardess @weird-pale-blonde-person @mooshoon @jeminiikrystal @mochegato @moonlightstar64 @dragonflyswing @silverwhiteraven @shamefullove @magic-miraculous @valeks-princess @heaven428 @mlbchaosqueen @winter-gardenflower @spicybelladonna @emo-elaine13 @vetilora @karukofox21 @my-name-is-michell
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singeramg · 5 years
Midnight: Chapter 14
Paring: Clark Kent/ Metahuman! Black! OFC
Rating: M
Warning: None other than some angst and maybe some tears if you are sensitive...
A/n: Hey everyone! I am back again! Did you all enjoy my last chapter? If you missed it check out my masterlist! 
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Midnight: Chapter 14
 “Are you blocking again Gia. You always block when you aren’t ready to hear the truth but this is it. You are absolutely right...about everything. I still don’t how I managed to mess everything up so badly between us, but I do know I will spend the rest of my life regretting it if it costs me you forever. Please Gia don’t walk away again. I can’t watch you leave when I shouldn’t have let you go the first time..”
 “What do you mean you shouldn’t have let me go the first time?”
 I felt my stomach drop but in a way that I couldn’t understand. Clark is staring at me, his blue eyes capturing me and I’m conflicted on whether to run into his rather large arms or slap him across his dumb handsome face, damn the wrist sprain I’ll suffer. 
   “I should have fought harder for you. I got cold feet about what we could have been and I stayed comfortable rather than trying something new. I messed up badly and all I’m asking for is the opportunity to make it right.”
 I roll my eyes and poke him in his chest. Feels like I am poking a wall but I don’t care. Clark doesn’t give any indication that I've poked him, only looks at me as softly as he did before.
  “Is this about your conscious? This feels like you are apologizing to get that guilt off your chest. Clark I told you a long time ago and just now that you don’t have to feel bad about loving Lois. She was a natural choice. She is gorgeous, red hair, soft eyes, driven, accomplished. Who wouldn’t want someone like that? It was okay that you loved her. You don’t need to apologize for that.”
 He laughs slightly and says
   “Yes Lois is all of those things. And Yes there was a time where I thought she was it for me. You, however are more than that, you always have been. Now, here you are, the mother of my child and all I want is you.”
 There it was.
 Clark didn’t want me truly, he just wanted the family. What the good ole’ Bible Belt told him he needed to do and be when you had a child. I shake my head in disbelief that he thought I would fall for something like this. That I would fall into his arms because of a child. Here I was about to foolish again, believing that there was anything for me in his heart. I step even further away, snatching up the pj’s that I pulled out and going over to the bathroom. I didn’t even have the heart to yell at him. I was tired of the yell and the explaining of myself and emotions to Clark fucking Kent. I didn’t feel like trying to re-program him and trying to make him see sense. If he didn’t understand my feelings weren’t for playing around and weren’t for him to call on for a ego boost by now, then he never would.
I had one child to raise, I didn’t need other in Clark’s teenaged behavior. I knew I would never not love him. It was clear as day, I never could forget this, but I also know if I didn’t put an end of this AGAIN then it would build until I felt like I could do was run away again. I would take Kalen and run and that would only make things harder for me and Clark to co-parent. It was a shitstorm of epic proportions that needed a conclusion.
   “Kal you can stay in the room with Kalen all you want. You two should bond, but as far as you and me goes. There isn’t a you and me. We can learn to be friends again, make that part work for the sake of Kalen. Goodnight Kal-El.”
 The kicked puppy look Clark shoots me, almost made me think he was serious. I knew Clark and he was just reeling from having gone down knowing he had an almost Fiancee to waking up and having her married to someone else. It had to be jarring for him and now he was looking for comfort in having a family, to feel normal again. He was willing to settle with me. 
I didn’t want his pity settlement/ entitlement.
I closed the door to my bathroom, listening for the door to my room to open and close. When I did I let out the breath I had been holding. He didn’t love me. Not in the way I still loved him...
 *Two days later*
 I watched with the rest of the world as trash and war ships were dumped back on the land, and I worried for my friend. Arthur wasn’t the type to keep a phone and considering he was spending most of his time in the water. He was unreachable, and I worried as the various news channels tried to identify him. The worry for Arthur helped take my mind off Clark as terrible as that sounded. 
I was avoiding him like the damn plague and that was because I didn’t trust myself around him. It was easy to avoid him when he radiates so much energy, and in case he tried to alter his emotions to get to me, I had them off every time I knew he was in the area.
I of course looked after Kalen but I made sure to stay clear of him, Ms. A doing her best to be a bumper between the two of us. I hated that she was leaving me. She had become the grandmother I never had, always being around to help and love on Kalen. It was for her own protection but as I sat on her bed, watching her pack the things Bruce purchased for her while Clark took Kalen to the farm with his mother, I was sad.
   “Pick up your face child, I’m moving not dying.”
 She jokes and folds a sweater away into the black suitcase.
   “Yes but California is far away Ms. Alphonse.”
   “Yes, but think about how you and Kalen can come visit me in the warm weather! My niece wants to meet you!”
I smile.
   “I want to meet her too. We will plan a trip soon, Kalen and I.”
   “And Clark.”
 I roll my eyes and huff.
   “I think he needs to stay around here, can’t solve crimes that far away.”
   “The man can fly, I don’t think that’s the problem. Oh and don’t think I haven’t been noticing you avoiding him. Always sending me in with Kalen when he is here. I’ve been going along with it, but you do know that is coming to an end right?”
   “Yes I realize that, but then I’ll just have Alfred do it.”
   “Gia. Why are you avoiding the man? Do you know he asks about you every time he sees me? Looks shattered when I tell him I don’t know.”
   “Long story short he thinks that a family will fix all of his abandonment issues. I decided a long time ago I was done with the wrangling of a superhero.”
 Ms. A laughs at me which makes me pout slightly.
   “Why is that a bad thing? If he wants to be a family with you...I mean you can’t get much better than Superman.”
   “That’s Just it. I’m just me, he is Superman. He can have any woman he wants. He is only trying this because Lois got married and his own upbringing says you should have a family together with your child’s mother. I know him, it’s only a matter of time before he realizes again that I’m not it. I’d rather avoid the heartbreak later by ending it now.”
 She comes back over to her bed, sitting next to me before pulling me into a hug.
  “Baby I know you’ve been through a lot in your life and I also know that when someone burns you you think the best thing to do is cut the head off. It’s like a Hydra it always grows back with two more heads. The real question is are you fixing it or hiding it away? I’m going to tell you right now that you are only hurting yourself.”
   “I need to hurt myself before someone else does.”
   “Gia baby that is no way to live...”
 *At work*
 I was at work again much to everyone’s chagrin, but Victor was on a remote babysitting duty tonight. I knew I was going to have to quit because of those people that had taken me before found my house so quickly, it would only be a matter of time before they tracked me down again, but in this case more time out of the house meant I was less likely to run into Clark. It was the middle of the week, meaning we had a few regulars but no large crowds which was good for me. I was washing out some tumblers and hand drying them for later use, when a throat cleared behind me. I turned around and almost dropped the glass I was cleaning when I found  Lois sitting at the bar. This was the last place I expected to see her but her face gave no indication as to why she was there.
   “Oh wow... Look Lois, if you are here to slap me then come on get it over with. I already feel like shit.”
  “Is that how you greet all your old friends?”
She says with a wry smile in my direction.
   “Only the ones that want to fight me.”
   “Well then pick a different greeting then because I am not here to fight you Gia.”
 I raised an eyebrow.
  “Really? You aren’t just saying that to get a drink on the house are you?”
I smile slightly and go to make the drink I always knew was her favorite. She takes a long sip.
  “This drink might actually be heaven great job. Now let’s cut the bullshit and get to why I am really here.”
She says to me and takes another sip.
  “There’s the Lois I know.”
  “Exactly. The Lois who is a friend or at least thought she was AND has a few questions.”
  “Okay break me down reporter.”
  “Clark told me about your son together. I have a few questions I need answered woman to woman.”
 I sighed, I knew the woman to woman talk was going to have to happen eventually.
   “Alright. How about you head over to the booth, I’ll take my break and we can talk.”
 She agrees and takes her drink, her camel colored mid length coat covering the nice clothes that clearly signified she came from work to talk to me. It didn’t bode well for me because that meant she has been thinking about this all day. She was going to chew me out and I was going to have to let her because let’s face it, I was the third in a duo whether I meant to be or not.
I signaled my coworker to watch the bar for me, even though there was only  a few patrons in at the moment. 
 I slide in across from her, a glass of water in front of me. I eye her nervously, surely picking up on her energy, but she is radiating a swirl of things the most prominent being nerves, confusion, sadness all tied together with happiness. 
Very unsettling considering everything 
     “So As I said Clark told me that you two have. Son together. He also told me about the timeline of his conception. I guess I can’t truly say that he cheated with you because he didn’t but in a odd way it kind of feels that way slightly. Like when he and I took that break it was because I wasn’t sure his heart was in it anymore, plus all that stuff with Bruce and I needed time to think. It hurt to think he was able to be with you so easily. I’ve made peace with that. What I really want to know is why you left? At the end of everything we were friends, you could have asked me for help.”
   “Lois yes we were friends but be real, if I had come to you immediately after Clark died and said ‘aye yo’ sis I know you loved him and everything, but he and I did the deed and now I’m carrying your dead boyfriend's child’ Lois I know you. You would have absolutely hated me and never believed that it was only the one time.”
 She had the grace to look ashamed.
   “Maybe at the beginning. I would have still understood and as I said you were my friend. I was more upset about you abandoning me once Clark died than anything. I thought we were better than that.”
 I looked at her saddened, somehow feeling more terrible than I had about anyone because she had been a good friend to me. 
   “We were. Maybe I shouldn’t have left, but I couldn’t handle you and Martha hating me. I already felt like an invasive species in your world.”
  “You weren’t and I’m sorry if I never expressed that you weren’t. Besides, I should have bowed out a while ago.”
I looked at her confused as she took another drink. I followed suit with my water.
    “Gia how long have you been in love with Clark?”
 I know I looked like a deer in headlights as I stared at Lois, who only had a small smirk on her face as she watched me panic. This had been one of my fears. That I would have to look her in the eyes and explain that had sat in her face smiling all the while loving her man. It was shady as fuck at best.
   “W..wwhat do you mean? I don’t love him.”
   “So now we are going to sit in each other’s faces and lie? Come on Gia, I am a Pulitzer Prize winning investigative  journalist and at the end of it all, I am a woman. I knew. I choose to ignore it because I was being selfish, trying to hold on to something that was never meant to last. Honestly, trying to keep up with a superhero? Knowing he was out facing evils and putting himself at risk? Knowing I had no way of stopping it? One of the reasons I needed to think without him was I was coming to the realization that I wasn’t cut out for feeling helpless. That’s never been me.”
 I still didn’t want to say it out loud.
   “Gia all I am asking for is a little honesty. Don’t let poor little ole me go into the world thinking I’m crazy, when I know I’m not.”
   “Fine. I guess it didn’t start that way and I know he was completely dedicated to you. I thought at first it was like me being young and dumb, you know that public figure crush that everyone gets when faced with an attractive public figure, then maybe I thought it was a whole bonding because of the trauma, then I don’t know what happened. And I tried not to feel that way. Honest Lois I did, because it was hopeless for me to feel that way. I was learning to be okay with being his friend. Then that night happened. It changed everything.”
   “And how did he tell you he was still going to be with me.”
   “After he disappeared on me for a week, he came by and told me that he and I shouldn’t be around each other.”
 I left out the part that I saw them together first, and until that moment I was holding out for him to come back to me.
  “Clark has always had foot in mouth syndrome. He is very intelligent but sometimes he just says the wrong thing.”
   “You can say that again, Jesus.”
 We laugh and somehow it gets serious again as awkwardness fills the room.
  “ That night that Clark died was certain about your feelings. I was grieving him but the way you grieved him was different. It almost felt intrusive to watch how you sat next him and just cried, your hand on his, literally trying to push energy into him, you don’t even realize you were begging him not to leave you, it was so quiet and heartbreaking that if I hadn’t been listening over his chest I wouldn’t have heard you at all. It was like a private moment that you shared with him, even in death.“
 I was shocked. Everything was such a blur that night. I didn’t remember asking Clark not to leave.
 “I felt even worse when I found the ring he had for me.”
 “It was a beautiful ring.” I noted.
 “I didn’t tell anyone when I found these.”
 She pulls out two envelopes. One with her name and the other one for me.
 She sides mine across the table, and I pick it up recognizing Clark’s neat writing, indicating that he took his time, because it was impossible to be that neat if he was rushing versus him taking his time.
  “I was upset when I read mine, but I never had any intention on not giving you yours. Like I said you disappeared.”
The paper feels heavy in my hand and I don’t want to open it. 
   “I never read it just an FYI. The letters were hidden in his stuff in the apartment. I actually found the ring a while before I found these. My letter basically said that he loved me and he always would but I didn’t deserve to be with someone who couldn’t give me their whole heart. He wished that he had the courage to say that to me, that our time together had made everything he’d done in his life worth it and hoped that someday we would be friends.”
 I looked at her shocked. Clark had actually planned on leaving her?
 “I..Lois..I don’t know what to say...”
 “There is nothing to say. Just read your letter.”
She shrugs and I open the slightly brown envelope. 
 Dearest Gia,   I am writing this letter to you because I’ve always been better with the written word than talking. The confidence I have in spades on a normal day disappears when I am around you. I want to say that I regret not staying with you. It’s not that I don’t love Lois but you walked out my life two weeks ago and I haven’t been okay since. It’s like you took all of my hopes, dreams and happiness with you. This is why I am breaking things off with Lois for good. I can’t love her that way now that I have experienced being with you. The mistake I made haunts me night after night and I can’t sleep, not without feeling you next to me. I’m not a creeper” as you would have called me, but most of the time I stay up watching your apartment and hoping you change your mind. Ask me to come back to you.    There are so many things I want to say to you and I can’t because you don’t want me... at least not the way I want you. You were perfectly okay with being my friend, and I ruined it by not being able to stop myself, because I had to have you. Even if it was for only one night, one night that you entrusted me to be with you and I ruined it as soon as I possibly could. This letter is the only chance I suspect I’ll ever have to tell you exactly how I feel, because if I know anything about you, once you dig your heels in about something then that’s it. That goodbye you spoke to me felt final, and I am not okay with that, but I can’t deny you from whatever you want from me.   However, I cannot let you leave my life without telling you that I love you. I know that you don’t feel that way for me and I selfishly wished you did because I could call you mine. Finally.    As I said in the earlier part of my letter I’ve never been good with voicing my feelings, especially around you. The feelings I have for you run deep and maybe someday when I see you married or with someone else’s child I’ll get over you, but  I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get over you.    This letter is getting long and I’ve probably taken your attention away from someone who has a chance with you. I won’t bother you again, but I do want you to know that  I’ll always listen for your voice,  I’ll always come when you call for me.   Yours,   Clark Joseph Kent
 I looked back up at Lois with my eyes and face wet.
   “I meant it when I said I should have bowed out a long time ago. I told you I never read your letter, but if it says what I think it does then my suspicions before i had a conversation with him were correct. The reporter in me wanted to read it, but my morals wouldn’t let me intrude on a private moment between the two of you, plus I honestly didn’t know how I would deal with reading if I had said something to you that I wasn’t ready to accept. If your letter was anything like mine then it was personal and I knew what it said.  Clark looked at me like I was the only woman in the world for him, but you Gia... Gia, he looked at you like you hung the moon. At first I didn’t understand why it wasn’t me, what was it about you besides the whole power thing? I realized that while I was Clark’s biggest cheerleader, he didn’t need a cheerleader, he needed a partner. Someone he can pass the ball to when it gets too tough for him mentally and in your case physically as well. I can be there for him and be proud of everything but I don’t think I won’t be able to fully understand what you all go through in your lives. I can write about hard decisions but I’ve never had to make them.”
 Her words hit me right in the chest as I felt her sadness. I could tell what she had just told me hadn’t been something easy to admit to herself much less another person. 
  “I am so sorry Lois.”
  “Don’t be sorry for me. I don’t need that. I met my husband Matthew not too long after that letter and it’s been a worldwide adventure and I realized that my hero can be a regular guy. Matt has been a saving grace more than I can count. If you two can make each other happy then just know that if it helps you have my blessing. All I am asking for is that even if you don’t want to be with Clark can you at least go see him? He is starting to emit a permanent aura of doom and gloom. I’m surprised you can’t feel it.”
   “I’ve kinda been blocking all incoming emotions anytime he is around. I didn’t want to have to feel the pity, the guilt, the complacency he would have to be with me. I didn’t know any better.”
 Lois shakes her head with a smile.
   “You two deserve each other because you are both impossible. Blind leading the blind.”
 I laugh with her and glance over at my coworker who is watching me as well and I realize how much of a mess I had to look like. He looked like he was going to come over any second but I shook my head no once we made eye contact. Lois looks over at him and offers him a head tilt and then looks back at me. She gets up and grabs her bag and coat that she took off once she sat down in the booth. Once prepared to leave she turns to me with a fixed yet soft stare and says
   “Please go and see him.”
   “I will.” I agree and try not to let it show how much I would like to leave at that very moment to tell him.
  “Good. Stay in touch Gia, I didn’t just come to be Clark’s wing...girl. I came to get my friend back.”
She offers me a hug and I take it. 
  “I’ve missed you Lois Lane.”
   “Oh don’t worry you won’t get rid of me now, because you are way too fucking hard to track down. Also let me tell you that I swear if you make me track you to a strip club again I will hurt you.”
 I sighed, and did my best to look nervous. The strip club had not been my finest hour, but the only saving grace was that I’d only been a bartender there too. However the people there were nicer than any other job I had ever had since then,  I didn’t think anyone could find out about that.
   “Alright alright already. Get out of here, I’m sure you are expected home by now.”
 She agrees with a laugh and goes on her way.
 At my return to the bar, my co-workers look at me nervously as if I was going to burst into tears again at any second. I ponder how quickly I can leave to go find Clark. 
   “I’m fine John. You can stop holding your breath. I won’t cry on you.”
 He visibly relaxes at my joke.
   “Damn all this time Tiffany,  I’ve been waiting to be a  shoulder for you to cry on.”
   “With those lines you will be waiting for a long time...”
with that I count down the time until I could leave to find Clark...
A/N: Does anyone need Kleenex? I did and I wrote it lol 
Good news is that Gia now knows exactly how Clark feels about her. Will they finally stop dancing around each other?
Thank You for reading and the taglist for this story is open. I appreciate every reblog and comment. I promise you I am going to do better with responding to the comment that I left because I really enjoy them and don’t want them to stop! 
@bloodyinspiredfuck​ @romyr4​ @p3nny4urth0ught5​
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averagemarvelbitch · 6 years
The One Where Steve Proposes (Or Not)
Summary: Someone takes a picture of Steve and posts it on Instagram. The group chat goes nuts, Clint is way too emotional about all this and things are not exactly as they seem. Don’t trust what you see on the internet, that’s the first rule!
Tags: Stony, brief mention of Bruce/Thor
Chapters: 2/2
If you like it, leave a comment or send an ask!
Steve was sitting in his living room, staring at the black screen on his TV, his left hand covering his mouth and a part of his nose as he analyzed the entire evening yet again. Tony seemed fine before they went to the restaurant. He smiled when Steve complimented him and seemed very excited to go to Mario’s. He was fine at the restaurant too, but, now that Steve really thought about it, he seemed a bit anxious by the time dessert came. But, honestly? Tony was always anxious. From the moment Steve had met him, his mind never stopped working. So the fact that he was a bit fidgety wasn’t really too out of character for him.
And then, there was the watch. After he opened the little black box and saw the watch, everything seemed to change. Steve couldn’t understand. Tony loved that watch. And he knew his boyfriend had been really upset when the watch was destroyed in a fight with the Wrecking Crew. He really thought Tony would be happy to have one just like it. Of course, it wasn’t the exact same watch, but it was something, right? Steve had gone through a lot of trouble to get him that gift. Even paid a little fortune ― more than he was ever comfortable spending on anything, to be completely honest ― just to put a smile on his partner’s face. He couldn’t understand why Tony didn’t like it. Better yet, he couldn’t understand why Tony didn’t tell him why he didn’t like it.
Steve had to admit, that hurt a bit. They hadn’t started their relationship in the best way, but they had been together for two years now. He really thought they had reached a point in their relationship where they could be completely honest with each other. But apparently not, Steve thought, frustrated. He needed to talk to Tony. Find out what exactly had caused such a strong reaction, so they could work on it. Yes, that’s what I’m going to do. He was getting ready to get up and go straight to the workshop when the elevator doors opened and the rest of the Avengers stepped out, all smiling.
“Heeeeeeeeeey. Where’s Mr. Rogers?”
Steve looked at Clint, confused. “I’m… Right here?”
“Not you, American dream. The other Mr. Rogers”.
“We told him you two might want some privacy to celebrate, but he couldn’t be stopped”, Natasha explained, sitting down on the couch, “So, where’s your other half?”
“He’s at the workshop. I’m sorry, celebrate what exactly? What are you guys talking about?”
Natasha narrowed her eyes, looking at Steve like she disapproved of all of his life choices.
“You’re not kidding. Steve, what was in the little black box you had?”
“A watch”, he explained, still confused with the whole thing, “Remember, Tony was really upset over losing his watch on that fight with the Wrecking Crew, and the company didn’t make those anymore, so I pulled a few strings and I got him one. An exact replica. I thought he would be happy, but apparently not”, he finished in a bitter tone.
Everybody was silent. They looked at each other, unmistakable guilt in their eyes.
“Oh, this is bad”, Bruce broke the silence, shaking his head.
“I do not understand. I thought the Midgardian custom was to present your beloved with a ring, not a watch”.
“It is, Thor. Steve didn’t propose”.
This time, Steve looked absolutely horrified. “WHAT? You thought I was going to propose?”
“Well, yeah”, Clint replied, instantly defensive, “I mean, you’ve been together for two years, pretty much ever since you got defrosted like an overgrown chicken on steroids, and you always talk about how you’re going to spend the rest of your lives together. It was a safe assumption”.
“Why would I propose? It’s not like we can actually get married”.
“Why the hell not?”
“Because we’re both men, Clint”, Steve explained like he was talking to a five year old.
“Rogers, please tell me you don’t actually believe same sex marriage is illegal”.
Steve just stared at Natasha.
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You’ve been in this century for two years and a half and NO ONE told you that you can get married now?”
“We… We can get married?” Steve asked in a soft whisper.
“JARVIS, please show him”, Bruce asked with a small smile.
Suddenly, many windows appeared out of thin air, all around Steve. News about the LGBTQ+ pride parade, about the legalization of same sex marriage in many places, even pictures and videos of said marriages.
“We can get married. Holy shit, I can propose to Tony?”
“That’s what we thought was happening today. Actually, that’s what Tony thought was happening today”.
Steve’s smile disappeared, giving place to a horrified look.
“Tony thought I was proposing. He thought I was giving him a ring and it was just a stupid watch”.
“I’m sure it was a very mighty watch, nevertheless, my friend”, Thor spoke, slapping Steve in the back in solidarity.
The captain stood up, a determined look on his face, “I’m going to propose to Tony”.
“Yes, Clint, we heard, we’re right here”, Natasha replied, rolling her eyes. She turned to Steve, “How are you going to do it?”
He looked down for a moment, thinking. Then, he smiled. “I’m going to need your help”.
Tony had a terrible night. After not so subtly running away from Steve after their date, he locked himself in his workshop and stayed there for hours, just sitting on the couch, eating a bag of M&Ms while thinking of all the reasons why Steve wouldn’t want to marry him. Too old, too stubborn, too difficult, too narcissistic, workaholic; the words swirled inside his head, making his insides twist with grief. He knew the kind of man he was. And he was very much aware of how bad he was. And Steve, well, Steve was good. He was the best man Tony had ever met. He deserved better. And maybe he knew that too.
Sometimes, during his downward spiral, he had brief moments of lucidity when his brain would actually function properly. Steve loves me, he would think to himself, taking a deep breath, trying to calm himself, I wasn’t even thinking about getting married before Thor and the others told me about the proposal. We don’t have to get married right now. Maybe Steve does want to marry me, he’s just not ready for it right now. The words kept getting stronger and stronger inside his mind, shutting down the terrible thoughts that had threatened to engulf him before. By the time the bag of M&Ms was empty, Tony was already feeling better and decided to apologize to Steve the next day.
As it turned out, he didn’t quite have a chance to talk to Steve the next morning. He was woken up by a call from Pepper, telling him he was needed at the R&D department immediately and that Happy was already waiting outside for him. He quickly got dressed and sent a text to Steve from the car.
Emergency at SI. Lunch?
The answer came as soon as he sent it.
Can’t. I’ll see you tonight. Love you.
He smiled and sent Steve back a heart, drinking his coffee ― thank God Happy had been smart enough to stop at a coffee shop ― and thinking of how exactly he was going to explain himself to Steve later.
It was almost 7 PM when Tony finally got back home. He had spent the entire day putting out fires ― sometimes literally ― and, every time he thought he was done, Pepper would show up with something to sign or a problem to solve. He was tired. He was hungry. He wanted a hot shower, some food, and a bed ― preferably with 180 pounds of prime American beef right on top of him.
He was so tired he almost didn’t see the post-it stuck on the elevator doors. He frowned at the small, yellow piece of paper before taking it.
Penthouse. I’m waiting.
- SR
Curious, he got into the elevator and asked JARVIS to take him to the penthouse.
“Is Steve up to something, J?”
“I believe the Captain has prepared something special for you, sir. You’ll see”.
Soon, the elevator doors opened. Tony looked around, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. The entire floor was covered in flowers. White, red, pink roses. Everywhere he looked. And right in the center of the room was Steve, wearing a suit and looking more nervous than Tony had ever seen him look.
“What’s all this?”, he asked, walking towards his partner.
“I’m sorry for making you wait”.
Tony was confused. “Wait for what?”
“Tony. I came into this century with nothing. No home, no family, no hope. I was bitter, depressed, angry at everything and everyone. And I didn’t think I would ever fit in here, that this was my punishment: living in a world I fought so hard to save, but never truly being a part of it. I’d accepted my fate like a dying soldier accepts his defeat. Until you.”
Steve took a step closer and softly touched Tony’s face, a small smile on his lips.
“I’m not going to lie, it was not love at first sight”, he said, making Tony laugh, the tears in the corner of his eyes threatening to spill, “But now I see, sweetheart, it would’ve been impossible for me not to fall in love with you. You’re amazing, Tony. You gave me the chance to be the man I’ve always wanted to be. You showed me happiness like I had never felt before in my entire life. You accepted my past and made me look forward to the future. You made me feel like I belong in this world. I can’t imagine my life without you. So…”
In that moment, Steve went down on one knee, taking a small black box from his jacket and opening it to show a simple, silver ring. The brunette stood there, completely paralyzed, brown eyes staring into blue ones full of love and hope.
“Tony Stark, will you marry me?”
“Yes”, he whispered, with a smile so big it hurt his cheeks, “yes, I’ll marry you”.
Steve smiled as he put the ring on his boyfriend’s ― no, fiancé’s ― finger, quickly getting up and pulling Tony into a deep kiss.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, Captain, Mr. Stark. I would like to offer my congratulations and pass along a message from Mr. Barton. He would like to know if they can come in because he and the other Avengers are, and I quote, “dying out here”.
The newly engaged couple laughed and authorized Jarvis to open the elevator doors. Immediately, Clint jumped out.
“Congratulations, Tony, Steve”, said Bruce, hugging his ‘science bro’, as Tony had dubbed them.
“Congratulations, my friends! There is no happier occasion than when two mighty warriors decide to share not only the battlefield, but also their lives”, Thor offered, almost taking Steve off the ground with his hug.
“Thanks, you guys. For everything”.
“Okay, I just ordered a shit ton of food, Pepper is on her way with Happy and Rhodey and we are going to CELEBRATE”.
“I really think they would rather celebrate alone, Clint”, Natasha informed her friend while hugging and congratulating Tony.
“Don’t worry. We’ll have plenty of time to celebrate just the two of us later, right?” Tony said suggestively to his fiancé.
“So gross. I’m so happy for you guys. We’re just missing one tiny little thing”.
“Yeah?”, Steve asked, laughing, “What’s that?”
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The proposal
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Gifs not mine ——> Credit to the owner
Summary: Clint and (Y/N) Stark has been a couple for so long that everyone sees them as a married couple already but what happens when he finally pops the question?
Requests open Masterlist
“Are you okay darling?” This is the third day that (Y/N) has been throwing up in the mornings but she insists it was just the sushi we had on Friday. She is door closed not wanting me to be there for her “Are you sure you don’t want to go to the doctor? I could take off today and go or at least let Bruce do some check on you” The sound of the toilet flushing alerts me that she is coming out and then the sound of the water falling down, then the door opens letting me see my beautiful girlfriend.
“Don’t worry baby. I’m okay just please let’s never eat from that sushi place ever again I prefer going to the expensive restaurant than die from this bug” I laugh hugging her
“Why don't you take today off to get some rest? I’m sure the team will be okay” A laugh erupts from my girl
“The team is lost without me baby, c’mon I’ll wait for you at the kitchen they are probably so lost without instructions for the day” I hold her by the waist pulling her closer to me giving her a passionate kiss before she leaves to work.
(Y/N) is Tony’s little sister but not that little anymore, I met her when the Avengers became a reality, she was just a 21 years old girl but I instantly fell for her charisma, personality, looks and amazing heart she has. We started dating two years later and have been through good and bad, we have been dating for almost 7 years and I know it has been a long long time but first, the civil war between Tony and Steve happened and although she supported the Captain team and me,  she couldn’t leave her brother making us separate physically without breaking up because we knew our love was stronger than that. When we escape from The Raft I had to stay at Wakanda with the rest of the team and (Y/N) visited me almost every weekend making us return to our normal relationship but I still knew it wasn’t the correct time considering how things were with Tony and Steve. 
Two years later when things started to settle down and (Y/N) was forgiving the Captain and accepting Bucky after the discovery of the murder of her and Tony’s parents I asked Tony for her hand in marriage and we agreed that the wedding was going to take place in Wakanda in order for everyone to be there and forgive the loss we had experience. But of course, something had to happen before I popped the question, the day before the proposal Banner informed us that something was happening in New York and Tony was disappeared so we instantly flew to there despite we were fugitives.
Now almost a year later since the Infinity War and everything was finally in the correct place, we solved everything and Thanos was defeated taking us back to our normal life where the Avengers were training new heroes for when the retirement comes and having small missions with (Y/N) being the assistant of the team making everything function. I think that it is finally the moment of popping the question and have a big party to say the world how crazy we are in love.
“So, Steve, you’ll be attending with Sam and Bucky to sign autographs today at the Plaza for the kids of Give a little hope please you need to use your super suits” They nod as I enter the kitchen where everyone is eating a plate of fruit and pancakes for breakfast while my girl is giving them their indications for the day not knowing what is planned for the night. With one hand I take the plate that Nat is giving me with my breakfast and with the other I surround my girl’s waist pulling her in my lap when I sit.
“You know I’m so used to see you almost fucking in front of us that it seems as cute but then I remember she is my sister so please at least not in front of me Goliath” We laugh as I gave her a kiss on her neck while she blushes at her brother’s words
“We haven’t fucked in the kitchen Tony so you can live in peace dear brother” Everyone laughs and she keeps on telling our activities but when she starts telling the ones that are going to be at the night I make a signal to Steve to help me with what I have been planning for years 
“Actually doll today there’s going to be a big fundraising gala tonight for-for em for-” 
“Puppies!” Bucky exclaims
“Puppies?” For fuck’s sake why did I thought I could trust these guys “I don’t have no invitation and I haven’t organized anything related to puppies, actually today it was planned a dinner with the ambassador of Germany”
“Oh yeah, but he canceled it last minute and Steve told us that he and Bucky are very interested in making more awareness about puppies who need home and shelter so we all decide to help. Sorry sis but it was so last minute that we had to hire some event planner to arrange everything at the beach house in Malibu” She turns around to look at me and I shrug feigning that I don’t know why they took that decision
“Okay, I need to admit I’m a little hurt, how little trust to me you know I can arrange a party in only a few hours but okay I will arrange the changes in your suits and dresses for tonight” She stands up from my lap writing some things in her iPad and fixing her pencil skirt “Well, Steve, Sam and Buck leave in 30 minutes, I’ll go for your dresses girls any special suggestion about the heels girls?”
“Actually we want to go with you (Y/N), we saw a beautiful dress that you’ll love”
“Oh girls but I have a lot of dresses I can wear”
“Hey buy another one darling, please for me, go with the girls you’ll have fun” I beg her knowing hit the puppy eyes she is going to accept.
The plan was that the girls were going to distract all day (Y/N) making her buy some dresses, and then take her to the stylist to prepare her for the big night making her look even more beautiful than she is while we prepare everything. 
“I’ll go train with Rhodey and Tony and then I’ll see you at the gala okay?” I kiss her as she said her goodbyes to the team leaving with Nat, Pepper, and Wanda.
“Are you sure the cake is red velvet? It seems a little strange to me Steve” 
“I’m 100% sure is red velvet c’mon don’t you think this is a little too much? I’m sure she’ll be happy if you just ask her one day at breakfast. The poor girl has been waiting for you almost the same time I was on the ice” How funny, I know that this seems like too much but I want everything to be perfect for our engagement party, but what if she tells me no and everything will be for nothing
“She is going to say yes Legolas for fuck’s sake you are like an old married couple this is just a formality” Tony pats me at my back “Have you decided how you are going to do it? Are they are gonna be fireworks and every-”
“SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT” Peter interrupt us running toward us “(Y/N) IS HERE! I’m so sorry I know you asked me to follow them but I lost them and when I found them they were making their way back there, apparently she decided she wanted to met the party planner to assure everything is the way she does it” I can’t believe it, now everything is going to be ruined, I’m not even dressed in my suit and it’s not even the night but of course my girlfriend who is a perfectionist want to check the fake gala 
“Don’t worry kid let’s just hide or something maybe we can fake the party planner or something” While we were discussing what to do a voice interrupt us signaling she is here
“Hey! What the fuck are you doing here? You should be making yourself ready! I’m the only one already in this tight dress and all of you are not even in your suits? Where is that party planner, this place needs more illumination for a gala” We look around not knowing what to do 
“She is coming, just please I need to show you something” I take her hand leading her to the balcony where the sun is starting to go down and behind her back I make a signal to everyone telling them to keep on with the final details
“Oh, you wanted to show me the sunset? It’s so beautiful Clint” I surround her with my arms while her head falls in my chest looking at me with her beautiful and big brown eyes and in that instant, I knew that was the moment, I couldn’t wait another minute
“Do you know how much I love you (Y/N) Stark?” She leaves a little laugh
“Well I hope so we have been together for almost seven years Barton”
“And I have to thank you for being so patient with me, we have been through bad and worse and everything has made me love you more if that’s even possible babygirl” My eyes start getting watery at the memories of everything we have lived together. She kisses me and for a moment she turns around to look at the sunset so I decide this is the perfect moment so when she turns around she sees me but in one knee with a little box opened with a ring so beautiful like her’s and she covers her mouth with her little hands in shock
“(Y/N) Stark you are the love of my life, the only one for me in this and every world, I have loved you since I met you on that bay on a fight with a lot of aliens and I’ll love you until my last breath. I know that you have everything (Y/N), you are a Stark, you are used to a life full of fake people, money, and parties but I promise to be what you want me to be; your prince, your husband, your dork, your personal doctor, everything. I promise to be the best husband in the world, the best father to our future children and the best Avenger to protect you every day until I die. I love you so much (Y/N) and I hope you want to become (Y/N) Barton so baby... Would you like to marry me?”
She throws herself at me with a face full of her tears
“Of course I accept you, dork, you don’t know how long I have been waiting for this but-” I notice she is now full sobbing and I don’t know why, are those sad tears? 
“Hey hey, baby what is happening? You can tell me everything, if you don’t want to change your last name it will be okay”
“That’s not the problem is just that... you are going to be so mad at me”
“Tell me, baby, I’ll never be mad at you we are getting married everything is perfect for me”
She looks at me in the eyes figuring out how to tell me
“I’m pregnant Clint” 
“What? Oh my god babygirl I can’t believe it. We are going to be parents?” I take her in my arms spinning her full of happiness 
“Are you happy?”
“Of course I’m happy baby... we are getting married and we are going to be parents. This is the best news ever”
“I thought you would be so mad because we were always careful but that time I got sick I forgot to take my pills and well... our baby happened”
“I would never be mad at you baby for making me happy. Our kid will be so loved. I love you so much (Y/N)” I take with one hand her cheek and with the other on her waist pulling her closer for a passionate kiss trying to demonstrate by the kiss the love I have for her and the life who is growing in her belly “We better get inside to tell everyone the news and I have to put on my suit for our engagement party”
She playfully hits me in the chest realizing that everything was a setup and there was no gala
“Well know I can forgive the team knowing that there wasn’t any fucking party planner beside me”
“You are the only one doll, my best girl, my future wife and the mother of my child”
“Mother of a child?” Tony exclaims making us jump
Oh lord, this is going to be such a journey...
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bearholdingashark · 3 years
Rare Pair Exchange 2021 Creator Letter
Hi! Thank you for creating something for me! I’m excited to see what you create! :D
General likes
I adore tropes, the more ridiculous the better, and really what I love about ridiculous tropes is how it gives the creator an opportunity to explore the characters and their dynamics and motivations. Fun plots are great, but the characters and what the plot reveals about them is what I really love.
I also really love AUs (especially modern/historical AUs) or crossover fusions, and love how much changes and how much doesn’t. But straight up canon stuff is really good too. Really, character focused stuff is what I love most. I do also think canon divergence AUs can be really great, so feel free to play around with canon as well.
While I’m a big fan of romantic ships, I also love relationships in general, romantic or not. Just characters being there for each other is great. I love fluff, but more serious/angsty/dramatic stuff is just as good too. :D And unless specifically stated otherwise, I have no problem with characters other than I requested in the story, but I want the requested characters to be a main focus.
My DNWs (also listed on my sign up) are:
Romance is great, but nothing more than kissing/fade to black for the physical stuff
explicit gore
violence and injury are fine, but nothing super graphic, generally I would say canon typical violence/gore or less is a good way to go
permanent character death of requested characters
angst without a happy (or at least hopeful) ending
I hope this helps! I’m including my general prompts below, but feel free to go where the inspiration takes you. My prompts tend to be more fic focused, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want art or fanvids, I’m just not as good at talking about what I like there. Go with whatever style you feel fits best/you’re most comfortable with and I’ll be happy. :) Happy creating!
Request 1
Fandom: DC Extended Universe
Relationships: Alfred Pennyworth/Diana Prince
I actually hadn’t even considered this as a ship until I saw this in the tagset, but I am here for it. I love when the age gap appears to be in one direction, but because of immortality/extended lives, it’s actually much more in the other direction.
I love the idea of this being a slower burn (acknowledging that 1k is not really enough for a for reals slow burn), but I can really see Alfred’s quiet (and snarky) competence appealing to to Diana.
While I think taking this ship in a canonverse direction would be great, I can also see this being a place where an AU could be really fun.
I also love the idea of them visiting quietly over the months, maybe over tea, both of them telling stories about their lives and complaining good naturedly about Bruce and their feelings for each other kind of sneak up on the both of them.
When I think of this ship, I really imagine them in the batcave, but I think more action focused story where he helps her during a mission could be really great also.
Request 2
Fandom: Knives Out
Relationships: Benoit Blanc/Marta Cabrera
I love AUs where Harlan lives or the murder attempt never happened and the three of them met some other way. This could be canonverse, or a full on AU where the setting is totally different
I also like anything post movie where they work through the aftermath of the movie together. I love Marta/Benoit being partners, romantically, but also professionally if you want to go that direction.
One of my favorite things about Benoit and his interactions with Marta in the movie is just how tender he is, almost from the word go. Regardless of the actual plot/scenario, I would love that tenderness to be on full display.
I do love them solving cases together, and those kinds of fics can be so much fun, but I also love fluffy domesticity for them as well. (Or both if it works out that way :D)
I don’t mind having the Thrombey’s involved, but don’t want them to be the focus. (This goes especially for Ransom. I really don’t want any hint of Marta/Ransom.) I do love both Lieutenant Elliott and Trooper Wagner if you go the more case fic route. I have no problem with vomiting if you want to include Marta’s “condition”, although I would request avoiding any really graphic description of vomit/vomiting.
Request 3
Fandom: North and South - Elizabeth Glaskell | UK TV
Relationships: Margaret Hale/John Thornton
I would love to see something set after they’re together, but trying to figure out merging their lives together. What happens after that kiss? (How do their families take it?)
A nice moment between the two before everything is resolved could be nice too, as their opinions of each other are evolving
I love canonverse for this ship, but this could also be a really interesting pair to put in a completely different AU and see how their story goes in a totally different setting
I would also love something set a while after canon where they’re much more established and comfortable with each other, possibly after they’ve been married for a while.
Request 4
Fandom: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Relationships: Deanna Troi/Worf
The last season of the show teased me with this ship and I’m still kinda bitter that it was never real. I think they have a really interesting dynamic, and their friendship could easily turn into something more romantic
I would love to see something where their relationship is established, possibly with Alexander. (I love Worf, but he’s not always the best dad. How would having a long term SO change that dynamic?)
Outsider POV could be really fun with this, and having the rest of the crew reacting to them getting together. I would also love to see Worf asking Riker for permission to date Deanna as we hear about during 7x11 Parallels.
I think exploring the different cultural dating customs they both bring to the table
I think setting whatever you make during a mission/adventure would be great, but I would also love more domestic fluff too :D
Request 5
Fandom: Original Work
Relationships: Dutiful Princess/Lowborn Guard; Honourable King/Foreign Princess Betrothed To His Son; Sheltered Prince/Savvy Female Thief; Uncommonly Tall Female Mercenary/Male Lord She is Hired to Protect
This is the first time I’ve requested Original Work, and these ships seemed really interesting to me. I don’t have a ton of prompts here, and while I think some very cool plot could come from these pairings, I would love for it to be more character focused. I love fun characters and would love to fall in love with yours :D
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