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hondurasairportnews · 2 months
LG Electronics Inc. (LG) anunció los ingresos consolidados del segundo trimestre de 2024 de 15.68 mil millones de USD y un beneficio operativo de 867.47 millones de USD, lo que refleja un aumento interanual del 8.5 por ciento en los ingresos y un aumento del 61.2 por ciento en el beneficio operativo. Estas cifras marcan nuevos récords para los ingresos y el beneficio operativo más altos del…
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
Literally closer to becoming a terrorist everyday 🥰
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pemebi · 8 hours
Hey, how are you doing nowadays? :D
Hellooo!! I'm good! thanks for asking! I'm going to write a bit so the answer isn't so short, lol My days are simple but it always seems isn't enough time for everything, cleaning, working, buying groceries, etc. I work a decent amount and I'm happy with that, and in my free time I end up trying to spend the time on personal projects, I feel like the day comes and goes in a blink With a friend, we started Ring Fit and Fitness Boxing together, I spend too much time on the computer to be healthy, so, that's our solution (With the same friend we watch Conan movies in stream! Keeping the love for the series)
I still love Conan but haven't found the inspiration to draw anything related, and if I'm a bit honest with myself, I'm trying to brainstorm ideas to win some extra money in my free time, so I feel a bit guilty when I indulge with doodles ((Sometimes I still doodle for other series but I try to not do it so much ))
I think life is good in this moment ^^! ---- Para los que hablan español, un amigo cada sabado por medio (Un sabado si otro no) pone pelis de Conan (yo le acompaño en el chat) https://www.twitch.tv/sebascontre la verdad no see me habia ocurrido compartirlo por aca, wops.
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kneedeepincynade · 11 months
The work of true diplomats in the search of peace and political solution for the conflict in palestine is as relentless as the one of the comrades on the battlefield, and we can but wish succes to both of them
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇨🇳 Il 19 ottobre, il Compagno Zhai Jun - Inviato Speciale della Cina per gli Affari del Medio Oriente, ha incontrato, in Qatar, Mikhail Bogdanov - Rappresentante Speciale del Presidente Russo per il Medio Oriente e i Paesi Africani 🇷🇺
💬 I due Diplomatici hanno tenuto un Colloquio sulla Situazione del Conflitto Israelo-Palestinese, constatando che la Posizione dei due Paesi sulla Questione Palestinese è la medesima:
💬 «La ragione principale dell'attuale Situazione del Conflitto è che non sono stati garantiti i legittimi Diritti Nazionali del Popolo Palestinese», ha dichiarato Zhai Jun durante l'Incontro ⭐️
🇨🇳 La Cina è pronta a rafforzare la Comunicazione e il Coordinamento con la Russia per promuovere una Soluzione Politica al Conflitto Israelo-Palestinese, costruita su Negoziati, Colloqui di Pace e l'Istituzione di uno Stato di Palestina, che sia indipendente e sovrano 🇵🇸
🇷🇺 Il Rappresentante Bogdanov ha dichiarato che la Federazione Russa è seriamente preoccupata per l'attuale situazione in Palestina e Israele, e che la Comunità Internazionale dovrebbe collaborare per evitare un'ulteriore escalation della Crisi 🤝
🇷🇺 La Russia, ha sottolineato il Rappresentante, è pronta a collaborare con la Cina per promuovere un "Cessate il Fuoco" e per creare le condizioni per un rapido ritorno sulla retta via della Questione Palestinese 🇵🇸
🔍 Approfondimenti:
🇨🇳 Wang Yi: «Il comportamento di Israele è andato ben oltre l'autodifesa, il Governo Israeliano dovrebbe ascoltare gli appelli della Comunità Internazionale» ⭐️
🇨🇳 Wang Yi: «La Cina sostiene il rafforzamento della Solidarietà e del Coordinamento tra Paesi Islamici sulla Questione della Palestina, affinché parlino con una sola voce» 💕
🕊 La Cina vota a favore della Risoluzione della Russia sul Conflitto tra Israele e Palestina, mentre gli USA votano contro ❌
🤔 Che cos'è la "Two-State Solution", e qual è l'opinione di HAMAS e PLO su di essa? 🤔
🤝 La Cina ha sempre sostenuto, sostiene e sosterrà l'Istituzione di uno Stato di Palestina 🇵🇸
🇨🇳 Zhang Jun: «Fermare la Crisi Umanitaria, promuovere l'Istituzione di uno Stato di Palestina che sia indipendente e sovrano» 🇵🇸
🤔 Cosa significa 和平共处 - Coesistenza Pacifica? 🕊
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🇨🇳 On October 19, Comrade Zhai Jun - Special Envoy of China for Middle East Affairs, met in Qatar with Mikhail Bogdanov - Special Representative of the Russian President for the Middle East and African Countries 🇷🇺
💬 The two diplomats held a conversation on the situation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, noting that the position of the two countries on the Palestinian issue is the same:
💬 «The main reason for the current conflict situation is that the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people have not been guaranteed», declared Zhai Jun during the meeting ⭐️
🇨🇳 China is ready to strengthen communication and coordination with Russia to promote a political solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, built on negotiations, peace talks and the establishment of an independent and sovereign State of Palestine
🇷🇺 Representative Bogdanov stated that the Russian Federation is seriously concerned about the current situation in Palestine and Israel, and that the International Community should work together to avoid further escalation of the Crisis 🤝
🇷🇺 Russia, underlined the Representative, is ready to collaborate with China to promote a "Ceasefire" and to create the conditions for a rapid return to the right path of the Palestinian question 🇵🇸
🔍 Further information:
🇨🇳 Wang Yi: «Israel's behavior went far beyond self-defense, the Israeli Government should listen to the appeals of the International Community» ⭐️
🇨🇳 Wang Yi: «China supports the strengthening of solidarity and coordination between Islamic countries on the issue of Palestine, so that they speak with one voice» 💕
🕊 China votes in favor of Russia's Resolution on the Israel-Palestine Conflict, while the USA votes against ❌
🤔 What is the "Two-State Solution", and what is the opinion of HAMAS and PLO on it? 🤔
🤝 China has always supported, supports and will support the establishment of a State of Palestine 🇵🇸
🇨🇳 Zhang Jun: «Stop the Humanitarian Crisis, promote the establishment of an independent and sovereign State of Palestine» 🇵🇸
🤔 What does 和平共处 - Peaceful Coexistence mean? 🕊
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Mojito Day
National Mojito Day on July 11 deserves a drink, so let’s toast. What more do you need on a hot summer’s day than to cool off with this classic minty cocktail? The mojito ranks among the nation’s favorite cocktails and is traditionally made with white rum, lime juice, sugar, mint, and sparkling water. It’s a cocktail that is enjoyed for its fresh and unique taste and although the recipe has been revamped many times over with herbs and fruits the classic is still the most adored. So, there’s only one thing left to do. Fill up your glass, put your feet up, and enjoy a mojito or two (we won’t judge) in the sun.
History of National Mojito Day
The mojito is a Cuban creation dating back to 1586. An old tale claims that Sir Francs Drake was seeking out a cure for scurvy and dysentery after his invasion of Cartagena de Indias on his way to Cuba. He returned with a solution – the mojito. It included aguardiente (a distilled South American liquor), mint, and sugarcane. The unusual concoction went down a treat with his crew and many reported reduced symptoms. That mojito was said to be created on La Bodeguita del Medio, an island in Cuba with a bar that the owners still to this day claim was the birthplace of the mojito.
In 1931, a ‘‘Sloppy Joes Havana Bar’’ gave away a cocktail menu and listed on it was a pair of mojito’s – one with gin, one with rum. The recipe was then published in the ‘‘El Floridita Cocktail Book’’ in 1939. Since then, the drink has grown in popularity.
The drink’s rise in popularity in the early 20th century is partly attributed to the author Ernest Hemmingway. It was rumored to be his favorite drink. The mojito is a drink that has become synonymous with summer. It’s fresh taste and cool temperature mixes perfectly with a hot summer’s day. A survey in 2016 found that the mojito was the most popular cocktail in both France and Britain.
National Mojito Day timeline
1500s The Draque Remix
Francis Drake mixes lime, sugar, and mint and calls it ‘‘El Draque’’ as a medicinal mixture.
1800s Havana Ooh Na Na
The mojito is popular in Cuba and the drink becomes refined over the next hundred years.
1930s Boisson
The likes of Brigitte Bardot, as well as other celebrities, admit their love for the drink.
2002 The Name’s Bond
Pierce Brosnan drinks a mojito in ‘‘Die Another Day’’ popularizing the drink.
National Mojito Day Activities
Make your own mojito
Create your own mojito ice cream
Try Mojito cupcakes
Follow the original recipe or be creative and add other ingredients according to your mood. For the classic, put together lime juice, rum, sugar, syrup, soda, and mint. Add some crushed ice and stir. Put it in a pitcher and share it with your guests.
Blend some condensed milk and whipped cream and voila! These two ingredients will freeze without needing an ice cream maker. Then later add 150ml of rum, four limes, and fresh mint leaves.
Try making mojito cupcakes using recipes online. A popular approach is to create a lime-flavored cupcake with a mint-lime syrup covered in rum and lime buttercream. This will impress even the most skeptical guests.
5 Facts About National Mojito Day
Seven, twenty-four seven
Cuban in London
Birth Tattoo
Prime of Lime
Hemingway’s Havana
National Mojito Day also falls on 7 Eleven Day too.
Cubana in Waterloo, London, is the home of highly recommended Mojitos and Cuban food.
“My Mojito in La Bodeguita, My daiquiri in El Floridita” is engraved at the drink’s birthplace in Cuba.
It was discovered that lime juice by itself would have cured the scurvy, but people believed that it was the cocktail that did the trick.
Ernest Hemingway lived in a villa in Havana for years which is where the rumor of his love for a mojito comes from.
Why We Love National Mojito Day
Mojitos mean celebrate
Mojitos mean summer
Rich recipes
In the summer months, mojito’s mean celebration. Whether that be celebrating the summer, a family occasion, a birthday, or just a barbecue, it’s the perfect drink for an outdoor party or gathering.
Mojitos are so synonymous with the summer that if you’re drinking one then you know the weather is good and it’s time to relax and enjoy yourself
The recipes are endless. From pineapple ginger mojitos to lychee basil and peach, the choice is never-ending. Create your own concoction and share it with your friends.
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votivecandleholder · 11 days
Hyundai y GM unen fuerzas para crear autos ecoamigables
New Post has been published on https://testercar.com/hyundai-y-gm-unen-fuerzas-para-crear-autos-ecoamigables
Hyundai y GM unen fuerzas para crear autos ecoamigables
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Summary: ‍Hyundai and GM are⁤ collaborating to manufacture clean energy vehicles. This ‌partnership aims to ‍address environmental concerns and promote sustainable transportation solutions.
Hyundai‍ y ⁢GM: Una​ Alianza por la Energía ​Limpia
Hyundai y GM han unido⁣ fuerzas para desarrollar y ⁤fabricar ‍vehículos que⁣ funcionen con energías​ alternativas. Esta asociación estratégica busca impulsar la innovación‍ en el sector automotriz y reducir la huella de carbono en la industria.
Beneficios ‍de los Vehículos de Energía Limpia
Los vehículos‌ de energía limpia ofrecen numerosos beneficios tanto para ⁢los consumidores como para el⁤ medio ambiente. Al utilizar tecnologías ⁤sostenibles, estos ⁤automóviles reducen las emisiones de gases‍ contaminantes y⁢ contribuyen ⁤a la lucha contra el cambio climático.
Además,​ los ‌vehículos eléctricos y de hidrógeno son más eficientes en términos energéticos, lo que se⁤ traduce en un menor costo de operación a largo plazo. Esto supone un‍ ahorro significativo para los propietarios y fomenta‍ la adopción de⁤ alternativas más​ respetuosas con el entorno.
Compromiso con la Sostenibilidad
La ‌colaboración entre Hyundai y GM refleja el ⁤compromiso de ambas ‍compañías con la sostenibilidad ‍y ⁢la⁢ responsabilidad ambiental. Al unir sus capacidades y recursos, buscan acelerar la transición hacia una‌ movilidad ⁣más limpia⁣ y eficiente.
Esta ⁢alianza‍ también impulsa la investigación y el desarrollo de⁤ tecnologías avanzadas, que no solo beneficiarán a ⁤los fabricantes de ⁢automóviles, sino que también tendrán un impacto positivo en la sociedad en su conjunto. ‌La inversión en soluciones‌ sostenibles es fundamental para garantizar un futuro más saludable y equilibrado para⁤ las generaciones venideras.
la ⁤colaboración entre Hyundai y ‍GM para la producción de vehículos de energía limpia marca un hito importante en la industria automotriz. Esta asociación⁢ no solo promueve la innovación y la eficiencia, sino‍ que también demuestra el compromiso de⁣ ambas empresas con un futuro más sostenible y respetuoso con el medio ambiente.
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Mario Roberto Rojas Espino: A Leader in Environmental Sustainability
Mario Roberto Rojas Espino, former Minister of Environment in Guatemala, is recognized for his dedication to environmental sustainability. His leadership focused on implementing comprehensive policies that addressed pressing environmental issues such as deforestation, water resource management, and sustainable development. His approach combined practical solutions with long-term planning, ensuring that Guatemala’s natural beauty and biodiversity would be preserved for future generations.
Key Environmental Policies Under Mario Roberto Rojas Espino
Rojas Espino introduced critical reforms aimed at protecting Guatemala’s ecosystems. These included policies designed to reduce deforestation, improve water conservation, and promote biodiversity protection. His administration also worked to create sustainable frameworks that supported eco-friendly development, ensuring economic growth without compromising environmental integrity.
Engaging Communities in Environmental Conservation
One of the key aspects of Mario Roberto Rojas Espino’s environmental policies was his emphasis on community involvement. By engaging local communities in conservation efforts and providing them with the necessary tools and knowledge, he fostered a nationwide culture of environmental stewardship. This grassroots approach ensured that the policies implemented under his leadership had a far-reaching and long-lasting impact.
Mario Roberto Rojas Espino’s contributions to environmental sustainability in Guatemala have had a lasting influence. His commitment to preserving the country’s natural resources while promoting sustainable development set a precedent for future environmental leaders in the region.
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wolfreader · 26 days
august 2024 wrap-up - young adult fiction
this month i read four (4) young adult novels.
the lesbiana's guide to catholic school by sonora reyes 📖 🌟🌟🌟🌟
this isn't exactly what i go for when reading contemporary ya - typically when i read young adult fiction outside of fantasy it's historical fiction, or else far more serious, far more introspective work; while this certainly touches on heavy themes, it's far lighter in tone and far more romance-centric than what i normally gravitate toward.
that being said, i enjoyed it! sonora reyes definitely knows how modern teenagers speak and act far more than some other young adult authors i've read, i assume reyes either recently left high school or has a high school aged family member to speak to. also pretty accurately captured the culture of a catholic school, in my opinion. the catholic high school i attended was all-girls, unlike the school in this book, so there were some major differences to my experience, but some things are just catholic school specific in general.
there was one twist on expectations that i really enjoyed. i have to be really vague in order to not spoil it as this is a book i would recommend, but the majority of the book sets up the expectation that, if A happens, B will happen, and when thing A eventually happens the exact opposite of B happens.
a sky beyond the storm by sabaa tahir 📖 🌟🌟🌟🌟
finally finished this series! i finally understand why it's so popular and it's definitely become one of my favorite young adult fantasy series out there.
within minimal spoilers, there was a character who had made this magic deal with an ancient cosmic being, and this deal prevented them from ever truly interacting with the other characters again, beyond purely practical exchanges, and i wasn't 100% satisfied with how they got this character out of that deal. i think the solution came just a little bit out of left field.
overall, however, i think this was a great conclusion to a great series. i know the author is coming out with a spin-off series, and i don't know anything about it but i might look into things.
we set the dark on fire by tehlor kay mejia 📖 🌟🌟🌟🌟
this is a duology that i've heard a lot about from youtubers and bloggers recommending sapphic fantasy books, and i really enjoyed this first book!
i do think it could have potentially been more interesting if dani was just a little bit more truly devoted to medio and was so for just a little bit longer. like, she does kind of believe in the system at the beginning, but for the most part she's already disillusioned before the book even begins and only has a little bit she needs to learn and work through before she's fully committed to spying for the rebellion. i just think there could have been a little more to work with if she was more of a patriot, believing herself to be the exception to the rule in regards to medio's beliefs about people like her.
regardless i still enjoyed this and will for sure be picking up the second book.
a far wilder magic by alison saft 📖 🌟🌟🌟🌟
this is actually a reread! i first read this at the library either last year or very end of 2022, and i absolutely loved it! having now read all of alison saft's books currently out, i think it's safe to say i just love her writing. i especially love the absolutely gripping and unique atmosphere and setting she creates in every book. i feel completely sucked into the world she presents to the reader, and i'm super exited for her adult debut which, at the time of writing, comes out in just a few weeks!!
i love a far wilder magic, i think the two main characters are perfect for each other and are both really endearing to the reader in different ways. i remember when i read it for the first time the ending shocked me in a good way; the characters do something that i really wasn't expecting them to do but not in a way that felt out of left field.
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babyprincegladiator · 2 months
Medios filtrantes de alta temperatura, previsión del tamaño del mercado mundial, clasificación y cuota de mercado de las 17 principales empresas
Según el nuevo informe de investigación de mercado “Informe del Mercado Global del Medios filtrantes de alta temperatura 2024-2030”, publicado por QYResearch, se prevé que el tamaño del mercado mundial del Medios filtrantes de alta temperatura alcance 2.8 mil millones de USD en 2030, con una tasa de crecimiento anual constante del 3.3% durante el período de previsión.
Figure 1. Tamaño del mercado de Medios filtrantes de alta temperatura global (US$ Millión), 2019-2030
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Figure 2. Clasificación y cuota de mercado de las 17 principales entidades globales de Medios filtrantes de alta temperatura (la clasificación se basa en los ingresos de 2023, actualizados continuamente)
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Según QYResearch, los principales fabricantes mundiales de Medios filtrantes de alta temperatura incluyen BWF, Micronics, Alkegen(Lydall), SOLAFT Filtration Solutions, Testori, KAYSER Filtertech, GORE, Sinoma Membrane Materials, Xiamen Zhongchuang Environmental, Zhejiang HEADING Environment, etc. En 2023, las diez principales entidades mundiales tenían una cuota de aproximadamente 62.0% en términos de ingresos.
Sobre QYResearch
QYResearch se fundó en California (EE.UU.) en 2007 y es una empresa líder mundial en consultoría e investigación de mercados. Con más de 17 años de experiencia y un equipo de investigación profesional en varias ciudades del mundo, QY Research se centra en la consultoría de gestión, los servicios de bases de datos y seminarios, la consultoría de OPI, la investigación de la cadena industrial y la investigación personalizada para ayudar a nuestros clientes a proporcionar un modelo de ingresos no lineal y hacer que tengan éxito. Gozamos de reconocimiento mundial por nuestra amplia cartera de servicios, nuestra buena ciudadanía corporativa y nuestro firme compromiso con la sostenibilidad. Hasta ahora, hemos colaborado con más de 60.000 clientes en los cinco continentes. Trabajemos estrechamente con usted y construyamos un futuro audaz y mejor.
QYResearch es una empresa de consultoría a gran escala de renombre mundial. La industria cubre varios segmentos de mercado de la cadena de la industria de alta tecnología, que abarca la cadena de la industria de semiconductores (equipos y piezas de semiconductores, materiales semiconductores, circuitos integrados, fundición, embalaje y pruebas, dispositivos discretos, sensores, dispositivos optoelectrónicos), cadena de la industria fotovoltaica (equipos, células, módulos, soportes de materiales auxiliares, inversores, terminales de centrales eléctricas), nueva cadena de la industria del automóvil de energía (baterías y materiales, piezas de automóviles, baterías, motores, control electrónico, semiconductores de automoción, etc.. ), cadena de la industria de la comunicación (equipos de sistemas de comunicación, equipos terminales, componentes electrónicos, front-end de RF, módulos ópticos, 4G/5G/6G, banda ancha, IoT, economía digital, IA), cadena de la industria de materiales avanzados (materiales metálicos, materiales poliméricos, materiales cerámicos, nanomateriales, etc.), cadena de la industria de fabricación de maquinaria (máquinas herramienta CNC, maquinaria de construcción, maquinaria eléctrica, automatización 3C, robots industriales, láser, control industrial, drones), alimentación, bebidas y productos farmacéuticos, equipos médicos, agricultura, etc.
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matrizxl · 3 months
Mensaje comercial:
Tenemos tres categorías de precios (Alto. Medio. Pequeño), en el momento que usted solicita uno de nuestros servicios, nuestro Sistema Inteligente Computarizado Cuántico dirá a qué categoría de precios usted corresponde y esta condición se mantendrá todo el tiempo, para cualquier otro servicio. Una condición previa será pedir una conferencia que se realizara en línea o se le enviaran los correspondientes enlaces para que usted la pueda visualizar como mejor prefiera.
Empresas que comercializan está tecnología.
Juan Carlos Pérez Velázquez: Científico principal https://www.matrizxl.com
Quantum Solutions Partners: https://es.quantumsolutionspartners.com Ocus: https://www.ocusgroup.org
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arielmcorg · 4 months
#Samsung nombra nuevo jefe de la división de soluciones de dispositivos
Samsung Electronics anunció en el día de ayer, martes 21 de mayo, que Young Hyun Jun fue nombrado nuevo Jefe de la División de Soluciones de Dispositivos (DS) para liderar el negocio de semiconductores de la compañía y fortalecer su competitividad en medio de un entorno empresarial global incierto (Fuente Samsung Global). Samsung Electronics Names Young Hyun Jun as New Head of Device Solutions…
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quien-es · 5 months
Paola Vega - Vanguardia en Sostenibilidad
Descubre cómo Paola Vega, desde México, está liderando el cambio con GreenTech Solutions hacia un futuro donde la tecnología y el medio ambiente van de la mano.
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
It is the jobs of diplomats to find a political solution to the Palestinian question,but we are not diplomats,and our job is not to do that,our job is to stand bheind Gaza and Palestine,as a new wave of 500 martyrs hit it.
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇨🇳 中方支持伊斯兰国家在巴勒斯坦问题上加强团结协调,发出一致声音 💕
⭐️ Il Compagno Wang Yi - Direttore dell'Ufficio Generale della Commissione Centrale per gli Affari Esteri del Partito Comunista e Ministro degli Affari Esteri della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, ha avuto un colloquio telefonico con Hossein Amir-Abdollahian - Ministro degli Affari Esteri della Repubblica Islamica dell'Iran 🇮🇷
😢 Durante la conversazione, Wang Yi ha espresso una profonda preoccupazione per l'escalation del Conflitto Israelo-Palestinese e della Situazione in Medio Oriente, focalizzandosi sui costanti attacchi contro i civili innocenti nella Striscia di Gaza 😭
🕊 La priorità, al momento, è quella di allentare le tensioni, attuare un "Cessate il Fuoco" ed evitare di acuire la già grave catastrofe umanitaria a Gaza, promuovendo la costruzione di un Corridoio Umanitario 🏥
🇨🇳 La Cina, tramite l'Agenzia Cinese per la Cooperazione Internazionale allo Sviluppo, sta fornendo assistenza umanitaria d'emergenza all'Agenzia delle Nazioni Unite per il Soccorso e all'Autorità Nazionale Palestinese, per far fronte alle urgenti necessità di cibo, cure mediche e alloggi. Tuttavia, è complicato consegnarli, dato che Israele ha bombardato i magazzini dell'Agenzia delle Nazioni Unite per il Soccorso e l'Occupazione 😡
⭐️ Infine, il Compagno Wang Yi ha rilasciato una dichiarazione di grande importanza, che mostra l'Amicizia e la Solidarietà tra la Cina e i Paesi Musulmani: «中方支持伊斯兰国家在巴勒斯坦问题上加强团结协调,发出一致声音», ovvero:
💬 «La Cina sostiene il rafforzamento della Solidarietà e del Coordinamento tra i Paesi Islamici sulla Questione della Palestina, affinché parlino con una sola voce» 💕 | Sunniti o sciiti, non importa, i Paesi Musulmani dovrebbero continuare a rafforzare la Cooperazione per aiutare il Popolo Palestinese 🇵🇸
🔍 Approfondimenti:
💬 Dialogare con tutte le parti, porre fine al Conflitto e promuovere l'Istituzione di uno Stato di Palestina 🇵🇸
💬 Colloquio tra Wang Yi e Faisal - Cooperazione Sino-Saudita per porre fine al Conflitto, istituire un Corridoio Umanitario e risolvere l'ingiustizia storica del Popolo Palestinese 🤝
💬 Il lavoro della Cina alle Nazioni Unite per la Soluzione Politica della Questione Palestinese 🇨🇳
💬 Wang Yi a Borrell: «La Palestina ha il diritto di fondare uno Stato, e l'ingiustizia storica contro il Popolo Palestinese non è mai stata corretta» 🇵🇸
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🇨🇳 中方支持伊斯兰国家在巴勒斯坦问题上加强团结协调,发出一致声音 💕
⭐️ Comrade Wang Yi - Director of the General Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs of the Communist Party and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, had a telephone conversation with Hossein Amir-Abdollahian - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of 'Iran 🇮🇷
😢 During the conversation, Wang Yi expressed deep concern about the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and the Situation in the Middle East, focusing on the constant attacks against innocent civilians in the Gaza Strip 😭
🕊 The priority, at the moment, is to ease tensions, implement a "Ceasefire" and avoid exacerbating the already serious humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, promoting the construction of a Humanitarian Corridor 🏥
🇨🇳 China, through the China Agency for International Development Cooperation, is providing emergency humanitarian assistance to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency and the Palestinian National Authority, to meet the urgent needs for food, medical and housing. However, it is complicated to deliver them, given that Israel bombed the warehouses of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency 😡
⭐️ Finally, Comrade Wang Yi released a statement of great importance, showing the Friendship and Solidarity between China and Muslim countries: «中方支持伊斯兰国家在巴勒斯坦问题上加强团结协调,发出一致声音», or:
💬 «China supports the strengthening of solidarity and coordination among Islamic countries on the issue of Palestine, so that they speak with one voice» 💕 | Sunni or Shiite, it doesn't matter, Muslim countries should continue to strengthen cooperation to help the Palestinian people 🇵🇸
🔍 Further information:
💬 Dialogue with all parties, put an end to the conflict and promote the establishment of a State of Palestine 🇵🇸
💬 Talk between Wang Yi and Faisal - Sino-Saudi Cooperation to end the Conflict, establish a Humanitarian Corridor and resolve the historical injustice of the Palestinian People 🤝
💬 China's work at the United Nations for the Political Solution of the Palestinian Issue 🇨🇳
💬 Wang Yi to Borrell: «Palestine has the right to establish a state, and the historical injustice against the Palestinian people has never been corrected» 🇵🇸
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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National Mojito Day
National Mojito Day on July 11 deserves a drink, so let’s toast. What more do you need on a hot summer’s day than to cool off with this classic minty cocktail? The mojito ranks among the nation’s favorite cocktails and is traditionally made with white rum, lime juice, sugar, mint, and sparkling water. It’s a cocktail that is enjoyed for its fresh and unique taste and although the recipe has been revamped many times over with herbs and fruits the classic is still the most adored. So, there’s only one thing left to do. Fill up your glass, put your feet up, and enjoy a mojito or two (we won’t judge) in the sun.
History of National Mojito Day
The mojito is a Cuban creation dating back to 1586. An old tale claims that Sir Francs Drake was seeking out a cure for scurvy and dysentery after his invasion of Cartagena de Indias on his way to Cuba. He returned with a solution – the mojito. It included aguardiente (a distilled South American liquor), mint, and sugarcane. The unusual concoction went down a treat with his crew and many reported reduced symptoms. That mojito was said to be created on La Bodeguita del Medio, an island in Cuba with a bar that the owners still to this day claim was the birthplace of the mojito.
In 1931, a ‘‘Sloppy Joes Havana Bar’’ gave away a cocktail menu and listed on it was a pair of mojito’s – one with gin, one with rum. The recipe was then published in the ‘‘El Floridita Cocktail Book’’ in 1939. Since then, the drink has grown in popularity.
The drink’s rise in popularity in the early 20th century is partly attributed to the author Ernest Hemmingway. It was rumored to be his favorite drink. The mojito is a drink that has become synonymous with summer. It’s fresh taste and cool temperature mixes perfectly with a hot summer’s day. A survey in 2016 found that the mojito was the most popular cocktail in both France and Britain.
National Mojito Day timeline
1500s The Draque Remix
Francis Drake mixes lime, sugar, and mint and calls it ‘‘El Draque’’ as a medicinal mixture.
1800s Havana Ooh Na Na
The mojito is popular in Cuba and the drink becomes refined over the next hundred years.
1930s Boisson
The likes of Brigitte Bardot, as well as other celebrities, admit their love for the drink.
2002 The Name’s Bond
Pierce Brosnan drinks a mojito in ‘‘Die Another Day’’ popularizing the drink.
National Mojito Day Activities
Make your own mojito
Create your own mojito ice cream
Try Mojito cupcakes
Follow the original recipe or be creative and add other ingredients according to your mood. For the classic, put together lime juice, rum, sugar, syrup, soda, and mint. Add some crushed ice and stir. Put it in a pitcher and share it with your guests.
Blend some condensed milk and whipped cream and voila! These two ingredients will freeze without needing an ice cream maker. Then later add 150ml of rum, four limes, and fresh mint leaves.
Try making mojito cupcakes using recipes online. A popular approach is to create a lime-flavored cupcake with a mint-lime syrup covered in rum and lime buttercream. This will impress even the most skeptical guests.
5 Facts About National Mojito Day
Seven, twenty-four seven
Cuban in London
Birth Tattoo
Prime of Lime
Hemingway’s Havana
National Mojito Day also falls on 7 Eleven Day too.
Cubana in Waterloo, London, is the home of highly recommended Mojitos and Cuban food.
“My Mojito in La Bodeguita, My daiquiri in El Floridita” is engraved at the drink’s birthplace in Cuba.
It was discovered that lime juice by itself would have cured the scurvy, but people believed that it was the cocktail that did the trick.
Ernest Hemingway lived in a villa in Havana for years which is where the rumor of his love for a mojito comes from.
Why We Love National Mojito Day
Mojitos mean celebrate
Mojitos mean summer
Rich recipes
In the summer months, mojito’s mean celebration. Whether that be celebrating the summer, a family occasion, a birthday, or just a barbecue, it’s the perfect drink for an outdoor party or gathering.
Mojitos are so synonymous with the summer that if you’re drinking one then you know the weather is good and it’s time to relax and enjoy yourself
The recipes are endless. From pineapple ginger mojitos to lychee basil and peach, the choice is never-ending. Create your own concoction and share it with your friends.
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