#Medical Weight Loss in Long Island
wedesignyouny · 7 months
Top-rated Weight Loss in Long Island, NY with BestIVDrips
Your Guide to Successful Weight Loss in Long Island: A Holistic Approach
Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is a journey that many individuals embark upon to improve their overall well-being and quality of life. If you're on a mission to shed excess pounds and live a healthier life, Long Island offers a range of effective solutions. In this blog, we will explore the various methods and resources available for weight loss in Long Island, with a special focus on the holistic approach offered by BestIVDrips.com.
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The Importance of Holistic Weight Loss
Holistic weight loss is about addressing not just the number on the scale but also the overall health and well-being of an individual. It takes into account the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of a person's life, recognizing that a one-size-fits-all approach may not be the most effective.
What Makes Long Island a Great Place for Weight Loss
Long Island provides a unique environment for those seeking to lose weight and embrace a healthier lifestyle. Here are some of the reasons why Long Island is an ideal location for your weight loss journey:
Diverse Fitness Opportunities: From beautiful parks and beaches to gyms and yoga studios, Long Island offers a variety of places for exercise, ensuring that you can find activities that match your interests.
Access to Fresh, Healthy Foods: With an abundance of farmers' markets and local, organic produce, Long Island makes it easy to incorporate nutritious foods into your diet.
Professional Guidance: The region is home to a wealth of healthcare professionals and wellness centers, such as BestIVDrips.com, offering expert guidance and personalized weight loss plans.
Supportive Community: Long Island communities are often tight-knit and supportive, making it easier to find like-minded individuals who can share your weight loss journey.
Holistic Approaches to Weight Loss in Long Island
1. Nutrition Counseling
Proper nutrition is a cornerstone of successful weight loss. Long Island offers access to registered dietitians and nutritionists who can help you create a balanced and sustainable eating plan.
2. Physical Activity
Whether you prefer group fitness classes, outdoor adventures, or working with a personal trainer, Long Island has a wealth of options to help you stay active and motivated.
3. Mind-Body Wellness
Emotional well-being is a crucial aspect of weight loss. Consider exploring practices like yoga, meditation, and mindfulness to reduce stress and emotional eating.
4. Medical Interventions
For individuals who need more structured support, medical interventions like Semaglutide Weight Loss Treatment are available through BestIVDrips.com. These treatments are administered under medical supervision and can provide effective results.
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The Role of BestIVDrips.com
BestIVDrips.com is a trusted resource for holistic weight loss on Long Island. Their team of healthcare professionals offers personalized weight management plans that encompass nutrition counseling, physical activity guidance, and even medical interventions like Semaglutide Weight Loss Treatment. They understand that each individual's weight loss journey is unique and tailor their approach to meet your specific needs and goals.
Your journey to successful weight loss in Long Island can be an enriching and transformative experience. Whether you're drawn to holistic methods, medical interventions, or a combination of both, Long Island offers a supportive environment to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Connect with the experts at BestIVDrips.com to begin your journey towards a healthier and happier you, with a focus on overall well-being and lasting results.
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ouroborosorder · 2 years
I once heard someone say that because Arknights' disability representation is mostly tied to their fantasy turbo-cancer, then it doesn't feel like real disabled representation, and I've been unable to get it out of my head, like a piece of popcorn stuck in my teeth. So, rather than doing my homework like I'm supposed to be, I want to talk about why I disagree and why I love Arknights' approach to disability.
So, for those who are unaware, Arknights has a shockingly high amount of disabled characters, and characters who are disabled in a lot of different ways, both caused by being Infected and just being disabled in the way that normal people are. Nightingale has chronic pain, Lemuen is the best sniper in Laterano while being in a wheelchair, Akafuyu is mostly blind, Eyja has severe hearing loss, Rosmontis has severe memory loss, Amiya has very severe PTSD, I could go on and on.
And of course there'd be a lot of operators with disabilities! Rhodes Island is a medical organization dedicated towards long-term care of terminally ill patients. Of course many of them would develop disabilities, and of course Rhodes would have the resources and facilities to help them. They even make notes of how to treat them in their medical files, like how Ejyafjalla's has a little guide on how to best have a conversation with her. It makes perfect sense, but I can't say a lot of games would think about it on that level.
And that why I like this game's approach to disability so much. A lot of video games just treat disability as "someone missing an arm" or "someone in a wheelchair because of Their Injuries From Combat. It's usually treated as an individual thing, just someone who got hurt, or who maybe has a frail constitution or whatever. But in Arknights, disability isn't simply treated as a character trait for individuals, but as part of the worldbuilding itself. The world is largely defined by Oripathy, this fatal degenerative disease with no cure. And the Infected are treated as second-class citizens, considered free labor that they don't have to treat ethically because they're dying anyway. The writers realized that this would cause severe disability, both real and fantastical, and worked it into the story and world.
This runs the other way, too! Arknights' worldbuilding follows a sort of social model of disability, in a way. There's a lot of fantasy stories that treat the inability to use magic as a sort of disability, but to Arknights, it's... not. Because Arts require specialized training, and so a lot of people just don't know how to use them, and might not even know they can't use Arts. So it's not treated as such, even though it is still a physical inability to perform things other people can.
But on the other end, Laterano's culture is based around the Sankta having empathic communication between each other. Mostima, as a fallen angel, can't use this telepathy anymore, and she speaks about how othering it feels sometimes, to be physically unable to engage with an important part of her culture. While it's not explicitly stated as a disability to the Lateran culture, I certainly feel like it's treated as one to some degree. Namely that it's explicitly contrasted with Fiametta's PTSD rendering her unwilling to empathize with the people around her, as opposed to Mostima's physical inability. It's the fantasy disability treated with the same weight as real world disability, because within the world of Terra, they're the same thing.
And of course there's just some of the more fucked up fantasy stuff like "On top of her existing narcolepsy, Ptilopsis was forced to become plural after she had to have part of her brain replaced with a computer that forces her to speak and think like a computer or else it causes her severe mental stress to the point of physical pain." Which uh. I don't know where that fits in the conversation but jesus christ someone hug that owl
Of course, its representation isn't always perfect. Just off the top of my head, Nightmare is a pretty rough stereotype, with the whole "Oripathy gave her multiple personality disorder with a violent personality trying to take control of her body!!" trope. And, of course, I'm sure other people have complaints with the representation of their disability in ways that I'm not aware of because I only have the perspective I have.
But... what I remember about this game's treatment of disability isn't when it fails. What I remember is reading Glaucus' module for the first time, the story of the first time she ever put on the mechanical exo-suit legs that allowed her to walk for the first time in her life. And I started bawling my fucking eyes out. I cried because, even though I don't know the specific feeling of walking for the first time in years, I know well what she felt. That feeling of liberation from something you secretly feared was just who you are now. Even though you know it won't be a perfect solution, the physically choking emotion that you're able to get a little closer to a normalcy you've always wanted. The feeling that right now, the only thing you can do is run like the wind.
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I know we’ve talked about this via messages, but I wanted to ask again about health issues (mental aside) they’ll have to deal with from being tortured for two and a half years straight.
Not just that, but also the scars they accumulate—do those cause issues? Is part of their bedtime routine putting on scar cream so the skin can move less stiffly through out that day? Is it a ritual every night that they try to perform without fail? Does Mihawk let Shanks get his back? Does Shanks let Mihawk treat his Haki burns?
Are some of their joints messed up from being dislocated so many times? Do they hate cold weather and winter islands most of all? Can they feel an oncoming storm or the weather patterns just from the aches in old broken bones?
Are some days so bad for Mihawk's hands, which are scarred and broken to hell and back, that his fingers just shake all day? Does Shanks get crippling migraines from all the times he was punched in the head?
Do they take medication? For the pain or for their mental illnesses? Now I’m just imagining them dragging themselves miserably to Drum Island for a checkup to make sure nothing’s going to kill them physically or have long-term effects from their captivity, and Dr. Kureha just taking one look at these two miserable kids absolutely riddled with PTSD and going, "Okay, whack that shit out," and prescribing them Lexapro.
Not to mention the stress probably rewired their brains, and the brain damage from getting beaten around so many times. What about their immune systems? High stress and lack of proper nutrition can mess that up forever. Oh, and weight gain is going to be different as well as bone density and muscle loss. They are going to be a mess.
There's also the grief that comes with the loss of bodily autonomy in this way. They had a bright future and young, healthy bodies that have been traumatized. Now, not only will they live with the mental scarring but also the physical scarring that will affect them in fights, breathing, or just being for the rest of their lives. Think of Mihawk just staring at himself in the mirror, grieving the health he had before, how he's scared he’ll never be the world's greatest swordsman, that they taken that away from him like so much else. Think of Shanks crying over the thought he might not get to explore the world because of his migraines.
But at least they have each other! Hopefully, they also learn to lean on each other when shit gets bad and take up accommodations for their issue. I don't know; Mihawk is headstrong but more about efficiency, and if wearing a brace or taking a certain med means he'd be at his peak, then I can see this Mihawk swallowing his pride and doing it. Shanks, on the other hand... I don't know, maybe?
Ooh, more logistics. Bodily logistics, that it. The severest issues come from the initial healing process, like the scar on Mihawk's leg which keeps him bedridden for months. When they heal, it falls to the people who are treating them to maintain continuing treatment for the scars that are left, because they won't be in a fit state to do that at first. But yeah, they get into a routine of care for themselves as they get better mentally, Mihawk especially. And while he wouldn't let Shanks near the scars on his back for quite a while, he'd insist on treating Shanks. The Haki burns are going to be something he's guilty about, naturally. Hm, Shanks' left arm was fractured at the elbow and the burns on Mihawk's knuckles would have damaged the tendons there, and they both have dislocated a shoulder/wrist/rib/knee numerous times. Cold weather/pressure drops/high humidity all exacerbate injuries, so yeah, they'd avoid all of those if it could be helped. Shanks spends a lot of time slumming on beaches for that very reason. Mihawk would probably like cold better than he does heat, so his preferred basking spot is Kuraigana, which was picked for its atmosphere. Yes to them sensing storms. Shanks in particular actually finds that useful. So, dislocated wrists, damage to the nerves/tendons from the burns on Mihawk's knuckles would cause tremors even if his hands were never broken outright, and those mixed with stress/anxiety/sleep depravation can get nasty. Shanks develops migraines due to the head trauma, that come in varying levels of severity. Suffice to say, there's days when neither of them are in any state to do any daily tasks, or much of anything. (they still push themselves to, though) Pain meds, mostly, Mihawk self-medicates on Haki, Shanks alcohol. Sedatives in the early days, when they need to be calmed down. They do get taken to Drum Island at some point, and they'll get a cocktail that takes them off the edge. More on that later. (Kureha would have stock of Lexapro somewhere lol) Speaking of which, they might need short-term anxiety medication and help mitigating (they won't go away) the stress responses they've developed. They amount of head trauma would probably mean permanent damage in real life, but memory issues here, probably. They're kept marginally well-fed, seeing as how they need to be kept alive, and they get enough that their growth isn't stunted to the extreme, but it's not the nutrition that's up to par for two-young men. They'll grow up leaner, having to work to put on muscle definition. Their on and off EDs don't help, and neither does getting sick more frequently until their immune systems regain full health. It looks hopeless to them at the very start of their recovery. Looking into the mirror at every flaw and bleeding wound, feeling utterly weak in every cell, it'll be hard for them to imagine returning to even a shadow of their former selves, let alone advancing past that. Which brings it's own mental issues, of course. And the horror of having to be so weak in front of each other. Which makes them reluctant to have a hand on each other's recovery, at least up until the need to be with each other takes over. After a while Mihawk treats the accommodations he needs as just another thing he needs to do to stay on top, like exercising, doing sword drills, sparring. In canon Mihawk obviously takes care of himself and it's the same here (mostly). He adds it (braces, pain meds, exercises) into his meticulous routine and that's that. Shanks, on the other hand, tends to lean more towards curing the issue than preventing the issue, he'll wait until something can't be ignored to do something about it, out of his own pride. And then it's fuck it we ball and washing down pain meds with liquor, which always gets Mihawk pissed at him.
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Case Report
a 45M goat herder in Malaysia develops 3 weeks of fevers, lethargy, night sweats and headache
history revealed he drank unpasteurised milk from said goats, which he also sold to consumers
blood cultures were negative and he tested negative for more common tropical diseases such as malaria, dengue, typhus and lepto
eventually he tested positive for brucella serology, unfortunately about 80 people also developed brucellosis from drinking milk from his farm, and a few lab staff also picked it up from handling their blood samples
consider this differential in PUO
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causative organism: Brucella melitensis
gram negative coccobacillus, facultative intracellular
hardy bacteria that can survive prolonged periods in meat/dairy products unless pasteurised/cooked as well as dust & surfaces
picked up in the intestinal submucosa on ingestion and transported by macropahges to lymphoid tissue
it then has the possibility of spreading haematogenously in the liver, spleen, joints etc. causing systemic or localized infection
zoonoses (animal associated)
in particular: feral pigs, so hunters are often at increased risk (due to handling the carcasses), but also cattle, sheep, goat and dogs
outbreaks often associated with consumption of unpasteurized milk from infected animals
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global and notifiable disease in most countries
endemic to Mediterraena, South America and the indian subcontinent
in Australia - largely QLD and NT, but now NSW
Increased risk groups (i.e. what to ask on history and what clues on history to consider for brucellosis)
regular contact with animals (herders, abbatoir workers, vets - there are case reports of lab workers who pick up brucellosis etc)
people who ingest unpasteurized dairy/milk, or the undercooked meat of infected animals
first described by another European white man, Dr. George Cleghorn, British Army Surgeon in minorca in 1751 on the island of Malta following the Crimean war
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it was named for another British white man, Sir David Bruce who led a commission into a fever outbreak among the army in Malta before they found the organism causing the disease (Sir Themistocles Zammit identified that goats transmit it in milk)
Sir bruce also discovered that trypanosoma brucei (also named for him) was the microbe responsible for animal trypanosomiasis/sleeping sickness. incidentally, he was born in Melbourne Australia
trivia with the Crimean war - was ironically a war fought between Russia and the UK + it's Western Allies and the empire that preceded Turkey (Ottoman)
Today the Crimean war is more well known for producing Florence Nightingale, founder of modern nursing and yay, finally a woman in random medical history that hardly is related to brucellosis.
Clinical features
PUO - cyclical fevers, fatigue, headache, insomnia, myalgias/arthralgias, weight loss, anorexia (fairly non specific, but also systemic)
incubation times can be long, which can be deceptive, reportedly up to 50 yrs from first exposure
otherwise, most cases it ranges from 3 days to several week, on average, expect 2-4
sometimes: hepatosplenomegaly
critical on history to clarify travel/living situation or contacts and consumption of unpasteurised dairy or undercooked meat
localized disease also possible, depending on organs involved
up to 40% will report peripheral arthritis, sacroillitis and spondylititis (kinda sounds like ank spa), at worst can cause osteomyelitis and septic arthritis
endocraditis is a rare but serious complication, with a 5% mortality rate, outside of this it's rarely fatal
if the lungs are affected, cough and SOB can occur but hte CXR will be lcear
GBS has been reported to occur following infection
hepatic abscess and granulmoa in a few
also possible: epididymoorchitis and skin manifestations like erythema nodosum
ocular changes like uveitis, cataracts etc.
it really feels rheum flavoured.
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hints on basic bloods - neutropaenia and anaemia, thromobcytopaenia in the case of hepatosplenomegaly or ITP
raised ESR and CRP, ALP and LDH
elevated LFTs in hepatomegaly
but diagnosis: blood cultures --> can take weeks as slow growing (due to aerosol transmission, must be handled in a biohazard hood as with the case report)
key really: serology is the most commonly used tool
PCR can also be used, including 16S
tissue also an option depending on organ affected
atypical cover: azith and doxy
several weeks of treatment usually - i.e. if uncomplicated, doxy for 6 weeks (however relapses are common on monotherapy, up to 40%), often rifampicin 600 mg daily for 6/52 is also added or gentamicin
where doxy can't be used, bactrim is the alternative
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CDC guideilnes
WHO guidelines
ETG - behind a paywall, if your institution covers it, uptodate is gold standard, that said, plenty of free resources that provide a great start
Case report (There's actually a lot of background pathophysio, investigations and treatment listed in case reports and many are free)
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misrawellness · 3 days
Medical Weight Loss in Staten Island: How GLP-1 Medications Like Semaglutide Support Effective Weight Management
In the quest for effective weight management, medical weight loss programs are becoming increasingly popular. In Staten Island, one of the most innovative treatments gaining attention is the use of GLP-1 medications, particularly Semaglutide. These medications have shown promising results in supporting weight loss efforts and improving overall health. This post delves into how Semaglutide, a GLP-1 medication, can aid in achieving sustainable weight loss and what it means for those seeking medical weight loss solutions in Staten Island.
Understanding GLP-1 Medications and Their Role in Weight Management
What is Semaglutide?
Semaglutide is a medication classified as a GLP-1 receptor agonist. GLP-1, or glucagon-like peptide-1, is a crucial hormone in regulating blood sugar levels and appetite. Semaglutide mimics the effects of GLP-1, helping to control hunger and reduce food intake. This medication is used in conjunction with a balanced diet and exercise to support weight loss.
How Does Semaglutide Work?
Semaglutide works by influencing several physiological processes:
Appetite Regulation: Semaglutide helps regulate appetite by affecting the brain's hunger signals. This leads to a reduction in food cravings and calorie intake, which is essential for weight loss.
Increased Satiety: By enhancing feelings of fullness, Semaglutide helps individuals feel satisfied with smaller portions, making it easier to adhere to a reduced-calorie diet.
Blood Sugar Control: Although primarily used for weight management, Semaglutide also aids in controlling blood sugar levels, which can be beneficial for those with type 2 diabetes.
These mechanisms make Semaglutide a valuable tool for individuals struggling with weight management, providing a supportive option in a comprehensive medical weight loss program in Staten Island.
Benefits of Using Semaglutide for Weight Loss
Enhanced Weight Loss Results
Clinical studies have shown that individuals using Semaglutide experience significant weight loss compared to those using placebo treatments. Patients have reported losing an average of 15% to 20% of their body weight, making it a highly effective option for those looking to achieve substantial weight loss.
Sustainable Long-Term Results
One of the key advantages of Semaglutide is its ability to support long-term weight management. Unlike some weight loss methods that provide short-term results, Semaglutide helps individuals maintain their weight loss over extended periods. This is due to its impact on appetite and satiety, which helps individuals stick to their weight loss goals.
Improved Overall Health
Weight loss achieved through Semaglutide can lead to improvements in various health markers. Reductions in body weight can help lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.
For those seeking effective medical weight loss solutions in Staten Island, Semaglutide offers a promising option. Its role as a GLP-1 medication helps regulate appetite, increase satiety and support significant, sustainable weight loss. If you’re considering incorporating Semaglutide into your weight management plan, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if it’s the right choice for you.
For more information, visit our website: https://www.misrawellness.com/
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Pop singer Lance Bass has type 1.5 diabetes, here’s what to know about the disease
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/pop-singer-lance-bass-has-type-1-5-diabetes-heres-what-to-know-about-the-disease/
Pop singer Lance Bass has type 1.5 diabetes, here’s what to know about the disease
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Pop singer Lance Bass recently shared on social media that he has type 1.5 diabetes, also known as latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA).The former NSYNC member was initially diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a few years ago, he wrote in an Instagram post. “But when I was first diagnosed, I had a difficult time getting my glucose levels under control even though I made adjustments to my diet, my medications and my workout routine,” he said. “Things just weren’t adding up.”DIABETES PATIENTS NOW HAVE ACCESS TO FIRST GENERIC GLP-1 MEDICATION: ‘MORE ACCESSIBLE AND AFFORDABLE’Bass then revealed what he referred to as a “plot twist.””I recently discovered that I was misdiagnosed and I actually have type 1.5, or latent autoimmune diabetes of adults [LADA].”Fox News Digital reached out to Bass for comment.Type 1.5 diabetes is considered an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks cells in the pancreas — called beta cells — that secrete insulin, a hormone that helps to regulate glucose levels in the body, according to experts.The condition is typically diagnosed in individuals age 30 and older and progressively worsens over time.DIABETES PATIENTS USING OZEMPIC, OTHER TREATMENTS INSTEAD OF INSULIN HAVE LOWER CANCER RISK, STUDY FINDS”Like type 1 diabetes (T1DM), LADA is an autoimmune disease, but unlike T1DM, the decline in beta-cell function occurs much more slowly,” Dr. Silvana Obici, chief of the Division of Endocrinology at Stony Brook Medicine on Long Island, New York, told Fox News Digital in an email.The American Diabetes Association (ADA) classifies LADA as a subset of Type 1 — “because they are all characterized by autoimmunity and only differ in the rate of beta cell destruction,” said Obici, who has not treated Bass.The symptoms of type 1.5 diabetes are similar to those of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, but there are also some differences.”Although type 1 is often associated with increased thirst, increased urination, increased hunger and weight loss, these symptoms are less common in both LADA and type 2 diabetes,” Dr. Kevin Peterson, vice president of primary care for the ADA, who also has not treated Bass, told Fox News Digital.EATING YOGURT COULD HELP PREVENT ONE COMMON DISEASE, ACCORDING TO THE FDA”Both of these conditions can have a slow onset that is characterized by fatigue, urinary tract infections, blurred vision and mild problems that can sometimes be ignored.”Unlike type 2 diabetes, LADA is associated with a progressive loss of insulin that can’t be controlled by lifestyle changes like diet and exercise, and may not respond to medicines used to treat type 2 diabetes, Peterson added.Some 10% of adults with type 1.5 diabetes are initially misdiagnosed as having type 2 diabetes, studies show.With LADA, “the presentation is often slow, making it difficult to distinguish between the two conditions, especially early in the diagnosis,” said Peterson.Blood tests are available that can identify the type of diabetes, he noted.Dr. David Lam, an associate professor in the division of endocrinology, diabetes and bone diseases at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, did not comment on Bass’ case, but agreed that type 1.5 diabetes can be misdiagnosed.”Testing for the autoantibodies is not standardized for all patients newly diagnosed with diabetes — it typically occurs because the clinician has a degree of suspicion of the diagnosis,” Lam told Fox News Digital. “This is typically based on elements of the person’s clinical history, such as onset of diabetes at a younger age, lower body mass index, or a family or personal history of other autoimmune conditions,” he added.Although LADA shares some of the same symptoms as type 1 and type 2 diabetes, experts noted that its treatment can be different.”Early in the course of type 1.5 diabetes, the pancreas may still make enough insulin, so there may be only mild glucose abnormalities,” Lam told Fox News Digital.FOR DIABETES PATIENTS, INHALED INSULIN IS SHOWN JUST AS EFFECTIVE AS INJECTIONS AND PUMPSDuring this period, treatments traditionally used for type 2 diabetes may work, he noted — “but as the condition progresses, and the pancreas’ ability to produce insulin significantly decreases, injected insulin therapy becomes necessary to control blood glucose levels.”Treatment is also challenging because type 1.5 diabetes progresses at different rates for each individual and can be difficult to predict, Lam noted.Specific medications for the disease will depend on the severity of the beta cells’ deficiency, Obici said.”If the amount of insulin produced by the beta cells is very low, these individuals will require insulin, as with type 1 diabetes,” he told Fox News Digital. “On the other hand, if the beta cells produce some or a substantial amount of insulin, LADA can be treated with a combination of insulin and other medications used for type 2 diabetes, such as metformin, GLP-1 receptor agonists and DPPIV inhibitors.”All types of diabetes must be managed with dietary intervention, according to Obici.CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR HEALTH NEWSLETTER”In T1DM and LADA, dietary intervention is focused on helping to keep glycemia under control and to avoid hypoglycemia,” he said. “In T2DM, diet and lifestyle modification is focused not only on glycemic control, but also on promoting weight loss.”Dr. Brian Burtch, an endocrinologist at University Hospitals in Cleveland, Ohio, who was not involved in Bass’ care, told Fox News Digital that his practice sees at least one case of type 1.5 diabetes each month. For those who are told they have type 2 diabetes and are young, not overweight and not responding to pills, Burtch typically recommends they ask about being tested for type 1.5. For more Health articles, visit www.foxnews/health”As a physician, it is important to always consider this diagnosis in diabetes patients,” he advised.Approximately 1.2 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year, with some 10% of those having type 1.5, according to the ADA.
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b2bbusiness · 3 months
The Booming World of Medical Tourism: Affordable Care on a Global Scale
The healthcare landscape is undergoing a significant transformation, and at the forefront of this change is the burgeoning medical tourism market. This industry revolves around individuals seeking medical treatments abroad, driven by factors like cost-effectiveness, advanced procedures, and shorter wait times.
The global medical tourism market is estimated to be worth billions of dollars, with projections indicating a continuous surge in the coming years. This growth can be attributed to several key drivers.
Factors Fueling Medical Tourism
Cost Savings: A significant advantage of medical tourism is the potential for substantial cost savings. Treatments that may be prohibitively expensive in a patient's home country can be significantly cheaper when obtained overseas, particularly in destinations known for medical value travel.
Advanced Treatments: Medical tourism destinations are often at the forefront of medical advancements, offering cutting-edge procedures and technologies that may not yet be available in a patient's home country.
Reduced Wait Times: Lengthy wait times for surgeries and specialist consultations are a concern in many healthcare systems. Medical tourism offers patients the opportunity to access treatment quicker, allowing them to address their health concerns more promptly.
Globalization of Healthcare: The rise of globalization has made it easier for patients to travel abroad for medical care. Improved transportation infrastructure, streamlined visa processes, and the increasing presence of medical tourism facilitators have all contributed to the ease of this practice.
Top Destinations for Medical Tourists
Several countries have emerged as leaders in the medical tourism market, each offering unique advantages to patients.
Thailand: Renowned for its high-quality medical services, affordability, and focus on holistic wellness, Thailand is a popular destination for medical tourists seeking everything from cosmetic surgery to cardiac procedures.
India: With a strong pool of medical professionals, accredited hospitals, and a wide range of treatment options at competitive prices, India has become a major player in medical tourism.
Singapore: This island nation boasts a world-class healthcare system with a focus on innovation and cutting-edge technology. Singapore attracts medical tourists seeking complex procedures and advanced treatments.
Mexico: Offering a combination of affordability, geographic proximity to the US, and a growing medical infrastructure, Mexico is a popular choice for medical tourists from North America seeking dental procedures, cosmetic surgery, and weight loss surgeries.
Challenges and Considerations
While medical tourism presents numerous benefits, it's crucial to acknowledge the potential challenges. These include navigating language barriers, ensuring quality of care, and managing post-operative follow-up in a different country.
Choosing the Right Destination
For patients considering medical tourism, thorough research is paramount. Factors to consider include accreditation of medical facilities, qualifications of doctors, success rates for specific procedures, patient reviews, and the overall cost of treatment, including travel and accommodation.
The Future of Medical Tourism
The medical tourism market is expected to experience continued growth, driven by factors like increasing healthcare costs, rising disposable incomes, and advancements in medical technology. As the industry evolves, a focus on quality assurance, patient safety, and ethical practices will be essential to ensure its long-term sustainability.
Buy the Full Report for Additional Insights on the Medical Tourism Market Forecast
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lolienmd · 3 months
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Semaglutide Weight Loss
Semaglutide injections effectiveness in weight loss has been demonstrated in several clinical trials. In a study called the STEP program, participants who received Semaglutide injections achieved significant weight loss compared to those on a placebo. The results have been so promising that regulatory agencies in some countries have approved its use as a weight loss medication. Dr. Khiani and the team at Lolien, considered by many to be the best weight loss clinic Long Island has in practice, have seen similar results amongst their own patients.
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enchantedquill-40 · 8 months
In the quiet solitude of the island, Jack observed Sawyer's erratic behavior with growing concern. The fever that had gripped him seemed to unlock a Pandora's box of personalities, each vying for dominance within him. It was as if Sawyer's own mind had become a battleground, echoing with the echoes of past scars and buried secrets.
One moment, Sawyer was the sharp-tongued, sarcastic conman they all knew; the next, a vulnerable soul haunted by shadows of the past. Jack couldn't ignore the complexity of this psychological puzzle. The island, known for its mystical elements, seemed to amplify the fractures within Sawyer's psyche.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows on the beach, Jack approached Sawyer's makeshift camp. The flickering firelight danced on Sawyer's face, revealing the weariness etched into his features. Jack's medical training kicked in, but he sensed there was more to heal than just the physical ailment.
"Sawyer, mind if I sit?" Jack asked, taking a seat on a weathered log. Sawyer shot him a wary look but gestured for him to go ahead.
As Jack began to converse with Sawyer, he navigated the delicate terrain of his shifting personas. There was the charming rogue, quick with a quip, but then, in the same breath, a wounded soul carrying burdens too heavy to bear alone. It was a dance between masks, and Jack couldn't help but feel an odd sense of responsibility to unravel this tangled web.
Days turned into nights, and Jack found himself engrossed in the enigma that was Sawyer. He discovered fragments of a troubled past – a con, a letter, a name etched into the recesses of Sawyer's memory. It became apparent that these personalities were not random; they were fragments of a fractured identity shaped by life's tumultuous currents.
In the quiet moments between revelations, Jack and Sawyer forged an unexpected bond. It wasn't just a doctor-patient relationship; it was a journey of mutual understanding. Jack shared glimpses of his own struggles, fostering an environment where vulnerabilities could be laid bare.
One evening, as they sat by the shoreline, the ocean waves whispered their secrets. Sawyer, his guard momentarily down, spoke of a childhood stained by loss and betrayal. The walls he had erected to shield himself were, for a moment, replaced by the vulnerability of a wounded heart.
In that vulnerable space, Jack saw a chance for healing. He proposed a form of therapy – a way to integrate these fragmented personas into a cohesive whole. It was an unconventional approach, blending psychology with the island's mystical undertones.
As they delved deeper into the recesses of Sawyer's mind, Jack guided him through a journey of self-discovery. They confronted demons long suppressed, faced fears hidden in the shadows, and unraveled the threads that wove the tapestry of Sawyer's identity.
The island, with its ancient secrets, seemed to respond to this internal exploration. Nature became a metaphorical mirror, reflecting the transformation transpiring within Sawyer. The line between reality and mysticism blurred, leaving Jack to question whether the island itself played a role in this therapeutic odyssey.
In the end, Sawyer emerged not as a fractured soul but as a man reborn. The personas that once clashed within him found harmony, creating a more resilient, integrated self. The island, having witnessed this profound metamorphosis, stood as a silent witness to the complexities of the human psyche.
As Jack and Sawyer stood on the beach, gazing into the horizon, a newfound understanding bound them together. The island, with its secrets and mysteries, had become a crucible for healing. In the dance of personalities, they discovered that sometimes, the most profound transformations arise from the depths of vulnerability and the willingness to confront the shadows within. As the campfire crackled in the darkness, the weight of the revelation hung heavy in the air. Sawyer hesitated before speaking, grappling with the vulnerability of exposing the intricacies of his internal struggle.
"It's like a damn puzzle, Doc," Sawyer muttered, his eyes distant as if trying to grasp fleeting memories. "Each one's got its own triggers – a smell, a sound, or sometimes just a damn feeling. One minute I'm me, the next, I'm someone else. And when they take over, I'm just a passenger, watching my life unfold from the backseat."
Jack listened intently, recognizing the complexity of Sawyer's predicament. "We need to establish some form of control, Sawyer. Understand the triggers, find patterns, and develop strategies to regain command when these other personas surface."
Sawyer's eyes met Jack's, a mixture of frustration and desperation in their depths. "I've tried, Doc. But it's like chasing ghosts. They slip through my fingers, leaving me with nothing but fragments and regrets."
Jack sighed, his mind racing to find a solution. "We can't let this go unaddressed. The island may have mystical elements, but there has to be a method to this madness. We'll work together to uncover the patterns and find a way to keep you grounded."
A sense of reluctant hope flickered in Sawyer's eyes. "You really think we can figure this out, Doc?"
"We have to try," Jack replied, determination etched across his features. "I'll enlist the help of the others, set up a support system. You won't face this alone, Sawyer."
Despite the reassurance, uncertainty lingered in Sawyer's gaze. "What if I hurt someone, Doc? What if I become a danger to the others?"
Jack's response was firm. "We'll take precautions. We'll establish protocols to minimize risks. And if necessary, we'll create a safe space for you during these episodes. But I believe we can find a solution, Sawyer. You're not defined by these alternate personalities, and we'll fight to reclaim control together."
The night stretched on as Jack and Sawyer delved into the complexities of the situation. In the glow of the campfire, they forged a pact to confront the shadows that haunted Sawyer's mind. The island, with its mysteries, would become the backdrop for a different kind of survival – a battle for selfhood in the face of fractured identities.
As dawn approached, Jack and Sawyer found themselves united by a shared purpose. The journey ahead was uncertain, but the island, with its enigmatic presence, stood witness to the unfolding narrative of resilience and redemption. As they delved deeper into the labyrinth of Sawyer's psyche, Jack encountered a persona named Rick – a harsh and mean-spirited presence that seemed to revel in chaos. One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Jack witnessed the unsettling transition firsthand.
Sawyer's eyes glazed over, his demeanor morphing into something darker. Rick had taken control, and his words dripped with venom as he verbally lashed out at those around him. Jack, alarmed and concerned, tried to engage with Rick, attempting to understand the source of his hostility.
"Rick, we need to work together to find a way for Sawyer to regain control," Jack implored, his voice measured. However, Rick's response was a cynical laugh, dismissing Jack's efforts as futile.
"He's weak, Doc. Always has been. I'm here to toughen him up, show him the real world," Rick sneered, the cruelty in his words echoing through the night.
Jack, grappling with the intensity of Rick's aggression, knew that addressing this persona required a delicate approach. He sought to uncover the origins of Rick's bitterness, hoping to find a key to unlocking a path toward healing for both Sawyer and this malevolent alter ego.
As Jack navigated the complexities of these internal struggles, the island's mystique added an unpredictable layer to their efforts. Rick's presence, with its confrontational nature, became a formidable challenge in their quest for understanding and resolution.
The campfire flickered as Jack continued to engage with Rick, determined to find a common ground. The island, with its ancient whispers and hidden truths, stood witness to this internal battle. Jack knew that the key to Sawyer's redemption lay not just in understanding but in bridging the gap between the fractured pieces of his identity.
The journey ahead became a delicate dance between light and shadow, hope and despair. Jack's commitment to helping Sawyer regain control remained unwavering, even as he faced the formidable presence of Rick. The island, shrouded in mystery, held the secrets that could unravel the tapestry of Sawyer's fractured mind, offering a chance for healing in the midst of the enigmatic wilderness. As the days unfolded, the absence of medication took a toll on Sawyer. The glimpses of vulnerability between personas revealed a weakened and fatigued version of him during the rare moments when he returned to himself. Jack couldn't shake the frustration of being unable to provide the medical support Sawyer desperately needed.
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"Sawyer, without your medication, your body and mind are struggling. We need to find a solution, and fast," Jack expressed, the concern evident in his voice as he observed Sawyer's weakened state.
Sawyer, normally defiant, nodded with a defeated look in his eyes. "I hate feeling like this, Doc. Weak, tired, like I'm losing control even when I'm myself. I never asked for any of this."
Jack, grappling with the limitations of the island, felt a renewed determination to find a resolution. "We'll explore every option. There has to be a way to ease your symptoms, to provide some relief until we figure out a more permanent solution."
The island, with its mystical aura, presented both challenges and potential solutions. Jack pondered the possibility of discovering natural remedies or enlisting the help of others with unique skills among the survivors. As they faced the complexities of Sawyer's condition, the island's mysteries became a canvas for hope and desperation.
In the midst of the struggle, Jack's frustration grew. The lack of access to essential medications heightened the urgency of their quest for answers. The island, with its enigmatic influence, stood as both an obstacle and a potential source of salvation.
As Jack continued to grapple with the complexities of Sawyer's condition, a sense of urgency enveloped their every move. The island, with its ancient whispers and untold secrets, held the key to unlocking not only the mysteries of Sawyer's fractured mind but also a potential remedy for the physical toll the lack of medication was exacting. In the unpredictable dance between science and mysticism, Jack remained determined to navigate a path toward healing for Sawyer, even as the challenges seemed insurmountable.
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astrojaxsaga · 10 months
A lot has been happening in the past few months! All good things. Unfortunately not weight loss-related, but that's secondary to life TBF.
I recently (like ~1.5 weeks ago) got back from a workshop/conference in Tenerife, which is an island in the Canary Islands in Spain (essentially the closest I have ever been to Africa). This is my final trip this year, and I am so excited to just stay home and relax and focus on myself for the holidays. I do not need any more added pressure.
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The workshop was amazing, the food: divine & cheap, and the experience unforgetable. One aspect of the trip was a day tour of the island where we stopped for lunch in Garanchinco (the most beautiful city in Spain™) and toured the Mt Tiede Observatory and did some observations. The rest of the week, the weather was of course not cold for Nov. Probably a low of ~20°C, and one day it was up to 30. It was smart of me to bring both shorts & jeans just in case. I traveled light, I packed efficiently, and I did nothing outside the conference because frankly, I just wanted to be there for the workshop and get back home.
I have done some amazing travel this year, after such a long hiatus during covid. Essentially 3 full years of virtual conferences and no ability to travel, which is like the main perk of being a grad student. Underpaid? Yes, but also compensated with cool experiences. I'm really lucky to have had these trips this year. Probably before the new year, I will have to write a little blurb about the 4 different countries I visited (:
Regardless, my routines have been taking a hit, and it felt like I couldn't start up a schedule to work out without it getting impeded by my travel plans. This year has been busy (and rewarding!). But I am finally taking care of myself.
Mainly, I have been investing in figuring out my ADHD (recently diagnosed, as an adult) and trying to avoid binge eating. I haven't been working out consistently until I could invest time into managing all other aspects of my life, now that I don't need to travel. Right now, I have been starting up some trial medications and tracking my progress at work/home. So far, it is night and day. I am feeling so much better, so much less stressed and I'm able to stay in the present so much better. I feel like, happier? More grateful for things? Less anxious? (Obvs more productive?) My thoughts aren't swarming me all the time with all the things I have to get done and on what timeframe and what else could I be forgetting and who do I need to consider and how am I going to get it all done and....it gets intense. I am feeling so much less overwhelmed. I feel like I keep saying to myself, "Is this what it's like to be normal all the time??"
There is a part of me that is sad that I went so long without knowing I had ADHD, because everything was so much harder for me and I thought it was my fault. But I know I'm not lazy. I know I'm not stupid. I just struggled for so long. Watching people pass by me (academically) when I know I work harder than them. I know now that I CAN do a PhD, my work is worthwhile, and I am constantly becoming a better version of myself. Most of this was me and me alone, but with a little recognition of my struggles and some additional support for the deficiency, I think I will finally be able to get there.
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wedesignyouny · 8 months
Exploring a Healthier You: Advanced Weight Loss Solutions in Long Island, NY
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Exploring a Healthier You: Advanced Weight Loss Solutions in Long Island
Embarking on a weight loss journey can be a formidable and often frustrating endeavor. For those residing on Long Island searching for a secure and efficient method to attain their weight loss aspirations, the answer may lie in medical weight loss. This blog aims to delve into the advantages of medical weight loss in Long Island, shedding light on the holistic services provided by BestIVDrips.com.
The Importance of Medical Weight Loss
While conventional diet and exercise prove effective for some, others encounter difficulties shedding excess weight through these methods alone. Medical weight loss presents a structured and professionally supervised approach beneficial for individuals who:
Struggle with a substantial amount of weight loss.
Face health issues associated with obesity.
Have experienced limited success with alternative weight loss methods.
Require a customized plan tailored to their unique needs.
Benefits of Medical Weight Loss
Personalized Plans: A key perk of medical weight loss lies in the development of personalized plans. Healthcare professionals evaluate your health, lifestyle, and weight loss objectives, crafting a program tailored to your specific needs.
Medical Supervision: With experienced healthcare providers guiding you, assurance is provided that your weight loss journey is both secure and effective. Regular check-ups and monitoring ensure you remain on the right trajectory.
Access to Medications: Medical weight loss programs may encompass prescription medications like Semaglutide, known for its efficacy in aiding weight loss.
Behavioral Support: Many programs include behavioral counseling, addressing emotional and psychological factors contributing to overeating and weight gain.
Long-Term Success: The focus of medical weight loss extends beyond immediate results. This approach aims for sustainable outcomes, equipping you with the skills to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Medical Weight Loss in Long Island
Among the array of medical weight loss centers in Long Island, BestIVDrips.com stands out as a reliable resource for individuals seeking professional guidance in their weight loss journey.
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Their approach to medical weight loss on Long Island comprises:
Comprehensive Assessment: The adept team at BestIVDrips.com conducts an in-depth evaluation of your health, weight history, and objectives to formulate a tailored weight loss plan.
Physician Oversight: Benefit from the expertise of skilled physicians who closely monitor your progress, making adjustments to your plan as needed.
Medications: When appropriate, medications like Semaglutide may be incorporated, showcasing notable results in aiding weight loss.
Behavioral Support: Acknowledging the emotional aspect of weight loss, BestIVDrips.com provides counseling and support to address any underlying emotional issues linked to weight gain.
Nutrition and Exercise Guidance: Achieving weight loss goals involves adopting a balanced diet and regular physical activity. BestIVDrips.com offers guidance on these essential aspects.
Medical weight loss in Long Island stands as a methodical and effective approach for those grappling with weight issues. Whether facing a significant weight loss goal or in need of a personalized plan, medical weight loss offers a secure and supportive path to success. BestIVDrips.com serves as your partner on this journey, delivering comprehensive medical weight loss services, including medication options like Semaglutide, all under the vigilant supervision of proficient healthcare professionals. Your journey toward a healthier you commences here, promising enduring results and enhanced overall well-being.
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Contact us
🏢: 905 Madison Ave 2nd floor, New York, NY 10021, United States
📞: +1(347) 460 0295
🌐 : https://www.bestivdrips.com/
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The New Challenge to Public Health
One of the biggest current challenges to public health are the perils to human health and health system attributable to climate change. The impact on different age groups and genders are varied. Environmental alterations result in respiratory and zoonotic diseases. There is urgent need for coordinated activities to combat this challenge.
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Climate change, as per the United Nations Climate Action panel, refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns of the earth1. On a smaller scale, this is a part of natural phenomena; however, humans have intensified these alterations by increased burning of fossil fuels. This emanates greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, which remain in the atmosphere, thereby trapping the Sun’s heat and raising mean temperatures1.
In the Twenty First century, the temperature of the earth is about 1.1◦C warmer than that in the late 1800s1. Apart from warmer temperatures, consequences of climatic variability also include droughts, fires, rising sea levels, floods, hurricanes and diminishing biodiversity1. In this review article, an attempt has been made to explain the effects of varying climate patterns on health outcomes and health systems using the WHO framework given below.
As the framework is extensive, the authors decided to discuss only a few selected factors. Selection has been made based on their relevance from policy action point of view. Demographic factors, Air Quality and Health service delivery are selected from the vulnerability, exposure pathways and health system capacity respectively. Health risks are studied under zoonotic diseases and Respiratory illnesses and lastly, the health systems outcome will also be examined.
Demographic patterns
People who are least responsible for the greenhouse gas emissions are the most vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. Pertinent examples include people living in low-and-middle income countries (LMIC), those in Island nations, mountains, coastal and Polar Regions.
Gender analysis indicated that the probability of women dying in heat waves and due to cyclones (in Bangladesh and Philippines) is greater compared to males3. They are also the prime victims of food shortage, partner violence, mental health issues, and poor reproductive and maternal health3. It is also noted that the incidence of preeclampsia, uterine bleeding and low birth weight babies are increased in mothers who give birth post to any natural calamities4.
Children are particularly impacted by the atrocities of climatic alterations5. Overexposure of children to external environment puts them in risk of injury/bites from animals or insects resulting in increased incidence of zoonotic and vector-borne diseases. During the formative phase of children, it is not only physical changes, but also psychological developments occurring in them. Any emotional trauma they suffer during this period, for example, familial loss due to some natural perturbations, can be detrimental for aeons5.
Another vulnerable group is the older population. Most of them would be already suffering from physical and cognitive disabilities or poor mobility and their quick responses to climatic adversities would be impaired6. Majority of them would be dependent on caretakers, a few maybe depending on life-sustaining equipment or certain medications (which has to be refrigerated) and there may not be even power supply in the temporary shelters provided to them6.
The impact of climatic alterations encountered by the LGBT community will be more intense, as they are already deprived of the privileges of a societal inclusion. Most of them are homeless, jobless, and involved in prostitution for a livelihood. This would further escalate during calamities7.
Air Quality
The greenhouse gases emitted from various industries results in air pollution. According to aqi.in data of the year 2022, out of the ten most polluted cities in the world, seven belongs to India of which Delhi is the topmost in India and the second highest in world8. Air pollution in Delhi worsens during the winter season, i.e. from November-February as thick smog is formed due to the combination of winter fog and smoke. The Air Quality Index (AQI) of Delhi in January 2022 was 279, which spiked to 311 in January 20239. Turning towards Kashgar in China, the most polluted city in the world, currently the AQI level is 43610 and it is 187 in Lahore, Pakistan11 which is the seventh most polluted city in the world. The increase of AQI in Delhi during the winter season is concurrently seen with a surge in respiratory illness12.
For More Info : https://www.europeanhhm.com/articles/climate-change-the-new-challenge-to-public-health
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misrawellness · 30 days
Effective Weight Loss Solutions in Staten Island and Manhattan with Misra Wellness
Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight can be a challenging journey, but with the right support and resources, it’s entirely possible. At Misra Wellness, we are dedicated to providing effective weight loss solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals in both Staten Island and Manhattan. Whether you’re looking to shed a few pounds or make a significant lifestyle change, our comprehensive approach, rooted in Integrative Medicine, ensures that you receive the guidance and support necessary to reach your weight loss goals. In this blog post, we'll explore the range of weight loss services offered in these two vibrant cities and how Misra Wellness can help you achieve lasting results.
Personalized Weight Loss Programs
For those seeking effective weight loss solutions in Staten Island, Misra Wellness offers personalized programs designed to address individual health goals and challenges. Our approach begins with a thorough assessment of your current health status, including a review of your medical history, lifestyle habits, and weight loss objectives.
Based on this assessment, our team creates a customized weight loss plan that incorporates dietary recommendations, exercise routines, and behavioural strategies. We focus on sustainable changes that promote long-term success rather than quick fixes. Our goal is to help you develop healthy habits that can be maintained over time, leading to effective and lasting weight loss.
In addition to personalized plans, Misra Wellness in Staten Island provides access to a range of resources and support services. These include one-on-one coaching, group sessions, and educational materials to help you stay motivated and informed throughout your weight loss journey.
Holistic Approach to Weight Management
At Misra Wellness, we understand that weight loss is not just about reducing numbers on a scale but also about enhancing overall well-being. Our holistic approach to weight management, which is strongly aligned with Integrative Medicine principles, addresses various factors that contribute to successful weight loss, including nutrition, physical activity, and mental health.
Our weight loss programs in Staten Island emphasize the importance of a balanced diet and regular exercise. We provide guidance on meal planning, portion control, and physical activity that suits your lifestyle and preferences. Additionally, we offer support for managing stress and emotional eating, which can play a significant role in weight management.
By addressing all aspects of health and well-being, Misra Wellness ensures that our weight loss solutions are comprehensive and effective, leading to improved health outcomes and a better quality of life.
Tailored Programs for Urban Lifestyles
In the bustling city of Manhattan, Misra Wellness offers weight loss solutions designed to fit the fast-paced urban lifestyle. Our programs are tailored to accommodate the unique challenges faced by Manhattan residents, including busy schedules, limited access to traditional exercise facilities, and the need for convenient, healthy eating options.
Our weight loss services in Manhattan start with a detailed assessment to understand your specific needs and goals. From there, we create a customized plan that includes practical strategies for incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine. This may involve guidance on quick, nutritious meal options, effective home workout routines, and tips for staying active despite a hectic schedule.
Misra Wellness also provides ongoing support and resources to help you stay on track. Our team offers regular check-ins, progress tracking, and adjustments to your plan as needed to ensure that you remain motivated and achieve your weight loss goals.
Comprehensive Support for Lasting Results
Achieving lasting weight loss requires more than just a diet and exercise plan. At Misra Wellness, we offer comprehensive support to address the various factors that influence weight management. Our programs in Manhattan include educational workshops, stress management techniques, and strategies for overcoming common obstacles to weight loss.
As part of our Integrative Medicine approach, we believe in empowering our clients with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions about their health. By providing a supportive environment and evidence-based practices, Misra Wellness helps you build a solid foundation for long-term weight management and overall well-being.
At Misra Wellness, we are committed to helping you achieve your weight loss goals with effective, personalized solutions in both Staten Island and Manhattan. Whether you’re looking for customized weight loss programs or comprehensive support, our team is here to guide you every step of the way.
For more information, visit our website: https://www.misrawellness.com/
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zooterchet · 2 years
Famous Tiger Amon Tricks (Reptile from Mortal Combat)
Tiger Amon, was an Egpytian warrior's bloodline, in antiquity, the blood of Nectaebus the Pharaoh, stolen into Eire by his daughter, Scotia.
If working into fatal apoxity, then immune, the term for neurotudinous breakdowns of the upper liver's contract tract in the lower brain (the serengitis, governing senses of "black" smells, the so-called racist gene, among whites, shared by African "doves", peacemakers besides the African South, run by Zulus; war-like barbarians, Gypsies, of Rome, long ago converts to the palethronen sect, suicide of mother's method to survive and resist exposure to cold, with prisons, our playplace; including me, especially after process listed above and below, in title and in tract).
The apoxitic, drops comatose in the sleep, unaware, medical tests resists, for the new few months, to medicate and treat the condition of being "brain dead", "ligament dumb", and "death row walking", a suicidal frenzy epitomized by rolling joints, in the arms and leaned muscles, depending on posture and bloodline.
Note, however, that the Amon gene, in the "North", Egypt's dove's narrows, is blended with Iberian Queen's blood, the swordwomen of the continent, also in the Congo, as Zemenese, the ultimate bloodline of black swordsmanship with her sister Scotia (Nectaebus, if you prefer the black kant, polite to use when of skin color other than mine).
Once "brain dead", the level exerrtion will nominally increaase, the victim unaware of the passage, and then it will move forward, into a worker's strain, maintained until dead, of frostbite neuron explosure, electric gaitlings in the upper brain, rendering a synapse cause, a loathed death in the sewer of the minds fantasies of children molesting, actually endronites, the own self as view of prior protected before brain hemorrhage occuring at hemotomia sleepfulness.
Famously, Ted Bundy had this condition, as do I.
We even have the same family Clan, otherwise from the O'Neill "Irish", "Scottish" falsely recognized as Bundy or myself's blood, the Ismaeli-Kurdlings, Hagar's children with Abraham, God's Chosen, immune to the shrimp deficiency keeping us out of the Tiger Amon line, in pregnancy; otherwise requiring shrimp, to birth, in the womb (or else viral hematomia, a plague outbreak, from harlyquin ichiotic babies - dragon's sperm, inward complexions, eyes, and mouth, upon birth, with dental 'fangs', the child's developing teeth from premature habitation in the womb, sick and crying until clenched and ground into 'nubs', shark's tombs).
God's Favorite, meanwhile, the harlyquin ichiotic danger; Sarah's child with Abraham, the Isocs, have the shrimp allergy desired by Scythians, the Eire's original inhabitants, in modern day Georgia. Since then, Ismael has gone to the winds, along with Cain, the Abrahamites, both sect held, and Abel, the Scythian. Satan, the Siberian man of the wilds, roams today as a number line of Polyander Native blood in calculation, south of Canada, mostly from United States' interbreeding with tribals of any color, especially non-Noble Siberians, the Russian Breeds Caste, such as Iowa, Cree, Algonquin, Mescalatoros, Huron, Iroquois Confederation, Cherokee, and Chippewa, the first being JFK Sr., the last being Adolf Hitler. Hitler, however, had the advantage, of being able to dominate through being anally penetrated, like any Chippewa; even with a strap-on cock, on their wife. The bonus for the false "top", is weight loss, body trim, and tone.
Ted Bundy, was Satan, with God's Chosen. It's a more common combination than you think, Reptile Fans.
I used to be Kano, never expected to work 13 hours on a liquor shift in a truck on wine, December 31st.
The other guy, not as lucky as me. Blamed on drinking alcohol. My lunch was ordered, "no sauce". Rhode Island cops, eh?
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lolienmd · 8 months
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Weight loss doctor
Losing weight can be very challenging especially in a world full of processed food and our ever so busy lifestyles. Weight Loss medications can be the answer to jump start your weight loss journey. However equally as important is to understand key nutritional concepts so you can reset your body/metabolism and maintain your weight loss. Weight loss is about figuring out your OWN body and keeping balance. Currently we offer oral Phentermine and injectable Semaglutide (also known as Ozempic or Wegovy).  Schedule a consultation to get the body of your dreams!
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ashleycarter · 2 years
MetaMorphx is a healthy weight reduction pill. Metamorphx Review
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Product : Metamorphx
About : A weight loss supplement designed with natural ingredients and with the help of a special Japanese formula only.
Eleuthero root extract
Licorice root extract
Lyceum berry extract
Astragalus root extract
Balloon flower extract
Solomon’s seal root extract
White mulberry leaf extract
Milk thistle seed extract
Schizandra Chinese fruit extract
Shepherd’s purse stem extract
Wild yam root extract
Weight loss
Improved metabolism
Better immunity & digestion
Non-toxic formulation
Enhanced endurance
Money-Back Guarantee :180-day money-back guarantee, with a 100% refund.
Price Point : Starts at $69/bottle, good for one month’s supply.
Product Website : Click Here
Metamorphx is a natural weight loss supplement with a unique blend of organic active components that promote weight loss and maintain energy levels. It was created to utilize Japanese herbal techniques originating from their culture. A special combination of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins is used to produce the product that increases the body’s capacity to burn fat by accelerating metabolism and detoxifying the body.
The health advantages of the Japanese diet and culinary culture are well-known worldwide. One of Japan’s islands is said to have the highest proportion of older people who have lived for more than a hundred years. They follow a diet that keeps them slim, healthy, and protected from problems linked to obesity. That makes Metamorphx special because it can convert that natural blend into weight loss tablets.
The natural components in this formulation, reported to have been used for years, make Metamorphx work so well. The secret of this formula’s potency is in the special group of ingredients that have been clinically proven to aid in weight loss. It may trigger autophagy, a process in which your body uses fat as fuel. Normally, to get to that position, one must starve for a long time and regularly fast, but with the aid of this pill, you can achieve that goal and speed up your metabolic rate without ever having to alter what or how much you eat.
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How Does Metamorphx Work?
Metamorphx accomplishes its objective By turning on the user’s “autophagy” or “resurrection system,.” This involves assisting the body in removing impurities and intruders, such as free radicals, to stop cell damage and promote weight reduction. Metamorphx cleanses the body by washing out waste and toxins that accumulate in it by triggering “metabolism” or the “resurrection mechanism.”
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What Are The Core Ingredients In MetaMorphx?
Below we have discussed in detail about the core ingredients found in MetaMorphx, amongst many others:
Milk Thistle
Milk thistle is a plant that grows in the Mediterranean region and has been used for centuries as an herbal remedy to treat liver problems. It’s also known as milkwort, which comes from its milky white sap. The name “milk thistle” was given because it resembles a thistle flower.
The active ingredient in milk thistle is silymarin, which is made up of flavonoids called silibinins . Silibinins are antioxidants that help protect your body against free radicals. Free radicals can damage cells and lead to cancer. They also cause inflammation, which can be linked to heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, and other conditions.
Silymarin helps detoxify your liver by removing toxins from your bloodstream. This process involves breaking down fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and cholesterol into smaller molecules so they can pass through your kidneys more easily. Silymarin also protects your liver from further damage caused by alcohol or medications.
Lyceum Berry
Lyceum berries are dried fruits found in the wild on the island of Crete. These berries have been used since ancient times as a natural remedy for many ailments, including digestive issues, liver disorders, skin diseases, and even depression.
These berries contain high levels of vitamin C, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, zinc, and fiber. They also contain polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants that fight free radical damage in your body.
Polyphenols are believed to reduce the risk of certain types of cancers, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, and leukemia. Polyphenols may also prevent cardiovascular disease by reducing blood pressure and improving circulation.
Polyphenols work by protecting your cells from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs when there is too much oxygen inside your cells. When this happens, your cells produce free radicals that can damage DNA and cell membranes.
Free radicals can also trigger inflammatory responses in your body. Inflammation is associated with many health problems like asthma, allergies, arthritis, and heart disease.
Balloon Flower Extract
Balloon flowers are actually not true flowers at all but rather inflorescences (flower clusters) of plants such as lilies, irises, peonies, and tulips. These plants have long stems with large leaves on top. When you cut off the stem, the leaves will remain attached to the base.
This extract contains compounds called flavonoids, which are similar to those found in milk. thistles. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that help prevent cell damage. In addition, they may reduce the risk of certain types of cancers.
Flavonoids also help lower blood pressure and improve circulation. Because balloon flower extracts contain high levels of these beneficial nutrients, they may be helpful in treating cardiovascular diseases like hypertension and congestive heart failure.
Schizandra Chinese Fruit Extract
Chinese Schizandra fruit is a small berry-like fruit native to China. Schisandra berries are rich in vitamin C, fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, and niacin.
These nutrients help support healthy bones and teeth, boost energy, maintain normal immune function, and promote overall good health. Studies show that this herb may be effective in preventing some kinds of cancer.
In one study, people who took Schizandra supplements had fewer side effects when undergoing chemotherapy than those taking placebos. Another study showed that Schizandra helped prevent breast cancer recurrence after surgery.
White Mulberry Leaf
White mulberry leaf is another herb that has been used for thousands of years to improve liver health. It contains high levels of vitamin C, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, manganese, zinc, and selenium. These nutrients help keep your blood healthy and strong.
White mulberry leaf also contains polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants that fight free radical damage. Polyphenols have been shown to reduce inflammation and prevent cell damage. In addition, they may even help lower bad LDL cholesterol.
Licorice Root
Licorice root is a natural herb that has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine to treat various ailments, including obesity. It contains glycyrrhizin, which is an active ingredient that reduces the amount of fat stored in your body by blocking the enzyme lipase from breaking down fats into fatty acids.
This means that when you eat foods with high amounts of carbohydrates, such as pieces of bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, or other starchy vegetables, licorice root can help reduce the amount of fat you store in your body.
Glycyrrhizic acid blocks the activity of the enzyme lipase, which breaks down fats into fatty acids, according to WebMD. This prevents the breakdown of fats into fatty acids, which are then converted into energy.
In addition to its ability to block the action of lipase, licorice root also increases the levels of thyroid hormone in your blood, which helps regulate metabolism.
Wild Yam Root Extract
Wild yam root extract is another weight loss supplement that works by increasing metabolic rate and burning more calories. Wild yam root is a plant native to China and Southeast Asia that is known for its medicinal properties.
It’s believed that wild yam root extract may be useful in treating conditions like diabetes, heart disease, liver problems, and even cancer.
The main compound found in wild yam root extract is called Diosgenin, which is thought to increase metabolic rate and burn more calories.
Studies have shown that diosgenin may also improve insulin sensitivity, lower cholesterol, and prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Diosgenin is also believed to boost testosterone levels, which can help men lose weight faster.
However, it should be noted that there hasn’t been any clinical research on this particular aspect of wild yam root extract.
Astragalus Root
The Astragalus root is another weight loss supplement that works by increasing metabolism and burning more calories.
It also helps boost energy levels and improve digestion. This root is often referred to as “the king of roots” because it is known to be one of the most powerful herbs available.
It is considered to have anti-inflammatory properties, so it may be able to help relieve joint pain and swelling. The Astragalus root has also been shown to increase the production of thyroid hormones, which are essential for healthy metabolic function.
There are many different ways that Astragalus root can benefit your health. Here are some of the top reasons why you should consider taking it.
One of the best things about Astragalus root is its ability to increase metabolism. This allows your body to burn more calories than normal. Another great thing about Astragalus root extract is that it can help reduce the amount of fat stored in your body.
It can also help give you more energy and get rid of fatigue.
When you don’t digest food properly, you can end up storing extra pounds around your stomach area. Astragalus root can help improve digestion and prevent excess belly fat.
What Are The Benefits Of MetaMorphx Pills?
Consuming the recommended dosage of MetaMorphx can provide you with a lot of benefits that can make your life easier, your body healthier, and you more confident. All this is thanks to the combination of Japanese ingredients that goes into the mix, which lets you lose weight regardless of what you eat on a daily basis. Here are some of the benefits of using MetaMorphx pills:
It can burn your body fat so that it is easier for you to manage your weight.
These pills can help your overall endurance, making you more physically fit and active.
They speed up your metabolism, which helps the weight loss process and makes it possible for you to shed a lot of weight.
The pills are completely non-toxic, and they don’t contain harmful chemicals that can affect your body.
They are only made from natural ingredients that have not only been used traditionally for years but they also have been backed by scientific research.
Your immune system and digestive system can also benefit from these pills as they contain healthy vitamins and minerals that are good for your overall body.
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Is Metamorphx Safe?
According to the official website, Metamorphx is produced in an FDA-approved facility that follows Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards. This means that the facility adheres to strict health and safety standards. In addition, the formula is made from pure, all-natural ingredients. This implies that the formula is safe, and users should not worry about negative consequences.
Metamorphx contains no artificial ingredients or hazardous chemicals that might affect the user’s health. Notably, it works naturally without changing diet or engaging in physical exercise. The manufacturer recommends using the formula as part of a balanced diet and active lifestyle for optimal results.
How to use Metamorphx
Metamorphx is easy to use. To get the best results, users should take two capsules every morning 20–30 minutes before breakfast as part of their morning routine. The formula is gaining popularity daily, and anyone can use it. However, if you are pregnant, nursing, or under 18, you should not take Metamorphx. Also, you should consult a physician before using if you are being treated for serious medical conditions or taking prescription medication.
According to the manufacturer, users should start to see the results within 30 days of using the formula. When used as the manufacturer recommends, users can experience toned bodies, thinner and fitter than before. Considering its composition and functions, Metamorphx is an efficient and legitimate formula.
Metamorphx Pricing
Metamorphx is available on the official website at the following prices:
Buy one bottle of Metamorphx at $69 + Shipping fee
Buy three bottles of Metamorphx at $59 per bottle + get free shipping
Buy six bottles of Metamorphx at $49 per bottle + get free shipping
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Final Words
Metamorphx natural weight loss supplements help us in various ways, including weight loss, anxiety and stress reduction, increased energy, hunger suppression, and much more. The formula will assist you in instantly burning fat, lowering stress levels, relieving anxiety, enhancing metabolism, increasing energy levels, reducing appetite, and much more.
It contains a special combination of components, many of which come from ancient Japanese medicine. Metamorphx aims to deliver effective weight loss outcomes without adverse effects and rigid dieting. While there are many other ways to lose weight (such as gummies, Ikaria powder, or ACV pills), there is no denying the excitement developing around Metamorphx, a rare, exceptional, and highly qualified weight reduction supplement.
The supplement has thousands of positive reviews. The manufacturer offers a 180-day refund policy, which makes it a risk-free deal. So hurry and visit the official website when you are done reading this Metamorphx review.
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