a-father-of-light · 2 months
I've been thinking about this topic for awhile and I need it to live anywhere else except my head. Amen.
This is not a deep dive into any of these actors, their sexuality and real life relationships with each other. It's just, have you ever watched two people together and you're like: "yep, they want each other" 🤣😅 or, "yep, that boy is thirsty af" 😌. Like, my guy, you're not fooling anyone.
I don't even ship them, it's just entertaining to watch.
1. Fort wants Peat. Period. That boy isn't even trying to hide it and honestly, I respect it.
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2. Boss finna kiss as much of Noeul's body as the producers will allow. I can't read Noeul, he just seems down. Down for what? I can't tell.
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3. One thing about Zee is, he's gonna lick someone's son. Zee had a whole one-sided crush on Saint. 😅
I don't know what's going on between Zee and Nunew, and I don't care to know (it's none of my business). However, Nu gives "match my freak/crazy" energy around Zee.
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4. Max and Nat mutually want each other. What can I say?
5. Billy with both Seng and Babe. Billy is like Zee, if the job entails kissing someone's son, he'll be there, and he'll do the job well. 😉
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6. Billkin sometimes looks ready to risk it all for PP. - I know the rumours about their alleged relationship but for what it's worth, I don't actually believe it. This is not a comment on the nature of their relationship. I just think that sometimes Bill looks ready to ruin the friendship. 🤣😌
7. I don't know what's going on between Mile and Apo (and again, I don't need to know) but I feel like Mile would donate his artery if Apo needed one. Oddly, it doesn't seem romantic. He just appears to have a sincere admiration and love for Apo. Almost brotherly, almost friendship, but in a "I wanna lick your face" kinda friendship.
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8. Fourth and his one-sided crush on Gemini. Cute.
9. Joong with both Nine and Dunk. Joong does not have to be told twice to kiss Dunk! It's cute and kinda funny sometimes.
10. Man didn't need the director to yell action. He stayed ready to kiss Ben.
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11. I feel like I'll burn for this, but... Nanon had a thing for Ohm. I don't even think I can put a name to said "thing", but it was there and I can't believe I'm the only one who clocked it because no one talks about it.
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12. Gun's former crush on Off.
13. Mew's unreciprocated feelings for Gulf; which he'd probably deny today because of whatever happened between them.
14. Frame and Ryan. Honestly, get it boys.
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15. Bruh... Mos and Bank. They aren't shy about it either
16. Highkey, all of Jeff's co-stars had a thing for him, and who can blame them. 🤣
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maxtulhugs · 9 months
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The broskis in Harper & Bazaar Singapore
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
Turtles Catches Up With Old GMMTV: TharnType and Gray Areas Edition
[What’s going on here? After joining Tumblr and discovering Thai BLs through KinnPorsche in 2022, I began watching GMMTV’s new offerings -- and realized that I had a lot of history to catch up on, to appreciate the more recent works that I was delving into. From tropes to BL frameworks, what we’re watching now hails from somewhere, and I’m learning about Thai BL's history through what I’m calling the Old GMMTV Challenge (OGMMTVC). Starting with recommendations from @absolutebl on their post regarding how GMMTV is correcting for its mistakes with its shows today, I’ve made an expansive list to get me through a condensed history of essential/classic/significant Thai BLs produced by GMMTV and many other BL studios. My watchlist, pasted below, lists what I’ve watched and what’s upcoming, along with the reviews I’ve written so far. Today, I’ll cover the very controversial TharnType, Asian stereotypes towards queerness, and the very difficult gray areas on how this show has been interpreted by various populations over the last few years.]
TW: homophobic and derogatory ideas and language against the queer community. Critical commentary on TharnType and MAME. This review is NOT for you if you are a TharnType or MAME Big Fan.
(I want to give very special thanks to @so-much-yet-to-learn and @lurkingshan for reviewing previous versions of this post and offering the most insightful feedback I could ask for. Thank you both so much.)
Alright. Deep breaths.
TharnType was a necessary addition to the Old GMMTV watchlist. It was. I had to watch it, for:
- the tremendous IMPACT this show has had on BL culture, along with MAME’s continued influence on the genre;  - how this show affected shipper culture, and the rippling effects it’s had since then vis à vis MewGulf; - how this show continued to define “high heat” and “chemistry” in BL, and -- at least for me, possibly the most interesting point to needle on -- - what fans, ESPECIALLY the majority cishet fandom, are willing to compromise and/or equivocate on in regards to our values towards the queer community regarding what we consume in media, and how safe or unsafe it is for our queer family that this content exists in the first place.
I gotta say some stuff first before I get into this review. This is the worst show I’ve ever watched, in my own opinion. I offer this flag for MAME and TharnType fans in advance, as I get quite critical down below.
I am angry at this show, at MAME, at the BL industry for allowing this show to exist, and I unfortunately hold anger against Tee Bundit, who I know has since made shows, like Lovely Writer, that deeply criticized the BL industry (and I am enjoying his work now in Step By Step, even while I don’t hesitate to criticize it). ANYONE INVOLVED in the making of TharnType needs to hold personal and professional accountability for this show even existing. And I also think that fans need to hold THEMSELVES accountable if they defend it WITHOUT thinking about the long-term social implications of the existence of this show.
I want to also say that I need to check myself, OFTEN, as I write this, because I don’t want to be some fucking loudmouth, self-righteous ally-savior. I don’t. [My AMAZING drama friends, @lurkingshan​ and @bengiyo​, have held me down during this watch. (Friends. Thank you. Good LORD.)]
I want this review to be as fair as possible to the nostalgia of the moment that this show aired; to note that this show gave high heat, which fans clearly demanded, and IS a worthy component of some dramas if it works with the rest of what the show has to offer by way of writing; and to note that many fans saw a chemistry in MewGulf that they hadn’t seen previously. I especially note that there may be survivors of sexual assault who related to certain pieces of this show, particularly through Type’s lens and his own anger.
With that very long introduction, I will note that I’m not going to talk too much about the show details itself. I don’t need to unwind on plot. For me -- FOR ME -- the show’s plot was problematic. 
2019: earlier that year, before TT aired, you had He’s Coming To Me, which was BURIED by GMMTV, and was a TOUR DE FORCE of intricate storytelling and queer revelation. According to this amazing reblog by @so-much-yet-to-learn​ (another longtime BL observer who UTTERLY held me down during my TT watch, friend, I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH FOR THE HOURS you spent me with talking about TT and other issues), shipper fans angry at Ohm and Singto went so far as to SHOW UP TO THE GMMTV BUILDING IN BANGKOK and PROTEST against the split of the KristSingto ship. This is why, in this TT review, I talk about fans needing to take responsibility and accountability for the media we consume. I believe TT exists in part because fans have allowed it to continue to exist in the universe of BL, and many even celebrate TT’s existence -- all while, in my own opinion -- much more compelling art existed before TT (Make It Right, He’s Coming To Me) and certainly after its airing.
In discussion with @absolutebl (yet another drama expert who held me down during my TT watch, THANK YOU, SENSEI), ABL Sensei brings up that, besides a natural tendency to criticize and blame MAME for our needing to have conversations about safety towards queer family, that TT does deserve to be criticized as a standalone piece of content.
I honestly don’t know, Sensei, if I’m mature enough to make that separation, but I will try. MAME herself doesn’t exist in a vacuum: she has an industry, from producers, to showrunners, to actors, to editors, to networks -- that join her in the making of her work. I’ll do my best to separate everything, but.
I noted in my review of Love By Chance that MAME traffics in common Asian stereotypes against the queer community. At the same time, I know that often, we talk about the yaoi origins of BL in Thailand. I think, over time, the explanation of the yaoi origination has been used as a means of explaining WHY certain tropes exist, such as abuse of a partner, bullying, etc. I want to note that while I acknowledge those origins, I also strongly note (as I did in the comments of my LBC review) that yaoi origins are themselves problematic, as created by a majority cishet female artist base, and thus I question the accurate representation of queer themes both in yaoi and in early and/or questionable Thai BL that lean into common stereotypes held by Asian nations. (That being said, I do DEEPLY ACKNOWLEDGE @so-much-yet-to-learn‘s point to me that many in the queer community still consumed this media, as the West was producing next-to-nothing by way of queer love and/or queer perspectives.)
Much of what I saw in LBC and TT -- gang rape, cheating, revenge, derogatory language, hurtful stereotypes of top/bottom and husband/wife -- are repeat, word-for-word stereotypes that I heard from my Asian family growing up. Examples of what I saw by way of problematic stereotypes in TharnType include:
- Tharn repeatedly and casually calling Type “his bitch,” - The use of the F word, repeatedly, by Type, - Type attacking his out classmates, and indirectly attacking his friend, Tum, - The assumption that because Tharn and Tar are gay, that they are promiscuous (even Techno assumes this while leaving Type alone with Tharn early in the series), - Techno himself not calling out Type for his homophobia throughout the series, - The use of gang rape as a means of revenge by Lhong to Tar,
and many more. I will also note that I was incredibly uncomfortable by Lhong’s redemption at the end, as if the story demanded that Lhong’s own actions that drove him to order grievous sexual violence against another man needed to be forgiven. That was a paradigm that seemed apologetic to his actions and did not sit well with me.
As I noted to @bengiyo: us international fans may be lulled to think that Thailand is majority progressive and accepting of the queer community based off of the BLs that we watch. It IS a much more progressive culture in SE Asia in supporting the queer community, and I would assume that gay culture is able to flourish in city centers, as opposed to rural areas. 
But Thailand has NOT legalized same-sex marriage. And I posit that we in the West don’t actually realize that harmful stereotypes against the queer community absolutely still exist and flourish in Thailand, Taiwan, and elsewhere in Asia -- countries that certainly leverage BL as soft power, but nations in which familial or cultural expectations may STILL make ACTUAL coming out and public existence a dangerous or risky proposition. THIS SHIT IS GRAY. BL is fiction -- it is not reality. It is still dangerous -- YES, INCLUDING HERE IN THE STATES -- to be out in very many towns, cities, and communities around the world.
Now. When I went into TT, I understood, AS ASSUMED FACT, that MAME was a sexual assault survivor, who used this style of writing about queerness and queer love to process her own SA experiences. That equivocation gave me the serious jibbles, which I’ll talk about in a second, but I understood it to be the line that most BL observers have made about her work, and/or justification or explanation for her work existing.
I’ve since learned that this is not necessarily fact: that it is not known if MAME is an SA survivor, and that she is notoriously private and has not revealed much, if anything, about her own past.
So, from there, how do I process this? How do I process that it’s FANON -- NOT FACT -- that MAME may or may not write from a survivor’s perspective?
I also note here, thanks to the wonderful @so-much-yet-to-learn​, that many fans who are SA survivors have written in the past about how they related to Type’s anger and/or homophobia after his own assault experience. I also understand that SA survivors have, in the past, had difficulty with strong rejections of TharnType, like the one I have composed here, in reaction to the fear that they cannot tell their own stories of internal anger against their perpetrators and the communities from which their attackers come from.
Thus, I want to note a VERY DIFFICULT PROPOSITION TO WORK THROUGH. What we’re facing here is that there may be people, SA survivors in particular, who related to Type’s homophobia. This is Type’s fictional homophobia -- as written by a very real, assumed-to-be female author. At the same time, I myself very much acknowledge that I still see stereotypes against the queer community, in a very Asian voice that I am familiar with, in MAME’s shows.
Let me tell you why this gives me, personally, the jibbles. Let’s assume that MAME is an SA survivor. As someone trained in the social services, I am not sure that I would advise a potential client to create very public content that is potentially harmful towards a minority community, as a means of their own personal processing. MAME is FAMOUS. Her work is POPULAR. Can we justify the dangers that her work poses -- the stereotypes and assumptions she traffics in against our queer family -- for her own psychological processing?
If I am her therapist, I am guiding her to instead journey map, to meditate, to advise her of HUNDREDS of other therapeutic psychological modalities to process her pain -- all modalities that do not set up a minority community to be stereotyped through very publicly consumed content. 
I posit here -- MY OPINION, FAM -- that MAME has leveraged her own personal bigotry against the queer community in her shows for clout with Asian and international audiences that would not quibble about the harmfulness of the stereotypes that the show portrayed. And she’s gotten away with it for the utter control she has over her own content. AND SHE KNOWS THERE’S AN AUDIENCE FOR IT, so she keeps making what I call bigoted content.
I thought TT was a DANGEROUS show for perpetuating harmful stereotypes about queer family. And I am distraught at the BL industry for seeing dollar signs against that clout and investing in it. 
The equivocating in support of TharnType certainly exists. There are people who view this show with nostalgia, as there still wasn’t the volume of BL content, with heat, in 2019 as we have today. There are people out there who may very well openly relate to Type’s homophobia as a character, and MAME’s homophobia as an author and as a human. Hell, Foei Patara, who we see in everything these days, shared a very anti-LGBTQ+ video on his Instagram just recently.
I DO have to give a nod to nostalgia. I have to try to be fair here. This is the ENTIRE POINT of the OGMMTVC. BL fans in 2019 wanted a thing. High heat, high chemistry. I know that there are fans that are AWARE of these high-level issues of MAME’s work. And yet, there are many that still look back on TharnType with fondness, because it brought something new to the field. 
What I’m suffering from here is the equivocation of MAME’s work by way of analysis against a presumed opinion -- NOT fact -- that MAME is an SA survivor. That seems to open some sort of door to allow us to watch her work, despite the dangers of the stereotypes contained within her work.
The ethics of this. I’m not a strong enough person to go near that equivocation. Because I am not a survivor. I’m an Asian. In MAME’s voice, I hear the stereotypes against the queer community that I grew up with. And that’s where I’m writing this review. I’m hurt and appalled by her proliferating what I term to be dangerous viewpoints against my queer sisters and brothers -- assumptions that I heard growing up in my Indian community.
Fuck. Am I ever glad that I DIDN’T watch this show in 2019. I’m protected by a fortress of past and present works that I can rely on that proves that there are other arenas in which BL is being leveraged for good, for progressive art, for the introduction of ideas that support our queer family, AND that might also offer critical commentary on issues that affect other minority or vulnerable corners of society, à la Moonlight Chicken. 
I haven’t even gotten to the MewArt scandal and the problematic nature of the MewGulf ship. All of those are also very important issues, but I can’t bring myself to get deep about them, because just talking about the show itself is a lot. But Mew Suppasit’s past alleged behavior is certainly problematic, and is worth considering if folks were to think about watching this show.
In any case: I’m never watching another MAME show again, ever. And as a side note, MewGulf didn’t do it for me. At this point in 2019, I feel like we’d seen ships with much better chemistry and even heat, like PerthSaint (a MAME ship, actually), OhmToey, MaxTul, and even OhmSingto and their utterly brilliant acting. @he-is-lightning-in-a-bottle noted in the comments of one of my TT late-night posts that they didn’t see the MewGulf chemistry, and frankly, I didn’t either -- I didn’t see that these guys, as the acted characters of Tharn and Type, bodily and ferally WANTED AND VISCERALLY LOVED each other in fiction, the way that actor pairs like EarthMix, OhmNanon, FirstKhao, and others have since perfected in their work as their respective characters.
This post is about the responsibility that so-called “artists” bear when taking up the mantle of created content about a minority community, as well as the responsibility that we bear, as fans, as the majority cishet female fanbase, to consume this content. MAME and the slices of the BL industry that support her MUST understand that perpetuating stereotypes about a minority community WILL HAVE VISCERAL SOCIAL IMPACTS in REINFORCING THOSE STEREOTYPES, among a majority cishet fanbase and across society, to the danger of the existence of our queer family. 
That is the way in which this paradigm will be broken over time. And us in the cishet fanbase MUST STAND READY to support art -- in the words of dear friend @wen-kexing-apologist -- by queer family, for queer family, about queer family. We in the cishet majority bear a responsibility to break the paradigm of dangerous stereotypes, perpetrated by who create content through their own bigotry, either consciously or unconsciously -- or both.
[I finished TharnType in record time. I needed to get it out of my system. And now I’m fully invested in OffGun and having a DELIGHTFUL time with Theory of Love: I AM OBSESSED WITH THIS SUBVERSIVE, MINDBENDING SHOW. Ooooooooooooooooooh. Right up my alley! Hopefully I can muster my usual Monday review for ToL -- let’s see. I still feel somewhat broken by TT, but ToL and OffGun have been SUCH a salve.
Here’s the list as it stands currently. We have two changes! First, thanks to a suggestion by @wen-kexing-apologist and @lurkingshan, I’m adding a non-BL (!!!!) to the list in 3 Will Be Free. I have a number of separate Jojo Tichakorn priorities to achieve before Only Friends airs, and this is a big one; as this is a show from 2019, I want to see where GMMTV was willing to go in pushing queer content in non-BLs, and this is the perfect time to watch it. I’ll still include a review in this space! 
And, per @absolutebl Sensei’s suggestion, I’ve added YYY (2020) to this, to enjoy Cheewin unhinged in what seems to be a disaster of a show -- but an important one for real queer representation (THANK YOU, SENSEI!). I’m excited for chaos. I’m watching it out of chronology with ITSAY and planning it as a mental break. As always, I’ll take any feedback on the list as it stands!
1) Love Sick and Love Sick 2 (2014 and 2015) (review here) 2) Make It Right (2016) (review here) 3) SOTUS (2016-2017) (review here) 4) Make It Right 2 (2017) (review here) 5) Together With Me (2017) (review here) 6) SOTUS S/Our Skyy x SOTUS (2017-2018) (review here) 7) Love By Chance (2018) (review here) 8) Kiss Me Again: PeteKao cuts (2018) (no review) 9) He’s Coming To Me (2019) (review here) 10) Dark Blue Kiss (2019) and Our Skyy x Kiss Me Again (2018) (review here) 11) TharnType (2019)  12) Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey (BL cuts) (2016 and 2017) (I’m watching this out of order just to get familiar with OffGun before Theory of Love -- will likely not review)  13) Theory of Love (2019) (watching) 14) 3 Will Be Free (2019) (not a BL or an official part of the OGMMTVC watchlist, but an important harbinger of things to come in 2019 and beyond re: Jojo Tichakorn including queer content in non-BLs) 15) Dew the Movie (2019) (not an official part of the OGMMTVC watchlist, but I want to watch this in chronological order with everything else) 16) Until We Meet Again (2019-2020) 17) 2gether (2020) 18) Still 2gether (2020) 19) I Told Sunset About You (2020) 20) YYY (2020, out of chronology) 21) Manner of Death (2020-2021) (not a true BL, but a MaxTul queer/gay romance set within a genre-based show that likely influenced Not Me and KinnPorsche) 22) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) (review here) 23) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake Of Rewatching Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS 24) Lovely Writer (2021) 25) I Promised You the Moon (2021) 26) Not Me (2021-2022) 27) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) (thesis here) 28) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) and Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (2023) OGMMTVC Rewatch 29) Secret Crush On You (2022) [watching for Cheewin’s trajectory of studying queer joy from Make It Right (high school), to SCOY (college), to Bed Friend (working adults)] 30) KinnPorsche (2022) (tag here) 31) The Eclipse (2022) (tag here) 32) GAP the Series (2022-2023) (Thailand’s first GL) 33) My School President (2022-2023) and Our Skyy 2 x My School President (2023) 34) Moonlight Chicken (2023) (tag here) 35) Bed Friend (2023) (tag here) (Cheewin’s latest show, depicting a queer joy journey among working adults)]
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itsanidiom · 6 months
Fave OG Actor Pairing
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MEWGULF! I mean...I guess MewGulf count as an OG pairing now, huh? It's been like 5 years. For real though, TharnType / MewGulf got me through the pandemic. They also set the standard for fanservice in the industry at the time (and perhaps went too far if we're being honest ^^;). I still pop on a compilation video every now and again lol.
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zonecrushyou · 1 month
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brightwin-biblebuild · 2 months
başkası yazmalı…
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little-miss-life · 2 years
So after watching Love in the air, Don't say no and Tharntype, we've all noticed that Mame always has a character that is traumatised from abuse in some form. And a lot of people including myself criticised her writing for always being kind of toxic. But not until recently with LITA and reading from other groups of people's point of views did I realise that her writing is probably like therapy for her.
Hear me out especially for people that love hating mame:
We all know this and I'm not saying it's true but there's a level of depth (from the reading parts of the books that have series) that can only be attained by someone who has either gone through abuse of that form or something similar OR seen it happen OR the side effects of it. But either ways there's a close to home connection or feeling to it. There isn't always a realistic feeling to how the trauma is dealt with but I'd say the general need to write the trauma/pain away is high.
Type had Tharn and honestly I can't really defend this one because I feel regardless of the amount of times I watched it, I missed a lot of clues on how they really work. So I'll leave this alone
Fiat had Leo. Fiat was should I say abused by his mother in the no one will ever love you but me way. I don't know if they makes sense but if you watched it I think you'd get it. His dad was not the best he honestly neglected him and moved on while the poor boy was struggling and hardly ever had a nice thing to day about Fiat honestly. Then enters Leo. Leo is caring, attentive, patient and all that good shit. He gives Fiat the security he needs, become the only person Fiat trusts more than himself, protects him nd shows him time and time again that regardless of what the world is doing he'll always choose him and stay by his side even if iteanr being unhappy just so Fiat is happy.
Sky has/will have Prapai. Sky was abused by his ex and many others under his exes supervision. Assaulted and thrown aside by someone that always told him he loved him. Love is all Sky wants, someone to lean on. His parents are hardly around and I don't think his parents are ven together. He has taken all that abuse with the trauma and people pleases with a smile while keeping everyone at arms length. He won't let himself fall in love or even like someone because his ex has fucked that up for him. Then enters Prapai. A man used to getting what he wants easily but not getting immediately, he's intrigued and persistent. By the book, he becomes everything sky needs to the point Sky feels at ease with him and loved.
That said and done I feel Mame's writing is a way self soothing or like manifesting or re-writing a very real story around her or one that involves her in a way that it gets a happy ending. In a way that abused and traumatised soul finds someone that puts all the broken pieces together. Something that I feel sometimes victims tend to need but hardly ever find.
It's simply put "a fantasy for the wronged"
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readingplannet · 5 months
Does TharnType the series have problematic tropes in its storyline?
Does TharnType have some of the best acting that you get to see in the BL industry?
I feel that is the reason people keep coming back to it even after noticing the problems in the storyline because the actors made it feel so real. Honestly it's some of the best acting I have seen in the BL industry. Not a lot of the series have come in par with that level of acting.
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firebluewood157 · 2 years
Oh, no yeah, they Queerbaited
You know what’s really interesting? I love Mew Suppasit and Gulf. I really do whether they were ever together or separate I didn’t really care. As an American you are definitely aware that the actors stop acting right after they hear cut and there’s nothing more to it. Him coming out and saying that Gulf and him were doing it all for fan service and that they were never a thing was also a power move and I am in no way hurt by it or feel some type of way. In fact I’m excited to see him happy with someone he loves and puts the light back in his eyes. It’s always heartwarming to see a actor grow as a person and evolve into someone you always knew they could be. This goes for both Mew and Gulf.....this being said.
They did Queerbait but BL industry style. After Mew posted “Try searching up Queerbait”, I was like bet I’ve always heard of it but I’ve never really looked it up specifically.
*Queerbaiting is a marketing technique for fiction and entertainment in which creators hint at, but then do not depict, same-sex romance or other LGBTQ+ representation.[6] The purpose is to attract ("bait") a LGBTQ+ or straight ally audience with the suggestion or possibility of relationships or characters that appeal to them.[7] -Wiki*
What I’m about to say goes for all bl couples that does fan service. What the entertainment companies and actors are unintentionally doing is creating a narrative separate from the show the actors starred in.
MewGulf wasn’t seen as Tharntype, Maxtul wasn’t seen as KornKnock, Offgun isn’t seen as all of the characters played...hence why the actors names are one entity unlike mostly any other countries in the world. Having them partake in fan service creates an entirely different story which especially gets worse the more you reuse the same duos because they remain stronger and withstand the characters that they play (*coughs* GMMTV)
I say MewGulf unintentionally queerbaited because the story of themselves was spun stronger than their characters (also something GMMTV is bad about doing). Thus led to a narrative where they did portray a relationship and under all terms but verbally, was romantic. This had every single person comfortable with the idea of their relationship as one would be with a show because although they are playing characters on screen, fan service leads them to play a character offscreen as well and these “characters” portrayed a relationship. Him not clarifying it sooner and leaving it ambiguous is what really sealed the deal. I know for a fact (although I have no problem with it again) that if his lover is announced and she’s a female, he’d be hit with atrocious backlash.
You can’t act in love, tell everyone that you love that person and be surprised when they think you’re in love with that person. If any single bl couple that displayed fan service was swapped out with a girl they would automatically be considered in a relationship. There is a reason why when that KP stuff happened, many people weren’t focused on the fact that BibleBuild wasn’t real. It’s because they never really partook in fan service to the extent of other couples. Clockwise, if ZeeNunew came out as not real then a riot would ensue because they have built their entire marketing strategy around “dating”.
Tl;dr/ Fan service leads to a separate narrative that creates a story with the actors as the main character which is the strongest appeal in the BL industry. This in turn queerbaits fans as they fall in love with the entertainment portrayal of the story created by companies. MewGulf being outrageously good at it set them up for destruction for when they actually decided to publicly date. As long as this continues, this will happen with every single BL couple in the industry that continues to display fan service.
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Thai bl fandom:- An outsider's analysis
TayNew: Polcas are literal saints! Be patient and u will be rewarded!
SingtoKris: Yes, Perayas still exit! Polygamy is allowed! Next Polcas maybe?
MewGulf: Wanjais busy writing fanfics our there ! Best photoshop artists but worst FBIs.
OffGun: OGs! Most rewarding. Babiis out there watching all their fanfic moments being played out in real.
BKPP: Penguins striving to be next Babiis. Never heard of divorce eras and never ready for one.
SantaEarth: Breath of fresh air. Terrified of divorce eras. Simps for two fashion icons!
Earthmix: Literal Hangers. What do they do when their ship just sails itself serving moments after moments? Best FBI agents for the most subtle (but clumsy) otp.
BrightWin: Even they don't know why they are there, scraping romance out of bromance
OhmNanon: Ronans being a group of Ohm fans and Nanon fans. Nightmare. 'Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed' gang. Mostly fights among themselves. Dramatic for the couple with the perfect talent and chemistry ever on screen!
JimmySea: Where are you????!!
FirstKhao (or KhaoFirst?) : Group of First fans and Khao fans. Literal paradise. Anything for the smiles of their two sunshines. Must be protected at all costs
GeminiForth: Fans are literal guard dogs for the sweetest otp. Babies.
BounPrem: Broccolis out there dissecting romance from bromance.
JoongDunk: Literally waiting for the next Earthmix.
ForceBook: Give us some content?!!!!!
PondPhuwin: Mostly there to simp their literal babies. Wack-head fans for their wack-head otp who are designated EarthMix shippers.
ZeeNew: Ehm... fans jobless just out there waiting for the wedding
MileApo: Horny bitches with daddy fantasies for two of the sexiest men out there
MaxTul: Husbands? Friends with Benefits? Brothers? Soulmates? As long as they are together...oh yes Polygamy, threesome, swinging... FireFlies allow everything.
JeffCode: Mothers who will die to keep their precious otp safe.
BibleBuild: Literal teardrops and shoulders to cry on... Hello Darkness My Old Friend...
MikeTop: Erm...
ZeeSaint: Er...
PerthSaint: Eh..
PerthChimon: Ronans with zero drama!
NanonChimon: Midyears still waiting...
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multigayfandom · 7 days
Made this years ago and forgot to post it, oops 🙊
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A moment of silence for the actors that usually play side characters and get hit in the head on a daily basis.
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What your favourite Thai BL Series says about you, part 1 :
[ this is just meant to be a joke and to be taken lightly. ]
1. 2gether/ still 2gether
You probably got into BL during the peak of the pandemic. You also probably found out about Thai BLs via TikTok. You are basic. ( sorry not sorry ) You are a sucker for romcom.
2. Tharntype the series
There are two group to this fandom. You are either the kind&understanding one or the toxic one(you know what I mean ). There is no in between. I love tharntype and I love mewgulf but stop thinking they are together when they clearly have said their single/in a relationship ( NOT WITH EACH OTHER ) omg anymore and I will scream.
3. Kinnporsche the series
You either just got into BLs or you have been watching BLs for a long time. You need therapy especially if you are into VegasPete ( but like same ) You have a wild imagination(👀), probably a little too analytical about every small details. If this was your first BL, you need help because I don’t know how your algorithm worked for you to get into such an intense NC (love scene )BL. If this wasn’t your first BL, you were probably culturally shocked but you still need help because this is your favourite BL.
4. Bad buddy the series
You’re a sucker for the enemies to lovers trope. You probably have been single your whole life😀 or you have a crush on your best friend. There is no in between.
5 Sotus/Sotus 2
You’re old. ( sorry ) waiting for singto to direct a show with Krist as the main lead 😔✊
It’s okay to ship people together but there needs to be a boundary. Especially when Thai entertainment industry ( BL, I don’t know about BG) where they promote in such a way that make them seem as if they are a couple irl. Don’t always expect them to end up together, hey I’m not complaining if they do end up together. But if one of them decides to settle down with someone else then as fans, we should support them and not keep insisting on shipping them together. Especially when the one side of the ship has said time and time again to that it’s not the other half of the ship. First, when you ( not you but uk you ) insist on doing so. You are making things awkward between them ( the ship ) and potentially drawing them apart which is ironically what you don’t want to happen. Second, you are just making a bad impression on yourself. Third and final reason, it’s not your business who they ( the actors ) end up/ decide to settle down with in the first place. Also I’m posting this when I’m on the verge of falling asleep and out of impulse so I might end up regretting the decision to post this when I wake up lol.
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raincuappayu · 2 years
Compilation of BossNoeul moments from yesterday’s fanmeeting❤️❤️ let’s stay together as long as possible 🌪🌧
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Them 🥺
1) Xicheng
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2) Fengqing
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3) Namjin
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4) Ranwan
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5) Mewgulf
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6) Larry Stylinson
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7) Yizhan
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8) Wolfstar
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9) Aralas
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10) Sterek
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MewGulf stans are being insane on Twitter, because Mew revealed that because of toxic fans, he and Gulf haven't spoken in 2 years.
He's dropping fantastic commentary on the realities of fan service and the toll it takes on actor's mental health and relationships.
I imagine that he was tired of speculation about the identity of his boyfriend, or maybe they're getting ready to go public, or maybe he just finally had enough of having to answer politely when asked about Gulf.
Whatever it is, I'm very happy that he's able to say all of this now, and hope they can both move on and be happier.
Also, this:
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King shit.
ETA: I was unaware of what happened with Mew and Art (I'm still new here) and after it was pointed out to me I did some research and I'm honestly shocked at how awful Mew was.
While I still think that what he was saying in this specific context is important, I want to be clear that I am not a "stan" (god putting that in quotes makes me seem ancient) and I'm not like, excusing or ignoring his past shittiness. I was totally unaware, and hope that applauding him for this thing didn't come across as blanket support and upset anyone.
I should probably delete this altogether, but it seemed a good place to put this little disclaimer/maybe let other people know who might not.
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