#Mecha Eli-chan Mk. II
animegirlsakurablr · 2 years
Shenanigans in the Grand Order, part 487
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Uh... you sure it was love, Galatea?
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*in a sing-song tone* Something is up.
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Oh, fun.
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I mean, she has a point with the jetpack and rocket punch.
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That kinda defeats the purpose of being a ninja...
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Something is uuuuuu-uuuuup.
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Medea! :D
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Medea, no!
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*sigh* Might as well.
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lancerofpink · 2 years
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I am objectively correct
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kcwells94 · 3 years
Let's meet some of the friends we met along the way:
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Motorcycle Duo in the making!
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Double Mecha Eli-Chan tag team!
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The Construction Crew!
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The Santa Five together again!!
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Your Friendly Maid!
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The kitchen staff (many more in background) but most importantly...
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You, the player!
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mallowkey · 4 years
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Fanart of Mecha Eli-Chan Mk. II, for a collab on Facebook!
This is the last already I swear.
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fateseriespersonals · 6 years
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #190 & 191
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re providing you a horror double feature- Mecha-Eli chan and Mecha-Eli chan Mk. II! Since they’re nearly identical (in NA) all you have to change between one and the other is how you roleplay. But hey, you technically get an extra build this week, go you!
Both of these servants are 100% Armorer Artificers for some fancy techno-gadgets built into their metal bodies.
Check out their builds breakdown below the cut, or their characters sheet over here!
Next up: She’s got so many pigs around her you’d think she opened a doughnut shop!
Race and Background
Shockingly, the robots... are robots. Specifically, Warforged, which gives them +2 Constitution and +1 Intelligence. They also get Constructed Resilience, which makes you a better ruler since you don’t need to eat, drink, breathe, sleep, or get sick, you get advantage and resistance to poison saves and damage. Elisabeth might get sick from eating all that candy, but you won’t even be tempted.
Instead of sleeping, you take a Sentry’s Rest, spending 6 hours in a still state- you can still see, but you can’t move without breaking the rest.
Integrated Protection gives you your first armored casing, adding +1 to your AC. You can also don armor by fusing it to your body over an hour, letting you wear heavy armor without having to take off your tutu.
Finally, you get a Specialized Design, giving you proficiency with Performance and one set of tools. If you want to get your Elisabeth on, I’d suggest Bagpipes, so you can clear the room just as fast as she can.
Being a robot makes your background a bit complicated, but you were made to rule Castle Csejte Pyramid Himeji so we’ll call you a Noble, which gives you proficiency with History and Persuasion. If you’re playing Mk. II, swap the latter over to Intimidation, boom, roleplay changes done.
Ability Scores
Your highest score should be Intelligence, you have a supercomputer for a brain, it’s not a huge stretch. Constitution comes next, aside from Babbage you’re the only servant made out of iron. So far. Your Strength should also be pretty good, while you do shoot people, you also hit them, and you have one of the most damaging NPs in the game when ignoring type advantage. Your Charisma isn’t bad per se, but your delivery does get a little stiff from time to time. Your Wisdom isn’t that great, neither of you really “get” people. Yes, humans might take offense at being forced to stay in their homes their entire natural lives. That means we’re dropping Dexterity. Your head literally falls off on a regular basis, that’s an accident that would kill most people. Also, you’re not exactly running around in leather, so it’s not like you’d need it.
Class Levels
Starting off as an Artificer gives you proficiency with Constitution and Intelligence saves, as well as two skills. Arcana is the closest thing to robotics in the forgotten realm, and Investigation will help you make a sweep of the battlefield with your robot eyes. Your first machines are made using your Magical Tinkering, adding minor effects to tiny objects. It’s not exactly the wish spell, but you can get creative with it. Speaking of Spells, you can cast and prepare those now using your Intelligence. All you have to do is be smart. Grab the cantrip Mage Hand for a non-combat use for your rocket arm, and Sword Burst so you can try spinning to damage nearby enemies with your tail. I hear it’s a neat trick. You can also cast first level spells, like Feather Fall and Jump (it’s almost flying), as well as Catapult for a prototype rocket arm. Also, if you can spare the slots, grab Detect Magic for robo scanning.
For more substantive mechanics, you’ll have to Infuse Items over a long rest, creating two items from a choice of four blueprints, both of which will go up in number as you level up. Right now, I’d suggest grabbing Goggles of Night and Sending Stones for recon missions, an Enhanced Arcane Focus for better bullets later, and an Armor of Magical Strength for a suit of armor that can either add your intelligence modifier to strength checks and saves or prevent you from getting knocked prone. Doing either spends one of six charges, which partially get refilled at dawn.
Moving to the Armorer subclass dumps you into a proper heavy armor setup, but you can make it even more impressive by turning it into Arcane Armor. This lets you ignore the strength requirements for heavy armor (which you can wear now), and you can use the armor as a spellcasting focus. There’s also stuff about the armor being a part of you, but that’s already true thanks to being a warforged. As the guardian of Hungary you get the Guardian Model, which gives you cool Thunder Gauntlets that use your Intelligence to attack instead of your strength. Creatures that you punch this way have disadvantage against other creatures for a round. It can also produce a Defensive Field as a bonus action, giving you your level in temporary HP, up to Proficiency times per long rest. Finally, you get some free armorer spells to go along with your new outfit. Magic Missiles do a good job of standing in for bullets, and Thunderwave gives you a finale for your Breast Zero Erzsébet.
Your first Ability Score Improvement is going towards making your regular attacks even more powerful with the Crusher feat, rounding up your Strength and making your fists able to shove a creature they hit once per turn, moving a large or smaller creature 5′ away. Your critical hits also give all other attacks against that creature advantage. (Catapult is a save, so I don’t think they work together, but that’s a DM thing, I guess.)
Fifth level armorers get an Extra Attack per action, so you can make enemies taste both of your hands each turn. You also get second level spells, like Mirror Image to put together some cheap factory-made knockoffs to take damage for you and Shatter for more sound-based pain. You can also prepare spells like Levitate for your first taste of flight, Enlarge/Reduce to make yourself the giant mecha you were born to be, See Invisibility for more robo-scanners, and Pyrotechnics for some movie magic.
Sixth level artificers get Tool Expertise, doubling their proficiency with all proficient tools. Now you’ll be really good at clearing out a bar with your bagpipes. You also get two more Infusions, with one more up at a time. Some Resistant Armor will make you deaf to your own music with resistance to thunder damage, or you can customize it to block out plenty of other types, like acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder. Makes a great gift for the totem barbarians in your party! You also get a Spell-Refueling Ring, because pretty soon you’ll be flying, and the worst thing you can do while flying is run out of spell slots. As an action, you’ll recover a 3rd level or lower spell slot once per day.
At seventh level, your Flashes of Genius make your smarts even smarter, letting you add your intelligence modifier as a reaction to nearby checks or saves Intelligence Modifier times per long rest. You were literally built to do everything for your subjects, it only makes sense that you’d be good at it.
Use this ASI to bump up your Intelligence for stronger spells, stronger punches, and more flashes of genius. You take a little bit to get warmed up, but that’s true of most computers.
Ninth level armorers can make Armor Modifications, turning your armor into four items for the purpose of infusion, and you can infuse an extra 2 items specifically if they’re part of your armor. That’ll be really cool next level, but what’s really cool right now is your third level spells, including the freebies Hypnotic Pattern and Lightning Bolt. I would’ve preferred fireball, but we’ll take what we can get for big guns. You can also prepare spells like Fly to fly under your own power instead of awkwardly levitating like a balloon, Haste to overclock your computer, and Intellect Fortress to lord your superior brain over the fleshlings, giving you resistance to psychic damage, and advantage on intelligence, wisdom, and charisma saves.
When you hit tenth level you become a Magic Item Adept, partially because you’re a magic item. This means you get an extra attunement slot, and crafting common or uncommon items is a lot cheaper and faster. You also learn the Fire Bolt cantrip for more options from your guns. On top of all that, you get two more infusion blueprints, and can have one more made at a time. I’d pick up some Winged Boots for concentration free flight up to 4 hours a day, and a Helm of Awareness to give a creature advantage on initiative rolls and immunity to being surprised. You don’t really wear a helmet, but you give one to Guda during the valentines events, so now you can do that in game.
At eleventh level, you can make Spell-Storing Items at the end of a long rest, shoving a 1st or 2nd level artificer spell into a weapon or focus. A creature can cast that spell from the item up to twice your Intelligence modifier times, and it is as powerful as if you cat it yourself. You can only have one spell stored this way at a time.
I really wanted to multiclass into sorcerer this build, but to be honest the final level of artificer is too good to really pass up. So instead, use this ASI to become a Metamagic Adept, gaining two sorcery points and two ways to spend them. Most of your spells are really just part of your body, so a Subtle spell will make that more obvious by making the casting less obvious. You won’t need somatic or verbal components. Alternatively, you can use a Careful spell to turn your giant blasty spells into something slightly more controlled, automatically letting one creature make their save against the spell. You use a lot of firepower for a single-target NP.
Thirteenth level artificers get fourth level spells. Fire Shield and Greater Invisibility aren’t in character, but they are useful, and using useful things is in character. You can also cast spells like Stoneskin, which is an understatement if anything, Summon Construct or Fabricate to build extra Elis, and Arcane Eye for your very own security drone. I also recommend grabbing the glyph of warding from level 3 so you can fully stock your castle with summoned versions of yourself to attack intruders.
Fourteenth level artificers are Magic Item Savants, letting you ignore all restrictions for magic item use, and you can attune to five items at a time. You also get the Prestidigitation cantrip for easy 3d printing, and two more infusions, plus one more built at a time. Grab the Belt of Hill Giant Strength for a whopping 21 strength, and an Arcane Propulsion Arm for a proper rocket punch. That last one does come with a pretty hefty price though- you will have to chop an arm off to put this one on. (Your armor will replace the arm if you have to make space for another infusion though, so it’s not all bad.) Annoyingly, this arm also deals force damage for some fucking reason, so you can’t use crusher on this either. I’d let you just punch people normally though.
Fifteenth level armorers get their final goody, giving them Perfected Armor. Now your guardian model lets you spend a reaction to pull a huge or smaller creature closer to you at the end of its turn if it fails a strength save, and if it’s pulled into melee range you can wollop it as part of the reaction. You can do this Proficiency times per long rest. We’ll consider this a giant hand giving them a nudge in your direction.
Another ASI, use this one for more Intelligence. Now you have the strongest and most flashes, as well as super strong spells and force punches.
At seventeenth level you get fifth level spells, like the freebies Passwall and Wall of Force. Technically it’s invisible, but a giant hand cupping around you to block damage is totally possible. Speaking of giant hands, Bigby’s Hand lets you make a giant mecha hand that actually acts like a hand for once. Yes, we are fitting Mecha Eli’s bit from Las Vegas in here. You can also use Creation to make an exact copy of your body, and Animate Objects to bring it to life. It’s not as powerful as the original, but that’s what you get with factory-made goods.
Eighteenth level artificers are Magic Item Masters, letting you attune to six items at once. You also get another two blueprints with another one built at the same time, so unless you’re powerbuilding grab another Arcane Propulsion Arm for two rocket fists, and a Ring of Protection for a bonus to your AC and saves.
Use your last ASI to become Tough, for 38 extra HP right away and another two when you level up again. You are literally made of steel. Come on.
Your capstone level grants you a Soul of Artifice, which is pretty busted. You get a bonus to all saves equal to the number of magic items you’re attuned to, and if you would drop to 0 HP you can end one of your infusions instead, sticking around at 1 HP. We weren’t able to make your mass-production work out that well, but if you have to die 9 times to actually go down, I’d count that as extra copies.
Pros and Cons
You’re hard as hell to kill. With your lowest save being a +6 and the ability to add 5 to any save you don’t like the look of, magic will just slide right off you. Plus, with an AC of 20, just over 200 HP, and temporary HP from the guardian model, you have a lot of health to chew through from martial classes as well.
And that’s assuming they can even hit you! Flight is awesome, giving you plenty of mobility to avoid most combatants entirely and rain down fists and hellfire from a safe distance.
This build is highly customizable, with tons of tricks and gadgets to swap out as the situation calls for them.
You’re super reliant on magical items to protect you, so if you get caught up in an anti-magic field it won’t be fun. Like, most artificers will have an awkward fight, but you won’t have arms.
While you have a lot of infusion options, you can’t have all of them up at once. That means you’ll have to make hard decisions constantly, and basically predict the future each long rest.
Two of the feats we took aren’t really that great, and probably should have gone towards better stats. Crusher only works on your regular punches, which are outclassed by your magic weapons, and you only get two weak uses of Metamagic per day.
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Eliminating Hime
(Contains a few spoilers for the Vegas Event)
Ed is seen wandering about in the bamboo forest, seemingly alone. Then a certain pirate lady appeared.
Mary: oh? Is that master's son I see? What're you doing here, all alone?
Ed: I uh, got lost....
Mary: aw! Your parents must be worried sick! But don't worry, I'll-
Anne, appearing out of nowhere: We'll take good care of you!
Mary: Anne! What're you doing here?!
Anne: well when I heard master's CUTE lil son was here I wanted to see if I can catch him without the others!
Mary: I'm not so sure that's a good idea.... but I guess it can't be helped!
Anne: yeah! Now lil Eddy, are you ready for us to-
They then see Ed wearing a gas mask.
Mary: uh.... what's with that?
Ed: sorry about this ladies...
Then the surrounding area starts filling with a toxic gas, causing the two to start coughing!
Anne: what! *cough* you tricked us! *cough cough*
Mary: that's so *cough* underhanded and dirty! *cough cough*
Ed: look who's talking!
Anne: we expect better from you! *cough cough*
Then out of the bamboo, Hokusai, Ishtar and Jeanne ambush the two while also in gas masks.
Jeanne: serves you two right for wanting to get so close to master's kid!
Ishtar: yeah! It was odd enough with master himself, but his son too!?
Mary: hey! It's time travel! And he has master's cuteness!
Hokusai: oh shut up you two! Y'all about to have ur asses thoroughly kicked!
While the 5 fight, Mari walks up to her brother.
Mari: hey there hermano. How'd it go?
Ed: I was uncomfortable but, thankfully you worked quick.
Mari: of course I'd work quick, I'm a master with toxins!
Ed: what kind of toxins did you use?
Mari: a non-lethal one.... I think
Ed: you think!?
Mari: well it'll be non-lethal to servants at the very least!
Ed: *sigh* thank goodness for this mask....
Mari: you're resilient enough, you'd survive!
Ishtar: alright you two! We've got them handled!
The twins then go to see the results of the battle, the pirate girls laying unconscious.
Ed: nice work you three!
Jeanne: of course! These two didn't stand a chance!
Hokusai: serves them right for cheating!
Ishtar: yeah and- wait! Does anyone else hear that?
Mari: hmmm? Is that a.... rocket?
Mari looks up, being able to see through the thick fog, to see Mecha Eli Chan MK II flying above.
M. Eli: it would seem the two of them have been eliminated, unfortunately. I cannot see through this thick fog, so I'd best report to Osaka-
M. Eli: huh?!
Mari: shoot her down!
Ishtar: don't need to tell me twice!
Jeanne: yeah! We'll turn her into burnt scrap!
M. Eli: activating evasive maneuvers!
One of Jeanne's fireballs manages to blast one of Mecha Eli's wings
M. Eli: my wing!
Ishtar: quick, Jeanne! Give me a boost!
Jeanne: on it!
Jeanne puts her hands together to help launch Ishtar into the air, she then kicks Mecha Eli right in the face!
Ishtar: ha!
M. Eli: no!
Mecha Eli then falls into the foggy forest below, now surrounded by the twins and their servants.
Mari: oh! It looks like the big bad mecha made a mistake coming here!
Ed: pretty lucky for us to take out another member on their own!
M. Eli: I can still fight! *getting up* I'll still he able to destroy you all!
Jeanne: oh shut it!
All three servants attack the mecha, until she's rendered defeated.
Hokusai: wooh! Only two left! This is going great!
Mari: and these three were probably the bigger threats too!
Jeanne: yeah, hard to take Teach and Okki seriously in all honesty.
The group then moved on to the next area. Meanwhile, Teach and Osakabehime were starting to worry.
Okki: Teach! Why's she taking so long to get back!
Teach: it's probably nothing! I'm sure she'll be here soon enough!
Okki: I-I n-need her here! Without her I won't have nearly as much distance in the fight! They can already shoot at us with Jeanne and Ishtar, I needed that flight advantage!
Teach: be more optimistic, Hime! She'll be back before you kno-
*fireball shoots by, barely missing Teach's face*
Mari: unlikely
Okki: oh no!
Teach: ah crap...
Hokusai: we've taken care of all three of your other buds!
Ishtar: real nice of you, bending the rules around like that!
Okki: hey! I needed as many advantages as I could get!
Ed: y'know that just means you don't deserve your position right?!
Okki: so what?! I already got it, I won't lose it so easily!
Jeanne: by the way, hime! I've been meaning to ask... how's that draft of yours?
Okki: *urgh!* why'd you have to bring that up!?
Teach: oh yeah.... you haven't even touched it have you?!
While the group talks, it seeks Okki doesn't notice the storm that started
Okki: *Urgh!* Teach! You're not helping!
Jeanne: wow! You haven't even started?! I've already finished mine!
The storm starts to get more intense
Okki: huh?! How did you- what even?!
Jeanne: I don't slack on my work! Unlike some people!
Lightning strikes are heard, along with Thunder
Okki: stop calling me out like this! I already know I should've started by now!
Teach: uh.... Hime?
Okki: but I've been having fun with this Vacation!
Teach: hime?
Okki: and I'll keep having fun!
*lightning again*
Teach: H-hime!
Okki: once I kick all of your asses!
*Thunder, again*
Teach: Osakabehime!
Okki: what!?
Lightning is then seen hitting the two of them!
Okki, in pain: h-huh?! What was that?!
Teach: where'd this storm come from?!
Ed: that'd be me!
Mari: good job, hermano!
Hokusai: you said it, Mari!
Ishtar: we'll take it from here!
Teach: n-no fair! Hitting someone when their down!
Jeanne: we don't need to hear that from the most infamous and feared pirate!
The three then proceed to defeat the remaining two enemies, claiming victory of this match!
Everyone is then seen walking into the main floor of the casino.
Quetz: muy bien mis hijos!!! You all did such a good job!
Rex: and it went much smoother then when I had to do it.
Mari: gracias
Ed: I'm still surprised how long she got distracted by the draft thingy...
Jeanne: well, me laying it on thick about my superiority really pushed her buttons! So I can't blame her!
Rex: well now it's onto the next swimsuit swordmaster.
Quetz: they only get more difficult as this goes on, so don't be afraid to ask for our help!
Mari: right, we'll see how things go....
Ed: hopefully we can manage....
Then the Bunny Lion King's voice is heard on a loudspeaker
Buntoria: attention all visitors. I must unfortunately warn you, that along with the bat creatures that were seen last night a Very large Bat-like monster has been reported by some visitors. Along with that, some have even reported sharks in the pool surrounding Dazzling Vegas. My Knights are on the job to take care of them, but until then please limit your time outside as much as possible.
Mari: oh no.....
Ed: it can't be....
Quetz: no no no! That shouldn't be even remotely possible!
Hokusai: uh.... what's got you all scared?
Rex: we can explain at the hotel.... hopefully we won't run into.... them
A/N: Osakabehime has been defeated! Mari and Ed had an easier time handling them then Rex did back in the day! Hopefully the next few swordmasters will be easier too!
@havetheavengersdoneanythingwrong @hasbbdoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @hasspartacusdoneanythingwrong @hasishtardoneanythingwrong @hasjalterdoneanythingwrong @hasmerlindoneanythingwrong
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originlist · 3 years
What do you think of theory that Archimedes isn’t summonable yet cause he’s avoiding due to how Chaldea is full of Elisabeth Bathorys? I saw a post that’s like if we’re going to get Archimedes then we’ll have to literally drag him kicking and screaming into Chaldea
1. the "serious canon compliant" reason he's not summonable is probably because as a heroic spirit he is p much exclusively for the Moon Cell's use and he's kind of like, quasi-banned from joining holy grail wars, both of which probably prevent him from being summoned in Chaldea. He also has absolutely negative interest in both wars and protecting PHH.
2. However the sheer amount of Liz'es in Chaldea would cause him to take one step onto the summon circle and then turn RIGHT back around to unsummon himself as ritsuka's like "WAIT NO COME BACK" so I like to think that the like, liz:not-liz ratio of Chaldea servants is like an anti-Archimedes ward
3. He might like Mecha Eli-Chan Mk II though but that's it. I like to imagine him crying in a corner while surrounded by t-posing Liz'es who are all telling him he's a slimy producer. It's his worst nightmare.
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rexcoatlarchive · 4 years
You've heard of mecha Eli Chan and mecha Eli Chan MK II now get ready for
Mecha Eli Chan mk III
Now instead of being based on lil Liz this model's based on her older self Carmilla.
Features include:
Razor sharp claw gabbers
Blood sucker fangs
Mini bat drones
Bat wing rocket propulsion
Transforming capabilities
Built in Iron maiden dress, now with blender action!
Order within the next hour and we'll throw in the giant MK III for no extra cost!
Rex: what do ya think?
Liz: what the fu-
Carmilla: I love it!
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harunakonomi · 5 years
General Fate Series Height List
Here is a list of the heights of most everyone in the Fate Series, mostly focusing on Fate/Grand Order.
531cm (17′5″): Ivan the Terrible
345cm (11′3″): Darius III
310cm (10′2″): Xiang Yu
298cm (9′9″): Asterios
253cm (8′3″): Heracles
250cm (8′2″): Charles Babbage, Red Hare
225cm (7′4″): Lu Bu Fengxian
221cm (7′3″): Spartacus
220cm (7′2″): King Hassan
215cm (7′): Hassan of the Cursed Arm
212cm (6′11″): Iskandar
210cm (6′11″): Edward Teach
203cm (6′7″): Thomas Edison
199cm (6′6″): Musashibou Benkei
196cm (6′5″): Gille de Rais (Caster)
195cm (6′4″): Eric Bloodaxe
193cm (6′3″): Kotomine Kirei
191cm (6′3″): Lancelot, Vlad III, Lancelot (Saber), Vlad III (EXTRA)
190cm (6′2″): Siegfied, Romulus, Sakata Kintoki, Nikola Tesla, Sakata Kintoki (Rider), Meltryllis
189cm (6′2″): Napoleon
188cm (6′2″): Leondias I, Mephistopheles
187cm (6′1″): Zhuge Liang, EMIYA, Bedivere, Hijikata Toshizou,
186cm (6′1″): Gille de Rais (Saber), Beowulf, Tristan
185cm (6′): Arash, Cú Chulainn, Caligula, Cú Chulainn (Caster), Phantom of the Opera, Edmond Dantès, Cú Chulainn (Alter), Achilles
184cm (6′): Cú Chulainn (Prototype), Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, Fergus mac Róich, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne (Saber)
183cm (6′): Paracelsus von Hohenheim, Tawara Touta, Sherlock Holmes,
182cm (5′11″): Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh (Caster)
181cm (5′11″): Fionn mac Cumhaill, Quetzacoatl, Arthur Pendragon (Prototype), Yagyu Munenori, Antonio Salieri, Quetzacoatl (Samba/Santa)
180cm (5′11″): Georgios, William Shakespeare, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Hector, Gawain, Christopher Columbus, Shi Huang Di, Archimedes
179cm (5′10″): Ozymandias, Chiron
178cm (5′10″): Charles-Henri Sanson, Karna, Merlin, Sakamoto Ryouma, Sigurd
177cm (5′9″): Arjuna, Houzouin Inshun,
176cm (5′9″): Sasaki Kojirou
175cm (5′8″): Kiritsugu Emiya, Robin Hood, Henry Jekyll & Edward Hyde, EMIYA (Assassin), Minamoto no Raikou, James Moriarty, Minamoto no Raikou (Lancer)
174cm (5′8″): Boudica, Elizabeth Báthory (Halloween), Geronimo, Okada Izou
173cm (5′8″): Queen of Sheba, Oryou-san
172cm (5′7″): Medusa, Frankenstein, Brynhildr, Frankenstein (Saber), Langling Yang
171cm (5′7″): Shinji Matou, David, Anne Bonny, Artoria Pendragon (Lancer), Artoria Pendragon (Lancer Alter), Anne Bonny (Archer), Cleopatra, Yan Qing
170cm (5′6″): Bradamante  
169cm (5′6″): Amakusa Shirou, Semiramis
168cm (5′6″): Gaius Julius Caesar, Carmilla, Ushiwakamaru, Scáthach, Rama, Scáthach (Assassin), Scheherazade, Ushiwakamaru (Assassin)
167cm (5′5″): Shirou Emiya, Angra Mainyu, Miyamoto Musashi
166cm (5′5″): Atalanta, Li Shuwen (Lancer), Sessyoin Kiara, Atalanta (Alter), Qin Liangyu, Li Shuwen
165cm (5′4″): Taiga Fujimura, Mata Hari, Artemis, Nightingale, Jaguar Warrior, Katou Danzou, Sieg
164cm (5′4″): Astolfo, Suzuka Gozen, Nezha
163cm (5′4″): Medea, Okita Souji (Alter), Murasaki Shikibu
162cm (5′3″): Francis Drake, Nitocris, Nitocris (Assassin), Tomoe Gozen, Katsushika Hokusai, Scáthach-Skaði
161cm (5′3″): Martha, Hassan of the Serenity, Martha (Ruler), Avicebron
160cm (5′2″): Altera, Marie Antoinette, Tamamo No Mae, Tamamo Cat,  Ryougi Shiki (Saber), Ryougi Shiki (Assassin), Xuanzang Sanzang, Leonardo Da Vinci, Tamamo No Mae (Lancer),  Marie Antoinette (Caster), Altera the San(ta), Yu Miaoyi, Astraea
159cm (5′2″): Rin Tousaka, Jing Ke, Jeanne d’Arc, Jeanne d’Arc (Alter), Ishtar, Ishtar (Rider), Ereshkigal, Valkyrie, Jeanne d’Arc (Archer), Jeanne d’Arc (Berserker Alter)
158cm (5′2″): Mash Kyrielight, Kiyohime, Mary Read, Okita Souji, Billy the Kid, Irisviel, Fuuma Kotarou, Mary Read (Archer), Kiyohime (Lancer), Penthesilea, Osakabehime, Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova
157cm (5′1″): Ran VIII, Chevalier d'Eon, Asagami Fujino
156cm (5′1″): Sakura Matou, BB, Passionlip, Parvati, Mecha Eli-chan, Mecha Eli-chan Mk. II, Kama
154cm (5′): Artoria Pendragon, Artoria Pendragon (Alter), Artoria Pendragon (Lily), Elizabeth Báthory, Artoria Pendragon (Santa Alter), Mordred, Mysterious Heroine X, Medb, Artoria Pendragon (Archer), Morded (Rider), Elizabeth Báthory (Brave), Mysterious Heroine X (Alter), Artoria Pendragon (Rider Alter), Mochizuki Chiyome, Medb (Saber), Mysterious Heroine XX, Gray
152cm (4′11″): Oda Nobunaga, Oda Nobunaga (Berserker), Abigail Williams
151cm (4′11″): Alexander
150cm (4′11″): Nero Claudius, Nero Claudius (Bride), Nero Claudius (Caster)
149cm (4′10″): Medea (Lily), Sima Yi
147cm (4′9″): Ibaraki Douji, Circe, Ibaraki Douji (Lancer),
146cm (4′9″): Hans Christian Andersen
145cm (4′9″): Helena Blavatsky, Shuten Douji, Helena Blavatsky (Archer), Shuten Douji (Caster),
141cm (4′7″): Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) (Santa Lily)
140cm (4′7″): Kid Gil
138cm (4′6″): Chacha, Wu Zetian
137cm (4′5″): Alice, Nursery Rhyme
134cm (4′4″): Euryale, Stheno, Jack the Ripper, Medusa (Lancer), Miyu Edelfelt
133cm (4′4″): Illyasviel von Einzbern, Chloe von Einzbern, Sitonai
130cm (4′3″): Beni-enma
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Mecha Eli-chan: *is earnest and cute*
Me: I'm definitely getting that one.
Mk. II: *is an unrepentant dumbass*
Me: Oh no, my heart
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animegirlsakurablr · 3 years
Shenanigans in the Grand Order, part 241
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Siegfried and I had the thought. 😅
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... I realize where this is going-
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If this doesn't go well, I'm haunting all of you!
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Jalter was right.
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Oof. 😅
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Rip Osakabehime.
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You get an A for effort.
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Tomoe literally burning money. 🔥
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lancerofpink · 4 years
I don’t think we really acknowledge how terrifying a Berserker Liz with Madness Enhancement at full strength would be.
We know Madness Enhancement substantially boosts power and strength at the expense of the Servant’s reason, or it makes them “insane” in some way. Liz was summoned as a Berserker in CCC, albeit with a weaker Madness Enhancement that still allowed her to be rational, but she could no longer feel pain.
Liz has the Territory Creation, Torture Technique, and Battle Continuation skills. Territory Creation is a skill generally reserved for Casters, and while Liz’s skill rank for this is low, it’s still enough that she can create a “workshop” which is Castle Csejte, as this is part of her Noble Phantasm. Torture Technique, which she has a rank of A in, is a defense-reducing skill but is based in knowledge of various forms of torture and the implements used. Finally, Battle Continuation is a Guts skill that allows the Servant to recover some HP after hitting zero, allowing the Servant to keep fighting after they would have been incapacitated or killed.
We know that Liz retains her sadism and cruelty even when summoned as other classes, it’s just in her nature, a part of her personality that she can’t escape from, even in her pursuit of becoming an idol. The Mecha Eli-chans (Mk. II especially) demonstrate this cruelty the most, as they consider themselves the “perfect” Elisabeth Báthory, devoid of “softer” emotions.
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Basically my point is: imagine a Berserker Liz at full strength Madness Enhancement. A cruel, sadistic torture expert that can’t feel pain, who can keep taking hits and keep going even when she should’ve been killed, who could trap you in her workshop, a prison castle she knows better than anyone. A Berserker who can’t be reasoned with and who only wants to inflict suffering and agony onto everyone, who can’t even be held back by the regret and desire for redemption that split her own Spirit Origin.
I’m just saying. The potential is incredible and I’m here for it.
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kcwells94 · 3 years
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FUCK. IT'S BACK. that DAMN castle!
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djunk411 · 5 years
Got my Mecha Eli-chan Mk II. Her and Lip will be useful for Abby :P
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fateseriespersonals · 6 years
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