#Meownager would commit perjury for kids. be like the Meownager (dont please dont commit perjury)
(Is this how real courts work? Hell no, but who's gonna stop me? This is a fictional world with loose canon, I can do this)
Anyway this is how I imagine the WOTFI starting,, there'd be this, and there would be a cut to the actual trial, where Judge Kirby subtly starts pushing the other side to declare a WOTFI.
"Well, I can't say I'm glad to see you back here, SMG4," Judge Kirby spoke. "But at the same time, I'm glad you aren't defending yourself from a mega cooperation."
"Heh, yeah.." SMG4 rubs the back of his neck.
"And it's good to see you have an actual lawyer this time." Judge Kirby glances at Meggy, who was seated in the right side audience seats. On the left, filling the audience seats were NPCs in support of the Estrellas. "No shade meant, Meggy, but this trial is nothing like the DMCA trial."
"It's fine." Meggy responds, leaning back in her seat.
"Judge Kirby," Gabriel Estrella speaks up, his arms crossed, "may we know why Liliana is in the witness stand? I doubt she'll be answering any questions."
"Ms. Lily has asked that she be referred to as Lily, so that's how you will refer to her, Mr. Estrella." Judge Kirby narrows his eyes before sighing. "And she is in the witness stand because, as of this moment, I don't really think she should be near either side. It could create a conflict of interest, a lapse in the trial, anything. And I'd rather not take chances here considering the well-being of a child is at stake."
There were murmers of agreement from both sides, though everyone fell quiet when Judge Kirby's face turns serious. "And that brings us to our next order of business; the gathering of evidence for both sides. Since this custody battle came one abruptly, I understand that neither side has had time to compile evidence?"
The lawyers for both sides nod.
"I believed so." the judge sighs. "So, since we already have all of these affairs in order, I'll allow a three day period for both sides to compile their arguments. During this time.. I will be assigning Ms. Lilly a temporary guardian until the time comes."
"What?!" the Estrellas shout.
"Why?!" the SMGs cry.
"Because there could be conflicts of interest, or either side could.." Judge Kirby coughs. "Pardon, either side could.." the judge coughs a few more times before forcing out the words. "Either side could try and influence her."
He coughs loudly, muttering a quite "the Estrellas" before clearing his voice.
"Anywho!" the judge shook his body. "Until the three day period is over, I will be assigning Ms. Lily a Guardian. Is there anyone here who knows an unbiased adult who can care for Ms. Lily?"
Mario's hand quickly shoots up. "Mario does!"
There were many things Meownager was prepared for. But being called into the Mushroom Kingdom Supreme Court was not one of them. They definitely didn't expect to be standing before a judge, either.
"So, you are.." Judge Kirby's eyes narrow at the paper in front of him. "The Meownager?"
"Meownager is just fine," the cat speaks. "But yes, I am, your honor."
Judge Kirby nods. "Good! So, Meownager, what is your relationship to Mario Mario?"
"He's a customer of mine that comes in once and a while. We chat, but never anything too deep." Meownager speaks, voice calmed and collected.
"Has he told you that he knows SMG4 and SMG3, who are currently engaged in a custody battle?" the judge asks.
"No." the cat shakes their head. "Like I said, he only comes in once and a while. He's never talked about his personal life."
Their eyes drift up to the witness stand, and they see Lily there. Her head is down and her face downcast. Their heart aches. Anytime they saw her, she looked so lively. Now.. she looked nothing like that.
Judge Kirby continues, "are you capable of taking care of a child?"
"Yes, your honor."
"Are you currently wanted for any crimes?"
"No, your honor."
The questioning continued until Judge Kirby nodded, satisfied. "Well then! Meownager, I'm placing Ms. Lily in your custody and granting you temporary guardianship of her. You'll be taking care of her until the custody battle is over, and then the winners of this trial will be her guardians. Do you agree to take Ms. Lily into your care until then?"
Meownager nods without a second thought. "Yes. I agree."
"Good. Bailiff?" Judge Kirby looks down at a Shy Guy wearing a cop hat. The Shy Guy nods and walks over to the witness stand.
"When did you get a bailiff?" Mario asks.
"After last time, we realized we needed one." the judge states.
Meownager hops off of the box that they were standing on so that they could they could be heard easier. The Shy Guy walks Lily over to Meownager before then walking back.
"Meownager, Ms. Lily, you two are free to leave." Judge Kirby speaks. "I have a few more things to hash out with each side here. You'll get a letter when it's time to bring Ms. Lily back to the court, Meownager."
"I understand." Meownager nods. They reach up a paw for Lily to take, which she quickly does, and the two walk away.
As they walk out the large wooden doors, Lily glances over her shoulder to look at her dads.
They both look at her as well. They seem sad, but determined. They smile at her reassuringly.
It makes Lily smile, even as the giant wooden doors slam shut soon after.
The human and the cat walk through the halls, quiet. Lily hesitates before speaking. "You.. do know you technically lied under, oath, right? You downplayed your friendship with Uncle Mario.."
"I owed him a favor anyway." Meownager smiles. "That, and I'm in full support of your dads, Lily. If it takes a little perjury to reassure them you'll be with someone safe, I'm willing to risk it."
"Thank you.." Lily looks down, smiling.
"You're welcome." Meownager pats her lower back before the two exit the courthouse. "Now c'mon. Let's get you something to eat and drink."
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