#Menorca car
yesmariasantiagosfan · 2 months
Car hire Menorca. Características y consejos para una elección perfecta
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Alquilar un coche en Menorca es la mejor manera de explorar la isla con total libertad y comodidad. La flexibilidad de tener tu propio vehículo te permite descubrir playas escondidas, encantadores pueblos y paisajes naturales impresionantes. Para asegurarte de que tu experiencia de car hire Menorca sea óptima, es importante conocer los siguientes aspectos.  
Características de un buen car hire Menorca
Variedad de vehículos
Un buen servicio de car hire Menorca debe ofrecer una amplia gama de vehículos que se adapten a las diferentes necesidades de los clientes. Desde coches económicos para viajeros en solitario o parejas, hasta vehículos familiares y SUV para grupos grandes o aquellos que deseen explorar zonas rurales.
Precios competitivos
Es esencial que el servicio de alquiler de coches nos ofrezca tarifas competitivas y transparentes. Un buen proveedor debe tener una política de precios clara, sin cargos ocultos, y ofrecer opciones de alquiler que se ajusten a diferentes presupuestos.
Seguros y coberturas
Un buen servicio incluirá opciones de seguros y coberturas adecuadas. Esto puede incluir seguro a todo riesgo, cobertura de daños por colisión (CDW), y protección contra el robo.
Servicio al cliente
Un buen proveedor de alquiler de coches debe tener un personal amable y capacitado, dispuesto a ayudar en cualquier momento.
Condiciones del vehículo
Los vehículos deben estar en excelente estado de mantenimiento y limpieza. Un coche en buenas condiciones no solo garantiza la seguridad del conductor y los pasajeros, sino que también mejora la experiencia de viaje.
Aspectos a considerar antes de realizar un car hire Menorca
Reserva con anticipación
Para asegurarte de obtener el vehículo que deseas, es recomendable hacer tu reserva con anticipación. Esto es especialmente importante durante la temporada alta, cuando la demanda de alquiler de coches aumenta significativamente.
Revisión de términos y condiciones
Antes de confirmar tu reserva, lee detenidamente los términos y condiciones del contrato de alquiler. Presta atención a detalles como la política de combustible, el kilometraje permitido, y las políticas de cancelación y modificación.
Verificación de seguros
Asegúrate de entender qué coberturas están incluidas en el alquiler y considera añadir seguros adicionales si es necesario. Un seguro a todo riesgo puede ser una opción conveniente para evitar cualquier imprevisto.
Políticas de combustible
Algunas compañías te entregan el coche con el tanque lleno y esperan que lo devuelvas igual, mientras que otras pueden cobrar por el combustible utilizado. Conocer estas políticas te ayudará a evitar cargos adicionales.
Alquilar un coche en Menorca es una opción excelente para explorar la isla con libertad y comodidad. Para asegurarte de que tu experiencia de car hire Menorca sea la mejor posible, es importante elegir un servicio de alquiler que ofrezca una variedad de vehículos, precios competitivos, seguros adecuados, y un buen servicio al cliente.
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redlinepeet · 2 months
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Autovermietung Mallorca, Ibiza & Menorca Mietwagen Ihr Mietwagenexperte für den perfekten Urlaub
Bei Red Line Rent a Car & Partner finden Sie Mietwagen für alle Kanarischen Inseln sowie für die Balearen mit Mallorca, Menorca und Ibiza, mit vielen Stationen. Egal ob Teneriffa, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote oder Mallorca und Ibiza – wir haben für jedes Reiseziel das passende Mietwagen-Angebot für Sie.
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binicarsmenorca · 5 months
Hire a car at Calan Porter | Diinfotech
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laksh34 · 2 years
Scuba Diving and Snorkeling in Menorca
Menorca is a Spanish island in the Balearic Islands and is a popular destination for scuba diving and snorkeling due to its clear waters and diverse marine life. There are several dive sites around the island, including wrecks, caves, and reefs, that offer unique underwater experiences. Some popular dive sites include Cala Pregonda, Cala en Bosc, and Punta Prima. Snorkeling can be enjoyed at several beaches around the island, including Cala Macarella, Cala Turqueta, and Son Bou. It’s important to note that proper training and equipment are necessary for both scuba diving and snorkeling to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.
To Know More Visit — Scuba Diving and Snorkeling in Menorca
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magics-neptunes-things · 10 months
Historia de Amor 2
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Hello everyone!
This is the Part 2 of "Historia de Amor" with Ona, I had a few people asking to have a second part so here is it :)
TW : Jealousy, a hint of sadness and so much love.
First Jealousy
It’s been almost a year now since you and Ona met and you are dating. After spending a summer shared between Villassar de Mar with Ona's family (that you appreciate very much) and Menorca only the both of you, you are back in Manchester.
The weeks pass and over time, you realize that Ona’s new teammate who is also a teammate of her national team is taking more and more place in her life. When Ona informed you of her arrival, she explained that she wanted to help her to integrate as quickly and easily as possible into the team. Having been there at that time, having Ivana take her under her wing had helped her a lot and she wanted to do the same in her turn.
You didn’t think anything bad for a second about your girlfriend’s idea, you know how good she is and her tendency to want everyone to feel the best possible. And you know in your heart that Ona never thought a single second wrong either.
Yet, you find yourself tonight after a day organized by the girls of the team with a strange feeling in the stomach. The players' boyfriends or girlfriends being accepted, it's quite naturally that Ona offered to you to accompany her. And you agreed, enjoying spending time with the United's girls.
But the way the new one had to constantly seek Ona’s attention throughout the day ended up drawing your attention and certainly not in the right way. She didn't hesitate to interrupt you several times while you were in discussion with Ona, she hurried to settle on the other side of Ona during the meal and you simply couldn't have a single second with the brunette without the other being stuck to her sneakers.
And then there’s also the way she looks at your girlfriend that makes you half crazy.
Of course, Ona is beautiful to die for. Even if she is just as beautiful internally, you must admit that Ona's beauty is the first thing you noticed the first time you saw her. But only you would have the right to look at her that way. Not to mention the hands she tends to leave lying on Ona’s arm or back when she talks to her or seeks her attention.
Your mood deteriorated throughout the day and in the middle of the afternoon you finally asked Ona if you could go home. She accepted, searching for your eyes, probably to see what was going on. But you just looked straight ahead before following her to say goodbye to her teammates. You stayed a little longer with Leah Galton who was the host today to thank her and you went to Ona’s car.
You were relieved to get her out of the claws of the one you named in your head "The Leech", but you knew on the other hand that you would receive several questions. Usually, you are more of the type to enjoy every minute of this kind of moments and it's Ona who decide when it's time to go home.
"Are you all right?" asks Ona nicely as she close her door.
You simply nod and hum, tapping on the car screen to put music on.
"You’ve always been a terrible liar, Hermosa"
You sigh softly and look up at Ona, who is watching you as good as she can while keeping her attention on the road.
"I just…" you start to trying to formulate your thoughts coherently, in vain. "It’s nothing, Love."
"You’re starting to worry me"
The worry is indeed audible in Ona’s voice and you bite your lip. When she puts her hand on your thigh, adding a comforting pressure, you let yourself go against the seat back and look at her.
"Your new teammate… Does she only knows you?"
"No, why?" asks Ona frowning lightly.
She seems to have trouble making the connection between your mood and your question and it adds a little guilt to the jealousy and discomfort you feel.
"She hasn’t left you all day, so I was wondering"
You shrug and look outside your window. The sun was shinning today, blessing you with late good weather.
"We play together for Spain, it may reassure her to be with someone who speaks Spanish"
You just hums without stoping to look at the landscape. You don’t believe it for a second. Despite her behavior with Ona, she seemed rather comfortable with others.
"Well, next time you’ll tell her to keep her hands in her pockets" you mumble as the car stops at a fire.
"What are you talking about?"
Again, Ona’s surprise is completely sincere. You know she probably didn’t realize that the physical touches of "The Leech" were invasive, both being Spanish there’s probably nothing to surprise Ona. But you, you saw that the intentions were other than friendly.
"She won't stop touching you"
Ona’s incredulous little laugh makes you shift your attention to her and frown. The car restarted, but you didn’t really notice it, focused on the face of the Latina.
"Are you making fun of me?"
"Of course not, but you just imagine things. There is nothing but friendship between her and me"
"For you maybe, not for her. Leah must have pulled out the mop to wipe the drool she left on the floor from looking at you"
"You talk nonsense"
You let out a sarcastic snort and cross your arms on your chest before looking out again. So not only are you not believed for a second, but also not especially reassured by Ona who must take you for a fool.
"Yeah, sure." you mumble, clenching your claw.
No screams were exchanged between the two, but the icy silence that reigns in the car for the rest of the trip testifies to the tension born between you two. And still, you didn’t mention everything you felt. No need to pass for crazier than that.
Arriving at Ona’s apartment, you take refuge in her bedroom. No other words were spoken and this will be the case for the rest of the day. Ona stayed in the living room and turned the TV on, it seems to you on the sports channel. You don’t know what else she’s doing, but there’s no way you’re taking the first step.
After dark, you realize Ona is probably thinking the same thing. You hesitate a few seconds between two possibilities but you end up opting for a shower. You could have gone home too, but the fear of Ona not reacting to your departure is too present. Coward? Most certainly.
The hot water allows you to relax a little and you may stay there a little longer than usual, but you needed it. After your routine after shower, you decide to go to bed. The sound of the TV still rings in the living room and you don’t even know if Ona saw you go from her bathroom to her bedroom in pajamas.
You roll yourself in a ball under the sheets of your girlfriend, slightly reassured by her smell that is everywhere. Lost in your thoughts, you lose a little sense of time. Some time later, Ona gently opens the bedroom door, also showered and dressed for the night. And, still without a word, she slips under the sheets, next to you.
You feel your heart getting heavy, you and Ona never went to bed angry. The times you’ve had an argument can be count on the fingers of one hand since the beginning of your relationship and it has never been so deep.
You let time pass again, your eyes fixed on the wall facing you. Ona doesn't move next to you and you finally realize that she must have fallen asleep. A few more minutes pass before you decide to get up. Gently pushing away the sheet, you leave the room and quietly close the door of the room behind you. You find refuge on the balcony, sitting on one of the chairs you used to occupy when you both remake the world while looking at the stars.
Except that today you feel lonely and your nightwear doesn’t keep you warm. You soon find yourself shivering, but you decide not to worry about it at the moment. This argument broke your heart and before you realize it, warm tears roll down your cheeks. Crying make you feel better, you feel like the steel hand around your heart is loosening a little.
To keep some body heat, you stick your legs to your chest and put your arms around them. Your chin rests on your knees and you get lost in the observation of street lamps and the noise of Manchester night traffic.
Your tears had stopped when you feel a blanket resting on your shoulders, but your eyes are red and swollen. You didn't hear Ona’s hesitant steps coming looking for you, she was far from sleeping too. You turn slightly and for the first time in (too) many hours, you cross the chocolate look of your girlfriend.
Ona’s uncertain gaze becomes tinged with guilt when she realizes that you cried, but that’s not what you want either. So you return to your starting position, enjoying the comforting warmth of the plaid.
"Come in, you’ll catch cold" whispers Ona.
Not trusting your voice, you shake your head negatively to refuse her proposal. She sigh softly and sit on the chair next to you. Without saying a word, you give her a piece of the blanket. You may be angry, but that doesn’t mean you want her to get sick.
She accepts it and wraps herself in it with you, turning towards the street too. A few minutes pass, but without the unbearable tension that existed in the car earlier.
"I shouldn’t have told you you were talking nonsense"
Ona’s voice finally breaks the silence and you turn mechanically in her direction. You don’t know if she cried, either, but she looks tired and sad. She turns her attention to you too and you simply nod.
"I’m sorry Y/N"
How can you resist her? You know she is and that it isn't her fault. Taking a big breath, you let yourself go against her, laying your head on her shoulder. You close your eyes in relief as you feel her arm slide around your waist. Reconciliation seems to be on its way.
"I wasn’t accusing you of anything."
Your voice is on the same tone as that of Ona, a slight murmur. You obviously had time to reflect on the conversation you had and the events of the day, since the time you returned. So precision seems important to you.
"I know you don’t think badly for a second and I trust you. But even in hindsight, I’m pretty sure she’s crazy about you. And I can’t stand the idea."
Ona remains silent for a few moments, stroking your hip. You look up at her to observe her, understanding in her gaze that she is reflecting.
"I’ll talk to her, okay?"
You nod softly, looking back over the balcony gate. A few more seconds pass before you feel Ona move and she gently raises your face in her direction, two fingers under your chin. Her look is soft, tender. The one that make you melts, like vanilla ice cream in the Spanish's sun.
"I love you. I will always do everything to make you feel the best with me. I’m really sorry that I didn’t listen to you earlier and that I got so worked up. It just seems so implausible to me that I might be interested in someone other than you… I only see you."
You smile while your heart is flying somewhere near your throat.
"I love you too. More than anything."
She smiles back and with her fingers under you chin, she approach your face next to hers. After caressing your lips with hers, she offers you the most sweat and loving kiss ever.
First Separation
It was on one of the birthdays of one of Ona’s teammates that you heard the news. It’s been several days that your girlfriend's thoughts seems elsewhere and busy, you asked her some questions but she answered each time that she preferred to talk about it later. You accepted this answer, while making sure that everything was fine and that it didn't affect in any case the feelings she could have for you. Even if it was reassuring, you can’t help but wonder what’s going on. You may have a little idea, but you’d rather not get your head screwed for nothing.
During this evening Ona's mind seems to you once again elsewhere. She was smiling while listening to others speak, without speaking. Her behavior drives you to be extremely clingy with her, but the Latina doesn’t seem to be bothered by that. You didn't expect to find her place on the sofa empty after a short time in the kitchen to reserve you a drink.
Caught in a Mario Kart game, the others don't seem to have noticed her absence. This allows you to go looking for her quietly and it's finally on the balcony that you find her. Leaning against the embankment with both hands, looking at the city. You hesitate to join her, not wishing to disturb her, but you end up delicately closing the door behind you to go towards her. Gently putting a hand in her back, you put yourself at her height after having laid a kiss on her cheek.
"I really like this city" made Ona thoughtfully without leaving it with her eyes.
You leave her face you were watching with attention to look at your turn the city. This is where you grew up, so you’re used to her figure. You let it go for a few seconds, before asking her timidly, without having the courage to look at her.
"Are you ready to talk to me about what’s been bothering you these days?"
Ona sighs softly and you see her move a little, turning her silhouette in your direction. On your side, you let your eyes slide on the headlights of the cars on the main road, a few hundred meters from you. Her hesitation makes you realize that what you’re thinking is probably what’s going on. And that terrifies you.
"You’re leaving" you end up whispering, still without looking at her.
"I have to go home"
You knew that Ona’s contract with Manchester was coming to an end and that Barcelona finally realized the potential of your girlfriend. But you preferred to bury your head in the sand and hope that time stops. You know perfectly well Ona’s desire to return home, to go back to her country, her family and the team she carries in her heart. She never hid it from you.
"Barcelona made you an offer?"
Your voice is always whispered, the knot in your throat prevents you from speaking properly.
"They’re offering me a contract until 2026. I’ve already accepted. I’m sorry."
What’s the answer to that? Nothing, obviously. So you remain silent, fighting against the sadness that invades your body a little stronger with each second passing. The silence stretches and it is finally Ona who takes the floor.
"Can you say something por favor?"
"What do you want me to tell you, Ona? I am extremely proud of you and happy that your dreams come true. You deserve it, sincerely. But I’m gonna miss you so much."
"I’ll miss you too"
Her hand which she places on yours makes you turn your gaze in her direction and you stick to her, seeking a source of comfort to this announcement. She gladly pass her arm around you, keeping you close to her.
"I’m leaving Manchester, but I’m not leaving you. I’m sure we can make it work. I’ll come see you whenever I have free time and you can come whenever you want."
You stay silent for a little time, but maybe too much for Ona who turn your face in her direction. She looks stress and a little sad, too. You know that it wasn't an easy move for her to make.
"Hermosa please talk to me. I have to know what you're thinking or I'll go crazy"
"What if you find someone else?"
As always, your fear to lose her is the biggest. You never claimed to consider her yours, knowing perfectly well that love isn't commanded. So you don't feel safe from losing ither one day and this geographical distance will probably not help this fear.
You see Ona leaning her head to the side, a slight air of annoyance displayed on her face. You have already had this conversation several times and she has always found the right words to reassure you. But there, a new parameter is added to the equation. So you try to explain yourself.
"You will be far from me, there are probably thousands of women who would like to be in my place and there are probably as many who have more in common with you than me. Starting with your native language and where you will live."
Gently taking your face in her hands, Ona looks into your eyes. You have always found her eyes particularly expressive and you sometimes still have as much difficulty to support her gaze. But this time you strive to do it, feeling that you need to impregnate yourself with the words she will say.
"I don’t care Y/N. I love you and I only want you. Before, now and after. Nothing or no one will change that in anyway."
First Homecoming
Ona seemed happier than never since she's in Barcelona. You can see it on the picture in FC Barcelona's Instagram, her smile shinning like the Spanish sun. You know that she miss you though, jumping in an plane every time she can to come back to you. You made the journey to Barcelona twice too, but it's not enough for both of you. Every time you have to say goodbye break your heart a little more.
Ona’s old teammates stayed in touch with you, much to your surprise. Not all of them, but you often meet Ella or Millie for coffee during the week. You know that the first of the two is as lost as you have since her best friend left for Arsenal.
"You should go find her" Ella once made you, over her hot tea.
"I can’t this weekend, I have copies to correct for Monday and an exam to prepare" you sighed softly.
You're working as a literature teacher for teenagers. It’s not always easy, but you have the vague hope of getting a few of them interested, fighting as hard as you can against TikTok. (While watching edits from your girlfriend on the same app, but it's another story.)
"I know. What I’m saying is that you should go find her, for good. Moving to Barcelona."
Your movements stop and you look at the other girl as if the ears of Martians had just pushed on her head. Obviously, you thought about it. But Ona never mention it.
"I’m not sure Ona wants me there. She didn’t offer to follow her when she told me she was leaving."
"Because she knows your whole life is here. Your family, your job… It cost her a lot to leave Barcelona for Manchester and she didn’t want to impose that choice on you."
"How do you even know that?" you asked, frowning.
"She told me. You both are as stupide as the other."
Oh. That’s news would probably have changed a lot if you had the courage to ask Ona directly. Again, fearing a negative answer from her, you preferred bury your head in the sand. Smiling as you saw your brain start up again, Ella had left you to your thoughts.
It only took you two days to make your decision, return the keys to your apartment and resign. When you told Ella, she cheered the same way she did when she scored, promising to save the surprise for Ona.
Now that you’re in Ona’s apartment, you’re wondering if this was really a good idea. The Spanish girl doesn’t know you’re here, gone to training as usual. You had the help of Ona's mother to enter, the Batlle happier than ever to learn that you were coming in Spain.
You know Ona’s apartment for having come here twice already, but you go through it, looking for some changes while waiting for her return. The Spanish architecture is very different from the one you have always known in England, but the light colors and brightness offered by the sun is not unpleasant. And the fact that the perfume of your girlfriend floats everywhere in the air is particularly great.
You enter the last room not yet fully furnished, which Ona had thought of turning into a guest room. It's also where she stored the things she wants to get rid of or what she has not yet had the courage to go down to her cellar. You smile while looking at her old trophies, promising yourself to get her to put them somewhere on a shelf in the bedroom.
"¿Quién está ahí?" ("Who's there?")
You hear Ona’s voice, startling you violently. You drop your phone which makes an atrocious noise when falling on the light wooden floor. You hurry to pick it up and get out of the room, having noticed a hint of anxiety in the brunette's question. Well, arriving home realizing that someone else is there when you live alone can cause concern.
"It’s me"
Your answer is simple and Ona may have seen you before you spoke, but you blame yourself for scaring her. That said, seeing Ona looking at you wide-eyed, her training bag still attached to the shoulder is worth it.
"It’s not Hermosa anymore?" you ask without hiding your amusement.
It takes a few more seconds for Ona to realize that she’s not dreaming, but after the thud her bag makes when she drops it, the next thing you know is that you finally find the warmth of her arms. Her hair are still wet from the shower she took at the end of her training, but that doesn't prevent you from plunging your face into the hollow of her neck to breathe in her smell.
You feel your feet leave the ground when she squeezes you even harder against her, despite the fact that you are the higher of the two. But it makes you laugh and take your face off her neck so you can look at her. Her eyes are sparkling and her smile is bigger than ever.
Some kisses exchanged later, your feet find the ground, without taking your arms off from her. It’s not exactly like she’s in a hurry to release you either.
"What are you doing here? I thought you couldn’t come this weekend?"
"No, I couldn't" you answer with a shrug and a smile.
Ona’s frown and you can not resist the urge to put your lips between her eyebrows to deride her. Taking you by the hand, she takes you to the living room and to the sofa.
"I don’t understand. Were you able to free yourself?"
You gently bite your lip looking at her, thinking about the best way to tell her what you did.
"I quit" you finally confess.
"What? But why?"
"I also gave my apartment back…"
Well, your apartment. Ona came to live with you after a year of relationship and she spent a lot of time there too.
"… and I thought maybe it would be better to find a job and an apartment elsewhere. For example in Barcelona?"
Ona looks stunned and blinks several times, as if to put her ideas back in place. Her silence makes you stress and you hurry to add
"If you don't want me here I can always take an apartment not too far from yours, I will understand, you have already installed everything as you wanted. And in addition I -"
"Stop rumbling" says Ona, putting a hand on your mouth to shut you up. "You’re telling me you dropped everything you had in Manchester to come here?"
"To come to you" you answer, your voice muffling by her hand, before she remove it. "I realize that Manchester isn't home anymore. Because you're not here. Home is where you are."
It takes some seconds to Ona to digest the information and you didn't leave her face with your eyes. When it clicked and maybe she realize at last that you're not joking or this is real life, she mumble how much she loves you before kissing you so hard that you lose your balance and fell on your back on the couch.
Some hours later, you were both fully naked in her (your?) bed, cuddling. You were half-laying on here while she plays with your fingers.
"Where are all your stuff?" Ona asked
"I take some of the things I need first in my wallets, but the other will come after. I had to send them with DPD or something."
Ona hums, kissing your fingers one by one, making you smile. You are convinced that you will never be tired of her or the sensations she gives you. It’s been three years, and you haven’t once seen a decrease in the strength of your feelings. Quite the contrary.
"Do I have to look for an apartment though?" you smile.
"No way" Ona frowns, even if she knows you're joking. "You made me feel home when I was in Manchester. I will make you feel home here, don't you dare going somewhere else."
"Your accent is heavier than when you left" you smile again, making her roll her eyes.
"I only speak English with Keira and Lucy here. Even Ingrid asked me to talk to her in Spanish even if she answer in English."
"Well that's hot."
"Answering in English?"
"No" you laugh. "I always find it hot when you speak Spanish"
Your girlfriend smirk at you, drawing you against her so she can kiss your lips, before quickly stop it.
"Wait. When I speak Spanish or when people speak Spanish? 'Cause if it’s hearing Spanish that’s doing something to you, we’re gonna have a serious problem"
"Only you" you laugh, getting back to your kiss.
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An important reminder of the disastrous consequences of touristic massification.
I translated another article about the housing emergency in the Balearic and Pityusic Islands.
The Balearic Islands are Mallorca (sometimes known in English as Majorca), Menorca (sometimes known in English as Minorca) and includes the Pityusic Islands, which are Eivissa (usually called Ibiza in English) and Formentera. All of them are found in the Southern Europe, in the Mediterranean sea, and are extremely popular holiday spots, particularly for German and British tourists, but also tourists from the rest of the world. Their local language is Catalan, in which this article is originally written.
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Sad is he who without love has to search for a home (in the Balearic Islands)
Opinion piece by Sebastià Alzamora
The housing emergency in the Balearic and Pityusic Islands has existed for some time and it's taking more dramatic tones every day. From teachers who have been destined to Eivissa as a substitute and spend their weeks in the island sleeping in their car (because with a salary of 1,000€ it doesn't make sense to rent even just one room for 700€ or 800€ per month) to the situation showed by a recent Caritas report on poverty in the Balearic Islands: many low-income families, or with uncertain incomes (often hotel workers) who cut the money they should spend on food to be able to pay rent (with all the consequences of cutting short your food, specially for children). Also, the explanation of the "no vacancies" mysterious phenomenon that the Balearic Islands, and particularly Mallorca, achieved last summer: since everyone knows that the housing prices in these lucky islands are unfeasible, hotel owners this season take advantage of local workers (paying them a salary so low that doesn't allow them to move out of their parents' home or, even worse, their ex-spouse, as it also happens often).
It was precisely at the beginning of last summer that the Valencian and Balearic governments met to work together on the housing emergency. [...] they agreed to ask Sareb to give them some flats to be used as public housing. In fact, the Company for the Management of Assets Proceeding from the Restructuring of the Banking System (also known as Sareb, also known as the bad bank) has over 8,500 houses in the Valencian Country and over 1,000 in the Balearic Islands. Since Sareb took these apartments when their inhabitants were evicted as a result of the trash mortgages given by banks during prosperous years, it makes sense that now they will be destined (at least some of them) to housing.
I don't know how these good intentions have evolved, but the search and/or building of protected housing, even though it might be necessary as an emergency measure, is nothing more than a palliative or a patch to a situation with well-known causes. This is what's behind the problem: the overexploitation of the land, the urban speculation, a market with out-of-control prices, and a touristic saturation that makes guiris [tourists] literally invade the towns, neighbourhoods and areas that not so long ago were still the indigenous population's.
The famous quality tourism has turned out to be European multimillionaires, often with fortunes of a suspicious origin, who buy or order to build their mansions with heliport for exorbitant prices, bursting the local price for square meter. This is the strict market logic, but if the market logic isn't somehow corrected, we can find ourselves in a triple massive migration: for climate reasons (the Mediterranean is one of the places in the world where global warming is most noticeable, and the Balearic Islands are one of the most heated places in the Mediterranean), for the lack of job opportunities (also for the young people whose university degrees aren't about tourism, and who can't find work here), and for lack of access to housing.
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hannahssimblr · 10 months
Chapter Nineteen
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We decide to pack up and leave the beach just a few days after the festival. Neither Claire nor I can stand to be in the mobile home anymore since Kelly’s turned it into an unlivable place. As I fold my clothes away and pack up my books I wonder how I ever stayed here, it’s pokey and old, and smells of stale cigarettes, an environment made even more unpleasant by the dark, heavy presence of another person who outwardly hates me stalking around, waiting until I leave the kitchen to go and make herself a cup of tea. We never discuss the festival, and I don’t expect her to ask about it, but I kind of did expect her to at least acknowledge us when we came home on Monday. 
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Claire ran into her once on her way out to the bins, she was sitting on the steps painting her toenails, and it was just a couple of days after we’d returned so she tried to confront her, saying that she never wished her a happy birthday. 
“Oh, just fuck off, would you?” Kelly had said. “We’re not friends anymore.” So that was that. I assume the sentiment applies to me too, so I never seek her out for a chat, and I go on for days avoiding her, ignoring her with a horrible, guilty feeling in my stomach that only serves to make me feel more awful than I already do. 
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We can’t think of anything worse than driving back to Tullamore with her in the car, so Claire ends up calling her dad, who comes sweeping down the country in his big black BMW to collect us. It’s nearing the butt-end of August now, and the slow wind down of the summer makes me melancholic. The evenings are slowly drawing in again, and the leaves on the trees have lost their brilliant, luminous green of June. Everything is starting to look rustier, burnt around the edges, and I know that in a month the air will be cold again, and yellow leaves will rustle through the village. Bigger, angrier waves will crash against the shore in place of the peaceful, sparkling waters that I see now on the horizon. I stand on the deck on my last evening at the mobile and look out over the beach, knowing that I might never see this beach in autumn. I might never come back here again, eat ice cream from the surf shack, swim in the balmy, green water. 
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Barry, Claire’s dad, who always wears suit trousers even as casual dress, gives her a big hug when he arrives, his gleaming, cosmopolitan car looking out of place pulled up onto the grass outside the Healy’s fusty mobile. “How was your summer, love?” He asks her in his booming, business man voice. 
“Oh it was grand.” She says. “I’ll tell you all about it later.” She stands back and beams at him. She loves her father, and they’re alike too. The same nose, eyes, and dirty blonde hair, even though hers has been dyed platinum for years now. I watch them as I sit on the steps biting my nails. He would do absolutely anything for her. Everybody would, she’s just one of those perfect girls. 
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“How did you get on in Menorca?” She asks him then, and I listen to them talk about her father’s luxurious trip to the Baleriacs for about three seconds before I get antsy and start hauling our bags into his boot. I know Kelly isn’t going to come outside and try to talk to us or anything, but at this point even being in proximity to her is making me anxious. I don’t want to be here anymore. I want this trip to be over, and I want to go home. 
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After we’ve finally piled into the car, we pull away from the mobile. I keep watching the blinds to see if they twitch, some sign that Kelly is watching us, or that she cares at all that we’re leaving without a goodbye, but there’s no sign of life. I think I’d prefer a fight to a freeze-out. This just feels unfinished. 
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As we cruise up the narrow coastal roads we pass a road sign with a big smiling sun on it that’s saying goodbye in five languages. I glance out the back window and look back at the beach, the flip-flopped army zipping back and forth over the footpaths, enjoying their last days here and acting like they won’t be propelled back into the grey banality of their September to May lives within mere days, acting like they don’t have any dread inside them at all, but I know they do. They must. It can’t be only me. 
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I slump back on the leather seat as soon as the village is out of sight and stare out the window ahead to the vast expanse of motorway in front of us. Claire and her dad are so busy talking that I know they won’t turn around and see me, so I let my defences down for a second, and a tear brims over and spills down my cheek. I still haven’t felt much of anything but a dull, aching sadness ever since we rolled up our tents and left the campground, and all I can do is keep replaying my conversation with Jude over and over in my head, remembering all the nice things he said to me, and then I can’t help but remember the hard things too, but everything makes me sad. I don’t really sleep well, and I don’t feel hungry enough to eat that much. My week has consisted of just this: moping around in my room and periodically crying into my pillow. I haven’t gone for a swim once. 
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I haven’t heard a word from him since I last saw him, nor have I tried to text him, because I don’t know what to say. Maybe he doesn’t want goodbyes, maybe he just wants to disappear and I should give him the space to do that. I’m convinced he has more important people to spend time with, with the clock  running out and the date approaching so quickly. It’s Thursday now. He flies out next Wednesday. The 25th. 
I quietly scold myself for acting stupidly. You can’t be upset about losing a person that you never had. He was never mine to lose, I should be driving away from my holidays thinking about how much I enjoyed all the things I did, the people I met, and have a huge, dopey smile on my face, wishing him well with the rest of his life, but I can’t do that. My insides feel twisted and rotten, my chest tight and my eyes are stinging with tears. 
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We get back to Tullamore after two and a half hours, and by then I just feel like a husk. I’ve thought about Jude so much that I’m tired of thinking, like my brain has been doing strenuous pushups for ages, or like there’s an elastic band inside it that’s worn loose and saggy. Claire’s dad is really nice and brings me right up to my front door, and then takes all my bags out of the boot. I thank him and compose a smile on my face so I can wave goodbye to my friend. 
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“I’ll see you next week, won’t I?” she calls out the window. “Are you coming to the hotel at Shane’s debs and get some photos with me?”
I nod, not really understanding why people want to do things like stand outside a hotel awkwardly while their friends go to the debs. It sounds boring, but I’ll do it for Claire, and then probably think about how I’m not going to any debs at all and feel somehow worse about myself than I already do. 
“And then induction in school on Friday.” She says, holding finger guns to her temple and pulling the imaginary trigger.
“Yeah, can’t wait for that.” I drawl. 
Her dad starts the car and she blows me a quick kiss. “Okay, see you soon babe!” 
They pull away from the footpath and I gather up my bags and bring them up the path towards my house. There’s so many. I don’t remember leaving this same house with this amount of stuff, but I can’t even think of what I bought.
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My mam opens the door before I can, and she stands there with a look of delight on her face. The house smells like apple crumble, which I’d usually run and stuff my face with, but today the idea of that makes my stomach turn. I come inside and she gives me a huge, warm hug. “Welcome home, Evie! We missed you so much.”
“I missed you too.”
 “Tell me, how was your summer with the girls?”
I try to tell her that it was good, and that we had lots of fun and went swimming all the time, and that the weather was so fine! We even went to a music festival for Claire’s birthday and I heard so many new bands, and actually, I think I might save up and buy an iPod Touch, but of course, I can’t say any of that. I open my mouth and unleash a rack of sobs instead, dropping all my bags onto the floor with a loud thud. She makes a concerned sound, but doesn’t ask, she just rocks me in her arms and lets me cry it out like an infant for a full half an hour, the door swinging open behind me. 
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michelle-languages · 2 years
for the langblr ask game!
17, 23, 29!
aww thanks for asking 🥹 I always get so emotional and happy when I receive notifications from the ask box 💞
17. Favorite time to study
Always been someone who loved studying in the morning, unfortunately now that I work it’s impossible, so I’m trying my best to enjoy studying during late evening like 6-7 pm / early night around 9 pm
23. How did you get into learning languages?
I think it was a combo of my parents organizing summer vacations in Greece and Spain and school. I grew up with my mum wanting to explore the local towns and rural areas as well, so when we were on vacation, we used to rent a car to go around the island. This way I got to stay a bit immersed in the culture and with native people as well, we experienced San Juan’s celebrations in Menorca in 2008, visited Cnosso's palace in Creta & so on. Ww visited (in no particular order): Maiorca, Rodi, Ibiza, Kos, Menorca and a bit of Formentera, Crete and then we bought a camper to explore Europe by tires 😂 School side, I've been extremely lucky as I found teachers who saw the burning flame of passion for languages in me, and most of them, taught wonderfully!
29. Proud moments regarding target language
1. New York 2015, I went into a Forever 21 shop, spotted an alternative style dressed shop assistant and asked her where I could find a Hot Topic shop. She was stunned that I then translated to my friend in Italian and was surprised to find out I wasn’t American
2. Hometown 2022, I went to a Japanese restaurant with Japanese waitresses, therefore I spoke Japanese all the time with them. They complimented me, even if I’m still kind of a baby in Japanese, and they told my parents they thought I did a study experience in Japanese because I speak it very well. Seeing the emotions in my parents’ eyes, who struggled a lot with accepting the fact that I went to study Japanese in another city and didn’t stay at home with them (I’m an only child AND female, Italian parents bla bla), was a unique feeling. And I felt hella proud of my baby skills
3. Office life 2022, my actual boss complimented me multiple times for my English skills. She said that in 25 years of career, and now as a manager, she has never heard anyone speak it like that. She asked my I am still working here and not doing the interpreter.. 🫠 I WANNA BE A TRANSLATOR AND CONTENT CREATOR BUT I DON’T EVEN OWN A CAR NOW, IT’S TOO RISKY STARTING AS A FREELANCER NOW IN ITALY MY DEAR
Thank you so much again 💖
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vicentemontiel · 5 months
Best Beaches in Spain | POPULAR beach in Barcelona, Valencia, Tarragona, Tenerife, Majorca, Alicante
See on Scoop.it - Mallorca Tourism
#spainbestbeaches Highlighting some parts of Spain with the nicest beaches. Featuring a list of Spain's clearest water and white sand beaches: - Playa de Ses Illetes, Formentera (Majorca & Palma beaches) - Barcelona beaches touristy and non-touristy #spaintravel : Llevant, Nova Mar Bella, Mar Bella, Bogatell and Nova Icària. Also featured the Barcelona beaches of Somorrostro, Barceloneta, Sant Miquel and Sant Sebastià beach. - Alicante & Costa Blanca most popular beaches (Playa de San Juan, CALP LA FOSSA, Benidorm). Spain favorite, less crowded and non-touristy Beaches are in the Costa Blanca. It's the part of Spain that has the clearest water: Alicante's popular and natural Beaches: Playa del Postiguet, Playa Albuferrata, San Juan beach,Santa Pola. South of Alicante city: * Guardamar de Segura (El Moncayo/Moncoyo/Montcatjo beach) * Calp beaches (Playa de la Fossa) * Centre and La Roqueta beaches * Els Vivers, La Babilonia, El Camp,Les Ortigues beach. - Canaray islands and Mallorca beaches are highlighted sparingly. - Tarragona golden sandy beaches (Platja Llarga, Playa De La Mora, Platja Savinosa). TimeStamps: 00:00 Barcelona Coastline and downtown street view 02:40 Barcelona beaches - close-up & drone footage of coastline (Llevant thru Barceloneta) 05:08 Spain Tarragona beaches (Platja Llarga, Playa De La Mora, Platja Savinosa, Playa de Arrabassada) 07:13 Valencia beaches - Malvarrosa Beach (Platja de la Malva-rosa) 07:41 Playa de Ses Illetes, Formentera (Majorca & Palma beaches) 08:10 Costa Blanca Beaches of Alicante city (Playa del Postiguet) 10:16 Albuferrata beach in Alicante Spain 11:21 San Juan beach Alicante (Playa de San Juan) 13:00 Alicante South Beaches - Guardamar de Segura (El Moncayo/ Moncoyo/Montcatjo beach) 14:29 Calp beaches (Playa de la Fossa) 15:03 Benidorm Alicante and MundoMar water sports show Frequently Asked Questions Which part of Spain has the nicest beaches? Unlike other tourist destinations, Spain enjoys a nicer spread balance among its coast regions. Balearic Islands is where Playa de Ses Illetes is, in Formentera Island. Costa Blanca is a long stretch of coastline with so many light touristy towns. What is the nicest beach in Barcelona? It's more the stretch of coast that enabled quality beaches in Barcelona. Barceloneta warm water beach, for example, is the city's most traditionally known beach. But beaches of Sant Sebastià, Nova Icària, Bogatell and Mar Bella Beach are also popular. Nova Mar Bella Beach and Llevant Beach are frequented by swimming tourists at different times of the year. is Mallorca in Balearic Islands? Yes, Majorca is classed as Balearic Islands. It is one of the 4 besides Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera. Majorca (Mallorca) is a popular holiday destination in beautiful Balearic Islas in Spain. A holiday in Mallorca, though, is more expensive than other regions. Which is better for visiting Mallorca or Ibiza? Ibiza is more towards music and nightlife whereas Mallorca is better known for cultural sightseeing. There is no difference between Mallorca and Majorca. The Spanish "j" is pronounced same way as "ll". What are the limits of Costa Blanca Alicante? The Costa Blanca spans the entire province of Alicante from Denia and Javea down to Guardamar and Torrevieja. Best time of year to visit Alicante Spain? May and June is summer enough (already) in Alicante. visiting Alicante this early can save cost of flights and accommodation compared to peak travel periods from July to November. How to get to Costa Brava from Alicante for skiing on the Pyrenees? Alicante airport as well as Valencia's are easy connectors from-to Costa Brava. If you're coming from France, it's a 7 hrs highway drive from Bilbao and Santander. There are car ferries serving these two cities at the border with France. Whatever needs Alicante may be missing for you, its location can help extend those needs. Thanks to its airport and highway connection, you can easily explore further across Barcelona, Costa Brava all the way to the high mountains of Pyrenees for skiing lovers. Does Tarragona have good beaches? Year-round swimmable warm water beaches of Tarragona Spain are known for their Caribbean-like fine and golden sand that granted it the Costa Daurada (Golden Coast) name. It's the type beach where you can walk through and pace your way inside the mild water. If you prefer an affordable summer vacation in Spain to enjoy hot season swimming (June to September) then Tarragona is your holiday choice. October thru December, head for Alicante where the beaches water temperature stay warm that late in the Fall and early Winter. Is Tarragona expensive? Tarragona Spain is not as expensive as Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla or Malaga. Depends on how you live, you may save up to 1000 per month on rent and living expenses. Is Tarragona good for tourists? Your Tarragona Travel budget will be lower compared to other popular tourism places in Spain.
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europeas20 · 8 months
Escape to Menorca: 7 Days at White Sands Beach Club from €329 - Book Now!
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#MenorcaEscape #TurquoiseWatersMenorca #HiddenGemsMenorca #TranquilMenorca #ExploreMenorcaNow Uncover the Magic of Menorca: 7-day Getaway a White Sands Beach Club from only €329 - Reserve Your Retreat for a Memorable Experience. Grab The Deal
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Embark on an exceptional getaway by choosing this property, ensuring a stellar beginning with complimentary Wi-Fi available in every room.
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Nestled in the Es Mercadal area of Menorca, this strategically located property places you near captivating attractions and enticing dining choices. Make sure to explore the renowned Menorca Airport before concluding your stay. Garnering an impressive 4.5-star rating, this top-tier property offers guests exclusive access to on-site amenities like massage services, a restaurant, and a relaxing hot tub experience.
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Immerse yourself in the comfort of well-equipped rooms featuring complimentary Wi-Fi, enhancing your overall travel experience. Positioned in Es Mercadal, Menorca, our property provides convenient access to local points of interest and diverse dining options, ensuring a memorable stay. Don't miss the opportunity to discover Menorca Airport's unique charm, adding an extra layer of adventure to your visit. Recognized for its exceptional quality, this property boasts a remarkable 4.5-star rating, reflecting our commitment to providing guests with superior services and amenities.
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Elevate your stay with indulgent offerings, including on-site massage services, a tempting restaurant, and a luxurious hot tub, all contributing to a truly rejuvenating experience. Choose this high-quality property for a seamless blend of convenience, comfort, and top-notch amenities, setting the stage for an unforgettable Menorcan adventure.
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Travel Resources Hotels and Hostels Booking.com is available in 43 languages and offers more than 28 million reported accommodation listings, including over 6.6 million homes, apartments, and other unique places to stay. TripAdvisor is the world’s largest travel guidance platform. With more than 1 billion reviews and opinions of nearly 8 million businesses, travelers turn to Tripadvisor to find deals on accommodations, and book experiences. Klook is a booking platform on which travelers can book hotels, cars, tours and activities, tickets to attractions, and shows at great prices. Hotellook is a service that helps you find and compare prices on hotels around the world, provided by a leading reservation system. Today, Hotellook.com offered to put together information on more than 250,000 hotels in 205 countries. Hostelworld, the global hostel-focused online booking platform, inspires passionate travelers to see the world, meet new people, and come back with extraordinary stories to tell. Hostelworld has more than 13 million reviews across over 17,000 hostels in more than 179 countries, making the brand the leading online hub for social travel. WeGoTrip is an online service for booking audio excursions and tours on 35+ countries on different languages (mostly english). Travelers can take audio excursions created by professional tour guides and local experts. Tiqets’ innovative technology ensures that travelers can book tickets on their phone at the last minute, receive their tickets directly in a digital form, and show their mobile phones in place of physical tickets to museums, places of interest, and attractions. Offers available passes in Europe and the US.
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Car Rental You can find the best car rental prices at QEEQ.COM. QEEQ.COM serves road trip travellers from different countries by working with car rental companies all over the world. The company offers its customers the widest set of car rental options and always strives to offer the most competitive price Read the full article
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brookston · 8 months
Holidays 1.17
Apple Wassailing Day (Carhampton, UK)
Art’s Day (Robert Filliou)
Ben Franklin Day
Betty White Day
Cable Car Day
Carnivale begins (Italy)
Customer Service Day
Dia de la Divina Pastora Bank Holiday (Venezuela)
Ditch Your New Year's Resolutions Day
Drudge Day
Eartha Kitt Day (South Carolina)
Fire From the Sky
Hardware Freedom Day
International Mentoring Day
International We Are Not Broken Day
James Leonard Tagle Gordon Day (Philippines)
J.C. Penney Day
Judgment Day
Kid Inventors' Day
Lamb Chop Day
Make Your All-Time Top Ten TV Characters List
Martyrdom of Hazrat Fatemeh (Iran)
Menorca Day (Spain)
Military Industrial Complex Day
National Boxer Day
National Carolina Day
National Charlotte Day
National Classy Day
National Dairy Day (Thailand)
National Day of Racial Healing
National Feedback Day
National Lose the Jet Lag Day
National Public Employees Appreciation Day
National Puggle Day
National Ta Day
National We Are Not Broken Day
Old Twelfth Night (UK)
Operation Desert Storm Day
Patrice Lumumba (Heroes’ Day; Congo)
Photo Developing Day
Pig Day
Popeye Day
Professional Boxer's Day
Straying Toward the Path Day
World Lichen Sclerosus Awareness Day
Zinc Day (French Republic)
Zirgu Diena (Day of the Horses; Latvia)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Hot Buttered Rum Day
Hot Heads Chili Day
National Bootlegger’s Day
National Rye Whiskey Day
World Pizza Day
World Scotch Pie Day
3rd Wednesday in January
Museum Selfie Day [3rd Wednesday]
Weedless Wednesday [3rd Wednesday]
Independence & Related Days
Liberation Day (Poland)
Menorca National Day (Menorca, Spain; 1287)
Possession Day (South Georgia; South Sandwich Islands)
Festivals Beginning January 17, 2024
Feat Camp, featuring Little Feat (Cancun, Mexico) [thru 1.20]
Festival Télérama (Paris, France) [thru 1.20]
M1 Singapore Fringe Festival (Singapore) [thru 1.28]
Idaho Potato Conference (Pocatello, Idaho) [thru 1.18]
London Art Fair (London, UK) [thru 1.21]
Madfredonia Carnival (Madfredonia, Italy) [thru 2.18]
Massafra Carnival (Massafra, Italy) [thru 2.18]
M1 Singapore Fringe Festival (Singapore) [thru 1.28]
Montana Agricultural & Industrial Expo (Great Falls, Montana) [thru 1.19]
Northwest Agricultural Show (Salem, Oregon) [thru 1.19]
Northwest Hay Expo (Kennewick, Washington) [thru 1.18]
Patras Carnival (Patras, Greece) [thru 3.18]
Rijeka Carnival (Rijeka, Croatia) [thru 2.14]
Feast Days
A. B. Frost (Artology)
Amelbert (Christian; Blessed)
Anthony the Great (Christian; Saint)
Angelo Paoli, Blessed (Christian; Saint)
Black Bart (Muppetism)
Blessing of the Animals at the Cathedral Day (Hispanic Catholic Church; Mexico)
Benjamin Franklin (Humanism)
Charles Gore (Church of England)
Eugène Carrière (Artology)
Feast of Wagy (Ancient Egyptian Day of the Dead)
Felicitas (Old Roman Goddess of Good Luck)
Gamelbert of Michaelsbuch, Blessed (Christian; Saint)
International No Farting Day (Pastafarian)
Jenaro Sánchez Delgadillo (one of Saints of the Cristero War)
Meng-Tseu (Positivist; Saint)
Mildgytha (Christian; Saint)
Nennins (Christian; Saint)
Ogoun’s Day (Pagan)
Old Twelfth Night (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Our Lady of Pontmain (Christian; Saint)
Patras Carnival begins (until Clean Monday; Greece)
Pieter Van Bloemen (Artology)
Shakambharii Jayanti (a.k.a. Cher-Chhera Punni; Chhattisgarh, India)
Speusippus, Elcusippns, Meleusippns (Christian; Martyrs)
Sulpitius the Pious (Christian; Saint)
Sulpicins the Second (Christian; Saint)
Thaipusam (Tamil Nadu, India)
Thingfish Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Uzhavar Thirunal (Puducherry and Tamil Nadu, India)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Good Luck Day (Festival of Felicitas)
Prime Number Day: 17 [7 of 72]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [7 of 60]
The Adventures of the American Rabbit (Film; 1986)
The Air-Conditioned Nightmare, by Henry Miller (Essays; 1945)
Billions (TV Series; 2016)
Canoes Who? Or Look Before You Leak (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 16; 1960)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald Dahl (Novel; U.S. 1964)
The Cherry Orchard, by Anton Chekov (Play; 1904)
The Chocolate War, by Robert Cormier (Novel; 1974)
The Clan of the Cave Bear (Film; 1986)
A Coney Island of the Mind, by Lawrence Ferlinghetti (Poems; 1958)
Court and Spark, by Joni Mitchell (Album; 1974)
Drum Boogie, recorded by Gene Krupa (Song; 1941)
Dumb Like a Fox (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1964)
Everyone Says I Love You (Film; 1997)
Fraidy Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1942)
Freejack (Film; 1992)
Gone with the Wind (Film; 1939)
A Guy Thing (Film; 2003)
Heathcliffe: The Movie (Film; 1986)
Helter Shelter (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1955)
Hey There, It’s Yogi Bear (Animated Film; 1986)
The Idiot, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Novel; 1868)
In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote (True Crime Novel; 1966)
The Inspector-Detector or A Kick in the Plants (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 15; 1960)
Iron Eagle (Film; 1986)
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (Film; 2014)
Kickin’ the Conga ‘Round (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1942)
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (Animated TV Series; 1988)
The Nut Job (Film; 2014)
Ride Along (Film; 2014)
Seven Types of Ambiguity, by William Empson (Literary Criticism; 1930)
Snow Business (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
Sounds of Silence, by Simon & Garfunkel (Album; 1966)
South of No North, by Charles Bukowski (Poetry; 1973)
Toonerville Trolley (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1936)
A Town Like Alice, by Nevil Shute (Novel; 1950)
Today’s Name Days
Antonius, Beatrix (Austria)
Andon, Anton, Antonia, Dona, Doncho, Donka (Bulgaria)
Antun, Lavoslav, Marijan, Vojmil (Croatia)
Drahoslav (Czech Republic)
Antonius (Denmark)
Anto, Anton, Antu, Hando, Tõnis, Tõnn, Tõnno, Tõnu (Estonia)
Anton, Antto, Anttoni, Toni (Finland)
Roseline (France)
Anton, Rosalind (Germany)
Antonia, Antonios, Antonis (Greece)
Antal, Antónia (Hungary)
Alba, Antonio, Iole (Italy)
Tenis, Timotejs (Latvia)
Beatričė, Dovainis, Leonilė, Vilda (Lithuania)
Anton, Tønnes, Tony (Norway)
Antoni, Jan, Rościsław (Poland)
Antonie (Romania)
Nataša (Slovakia)
Antonio (Spain)
Anton, Tony (Sweden)
Anthony, Antoine, Antoinette, Anton, Antonia, Antonio, Antony, Antwan, Ben, Benita, Benito, Benjamin, Bennie, Benny, Toni, Tony (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 17 of 2024; 349 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 3 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 7 (Geng-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 7 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 6 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 17 White; Threesday [17 of 30]
Julian: 4 January 2024
Moon: 45%: 1st Quarter
Positivist: 17 Moses (1st Month) [Meng-Tseu]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 28 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 27 of 31)
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yesmariasantiagosfan · 8 months
Descubre las mejores rutas en Menorca para recorrer en coche de alquiler
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Menorca, la perla del Mediterráneo, es un destino idílico que ofrece una combinación perfecta de playas paradisíacas, encantadores pueblos y una naturaleza exuberante. Para descubrir todos los rincones de esta hermosa isla balear, alquilar un coche en Menorca es una opción ideal que te permitirá explorarla a tu propio ritmo y con total libertad. Con una amplia variedad de empresas de car hire Menorca, podrás encontrar el vehículo perfecto para tus necesidades y presupuesto. 
En el siguiente artículo descubrirás con nosotros las mejores rutas para recorrer en Menorca  y  disfrutar de una experiencia inolvidable.
Una de las rutas más impresionantes que puedes recorrer en coche alquilado es la que te lleva por la costa norte de la isla. Desde la capital, Mahón, puedes dirigirte hacia el encantador pueblo pesquero de Fornells, conocido por sus aguas cristalinas y deliciosa gastronomía. Continuando hacia el oeste, llegarás a la espectacular playa de Cavalleria, donde podrás disfrutar de un refrescante baño en sus aguas turquesas y contemplar las impresionantes vistas desde los acantilados cercanos.
Otra ruta que no te puedes perder para disfrutar en tu car hire Menorca, es la que te lleva por el interior de la isla, donde podrás descubrir pintorescos pueblos y paisajes rurales. Desde Ciutadella, puedes tomar la carretera que te lleva hacia el encantador pueblo de Ferreries, rodeado de colinas y valles verdes. Continuando hacia el sur, llegarás al idílico pueblo de Es Migjorn Gran, donde podrás detenerte a disfrutar de la tranquilidad del entorno y degustar la deliciosa gastronomía local.
Si eres amante de la naturaleza, es inevitable no recorrer de recorrer la ruta que te lleva por el Parque Natural de S’Albufera des Grau. Desde Mahón, toma la carretera que te lleva hacia el norte de la isla hasta llegar a este impresionante espacio natural protegido. Aquí podrás realizar caminatas por senderos rodeados de exuberante vegetación, avistar aves migratorias y disfrutar de la serenidad de sus lagunas.
Finalmente, no puedes dejar de recorrer la ruta con tu car hire Menorca que te lleva por las calas más impresionantes de Menorca. Alquila un coche en Menorca y dirígete hacia el sur de la isla, donde encontrarás algunas de las calas más hermosas y vírgenes de todo el Mediterráneo. Desde Cala Galdana hasta Cala Macarella, podrás disfrutar de aguas cristalinas, arena blanca y acantilados impresionantes.
Al alquilar un coche en Menorca, asegúrate de comparar precios y servicios entre las diferentes empresas de car hire Menorca para encontrar la opción que mejor se adapte a tus necesidades. Con un vehículo a tu disposición, podrás disfrutar al máximo de todas las maravillas que esta hermosa isla tiene para ofrecer.
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Holidays 1.17
Apple Wassailing Day (Carhampton, UK)
Art’s Day (Robert Filliou)
Ben Franklin Day
Betty White Day
Cable Car Day
Carnivale begins (Italy)
Customer Service Day
Dia de la Divina Pastora Bank Holiday (Venezuela)
Ditch Your New Year's Resolutions Day
Drudge Day
Eartha Kitt Day (South Carolina)
Fire From the Sky
Hardware Freedom Day
International Mentoring Day
International We Are Not Broken Day
James Leonard Tagle Gordon Day (Philippines)
J.C. Penney Day
Judgment Day
Kid Inventors' Day
Lamb Chop Day
Make Your All-Time Top Ten TV Characters List
Martyrdom of Hazrat Fatemeh (Iran)
Menorca Day (Spain)
Military Industrial Complex Day
National Boxer Day
National Carolina Day
National Charlotte Day
National Classy Day
National Dairy Day (Thailand)
National Day of Racial Healing
National Feedback Day
National Lose the Jet Lag Day
National Public Employees Appreciation Day
National Puggle Day
National Ta Day
National We Are Not Broken Day
Old Twelfth Night (UK)
Operation Desert Storm Day
Patrice Lumumba (Heroes’ Day; Congo)
Photo Developing Day
Pig Day
Popeye Day
Professional Boxer's Day
Straying Toward the Path Day
World Lichen Sclerosus Awareness Day
Zinc Day (French Republic)
Zirgu Diena (Day of the Horses; Latvia)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Hot Buttered Rum Day
Hot Heads Chili Day
National Bootlegger’s Day
National Rye Whiskey Day
World Pizza Day
World Scotch Pie Day
3rd Wednesday in January
Museum Selfie Day [3rd Wednesday]
Weedless Wednesday [3rd Wednesday]
Independence & Related Days
Liberation Day (Poland)
Menorca National Day (Menorca, Spain; 1287)
Possession Day (South Georgia; South Sandwich Islands)
Festivals Beginning January 17, 2024
Feat Camp, featuring Little Feat (Cancun, Mexico) [thru 1.20]
Festival Télérama (Paris, France) [thru 1.20]
M1 Singapore Fringe Festival (Singapore) [thru 1.28]
Idaho Potato Conference (Pocatello, Idaho) [thru 1.18]
London Art Fair (London, UK) [thru 1.21]
Madfredonia Carnival (Madfredonia, Italy) [thru 2.18]
Massafra Carnival (Massafra, Italy) [thru 2.18]
M1 Singapore Fringe Festival (Singapore) [thru 1.28]
Montana Agricultural & Industrial Expo (Great Falls, Montana) [thru 1.19]
Northwest Agricultural Show (Salem, Oregon) [thru 1.19]
Northwest Hay Expo (Kennewick, Washington) [thru 1.18]
Patras Carnival (Patras, Greece) [thru 3.18]
Rijeka Carnival (Rijeka, Croatia) [thru 2.14]
Feast Days
A. B. Frost (Artology)
Amelbert (Christian; Blessed)
Anthony the Great (Christian; Saint)
Angelo Paoli, Blessed (Christian; Saint)
Black Bart (Muppetism)
Blessing of the Animals at the Cathedral Day (Hispanic Catholic Church; Mexico)
Benjamin Franklin (Humanism)
Charles Gore (Church of England)
Eugène Carrière (Artology)
Feast of Wagy (Ancient Egyptian Day of the Dead)
Felicitas (Old Roman Goddess of Good Luck)
Gamelbert of Michaelsbuch, Blessed (Christian; Saint)
International No Farting Day (Pastafarian)
Jenaro Sánchez Delgadillo (one of Saints of the Cristero War)
Meng-Tseu (Positivist; Saint)
Mildgytha (Christian; Saint)
Nennins (Christian; Saint)
Ogoun’s Day (Pagan)
Old Twelfth Night (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Our Lady of Pontmain (Christian; Saint)
Patras Carnival begins (until Clean Monday; Greece)
Pieter Van Bloemen (Artology)
Shakambharii Jayanti (a.k.a. Cher-Chhera Punni; Chhattisgarh, India)
Speusippus, Elcusippns, Meleusippns (Christian; Martyrs)
Sulpitius the Pious (Christian; Saint)
Sulpicins the Second (Christian; Saint)
Thaipusam (Tamil Nadu, India)
Thingfish Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Uzhavar Thirunal (Puducherry and Tamil Nadu, India)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Good Luck Day (Festival of Felicitas)
Prime Number Day: 17 [7 of 72]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [7 of 60]
The Adventures of the American Rabbit (Film; 1986)
The Air-Conditioned Nightmare, by Henry Miller (Essays; 1945)
Billions (TV Series; 2016)
Canoes Who? Or Look Before You Leak (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 16; 1960)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald Dahl (Novel; U.S. 1964)
The Cherry Orchard, by Anton Chekov (Play; 1904)
The Chocolate War, by Robert Cormier (Novel; 1974)
The Clan of the Cave Bear (Film; 1986)
A Coney Island of the Mind, by Lawrence Ferlinghetti (Poems; 1958)
Court and Spark, by Joni Mitchell (Album; 1974)
Drum Boogie, recorded by Gene Krupa (Song; 1941)
Dumb Like a Fox (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1964)
Everyone Says I Love You (Film; 1997)
Fraidy Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1942)
Freejack (Film; 1992)
Gone with the Wind (Film; 1939)
A Guy Thing (Film; 2003)
Heathcliffe: The Movie (Film; 1986)
Helter Shelter (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1955)
Hey There, It’s Yogi Bear (Animated Film; 1986)
The Idiot, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Novel; 1868)
In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote (True Crime Novel; 1966)
The Inspector-Detector or A Kick in the Plants (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 15; 1960)
Iron Eagle (Film; 1986)
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (Film; 2014)
Kickin’ the Conga ‘Round (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1942)
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (Animated TV Series; 1988)
The Nut Job (Film; 2014)
Ride Along (Film; 2014)
Seven Types of Ambiguity, by William Empson (Literary Criticism; 1930)
Snow Business (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
Sounds of Silence, by Simon & Garfunkel (Album; 1966)
South of No North, by Charles Bukowski (Poetry; 1973)
Toonerville Trolley (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1936)
A Town Like Alice, by Nevil Shute (Novel; 1950)
Today’s Name Days
Antonius, Beatrix (Austria)
Andon, Anton, Antonia, Dona, Doncho, Donka (Bulgaria)
Antun, Lavoslav, Marijan, Vojmil (Croatia)
Drahoslav (Czech Republic)
Antonius (Denmark)
Anto, Anton, Antu, Hando, Tõnis, Tõnn, Tõnno, Tõnu (Estonia)
Anton, Antto, Anttoni, Toni (Finland)
Roseline (France)
Anton, Rosalind (Germany)
Antonia, Antonios, Antonis (Greece)
Antal, Antónia (Hungary)
Alba, Antonio, Iole (Italy)
Tenis, Timotejs (Latvia)
Beatričė, Dovainis, Leonilė, Vilda (Lithuania)
Anton, Tønnes, Tony (Norway)
Antoni, Jan, Rościsław (Poland)
Antonie (Romania)
Nataša (Slovakia)
Antonio (Spain)
Anton, Tony (Sweden)
Anthony, Antoine, Antoinette, Anton, Antonia, Antonio, Antony, Antwan, Ben, Benita, Benito, Benjamin, Bennie, Benny, Toni, Tony (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 17 of 2024; 349 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 3 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 7 (Geng-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 7 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 6 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 17 White; Threesday [17 of 30]
Julian: 4 January 2024
Moon: 45%: 1st Quarter
Positivist: 17 Moses (1st Month) [Meng-Tseu]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 28 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 27 of 31)
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binicarsmenorca · 5 months
Car hire in Mahon Airport | Binicars
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bodyhate · 1 year
I, of course, imagine listening to this while driving in a car with the windows down on a summer night, feeling the breeze in your body, not having to worry about traffic or being late or on time. Just driving for the pleasure of it (which usually only happens in Menorca)
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laksh34 · 2 years
One of the biggest benefits of renting a scooter
Scooter rentals might save you money and reduce your need for fuel if you are on a tight budget. Since a scooter has a much smaller fuel tank than a car, it is much cheaper to fill up. The money you have left over can be used for other things.
Ideal for Enjoying the View:
Beautiful Menorca is an island. The spectacular vistas on the island may be seen better while riding high on a scooter than they can while seated in a car. You can also travel on the less used, winding roads that local transportation cannot use.
Simple to park and ride:
One of the biggest benefits of renting a scooter
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