#Meat Delivery script
prameethsd · 5 months
Revolutionize Your Butcher Store with Meat Delivery Software
Are you a butcher store owner or involved in the meat delivery business? If so, you’re likely familiar with the challenges of attracting and retaining customers. In a competitive market, finding effective strategies is crucial, and one solution that consistently proves successful is the adoption of online meat delivery software. This robust system is gaining popularity among service providers for its ability to streamline delivery processes, expand customer bases, and boost profits. Read on to discover the ins and outs of this game-changing tool.
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Understanding Meat Delivery Software
Meat delivery software is a sophisticated online solution designed to showcase meat products effectively. Functioning as a virtual storefront, this software allows service providers to display their offerings, receive online orders, and facilitate deliveries through a dedicated team. Customers, on the other hand, can conveniently place meat orders from their smartphones and have them delivered to their doorstep.
The meat industry is expansive, requiring efficient handling of various aspects. Online mobile solutions, like meat delivery apps, cater to the diverse needs of both customers and service providers. Customers benefit from the convenience of doorstep delivery, while store owners can seamlessly offer a wide range of services online. The advantages of utilizing such delivery software extend beyond mere convenience and play a pivotal role in enhancing overall business operations.
How Meat Delivery Software Empowers Business Owners
Effortless Business Management: Traditionally, managing a meat business involved manual handling of tasks such as order processing, inventory management, customer records, and product updates. Meat delivery software simplifies these processes, providing an easy and efficient way to manage the entire business.
Expanding Customer Base: In the modern world, where routines vary, the ability to pre-book meat orders is a significant advantage. Unlike traditional methods that relied on offline advertising, online meat delivery software leverages powerful features to maximize customer reach. Offering promotions and discounts further helps in retaining customers over the long term.
Revenue Boost through Inventory Visibility: Avoiding customer dissatisfaction due to out-of-stock items is crucial. Online meat delivery services address this challenge by showcasing available products with prices on a digital platform. This transparency builds trust, attracting more customers and, consequently, increasing revenue.
In Conclusion
Beyond the outlined benefits, online transactions facilitated by the software provide users with multiple payment options, including credit cards, debit cards, and mobile payment gateways. As the meat business embraces meat delivery software, more entrepreneurs are connecting with these innovative solutions. If you have any queries regarding optimizing your meat business, our experts are here to assist you.
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rokhal · 5 months
GR/RE7 AU fanfic: Weird Fungus
Referencing this piece of meta explaining @wazzappp's amazing All-New Ghost Rider/Resident Evil fusion AU, here is a little fic about Robbie and Gabe settling in to their little off-grid house where the BSAA stashed them after they survived Dulvey, Louisiana, and developed a cleaning compulsion (Robbie) and a sudden desire to wander away where no one can find him physically, audibly, or psychically (Gabe).
To set the scene, imagine some well-meaning BSAA agent sends Robbie this thing in their regular food delivery.
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“I appreciate the gesture,” Robbie said, keeping his voice level and his eyes facing the camera of his BSAA-issued laptop, “but please don’t send us any more legs.”
The agent on the other end frizzled out into pixels and cocked her head on a two-second delay. “Legs? Oh, the, uh.” She tapped on her screen. “Jam-on serano? It’s supposed to be really good with wine.”
“Jamón, ham, the leg. With the foot, and the bones and, uh.” Robbie swallowed as he recalled opening the weekly food delivery and finding the top half of the box occupied by a skinned, cured-and-dried, but still massive animal limb, the thin flesh just below the toes still printed with rope marks. He could see the seams between every muscle. He could see its kneecap. At the opposite end, he could see the severed end of its thigh bone. “M-my brother has sensory issues. He doesn’t eat meat anymore. I won’t eat it in front of him.”
The BSAA agent made a note. “We can accommodate special dietary needs if you let us know. Is there anything specific you would prefer?”
Robbie fought the urge to tear at his hair. “Um. Tomato soup? Like, regular tomato soup, not gazpacho? Macaroni noodles. Some kind of cheese that doesn’t get all stringy as soon as it cools down. Frijoles, you know, normal refried beans? He likes those but not the ones that come swimming in the weird broth. Um, fish is okay—as long as it doesn’t have heads or bones in it. Potatoes are good. Eggs are good.”
“There’s some stores near the military base that cater to Americans,” the agent offered, and Robbie died a little inside. “I’ll see if we can order through there. How about vegetables?”
“His garden is growing really good. We’re good for vegetables.”
“Wow.” Robbie wondered if he’d said something wrong as the agent made another note. “Very nice, I’m glad you two are settling in.”
Not much of an option, being on house-arrest, Robbie thought. “Thanks.”
“Are you excited to start classes?”
Robbie knew this script, a back-and-forth he’d muddled through with a half-dozen social workers back in LA. “Very much. I value my education and I will complete my assignments independently and on time.”
She chuckled. Robbie wondered if he’d said something wrong. “You know, this is the real world, not high school. You can ask for help if you need it. Have you picked a major yet?”
The BSAA hadn’t asked before enrolling Robbie in the University of Barcelona’s undergraduate correspondence program, anymore than they’d asked Gabe before signing him up for remote learning with the local equivalent to middle school. “Pick?” he asked hesitantly.
“I think you’ve still got a few weeks to think about it, and you can always change majors, but, yeah, you might want to contact their guidance department if you’re not sure what courses to sign up for.” Now it was Robbie’s turn to make a note. “Chris will be over today, you can try asking him.”
“Oh.” Mr. Redfield’s visits were always on short notice, but Robbie usually had more than a matter of hours to mentally prepare himself. “Uh. We also need more bleach, please.”
“You just got two liters last month,” the agent said. “You know it’s bad for the septic system?”
Robbie kept his face blank, open. “It’s for cleaning. I’m not pouring it in the drains.”
“You know you’re supposed to dilute it?” the agent pressed him.
“One to ten,” Robbie recited, realizing as he said it that he’d managed to use about five gallons of disinfectant in a single month. He may have a problem. “I’m keeping the kitchen clean. The counters and the refrigerator. And both bathrooms. The grout. Under the lid for the cistern. Door handles.”
“Okay, okay.” Robbie winced; two okays was never okay. “I’ll send you more bleach. And some gloves.”
“You sleeping alright?”
Loaded question. Robbie’s eyes flicked involuntarily to the BSAA-issued Alexa perched on a high shelf in the kitchen. “I’m sleeping.”
“Bad dreams?” The agent’s image pixelated again before stabilizing, and Robbie took advantage of the brief signal disruption to press his face hard into both palms. He could control himself during the day but of course their bugs heard it when he woke up screaming.
“You want to talk about it?”
Robbie doubted she would take no for an answer and doubted his own ability to prevaricate. He shrugged. “Louisiana. Dinner table with Momm—Mrs. Baker, and her husband and Eveline.” That was an odd feature of his recurring nightmares: he identified Mr. and Mrs. Baker in his thoughts as Mommy and Daddy, and his fear of them was twisted together with familiarity, even gratitude. “They had my body chopped up in pots.”
The agent made a sympathetic noise. “They tried to eat you?”
“Could be worse,” Robbie said, shrugging again. At least the people they ate didn’t turn into fanged piles of black sludge and stagger around their decaying home for eternity. “I think I’m just…” He glanced around the study: empty, except for the big table and the bookshelf full of Spanish novels that had proved embarrassingly challenging. “I’m, like—in my dreams I’m looking down at myself in the pot and Mm-Mrs. Baker tells me to eat up. I mean. They didn’t have any real food.” He crossed his arms and dug his nails into his own elbows, fighting vertigo. “It was all rotten. No cans left. The animals were all dead.”
“You’re worried about what your brother went through,” the agent said, and Robbie straightened.
“No.” He held his breath, grasping for some plausible argument. They killed dogs that ate people, didn’t they? The BSAA’s hold on their lives now was absolute. “They only had him a few months. I, I mean. It’s my dreams. Making things up.”
“Any problems with your medication? You have the list of side effects to watch for?”
“No.” It was a daily BSAA-issued pill. The first day on his antifungal, Robbie threw up black mold into the toilet until he passed out and slept for ten hours. Better out than in, he’d figured. The next day, and every day since, had been fine. “I mean, no side effects. We’re okay.” A bird warbled and piped from outside, loud and close. Robbie hadn’t left any windows open overnight. He straightened and turned, just as he heard the side door click shut. “Gabe?”
“Should we cut this short?” the agent asked, helpful for once, and Robbie nodded.
“I appreciate it. It’s probably nothing.” He ended the call and checked the dining room, where Gabe often read or watched laggy videos on his own BSAA-issued laptop, and Gabe’s room, where a cornucopia of superhero collectibles spilled from the bed to the floor and a faint (illusory, had to be) scent of mildew lingered despite Robbie’s vigorous daily whole-house cleaning schedule. “Gabe?” He must be outside. Robbie tried to calm himself. Just because Gabe had left the house, didn’t mean he was going to wander over the hills and disappear for two days. Again.
He stepped over the threshold, out from the hundred-year-old walls of his new home and into the alien wilderness: hot sun and rocky hills, no sound but the wind in his ears and birds chattering in the spicy-sweet desert shrubs. He squinted downhill, to the south: shrubs, cliffs, the Mediterranean sea glittering up at him. He peered west: shrubs, hills, the distant remains of a shattered stone fort and the faintly visible danger signs surrounding a radioactive ghost town. He checked north: shrubs, gravel driveway that carved switchbacks over the hills until it disappeared over the horizon, still no Gabe. Assuming that it had been Gabe shutting the door behind him and not the wind, he’d only left the house a few minutes ago; he couldn’t have run out of Robbie’s sight that fast. He might be crouched down to examine some plant or insect, or he might be hiding. (It was still so strange to see Gabe doing these things: running, climbing, hiding. The goddamn study had never even suggested their treatment would do anything for Gabe’s physical limitations, just save his life. When he’d first found Gabe in the Baker house, strong and agile and trying his best to stab him to death, he’d thought Gabe was literally possessed by a demon. The little girl’s mental influence was gone; the abilities she’d given Gabe remained.) He circled around to the east side of the house, reassuring himself that he could always run back inside and climb out onto the roof to get a bird’s eye view (Gabe could just crouch down below some fragrant desert bush and almost disappear), and then all the air rushed out of his lungs with a strange little wheeze when he saw Gabe hunched over and kicking something in the garden.
“Hey, Bud.” Gabe hated being snuck up on after Louisiana, and honestly, so did Robbie. (Gabe could sneak up on him now.) Robbie picked his way through the sprawling jungle of the vegetable garden: beans twining up gnarled bushes and driftwood stakes, tomato vines heavy with fruit stretched out over the sandy ground between lush bunches of lettuce, mellow paprika peppers blazing like Christmas lights from leafy stems. Most of Gabe’s plants, he’d started by planting left-over stems and seeds from their weekly meal prep shipment directly into the dirt with a handful of rotting food-scraps, and they never failed to sprout with a few days of watering. Robbie found himself happy to eat these home-grown vegetables; watching Gabe mulch and water them as they unfurled their leaves and their flowers set into fruit made them more trustworthy, somehow, than the bitter green things sold chopped up in bags at the grocery store. If he’d known growing his own food was this easy, he’d have dug up a roadside strip back in Los Angeles years ago.
Normally there were bees buzzing around the pepper and tomato blossoms, but Gabe’s kicking had scared them off. Robbie approached slowly as Gabe grabbed his digging stick. He hated the tingle of fear down his spine. He had to concentrate to keep from grabbing the scar on his left forearm, reminding himself as he so often did that Gabe was a physically normal kid now. Normal kids could be violent. It didn’t mean anything was wrong. It didn’t mean this wasn’t Gabe.
Gabe side-stepped to hide what he’d been kicking from Robbie, shoving dirt over it with his well-worn stick. Robbie still saw a flash of something red, fleshy. He swallowed. “What is that?”
Gabe dropped his stick and rubbed his face in the crook of his elbow, breath hitching. Robbie stepped closer and saw that the red meaty object was not, to his profound relief, an animal. He wasn’t sure what it was: narrow, spongy, bruised and moist from Gabe’s shoe, with dark gray parts and a tapering red stripe on each of its wedge-shaped segments, looking like a dog’s mouth or one of those bizarre tropical flowers that only blooms every hundred years. “Weird fungus,” Gabe managed.
Robbie knelt down to look at it. He’d never seen a wild mushroom before; he didn’t expect them to be so big, or to be shaped like an open mouth. The colors were a bit like the red and white mushrooms in cartoons, though. “Is it poisonous?”
Gabe shook his head. “It helps the vegetables,” he choked out. “But, I. I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry, I’m sorry you got nightmares. I didn’t mean to.”
Robbie covered his mouth. This was his fault; he hadn’t checked that Gabe was in his room before his call with the BSAA agent. He had to get it through his head that Gabe could move quickly and quietly now, that this was their normal. “I’m so sorry you heard that,” he said. That wouldn’t undo that Gabe had heard that. “Buddy. Gabe.” He reached up for a hug, and Gabe hesitated, staring at his left arm. “That’s just a dream. That’s just my brain trying to make sense of things that make me unhappy, and I’m unhappy about what the Bakers and, and Eveline did to you. Not anything you did. Okay?” Gabe sniffled and rubbed his face again, and Robbie kept his arms open, waiting. “I’m so proud of you for making it out of there. For surviving. I’ll never blame you for anything you had to do to survive.”
Gabe stared down at the stomped remains of the mushroom. “I’m not creepy?”
“No, never. You’re my little bro,” Robbie assured him, and Gabe sat down and flung himself against Robbie’s side. “Why’d you kill the mushroom?”
“Cause it gave you my nightmares,” Gave mumbled. He must mean, nightmares about me, an accurate deduction that would make Dr. DaCosta back home intensely proud of his social reasoning skills, except that Robbie had never seen this mushroom before. Robbie figured that before Gabe smashed it, it must have been nightmarish to look at, in a Hot Topic sort of way. “It’s creepy.”
“I think it looks cool,” Robbie remarked. Spain was full of cool things, now that he had the time and safety to sit back and contemplate them: bugs. Seaweed and weird critters that washed up on the beach. Flowers. Birds that sang—he’d thought their reputation for “singing” was an exaggeration, but it turned out that birds actually do sing. An infinite carpet of stars stretching out overhead, pinks and blues and yellows and so many tiny white lights that the black night might as well have been splashed with foam. And now, huge mushrooms that looked like toothy mouths. “You said it helps the garden, right? I’m not scared of mushrooms that aren’t poisonous.”
“Sure you’re not,” Gabe muttered.
“I’m not scared of mushrooms outside the house,” Robbie qualified. “Will the vegetables be okay?”
Gabe looked up and bit his lip. “Maybe. If I water more. They can’t use the seawater.”
“I’ll calculate how much we can spare from the cistern without running low,” Robbie offered. “We can take shorter showers.”
“I’ll just grow another one.” Gabe poked at the fragments of mushroom with his shoe.
“You can do that?” Robbie had heard that mushrooms were easy to grow with a kit, but he’d never seen it done. He felt a swell of pride at the gardening knowledge Gabe had absorbed from his tablet so quickly.
“It’s really easy,” Gabe said. “But. You gotta tell me if you get my dreams again. Okay?”
“Okay.” Robbie hugged him tighter. “I won’t take your dreams.”
“I don’t think you can do that.” A bee circled overhead and landed on a bean flower. They watched as it nudged its whole head inside the petals, wings and legs fluttering industriously.
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pinkysberg · 2 years
autism headcanons for arthur, john & charles
they’re autistic, your honour.
arthur morgan
special interest in horses. will go on and on about horse breeds, horse care, loves touching and talking to horses. arthur morgan is the og horse girl
touch aversion, hates being touched, don’t touch him.
subtle stimmer, always popping joints, stretching/wringing/flapping his hands, likes to mess with his hat in social situations.
scripts conversations and responses but his delivery doesn’t always land (hence “i didn’t mean it like that”)
known as a bad drunk bc overindulging in alcohol is how he copes with being both over or understimulated
would be big into earplugs/headphones/etc. if they were ever available to him.
john marston
comorbid adhd
was nonverbal as a child and frequently went nonverbal when he was taken in by dutch
touch aversion (would bite, hit and scratch when touched when he was young)
does not understand sarcasm, frequently uses sarcasm
sensory issues specifically surrounding being wet (hosea and dutch tried to teach him to swim but it was like putting a cat in a bathtub every time and they just gave up)
needs very specific instructions before doing anything
charles smith
“you look/sound mad” “that’s just how i look/sound”
sensory avoidant, likes to keep out of crowds and avoid socializing, very happy by himself
strong ingrained sense of justice, deeply desires for things to be “fair” and is frustrated knowing they can’t be.
big on routines, schedules and planning.
puzzle, mind game, word search, etc. lover
big on safe foods, rarely - if ever, ate pearson’s stew and would much prefer to eat meat he’s prepared himself.
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loveabledirtbag · 1 year
1.01 - system
i’ve often thought about the stark difference between how the bear season one opens and the bear season two opens. but they are both actually kinda chill. the bear season one becomes frantic once carmy wakes up, but his dream sequence is kinda chill? until the bear tries to kill him?
the guitar strums as carmy wakes up is etched in my brain and somehow always releases endorphins when i hear it
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the amount of storytelling they pull off in a ten second scene of the meat delivery and carmy calling lu is just incredible.
just once in my life i want to have been able to say that i had a back alley deal for some beef. it’s a fun kind of bad ass.
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is it just me, or does carmy and sydney just look like BABIES in the pilot?
as someone who has interviewed a lot of people over the years for a passion-intensive type of job, seeing a business (like carmy sees the UPS) and thinking it has something to do with the job being interviewed for is truly understandable and relatable. and its never not embarrassing
there’s just something about the overlapping, chaotic yelling of everyone in the kitchen with the full spectrum of emotions that is just so on point to so many places i’ve worked. happy (and not so happy) memories
having had more time to think about the conversation between richie and carmy in the walk-in…carmy may have been more hurtful. is richie more bombastic and antagonistic? sure. is he more crude? almost always. but he’s a man who’s spent his whole life in a place doing a job with his best friend. his best friend died, and now his best friends kid brother is coming in and changing how everything is done. on top of the money problems. so he’s 44/45 years old and upset about his world changing and asking carmy to keep things how they were. but carmy, once challenged, goes right for “why didn’t michael leave the restaurant to you then?”. brutal. but i think its kind of their dynamic as a whole in retrospect: richie is louder and more aggressive, but when push comes to shove carmy will go in for the jugular and cut deep right away.
“1+1 equals you’re an asshole, bobby flay” “don’t call me bobby flay!” is a beautiful joke
matty matheson’s introduction to the show is iconic. he just comes in BAM and the camera work moves as if a drumroll of “and heeeeeeeere’s Fak!”
the scene where carmy finds his knife on the ground, and we get the intercut scenes of the morgue, and the first look at the back of mikey’s head has never made sense to me. because carmy said he didn’t go to the funeral, and richie says carmy didn’t come home. i assume that means carmy was in new york. so why is he seeing an image of a morgue with a sheet over a body? is it not a memory? is it just part of his imagination? i know the show has a lot of dream sequences and dream logic. but it’s curious.
also, the fact that in the original script, upon finding his knife on the ground carmy has a major blow up (of “review” levels) where he throws pots and screams. but instead the episode cuts to arguably the softest, and calmest shot of the episode: a beautiful softly lit scene of some meat getting salted and cooked.
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which is an interesting choice when you know the alternative possibilities of the original script. it’s almost as if they decided that a way for carmy to come down is by cooking. even if that idea is challenged as the series goes on. but the anger is abated by getting into the groove of cooking and the meditative qualities of cooking.
i also think it’s a good thing they cut carmy’s blowup in this episode, because it makes his eventual blowup so much more impactful later in the season. and it would have made us, the audience, much more against him from the beginning. but instead we get through the whole season falling in love with carmy and understanding him, so when he does have his blowup in episode 7 we understand a bit more of where he’s coming from. he’s a bit more human, and we find it easier to forgive him. plus, when sydney and marcus quit in episode 7 it makes more sense that carmy isn’t normally like that. if they were used to his major freak outs than his actions in episode 7 wouldn’t have been so shocking where it pushed them to quit. but because he wasn’t usually like that, it makes sense that they walk away.
the quick back and forth of carmy and tina talking: “hey tina, i gotta see my sister, can you hold down the fort?” “yeah. hey, why doesn’t your sister come around here no more?” is such good writing. because suddenly, what you thought was an extremely antagonistic relationship, you realize has a history. carmy knows tina more than just his short time as owner of the beef. he knows tina, and he trusts tina, and tina knows carmy and carmy’s family.
“i’m gonna fix this place” “no one’s asking you too” is…maybe worth a whole post in and of itself. there are family dynamics, power dynamics, privilege, class relationships, and so much at play in the bear. but the idea of carmy, someone with knowledge and talent, wanting to help everyone in the beef reach their best potential is both a holier-than-thou idea, and/or a testament of love and devotion to a group of people who he knows deserve more out of life if they could only be given a chance. even if they do nothing but mock him. but also; we have to take into account it’s a white guy, with a staff that is predominantly POC, and that has a lot of meaning behind it. there are endless amounts of lenses you can watch and engage in with this show, and people should. feminism, gender, race, class…just so much depth to unpack. i wish academics would get on it and write all the books of the multiple lenses so i could read them, and then bastardize them for tumblr.
carmy having everyone try his new sandwich, and ebraheim (who has ALWAYS been underutilized in this show) saying “it’s redundant and white, just like you” and carmy saying “heard, heard, heard” is (again) such great and deep writing. carmy is one of the best chefs in the world, he KNOWS his version of the italian beef sandwich is better than how it was being done before. but fine dining and classically trained culinary skills often (read: systemically) cater to white folk. so a black man telling a white man his sandwich is white, when that white man has accolades and awards and skill in his world…it means something. and the fact that carmy doesn’t throw his awards, or his skill in ebraheim’s face as a response or get defensive at all is a testament to the fact that carmy also gets it. he understands that there a power dynamics at play, and that other peoples opinions matter even if it goes against the skill and talent he knows he’s using in the creation of this dish. other cultures have other flavor profiles they enjoy and just because their cuisine might not be regarded as “fine dining” in most instances doesn’t make them less valid or important.
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family dinner is so beautiful. “i’m grateful for all you motherfuckers”. because that is family, and oftentimes the best team at a small restaurant or shop. you fight, you battle over what temperature you want, you steal their knives, you pretend to not speak english, but that doesn’t mean you don’t LOVE them
“i’m grateful for phillip k. dick” richie has surprising layers to him.
i have been in chicago five times in my life, and three of those times i have seen a random man shoot a gun into the air to (probably) make a point. so richie doing the same thing feels fitting. god, i love chicago.
“you snyder-cut, 4chan, qanon motherfuckers” is also amazing writing for richie. we know he uses homophobic slurs, he calls sydney (a stranger) sweetheart, and babe. we assume he would be a republican, and maybe even a “scary”, trumpy one. but no. the working class has a broad spectrum to it, and just because someone isn’t politically correct doesn’t mean they’re automatically in a specific political party. people have layers and nuance to them, and richie “phillip k. dick” jerimovich is a perfect example of one. “i hate litter, so you cucks are gonna clean up after yourselves. and you’re gonna goddamn recycle.”
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the inkling of seeing that carmy’s “system” is having a positive impact on the staff when marcus says “heard, chef” is great. but i can’t get over the fact that carmy seeing that change and then deciding to toss the can of tomatoes into the trash is wasting how many thousands of dollars in one second? (more on that later)
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ugh. it’s a perfect show. a perfect episode. it introduces everything and is so economical. you get so much storytelling in 27 minutes. i truly believe this is the best show ever made and i will argue that until the day i die.
Season One: Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8
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liugeaux · 1 year
Thoughts on Strike Force Five
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I've always had a respect for late-night talk shows. They're a staple of American culture and are synonymous with classic television. Almost vaudevillian, they're a manicured window into the world of entertainment that for generations has reflected the pulse of the nation.
With the writers' strike lasting all summer, the 5 big late-night hosts, Fallon, Colbert, Kimmel, Meyers, and Oliver jumped on Zoom and made a podcast to support their unemployed staff. It was a noble gesture, whose only flaw was arriving 3 months too late.
They took turns hosting an hour-long podcast where they chatted about their experiences as talk show hosts, how their shows are similar yet differ both in front and behind the cameras, their respective career routes that led them to late night, and even some fun personal life anecdotes.
The stories and convos were fun, hilarious, and often fascinating, but the real meat of the cast was getting to hear their banter. 5 professional funny dudes, gently ribbing each other while clearly maintaining a healthy friendship. The show revealed a lot about each host. Everything from their ability to tell an unscripted story to how quick they are on their feet. Each host has their own strengths and as morbid as this sounds, getting them on a cast together was a unique venue in which to size them up.
Here's what I learned about each host after listening to all 12 episodes of Strike Force Five (insert thunderclap). We'll sort these by Late Night tenure.
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Jimmy Kimmel (2003-present: Jimmy Kimmel Live!)
Oddly enough, Kimmel has been on the air longer than any of his peers and despite being the least naturally funny of the group, seems like the most driven. Not to say that Kimmel isn't funny, he's just not comedian-funny. He is great at long-form jokes, and situational pranks, and some of his more absurd stunts border on artistic brilliance. Kimmel is undoubtedly a good hang. He comes from a more awkwardly offensive time, and in this unscripted show you could, at times, hear him wanting to drift towards Man Show style humor. To his credit, he never strayed too far from his Disney-approved late-night persona, which at this point might actually just be his natural self. He's an idea man, and the bigger the idea, the more he wants to do it. He was apparently the brains and engine behind Strike Force Five and those traits track through his surprisingly long and often bizarre career.
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Stephen Colbert (2004-2014: The Colbert Report, 2015-present: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert)
As the oldest host on the cast, Colbert emerged from the Second City Chicago improv scene and found a home in the John Stewart stable of comedy writers. His journey to network television was weird, primarily because before taking his job at CBS he was famous for reporting news as a fictionalized version of himself on the Colbert Report. On Strike Force Five, Colbert was very much the elder statesman. His storytelling style was a noticeably slower template, leading to his tales being a bit long-winded and meander-y. In another setting that would be fine, but alongside his late-night peers, the difference was much more obvious. Part of this might also be a by-product of his Southern upbringing, but for what it's worth, as of 2023, I think The Late Show with Stephen Colbert is the best "traditional" late-night show on TV. Colbert feels like a writer's comedian, he has a brilliant delivery when given a script and, if needed, he can seamlessly fall back on his improv training.
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Jimmy Fallon (2009-2014: Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, 2014-present, The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon)
The most aloof member of the Strive Force is easily Jimmy Fallon. I've long thought of Fallon as the accidental lottery winner of the Leno vs. Conan late-night war of 2010. He was a no-brainer to replace Conan on Late Night, but once Leno's original successor was out of the picture, the big-boy-job of the coveted Tonight Show fell into his lap in 2014. He's turned it into the most modern late-night show with his higher-concept, Youtube-friendly, celebrity bits. Jimmy's energy is what the Tonight Show needs, but when placed among his peers, Fallon seems outclassed. He's inherently more charming than the rest of the Strike Force, and pretty fast on his feet, but for long stretches of the podcast, it almost seemed like he was either on-mute or not paying attention. Maybe he was waiting for his opening and just more polite than the others, but his soft-spoken demeanor got bulldozed through much of the series. With that being said, his willingness to play the buffoon might have turned him into the star of Strike Force Five. The infamous episode 5, in which Fallon created a match-game style quiz for the hosts and their spouses quickly devolved into a confusing train wreck that only got funnier as it spiraled into chaos. The potential for antics like this became one of the reasons to check out the show. Fallon leaning into his sheep-ish oaf routine had him emerging as the comedic battery of many of the episodes. He seems like the kind of comic that can show up half-prepared and still crush a room, just because his quick wit and charm do most of the heavy lifting. The most disappointing thing about Fallon's presence on the podcast was a complete lack of acknowledgment of the Rolling Stone article scandal, which was published a mere week after Strike Force Five's debut.
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Seth Meyers (2014-present: Late Night with Seth Meyers)
Meyers is secretly the funniest member of the Strike Force Five. While his career may not be as prestigious as his podcast-mates, (this was hilariously made clear as the crew discussed the sad t-shirt rack of Late Night shirts in the NBC studio store at 30 Rock), Meyers is the most accomplished stand-up comedian of the bunch and that can't be ignored. He's the fastest with a joke, the funniest with that joke, and can craft a long-form story from his life with a careful-comedic-nuance I've never heard from any of the others. His version of Late Night strays from what Letterman, Conan, and Fallon did by being more of a Weekend Update or The Daily Show-style news desk show, but he's comfortable with that format and it works for his humor. A lot of Strike Force Five was 5 funny dudes fighting for air time, and while Kimmel and Colbert did the most talking, Meyer's joke-per-minute rate was off the charts compared to the two more talkative hosts. Like one of his predecessors, Conan, Seth Meyers does not get enough credit for the quality of his work and like Conan, he will likely get screwed out of The Tonight Show job. Conan's was a true screw job, but Seth's will more-than-likely be an age hurdle. Meyers is the same age as Fallon and both of them got their current shows around the age of 40. If Fallon hosts The Tonight Show for 25 years (which is reasonable, Leno finally left the show when he was 64) both him and Meyers will be 65. I don't see NBC giving their premiere late-night franchise to a 65-year-old Meyers. Note: Watch Seth Meyers: Lobby Baby on Netflix and you will understand my love for his stand-up.
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John Oliver (2014-present: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver)
Like Colbert, John Oliver comes from Jon Stewert's stable of Daily Show correspondents. He's carved out a unique place in the Sunday night landscape, where his often outlandish and troll-like dark humor has thrived. He's my personal favorite of the bunch, and his show is the most likely to teach you something genuinely valuable. He's the only non-American-born host on Strike Force Five and the only host without a nightly show. His inclusion is curious, yet welcomed. Juxtaposed with his Strike Force peers, Oliver's bitingly dark wit and chaos-favoring humor stands out. No one enjoyed Fallon's Match-Game going up in flames as much as John Oliver and he seems to genuinely gain his life force from getting under the skin of the subjects on his show. On the podcast, Oliver was one of the more quiet hosts, and that led to his presence feeling more like a courtesy than an obligation. In my mind, I can hear him saying in his most polite British voice, "Oh, I'm aware that I don't exactly belong here, but I'm appreciative of the opportunity." Like Colbert's Southern roots, maybe John's just too British to dominate time on a podcast with so many white American hosts. Oliver is a great stand-up comic too. Like Meyers, if his TV career ended tomorrow, he could easily fall back on his remarkable stand-up talents and find excellent work for the rest of his life. John Oliver is a gem that I think would be dullened by a nightly show, and as a huge fan of both him and his show, I'm super grateful he was asked to be a part of the podcast. Hearing him hold his own with the more mainstream late-night stars was wonderful.
As a whole, the show was really fun. It's a snapshot of a moment in time that will never be captured again. Imagine if, David Letterman, Conan O'Brien, Tom Snyder, Jay Leno, and Dennis Miller had a radio show in 1997. What would that have sounded like? What would we have learned from it? It's just fascinating. I guess I need to mention the John Stewart and David Letterman episodes of Strike Force Five. It was great getting two legends of the format in on the conversation, but I don't know if it was necessary. Note: Letterman is super old now, but he's still sharp as a tack and maybe the best to ever do the late-night job.
One of the elephants in the room on Strike Force Five is the distinctive lack of any representation of people of color. As it stands, I'm not aware of any current major shows hosted by people of color. Both the Late Late Show and Daily Show's desks are currently vacant with the former likely to not be filled at all. The all-white Strike Force Five panel might just be a by-product of who is still watching these shows. It's probably middle-aged white people who are irreversibly accustomed to watching late-night television, and as the format dies, they will go down with the ship. In turn, the risk-averse networks stick with the white male hosts to not scare their tiny remaining audience away. It's not just, but sadly it's probably true.
Network talk shows might be a dying genre, but while they cling to relevance, Strike Force Five could go down as an important moment in the history of late-night television and I'm thrilled to have been here to experience it in real-time.
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birdbutt · 6 months
personal tma episode today woohoo I suppose (uh.... cw for rotten/scary ?food? I guess)
I work in mail sorting. In one of The Big mail sorting plants, the kind of building lined with conveyor belts that take things across the building, up and down different floors, just wherever it needs to get to so it can leave in the right direction to the local stations and parcel carriers. A big mechanical nervous system. Filled with packages or letters instead of flesh or blood.
You find a lot of weird things in the mail. You just have to learn to ignore it. It gets weirder even on the overnight shift. Not just drugs or other illegal oddities, but those truly bizarre sights you know you'll have no way of describing later. If you even remember them after a long night.
8pm to 5am is when I'm there. We even sort on Sundays. Have to get the mail to your station by Monday you know? I usually like to listen to podcasts while I work. I mean, I'm just standing in place, waiting for that labyrinth of moving belts and conveyors to drop the next round of mail into my chute so I can start sorting the zip codes. I'll put each package on another conveyor belt, key in a code on a small number console, then watch the package get taken away and dropped into another cart or chute somewhere. There's four other drop chutes just like mine, lined up along the main belt behind me, with another equally bored or just plain tired plant worker waiting for the next round of endless deliveries to sort. All listening to their own music or books or even having a late night phone conversation. Today I was playing The Magnus Archives. It really didn't feel like it would matter what I listened to at the time. I was in the middle of episode 36 - Taken Ill, and as the narrator started describing the sickly horror of the scripted week a package at the top of my chute broke open and a slimy, pale yellow, almost gray fluid starts pouring out... well oozing out. It seemed slow, but happened so fast that I couldn't have done anything to help minimize it even if I wanted to get close enough to do that. It got over everything. The belt, the chute, the other packages, even the floor. It didn't just get my area either. When it broke it was still close enough to the main conveyor belt that it spread to the other four chutes after me too. The smell was so strong I almost couldn't move at first. Almost sweet. Before the strench of almost tangible rot slammed it's way so hard into my brain my legs nearly gave out.
Well the stench obviously traveled all over. Farther than normal I guess. Everyone on our floor level could smell it and was coming over to find out what happened. I mean everyone too which is impressive. This is not a small building, it takes about five minutes for someone fit to speed walk from one end of our floor to the other. So it was kind of a joke everytime we caught another brave soul wandering over from so far to try and figure out just what the hell they were being forced to smell.
We get people trying to mail cooked foods or meals all the time, it always turns rotten before the package even makes it to a sorting plant. Always. It's so stupid, but also so common you hardly notice it after a couple months there. A turkey sandwich in a manilla envelope, ham with mashed potatoes on a ceramic plate, a plastic baggy of homemade pickles. Almost makes me chuckle sometimes. Well, almost chuckle AFTER, the slime and smell of what used to be something consumable gets mopped up. So that full bodied stench of old organic rot isn't foreign to us in the plants by any means. Nobody could say for sure what had rotted though, but we all agreed it was definitely familiar. When we removed the box from the top of the chute we still couldn't figure out what it was. Usually when one of these busts we get to see what ever moldy, decomposed chunk meat or produce someone tried to mail ooze out of the soggy cardboard when picked up. This was somehow just slime. A molded pale yellow that almost seemed gray. There wasn't anything else. It looked like someone had packaged up only the decay while leaving out what originally fed it. If there had ever been anything else it seemed to have already completely liquefied. And it filled the entire box and more. It seemed to be too much for the package that broke. We all tried to joke about how long the package must have been lost in the twisted turns of the never ending veins of sorting machinery to get /that/ rancid, but we couldn't bare to keep our mouth open too long around it. Thinking back I don't remember anyone actually complaining about the SMELL, just how it was stronger than normal, strong enough to taste. All from a square box barely 7 inches long. A box that hadn't even smelled until it spilled open. Or we thought it had spilled, we couldn't see what might have been the tape holding it closed anywhere in the soggy mess.
Because it was just so... wet we almost forgot to check if the mailing info was still intact any any way before we binned it for another crew to inspect and clean. No chance of saving it at this point. The address had melted away into that yellowish sick of spoiled matter, but the postage mark was still dry. Pristine even. A bright unmarked spot of bright dry paper on a sea of decomposing filth where there sat a single fly. That lonely insect drawing my attention to the smallest bit of information that I would have never noticed, or thought to check, without the dance it seemed to do right on top. Pointing me to the punchline of a joke I never wanted to know.
It had been sent locally that same day.
You find a lot of weird things in the mail. You just have to learn to ignore it.
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veresiine · 1 year
My retail job, most of the time, involves grocery store curbside pickup orders. So, to vent, I've made a list of things that customers do that bug me (and things they do that don't).
Things customers think we hate, but we don't, and actually prefer over the alternative
Things customers do that I hate (that are relatively harmless but inconvenient and/or annoying to me)
Things customers do that I hate (that are rude)
Things customers do that we love
Content under the cut due to length. Also lots of food discussion, as is the nature of the beast.
Things customers think we hate, but we don't, and actually prefer over the alternative:
Calling ahead to let us know you'll be late and giving an ETA
Calling us and asking us to cancel or reschedule your order
Calling us for any change of plans, really. Life happens! We've had all kinds of things interfere with pickups. Births, deaths, car accidents, sudden hospitalizations, customers stranded halfway across the country for days. As long as we know when (and if) you'll be picking up your order, we can make arrangements as necessary to accommodate that.
Things customers do that I hate (that are relatively harmless but inconvenient and/or annoying to me):
Physically showing up in the employee area to inquire about your order progress and/or pick it up. If you forgot your phone and have no other way of contacting us we'll let it slide, but we get frightened easily when snuck up on, and feel pressured and cornered.
Trying to insist on tipping us after we have clearly communicated that we are unable to accept tips and could get in trouble or even lose our jobs over it. We appreciate the initial thought but WE COULD GET IN TROUBLE, we've already turned you down, you're just making it awkward.
Ordering larger amounts of items such as loose green beans, snow peas, or Brussels sprouts, which are sold by the pound. We are timed for every item; we are supposed to spend 30 seconds maximum on each item (locating, bagging, and moving to the next), and your 1 pound of green beans counts as 1 item.
When on the phone, interrupting or rushing me in the middle of my script (Thanks for calling, where are you parked, do you have coupons, how are you paying, etc.). Phone calls are difficult. Sometimes verbal speech at all is difficult. As I'm on the phone with you, reciting the script, I am also getting your order paperwork and/or electronic confirmation ready. The script gives me time to do that. Forcing me to deviate from the script has like a 25% chance of distracting me enough to forget a step, a 25% chance of throwing me off-balance enough that I need some time before I can speak coherently again, and a 100% chance of annoying me.
Asking when we'll get back in stock. We have no idea, 99% of the time, and even if we know it's been ordered, there's no guarantee it will show up on the truck.
Things that customers do that I hate (that are rude):
NOT TIPPING YOUR DELIVERY DRIVER, ESPECIALLY if you're ordering a lot of very heavy items like cases of water or bulk dog food. Even if you don't have the money to tip, at least have the decency to thank them for hauling so much stuff for you!
Ordering massive quantities of, say, on-sale meat items, without first independently calling the meat department. To begin with, if it's on sale, it's quite probable it's already sold out, and even if it isn't, you're clearly just hoarding and making it harder for everyone else. I'm not talking 2-3 big packs of ground beef or 2 turkeys; I'm talking 10 steaks, 5 family packs of pork.
Blaming us for the prices of things in the store. Yes, we know food is expensive. Yes, we know it costs so much more than it did last year. Many of my coworkers are food-insecure and often cannot afford to shop where they work. If we had any say over the prices, we would not be in this boat. Complain about the prices; they do suck, after all, but the instant you blame US, you're being rude.
When we're shopping, asking us where all the items you're looking for are. We are on a timer. The handheld shopping devices are tracking our every second and every action. Most of us are happy to point you in the direction of what you're looking for, provided we know the answer ourselves, but please don't keep coming back to us again and again and again. Also, because we are on a timer, it's nice to keep things straight and to the point. Some of my coworkers prefer it if you still say 'excuse me, could you please help me find ,' but provided your body language and tone of voice are not terribly aggressive, I happily respond to requests such as "BEETS?" and "where's bread?"
Insulting our coworkers. "I know it wasn't you, but the person who shopped this is an IDIOT-" we like them more than we like you. Even if it was a stupid mistake, don't go calling people names. We appreciate you letting us know an error was made and we'll do our level best to fix things and make things right. Besides, with some of the weirder errors, odds are it was made by a teenager who DOESN'T HAVE THE LIFE EXPERIENCE TO KNOW BETTER. Please don't be a jerk.
Things customers do that we love:
Ordering yogurt, especially multiples of each flavor. This is very good for our pick times! It's nice, quick and easy. Multiple produce items are also nice!
Giving notes on what you'd like as a substitution. "If this flavor is unavailable, please get X flavor". Or "I have a coupon; please stick to Y brand." We know what you want, you get what you want, everyone wins.
"Thank you!" notes. We read every one of them! Sometimes a simple 'thank you!' written in the order notes is exactly what we need to get through
Shout-out to one family of customers who find creative ways to bypass the 'no tips' rule. What they do is unrealistic for the average person to emulate, and I'll not get into specifics on the off chance someone from corporate sees this, but I will say they are much appreciated.
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papermoonloveslucy · 2 years
The Butchers & Meat Markets of the Lucyverse
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Before supermarkets and online ordering, consumers visited local buthers and meat markets to shop.  Here’s a look at the butchers of the Lucyverse!
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Lucille Ball had a huge imagination when she was a child in Jamestown NY. In order to attempt to control her daughter, her mother made a deal with the local butcher for Lucy to run up and down the street between his shop and their home. It was in his butcher shop that Lucille first made her entertainment debut. In her autobiography, Ball shares details of her first performance on the butcher's counter. Lucy loved to dance and twirl for them, as well as giving her rendition of a jumping frog. She would stick her tongue out and croak. Customers would give her some pennies or a sweet treat to show their appreciation. 
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In 1942 Lucille Ball was the subject of a newspaper article titled “Conversation in the Kitchen” by Susan Thrift. The article details how the wartime homemaker can save money and conserve resources.
“If you have a freezing unit in your refrigerator, you can buy meat for the week. You’ve probably learned that you can depend much on a reliable butcher and standard brands. For the rest, remember what your mother taught you about the purchase of meat:”
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“Valentine’s Day” (1949)
Katie the Maid (Ruth Perrot), is sweet on Mr. Dabney the butcher (Hans Conried), and Liz (Lucille Ball) offers to help. But when Liz's Valentine to her favorite husband gets switched with her check to pay the butcher's bill, Mr. Dabney gets the wrong idea.
Katie says she has a written a Valentine poem for Mr. Dabney the butcher. Liz calls him “old heavy thumbs”.    
KATIE: “Some people may have better beef, but his liver’s good. And no one has oxtails and pig’s feet like him!”
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Mr. Dabney reads the Valentine aloud:
“If you’ll be mine, then I’ll be thyne. You set my heart a-quiver. Say you’ll be my Valentine, And send two pounds of liver.”
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Hans Conreid also played Mr. Dabney the butcher in “Overweight” (1949) where a dieting weigh-in is held at his butcher shop.
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Mr. Dabney returns in “Reminiscing” (1949), a re-dramatization of “Valentine’s Day” as part of a “My Favorite Husband” retrospective episode. 
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When the "Valentine’s Day” script was made for television in 1952 in “Lucy Plays Cupid”, Mr. Dabney the butcher, played by Hans Conried, became Mr. Ritter, a grocer, played by Edward Everett Horton. 
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“The Freezer” (1952)
Hoping to save money, Lucy and Ethel purchases a walk-in freezer from Ethel’s Uncle Oscar, a butcher.  When Lucy hears Ethel say that he has a “big cold chest,” Lucy drily replies, “Why don’t you knit him a sweater?”   
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After buying the freezer, they buy the meat to fill it at 69 cents a pound. Lucy over-orders two sides of beef from Johnson’s Meat Packing, a wholesale butcher. Lucy tells Ricky that bacon costs 75 cents a pound. The girls end up ordering 700 pounds of meat for a total of $483!  Lucy immediately demands they take it back. 
DELIVERY MAN: “Look, ladies, even if you defrosted it, pasted it back together and taught it to walk, I couldn’t take it back!” 
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To shift some of the meat, Lucy and other stake out the local butcher shop, stashing the meat in a baby stroller. 
LUCY (to a customer): “Are you interested in some high-class beef? Are you tired of paying high prices? Do you want a bargain? Tell you what I'm gonna do. I got sirloin, tenderloin T-bone, rump, pot roast, chuck roast, oxtail stump.”
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Fred Aldrich plays the butcher who is none too happy about Lucy and Ethel poaching his customers.    
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A December 1952 Philip Morris cartoon ad starts with the butcher delivering a side of beef to Lucy and Ethel, inspired by “The Freezer”.
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“Together for Christmas” (1962)
The holiday episode opens with Lucy and Viv at the butcher shop, where Ernie the butcher (Joe Mell) is wrapping up Lucy’s Christmas turkey, even though Viv's family traditionally has a goose. 
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Ernie the butcher jokingly suggests stuffing the turkey with a goose!  
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“Lucy and the Plumber” (1964)
Lucy’s first talent discovery was made in Mr. Krause’s butcher shop when she saw his German Shepard Beauty “howl like the Beatles” when Mr. Krause (Tom G. Linder) played the harmonica. 
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”Lucy and the Great Bank Robbery” (1964)
Reading The Danfield Tribune, Viv notes that Oscar the butcher has a special on rump roast. This may be a throwback to Ethel Mertz’s Uncle Oscar the butcher. 
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“Lucy Gets Her Maid” (1965)
When Lucy and Viv take jobs as maids for a wealthy philanthopist, they realize that they not only have to prepare and serve the meals, but they have to act as their own butcher, too!
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“Lucy and the Old Mansion” (1965)
A wrong number on the telephone keeps trying to reach Irving's Meat Market.
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“Lucy Meets Mickey Rooney” (1966)
The backdrop for the Charlie Chaplin sketch features a sign for a market that has “Low Prices on Meat’s”.  The grammatically incorrect possessive apostrophe is particularly odd. By that logic, the episode should be titled “Lucy Meet’s Mickey Rooney”! 
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“Someone’s on the Ski Lift with Dinah” (1971)
Harry feels entitled to approach Dinah Shore because his butcher’s cousin’s son’s best friend is engaged to her manicurist.
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“Mary Jane’s Boyfriend” (1974)
Mary Jane’s boyfriend of the title owns a meat market. His name is Walter Butley (Cliff Norton). Harry calls Walter “meathead” because when he walked in the door, Lucy had just plopped a package of ground round on his head.
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Possibly the most famous butcher on television was Sam Franklin, played by Allan Melvin on “The Brady Bunch.”  Desi Arnaz Jr. appeared on the show in 1970, although Melvin did not appear on that episode. Also, Eve Plumb (Jan Brady) played Lucy Carter’s niece on a 1972 episode of “Here’s Lucy.” 
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Melvin appeared with Lucille Ball in a 1959 episode of “Sergeant Bilko” (aka “The Phil Silvers Show”) titled “Bilko and the Ape Man.” Melvin also appeared in several Desilu series: “Vacation Playhouse”, “The Danny Thomas Show,” “The Joey Bishop Show,” “The Dick Van Dyke Show,” “The Andy Griffith Show,” “Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C.,” “Mayberry R.F.D.” 
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denimbex1986 · 6 months
Tom Ripley doesn’t exist. Not just in the sense that he’s a fictional creation of thriller novelist extraordinaire Patricia Highsmith, no; as a man, Ripley is a chimera, a shadow, a formless void that hungrily sucks in whatever nourishment it can from whatever or whoever is around him. Damn the consequences. He’s one of literature’s (and, in the case of several cinematic adaptations, moviedom’s) greatest conmen, a remora with nothing behind the eyes except the next game, the next mark, the next place to flee when suspicions run too high. Now, writer/director/showrunner Steven Zaillian has adapted the first of Highsmith’s novels into an eight-episode miniseries for Netflix (it was originally slated for Showtime before they sold it), and by virtue of those pedigrees, it’s maybe the best original series the streamer has put out all year.
When we first meet Tom Ripley (Andrew Scott), he’s a low-level grifter eking out a living with some street-level mail fraud in New York City. But one day, a private dick (Bokeem Woodbine) taps him on the shoulder and hauls him in front of a wealthy shipping magnate (filmmaker Kenneth Lonergan) for a special mission: travel to Italy on his dime to find his layabout painter-wannabe son Dickie Greenleaf (Johnny Flynn) and bring him back home to fulfill his business responsibilities. Ripley doesn’t know the man, but he agrees — the chance to start all over somewhere else (and be bankrolled for it) is too great. So he swans off to Atrani, a small beachside villa where he ingratiates himself to the pampered Dickie and his writer girlfriend, Marge (Dakota Fanning), two people as insulated by their wealth as they are by their respective artistic mediocrities.
Unlike previous adaptations of the material, Zaillian barely (if ever) clues us into any kind of deeper humanity lurking under the surface for Tom Ripley. Matt Damon’s version from The Talented Mr. Ripley was motivated by emotional impulse; here, Scott plays him like a reptile. There’s something downright alien about his cold tilt of the head, those shark-like eyes (aided by Robert Elswit’s chiaroscuro photography, which we’ll get to later), the way his delivery teeters between blase deference and a flat, manipulative affect. He seems less like a desperate hanger-on than a predator, one all too happy to take rich people for everything they’ve got and discard them when he’s sucked all the meat off their bones. He doesn’t covet the lifestyles of the rich and famous, and even the script’s frequent allusions to Ripley’s subtextual lust for Dickie don’t seem to fully account for his motivations.
Instead, his most honest, wounded moments come when he sees the rich people around them wasting their wealth. In one episode, he can barely contain a sneer when he sees Dickie and Marge shopping for a refrigerator. “A fridge isn’t freedom,” he bites back at them. Domesticity, security — these are curse words for Thomas Ripley. It’s all about the method, as Ripley‘s episodes meticulously follow his schemes, step by step, so we can see exactly how he does it and every possible circumstance he must account for (and how he deals with the few he can’t).
This coldness is reflected in Elswit’s staggering cinematography, crafting high-contrast, elegantly framed compositions in nearly every shot — the way his camera captures the beauty and immensity of the show’s many Italian locales evokes the works of Michelangelo Antonioni and Federico Fellini. Precision is the name of the game in every shot, whether it’s Ripley silhouetted against the bright-white Atrani sky or a close-up of a particularly observant gatto who is maybe the only living witness to any of Ripley’s crimes. It’s a bit like watching the world through Ripley’s own eyes: drained of color and beauty, a blank page that can be filled in with whatever shades required to survive until tomorrow. (The deep, abyssal blacks also remind you of the works of Caravaggio, whom Zaillian smartly parallels with Ripley throughout his journey.)
Zaillian, a veteran screenwriter and filmmaker whose talent has touched masterworks like Schindler’s List and The Irishman, as well as other TV projects like HBO’s The Night Of, crafts an expertly-paced tightrope act that defies the usual pacing problems of streaming miniseries like these. Where many Netflix shows are leaden, this one is merely patient; it keeps you hooked because it, like Ripley, is biding its time. When Ripley engages in one of his rare, but powerful, bursts of violence, the cleanup may well take the rest of the episode. But it’s minute-to-minute exciting, with new complications thrown in along the way that make you almost — almost — feel for Ripley in his momentary plight.
Really, it’s that strain of dark humor that keeps the whole thing from feeling like an exercise in misery. Granted, there’s always a kind of gleeful transgressiveness in watching works about monsters, but Zaillian lets us in on the grand class joke of Ripley’s schemes. Scott’s coldness slides perfectly into a kind of cattiness at just the right moments, like when we share his disgust for Dickie’s horrible paintings (which look somewhere between a fifth-grade art project and DALL-E trying to recreate the “French girls” painting from Titanic). The aforementioned attempts to dispose of the rare body or two are prime comedies of errors, and the Italian inspector (Maurizio Lombardo) cool on Ripley’s heels treats his American subjects with a delightful bemusement. (Love the way Elswit lets us peek at the inspector’s notebook after hearing Richard Greenleaf’s nickname: “DEEKEE.”)
All told, Ripley positions its intriguing central character as a nowhere man, making nowhere plans for nobody. He’s intriguingly hard to pin down, even when Elswit’s evocative eye and Scott’s chameleonic performance tease out a broader ‘why’ for their protagonist’s worldview. But maybe that’s the point. All he knows, all he’s ever known, is lying to people. If it means he has to swan off to the next place as soon as people catch wise, what’s the harm in that? To Tom Ripley, that spells freedom.'
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prameethsd · 6 months
Transform Your Meat Business with Meat Delivery Software
Are you ready to revolutionize your meat delivery business? With the rise of online shopping trends, it’s essential to adapt and meet your customers’ needs right at their fingertips. Our meat delivery software offers the perfect solution to streamline your operations and provide a convenient ordering experience for your customers.
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Take Multiple Orders and Turn Fully Digital
With our meat delivery software, you can enable your customers to order their desired meat with just a single click. Say goodbye to missed sales opportunities and hello to a fully digitalized business model that caters to the modern consumer.
Meat Delivery Software for All Business Types
Whether you run a single meat delivery store, chain stores, or supermarkets, our meat delivery app development solutions are tailored to suit your specific needs. From enhancing efficiency to managing orders across multiple users, we’ve got you covered.
Find New Tasting Experiences on the Go
Our on-demand meat delivery software empowers customers to explore a variety of meat options from your online store effortlessly. With features like simple signup processes, push notifications, and multiple payment methods, ordering meat has never been easier.
Have Access to All Functions in One House
Manage your orders, inventory, and staff seamlessly with our intuitive admin dashboard. From real-time synchronization to multi-store management, our meat delivery software puts you in control of your business operations.
Seamless Meat Deliveries at Fresh ‘0 Clock
Delight your customers with timely and efficient meat deliveries using our driver application. With features like route planning, delivery notifications, and order tracking, our meat delivery app development solution ensures a smooth delivery process from start to finish.
Ready to transform your meat business? Embrace the power of meat delivery software and take your operations to new heights. Get started today and watch your business thrive in the digital age.
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fullyautomated · 8 months
Autonomous Testing - a vision
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Autonomous testing embodies a transformative approach to the evolution of traditional quality assurance and quality engineering within a product engineering organization. Autonomous testing is not merely about automating existing test cases; it's also not about replacing humans; it's about reimagining the testing paradigm to empower continuous delivery, enhance product quality, and drive innovation. In this article, I dive into what I consider a comprehensive vision of autonomous testing for any product engineering organization.
I will first state the vision, and then I'll list each critical component of the vision and add a brief description of it.
First the vision statement
"In our pursuit of excellence and innovation, we envision a future where autonomous testing becomes the cornerstone of our product engineering efforts. By leveraging advanced AI and machine learning technologies, we aim to create a self-improving, adaptive testing ecosystem that not only accelerates our delivery cycles but also ensures the highest standards of quality and reliability in our products. This will enable us to consistently exceed customer expectations, adapt swiftly to changing market demands, and uphold our commitment to excellence."
The above vision not only contains a declaration of the purpose, goals, and desired outcomes but is future-focused, ambitious, and inspirational. If you have never had to create a vision before, think about these components and ensure you include them. Now, let's get on to the meat and bones of the vision.
Key Components of the Vision
The below pieces are things you'll get to work on and will become your mission. From an implementation perspective, think of each one of these (e.g. Self-Healing Test Systems) becoming an Epic in your product backlog. You can then plan the development, tool sourcing, staff upskilling, etc., and stay on track while keeping the team focused on "the vision."
Intelligent Test Automation
Develop a suite of intelligent test automation tools that can autonomously generate, execute, and evaluate test cases based on the evolving needs of the product, significantly reducing manual effort and enhancing test coverage.
I list this first because it is the bread and butter of autonomous testing; without this capability, the vision falls flat on its face.
Self-Healing Test Systems
Implement self-healing mechanisms within the testing frameworks that can automatically detect and correct errors in test scripts, thereby minimizing downtime and ensuring that testing processes are always efficient and effective.
This is another key enabler in autonomous systems. Think how much time QEs waste in updating locators! Self-inflicted technical debt will be a thing of the past with autonomous testing.
Predictive Analytics and Risk-Based Testing
Utilize predictive analytics to assess potential risk areas within the codebase, prioritizing testing efforts where they are most needed. This approach ensures optimal allocation of resources, focusing on high-risk areas to prevent critical issues.
This is an area where humans will benefit greatly and should pay close attention to. The more the system learns the more accurate the risk assessments will be.
Continuous Learning and Adaptation
Foster a system where testing tools and processes continuously learn from previous test cycles, user interactions, and code changes. Adaptive testing frameworks will anticipate future testing needs and adjust strategies accordingly, ensuring resilience and relevance.
Make sure you loop the teams' retrospectives into this process as well!
Seamless Integration with Development Processes
Achieve a deep integration of autonomous testing within the continuous integration and delivery pipeline (CI/CD), allowing for real-time feedback and the ability to swiftly address issues as they arise. This integration ensures that verification and validation activities are not a bottleneck but a facilitator of speed and innovation.
Quality Insights and Decision Support
Provide actionable insights and data-driven recommendations to stakeholders through advanced analytics and reporting. This will empower decision-makers to understand quality metrics deeply, make informed choices, and strategize effectively.
Collaborative Ecosystem
Cultivate a collaborative ecosystem that brings together developers, test engineers, quality analysts, and AI technologies in a symbiotic relationship. This collaboration ensures that autonomous testing complements human expertise, leading to innovative solutions and superior product quality.
This is one of the areas where low-code/no-code platforms thrive. But more importantly, it is a must if you want your vision to become a reality!
Cultural Shift Towards Quality Engineering
Drive a cultural shift from reactive testing of the quality of the product to a holistic quality engineering approach, where quality is embedded throughout the development lifecycle. This involves redefining roles, responsibilities, and mindsets to embrace proactive quality enhancement and continuous improvement.
Realizing the Vision
To turn this vision into reality, the organization will invest in cutting-edge technologies, upskill its workforce, and foster a culture of innovation and continuous learning. It will also involve collaboration with technology partners and the adoption of best practices in AI and machine learning.
Create an environment where autonomous testing accelerates product development cycles, enhances product quality, and enables the organization to stay ahead in a competitive landscape. This vision of autonomous testing is not just about technological advancement but about fundamentally transforming how quality is perceived and achieved in product engineering.
What would your autonomous testing vision look like? What are some of the things you'll include as part of it? Leave them in the comments and let's start the conversation. Autonomous testing is where the industry is headed, and I'm eager to get started on this journey. Are you?
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startup-ideas · 3 years
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These days people prefer doorstep delivery as it is effortless and time-saving. Hence the demand for meat delivery was also magnified. The customizable Uber for Meat Delivery App connects the meat owners with the customers. The app is crafted with all features to provide a smooth experience. Uber for Meat Delivery Apps is a perfect choice for entrepreneurs and meat stores owners as it helps to expand their business and increase revenue. Earn by launching your Uber for Meat Delivery App now!
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uberclonezapp · 4 years
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brujahinaskirt · 3 years
I've never seen anyone mention this, so I will: Kingdom Come is balls-to-the-wall obsessed with symbolism. This is fitting for a medieval game (the medieval world was obsessed with symbolism), and it's loaded with symbols in both its art and storytelling elements. What I find worth remarking on is that KCD takes a far more subtle, literary, and artful approach to its symbolism than most games within its genre; its symbolism thrives in the margins, as with literature. It doesn't flounce in the spotlight with a megaphone as with most games.
[Cut for rambly analysis.]
One of the things I deeply appreciate about the script is that it doesn't talk down to the player. If you don't actively think about the storytelling while you play -- if you don't watch for foils, parallels, symbols, motifs, read character expressions and pay attention to the content of the conversations as well as the emotional delivery -- you'll miss half the meat and meaning and message of the writing. That's a rarity these days; even "writing-based" games tend to spoon-feed players embarrassingly facile stories, childish depictions of trauma, and insultingly thinly-developed character arcs (ahem, rhymes with Why-o-Bear).
And sure, you can shut your brain off or come in with bad faith blinders on and steamroller through KCD's main quest, walking away having had a coherent if mediocre medieval video game experience. But you'll miss Theresa's apples scattering on the ground at the moment the daily life she ambivalently but carefully tended to is torn asunder. You'll miss how Henry's speech tics mirror his mother's word-for-word in delivery and in text. You'll miss that Hans presents himself as a swaggering hunter but is consistently visually associated with a hounded, hunted stag. You'll miss how Henry and Hans's relationship so doggedly parallels what we know of Martin and Radzig's, and to a lesser extent Istvan and Erik's. You'll miss that certain characters' clothing matches or contrasts in color schemes (another enormous medieval obsession). You'll miss how the sacking of Skalitz is what enables village bullies Matthew and Fritz to descend into real villainy, and how Henry gradually gains the sense of self to step outside Matthew's sphere of toxic influence. You'll miss that Radzig speaks honestly to Henry through metaphors and riddles and wordplay since he's far too awkward to speak to him openly. You'll miss that after forming a friendship with a peasant, responsibility-avoider Hans develops a new concern for how his actions affect everyday people, meanwhile layabout loafer Henry develops a sense of accountability to society at large. You'll miss that Theresa is almost always pictured nearby water (rain or rivers or puddles) just as Hans is associated with the forest and Henry is so often cinematically staged facing hills (and usually among flowers). You'll miss the journal entries, some of which are genuinely heartbreaking in the simplicity and earnestness of their longing, and in their hopes for better things ahead.
Some portions of the narrative are so well-crafted in this regard that the weaker portions/writers really stand out. That's the downside of writing in teams, but oh man, with an arty storytelling approach like KCD's, you can fucking tell when someone's writing skill wasn't up to snuff (ahem, Lady Tone-Deafany)... or when the team just wasn't in love with a character or a subplot enough to flesh out the symbolism.
But I'm getting away from my point now and starting to ramble, so I'll rein myself back in.
I edit books, so my storytelling field is a bit different. But by my metrics, the most successful novels—the ones that manage to both perform commercially and offer something of genuine artistic, emotional merit to audiences—do it like KCD does it. The basic narrative must be simple enough for casual readers to understand at a foundational level. But for readers who relish the experience of deep reading—who come equipped with thoughtfulness, a real desire to appreciate storytelling (at context and subtext levels), and the ability to critically & emotionally engage with multiple character arcs at once—there's so much more than the surface.
Many gamers praise game developers for designing game mechanics that don't baby them. Likewise, I praise writers who don't baby me.
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absolutebl · 4 years
THAI BL COMING IN 2021 - Master Post
Alphabetical order. 
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Bad Buddy series - airing now 
BL couple: new PatPran or PranPat
Actor couple: new OhmNanon or NanonOhm (like OhmSingto I wouldn’t expect this to ship, but then I thought Nanon would never do BL so.. shrug?)
Origin: Book (Behind the Scenes) adaptation, enemies-to-lovers  
Status: promo content, full trailer. started workshopping in June 2021 
Wait I've seen them do BL before? Seriously? Fine. Nanon in My Dear Loser+ like everything GMMTV not BL, Ohm in He’s Coming to Me, Make it Right, Dew the Movie, The Shipper + like EVERYTHING BL.
Side dishes: Drake (Mork in My Tee & P’Mil in 2gether) and Fiat (Pure in MGYG & Day in SOTUS S)
Rumours: It's from GMMTV with BL director Backaof attached (1000 Stars, He’s Coming to Me, Dark Blue Kiss, Still 2gether), so it's gonna happen. Apparent enemies (actually secret friends) to lovers in a Romeo & Romeo star-crossed story. 
Predictions: Both actors and director have a history of picking quality projects with decent scripts, and production values are likely high. Should be excellent but low heat. Ohm will have his shirt off a lot. 
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Between Us - moved to 2022 
BL couple: established WinTeam
Actor couple: established BounPrem, PremBoun
Origin: Until We Meet Again (from novel The Red Thread). Adaptation of spin off novel (Hemp Rope) turning secondary couple into mains, continuation of story arc.
Status: Hopefully July 2021 but probably later, promo content, not yet filming as of March 2020.  
Wait I've seen them do BL before? Long Khong as KinNat or NatKin (+ You Never Eat Alone & Wabi Sabi’s 2021 Seven Project)
Side dishes: Fluke (Pharm) and Ohm (Dean) are expected to reprise their roles from UWMA. 
Rumours: It's from WeTV with established (if inconsistent) BL director New (who did UWMA), so it's very likely to happen. Boun said in an interview that they don’t anticipate filming until early 2021 (depending on local politics & C19), so earliest release is mid 2021, but that’s optimistic. 
Predictions: The book, Hemp Rope, tells WinTeam’s romance from the start, so we might get some recon reboot action (like LBC2). I expect this to be slightly higher heat than what we get from GMMTV. 
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(full trailer) - Mark Siwat as a delivery boy who inspires a grumpy chef. It feels like we are in Oxygen territory and that was one of my favorites last year.
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Close Friend - COMPLETED
Actor couples: established multiples OhmFluke, JaFirst, KimCop, JimmyTommy, MaxNat, and YoonLay
Origin: 2Moons & Gen Y, Until We Meet Again, Why R U, TharnType 2, YYY
Type: six episode run featuring established BL couples, 1 ep each 
Wait I've seen them do BL before? All of them, that would appear to be the point. 
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Call It What You Want 1 & 2 - COMPLETED 
BL couple: TimeBenz 
Actor couple: JamesAit (ship’em if you DARE) 
Origin: Supposed to be partly an exposé about what happened on the set of 2m2. Yet another installment in the saga of the 2 Moons franchise being a hot mess. Dark underbelly, anyone? 
Side dishes: Kaprao (TharnType & 2 Moons 2), Michael (Jay in Oxygen). 
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The Cupid Coach - COMPLETED 
BL couple: LatteNight 
Actor couple: TeePeace 
Status: Jan 2021 air date - 10 eps, on Line TV
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Golden Blood - COMPLETED
(teaser trailer) 
Stars familiar side dish Gun Napat (Techno from LBC) as a rich kid who needs a bodyguard. The soft Thai version of Where Your Eyes Linger which is FINE. Contains ALL the tropes and 2021′s BEST side couple. 
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(Formerly: Destiny) 
BL couple: multiples
Actor couple: established YoonLay & PerthLay (this‘ll be fun) plus other established pairs 
Type: Sampler box of meat cutes 
Wait I’ve seen them do BL before? Lay + Yoon as NottPun in YYY, and Perth + Lay as RamKing in My Engineer. Max & Nat (DewBlue in Why R U), Korn (Wang in YYY), Peer (Ohm in YYY) 
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Don’t Say No - COMPLETED 
BL couple: LeoFIat
Actor couple: JaFirst
Origin: MAME’s spin off from TharnType, TharnType 2, Love By Chance universe
Wait I've seen them do BL before? Ja was in Until We Meet Again as Pharm’s cousin Sin (that WIG) and First was in 2gether as Mil’s friend. 
Rumours: Friends to lovers + a good boy/bad boy pairing on a sports romance foundation (basketball). Higher heat D/s dynamic already causing controversy, going to be a dumpster fire of misery or joy, probably both. 
Predictions:  It’s MAME. So, ya know, expect some slam dunk kidnapping, a light dribbling of rape, and me turning into a basketcase.
RECOMMENDED only if you’ve nothing better to do (episode by episode dumpster fire recap here)
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Enchanté - now listed for 2022 but status unknown 
BL couple: Theo+ unknown (see rumours)
Actor couple: Book+ unknown (see rumours) 
Status: Confirmed for 2021, full trailer.  
Wait I've seen them do BL before? Book is in Friend Forever as side character Tutor Kit. Fluke Gawin (Mork in Dark Blue Kiss), Fluke Pusit (Way in The Shipper). 
Rumours: It's from GMMTV but no director is listed, so I put this in the likely to happen stack. Secret admirer romance with a touch of Cyrano de Bergerac and dose of Boys Over Flowers. Theo returns from France and starts a written flirtation inside a library book (!) at his new uni with the mysterious Enchante. His best friend Ak hunts for Enchante’s real identity, and 4 senior boys step forward - all intersted in dating Theo: a nerd (P’Phupha), a musician, an artist, and a jock. It’s confusing as Ak might also be in the running. 
Predictions: New framework for Thai BL (although not for yaoi) and I’m intrigued. Low heat but very pretty. 
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Fish Upon The Sky - COMPLETED
BL couple: new MorkPi 
Actor couple: new PondPhuwin 
Origin: Book (same author as 2gether & Theory of Love) rivals/enemies-to-lovers + makeover 
Wait I've seen them do BL before? Phuwin (Dark Blue Kiss & My Tee), Pond is new to BL. Neo (Na in Tonthon Chonlatee, Gord in My Tee), AJ (Non in Dark Blue Kiss), Mix (A Tale of a Thousand Stars) 
Rumours: Dentist (!) Pi has a crush on this boy and he thinks Mork likes that boy too. Mork, of course, likes Pi. Engineering boys step in to give Pi a makeover and advise him on his love life. 
Predictions: So many tropes in just the trailer: piggyback, floppy drunk, claiming, camping, wound tend, lap lie. Plus it’s rivals-to-lovers so I’m going to adore this one. Expect something in the 2gether style, sweet and low heat. 
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KinnPorsche - now listed for 2022 
BL couple: new KinnPorsche
Actor couple: new MileApo 
Origin: Book adaptation, mafia/bodyguard romance 
Status: Probably second half of 2021, long teaser trailer, lots of promo content, reported issues with the author.  
Wait I've seen them do BL before? The titular characters are played by actors new to BL - intentionally. Jeff & Gameplay (of Ingredients) playing Kinn’s younger brother and Prosche’s younger brother respectively, Tong (P’Thorn from TharnType also in Second Chance) plays Kinn’s older brother, Green (Suthee from 2 Moons 2), Us (Matt from I Am Your King) and Toto (My Engineer) play bodyguards. Perth (Ram in My Engineer) also shows up. 
Rumours: Has been cast. Mafia kid, Kinn, is assaulted and flees into the arms of student Porsche. Porsche, a national judo champion, helps Kinn escape and Kinn blackmails him into becoming his bodyguard. They fall in love. In the book there is a surrounding cast of brothers and bodyguards also with BL romances. The series also includes a turf war. 
Predictions: I would guess this one is the most likely on this whole list to go in a TharnType direction. The trailer indicates they took the smart move and went dark with high production values, since that’s a niche they could make their own - but Thailand is scared of dark BL, so we could end up with something inconsistent. 
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Lovely Writer - COMPLETED
BL couple: new NubsibGene
Actor couple: new KaoUp
Origin: Book Nubsib 
Wait I've seen them do BL before? Kao (Korn in UWMA), Up is new to BL  (Wave in The Gifted 2016). Kenji (Technic in TharnType etc.)
Rumours: It's from three studios with established BL director Tee (TharnType) attached, so it’ll happen. It’s about a BL writer who, in the process of casting and filming his first BL series, falls in love with the lead actor. 
Predictions: I expect this to be low heat and high angst. Another one commenting on the BL industry, but without as much possible damage. It’s going to rest almost entirely on Up’s performance, so I hope he’s good. Expected tropes here. 
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BL couple: new BomJin
Actor couple: new NohJom
Origin: Book adaptation, university enemies to lovers 
Wait I've seen them do BL before? Jom played Por the photographer in Tonhon Chonlatee, Noh is new to BL and acting. Kaownah as Song (Lhong from TharnType) + Turbo as Jay. 
Rumours: Jin is the most sexy engineering moon to ever moon about campus, sadly he is mooning after a girl who broke his heart. He thinks his ex is now dating Bom, when in fact they are cousins, and Bom has had a crush on Jin. Jin feels guilty for misunderstanding Bom so befreinds him. Bome starts flirting hardcore but Jin is clueless. Seems a lot like 2gether meets Tonhon Chonlatee. [The story is supposed to have been written as slash fic for K-pop idols JB/Jinyoung of K-pop’s GOT7. Talk about crossing the streams.] Kaownah and Turbo were supposed to star in My Umbrella but that got cancelled. This is not the same story, although people keep confusing them online. 
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Not Me - delayed, now listed for 2022 
BL couple: new SeanBlack
Actor couple: established OffGun  
Origin: unknown
Status: Confirmed for 2021, probably end of the year, official trailer.  
Wait I've seen them do BL before? Of course you have, in everything GMMTV.
Side dishes: Mond (Water Boyy), First (The Shipper), Fluke Gawin (Dark Blue Kiss), Puimek (SOTUS S), Gigie (2gether)
Rumours: For GMMTV with established queer award-winning director Anucha attached and starring OffGun! This is the dark, gritty gang-set BL series we all expected from Motorcycle (before it disappeared from the radar). They are having Gun play twins.
Predictions: This will happen or people will riot. Since it’s GMMTV + OffGun expect low heat but high drama.
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My Boy the series - COMPLETED
University-set pulp airing on Line TV that looks like a pastiche, although the POV is out gay (v rare). Enemies to lovers meets secret romance + all the tropes. 7 minute trailer..
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My Engineer 2 - delayed, now listed for 2022  
BL Couple: RamKing, BohnDuen, TharaFong 
Actor couple: PerthLay, CooperPoy, MDShane
Origin: My Engineer the series 2020. Second season, continuation of story arc, shifted focus to side couples.    
Status: No release date, filming to start in April, so far just promo content. 
Wait I've seen them do BL before? Yes, this is a spin off, most of the support cast (except Mek) are expected to reprise their rolls. 
Rumours: Pulled from this truly adorable gossip and promo vid. My Engineer 2 will probably begin filming in April. 
Predictions: It’s supposed to still release in 2021 so with post production my guess is for an October, but more likely November release.
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Seven Project - COMPLETED 
Studio Wabi Sabi’s answer to Y-Destiny (trailer) is a seven episode sampler pack 3 BL, 3 het, 1 GL. hinted at in UWMA’s late 2020 fan vids. 
BL Earth (In in UWMA) & Santa 
Yacht (Pond in LBC1&2)
BL Boom & Peak (TeeFuse in MIR)
Plan (Can in LBC1&2)
GL Samantha (Manaow in UWMA + lots of other rolls) & Pineare (Del in UWMA, Yuri in Love Sick)
BL Boun & Prem (WinTeam in UWMA)
Perth (Ae LBC1&2)
NOT RECOMMENDED but the BoomPeak ep is okay.
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1000 Stars AKA Tale of Thousand Stars - COMPLETED 
(AKA A Tale of Thousand Stars) 
BL Couple: new PhuphaTian
Actor couple: new EarthMix
Origin: Book
Wait I've seen them do BL before? Earth (in Water Boyy, ToL, LBC), this is Mix’s first BL. Khaotung (2gether), Drake (2gether, My Tee), Nammon (SOTUS S), White (Love Sick) 
Rumours: It's from GMMTV with established BL director Backaof, so it's happening. Filming delayed due to C19. Location shooting is the suspected reason Earth was not in the ToL special. Originally slated for 2020. 
Predictions: Earth and Mix are ship-friendly and do a ton of promo. GMMTV has spent bank on this one, I’d be surprised if they never aired it but clearly there are some serious production issues what with lack of air date and continued delays. 
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Top Secret Together - COMPLETED
Status: Airing May 2021, trailer, some promo material 
Wait I've seen them do BL before? Newyear (YES! I am Your King), Aof (Make it Right), Yuuki (Oxygen) 
Rumours: Studio Non Noi producing for Star Bangkok. Features 5 couples so it may be a bit of a soap opera, think Friend Zone but more gay. The most exciting thing is that anchor couple Newyear & Both are an ACTUAL couple. So is this Thailand’s first BL staring an out gay couple? The stories look like pretty standard tropes: hazing, enemies-to-lovers, internship office romance, friends-to-lovers, jock/nerd, homophobic father, and so forth. 
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The Yearbook - COMPLETED 
Status: Airs July 2021, trailer on Line TV, 10 episodes
Rumours: Directed by Mean (Tin in LBC) and featuring Prem (Team in UWMA) but staring unknowns. It’s a reunion romance about high school bffs (sweethearts?) who parted badly and reunite years later because of a tragedy (?). 
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Love Area - on hiatus, moved to 2022
Restaurant set, stars Pak Chavitpong (the only good thing about Cupid Coach) and guest drop in from Jeff Satur (Ingredients). Thailand tackles love triangles pulp style. 
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My Mate Match - COMPLETED 
cohabitation love triangle from Starhunter, stars Jet & Jame & Big (Jack & Koh & Pharawee from Gen Y) on LINE TV. 
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Peach of Time  (technically K-BL) - COMPLETED 
Status: Airs Aug 30 2021, 10 episodes, trailer, BTS 
Crossover project between Korea & Thailand involving Mii2 AKA JimmyTommy AKA SaifahZon (publicity stills) and Choi Jae Hyun of Run On. This is not the first co-funded co-acted BL venture: Call It What You Want was a Thailand & Taiwan joint project (language: Thai), and Present Still Perfect was Thailand & Japan (language: Thai, Japanese, English). It looks like Peach is Korean set and support cast though, so I think we can expect high production values, short episodes, Korean language. (I really REALLY want a Japan/Taiwan co-project.) About a Thai boy, Peach (Jimmy), who travels to stay with his online Korean friend. There’s drama with the mother and a ghost. 
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Completed but... 
I Promised You the Moon - Follow up to I Told Sunset About You with the boys now at university.
The Best Story (mini series) and new YinWar vehicle. 
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2gether the movie (Thai trailer) - intended release April 2021 but postponed due to C19.
2 Moons 3 - not happening. Actor who played Wayo left, actor who played Pha on hiatus, actors playing Ming & Kit will not return, it’s known that the actor who plays Forth is also uncomfortable with continuing. If it does happen it will be all new cast... again. 
Absolute Zero - adaptation of an alt-timeline story (think HIStory Obsessed) with New attached to direct. Wabi Sabi dropped teaser and moved to 2022 it looks like. Moved to 2022.
AcadeX - Harry Potter meets The Gifted, no listing in MDL for this one yet not sure how much BL it will be, but it is from Starhunter so we can expect *some* BL. 
Bitter Sweet - stars the same actors as My Engineer. But revolves around the co-heirs (played by Cooper & Sean) of a fancy Hotel in Bangkok plus the head pâtissier (Ploy), and head chef (Inntouch). I think we can assume Cooper & Ploy are paired as per usual, which means Sean & Inntouch are playing off each other, might be fun. Perth and Lay are also supposed to put in appearances. Moved to 2022. 
City of Stars - apparently Starhunter has acquired the rights to adapt this y-novel which I am excited about. Starhunter is notoriously terrible about story structure, so an adaptation is better for them. No cast yet. Moved to 2022. 
Gen Y 2 - listed as coming out December 21, 2021 from Star Hunter. Moved to 2022 because it starts so late in the year. 
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Loveless Society - Thailand bringing us an office BL pulp with mature actors set in art & marketing worlds. Adult friendships, cheating and other mature darker themes. Think Friend Zone only gayer. Supposed to be coming to Line in November 2021 (trailer). Seems to be not particularly trope dependent and it feels a it like something from Vietnam. MDL has an extensive blurb, all the talent looks new to BL/acting. 
Motorcycle the series - was supposed to release in 2019 and had a trailer, got bumped to 2020, and now? Who knows what’s up with this one. Dead I think. Moved to 2022.
My Ride - book adaptation, there was a trailer but... production issues. Slated for 2020 from LineTV but never dropped. Doctor meets motorcycle taxi driver in an “other side of the tracks” romance. Billed as sweet and innocent. Also features at least one BL side couple. The screenwriter is Fluke Teerapat (AKA Wad in SOTUS & Golf in My Bromance) the director is new, so that might account for delays or struggles in production. Stars actors new to BL. This one is on my hit list as likely to get killed before ever seeing daylight. If there is a breakout popular BL for Line at the beginning of 2021, they might activate this one, but the number of unknowns makes me nervous. Moved to 2022. 
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Paint With Love - Met is a wedding organizer who has hired Phap, a poor artist, to work on a painting for an upcoming wedding. Phap ruins something and has to work for Met to pay off his debt. Stars Singto (SOTUS) as the uke, and Tae (2 Moons original Forth) as the seme. Teaser trailer. 
The Sweet Robot - has been cast but with predominantly unknowns, Sib from I am Your King is the only one i recognize. Supposed to have sf/f elements. Moved to 2022. 
Secret Admirer - book adaptation (teaser) about an ordinary guy still in love with the older boy he lived next door to during university, starring Earth (who I think plays the older character) was Wayo in 2 Moons 2 opposite Fluk is seasoned but not done BL. Side characters include Art (was in What The Duck opposite Mew, which was v high heat BL). Yut was in I am Your King, What the Duck, and 3 Will Be Free. Anusorn Soisa-ngim is based in Thailand and was the director of 2 Moons 2 and is well known for LGBTQ+ rep and cross country projects (Present Perfect with Japan and Call It What You Want with Taiwan).  I think he’s a good director I just don’t like his stories very much. Moved to 2022. 
Secret Crush on You - co-produced by and featuring (but NOT staring) Saint and directed by Cheewin (sigh) with all fresh faces. (Previously known as Stalker the series.) It looks like pure pulp and I’m not wild about the plot (very similar to Secret Admirer) but could be better than expected as it’s adapted from a novel. Has a GL side couple! We are all very excited by this. Cheewin is an okay director when he has an actual story to follow, so I’m cautiously optimistic. Moved to 2022. 
Something in My Room - horror BL start Nut (Oxygen). I’m in, I love Nut and I like how BL handles a ghost story (So Much in Love, Y-Destiny, He’s Coming to Me, Peach of Time). Moved to 2022. 
That’s My Candy - new KimCop vehicle from Starhunter, about an LTR between a doctor and his boyfriend, that looks to be a “could be the future of MarkKit but we gonna pretend otherwise but they’re basically the same characters” just like Gen Y repackaged 2 Moons. Hey, whatever works for them, right? Already picked up by LINE TV as a 10 ep arc. Moved to 2022.
The Theory series (teaser trailer) - university set but a couple of mature themes and decent acting, kinda like what FUTS should have been only pulpy. I think it’s En of Love stye, so three separate but equally weighted love stories from within a cross over friendship group. Familiar faces include Dome (Beam in 2 Moons 2) opposite Benz (Praram/Pralak in En of Love: This is Love Story), and Ken (Tum in Lovely Writer who I LOVE). Moved to 2022.
Tell the World I Love You - so much for Perth (Ae from Love By Chance) never doing BL again. He’s opposite Bas (Wayo/Wayu 2 Moons, Gen Y) in this action movie which has completed filming and was supposed to release to theaters in April 2021. Established director Poj, support cast include Bank (Gen Y). About two teens falling in love caught up in the world of gagsters. Because of C19 it was never distributed to theaters. It looks like Starhunter is looking to cut a deal on wide release. Fingers crossed. I REALLY want to see this one. Moved to 2022.
The Tuxedo - stars Chap (from Y-Destiny & Lovely Writer) opposite Green (2 Moons 2 & Lovely Writer minor rolls) directed by Mike who did Golden Blood. Moved to 2022.
Unforgotten Night (adapted from the y-novel Mafia's Bad Love) - listed as in production. Office grunt Kim has been pining after his senior for a long time. To forget about him, he decides to have one night stand with a random stranger. That stranger becomes obsessed with him. Mafia man Kamol is kinky and (I’m assuming a Dom) and no one is able to satisfy him until Kim. This has the feel of a KinnPorsche knock off (like Gen Y was for 2 Moons), but hey if that doesn’t get made who are we to look down on the Golden Bloods of the BL world? However, it features a gay poly triad and a GL sub plot with Wabi Sabi’s Sammy. 
Stars Yoon (YYY) as the mafia Dom and Ton (Y-Destiny, he was opposite the boy who time-slipped) as the sub. Familiar faces include Atom (who was one of Dean’s business friends who teased Pharm in UWMA) and T was Kay in Oxygen,
Honestly, the poster makes me think this might all be a joke. Moved to 2022.
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What Zabb Man! - from Starhunter a large cast foodie romance that looks a little bit like their next Gen Y without KimCop anchoring it. Moved to 2022.
Final Thoughts 
Most anticipated? Between Us or Bad Buddy 
Most important to the industry? Seven Project 
Most angsty? Not Me
Most precious? Lovely Writer 
Most challenging? Call it What You Want 
Most intriguing framework? Enchanté 
Funniest? Y-Destiny 
It’s really nice to see a lot of “yep, he’s gay.” Now that the coming out hurdle is gone, let’s see what OTHER romance plots we can come up with. Mmm’k? 
I noticed we have little to no High School set stuff for 2021. Since Love Sick, Make it Right, and YA tropes are favorites of mine I’m a little sad, but also happy to see them move away from casting minors, so... shrug, I guess? 
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My personal 2021 ranking predictions (I’m notoriously bad at this and I like to know how wrong I was at the beginning of the year from when I do best ofs at the end): 
Between Us - purely on the strength of UWMA’s script + WinTeam 
Bad Buddy series - because Nanon in BL + Ohm! 
Fish Upon The Sky - all my favorite tropes 
Enchanté - Thai BL trying on some Japanese yaoi + traditional romance tropes 
Lovely Writer - interesting concept + Kao 
KinnPorsche - we need a good mafia BL + Jeff & Gameplay 
Love Mechanics the series - it’s VeeMark & I love my hot messes 
Not Me - OffGun but very dark, not sure my heart can take it 
Y-Destiny - PerthLay but YYY was too much for me, so not sure 
A Tale of Thousand Stars - so many delays, I’m worried 
Top Secret Together - concerned about the lack of publicity but excited by the out queer rep 
My Ride - worried about the lack of publicity + unknown cast & crew 
The Cupid Coach - same as above, since Friend Forever, I’m scared 
Call It What You Want - I just don’t want to know how bad the BL world is
Do you remember when all we got was Love Sick, SOTUS, and Make it Right? 
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clatterbane · 3 years
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Tonight's delight: my first Curryout Night in likely going on a year now! Because I got a craving.
Went with Art Of Spices delivery through Wolt, because they had good reviews and it looked like the location was a straight shot away to haul the stuff here.
Also picked them in particular since side dish vegetables don't really look to be common on menus here; it's full main dish size portions or nothing. I like to get more variety, and would have just picked two or three veggie dishes plus either a saucy meat main dish or, like, chicken tikka appetizer to round things out. But, Art of Spices was one of the places offering mixed thali options.
Great! Only they don't let you pick the specific dishes you want. I guess that also cuts down on the ordering indecision, when pretty much everything sounds tempting!
So, I decided to go with the Premium Thali. Sure, just fuck me up! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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(Courtesy of Google Translate again.)
Which just defaulted to saying chicken plus two vegetables, etc. through Wolt--so I didn't know to specify further in the order comments.
What I ended up getting:
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The main container, which I was obviously already scooping some out of. Basmati with cumin, what looks to be some very thick tarka dal, and what turned out to be saag aloo with the potato chunks stealthily hiding under the surface of the spinach when I opened it up. 😅
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Plus..."Peneer Tofr 😑"? (ETA: Way better than I could produce in any Indic script, of course! Or maybe even handwritten Latin, depending on the day.)
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Aha. Looks like maybe some Butter Paneer made with tofu instead? 🤔 They are listing Paneer Butter Masala on the menu.
I also didn't get any raita on the side--and, they were saying to specify if you wanted any of the vegetarian dishes made as vegan. It is SO much easier to find food here to suit basically any kind of special dietary requirements, as I've mentioned before.
So, I am guessing that what happened here was maybe some confusion with ordering through Wolt, so without further info they decided to play it safe and default to vegan. (Though, they do even offer Oatly yogurt as an option in the lassis, so you'd think they might also use that for vegan raitas. 🤔)
But sure, just fuck me up! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It all looks and smells good.
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My first round, dished up. I was expecting to get at least two meals out of it, from the description. Given my capacity lately, though? Looks more like three with rice left over, unless I go totally vegan ham later.
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The Masala Pappadoms, which I figured might just be flavored with some spices. But nope, they went with a chaat approach.
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Most of the masala powder, crispy sev, cilantro, etc. like you'd use on Bhel Puri or other chaat dishes have mostly just fallen to the bottom here. Which should at least help keep the pappadoms from sogging out under the fresh herby bits as much, before I can munch them all down! Can scoop back up as needed.
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Finally, the big cup of mango lassi, which turned out to be practically a spoonable fruity yogurt dessert. 😁 And is incidentally sitting right next to the insulin pen case, which is too appropriate!
Most of that is stashed in the fridge for later, though I did go ahead and drink like 25% of it thinned down with a little milk. Absolutely delicious, if no doubt a huge carb bomb even with the dairy yogurt rather than oat! (Haven't had Oatly's yet, but this tasted more like dairy.)
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And now, for a cup of my own house special half-assed pseudo-masala chai, to help everything settle!
Very satisfying meal, as I had hoped. With some actual vegetables that I didn't have to cook, and everything. May need to order from them again, when I get the urge for more vaguely North Indian restaurant curry.
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