#Mentioned Lilith
hazbin-hotlee37 · 5 months
Lee Adam and Ler Eve? Your version of her?
In the beginning
Lee!Adam, Ler!Eve
“Hey, dear. You okay?” The “first” woman asks with a slight concern, looking at her “Husband”. Even though they both came to the conclusion that they weren’t in love, neither minded, they still care for each other in the end. It was just a little… Awkward, considering they were supposed to… “Populate” the Earth.
“I’m fine, Eve…” The first man mutters, looking over the lake, looking at the ducks… Where he and Lucifer used to hang out and just… have fun. Until that fucking snake went behind his back and-! Shit…
“You’re thinking about.. Him again aren’t you?” Eve asks, sitting down next to Adam, placing her hand on his shoulder.
“Kinda hard not to… It happened a week ago…” Adam mutters with a sigh, “The worst part is… It’s not even Lilith I’m upset about losing…”
“I guess… Considering how you’ve described her…” She says, feeling bad for her “husband”. Looking down at the ducks and the lake…
Until she heard… giggling? Eve looked up and over at Adam and noticed one of the ducklings on his shoulder, nuzzling against his ear and neck, making the man snicker.
“You’re… ticklish?” Eve asks with a slight excitement, since Adam has certainly attacked her during her time on Earth. Now, it was time for a little… Payback. (And a pick me up)
“Ihi’m nahat-” Adam tried to protest, but Eve carefully moved the duckling, so he wouldn’t get hurt, then dug her fingers into the first man’s sides. Her eyes lit up at the adorable squeak it caused.
“Aww! That was precious” The “first” woman cooed as she continued his playful assault.
“Eheheve! H-Heheheyyy-! Stahahap ihit- *Snort!*” 
“Aww! You sound like the pigletsss!! Soo cutee! Clearly Lucifer and Lilith missed out!” 
“D-Dohohont sahahay thahaht-! *Snort!* Ihihi-” A blush over took the first man’s face as he tried to get away, while not trying to hurt Eve.
“I’ll say all I want! Because you can’t stop me~ Gosh, you are just adorable!”
“You- Youhohou’re khihilling *Snort!* mehehehe-! Ehehek!”
“Hmm… Okay, the fallen were right about one thing… You are SOOOOO dramatic! But… Fine!” Eve says as she stops her attack, having to hold back from cooing as Adam collapsed into a puddle of giggles.
“Ehehevil! A-Ahand cruel-!” Adam accused playfully, pointing at Eve, “Ihi’ll get you fohor this-!”
“Mhm, suure you will, buddy~”
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More than Anything
Adam: LUTE PLEASE!!! You don’t understand, You can’t go the Heavenly council about this, they don’t listen they never listen
Lute: We don’t know that for sure!
Adam: YOU don’t know that, but I do!
Adam turns away from Lute so his daughter won’t see his tears
Adam: You didn’t know back in Eden, I tried it all before, but I just couldn’t defend him, and in the end, I can’t lose it all again.
Adam looks at Lute as intrusive thoughts make him see Lute impaled by angelic steel holding it is Lilith with her wicked smile. Gently he takes Lute into her arms while wrapping his wings around her in a protective hold
Adam: Now you’re one of the few worth fighting for! More than anything, more than anything! I’ll shelter and adore you more than anything.
Lute sighs as she slowly moves away and looks Adam right in the eye
Lute: Adam, I don’t need you to protect me, if anything I’m the one who needs to protect YOU!
Adam: I, I just can’t see you hurt like…like I was
Lute: Dad, back then I didn’t really know you at all
flash back showing a younger Lute back in Heaven looking curiously at Adam who was gardening in his own personal spot
Lute: I always felt so small
Adam noticing her gives her a warm smile as he beckons her over. Lute looks unsure at first but then makes her way over to him and takes a knee at his side
Lute: but I heard the stories back on Earth and I was enthralled
Adam shows her the plant he’s tending to as he reminisces oh how he and his family used to harvest these specific ones as offerings to the Angels
Lute: The tales about your memories I listen breathlessly, imagine they could be with me
Lute suddenly sees herself on Earth with Adam doing all those chores with him, him picking her up, holding her if she got hurt, covering her with hugs and affection like he did with his kids. Blushing she shakes herself away from those soft weak thoughts. Suddenly Lilith appears and harshly grabs Adam by the arm taking him away
Lute: so, in the end it’s the view I had of you that showed me love was worth fighting for!
Lute looks conflicted but Adam shakes his head and gives her a reassuring smile before he and Lilith were out of sight leaving the angelic soldier alone with her thoughts.
Lute: more than anything, more than anything! I need to protect this family more than anything!
Adam feels fresh tears start to sting his eyes over the fact that he sees the both of them as family, but this time their tears of happiness.
Adam: It was so amazing to get to know who you are.
Lute: I feel the same way
Adam: the apple sure doesn’t fall far..
Lute playfully puts a hand on her hip while rolling her eyes
Lute: took you a while
Adam: there’s that smile.
Adam and Lute: all that I’m hoping, now that my eyes are open, is that we can start again, never be pulled apart again!
Both father and daughter take each others hands as their wings unfurl as they take to the sky
Adam and Lute: So, in the end you helped me make me who I am!
Adam: I’ll support your dreams whatever lies in store!
Lute feels tears of happiness form in her eyes.
Lute: And who could ask for more?
Adam and Lute: More than anything, more than anything, more than anything, I’m grateful you're my father/daughter more than anything!!!
gently the two fall gracefully on the ground wrapped in a tight embrace.
Adam and Lute: more than anything .
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spacebubblehomebase · 4 months
"Meet The Magnes."
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Happy PRIDE Month, everyone!!! And because it is the month of Pride, I found it very fitting to post about the family that best represent it. 😉 Sorry I have nothing for Radioapple week, you guys. Between working on my #HHStargazersAU and other school projects, I might just go INSANE. Haha! I know there's a lot of info, but while a lot of these seem random, I assure y'all that there will be explanations for them in the future. I'm leading y'all up to something fun! Besides that, Bonus fact: Lucius is a diehard Chaggie shipper. Happy to have this pretty future daughter-in-law for his perfect baby girl. (He's just like me fr. 😩🤌🤌) Also, I realized that with the scale of my usual world building, ya'll will have to do a fair bit of reading in the future. So from now on, consider this AU as more of an "Artfic" than just comics. It's format ever changing to suit this and that part of my story. My very own passion project! (Lore drops go brr-) I hope that's okay? -Bubbly💙
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demonictacobeard · 7 months
Lilith, surprised when Adam’s contact picture shows up on her phone: Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re supposed to be dead aren’t you? I felt the deal break months ago
Adam, who got sick of his and Lucifer’s UST last night and made a move: I mostly lived bitch, I just had to ask YOU PICKED THE BORING ASS BEACHES OF PURGATORY OVER SEX WITH THAT MAN FOR THE REST OF ETERNITY? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!
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rinpin · 4 months
✨LILITH✨ is getting her own book with Vault Comics!
My character LILITH will finally be getting a comic series with Vault Comics! And we have something a little special for you guys B)
If you sign up with our reader campaign (🔗 above 👆), you’ll get the first issue free when the campaign kicks off! No need to pay for anything! You’ll get updates on the project and even have a chance to get some exclusives that we have planned. :3
But, honestly, thank you guys! I hope you all enjoy my little goil and her demon cat! ❤️
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divine0rdainment · 3 months
Operation Replace Lilith AU
Adam dies at the end of season one and ends up back in the begining, as in back to when he was in the garden after being freshly created. Lilith is also there with him. And in a panic, he runs off in to the deeper parts of Eden to clear his head. When he's come to realize what's happened, he thinks about life and all his regrets, one of those regrets being that he suffered a lot and got very little reward. Honestly, Lilith kinda got the better end of the deal, she got a husband, a kid, a long life, and in the end, she even got to go to heaven after making a deal! So even tho she did all this bad she STILL got rewarded.
While Adam basicly ate an apple because his wife asked him to, got sent to earth, starved alot, got hurt alot, lost two sons in horrible ways, grew old and died, went to heaven, got bored of heaven real quick, got condescended to by the angels (Cough cough SERA), became an exterminator, was constantly ordered around by Sera, and then DIED AGAIN FOR DOING AS HE WAS TOLD, AFTER GETTING THE SHIT BEAT OUT OF HIM BY LUCIFER AND THEN STABBED BY A BUG!!!
NO, he would not be doing that again. So he makes a plan, he is going to take Liliths place! He's gonna seduce Lucifer, be the one to go to hell with Lucifer, become a king beside Lucifer, and then later be welcomed in to hell like Lilith was after popping out one kid. (He'd figure out how that would work later. Probebly magic.) And then live happily ever after after by abandoning his husband and child like Lilith did, and live the good afterlife!
Plan made, he goes out and waits for when Lucifer shows up. Still ignoring Lilith of course, much to the woman's anger. She doesn't know what she did wrong, but it's making her mad that he won't even TALK to her. Also Adam is inventing things, like clothing out of Sheep wool, and strings and ropes and baskets and even figuring out how to make spices already. So the angels are a bit confused. They thought it would take humans longer to learn this stuff. But here Adam was, building a house out of mud, trees, and rocks, making an Axe out of a sharpened rock ans a long stick and rope.
Lucifer is so fascinated he actually comes down to visit Adam to ask how he figured out to make all this, and Adams plan starts. Too bad the only flirting Adam knows is very sexual flirting that an angel wouldn't get. And the fact that Adam keeps using slang from the 90s-2000s, and Lucifer doesn't understand half the shit he says! But he's trying! The real problem is, Lucifer seems to be the one doing the seducing by complementing Adam all the time for the smallest thing, and always touching Adams arms and shoulder and hair, and holding his hand without reason, and looking him in the eye like Adam holds the stars up himself. Fuck. Adam! Head in the game! You will NOT fall for Lucifer! This is your second chance!!! Your last chance to have the good life! You can't risk it by accidently liking him!!! Hell, your not even gay!!!
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awakefor48hours · 1 year
The Owl House is great because it’s a show where an aroace woman decks a fascist colonizer in the face so hard his nose is broken forever.
Later, said fascist gets beaten into a puddle of goo by a god-like being with he/they pronouns.
Then in the finale, he gets beaten half to death by the ADHD, afro-Latina, gender nonconforming, openly bisexual, protagonist.
Then when he actually dies, it’s because he was boiled alive by the same god-like being that he used to oppress people then was promptly stomped to death by a Latin nonbinary, a bisexual woman who’s an amputee with chronic fatigue, and another god-like being that reproduces asexually.
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itsnicsalad · 1 year
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not really how i picture their hexside dynamic but i thought this was cute <3
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This was funnier in my head
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mrfleshwizard · 2 months
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Lucifer didn't even bother to talk to Adam about his behavior. "How do you know that he didn't?" Becouse in that book on the start there was NO mention that. The whole point of that story was to show Lucifer in the pure white light (you cannot concived me otherwise). If he did talk to Adam, he would mention it in the book, but he didn't. If he did do it than why he wouldn't mention it? That would make him look even better. So, yeah, he probably didn't.
"But Adam wouldn't listen-" Maybe becouse you banged his wife? I also wouldn't listen to person who my "wife" had affair with. He could try harder. You could take a form of the animal, just help Eve and Adam. Adam was literal child with adult body. He didn't know right from wrong. He needed an right teacher and Lucifer was an AUTHORITY. A fucking authority. He's job was to help humans and take care of them as a person who is older (just like the other angels) but no? Why he should do that? He's Lucifer after all! The biggest victim of the world!
Lucifer never cared about Eve. He humiliated her to make fun of Adam. (woah how mature/s) He couldn't came up with something different becouse OR he doesn't know her at all OR he doesn't know Adam at all. There are only two options.
"He refrence to the apple!" It's even worse. Imagine how Eve would felt? How SHE would felt that man who RUINED her life and her children lives and all humans life uses her like some trophy to her husband face. Eve was blamed for fall of the humanity even of it wasn't really her fault and that fucker made it worse.
That monster is responsible for every war, every illness, every death, every crime and he so proud of it. If was him I couldn't look on the minor after what I have done to innocents, how many people Die nervously of my selfhness let alone be proud of it. There nothing to be proud of.
He didn't get any punishment at all. He was rewarded. He got his wife, he give humanity a "free will" (even if they had it before), he got whole fucking kingdom, he became a KING, he became powerful, but I guess he too lazy to take care of it. He really must hate doing his duties or whatever that is spelled. (english isn't my first language) But he cries about hE dIdN't NoThInG wRoNg! Like dude you did EVERYTHING wrong. You're all existence is wrong. But no! YOU ARE THE VICTIM! YOU AND NOT ADAM OR EVE WHO HAD HUNDRED TIMES WORSE. WHOSE CHILDREN PAINFULLY DIE. And I'm not talking about Cain and Abel only. They probably had more children that Die becouse... come on, they live in the wild, they were the first parents. Starvetion, wild animals, infections, illness, accidents, cold and who knows? Maybe even sucide. Lucifer never lost a child Adam and Eve lost at least two. AT LEAST TWO.
Adam and Eve suffer starvetion, the very cold winter, they were forced to kill animals who they been friends with. Eve give birth without doctors when Lilith probably had many. Adam had to work as a farmer Lucifer never worked, at least he never was forced too.
Lucifer have a life who many of people want to have, but he doesn't care.
Adam and Eve got worse punishment than Lucifer and he acts like he is the victim.
"But his family-" They did a good thing.
Lucifer deserved to fall. Not Lilith becouse she was a CHILD WITH ADULT BODY. But Lucifer? He absolutely did.
Also can we talk how ugly he is? He supposed to be the beautiful but he a fucking abumimation. Does his power is to kill people with his ugly ass face?
I don't understand how people like him. I want him dead. That's not even a joke. I Hope Lilith will be a villain and leave his ugly ass. She deserved better than him. Everybody does.
I don't care that he likes ducks. Fuck his ducks I want them also dead. I would tell him how male ducks copulate with female ducks (they are kind a like dolphins) only to ruin his day.
If feel bad for the cocktails or something like that. You know the birds who are comperad to the Lucifer? I feel bad for them. They deserved do much, so much better than being comperad to that freak.
I'm serious. I want that poor excuse of an devil dead. Like very dead-dead. Like he wouldn't come back.
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kittenfangirl20 · 2 months
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If you ever wonder why I make Hazbin Hotel Lilith a villain, just look at what Lilith did to Adam in the story of Lilith. I think it is fair to say I don’t have a good opinion about Lilith. I am also very protective of Hazbin Hotel Adam.
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toiletpudding · 1 month
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Done 👌😌
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spacebubblehomebase · 4 months
Hello! So I have a question about your HHstargazer au. Was Charlie upset when Lillian and Lucious divorce, and is she still upset?
Have a wonderful day!!
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When it comes to Charlie's reaction to the divorce, you know how she is. She's more likely to be affected by the feelings of the people around her rather than just concentrating on her own worries. Her mom had long been growing distant from them, so she was hardly surprised. Lilian looked rather assured of her choices and Charlie could adjust. It was just nice to see her mom look freed. Like she could start anew and be excited for it. But her father... Her poor father- Lucius -took it hard. She's always been closer to her upbeat dad than Lilian. But there was a period of time after everything was finalized that her dad just... shut off. From everyone and as close as they were before that, this hurt Charlie more than anything. More than the divorce even! She basically had to grow up relying on herself for 4 years. Without the power and influence her canon self had. (Which surprisingly made her less naive than canon Charlie. Experiencing all of humanity as a human herself without being sheltered and without bias. Both the good and the bad laid unfiltered before her.) Charline's dad was physically there, but he was barely holding on enough to be called emotionally or mentally present in her life. It was an awkward period for them and Charlie was only beginning to develop herself then too. She was basically the Octavia to Lucius' Stolas. Her temperment easily affected by mood swings and hormones like most teenagers. A sensitive, broody, and confused mess, both Magnes were. It was only when the father and daughter duo broke down their walls and reaffirmed how much they needed and missed each other that everything started changing again, but for the better. It was also at this time that they would later hire a most eccentric host into their home who calls himself Alastor. Hope this helps ya! ^v^
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l3viat8an · 5 months
What are some of your favorite obey me theories
Okay- I’ve gotta be honest…I’m more of a hcs ‘n making shit up kinda person hsjshsj
so there aren’t many theories that I actually like- or the ones I really did like were already disproven 💔
That being said; I still like the theory that Barbatos is nightbringer. even if it’s basically been disproven- it would be such an interesting plot twist!!! and there are a few posts on here that still make it sound pretty convincing.
The only other one that I can think of that I really do love is that; Luke was born from Lilith’s emotions. (basically the same way Lucifer ‘had Satan’.) when Lilith died as an angel, her caring and stubbornness turned into a whole new little Angel!!- (Luke.) which is also why Simeon cares so much for Luke, he couldn’t save Lilith- so he’s determined to protect luke. Even if it ends up being the other way around sometimes skjsks
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teartra · 1 year
I love the fact that Amity is confirmed to be a history nerd in the epilogue despite never being shown any interest of history in the show. I wish the crew could’ve shown more of it since it tells the audience that interest, knowledge, and talent can be gained at no matter how old you are as long as you’re willing to learn and explore it.
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sunsetcougar · 2 months
Biotech AU!
So after the barracks are raided the exorcists are moved into a section of Raphael’s hospital to be triaged and treated, and it goes… okay? Most of the exorcists just do what they’re told, but there’s a couple who need to be constantly monitored and restrained because they’re actively fighting to commit suicide under orders to dispose of themselves. Raphael and the doctors don’t want to risk just ripping their halos away in case they end up with more comatose exorcists like Lute, who is yet to show signs of waking and whose soul is still at risk of fading.
Lilith is also brought to the hospital, though she’s among the handful who had to be sedated due to the fact that she’d already injured and was attempting to kill Sera, despite being chained. (Yeah nearly two centuries of isolation was kinda driving her a bit nuts.)
Once they have things settled enough everyone's not constantly rushing around, Raphael has to contact Lucifer and tell him about Lilith. By this point Charlie and Vaggie were finally allowed to return to Hell, but Lucifer is still running off of the stress of that, so hearing about Lilith just makes him very nearly break down completely.
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