#Medicine Man Technologies (CO)
Akso Hospital Expert Introductions: Dr. Cooper
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Last but not least, let's meet Dr. Cooper. He's a talented doctor, but man was his bio a piece of work 😭 After reading Zayne's, the protagonist turns her head and sits down. We're talking fractions of seconds of screen time for his display lol. But I grabbed every word that I could and the best picture of his face that I could manage.
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Oddly enough, his name display just says "Cooper". No title. But throughout his biography, they refer to him as "Dr. Cooper". So I'm referring to him based on his biography name/title. Here's his details:
Attending Surgeon
Division of Cardiac Surgery
...surgical treatment of coronary...
...and congenital heart diseases and
Dr. Cooper attended Changqi Graduate …e School of...
...Medical School in 2020 and received his masters in 2037. From 2037 to 2040, he studied at the School of Medicine at the School of Medicine at National University in the UK and obtained his MD in Cardiac Surgery. Afterward, he engaged in clinical research on the surgical treatment of coronary, valvular, and congenital heart diseases and heart transplantation under the supervision of Professor Zero, also known as the Mother of Heart Valve Surgery and an internationally renowned expert in cardiac Surgery. Having performed over 4,000 cardiac surgical operations, he is one of the most experienced specialists in the field.
In December 2046, Dr. Cooper became an attending surgeon. He successfully performed the country's first implantation of an artificial heart assist device (Evol-based) and Coronary artery bypass graft. He participated in developing a variety of new clinical technologies, such as total arterial revascularization (TAR). In addition, he was awarded the honorary title of Fellow of the National Academy of Surgery.
He has published over 20 academic papers, including 15 SCI papers and 13 co-authored monographs
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rabid-citrus · 2 months
Calmford inhabitants (part one of ??)
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Flanelle (co-protagonist with Dots)
A kind, smart and quiet mime boy, born in a family of a french mime and a redhead canadian clown.
Flanelle is an excellent cook, and he likes strawberries more than anything: strawberry ice cream, strawberry jam, chocolate with strawberries… But his absolute favorite is whole strawberries with whipped cream - yum!
He gets his red hair and friendly smile from his mother, and from his father he gets his outstanding flexibility and an ability to create and use invisible objects. All mimes can do that, and Flanelle is no exception! The only problem is, he also inherited his father's frailty…
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Dots (co-protagonist with Flanelle)
A peppy, optimistic and energetic chatterbox, tracing her roots back to Шут Гороховый himself, she was born in a family of an aerial gymnast and a ciircus clown from USSR.
Dots absolutely loves catching butterflies and bugs. Her favorite type of butterflies are the ones with eyes on their wings, she admires them to no end. Don't worry, she always sets them free once she's done looking at them.
She inherited her mother's agility, strength and sturdy bones, and her father's contagious laugh and a good sense of humour. All and any scratches and bruises she ever gets heal very fast, and she also can lift up to 100 kilograms! Her uncle was a great circus strongsman, after all.
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Gears (resident mechanic and inventor)
A talented but a bit absent-minded handyboy. He was found among some scrap metal by scrap yard workers as a baby. Nobody knows who his parents are, but there are theories that he's a fae child.
Gears can tinker with machinery for hours, sometimes forgetting that he has to eat and sleep. If you bring him any broken mechanism he messed around with in the past, rest assured he will fix it in no time!
Despite his possibly fae origins, Gears is not repelled by cold iron. Even more, he's attracted to it like a magnet. But, despite being a great handyman, he just cannot cook anything to save his life: his cooking turns out tasting bad or just otright inedible. Good thing that he has friends!
Vivienne has a crush on him, but he's too busy tinkering with scrap metal to even notice.
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Vivienne (little witchy herb specialist)
A young but very talented witch, Ugorim's beloved granddaughter. She made herself a cozy spot in their house attic, where she does her witch things.
Even though Vivienne is talented, she is still young and inexperienced, so some of her magic is done on accident. One should't look her straight in the eyes, or else she might unintentionally hex you. This is why she wears her hat in such a way it obscures half her face, to prevent accidentally hexing someone.
It's no secret that Vivienne is one quarter fairy on her mom's side. Maybe it's the reason she and Gears get along so well. Vivienne genuinely admires him, even though outside of his field of technology and invention he's mediocre at best. She is a hopeless romantic with a crush, but Gears is too oblivious to even take a hint.
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Doctor Pellet (the all-around doctor)
A bit cranky, but very kind and caring metamorphic doctor. He never knew his parents, but loved the people who raised him very much. He's deathly afraid of apples.
Pellet can take on any form, but prefers being a tall blonde man. The only thing he cannot change is his eyes, so he wears glasses - he sees better, and the other people are spared from the many eyed look.
Pellet was raised by a married couple of doctors, so he's been fascinated by medicine and biology since his childhood. He knows a lot about different illnesses and their treatments, and he also keeps a collection of pickled small animals. Don't worry, all exhibits died of natural causes like old age or a disease.
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Nova (catman tooth fairy)
An optimistic and a bit air-headed tooth fairy, a dentist by title. He was born and raised in a family of tooth fairies like him, all hereditary dentists (except his uncle, who went to become a hockey player). He's ridiculously afraid of cucumbers and vacuum cleaners.
Nova is like a mix of a bumblebee and a fat cat: bold, gluttonous, lazy, according to all laws of aerodynamics should't fly but flies anyway. Just like any fairy, he has wings, but he rarely uses them - too lazy.
Like any self-respecting tooth fairy, Nova keeps a collection of teeth: baby teeth given to him by kids, teeth knocked out in fights and accidents that he couldn't put back in his clients' mouths, extracted teeth with cavities, etc. But the special place in his hoard is held by wisdom teeth; he jokes that his power grows and strenghtens with every new addition.
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Trufelle (the short confectioneer)
A gorgeous confectioneer, a loving wife and a great woman to be around. She is married to Bisquit and keeps a joint bakery and candy shop with him.
Trufelle might be short, but she is very kind and outgoing. She knows every Calmford's residents' preferences in sweets by heart.
When making cakes, Trufelle is the one who makes the creme and decorates, and she knows plenty of sweet recipes, including caramel, chocolate and ice cream.
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Biscuit (the soft baker)
A great baker, a loving husband and a very kind man in general. He's married to Trufelle and keeps a joint bakery and candy store with her.
Biscuit is built like a closet: tall, wide-shouldered and angular, but it doesn't stop him from being soft and sweet like a freshly baked bun.
He often helps his wife make cakes, baking the layers for them while she makes the creme, frosting and cake decorations. His baking is unmatched, and his bread is always tasty, soft and light.
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The specific text that mentions major inventions that the CoS stamped down on os notable because it mentions several things that the world *doesn't appear to have* and yet *were* the major sources of technological revolutions irl. Things like the literal printing press. There's no way Aelfric would have come up with specific major technological revolutions on his own. Man may be sowing dissent but there's no way he would have identified coal/oil, medicine, and especially the printing press as significant on his own.
Plus, the CoS has very understandable reasons for wanting to purge those things, outlined in that very text, explaining why they would destabilize their order. Like. The printing press literally ties directly to the protestant reformation irl and we have known examples of Seteth restricting texts. It's totally within their way of operating.
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kck59 · 2 months
The Political ideology of EQUITY vs. EQUALITY has been discussed at length lately.
EQUALITY historically is regardless of where you start you have opportunity to invest your time, treasure and talents to achieve an outcome that is commensurate and proportional to your input. For example investing $10 and getting $100 of return, or investing $100 and getting $1000 in return (the outcome is PROPORTIONATELY or QUALITATIVELY the same based on the level and quality of the input).
EQUITY (as a socially created construct) is when regardless of your skill, ability, time, treasure or talent, you participate in a process and are given the SAME QUANTITATIVE outcome as the most productive, most talented, most committed person even though your investment or contribution is remarkably LESS capable or LESS productive.
The EQUITY ideology founded in Marxist principle is all persons deserve the same outcome regardless of the contribution, where EQUALITY is based on a capitalist ideology of what you put in influences what you get out.
The ideologies cannot co-exist, because it dis-incentivizes those who truly invest, sacrifice, and give the level of commitment for the long hours, foregoing of pay, loss of sleep, deprivation of short term pleasure, in pursuit of the bigger picture, the end goal payoff for your labors.
Many people cannot visualize this but I think this image may help. A young lady begins committing endlessly hours to physical training, massive dietary constraints, deprivation of friendship and family time to hone their ability to compete within an athletic sport of their choice (competing against other young ladies of similar levels or commitment, talent and performance as identified by divisions, qualifiers, weight classification etc.)
Then a young man who may have the very same aspirations commits the same investment of time, treasure and talent to compete with other men but finds through those same performance mechanisms he will not attain to the level of success he aspires to because through EQUALITY his raw contribution of talent isn’t EQUAL to the others competitors and isn’t willing to settle for a commensurate or proportionally appropriate outcome.
Instead they pursue mitigating criteria that is outside of the natural qualifiers to compete in classifications and competitions they are not naturally qualified for, to seek exceptions that provide a disproportional advantage to them.
Whether they achieve the pinnacle outcome, they still move from mediocrity to elite level which gratifies their appetite for EQUITY instead of the justice of EQUALITY.
The easiest way to pursue EQUITY is to be placed into a victim classification where you can silence opposing viewpoints to their self driven ambitions.
Though this analogy is based on sports, the EQUITY goal is whether you invest $10 or $1000 in a business or investment, the payout should be the same so “everybody” wins.
The ideology whose roots are in Karl Marx statement, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" it truly was lived out in the participation award era, where we recognize all the same regardless of productivity or outcome.
This philosophy has infected hiring practices, admission criteria into schools, fellowships, military service, medical school, and yes POLITICAL OFFICE.
EQUITY does not provide excellence, it creates unwarranted privilege. It’s does not create innovation, revolutionary advances in technology or medicine, it stifles it.
Whether picking your cancer treatment physician, your defense attorney or your national leader, the exceptions that allowed then to gain the recognition must be overlooked to instead focus on the challenges they overcame to arrive at that outcome.
World leaders bent on domination don’t care about diversity, they respond to strength and negotiative prowess. Cancer doesn’t care about the extra points your doctor earned to meet some equity point to get into medical school.
In the name of EQUITY it is necessary to weaken or disadvantage the more capable, more equipped or more productive in order to make those with less natural feel successful in a setting they didn’t qualify to be in, instead of strengthening their own position within the environment their are equipped to thrive in. Whether inappropriate athletes in sporting competitions or flooded borders, EQUITY (MARXISM rebranded). This ideology has killed millions of people and contaminated and ended many great nations.
Be careful what you support. It could lead to your own demise. EQUALITY brings excellence and innovation, EQUITY brings mystery and death!
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enterprisewired · 2 months
Sci-Fi Spacesuit to Recycle Urine for NASA’s Artemis Missions
A groundbreaking Sci-Fi Spacesuit inspired by science fiction is set to revolutionize lunar expeditions by recycling urine into drinking water, enabling astronauts to undertake extended spacewalks.
Innovative “Stillsuit” Technology
Drawing inspiration from the “stillsuits” in the sci-fi classic Dune, this prototype Sci-Fi Spacesuit can collect, purify, and return urine as drinking water within five minutes. The suit’s creators aim to have it ready for use in NASA’s Artemis program, which focuses on sustaining human presence on the Moon.
Sofia Etlin, a researcher at Weill Cornell Medicine and Cornell University and a co-designer of the suit, explained, “The design includes a vacuum-based external catheter leading to a combined forward-reverse osmosis unit, providing a continuous supply of potable water with multiple safety mechanisms to ensure astronaut wellbeing.”
Addressing Current Challenges
NASA’s Artemis III mission, slated for 2026, plans to land a crew on the lunar south pole with the goal of launching manned missions to Mars by the 2030s. While the International Space Station (ISS) already recycles urine and sweat, Etlin highlights the need for a similar system for astronauts on extended lunar expeditions.
“Astronauts currently have only one liter of water available in their in-suit drink bags,” Etlin said. “This is insufficient for the planned longer-lasting lunar spacewalks, which can last 10 hours, and even up to 24 hours in an emergency.”
The current waste management solution, the maximum absorbency garment (MAG), has faced criticism for being leak-prone and uncomfortable. Some astronauts even limit food and drink intake before spacewalks to avoid using the MAG, which has led to urinary tract infections (UTIs).
Real “Dune” Spacesuits Can Turn Astronauts’ Urine Into Drinking Water | Firstpost America
Future Implications and Testing
Etlin pointed out that future commercial astronauts might be less tolerant of the current solutions. “If you’re giving NASA billions of dollars, you’d think they wouldn’t keep the diaper,” she said, adding that many astronauts have voiced concerns about the discomfort and hygiene issues associated with the MAG.
Prof Christopher Mason of Weill Cornell Medicine, the study’s senior author, emphasized the practicality of the new system: “Even in the absence of a large desert planet, like in Dune, this is something that could be better for astronauts.”
The proposed stillsuit system features a silicone collection cup designed to fit around the genitalia, available in different shapes and sizes for men and women. This cup connects to a moisture-activated vacuum pump that activates as soon as urination begins. The urine is then diverted to a filtration system, where it is recycled into water with an efficiency of 87%.
Ensuring Functionality and Safety
The entire system, weighing approximately 8kg, is compact enough to be carried on the back of a Sci-Fi Spacesuit. The team plans to recruit 100 volunteers in New York this autumn to test the system for comfort and functionality.
“Our system can be tested in simulated microgravity conditions, as microgravity is the primary space factor we must account for,” Mason said. “These tests will ensure the system’s functionality and safety before it is deployed in actual space missions.”
This innovative solution promises to enhance the feasibility and comfort of long-duration space missions, marking a significant advancement in space exploration technology.
Visit Enterprise Wired For More.
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Journey of Test-Tube Baby Treatment with Yashoda IVF
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What Does a Test Tube Baby Mean? In the realm of fertility and reproductive health, the term "test tube baby" can create some curiosity and confusion. It represents the remarkable progress in modern medicine and the hope it provides for infertile couples. Even though in vitro fertilization (IVF) is frequently linked to this term, let's examine the procedure, its complications, and its function in modern fertility treatments. 
Furthermore, we'll spotlight a leading clinic in the field, sharing insights from a reputable centre of Yashoda IVF Fertility Centre known for successful Test Tube Baby centre in Navi Mumbai 
Defining the Term – Test Tube Baby:
‘Test Tube Baby' is a term that people used in the early days of IVF to talk about babies born through IVF fertility treatment assistance. Here's how it works: an egg and sperm developed outside the human body, then the embryo moves into the uterus to hopefully start a pregnancy. It is essential to note that the term is somewhat outdated, as modern IVF procedures involve more advanced techniques and culture mediums.
The Science Behind Test Tube Babies: 
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Test Tube Baby: A Step-by-Step Guide to Treatment
Ovarian Stimulation: 
The initial step of the IVF fertility treatment is inducing the ovaries to produce multiple eggs, which are a probability for increasing the chances of a successful fertilization. This is done by giving fertility medicines, often in the form of injections, and closely monitoring results through blood tests and ultrasounds. Injecting a certain hormone to start the eggs is the critical stage of final maturation to the next level of egg retrieval.
Egg Retrieval: Under sedation or anaesthesia, the doctor performs a minor surgical operation to retrieve the developed eggs from ovaries using ultrasound guidance and a fine needle.
Sperm collection:
Sperm from Female partner’s male partner or chosen sperm donor can be used in IVF treatment. If a man is unable to produce sperm naturally, the procedure may include sperm extraction from his testicle, which is later used.
Egg and Sperm Preparation
The eggs and sperm are combined in a petri dish in a controlled environment, allowing fertilization to take place outside the body.
In the test tube process, the sperm and eggs are combined in a monitored environment to allow fertilization outside the body.
Fallopian tubes where fertilization naturally takes place, are replicated by placing dishes in an incubator.
Embryo Culture
Embryos are developed for a few days in a lab setting, before being placed in the uterus, the fertilized eggs. Most Healthy embryos are used for transfer and extra healthy embryos are saved for future use.
Embryo Transfer
In a simple outpatient procedure, the healthy embryos are inserted into the uterus through a small needle. Following that patients must wait to find if the embryos implant is successful.
Test Tube Babies: A Symbol of Hope:
1. Overcoming Infertility: Test tube babies represent a light of hope for individuals and couples facing infertility. This technology has opened new possibilities for those who may encounter difficulties conceiving naturally. 2. Addressing Various Causes of Infertility: Test tube baby procedures can address a variety of infertility issues, including blocked fallopian tubes, ovulatory disorders, and male factor infertility. 3. Genetic Screening: Advances in technology allow for preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), enabling the identification of genetic abnormalities in embryos before transfer, reducing the risk of certain hereditary disorders. 4. Fertility Preservation: Test tube baby techniques also offer solutions for fertility preservation, allowing individuals to freeze eggs or embryos for future use.
Addressing common misunderstandings and Frequently asked question about Test Tube Babies
Myths about ‘Test Tube baby’ problems are frequently misunderstood and may discourage people from choosing IVF treatment.
Is It Possible to Give Birth in a Test Tube?
Successful birth of a baby includes many more complex and nuanced processes that must go through many procedures. According to popular myths, no babies are not formed in test tubes.
Is Test Tube Baby Painful? No pain involved, because the test tube treatment is undergone with Anaesthesia. Women may feel discomfort post retrieval and that also can be treated with some painkiller medicine.
How Successful Is the Test Tube Baby? Based on multiple reasons, like woman’s age, reason of infertility and Embryo's quality success rates may Vary.
What Is the Test Tube Baby Treatment Cost in Navi Mumbai? Cost of IVF treatment in Navi Mumbai includes the various phases of procedure, medicine cost, and additional services like Lab, genetic testing or frozen embryo transfer. It may vary from clinic to clinic.
Whose Sperm Is Used in Test Tube Baby? Sperm from Female partner’s male partner or chosen sperm donor can be used in IVF treatment. If a man is unable to produce sperm naturally, the procedure may include sperm extraction from his testicle, which is later used.
Is Test Tube Baby the Same as IVF? Although the terms ‘Test tube baby’ and ‘IVF’ are often used together, it's important to realize that the first one refers only to the babies born through a specific assisted fertility method.
What Are the Disadvantages of Test Tube Baby? IVF, like any medical procedure, such as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, multiple births, and risks associated with the surgical procedures of egg retrieval, some birth defects. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare provider to discuss individual risks and benefits.
Clinic Spotlight - Yashoda IVF Fertility & IVF Centre
Yashoda IVF Fertility and IVF Centre is an example of excellence of perfection for IVF and assisted reproductive techniques. With more than 5000 babies born from IVF and 15 years of experience, the clinic is renowned for its high success rates and patient care.
Expert of Test Tube Baby Treatment at Yashoda IVF understands that every patient's fertility journey is unique, and provides personalized care and treatment plans to optimize the chances of conception. This commitment to individualized treatment, along with state-of-the-art facilities, has led to Yashoda IVF being recognized as one of the best fertility clinics in Navi Mumbai.
Book a free consultation and take a step towards a clearer understanding of what a 'test tube babies in women’s health' means to you, your partner, and your future family.
In Conclusion
The concept of a 'Test-Tube Baby' represents more than just a medical process; it embodies innovation, hope, and a testament to the leaps that reproductive health care has taken. For many, it's the path to parenthood, made possible by the careful hands and advanced techniques in clinics like Yashoda IVF. Remember, the road to a test tube baby is one paved with individualized care, medical expertise, and - most importantly - the resilience and hope of aspiring parents.
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concerthopperblog · 10 months
Favorite Americana and Roots Albums of 2023
It's that time of year again when publications drag out their annual Best Of 2023 lists. Here at Concerthopper Album Review Central, we love these as they always give us something new to listen to and put on our Christmas list. But, as with every year, we avoid the “Best” label on our list in favor of “Favorite.” This is simply because, even keeping ourselves limited to Americana albums, there are just too many released every week for us to ever hear them all. Here's hoping you find something new to grab at your local indie record store to stuff in those stockings! Where we reviewed the album, we have included a link. Where not, we've included a YouTube video of a highlight song from the album.
10. Cidny Bullens- Little Pieces One of the best things about music is its ability to give you a chance to understand the experiences of a demographic not your own. In the case of Cidny Bullens, Little Pieces offers an opportunity to walk in the shoes of a transgender man, both the struggles and joys. It's all wrapped in a mix of power pop and roots music that'll keep your toes tapping.
9. The Arcadian Wild- Welcome Is it Americana? Folk? Jazz? Chamber Pop? You'll ask yourself those questions throughout your first couple of listens of Welcome. After that, you'll decide you don't care. Whatever genre you place them in, The Arcadian Wild has delivered a fun album of intelligent tunes that challenge listeners in the best way possible at every turn.
8. Whitney Rose- Rosie After an illness hospitalized her and prevented her from touring in 2023, Whitney Rose poured that pain into her latest studio effort, Rosie. The result is an album that flawlessly blends classic country and '60s pop (think Skeeter Davis) in a way that is a natural maturation from her last album, 2020's We Still Go to Rodeos.
7. Hello June- Artifacts A major step forward for Hello June. Primary songwriter Sara Rudy proves her album title is apt as she digs deep into her own experiences for an intensely first-person album of highly literary lyrics. From a dying love (“Faded Blue”) to a dying parent (“Interstate”) to an ode to her newborn nephew (“Sometimes”) to a stellar cover of John Denver's “Country Roads (Take Me Home)”, there's plenty to recommend here.
6. Parker Millsap- The Wilderness Within You Parker Millsap, already one of Americana's most willing explorers, just keeps expanding his boundaries on The Wilderness Within You. The album, often a musing on stepping away from the electronics addiction to reconnect with people, surprises with its technological flourishes, pulling from New Wave and Krautrock on songs like “So Far Apart.”
5. Doolin'- Circus Boy It's not often you hear the term “French Celtic Supergroup.” But that's Doolin' for you. However, on Circus Boy, the band expands beyond its Celtic roots into Folk Pop (“The Darkest Way”), Americana (“Circus Boy”), French pop (“L'amour Sorcier”), and Calypso (a cover of Harry Belafonte's hit “Man Smart, Woman Smarter”). The result is one of the most fun albums on this list.
4. Dom Flemons- Traveling Wildfire Dom Flemons is Roots Music's most dedicated historian. He began (alongside Rhiannon Giddens and Justin Robinson) his work of unearthing the almost-forgotten history of black string band music with Carolina Chocolate Drops and has continued to do so with his solo records for Smithsonian Folkways. But Traveling Wildfire also shows off Flemons' love of traditional country, from the ambling waltz of “Slow Dance With You” to the Marty Robbins-esque western story song “It's Cold Inside” alongside his historical remembrances like “Nobody Wrote It Down.”
3. Molly Tuttle & Golden Highway- City of Gold Wanderlust is the loose theme of City of Gold, the new album from Molly Tuttle's bluegrass project Golden Highway. Co-written almost entirely with Old Crow Medicine Show's Ketch Secor, Tuttle, and her stellar all-star band blast through a set of tales about gold rush pioneers (“El Dorado”), a road trip between two lovers trying to mend a widening gap (“Yosemite”, featuring guest vocals from Dave Matthews), and a lament for the loss of the wild and crazy festival fans who have given way to selfie-snapping scenesters (“Where Did All the Wild Things Go?”)
2. Cinder Well- Cadence While it's not the #1 album of the year so far, it's a near thing. No album bowled me over like Cadence in the first half of 2023. I was familiar with Amelia Baker's “doom folk” project from her excellent previous album No Summer, but nothing prepared me for the dark explorations of the “thin places” in our reality where magic, not always positive, happens. Songs like “Two Heads, Grey Mare” and “Gone the Holding” practically drip with the Old Ways of Baker's home on Ireland's coast. 1. Jason Isbell- Weathervanes One of these days, Jason Isbell is going to release an album that's “just” really good. This isn't that year and, like every other release year since I've been doing Album of the Year lists, he comes out on top. Backed up by The 400 Unit, who just continue to make the case that they're this generation's Heartbreakers, Isbell continues to write fully fleshed-out characters in four-minute rhymes. There's the opioid-addicted protagonist of the standout song “King of Oklahoma,” the girl coping with the fact that her racist town “won't get no better, will it?” on “Cast Iron Skillet, a man breaking down about how to raise his child in a world where schools get shot up every other day on “Save the World,” and so much more. Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit are the kings of rock and roll right now and they don't look interested in surrendering the throne anytime soon.
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Worldviews: Theology and Transhumanism by Micah
Transhumanism and theology have been existing worldviews for some time now, but what do they mean? How do their outlooks differ? And how does each handle self-transcendence and ethics? Firstly, transhumanism (named by Julian Huxley in 1957) is the idea that humans can and should use technology to enhance or upgrade their physical and mental capabilities, thus allowing them to go beyond their biological limits. Theology refers to the scientific and philosophical examination of God and religion. 
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Differing Worldviews 
Now, how does each worldview differ in their views on transcendence? Some transhumanists believe that human beings can achieve limitless potential, others exude ideas of God-like beings that only loosely resembles what humans once were. The common theme seems to be that with enough time and technology, humans can transcend their biology and nature. Nick Bostrom, in his defense of transhumanism, stated “human enhancement technologies will offer enormous potential for deeply valuable and humanly beneficial uses. Ultimately, it is possible that such enhancements may make us, or our descendants, ‘posthuman’, beings who may have indefinite health-spans, much greater intellectual faculties than any current human being,” (Bostrom). Bostrom outlines the hopes of transhumanist science and the drawbacks/challenges of merging man and machine. Theology and transhumanism seem to have some grey area here. Philip Hefner, Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, stated that humans are co-creators with God (McGrath 195). And by this understanding, we have artistic freedom to pursue advancement as a species. Some other theologists believe that self-transcendence refers to simply improving life similar to what we already have, through medicine, infrastructure, morality, peace, and hygiene to name a few. With the understanding that we have not changed the physical presence of humans in a way that alters the natural forms given to us by the Creator. While others believe that humans should embrace change, either biological or mechanical, as an extension of God’s will. Meaning that we are endowed by God to become powerful being ourselves. While Christian creationists find themselves in majority conflict with the transhumanists, that human beings can become better, morally, physically, and spiritually, but they have a ceiling of limit that separates them from God. The Christian worldview states that self-transcendence simply means moving past the sins of one’s life and turning towards the Creator. Which brings us to the ethics involved with the scientific pursuit of transhumanism. 
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Ethics and Science 
One common debate that theologists have with transhumanists is one on the grounds of ethical research. Is transhumanism a whole other field of study, or does it simply extend other sciences? By changing the human mind and body, transhumanists believe that emotional and ethical superiority will be achieved biologically. But does transhumanism fit into the field of biology while also superseding it if successful? According to Chris Willmot, transhumanism fits into two separate categories: “Fundamentally, there are two dimensions in which the human form could be altered by science: the human-animal (biological) and the human-machine (electromechanical),” (Willmot). Meaning that transhumanism could find a permanent place in modern science, but it still needs a solid direction to follow that clearly defines how it is to be conducted scientifically. Contrastingly, Christian creationists look at the act of transhumanism as a direct challenge to God’s creation, therefore rejecting the notion of specific scientific study under the current understanding of transhumanistic ideals. Some even stating that by playing God (changing, replicating, or altering human life in some way that conflicts with the sacred nature of humans outlined in the Bible), humans undermine His authority and plans for creation. 
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Going Forward 
While there is a lot of debate left to be had on these issues, we still live with the understanding that both worldviews can coexist without having to outright challenge each other on every front. As some points overlap, such as both sides share the viewpoint that humans need to improve towards the future. Theology along the lines that humankind bares sin, and that we need to move beyond our drawbacks towards God. Transhumanists want humans to fully embrace technology as a society, and in doing so, move forward the human body and mind to achieve god-like capabilities. With that being said, both worldviews are also vastly more complex than just the above points, so it all comes down to what you think about the transhumanistic worldview and if you believe we will stay human if the scientific process is executed?  
Willmott, Chris. “The Science of Transhumanism: Are We Nearly There?” Redalyc, Vniversitat De Valencia, 2022, www.redalyc.org/journal/5117/511769287026/html/.  
Bostrom, Nick. “ Bioethics.” In Defense of Posthuman Dignity, 2007, nickbostrom.com/ethics/dignity.  
McGrath, Alister E. “Chapter 6.” Science & Religion: A New Introduction, Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, 2020, pp. 192–195.  
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ear-worthy · 11 months
Pod-Alization: "Down Range" Podcast With A Decorated Army Sniper; Living With Type 1 Diabetes
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 First episode of Down Range is about an Army sniper who was shot in the face
 How about a man who served as a sniper for the Army infantry and received four Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star? In the very first episode, Sergeant Michael Harryman begins by saying, "I got shot in the face with a rocket, but I don't think it's that a big deal."
Harryman now stays busy as a veterans advocate. 
“Down Range,” is a new podcast that premiered November 2 and is hosted by actor, best-selling author, filmmaker, and former Navy SEAL Remi Adeleke (Plane, Terminal List, Ambulance, and Special Forces Fox). Adeleke is superb in his role as a host. The limited series honors the American Special Forces, bringing to life heroic true stories of combat with veterans who were involved firsthand. “Down Range” highlights the men and women who dedicate their lives to defend the U.S., while shining a light on highly emotional, first-person narratives of heroism and sacrifice. Throughout the season, Adeleke and his co-host, former Army Ranger and Lieutenant Colonel Rich Choppa, speak to different members of the American Special Forces.
Next week's episode is about a Navy SEAL who was part of the mission that killed Osama bin Laden. Don't miss “Down Range.” ************************************************************
 WebMD Health Discovered Podcast looks at living with Type 1 Diabetes
On the latest episode of the WebMD Health Discovered Podcast, Dr. John Whyte hosts Jessica Lilley, MD, board-certified Division Chief of Pediatric Endocrinology at the Mississippi Center for Advanced Medicine, and Jana Taylor, a medical student living with type 1 diabetes, about common misconceptions and the physical and emotional impact of managing this condition.
 In this episode, Taylor and Drs. Lilley and Whyte dispel misconceptions and explore the realities of type 1 diabetes. The experts delve into the scientific aspects, the daily hurdles confronted by those affected, and the innovative advancements in treatment and technology that transform how individuals manage this condition.
 Type 1 diabetes is a condition in which your immune system destroys insulin-making cells in your pancreas. Typically diagnosed in childhood or adolescence, type 1 diabetes is not just a medical condition; it's a story of resilience and adaptability, requiring a lifelong commitment to managing one's health.
Check out the full episode: Type 1 Diabetes: Myths, Challenges, and Treatment Breakthroughs
 Here are some highlights in the episode include: 
5:31: Staying on top of your health - 
“But really, type one diabetes can manifest pretty rapidly. And so, annual screenings are not helpful. And so, looking at the genetic screenings at home through clinical trials are the best pathway we have to pick up on early diabetes and just being very suspicious for symptoms.” [Lilley]
8:05: How to recognize quiet symptoms -
“It definitely never crossed my mind. And I don't think that it ever crossed my parent's minds either.” [Taylor]
“And so we were all very shocked when we got to the ER and found out that it was diabetes.” [Taylor]
11:45: Taking care of yourself - 
“I probably didn't realize until years later, like, what an impact that it actually had on me. And really, the way that I've dealt with it is practicing self-awareness and taking care of my mental health. [Taylor]
18:34: Looking into the future - 
“I think a true cure would be something that we could say, this happens and you never have to think about diabetes again. And so, on the way to that cure, I think prevention is going to be huge and finding the patients that are at risk for type one diabetes and to stop that autoimmune attack before it even happens or really progresses and allow the patients to maintain their own islet cells.” [Lilley]
28:43: Advice for those with type I diabetes -
“...I want people to know who are living with type one diabetes, is that you have type one diabetes, it does not have you.” [Lilley]
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1lifearoundus · 2 years
The Skolkovo Connection
Bratukhin’s journey into medical science and longevity seems to have been influenced by Russia’s Skolkovo Foundation, a business incubator set up on the outskirts of Moscow in the early 2010s and led until 2018 by now-sanctioned oligarch Viktor Vekselberg, which in part focused on life sciences and artificial intelligence (AI) as key areas of study.
Skolkovo built a large science campus on the outskirts of Moscow and encouraged Western tech companies such as IBM and Microsoft to establish research centres within the facility, alongside Russian startups. The centre also received funding from Abramovich’s Millhouse Capital.
In 2014, the assistant special agent in charge of the Boston division of the FBI warned that the Skolkovo Foundation “may be a means for the Russian Government to access our nation’s sensitive or classified research, development facilities and dual-use technologies with military and commercial applications”. There is no evidence that any of the individuals or firms mentioned in this article were aware of this threat, when they invested.
Bratukhin has been a visitor to the Skolkovo business park for numerous events and his firms have invested in businesses established there, including a startup called Insilico Medicine, run by the young scientist Dr Alex Zhavoronkov, which describes itself as an “artificial intelligence-driven” healthcare-technology company.
Early investors in Insilico also included Jim Mellon, a business partner of Brexit money-man Arron Banks and an early supporter of UKIP. Mellon, who made his money in Russia in the early 1990s, visited Insilico’s offices in Skolkovo and promoted the company through his Master Investor events in London where Dr Zhavoronkov has appeared several times as a key speaker.
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Dr Zhavoronkov has been listed as an advisor to former Russian spy Anna Chapman’s UMA Fund, though he claims that he never had a formal relationship with the firm and that the UMA Fund “just used my picture on the website”.
Dr Zhavoronkov also helped to establish the Biogerontology Research Foundation (BRF) in the UK in 2008, which claims it is “the UK’s leading non-profit focused on longevity”.
Mellon joined the BRF board in 2017 and the BRF claims it was “instrumental in the initial groundwork and establishment” of the APPG for Longevity.
Dr Zhavoronkov has held a role on the advisory board of the APPG, sitting alongside another Insilico employee, Polina Mamoshina, as well as Sergey Bratukhin. There is no suggestion of wrongdoing on the part of Insilico, Mellon, Dr Zhavoronkov or any of his employees.
Insilico Medicine told Byline Times that the firm has “ceased all operations in Russia. The company firmly believes in the importance of scientific collaboration across borders in order to accelerate discovery and innovation. While the company remains committed to global scientific research and innovation, we have withdrawn all company operations from the Skolkovo Innovation Centre in Russia, sold the local subsidiary (which represented under 3% of global R&D spending), and relocated the remaining team members to other regional sites.” 
One of the managing trustees of the BRF is Dmitry Kaminskiy, a Moldovan businessman who was listed in March 2021 as the “co-director of the secretariat” of the APPG for Longevity and is listed as one of the advisors on its February 2020 ‘Health of the Nation’ report, alongside Dr Zhavoronkov. Kaminskiy says that his company, Ageing Analytics, provided data to the private health firm that manages the APPG for Longevity. The APPG claims that neither has been involved in APPG meetings since 2019.
Kaminskiy and Dr Zhavoronkov made headlines together for betting each other $1 million about who would die later.
Kaminskiy, who has also said that he will award $1 million to anyone reaching their 123rd birthday, first came to prominence as the chairman of i-bank.ru, a Russian bank which collapsed in 2016. Kaminskiy and other investors had purchased a 70% stake in i-bank in 2015, with Kaminskiy personally holding 10% of the company. As the new CEO, he pledged to invest $1 billion in the bank to create “the most powerful IT-team in Russia” which he would “motivate to work as in Space X or Tesla – 100 hours a week, 15 hours a day.”
In 2016, the Russian Central Bank withdrew i-bank’s licence, saying, “Interactive Bank (LLC) pursued a high-risk credit policy associated with the placement of funds in low-quality assets. An adequate assessment of the risks taken and a reliable reflection of the value of the bank’s assets led to the emergence of grounds for the credit institution to take measures to prevent insolvency (bankruptcy). At the same time, the bank was involved in conducting dubious operations.”
The administrators of the bank accused its former management of embezzlement – though it’s unknown if any former executives were charged.
No criminal charges were brought against Kaminskiy and he states that he assisted the authorities with their investigations. He told Byline Times that: “some of the managers representing the interests of certain other shareholders were using the bank for very risky financial and potentially even illegal operations,” but that he was not responsible for any wrongdoing.
Kaminskiy (listed here under the name Dmitrii Caminschii) was also revealed as an economic advisor to then-Moldovan President Igor Dodon in February 2018.
Dodon supported the Russian ‘federalisation’ plan of Moldova, which proposed stationing up to 2,000 Russian troops in the breakaway Transnistria region. The region, which sits along the country’s border with Ukraine, currently holds around 500 Russian troops who are present as ‘peacekeepers’ and has been under Russian control since 1992.
In May this year, Dodon was arrested and accused by Moldovan prosecutors of “illicit enrichment, passive corruption, illegal party financing and (treason), which have taken place since 2014.”
Kaminskiy said that his role as an advisor to Dodon was brief and that he does not and has not had any financial relationship with Dodon or his associates.
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jefelen-presents · 1 year
"RoboDoc: The Creation of RoboCop" (2023)
Tuesday, August 29th, 2023 (22:22) JEFELEN has been a vehement fan of "Robocop" since its release in 1987.
Arguably, I was rather too young to be watching content of this nature at that stage in life, but in all sincerity, that's another topic of conversation for another time. While much of what this film judiciously has to offer inevitably went over my youthful head, I was nevertheless enthralled by the ruthless technological world presented, and it undeniably influenced my own creativity at a profound level.
So very much more than 'just another inane '80s action movie', this uncompromising science-fiction classic delivers caustic social-commentary with biting satirical wit and steely resolve, played out in a prophetic masterstroke that subversively delves into pertinent contemporary themes of toxic masculinity, the cultural permeation of trivial infotainment, mass media editorialisation, corporate politics, the commercial privitisation of medicine, militarisation of the police force, an industrialisation of narcotics production… does any of this sound remotely familiar in today's day and age? Hell, the way I see it, all we're really short of here and now is half man, half machine law enforcement! Another two decades, and we'll get there, no doubt…
Given the deep impact that this movie undeniably had on me, then, when I was offered the opportunity to serve as Associate Producer on "RoboDoc: The Creation of RoboCop", an exhaustive four-part documentary series on the making of this seminal entertainment franchise, I simply could not pass it up. Co-directed by Christopher Griffiths & Eastwood Allen, with production overseen by Cult Film Screenings™, Dead Mouse Productions™, & Red Rock Entertainment™, this immersive four-hour behind-the-scenes journey features interviews with over sixty key cast and crew, offering a unique, comprehensive, and fully explorative scene-by-scene retrospective like none previously attempted. The first episode, "Destination: Delta City", with a runtime of sixty-nine minutes, is now available to U.S. markets courtesy of the Screambox™ streaming service:
This digital content is also mirrored through the following electronic platforms:
The Roku Channel™: http://www.therokuchannel.com/…/b3d6bad671255f…/season-1
Vudu™: http://www.vudu.com/…/RoboDoc-The-Creation-of…/2561110
iTunes™: http://itunes.apple.com/…/robodoc-the…/id1696659551
Apple TV™: http://tv.apple.com/…/umc.cmc.dhu34dlgaf9ghkbber948mx0
Microsoft Store™: http://www.microsoft.com/…/robodoc-the…/8d6kgwxxfknt
Google Play™: http://play.google.com/…/RoboDoc_The_Creation_of…
YouTube™: http://tv.youtube.com/…/robodoc--the-creation-of…
Prime Video™: http://www.primevideo.com/…/0RPSA43P1MQ8QRYGJLREOGRICR
Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Destination-Delta-City/dp/B0B6RN32ZM
Subsequent episodes shall be released weekly. U.K. distribution to follow. Meanwhile, for those who prefer a more tangible quality to their media, blu-ray collections are now available to pre-order through the following retail outlets:
Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/RoboDoc-Creation…/dp/B0CCPN6GT3
Target™: http://www.target.com/…/robodoc-the…/-/A-89654867
Barnes & Noble™: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/…/dvd-robodoc…/40039283
Grindhouse Video™: http://www.grindhousevideo.com/…/robodoc-the-creation…
Best Buy™: http://www.bestbuy.com/…/robodoc-the…/36030156.p
Walmart™: http://www.walmart.com/…/Robodoc-The…/5002619729
Among others. It may also interest collectors to know that Walmart™ additionally has an exclusive SteelBook™ edition available for pre-order:
So should you, like me, be an ardent fan of this sci-fi franchise, then you won't want to miss this…
#RoboDoc #TheCreationOfRoboCop #DestinationDeltaCity #PartLegendPartIconAllHero #ThankYouForYourCoOperation #AvailableNOW #MOREtoFollow
Wednesday, August 30th, 2023 (22:22) Here's a visual breakdown of what to expect from Screambox™ over the course of the month to follow:
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Tuesday, September 5th, 2023 (22:22) While I had hoped to be able to provide direct link information for each successive release, being region-blocked as I presently am, this unfortunately shall not be possible here...
That being said, I can regardless publicise that our Creation of Robocop retrospective continues with the seventy-eight minute second episode, "Verhoeven's Mantra", now being available on Screambox™ and other aforementioned platforms. #RoboDocContinues #VerhoevensMantra
Tuesday, September 12th, 2023 (22:22) True to schedule, "Blood, Sweat, & Steel", the third episode in this revealing series, has been released to Screambox™ (and all outsourced streaming platforms).
In this installment, the resilient cast and crew relive the Golden Era of hands-on, practical filmmaking in the 1980s. If you're like me, and you're a fan of Phil Tippett and/or Tippett Studio™ (especially), then this is a chapter for you! #RoboDocContinues #BloodSweatAndSteel
Tuesday, September 19th, 2023 (22:22) The Robocop Documentary series ultimately reaches its conclusion with the release of "Murphy and the Machine", the culmination of some five years tirelessly seeking a screen interview with the otherwise reluctant lead actor of this movie classic. But true to the rule, dogged perseverance pays off! As has been presented here, a cinematic icon is unleashed upon the world, creating an indelible legacy with lasting memories for all involved in its production.
So concludes Season 1. Will there be a second season? Only the Future can say for certain... #RoboDocConcludes #MurphyAndTheMachine
Tuesday, September 26th, 2023 (22:22) With the complete first season now available to U.S. streaming audiences, now is a good time to retrospectively take stock. Here is a statement from the producers:
"The feedback for ROBODOC so far has blown us away, and with that we’d like to thank the truly magnificent "RoboCop" interviewees who are featured throughout the four-part series for making this all possible.
We’re incredibly appreciative of all sixty-six cast & crew members who were so generous with their time to discuss making the movie and were willing to sit down with our team of overly excitable filmmakers/RoboCop nerds to share first-hand stories from their experiences on the original "RoboCop" -- THE film we all love, admire, re-enact, and quote at any given opportunity.
So one more time…
Thank YOU for your co-operation.”
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Sunday, October 1st, 2023 (22:22) October 1st has been designated #InternationalMusicDay, and in acknowledgement of such, I feel it appropriate to showcase the soundtrack of a particular Robocop Documentary. In addition to the dedicated Sean Schafer Hennessy score, this soundtrack includes original tracks from such contemporary synthwave artists as Arcade High, Biodrive, BLOOD + CHROME, Kalax, Lazerhawk, Lost Years, Meteor, Neon Nox, New Arcades, Occams Laser, Protector 101, Sayak Striker, Shredder 1984, Street Cleaner, Timecop1983, Toxxify, and Waveshaper (among others). As of yet, no album has been released, but one hopes this is to change in future -- in the meantime, it's just another reason to watch the series...!
Sunday, October 2nd, 2023 (22:22) I'm pleased to announce that "RoboDoc: The Creation of RoboCop" has now been launched to the U.K. market, this time courtesy of distributor Icon Film™, with the regional release of "Destination: Delta City", the first episode of this docu-series. I'm not so pleased to confess, however, that I'm presently UNABLE to source the specific IFC™ weblink, despite several painstaking hours of effort, owing to being personally based within a region-blocked territory...
#RoboDocRedux #DestinationDeltaCity #UpdatesToFollow
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Fun Jim History fact: Jim's parents were Irish, though they studied medicine in Australia where technology was far more advanced. His grandparents had come over to America with his parents, and his mom gave birth to him in Boston before they were citizens themselves, so he was a citizen. His grandparents settled in Salem while his parents stayed in Boston.
His parents took him to Salem and left him there while they went west for a job. (His father worked under Redmond Mann as a medical doctor to help keep him alive with the knowledge he had learned in Australia. His mother was a nurse.) They never planned to come back for Jim. Jim was never planned in the first place and they saw him as more of a burden than anything.
Jim grew up in a very wealthy household. His grandparents moved to America to bring their business over and set up their new HQ in Massachusetts. He rarely spoke to his grandparents, usually being looked after by maids and hired help. He was brought on a few trips though, the most notable one being when he was struck by lightning. He remembered hearing his grandparents saying that they wished he had died so he would be taken off of their hands.
He was tutored from a young age to follow his father's path as a doctor, even going to the top school at the time when he was a young man.
He met his ex-wife while in school, and they got married and had a daughter together. He did love her for some time, loved her dearly. (To save his pride he claims to have loved her as a friend.) She, however, really was in love with his cousin who was set to inherit his grandparents' business. Jim joined the military and was drafted, going to Europe for WW1 while his wife was home with their child. Well...His wife had a second child while he was out, and the two got divorced as soon as he came back home after the war. His cousin inherited the business while he was off to war (he wasn't able to join due to a bullshit medical reason to dodge the draft).
During the divorce proceedings, he survived the Molasses Flood of 1919 along with his daughter by holding her under one arm while quickly climbing up a tree. It disappointed his ex-wife who had desired his estate. She got nothing from him, however.
The last thing Jim had told his ex-wife was, "I hope this is everything you ever wanted, Julia, and more." Unfortunately, soon after his ex-wife and cousin got married, his grandparents' business who was now owned by his cousin went under and bankrupt due to the Great Depression. She thought Jim managed to curse her with that statement.
Jim only sent money for child support though he wasn't required to due to his ex-wife's infidelity. He couldn't allow his daughter to go without, but he didn't have custody. While in his last year of duty for the army, he secured a job with Mann Co., the rest is history.
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norfloxacin1 · 1 year
33-year-old billionaire throws 4.5 billion yuan to give his Stanford girlfriend a 150-person research institute. This is the most romantic "I love you" I have ever seen.
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The Apollo Study Center in Bradenton, Florida
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The Apollo Study Center in Bradenton, Florida
Apollo Beach is a beautiful waterfront community in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. It has a low crime rate and is perfect for those looking to retire.
Apollo Beach offers a wide variety of entertainment options. This includes fishing and boating, as well as several parks and recreation activities.
What is the Apollo Study?
The Apollo Study Center is a program that gives you the opportunity to explore an actual moon rock sample that was sent back from the spacecraft Apollo. It's an authentic and fascinating way to learn more about our solar system's Moon.
The Moon has fascinated scientists since the earliest days of the 20th century. But until the Apollo missions, no one knew how the Moon formed, or what it looked like.
The astronauts brought back samples that scientists have used to unravel many of the mysteries of the Moon. The research has opened up new ways to understand the Moon's history and its place in the solar system.
How do I find out if I qualify?
The Apollo Program, NASA's lunar-based missions, was a technological wonder and a scientific goldmine. A total of 22 manned and 11 unmanned missions were launched between 1961 and 1972, including six successful landings on the Moon.
The main objective of the program was to increase our understanding of the Moon and its environment, which meant getting to the bottom of how it formed. There were three primary theories at the time: capture, co-formation and fission.
In the Apollo program's maiden voyage, an innovative new experiment measured the velocities, frequencies and amplitudes of seismic waves caused by disturbances on the Moon's surface. While the resulting readings were insufficient for much-needed answers, the study was one of the earliest examples of how scientists now use technology to improve their ability to predict, identify and understand our solar system. It was also a great way to get the ball rolling in our quest to send humans back to the Moon and beyond.
How do I sign up for the Apollo Study?
The Apollo program is now history, but the echoes of its many missions continue to help scientists make huge strides in understanding the moon and beyond.
One of the more interesting aspects of the program was the collection of high-quality, albeit aged, lunar samples. A particularly well preserved sample, a composite of several different materials known as the "Buckingham" ring, is the stuff of dreams for many of its creators, including Robert Kovach and his colleagues at the University of Houston's Earth and Space Science Center. The best part about this smorgasbord of a specimen is that the team has never had to dispose of it (and they have been tasked with preserving many more).
You can see if for yourself by visiting the apollo study center, a small but mighty annex of the Bradenton Research Center that is home to all things moon related. You'll also have a chance to win a limited edition Apollo 11 t-shirt and other prizes.
What are the benefits of the Apollo Study?
When NASA sent astronauts to the moon for the first time, they collected soil and rocks that would change the way scientists looked at the planet. That data has since fueled research and inspired technology that has helped to improve human life on Earth and beyond.
Among them is a rock that dates back to 4.5 million years ago, when the solar system began. This is just one of the 382 kilos (842 pounds) of lunar specimens that were brought back by Apollo astronauts.
The Apollo missions were the beginning of a burgeoning interest in lunar science. And it's a passion that still inspires new research and technological developments with applications in engineering, astrobiology and medicine.
Join Our APOLLOE4 Alzheimer’s Study!
Are you or a loved one experiencing memory loss that makes daily duties become more challenging to perform? 
At Bradenton Research Center, we are attempting to delay the progression of Alzheimer’s disease through the APOLLOE4 study. If you are dealing with memory loss and find routine chores more tedious, this study may be right for you. 
Participating in studies is voluntary, and all medical attention, care, and treatment are provided without additional cost. Contact us today.
Bradenton Research Center 
Address : 3924 9th Ave W, Bradenton, FL 34205
Phone : (941) 708-0005
Website : https://bradentonresearch.com/
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michaeljoos · 2 years
justice on the internet?
they try to solve the disease by supressing the symptoms..
the violence in man is what we want to end, not the inconvenient behaviors..
it is but a cosmetic change in how violence expresses itself..
what to wear? pointy hats or a nice suit?
we want to turn the public space into a kind of monastery.. where all behave saintlike and all seems perfect and wholesome..
but the violence does not end by hiding it..
it shows itself in domestic abuse..
in child abuse.. in shadowbanning and harassing minorities in the day to day life .. in blindness towards suffering in people.. in insensitivity to others, and automizing relationships, objectifying people..
so how will we end the violence, the stupidity and misinformation for sake of doing harm?
what vaccination can we create in people that stops them from being compelled to express such symptoms? free education is one thing.. decreasing pressures on people, financial and physical and psychological and social authorotarian, is another one. medication and therapies another one.. free medicine.. individual freedom and democracy in all situations and organisations another one.. sustainable farming and gardening and architecture and co ops and water management and regreening deserts another one,
religious freedom and dance and creativity and yogic tantric meditative practices... physical training, sports.. developing technologies that make life easyer globally.. dissolving of walls and geografic borders.. human animal nature rights.. all these help for sure but all these have been tried more or less.. in places all over the world.. but they are not generally available and often lack support..
so undermining existing institutions which hog all the economic and political power and knowledge and know how has become a major part of revolutionary action.. as was the case with the french revolution..
as for the vested intrests.. it is easyer to repress the inconvenient elements good or bad.. than to find creative solutions.. hence the move of democracies towards authoritarianism in face of global crisises..
i admire the courage to gamble oneself for the sake of a free and just society..
and such people are rare..
if i can help it in any way.. i struggle for life to find such courage..
though it is necessary for all on earth for sake of LIFE, when all is available for human wellbeing and beyond.. people who have all available do not automatically become good people!
so still vigilance is needed in a wholesome society.. in outer wellbeing, a freedom to be oneself is essential so society does not fall back into a spitefull struggle..
one can decrease the potential for violence but not determine its end with absolute certainty..
there is no one size fits all..
this means we havent solved the puzzle..
we as humans are capable of amazing things, this is proven in countless ways.. in all the beauty and juiciness of mans expression.. in the deep interconnectedness with each other and nature.. in the efforts to overcome our limitations, and making the impossible possible..
we are so close to creating a paradise for ourselves, yet we cling to old methods proven to not work, to be unsustainable.. just part of the problem, feeding the problem..
perhaps the puzzle cannot be solved.. perhaps the game cannot be won.
but it is worth trying with every fibre ..
and one can transcend the game.. step out of it.. to not be a pawn in the hands of others.. or to be one willfully and creatively..
in any case freedom is essential.. i cannot stop pressing that...
not the freedom to violence.. but the freedom to be total, unbound by mind or matter.. unbound by the causes of violence..
it isnt all that serious..
there is laughter in freedom
no need for a cross to put oneself
life is not for the masochist saints. or better it is for the rascal saints..
life is not a graveyard, it is a leela, a play.. just youthfull spirits on a universal playground..
psychosis and madness is weak is small compared to that..
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mettamakers · 2 years
Poranguí LIVE In DC: Beauty Way Tour
Ecstatic Dance DC, Metta Creative & Camp Contact presents:
Beauty Way Tour: A Music, Dance, and Healing Experience Multicultural musician, healer, and educator Poranguí will return to Washington, DC on Sunday, November 13th at A.i. Warehouse. He and co-facilitator Ashley Klein will create an intentional container to experience the healing power of music, dance, and authentic expression. Poranguí’s live music set will be complemented by Ashley’s vocal guidance and live visual projections creating an unforgettable journey through the beauty of the earth and the tapestry of life.
The Beauty Way album and tour are inspired by Diné (Navajo) teachings from Poranguí & Ashley’s beloved Southwest. To walk in the Beauty Way is to live in balance and harmony with the unfolding of all life. Walking the Beauty Way together, we weave ourselves more deeply into the fabric of the earth, herself. Porangui’s forthcoming album, Beauty Way, will be released incrementally over the summer. Hózhóogo naasháa doo. May we all walk in beauty.
Tickets: Early-Bird: $40 Day of Show: $45 www.eventbrite.com/e/425481545757
Doors: 6PM Opening Music is Medicine Workshop w/ Poranguí: 7PM Live Show: 8PM
About Poranguí: Reared among the three cultures of Brazil, Mexico and the U.S., Poranguí was steeped in various traditional forms of music, healing and ceremony since birth. Drawing from his cross-cultural background and ethnomusicology training at Duke University, Poranguí has over twenty-five years of international work experience as an artist, musician, healer, and educator, utilizing the healing properties of sound and movement to foster our individual and collective well being. As a live looping artist and one-man orchestra Poranguí weaves ancestral songs and indigenous rhythms from around the globe. Creating his performances from scratch using looping technology, Poranguí’s live grooves range from meditative to dance, moving the body, lifting the spirit, and transcending the divide between performer and audience. His World Soul concerts have taken him around the globe and led him to collaborate with many artists, including a current album series titled Kuya Sessions with Liquid Bloom. www.porangui.com
About Ashley Klein: Ashley Klein (Ed.S) is a dancer, embodiment guide, retreat facilitator, and music business manager based in Sedona, Arizona. She collaborates on and off stage with international touring artist, Poranguí, with the mission of sharing earth-based wisdom through the healing power of music and dance. Her life-long movement practices and training have led her to a current focus on facilitating Dancing Freedom journeys and continuing to study the polyrhythmic dances of the African diaspora. She is on the international Dancing Freedom training team and facilitates at festivals, retreats, and concerts guiding audiences into a deeper connection to the Earth Mother and the elemental wisdom innate within us all. Her spoken-word guidance is featured on the live album, "Poranguí - Guided Journey", as well as several remix tracks on "Poranguí - Remixes Vol I & Vol II". Additionally, Ashley co-creates retreats based in Sedona and around the world, curating containers for individuals to dive deep and feel held safely to become more of their authentic connected selves. https://www.movement-is-medicine.com
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