#Me: not that one you IDIOT *Redraws them ignoring what I’ve heard*
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Guess what!!! It’s rangers apprentice Jenny!!!!!
Hiiiii flanagan is full of shit btw Jenny did not get skinnier and prettier because of it. She is fat and she is so pretty and she is wonderful and has about 3 paragraphs in this whole series so far. Trust me I’m a professional btw. The line in book 8 rlly pissed me off so!!!!
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infinitesimal-grey · 5 years
Prince Starved
Chapter 3: Tea and Fluff
G/T collab with R and @HiddenDreamer67 as beta reader. Previous chapters in reblog
Summary: Online friends Roman (Giant) and Virgil (Human) meet for the first time when they find they've been going to the same college. They're both nervous gay wrecks.
Chapter Warnings: Scalding tea, and the last two brain cells of two clueless gays trying to communicate that they like each other while “not making it too obvious”, aka the most pure and snarky chapter yet
Word Count: 2,436 (was originally 1,489 before I edited it as apology for being late<3)
"Seriously. Comrade and those villains have been messing with me since I got the Beast in Beauty and the Beast freshman year." Roman scoffed. "I was the only boy who could hit the notes, and if we're being honest the only one who could walk in the huge beast costume. Most of them are part of the stage hands hired for moving the heavy set pieces on and off. Like, I get they're strong and all, but strong does not have to mean brute. The ginger in particular, Comrade Melville, is nasty." Roman sipped his hot chocolate as if it were the the tea he were spilling. "I've ignored them for the most part, but today was simply despicable. I'm not even surprised that they're racist; they had given Talyn just as much shit while they were playing Chip." He turned as the sidewalk ended.
"I was ready to shove that thorny magic rose right up their you know where." Roman gestured wildly.
Virgil snorted and smirked behind his cup. "Gaston's sword would be better." He took a long draw from his drink, feeling the cinnamon burn his taste buds. "God. It was like the idiot was trying to break my bones or somethin'." he said as evenly as he could, he had decided not to mention how absolutely horrifying it had been in the moment. Virgil had felt as though he was about to snap like a twig.
Roman curled his fingers slightly more around Virgil, getting protective at the thought. He felt queasy just thinking about it. The giant could tell the notion disturbed his best friend more than he let on. Roman’s eyes hardened as he berated himself. "I should've never left you alone. It was my mistake." Roman stared downwards at the cobblestone path leading through the park. His other hand was tight around his drink, the heat sizzling in stark contrast to the chilly morning air around them.
Virgil watched Roman's fingers carefully, keeping his body tense so he wouldn't flinch. He let out a long sigh. "You couldn't have known they'd show up while you were gone for a couple minutes at most. Besides, I was the one that wanted to stay."
"Still. They had no right to treat you like that!" Roman huffed. He brought Virgil up higher so they were at eye level. Virgil gave him the emo equivalent of puppy eyes. Roman gave his best nonverbal argument via whining before ultimately giving in. "Fi-ne." He enunciated, "No sense thinking any more about those- those miserable fucking croutons." Roman spat with utmost disdain. He chugged some of his hot chocolate, managing to make even that unrelated action look like an insult directed at aforementioned miserable croutons. Roman asked the first non Comrade question that came to mind; "So have you really never been in a nonsegregated zone before today?"
Virgl met Roman's eyes for a good half a second before he switched back to staring at the swirls of cinnamon in his drink, shrugging slightly. "Not that I remember, nah. I mean, you know me, Ro. Never really been one for big scary chances." His voice was mostly joking, although it did have a more serious tone behind it. Because despite it all, it was very intimidating to be able to fit in someone's hand while they gave little to no effort. Although, Roman was pretty good at keeping his hand relatively still. Huh.
Roman looked away as well, before hiding behind his paper cup to take fake sips.
"I suppose you're right, besides; most giants couldn't handle you." Roman externally gave a flirty smile, but internally his mind was screaming at him not to screw up tremendously. This was Virgil's first time ever meeting a giant and Roman had already failed once by leaving him alone. "You're too much of a nightmare." The giant smirked, ruffling Virgil's raven black hair playfully.
Virgil couldn't help but snort in amusement, reaching up to lightly bat at Roman's finger. "Says the king of being overdramatic!"
"King, pff, sounds like too much responsibility." Roman struck a regal pose, golden brown irises and diamond-like smile glowing in the morning sun. "I'm more like a prince~." He went full confident smolder, laying on his charm thick.
Virgil froze. Roman almost got concerned before the human burst out laughing, barely keeping himself from falling over and spilling his drink. Virgil hid his totally not flush-red face behind a hand. "Oh my lord you are so extra, Ro."
He scoffed. "As a prince should be." Roman answered proudly.
Virgil just rolled his eyes, leaning back on an arm as he drank a good few gulps of hot chocolate. "Hmm, yes, Prince of the Absolute Losers does have a nice ring to it..." he tapped his chin cheekily.
Roman scoffed goodnaturedly, throwing his now empty cup away before clutching invisible pearls. He made a few offended noises before coming up with comeback.
"Hey Steven Doomiverse~?" Roman sang, a mischievous idea creeping in. Virgil eyed him back warily. His eyes glinted and suddenly he started tickling Virgil’s side mercilessly.
"Wh--Ahk--!" Virgil dropped his cup, falling onto his side as he laughed uncontrollably, kicking the air-and Roman-as Virgil fought to get the giant to stop, barely managing to get enough time between breaths to even say any understandable words.
"Hmm what's that?" Roman leaned in with a grin. "Couldn't quite hear you." He easily held back Virgil's kicks and continued his attack.
Virgil snorted like a pig, laughing a bit more before he finally managed to get a word out. "Sto-h-hpp!"
"Pardon?" Roman asked, smug as all hell. He redoubled his efforts for a burst longer before backing off with a laugh.
"T-ih-ih-ickling m-me!" Virgil screamed in laughter.
"Moi? I'd never." Roman said in defense, a smile playing at his lips. He lifted Virgil higher so his palm was level with his eyes once again.
"Yeah right! You do all the time." Despite Virgil’s efforts to remain serioud, the playful tone to his own voice couldn't be denied, and he smirked, now not really having any option but to meet Roman's gaze. Fuck that's terrifying.
Roman's eyes lit mischievously for split second while staring into Virgil's before looking up and feigning cluelessness. "Hm no I, simply do not recall..." Virgil gave Roman a wary look.
Giant fingers snuck up behind Virgil and quickly tickling him on his side before redrawing back just as fast. "-must have been some other charming, charismatic, and obnoxiously tall prince." Roman turned back, a smug look on his face.
Virgil let out a yowl of surprise at the sudden tickling, falling onto his side and letting out a flustered, exasperated huff. "How dare you."
Roman threw his head back and laughed, entire body shaking with mirth despite his efforts. He had a grin that split his face when he looked back down. Roman froze in amazement when he found himself locking with Virgil's emerald eyes.
Roman had fallen in love with them on camera.
Video call was one thing.
In person was a world all its own.
In person he could see that even the most stunning of the world’s gemstones couldn't hold a flame to the rainforest that made up Virgil's eyes.
Virgil felt like time itself had frozen. They were still walking, but everything around them seemed distant compared to Roman's amber eyes. It was like looking into a sparkling sunset, with a vibrant orange sky that stretched for miles, and the golden clouds sparkling. It was simply awe-inspiring.
Roman paused; head ducking and pace increasing only a moment later. His heartbeat was running wild with thoughts of what he wanted to say. What he wanted to do. "Sorry," he whispered softly, barely audible to even the human's hearing. Crimson branded itself across his gold skin.
Virgil blinked out of his own daze as Roman moved his head. He'd said something, but what it was, Virgil wasn't so sure. "Huh?"
Roman shook his head, and he wore a smile when it rose. "Nothing." His eyes met Virgil's again and darkened his blush. Roman’s eyes quickly jumped up to the sky. "So..." Come on you fool your blush is so dark, come up with something!
Roman’s smile grew a bit more genuinely upbeat. "So…. How's your psych class with Dr. Picani? Heard he's the best for weebs." Roman smirked and nudged Virgil's side with a finger. If Roman really stopped to think about how maybe Virgil didn't like that, he probably stopped himself, but honestly Virgil was just so… so... adorable. Roman just couldn't resist.
Virgil jumped slightly from the push, but didn't linger on it for long. He knew Roman was just being his oblivious and loud self. Virgil didn’t want to call him out on it and make him uncomfortable. "It's alright- and hey! It's not for weebs! He's… He’s just passionate about how media explores aspects of psychology." Virgil nodded matter-of-factly.
Roman smiled, enjoying Virgil’s flustered state. "Mhm."
Roman proceeded to continue his playful jerk act and Virgil was equally as snarky; they called each other names and generally fooled about. They talked for hours and by the time they looked at a watch, it was lunch time. They were both disappointed and Virgil tentatively asked if they could just go back to Roman’s fraternity house. They walked to the parking lot around the block.
Roman transferred Virgil to one hand while he fished his keys out of his pocket. He tossed them up and down in his palm a few times, humming happily and strolling to his white and gold motorcycle.
Virgil glanced around the lot, eyes settling on the very extravagantly painted motorcycle. "Oh." Shit.
"Hm? Something wrong Virg?" Roman asked sincerely.
Virgil let out a slight chuckle, leaning back on his arm. "Nah, Just ah... forgot you drive a motorcycle."
"Ah, I could maybe call Patton for a ride if you-?" His eyebrows knitted and paused when he reached the motorcycle, already reaching for his phone questioningly.
Virgil considered it for a few moments, glancing between the motorcycle and Roman's other hand, before shaking his head. "Nah, don't bother him. I'll be fine."
"Alright," Roman regarded the motorcycle. "So how do you wanna do this? The only other time I can remember I've done this with a human is when I gave Talyn a ride to the Beauty and the Beast after party because I lost a bet that I couldn't rap guns and ships faster. They wanted a joyride and that human’s got fire."
Virgil snorted. "You know them? That dude never shuts up!" He shook his head a bit, then hummed. "Dunno, never really ridden with a giant. As long as I don't feel like I'm about to' fall, it should be great."
"Well... We have to go faster than I had with Talyn to get back to the frat, since the ride back goes on the highway, so you probably have to go somewhere more secure..." Roman said, he swung a practiced leg over the seat and cupped Virgil above his lap, "Namely, you're gonna have to ride in my pocket, pint-size." He didn’t mention that Talyn had ridden on his shoulder and he thought they were going to die every five seconds. And that was actually why he wanted Virgil somewhere more secure.
Virgil felt his heart skip a beat. That was... Wow. But he just hummed slightly before he spoke. "That works. Better not have any holes in your pocket, princey."
"Of course not, even while a broke college student I must dress like me; which means no holes. Also, if any of my human friends happened to slide into it from my shoulder and fell through a hole into my shirt? I'd never hear the end of it." Roman rolled his eyes and held the hand carrying Virgil up to his shirt pocket.
Virgil couldn't help but laugh a bit at that. "Hell yeah ya' wouldn't." As he was lifted up closer to Roman, however, he felt all the confidence he'd been building up wash away again. It took him a good few seconds to bring back enough to slip off Roman's hand and into the pocket, not prepared for the odd texture and ended up laying twisted at the bottom of the pocket, instead of leaning against the edge like he'd meant to. "Oof--"
Roman's eyebrows shot up, "Oh shit, you good?" Roman slipped his fingers in, trying to help him up without even thinking.
Virgil stiffened, not really making much effort to get up, but didn't pull away from Roman's hand at all. "Uh--"
Virgil took a few breaths, staring wide eyed at the fingers. "Uh, yeah." This is weird. Am I making it weird? Oh god just get up Virgil you're being dumb he's just being nice. He used the finger nearest him to help himself to a less twisted position.
Roman pulled his hand away and cleared his throat awkwardly, quickly putting on his helmet and turning the ignition key. The two-ton classic horsepower machine revved loudly underneath them, filling the silence. Roman looked down at Virgil, metallic gold helmet visor obscuring his entire face and sending Virgil's reflection back at him in a golden tint. "Ya can't hang out like that on the road, storm cloud," Roman blew air out of his nose in a laugh, fog lightly dusted his visor.
Virgil looked up toward Roman, but only really ended up meeting his own gaze. "But I--ahk!" Roman nudged Virgil back into the pocket lightly, pulling the pocket flap closed and buttoning it securely. The giant kicked up the kickstand and put it into gear.
Virgil fell onto his back again from Roman's push, huffing and crossing his arms. Well this is demeaning. "Don't take too long." He yelled up at the lumbering oaf.
Roman couldn't hear Virgil's complaints as they pulled out of the lot and onto the main road. Cool morning air rushed past them as he cruised on his way. Roman could feel Virgil against his chest and his face grew flushed. Definitely just from the warmth of the enclosed helmet.
The human laid on his back, the sunlight slipping around the edges of the flap and through the fabric for an admittedly calming glow. He was lost in his own thoughts when suddenly the world around him started vibrating. "What the…" He didn't move, just opening his eyes and looking about for the odd source. His mouth made a little o when he realized it was Roman humming quietly to himself. The giant listens to music more than anyone else he knew, Virgil doubted he even actually realized he was doing it. The human smiled softly.
His thoughts drifted almost exclusively towards Roman after that.
During the ride, Virgil brought his headphones back over his ears. He didn't play any music, but they muffled the sound of the engine and wind, which was helpful. He shifted slightly to get more comfortable, leaning against Roman's chest somewhat. The giant's body heat made him realize he was freezing. The wind chilled him to where Roman's chest was hot against his cheek. Virgil noticed he could hear a vibratic, rhythmic thud. Was that his heartbeat...? Wow... Virgil's mind drifted, and between the rumbling of the motorcycle's engine, rhythmic thumping of Roman's heart, and the warmth and darkness of the pocket, he eventually fell asleep.
So sorry it took so long to get up, and I hope you enjoyed this peace because the next chapter is fun. ;)
Asks, reblogs, and comments are welcome!♡
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And with this announcement, my annoyance with FR’s incompetence grows even more.  Whoop dee doo guys, it took you 5 years, but you FINALLY got open registration! And a report button, wowza! I’m impressed! …Impressed by how fucking sad it is that one of the biggest pet sites in the genre took THIS LONG to put in basic features and is still run by god damn idiots who seem to understand nothing of what the playerbase wants. Lore? Okay, cool! Yay! Some stone thing? Yay? New premium thing? Yay..? I just. Ugh. What a fucking DISAPPOINTMENT.   This much hype over just that? Lore is nice, but SERIOUSLY? What a shit show. Bogsneaks came out in September of 2016! 2016!!! Holy SHIT. We’ve had no signs of a new breed since then. I know, I know, it’s hard to add breeds! So much apparel to redraw! Maybe start focusing on new actual content instead of more shitty ass apparel sets then. Wow I can’t wait for another cluttered color barf to slap on my dragon! Yayyyyy!  How about some flashgames, Flight Rising? Maybe take the ones you have out of beta? Make them WORTH something? The fairgrounds are a fucking waste. Most of the games aren’t fun. They’re grindy. If you want to make any cash, you can only do one or two, which are both awful. Somehow they made a JIGSAW PUZZLE unbearable.  “But you can coli for treasure!-” the coli sucks. It fucking sucks. It’s honestly the worst thing about the site. If you can’t coli, or draw, or write, you are STUCK. There is nothing you can do. The coli is boring as hell. Click click click click click, win. That’s it. Even with the “”“”“"revamp”“”“ it’s somehow gotten WORSE.  And to top that, the revamp is awful! FR somehow made the coli even more inaccessible! What’s the point of keyboard controls if you still need to use the mouse when going to the next battle? IT’S A COMPLETE WASTE.  Also to you chucklefucks saying coding isn’t hard: it is. FR needs more coders. BADLY. Bugs like the thing with blocked users sending friend quests were so unnoticed, it took a kid spamming in order for them to do something about it. Dare I also mention the atrocious forum revamp, Naomi, tons of apparel and gene issues that still haven’t fixed, and countless other issues. Flight Rising is a mess. It’s a steaming, hot, mess. IT’S ONLY successful because it’s the biggest in the market. It lures new users in. They stay for a bit, buy some gems, leave eventually. The cycle continues. Try as it might to add shiny new clothes and lore, but it sucks. It’s honestly awful and I can’t believe I didn’t realize until now.  The coli. The atrocious waiting times to do ANYTHING in game. The stuck-up, drama fueled userbase. How artists are treated on-site. The lack of help for those with disabilities. The ignoring of suggestions that’d improve the game that have been suggested for years.   "But but you have to wait to do anything in a game! That’s the challenge!” You should be able to do things in that time, dimwit. Lioden is a game full of waiting. Tattered Weave is a game of patience and waiting. Guess what? They’re both still fun to play! Lioden has the Explore activity, minigames that give actual rewards, and plenty of activities you can do while waiting for weeks to do things like breed. Tattered Weave has fun and engaging minigames (HEY FR, MAYBE TAKE A LESSON FROM THEM, THEY’VE ADDED MORE GAMES IN THEIR ALMOST 2 YEAR EXISTENCE THAN FR’S ENTIRE LIFETIME) and hourly quests which can be done while spending time on harder storyline things. Yeah yeah you can see where my loyalties why. But I think we have a right to be angry. FR players are blind to how bad the site is. After you’ve played sites that, wow, actually listen to players and are good, you get mad!! You get VERY mad!!! FR could of been so good. We could of had adventure mode. Or a coli that’s fun. Games that could be fun to play and give users a variety of ways to earn treasure. Instead we have this. A polished turd in the world of petsites. God, I hope Mythaura is better, that Lioden can continue to succeed, and Tattered Weave can get the playerbase it deserves. Peace out. Y'all are going to get mad at me, I know it. But I’ve had enough. I’m angry. I want to be heard. Fuck Flight Rising.
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