#Melkor x Fëanor
carmisse · 4 months
Of Melkor and Fëanáro.
Melkor : if you were my husband I would poison your tea.
Fëanáro : if I were your husband, I would drink that tea.
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 5 months
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The seduction of Fëanor
Day 4 prompts: Friendship | Alliances
For: @silmarillionepistolary
Rating: General Audience
Characters: Fëanor
Epistolary format: Journal entry
Themes: Corruption | Seduction of Fëanor AU
Warnings: Manipulation
Wordcount: 1.4k words
Summary: Fëanor writes of Melkor calling on him after he is exiled to Formenos
This is also available on AO3
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Fëanáro Curufinwë’s journal
65th day of Y.T. 1492.— Lord Melkor called on me in Formenos, offering his friendship and aid in my quest to deliver all who would follow me from life under the Valar’s rule. 
“You are a thrall of Manwë, the brother who supplanted me in everything,” he declared. “Lord Námo pronounced it freely, and to all those who had gathered to hear you explain yourself to those who think themselves to be your masters. He claims that this is your fate, and that this is the fate of all the Eldar that dwell in the Blessed Realm and beyond! And to exile you, to place your freedom in the hands of a lesser prince who speaks against you in secret! Bah! Do you now see, my prince, the truth in my words? Do you now see through their lies and schemes to place your half-brother above you?” 
“Aye.” I gestured for Lord Melkor to join me in the gardens. My sons have taken my father on a grand hunt, but many of the servants remained in the palace. I cannot trust them. Despite their many oaths of loyalty, I cannot fully trust them. I cannot risk them repeating whatever they might hear to others. We spread our cloaks on the grass and sat beneath the branches of an apple tree already rich in fruit. “You have spoken the truth of the other Valar, the scheming of the half-brother who wishes to supplant me like yours did with you. The scales have fallen from my eyes, my lord, and I like not what I see.” 
The Vala smiled. “It pleases me to know that there are those born into the House of Finwë who are not afraid to open their eyes and see. It also pleases me to see that the words and deeds of others have not put out the fires within your heart. Join hands with me, Fëanáro, prince of the Noldor. Join hands with me, and I will aid you in all things. I will carry you across Araman and the icy wastes of the Helcaraxë. I will deliver you and all those who follow you from thralldom. I can make you a mighty king. High king of all the elves in Endórë. Am I not a Vala, also? I am that, my prince, and I am so much more than those who sit on their great thrones in Valimar. There are many things that I am willing to do for the Noldor, for I am their friend, and I am a friend to you most of all.” 
His words struck a chord within me. I confess, Lord Námo’s proclamation was humiliating to hear. To live the life of an exile is a terrible thing. To have my half-brother, the son of a woman who usurped my mother’s rightful place by my father’s side, and a prince who secretly speaks against me hold the key to my freedom within the palms of his hands, was even worse. The knowledge of it would have been more than I could bear if my spirit had been weaker. Woe be to my foes! I am stronger than they think, and I will not yield. I will not bow my head and live my life according to the whims and wishes of others. I studied Lord Melkor and pondered if I could indeed trust him to honor his vow to aid me. The others branded him a liar and a schemer, a Vala who was most dark and cruel and cunning. I do not think such is indeed the case. He pulled off the mask my half-brother used to hide his true self, did he not, and showed the other Valar for what they were? Beings who placed my half-brother above me by making him Regent of Túna, and who expect the Eldar to live their lives shackled to the Valar’s feet? It is too much! Too much! But to leave the only home I have ever known and to begin life anew in a land I have only heard of in songs and my father’s many tales… my hesitation must have shown, for Lord Melkor placed his hand over mine and gave it a soothing squeeze. 
“Take hold of this hand, Fëanáro, prince of the Noldor,” he said anew, “and I will help you find freedom from those who dare call themselves your overlords and mine. I will never restrain you, nor will I place others above you. I will make you a king who rules all other kings and a master of your own destiny. I will help you carve out a great kingdom in Endórë, a kingdom that will live on for a thousand ages and beyond. No one will hinder you, not even the weak, short-lived beings the Valar intends to place above the elves. I will make certain that they do not. Pray tell me your answer.”
I considered his words and his offer to aid me. I thought of what I could become if I joined hands with him: a king who rules all other kings, a master of my destiny. I could lay the foundations for a kingdom that would thrive through the ages. I will have no one to restrain me. I will have no half-brother plotting to usurp me. I will have no one to say that I go too far, no one to declare that the works of my hands are unlawful and unjustified. 
But the Silmarils, came the unbidden and worrying thought. What will become of the Silmarils? What will become of the hallowed jewels? What will become of your father, your wife, and your sons?
I knew then that if I took Lord Melkor’s hand and agreed to leave with him, many preparations would have to be made. I could not leave the hallowed jewels here in Formenos. Even if I left my father, my wife, and my sons behind, I could not leave the greatest and most treasured of my creations behind. I could not leave them in the care of others. It would only lead to their destruction if I did, and that was something I could never allow. 
“A great many preparations have to be made, my lord, if I do decide to leave with you,” I replied. The hand over my own squeezed gently again. “For I cannot simply leave on a whim. I need to discover who among my followers and my kin will be most amenable to leave with us, and there are a great many things that we must take. Provisions to guarantee our comfort, treasures that I cannot bear to part with, arms to protect us from the short-lived race that the Valar hope to place over us. I trust these things will not be a hindrance in any way.”
“I understand very well, my prince, the need for such measures.” Lord Melkor lifted his other hand to one of the low-hanging branches and plucked a crimson and gold apple. He offered the first bite to me. The fruit was uncommonly ripe and sweet, and I savoured the taste. Lord Melkor then helped himself; his bite was as hearty as mine. He turned to face me and smiled. That smile was dreadful and beautiful—even more beautiful than the hallowed jewels themselves. Then he set the fruit aside and reached out to brush his thumb over my chin and wipe away the juice that dripped down. 
“But I hope you will have faith in my ability to provide for you and keep you and yours safe,” he continued softly. “Nevertheless, sound out your allies and make your plans! And do not take too long! Word of my coming here will fly to the furthest corners of Valinor on the swiftest of wings. Others will not take kindly to my calling on you, and they will not forgive you for listening to what I say. My brother may not forgive you for listening to what I say. We must be ready to leave when they are ready to move against us.”
“Indeed, my lord.” I made my decision. I will leave. Even if the others insist on staying behind, I will leave. I will forge a glorious new life and name for myself—one that will live on in tales and songs. It is my destiny. Lord Melkor squeezed my hand a third time. This time, I reciprocated the gesture to show him that I agreed. He was pleased. “Indeed.” 
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tags: @cilil @asianbutnotjapanese
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nyarnamaitar · 1 day
the only common ground i ever see fëanor and melkor having is that they both want to make manwë cry in bed
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urwendii · 1 year
the serie
"How come you never married?"
Maedhros looks over the book he has been trying to read for the past minutes to throw a wry look at the Maia sitting crossed legs on the other side of the bonfire.
"Where does this come from?" He comments back, eyes drifting back to the tiny printed letters.
"You can't hear him but Ossë has been waxing poetry to Uinen for the last ten minutes."
Maedhros snorts loudly and still not looking at Mairon he lifts a corner of his lips.
"Is this how you people say it?"
"Say what?"
At this he looks up once more, expression blank, his eyebrows raised.
Sauron the dreaded Foe of so many ages Maedhros thinks with dry sarcasm. Maedhros has heard the rumours in Aman. The Seduction of Mairon they called it. Acting clueless when he highly doubts the Maia was a virgin, not since many, many long eons at least.
Mairon seems to shuffle and adds more dried wood to the fire.
"It's not like that with them."
Maedhros has no wish to discuss the sex life of Ainur or lack of so he simply hums and resumes his reading.
"You haven't answered."
Annoying. The once fallen Maia has a stubborn streak that reminds him much of his brothers.
"Maybe it's not of your business."
"Maybe not. I'm still asking."
"Lucky me."
He sets his book aside long enough to bring about the cloak over his long legs. The nights are still fresh upon the last days of winter.
"It was war."
Beside Maedhros thinks, he had swore off his very soul to the folly of his father. He doesn't want to think of Fingon and his gold adorned braids and his warm hands as they cradled Maedhros' feverish pale skin. Once upon a time in Tirion, in Fingon's cosy room, in Maedhros' formal bedchamber, in Oromë's woods. He doesn't want to bring up Beleriand or Thangorodrim and think of the agony of these days, and then later, the darkness and the darker deeds when some soldier had told him there was no body to find, to bury, to say goodbye to.
Maedhros frowns and shakes himself back to the present. In his left hand, the missing right one throbs.
"What about you?" He deflects. Mairon gives him a strange smile, halfway through pity - for himself or Maedhros? It matters not. Maybe they aren't that different after all. Except in this. Fingon was light and kind and good and Maedhros tainted him.
"Depends what you view as marriage." The Maia answers, and it surprises Maedhros that he will answer at all. He shrugs then and looks away from the golden eyes and the similar hair.
"Perhaps I was then."
Mairon hums. "Perhaps I was too."
"Not sure I enjoy this revelation." He wants to keep the talk free of these thoughts, but they come still. He is trying though, they both are. A penance and maybe in Eru knows how long, maybe then he will be able to go to Fingon and feels worthy again. He hopes Mairon has no wish of reconciliation with his own estranged past relationship, Master? Maedhros isn't so sure he will not claw at Morgoth's face with his own bare hand should the Vala ever break free from his jail.
"Who was it then?" Mairon asks and he blows on a loud sigh. Then blinks because after all why would Sauron know? His own father never did. Maedhros can deflect or lie but the moon shines above them and the scent of pines bring him comfort. In this land for once there is no more war. Only mending.
"Gothmog trampled him during the Nirnaeth Arnoediad."
Nothing moves on Mairon's face until then he leans back on his hands, nine fingers splayed in the cold grass and tilts his face to the night sky glittering above them.
"I've never liked Gothmog. Brute with no refinement."
"Not your pal then?"
"Hardly." There the Maia's face contorts into something frightening, and Maedhros can see then what Findaráto probably saw in the dark cells of defiled Minas Tirith.
"They were wrong. The Balrogs. Smelled awful."
"Wronger than you?"
Mairon smiles that provocative smirk of him, the one that means Maedhros hit too close.
"I am prettier." And because they have been journeying together for months now, Maedhros is not surprised when the Maia stands up and without more words, walks away to go and lie further away, arm tucked underneath his head.
He gathers his book and flicks it open. He misses Fingon and the absence of his warmer self within his soul is as noticeable as his missing right hand. One day he will return. He genuinely hopes Mairon's thoughts aren't of the same nature. He looks at the Maia's profile lost in the darkness of the night and thinks that loneliness tends to turn hearts into mangled shapes.
He wishes Ossë will be back soon.
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Could Saurondriel actually happen in Tolkien lore? 
@historical-romances9 asked me to elaborate on how and if Sauron x Galadriel could/would work, according to Tolkien lore, or if it’s was even possible to actually happen because many “lorebros” are always whining about the impossibility of it because Galadriel is an Elf, and they “mate for life”, and Sauron is an evil spirit obsessed with power, and uncapable of “human like” feelings, and that “Rings of Power” is an abomination to the Professor’s lore for giving these two characters romantic and sexual undertones.
Tolkien’s writings about wedding, love and sex among the Eldar (Elves) can be found in “Morgoth’s Ring, Part III. The Later Quenta Silmarillion: (II) The Second Phase: Laws and Customs among the Eldar.”  
Argument #1: “Galadriel can’t have romantic feelings for Sauron because she’s already married to Celeborn, and Elves are monogamous and mate for life!”  
Is this true? 
We know that Galadriel is already married to Celeborn (whom she believes to be dead) when she meets Sauron/Halbrand. We also know Elves marry for life (either by love of free will from both parties; an Elf can’t be forced to marry), and divorce is forbidden, especially among the Noldor. This is what Tolkien actually wrote; there is no mention of Elves being emotional monogamous (= only loving one being for the rest of their lives). 
Actually, we have textual evidence on the contrary, with Elf characters, actually, falling in love more than once in their lifetimes and even re-marrying. The Elves don’t divorce due to their history, and not because they only love one being their entire lives; and the majority of the Noldor’s problems are blamed on Fëanor’s parents' divorce. In short: Fëanor’s mother, tired of giving birth, went to the Hall of Mandos to sleep. Afterwards, Fëanor’s father asked the Valar for permission to remarry (even, though, his wife wasn’t dead). The Gods said yes, and Fëanor’s half-siblings were born, and Morgoth used Fëanor’s jealousy to drive a wedge in the family, which eventually led to disaster. And this is why the Noldor don’t divorce. 
According to Tolkien lore, it’s completely possible for Galadriel to have romantic feelings for Sauron, despite already being married to Celeborn. 
But now, one can argue that the Valar would never give their permission for Galadriel and Sauron to be married. Here’s the catch: Sauron is a fallen Maia and a servant of Melkor/Morgoth. He’s not one of faithful (he doesn’t obey Eru nor the Valar); he wouldn’t ask for their permission to do anything. Many wrongly compare Sauron to the Christian Satan, but the actual “Devil” in Tolkien’s lore is Morgoth (he’s the one who rebels against Eru, “God”, and wants to corrupt creation).  When Sauron proposed to make Galadriel his Queen, he really meant it as the "whole package deal", because his master is in the Void forever, and he doesn’t gives two f*cks about the Valar giving permission or not. Which leads me to the next point.
Argument #2: Galadriel wouldn’t ever cheat on Celeborn because adultery is unthinkable for the Elves! 
True. However, we've already established that “emotional cheating” can happen, according to the lore, and I would argue that counts as adultery as well. But, again, we are talking about a fallen Maia and a servant of Morgoth, here: Sauron doesn’t follow the Valar’s rules. And, so, Sauron sexually seducing Galadriel isn’t OOC for him, actually.
And what about Galadriel falling for his seductions? We know Galadriel is proudful and strong-willed, but she’s not immune to temptation herself. Sex, for the Elves, equals marriage, and it’s actually a requirement to officiate the union (you, kind of, like medieval traditions). And since Sauron doesn’t need anyone’s permission to marry Galadriel, this is possible to happen if she was to actually join him and be his Queen.
And if Galadriel and Sauron would to have sex (or any kind of sexual/romantic act) it has to be 100% consensual on her part (and that’s what drives the “lorebros” mad) because if Elves are SA they die (Tolkien actually wrote this).
Argument #3: “Sauron is not capable of love! He’s a Maia! He’s an evil spirit obsessed with power, and uncapable of human-like emotions!” 
Maiar were immortal spirts, yes, but they were capable of falling in love, because Melian (a Maia) fell in love with an Elf (Thingol) in Tolkien canon, and these two characters happen to be Elrond’s ancestors. This means that Mairon, the Maia of Aulë, was, indeed, capable of love.
However, Mairon was corrupted by Melkor/Morgoth, meaning his capacity to love was also corrupted. And instead of the “good” and “fluffy” side of love, Sauron is in the “dark side” of it, and his love is possessive, obsessive, jealous, and manifests in unsatisfiable lust, emotional turmoil and suffering.  
I've already talked about this before, but, in “Rings of Power”, Sauron fell in love with Galadriel while he was on his somewhat “repentant era”, and it started out as something purer, but it’s twisting into something darker as he goes deeper and deeper into evil, until it turns into hatred, later on. 
Argument #4: “Sauron can’t have sex! He doesn't care about sex! He’s a Maia!” 
Actually, Tolkien himself wrote about this, in his essay "Ósanwë-kenta”, where he brainstorms about Maiar reproduction. According to the lore, Maiar can, indeed, have sex and reproduce if they are in humanoid form (Elf, human, etc.). Tolkien discourses about Melian (Maia) and Tringol (an Elf): they had sex and a child (Lúthien), and this Half-Maia lady was also able to have sex with Beren (a human), and have children on her own (Elrond and Arwen are descendant from Lúthien and Beren). But there’s a catch: Melian created a she-elf body to be with Thingol, and she became bound to her Elf form because of this. She lost the ability to return to her spirit form, unless her physical body was killed to set her free (which was what eventually happened).
Tolkien also wrote about the corrupted Maiar by Morgoth (Sauron, Balrogs, etc.) and whenever they could take on Orc form in order to reproduce with other Orcs, in his essay “Orcs”. Here, it’s pretty much the same: they can, but if they were to actually do it, they would also be bound to their current physical form, and unable to return to their spirit/demonic form, unless they would be killed to be set free. But there’s another catch: they would be “damned”, too, and “reduced to impotence” after.  
This means that Sauron can indeed have sex with Galadriel (and impregnate her), but he would be bound to whatever current humanoid form he had at the time (Halbrand or Annatar), and, if he was to have such physical form destroyed, he would be damned afterwards (well, Eru did took away his ability to have a body after the fall of Númenor, so it, unintentionally, checks out?). 
The answer is yes: Saurondriel can work in Tolkien’s lore, under the right circumstances: 
Doomship: they love each other but can’t never be together (never act on their feelings);
Dark!Queen Galadriel: she joins Sauron and it’s pretty much the "whole package deal", with lots of obsessive love and hardcore sex.
Galadriel has a moment of weakness and has sex with Sauron; he becomes bound to Annatar form, which only gets destroyed in the fall of Númenor, but he's now "damned" and "reduced to impotence" and that's why he loses the ability to take on a full body? (Ironic how this actually fits the canon).
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cilil · 2 months
Manwë x Fëanor is underrated and I'm going mildly insane with feelings.
Let me explain.
So a while ago I wrote a long post about the narrative parallels between Melkor and Fëanor (here) which I'll be referencing a little bit here, but for those who don't want to read the entire thread here's a tldr: Melkor and Fëanor share lots of similarities, including their fall from grace arcs and certain character traits and interests.
Now, my headcanon is that Manwë loved and still loves Melkor very much and he admired him too, seeing him as this powerful and intelligent older Vala that he was proud to call his brother. He tried his best to get closer to him, but found himself rejected (rather rudely and cruelly too) due to Melkor's anger issues and rampant jealousy.
So this leaves us with a Vala who, being made not to comprehend evil as the Silmarillion tells us, was created for harmony and to be loving, yet has been continuously denied love and affection from his beloved brother despite his best efforts... and then he meets Fëanor.
Fëanor who is so much like Melkor, but does something other than destruction with his potential. Fëanor who resembles Melkor in personality and, depending on your specific headcanons, also in appearance. Fëanor who is intelligent and curious and definitely wouldn't hesitate to ask Manwë about things he knows he could learn from him, such as poetry, Valarin or details from pre-Elves awakening history. Fëanor who is confident and insanely charismatic. Fëanor who can make music with his words too, just like Manwë loves. Fëanor who is all the things Melkor should have been.
You may already think that this doesn't sound like the healthiest dynamic and you'd be correct - but that's the point. This is the fun part. Isn't it beautifully fucked up? The King of the Valar developing feelings of love and obsession for an Elven prince and inventor because there's a void in his heart and soul that he desperately wants to fill? Said Elf taking on this situation without hesitation because he's confident, capable, ambitious and, let's be real, if anyone can and will adopt and wrangle their very own pet Vala it's Fëanor? And this entire thing being further complicated by both parties having brother and daddy/mommy issues? Delicious.
As a bonus, you even have a tragic ending if you go further down the canon timeline. Look how sad Manwë already was as is and then imagine how utterly devastated he'd be in a verse where he's both fallen in love with Fëanor and successfully projected every single Melkor-related issue onto him in the process. Imagine Fëanor feeling betrayed once Manwë (alongside the other Valar) decides to step in following the Fingolfin situation. Imagine the Noldor rebellion being even more dramatic. Imagine Manwë watching Fëanor die soon after and how this may have played into him sending the eagles when he did and why. Or maybe a canon-divergence where he sends the eagles at different times for different outcomes...
Ugh. I'm just... them. You see the vision. You feel the feelings. You get it.
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serene-faerie · 4 days
In my opinion, the ideal way to adapt the entire Silmarillion is through a multi-season anime, with each major event being made into an arc
The Ainulindalë Arc: the Music of the Ainur, the Two Lamps, and the Battle of the Powers
The Journey to Aman Arc: the Awakening of the Elves at Cuiviénen, the Creation of Orcs, the Sundering of the Teleri, Thingol and Melian's meeting in Nan Elmoth, etc.
The Years of the Trees Arc: the life of Fëanor, the creation of the Silmarils, Melkor's corruption of the Noldor, etc.
The Darkening of Valinor Arc: the death of Finwë, the destruction of the Two Trees, the Oath of Fëanor, and the First Kinslaying
The First Battle Arc: the First Battle of Beleriand, the Flight of the Noldor, Fëanor's death, Maedhros's capture
The Sun and Moon Arc: the Coming of Men, Finrod's friendship with the House of Bëor, Fingon's rescue of Maedhros, the Mereth Aderthad
The Glorious Battle Arc: the Dagor Aglareb, the construction of Gondolin, Thingol learning of the First Kinslaying, etc.
The Long Peace Arc: Aredhel leaving Gondolin and her encounter with Eöl, the birth of Maeglin, their escape to Gondolin, etc.
The Dagor Bragollach Arc: the Dagor Bragollach, Finrod's rescue by Barahir, the Fall of Fingolfin, the Outlaws of Barahir, etc.
The Quest for the Silmaril Arc: the story of Beren and Lúthien, of course
The Nirnaeth Arnoediad Arc: the lead-up to, and the actual Battle of Unnumbered Tears
The Children of Húrin Arc: Húrin's capture and curse, and the story of Túrin Turambar, of course
The Second Kinslaying Arc: Thingol's death, the Battle of the Thousand Caves, Dior's ascension to Doriath, and the Second Kinslaying
The Fall of Gondolin Arc: Tuor's quest to Gondolin, his romance with Idril, Maeglin's betrayal, Eärendil's birth and childhood, and the city's destruction
The Havens of Sirion Arc: the meeting of Eärendil and Elwing, their childhood together, their eventual marriage, and the births of Elrond and Elros
Eärendil's Voyage Arc: the Third Kinslaying, Elwing's transformation into a bird, Eärendil's voyage to Aman, and their plea to the Valar for aid
The War of Wrath Arc: the War of Wrath, the defeat of Morgoth, the reclaiming of the Silmarils, the choice of Elrond and Elros, the death of Maedhros, etc.
Basically, a Silmarillion anime would give One Piece a run for its money based on length, lol. And it would be even better if it was done by the studio that did Spy x Family, since their animation style is absolutely beautiful.
I would watch the hell out of a Silm anime!
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i-did-not-mean-to · 3 months
Hunted H(e)art
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My dear friends,
Have a discarded draft for another fic that I'll rewrite and add to as I go along!
I shall not be posting the fic on tumblr, as the chapters tend to be rather long, and I don't want to strain your eyes or overburden your feeds more than necessary.
Anyway, if you want weekly updates to a story combining all my favourite characters and ships, hop on over to Ao3!
Lot of love!
Pairings: Fëanor & Fingolfin, Oromë & Nessa, Amrod & Amras, Aredhel & Galadriel, Maedhros x Fingon, Turgon x Finrod, Celegorm x Curufin, Melkor x Mairon (and some more)
Words: hard to say...20k?
Warnings: Gen chapters, E chapters, hunting, blood, sadness, trauma, sex, incest, the usual
If that sounds like something you'd want to read ⇢
Chapter 2 (Gen)
Chapter 3 (Celegorm x Curufin)
Chapter 4 (Aredhel & Galadriel)
Chapter 5 (Amrod & Amras)
Chapter 6 (Turgon...x Finrod)
Chapter 7 (Maedhros x Fingon) (explicit)
Chapter 8 (Celegorm x Curufin (x Finrod) ⎮ Galadriel & Aredhel ⎮ Melkor xMairon) (explicit)
Chapter 9 (Maglor & Caranthir)
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❝ "Come, Mulkhêrînim, and do not be shy. The Elf-prince is yours to use tonight, for this is how the Lord rewards his loyal subjects." ❞
⊱ Prompt: Pillory/stocks, free use ⊱ Pairing: Númenórean cultists x Maglor, Mairon ⊱ Synopsis: Mairon captures Maglor and brings him to the Temple of Melkor as a gift to his loyal followers. ⊱ Featuring: The Cult of Melkor is also a deranged sex cult now because Mairon said so, references to past Angbang ⊱ Warnings: Non-con, ritualistic gang rape, sadism & voyeurism (on Mairon's part in particular), the prompts by themselves
𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆: Another one for @tolkienpinupcalendar's Dead Dove December; we're nearing the end (one more regular chapter that I have already written plus a bonus fic I'm currently working on).
Mulkhêrînim - (Adûnaic) - Children of Melkor. Thought it would be a lovely way for Mairon to address them like that as an ultimate affront against Eru. Translation by me with the help of this dictionary (because in the Tolkien fandom even the nasty porn needs linguistics!)
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"I have a special gift for you today, oh faithful Mulkhêrînim." 
His loyal cultists mumbled among themselves when Mairon presented them with the exquisite treat he had captured. 
At first glance, it appeared to be yet another captive, like the innumerable amount he had caught in the service of his lord – a dark-haired man, albeit handsome by incarnate standards, was kneeling on the dais in front of the altar, his head and hands secured by a hastily erected pillory, naked save for a flimsy loin cloth. 
The more perceptive among Mairon's followers, however, had already noticed what made this one special: The pair of pointed ears sticking out from the mess that was his hair, almost defiantly announcing his identity as one of Ilúvatar's immortal children. 
"Is that an Elf?" one of the cultists gasped, pointing at the helpless prisoner. 
"Indeed it is, very good," Mairon purred and stood next to the Elf in question to almost tenderly pull his hair out of the way to show them off. "But not any Elf; I have captured one of royal blood." 
The whispering among his followers intensified, and he savoured the tension before the anxiously awaited revelation. 
"Meet Prince Makalaurë, also known as Maglor, the last living son of Fëanor!"
Laughing and jeering erupted from the crowd, their faces changing from curious to ravenous within seconds. Maglor, however, remained quiet, merely pressing his lips together and hardening his gaze. 
I suppose his dear brother told him what happens to those who talk back, Mairon thought with a pleased smirk. 
"Our minstrel's lonely wanderings have finally come to an end, so that he may grace us with his presence instead," he declared with a grand gesture, smugness bleeding into his tone like black ink dripping into water. 
"Will he be a sacrifice to the Lord?" a younger cultist asked. 
Mairon laughed. Oh, Melkor would be delighted to witness this scene; he could practically hear his gleeful laughter echoing through the temple from beyond the circles of the world, could see his eyes gleaming with dark amusement, could feel his joy – but he swiftly tore himself away from his memories and imagination, lest he be distracted for too long. 
"Perhaps he will be in time," he drawled, "though for now he shall serve you." 
His mortal followers, while loyal and so very eager to attain the immortality he had promised, didn't seem to grasp the meaning of his words, looking up at him expectantly. None had the courage to ask. Mairon suppressed a sigh of exasperation and the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose and stepped aside so they could properly admire Maglor's scantily clad form.
"Have you never dreamed of getting a taste of what we will conquer? Of enjoying the pleasures of immortal flesh?" He chuckled. "Such rare blood is too precious to spill with haste, would you not agree? After all..." 
In one swift movement, Mairon raked his claw-like golden nails down Maglor's back, drawing blood and eliciting a piercing scream. 
"He has such a beautiful voice, for which he is renowned to this day. What a waste it would be to not enjoy his illustrious company..." 
Murmurs of agreement rose within the crowd, and a few cultists came closer, looking up at their high priest as they waited for permission. Mairon stepped back to make space for his followers and beckoned them with an elegant wave of his hands, causing the golden bangles on his arm to clink and tinkle. 
"Come, Mulkhêrînim, and do not be shy. The Elf-prince is yours to use tonight, for this is how the Lord rewards his loyal subjects." 
A heady mix of lust and greed filled the room, and he inhaled it eagerly, a warm shudder going through him. He was going to enjoy this spectacle greatly. 
Had he caught any other Elf, he would have to be worried that their fëa would all too soon flee to Mandos, unable to endure such violation, but the Fëanorion's ill-fated oath would keep him chained to his hröa. 
Robes billowing behind him as if moved by an unseen tempest of malice, Mairon strutted around the altar and leapt onto the lap of Melkor's statue with feline grace, taking a seat like a king would sit on a throne. 
"Do you see that, precious? Almost like home," he whispered to the statue and pressed a reverent kiss onto the cold marble hand, exactly where his ring would have been. 
Maglor didn't scream when his loin cloth was torn off him, nor when greedy hands explored his body and fondled him like a common whore. He didn't grace his captors with any pleas or protests. Only when one cultist knelt behind him and forced his cock inside, he finally cried out. 
Mairon smiled. Awaken their lust, and they are reduced to mere animals, as you taught me yourself. 
The scene unfolding in front of him was chaotic, erratic and filthy, just like Melkor would have loved it. The Man's coupling with their Elven captive was frenzied and hasty, gripping his hips with his knuckles white, chasing his pleasure. Maglor himself was soon silenced – in spite of his wonderful voice and the lovely sound of his screams – by another cultist forcing his mouth open to shove his cock down his throat.
"Let's see what else he can do with that talented tongue of his," another commented on the act, followed by raucous laughter. 
Mairon considered chastising them for not appreciating the beauty of a voice trembling with pain and despair, but instead kept a serene expression as if it had been an amusing statement. He couldn't quite fault them for it; after all, mortals were ever so impatient, and their new toy had many of them to satisfy. 
Whenever one finished inside of him, another would take their place. A young initiate was sent to retrieve some oil for additional lubrication and returned with a pitcher containing the very same sacred oil that was used in their ritual sacrifices – another thing too entertaining to be irked by, and thus Mairon remained silent, smiling and nodding along whenever one of his followers looked up at him for encouragement. 
"Let us see if they can break him, precious," he whispered to the statue. 
Maglor's head hung low whenever no one held it in place, though he had little room to move. The pillory kept him upright even as knees gave in, and seed had begun leaking out of him and down his thighs. Mairon was delighted to see droplets of red marring creamy white and caught the distinct scent of blood. Still, it didn't stop his followers from using their new toy like wild beasts mounting one another during mating season. Some also opted to help themselves before or after their turn, spilling onto whichever part of Maglor they could reach. 
Mairon hadn't paid attention to the passage of time, but he estimated a few hours had passed when they were finally done with the Noldorin prince, readjusting their robes and withdrawing from him while glancing up at their master. Abandoning his comfortable seat on the statue – though most unwillingly – he stepped closer to survey the results. 
Despite no longer being gagged, Maglor was eerily silent. His entire form was stained with viscous white, his face in particular, his lips were swollen, his legs trembling, his hole loose and leaking. 
Mairon graced his followers with a bright, pleased smile as if they had done him a great kindness and placed his fingertips together. 
"Well done, Mulkhêrînim. Our Lord shall look down upon you with benevolence and grant his favour to those who stand against his enemies." 
Maglor let out a small snort, yet the spark of rebellion was short-lived when Mairon backhanded him across the face with graceful elegance that belied the force of his blow. 
"Now take our guest to the King's dungeons and make accommodations worthy of a prince." 
The sweet smile on his face then twisted, showing sharp teeth, and his voice darkened as he added, "And make sure he cannot escape, lest you wish to invoke our Lord's wrath." 
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Thanks for reading! ♡
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lovelylovebug · 6 months
♡ nsfw and sfw (but nothing "questionable" like e.g. non-con, pedophilia, violence ...)
♡ stay friendly
♡ asks are welcome too, but please direct them to my other blog @elficially-done-with-life
♡ sometimes I won't answer right away, sometimes I will. It depends on how much time I have
♡ only Interactions, if you have fic requests I would be glad if you send those to my blog @elficially-done-with-life
♡ also, only Interactions between reader and characters (both platonic and romantic is allowed)... no character x character
♡ no rings of power characters (because I haven't seen the show yet and won't be able to portrait them right)
♡ Characters:
Yavanna, Oromë, Melkor, Nienna
Fëanor, Nerdanel, Maedhros, Maglor, Celegorm, Caranthir, Curufin, Amrod, Amras, Celebrimbor, Gil-Galad, Aredhel, Maeglin, Eärendil, Idril, Elenwë, Fingolfin, Finarfin, Lalwen, Findis, Indis, Míriel, Anairë, Earwen, Finrod, Argon, Celebrían, Elrond, Elrohir, Elladan, Arwen, Finduilas
Luthien, Beleg, Nellas, Elwing
Other Elves:
Glorfindel, Erestor, Rog, Egalmoth, Haldir
Thorin, Bofur, Kili, Fili
Eowyn, Faramir, Boromir, Haleth
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carmisse · 4 months
Of Mairon and Fëanáro.
Fëanáro : You did not hate me, I did not interest you at all; you believed that I was another of the beings who would be seduced by Morgoth.
Mairon : Someone seeks to make his punishment painful.
Fëanáro : In fact, maybe you didn't hate me even when he was fucking me while you were taking care of Andbang.
Fëanáro : I must admit that your devotion to your master is too much; you could forgive him whatever he did, take you to the darkness, leave you in that darkness, take away some of your agency, even his slips for other beings you forgave him, but there is one thing you will never let him forget, that which caused you so much pain that you had to inflict it on others to deal with it.
Mairon : Shut your mouth!
Fëanáro : How did you feel when he fathered me a son? Something you can never give him because your faith is too withered to make that possible, no matter how much of a shapeshifter you are.
Mairon : I'm going to hunt down every one of your spawn, every descendant of your bloodline!
Mairon : I'm going to force you to watch them fall by my hand!
Mairon : and when Curufinwë's turn comes; I swear in the name of Morgoth that I will put him through hell in life, I will put him through hell and heal him to do it again, you will live to see me undo your bastard, that mistake will be punishment.
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Here it is. The list of Kinktober posts scheduled for sharing, along with the dates.
Warning: Each post contains content of a sexual nature. Minors DNI /🔞
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Reader insert requests:
Squirting: “Above all else” | Fëanor x Fem. Reader – 10th October
Size kink: “Made for me | Námo x Fem. Reader – 12th October
Breeding kink: “Strange needs” | Re-embodied! Finrod x Fem. Reader – 14th October
Bondage (hands and arms): “The vow” | Caranthir x Fem. Reader – 18th October
Threesome: “Another bedmate” | Melkor x Mairon x Fem. Reader – 20th October
Spanking: “A new source of pleasure” | Fingolfin x Fem. Reader – 22nd October
Age difference: “The Black Swan” | Arthur Dayne x Fem. Reader – 24th October
Temperature play (Wax): “New delights” | Aemond Targaryen x Fem. Reader – 30th October
Whimsy’s Kinktober specials
Mistress kink: “Mistress” | Varda x Eönwë – 16th October 2023
Temperature play (Ice/Cold): “A welcomed chill” | Arien x Tilion – 19th October
Physical description and NSFW Alphabet for: Arthur Dayne -25th October
First time: “Crimson and gold” | Tulkas x Maedhros – 26th October
Physical description and NSFW Alphabet for: Thû -28th October
NSFW alphabet for Thuringwethil - 31st October
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gonegrove · 1 year
Thinking about heather x eddie bc I’m nothing if not a champion of rare pairs in this comm
But just the “god he’s so fucking LAME and CRINGE and EMBARRASSING I need him CARNALLY” energy is so intense. Heather who prides herself in being The Bitch™️ and boasting about how all the boys are thirsty for her but she’s Too Good for them realizing that she wasn’t into popular hot boys because her type was scrawny shaggy haired freaks with awful personalities and a huge gatekeeping streak.
Heather realizing that the only one who can go toe to toe with her in a vaguely toxic and absolutely mean argument about some asinine shit like A Movie or SoCiEtY is Eddie Fucking Munson and it’s also unbelievably erotic to her and being like “i need to kill myself IMMEDIATELY”
Heather and Eddie as Janet and frank n furter in a rocky horror production bc they’re both attention whores, both into music as a Serious Thing and Eddie just loves anything not mainstream and music related so like ofc he went in for it. And the whole thing quickly turns into a 2 man cats the musical orgy energy shitshow bc they both just get TOO INTO PERFORMING. She’s trying to act soooooooooo normal but sadly eddie on stage singing his heart out half naked is literally too erotic for her. The entire crews job turns into just keeping them from screwing back stage like the horny theater kids they are. Good thing too bc she’s always this close to giving him a bj and if she actually did she’d have to walk into the lake never to return.
She’s actively avoiding any place he’s preforming bc she cannot be held responsible for what she might do if she sees him on stage playing guitar and she doesn’t wanna be arrested.
Eddie realizing that the most popular girl in school (I stand by heather being the Main Bitch and Chrissy simply gaining her crown after her death) is HILARIOUSLY INTO HIM. LIKE ANGRY HORNY. And first being like wtf???? Before he sees the opportunity here for Evil and is immediately delighted. Decides it’s open season for revenge of several years of bullying but pointing out to her how she wants him sooooooo bad it makes her look stupid.
Eddie challenging her to read all of Tolkien’s works, and Heather who’s physically incapable of backing down doing it and coming back with notes like “fëanor is RIGHT actually, so is melkor. I cannot believe you like this pansy ass gay apologetics shit what are you catholic??” And he’s both LIVID ON SO MANY LEVELS but also WILDLY AROUSED. There’s just something about a hot popular chick confidently having the most vile takes on his cringe exclusionary nerd shit that gets him hard. He’s horrified by this fact but also knows she wants him bad anyway so like really it’s just a matter of self control and can his self-esteem/pride take it.
All of his friends hate her and he’s like “yeah 😍 me too 😍”
She gets roped into going to/preforming in Some Town Event oblivious to the fact he is too and that’s when she gets arc of the covenant’d with his guitar playing. Mind snaps. Will power gone. He’s the shittiest dude she’s ever met she doesn’t like him AT ALL but sadly he’s also the Perfect Man and she needs him IMMEDIATELY. Legit jumps him the SECOND she can.
The kinda ppl who’ll continue an argument during sex.
Eddie loving every second of little miss rich and popular being soooo down bad for him. Loving having this level of control over someone who’s usually so “out of his league”. Loving how he can turn her brain off and make her shut up like it’s a magic trick.
Eddie slowly realizing there’s parts of heather that she never shows to anyone but he’s gotten a peak of, intentionally or not, and getting kinda possessive of that.
Heather laying on his shitty gross ass bed listening to his music and taking it seriously and talking about it musical artist to musical artist.
Heather calling his dnd group shit like “his pathetic gay loser circle jerk” and he’s just like “baby I’m going to kill you with a brick 😍”
Heather bodily taking over his hair and skin care routine. Even brushing his hair sometimes and explaining it all for when she’s not there and he’s like “lol you know I’m not doing all that”
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cilil · 4 months
The Elder King's New Clothes
AN: Written for this thread by @feanope, based on @thecoolblackwaves' idea that Manwë could use his feathers as clothing. Might have turned out a bit naughtier than that, but oh well. My dearest fellow Manwë fans, take this as a tiny treat🤍
ഒ Characters: Manwë x Fëanor ഒ Synopsis: Manwë shows Fëanáro the true beauty of his fána. Fëanáro studies him. ഒ Warnings: Nudity, sensuality ഒ Quintuple drabble (500 words) ഒ AO3
"You asked me about my feathers, Fëanáro." 
"I did, my lord." 
Fëanáro turned when he heard the voice of the Vala and froze in place. 
Manwë was walking towards him, his fána unclothed. Bare were his pale feet that only just touched the floor as he went, bare were his lithe figure and slender waist that were usually concealed by flowing robes, bare were well-shaped shoulders and his swan-like neck, freed from collars and heavy jewellery. 
The only thing protecting the Elder King's modesty were his feathers. They were no mere accessories, they were part of his fána like his hair or his limbs, and had been grown and preened with great care to cover what needed covering. 
A second pair of wings had sprouted from the middle of Manwë's back, in addition to the mighty pair growing from his shoulder blades, and they hugged his form from behind, one covering his chest, one his crotch. Between long flight feathers Fëanáro espied a layer of soft down, reminiscent of a small cloud obscuring what lay underneath. Long tail feathers swayed from side to side as he walked, gently and elegantly. 
Fëanáro swallowed. "I take it I may study your form then?" 
"You may." 
"Good. I was hoping for that." 
Manwë smiled mildly in response. 
His wings were relaxed, Fëanáro noticed when he ran his fingers through his plumage. If he wanted to, he could surely move them and see what was underneath. Feeling bold, he pulled on the wing covering Manwë's chest, and it released its embrace, feathers rustling as it withdrew and folded by his side. 
The mysteries of the Elder King's fána were his to uncover. His mouth watered. 
"Should I remove my other wings too, Fëanáro?" Manwë asked.
Fëanáro couldn't help feeling like he was acting coy, though his mien betrayed nothing. Calm, serene, slightly curious at most.
Then again, he believed to have noticed in the past how little the Vala's mien shifted, always kind, always pleasant. Only strong emotions could change his demeanour. 
He would get a reaction out of him, Fëanáro swore to himself. 
"Yes, please," he said confidently. 
As if emerging from a flurry of white, Manwë revealed himself to him fully. "Like this?" 
"Yes. Perfect." 
Fëanáro was already walking around him, admiring the regal curve of his spine and backside. Intrigued, he reached up to place his hand at the base of Manwë's wings, soft down tickling his fingers as he traced bone and muscle underneath the skin. His efforts elicited a pleased hum that permeated the air around them, filling it with warm resonance. 
"Do you enjoy this?" he asked. 
"Very much, yes." 
So it was a sensitive spot, Fëanáro noted, then began rubbing, fondling and lightly scratching the area like he assumed a bird would do, and Manwë fanned out his wings in enjoyment. 
The sight alone was breathtaking. He could count every single feather if he wanted.
"Continue please?" 
And now he had the Elder King begging for more. 
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Thanks for reading! I'm too tired to write more tonight, but if you want more of Fëanor fondling bird men let me know ♡
taglist: @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @blauerregen @elanna-elrondiel @i-did-not-mean-to @melkors-defense-attorney @saintstars @singleteapot @urwendii
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urwendii · 1 year
Prototype WIP: Take flight, ô my Song upon thy heart.
☆ AU. russingon + eönwë x mairon
Maedhros hangs upon the face of Thangorodrim for years now. In torment both physical and emotional, clinging to his hope that his Song will be heard once more by the one his fëa is bound to.
Mairon kneels on the cold stone floor of Angband, back bloodied. He has failed his King, for while Melkor stood chained in Mandos, Mairon has mingled anew with the beings of Valinor living as if his servitude to his Master had been a passing fancy.
When Findekáno, now Fingon the Valiant in the language of their new land, comes to Thangorodrim and sings his despair admist the dark cliffs Manwë's pity is moved for more than one being.
Upon the steep cliff as the Nolofinwëan wrestles with the fell iron trapping the eldest Curufinwëan, another one climbs the facade moved by a primaeval goodness of his own nature. Upon Thorondor's mighty back, comes Maedhros unbound for the hell-forged shackle has bowed to Mairon the Maia's will and broken in three shards that tumble down the mountains in a loud tumult.
It is so that Fingon lands in Hithlum with his cousin and another being whose name has been all but twisted in resentment over the long years spent in darkness.
Bodily healing comes swiftly to Nelyafinwë but it is of mind that the Eldar requires time and company of the one that has so readily comes to his rescue. War is brewing for Morgoth's rage is a terrifying thing and soon enough the earth shakes beneath their feet. The Dark Lord hatred is great as he tempests against the departure of his Mightiest servant. For Mairon has stayed with the Nolofinwëan in Barad Eithel and to them it seems the Maia's might has dimmed much under the blight of Morgoth. Yet powerful and knowledgeable he remains still, as an echo of his once grandeur amongst his kin in Aman and to the people of Fingolfin he taught much of the craft of building and weapons.
Yet defiance still arose between the sons of Fëanor, displeased with their brother's decision to pass the Crown over to their uncle, yet upon one night comes Eönwë, flying over a breeze of Holy Valinor and in front of the elves present, he pulled Mairon in an embrace and the Elves had to look away such was the sudden light that comes forth from the two Ainur.
In northern Beleriand much of the lands was then prosperous as Elves flourish under the tutelage of Eönwë who has remained by Mairon's side, unwilling to leave and much friendship developed between Maedhros, Fingon and them.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 25 days
Silm September 2024
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September is a busy month for me, and I'll be on holiday...
BUT, for what it's worth, I'll try to get a few of these in!
Fire - Silvergifting - Drabble
I want you cause we’re both insane - Finrod x Maglor - 115
Chains - Maedhros x Sauron - Drabble
Open me up - Finarfin x Eärwen - Drabble
Power Dynamics - Haleth x Caranthir - 105
Now come and fuck me, baby - Melkor x Mairon - Drabble
Stars - Varda x Nienna - Double Drabble
The innocence is gone - Melian x Thingol - Drabble
Butt plugs - Erestor x Glorfindel - Drabble
In the most biblical sense, I am beyond repentance - Maedhros x Fingon - Double Drabble
Mutual Masturbation - Aredhel x Celegorm - Drabble
I want your leather studded kiss - Oromë x Celegorm - Drabble
Scars - Nerdanel & Anairë & Eärwen - Drabble
I drink the honey inside your hive - Aulë x Yavanna - Double Drabble
Outdoor sex - Nerdanel x Anairë - Triple Drabble
And I don't care what you say, I want to go too far - Finrod x Turgon - Drabble
Hidden Identity - Maglor x Daeron - Drabble
I try to talk refined for fear that you might find out how I’m imagining you - Fëanor x Nerdanel - Double Drabble
Seed - Curufin x fem!OC - Drabble
Darling, you're so pretty it hurts. - Finrod x Celegorm - Double Drabble
Ritual Sex - Galadriel x Celeborn - Drabble
Canine teeth in the side of my neck - Thranduil x Finrod - Drabble
Feathers - Gothmog x Eönwë - Drabble
And I run for miles just to get a taste - Aredhel x Thuringwethil - Drabble
Worship - Fëanor x Fingolfin - Double Drabble
Young lovers with their legs tied up in knots - Irmo x Estë - Drabble
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