#Mentioned philza
potatonugget7 · 4 months
You Are My Sunshine
Chapter 1 of my new QSMP borrower AU. Also posted on AO3.
TWs: Fear of death, blood and injuries, a scary owl. 3.6k words.
Tubbo never seemed to learn his lesson when it came to trusting humans. Yet there he was, fleeing yet another home. This time though, he had a child with him. Yeah, he adopted a child. Considering he was still *kind of* a kid himself, maybe it wasn't the greatest idea, but it was too late for that now, they were inseparable like glue. Now it was Tubbo and Sunny against the world! Plus she shared his love for coffee! When he was her age, he wasn't allowed coffee, so Tubbo was *pretty sure* he was doing a fine job.
Hopefully this new house wouldn't have such weird and nosy humans.
Thunder rumbled in the dusk coloured sky overhead, followed by smaller cracks and flashes of bright light as it stormed. It was spring, the season of heavy rain and occasionally snow; also known as the perfect formula for hypo-fucking-thermia. Tubbo grimaced as the rain continued to beat down on them mercilessly, another heavy drop of freezing cold water crashing down on his head as he and Sunny trudged through a muddy forest of unkempt grass blades. It would be night soon. The sun was setting already, which meant the temperature would be dropping further and dangerous predators would be out hunting.
“Sunny, remember what I said? Stick close to me so we can share the umbrella,” he chattered out and Sunny nodded, squeezing his hand tighter.
All things considered, the leaf they were using as an umbrella wasn’t very effective. They were both drenched, covered in mud and dirt. Tubbo had tried to keep her out of the mud when it first started raining, but he couldn’t carry her and the bags. He cursed under his breath, squinting up at the darkening sky. It was just not their lucky day. Correction; not their lucky week.
They had to move on short notice; in the middle of the night, which then led to walking all day. Humans travelled much faster than borrowers could and Tubbo wanted to put as much distance between them and their previous ‘house mate’. For hours they trekked through forests of overgrown grass, across plateaus of dirt and brick. Along shores of large ponds and watering holes. He was certain that by now, they must’ve travelled at least a ‘city block’ as the humans called them. 
It should be far enough. He hoped it was far enough. His legs ached and his feet were numb with cold. Tubbo wasn’t sure if it was his own exhaustion, or the rain weighing them down, but the bags felt so much heavier.
He paused as he felt a tug on his hand. Sunny had stopped and dropped the leaf-umbrella, a strained wheeze escaping her as she clutched her chest. 
“Sunny?” Tubbo dropped the bags and crouched down in front of her, putting his hands on her shoulders. “Are you okay?”
Sunny tried to nod as she coughed dryly, a pained look on her face. The poor girl had lung problems. Tubbo was pretty sure it was called asthma. It couldn’t be cured as far as he knew. He did everything he could; taught her calming breathing exercises and upon hearing that coffee supposedly could help, he started making it more often. However he wasn’t exactly sure how accurate that information was, considering its source was Pierre. Though he did quickly learn that Sunny shouldn’t have more than one cup a day or else she would be bouncing off the walls for hours. Sometimes it got really bad though, especially in the spring and all he could really do was hold her hand.
“Just stay calm princess, you’ve got this. If it hurts you can squeeze my hand, okay?” he whispered calmly, taking her hand gently.
Sunny nodded again and squeezed his hand tight. She had described the feeling to him before. 
‘I feel all tight and like the air is being squeezed out of me.’ she had explained.
“Try and pretend you’re smelling some tulips, or maybe some coffee? Take a nice deep breath,” Tubbo said quietly, giving her the most reassuring smile he could muster.
A few minutes later, Sunny was able to reign it in again, but it felt like hours. Sitting there in the chilly air, getting battered by raindrops as he held his daughter’s hands. Unfortunately the rain didn’t set with the sun and as a bolt of lightning shattered the velvety sky, both borrowers jumped in fright.
“Pa…” Sunny tugged on his hand, frowning up at the sky as thunder rumbled loudly overhead. “Can we please stop here? I’m tired… and it’s really muddy and dirty.” 
The smaller borrower kicked at the dirt with her muddy boots, a foul look on her face. Sunny wasn’t a typical child. While most borrowers her age would love to be playing in the dirt and enjoying the outdoors, Sunny would rather stay inside and count her collection of bits and bobs. Tubbo didn’t mind though. It brought him peace of mind to know Sunny was safe at home, waiting for him to bring her back whatever shiny new trinket he’d come across on his latest borrowing trip.
“I know Suns, I know,” he looked around, squinting past the tall grass blades around them.
They were about halfway across a particularly overgrown backyard. The house it belonged to stood tall in the distance. From what Tubbo could see it did have a back porch, standing on sleek, dark wooden beams, with a grate of sorts that wrapped all the way around. It would be the perfect place to make camp for the night.
“This umbrella sucks,” the small girl huffed, motioning to the leaf they were using. “I miss my parasol.” 
Tubbo sighed. Regrettably, they had left it behind and he didn’t have the heart to tell her that it would’ve been useless anyway. Being made of paper, it would’ve been ruined in a few minutes of being out in the rain.
“Well maybe I can find you another one once it’s warmer out. I think the humans like to put them in their fancy… erm, barbeque drinks,” he gave her the most cheerful smile he could muster in the moment.
“Can you make it shiny pa?” Sunny asked with a hopeful smile.
Clearly she was in a much better mood already when it came to being promised new things. Tubbo felt a small weight lift off his shoulders at the sight of Sunny's smile. The weather was gloomy enough as it was, they didn't need either of them bringing the mood down any further.
“I guess I could reinforce it with some aluminium?” Tubbo smiled back at her, but it was a mask to hide his own gloom.
He had left behind… well, just about everything. His workshop, his machines and inventions, his materials. It would take years to rebuild both the workshop and his collection, assuming their new home would even have what he needed. Tubbo didn’t think human engineers were very common, and certainly not living on the same street. Disclaimer; he had no evidence to back that up, it was just a hunch . Honestly they'd be lucky to even find an abandoned borrowers’ hovel, let alone an available home with a proper forge setup.
“Oh…” Sunny visibly deflated, pouting at the ground as they trudged through the squelchy mud.
It felt like a punch to the gut.
“Poppetttttttttttttt… please don't make that face. It can't be helped for now, I'm sorry,’” Tubbo drawled out.
Squinting through the downpour, Tubbo could see they were almost to the human house which this yard belonged to. The structure was impossibly large, its rooftop easily grazing the skies as it towered over the small borrowers. The grass was getting thinner as they got closer to the building. Instead, large, flat stones were embedded into the dirt. Weeds were fighting to break through the cracks, between the tiles and several puddles of water turned the path into some kind of stoney bog.
They were so close to the porch now; all they had to do was cross the stone terrace. The whole thing made Tubbo nervous. Something in the back of his mind told him that if something bad was going to happen on this trip, it should happen sometime around now. There was almost no cover on the stone plateau, save for a few overgrown dandelions and upturned stone bricks, but he would hardly call that cover. If any birds spotted them, it would be so joever. 
“Welp, up we go Suns,” Tubbo hauled himself up onto the stone, his muscles aching and sore from exhaustion.
 “Pa, can we have avocado soup for dinner?” she asked as Tubbo reached down and pulled her up too.
“Sure…” he replied quietly, taking her hand as they began crossing the stone terrace.
In all honesty, he really just wanted to get to sleep. Unfortunately that's just what parenting was, it seemed. Tubbo was a little worried about a fire. Even a small one could draw unwanted attention. The brunet glanced up at the house ahead of them.
He didn’t see any lights on, but what if they somehow smelled the smoke and woke up? He couldn’t just feed Sunny cold soup though. For one, she wouldn’t eat it cold to begin with. Two, she needed to warm up or she might catch a cold! A sick child was the last thing he needed right now. Tubbo really hoped these humans ate avocados at least.
“Hey Princess… um, I just want to warn you. I might not be able to get you avocados anymore…” he said slowly, trying his damndest to avoid eye contact.
Sunny paused midstep, letting go of his hand. She looked up at him with a blank face, but Tubbo could see fire in her eyes.
“Well it’s just…” Tubbo crouched down in front of her, placing his hands on her shoulders. “Avocados aren’t super common I don’t think. When I was your age I’d never even heard of them before.”
“Really..?” Sunny asked with a look of awe and horror on her face, like she couldn’t begin to comprehend life without avocados.
“Yeah,” he stood back up, a sorrowful expression on his face.
“Well- what about- what about coffee?” the younger borrower asked in a desperate voice.
“No, I think coffee is universal–” Tubbo paused, feeling goosebumps prickling down his spine.
Lightning cracked through the air and the flash of light revealed a shadow on the ground. His eyes widened in panic and he let out a gasp. Quickly, he grabbed Sunny and threw himself to the side, hugging her tight. 
A pair of talons crashed down where they had been just seconds ago. A piercing ache jolted down his arm as his shoulder slammed into the stone, taking the brunt of the fall. Tubbo bit his tongue, swallowing back a pained cry. Now that the adrenaline was pumping, he barely noticed the dull throbbing in his shoulder.
“Pa?!” Sunny cried, her eyes wide with terror. 
An owl towered over them, its grey and brown serrated feathers having made it virtually silent. It looked like a demon, with its massive glowing yellow orbs and feathery horns. Tubbo had seen one in action once. It swooped down on a field mouse with terrifying accuracy and snatched it up into the air. The poor mouse never had a chance.
He didn’t answer her as he scrambled to his feet. The owl recovered quickly too, flapping its wings wildly as it swiped at them with its talons again. Tubbo darted to the side, dragging Sunny with him, dropping some of the bags.
“What is that?!” the younger brunette practically squeaked.
“An owl–” Tubbo breathed out, shuddering as the owl's head turned a hundred and thirty degrees, staring directly at them.
Terrifyingly silent, the owl sprung at them again and Tubbo scooped Sunny up with his good arm, the adrenaline pumping through his veins giving him abnormal strength. The brunet vaulted over a slanted stone tile, feeling the wind rush passed them as the owl jabbed its beak into the stone. He ignored both the pain in his injured arm, and Sunny’s snot soaking into his shirt. The poor girl had her arms wrapped tightly around his neck as she shook, her face buried in his shirt.
He sprinted as fast as his legs would carry him, jolts of pain travelling up his ankles every time his shoes slammed into the hard stone. They were almost there. Tubbo wouldn’t let either of them get eaten by an overgrown finch right before reaching their new camp.
“Suns we have to be- very quiet,” he heaved out, the cold air making his lungs ache. “O-okay?”
“Mhm,” Sunny whimpered.
Daring a glance over his shoulder, Tubbo realised he didn’t see the owl anymore. A wave of anxiety washed over him and a pit formed in his stomach. It must’ve flown back to wherever it had been perching before it jumped them. They were lucky the first time when the lightning struck and Tubbo managed to catch a glimpse of the shadow. He didn’t think it would happen twice.
He stopped to catch his breath, and squinted up at the dark sky; it wasn’t circling above them. Tubbo turned his gaze to the shrubs and trees around the backyard, scanning the tall towering fences and the nearby houses. He didn’t see the owl anywhere though. 
“Okay Sunny… I- I don’t want to scare you–” he started, setting the younger borrower back down on the stone. 
“Pa… that was already really scary,” Sunny interrupted.
Tubbo took a deep breath, his legs shaking from the adrenaline. The pain was starting to really set in, and the cold and the damp really didn’t help either. Looking over at the porch, he could see how the skirt was made of wooden plants. The planks created a criss-cross pattern, with holes too small for any creature bigger than a small rabbit. The owl wouldn’t be able to get them there. 
He gently took her hand again and began walking across the stone plateau once more.
‘At least the rain had stopped…’
“I know, but that owl might still come back. So we need to get under the porch, quickly and quietly. We’re gonna set up camp there,” he explained, helping her jump over a crack where a dandelion had challenged the tiles and won.
“Finally…” Sunny yawned.
“Sunny. Kid. You are way too nonchalant for someone who just nearly got snatched by an owl,” Tubbo deadpanned.
“I thought you didn't want to scare me,” she stated, a blank expression on her face.
“...” they stared at each other in silence for a moment. 
“Look– you know how fragile my ego is.” deep down though, Tubbo was happy she was so quick to recover.
Sunny rolled her eyes, letting out a scoff. Tubbo went to clutch his chest dramatically in betrayal– but let out a pained yelp, quickly remembering that he had an injured shoulder. The cheeky look on the younger borrower’s face turned to sympathy when she noticed.
“Does your arm hurt Pa?” she asked, gently tugging on it.
“Uh, yeah. So please don’t pull on it,” Tubbo grimaced.
“Sorry,” Sunny mumbled.
Relief washed over him as they finally crossed over to the last stone tile. Tubbo breathed a sigh of reprieve as he shoved aside an overgrown dandelion stem. He didn’t notice the owl was back until he was slammed into the stone. 
His brain buffered, taking a second to catch up before he realised what had happened. Sharp talons pinned him to the ground, digging into his arms and Tubbo let out an agonizing wail. He squirmed, pushing up against the owl’s superior strength. However even with the adrenaline pumping through his veins he was no match for a massive, hungry bird of prey.
“Go! Sunny hide- under the porch–!” he yelled, his voice cracking.
“Go!” he struggled, reaching for his sword.
The smaller borrower nodded, tears pooling in the corners of her eyes. Tubbo managed to unsheathe his sword, using it to block the owl's beak as it tried to chomp his head off . At the same time, Sunny climbed up and between one of the criss-crosses in the porch skirt. 
Tubbo pointed the tip of the sword at its face the second time the owl lunged for his head. The pin was embedded in the feathery bastard's eye. The owl let out a deafening shriek and started flapping its wings frantically, scratching at Tubbo as it shrieked. The borrower let out yelp and curled up in a ball, covering his head with his hands.
‘Maybe that wasn't a great idea–’
Tubbo froze as he heard a click. Suddenly squares of light flooded the yard. Next, a loud shuttering noise, which was then followed by a resounding slam rang through the air.
“Yeah hang on Phil, it's that stupid owl again,” a deep voice groaned.
Thunk, thunk, thunk, clack, clack, clack–
His eyes widened in horror as he listened to the footsteps of the much scarier predator that was fast approaching. The owl noticed too, turning its stupid creepy head to the giant that now towered over the both of them.
“How many times have I told you to stay out of this yard?! Fucking bird,” the bald human yelled, stomping it's feet so loudly that it shook the ground.
The owl let out a shrill shriek, squawking angrily at the human before it took off again.
Tubbo slowly picked himself up, biting his tongue to quiet his own pained whimpers. His body felt like it was on fire. His shirt was ripped, and the sleeves were covered in messy, dark red stripes; gifts left behind by the owl's talons. 
“Jeez…” the human pulled a light box (Pierre said they were called phones) out of its pocket and held it up to its ear. 
“Sorry I'm back. Yeah the little one that won't leave the crows alone.”
The human didn't see him yet, and Tubbo didn't want to change that. Quietly, slowly, he pulled himself up onto the trim of the porch and crawled through one of the many gaps in the wood. He managed to drag himself behind one of the wooden posts that framed the porch before he collapsed in the dirt, panting.
“I mean, maybe? I didn't see one. It might've just been a rat.”
Tubbo heard some shuffling behind him and awkwardly sat up, leaning against the post for support. He pulled his heavy bag and laid it down in the dirt, still working on catching his breath. He just needed a minute to recover.
The brunet slapped a hand over his mouth to stifle the startled noise that tried to claw its way up his throat. 
“Is anyone or anything down here?”
Tubbo knew there was absolutely no way the bald human could see him. Even laying down, it couldn’t see him from that angle, in the dark no less. Well- unless it could see through walls, which he severely doubted. However, the urge to get up and take off running again was strong. 
“Yeah, I think it was just a squirrel or something,” the human got back up, dusted itself off and went back inside.
“K, I have to put the kids back to bed now. I think the owl woke them up again”
Tubbo still felt his heart hammering against his chest. The ridiculous amount of close encounters he and Sunny had experienced today gave him enough heart attacks to last a month thank you very much. He waited until it stopped raining sawdust and the footsteps above him faded away to move again. 
Once he was absolutely sure the human wasn’t listening, Tubbo grabbed his hiker’s bag and got back up again, (much to his body’s dismay).
“Sunny?” he called out, stumbling over the uneven terrain. “Poultry Princess? Where are you?” 
“Pa?!” his eyes darted to the source of the sound.
Relief washed over him like a tidal wave. Sunny was fine, she was alive in one piece. The little borrower had peeked her head out of her hiding spot; behind another wooden support. Tubbo rushed over to her, nearly tripping in the process, and lifted her up into a tight hug.
“I’m so glad you’re okay…” he whispered, setting Sunny back down on the ground when she started squirming.
The younger borrower grumbled, crossing her arms. She was giving him the look.
“...What?” he asked, dumbfounded. “Am I not allowed to hug you or–?”
“Don’t do that again Pa!” she cried, pounding her little fists on his chest lightly. “I thought- I thought you were gonna–...” her exclamations died down into sobs.
Once Sunny had calmed down, Tubbo had gotten a small fire set up. Though their clothes hadn’t dried yet, the warmth from the fire was welcome, and leftover avocado soup had never tasted so good. Luckily, the most essential items had been packed in their backpacks, and not in the bags they’d left behind while fleeing the owl attack. Tubbo didn’t think going back out there to rescue them was in his best interest at the moment. He’d just finished bandaging his new wounds after all, he wasn’t exactly keen on opening them back up already.
“Pa, can you sing me a lullaby?” Sunny asked as she helped her dad unravel their sleeping mat.
“I- well, I can try. Are you ready for bed then?” he pulled a blanket out of his bag and laid it down on the sleeping mats.
“I was ready for bed hours ago,” the younger borrower sassed as she flopped down on the mat.
“Fair enough,” Tubbo put the fire out before laying down next to her, pulling the other end of the blanket over them, like a blanket taco.
“Argh,” he cleared his throat. “My voice is a bit scratchy right now, so bear with me.”
“That's okay.”
“Ahem. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey… You’ll never know dear… how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away.”
Sunny turned to face him.
“Is that about me?” 
“Um, I guess you could interpret it that way, yeah,” he gave her an awkward smile.
“Okay…” she turned her back to him. “I’m glad the owl didn’t eat you.”
“Yeah, I am too, no more talking though. Sleep time,” he yawned out, pulling her into a warm hug.
“Night Pa.”
“Night Suns…”
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2-sleepy-for-this · 2 years
Our little brother pt.2
It’s finally done! Here is the winner of the poll Our little brother pt.2! I tried getting this out asap but because of life stuff the next part of something to remember will take a bit longer.
tw ~ dehumanization (calling a person ‘it’), minor injury (talk of bruises), cages, unintentional fearplay
Word count ~ 1.5 k
The brothers looked down at the small creature shivering in Techno’s hand. 
It seemed so scared of them, but who knows what could’ve happened if they hadn’t gotten it out of the cold? They were able to get a closer look at it now in the lights of their shared apartment. 
It looked so small, not just in size but in age, too. It almost looked like a child, a human one. It seemed to wear clothes as well. Well, if you could even call those red rags' clothes. What kind of creature was this?
“We should set up a cage for it so it doesn’t get lost while we’re gone.”
“We can’t just leave it alone!”
“well what else are we supposed to do, wil? We both have our exams in the morning. It’s not like we could just bring it into class.”
The pinkette twin looked at his brother unamused, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Wilbur, you are not taking that thing to school.”
Techno didn’t like the smile that spread across his brother’s face.
“Thats the stupidest idea you’ve ever had.”
“You said it, not me.”
Techno sent a glare towards his brother but said nothing. He couldn’t be annoyed at Wilbur when they had bigger issues to deal with.
“Fine, fine, I won’t do it. But only if I can decorate its cage.”
It wasn’t like Wilbur to resign so fast. If techno wasn’t so occupied holding a small life in his hands, he may have been suspicious. But at that moment, the two brothers began forming a plan for the little creature's cage.
In order to set the cage up, the small being had to be put in a temporary container, a jar that had previously held Wilbur’s pencils on his desk. The lid of the jar wasn’t needed. The creature seemed too small and weak to climb out. 
It had taken way too much effort to put it in the jar. Once it saw the jar in Wilbur’s hand, it started struggling again, scratching at techno's hand and clinging to the rim as it was lowered into the jar.
When the boys deemed the cage complete, techno carefully set the tiny creature into it and locked the opening. He took a step back so both brothers could watch the thing, see its new home for the first time, wondering what it’ll do first.
The inside of the cage was a simple layout. It was just an old terrarium a friend had dropped off in their apartment a few months ago when they didn’t want it thrown away. The inside had some food and water and there was a small blanket formed into a fabric nest. 
As techno's hand placed the small creature in the cage, it immediately darted away. The twins watched as it slammed forcefully into the size of the cage wall. It made a pained noise as it got up and tried again. Wilbur looked at his brother in confusion before opening the cage and putting his hand, much more cautiously this time, around the creature.
Wilbur could feel its small fluttering heartbeat against his fingers, wheezing gasps for air raised its chest slightly. He tried not to grip too tightly since it was already in pain. He could tell from the way its right arm wasn’t moving as much as its left. It must’ve bruised it badly from slamming into the wall those few times.
He lifted the shaking creature up to look more closely at it. A large bruise would take up the thing's arm soon. But after looking at the injury, something made him pause. The thing, stone still in his hand now, was staring at him. That wasn’t a surprise, but as Wilbur stared into its eyes back, it seemed different.
Wilbur’s stared at animals before, and they’ve stared back, but this felt new, like it was actually searching for something in him. It seemed to search his eyes for… kindness, maybe? Malice? He wasn’t sure.
Its eyes were a bright blue that seemed to go perfectly with its blonde hair. It seemed so familiar. It was almost funny how similar it looked to his dad. This thing looks like it could be his brother if they were the same species.
“Hello there.”
Wilbur didn’t know why he was trying to talk to the creature, but something in his mind screamed at him that it was right. It looked too human to be kept in a cage. Too much like a child. 
The creature opened its… their? Mouth and took a breath, like they were about to speak.
“Wilbur? Is the thing okay or not?”
Wilbur jumped, making the small life in his hand flinch and clamp its mouth shut once again. Right, he forgot techno was next to him the whole time, probably wondering why he was being so weird.
“Uh, yeah… yeah, it looks fine, just some bruises.”
“Good, now come on, it’s way too late to be standing around. Put it back in the cage so we can go to bed.”
Wilbur spared one last look at the thing cowering in his hand before slowly putting it down on the little nest of blankets he’d made. He locked the cage tight and turned to his brother.
“Alright let's go, I’m too tired to deal with this right now.”
Wilbur dramatically slumped on his brother’s shoulder, earning a grunt from the shorter of the two.
Both brothers walked to their rooms, closing their doors behind them.
Wilbur’s alarm blared as he groggily slumped out of bed. Shutting off his alarm, he looked at the time, 6:30am; he had some time before leaving for his exam. 
Wilbur got dressed and made his way to the kitchen, but he paused in front of the cage from the night before. Right now, he could only see the tuft of fur at the end of its tail. The rest was under a blanket. Judging from how much the tail was twitching, it seemed to be having a nightmare.
He reached his hand in the cage with the intention of comforting it, but as soon as his hand got close, its body tensed and it darted away. Even though it was just sleeping, it was wide awake now. Wilbur felt bad for scaring it so much.
He looked at his phone to check the time again, 6:45am. He needed to leave soon if he wanted to get to his exam on time. 
Suddenly, he remembered the conversation he’d had with techno.
“Wilbur, you are not taking that thing to school.”
Well… maybe it would be best if he had the creature. Being locked up all day sounds so boring. All he would have to do was hide it in his hoodie pocket and it would be safe and hidden, then after he could let it play in the grass or something.
What techno doesn’t know won’t hurt him. He had left before Wilbur woke up and he won’t be back until after Wilbur gets home. It was perfect. 
Wilbur quickly picked up the creature and placed it in his pocket, luckily he was wearing a hoodie that had a pocket that zipped up. He payed no mind to the squirming against his abdomen as he zipped the pocket closed and started walking to the door.
“Let’s go, sunshine!”
Hm, sunshine… not a bad name.
With his Newley named sunshine he left his apartment building and walked to campus.
Once he got there, he went to the exam room and sat in his seat; the exams were passed out and just like that he had done it, he’d snuck sunshine into school with him. Take that techno.
The test itself seemed more challenging with a small being moving around in his pocket, but eventually sunshine settled down. Within the second hour of the test, Wilbur realized he had opened his pocket and started petting sunshine lightly at some point. Sunshine had probably fallen asleep during that.
The last hour of the exam was a blur of information and pen marks once Wilbur realized that he’d barely gotten anything done while petting sunshine. He’d taken his hand out of the pocket and kept writing until the professor said time was up.
Luckily, he was able to finish all the questions, and he slouched in his chair with a sigh of relief. That was a close call. 
The musician stood up and stretched, back cracking. Now all he had to do was a few more of those, and then he’d be able to enjoy his vacation with his friends. 
As Wilbur walked out of the room, he reached a hand into his hoodie pocket to check on sunshine. 
He felt around but couldn’t find it anywhere. How could he lose sunshine? It was right there… how long ago was that? He couldn’t remember. 
Oh no
He lost sunshine. It could be hurt and scared somewhere, all because he wanted company for his test. Oh prime, techno’s gonna kill him.
Wilbur jogged back to the exam room and looked around on the floor. Nothing. No glimpse of golden hair, red rags or blue eyes anywhere. 
Who knows how far it could’ve gotten while he wasn’t paying attention? It could be in the vents, or another room, or even outside! 
But he needs to calm down before he can look. He needs to think here, where would a little creature like his sunshine go?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hope you enjoyed! I’ve got some stuff planned for this au >:)
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m0ther-of-p3arl · 10 months
the last camp hermit chapter- for a little bit :3
i finished nanowrimo so now i am taking a Small Break. this one's fun tho :D
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420technoblazeit · 1 month
has anybody else seen the bit in tommy's new video yet. where he asks mumbo jumbo if he can revive technoblade with redstone. bc that actually made my jaw DROP hol yshit. the pause just before he says it. you can hear the gears turning in phil's head as he realizes what tommy's about to say. the immediate psychic damage. truly horrid thank you tommy. ik techno would be losing it over that joke
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royalarchivist · 4 months
Fit: Bro, that's like– it's like how Tazercraft formed, how like, Pac uploaded a video, and Mike was his first subscriber, and was like, "Let's make videos together."
Phil: Awww, really? 🥹
Fit: Yeah! Oh yeah, that's– that's some Tazercraft lore!
Phil: Really? That's actually how that happened?
Fit: Mhmm!
Phil: Oh my fcking god, that's the most wholesome sht! [Laughs] I had no idea! I had no idea that's how they like- they found like, found each other!
Fit: Yeah. It- it's- it's humble beginnings.
Phil: Dude... Aww! Oh man, that's- that's- that's such good lore. That's such good Tazercraft lore, that's adorable.
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[ Full Subtitle Transcript ↓ ]
[Context: Twitch was experiencing a viewer count error at the time]
Fit: My- Phil, my Twitch viewers glitched out, it says I have 2 viewers right now, you know- support small streamers.
Phil: Oh my god, it says I've got- it's g- it says I've got 15! Holy sht, it's 2019 again!
Fit: [Laughs] Support small streamers, man! Support–
Phil: IT'S 2019 AGAIN!!! YES!!! Oh my god!!!
Fit: Let's fcking go
Phil: It's a shame my chat isn't as quiet as 15 viewers- [Laughs]
Fit: [Laughs] Oh man...
Phil: Oh man, it's- it's- Oh, I still got my 5 year hardcore world...
Fit: Bro you got- you got 15 viewers? I got 2 man, send some to me!
Phil: I'm gonna raid you afterwards, Fit, I'll raid you with my 15 viewers! I hope you enjoy the- the- the extra exposure!
Fit: Thank– One or two of 'em might follow, who knows?
Phil: Hashtag follow for follow! Follow for follow!
Fit: Yeah, follow for follow- oh yeah- [Laughs]
Phil: Follow for follow, um, like and subscribe the YouTube video highlight of this crazy moment of us- of us- sharing fun times with our communities, oh my goodness!
Fit: Bro, it's- That's like- it's like how Tazercraft formed, how like, Pac uploaded a video, and Mike was his first subscriber, and was like, "Let's make videos together."
Phil: Awww, really? 🥹
Fit: Yeah! Oh yeah, that's– that's some Tazercraft lore!
Phil: Really? That's actually how that happened?
Fit: Mhmm!
Phil: Oh my fcking god, that's the most wholesome sht! [Laughs]
Fit: I know, dude.
Phil: I had no idea! I had no idea that's how they like- they found like, found each other!
Fit: Yeah. It- it's- it's humble beginnings.
Phil: Dude... Aww! Oh man, that's- that's- that's such good lore. That's such good Tazercraft lore, that's adorable, holy fck. That's like, really similar to like, Tommy and Tubbo. Like, they both were-
Fit: Oh, right.
Phil: They both were streaming to like, 5 viewers or something stupid, and then like, I forget who did it, but they raided each other at one point and that's how they became friends. They're like, "Hey, wanna come play Sky Block?" [Laughs] "Wanna come play Bedwars with me and stuff?" it was like "Aww!".
Fit: Uh-huh.
Phil: That's- awh man, Tazercraft have like, such good lore.
Fit: Oh yeah.
Phil: That's awesome.
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anon-402 · 10 months
It still baffles me to this day how Missa and Philza’s relationship is seen from the other islander’s perspective.
Like, Cellbit and Forever straight up think Philza is madly in love with Missa. Tubbo’s first thought was that they were lovers. And when he saw them reunited, he instantly asked if they were going to kiss.
Roier knows something is going on at least with Missa because he has heard him say he wouldn’t be oppose to a wedding if Philza wants it. The same goes for Bad, who has made several backhanded comments about them being in a relationship. Fit, Philza’s oldest friend, doesn’t doubt for a minute Phil and Missa are a couple and doesn’t want to get involved in whatever is happening in their basement/aquarium.
Hell, even Felps, the man who almost never logs on, knows Missa and Philza are something. He didn’t even have to stay more than 3 minutes in their presence to be like “shit, sorry for interrupting. Ignore me.” and run from them at the first opportunity he had.
Phil and Missa may never say or confess anything to each other, but there’s no need to. The whole fucking island knows it already.
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genevawrenn · 5 days
Phil gets so worked up in this clip, its so funny. He always gets so emotional discussing Lullah and Chay, it makes my heart warm.
Stream date is October 1 2023
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missycolorful · 3 months
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saw this meme template on twt and made a choice... not sure it was the right one
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pixiecaps · 3 months
Phil: Let’s see if I have like a better picture of Roier cause I’ve- I saw one that was really funny. Hold on, let me check.
Cellbit: Okay. Okay.
Phil: Yeah, I got a not so much close up version if you would like to see. There ya go.
Cellbit: Let’s see. (Looks at photo of Roier) Aww, that’s cute, okay yeah. This looks- This looks- This looks- I’ll- I’ll- I’ll save it cause you know I’m going to marry Roier on the 16th. The marriage is going to happen again.
Phil: The marriage?
Cellbit: Yeah, me and Roier are going to marry.
Phil: Oh shit, okay.
Cellbit: Yeah-
Phil: Does he know? (Laughs)
Cellbit: Yes, yes, yes! He knows! He knows. I proposed to him. We’re going to get married on the 16th if you want to come.
(Phil continues laughing)
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finnitesimal · 1 year
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voted most normal-about-each-other on the server
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randomsufff · 10 months
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Here’s me tossing my hat in the Sunny design ring-
I just think she needs to be one of those kids with the fancy, poofy ass dresses. You know, the ones who very clearly look like they spoiled rotten by their parents (well so far- parent)
If anyone here is familiar with The Great Ace Attorney- they’re heavily based on Iris Watson if you can’t tell lol
Ft. Philza “slept for 2 days straight” Minecraft and Tubbo “Just found out he’s a father at 19” Underscore wearing their sunglasses that don’t even go over their eyes
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2-sleepy-for-this · 2 years
Our little brother au
Babes wake up, new au just dropped
I know I’ve already got aus I haven’t even written for yet but this one must be added to the list
the main plot is that its Neapolitan bros centric. Techno and Wilbur are twins that live together in an apartment because they’re both in college. They both have normal lives, or as normal as a stressed college student can get, and other than missing their dad, Phil, who lives hours away, life is great.
until they hear the crying.
both curious, the two brothers go check it out only to find a small creature.
it had golden curls and the brightest blue eyes, but what they really noticed was it looked no older than five.
it- they seemed almost completely human, except for size and some other more animalistic features.
and…they were crying, calling out for someone but based on how rough he looked, it seemed that person wouldn’t answer.
Wilbur and techno looked at each other, techno gave a silent nod, Wilbur stepped out into their line of vision.
the creatu- the young boy took notice of him and only seemed to cry harder, backing himself into a corner and curling up.
“hey…it’s okay little guy”
sooo, thoughts? If you have any questions about this or other aus my ask box is always open ! (´∀`)
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the-fandom-queenxox · 5 months
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Whilst making more "some eggs as twitter and tumblr posts" fodder I saw that I had this post in my gallery so, here enjoy :)
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cupidl0vesy0u · 6 months
New members of family!
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rakkuntoast · 1 year
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i like doing silly self indulgent low-effort comics
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royalarchivist · 15 days
Phil: I mean, enjoy your life. "Live your life!" as Baghera would say. Live your life! [Laughs]
Phil: Quite often, me and Kristin quote that to each other. We either say like, "You get it, girl! You get it!" or "Live your life!" Just casual Baghera quotes.
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