#Mel (Saccharin)
shymisce · 5 months
flag for those with a milk scent (intended for miscanis/omegaverse)
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made with angel milk in mind but it works as just normal milk too ^^ flag temp creds 💗
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(ill make this post prettier eventually..)
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murmur-oftheflies · 9 months
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fazedlight · 7 months
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Me trying to write a love confession between the same two blorbos for a 23rd time
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aidenknow · 1 year
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Decided to draw two of the elsens from Saccharin featuring Brandon and Mel. Inspired by @soydoesart’s doodles with Saccharin characters as humans, it urged me to draw a semi-realistic humanized take on the both of them. Also I add a few doodles into it too
Brandon and Mel belongs to @zone-deux-bookworm for the fangame Saccharin (@saccharin-fangame)
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wiseabsol · 16 days
So going into Arcane what were you expecting and what were your thoughts as you were watching it?
Since it's nearly time for season two, I should probably get around to answering this!
So I'd seen a few gifsets of Vi and Caitlyn and their gay relationship; a couple of Mel, her mother, and the girl from the old regime; and one glimpse of the BDSM Yordle. I knew that the animation and music were jaw-dropping and being compared to Into the Spiderverse. I knew that it was based on the League of Legends franchise, which was a title I recognized, but knew nothing about. And I had a sense that this was a series I was going to enthusiastically binge, both because of the above relationship, and because the people I saw reblogging gifsets for it have excellent taste.
None of this prepared me for the actual experience of watching Arcane. We get that first scene of the massacre on the bridge, where the police are gunning down people who are, essentially, poor civilians who are fighting against the upper class that is oppressing them - an upper class that doesn't even notice what just happened. The show hammers that point home across season one: the upper class citizens of Piltover either have no idea how the people of the Undercity are suffering, or if they do know, they largely do not care. Why would they? They're the ones benefiting from exploitative labor practices and the lopsided distribution of wealth.
One of the most refreshing turns late in the series, for me, was the Council realizing how badly they'd failed the most vulnerable of their people, and deciding that they had no right to rule over them as a result. Recognizing the Nation of Zaun as independent and giving them access to huge economic advantages was, in a sense, an act of reparation. In a different, softer show, there would have instead been a montage of the rich realizing the errors of their ways and sharing their goods with the poor, and bringing children up "out of the slums." And it would have felt saccharine and insincere as a result, because that isn't how class conflict is resolved in the real world.
In a way, the show also suggests that Vander was wrong to give up his fight. While his reasons made perfect sense - he'd watched too many of his people die for seemingly nothing - his complacency and his compromises also meant that nothing would change for his community and children. It was only when Enforcers started dying that Piltover sat up and started paying attention, because finally, this fight was effecting them. Most stories would insist that violence - that war - won't solve anything. Arcane points out that this isn't true - that sometimes violence is necessary to enact change - while not flinching away from showing the pain, trauma, and loss that also results from it. The moment where Vander asks Vi if she's willing to lose her siblings for her war is a poignant one. It's true. She should consider what she will lose if she goes to war. At the same time, in a world as dark as hers, there is every chance she would lose them anyway.
Heimerdinger was also shown to be wrong at several points. Magic in itself isn't dangerous - the Hexgates and the working class tools the boys invent shows that. Magic only becomes dangerous when people decide to turn it into a weapon - and would they have felt the need to do that, had circumstances in Piltover not been so bad? The Council, led by Heimerdinger, could have addressed the class division decades, if not centuries sooner. If they'd done that, tensions would have never ignited. But instead they were complacent in the face of suffering and then were surprised when that backfired on them.
The show doesn't try to paint the Enforcers as a force for good in the city, either. The closest it ever gets to that are with Grayson and Caitlyn, who are then betrayed by members of their own unit for their trouble (which happens in our society, too - those who go into the police force hoping to change it from the inside never manage to). We're shown how this society is failing on an institutional level, in ways that reflect the failings of our own.
Other highlights for me included, of course, the animation and the music. The animation was vibrant, creative, and had a real sense of weight in the fight scenes. I winced at points from how heavy the hits felt! The songs made for the show were also entrancing, pumping us up and breaking our hearts at different turns. "What Could Have Been" by Sting is engraved into my soul now, being in my top five favorite songs of all time.
Then of course there are the characters and their relationships. Vi and Jinx's relationship is devastating, especially during that final confrontation (which was the tensest scene I've watched in years - the jump scare with the platter got me!). Silco and Jinx's father-daughter bond similarly hurt me, especially when Silco came to understand Vander's perspective as a result. Vi and Caitlyn's relationship, in contrast, was so soft, sincere, and obviously queer that I was taken aback by it, but in a good way. I thought the writers were just teasing their audience, but no, it was clear that those two were falling in love and Jinx felt threatened by it. Mel's relationship with her mother also hit me hard, and the whole Mel, Jayce, and Viktor triangle was fascinating to watch play out.
I loved Mel's political focus, Jayce being the world's geekiest himbo, and Viktor pointing out, consistently, the hypocrisy of the people he's working with. I loved Vi's devotion to her sister and Caitlyn's determination to do the right thing, even though it meant breaking the law. And Jinx - god, she wrecked my heart with her insecurity and instability. Her line, "I thought maybe you could love me like you used to" gutted me. Every single character is driven by understandable personal desires, with many of them striving to make their world a better place. Unfortunately, since no one can agree on what that world looks like, a tragedy unfolds instead. They get so close to achieving peace...only for it to be snatched away. I literally screamed at my television screen as those last seconds played out.
Arcane season one is genuinely one of the best written stories and tragedies that I've ever experienced. I am both excited for and petrified at the thought of what season two - the last season for these characters - will bring. If it's even half as good as season one, it will be a treasure I'll happily watch over and over again.
Now if you excuse me, I need to start a rewatch in preparation for November!
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chaosandcrimson · 24 days
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no way is that EMMELINE ‘MEL’ DEVEREUX.. they’re a 21-year-old SYNTH notoriously known for being FOOLISH  &  SHORTSIGHTED but there are some people who have seen them being AMIABLE  &  INNOVATIVE.  if you ask me, they remind me a lot of the buttery taste of freshly baked puff pastry, meticulously crafting fondant decorations for a showpiece cake, and losing track of time being hyper focused on a task, but that could just be because they’re considered the SWEET BAKER around town. just keep an eye on them  &  see if their true colors shine through..
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I'll bet you got pushed around Somebody made you cold But the cycle ends right now 'Cause you can't lead me down that road
Name: Emmeline Paisley Devereux
Nickname(s): Mel
DOB: February 11, 2103
Age: 21
FC: Minnie Mills
Height: 5'6"
Pronouns: She/They
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation: Pastry Chef at Irresistible Indulgence
Relationship Status: Single (Chem Testing)
[+] amiable, spirited, innovative [–] foolish, shortsighted, saccharine
Emmeline is the youngest child to a wealthy single mother in the upper district. She has two older siblings, and all three of them are synths; each made using their mother's DNA and the DNA of a different close friend of hers.
Their mother Amelie was already in her forties when she decided to start a family. An heiress with no living relatives, she knew that she wanted to have kids but did not want to settle down with a committed partner. Instead, she opted to raise them by herself with the support of her many and varied friends.
A life-long patron of the arts, Amelie's social circle was a diverse group of people consisting entirely of artists, intellectuals, and eccentrics from all ages and walks of life—painters, sculptors, poets, playwrights, and philosophers, to name a few. The estate that Mel and her siblings grew up in was a hotbed of creativity and lively debates with people constantly coming and going.
Their mother was herself a little out there, being a kooky older lesbian with an impulsive streak who took frequent and often multiple lovers; but no matter what she had going on in her own life, she was always attentive to her children.
She was also very generous, personally supporting many talented people who were struggling financially while attempting to pursue their passion, whatever it was. A lot of them even ended up coming to live at the estate for a while.
One such individual was a pastry chef who lived with them for almost an entire year. During that time, Mel would join them in the kitchen as often as she could to watch them work, and they would tutor her in their craft.
Mel continued to show both an interest and an aptitude for baking as they got older. She didn't fair quite as well in school, often struggling with her grades, but that was okay. Their mother never emphasised academic achievement as the only measurement of talent. To her, having passion was more important.
By the time that Mel finished high school, the pastry chef who once lived with them had become quite successful and even opened their own upscale bakery at Grand Treasure Plaza, where they offered her an apprenticeship. She has been working there for the past 3 years and is now a fully-fledged pastry chef.
They have always been very open and proud of their family's unconventional approach to life, which has occasionally made them a target for ridicule among their peers; especially those that grew up in very conventional homes to parents with very traditional values. They have never really let that bother them.
Sweet and amiable, she always assumes people have good intentions and is prone to not picking up on when others are mean to her. However, it is unclear how much of that is genuine naivety, and how much is her way of fighting back. After all, it is better to kill people with kindness, and bullies are less likely to continue their harassment if they can't get a rise out of you.
Mel has both dyslexia and dyscalculia. Her mother does not believe in the use of psychosurgery, especially on minors, but promised that if they wanted to fix it when they were an adult, she would pay for it. They haven't felt the need to.
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saccharin-fangame · 1 year
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Renders for the Saccharin cast
From left to right: Mel, Brandon, Valeria, Sam
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tiarnanabhfainni · 10 months
finally got around to watching the last episode of doctor who and yes the ending was saccharine and silly and a lot of wish fulfillment but ever since someone on twitter pointed out that RTD lost his husband five years ago i can't help but read it as a writer who is tired of stories where the hero has to die at the end. so this time the doctor gets a quiet retirement and donna gets to have a family and auntie mel isn't lonely anymore. and they get to live.
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yvesdot · 2 years
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Mel and Jenny go to the pumpkin patch. Jenny struggles with her words, while everyone else struggles with Mel.
Happy Halloween! The festive season brings with it our yearly Hallowdrabble featuring: everyone's favorite couple from Something's Not Right, father-daughter bonding with goth from KAY RAINIER, bisexual polyamorous love triangle with swords from Forest Castles, & saccharine thirty-year-old LeGButTs from Sometimes it Happens. Read below or at the Google Doc!
Mel carts his armful of totes out the door of the bus and steps down after Jenny, who looks decidedly nervous despite objectively having the upper hand. Mel still doesn’t really understand what a pumpkin patch is, and even if that weren’t the case, he figures being clairvoyant should lend some security.
But Jenny bites the edge of her nail as the bus drives off, looking anxiously in the direction of the tragic chain-link fence around the park. Mel squints and sees small children running about. He is disappointed to have apparently missed out on being the right height to put his face in all the silly ghost-themed cutouts.
“I haven’t been to one of these in ages,” Jenny says. “I’m not even sure, actually, that this one is for adults.” She turns abruptly, as if she’s considering walking off in the direction of the bus line, but fortunately just looks at Mel. “Is this really that important to you?”
“Spending quality time with my girlfriend is important to me,” Mel says. “Anyway, isn’t this themed?”
“Themed?” Jenny echoes, seeming not at all there.
“For us,” Mel explains. “You know, witch and vampire—we’re Halloween-themed! Like those couples who get engaged on Christmas. Except we are not in a Chris Fleming video, and, well, I guess Halloween is themed after us. But it makes sense,” he says, standing on his tiptoes a little so he can put an arm reassuringly around Jenny’s shoulder. Jenny seems borderline mollified by this—at least, enough to give him a kiss and lead him around to where the entry is. And also to wait for him to judge whether it counts as a door or not, because of his many problems with doors.
“We’re good,” he whispers, which always makes him feel like he’s involved in a secret operation. It’s nice to be involved in operations with someone else. Jenny ducks the both of them immediately into a corner, too, with a crinkled map she’s pinched out of a display. 
“We have to make a plan of attack,” she says, which feels even more like a secret operation, only Jenny does not look like she is enjoying hers. “I’ll look a little into the future before we go anywhere. That way, we can be sure everything is as it should be. Also, I can see if I’ve—or—well, anyway, look at these teenagers,” she says, waving her hand demonstratively at two or three bored-looking youths dotting the field. They do not appear to be paying attention to their surroundings. “I’m not taking you on a half-baked hay ride.”
“Well, I guess not, because I don’t think there is a hay ride anywhere on there,” Mel says, inspecting Jenny’s map with a crane of his neck. “But I don’t mind. A normal person would deal with some teenagers, right? I mean, what are they going to do, make fun of my goth outfit? Goth outfits are in really big with the teens, Jenny.”
“Yeah, look at that guy,” she mutters. Mel follows her line of sight.
“I don’t think that is a teen, Jenny,” he says, as the not-a-teen goes jogging around the corner of some kind of plant-based structure. “Oh. I think it’s Atlas, actually. From last Halloween, remember?”
“Well, he is awfully short,” Jenny says, “but—no, you’re right, just born under an absolutely terrible moon.”
“Don’t moons do more than determine your height?”
“They also do that.” Jenny unfolds the map. “Hold on while I plan our outing.”
“Now, don’t you start clairvoyancing,” Mel reminds her. “I can tell when you’re clairvoyancing—Jenny, you’re doing it right now.”
“I can’t help wanting to do a nice date,” Jenny says, but Mel has taken things into his own hands, which is to say, walked off at random. “I like to make sure these things go well. I plan because I care about you, because—Mel—Mel!”
“I’m going to pick apples!” he chirps, pointing at the relevant sign. “Look at all the apples, Jenny! All You Can Pick Apples! For $2!”
“They’re All You Can Pick because they’re All Gone,” Jenny moans, but she follows him over. There is a little box by the two bedraggled trees, which she drops a $2 bill into. Jenny always seems to have $2 bills, and quarters with bats on them. “Mel, do you—Mel?”
“I am stretching,” says Mel, quite occupied with reaching one of the remaining apples. Jenny waits for him to return to normal stance before continuing.
“Do you think we’re—I mean, what do you want to do with the apples?”
“Predict it,” says Mel, and Jenny goes quiet. He gathers another four apples without realizing the type of them might be important. He knows that there are many kinds of apples around, but not really what the point of the different ones is. He once accidentally said his favorite apple was Granny Smith at a party and got laughed out of the room.
“We’re going to use them in pies,” says Jenny. “Because we also get pumpkins, which we decide to make into pies, and we try these apples and they’re really sour—but they can’t be that bad,” she says, reaching for the one Mel is trying to drop into the basket. She takes an exploratory crunch off the top. “Oh. God. Yes, okay, we’re going to have to make them into pies. Stop picking them, Mel!”
“I’m a completionist!” Mel cries, just as a brunette with overgrown bangs stomps up to their tree. Eliza, probably, who still looks teenageish. Mel feels at home among the lack of aging.
“No eating the apples!” she snaps.
“Does it really matter?” Jenny asks. “I mean, for $2, does it make a difference if we eat one?”
“It’s policy,” Eliza says, flipping her hair over her shoulder, and she stalks off again. Mel watches her go, thinking that surely if he had such a nice orange vest for a uniform he wouldn’t be half as grumpy. Though maybe they won’t let her wear it if she doesn’t enforce her policy. The thought makes him a little more empathetic.
“These people are insane,” says Jenny. “Also, Mel, we really don’t need this many apples.”
“What about our many friends?!” Mel asks, but he quits his picking. He has to leave a tote free for the pumpkins.
“Let’s make them first,” says Jenny, which is not fair, because Mel has almost repaired the Granny Smith incident. But he hauls his tote-and-a-half of apples onto his shoulders, which is not too bad even if he has to plan around how much heavier it will be for Jenny, and follows her towards the nearest attraction that seems unpopulated by teens, which is a large inflatable slide. A fat, long-haired man and a skinny blonde person are standing a little ways away from it. Ephraim and Elle, Mel recalls.
“What do you do here?” Mel asks the both of them.
“Isn’t it obvious?” says Ephraim. “You slide.”
“No, I mean you,” Mel says, putting his tote bag of apples down. Jenny reads a sign nearby, shells out some quarters, and gets two tickets from the blonde person. “What do you do? What’s your job with the bouncy house?”
“Make sure people don’t take a fork to it,” says Elle. “Okay, now you give those tickets to me and you can ride.”
“Why do I buy tickets from you if I’m just going to give them back to you to ride?” Jenny asks.
Elle shrugs. “I never said it was efficient. It’s just policy.”
“It feels like the opposite of efficient, actually,” says Ephraim, scratching his neck. “Sometimes I feel like I’ve been here for years.”
“Oh, yes.” Elle looks sort of down and sideways at him. “Like three years. Maybe even four. I’m shocked Bren hasn’t moved out.”
“Where is Bren?” Mel asks.
“School,” the pair say, in unison. Jenny nods understandingly.
Mel leaves them and climbs up the grips beside the slide. He finds he is not very good at climbing them, despite his substantial experience with trees. The slide has a piece of paper taped to it at the top which says in all-caps Arial 35-point bold font PLEASE SLIDE ONE AT A TIME, but the inflatable is very large, and Mel thinks it is pretty silly to be told what to do as an adult, so he waits until the two slide-watchers are looking the other way and yanks Jenny down with him. She screams all the way down, but in fairness, neither Elle nor Ephraim seem to be doing their job very well. Mel picks up his tote bags and jogs off towards a wall of plants near the edge of the field just in case, trailing Jenny.
“Wait!” she says, just as he stops to investigate the weird plant wall. It appears to be corn. Also, there is an opening that Mel can just walk into, so he does. It does not count as a door, so he doesn’t have to ask. “Mel!”
“I’m taking a walk in the corn,” says Mel, peeking around a corner. “Human people really just do this? It’s not serial killer behavior?” 
“It’s a corn maze,” says Jenny, grabbing hold of his arm. “Now, don’t go anywhere or else we’ll get lost.”
“But I’ve already taken two turns,” says Mel, because he has. And he’s not sure which direction he turned in, come to think of it.
Jenny groans loudly.
“Okay,” she says. “Fortunately for us, I know the secret to all mazes. Just hug the right-hand wall.”
“Do you predict we will make it out of this corn maze alive?” asks Mel, because he would like to see her predict something.
Jenny puts a hand to her mouth. She considers.
While she is considering, Atlas falls out of the corn. He picks himself up, brushing off his goth outfit. His piercings look different today. He does not seem to catch Jenny’s annoyed glance.
“You seen a guy around here?” he asks. “Oddly dressed? White? Really unfortunate hairline?”
Mel thinks about this.
“Oh!” he says. “Constantine? No, I don’t believe so. Not yet.”
“Okay. Well, if you see him—” Atlas waves his hand demonstratively. “Make his life hell, or whatever. We are making up for two incidents of wrong pronouns and one incident of—just a really weird thing to say, like, who dresses up their pumpkins anyway, and if you’re going to dress them up, why the fuck are you so specific about which one of them wears a bow tie—anyway, you haven’t seen him?”
“We have not seen any guys matching your description,” Mel confirms. “Or dressed pumpkins.”
“How long have you been looking?” Jenny asks.
“I started a while ago,” Atlas admits, “but I got distracted. I also lost count. And I switched the bow tie and the corsage on the pumpkin, because, again—fucking corsage pumpkin. Pumpkins don’t have hands.” He pulls a piece of corn husk out of his hair.
“This sounds very distressing,” Jenny says, “only you interrupted me in the middle of a prediction about whether I am going to live or die, so I am a bit distracted right now.”
“Oh,” says Atlas. “Sorry. But I have to be going, anyway. I came to this pumpkin patch to do two things, and I’m all out of pussy, or whatever. Hold this, just in case.” He gives Mel an unseasonal water balloon and disappears back into the corn. 
Mel processes this.
A woman steps carefully out of the corn from roughly the same direction as Atlas’s initial trajectory, buttoning up her vest. Mel looks away from the vest and sees that she is also wearing a white button-up, a burgundy coat, and an ascot the same color as the aforementioned coat. This makes her definitely Kay, he thinks, also from last year. She puts a finger to her lips and seems about to return to the corn when she spots the water balloon in Mel’s hands and frowns. She takes it from Mel, turns in the other direction, and flings it absolutely as hard as she can. It skips a few times on the ground, then explodes. Kay nods to Mel, then disappears into the other side of the corn wall.
“See?” Mel says. “Total serial killer behavior.”
“We live,” Jenny says, looking up. “Sorry. Had to kind of start from the beginning there. Anyway, they were cheating; you’re not supposed to walk through the corn.”
“Well, of course not,” says Mel, putting his hands on his hips; “there would be no point to it then. We are going to make it out of this maze. Sorry for making you precognize.”
“It’s fine,” Jenny says, and she takes his hand normally this time. “Only, I was going to say, you have to stop running away everywhere. I’m going to lose track of you.”
“I’m sorry,” Mel says, honestly. They take a right turn. “You’re always right there, is all.”
“I know. And I am enjoying myself. Which is to say—” Jenny pauses. “I mean, I like being with you. One could even say,” she tries, “that I l—”
A man falls face-first out of the corn. When he gets up, Mel sees his hairline.
“Someone’s looking for you,” he says.
“My son?” Constantine Rainier asks.
“Well,” Mel says. He forgot for a second that Kay was closeted, and/or that Constantine was dumb. “Not exactly. But Atlas was, for sure. He gave me a water balloon, which is gone now. Probably against policy.”
Constantine runs his hand through his carefully gelled hair.
“It was a perfectly reasonable discussion,” he mutters. “Dressing pumpkins is a grand tradition. I find it quite relaxing, personally. I can’t help it that there is no gender-neutral formal attire for the squash.”
Mel and Jenny look at each other.
“Total serial killer behavior,” Jenny says.
“Serial killer,” says Mel, “and cannibal behavior.”
“Harsh!” Jenny comments.
“I tell it like it is,” Mel says, shrugging.
“My son will find me eventually,” Constantine says as Mel and Jenny walk past him. “Hopefully before Atlas.”
“Keep your eyes suuuuuuper wide open!” Jenny calls back, and then she pats Mel’s arm. Mel thinks back.
“One could even say?” he tries.
“Hm? Oh.” Jenny droops a little. Her ponytail falls over her shoulder. “No, one couldn’t say. Or maybe one could say, but apparently, I couldn’t say it.”
“You were so rudely interrupted,” Mel agrees, patting her arm. “I’m sorry, Jenny.”
“It’s okay.” Jenny helps him round another bend. “I mean, there are other things to do here. Maybe the pumpkins will give me bravery.”
“Oh, yes!” Mel had forgotten that the patch would have purchasable pumpkins. Perhaps primarily, per pumpkin patch particularization.
“And look,” Jenny says, pulling Mel out into the field proper again. “We made it! No thanks to your running off, of course.”
“What would I do if you weren’t there to—what do you British people say? Get me out of scrapes?”
Jenny does not reply, which Mel is at first worried at, but then he looks over and sees she is busy staring lovingly at him. He lets her do it for as long as she wants, and even does it a little back, at least until he trips over a pumpkin and interrupts whatever she was about to say.
“Hey!” It’s Eliza again. She’s in a booth, of all things, with a sign for various confections and a pair of guys struggling with a cotton candy machine behind her. Red and Avner, judging by the ostentatious hair. “You break it, you buy it!”
“We’re working on buying it!” Jenny yells back, before bending down to inspect the kicked pumpkin. Mel bends down, too, though he’s not really sure what he’d do with it. It looks like a pumpkin. No corsage or bow tie, Mel notes approvingly. Actually, he’s not opposed to dressing it up—maybe with some felt bunny ears, and a little pom-pom for a tail… 
He’s about to ask Jenny for her opinion on a possible pumpkin craft night, maybe on Tuesday night when they’re both not stuck at the shop, but when he looks up she is concentrating very hard on something.
“Jenny?” he asks, gently.
“Sorry,” she says. “Just—formulating things. In my mind.”
“Is it the pies?” he asks, hefting two pumpkins into his arms. “I think these are very good, by the way.”
“Oh? Oh, sure.” Jenny takes one, and also one of Mel’s totes. She brings them over to the booth, where Red and Avner continue to do something to the cotton candy machine—possibly fixing it, but if so not very successfully. Red flings a pouf of cotton candy floss at Avner, who ducks it and then catches it with one hand. Eliza sets Mel’s pumpkins on a scale, which seems like a funny way to value them. Mel picked them for roundness.
“Do you all work here?” he asks, as Jenny counts out change.
“Well,” Eliza says, “I work here. Those two get paid to flirt.”
“This is extremely important work,” Avner gets out, ducking another pouf and barely catching the next in his mouth. “We’re—cleaning out the machine—”
“Send the next one to me, then,” Eliza says, and in the middle of counting Jenny’s cash she turns her head and bites it clean out of the air. Mel applauds quietly. Jenny reaches for his arm, and he gives her a reassuring pat, just in case.
When they make it back to their bus stop, tote bags in tow, Jenny is quiet again. Mel waits patiently for her, watching: the way her curls spiral together and apart in the inconsistent wind, the way the traffic lights reflect in the corner of her dark eyes, the set of her unconscious pout. She takes a deep breath, and the set of her shoulders changes, pulling together and then apart again.
“Jenny,” he says—she looks up, alarmed—“I have something important to tell you.”
“Me too!” she says. “But—no, you go first.”
“Oh,” Mel says. “Well, thank you. The important thing is that: I love you very much.”
Jenny blinks at him. She sits up very straight. “But, Mel—that’s what I was going to say!”
“It is not. Oh,” says Mel, thinking again, “is that what you’ve been trying to say all day? Well, sure, then. I just wanted to make sure you didn’t steal my idea. But I’m glad we agree,” he says, patting her arm, as Jenny buries her head in her hands. “Oh. Jenny?”
“Yes?” she says, her voice muffled. The bus huffs obediently down the street, pausing at the intersection ahead of them for the stoplight.
“Can we dress our pumpkins when we get home?”
Jenny looks up at Mel. She gives him a silly, pretty little smile.
“Yes,” she says, “of course,” and she kisses him before hauling up the tote bag on one arm and stepping up onto the bus. Mel pauses—just to admire the view—before following her in, looking forward to pumpkin crafts and even more beyond.
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dragoncanefangs · 3 years
@honeyhorns​ continued from {X}
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Bunny? That’s a new one.
“My apologies. I simply wished to skip the small talk and be upfront in my intentions.” Resting a hand on the table she sat at he leaned down with an inviting smile. “Allow I to rephrase. You are gorgeous and I would be delighted to invite you to dinner. If I have your interest?”
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shymisce · 5 months
blog intro (≧⋏≦) gencarrd miscecarrd
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side blog for miscecanis stuff - strictly sfw ¹ type : omega ² scent : cinnamon & cherry wine ³ prns : he/bro/they/per/paw ⁴ possible spam posts - mainly reblog acct ⁵ sillies : did system, autism, disabled ⁶ extra info ↴ ✰ 17 y/o ✰ age regressor ✰ dogkin ✰ aroacespec ✰ queer
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murmur-oftheflies · 1 year
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Overworld char sprites are getting overhauled again but I made these for fun at some point
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ransprang · 3 years
500 followers event masterlist
Rules (event is now closed)
Characters Reacting to Songs
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Viktor - big love by Fleetwood Mac - NSFW (crack)
Viktor & Jayce - squidward nose by cupcakke - NSFW
Jinx - feel good inc by Gorillaz - SFW
Vi - Don't hurt yourself by Beyonce & Jack White - SFW
Viktor - demons by hayley kiyoko - slight NSFW
Viktor - Sweet Time by Porter Robinson - SFW
Viktor - Nobody by Hozier - SFW
Jinx - does it make you feel good by joesef - SFW
Mel - guiltless by dodie - SFW
Viktor - heads will roll by scarlett johansson - SFW
Ekko - Mr. Rager by Kid Cudi - SFW
Jinx - Run by Joji - SFW
Caitlyn - Upper West Side by King Princess - SFW
Viktor - Sexy Boy by Shawn Michaels - SFW
Jinx - saccharine by jazmin bean - SFW
Viktor - Nerves by DPR IAN- SFW
Vi - Love You too Much by Diego Luna, Gustavo Santaolalla - SFW
Silco - A Dangerous Thing by Aurora - SFW
Viktor - sparks by coldplay - SFW
Silco - Spring and a Storm by Tally Hall - SFW
Vander - guys my age by hey violet - SFW
Viktor & Jayce - JJBA pillar men Awaken song - SFW
Silco - Demon like me by Blair Crimmins - SFW
Sevika - she calls me daddy by king mala - NSFW
Polnareff - my type by saint motel - SFW
Kakyoin - Surprise of summer by Anri - SFW
Bucciarati - Oh no! by Marina and the Diamonds - SFW
Melone - I love sex by Pink Guy - NSFW
Dio - lost in the fire by gesaffelstein & the weeknd- NSFW
Cioccolata - Dr Sawbones by Creature Feature - SFW
Demon Slayer
Kanae Kocho - All the things she said by t.A.T.u - SFW
Muzan - Forever Young by Blackpink - SFW (crack)
Itachi - Slow Down by Chase Atlantic - Slight NSFW
Hinata - WAP by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion - SFW
Kakashi - Sound of Silence by Simon & Garfunkel - SFW
Itachi - Diamonds by Rihanna - SFW
Shisui - Inner Universe by Origa - SFW
Iruka - FOR YOUR LOVE by Måneskin - NSFW
Itachi - WAP by cardi B & Megan thee Stallion - NSFW
Neji - je te laisserai des mots by Patrick Watson - SFW
One piece
Ace - The Good, the Bad and the Dirty by Panic! At The Disco - NSFW
Brook - Dissolve Me by Alt-J - SFW
Harry Potter
Snape - Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood - NSFW
1p!Russia - Can't help falling in love with you by Elvis Presley - SFW
Fullmetal Alchemist
Edward Elric - Mercy Down by Shayfer James - SFW
Final Fantasy
Thancred - squidward nose by cupcakke - NSFW
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lstnrr · 7 years
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Mel Bles
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cherryblossomshadow · 3 years
Jayce Apologism
Wow, I did not expect to be doing Jayce apologism.
I mean, he was a good enough character on first watch. It’s honestly hard to pay attention to Jayce when he spends half of his scenes around charismatic people like Mel and Viktor.
But I loved seeing this well-meaning character stumble into power and then corruption. And it wasn’t his intentions that were corrupted, so much as his actions. He always intended to do Good, even if it required Evil.
I think if this show had been made a decade ago, Jayce would have been the main character … and way lighter-skinned. And Vi would have been a guy. But I digress.
I believe that Jayce deserves a better rap than the fandom gives him. Yes, we watched him fall into corruption, but he never dove in umprompted. He tried the noblest way he could think of first, and only tried something different when that had blown up in his face. I literally cackled at the scene of Jayce reprimanding Marcus about the Hex Gate manifests on second watch. Honey, you are about to learn corruption so hard.
I love fantasy politics, and it was so much fun for me personally to see this moral yet naive Jayce try so hard to do a Good, yet get talked around into a Corruption.
He shut down the Hex gates to protect the city! He shut down corruption! He ordered a blockade! He was trying so hard to do things that will help his city!
And it's not like these things even further any of his personal goals. Like, the series could have played Jayce’s closing of the Hex Gates as a flex on the Council, reminding them that he has the power.
But no! Poor boy did that out of the goodness of his heart and got punished for it! So he realized, through experience, that to not get thrown out of the city on your ass, you have to play nice.
The violin scene was amazing to watch and I definitely ruined that whole scene on second watch by squealing in saccharine tones, "Aw, Baby's First Corruption!"
I know that I'm coming from a media background rife with wars and child soldiers, so the death of the child in the shimmer factory was not surprising in the least to me. Children would be in larger supply than adults in the poisonous undercity, I'm sure. Even Vi, who was so outraged about the injustices of Piltover in Act 1, barely bats an eye at the kid.
Jayce came down to Zaun with violent intentions and an army of backup. He went in to destroy shimmer, but he came to a complete stop when he watched a child die by his hand. Just stopped. Immediately.
Even after all the corruption we just saw him go through, Jayce still had a moral backbone. A point where he said, “No more violence. Not even against you, who encouraged me into this.”
He had his hand on the hammer. It even started to power up. But then he stopped and let Vi walk free and clear with his extremely valuable Hex Gloves. Because the violence had to stop somewhere, and Jayce decided it had to be him.
That one child completely stopped him. That would not stop everybody, let's be clear.
And he spent the entire last episode pursuing peace, wielding the power he had accumulated to stop the violence between Piltover and what he supported as the nascent nation Zaun.
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saccharin-fangame · 1 year
Saccharin Dev Log
Hi guys! We're still in the writing draft stages of development, but the draft is currently 65-70% done. Currently, there are at least 7,000 words on the document. We expect to finish the draft very soon and then revise it a bit!
After we're done, we'll move to map plotting and enemy designs/sprites around the end of the month or by mid-July.
Thanks for being real patient with us, have a Mel from the concept art (as drawn by Soy)
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